And That's Why We Drink - E277 A Grass-Fed Cryptid and Trash Snacks

Episode Date: May 29, 2022

Get ready because episode 277 is chock full of paranormal postpartum anxiety and a real cryptid "will they/won't they"! First Em covers a cryptid known to look just like a pair of pants going for a na...tional park stroll, the Fresno Nightcrawler. Then Christine turns the tables and decides to cover a local Kentucky alien encounter in the Mantell UFO Incident. And this is the last episode before our birthdays, so bye, Em will see you in their 30s... and that's why we drink!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hi everyone here Christine just saved all of us or at least all the people who watch YouTube Christine just saved all of you so you're able to watch YouTube because I almost forgot to press record again. Oopsie. It happens. It happens. It happens. We forgot once again to tell Eva what time we were recording. So this is like, I don't know why we keep flying so close to the sun, like leaving it into our own hands that we're going to do this episode without Eva's like supervision.
Starting point is 00:00:39 I think because we've found out that it does work. It just also is confusing for people. Also dangerous because we sometimes forget to record but that's okay well can you met oh hey eva by the way we did a whole episode also forgot to record um that's where you come in can you go back in time and film us or what now what um how is your day christine it's a monday um how was your weekend oh it was lovely thank you for asking the weather was great here um we just bopped around i i am having a very rough monday and i want to okay so i feel like maybe this is karma i don't really know but i feel like i've
Starting point is 00:01:20 been feeling really weird about the last episode when i talked about how like parenting is so great and everything and i didn't want anyone to get the wrong impression that I was like, Oh, this is a piece of cake. And like, Oh, I don't think anyone got that. Okay. I think I like, I don't even remember how the conversation went, but I've just been like doing that like late night, like mulling it over my head over and over again thing. Um, I, I like to think anyone who listens to us at this point, this point probably knows you at least relatively well to know what you meant by it. Yeah, I hope so. And so that's what I'm hoping.
Starting point is 00:01:50 But so last night I got about three hours and 15 minutes of sleep and I'm like struggling. And I'm like, this is what karma. This is it. I was like, oh, parenting's great. We're having so much fun and we do so much stuff that we love. And then, oh, boy, it kicked me in the ass um i mean i i i obviously don't have a child so of course my opinion does not matter and yet here i am inserting it anyway but i like to think that parenting probably ebbs and flows where there's some
Starting point is 00:02:16 pretty awesome parts and then there's other parts where like i don't care who you are like i'm sure you think your baby's like a little angel all the time. But sometimes I imagine parenting just fucking sucks. Like, yeah, yeah. And I feel like 24 seven, like you can't escape it. And so I was having like, obviously, an especially great day that day. And I mean, don't get me wrong. It is I think I had built I think the the very specific things my anxiety had terrified me about were the things that I was like, that didn't end up being the biggest problems for me. So I was just so surprised when I had the baby and I was like, oh, okay. So like all the things I was so scared of, like blaze and I would never speak again or,
Starting point is 00:02:54 you know, things like that never happened. So, but I didn't want it to come off like, oh, everything's easy peasy. And I will also add like, um, is very dependent on the situation. Obviously I'm very lucky. I have a partner who has several days off a week and works from home. And also I am on Zoloft for severe, I almost said paranormal anxiety, postpartum, paranormal postpartum anxiety. So, you know, that helps too, just like putting it all on the table here. Like there's a lot that goes behind my statement of, oh, I'm having a great time, including medication. So I don't want anyone to feel like, oh, wow, she's just like, blah, blah, blah, you know, floating through life
Starting point is 00:03:33 without thinking of, you know, ever. See, I took it as, hey, because I just said like, oh, sometimes parenting is great and sometimes it fucking sucks. I took it as like, oh, hey, you're having a particularly great day. And maybe tomorrow won't be a great day. But today's a good one. I'm glad you understood me. And don't get me wrong. Today is fine. But I'm really happy.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Have you had any days yet where you're like, this does fucking blow? Oh, yeah. Mostly when I'm not, when I have not slept. Because sleep deprivation is its own kind of torture. It's a real thing. Yeah. But for today, I made myself with my fancy Nespresso machine. I put a homemade attempted latte in this oversized cup.
Starting point is 00:04:18 And then I also brought two pieces of a giant Toblerone from the duty free shop in Toronto. So everything you eat on here always looks like it's garbage like your drink your drink looked good but like a little raccoon every time you show me a snack you're eating it's always in the most torn up busted wax paper it just looks like you're scraping it out like my mom would send me to school with like literal like parchment paper around like i was living in the 1940s and it really does look like you're like look what i found well i'm gonna be eating this tolerone and drinking this espresso double espresso so i feel like i'm gonna be having a good time. All right. Good.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Before I ask you why you drink, which I will ask, but I also want to point out, yes, we did realize that Amanda covered the same case I covered last week, Teresita Bassa. Oh. We didn't realize it until somebody. Immediately after. We're like, oh, wait, this is familiar. I felt bad. I didn't listen to all the episodes when I was gone um because you know also um well hey i listened to it twice and both times equally amazed equally surprised so yeah i was surprised i was like i feel like you would have remembered
Starting point is 00:05:39 but no but i guess not if i told it i guess if it would have been a different context i'm telling you people really think that i i mean and I hope it does not offend you, but the amount of information I retain from this podcast is shockingly minimal. And so you told me that story. Never, as far as I was concerned, never heard that guy. If only we didn't have an audience who, well, don't, don't take that universe. Don't take that. Literally.
Starting point is 00:06:03 If only we didn't have an audience. That's not what I meant. Well, don't take that, universe. Don't take that literally. If only we didn't have an audience. That's not what I meant. What I meant was if only we didn't have an audience and that way we could just – I could just tell you the same stories every couple weeks. Just recycle them and you'd never know the difference. Honestly, it would work. And it's so wild because even like Ted Bundy, have you covered him before? Have you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Oh, yes. A long time ago it doesn't matter you know because you know i don't want to say like oh one story is more important than the other or one story is more memorable than the other but i think it's just like i my brain just doesn't i i promise i'm invested as you're telling me the story but if you like three weeks three months later if you're like oh do you remember this story compared to others i'll be honest i'm probably not it's probably the best. I don't think you want to retain all of these. Do you retain all the stories you cover? Not all of them. Many of them I will hear or read about like the first couple of bullets and then I will, it'll like come back to me. Or if I'm watching a TV show,
Starting point is 00:06:58 I'm like, this sounds really familiar and I know what happens next. But, um, I kind of wish I could erase a lot of it from my mind. Maybe that's what happened. That's what's happening. Maybe my brain's like, you don't need this. You don't need this energy. It's probably your soul saving you from the trauma of remembering this in the middle of the night. Maybe. But then again, I'll say like my own stories that I do active several hours of research on. I don't like what like two weeks ago we did like a jail in minnesota or something or missouri couldn't tell you what happened in it and it's not because i don't care about the story but i think it's just so much information churned in on a weekly basis
Starting point is 00:07:36 there just falls away a gas chamber and only three people were killed in it see i remember the horrible stuff i don't know i wish my brain like would just delete that part. But oh, well. No, I feel like I just remember like the I think because for me, hopefully for you, this just feels like I'm like, on Skype with my friend. And so right, you're just I feel't know. And maybe that's why I drink this week because I feel probably a little guilty that I don't remember all the stories. But also, like, I am grateful that I don't know. I think it's for the best. I think we all agree it's for the best. We're coming up on 300 episodes. That means there are 600 stories between the two of us. I'm happy to not have a little encyclopedia in my brain of every horrible thing we've talked about. Murders. Yeah, that's probably for the best. Anyway, I think that's why why i drink i don't i kind of also i'm really sleepy too but i'm never gonna say that to a mom of a baby so you can say that all you want i'm sleepy but um i have a feeling i'll be
Starting point is 00:08:35 able to fix it before you and your sleepiness i mean maybe give me like almost two decades really i like to think of it as like, wait till the kid's like 15. Cause stereotypically they're probably not going to want to be around you all the time anyway. Right? Honestly, stereotypically they also sleep in and I sleep in. So I'm like, yeah, let's fucking sleep till noon. Yeah. Y'all might vibe better when they hit high school. Yeah. I was one of those kids who I, I don't know if it was good or bad that my mom never tried to wake me up when I would sleep in. Because I clearly had sleep issues from a young age and it was never addressed. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:12 But like, because I was the high schooler who, if it were the weekend, I was sleeping until like basically sunset. And like then waking up and just partying and then doing it all over again. I know. I know. I was like taking, I was like going to my piano recital. Oh no. I was, I would, I would stay up, I mean, until like five in the morning and then go to bed and wake up when everyone else was going to bed. I mean, it was super problematic and my sleep schedule is still probably naturally like that because anytime I let
Starting point is 00:09:41 myself have whatever my sleep schedule is, it always turns into that you're like yeah nocturnal yeah yeah I I'd still if nothing stopped me I would wake up at sunset um and I don't know if it's okay that my mom was cool with that but uh you know maybe we'll see what you do with your kids we'll do like sleep till noon then get up that's fine that's probably a much healthier route even though you're 15 your kids. We'll do like sleep till noon, then get up. That's fine. That's probably a much healthier route. I'll let you have coffee even though you're 15. Like that's, we'll do that. Oh, I don't think I was allowed to have coffee at 15. So that still makes you the cool mom, even though they're waking up earlier than me.
