And That's Why We Drink - E43 A Hell-Roaring Camp and a Chick-en-Training

Episode Date: November 26, 2017

In episode 43, Christine is the Internet’s Apprentice and Em puts the “ish” in Jew-ish. Em covers the Bullock Hotel in Deadwood, South Dakota. (Pro tip: don’t work there unless you want an inv...isible, casually omnipresent ghost boss who throws your beverages across the room.)Meanwhile, Christine covers the long-awaited topic of the Wineville Chicken Coop Murders, a gruesome and tragic story of a serial killer who ruined the name “Wineville” for everyone. Hope you all enjoy this post-Thanksgiving episode. Oh, and if you know how to make a “Gio”-tag, let us takes your favorite photo memories and turns them into beautiful artwork for you to enjoy every day. Use promo code DRINK for a free 11x14 canvas (just pay shipping).And don't forget to check out our other sponsor, Firstleaf Wines, for your introductory three-pack of wine for only $15!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh! You know what we... Wait, are we airing? Are we recording? Mm-hmm. Since it's Thanksgiving. Mm-hmm. Pass!
Starting point is 00:00:08 The cranberry sauce for having mashed potatoes. Ooh, the turkey looks great. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for being there. Everyone's thinking, boom, boom. The whole world's thinking you
Starting point is 00:00:19 for thinking us for thinking you. Kill the turkey. Happy Thanksgiving. for thanking us for thanking you kill the turkey happy thanksgiving you're welcome world i was gonna say if only we could copyright that song and put it on our shirts, that would be grand. If we could just take the copyright from Bob's Burgers. It should be easy, right? It's not like they're known. It's not like it's that expensive.
Starting point is 00:00:53 No one knows about them. No. Patreon will cover it. Happy Thanksgiving. Why are you drinking slash why are you thankful? Or not thankful. I mean, it's also by the time this comes out after thanksgiving oh so we can just skip the bullshit then i mean what do you think you
Starting point is 00:01:10 enjoyed the most of your thanksgiving let's just make another prediction out of these probably the wine all right um the thing is i'm hosting a friendsgiving this week and i'm like cooking because we were going to go back to please this place but i'm doing one here instead so who knows if i can make a turkey who knows it'll be like a big mystery for everybody i'm so upset i don't get to watch it happen it's kind of bum i know i'm bummed you can't go i know i'm gonna be visiting family in seattle so that's nice though to be with family yeah and it's become a tradition that i um like i was never really close with them before i moved out to la because they were west coast and i never saw them.
Starting point is 00:01:46 And now that I've been out here, I go see them every Thanksgiving just because it's cheaper airfare, but they actually are now like my favorite family members. Yeah. And I don't have to deal with the bullshit of like being a child of divorce and having to like split my time between two families and all that nonsense. That's why I stopped going. I stopped going to things. If I could not go home for Christmas, i would just because that's such bullshit i mean i we've i stopped going to thanksgiving years ago
Starting point is 00:02:09 because i was like it's not worth it it's not it's not especially for thanksgiving when you know if you have jobs you only get like a day off or two days off so for me to travel to the east coast is a day there of travel a day back of travel so i get like what a day and i have to split up between both my parents and see who gets less frustrated with the other oh and p.s it's two thousand dollars also oh also yeah it's just it's just stupid so now i actually hang out with my mom's little sister and her family and she's like the fun aunt oh nice so i get her all to myself without having to share with my east coast family so so we just brought this down by talking about divorce but happy thanks just wait till christmas guys but
Starting point is 00:02:49 here's the thing everyone just had thanksgiving with their family so they're all probably pulling their hair out you know what i mean or are they even listening to us they're probably still like in their food comas maybe but also we're being rude to our international listeners who don't celebrate the horrible things we did to people when we first got to this land. Oh, right. You should start celebrating that. Right. You should also enjoy how horrible Americans are that we have a national holiday celebrating how horrible we are to people.
Starting point is 00:03:16 And now we and we call ourselves the heroes and the victims all at the same time. We do. And there's also a lot of murals of us feeding um native americans when in reality we just fed them with smallpox it's disgusting yeah we're sorry why are we so depressing because we have a podcast called and that's why we drink i need some wine okay happy christ happy almost christmas is happy almost christmas at least we're in the holidays or kwanzaa or hanukkah happy hanukkah to me happy hanukkah to you do you actually celebrate hanukkah on the month on the years that i remember like
Starting point is 00:03:49 but like with your like growing up did you celebrate it or we did the menorah um like for irony like what we would just be like well we're jewish we should have a menorah but we we didn't do like the holiday no we never like grew up celebrating Hanukkah it was more like if we looked at the calendar in time my mom would be like I'm supposed to buy you some shitty presents so happy Hanukkah oh so it was like a convenience thing it was like we're like fair weather we put the ish in jewish you know what I mean is that a thing I don't know I love it it's what we are though it has to be a thing now how are you I'm okay why are you drinking because i nearly threw out my back this weekend oh shit and i didn't throw out my back because i i know what that feels like because
Starting point is 00:04:31 i have a really shitty back um for anyone who wants to know my weakness um but if you want to attack m you triangulate your location i'll triangulate my weak points the eighth vertebrae but allison's been so sweet this weekend because i haven't been able to move and so she's been like pulling me out of bed and like pulling me off the couch and like em i didn't know you were in such pain i am i'm sorry it's all right i should have crushed some tylenol in your drink yeah that would have helped next time it's okay um Why are you drinking? I mean, mostly because I'm just nervous about making a turkey, and also this job that I'm doing is really hard.
Starting point is 00:05:10 And also, we are shipping out. I had to ship out 285 packages yesterday. Yowza. And I got to the post office five minutes after it closed. But I will say, by the time you hear this, everybody's merch and patreon stuff has all got up been sent it's all caught up it's out it's all done oh my god wait i'm like i'll do the thing ready yeah wait we gotta take the cork out do it you know physics oh right sure it's mathematics it's exponents ready yes that was good right okay ow i know i know i wanted two takes and i should just stayed on a high
Starting point is 00:05:47 you know you gotta quit while you're ahead but anyway so we have had all that shipping bullshit since the beginning of time we've been telling you your shipping will come out your shipping will come out and we were telling the truth but things just kept getting backlogged but we are officially caught up yes as of today also we have new merch we have new merch and a whole new situation going on a whole new christine is a wizard she figured it out the internet is a wizard christine found the part of the internet that's a wizard i'm just the apprentice if you will there it is uh the internet's apprentice um yeah we have new merch we have uh also by the way if you guys have art if you're
Starting point is 00:06:26 like artistic in any way or even if you're not and you just like design something send it to us and we want to put it on merch um we already have a coffee cup yeah with if you follow the facebook group someone drew a very nice um ronnie almost a screen grab yeah ronnie did it off of our halloween video yeah it's amazing it's literally mug now it's amazing it's me with my wine bra geo's like freaking out in the car m has like a milkshake yep camelback yep it's great and we put it on a mug so we're trying to get everybody's like artistic talent involved on the website if you care enough to draw something or be artistic in any way for us we're trying to help you and put it on stuff and if you have done it in the past and send it to us on social media
Starting point is 00:07:08 send it to our email and that's why we drink at please write in the email that you agree to let us use it on merchandise just put it in writing and then put if you want us to link to your etsy or your website or whatever put that there too um that way i can just have it in writing that we're allowed to use it and all in one spot too yeah is it just our usual shop url same same shop and that's why we correct and there's a lot of new merch on there of different colors different colors now different designs we have like baseball tees and baseball caps i love a good baseball cap bats no we don't have that no we don't we have baseballs no no not quite maybe one day we'll have a tennis ball for baby g that would be adorable that'd be a good time also i think i know why else you're drinking because tomorrow is baby g's first day
Starting point is 00:07:56 of doggy daycare i'm really stressed out okay but here's the thing you ready what he's gonna make a best friend at the doggy daycare. Okay. They're going to start talking about true crime and ghosts. You promise. They're going to be on a hayride. I'm really nervous. They're going to say, you know what?
