And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 66

Episode Date: April 1, 2022

Welcome to Beach Too Sandy, Water Too Wet, where we read the spookiest stories in the most dramatic fashion! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello and welcome to beach to sandy water to wet this is a podcast where we read the worst reviews in the most dramatic fashion my name is zandy my name is christine how's it going good i just recorded um a long episode and that's why we drink episode. Okay. Well, fingers crossed you don't like swap the files or something. Can you imagine? I feel like that's something you would do. Can you imagine? That would be something else. But yeah, so today actually we're going to do a little something different just for fun. Yeah. We thought we'd switch it up and read some for fun yeah we thought we'd switch it up and read some uh uh listener stories yeah why not you know and so we got we get a lot of um submissions of scary stories to our inbox and
Starting point is 00:00:53 we thought why not share some of them with you and see if anyone's into it so yeah maybe we'll keep doing this in the future if people like it yeah people are into it uh so dandy why don't you go first there's a hole in the market for this kind of thing right that's what i was thinking i can't believe no one's done this there's no quality podcast that does this kind of thing and i feel like we could fill that emphasis on quality you're so right emphasis emphasis on the quote see and clearly this one isn't And clearly this one isn't. We gotta work on it.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Quality either. Well, this one is titled Ghost Girl Likes Jazz? Oh. I'm sorry. I realized as I said that I didn't make it as a question. Ghost Girl Likes Jazz? Oh, see, that's the quality I'm looking for. That's the quality I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:01:41 This was sent in by Alex. She, her pronouns. Thank you for normalizing pronouns. I love that. Yeah. We should normalize that saying. We should. We should.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Yeah. I don't know. I've never said that before. TM, TM, TM. TM, TM, TM, TM. Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure. Okay. Okay. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Hi, Em, Christine, Eva, Baby Leona, and Animal Pals. That's weird they didn't put you in, though. Yeah, I don't know. That's so weird. Why? It's kind of rude. Honestly, it's kind of rude to put m but not you right podcast okay i recently moved across the country nope that says county this is off to a great start maybe i shouldn't be talking about
Starting point is 00:02:20 anyone ever said across like i assume they meant country right you do sound a lot like m right now though it's spelled county but i assume they mean country right don't look at me like does anyone move across county and announce it and send an email to their favorite podcast to announce it maybe maybe okay i'm gonna say country i recently moved across the country and along with that came a new job so far it's been too far to move for a new job their job is now about three blocks further away so they've had to switch career paths so far it's been great since i'm waiting for training i've been stuck organizing stuff and filing paperwork which was boring until it wasn't to set the scene our office and our conference room
Starting point is 00:03:10 aren't connected they're in a strip mall but the conference room is a few doors down so we have to walk outside to get into it in the conference room there's big windows and it's basically just one big room in the back there's a storage room and it's full of toys and craft materials. What the heck kind of office is this? I don't know. There's no windows in the storage room. It has six foot shelves and it's packed. I've been in there alone a few times since I started trying to sort through the material slash toys and group stuff together. Creepy.
Starting point is 00:03:39 A few days ago, I came across a puzzle that makes noise. What? It's a music puzzle that's missing the pieces, but when something touches the sensors or buttons, it still plays. I didn't think anything of it when I picked it up and this jazzy tune came out. Did it go something like this? It's jazzy. That is jazzy. I wonder where that's from.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Me too. It was just stuck in my head. So strange. The following day, I'm in the room alone once again, listening to Beach Too Sandy Water Too Wet, lol. Oh my gosh. Wait, what? Yeah. I had only been in there for maybe an hour when the lights flickered and shut off oh i thought it was someone playing a joke so i tried to act calm even though i
Starting point is 00:04:30 absolutely hate the dark as soon as they shut off the musical jazz puzzle started to play no i was on the other side of the room so i couldn't have touched it or knocked anything into it at this point i'm expecting the door to slam shut and something horrifying to happen i've never turned on my phone flashlight so quickly i decided i'd seen enough shit that day and left very smart as i was going to close the door to the storage room the puzzle began to play again when i got back to the office i told my co-worker what happened her eyes got wide and she told me to tell the other our other co-workers story. They then went on to tell me that where the buildings are, it used to be a hospital. And they've all experienced paranormal stuff. In the strip mall?
