Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh - Francis Ngannou Is Coming for Tyson Fury Feat. Francis Ngannou

Episode Date: March 30, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 They're going to make a movie on your life. Who do you want to play you? To play in Jackass? Yeah, man. And believe me, this shit is dope. Would you ever box Tyson Fury? Heavyweight title in MMA and boxing? Obviously.
Starting point is 00:00:17 Obviously. Let's go. Here we are. We're here with the champ, everybody. We are here with the UFC heavyweight champion of the world. Francis, I'm Andrew. This is Akash. Nice to meet you.
Starting point is 00:00:36 We also have Alex and Mark Dove in the room. We are very excited to speak with you. Thank you so much for taking the time. You are officially, I think by most people's standards, the baddest motherfucker on the planet now. Yeah. On the whole planet. Think about that. I don't know if there's a single guy that can beat you up on the whole planet.
Starting point is 00:01:13 beat you up on the whole planet well um not if i uh if i stop walking here if you what if i stop walking if i stop uh walking if you stop working maybe they could do it that's fair i just think it's at a pretty amazing feat amazing feat. I was listening to a podcast with you and Joe Rogan and you were detailing your life story. I'm sure everybody's going to ask you to tell your life story. I won't ask you to do it right now, but please go listen to that podcast. It was
Starting point is 00:01:37 amazing. They're going to make a movie about your life. They have to. Hollywood's already working. I'm sure your agents right now are telling you you know markel's probably in your ear he's like we're gonna make this movie who do you want yeah yeah we've been we've been on that for quite a while now we're working on behind the scenes you know um we we we didn't make it here uh just like randomly been a lot of work behind the scene like Even in the gym and
Starting point is 00:02:12 like on the Asian wise like such as my care you know what India anything for this moment building up everything Yes, there's not nothing that we haven't think about. And my team has been doing such a great job. So as far as for now, we don't have nothing that we have to really start from the bottom. I have a question for you. They're going to make a movie on your life.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Who do you want to play you? Who do I want to play me? Who do I want to play me? Who better actor than me for my life? Let's go! You gotta do it, right? Yeah. Oh, that'd be so cool, man. Because I don't have to read the script. i don't have to read the uh the script i don't have to act like
Starting point is 00:03:06 me i'm just i'll just be me just be natural and happen you know and uh the the whole line gonna be in my mind i don't even have to read it i don't even have to nothing so yeah i think that's great now now i heard like whispers of you maybe being in the uh in hollywood a little bit some acting opportunities is is there any truth to that can you talk about that absolutely um i've been in uh in 2019 i was in london playing. I had a role in the Fast and Furious 9. Oh, shit. Yeah, man. And believe me, this shit is dope.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Like, I was there. I'm like, man. So this house behind the scenes looks like from movie. It was impressive. I was blew up. Like, wow. You know, I had fun there enjoy this in all the funny stuff that you see in the movie i'm like damn i'm like so what is what am i doing like what is this gonna look like they're like okay you're a bad guy being in the car fighting
Starting point is 00:04:20 i'm like oh yeah that's that's cool now who wins in a fight though you were the rock you got the rock right no no no unfortunately I didn't have
Starting point is 00:04:33 that in the movie but maybe in the future that's gonna happen and yeah and um I think was yeah
Starting point is 00:04:42 earlier earlier this year yeah earlier this year I was, I was in Hollywood to play in Jackass. He's in Jackass? I was 40. I think that's the craziest thing that I ever seen. Why? What did they do? Man, I had to punch somebody on the nuts. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:05:07 No, no, no. No, no, no. Hey, hey, listen, listen. I did it the first time. I'm like, listen, man. We know you. People know that you're the hardest puncher in the world. You wasn't hard enough. I'm like, are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:05:24 Like, I'm nervous. Like, I don't know. I can't hurt this guy. Like, did he at least like have kids or something already? So who'd you punch? Johnny Knoxville? No, no, no. Not Johnny Knoxville.
Starting point is 00:05:42 It was somebody else. It was somebody else. All right, fine. You can't tell us. Oh my somebody else. It was somebody else. All right, fine. You can't tell us. Oh, my God. I can't. And you had to punch him twice. Man.
Starting point is 00:05:52 So, twice. Seeing that the first time went, and you had to do it already the second time, you know, I'm like, man. And he was there waiting for you uh praying uh shaking for you to to punch him hard on the nut yeah hollywood's pretty weird huh basically especially for that one yeah yeah yeah yeah, especially for that one, I'm like, wow. But listen, like when you follow up with the jackass story, you kind of understand that exactly the kind of stuff that they do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:36 It's all about crazy stuff. And that's what make it special, you know? I was watching an interview with you, and you were talking about like the importance of confidence and like believing in yourself. Right. And what I'm what I'm so fascinated by with you specifically is your whole life. You have to believe in yourself that you can do something. Well, everybody around you is going, don't do that. Don't leave Cameroon.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Don't try to get into Europe. Don't do these things. It's dangerous. Don't do it. Don't do that. Don't leave Cameroon. Don't try to get into Europe. Don't do these things. It's dangerous. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Right. And you do all of that and then it works out. And then you have to go and learn how to do a sport where people tell you what to do. Was it difficult to have people tell you what to do and then trust what they said after your whole life you just trusted what you felt was right? No. I mean,
Starting point is 00:07:31 trusting when you felt was right, your intuition doesn't have nothing to do with knowledge. That doesn't mean, like when you believe in yourself, that doesn't mean you know everything. You have to learn. uh at some point you just have to have your own god and believe in it because there is no like a
Starting point is 00:07:54 uh actual statement who says this and this is going to be like this everybody is kind of like guessing assuming you know that's where uh that that's when belief in yourself is very moment. I mean, belief in yourself doesn't mean you won't go to school because you believe in yourself. That's just silly. You know, you have to learn. You have to explore things.
Starting point is 00:08:18 You have to experience stuff. And that's even one of the reasons because, like, belief in yourself allows you to experience to go forward learn different things you know so nothing was hard about that because even the first time that I started Boston I was 22 years old I mean I work I worked through the gym left my village, go to the city, and then I went to the gym. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:08:48 I felt so strong. I felt like I could walk two people at the same time and all this. I can go to the wall. And then when I went there, I felt like, I realized that it's not as easy as I thought
Starting point is 00:09:05 I still have to learn you know I still have to believe in the technique in the system of in the experience and down the road that experience pay out but at beginning at first
Starting point is 00:09:22 I didn't have that and I have to trust somebody to believe in something in order to get there you know so believing in yourself doesn't have any problem to do with learning something you know yeah it's it's not um you can believe in yourself without being arrogant you could still be humble when you believe in yourself, you're saying. Yeah, I mean, yeah, you can still be humble, listen to some people's advice, counsel, and use their advice to make your own point of view,
Starting point is 00:10:05 to make your own statement, view, to make your own statement because there is a lot of things that they don't teach you. They don't teach you how to live in life. You know, when you grow up, for example, we all,
Starting point is 00:10:15 I will take this example because we all here might understand. They don't teach you how to talk to a girl, how to find a girl. But we all under that as a man, you know.
Starting point is 00:10:26 I mean, you kind of like have your own way your own techniques to approach and to do this they don't teach you those stuff they teach you how to be a man they teach you uh uh intelligence um but mostly like wisdom you gain by your own you understand yourself by looking at on and see how the world is moving and kind of like make your own statement which is which which is not like any like others who can be different of others and so don't be wrong you know you can just have a different opinion and not be wrong because there is not a fact it's just like assuming you know right because nobody know what exactly is going to happen tomorrow we don't have a guarantee of what's going to happen tomorrow
Starting point is 00:11:17 tomorrow so we just assume it when you have a situation uh situation in front of you, you just guess and go among ten solutions, you choose one. Somebody else will choose a different one. Another person will choose a different one. Well, who knows exactly what is the right solution? There is not the right solution. You just trust your God and you deal with your decisions. Because sometimes you're right, sometimes you're wrong. But you deal with it.
Starting point is 00:11:50 But I always believe that it's very important when you're wrong on your own opinion, then you learn from that. Then it makes you grow more than get wrong on somebody's opinion, on somebody's advice. Because you didn't apply your own thought your own opinion for me it seems like you're living somebody life uh um abandoning your own life and living somebody like uh there's a lot of things that you have a right to learn uh on yourself to mistake on it because it's all what life is about, to learn to mistake and to continue evolving. Yeah, that's brilliant.
Starting point is 00:12:32 So based on what you just said, I was going to ask something else, but based on that, what failure in your life taught you the most, where you made a mistake trusting yourself and you look back at that and you think, that's a turning point in my life? trust in yourself and you look back at that and you think that's a turning point in my life i i did a lot of mistakes in my life uh on my decision but listen man uh i'm gonna tell you this all those those mistakes that those decisions that i have made all that led me to where I am today. So there's not a way for me to stand here and say I'm regretting something. I might wish to go back and fix something and change something, but guess what? Maybe by changing something to fix something, I'm going to break up something again. And even worse, I deal with it.
Starting point is 00:13:22 You know, three years ago ago i lost a fight against uh tp murtish uh i lost like i did honestly i didn't do anything right on that fight i learned from it you know i understand that and today i don't think if it's just emotion, but I think from that, uh, love, I learned a lot and wish make, uh, my, my victory today, even more enjoyable, you know, more appreciable. Now, I mean, that's all what life is about. You learn about, you learn from your mistake. You move on, keep going. And, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Now, when I saw you guys in the ring at first, right, before the fight started, I noticed that Stipe didn't even comb his hair. Okay? Like, he looked like he just got out of bed, right? And I was worried for a second because I was like, this guy just wants to fight. Like he didn't even give a fuck about putting a comb in his hair. He didn't use gel. He didn't use anything. I was a little concerned. Was there any part of you that looked at him and was like, oh, he's focused when you looked at his hair? he's focused when you looked at his hair oh no uh i yes i looked at him i'm like he's focused not because his hair i mean like uh listen when you're in the locker room like getting ready to uh warm him up you know maybe with your coach and your partner going all over sweating yeah i think
Starting point is 00:15:03 the last thing that you see is your appearance, how you look. If your hair is calm or if this is right. At that moment, that's what you think about the last. I wouldn't be surprised. There was one moment that nobody asked, or I didn't see anybody ask you about in the post-fight press conference, but there was one moment in the fight that blew my fucking mind.
Starting point is 00:15:28 It was before you knocked him out, he hit you with a short right hand. Yes. I've seen him knock people out with that same shot. I forget exactly who it is. I don't know if it was Junior Dos Santos or somebody,
Starting point is 00:15:42 but it was the same thing. Fabricio Verdum. It was Verdum. It was Verdum. That's right. Verdum was kind of chasing him, and it was around the side of the ring, and he has this short right hand. He hits you with it. It looked like it hurt, but you kind of got your feet, and the next punch you threw was the knockout left hook. Were you stunned? was the knockout left hook were you stunned no i wasn't stunned but he hit me and i fell it and at that specific moment like what went in my mind was like okay you get hit because you rush and you expose yourself and the whole drill for the training camp was like no rush calm down and that's even why that's like the most important thing that my team was there telling me.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Cameroon was there yelling like, relax, Francis. Calm down. Relax. He was just yelling like, relax. So when I get hit, I'm like, fuck, I'm doing something wrong. Calm down. You know, because I feel it. I'm like, fuck, I'm getting something wrong i'm like okay
Starting point is 00:16:46 let's reset then i i was there like okay let's reset let's start all the way let's start over then he was just rushing on me boom then boom you know so i was seeing him i was like very seeing him very well i'm like well i just take the shot but uh for me i was just stopping to move moving forward like okay but he hit me with that shot i felt it like shit you know yeah because i i also uh even during training we work on that. Don't circle on his right because he's good at circle on his right and then sneak his right hand. When I get hit by that right hand, I'm like, damn, I get something wrong. Something that we've been working on.
