Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh - Bill Gates Is Gonna Microchip Us All

Episode Date: March 25, 2020

What up people, Schulz here with Mark Gagnon. I'm gonna explain to you how Bill Gates is gonna use Coronavirus to microchip us all, and also who the biggest winners and losers are in this whole pandem...ic. INDULGE!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody? Welcome to another episode of this unnamed show. Today's name is going to be the Chronicles. We heard that one a lot. A lot of suggestions out there for calling it the Chronicles. This is a reference to Corona, not the Quran. Though both of those things are making us take about a month off. I think we need a rim shot sound effect to go along. With some of these takes, guys, Instagram stole our shit. Oh, by the way, cheers, everybody.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Everybody at home, put the glass up. I'm drinking a little Nespresso with some oat milk. Treat myself right during this quarantine. But Instagram stole our shit. I'm also, by the way, here with Mark Gagnon. You know Mark from Corona's Got Talent. Yo, what's up, everybody? Open for me on the road.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Mark is filling in today. So here's the deal. We started this amazing live Instagram live thing called Corona's Got Talent where we get the most talented or least talented people on the Internet in the entire world to come hang out with us for a half hour, 45 minutes. The winner gets absolutely nothing, but we all are completely entertained singing, dancing, playing soccer. We got UFC champions showing a dangling. You know, we got beef starting. Real shit was popping off on the Corona's Got Talent. Matter of fact, we're going to be doing it again tonight.
Starting point is 00:01:24 By the time this is out on YouTube, oh shit, we usually put this on Instagram Live. Doesn't matter. By the time this is out on YouTube, it's all going to be up there, but it'll be on my Instagram. So we've been doing it for a few days, and today, Instagram comes out
Starting point is 00:01:36 and says that they're doing their own Instagram talent show. Now, before any of you say, you're not the first person to ever do a talent show on Instagram or even a talent show on Instagram. even talent shows. I know I'm aware of that. Okay. And there's probably someone else who did an Instagram talent show. I don't care if other people take our ideas. Matter of fact, I often tell people to take them. I want people to take them. That's part of innovation. That's part of creation. That's part of leading the way in your field is that other people are going to follow suit, and I like that, I'm honored by that, I think that's great, I do have a problem though, when a company, Instagram, shadow bans me
Starting point is 00:02:22 for a while, definitely affecting my business, affecting my pockets, affecting my ability to create on their platform and garner new people to become part, new audience, new fans, new supporters. I have a problem when they shadow ban me and then take the content that we're doing and do it on their own. That seems like a conflict of interest right there, don't you think? If you enjoy what we're doing, you support what we're doing, then let it flourish. Show it to the people. Don't ban me and remove me from the Explore page every single time.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Yeah, I mean, that's it. Maybe I just had to get that off my chest a little bit. I felt I felt aggrieved by Instagram and it really was fucking bothering me I've also been cooped up during this quarantine are you guys have you guys had enough have you guys fought with your girlfriends yet because me and my girl duped it out last night it was good wow we just it was just one of those things where um we'd been we'd been like avoiding a big fight you know and we've been like patching it up like we've been doing like bailouts right bailouts work for an economy they don't work for a relationship right and we basically got to
Starting point is 00:03:40 this point where we're like fuck it we just got to got to have it out. And we just had it out. And it was an all-out brawl. It was beautiful. I mean, bringing stuff up from like weeks ago. I mean, we were going at it. You're wrong. You're wrong. You're wrong. You're right.
Starting point is 00:03:52 I mean, it was great. And we got it all out of our system. We just flushed it all out. And we started. And sometimes you need to hit reset. I recommend a fight. I recommend a fight with your significant other, your partner, your roommates, whatever it is. Just go to the living room, sit down on the couch, put a drink on the coffee table, and fucking go at it.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Go at it. 30 minutes. We went at it for 30, took a break, went to separate rooms, went back at it for another Took a break Went to separate rooms Went back at it for another 30 You had a halftime? Bro It was like a soccer game It took an intermission
Starting point is 00:04:32 Dude it was It was just World Cup fighting over here You're in your corner You call a hot car I had to I had to go on Instagram I had to just kind of cleanse my soul a little bit I had to get a little distraction
Starting point is 00:04:43 I went away from the fight Obviously I was scared Not scared But you like my soul a little bit. I had to get a little distraction. I went away from the fight. Obviously I was scared, not scared, but you like pussy out a little bit. You're like, ah, I don't want to cause a bigger fight by walking away. No, no, no, no. Both walk away. Take your time. Regroup your arguments. Sometimes you're in an argument with your girl. She gets you so spun in different directions that your thoughts aren't straight. I had to get my thoughts straight, get my notes down. What are we arguing about? Stay on task. Deliver. Okay? She wasn't going to throw me off.