Starting point is 00:10:13 I love that your mom's like, you can stay out drinking with your friends till 6am, but no coffee for you. It was a weird household. End of that. I don't know what to tell you, but it was a weird household. End of that. I don't know what to tell you, but it was a weird one. Anyway, oh, when this comes out, my mom's actually going to be in town. Hi, Linda. I can confront her directly on the sleep situation.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Oh, please don't. I will. I'll probably be bored enough. I'd like to stir up some shit. Oh, well, then FaceTime me first. It gives about like 48 hours into ever seeing her. I'm like, okay, it's time to revert back to who I was. Let's cause problems.
Starting point is 00:10:45 I love that feeling when you're like, suddenly you're like all petulant and surly and you're like, what's wrong with me? Oh, right. I'm being a teenager again. I feel so, I, I, I'm sure it's like a, a thing that everyone experiences when like you, or, you know, grew up in the same house as your parents and then you have to see them. Like I've never experienced living with my mom as an adult for longer than a few days or maybe a few weeks.
Starting point is 00:11:08 And without question, I always turn back into, like, a 15-year-old. And poor Allison has to, like, you know, whenever they see each other, within two days, Allison's basically watching me be a teenager. It's so embarrassing. But I can't stop it. I can't stop it. You know what? That's the, that's the across Alison bears dating you. She has not left yet. So, so far, so good. Knock
Starting point is 00:11:32 on wood. All right. That's why I guess I drink for a lot of half reasons this week. So are you drinking anything by the way? And my trash snacks? Yes. Oh, you're drinking your, your espresso thing. by the way and my trash snacks yes i'm you're drinking your your espresso thing yeah my thing that i put in this uh this is a shark tank cup from a local bar where they put um vodka and uh sprite and then they put grenadine in like a shark and they put this oh i've seen those that look so fun but i'm so stupid and like the first time i was like you forgot there's no grenadine in this and then i like pulled the shark out and the grenadine went everywhere. I'm too stupid to realize it's in the shark. So I collect these giant cups from there and then put my weird, trashy, fake coffee drinks in them.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Have you had the drink since, knowing how to insert the grenadine into the cup? I have, and it's a blast. More of a blast than that coffee drink you're having? Way more. This is not great. Oh, I thought he like nailed your drink. No,
Starting point is 00:12:31 I usually don't. I try and I usually don't. Gotcha. Yeah. I think the only thing we have in the house right now is water. So, um, that's,
Starting point is 00:12:39 that's what I'm on. That's what I'm on today. Yeah. There's also coffee, but I obviously don't drink that cause my mother raised me. Right. Um, okay. So here's my story. Sweet Christine. Oh, okay. I love when I call you sweet Christine. Also makes me so happy. I feel like talk about reverting back to childhood. I'm like, yes. Well, there's one of my favorite things that you do. It always makes me feel so valid. Well, it's nothing you can control. It just happens. And then when it happens, I go, huh. And then it's whenever I say something, and you're agreeing with me, you go, it is.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Really? It's I don't know what if I said like oh it feels like that feels really icky I don't know I'm trying to think of a random word it feels really icky you go it is and also and you just keep going but it's like the way you say it I'm like wow you meant it there was a moment that happens I think in some of our I don't want to give anything away but in some of our from the live show I think there's a part where I say, it is. Oh, it doesn't matter. I'll go back in the clips and find it. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:51 You say, it's so scary. And I say, it is. All of a sudden, sinister and alarming. I don't know. Next time it happens, I guess I can point it out to you. But it usually happens so quickly that by the time I would mention it you'd already be on to the next thing but it's usually when you're like not fired up yet but about to get fired up about something I'm like so then yeah so then I also don't want to stop you and point it out because you're you're about to fucking go off and I love when Christine
Starting point is 00:14:17 goes off can you like serve me an alley-oop you're like it's icky and I'm like and here's why that's me serving alley-oops like the athlete i am okay that's the only reference i know alley-oop i think the last time i heard someone ever say alley-oop i was like nine i was watching playing with a kooch ball or something okay here's my story this is a cryptid and it's a cryptid i've wanted to cover for a while. And I don't remember, I feel like at one point I actually tried to do notes for this, and then I said, never mind, and I don't totally know why.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Maybe like something else came up, and I felt like it was more topical. But this is the Fresno Nightcrawler. I was just wondering if you've ever covered this, because I saw, I don't know, some like tchotchke somewhere about it. And I was like, I don't think I've ever covered this. Honestly, I don't know either. As we just learned in our last conversation. Right. True.
Starting point is 00:15:17 I don't know. I we literally have an episode list where I could have reviewed it. But no, I don't think I don't think you have. I don't think I have either, but, you know, we'll find out from other people, I'm sure. Evo the Eek. Yeah, exactly. We've done it twice in a row, folks.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Okay, so the Fresno Nightcrawler has been seen. Also, I wrote these notes when I was severely tired. So, you know, we'll see how this goes. Excellent. Okay, Fresno nightcrawler the fresno nightcrawler or the fnc as my notes have it um is has been seen multiple times but only on footage no face-to-face encounters which is uh i think it's one of the main reasons why the fresno nightcrawler is considered uh a cryptid that nobody takes super seriously, because if it's only ever been seen on footage, it's very easy for there to like. Sure.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Feedback footage. Yeah. Also, it's not always taken super seriously because the Fresno Nightcrawler has only been witnessed maximum three times. Oh. no nightcrawler has only been witnessed maximum three times oh yeah so not a lot of you know evidence out there but if i if i remember it's very creepy looking though it is very creepy it looks like a tooth yeah but the you know like the pokey parts at the bottom of the tooth right legs and very long. It just, it looks like two legs and a little head on top. Yeah. It's creepy.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Um, so the first sighting is, uh, the first sighting that's taken seriously is in November, 2007 in go figure Fresno, California. And I think Fresno, by the way,
Starting point is 00:17:03 no, it wasn't Fresno. It was Fillmore or something. Something that sounds like Fresno was California. And I think Fresno, by the way, no, it wasn't Fresno. It was Fillmore or something. Something that sounds like Fresno was where they had the Back to the Future convention in 2015. Oh. Every time I hear Fresno, my heart skips a beat and I'm like, was it? And then I go, no, it was a different area. It was a different city with an F in it. Different city that starts with an F and ends with an E. Oh, it doesn't even end with an E. Okay. No. Fresno with an O and ends with a oh it doesn't even end with an e okay no fresno with a
Starting point is 00:17:26 no california uh in november 2007 there was a guy named jose and he set up uh his camera or he set up security cameras outside to see why his dogs were barking in the middle of the night and one night he woke up and he ran over to check the cameras and he saw that there were two creatures walking around his yard and i guess some edits of this video um that you can find online they might be shortened and it basically a lot of the footage nowadays looks like there was only one creature but the long original version is that there were two creatures walking in his yard um so he saw two creatures walking around he said that they were uh one of so there were two of them but one of them was smaller than the other and following it and they were a baby nightcrawler a baby nightcrawler and they were both uh around three feet tall that was like the average between the
Starting point is 00:18:26 two of them they had very long legs and no real upper body in fact jose described them as a literal pair of white pajama pants that had come to life strolling across his yard on their own it's a really positive way to look at it i think i would go with your like haunted tooth analogy before pajama pants but it looks like a tooth but then i guess so does white pajama pants uh sort of i guess so i mean you google it you tell me which one you think it looks like but it looks like both as far as i'm concerned yeah uh yeah it just looked like white pants walking around which in my mind i would be like oh that's a ghost wearing pants or i'd, oh, that's the invisible man or something. So he is seeing this happen on his cameras.
Starting point is 00:19:10 And to make sure that he actually has this footage documented, he runs and grabs a handheld camcorder and he films the security footage on the monitor. Oh, because it's not like a recording device. I don't know if it was recording or maybe he didn't know if it would record and wanted to make sure so he grabs his camera and he's filming the monitor as this is happening right and somehow the original security camera footage was lost or maybe never recorded at all so all we have to go off of is jose's camera footage of it, the camera footage of the camera footage. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:19:52 And unsure of what to do with this video, Jose sent it into the local TV station, and they were unsure of what to do with the footage, and they didn't know if it was legit, so if they should air it or not. And they ended up calling one of their contacts named Victor Camacho. And Victor Camacho actually was a resident nearby who hosted a late night paranormal radio show. He was like the actual radio rental or whatever. What's the one that Terry Carnation does now? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, Dark Air.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Dark Air. This is actual Terry Carnation with an actual Dark Air. Oh, dark, dark air. Dark air. This is actual Terry Carnation with an actual dark air. So Victor hosted Los Desvelados, which was known as the Sleepless Ones. Ooh, spooky. And so he happened to run this paranormal radio show.