Starting point is 00:05:12 Yeah, apparently. Okay. I mean, maybe they tore down the hospital and built a strip mall. Spooky. Which I think we should do more of in this country. Vote Alex 2020. They think it's a little girl ghost i'm just saying i think that should have been stated in the offer letter the day i'm writing this i had to go to the conference
Starting point is 00:05:34 room once again i went to grab supplies for a project and i thought i was going to stay down there to work on the project but immediately changed my mind yes i grabbed everything i needed from the storage room and as as i was headed for the door, the fucking puzzle plays again. No, it didn't. I don't even like jazz. I slammed the door shut and sped walked like no other out of there. I've never had any paranormal experiences, but I'm one million percent sure there is something truly spooky happening in there. I've decided I'll no longer be going to the conference room by myself, and won't be in our offices by myself any one more either dear lord wow wow wow wow wow i
Starting point is 00:06:12 so i feel like uh toys that go off like noise yeah making toys and things get a bad rap with the paranormal content because it's creepy but no but i feel like they get a bad rap with the paranormal content. Because it's creepy. But no, but I feel like they get a bad rap with the paranormal context among skeptics because it's like, oh, the wiring or like, oh, it's just has a battery. It like probably went off. I see, it can be explained away easier. Explained away easily.
Starting point is 00:06:34 But I feel like the fact that the lights turn off, then the thing goes on, by the way, repeatedly and very like very specific timing. Yes. The thing goes off. But also while our dumb voices are cascading i wonder if the girl ghost was like i don't like listening to whatever this is that you're listening to i'm gonna turn on some jazz and turn off beachy sandy
Starting point is 00:06:56 water to it yeah you know yeah and i can't exactly blame her for that no i you know what i have often been listening to beach to sandy water tuet and thought i could really use some jazz right now you gotta jazz it up yeah maybe she heard the theme song and went oh yeah you like jazz you like jazz that's what the little girl sounds like um anyway well thank you for sending that who was that a good one who's that again alex thank you alex thank you alex i have one here this was sent in by emily she her thank Who was that again? Alex. Thank you, Alex. Thank you, Alex. I have one here. This was sent in by Emily Sheher.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Thank you for normalizing pronouns, Emily. And the subject is creepy supernatural kids and haunted dog bones. Fuck. Haunted dog bones? Yep. Bones of a dog or a bone that a dog would chew on? Very excellent question. I'm nervous either way. You gonna find out but mostly one way it's also the worst way no yeah oh no okay hey all your podcast is a true joy oh thank you so much i'm so glad you like our sibling banter so much
Starting point is 00:07:59 i cherish my sunday morning that's weird sund Sunday morning routine. Yeah, we've released on Wednesday, silly. I wonder if they just decided Sunday was their listening day. I cherish my Sunday morning routine of listening to you in bed with coffee as I play Minecraft like the 12 year old, 29 year old lady I am. I'm a longtime listener, first time writer, and I finally have a creepy kid story to bring to the table. My one year old nephew loves to point and babble at the lights in my parents' house. So they'll turn. So they'll turn them on and off. Sounds like a blast. Sounds A, like a lot of fun, and B, like my child who's obsessed with lights and I call her Moth Baby. And she just stares at anything bright, so I get it. baby and she just stares at anything bright so I get it. So when he started pointing at the corner of the living room one afternoon and making baby sounds we thought he wanted us to press the light
Starting point is 00:08:50 switch. The only problem is that the light switch isn't in that particular corner just a large canvas print. The print is an enlarged and grainy slash pixelated picture of the original house where my parents new build now sits the plot used to be a mechanic garage u.s version an automobile repair shop apparently i love that they looked that up back in 1913 which my grandparents then took over eventually when they wanted to retire but were unable to sell the business in a recession my dad bought it off them demolished the old and crumbling building to make two new houses on the land the picture of the building has a few guys Uh-oh. took him over to the print. He commenced pointing and babbling, and we promptly put him back down to play on the rug. The thing is, he then would not stop pointing,
Starting point is 00:09:48 and every time we picked him up to look at the picture, he would jab his pudgy little hand right at the back of the picture of the man in the car. It was only when our black family dog came into the room and my nephew looked from the picture to her that we made the connection. This picture of the single man in the car that we've had in our house for five years actually is a picture of a black dog sitting next to the man in the car.