Starting point is 00:05:09 There's no jury to decide who's right or wrong, right? We really got to convince each other. This is like this old-fashioned. It's like a duel. It's like a vendetta kind of shit. But we did it. So go out there. Have a huge blow-up with your girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Relationship recession. Yes. I think that's how you avoid it. No, wait, with your girlfriend. Relationship recession. Yes. I think that's how you avoid it. No, maybe. Let me let me bring that back. Yes, you can avoid. No, you need complete collapse. That's it.
Starting point is 00:05:36 It's like when a forest burns down. Yeah, well, not a forest, but the farmland. Yeah. You know how they like burn all the crops so that it will regenerate over time? That's what we did. And it feels good. I feel fresh. I feel ready to grow.
Starting point is 00:05:51 So we'll see what happens. I mean, we might throw down again tonight. You never know with this quarantine, but we're on the fucking edge. I mean, we got in a fight. I don't even, what did we even get an argument about? I forget what it was.
Starting point is 00:06:02 I mean, who gives a fuck? Really, at this point, who gives a fuck? Trump's going to let all the old people die. That's all that matters. And we got a big stimulus package. So cool things happening today. But yeah, Trump was basically out there, and I think it was like the governor or like this,
Starting point is 00:06:19 I don't know, something of Texas, some guy in Texas, I forget. He's basically like kind of said what we had said on the podcast. It was like, old people don't want, something of Texas. Some guy in Texas, I forget. He's basically like kind of said what we had said on the podcast. It was like old people don't want to fuck the economy up for everybody else. They're old. They're ready to die. Right? If you ask them, they'd probably be willing to sacrifice it.
Starting point is 00:06:35 And no bullshit. And I'm not necessarily suggesting this because my parents are old. Right? But every old person I've spoken to is 100% okay with them trying to avoid getting it and everybody else getting back to work. I've yet to speak to one old person that says, we got to shut things down. I could die. I think old people are incredibly unselfish. So Trump is out there and the marketing genius he is, he goes, to have everything you know up and running by easter this guy literally wants to resurrect the economy on easter he can't not think things
Starting point is 00:07:12 in terms of an instagram post because you know it's going to be like his head on an easter bunny and then just like dragging the american economy behind him he's going to find a way to spin it and make it look phenomenal if um all the old people don't die in the process yikes mark's a little skeptical mark doesn't really believe entirely that everybody's gonna die is that fair to say mark yeah i think so you think that you're skeptical or you think that the old people won't die i think a lot of people could die but i'm still unsure on exactly how many. Right. So, like, Mark, can I tell you the text that you sent me today?
Starting point is 00:07:48 Which was what? About the hospital. Yeah, I don't remember that. Mark sent me a text saying, they're inflating the numbers. Mark's not an Italian, but the way he said, they're inflating the numbers. Look, this is how many people died in the hospital today. And I was like, bro, that's a lot of people. He goes, people die in hospitals. That's the last place you go before you die often, right?
Starting point is 00:08:09 And it does make sense. They're going to throw us statistics of all the people that have died in a hospital. And when people get to a hospital, usually they're going to die, maybe from other things, right? There may be people that died from a heart attack at the hospital that day. Maybe somebody died from stomach cancer, et cetera. Is that what you were trying to say, Mark? Yeah, a little bit.
Starting point is 00:08:25 The one specific article that I sent you was a guy that got coronavirus and then happened to fall and hit his head and then died from head trauma. Right. And then they said it was corona-related death. That's a little extra. He died after being infected by coronavirus. How did he fall? Like, was he taking a deep breath?
Starting point is 00:08:46 If it had anything to do with respiratory. Yeah, was he like coughing a few times, slip, fall? Is the cough the new banana peel? Yeah. So anything related to corona whatsoever. If you die. I guess, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:59 So let's say you say, hey bro, get away from me. You got corona? And then someone just kills you. Would that also count as Corona related death? Yeah. Based on this article. OK.