Starting point is 00:20:43 And I guess he had a background in film and he was a paranormal investigator. So they were like, this guy, let's call him and see if he knows anything about this footage or from what he's talked about or heard about maybe he has some answers so victor comes in to the tv station and i guess this is where he also talks to jose and asks some questions about the footage and jose seems really reserved about it he seems super freaked out he doesn't want to talk um so he's kind of a dead end and victor's like i'm not getting anything out of him and i guess he saw the footage but the the station didn't actually give him a copy of it so after that day victor could never look at it or you know look further into it on his own okay okay it all kind of became a weird dead end and when they hit this dead end the network was like well let's air it anyway because
Starting point is 00:21:30 victor didn't say it seemed fake and like even he was wondering if it was authentic or not and that's good enough for us so let's air the footage so that was about four months later when the tv station decided that they were going to show people like they were just having like a slow day yeah and like hey local local pajama pants running rampant um yeah four months later the network decided to air the footage and i guess jose saw that it went on the air or something and so he called victor to say like hey i saw that it was you know played but does that mean that we there's any more information about the video did you figure anything out and victor said no the network never gave me a copy um so i was never able to look into it further and jose said oh i didn't know they never sent you a copy if you come to my house i'll give you one and you can
Starting point is 00:22:18 look through it yourself and you know take all the time you need with it um can i ask is there a reason why they haven't like he hasn't just like uploaded this to google drive or emailed it or something uh i think it was because it was 2007 so i guess that was kind of a while ago now i think um i don't know what the tech was like at the time but i imagine 15 years ago i mean 2007 wasn't that the beginning of youtube uh about i think 05 or something or 04 yeah and i don't know if there was a way to convert a literal camera i guess okay it was on a cam quarter or something yeah it was on a cam quarter i don't know if i had those weird mini dvds that we all thought were the future and then oh yeah never happened you really brought
Starting point is 00:23:03 that back out of my so many of those and i'm like i don't know what to do with them that's got to be maybe what he i don't know i don't he clearly could put it on a computer if he was going to be able to make him a copy or i don't even know if it would require a computer i don't know what would that make sense that he would burn a cd yeah something like that so that makes sense that he would have to come to his house because i was just wondering like why doesn't he just email it but i guess this makes sense because it had to be on a physical copy yeah i can't imagine with the in 2007 was also right around like limewire era oh yeah and the fact that like uploading a song took like three days i can't even
Starting point is 00:23:39 imagine what the data would look like of trying to upload a video and then send it somewhere yeah that's a very very very solid point probably would have taken the exact same amount of time for victor to drive all the way to jose's house and grab it if not faster no so um so he goes to jose's house to get his own copy of it and while he's there um victor decides to investigate Jose's yard, since that's where the camera caught these things. And I guess because he can now see everything proportionally, he was able to determine the height of these creatures. And it seemed to be around three feet. Okay. Shortly after Victor had his own copy, I think only like a couple weeks later, he ended up going to the 2008 MUFON UFO Symposium.
Starting point is 00:24:32 MUFON is the Mutual UFO Network, and it's like the big UFO group. And every year they have a symposium or they have a get-together where a bunch of UFO experts and enthusiasts will show footage or have lectures and things like that. I've wanted to go. I'm part of MUFON, and I've never been to an event yet. But I always thought it'd be cool. But it seems like it's like a straight-up, very serious conference where they, like— Right, it's not like a fan convention. It's not like AlienCon.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Yeah, right. Or I guess it is, but it's like a more like an adult version you and i would show up and like glow in the dark and like have like glow bracelets and they'd be like you need to you actually need to leave this is really inappropriate be dressed up like inflatable aliens or something so in 2008 uh victor or a couple weeks later victor goes to the 2008 mufon symposium and he brings this footage with him and does a lecture for people. But even the people in the audience, like everyone working together, nobody could determine what this creature was. Two years later, the footage, I don't know how, but got passed through, you know, the grapevine and the show fact or faked paranormal files,
Starting point is 00:25:45 which was aired on my dad's favorite Siffy. Um, it's actually their second episode ever. It was season one, episode two. Um, they did an episode on the Fresno nightcrawler. I think this is actually where they dubbed it the Fresno nightcrawler. Um, so up until that point it was just like the pajama pants i don't know um bananas and pajamas minus the bananas um and so a good ring to it um good job thank you that'll stick it'll surely uh make its way somewhere maybe to the garbage, but... To the trash can. So they tried to, on Siffy's Faked or Fact, they tried to recreate the footage to the best of their ability
Starting point is 00:26:30 to prove that it was either a hoax or that it could be authentic footage if they couldn't replicate it. And they decided that this footage was, quote, unexplainable and it would at the very least be very difficult to fake so they never said it was fact but they did whoa that wasn't that honestly i'm so sorry it was insulting but also hilarious okay i mean i get it though fucking buttons to honestly that was the perfect button because i was saying like oh we don't know if it's authentic or not. So whatever.
Starting point is 00:27:08 I didn't even notice where that was coming from for a minute. And I was like, right, my foot. Okay. Is that where your mixer is? Yeah, it's on the floor. And that's the problem is I keep accidentally kicking it. Kicking it. Because I fidget too much.
Starting point is 00:27:21 That's a bold move when you've got two cats and a baby who's about to crawl. Oh, yeah. There's going to be a lot of oopsie daisy buttons yeah it's not my it's not my smartest decision in life and yet i probably will never change it no i don't think you will i can almost confirm that for fact or faked that is a fact so they tried to recreate the footage they couldn't figure it out and basically they came to a dead end just like everyone else. Okay. Um, and this is probably what gave the Fresno night crawler.
Starting point is 00:27:51 It's more public platform. Cause I think up until that point, no people didn't know, uh, across the nation who the Fresno night crawler was or what. Right. And now it's 2010 and it's aired on this TV show. And it's I think that's where it finally gets its name. I see. So not even a full year later in 2011, we have our second
Starting point is 00:28:15 sighting of the Fresno Nightcrawler, which is in Yosemite, California. And the National Park Security decided that they were going to set up cameras to catch a group of people who had been breaking in and destroying property on the park in the park and on their camera they ended up catching another pair of very short creatures made mainly of leg i thought you're gonna save another pair of pants and i was like oh hey a pair of pair of pants uh yeah the creatures were mostly leg and nothing but leg and they what he said or what you said uh i don't remember anymore probably a combo of us leg is quite a phrase mainly made of legs is what i have written here also they had no arms and a small upper body if any upper body
Starting point is 00:29:06 so uh just a pair pair of pants going for a little going about national park stroll how lovely and uh this is considered the other main evidence of the fresno nightcrawler however this video um i guess analysts are more inclined to say is debunkable debunkable debunkable you know that's a word um so i think uh the the original jose's video seems to be the one that people take the most seriously but then once you get to the yosemite footage people are like okay like maybe not real but then again i don't know why like the yosemite national park service that's what i was about to say debunk this so i mean like would fake it like or would fake it yeah why would they fake it i mean i guess something they could but it's just
Starting point is 00:29:54 like a strange it's not just some rando it's like oh no the national park service is like let's get in on this hoax maybe i don't know without knowing anything about the national park service i feel like they're always looking for ways to draw people in like you want to come to our park that's a good point and maybe they're like hey we have a cryptid so do your worst you know but then come on in i don't know but then they also just set up security cameras because people were like breaking in and causing a ruckus so i don't know did they because maybe they faked the story you know who knows i don't know but people have said that the that the footage just really looks like pajama pants walking around.
Starting point is 00:30:31 And many think that this video in particular could be reproduced with CGI and someone with a pair of stilts. Where they just, I guess, walk them around and make it look like they're moving on their own. Bizarre. Okay. There's another video that's often brought up. This is technically like the third piece of evidence, but it's if the original video was taken much more seriously than the Yosemite video, this third video is really not really taken super seriously. Oh, okay. But these are the three that always get mentioned in all the sources. So the third one is that some guy in Poland swears that he saw the Fresno nightcrawler. Oh.
Starting point is 00:31:11 And he caught it on his handheld camera, which was like very shaky and the video quality wasn't super great. Also, it was in Poland when the other two witnesses have been from California. Right. So people were like, that doesn't track. And there is the argument of like, oh, after 2010, when this became like a nationally understood creature, you know, people could be, the faking and the hoaxes could really blow up. So like this guy from Poland.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Right, like they could be international now. Yeah. And he could have just seen the show and been like, oh, I've seen something like that too. So we don't totally know. And that's one of the other arguments for the Yosemite video because it came out a few months after that episode aired. So it's like maybe they could be just trying to capitalize on that somehow or jump on the bandwagon. I think it's a genius marketing ploy, though, if you are part of the park service trying to get more people in.