Starting point is 00:17:39 I'm like, okay, we settle. We focus. Did you, when he tried to take you down, and not only did he not take you down, but you reversed it on him, did you notice a difference in his mindset? Did he realize in that moment he was in there with a different Francis
Starting point is 00:17:55 Ngannou? Well, I think that was the case, but I didn't really pay enough attention to focus I was just focused on my own mindset trying to control what is going on in my mind
Starting point is 00:18:10 trying to control myself not to escape of the of what was the game plan and what I was supposed to do I was just focused on like, okay, yeah, you have 25 minutes, take your time,
Starting point is 00:18:30 take it slow, this when you get the best out of yourself, the best version is yourself, comes out when you calm your focus, you're this, you have a clear, you have a, that's a a clear best version of yourself so at that moment i didn't really notice but listen i know that if he tries something he's gonna try and if he try i'm gonna defend and i was even prepared like okay i might defend and something my uh doesn't work but i will still be able to defend myself from the bottom if i finally get my back on the canvas i would i can reverse the situation and you know uh because yes you might have the best takedown
Starting point is 00:19:21 uh in the world but you there always came some moment for some reason that you end up in the floor. Not taking any credit to Stipe here, he has the ability to take anybody down, but you can even slip on the canvas and step in the floor and from there they won't restart the fight because you slip. The fight is going to keep going and you you're gonna find your way out of there so uh i was training and prepared in case uh i get there even though i don't want to get there i'm like okay if ever i get there the last time i went there i went out i ran out of option if i get there now what would be my option what would be what can i do what is a stupid option if i'm down what would be my
Starting point is 00:20:07 own option to reverse that what can i do then uh practicing that so man listen uh i looking back to that fight i i realized that something happened to his mind at that specific moment that I took down. But being in there, I didn't think about it. I only remember in the first round, in the break time, I was sitting on the store and my coach was like, and Eric was like,
Starting point is 00:20:38 hey, we beat this guy already. Let's go there and have fun. Really? Wow. Yeah. I'm like, we beat this guy already. Let's go there and have fun really wow yeah i'm like we beat this guy already let's go there and have fun because he knew he knew after seeing stipe's yeah yeah you know uh from the outside he has a better option and vision than me and was like thinking about it he knew now you are right now the biggest sports star let's say out of cameroon right when i was living in spain i lived in barcelona and there is a soccer player football player by the name of samuel eto'o who was a superstar do you think do you think that you are more popular in Cameroon now than Samuel Eto'o?
Starting point is 00:21:33 I think I'm just a new generation. I'm more popular, and that's how the sport moves. Samuel, we today, we have two different status samuel is a legend and i'm a uh up and coming yeah you're current no like like like current yes like outgoing uh athlete you know you're a champion he's a legend okay yeah i'm champion he's a legend. He's still a status ahead of me, which makes sense and it's not comparable. There's always a legend when it comes to sport and there's always a champion. When Samuel Eto'o was champion, there was a legend out there such as Roger Miller and other players in the 90s. And maybe 10 years from now, if I keep doing well, I will stand as a legend and someone will be champion.
Starting point is 00:22:36 And that doesn't take credit to anybody. And it's not comparable. It's just two different status. It's just, and it's not comparable. It's just two different studies. My roommate when I was in Barcelona happened to be from Cameroon as well, right? And he was telling me like how important it was being from Cameroon, seeing Samuel Eto'o and how influential that was.
Starting point is 00:23:00 And obviously football is incredibly popular sport, but so many more people wanted to go be Samuel Eto'o, and it seemed possible because they saw him on TV. Do you think now that happens with MMA in Cameroon or even throughout Africa now that Africa has three champions? Yeah, absolutely. You know, when Samuel Eto'o was playing, I was in Cameroon myself. I was dreaming about
Starting point is 00:23:28 it myself. Even though I wasn't playing soccer, I like soccer. It's our culture and it's the most popular sport out there. But it wasn't my thing you know I never felt like okay this is what I want to do even maybe because I wasn't good at it I mean anyway I wasn't good at it so I was just playing
Starting point is 00:23:58 I was just good enough to play in town have fun with friends sometimes but that's it. Not even to imagine myself being professional. But as far as combat sport, I always loved combat sport. By the time I was in Cameroon, it was inspiring people. I and um yeah i always believe that i can be something not in soccer but uh in boxing and maybe not his level level but at least get something done by my own because we all know where samirito came fromo came from. He didn't come from some rich family, some well-educated and classy family. No, he came from the street, from the suburban, places like that.
Starting point is 00:25:01 And today, it's been a year now that uh i've been going to cameron because at first when i was talking about doing boxing in cameron even my family done like shit what the hell is that how can you possibly think that to be like a job or that could be something that will happen have you ever seen somebody did it i mean those stuff are just meant for people uh in europe in america but have you ever seen somebody in africa achieve some something like that i mean for those few one who has tried uh he didn't go where and then even when you see them on TV they they are not doing good you know even their house they are just like living in the poverty and that was the and that was the fact that was true it's not like they was making it up it was true but i loved sport so much that i'm like okay
Starting point is 00:26:08 maybe he he doesn't he didn't make it but at least he's happy for the experience he enjoyed the process and he he did what he liked and uh that's probably what i'm gonna to do at least. I'm going to try. And we don't have the same destiny. Everyone has his own. I don't know where it is going to end. I do not believe at all that it's going to work. But what I do know is I love it. I want to do it. I go for it.
Starting point is 00:26:44 And I don't do it halfway. I want to do it I go for it and I don't do it halfway I don't do it do it lightly I do it very hard so in case it doesn't work I can look at myself in the mirror someday I'm like well at least I try I did my best and it didn't work then I will be in peace with myself i think that was my uh my vision that was my perception of it like i didn't truly i i believe in it but there was a part of me who was looking in the reality was like okay this is the reality how do you think it's gonna happen then I keep good to answer that on like if it doesn't happen at least I enjoy I go for it I love this thing I have to do it when I have a chance when I'm so young so yeah so even my family didn't believe
Starting point is 00:27:42 that and there was looking for those people who were doing boxing and all this stuff. They didn't have a good look about them, you know? Yeah. They're just like, oh, they are stubborn, they are gang, they are this. Yeah. They have all the attributes, which is not good at all. So then I just keep doing my thing, find my way, live in Cameroon,
Starting point is 00:28:14 go, went in France, trying. Then they started seeing me on TV. And all of a sudden it changed. One in a while, then I started to come back and those things become very serious and people are like, what exactly is that?
Starting point is 00:28:38 Like four years ago, then I started, like when I was building the foundation, I started to see people and I'm like, I heard building the foundation I started to see like people and I'm like I heard that you're building a foundation my son want to be a fighter like you and this how can he do
Starting point is 00:28:54 to attend I was just like surprised like whoa so you're not shocked that your son want to be a fighter you're even looking how to help him because he makes sense for you today. And it was very exciting talking about it. And more and more, you know, people started to get interested about it.
Starting point is 00:29:20 And I think that's when I truly understand. Like three years ago when I lost my first title fight against Dipe, and I felt like shit, man. I was here, like going to bed, didn't want the sun to rise the next day, feeling so bad. But luckily, I have the clearance of mind to just book a next flight for Cameroon. And then when I went in Cameroon, things changed. Really?
Starting point is 00:29:53 Yeah. I went in Cameroon. I didn't even know that there was a way of what was going on. Man, I was received as a rock star. Wow. The entire country, everybody was congratulating me. They were so happy, so proud,
Starting point is 00:30:13 like, good job, this. Like, at some time, I had to stop and remind them, guys, I love to fight. I didn't win, though. I mean, you might get confused. I love to fight. You might get confused. No, I didn't win though. I mean, you might get confused. I lost the fight. You might get confused.
Starting point is 00:30:28 No, you didn't lose. Like, where are you come from to even get there to expect that you lost the fight? Just the fact that you get there, represent us. We saw you with the flag in the top of the wall to challenge for the world title, something that nobody believed that it could have happened. We couldn't even expect that. You did it on your own, and you say you lost. How come you lost?
Starting point is 00:30:56 You make us proud. And, hey, listen, I was seeing those grammar who doesn't even know how to read or to write. They were just looking, seeing me. I'm like, hey, son. Francis, I think we lost you a second. There we go. It was good? Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:14 I think that was John Jones trying to interrupt the interview, man. Okay. You were in the middle of telling us about how well you were received when uh you went back to cameroon for the first time right and these people are so proud of you for the achievement of even getting there because they know how far you had to go have you seen the video of people in cameroon reacting to the knockout absolutely uh listen we have a video from uh every city crazy like uh they record a video i'm gonna uh i'm waiting for some of those that are gonna send out a video from different cities from people reaction man and uh because we knew that it's going to be crazy. And I'm like, okay, guy, we should, we should find a way to have these on tape because it's so amazing.
Starting point is 00:32:10 And we are, we have some good stuff. That was special. There was also a video, a good buddy of ours, Israel Adesanya, was watching with his family out in New Zealand. And they went fucking crazy. Crazy, yeah, yeah. He sent me that video too. Hmm. I mean, he sent me that too. Yeah, that's
Starting point is 00:32:34 got to feel so good, like coming from this place where you thought nobody believed in you and now it looks like the entire world is tied into your success. That's got to feel pretty good, no? Yeah, man. This feels really good, really great.
Starting point is 00:32:51 But at the meantime, you have this pressure on your shoulder that you realize that it's not just about you anymore. You have to do everything right now because it's not as I said before it was not for you it's not on your level anymore beyond way more beyond you you know because today a lot of people look look at you look at the example and even though you might say, oh I didn't sign up for this but guess what, you are the man. As some people was a model for you, you have to be a perfect model for others
Starting point is 00:33:39 and this means even if you have to adjust something, compromise something sometimes in order to get it right, you know, to impact some life. If that can impact some life, then you won't take that much on you. So, yeah, it's amazing. So how do you plan on carrying that extra pressure? Because that's pretty overwhelming when you feel like the whole country is invested in you. How do you plan on carrying that pressure?
Starting point is 00:34:16 Well, the good thing is right here, everything is kind of like central in the same place. Do your best. Work hard. Do everything that you can to give the best result. And as long as you do that, I think everything will be okay. Yeah. It's a really interesting thing because the fight that most people are talking about, you even mentioned it afterwards. And I thought you were very graceful to Jon.