Starting point is 00:08:10 We should start a podcast about this. I, um, Gio used to go to daycare at PetSmart when I was working as a PA 12 hours a day. I had no other choice. And they gave me a report card, quote unquote,
Starting point is 00:08:22 one day. And, um, I guess they said, Gio has learned how to use the plastic kitty slide. And he loves to run up and slide down it. And I was like, is that real? I think the cutest experience would have been watching him go up at the first time.
Starting point is 00:08:36 And he's a little scared. But then he's so brave. And then he does it. And he's so happy. And he does it again. I would lose my mind. Listen. It's probably for the best.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Neither of us were there. His best friend at PetSmart was named Elvis. It was a giant Great Pyrenees. Aww. So you're right. It'll be fine. He's gonna make a best buddy and then you can have doggy play dates. Oh my god. Okay. I'm so anxious. He's gonna have so much fun. Alright.
Starting point is 00:09:00 That's all my notes. I just am excited about new merch and just like getting stuff situated so people don't have to wait and uh oh the holidays are coming um get your stuff in i think it's by i saw on our new um we have a site that we're synced to that helps us with merch now i think they said the 30th of november is the last day to buy merch and have it arrive in time for christmas with free shipping so get on it i need my friends and family to be really big fans of the show that way i can just buy them my own merch and just be like merry fucking christmas now you'll think of me now
Starting point is 00:09:37 you'll think of me all the time it's something we can both enjoy i'll give my parents the one of me in the wine bra and they'll be like i'm so disappointed recently linda actually sent me a box of blank shirts with no instruction and then i texted her and was like what the fuck are these for and she was like oh you're gonna put the design on them so i can wear your podcast on my shirts what and i was like we could have asked wait she sent you a bunch of blank shirts a box of random shirts from j crew or some shit shit like that. Or Chico's or something. Oh my God. And then she was like, well, obviously you're going to put the design on them. And I was like, oh, I didn't know I was a fucking clairvoyant, but okay.
Starting point is 00:10:11 And then. Linda is a trip. In that box, she also sent a melted bar of chocolate. Good. And she sent a sleeve of CDs from like 10 years ago. Like out of their cases, just like, you know how cars had like the CD case that you put on like your, your mirror. She sent one of those, like, like she took it off of a car and it's still at a bunch
Starting point is 00:10:33 of CDs from like, of like Jackson Brown and like things that no one listens to off of a car. Like whose car? Maybe hers. She literally just sent me a sleeve of random CDs. And they're not your CDs. No. And then a box of
Starting point is 00:10:45 blank shirts i was like good luck figure it out what also today christine and i listened to two songs back to back and one was my mother's wedding song the other was christine's wedding song and they both played on their own without us trying to put them on that was pretty awkward you and my mom are the same person yeah it's a's a little awkward, but I embrace it now. Good. I'm going to start mailing you random objects from my house. Thank God I don't put my address out on this thing because I'd get a box of random shit all the time. Do you want to hear a story?
Starting point is 00:11:19 Just, yes. To get in the spirit of why we should be thankful to not have to be alive or experience these things? To not have to be alive. experience these things to not have to be alive maybe to be alive but not be killed in one of your gruesome stories okay and also to be thankful knock on wood that there's no guys yeah so bring it on it's called the bullock hotel like sandra yes like sandra i actually looked up bullock hotel on google and the first thing i came up with sandy's picture and i was like okay oh sandy yeah my girl oh it's fine it's like sandy b like sandy and i she actually grew up in the town over from me in virginia oh you mentioned that a couple episodes ago because i was listening to earlier i'm just really proud of my
Starting point is 00:12:00 people yes you are sandy so conveniently the bullock hotel takes place in a town called deadwood that's extremely convenient and of course in the most uh obscure state of america wait let me guess one of the dakotas yep no. No way. Yeah. Which one? South. Okay. You're right. South Dakota.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Is one of them more obscure than the other? We're going to get so much hate mail. South Dakota. Whatever. Hopefully a hipster from South Dakota listens to us and is like, oh, I'm so obscure. You know what I mean? Yes. Isn't it their dream to be like the most obscure person in the world? Obscure is not a bad thing.
Starting point is 00:12:41 No. Okay. You're the biggest underdog. Really? Yes. And you know what? South Dakota is never in the news doing bad things. So really, who's winning?
Starting point is 00:12:52 South Dakota. South Dakota's winning. So in the city of Deadwood, it's named Deadwood because of the dead trees that would grow around the narrow canyon. I'm sorry, why are dead trees growing? Rewind. Let's start there. Zombie trees. grow around the narrow canyon i'm sorry why are dead trees growing let's start there zombie trees
Starting point is 00:13:05 the dead the dead trees that grew in the narrow canyon and the canyon was called deadwood gulch sorry so it's called the dead woods because they have dead woods growing in the dead okay maybe there's a bunch of trees and they all died so they had already grown and now they're just a bunch of dead trees okay let's hope that's what that means gulch look you're asking me that's a terrible word anyway this is also where the main streets are now built okay where all the dead trees grow apparently gulch avenue i know when i'm dead i'll be growing apparently not just being dead your fingernails oh yeah that's true maybe it's the tree's fingernails that were growing oh it's probably the hair follicles yeah yeah so in 1876 deadwood was established and it was described as being a hell-roaring camp listen which is what i like
Starting point is 00:13:57 to call my house party central plunger fort party for one. Um, hold on. Hold that thought. All right. This story already has so many keywords. I know. I know. Like, I feel like if somebody was... Deadwood Hellroaring Camp. If someone was scanning for, like...