Starting point is 00:32:05 It's not a bad idea. I mean, if you work for a park and you make up a cryptid and just like swear to secrecy about it and just make it look as realistically as possible, I'm more likely to come to your park. Em will probably be there. That's someone who doesn't hike saying I would come to your park. That's high praise. that's a that's high praise that's a ring ding dinger as far as i'm concerned oh no okay so the yosemite and poland videos are often included as i said in the fresno nightcrawler story but they're often very debated about how doctor the footage might be um again i am most inclined to believe the Yosemite one
Starting point is 00:32:46 since it's the National Park Service offering this footage, but whatever. And on top of those two videos always being included in the story, there are also several videos that have surfaced on YouTube or there's been stories from Redditors claiming that they've come in contact with the Fresno Nightcrawler,
Starting point is 00:33:03 but they are almost always considered hoaxes right off the bat right um i think no one really believes it because every time footage has come out it has been more easily debunked than the last one so at this point it's like yeah yeah we've all seen the fresno nightcrawler okay um to a point where several youtubers uh this was back in like 2011 ish so probably right at the height of when youtube was blowing up yeah right i would say 2011 um a bunch of youtubers took it upon themselves to uh make videos on their channels where they tried to debunk the footage of the Fresno Nightcrawler. One of them, his name was Phil Poling, and he had a channel called Para Breakdown. And basically, the whole goal was, I guess, in each episode to find a spooky video and debunk it or mythbusters it in some way.
Starting point is 00:34:02 And so him and his group tried tried to recreate jose's original footage and as far as multiple sources went i don't know if you're listening phil polling but um para breakdown is known to be the the one youtube channel that was able to make a near replica of jose's footage using just using puppets and wires oh interesting so they were able to at least i don't know if they were able to say like oh so the video is definitely fake but they were able to certainly make it look the same that's interesting so this is the first time we've gotten a hint as to how it could have been faked if it if it was faked yeah and it's uh puppets and wires but um another thing to note with jose's footage is that it's the easiest to judge, but the
Starting point is 00:34:48 hardest to replicate because of how distorted the footage was because it was a recording of a recording on outdated pixelated technology. And here's a quote from one of the sources. The original video is the video that comes off of an off-the-shelf security camera which is then filmed on a camcorder which is then dubbed by a tv station then edited into a news show then dvr'd edited into a video file then put onto a projector at a conference and filmed by yet another video camera and then uploaded to youtube oh my god that's the whole process of it that's a lot of layers i think it was like a
Starting point is 00:35:25 multiple people uploading the same like multiple people recording the recording which was recording the recording and it just became this like big mess of a video when you downloaded it off napster at the end it would be like dj and you were like i just spent 12 hours downloading this copy of this song and some idiot put his name over it. Ha! Yeah, some fucking idiot throwing his name into it. I remember one of my birthdays, my friend
Starting point is 00:35:55 Cole, it was like my 15th birthday, so it was like 2007. He burnt me a CD of all of our favorite songs and I couldn't even enjoy it because it clearly every song was bootlegged and every, every 30 seconds it was like, uh, it was like Calabrese remix.
Starting point is 00:36:15 And then it would say Calabrese remix every 30 seconds. And in a song that's three minutes long, that's a lot of Calabrese remix. And so, uh, he had, he he texted he was so proud of himself i think it was the first whole cd he had burned and he was like what do you think and i was like i can't be honest with you about this we should have crazy remix if this were an april fools episode we could just have eva underneath say that every 30 seconds throughout the entire episode i think calabrese would sue us 10 years into the past true yeah for stealing for stealing their free napster content yeah okay
Starting point is 00:36:54 calabrese if you're out there i hated you but like look at this platform you've got now you know calabrese i wish you had this platform in 2007. Otherwise, I don't know. Maybe you're doing really well. Good for you if that's what's happening. Oh, but wow. I really, you did not make songs enjoyable for me. I gotta be honest.
Starting point is 00:37:14 You make hot, haunt M's nightmares. I think I still have the CD because I couldn't, it was, I obviously got attached to it. But absolutely will I ever play it? Forget it. Man. couldn't it was I obviously got attached to it but absolutely will I ever play it forget it man anyway so this video what we're saying might as well have had a Calabrese remix that's what I'm saying I feel like it could very well be yeah well so what sorry what I opened Calabrese SoundCloud and I didn't know it would autoplay and then it began autoplaying in my ears and I didn't know if you could hear it or not no I thought like I don't know you you met the ghost
Starting point is 00:37:49 of Calabrese or something I did because it sounded like this and I was like what the hell is the sound um so anyway I'm out of here now I'm I'm glad you're checking in is she doing all right I think I don't know because I don't think this is even anything. That's probably not the same person. No, I don't think so. That person's probably like a 45-year-old mom now or something. I don't know. It's just like, oh, I don't talk about those days.
Starting point is 00:38:16 If they're listening, they're probably like covering their ears and rocking right now. Like, I never wanted anyone to find this. Oh, yeah. Okay. So basically the footage was was a calabrese remix and it was the easiest to judge but it was the hardest to replicate just because it was so pixelated sure that there was almost no way to properly replicate it but also it was so easy to judge because you could be like that's not real like sure because it's so
Starting point is 00:38:45 judge because you could be like that's not real like sure because it's so warped at this point or so degraded right um so at this point jose has passed away so he can't confirm or deny anything about the footage um all we know is that he did seem really rattled when he handed it off to the station in 2007 so people say like okay if he faked it like he was fully faking his behavior too right he didn't seem like he wanted fully faking his behavior too. Right. He didn't seem like he wanted to get on the news and talk about it or anything. Yeah. And to a point where he actually kept his last name private and everything, he didn't want it to affect his family. So he did seem like he wanted someone to give him answers, but he wanted nothing to do with it.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Yeah. Yeah. So there's that. yeah yeah um so there's that and there have been sightings uh other sightings of similar creatures but they are not officially deemed the fresno nightcrawler um one of them is actually before jose's time in 2004 when in indiana there were two different sets of drivers one night who saw a six foot humanoid on the side of the road with long legs who moved in a disjointed, oddly way. Oh,
Starting point is 00:39:47 I don't like that. I don't either. And in 2014, which is after all of this, uh, in Ohio, a couple saw an, I quote alien run across the road and into the woods.
Starting point is 00:39:59 And the couple described this alien as a seven foot humanoid with long legs, no face, no arms, pale and gray white. And so it's similar in some ways. Yeah. But the main difference between them is, first of all, neither the Indiana situation or the Ohio situation, the creature was not in California. Right. The creature was like double the height that it's said to be and um well maybe the ones in california were two babies maybe they were babies yeah that's or yeah maybe the taller there are taller ones that are more dominant or a different
Starting point is 00:40:38 sex or a different you know they're the midwestern the midwestern bread butter Fresno. The Midwestern monsters compared to the four-foot babies in Yosemite National Park. And what was the other difference between them? Oh, that the ones in Indiana and Ohio, they were seen by themselves when both California instances, the Fresno Nightcrawlers were like buddy systemed. Interesting. So those are the main differences. And again, they seem kind of similar, but not entirely. So they're not fully included as part of the Fresno Nightcrawler theory, but those stories are always mentioned as like,
Starting point is 00:41:18 oh, similar things have been seen. In fact, in 2014, the Ohio story, they ended up just coming up with a completely different name altogether for the alien that they saw. And so it is called the Carmel, Carmel area. Carmel, Ohio. Carmel. I don't know. Carmel.
Starting point is 00:41:39 So the one that they saw has officially been named the Carmel area creature. Oh. So I guess it could technically be a Fresno Nightcrawler. It's just twice the height. It's just the grass-fed version. Yeah. Yes. It's organic.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Sorry. No, the California one's organic. Oh, right, right, right. This one's pumped full of hormones and soy. Don't you worry. worry oh it's the one that zandy is like probably putting out flyers for yes yes yes yes he wants to save it um so the carmel area creature if you've heard of that it could also possibly be a fresno night crawler so other than the indiana situation and the ohio one there haven't been any official
Starting point is 00:42:23 reported sightings um Um, the other thing that makes those two separate from the Fresno night crawler is that they reported seeing something with their eyes and the other two instances were recorded on camera footage. Right. So they're just a little too different for people to take them seriously, I guess. Okay. But, um, the official Fresno night crawler for anyone for anyone who cares, it's described as the following. Around three feet, looks white or gray. It literally looks like walking pants. And since they're shorter, it looks like children's walking pants.
Starting point is 00:42:59 They are uninterested in human contact. There have been no official face-to-face encounters. And they go in pairs, usually one smaller than the other. And the explanations so far have been the following. It could be an alien. Fair enough. It could be a crane-like bird. It could be a deer standing upright.
Starting point is 00:43:24 It could be an undiscovered primate. Really a lot of options here. Wow. It could be a person hoaxing us with puppetry or stilts. And it could also be some people think it's just straight up a ghost because Fresno and Yosemite are said to be haunted areas. Right. And I personally think that maybe my next question, what do you think it is? My I personally think it's like one of it's maybe someone walking around in those like super reflective pants and the camera just caught it on night vision. You know, like flash pants and all that. We're like, because I have a pair of them and I don't maybe in 2007, like people just didn't know a lot about them. It's so weird because every time you cross the street, people start screaming because they think there's like a pair of walking pants. And I'm like, what are they so scared of? They honestly, they are more scared when I'm not wearing pants.