Starting point is 00:10:10 We were all really freaked out that we've looked at that picture for five years of our life and never once noticed this dog that looks exactly like our family dog in the picture. What? So far, just a weird coincidence and missed detail, right? Well, maybe not. My mom and I were a bit concerned that we'd never noticed the dog before, so we told my dad about it. Well, he said, we did find dog bones when we were digging the foundations years ago, so that's probably the dog that was buried here. Uh, sorry? Why have you never told us this before? Well, I didn't want you to feel weird about a dead dog, so I kept it quiet. Since we got our dog Ruby around the same time that my nephew was born and he is the first person ever to notice the dog in the picture,
Starting point is 00:10:49 my working theory is that the dog was never in the picture until we got our Ruby and babies are just way more in tune with the supernatural. Therefore, our Ruby is the reincarnation of the dog in the picture and the haunted canvas dog only appeared when our dog came into the world. It took a creepy ghost seeing one year old-year-old to open our inner eyes and have us notice the ghost dog in the picture. Love the show and all you bring to the world. Your podcast has got me through some boring and lonely times during this shitshow global pandemic.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Emily. I will say, Emily, this is, based on the subject, this is as well as this could have gone. Yes. I was very nervous, and now I'm very pleased that this was a story that wow that was wild dog bones yes the bad way but like in a fine in an okay way yeah i thought you're about to say funny way i'm like well i don't i don't know i don't know dog bones just aren't
Starting point is 00:11:35 funny it does remind me of how mom told us that when we moved into our house that she still lives in and so do i um I. What did they find? No, not on the property. I'm like, what is it? No, she was like, oh yeah, no one, the cemetery that your room overlooks, no one's buried there anymore. And then literally our first week,
Starting point is 00:11:58 there was a funeral and someone is buried there. Yeah, and I pulled the blinds up and I was like, why do I hear people crying? And wow, casket. Someone was just buried there this and i pulled the blinds up and i was like why do i hear people crying and uh wow casket someone was just buried there this past week and we drove by and mom was like oh there's the inactive cemetery so she still jokes about it they really lied to our faces with that one or maybe she lied no i think i think that she thought it like she was told she legitimately thought it was yeah she. Yeah, she actually thought it. Yeah. Because she wouldn't, like, care.
Starting point is 00:12:29 She told us not to make us feel better, but because she thought it was a truth. And, like, if she didn't think that was the case, she would have said. She wouldn't have pandered to me. She wouldn't have said. She wouldn't have said, get over it. Exactly. Okay. So, don't worry.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Your turn, again. Okay, this is from Ariel, she, her. Titled, Creepy Voices in My Twin's Room. Your turn again. Okay. This is from Ariel. She, her, uh, titled creepy voices in my twins room. Oh no. I know. I don't want to read this. Well, good thing that this is only a test run for our new format. So.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Okay, good. Thank goodness. Just do this and you'll be good. Um, so this one starts the greeting at least technically includes me. Oh good. Hi everyone. And such. I think I'm the, and such yeah for sure oh okay i don't know why you did this this is your fault what i heard christine says she wanted more twin stories so here you go oh yeah i did do that you don't remember
Starting point is 00:13:21 that yeah no not really sometime it was probably our Hard Rock Cafe episode. That makes sense. I mentioned it. I just said, why not request it, you know, for fun? There were no twins mentioned in that episode. No, no. You just had that gut feeling that you wanted to hear about twins more. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:13:36 I got pregnant with twins when I was 20, and I was a ball of nerves, understandably, when they were little. They were born two months early and stayed in the hospital for seven weeks after they were born. When they were around three months old, yes, five weeks after they came home from the NICU, they started sleeping in their own crib at night, which made me more nervous.