Starting point is 00:14:14 South Dakota. I said zombie earlier. Like, every word that could possibly be in a horror movie. Right now, everything we have said sounds like a fucked up auto-corrected message through iphone like we were trying to say like some random word it's like oh zombie deadwood dead tree is growing hell roaring camp south dakota plunger it's like god damn it siri so in 1876 deadwood the hell roaring camp was established and it was complete quote with an assortment of not-so-good people. What?
Starting point is 00:14:46 So it was, like, known as a bad town. Not-so-good? Like, it was, like, a lot of, like, bad guys, essentially. Like, lowbrow, like, I don't know, like, criminals and... Yeah, what's the word for that? It was just a rough town. Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. So they sent, like's the word for that? It was just a rough town. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:05 So they sent like the kind of outcast there. Yeah. Okay. And it was so bad and so dangerous that there wasn't even an elected official sheriff. I'm confused because I would think it's so bad because there isn't an elected official sheriff. It's like cause and effect equals effect and cause. Yeah, it's like chicken and the egg. Was there a sheriff that caused it to be bad or was it bad?
Starting point is 00:15:27 So anyway, it became its own town officially because during the gold rush, it was like a hot spot on the map. So a lot of people wanted to go there despite that it was a dangerous area. So there was gold there. Yeah, so they were gold hungry and went regardless of how dangerous it was. Okay. There was gold there. Yeah. So they were gold hungry and went regardless of how dangerous it was.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Okay. One of the people to move there during the gold rush was Seth Bullock. Seth Bullock. And he was, quote, a straight shooting lawman and outstanding member of society. Oh my God. Who wrote this? I got, and weirdly every website I looked at about this had a weird language, like very flowery. Freaking me out a little bit. Every website I looked at about this had a weird language, like very flowery.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Freaking me out a little bit. So this is some of the things that this law man slash outstanding member of society did. Great. He was a sheriff. He was a chief engineer of the fire department. He was a deputy U.S. marshal. He was a senator by 22. He was a captain in the Spanish-American War.
Starting point is 00:16:24 And he was the one to propose that we establish the yellowstone national park so i mean he's just kind of like that overachiever valedictorian we all hate i'm like i was about to say i don't feel great about this guy like no he he makes me not feel good about me that's probably why that's why i don't like him i'm projecting i'm like projecting yep i'm projecting onto seth he also fun fact was the first person person in South Dakota to plant alfalfa, which apparently is a big crop there. Well, that just tops it all off, I'll tell you what. I'm fucking done now. I'm done.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Also, Seth and Teddy Roosevelt became BFFs over time. And when Teddy Roosevelt was appointed vice president, he appointed Seth Bullock to be the first forest supervisor. That's not a thing. It's kind of like when your friend all of a sudden becomes a boss and they just find a position for you. They make one up. That's what happens when you start working at Nick. All of a sudden, I'm going to be forest supervisor.
Starting point is 00:17:14 And I'm going to be like, we live in a desert. The forest supervisor. Why am I going to supervise? M, forest supervisor. Can I just be the geo supervisor? I can. You're already that. Ideally.
Starting point is 00:17:24 I can just see your business cards now with a little tree a dead tree obviously well duh nickelodeon animation forest supervisor um so he was also so with that kind of resume oh he then moves to deadwood and it's like crime ridden and there's no discipline there's like outlaws nothing but outlaws and all of a sudden this good guy comes in and so on day two of him living in deadwood he was appointed sheriff because they were like we're desperate and need someone that we can trust and you seem to be like a top of the line so all these outlaws were like we want you to like please put us in jail i don't know who was in charge of this i assuming just the
Starting point is 00:18:06 people of deadwood who were looking for law and order i guess done done um so they hired what the first thing he did was he hired a bunch of the bravest men in town because also remember that a bunch of people are moving in at the same time so he can probably just pick from a whole new lot probably um he hired a bunch of the bravest men he could find in the town and made them deputies like right away there was like no training or anything just made them deputies and nepotism and locked them up oh nepotism i'd be i would be the fucking forest supervisor at nickelodeon if you had the opportunity talk about nepotism you can bitch about nepotism until you're actually in that position and then you suddenly be like nepotism what are you talking about you appreciate nepotism like i worked to supervise this for us i worked for my nepotism so he hired all these people to be
Starting point is 00:18:55 deputies and lock up all the bad guys on the streets um my favorite fact about him is he's from canada and he just really that i'm just peppering it in. Out of everything that's your favorite fact. Look he's known to be like a good guy and of course he would come from the holy homeland. Guys somebody sent us Canada socks. I'm wearing them right now. Whoever sent me Canada socks God bless you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:19:18 That was very sweet. And they're so warm and they go all the way up to my knee. And they're like quality socks. They're like the Vermont the darn tough knee and they're like and they're quality they're like the vermont the darn tough socks they're not not fucking around these i'm wearing them right now they're the comfiest socks i've ever owned m goes look i have rugby calves i do i have nice thick log legs apparently my tarantula legs have thickened a little you're just my horse tarantula legs um no but whoever did that thank you thank you i came over
Starting point is 00:19:48 to christine she was like i have a present for you and i'm i just want you to open this right now and i saw it and my jaw dropped also i just have to say it johnny be good sent him a replacement sweatshirt oh we were apparently told not to say anything no she said you don't have to oh but oh oh but johnny i was gonna just write something to her, but Johnny be good. Thank you so, so good. Johnny be so good. So good. Sent the exact.
Starting point is 00:20:11 So good. She got me a whole new sweatshirt to replace my oil stained one. The exact same one. The exact same one. I guess like I was pretty transparent with my, oh, goodwill. I'm a size large and i needed a simple black sweatshirt goodwill good god damn it goodfellow it's my favorite company and you would think i would know people are just gonna start sending you like goodwill don't send me
Starting point is 00:20:34 goodwill stuff send me stuff from goodfellow preferably before christmas uh i'm a size 11 in shoes a large and extra large in sweatshirts and a 40 32 in pants. My wedding registry can be found at our Patreon can be send em goodwill size 11 shoes. Also, I'm mainly saying my size is on here because if my mother listens to the show at all, she'll know exactly what she has to get me without weirdly passive aggressively texting me my quote new size since i've probably gotten larger since
Starting point is 00:21:05 she last saw me rude so anyway there you go all right um he's from canada let's get back to the okay okay okay the reason he was so disciplined is because he was a military brat so he was just raised to not tolerate bullshit um he apparently had piercing gray eyes and his gaze could stop fights and his grandson said that he could out stare a mad cobra or rogue elephant okay sounds like i feel like that would be like a a good review of like a wine or something like what it could stop a mad cobra or a rogue elephant because it was so so powerful potent yeah that's what you like right potent i don't know how wine i mean i don't want to kill an elephant okay let's go with it sure so after um after he locked up all the bad guys very quickly the town began to flourish with minimal crime uh very canadian of him he just stared at everyone with his wide eyes.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Yeah, he was just like, get over there before you become a rogue elephant and I have to stop you with my gaze. He's going to kill all you cobras. In Montana, he ran a hardware store and decided to bring it with him to Deadwood, which is why he was moving there. Not just for the gold rush, but was like, oh, people are going to be there and I'm the only hardware store in town. I'll make money. So smart businessman. So in 1894, he decided that the town needed a nice hotel. And his version of nice is like Lucille Bluth version of nice.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Like it's like nice. Oh, my. So there were 63 luxury steam heated guest rooms. Steam heated. Well, so this was, this was before 1900. Holy smokes. Each floor had its own bathroom. I'm just very she-she.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I'm picturing steam-heated, like there's sauna. Like every room is just a sauna. Yeah, that's what I'm assuming, too. It also had a restaurant that could take care of over 100 guests at one time, and it only served things on the level of caviar, lobster, and pheasant. Where are they getting this in South Dakota? Lobster? In 1894.