Starting point is 00:44:11 That's the truth. That's true. You're trying to do them a favor. Okay. But no, like I'm night crawler. That's me. Except I'm certainly up at night. I would say you are nocturnal. We already determined that. Certainly not the day crawler. that's for sure um but uh yeah i have a few pieces of clothing that like when you turn your flash on it like glows insanely bright and it looks super cool in pictures and like that would make sense because it blocks out the rest of you like all you can see are the pants right and if there's like a floodlight or like something that's triggered by motion, that would turn on. That's interesting. I would love to see someone try to recreate,
Starting point is 00:44:50 like I would love to just see anyone on CCTV footage, walk around in flash pants and it's going to look like the Fresno night. I've never seen this footage, this Fresno footage. I'm just going to look up the pictures cause I feel like I've Googled it before at night and it scared the hell out of me. does look creepy they are so freaky looking i'm gonna be honest with you okay does it look a little bit like a tooth yeah it does and does it look a little bit like pajama pants it does it looks like it looks like can i tell you what it looks like
Starting point is 00:45:20 you're not gonna like this it looks like a thneed to me christy i'm not making that up look at you're fully a liar i'm sending you a picture no i'm serious why would i think of that well okay next question okay if need it has those two long creepy legs i don't know it looks like a thneed to me to be you just keep wanting to say the word and honestly you've got two creepy legs so i don't know it looks like a christine as far as i'm concerned i'm sorry a chris need i'm sending you a picture attachment oh it does look it looks okay you're right a little bit you're right but i really need you to not say the word anymore i'm gonna stop'm going to stop for today. It's honestly worse than the image of Fresno Nightcrawler. Oh, my God. That would talk about haunting M's nightmares.
Starting point is 00:46:11 So I personally think it's someone just wearing reflective pants. That's such an interesting theory. And especially if, like, the Yosemite people already thought somebody was breaking in. Right. I mean, I also, to be be fair i didn't see the footage of the yosemite one so maybe you can see a lot of stuff around them and like you would clearly see an upper torso like i'm talking out of my ass here but my first go-to gut opinion was oh it's just reflective pants and it's blocking out everything else but i could be totally wrong
Starting point is 00:46:40 it could i'm sure that was someone's theory at one point and it got debunked and so i'm late to the game but that was my first thought that's a really interesting theory i like it thank you and then also there has been speculation that the fresno nightcrawler is part of local native folklore there was a theory for a second that um some of the tribe members in the area even came forward and said oh the fresno nightcrawler has been here forever. They have long legs because they live in swamps. And so the legs help them like walk around in the swamps. And their whole purpose is that they're here to help us to help humankind connect with nature.
Starting point is 00:47:19 It's not working because I would not leave my house if I saw that thing. Are you kidding me? Well, so here's the other thing though there are other sources that say that either this whole the native tribes discussed this there's other sources that basically say that never happened or it was revisited and debunked that there is no native lore similar to this creature there was even a point where someone claimed that they saw native artwork which i don't even know what that would mean but someone saw native artwork and statues of the fresno nightcrawler i guess in their mind to like connect them of like oh there's native artwork of the fresno nightcrawler that means that the fresno nightcrawler has native
Starting point is 00:48:02 roots um or indigenous roots. And then someone was like, well, where's this artwork? And he was like, oh, it's at a California DMV. And then apparently nobody's ever been able to find this DMV that has the artwork. So I feel like someone just completely made this shit up in like a weird random way to be like oh you know maybe there was artwork that looked like the fresno nightcrawler and someone just decided that i'm and when questioned they were like oh shit what's a place that no one will ever go to follow up with bmv that's where i found it so basically there's no proof of this art represents the fresno night
Starting point is 00:48:40 crawler where there's no proof that the art even exists let alone there's no proof that the Fresno Nightcrawler where there's no proof that the art even exists, let alone there's no proof that the Fresno Nightcrawler and the, uh, and it there's has local indigenous lore involved or that the Fresno Nightcrawler is connected to native lore at all. So, um, it, it's kind of a phony baloney way of trying to incorporate. Right. To make it seem more legit or like, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So the only thing I'd love to say is my favorite thing about the Fresno Nightcrawler. It's one of my favorite things about certain cryptids is that most people are very aware of how unlikely it is that this thing exists. Even though a lot of people say, OK, the Jose, the original footage from Jose is kind of weird. And like we've been able to replicate it on that YouTube channel. But like for the most part like it is
Starting point is 00:49:25 creepy and it can't be explained yeah other than that most people are very quick to be like oh the fresno nightcrawler 99 does not exist um and i just love when cryptids are like loved and also known to be complete bullshit but yeah like i there's a lot of people who truly stand behind bigfoot slash sasquatch sure and there are even people i remember who were like really about the jersey devil um but then there's like things like mothman where like everyone's like uh 99% sure that's not true but also could not love him more and so could not love him more i mean it reminds me of the squonk like it's basically fiction squonk for sure squonk is like the funnest story ever i just love when cryptids have a fandom and everyone's like very aware it
Starting point is 00:50:16 is a completely fabricated fandom so i'm yeah i'm into it um and honestly the the fresno Nightcrawler in particular, I wouldn't say more so than Mothman, but definitely competing for the title with Mothman. Fresno Nightcrawler has quite a lot of fun things you can find on Etsy. Yeah, that's where I've seen it a lot, like on stickers and like plushes. I've seen a lot of crochet plushes. on stickers and like plushes. I've seen a lot of crochet plushes. There's actually, I just looked earlier and there's someone 3d prints, I think life size Fresno night crawlers.
Starting point is 00:50:50 It's only like, well, it's only like two or three feet. So it's like, it could be like a little thing that sits in the corner of your apartment, but they also glow in the dark. Like, so it looks like they glow at night.
Starting point is 00:50:59 It looks like you have your own pair of flash pants in the corner. Honestly, you could just go buy some like white flash pants from Goodwill and just thumbtack them to the wall. You've got yourself a Fresno Nightcrawler. But yeah, I thought that was super fun that like in terms of cryptids that have their own fandom, you can certainly find that out for yourself on Etsy with this one. There's a lot of cute stuff. It's just such a weird looking creature that it's like probably fun to make merch for probably yeah um anyway that is the fresno nightcrawler i love it um i'm telling you i've been like so into your stories and maybe it's just because i'm on zoloft now but i'm like i'm like
Starting point is 00:51:36 loving it i really wish you had been on zoloft our whole friendship then because you uh recently baby you recently make me feel a whole lot of love with everything that comes out of my mouth oh boy well thank you that was a good one i've always wanted to learn more about the fresno nightcrawler um and because i think it's arguably if it if it were real i think it's one of the creepiest looking um cryptids it's super it's super creepy and i feel like maybe him and mothman are like kind of been like will they won't they yeah you get it i absolutely get it and by the way folks i don't know if uh we've talked enough about this yet but we're doing another a round two of our cryptid poetry slam this uh this summer late summer it's officially we said last year it's our
Starting point is 00:52:27 new annual thing and usually we don't follow through we we try so hard but we just get forgetful but no no i i remembered like a month ago i was like that's coming up we need to keep on so it is officially an annual tradition and we are bringing it back it was a a what was the last year was a poetry slam slash auction slash live show is that what it was so it was a live so it was a poetry slam and it was also a live auction live auction uh-huh and so we had small businesses a lot of them cryptid based and even wooden dildos all sorts of fun stuff um and you know and that's where drink themed jewelry just all sorts of fun stuff. And, you know, and that's where we drink themed jewelry, just all sorts of fun stuff for people to bid on
Starting point is 00:53:06 while we did our poetry slam and read poetry that people submitted. So it was like we read, we read listener submissions of slam poetry and people could bid on stuff. It was really fun.
Starting point is 00:53:19 And we are doing it together this year. And so I'm going to fly out to LA. Christine inserted herself into my home. I did. She was like, I'll be there. And I went, you'll be where? And she will be here inside my house, inside my mind.
Starting point is 00:53:37 I'm already there. We know that I'm already in your mind. So yeah, it's going to be super fun. Shout out in advance to Eva for having to do all the behind the scenes stuff on that. Yay! We are very lucky. She was probably hoping we forgot about it, but we didn't. Oops.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Oopsies. But anyway, we are very excited about it. I'm excited to hear some of your creepy poetry. It was a real blast last time because speaking of will they, won't they, I feel like there was a lot of sexual tension with Mothman and um bigfoot last year there was a lot i only got a little jealous but it's fine so um if you want to some people they really delivered on the sexy poetry for cryptids and oh yeah i'm excited to see where it goes this year like m was supremely uncomfortable and it was the best day of my life um i will i'm happily willing to
Starting point is 00:54:25 relive that though for more quality poetry yeah we will get to you the email address and all that in upcoming episodes and on social media i don't remember the name of it off the top of my head but we'll get the submissions open soon and you can start work on your oh fuck was that the beginning of the poetry slam are you hiding something from me okay that was an accident but that was the button i was going to press today actually uh-huh hey it worked out it felt spooky as you were talking about spooky things wow that was i'm annoyed that i did it too early but um i don't know how i keep doing this today. Your toes are very hyperactive, and I am aware of it. As you know, I fidget so much, I can't stop. My toes are jealous of your toes, that they're getting a little workout.