Starting point is 00:09:09 So maybe the numbers are being a little inflated. But maybe they need to scare us. See, that's the thing. I think that there's a world here where they want to scare us because we're not taking it serious enough. Because nobody that we really know has died yet. Yeah. Right? The closest we have, and I wonder if this changes things, if she ends up dying, I hope
Starting point is 00:09:25 she doesn't. But there's a basketball player named Carl Anthony Towns. Do you know Carl Anthony Towns, everybody at home? Mark, you know Carl Anthony Towns? Plays for the Minnesota Timberwolves, power forward, really skinny ankles, almost comically so. Big, flat feet, skinny ankles. Built like Oscar Pistorius.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Like, if Oscar Pistorius's fake legs were real that's how carl anthony towns looked and his grandma got it and she's in a coma now in the hospital now granted she's older grandma i don't think i assume the coma is related to coronavirus i mean this would be really unfair if she was in a coma and then got the coronavirus and they were blaming it that would be back to what you were saying right Mark we shouldn't laugh at that so if someone's in a coma and you have coronavirus someone gave it to her they're just that she knows they're just CPR in it is it Carl Anthony Towns is that he's over here weeping it's like bro stop breathing on your grandma so uh I mean mean, he's tall too, right?
Starting point is 00:10:26 Exactly. You got to bend over. Yeah. That's an active. He's already six feet of distance if he's standing right next to you. More than that. That's what I'm saying. He killed his grandma.
Starting point is 00:10:36 No. If she ends up dying, I think it becomes real. Because I think there were different waves for them to take it, for getting us to take it serious. We had the Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson wave. Do you believe that she ever had it or he had it? Maybe. I just don't get why you get tested with no symptoms. Perfect question.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Mark has a great question. If they felt no symptoms, why are you even testing them? One, what a waste of a test. You've been telling us this shit all the time. We shouldn't get tested unless we definitely have the symptoms. Two, why would you be inclined to do that? How could even go into the hospital again i understand they're famous people they can do whatever they want it just still seems to be odd but i i think that they basically did the country a solid the world of solid like who's the most famous person that's willing to say they got
Starting point is 00:11:18 corona tom hanks sure hey would your wife mind doing it too i mean you guys are always around okay great boom um they both say they got corona we still don't take it seriously we're out playing soccer in the park every nice day that we possibly can why because we don't care about shit until it kills you and honestly i don't even think we care about shit when it kills you still like there are things out there that we know will kill you, but it's got to kill someone we know and care about or feel a connection to. Right?
Starting point is 00:11:51 Like, we could say Italians are dying, right? Because they are. There's tons of Italians. And they have these stories about they're choosing between who lives and who dies. They say that to you.
Starting point is 00:12:00 They say that to Mark. They say that to me. to you they say that to mark to say it to me i i don't i know it's real but it's not does that make sense like is it because so many people die every day already and we've have to come to some like understanding of that what is it i think it also has to be graphic we have to see the visual of it and the visual i think has to be uh yeah it's gotta be like gross ah if you're foaming at the mouth and falling like dying in the streets it's like wow we have an issue yes you see people when they have cancer and they're dying of cancer and the way their body's just completely deplete, like shrivel up. Same thing with AIDS, right?
Starting point is 00:12:49 Like you see the way they look. But with corona, it's like you have a cough, and then you get better if you're young, apparently. And then if you're old. You just cough until you go to sleep forever. Forever. Right? For real though, right?
Starting point is 00:13:04 So it's like there's no way we can really see it and also seeing and this is the most fucked up thing seeing an old person cough and then pass away isn't crazy right i know that sounds fucked up but isn't that how you imagine a lot of older people like elderly people would go it's kind of the most devious virus in the world because the most brazen people don't give a fuck about it. And the most ready-to-die people also don't give a fuck about it. Right? It's like it can't. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:13:40 It's so frustrating it's like if someone divide if someone designed a virus for the world to not care while it slowly took away two percent of it this would be the one it really shows you how little we care about old people man you you have you have politicians screaming at you please stay home there are old people dying and nobody cares are old people the least cared about group? Is that the most disrespected group? Is that the most, like, is there the most prejudice towards old people when you really think about it?