Starting point is 00:34:52 You said, I think Jon Jones is the best ever in mixed martial arts. And people talk about the Jon Jones fight. From what he tweeted, it didn't seem like he wanted to fight you. It seemed like he wanted to make money getting knocked out by you. Because he didn't say, let's fight. He just goes, show me the money. Yes, maybe because he has talked about this fight.
Starting point is 00:35:23 He has talked about this fight before and didn't see the money. I think Jon Jon has been there for so long time and has had many title fights but I think if this fight happens it's going to be the biggest for him such as for me of course you know i believe that is going to be a mega fight it's a huge fight so and um we are doing this in order to one day with expectations one day have this uh with expectations when they have the payday you know the mega payday and something come together to like make this mega fight so it's just normal to ask to have a payday yeah it's not like you're asking for something irrational. You're just asking for your own small cut from the revenue that the fight that you make is going to generate.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Basically, if you're the man, you stand as a good and make the fight bigger. I think it's right in his position. Yeah, when you go into a fight with Jones, let's say you're going to fight Jones, what do you see are your advantages over him right now? Listen, I think the best way for me to approach this fight is not to think, it's just to think that I have already disadvantaged over Jon Jones. I think this will be the best way for me to get ready to prepare myself into this fight.
Starting point is 00:37:24 So what would be some of those things that you think, I need to, I into this fight. So what would be some of those things that you think, I need to, I'm always improving. Now what do you improve if you want to fight John Jones? What do you got to work on?
Starting point is 00:37:33 Everything. As I said, I'm going to work on everything. I'm going to keep working on my grappling. I'm going to keep working on my wrestling. And I'm going to keep working
Starting point is 00:37:44 on my striking. I'm going to keep working on my conditioning as well. So I'm going to work on everything. I'm going to keep working on my mental game. All the aspects that if I can request I'm gonna be working on that because we are talking of Someone who has been there like for such a long time I mean even though he's very John and I we are almost the same age, but be here Even in the USA almost 10 years before me and he's been in the sport
Starting point is 00:38:27 years before me and he's been in the sport for his entire life so the experience that he has over me is so there's such a big gap between our experience that i need to compensate that just with work so i don't think like right now i have a right to stay there and say that I have an advantage on something over Jon Jones. Wow. And over anyone else anyway. What about a potential fight with Derek Lewis again? You guys think that you would do that? Yeah, that would be
Starting point is 00:38:57 the, I mean, in the normal world, if it wasn't about the Jon Jones fight, I think the Derek Lewis fight would be the perfect fight for me next. First of all, I have a rematch. We have decided that we never really did it. Neither for us, neither for the fans.
Starting point is 00:39:20 You know I love taking him, but not because I didn't fight him but no because I didn't I were not because I didn't he was better but just because I didn't fight so we have this I have this thing that I need to shake back and he's a legit contender right now and my goal as a champion now is to keep the heavyweight division moving. You know, the heavyweight division has been stuck for so long and I was a victim, a direct victim of that. So I decided to do my own, do it way differently so now that you're a champ you're saying you're going to be active i'm going to be active as i said uh i will be ready by july august i'm ready to fight twice this year again wow i love it i love it now i don't know if you've
Starting point is 00:40:23 been following i know that you're obviously a fan of boxing. Have you been following this fight between Jake Paul and Ben Askren? Well, I heard about that, but they've been following. I don't think it's something that much can cut my attention at that point. You know, I follow the heavyweight division mostly. And yeah, I've been waiting for this Joshua and Fury. It's going to take place sometime soon. Now, would you think...
Starting point is 00:41:06 First of all, who do you think wins, Fury or Joshua? Fury, of course. Fury, right? That's how. I can't fully say Shuri because this fight can go either way. Of course Shuri has the ability, he has the technical skill, he has the skill to keep the fight to the decision but Joshua also has what you can't stop the fight anytime you know so yeah it's either way 50-50 Wow you say
Starting point is 00:41:58 50-50 I think I think this is an easy I think this is an easy fight for Tyson Fury. I think this is easy. I think since Joshua lost, since he's lost against Ruiz, people kind of like slip over him and kind of like really forget who he was before that fight. And just trying to think about Joshua before that fight and match him up against Tyson Fury. Now, you know that people are going to ask you to fight Tyson Fury if he wins. You know people are going to go,
Starting point is 00:42:44 I want to see Francis Ngannou fight Tyson Fury if he wins? You know people are going to go, I want to see Francis Ngannou fight Tyson Fury. If Tyson beats Joshua and Francis beats Jon Jones, would you ever box potentially in the future? Heavyweight title in MMA and boxing? Obviously. Obviously. Let's go! You have to remember that my whole dream in my entire life, and that's what even
Starting point is 00:43:13 left me here, was boxing. I didn't know MMA until like six years and a half. Seven or eight years ago when I went to France, I didn't have any idea about MMA. It was all about boxing. So I still have this dream inside of me even I get deviated by MMA who gave me the opportunity that I didn't have at that time. So, but I still have this dream that needs to be accomplished one day. So I will definitely, at some point, get to boxing. I mean, that would be unbelievable to have the UFC champion also be the heavyweight boxing champion of the world. Wow. That would be the greatest combat sport athlete in history, undeniable.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Maybe the greatest athlete, you could argue. Wow. Yeah. I mean, that sounds unreal, but it's something that I might chase for. Anyway, I'm aiming something like that. Oh, I love it. I love it. Look, we don't want to take too much of your time, but I do want to ask, can we see the belt?
Starting point is 00:44:41 It's right here, baby. Yeah. It's right here baby yeah it's right here gotta love it gotta love it well listen Francis thank you so much for taking the time man
Starting point is 00:44:54 we really appreciate you we're huge supporters of you and thank you guys we will be there at the next fight what were you saying Mark no nothing
Starting point is 00:45:02 we need to get a picture with him oh yeah can we get a picture with you? We're going to stand next to the screen. So you just stay right there, and then we'll be next to the screen. Okay. You're the man. Thank you so much, Francis.
Starting point is 00:45:12 We're rooting for you, brother. You go out there, man. Keep doing great stuff. Very inspiring. Yeah, it was an honor, man. Okay. Thank you, guys. Cheers.
Starting point is 00:45:20 I appreciate you. All right, guys. We're going to take a break for a second because you guys need to put some money on the Brooklyn Nets right fucking now because it's a lock. That's right. I'm telling you right now. It's a lock. There's no way that LeBron, who just picked up. Who the fuck did they pick up?
Starting point is 00:45:35 Drummond. Yeah. Andre Drummond. Andre Drummond is not going to solve all your fucking problems. Okay? The Nets assembled the Avengers, and you're going to have to deal with it. And there's no way that you're going through them. Nets, Nets, Nets, Nets, Nets. That's your Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:45:49 That's your Bitcoin. The Nets are fucking Bitcoin. Point is, if you want to make some money, you're going to do it. You're going to go to my bookie, my bookie, my bookie, my bookie, my bookie. Dot A.G. Remember, it's dot A.G. That's what you're going to do. You're going to put your money on those Nets and you're going to put your money on whatever
Starting point is 00:46:03 other teams you want as well obviously gamble on goddamn near anything shit you could probably gamble on how successful our new song is you might not have heard it just yet we might not even have a new song who knows who knows who knows point is you're going to use our promo code flagrant and this what's going to happen they're going to double your first deposit goddamn damn right that Damn right. That's free money. Dollar for dollar. Dollar for dollar. Double.
Starting point is 00:46:27 And not only will they match you dollar for dollar, but they're also going to be throwing in a $10 NBA future bet. All you got to do is enter the promo code flagrant to claim it when you're signing up. That is my bookie. And remember, at my bookie, the terms are simple. You bet. You win. They pay. Now let's get back to it.
Starting point is 00:46:44 What's up, up everybody and we're back uh great chopping it up with the king right now the heavyweight king bad motherfucker and what a sweet guy a dog i just humble humbled by life and you know what i'd be really nice too if i knew i could beat up every human on the planet yeah you got you got nothing to prove. Yeah. Like now I got to like, hey, fuck you, I'll come for you, talk shit about my podcast. You know what I mean? But when you can beat up literally every human,
Starting point is 00:47:11 there's not a human on the planet he can be like, Usain Bolt is the fastest human and he's the most deadly human. Yeah. What a crazy thing to be. Yeah. He's the alpha.
Starting point is 00:47:21 Yeah, yeah. If you don't have a gun, go. Like, don't fight me. That's true. That's the only thing that can beat me is a gun, go. Don't fight me. That's true. That's the only thing that can beat me is a gun. Gun or sword. Also, we did think about, since Francis is not an avid listener or watcher of the Flaring 2 podcast,
Starting point is 00:47:35 and we did realize right before we started the interview that we have two machetes and a gold-plated fucking AK-47 just sitting here on the table. Drinking out of bullet water bottles. And I sincerely hope that he didn't think we put this here to make him feel nostalgic you know this is not about that at all this is what the table looks like every single day um anyway let's get into it uh lil nas x the king bro man this motherfucker did it again this is the this is the black gay tommy larren yo little naze is black gay tommy larren bars he this is outrage culture manipulated to a t and he is brilliant and tommy larren would uh would piss off like black women and black twitter right yep and little naze x
Starting point is 00:48:18 knows perfectly how to piss off conservative christians and the important part of that is when you piss them off it just blows your shit up. Exactly. And then you get bigger than ever. And they're a monolith. They all think the same way. Now, when I say they, I'm not talking about every fucking Christian,
Starting point is 00:48:32 conservative Christian, but there is a body of them that think the same way about things, and when they get enraged, they fucking go. Now, there's a few things with Lil Nas X right now. Which one are you talking about specifically?
Starting point is 00:48:42 I'm talking about the sneaker, but I'm also talking about the video. Oh, the timing was this is a package. Perfect. Yeah. He knows what he's doing. If you really want to look at it, his first video went at Christian Conservatives' favorite genre of music. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:48:57 that's a good point. An amazing genre of music by the way. An absolutely amazing one. A genre of music, I don't know, that might be taken over soon and not by a gay black by a gay white maybe we give him a little snippet later maybe not we'll see but um so basically he put out this this music video i think it's called montero montero i think that's his first name yeah montero and uh wild music video we can get to that in a second but he also put out uh a sneaker and he i guess he linked up with this brand called uh i imagine it's supposed to be
Starting point is 00:49:38 mischief but msch right and they put together the sneaker and it's like a Satan Air Max there's one drop of human blood in it there's a pentagram, there's an upside down cross, there's all these things that would really piss off Mark, Mark came in here fucking heated today, I wore my white Air Max it's just a you had to establish some balance
Starting point is 00:50:00 exactly, there's one drop of cum in every pair it's mine the rest of the drops are in Mark Exactly. There's one drop of cum in every pair. It's mine. From a priest. Yeah, exactly. The rest of the drops are in Mark. No, there's a... So basically, I guess Christian Twitter went crazy. Yes. So much so that Nike had to issue a statement saying that they were not part of this collab.
Starting point is 00:50:25 The collab was with Mischief and Lil Nas X. Right. But that's hilarious that Nike had to actually speak on the issue. Of course. And that Nike, and I guess, how do Christians feel about child labor? Like, how do they feel about that? Like, is that devilish a little bit to make child slaves sell sneakers? Biblical, bro.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Was it? I don't think kids had jobs back in the day. They were getting pregnant at like 12 back in the day. Whatever, bro. You old enough. 13, dude. Okay, you're right. The Jews established the age.