Starting point is 00:55:16 I just can't stop fidgeting. It's probably this crappy coffee I'm drinking. The reason I was going to play that sound for you is because I did something. What? I kind of stole your topic for the week. Stole my topic? I stole a paranormal topic for the week. And I'll explain why I did it but i want to first apologize because i know you do have a fear of somehow running out of stories which i don't think will happen but i know it's a real fear so i will offer you any true crime story and replacement in a future episode if you would like to take any of my true crime stories um to cover what is the meaning of this
Starting point is 00:56:00 why is there is there does it start true crime and become paranormal or did you just say fuck it? I said fuck it. So what? There's not even a reason for this. There is a reason. There is a reason. What's happening? production in Los Angeles, texted me this week. And he said, Hey, I just want to let you know the production company that I'm working for is releasing a show next week called Alien Endgame
Starting point is 00:56:32 on Discovery Plus. And I was like, uh-huh. And he was like, I have like a bunch of information. And I figured I could send it to you if you're interested, or if you want to send it to him or something. And I was like, maybe I'll just do like a little plot twist and cover an alien story um and so he sent me the episode i got to watch it like a screener of it um and it was super good and uh so i just he sent me some details about a kentucky alien and i just encounter and i just felt like I had to cover it. So I'm sorry, I stole your my, my toes hurt from being stepped on. But it's okay. I, I, I, I, I don't know how I feel. It's all good. But I am curious is how you're going to set the story up. Because I I've never have I heard you cover an alien story before? I don't think you've heard me cover an alien story. I've never, have I heard you cover an alien story before? I don't think you've heard me cover an alien story.
Starting point is 00:57:25 I've never covered one and I feel weird about it. But I felt also weird about just like messaging you and being like, here's a story. You need to do all this research and read all these documents and cover it. I don't know. I just felt weird. And I really wanted to give Jesse's like show a little shout out because. Man, I wish you, I only wish you told me so we could have both done a little crossover. Well, it's okay. Well, I well i'm gonna if it makes you i'm gonna get you back is all i'm gonna say and i don't know how or when but that's what i'm saying i want to welcome you to get me back even twice
Starting point is 00:57:55 over if you want because i know that stealing a paranormal story is a it's a big deal for me to be doing but it is a spooky move but what i could can tell you is there are several stories in the episode and I didn't watch the other. I like skipped the other ones to make sure I didn't spoil any of the other stories for myself. So there are like four more in the episode if you want to cover any of those aliens. I'm into it. I'm into it. I don't know how I'll get you back yet. I have to find the perfect crime.
Starting point is 00:58:21 We haven't covered it yet, by the way, in my mind. I don't know. Okay. I no okay i'm i'm on it i'm on it my little brain's ticking away anyway so i apologize again this is the mantel ufo encounter thomas mantel mantel okay i don't think i've heard of that one okay i hadn't either obviously um but so here's the, the gist of this. So Jesse sent me the screener of alien end game. It's super fun. Um, it's super creepy. I was actually scared and I had to watch some Schitt's Creek before bed cause I scared myself. Um, and he also sent me a lot of information that he used when he was helping produce a show. So he sent me, um me like pictures of the crash, which I'll talk about Project Blue Book reports, like all these old documents that have been scanned in
Starting point is 00:59:10 and are now declassified. And so he has all these Google folders set up with all this stuff in it. So it was very fun to like dig through. And Thomas Mantel, who's the main character in the story, his grandsons, Eric and Terry are interviewed in the Alien Endgame episode. So you can like hear his watch his grandchildren, like just go over the story about him and stuff. So it's kind of cool. I think Jesse also sent it to me because it takes place in Franklin, Kentucky. So, you know, pretty nearby local story. So this occurred in 1948. So it's a kind of old timey story. And in June of 2021, the Pentagon, which I think we haven't totally talked about yet, and I'm sure you will cover at some point, but the Pentagon released an official report detailing 144 UFO encounters by the military that they could not explain. So it's become clear basically that now these military UFO sightings are more than just mass hysteria or weather balloons, etc.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Oh, all right. So because, you know, they actually admitted like, hey, we're the government and we don't know what these things are. And it's like, well, that's alarming. Totally, totally not helpful and calming. Totally chill. Totally cool cool it's fine um so story took place january 7th of 1948 control tower operators at fort knox kentucky began receiving calls about an unidentified flying object that was hovering over the air force base it was described as huge, metallic, circular in appearance, and approximately 250 to 300 feet in diameter, moving westward at a pretty good clip. So the first thing I think is
Starting point is 01:00:52 maybe this is some experimental aircraft. So they contact the Kentucky Air National Guard to see if like they have any knowledge of what this thing could be. Surprise, surprise, they don't have any experimental aircraft in the area. they don't have any experimental aircraft in the area they don't know what it is so they send out 25 year old captain thomas mantel to the scene and he is flying a p51 aircraft and he is leading four aircraft at that point so he and these airplanes all go to information to check in on this object see what it is all go to information to check in on this object see what it is and he reports that it's shiny metallic and tremendous in size i know it gives me the creeps um at one point he even says he can see observation windows on the craft which freaks me out yeah because that means someone someone
Starting point is 01:01:40 wants to see you or there's like people not people, but something that can see out. Something in there that is able to observe. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So out of nowhere, Mantell gives what the episode calls an astonishing order to one of the men in his formation. He says, return to base and arm your planes with hot guns, which basically means like prepare to fire. Yeah, yeah, exactly. On this thing. like prepared to fire.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Yeah, yeah, exactly, on this thing. So he essentially is feeling threatened by whatever this is and thinks this is a serious matter, a serious threat to them. Meanwhile, after sending his men back to load up their weapons at the base, Mantell continues to follow the aircraft, and suddenly he's passing like 20,000 feet in the air. He's going higher and higher and following this thing. And here's a clip from one of the newspaper articles uh that jesse sent over it says what we do know is that a transcript of the communications between the control tower and captain mantel indicate mantel said the object is directly ahead of and above me now moving at about
Starting point is 01:02:42 half my speed it appears to be a metallic object or possibly reflection of sun from a metallic object, and it is of tremendous size. I'm still climbing. I'm trying to close in for a better look. Listening to radio traffic between Godman Tower and Captain Mantell was USAF officer Richard Miller, who later claimed he clearly heard Captain Mantell state, My God, I see people in this thing oh my god isn't that fucking terrifying that's all at the end that's all i needed gives me shivers if i were looking for some goose cam today i officially have it yeah it's so so creepy oh and you know they were watching him gain on them oh yeah we're out there little windows yeah they're like xenon pedal to the metal go now is not the time to follow the speed limit xenon
Starting point is 01:03:31 um so suddenly so he's he's going climbing higher and higher following this craft and he's reporting back to the base suddenly they lose touch with him he's going higher and higher and all of a sudden there's this tremendous noise as his airplane spirals and begins to plummet toward the earth and it crashes to the ground and he is killed upon impact oh shit so the theory is that he suffered from hypoxia at this point which means he climbed so high in his aircraft that he ran out of oxygen and lost control of his airplane and it went down. But either way, the airplane went down. There are photos of the crash that Jesse sent me. It's very sad. Here are some witness reports of what it was like seeing or hearing the airplane crash. This is from the U.S. Air Force accident report. So here's one quote of the plane crashing. The last radio
Starting point is 01:04:26 contact with Captain Mantell was at 20,000 feet and from all appearances he seemed to have the aircraft under perfect control. The aircraft was making a terrific noise ever increasing as it descended according to the statement of two witnesses. The airplane exploded halfway between where it started the dive and the ground. None of the witnesses observed any fire coming from the aircraft during the descent. When Mr. Walker arrived, the body of the pilot had been removed from crash by unknown parties had parachute on. So unfortunately, he was killed. He was only 25. Really, really tragic. And so in the episode Alien Endgame, they interview a local resident doyle burnett who was one of the last people to see the aircraft he was only seven years old when the actual aircraft um wow fell
Starting point is 01:05:13 and so interestingly this is very small town uh kentucky he was seven and his wife now also witnessed a crash she was four at the time shut Shut up. Oh, that's so freaky. Isn't that weird? That's just so fun. It's like grandma and grandpa both saw this wild UFO crash situation. So according to Doyle Burnett, he heard an explosion and saw a plane coming down. One wing fell off the plane and flew off into a nearby field. And then Doyle's wife, Patsy, who was also four,
Starting point is 01:05:45 or so who was four at the time, witnessed the crash as well. Also, I love that their names are Doyle and Patsy. It's just like, what a duo. It feels like a comic, a comic team. It does feel like a comic.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Sounds like a 1940s investigator team, like Patsy and Doyle. Patsy and Doyle on the case. That's actually really good, Em. It sounds like a crime. Give us the scoop. Give us the scoop by Patsy and Doyle.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Oh, Em, that's good. Somebody make a little film noir poster of that. Oh, yes, please. So after the crash, news reports went wild. There were headlines about a military craft crashing while chasing a UFO. But the military did show up on site to investigate. So they were taking this pretty seriously. Patsy even said that they came to her family's house and woke them up in the middle of the night to ask questions about it, which I always find is super suspicious when the military is like, we need answers now in the middle of the night like yeah anytime anytime the story goes that there's like someone in a suit who knocks on your
Starting point is 01:06:51 door men in black shit yeah it's like we're absolutely here to make sure you never discuss this again yeah and you need to tell us everything you saw and she remembers this and she was only four at the time if you ever see by the way, something happening, folks, and then you think there might be people in a big old black and white suit come at your door later tonight, just like start recording on your phone. Like just like have it. Yeah. Just in case. Go to like that audio app or whatever it is with the little wave sound. Just press record and then tell them everything you want.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Just do a little voice memo. Yeah. And maybe have a backup recorder going on somewhere in case they try to delete it you know why not just step outside onto the porch and then have the conversation in front of the ring doorbell bingo bango that's what i'm saying yeah i would yeah i feel like for your own sanity before they gas like the shit out of you that you never saw anything you know fun to have just have it just in case to send to our email just in case for safe i just you get it and i love recording myself anytime i'm talking to what i assume would be anyway a white man so um i just just so they don't try to do any bullshit later with my voice you never know never know so when uh patsy's mother asked these military folks who were following up why mantel had crashed they just said the standard uh answer which was that he had flown too high and run out of oxygen but like left out the details of why he was flying so high um and so pretty soon uh the
Starting point is 01:08:21 government kind of turned this into like oh it was just a balloon, which seems to be one of those classic, classic stories. Yeah, favorite. So I'm going to read just this headline or just this part of an article, which came out that week called Mysterious Object Pursued by Mantell Probably Balloon from Orange Bowl Game. called Mysterious Object Pursued by Mantell, Probably Balloon from Orange Bowl Game. It says, the mysterious object in the sky, which Captain Thomas F. Mantell reportedly was chasing when he fell to his death in a plane crash last Wednesday, may have been nothing more than a helium-filled balloon, the Associated Press reported Sunday. So they thought, they started kind of this story that this was just a big balloon. It was a misunderstanding. And so Jesse sent this document from, I think it's called NICAP.