Starting point is 00:23:14 I don't know if I would trust that lobster. No, don't eat that. They're just putting it on a train and sending it. It's been on a train for seven weeks. There was also a library and a parlor in the upper floors and a gambling joint across the street, which also led people in. Sure. In 1919, Bullock died in the Hotel of Cancer, and he died in room 211. Oh.
Starting point is 00:23:35 The hotel was said to have been sold to another family, who ended up taking care of it until almost around the 1980s i think 1976 okay and they auctioned it off with all the original furniture and auctioned it to the state whoa and in 1990 the town noticed that their tourism was going crazy low their population had like like a tenth of their population had moved away so like they needed people to be coming into deadwood so they decided oh well let's vote on something where all the proceeds can go to fixing up the town and we need something touristy and so they brought back gaming slash gambling and on the main streets of deadwood every first floor of all the buildings had um slot. No way. I know. Are you serious? Yeah. What the hell?
Starting point is 00:24:27 In 1990, the town actually made a comeback from this and the proceeds ended up going to restoring old buildings in Deadwood, including the Bullock Hotel. So the hotel remains an upscale hotel, including the original restaurant cellar and gambling in the lobby. They used old wallpaper and paint samples. It's still there. It still looks the same and everything. It looks as original as they could have kept it based on documents from the 1890s. That is so cool that they keep the paint sample
Starting point is 00:24:55 the wallpaper and the paint. I think that's so cool. They revamped it to look exactly as it did. So I don't know if that's much of a revamping but whatever. But I mean if you make it like clean and new but you like keep all the style I think that's cool yeah yeah so anyway that's the end of the history okay where are the ghosts where are the ghosts they're right here in this order there are you can take photos in the room that bullock died and you will see uh misty figures in the corners of the room or sitting on the bed and it it's the bed that he died in. Oh.
Starting point is 00:25:28 One photo has shown a white form floating over the bed. Like someone took several pictures at one time. You can see the form like building up. Oh. One man woke up from his sleep in the middle of the night and he was shaken awake by Seth Bullock himself. Uh-uh. And this was in the 1990s. Nope.
Starting point is 00:25:47 So that shouldn't have happened. No. It shouldn't have happened any decade, but especially the 1990s nope so that shouldn't have happened no it shouldn't have happened any decade but especially even when he was alive no um one employee turned away from her desk for just a second and when she turned back around her drink was thrown off of the bar to the other side of the room by itself um what kind of pissed off ghost is that well apparently he was very proud of his hotel and so if anyone ever looks lazy or not like working hard enough he will like fuck with them oh my i would never be able to work imagine having that boss where like they're invisible and every time you think like you're getting away with something all of a sudden things get thrown away or at you or from you casually omnipresent and you can and you can't even look at your phone or it will break. So Bullock has been seen in solid form walking the halls and staring at people with his notorious stare as he passes them by.
Starting point is 00:26:33 I hope there's no cobras in it. I'm sorry. I take it back. I'm sorry. Rewind. Delete. You're the one that deletes it. I know.
Starting point is 00:26:40 I'm telling myself in the future. Guests have heard a friendly male voice call their name when they're alone. I don't know. Friendly? I don't know, with a fucking Casper? That's nice. A man's footsteps and whistling have also been caught on tape, apparently, on Ghost Adventures. And most people actually report this pretty regularly going down the hall.
Starting point is 00:26:59 So they'll hear a man walking in heavy boots and whistling when they're the only people that have um like have a room filled for that night on that hall spooky because also the 63 rooms have been converted to 28 now to make the rooms bigger sure um a young boy who was a guest in the hotel i guess got lost and he ended up finding his way back to his parents' room, and when they asked how he found his way back, he said that an old-time cowboy named Captain Seth brought him back to the room. Shut the fuck up. Yeah. When employees, like I said, when employees appear lazy or not working, plates and glasses will shake and fly across the restaurant, sometimes crashing onto the ground or into the wall next to them. That's terrifying.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Kitchen items and appliances will turn on and off by themselves. crashing onto the ground or into the wall next to them. That's terrifying. Kitchen items and appliances will turn on and off by themselves. Items in the kitchen and the restaurant have been moved to another location after closing. A staff member witnessed several bar stools moving by themselves in the basement. There's a broken clock in room 305, and it has actually chimed every time. time not every time but sometimes when the maids come in it'll all of a sudden work just to chime for them like to say hello no thanks um cleaning carts moved by themselves one maid was actually sprayed with a shower like a shower head that turned on by itself while she was trying to clean the tub that's so sad it just turned on just to be like here fuck you like enjoy being wet and gross for
Starting point is 00:28:25 the rest of your shift even being lazy yeah she was actually working that's rude maybe he she wasn't doing it well maybe she was snapchatting in the bathtub oh there it is um she can also let's take a minute to everyone listening find your nearest haunted house and i want to see the snapchat geo tag we should figure out what all these things look like can you imagine there's got to be one with like a ghost emoji or something next to it if they know it's haunted enough i'm so confused what are you talking like if we went to like winchester mystery house i wonder what the geotags look like on snapchat you mean like the filters or like the location i wonder what it looks like like if you go to a haunted enough
Starting point is 00:29:02 place they have to have like a haunted ghost design, right? Oh, maybe. But what about Geo? You said something about Geo. It's called a Geo tag. Oh, my God. I thought you meant Geo. God.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Oh, my. For once in my life, I was not referring to him. I was like, what the hell does this have to do with Geo? Yeah. Okay. I got you. You're on board now? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Okay. Like, I wonder, like, if we went to, like, the like the whaley house like what the filter looks like on snapchat like one of them has to have like a cool design for being notoriously haunted they did not have a cool snapchat you're right they didn't i did that too and it just says whaley house it's yeah it said it but it wasn't like a cool thing someone find me a cool haunted house geotag please also um i told my brother earlier today that i want to create a geotag for our house so that we can tag, like, geotag our location. That's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:29:48 I know. I'm going to work on it. Also, we will low-key know who our closest in distance fans are. Yeah, true. Because all of a sudden they'll be Snapchatting and see the geotag and be like, oh, my God. Oh, my God, we're nearby. They'll be like, geo is in a one-mile radius. So, anyway. There is also a little girl there.