Starting point is 00:14:14 Well, that's where the whole, like, ageism conversation comes in. Yeah, but I thought ageism is like, you call some young, like some 35-year-old woman ma'am and she gets all upset. Like, ageism. Well, that's how i got co-opted oh so it started out with initially okay break down the ages i think my understanding is like
Starting point is 00:14:32 initially you have like a 55 year old guy gets fired and then he goes to apply for a job and can't find work for three years yes okay because why would they spend the time to train a guy that's going to retire in 10 years or die can just get a kid out of college? Okay, so there's two things with that also, though, with the ageism thing. Because there is a valid point. It's like you're a young business. You're trying to stay successful. Actually, you're an old business.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Let's say you're one of these newspapers, right? And you've got all these writers on staff. Like I had an ex-Walbacher, pops as a writer, and he was on staff. And they let him go. They gave him a nice pension, but they were basically saying, nobody reads newspapers anymore. We can't continue to pay you this crazy salary nobody really gives a fuck we'd rather pension you out or give you severance or whatever the fuck it is a few years at full pay and then you're done um and i think that's what started
Starting point is 00:15:19 this like you know firing the old people shit uh But then again, it does make sense. Like, would I rather have a 55-year-old dude work at this ad agency and I gotta teach him about Excel, I gotta teach him about Photoshop, I gotta teach him how to do all these different things, or should I have some 23-year-old kid who knows all of them perfectly? He's more equipped for the job.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Is that ageist? I mean, if you really want to save money on, like, employees, maybe you would hire the older one because they're going to age out anyway. Whereas the younger ones want to keep on getting raises and shit. I think ageism actually now that I think about it might be like the most reasonable prejudice. Right? Why?
Starting point is 00:16:00 I mean, are you going to hire like a 60-year-old guy to be a fireman? Right? Bro, how pissed would you be? Bro, some guy coming, would you mind carrying me? There are certain things where, you know how we say there are certain things where there's definitely a gender difference and we're okay with that? Age is that. Bro, he's got to take the chair up the stairs on the side of it he's sitting in like the little elevator thing
Starting point is 00:16:29 oh i know you're talking about the one that goes around the banister coming up like i'm burning his little diabetes bracelet he's saving that's the thing i feel like age is the perfect thing where you could be prejudiced like you can look at someone go you look great for your age you can't look at someone go you look great for an asian right right like we allow age prejudice age prejudice is important but you do think that though it's a important. But you do think that, though, right? It's a compliment. You said we do think that. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:17:07 In your head. If the Asian chick got a fat ass, we'd be like, yo, you got a fat ass for an Asian. I think the Asian chick takes it as a compliment. Right? Unless she's like Filipino and they got a little bit of that in it. That's that dog, baby.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Makes you good for doggy stuff. No, but there is something to this. Why is age? Why is ageism even a thing? It's exactly how we should treat older people, right? Help them up the stairs. Someone tried to help you up the stairs, right? You'd be offended.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Yeah. What are you doing? What are you doing? I think it makes sense. I think we need to lean into this ageism so you're you're for it i'm not even it's not like for against i just think it's like a natural process like i believe in gender roles and i believe in age roles as well and your role right now is to die so we don't know know your role in the hierarchy
Starting point is 00:18:10 you're all in society dude and do you know what rung you're at you're below the earth in a coffin okay that's a rung you're in that's where you have to be we need to fertilize the earth okay what do they say the earth is dying it can't grow anything anymore what's better than burning it putting some old people in there okay make some diamonds a few million years from now we need a book yo zales and what is it the beers need a serious what if they make corona oh we're running out of diamonds we need to throw some already ancient people in there speed Speed up the diamond making process. I think there's something to it. Who benefits the most from Corona, Mark?