Starting point is 00:13:56 We lived in a tiny apartment, so they weren't too far from us, but my new mom brain was constantly freaking out and having terrifying dreams of things happening to them. Aw, me too. Oh happening to them because of these dreams i constantly would get up and check on them but didn't want to go in their room because sleeping infants and i wasn't going to wake them for nothing one night i was heading to bed and my husband was already asleep so most of the lights were off in our apartment i was going to the bathroom and i heard voices coming from their nursery oh
Starting point is 00:14:24 god i was terrified but i thought my brain was playing tricks so i got going to the bathroom and I heard voices coming from their nursery. I was terrified, but I thought my brain was playing tricks, so I got closer to the door to check on it. I distinctly heard two male voices talking in old century English just having a casual conversation. I gathered myself and threw the door open and nothing
Starting point is 00:14:40 was there. I even walked in and looked out the window wondering if someone was behind our duplex. Nothing. So i just figured i was hearing the neighbor's tv or something i checked on my babies and left the room as soon as i closed the door i heard the same two voices say what did she want and that was strange in the same accent can you say it i was gonna going to say it. In the accent. I'm glad they didn't include like accent notes. Ye olde accent. I don't, I can't. I can't.
Starting point is 00:15:10 What did she want? What did she want? What did she? Oh my God. What the fuck was that? What did she want? That was strange. We need Ariel to send in more accent notes.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah. More specifics. Need more director's notes here. I was shocked and opened the door again to find nothing we lived in that apartment for about two years and our cat at the time rarely left that room and when my kids were sleeping she was always outside the door we have never had any issues since leaving the house and that cat never sat by my kid's bedroom after we left just writing this story and thinking about it freaks me out. Thanks for reading this.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Shout out to my little sister, Courtney, who sent me your podcast years ago and has been to several of your live shows. We've only done one. That's so weird. We haven't done several live shows. Yeah, what? But due to the tiny humans previously mentioned, I haven't been able to make it to one yet. Okay, we've got a couple in June. Perfect. June 8th and 9th maybe one day when covid life is over she's more than likely listening right now love you baby sis thanks for being awesome m christine and eva what what eva
Starting point is 00:16:17 eva who's eva i don't know just kidding um but okay what hang on so the okay first off interesting that she was already awake it wasn't like oh i woke up in the middle of the night because sometimes you know you think like maybe you were like dreaming blah blah blah but like clearly was already awake so that takes that out of the picture and the the follow-up of what did she want exactly so gross very specific reaction to to real events the only other thing i would think of is like um one of those nanny cam things that like sometimes people hack into which would be creepy in a true crime way and also why are you yeah either way that's creepy either way that's creepy but i assume she would have mentioned if that were like something in the room or something because she didn't mention was that the twins actually at this
Starting point is 00:17:09 age were about 17 and getting into accent work oh they were in the school play yeah and they were doing shakespeare okay that wasn't mentioned but no um it would also be creepy if these twin infants were also speaking and maybe they were speaking to each other maybe it was their past lives right okay there's a lot of possibilities yeah and they're all very scary i don't like any of them also i love that the twins were like what does she want yeah wait a second that's your mother be nice um very spooky also i i wonder i wonder if ariel can follow up and let me know as if i'm, I don't know if I'm going to, maybe, um,
Starting point is 00:17:46 Eva will go in our beach to see the inbox. It's why the follow up, but I wonder what part of the country she lives in or where or what country, because I wonder if there would have been old timey English dudes there or speaking old timey English, you know, if it were like in new England or old England, nevermind. Okay. So New England or Old England never mind okay so New England
Starting point is 00:18:07 Old England something in between um and yeah because I mean you searched on you searched your address and found all sorts of info so maybe if you search your old address on on a site like um to see if there was anything going on in that area um back in the day who would have lived there oh that's so cool that's a good point um okay so this is the last story we have for you today um let me pull it up this is called how your podcast crossed over into my time working at a haunted pub hello eva m christ. Christine, furry familiars, fossilized talismans, and the little one. Now, you're either the little one or the fossilized. Am I the little one or the furry?