Starting point is 00:30:08 We don't know what her purpose is, but she has been seen in the basement where victims of smallpox and typhoid were actually quarantined at one point because the building also stayed as a hospital during that time. Of course it did. So there have been mainly that little girl but there's also been elderly and children um that are regularly seen throughout the years and we assume that they were all like patients who passed away oh an apparition of said girl she's apparently under 10 years old and she's regularly seen by guests her favorite thing to do
Starting point is 00:30:41 is giggle and then the toilet paper in the bathroom will unravel itself. Little bastard. Love her. Love her. She's spunky. So spunky. Guests' personal belongings will have been moved around the room or found in odd places. People will wake up at night and see their shower faucet, their lights, and their TV all turned on.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Their shower faucets, their lights, and their TV all turned on. Their shower faucets, their lights, and their TV. They'll all be turned on. Like, you'll wake up in the middle of the night and all of a sudden they're all on in your room. That's extremely terrifying to wake up to all the water. And so, like, jarring. Like, you wake up and you're, like, so disoriented and don't know what's going on. Everything's bright. There's loud noises.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Water's running. That's terrifying. TVs and phones will turn on when they aren't plugged in shadows will follow you down the hallways and into the showers oh what a perv shadow alarm clocks will go off by themselves at the wrong time that you set them to nice and they will also of course go off at 3 a.m always 3 a.m An antique clock that no longer functions will chime on its own in the lobby. Good. And people have seen Seth Bullock literally hovering over them at night.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Like, horizontally? Oh, so he's almost lying on top of you with a lot of space in between? Yeah, or is he standing? And you can see the soles of his feet. I don't know. I feel like it'd be creep less creepy if he were standing because otherwise he'd be face to face what if he were just diagonal oh my god if he's like just kind of like chilling what if he's like upside down and you can just see
Starting point is 00:32:16 his butt what if he's actually just doing like a spinning cannonball over you so you get all angles of him i would probably get motion sick so one time a chair got thrown across the room and an employee who was sleeping on the job good uh the little girl will go and poke people's sides in the lobby which i don't care if you're alive or dead i fucking hate you don't do that it's not fucking funny it's never been funny it's never if anyone out there thinks it's funny to do it's not you're you're lying to yourself so So here we go. M's weakness. Eighth vertebrae and side poked feet. Side poking and disembodied. So I can't win.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Criminals and my fingernails and my like apparently that weird like belly button unraveling thing. Oh, right, right. So get on it. Really, I'm just, I'm actually like a big wuss. So no matter what you do, I'm going to have a problem with it. Aren't we all? People have turned around and seen Seth Bullock inches away from their face staring okay this is seth is giving me he needs to relax needs to calm down i think he got a lot of attention during his life and he
Starting point is 00:33:14 just needs it to keep going he's like have i shown you my resume yeah i was a forest keeper a forest supervisor what same thing uh anytime someone has reportedly tried to steal from the hotel the doors will lock on themselves so they can't leave the room which is kind of like cool because his whole job originally in the town was to keep bad people from doing bad things and now he's locking people until they like decide not to steal and the doors open themselves what do you what are they possibly stealing i don't know it makes me think of that friends episode where they're stealing like salt and batteries i was gonna say you could see like a notepad yeah yeah exactly um people's luggage will be found sitting outside their hotel room
Starting point is 00:33:53 like at like if it's unpacked it will now all of a sudden be packed in the suitcase sitting outside of their room when they're walking down the hallway to be like get the fuck out i guess i guess i don't want them there people will knock on the door while guests are sleeping and when people go to check the door um now now where they're standing the opposite wall from them will down will knock oh it's like they'll hear a knock go over to that part of the room and then when they get there the knock will be on the other side of the wall oh of their room of their room where there's no door no no no no, no, no, no, no. Guests will talk to people in the restaurant thinking that they're waiters
Starting point is 00:34:28 and then realize they were never there. What? Like, I guess they think they're ordering something, and then the waiter is actually a dead person and is not going to bring you your food that you just ordered. I'm going to do that. I'm going to walk around as a ghost and just be like... I think you're going to do that as a live person and take people's orders
Starting point is 00:34:44 and then just zip away and be like, oh, I was never to do that. I'm going to walk around as a ghost and just be like, I think you're going to do that as a live person and take people's orders and then be like, just zip away and be like, oh, I was never here. Sorry. You'll never get those garlic fries, Sandra. Because I ate them. Because now they're mine. Bellhops have to use the buddy system with walkie talkies when riding the elevator in case it breaks down.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Oh, a bellhop buddy system. Precious. The bottles in the bar will... Don't mess with the bottles in the bar. They will. Well, sometimes it's a good thing. He will drop or raise the levels of the alcohol in them. Oh, okay. So sometimes the bottles will refill themselves, but sometimes they will empty themselves, which is I think what you would probably do. Seth. Seth, thank you for the idea. Duly noted. When I die, I will be drinking all the alcohol. Also before I die, are you here?
Starting point is 00:35:24 Are you listening? Because that would be really helpful to me. If you could just keep refilling her boxed wine. Listen, I have Friendsgiving on Wednesday. I could use a wall of alcohol. Those levels. You can knock. You can stare in my eyes. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:35:37 But if you refill those bottles, I'll be eternally grateful. There is banging and sounds of construction from empty rooms next door. Guests have reported seeing a drunk man swaying in the restaurant but wearing old-fashioned clothes and staring who do you think that is i think it's seth wait really i don't know he's like apparently like the bottles are going down maybe he's drinking and then maybe drunk ghost him is just swaying around he just seemed so like uptight i thought maybe maybe he needed a drink i mean he clearly needed a drink people have heard a he clearly needed a drink. People have heard a man say in their ear, can you hear me yet? Okay. That actually just gave me chills.
Starting point is 00:36:11 People have seen an old, have people have seen, um, old fashioned dress people standing in the middle of the casino in the lobby and then disappear. The restaurant's kitchen appliances will shut down and break even if they're brand new and will only start working when getting changed out or threatened to be changed out. It's like, all right, fine. You can have them back, I guess. That happened with my hard drive once. I was like, fine. I'll just get a new hard drive.