Starting point is 00:18:50 Go. Oh, this is good. Who benefits the most? Who benefits? Thinking everybody at home, write in the comments while you're thinking. But make sure you write now. Don't write it before we say, because we might say that might sway your opinion. Who do you think benefits most from the coronavirus? Go. I think your pets. That's why they started it. Keep going.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Animals started coronavirus. Asians are not animals. What did I tell you about the way you speak on these podcasts, bro? Come on, Mark. No, at the wet markets, certain people in Wuhan were eating animals that then started coronavirus, right? That's how it started. Ah, so bats started it so they would no longer be eaten. Animals started it. Maybe it was a dog. We don't know if it was a bat per se. It could have been a dog.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Yeah, a penguin. They'll eat anything. They could have eaten dog meat that then caused coronavirus. And now everyone has to stay home with their dogs. Oh, shit. And when we run out of food, this is how corona takes over. What is left? Lucky.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Right? We have to eat lucky, and then what do we get an even more extreme case of? More coronavirus. What a genius fucking disease that these animals put together no that's a good point i think the dogs benefit because until we eat them we just hang out with them what your dog wants you to be home all day it does yeah and so now you're home all day and then you're dead and then he's dead but he's not thinking about you dying that's fair he just wants to hang out okay fine i have a different i have a different uh thing i have a different take it's a little different than yours um and this was
Starting point is 00:20:30 something that you were telling me about the other day and i was like there's no way that this is really going to happen but we'll talk about the podcast we'll talk about in the show anyway uh it was the idea of putting a chip in your arm right okay Remember we were saying on this show, maybe you guys saw the other day, we were talking about how the only way where you can get the economy going again is if you have people who have been vaccinated for the virus operating normally,
Starting point is 00:20:56 and then people who have not been vaccinated yet quarantined. Now, how do we show who has been vaccinated, who hasn't been vaccinated? Well, it'd be really convenient if there was like a chip that was in your arm, and somebody could just swipe your chip to prove that you've been vaccinated. And then you can enter Zara and go shopping for your, you know, short shorts or whatever it is. Bill Gates invents this chip and they just announced.
Starting point is 00:21:18 I don't know where the fucking tweet is, but you guys can look it up. They just announced that they're considering using it as a way to prove that people have been vaccinated for this virus. One, we have the vaccine or whatever the fuck it is. Next time I'll read it more before I sit in front of you guys on the fucking camera and tell you about it. Here's the thing. This fucking Bill Gates guy is genius. Obviously, listen, that's not the most historic thing that's ever been said, but he finds ways to profit from turmoil, right? There's a famous Warren Buffett quote. I forget exactly what it is. Something like, I forget exactly what it is. Something like when there's blood on the streets or when everybody's afraid to buy, you got to buy or anybody's selling. What is it? What is it? Buy when there's blood on the streets or when everybody's afraid to buy, you got to buy or sell it. What is it?
Starting point is 00:22:06 What is it? Buy when there's blood on the floor? Something like that. But essentially, essentially what he's done is right. There's probably going to be a shortage of water. Eventually, this guy found a way to turn shit into water. So now he's going to profit when the water shortage comes. Now we have this global pandemic where everybody's going to have to be chipped up. Who happens to have made the chip already and they can put it out there for distribution and shove it in people's arms?
Starting point is 00:22:28 Bill Gates. Now, once they have that chip in your body, who knows what they're going to do, right? I mean, they can listen to every conversation we have on our phones, right? We talk about basketball tickets, one conversation. One conversation the next day, every Instagram ad I have is for buy tickets to the March Madness tournament, buy Knicks tickets, buy this, buy a basketball hoop at home. So if you think that there's not going to be more shit in that chip that they're going to put on our besides that proof that we've been vaccinated, the idea of God damn mind. They're going to put some extra shit in there. What they're going to put.
Starting point is 00:23:01 I don't know, Mark. What do you think? I don't know. It's a tricky thing. Why do you think everyone gets chipped? Who wouldn't? I don't know. You resist.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Like, you just say, hey, I'm not going to get chipped. How do you resist? Can you? So here's the thing. Should you? Here's the thing with the resistance, right? And this is going to happen with driving soon, right? Eventually, when everybody has the driverless car, they're going to remove
Starting point is 00:23:27 our ability to drive a car because it would be actually more dangerous if there was somebody driving their own car than if every car was driverless. Because if every car was driverless, they'd all be put into the same computer system and all know exactly where each other car is and be able to calculate the amount of time or space it would take to stop or make a turn, et cetera. It would be very limited traffic and almost no crashes, right? So insurance companies wouldn't even insure you if you were going to drive yourself because it would be too dangerous. The insurance companies just wouldn't get behind it.
Starting point is 00:24:05 And I think eventually that will happen with the chip. You could say no, but then everybody in the store is going to be like, we just can't let you in. You go, why not? Well, we just can't risk you having a disease that could potentially infect everybody in here. And then all of our grandparents die. We just can't do that. So I think they kind of, they don't make it mandatory, but they make it mandatory.