Starting point is 00:50:59 12, they look at you like a weirdo. But 13, you were an adult. Right, Dov? You're a man. That's it. 13. There's a lot of middle eastern slavery in the bible and uh so i guess they're okay i can't imagine that they were like you know what 18 is the cutoff for slavery in the bible you know i mean i bet you there were some child slaves in the bible yeah probably huh huh dove just to get into the crevasses little little bodies anywho uh they're absolutely pissed off about this shit and
Starting point is 00:51:28 i think it's like uh i think it really speaks more to the fact that there's nothing going on like when christians start getting upset about devil shit you know life is good yeah it's the 90s again baby where the 90s or was it the 80s when was it 90s satanic panic is probably probably 90s but it always happens when like everything's boring yeah when everything's boring and there's no like i'm worried about the wall or worried about a race war in america we're worried about there's literally nothing pissing people off on social media then christians go the devil's bat yeah yeah right then marilyn manson who ended up being kind of yeah yeah whenever did it right. Whenever Christians are right about some shit, I think they need to come out later on and be like, I told you.
Starting point is 00:52:08 Yeah, they don't do the I told you so enough. They don't I told you so enough. Because they're waiting for their big I told you so when Jesus comes back. So they're just keeping it all in the pocket. Because right now they say I told you so. I'd be like, really, dog? Where's Jesus? That's great.
Starting point is 00:52:20 And if you didn't believe them about that one, they got to run through the list of other shit they were right about before you got to heaven. Oh, yeah. You got to admit you were wrong about every single thing that they said was going to happen. They're going to force us to get vaccines. We're like, shut up, dummies. Now you can't even go back to New York unless you get vaxxed. So how do we feel? What are we thinking? What is Lil Nas X? Is he a genius? Is he figuring out outrage culture? This is the genius. The genius is he figuring out outrage culture is he annoying the genius is he took a song
Starting point is 00:52:46 that it's fine yeah like Old Town Road or whatever that shit's slapped this is fine but it don't matter it's gonna do crazy numbers
Starting point is 00:52:55 because of the outrage behind it 32 million already I just saw the video mother fuck and that shit is gay that shit is
Starting point is 00:53:03 that shit is that shit is Joyner Lucas was at him like hey man what the fuck my kids are seeing this you see that tweet And that shit is gay. That shit is gay. Joyner Lucas was at him like, hey, man, what the fuck? My kids are seeing this. You see that tweet? Wait, he said that? He tweeted.
Starting point is 00:53:13 He was like, yo, man, you didn't put a fucking disclaimer up or nothing? Yo, son, Joyner Lucas, your kids are gay, bro. You got some gay ass kids just watching gay porn on YouTube all day. Except your kids. He responded with something like Old Town Road is about adultery and it's like doing drugs or some shit like that you don't have a problem with that was he doing the adultery and the drugs in the video that's the thing another dude's abdomen and he was grinding on the devil the licking of the neck was why i was like yo i thought it was his abdomen he'd know he'd be licking he did both but technically i think he played all the characters so he's kind of just jerking off yeah oh that's fine oh he think he played all the characters, so he's kind of just kissing himself. Jerking off. Yeah. Oh, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Oh, he played all the characters? How was he dancing on himself? I mean, body double for some of the parts. I'm making shit like that. But if you look at the face, it's him on all of them. Yo, Al, it's a little racist, man. Yeah, come on, y'all. Those are different black guys, Al.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Yeah, come on, y'all. Those are different black guys. They were, but it's cool. That's insulting, bro. It wasn't. Was it really the same? Yeah, it was him. Well, all of a sudden, y'all look different to guy. It wasn't. That's insulting, bro. It wasn't. Was it really the same? Yeah, it was him. Well, all of a sudden, y'all look different to us, which is progress.
Starting point is 00:54:09 There we go. Point is, I guess it's less gay if you're just doing it to yourself on body doubles, but is it? I don't know, bro. Can't we just be a little taken aback because we haven't seen this before? Yeah. We heard songs with drug use and adultery. This is the first time i've seen a
Starting point is 00:54:25 dude twerking on satan in a video yeah so it's just new it's just new i don't even care about the satan thing like if yeah yeah i don't care about the same thing like the same thing didn't bother me at all because i don't really believe in it yeah you know like i believe in heaven because it might be there but i'm not gonna believe in satan i'm not gonna believe in hell what's the point of that like yeah i'm not like you in satan i'm not gonna believe in hell what's the point of that like yeah i'm not like you're just gonna believe the good stuff yeah like if i don't believe in it all i might as well just pick the good shit and be like maybe i'll go there that's a valid point yeah because if you're a christian yeah that's why i'm so pissed off by this motherfucker dude
Starting point is 00:55:01 yeah because if you don't if you don't believe in hell and then you go there then you can believe it when you're there you know i mean you're like i'm all right i'm here i'm gonna call it heaven you're not gonna tell me what it is uh-huh perception is reality exactly yeah suck it satan suck it he's ready to yeah as long as he's ready yo honestly why aren't christians agreeing with this video because he's saying the devil's gay, and they're like, gay people go to hell. And he sent himself to hell. This is the most Christian song when you think about it. It's kind of Christian.
Starting point is 00:55:33 It's a Christian-ass song. What the hell are you upset about? Dudes twerking on dudes? Where should that be? According to y'all. There you go. Hell. This video belongs in church as far as I'm concerned.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Al? I'm not Christian. I don't give a fuck. Yes, you are. Yes, you are. How do you feel about this, Mark? Bro, I would say he did it right. According to the book.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Well, actually, I think that's what he said the video was about. He was like, this is me making a response to all the people that told me to go to hell for being gay. He's like, conservative Twitter says that I'm going to hell. tell me to go to hell so fine i'll show you what hell's like can i just ask a question about that like do you need to tell him to go to hell like in that already gonna happen yeah why like why you don't need to why are you doing somebody yeah why are you doing god's job for you yeah i guess you don't have to say that's blasphemy you ain't god's secretary that's a good point sending messages back and forth from god who the fuck are you do your regular job.
Starting point is 00:56:25 God over here like, I got it. I'm God. Yeah. I'm gonna send his ass here. I wrote a whole book. What the fuck you need to tell him for? Yeah, it is a little bit much. Like, there's a bunch of fucking teacher's pets.
Starting point is 00:56:37 That's what these, like, there really are these, like, Christian conservatives. They're fucking teacher's pets. Yeah. God, look. Somebody's fagging about on the internet i'm not religious at all right so i don't have any religious um backing that's pushing me into believing something is uh right or wrong or sexy or not sexy yeah right but when I see Lil Nas X lick what looks like a dude's stomach, Your brain is still adjusting.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Fam, it's cilantro. It's cilantro, dogs. I want to like cilantro. I don't want to be the guy at the Mexican restaurant that's like, can you not have cilantro? I feel like a complete herb. So I want to watch him lick the abdomen and be like, that's hot, bro. That shit is fire. But in my mind, I'm like, complete herb. Yeah. So I want to watch him lick the abdomen and be like, that's hot, bro.
Starting point is 00:57:25 That shit is fire. Yeah. But in my mind, I'm like, this tastes like soap. Tastes like I'm eating soap right now. You don't think cilantro is less of a vegetable than arugula? It's not. It's more. I can't handle it.
Starting point is 00:57:36 It's so dominant, I can't handle it. It's a better vegetable than all the other. Vegetable, celery, that's nothing. I eat that as water. It's nothing. Cilantro, I need to stop. Yeah. I need to take it out. I need like this like a fucking pussy bro yeah so i'm a pussy when it comes to that shit fair enough so what you're saying just dick is so good you
Starting point is 00:57:53 can't handle it yeah if i watch him lick an abdomen again bro i'm gonna start beating off shooting it up in the air catching in my mouth what what al al what dude can we make that a clip right bro are you trying to act like you never did that you never threw yourself out you gotta do that you gotta pull a ronaldo bro shoot it up in the air catch it in the back of your neck like that Nike commercial? You got to do that. You got to pull a Ronaldo, bro. Shoot it up in the air. Catch it back there.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Let it roll down one side. Throw it up. Grab it out the air. It's nothing. It's light work. And that's what I'm going to do if I keep on watching Lil Nas X. It's like a Scooby snack. It's a fucking Scooby snack.
Starting point is 00:58:39 And let me tell you something. I yabba dabba dabba do want him to lick some more belly buttons. Yabba dabba do, do want him to lick some more belly buttons yabba dabba do bro hey whatever dude it's the same shit as cartoons i never watched him bro i was busy watching gay sex as a kid like joiner luther's children you know what i mean joiner gotta sit down with his kids and ask him why they're so gay at a young age. Just watching dudes kiss bellies all fucking day. 31 million of those views come from Joyner Lucas' household. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Yabba Dabba Doo is the one. I thought the Yabba Dabba Doo was Scooby Dooby Doo, but it's Scooby Dooby Doo. Where are you? Probably looking at gay guys' kiss. Dude, Scooby, bro. Nobody want to talk about what Shaggy was doing with Scooby.
Starting point is 00:59:33 Nobody want to talk about that. Nobody want to talk about that. He was cashing shit in his mouth, too. Facts. Facts. When the lipstick came out. That's what they called him in the back of that van. Facts.
Starting point is 00:59:43 Couple of facts. A couple of Fiats. I think it was a back of that van. Facts. Couple of facts. Couple of Fiat's. I think it was a Fiat van that they were driving, matter of fact. But for real, nobody ever saw that episode, right? When Scooby's little pink dick came out. Right? When that Revlon. When that little Revlon came out.
Starting point is 00:59:57 The rocket. The red rocket. That Andrew Santino shot at Scooby's dick. Yo, nobody ever want to talk about that. And Shaggy was like, oh, let me put that away for you. Shaggy said, let me put that away. Right? Nobody ever wants to talk about that.
Starting point is 01:00:13 I missed that episode. You did miss that episode. I got it on DVR if you want to see it. You know who else? Joyner Lucas' kids probably got that one saved as well. Yo, why is Joyner Lucas out and his kids, bro? Let them come out when they want. Like, that's disrespectful to your kid.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Like, why you could... Yo, my kids watch gay shit all the time. At least let them know. They know. Sexy-ass Lil Nas X with his thick-ass lips. Yo, Lil Nas X is cutie. He got some nice lips, bro. He a cutie, yo.
Starting point is 01:00:41 Nah, he could polish off a penis. Yo, he could. He lips, bro. He a cutie, yo. Nah, he could polish off a penis. Yo, he could. He could, bro. Bro, he could. He got great skin, probably from getting cummed on all the time. That shit is fire. Dude, that's what they say is the best thing for your skin, bro. His skin got a lot better here in Miami.