Starting point is 00:36:33 And all of a sudden, it was like, hard drive recognized. And I was like, whoa. That's the secret. And then finally, where you'll be in the afterlife, you can hear men laughing and glasses clinking in the basement after hours and there's a little girl down there too huh yep okay there's smallpox there's but there's glasses clinking and laughter all right i like to think that those smallpox people are just having a good time now all right good right yeah okay. Okay. Tell me a tale. You sound like you're just like trying to appease me, but. No.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Shut up. All right. This is one that I've gotten a lot of requests for. Like, a lot. Okay, I'm ready. And weirdly enough, I didn't know anything about it. Oh. Yeah, it was one of those ones that was like always in the back of my mind, and I was like,
Starting point is 00:37:23 I have to look into that. And then I was listening to My Favorite Murder, and they like referenced it, and it was one of those ones that was like always in the back of my mind and i was like i have to look into that and then i was listening to my favorite murder and they like referenced it and i was like okay i just gotta okay now i've gotta do this i gotta do it karen told me so well if karen or george would tell you to do anything you just oh you do it you close your eyes and do it they I say jump off a cliff and you swan dive. Head first. I'm taking you with me. Okay. This is the story of the Wineville chicken coop murders. Okay. I've heard of the chicken coop.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Actually, I think Cece. Is Cece one of the people who's... Honestly, I have like 80 requests. I think when we first started this podcast, like at the very beginning was like if this were to continue you should do the chicken coop murders if this is a real thing if you're serious about it maybe give this one i'm sure we responded oh it's not don't worry okay but i i've heard you know it's it's well requested by people if even i've heard people requesting right exactly and we don't know what it is it's not like we knew about it hit me with it all right this takes place in the late 1920s um a guy named gordon stewart northcott was born in saskatchewan canada my favorite saskatchewan
Starting point is 00:38:38 saskatchewan is that correct okay i think canadians You're the expert. As the biological child of his sister and his father. Oh. It's starting out good. It's a rough, bumpy road. It's a hell-roaring camp. It's a... What was this taking place? In Deadwood?
Starting point is 00:38:58 There's zombie trees in Deadwood. So basically his sister was his mother. Right. And his father was his grandfather. wait yes wait his it was a dad and a sister right right you're right you're right you're right so his dad was his grandfather also oh no oh no grandpa daddy no no no. And sissy mom. Oh, no, no, no. Okay. So she was his mother and a sister. In 1926, he moved to a city in Southern California called Wineville. You gotta stop naming towns, Christine. I can't.
Starting point is 00:39:37 You gotta stop establishing towns just to name them. I mean, Deadwood, Wineville. They're not very great. They both sound like towns we would have named i think maybe we did if we ever get like a giant like pair of scissors to a land and we get to name it that's like the ribbon cutting ceremony i'll be like deadwood and you'll be like wineville and they'll be like it's called deadville and they'll be like obviously dead wine dead wine oh dead wine let's not talk about it let's just keep going let's talk about it okay
Starting point is 00:40:05 dead wine the town he moved there to become a chicken farmer as most do i mean it was known for its wine and its grapes obviously i'm like why not just move there to work on a vineyard why not wine not you always catch that i never do. It's my one talent. It's your wine talent. Ah! Now I'm hyper aware. Okay. So he moved to become a chicken farmer.
Starting point is 00:40:35 He had a 13-year-old nephew named Sanford Clark. Nephew or son or brother or grandson? He had a 13-year-old relative named Sanford Clark. or brother or grandson uh he had a 13 year old relative named sanford clark and he convinced sanford's mother who was his sister to send i'm sorry i don't know a different sister it was his other relative listen i need a drink hey maybe we can get shirts now say listen if someone can design one yeah we want someone to design stuff for us because i can type out listen in like comic sans and no one wants that why wouldn't i would think more like ariel bold really or like a copper black i feel like wingdings might be the way to go
Starting point is 00:41:17 i think oh what if we wrote listen in zodiac oh oh wait that's actually real fun. Okay, we'll talk about it. Okay, we'll talk about it. Okay. But, like, what about papyrus? Okay. I'm sorry. Okay, go back. Go back. The only thing that matters here is that his nephew, Sanford Clark, 13 years old, moved down with him to help with the chickens and the chicken coops. Well, yeah, you need help.
Starting point is 00:41:41 You need help. You need help with the chickens. You can't coop up those chickens all by yourself. I't get why chickens are so fucking low maintenance to raise really yeah they're kind of like loud and peckish i mean they suck but they're low maintenance as long as you like keep them away from foxholes yeah i mean you just need a heat lamp and you need feed you literally just got to put them in a little cage it's really not hard they don't need like exercise they don't need heat no they have a rooster to tell especially in the 20s when chickens were actually fucking healthy to eat yeah right anyway let's move on okay let's so he convinced um his sister to send her son
Starting point is 00:42:15 sanford down um as like to help on his quote chicken apprentice chicken he's the chicken apprentice he's the no there's no chick he's the a chick apprentice no there's nothing good chicken training chicken training and you said there was nothing i spoke too soon so sanford was the chicken training oh i hate myself and and you also okay um unfortunately this started a two-year nightmare for sanford. Northcott, his uncle, began abusing him, beating him, sexually assaulting him. He was only 13 at this time. And then let's, there are multiple facets to this story. So I'm going to fast forward to 1928, which was two years later.
Starting point is 00:43:17 On March 10th, nine-year-old Walter Collins disappeared after going to see a movie in Lincoln Heights, Los Angeles. collins disappeared after going to see a movie in lincoln heights los angeles uh there was this massive nationwide manhunt uh and he was found all the way i think it was about five months later uh it was reported that he was found in decalb illinois so his mother christine collins was thrilled and paid for him to be transferred back to la so she could be with him again. He arrived safe and sound back home in LA and Christine went to meet him and said, he's an imposter. That's not my son. Ooh. Authorities told her to take him home and try him out for a couple of weeks.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Give him a whirl. Just like. Give it a spin. It's like you're selling washing machines at at home depot like what do you mean give it a like try it out for a couple of weeks yeah just see see if he feels right like 100 back guarantee so she agreed but came back pretty soon after and said no this isn't my son i know it's not my son uh she even brought dental records she brought signed statements from people who knew her son walter to prove that it wasn't him um but because remember we're in the 1920s um the police called her a lunatic and claimed she was
Starting point is 00:44:38 just trying to get the state to take care of her child and was trying to embarrass the lapd oh my god uh specifically captain jj jones of course that's a name that's a name apparently he might as well live in dead wine it's not even a real name i bet he signs his name in papyrus dude wouldn't that be cool what if you could sign your name in like comic sans oh wingdings there's someone out there who has practiced you know the art of microsoft word font format if you've done that if you have ever written anything in papyrus you better send that shit to us and you better send it quick immediately curls mt get on it. I could go on forever. Okay. I have problems. All right.
Starting point is 00:45:31 So J.J. Jones committed her to a psychiatric hospital. Of course you did. Meanwhile, two other boys named Nelson and Louis Winslow, who are brothers, they were 10 and 12 years old. They went missing on their way home on May 16th, 1928. Their parents started to receive strange letters from the boys. One said they were heading to Mexico and another said they planned to stay missing as long as they could to become famous. That's why we became famous, right? You can't find us.