Starting point is 00:24:28 You know, they're basically basically the quarantine we have now. They're like, hey, you don't have to stay inside, but everything's closed. So have fun. And then we end up staying inside. I think they'll do the exact same thing with that. We'll see. Do you think it's dangerous? What's the downside of doing it?
Starting point is 00:24:42 Of what? The chip? Yeah. I mean, I tend to have like a more like relaxed approach these things i'm just like yeah chip me i don't give a fuck you know and you had that snowden quote what was the snowden quote oh it's something to the effect of like uh uh saying that you don't care about freedom of speech or saying you don't care about privacy because you have nothing to hide as saying like you don't care about freedom of speech because you have nothing to say.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Yeah. So it's more about like protecting that right. You have to kind of use it, I guess, which is fine. I'm like, put a fucking chip in me. I don't care. Let's get back to work. If it takes a chip to go do stand-up again,
Starting point is 00:25:18 put the chips wherever the fuck you want. You can choose the spot. You can literally choose wherever you want to put it. I'm ready to do it. I'm ready to be back on stage, back out in shows, chip up everybody. You ain't to chip out when you're done with my show. I don't give a fuck, frankly.
Starting point is 00:25:30 But let's get back out there. Let's get doing these kind of things. That little stimulus package they're putting out is bullshit. Did you guys see that? They approved some stimulus package. I think they're going to give everybody $1,200, couples $2,400. Crazy how they came up with that statistic, huh? I mean, how could you go from $1,200 to $ $2,400. Crazy how they came up with that statistic, huh?
Starting point is 00:25:45 I mean, how could you go from $1,200 to $2,400 for a couple? We've got some real genius mathematicians over there at the State Department. Thanks. Hey, it's $1,200 each unless you're a couple, and then it's $2,400, guys. $500 for each kid, okay? So you hoes. Ching. We have a lot of kids claimed in the next couple months. 500 for each kid, okay? So you hoes, ching. We have a lot of kids claimed in the next couple months.
Starting point is 00:26:10 But here's the fucked up thing. It's a one-time payment. What are you going to do with this kind of shit? What are you going to do with $1,200 or $2,400 or $2,700, whatever your family is? I don't think one time is enough to keep this thing going. We've been speaking about it on this podcast. I don't think one time is enough to keep this thing going.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Like we've been speaking about on this podcast. You need consumption and production in order for the economy to function, right? Now that this stimulus package was laid out, everybody's a fucking economist and they're saying shit like, oh, now all of a sudden we got a trillion dollars. Where was that when we wanted health care? Where was that when we wanted free college or getting rid of college loans? Where was that when we wanted reparations for black people? Where was that when we wanted health care? Where was that when we wanted free college or getting rid of college loans? Where was that when we wanted reparations for black people? Where was that? And don't get me wrong, I would have thought the exact same thing if we didn't sit down with this economist for an hour and learn how the economy works.
Starting point is 00:26:56 The only thing the powers that be care about is the country, the economy is moving, right? Movement is what matters, right? economy is moving, right? Movement is what matters, right? If you want to be bailed out or given money or given free school or given reparations, you have to stop the movement, right? Look at that one time in history where there was the bus boycott. Do you remember the bus boycott? Martin Luther King organized bus boycott, right? Black people stopped riding the bus andcott. Do you remember the bus boycott? Martin Luther King organized bus boycott, right? Black people stopped riding the bus. And all of a sudden, the economic movement, the economic flow started to slow down. And there was less movement. And it started to affect the bus company. And that's what changed it. It wasn't like the bus company was like, you know what,
Starting point is 00:27:42 we're being immoral here. The bus company was like, yo, we're going broke. Hey, organize some shit, fix some shit. So if you want reparations or you want free college or you want any of these things, find a way to grind the economy to a halt. Look at all these businesses out here asking for bailouts. If they're going to get bailed out, it's only because if they fail, they'll grind the economy to a halt. That is the tactic. And that's what you take away from this. Don't look at this and go, oh, so when the rich people ask for money, then all of a sudden there's money. That means nothing.
Starting point is 00:28:13 That does nothing. That doesn't help you. You have the ability to affect the economy. If you organize, you have the ability to affect it, either at a local level, state level, countrywide level, depending on how big the business is. Find a way to slow the shit down. Find a way to slow the shit down. The only way to slow the shit down, stop buying shit.