Starting point is 01:00:59 It did. I've been cumming all over my skin, dude. All the tan and cum. Dude, look at Dub's hands. Dub got the softest hands west of the nile what are you saying yeah from the lotion bro but not from his own lotion yeah oh that motherfucker jerks off on his hands rubs it in word oh fire percent dude fire no your hands are bad so no his no your hands are rough today they're clammy from this conversation right now. Really? Bro. By the way, the song's called Call Me
Starting point is 01:01:26 By Your Name. Which part made you the most nervous? Was it the word getting used multiple times? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, dude. Whoa, dude. What happened? Whoa, dude. You just used a crazy word. We don't use that word. What did I say? I think you said
Starting point is 01:01:41 Hey, we old school today. Yo, we really are. Is this Patreon? No, it's not. We're really acting like we got nothing to lose. Dude, you know that I got Lil Nas X coming in here, bro. Sucking on flamingo beaks. Yo, that motherfucker be sucking on flamingo beaks.
Starting point is 01:02:02 That's his new video out. Yo, bro, you never seen that you never seen bro you never seen little nods x suck on a fucking toucan beak bro are you trying to say he's sucking on a cockatoo oh my god i think he's about sucked a cock or two, bro. Oh, my God. Or three or four, Mark. You never know how many.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Shout out to Lil Nas X. We're talking about you on the biggest podcast on the planet. You know what I mean? You did it. You know how to rile up the conservative Christians. Yeah. Yo, we're a conservative Christian podcast. When you think about it.
Starting point is 01:02:47 Yeah, we got one. We got one conservative Christian right there. Yeah. Alex. Yep. I was a conservative Christian, bro. You also could be considered a conservative Christian. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:56 He got Jesus tattooed on his arm. Did you get Jesus on your arm? I got my hero. Who's your hero? Wait and see. Whoa. What did he say? what did he say what did he say i'm just thinking about heroes y'all
Starting point is 01:03:15 akash was wearing the cop what was the university that he's hillman university akash is wearing his hillman university sweatshirt, which isn't even a real school. It's literally just the school Cosby sent his daughter to. And a different world. And a different... He was wearing that shit for like a good three years
Starting point is 01:03:32 after the Cosby... I still wear it. It's just hot. You're a wild boy for that, son. Wild boy. Yo, Akash is a wild boy, bro. Oh, man. Son, I don't know about Miami Akash.
Starting point is 01:03:43 This guy's on a different level. I like that he got a new shirt and you could tell it's new because it's still got all the folds from when you first opened it i should have crisped it i respect it let me tell you something this is brand new i know you think i'm gonna take the steamer to a brand new shirt undershirt i was great raised in undershirt. I don't know if it's an Indian thing. That's what I was always told to do.
Starting point is 01:04:08 It's a t-shirt. You're wearing a button-down t-shirt. Just take out the undershirt. Let that chest breathe. We in Miami. We in Miami. Look at Al. Al got his little,
Starting point is 01:04:17 what is it? Cat food? What is it called? Oh, my taco meat. Taco meat. Cat food. Cat food. It's belittling.
Starting point is 01:04:24 You just gotta say it, dog. You don't know what it is.'s belittling you gotta say it you don't know what it is you say it you go with it you keep moving but sometimes you gotta bring out the taco meat you got that fancy feast bro
Starting point is 01:04:32 Lil Nas X got a cat tongue though he had some traction when he was lifting that ass he was looking too close I was dude Lil Nas X cute bro he is cute though he a cutie patootie He had some traction when he was lifting that ass. He was looking too close at that. I was, dude. Yeah, I was too bad close. Lil Nas X cute, bro.
Starting point is 01:04:47 He is cute, though. He a cutie patootie. We got to get Lil Nas X on the podcast because he cute. He cute. He got nice lips. Motherfucker cute, yo. Yeah, he got the fatty. Mark's going to get mad jealous when he walks in here.
Starting point is 01:04:56 I won't. Mark's going to get mad jealous. I will say. He got a fatter ass than you two. Oh, my God. You really- You got to have a twerking contest. You're going to make me really twerk on Lil Nas X when he gets in here.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Oh, without a doubt. Both of y'all twerking on Andrew the Devil. What's up, everybody? We're going to take a break for a second. Guys, kratom is an herbal supplement that, depending on the strain, can help you relax or give you energy. And unlike CBD, you can actually feel Kratom working in your body. Now, Kratom is often taken before a workout, you know, maybe before you go out there for a nice
Starting point is 01:05:32 little jog. I mean, it's like caffeine, but it's caffeine free. You know, some people even catch a little buzz, but they're not getting that tweaking that you get from caffeine. And let me tell you something, the only brand of Kratom that they should trust is Super Speciosa. Now, why is that? Well, Super Speciosa is not playing around. It's pure. Pure. You're not going to get some other bullshit that's thrown in there.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Nothing to cut it. It's just pure kratom leaf. Pure kratom leaf. Okay, whatever vibe you're going for, Super Speciosa's kratom has got you covered. All right? Their kratom leaf okay whatever vibe you're going for super speciosis kratom has got you covered all right their kratom only has one ingredient the pure kratom leaf kratom is often sold at outrageous markups until now super speciosis is offering an exclusive 20 off discount when you use the promo code flagrant at checkout now all of super speciosa's kratom comes exclusively from southeast asia once it sells out it can take months to get to restock so you got to get it while you can go to super
Starting point is 01:06:31 slash flagrant and use the promo code flagrant for 20 off your entire order now let's get back to other things happening uh the suez canal blockage that shit is finally free finally free i think little nazix licked it and then was able to move the boat. Lil Nas X came over there and he licked the end of the boat and it just jimmied free. Or shimmied or whatever. And now the boat is free and now we can have trade again. Yo, shouts to the goat. Shouts to y'all.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Yo, Egypt, y'all can't have any responsibilities anymore. I think we're done with that. No. Yeah. Wait, who runs the canals egypt i mean the jews took it over for like a week once it's like airbnb the airbnb that shit they really did you did have it for about seven days we had it and we took that sinai penins and then they gave it back which is historical so it's back in egypt's hands right i'm just really proud of your history i know my
Starting point is 01:07:27 shit he knows history it's really annoying i love history man it's worked out for us yeah okay um so everybody made a big deal about this fucking boat being stuck can y'all explain to me why they couldn't just move this fucking boat i don't know it was big when it drifted a little bit more water get the water higher and then you can move it it's a lot of water to raise the whole fucking canal they had to dredge out 60 feet deep it still wouldn't jimmy free i mean it was the boat on its side is longer than the width so when it was in it went it went in but all the memes of it, one bulldozer was sent first before...
Starting point is 01:08:08 Yeah, they need Francis and Garner to go push it. It really did. You know what was crazy, though? That apparently every day it costs like $9 billion. Who's paying that? I don't know. They be saying shit like that.
Starting point is 01:08:23 I think that's just the company's losses or whatever yeah they have livestock on those boats i mean they have everything and now now you have to also send those boats around africa just because we're of color that was fucking wild bro that was super crazy house flashback no that's fucking that is super racist how else you supposed to get them chinese kids we adopt over here hold on hold on i'm gonna lob you guys one send them a fucking back you know it's egypt and it happened during passover come on comedians go oh go yeah i'm gonna pass over them jokes that's right what an odd setup that was we don't get it dude what are you talking about egypt gave uh jesus safe haven you don't remember that when he was it we gave him a safe haven bro he knows i don't
Starting point is 01:09:16 know he knows i went to the synagogue where he was chilling him and mary shacked up that's his mom yo yeah yeah they were shacked up bro they can't be shot you can't be shacked up. That's his mom, yo. Yeah. Yeah, they were shacked up, bro. You can't be shacked up with your mom, bro. Joe, Mary, Joey. It's a different relationship. Yo, son, Joey and Mary, Joey and Mary was shacked up, and Jesus was there, too.
Starting point is 01:09:40 How jealous do you think Joe was of Jesus? That he was in that pussy before he was? I would be looking at you your whole life like, you little motherfucker. You better be God's son. You better be God's son. Otherwise, I'm going to beat your ass. Yo, that's crazy. The first time he saw Mary's pussy was when Jesus came out.
Starting point is 01:10:02 Yeah. Just winking at him and shit. Wow. Wow. The disrespect, dude. Yeah. Just winking at him and shit. Wow. Wow. The disrespect, dude. Yeah. Joe kind of a simp. Motherfucker, a super simp, dog.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Is he not a super simp? Your wife gets pregnant. You ain't even smash. You know what I mean? Three homies show up when she giving birth. You know what I'm saying? You ain't asking no questions. Yeah, you're not like, yo, who are y'all?
Starting point is 01:10:26 How you know? Oh, are you guys the doctor? They're like, nah. We just here to watch. Hey, tell your wife split her legs open. We here to watch. Oh my God. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:10:38 We're not going to talk about that? Conservative Christians, y'all not going to explain that one a little bit? Oh, shit. Mark. Mark. What? They they just gonna show up yeah the fucking bleachers he's secure man huh he's a secure guy how joseph no that guy's uh the ultimate secure dude unbelievable security yeah exactly or fucking retarded bro or genuinely retarded bro like people i was talking to theo on his podcast about this like you know how there's like a iq number that makes you retard yeah like 90 or whatever like let's say it's 80 there are people that are 81 they're just walking around right that doesn That doesn't concern anybody. Right?
Starting point is 01:11:25 Like midget is 4'11". 5' isn't midget. But we're still looking at them like, man, come on, people. Midget ass. My sister's 5' and I still call her a midget. No, you don't. She looks way taller than 5' bro. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:11:39 That's amazing. Anyway, point is, there are retard midgets. Yeah. Right? This episode is crazy. It is crazy, bro. It is crazy. We had this incredibly uplifting, inspirational story from Francis Ngannou.
Starting point is 01:11:56 And then the back half of it is just... We gotta balance it out. We are balancing it out. Okay? We're balancing it out. Yo, what's wrong, buddy? Motherfucker is sweating, bro. He is. Chubb's sweating. motherfucker's sweating bro the anxiety look guys um point is i love when we go off the rail it's been a long time since we've gone off the rails
Starting point is 01:12:18 but my favorite thing is we go off the rails and then you try to go all right guys the point is like there's a point to any of it there is a point bro that suez canal yeah we we gotta take it back man we gotta take it back yo son we we used to let egypt think that they could choose their leader right they made some bad choices then we got up in there we're like and this is the reason why yeah is because you can't control your shit you can't control it sorry egypt we gotta step in again now keep that suez running we don't even have panama though we're gonna have the panama canal what do you mean we don't have the panama canal it's not ours right who's got it we gave back to panama come on mark i'm pretty sure we did
Starting point is 01:13:00 that's just a pr move they know what time it is we run let them try to close that let let us show up with a boat and they're like nah you can't pass alex laugh no can pass america you about to be part of guatemala if this shit don't open i'll put some respect on my lap yo you got the greatest laugh in history, dog. Yo, Alex, when we were doing this hypothetical country song that we might play or we might not play, it's a banger, certified. I have a feeling we're going to play it. Yeah, we're definitely going to play it. If anyone's listening in tents, we've listened to it seven times before
Starting point is 01:13:36 the episode. Oh, yes. It's such a great song. But we asked Alex, yo, we need your laugh in it. And Al couldn't recreate his own laugh. What the fuck, yo? Son, it's involuntary. Hmm. He literally was like, yo, we need your laugh in it. And Al couldn't recreate his own laugh. What the fuck, yo? Son, it's involuntary. He literally was like, Ta-hoo! Sound like a fucking clown nose.