Starting point is 00:45:56 We like went, we like went to LA and started writing letters to our parents being like, we're missing, you can't find us. And they're like, we know where you are. Just we only got a show where we triangulate our location all the time, but we're missing. We're missing. You don't find us. And they're like, we know where you are. Just stay there. We only got a show where we triangulate our location all the time. But we're missing. We're missing. You don't know where we are, Mom. We're somewhere but nowhere all at once. She's like, but I just mailed you all those socks you left behind.
Starting point is 00:46:14 I just mailed you that blank fucking shirt box and that weird CD. By the way, that woman has never sent me a box or a package ever. That was the first one. Not in college, not when I lived in Boston, that woman, this was the first package. And it was a weird case of CDs from the early nineties that weren't even, there wasn't a
Starting point is 00:46:36 note. And then when I, she called me and she was like, did you get the box? Did you like it? And I'm like, I don't know where to begin. Like I thought someone kidnapped you am i supposed to like the shirts that are for you the j crew like slim fit shirts okay but you know that she said the shirts being like okay and we'll put logos on then was like well i have to send something for m oh here's a sleeve of cds exactly to like cover the fact
Starting point is 00:47:03 that they're like it's like here you you keep the garbage i don't want to bring to goodwill but also here's your first present in 25 years which is actually my own present thank you in advance also i'm not going to tell you what the fuck is going on just figure it out she was probably also like you said goodwill on you said you were size 11 goodwill. I'm sending you all my goodwill donations. That's exactly some shit she would do too. I wasn't even surprised. Like, I think I was with Allison. She was like, what is the point of any of this?
Starting point is 00:47:32 And I was like, it's better to not ask. She'll let me know eventually. You'll get like a frantic message. Like, have you done the job? Have you done the dark deed I've requested? You're my chicken training chicken and training chicken training god that's foul it's good i was gonna say it's not that bad m but wow you just blew my mind i just got you that was foul okay so let's get back to this. Let's try at least. I mean, let's try.
Starting point is 00:48:08 So they were trying to become famous by going missing. I mean. Who doesn't? Again. Around the same time, a Mexican child's body was found shot and decapitated in Los Angeles. But police didn't immediately connect any of these crimes um because they were just so random random um but as you can probably guess by me bringing them up they have something to do to each other god damn it m i'm yep you gotta jump on that i went to grad
Starting point is 00:48:39 school you gotta jump on my my brain wave when we say things i think you need to jump on your brain wave you seem to be having another stroke my brother just texted me fuck i forgot my dongle what's a dongle it's like with the new phones where you have to plug in they don't have an um headphone jack oh so you have to plug in like you have to like get a a dongle see i told you apple likes to fuck with you oh oh yes oh you need a new update well how about i make your current phone really slow oh you want to listen to music we'll have you have to buy this other thing same with the laptops now they don't have cd ports you have to buy an 80 port to put cds in how are you gonna listen to that sleeve of cds
Starting point is 00:49:22 linda sent i well i already broke them in half and threw them in the trash. But whatever. Unless she, like, I bet you she wanted some weird cryptic shit done to them. Like, she wanted me to download them and turn them all into one big CD for her. She probably thought you were going to put our entire podcast onto a CD. She probably wanted me to throw them all on a floppy disk or some shit like that. All right. Here's the thing in september of 1928 a few months later winifred clark the mother of gordon northcott's nephew so the mother of
Starting point is 00:49:54 sanford clark so his sister um contacted u.s authorities to tell them that her nephew gordon had kidnapped and was holding her son sanford hostage in california uh sanford's family had been receiving suspicious letters saying all was well but they didn't believe it um plus he was only 15 and he had been gone for over two years at this point so they were like what the fuck is going on yeah so sanford's older sister jesse decided to go down to the ranch um to check in on things so she raised the money to go down to wineville california and check up on her younger brother she got there stayed for a few days and immediately knew something was up something fishy was going on
Starting point is 00:50:38 so at one point when northcott wasn't around, Sanford admitted everything to his sister about what was going on. She went back to Canada and notified U.S. authorities that there were crimes happening at her... Uncle's. Uncle's. Uncle's farm. This family tree is just like a big circle. At her uncle's chicken coop just like a big circle at her uncle's chicken coop so on august 31st 1928 two uh u.s immigration service inspectors visited the chicken ranch in wineville um they
Starting point is 00:51:12 found 15 year old sanford clark at the ranch and took him into custody northcott had seen the agents driving up the long road to his ranch uh and before fleeing into the tree line, he told his nephew, Sanford, to stall the agents or he would shoot him from the tree line with a rifle. So Sanford stalled the authorities and Northcott kept on running. But when Sanford felt like he was safe enough, he told them everything that had happened. He told them about the assault, about the rape um the beatings the death threats he said mexican boys would arrive in northcott's car and then later disappear he also told them about the murder of four boys an unnamed mexican boy the winslow brothers and walter collins so remember walter collins and christine his mother so police she
Starting point is 00:52:07 was still in the insane asylum okay right wherever she had been sent um because they didn't believe her so they interviewed walter who claimed to be her son and he confessed that he was not walter but arthur hutchins jr a runaway from i Iowa who had been picked up by a drifter who commented how similar he looked to the missing child in L.A. named Walter Collins. Arthur decided he wanted to go to Hollywood and meet his cowboy hero. Oh, no. Wait, what was that guy's name from last time? Oh, Seth Bullock? Cowboy Seth.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Cowboy Seth. Captain Seth. Oh, never mind. Cowboy Seth. Cowboy Seth. Captain Seth. Oh, never mind. Meet his cowboy hero actor Tom Mix, who was Hollywood's first Western star, apparently.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Oh. He was in like 290 movies. Jesus. Yeah. And we don't know his name anymore? I know. He was huge. Apparently he was like... Whoops, he's rolling over in his grave.