Starting point is 00:18:50 Oh, I'm not the furry. What was the furry? Furry familiar, but I'm pretty sure you're the fossilized talisman. That's, uh, if I had a nickel. I'm a fellow sand monster that goes by she, her. Oh. Definitely Team Milkshake. I know I've been listening to your podcast for years, though I can't recall exactly when I started.
Starting point is 00:19:10 As I've continued to listen, I've noticed coincidences from both And That's Why We Drink and Beach Too Sandy reflected in a time period that was already behind me. I decided that I was done keeping it to myself during an episode where Christine likened herself to a bar ghost. Also, for some reason, I read that out loud as like she was having an episode where christine likened herself to a bar ghost also for some reason i read that out loud as like she was having an episode not like not like an episode of the vlog guys during an episode where christine likened herself to a bar ghost what the fuck that sounds like you though yeah it does being my anxious self it was only natural that i sat on the story a bit longer until finally allowing myself the time to reach out. Pardon the delay, but I hope you enjoy.
Starting point is 00:19:47 So this is fun. Oh, I forgot to even say who this is from. Well, let's see. They don't sign it. She doesn't sign it. She just gave her a pen. So I'm not going to give the name. But she put chapter titles sort of like there.
Starting point is 00:20:02 It's not like super duper long but there's like little section headers so the first section is called good food great music and spirits love it i once worked at a pub and deli in historic small town texas considering how large and energetic this spot is i'll take you on a tour and tell you about what was experienced in each area the business sits on a corner of main street and faces a courthouse the building was one of three to survive a fire that had wiped everything else out in 1911 it remained a drugstore for the longest time the current owner took over in the 2000s and transformed it into a family-run music venue consider the ambience of cheers i was always enamored by the exposed brick original ceiling tiles, mismatched chairs and tables, and a variety of board games.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Oh my god, sounds like... A dream. Yes. It sounds like where we should do our next live show. Right. I later learned that this man... Nope, there's no man yet. That this man...
Starting point is 00:20:59 Oh boy. Walking in from Main Street, the stage is to your left. Considering that this is a two-story building, the spandrel will be, you know, the spandrel. Oh, yeah. I love a good spandrel on a Sunday morning. That is a triangular space between an arch and a rectangular frame. I know. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:21:20 I know exactly what a spandrel is. Couldn't you tell by my usage? Yeah, and you did say you loved it on a Sunday. I do love spandrels. Excellent. The spandrel will be just beyond the stage. There are a few people who get a feeling about that area, and I don't blame them for being spooked. If you were to look at the spandrel head-on, there would be two saloon-like doors hiding shadowy storage space.
Starting point is 00:21:40 When it was a drugstore, there was a watchmaker who set up shop in there. Not in the shadows. I'm sure he probably spruced up his corner a bit but i digress a customer once asked the bartender where his co-worker went she explained that she saw a short man with dark hair and glasses behind the saloon doors and never saw him come out unbeknownst to her she was describing the watchmaker i later learned that this man's name was mitch and he must have enjoyed what he was doing because he continued to work at that spot after he moved farther away. Supposedly, he had tremors that would only calm down when he was working on a piece. It sounded like he had never retired before passing on.
Starting point is 00:22:14 I can understand why Mitch would become a permanent fixture, but I don't think he's behind everything. I don't know who else or how many spirits reside there, but the manager has always called the energy Walt. Oh, my God. Oh, no. Oh, no. I hear there are a lot of walter ghosts out there i'm telling you it's like very weird yeah it's very weird there's a lot of walters including the one that used to live in our old house i absorbed these stories at face value upon employment i decided not to deny nor seek this presence whatever happened was on its own terms. Chapter two. The startle.