Starting point is 00:28:29 That's it. Now here's the thing. They want us to spend money on something. If we can't leave the house, we can't spend money. So we got to decide what the fuck we're going to do. Maybe it's to get us some money for the next month because everybody's going broke and we need to feed ourselves and just pay electric bill and these types of things.
Starting point is 00:28:46 The reality of the matter is the economy cannot be supported unless we're out there in the world spending money and doing shit. I hope we get there soon. I really hope we get there soon. Did you guys hear that China is offering to send people to Italy
Starting point is 00:29:01 to help them out? Don't you want to just go to China and be like, you've done enough. Can you just fucking relax? Can you just send some people down to the wet markets and stop selling humpback whale? There are certain things we don't need to fucking eat, okay? Just chill out. Let's do that. You handle your own shit, China.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Like literally every virus, is it every flu comes from China? Right? SARS, MERS. Was swine flu them? I think so, yeah. H1N1. I mean, come on. Isn't H1N1 that podcast?
Starting point is 00:29:37 What's H1N1? Isn't that that podcast? H3H3. H3H3. Anyway, point is China gotta handle your shit I mean how patronizing
Starting point is 00:29:50 is that though the place that caused the illness is like you need some help with that is it it's like
Starting point is 00:29:55 if you give a girl herpes and you're like look I'll walk you to the pharmacy and we'll get you to Valtrex together no no I know how to do it
Starting point is 00:30:02 I've done it before right it's like, fuck you. You gave it to me. That's what Italy should say. All right, we're coming up on 30. What else we got? Is there anything else we definitely need to talk about today?
Starting point is 00:30:19 Here's a little something, and then we'll get out of here. You know what I just realized? And nobody's been talking about this at all. You know whose business is getting fucking murdered by this? Trump's. Like, Trump is in the hotel business, right? Somebody told me that 83% of hotels in New York were at 83% not occupied or whatever the fuck that is. So they were at 17% occupancy in New York were at 83% not occupied or whatever the fuck that is. So they were at 17% occupancy in New York last week.
Starting point is 00:30:50 This week, I can't imagine what it is. I mean, that's even if they're open. That's even if they're open. They might be closed. My parking garage is connected to a hotel. The whole hotel is closed. They just shut down. No one's in there.
Starting point is 00:31:01 So it's like, yay, man. This guy, and apparently his businesses can't be bailed out in the bailout because i think when you're a president you're not allowed to financially gain directly from any of the bills that you sign into law so literally if every hotel gets bailed out it'll be everyone but the trump. I think there's a chance that the Trump hotels are going to go out of business. And how fucking crazy would that be that everybody said Trump is just trying to be president so he can benefit
Starting point is 00:31:32 himself. Trump is just going for the presidency so he can find ways to funnel money into his business. Trump is just doing all these things so that he can get even more rich and more powerful. And then what ends up happening? He loses his hotel business and potentially loses the election. If that does happen, I'll believe in the Illuminati, bro. Because that is maybe the
Starting point is 00:31:53 most genius way to take down another human being possible. Because not only are you taking down his ability to win the next election, you're taking down his ability to have that economic leverage that he's always had. He doesn't have to play politics like these other guys do, right? It's like getting someone fired from their current job and their old job. Yeah, and their next one. You can't even go back to it. It's like if Jordan left basketball and then went to baseball, it was like, I'll come back.
Starting point is 00:32:23 And they were like, no, no, you can't come back. You can't play baseball or basketball. The MLB and the NBA was like, I'll come back. And they were like, no, no, you can't come back. You can't play baseball or basketball. The MLB and the NBA are like, nah. No. No more gambling, MJ. So it could be crazy. We'll see what happens. Now, do you think he's got like a workaround where he's got someone else's name on the books?
Starting point is 00:32:37 It's not him. I think they got to, bro. Like all these guys got to. They like, yes, yes. And a conversation is going to be had like he's making tons of money off this when you have information you make money right that's what that richard bird that senator did they like dumped all the stock right dumped like a million dollars for the stock before and um for the stock market took that huge dip because he knew it was coming so yeah they're gonna be okay they're gonna, they're going to find a fucking way.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Anyway, we got to wrap this up because we got to do some Corona's Got Talent. But, man, I thought there was one more thing to say to you guys.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I really forgot. Anything else? Mark, anything you want to tell the people? No, that's it for me. Tune in to Corona's Got Talent.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Tune in tonight. We'll see you there. Peace.

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