Starting point is 00:52:57 I know. He like apparently created the whole Western genre as an actor. Oh, wow. Yeah. So he wanted to get to Hollywood and meet his cowboy hero. Don't we all um so he decided to impersonate walter who was missing and he looked pretty similar um so then they were like okay christine i guess you can leave the mental hospital words i hope to hear someday she eventually filed a lawsuit against the lapd and was awarded a hefty sum i think in today's
Starting point is 00:53:30 money it was like 156 000 but it was never paid to her oh so the real walter this is what happened to him sanford explained that the real walter had actually been abducted by Northcott and held at his farm. He was being kept in a chicken coop while being regularly molested. A few days after he'd abducted Walter, Northcott got a call from his mother, Sarah Louise Northcott, and she said she wanted to come visit for a few days. So Northcott tried to keep his mother away from the chicken coop as best he could but eventually she discovered walter and in there uh she told her son northcott that walter would be able to identify him and it was too risky to keep him alive she insisted that they silence him permanently and decided all three of them including the 15 year old nephew uh would murder him simultaneously
Starting point is 00:54:25 so that nobody could implicate one of the others if they ever confessed without implicating themselves. Northcott suggested using a gun, but his mother said that would be too loud, so she chose the blunt end of an axe. Oh, shit. And while he was sleeping in a cot in one of the chicken coops she bludgeoned him with the axe then passed it along and all three bludgeoned him until he was dead oh wow the
Starting point is 00:54:55 two winslow brothers the 10 and 12 year olds who had gone missing um had also been bludgeoned in the same way oh so sanford was telling this story to police and they went and kind of looked around and they found evidence supporting his story. They found bones in quicklime pits, human skull fragments and clothing that would fit boys of that age, including a Boy Scout cap. Yeesh. So his story uh went public the fake walter collins admitted he was you know a hoax um northcott fled to canada with his mother but they were both arrested and he confessed to killing more than five boys and his mother pled guilty to killing Walter Collins. So Northcott allegedly had killed over 20 boys. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:55:49 But the state of California did not have enough evidence to indict him of those killings. They were only able to charge him with the two cases of the Winslow brothers and the, quote, headless Mexican is what the media called him. Oh, my God. I know. That's the fucking worst. It, like, makes my skin crawl. He was a teenager from Mexico. That's the fucking worst. It, like, makes my skin crawl. Oh. He was a teenager from Mexico.
Starting point is 00:56:08 That's horrible. Yes. During his trial, Northcott fired three eternity... Eternities. Three eternities. That's how much you should serve. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Yes. Let's hope. During his trial, Northcott fired three attorneys and then decided he'd be his own attorney of course that's how it always goes let's see how that goes uh he put himself on the stand and would ask himself questions and then answer them god like no um he admitted to abusing young boys because he loved them oh okay yep he called his mother to testify for him and she claimed she was actually his grandmother because her husband had raped her daughter winifred and northcott was winifred's son listen i can't i can't follow this no it makes sense, though, if her...
Starting point is 00:57:06 Because his father was also his grandpa. Yeah. And he was married to that woman. Oh, sure. Okay, so, okay, I get it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So whether or not she raised him biologically, she's still his grandmother. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Northcott also claimed to have an incestuous relationship with Sarah Louise, the guardian, and that his father had molested him. So it was just a big old cluster. Yeah. So Northcott was sentenced to death in February of 1929. He was hanged on October 2nd, 1930, at the age of 23. So he had killed allegedly over 20 young boys, children. Jeez. By the age of 23.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Oh my God. As he awaited execution by hanging, he amused himself by making lewd gestures at his jailers, sending police on wild goose chases by giving them like fake- False information and all that? Yeah. And cruelly taunting the mothers of his victims. So, for example, Walter's mother, he told her, if you come to the jail, I'll tell you what happened to your son.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Because they never found his body. That's so fucking hard. And then she got there and he said, I don't know what you're talking about. I've never heard of that boy. That's so heartbreaking it's awful and she spent the rest of her life believing he was alive because she said they never found his body so i'm gonna keep hope so she spent her entire life looking for him even though all evidence points to that he had killed him but he to the grave said i don't know what you're talking about and toyed with her basically um so all evidence says he you know he did it he did it but since
Starting point is 00:58:56 they never found the body the his mother couldn't bear it that's so rough it was really sad. His last words before the trap door swung open were, say a prayer for me. No. Nobody's going to do that. Nope. No. I mean, I will, but it won't work. Because I don't actually really want it to happen. Because God is like, mm, uh-uh.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Never mind. Mm-mm-mm. never mind so he then was hanged and he was uh on the road for 12 minutes before he died geez yeah it's a long time yeah yikes due to um the negative publicity that wineville received oh god it's a tragedy yeah of all places why places, why do in Wineville? I know. Don't ruin. I'm not trying to. Why ruin Wineville? That's like going to Santa Claus, Indiana and like ruining their reputation. You know, and just making them rename it.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Yeah, it's just a mess. It's not okay. So because of the negative publicity, Wineville had to change its name. No. They changed its name to Mira Loma in 1930. Which I've actually heard of. Anyone who lives in Mira Loma, sorry, you've lost a good opportunity. Listen, you had Wineville.
Starting point is 01:00:18 We gave it to you. We trusted you. You were reckless with it. You're reckless. This is why we can't have nice things. Mira Loma. And This is why we can't have nice things. Mariloma. And that's why we drink. So the only remaining references of the community are Wineville Avenue, Wineville Road, and Wineville Park.
Starting point is 01:00:34 The three streets that your relatives probably live on, I'm sure. I mean, I'll take Wineville Park. That sounds good. So today, to sum this up, the notorious series of murders that happened, the chicken coop murders, are seen in pop culture in the movie Changeling. Very famous movie. Angelina Jolie. Episode of Criminal Minds. My favorite show.
Starting point is 01:01:03 And the fifth season of American Horror horror story hotel so those are like the most current references yeah references and i think there are more but those are the most notable so yeah really fucked up um super fucked up the whole thing the changeling thing where it where the um mother was like this isn't my son and they're like like, oh, you're just crazy. Yeah. Go take him home and see. It's so fucked up. Isn't the thing that you're supposed to trust more than anyone is a mother's intuition? You'd think so. But boys will be boys.
Starting point is 01:01:32 But she's just being different. And she's a woman. So like, how does she really know? Right. Intuition? No. No. So anyway, that's the story of the Wineville chicken coop murders.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Thank you all for suggesting that. I hope I did it some justice. Thank you guys for listening. Am I doing my spiel? Yeah, please. I need a drink. You can find us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can find us at ATWWD Podcast.
Starting point is 01:02:00 You can also find our secret group on Facebook where people just won't shut up in all the best ways oh the best ways uh you can find our website and that's why we you can find our merch site and that's why we you can find our patreon please donate atwwd podcast you can also email us and that's why we drink at please send in your true crime and paranormal personal stories we do a listeners episode every first of the month and geo's adorable oh my god yes also send your drawings your artwork yeah and your artwork now that we've got merch endless possibilities yes we'd love to just feature you guys are so creative and much more creative than we are and we'd love to feature your stuff on our stuff if you're willing and we'd love to give you a plug and whatever so send it on over to our email um that's all i got that's
Starting point is 01:02:56 all we got and that's why we drink and that's why we drink i'm sad to leave you guys, but we gotta say bye. Oh god, don't. Oh, ow. Hang on, hang on. That was a good one. Okay. I even stayed quiet for a second. Even though I wanted to yell. And that's why we drank.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Stop taking my wine away from me, though. Like, I appreciate the sound effect, but stop taking my wine. Bye. Okay, bye.

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