Starting point is 01:13:53 Ta-hoo! Ta! That's it. That's all you gotta do. Ta-ha! Okay, fine. I just be getting my feelings hurt at the first part and not here in the second.
Starting point is 01:14:06 Al laughs like a 81 IQ motherfucker You got that 5 foot laugh Come on bro We gotta meet at 81 If you got a just above retard IQ Please holler at us We need to interview an 81 dog You don't think you know an 81?
Starting point is 01:14:26 You don't think so? No, personally? Like, it's my friend? Yeah, or like... 81? Yeah, 80 to 100? No, no, I thought 100 is lit. That's a great IQ. I thought 100 was the best you could get. I thought it was 0 to 100.
Starting point is 01:14:42 What the fuck are we going over 100 for? 100 is average, I think. What? I think going up to 140 is genius, right? Why wouldn't it go to 100? I think it goes higher. We all got good. It goes higher than 140.
Starting point is 01:14:52 What 81 created this test, dude? It's just like Fahrenheit, bro. It's like Fahrenheit. Because there's no limit to the IQ, I don't think. Over 145 is highly gifted. What's the highest IQ that's ever existed? That's fire, fire quick. Over 180, so probably. What's the highest IQ that's ever existed? That's fire, fire. Over 180, so probably. What's Alex Jones' IQ?
Starting point is 01:15:09 Alex Jones got the highest IQ in history, dog. 300 easy. 300 easy. Like his cholesterol. Alex Jones' cholesterol and IQ the same. The same exact number.
Starting point is 01:15:22 What's the highest IQ, Dove? Someone named Anand Celeste Callaway with a score of 263 because he was hoping how much jewish person he was hoping he looks he looks a little disappointed now they're like what look at look at him but he doesn't believe it you don't buy it huh don't buy it how much how much was it put some respect we got an edith stern coming in over 200 come on hi edith some woman yeah come on some woman bro what woman, bro? What is she going to be? That's the best y'all got?
Starting point is 01:15:45 What is she going to be? A chef? Now he's trying to recreate it. He doesn't know how to laugh anymore. We literally stole Alex's laugh. He's fucking up, son. Well, first of all, What's the highest dub?
Starting point is 01:16:06 What was it? 263? 263. That's fucking crazy, dog. But remember something. It was founded by a psychologist's name. The actual IQ scoring. William Stern.
Starting point is 01:16:17 Of course, y'all do the best. And I don't even believe the IQ test no more, dude. Yeah. Nah. But also, you guys are just in charge of the test. It's like... Yeah. Yeah. You're an administrator. But how are you in charge of the test and you don't even have the top score on it
Starting point is 01:16:29 yeah yeah that's like owning a bank bro like you guys control all the stuff going in and out yeah i just want to take some royalties i'm just saying that's not fair of course jews are going to do the highest what is the test on like how many times you could change your table a restaurant how do you have how do you have how do you have a hike what's like the third question just give me the third question on an iq test how many times your mom calls to ask if you're okay when you're sick i'm gonna give you a couple questions right now yeah give me give me some iq questions hopefully i do better than my wonder lick yeah wonder lick is a little nasa hicks that guy in the music video
Starting point is 01:17:07 yeah you got an 81 that shit's a wonderlick all right give me some questions all right you remember his wonderlick when he was like taking mad time i thought i bodied it dog i genuinely thought i bodied it bro
Starting point is 01:17:23 they they're multiple choice and you gotta dove just ask the question dude I genuinely thought I bodied it, bro. There are multiple choice and you got to... Just ask the question, dude. Which number should come next in the pattern? 37, 34, 31, 28? 37, 34, 31. I swear to God, dog. It's the simplest thing in the world. 40.
Starting point is 01:17:43 25. No, no, I i understand everyone was three less so what's his like based on your assessment bad pressure to answer questions that's a lot when your friends think you're dumb yeah or smart you can't get it out you can't laugh anymore dude that's crazy it'll come back all right guys're going to take a break for a second because you know what? Your dick should never take a break. When your dick needs to do something, it needs to be able to deliver at its highest ability. You need that Francis dick, that active dick.
Starting point is 01:18:17 You need the most active dick. Your dick should feel like Francis Ngannou. An active champion. An active champion. And you know how you do that you do with blue chew very simple same active ingredients it's inside cialis or viagra but i'm telling you that this is 10 times better because it's the chew okay alex said it made his dick grow it gave me full control of when i nut there are super special powers that are attached
Starting point is 01:18:43 to the blue chew that the asshole army has been reaping the benefits of for probably the last two years now it's unbelievable the chew is not playing around you go get your chew right now and you satisfy your wife you satisfy your girl you satisfy your side chick you satisfy that girl that you haven't slept with yet but you want to make a great first impression you can get them digmatized. And ladies, you deserve this. Okay? If you're just listening right now, your boyfriend, your side dude, your husband, whoever the fuck it is, isn't on it just yet, hasn't given you a sweet taste of that blue chew, shit, you get on it right now. You know why? Because it's free. It's free. Why would you not try the best dick of your life
Starting point is 01:19:20 or have the best dick of your life if it's free? All you got to do is pay $5 shipping. of your life or have the best dick of your life if it's free all you gotta do is pay five dollars shipping you go to use the promo code flagrant and you receive your first month free okay all you gotta do is pay five dollars shipping this is a no-brainer go out there get dicked or give dick and make sure it's blue chew dick let's get back okay guys there's serious things that we have to talk about it's white boy boy summer, man. Yo, you're right. Congrats, dog. Thank you. You're welcome.
Starting point is 01:19:48 I've been working hard for this. Are we going to allow Chet Hanks to dictate anything? If not Chet Hanks, then who? Keep going. I mean, listen, this is the white boy of white boys. He is the heir to the white boy throne. Who's America's white boy? Thomas Hanks.
Starting point is 01:20:05 That's a great point. Who's the only relevant son? Chet. Wait, he has another son? Colin. Oh, shit. Colin's a good actor. Colin is the Tom Hanks of Tom Hanks' sons.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Yeah. You know? You know? Like, everything about him is so Tom Hanks. He's so Tom Hanks. Chet over here on some Wild Boy shit. Chet broke free, dog. He really broke free. He knows why the cage bird sings.
Starting point is 01:20:30 You can't contain Chet Hanks. I saw what you did right there. Yo, hey. Was that a Tom Hanks movie? No. Fuck. Cage bird. Black ass book, dude.
Starting point is 01:20:39 Come on. Oh, it was a book? Yeah. How did you see what happened if it didn't happen? I thought that you were referencing a Tom Hanks movie. No cage bird sings you know that's a maya angela poem he's thinking birdcage with robin williams nathan lane oh yeah birdcage jackman bro you're going down you're at like a 87 right i think i'm coming close dude i'm coming i'm coming close to retard levels of iq i'm getting uncomfortable i'm grabbing the
Starting point is 01:21:05 mic stand point is chet hanks is he's a white boy if anybody knows white boys it's a guy that grew up in white boyness yeah can we listen to some chet hanks music are you guys familiar with any of his music he made a college song i know that probably slapped i didn't know that he made music at all are you sure he made the college song? Or was it the redhead? Asher Roth. No, no, no. Not a song called College. He made a song at his college, like trying to promote school spirit or some shit like
Starting point is 01:21:33 that. Like a pep rally song? Yeah. I just read about it on Wikipedia. I don't know too much about it. But he is a rapper. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And we haven't heard any of his songs.
Starting point is 01:21:41 No, but he got a fire ass patois accent. Everybody hates on it because he's white. That shit is fire. Nah, he could go with it Okay but if we play it then this video is going to get demonetized So we can't play it Unless we just listen to it Oh his name is Chet Hayes Let's go Alright let's listen to it
Starting point is 01:21:59 Yo that shit is flames bro Chet Hayes is kind of nice Chet Hayes You don't like Chet Hayes is kind of nice. Chet Hayes. You don't like Chet Hayes? I wasn't feeling it, but maybe I'm just a hater. Come on, dude. Wasn't it better than your expectation? Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:11 I'll give you... By the middle of it, I was like, okay, it's not as bad as it started off. I was bopping to it. Yeah. I don't know, bro. Mark, what'd you think? It's just so easy to make a good rap song if you have... Shit the fuck.
Starting point is 01:22:21 Yo, yo, yo, yo. Yo, yo, yo. If you have... Make one hit country song, man. And all of a sudden you think it's easy to make a hot rap song, bro. if you have unlimited money and you know everyone in Hollywood you know that you can make one banger you just know everybody in the industry that's not yeah what do you mean brother what do you mean brother what are you talking about brother oh my god but it should kind of sound good at the end of the day yeah you just guess i want to make that shit sound fire why would you put out some shit that's like mid?
Starting point is 01:23:06 Do you have one where he's filled into his body yet? Because that motherfucker was looking slender in that last one. We need one where he's... He was looking a little
Starting point is 01:23:13 Colin-ish, to be honest. Yeah, he had a lot more Colin. And we need him a little bit more thick. You want the thickums? I think we need to see thick Chad Hanks. Chad Hanks the GOAT!
Starting point is 01:23:27 That's all right! I would go so far as to say Chet Hanks better at music than Tom Hanks is at acting, yo. Relax. I can't even do it just because that's like, come on, don't go at Tom Hanks like that. You love Tom that much? Yeah, that's Tommy Hanks, bro. Come on, bro. I mean, how great is Tom Hanks at acting?
Starting point is 01:23:44 Let's be honest. I mean, he's pretty fire. Is on, bro. I mean, how great is Tom Hanks at acting? Let's be honest. I mean, he's pretty fire. He's fire, dog. Is he, though? I mean, I wouldn't know, but. He played at 81, dog. Huh? He played at 81.
Starting point is 01:23:52 Yeah, that's a great point. Man, he did, dude. But it's easy to pretend to be retarded. What do you mean? And Southern. Ah, that's tricky. He did both, yo. Yeah, that's a tricky one.
Starting point is 01:24:03 That's two. That's two almost retard voices. You got to figure out how to do both at the same time without letting one dominate. You keep dipping under 81. You're like, uh-oh, hold on. Better say something smart before I think I'm actually done. That would keep balance. Yo, they gave him a gun.
Starting point is 01:24:20 The U.S. Army gave Forrest Gump a gun. But he was so dumb. He was like, let me just run. Let me just save everybody. Let me just run. Good ass point. Damn. I didn't even know how to work the fucking safety.
Starting point is 01:24:31 Chet Hanks is fire singing, bro. That was great, dude. Yo, I think we got to put some respect on Chet Hanks. And he's live, too. You can't fake it. That's a fact. That's it. That was live, son.