Starting point is 00:22:47 No. My first two interactions with it were when I first started opening the pub and deli by myself. Upon entry, there are windows to the right that will stretch for half the room. I enjoyed how natural light filled the room without overwhelming it. The bar is back toward the left. You have to go to the opposite side of the room to enter behind the bar. That's how long it is. As you enter behind the bar, the office will have to go to the opposite side of the room to enter behind the bar that's how long it is as you enter behind the bar the office will be tucked away to the right
Starting point is 00:23:07 so my morning routine began with turning on music putting on a pot of coffee pulling the cash drawer from the office and counting the drawer behind the bar from this perspective i can see the whole room the stage is off to my right and the office is to my left but where oh where is the spandrel? Oh. The spandrel is everywhere. The spandrel is everywhere. The world is a spandrel. The world is your spandrel. I don't know if you've heard that theory. I've heard that beautiful motivational quote, the world is your spandrel.
Starting point is 00:23:35 No. The first whistle happened while I'm counting the drawer. It was the kind of whistle you'd hear from someone trying to get your attention after being ignored. Oh no. Though the sound came from in front of me me i investigated the office to see if maybe the carbonation machine was acting up or if there was an alarm going off because it wasn't the song that was playing on the radio i could tell you that at the time i didn't know the name of the song i could hum along because it had so much air time but it wasn't until i was listening to christine's rendition whistle song is Is that by Jason Derulo or something?
Starting point is 00:24:07 I don't know. There's the whisper song by like the Yin Yang Twins. But I don't know. I think there's literally a whistle song about like Jason Derulo's penis. But anyway. Okay. I don't know. That I'm not familiar with.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Okay. Oh, like blowing on it. Flo Rida whistle. Flo Rida. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry, J. Sorry, J.D. Yeah. Jason Derulo. Okay. Anyway. familiar with okay oh like blowing on it flow right a whistle flow right yeah yeah sorry jace sorry jd yeah okay anyway sorry that's so basically what she's saying is she heard this whistle and it was not flow right at playing and she knew that this whistle was not in the song because she'd heard it many times she didn't know what it was until she was listening to christine's
Starting point is 00:24:43 rendition of it on beach to sandy that i could identify the song as saved tonight by eagle eye cherry so there's no whistle in that i can tell you with confidence the only response i got from the manager when relaying what happened was a knowing smile and the comment walt likes you the same thing happened the next morning except i snapped in response to being startled i yelled that's not funny and didn't apologize until later that day, because, you know, karma. From then on, the routine went as follows. Enter, greet Walt with a good morning, turn on the radio, put on a pot of coffee, and count the cash drawer in the office, with the door closed. Smart.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Chapter 3. The draft that never was? If you were to walk straight past the bar, though, you'll pass by a side entrance to the building and go through a short hallway that has restrooms to the left. The women's restroom has an odd vibe to it due to the pictures hanging up. The one that spooks me the most was a detailed embroidered piece of a little girl standing in front of a curtain. Why? Yikes.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Found out after working there, thanks to one of your episodes, what it is. When M covered the Driscoll hotel in austin they mentioned the painting of the little girl that must have been on the halloween episode where they guessed oh yeah yeah the one time i was gonna say it hasn't been on the show for a while unless they're like sneaking in in places i don't know about to talk about the driscoll hotel it's entirely possible no curse was associated with it so i didn't anticipate any surprises when i looked it up but there she was with the eerie expression and shadowy curtain behind her it makes me wonder if images carry energy if something significant occurred where the restroom now stands or if i'm just spooked by little girls
Starting point is 00:26:12 anything's possible i say anywho after the hallway you enter through french doors into the kitchen which also has its own entrance into the building i was aware that my co-workers felt pokes or something on their shoulder but that wasn't my experience. I think that I shut that shit down when I snapped at it for the startle. Regardless, it turned out to be true