Starting point is 01:09:10 Is that how you say it? National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. That's how I say it. NICAP. And it lists cases from January through March of 1948 and what they were determined to be. So it's really interesting. They have like the name of the observer, which is often redacted.
Starting point is 01:09:26 And then they have a column where it's like, this is what it was determined to be. And it lists this case as a balloon. And some of the other cases, just for fun, and we'll look through them. Some were listed as astrological and were either considered to be someone having seen Venus or Jupiter or a flare in the sky or balloon.
Starting point is 01:09:49 And so there was actually one in Warren, Minnesota that was just called a hoax. So they didn't even give it a planetary reason. So suddenly the military reports backpedaled. And instead of believing this was an unidentified object, even though they had up until now, they reported it was Venus or weather balloon. But there is an intelligence memo from the Air Force Base that year, which has been decl air force base on january on 7 january 1948 was not the planet venus therefore this sighting must be considered as unexplained so behind the scenes they're saying well it can't be venus um i wonder why the government i mean i'm happy it's happening but like i do wonder why the government allows things like that to be to be declassified i know and then they just know and then after the fact they're like oh no not an alien it's like you
Starting point is 01:10:49 literally handed us this paperwork and now you're telling us that we're still wrong like like for them to give us information like that where they're like it's clearly not we absolutely lied in public documentation and then for things that haven't been declassified yet but like everyone knows like it's a little shady yeah for them to still say like oh you're being irrational or oh like that's a crazy thought they're just gaslighting us it's like we literally have a bunch of stories you just declassified that make it feel like this really could be a reason but it's okay it's weird and that's why like when um the pentagon released all that information last year people were like holy shit like they're admitting we're not crazy like we're not all nut jobs but then they still do with things that haven't been declassified yet
Starting point is 01:11:33 i just feel i just don't know why they allow it to be declassified i don't know like is there like a statute of limitations i feel like there has to be because i feel like if they were just like withholding a bunch of documentation and we didn't know i mean which i'm sure they are anyway so i don't know you're right yeah i could pull it off if they really wanted to and we couldn't do anything about it but for all we know there's like one like mega alien that they totally know about that happened in the 40s and that part they didn't that part they didn't declassify I don't know it's just it's weird where I'm like I can't believe they like just so bluntly let us know I wonder so like so much later I wonder if they were very carefully waiting to release information like you know maybe there was like a timing reason I think there was also some speculation I remember
Starting point is 01:12:19 listening to a podcast about it there was some speculation that they released it like during I forget what was going on that week but something like really wild was happening and it was almost like they slipped it in like a distraction afternoon like no to like um to like bury it in other headlines like like it was um it was weirdly released at like a friday at like 5 p.m or something that's what i remember hearing yeah i see i would have thought the opposite we're like oh big political things are happening right now let's give something let's give them something else to pay attention to oh yeah they wanted this to be not apparent i mean according to these theories that i heard but uh that they allegedly wanted this to just kind of fly under the radar so to speak um to not draw too much attention so
Starting point is 01:13:03 um didn't quite work because people are still talking about it right but yeah who knows maybe they just want the public's help i don't know like maybe they're like oh well i'm sure they don't want my help but okay i didn't say your help to be clear someone's help i like how i took that as the government needs me yeah i'm not uncle samming you here it's not quite what I'm doing, but maybe, Em, you have so much to offer. You know, you're right. You're right. So this document goes on to explain that the unaided eye would not have been able to see Venus from Mantell's location.
Starting point is 01:13:39 They had an astrophysicist say it just wouldn't have been possible to see Venus and it wouldn't have been moving in that way. And they also said another planet, the only other planet within range, which was Jupiter, would have also been impossible to spot. So it couldn't have been a planet. As far as the weather balloon theory, according to a Franklin, Kentucky publication, The Franklin Favorite, quote, the Franklin favorite, quote, in Tennessee, the callers were reporting a bright bulb shaped object that was supposedly a weather balloon, although not one single National Weather Bureau office could confirm a balloon launch within the immediate days prior to the sightings. Also, let's remember that this weather balloon was told to us by Thomas Mantel or whatever, that like there were people in there. Yeah, right, right, right, right, right. I have not forgotten that.
Starting point is 01:14:26 Yeah, there's parts of it that definitely do not add up. Yeah. So witness statements from that day also make it seem even more likely that there's more to the story than just a balloon. So there was this air traffic controller named Alex A. Boudreaux. And on Wednesday, this is his witness statement. Sorry, Blaze is going up the stairs. He's going to shut the door.
Starting point is 01:14:50 It's going to be loud. That sounded like, you know, Christine, I have been telling you for a long time that your house is fucking haunted. But like when you have doors that make sounds like that, you don't get to tell me I'm wrong. Because that was the creepiest door I've ever heard. Right. Well, when you hear a door like that, don't get to tell me i'm wrong because that was the creepiest door i've ever heard right well when you hear a door like that then you're like any noise you're like oh it was probably just like a creak in the house you know it's easy to use it there are two
Starting point is 01:15:15 different camps of people i know and you and i are in the two different camps for sure the delusional one who refuses to accept anything scary if i were ever staying in your house and I heard that door making that sound, I'd be like, you're out of your fucking mind if you think I'm going to stay here. Not even a little bit. I hope we caught that on camera because that was quite a... I heard it, so I think someone's heard it. That was just, like, you might as well have just, like, had a ghost wailing in the back. It was just Blaze going back to work. I think. Uh-oh. I know. a ghost wailing in the back it was just blaze going back to work i think um oh i know so here is alex boudreaux's air traffic controllers statement on wednesday january 7th between
Starting point is 01:15:53 1915 and 1930 there appear 1915 oh oh that's the time like god i'm like 19, that's a 15 year difference. Okay. We have definitely time traveled. Wow. Okay. On Wednesday, January 7th, between 1915 and 1930, there appeared in the sky a bright glowing object, which I could not identify. At first, I assumed it to be a star, but the sky being overcast, I knew definitely that it was not a star nor an aircraft because the only aircraft flying in the local area
Starting point is 01:16:23 was landing at the time. It was not an aircraft flare nor a balloon because it appeared to be enormous in size i then observed it through binoculars it appeared to be cone shaped blunt on top and tapering off toward the bottom it was going from a bright white to an amber color with a small streak trailing behind it was at a distance between five and seven miles from the control tower at an altitude of approximately two to three thousand feet bobbing up and down and moving in a south southwesterly direction at a speed exceeding 500 miles per hour. Also, the wind at the time was blowing from east to west. And if it if it had been a balloon or lighter than aircraft, it would have drifted in the direction the wind was blowing.