Starting point is 01:24:42 That wasn't live. Yeah, that was. What video are you seeing? I don't think that was live. I just don't believe that was live son that wasn't live yeah that was what video did you see I don't think that was live I just don't believe that was live but how or maybe they have
Starting point is 01:24:49 a fucking record track and he's just that is lip sync Ashley Simpson yeah yo yo yo yo yo yo come on son
Starting point is 01:24:57 yo yo yo people gonna say that we know how you sound in a booth son people gonna say that I ain't really singing bro I'm gonna sing it live I'm gonna go acapella ooh let's go if you don't think but not right now i'm just saying if you had such a song how how would it sound you know what al you put me in an awkward
Starting point is 01:25:14 position bro why i think we gotta i think we gotta give him a taste you have your hand on that have your finger on that space bar in case we need to stop it but i think we need i think we need to give the asshole army a little taste of the greatest of the greatest number one hit in history why are you why are you wagging fingers listen shut up truffle the fucking mouth okay listen the people need the people need this right now the vibes are yo let's the people need it you get a salary now baby hold on baby hold on hold on i said we about to give it to are y'all ready all i gotta say is all i gotta say is we were in nashville we've been in florida and the rest of the country needs to catch up you know i don't want to put out medical misinformation or whatever, so don't trust nothing
Starting point is 01:26:05 I'm saying. None of this is true, but this is all false. Don't trust anything like that. It's just feelings. We've got to open a country up, baby. We've got to open her up. Don't we've got to open her up, Al? I think we've got to open her up. Mark, what do you think? You think we've got to open her up? I think there's an argument to be made. There's an argument to be made. We're not saying it's facts
Starting point is 01:26:22 or anything like that. We're just being hyperbolic and this is music. Do you think we gotta open her up? I don't know. Convince me. Okay, I might have to. Dubbets, hush. Press play. Whoa, whoa, whoa, baby. We're making country music.
Starting point is 01:26:38 Oh. Yeah. Passing all the cash for 13 months. All I keep thinking about is getting fucked up. Want to take all my sweats and clip my pubes. Hey, where's my picker? Tired of getting caught jerking off on Zoom.
Starting point is 01:27:01 What are you doing, sir? Boucher says I need to double up my mask. Tell the little gerbil he can kiss my ass. What do you doing sir? Fauci says I need to double up my mask Tell the little gerbil he can kiss my ass What do you think boss? I think it's time Open her up like a can of beans Open her up like a jar of weed Open her up like Forrest Whitaker's eye Open her up and let's see what's inside
Starting point is 01:27:21 Like a good old boy with sharp knives skating above. Open the road. I'm convinced. Pause it. Pause it. Pause it. Pause it. I don't even know if
Starting point is 01:27:35 we can give him any more, Al. I don't know if we can give him any more. Shit. That was fire. I can't believe it, y'all.
Starting point is 01:27:43 Should we give him another verse? I don't know we care now we gotta wait we gotta wait they hit a second verse with the video oh maybe maybe the patreon maybe we dropped the whole song on the page love it yeah that's because because there's a rumor on the streets that we might have that we might have a rap verse from Jelly Roll on it. I'm just saying. There's a rumor.
Starting point is 01:28:08 Goddamn. There's a rumor on the streets that there might have been a crazy collab of incredibly successful Nashville artists. That's all I can say. I can't say too much for legal reasons, et cetera. But if you're not familiar with Jelly Roll, check them out. What the song save me my god dude fuck but we really made our couch cry and i got emotional yo yeah yo this is this guy's the truth this guy's the truth i mean we had our boy dave as well dave the truth i mean we had a bunch of people that were putting it together josh wolf the truth another person that we gotta you know stay silent about we gotta stay silent about another person but a legend yeah i know some of y'all likes probably garth brooks i can't
Starting point is 01:28:57 say if it is or it isn't actually i can say it's not garth brooks but somebody very successful incredibly successful all i'm saying is we might have to take the country music charts by storm. You know what it sounds like to me? Talk to me. It sounds like it's about to be a white boy summer. I think it might be. I think a strong case is being presented. I think it might be.
Starting point is 01:29:18 Between Chet Hanks is singing and your country music, it might be a white boy summer. It might be a white boy summer? It might be a white boy summer. Maybe that's a white boy summer. It might be a white boy summer. Maybe that's a song collab you guys could make. It might be. WBS, you know what I mean? It might be. It might be.
Starting point is 01:29:32 But this was such a big collab, you know what I mean? That's true. I don't know. I don't know if it's just a white boy thing. This might be just a whole world thing. I think the whole world might get behind this because it's time to open it up. Oh, yeah. Now, how are you going to react to criticism of people saying that you're stealing little
Starting point is 01:29:45 Nas X's whole trajectory? Do you have an answer for the critics? I do have an answer for the critics. I do have an answer for the critics. At least I'm straight. At least I'm straight. Maybe you guys will like that part of me
Starting point is 01:30:06 Huh? Oh my god I didn't see it coming Damn bro Kind of like Jonah Lucas' kids Yo what an old man thing to do for a rapper Yeah You're supposed to be a rapper
Starting point is 01:30:22 My children are seeing this I was disappointed. Have your children watched any Eminem videos? Yeah, bro. Have they listened to any Eminem music? Aren't you signed to Eminem? Yeah. What a nerd ass thing to say, bro.
Starting point is 01:30:34 My children are watching it. Come on, bro. Ain't nothing wrong with gay kids, bro. Kids is mad gay. Your jeans is as mad gay, yo. Jeans is as mad gay your jeans is mad gay yo jeans is mad gay all right all right what else we got yo uh jake paul ben askren oh yeah that was this is a phenomenal press conference the highlights were great son the highlights were great did you see ben askren's promo video yeah i saw you retweeted fantastic absolutely amazing this guy's great at content he is great and even when he's calling
Starting point is 01:31:06 jake yeah he didn't call him jake paul he calls him logan paul's little brother yes and you know that's the thing that yeah oh i yeah dude of course i'll be honest i think i think jake seemed a little nervous i think jake was just out trolled but i still think jake is gonna win the fight but i think he's not used to being on the end where like a fighter is better at that part than him. I don't think he ever saw that coming. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:31 That's a great call. That's a great call. And that can throw you off because you're like, I'm used to the one that like is antagonistic. Yeah. I'm the asshole that gets under your skin. How the fuck are you doing this to me? I did not see that coming. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:42 There was one point where he just didn't know what to say. He's like, stupid pussy ass bitch it was just you almost felt bad you're like oh fuck you didn't have a line yeah that moment so ben is under his skin oh yeah i wonder if he goes out and tries to knock him out too hard and that works in ben's favor i don't know i mean listen everybody i know that knows boxing you rogan that's about They say he could throw, like this kid's legit nice at boxing. No, no, he's. And Ben is not nice. He might be good at fighting, but not boxing.
Starting point is 01:32:10 He's good. The only chance that Ben has, and it is a significant chance, is having good enough head movement to avoid Jake and one, having a strong enough chin. And he has a fucking excellent chin. He does have an excellent chin. He's been hit hard with a little four ounce gloves. Having enough chin to sustain punishment until Jake gets tired because we don't know what Jake's cardio is going to be like.
Starting point is 01:32:35 It takes fighters years to build up to an eight round fight. Most fighters, I think amateurs are three rounds now. There was a time I think there were four rounds. A lot of guys will fight four rounders and build up to an eight-round fight. Eight rounds is a lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:49 And Ben has full fight cardio. He has five five-minute round cardio if he needs. So if he can do five fives, he can do eight threes? But it's different. You know, boxing is also different. We'll see. But you like to, you probably you probably go okay this guy's been fighting longer he's been in the gym longer he's been doing this for the last fucking decade
Starting point is 01:33:09 and a half or whatever however long he's been doing it the guy's the guy's cardio is probably at a level that's better and i think he's like i'm just gonna try to wear jake down and then eventually his cardio goes and then i'll just beat him up and hopefully get a stoppage yeah so it's really about jake's cardio and if jake is too excited and trying to knock him out too quickly because he's too angry, he just really wants to expose this guy that has embarrassed him. Yeah. That cardio goes. How did his pad work look to you in that promo video?
Starting point is 01:33:34 His pad work always looks trash, bro. That's what I was thinking. It always looks trash. But it doesn't mean that one, he doesn't hit hard. And two, that he's not going to be in there and engage in doing some what they call dirty boxing. I think Ben could get in there in the clinch and then work out of the clinch well. What does that mean? The clinch is when they're kind of holding each other in a phone booth.
Starting point is 01:33:55 They're just real tight. So that's what I think he'll do. I think he'll kind of hold one arm and hit him with some uppercuts, maybe some overhand rights. That's not technically legal. It's not technically illegal either. It's just in the gray area. You're not going to get a point deducted because you can work inside, but I think that's where he's going to feel more comfortable
Starting point is 01:34:13 because he can also control him there. If he needs to, he can wrap him up. And then once he wraps him up, there's nothing Jay can do. You're talking about an elite wrestler. There's nothing. You just got to wait for the ref to come in and separate you because physically there's nothing you you just got to wait for the ref to come in and separate you right because you just there physically there's nothing you'll be able to do right this guy's like ability to manipulate your balance with his is next level right the guy couldn't even strike and he would
Starting point is 01:34:35 just dominate fighters for most of his career simply because of that right same thing with like khabib like khabib doesn't have to be good at striking because once he grabs you there's nothing you can do yeah like when he said to jake at the press conference he's like if we were in an alley street and i do a homicide yeah if i wanted i could do a homicide on you yeah like you know that too yeah that's kind of crazy that's a bar dude like i could kill you if i wanted to yeah a guy in rainbow sandals says that to you yeah you got to believe that if a guy in sandals ever says that to you yeah you gotta believe that if a guy in sandals ever says if i wanted to kill you right now in an alley i could do that yeah and jake was like come on but he wasn't yeah the best thing jake can do is just make it about boxing right like i would
Starting point is 01:35:19 even lean in like yeah he kicked the crap out of me and wrestling or do all of course of course you're in boxing yeah you don't know how to do that in this specific thing? I'm knocking your ass out. This is not an alley. This is not an alley. This is a ring. Do you think Jake feels like he's in over his head a little bit? No.
Starting point is 01:35:36 Because I think he's fucking people up in the gym because everything that I've heard, he's legit. Everything that I've heard, and I trust the guys that I've heard it from. My guys told me before the Nate Robinson fight, they fight they're like yo this kid is fucking people up in la i think there was in la like legit people not professional box but like legit gym guys yeah he's fucking them up right not just like oh he had a spirited sparring that he's fucking them up right so on paper everything should go his way but if he can't hit
Starting point is 01:36:06 him if ben is elusive enough can't do damage if ben gets in his head how big of a deal is that in boxing it can expose you because it and i know in basketball if you're the free throw line in your head you're fucked but this is different it seems like it's different it can't expose you i think man i think it can't so i think it just makes you want to knock them out make you want to knock the person out quicker and then you just exhaust yourself and you only have so much fuel in the tank right eventually we run out of fuel yeah and an eight round fight is about fuel management as you get into eight ten twelve it's just as important to be able to manage your output yeah as it is to like have those skills to be in there because you can have all the skills in the world if you got two rounds in you you're fucking done look at conor mcgregor yeah and every
Starting point is 01:36:56 boxer goes in with a game plan so if you get in somebody's head and you get get them off their game plan now they're just scrambling yes and once you do that he can't stop the shit talk in the ring even ben astring got to be running his fucking mouth in the ring no i don't even think he has i think he has to treat him like a little kid undermine him kind of tease him like really get him and if the most important thing that he can do and this is hard to do it but it's like is flip the internet on him because right now the internet is is like jake is the man and he's trolling everybody. And he's like, he's almost 6'9 in the boxing, like the MMA community.