Starting point is 00:26:30 when they said it was mischievous in the deli. Soup cups that were hanging on hooks and containers that were carefully pushed back on shelves would fall while we were across the room.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Let's be thankful for the fact that Walt chose to mess with Tupperware. The only thing, the only time anything broke was when we fumbled plates. And Walt's like, don't blame that on me. Yeah, but Walt's like mess with Tupperware. The only thing, the only time anything broke was when we fumbled plates. And Walt's like, don't blame that on me. Yeah, but Walt's like, don't you dare. I'm playing
Starting point is 00:26:49 with the Tupperware. One rainy morning, I was at the front counter in the deli killing time. I had propped the deli entrance open for anyone passing by. One of the French doors was closed with the second ajar. I was writing something down and I looked up just in time to see the door that was ajar move as if it were about to close, pause, and then open again. I just stared. I didn't feel
Starting point is 00:27:09 anything or notice if I heard anything. I stood in the hallway in front of the French doors, even at the deli entrance, I couldn't feel a draft. The intriguing things about that moment was how calm it was and how the motion of the door was slow and deliberate. I'm still trying to figure out how that happened chapter i wouldn't want to figure out yeah just pretend it was ignorance is bliss here uh this is the final chapter called it's different when the party ends that's quite a that's so ominous i know right like the other ones were okay a draft okay i understand where this is going, but this one, what? I could tell you about disembodied voices, the pacing upstairs after hours, and who could forget the stabbing of 2018.
Starting point is 00:27:53 But I promise I'll leave you with the best. A story my coworker told me. It was a weekday closing shift. The deli side of the building was already locked up, hence the French doors. So the only entrances propped open were to the pub side of the building was already locked up, hence the French doors, so the only entrances propped open were to the pub side of the building. Open mic ended and customers had cleared out before last call. Music from the radio called out to a vacant street. Before locking the doors and tidying up, my coworker exited via the side entrance, the one that's opposite the bar.
Starting point is 00:28:19 They walked down the sidewalk, passed where the brick ends and windows begin, turned the corner and entered through the front entrance. They immediately noticed that every bar stool that had carelessly been left behind by customers was now lined up along the bar and turned facing the stage. Oh. Cue goose cam. That is like poltergeist shit. That's creepy. Yes. But also great.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Physically moving things. You're about to clean up and then you go outside for a minute and come back and everything's lined up properly. Yeah. But face it. So yeah, I, so this is how it's meant to be though. Oh, but you're right. Facing the stage.
Starting point is 00:28:52 That's what I thought. I was like, oh good. Walt tidied up. But then it was like facing the stage. Then I thought, oh, what's, what's coming next? What's supposed to happen? What? Who's performing tonight?
Starting point is 00:29:01 Cabaret. Walt is cabareting. But yeah, that's a condensed version of experiences there I've included links regarding the fire and the music venue the last time your live show came through town was January 30th or 31st of 2020 at House of Blues we must have had some sort of gas leak
Starting point is 00:29:19 I don't remember anything about this I wasn't able to swing it but I consoled myself saying I'd get tickets the next time you were in town. Needless to say, I'll be purchasing meet and greet tickets. I bet they just want to meet you. Yeah. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Wait, was I? What am I? Stuff? In this one, I'm a talisman. You're a fossilized talisman. Fossilized talisman. Yeah. Everyone wants to meet the fossilized talisman.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Everyone does. And she's a sand monster. So you know how it goes. It says, thank you for being your awesome selves. And Christine, I'd karaoke with you any day. I appreciate that because most people would not. I can guarantee you most people would not. I also appreciate the people who wouldn't want to.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Yeah. Honestly, I believe those people more. But I do appreciate your kind words, dear listener. So anyway. Wow. Thanks, everybody. Got some spooks. people more but uh but i do appreciate your your kind words dear listener so anyway wow thanks everybody got some spooks what do we think of this new method it was okay it was all right yeah we'll see if we'll try it again yeah maybe probably not probably not we'll let some other people do it we'll leave it to the experts exactly yes all right so until until next time how we always sign off beach to sandy water what's it called water wet that's good thanks

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