Starting point is 01:17:00 So that's an interesting point. There was no sound or unusual noise. Its performance was very unusual and the light seemed to fade out at times. Just before it disappeared beyond the horizon, the light changed to a sort of red color. He said, I've engaged in aviation as an air traffic control tower operator and a private pilot for a period of five years. And thus far in all my experience, I have never encountered an optical illusion or any physical defect that would disqualify my possessions of such ratings wow he's like don't question me yeah he's like i didn't come here to play around not here to play around also i i do wonder what the actual speed of a weather balloon that's what i thought yeah because it said like
Starting point is 01:17:42 oh it's exceeding 500 miles that's what i thought might do weather balloons fucking go faster than that because it's like oh it's bobbing up and down i'm like okay i could see that being a balloon and then it's like 500 miles per hour and i'm like do they go that fast i don't know you know who the uh the unsung hero of being able to crack alien abduction stories is probably like weather balloon experts. They're like, no, don't blame us again. They're probably like, that makes no sense at all. That's all I need to hear to know that it was not a weather balloon. He's like bobbing up and down inside the weather balloon. He's like, it's me, the expert, looking at my little window.
Starting point is 01:18:19 Okay, so another witness was PFC Stanley Oliver, who was on duty at the control tower at Fort Knox when the sighting occurred. He saw what was described as an unidentified object, supposedly 250 to 300 feet in diameter over Mansville, Kentucky. And to him, it resembled an ice cream cone topped with red. See, that man was just hungry. His lunch break was delayed and he was really cranky about it. Yeah. He's like, I could see things in the clouds
Starting point is 01:18:45 they're talking to me to be fair the other guy also described it as a cone shape yeah that's true with red light so interesting description um and then the other so this sighting uh was in mansville kentucky and the other one was in columbus ohio which is like two hours north so this is quite a range here and then there were more sightings in tennessee which is like two hours north. So this is quite a range here. And then there were more sightings in Tennessee, which is south. So several witnesses described this. So here's some things that I found interesting that kind of, I read a bunch of the witness statements that matched up. So several witnesses described the color as amber, which I don't know if, to me, that sounds very specific. Like they didn't just say red,, like, an amber color, which I thought was very specific. It also feels like that doesn't help their case, because I feel like a lot of people,
Starting point is 01:19:30 or a lot of, like, government people could use amber as an explanation for, like, fire coming out of a rocket or something. Yeah, yeah, yeah, true. I mean, I know no one's saying that there was a rocket there, but I feel like that's fire enough color that they could say, like, oh, it's's a flare or it was a hot air balloon and they have, it has fire pump through it. And so I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:49 It was, it was just weird to me. That was so specific. It wasn't just like, Oh, a reddish brown color. It was like, Amber.
Starting point is 01:19:55 I don't know. Maybe that's just a term people use, but I have no idea. I would love to see them say like, it was hot pink and purple and see what the government has to say about that. And then they're like, you mean amber. Oh, I meant amber. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:20:10 Exactly. Nice try. Another weird similarity between witness statements that I read is that there was no sound coming from it, which I feel like I hear about UFOs sometimes, which is very creepy. And then that the craft was round with a cone shape behind it. So also kind of an interesting uh similarity between a bunch of different witnesses yeah i feel like the cone thing happens a lot and i have also heard i mean i feel like i've heard different things with ufos like sometimes there's like mechanical whirring or like but then there's other times where it's
Starting point is 01:20:40 just like eerily silent where like the weird silence freaks me out yeah it's like this massive contraption is ahead of me and making no sound like noise yeah that's super creepy not into it yeah i agree um according to private pilot albert r pickering who also witnessed craft it exhibited motions like that of an elevator climbing and descending vertically oh that's odd but i it's a perfect description, though, because I totally know. I know I envisioned that. Which is interesting, because the other guy said it was kind of bobbing up and down. Yeah. So I don't know. That's and I feel like that's another thing that you've covered some stories where the craft seemed to like move in a way that normally our
Starting point is 01:21:19 aircraft do not move like in strange patterns back and forth or like up and down. I feel like I covered that with like the tic-tac incident or something. Yes, that's the one I was thinking of. Like it was like, it was like, it could like go back and forth or something. Yeah, it was going like a bunch of crazy directions. Yeah. Okay, no plane does that. It didn't make sense. Right. So ultimately, the easiest answer is that this was just a classified weather balloon project. And some people just go with that, even though, according to me, the expert, not every piece of the puzzle fits into that theory, in my opinion. That being said, if that is the case, I guess if it is like an actual classified weather balloon project for some reason, I guess it makes sense that Mantell had never seen anything like it and was following it. But, you know, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:22:12 It does make me sad, too, that like for the family that it's almost like they're being gaslit, too. Like, oh, no, he was just following a balloon. I wonder how insidious the gaslighting goes like who maybe people are telling each other different things because they truly believe it because yeah they don't know yeah i don't know it's hard to say and like i know i said the grandkids the grandsons who are you know grown adults now were on this episode and like it was very emotional because they went to the scene of the crash. And so like, whether it's an alien or not, you know, like their grandfather was killed in this event and they said it.
Starting point is 01:22:50 Oh, I got goose come again. Cause it was really sad. They said like this guy had served on D-Day and now he was home during peacetime and he crashed and died at 25 years old. Like he had gotten through the war and then only to die here yeah and now you know people were saying it was just a balloon which maybe it was which is also you know as equally as tragic whatever happened but i find it very suspicious yeah so either way it's one of the many ufo stories that's now getting a kind of a fresh look because more and more information is coming out from the Pentagon revealing that they don't actually have the answers that they claim they had.
Starting point is 01:23:30 And so if you watch Alien Endgame, there's more stories on there. You can watch, I don't know, more details about this one. It's coming out May 20th on Discovery Plus. And I'm excited to hear what people think because it really freaked me out. I'm going to be honest with you. Um, the episode really scared me. So the end. Yay.
Starting point is 01:23:52 You did good. Oh, oh, Christy. I was looking for the right one. I mean, they both serve the same purpose. You have weirdly nailed it with the buttons. It's my talk show. Welcome. I don't even know what mine do.
Starting point is 01:24:12 They do the same thing. I know, but I can't hear mine. Oh, did you hear me just do that with mine? Do it again. Oh, yeah. What is that? What was that sound? That's the alien one. Oh, hey. Well hey well you know what i did it right then as far as i'm concerned it fit the vibe
Starting point is 01:24:31 well i want to apologize again i know you're not happy with me for stealing a paranormal topic and i i apologize it gives me time to come up with something on my end okay here you gave me it you gave me an open door to be reckless is what you said i literally closed my eyes and said you do your worst but i will say i will say too i remember last week i brought up the time you covered veliska axe murder house and um no you're right you're right i was very sad that i didn't get to cover that one so you're right maybe we're even but no you you go be reckless okay maybe we're even i but no, you, you go be reckless. Okay. Maybe we're even, I got to figure out, Hmm. I'll figure it out. I'll figure it out. I'm sorry. No, no, no. I, I, you've just, you've given me an opportunity to be too creative. And now my brain is
Starting point is 01:25:17 flooding with, uh, possibilities here. It was also like such a sleepless week that I was like, I don't know if i can do a gruesome murder right now i feel like and then i watched this alien show and was fucking terrified so i don't think it helped but well you know what it's just it's like i've always saw like oh if i were to cover a true crime which one would i cover and somehow i still don't have an answer so i'm like damn now my time's really come and i don't know what i'm gonna do talk baby i know well you did a great job christine good well Good job telling your alien story. Thank you for letting me do that.
Starting point is 01:25:48 I promise it's the last one until Jesse works on another alien show. No, I'm just kidding. Or until you just want to do another alien story, baby. I don't know. Until I just decide to say, fuck it, and do it again. Until you just decide that you're the paranormal side and I'm the true crime side. Honestly, we might just do it one day and be like, why not? Just a little flip-a-roo.
Starting point is 01:26:10 Anyway, that's all I've got for what about and you know what next week is yes i do it's a special special imagine if i did this to you on your birthday well i was gonna say is this my last this is my last episode is in my 20s yep oh sorry i fucked it up hey wow you know what there's a there's a lot of emotions going on right now that we're fine it's you're going out with a bang you're it's just like how the government tries to slip things in on friday at 5 p.m exactly wait that's a good point you slipped this alien story in at the friday 5 p.m of my 20s i said oops i'm already having such a crisis about the rest of my life uh 30s are great i promise it's like so much less i feel like um you can just move on like clean slate you know just look at it as like a new chapter well i don't know i don't know about that i don't know i don't know i have a lot to process i don't know it's too late it's i'm
Starting point is 01:27:04 already in my head about it. So we're just all going to have to roll with the punches. Unfortunately, Linda's going to have a really great time with you. By the time I'm like 33, maybe I'll be over it. So until then, you're going to have to deal with that.
Starting point is 01:27:15 Are you kidding me? I have three more years of this shit and then I'm almost 40 and you're going to have to, I'll exchange it over. Once you're turning 40, you're allowed to have that for yourself. I don't want to. Oh,
Starting point is 01:27:24 but I'll take it. I'll keep complaining.. You're allowed to have that for yourself. I don't want to. Oh, but I'll take it. I'll keep complaining. I have nothing wrong with that. Well, I'll see y'all in my 30s then, folks. When Emma's wizened in gray. See you on the other side. Bye. Oh, that's...
Starting point is 01:27:38 Bye. Bye. We drink.

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