Starting point is 01:37:30 Right? So if Askren can flip the internet, be like, oh shit, Askren did this thing that's better. And now Jake is looking silly. Like him pushing his face, I thought meant that Jake got under Askren's skin. Because Askren never makes physical contact. Askren's whole thing is like, why are we saying we're going to fight each other?
Starting point is 01:37:52 We're literally going to do it for money in two weeks. I've heard him say that to people. You're going to get your chance. You don't have to yap right now about this. But when he pushed his face and then walked away i was like oh shit is jake under askren skin or did askren go i can mush this guy's face and there's nothing he can do to me i thought it was this yeah it was like a publicity thing like here i'm gonna shove his face everybody's gonna talk about that he's not gonna do anything he can't like this is this is the not the boxing
Starting point is 01:38:22 ring i wouldn't yeah yeah it was cool to see jake's reaction though like people criticized like he just slapped his stomach but his knee-jerk reaction was like pull back and then react with a punch like when most people are like attacked when they don't know they just retreat and they put their hands up and they stop they kind of freeze hands up freeze but his reaction was to move his head back and then counter yeah that was the knee-jerk reaction yeah that was interesting it's pretty cool yeah it's like to learn those instincts he's only in boxing a few years yeah yeah it'll counter with an open hand he he can't fuck the money up either yeah i know but i'm saying that's still if it's reactive though if it's a knee jerk you're not thinking you're just going yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:39:01 good point i don't know i just thought i always like seeing like what do people really do in the moment like how are they really gonna react yeah and um he tried to at least counter yeah look either way i'm fucking excited if jake gets knocked out you think he like goes crazy or even if you win or loses on like technicality or something like i don't really see ben reacting negatively if he loses i think he's just sort of like all right whatever moving on if jake loses do you think he throws a fit does he like go wild i think he spirals a bit i the thing is like in my interactions and like i think most people's personal interactions with with jake he's like just the sweetest kid like he's just a fucking nice guy so he understands how to play the character and hype things up.
Starting point is 01:39:45 So he was very humble after his defeat of Nate Robinson. He's like, I hope he's okay. And he called me out and blah, blah, blah. So I don't foresee him making a big stink about it if he gets knocked out. But if he does get knocked out, I don't see who he's going to fight again. So that's where shit gets tricky. He needs this to go well. I mean, if he wins, him and Conor McGregor is going to be a thing that would make a ton of money.
Starting point is 01:40:12 If he knocks Askren out, the fight game is his. The mere feat of making the amateur boxing world as lucrative as the heavyweight boxing world, potentially, if he can pull that off, that in and of itself is just mike fuck good for you you fucking did it pick whoever you want yeah that's in the mma world yeah and then fight them after that yeah if he knocks out askren i'll be honest with you if i'm con Connor, I stay the fuck away. Really? Why? Because you said Connor can box. Askren cannot.
Starting point is 01:40:54 So to me, if I'm Connor, and we don't know if Connor wants it, but it's like, I mean, this is an amateur boxer. I'm essentially an amateur boxer. Yeah. Who cares? I stay away. If I'm Connor, I stay away. If he knocks out Askren.
Starting point is 01:41:05 Okay. Because Askren has been... Okay, so Askren has been in there with guys that strike. It's not like he hasn't. And he has a chin. So if you manage to knock out a guy with a chin, then you got... This guy has punching power. The only time Askren's been significantly hurt in his career
Starting point is 01:41:22 is when he got kneed in the fucking head at full run yeah like jorge's knee yeah which was by design but like that never happens i don't want to call it lucky because he did train it and worked on it and predicted where he was going to go he's going to shoot for the for the double leg and he need him right there but like i'll take that not happening nine out of ten times right yeah pretty infrequent yes so the guy's got a chin he's dealing with bigger gloves so the shit hurts less and he knows how to avoid a punch he's been in there with guys who punch yeah and they haven't hit him enough to knock him out and they know he's only doing one thing to them right is wrestling them like it's not like he's like this versatile fighter he's going into
Starting point is 01:42:11 every fight going i'm gonna grab you i'm gonna hold you i'm gonna put you down and i'm gonna punch you that's all right so i don't know it's just hard for me to just go yeah there's no way but like connor went rounds with floyd and maybe floyd was just like playing with him but like yeah you say floyd is carrying him was carrying floyd don't train for the fight apparently only just did like push-ups and shit like that and even then he just did whatever he wanted with him like well i think connor like has good head movement you know but like he couldn't hurt floyd he didn't have the power in the gloves. It's really interesting. Conor is a fucking hard puncher at like 145 pounds.
Starting point is 01:42:47 As a boxer, the hands just didn't seem hard. It was really weird. I don't know what it is, but the punching power just wasn't there. It's because there's so much more glove, I assume, right? Yeah, I guess. He caught Floyd with a clean uppercut. Floyd,
Starting point is 01:43:04 I think, lunged in and he caught him early with just a clean uppercut. Hit him? It was nothing. Floyd's got a beard on him. So I don't know. If I'm Conor, if he knocks out Penn Askren violently, just as dominant as he was against Nate Robinson, if I'm Conor, I stay away. I stay away.
Starting point is 01:43:20 And then if you're Jake, you just fucking call out whoever the hell you want. Who do you think would take him in the MMA world? If I'm him, I'd call out Khabib. He's retired, undefeated, not the best striker. Yeah, I don't think Khabib could care less unless you go with his wife. And then I think if Khabib does that, I don't think he's looking to play by rules or whatever. I think it's just $100 million. You go, we can make $100 million, or you can make 100 million khabib and you just go why don't
Starting point is 01:43:49 you just donate this to your favorite causes here's 100 million dollars give it to the people of dagstan you have to fight one guy that you can't really fight and allegedly have like an out because he said i retired from ufc from ufc yeah but i don't know but you got to call out the mma community that's what it is just keep going through it it'd be interesting to see From UFC. Yeah. But I don't know. But you got to call out the MMA community. That's what it is. Just keep going through it. It'd be interesting to see. Speaking of fights, Izzy apparently got dropped from BMW because he said that he would rape Kevin Holland.
Starting point is 01:44:18 Son, the prime minister of New Zealand was criticizing it. And it's like, yo, what are we doing? But that, yo, low key, that's how famous he is over there. That's fire. Isn't that crazy? like you gotta be famous for the president like if biden hit me up and he was like yo you can't say that shit i'd be like whoa bro i'm fucking i'm pretty famous yeah i was like when obama called kanye dumb oh yeah kanye's like wait a minute what i say what i say gets to the president? Yeah. So that's a huge compliment.
Starting point is 01:44:51 And, you know, I mean, if we had to make an argument for BMW or the New Zealand, like, he did hump Paul Acosta after he knocked him out. Yeah. So he's rapey. Yo, Kevin Holland better watch his mouth, yo. is he could take that ass if he wanted to because he'd easily knock kevin holland out he would easily knock him out and then what he does with him after he knocks him out is up to is he at that point after you're knocked out there's nothing you can do if he wants to take that ass you take that ass you better hope herb dean from going into you maybe it wasn wasn't inaccurate to say that.
Starting point is 01:45:25 Maybe it wasn't. But BMW, you got to know who you're doing business with. Yeah, man. This guy rapes dudes. Oh, my God. No, no. It's all jokes. It's all jokes.
Starting point is 01:45:36 It's all jokes. No, but I don't know. I think that BMW shit is so corny. That's the whole problem with the cancel culture thing. It's like BMW knows who they're doing business with. They know that he's somebody who's like hyperbolic on the Internet. He makes these jokes all the time. They love it and they love it.
Starting point is 01:45:50 How big it's. And they tell you that when they sign. Oh, we love that about you. Don't change that. And then the social pressure may forces them into making a decision like this. It's not BMW that wants to make a decision. Right. It is all these idiots on Twitter go BMW.
Starting point is 01:46:04 You see what you're sponsoring they also go to puma they also go to all these other sponsors and they go they've done it with us we see something crazy and then i see them tweeting at all of our sponsors going these are the people that you want to advertise and we've lost advertisers because of it yeah but like i would love to see bmw be like you know what no one company be like no you guys are going to forget about this in a week yes you're not going to buy our cars anyways you're too poor you have nothing better to do but complain on twitter yeah that's true clearly your job ain't shit so let's just wait it out i would love to see one sponsor set that precedent that's a great point like activists don't have enough money to drive
Starting point is 01:46:37 a bmw yeah keep your morals you poor fuck on the bus you loser your monthly pass you can't even afford bum asses get out of here you ain't got no bmw money yeah it's a shame it is a fucking shame but i guess i i do understand how these corporations work and why they have to do it they don't it's not that they want to it's not like they're finding out about that and going i can't be associated they know they're associated they they just bend to that pressure from social media. Yeah, I push back on the word have to just because I don't, I understand why they do it, but I don't think they have to do it because it always goes away in a week. They feel like they have to. Yeah, and maybe it only goes away because everybody caves in, so then we're allowed to move on, but I would love one company,
Starting point is 01:47:22 and granted, it's easy to say when it's not my money, but I would love one company to be like, let's see how long you guys are really pissed off about this. Let's just see. Yeah, I mean, is there such a thing as cross the line and pre-fight like shit talk? Yeah, we're gonna beat the shit out of each other. Like, I'm gonna physically abuse you. Potentially kill. Yes. Like, people have died in this sport.
Starting point is 01:47:40 Yeah. So... If someone said, I will murder you, you'd be like, no, DeAndre Hopkins said, I want to kill someone in the ring. I think Tyson said, I want to eat sport yeah so if someone said i will murder you would be like no that's a deandre hopkins said i want to kill someone in the ring i think tyson said i want to eat your children yeah to lennox lewis who yeah doesn't he said i'm gonna eat his children yeah i mean yeah tyson said crazy shit yeah i think tyson said he's gonna rape people i wish they confirmed that one that one's still up in the air what's that him and lennox lewis i think it was him and a holyfield holyfield yeah yeah that'd be interesting i want to see that and holyfield Lewis. I think it was him and Holyfield. Holyfield. Yeah, yeah. That'd be interesting.
Starting point is 01:48:05 I want to see that. And Holyfield stayed in shape, man. Yeah. Was Lennox Lewis super nice, like historically nice? Yeah. Like kind or like good at boxing? Good at boxing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:14 Amazing. Unbelievable. And kind. Yeah, and kind. When he would like talk in interviews, sounds like the nicest guy. Yeah, he just never had a home. It was really tricky because like they tried to market him as british but like he kind of like grew up in canada yeah so he didn't really have a place he didn't have
Starting point is 01:48:29 like a people didn't understand but he was also jamaican so they're like you just didn't understand who he was yeah yeah so i think it was really hard at that time to like get behind people they're like okay he's black so he's either from america or britain right and then it was he's black, so he's either from America or Britain. Right. And then he was, wait, he's Canadian? Yeah. But his passport is British. We just didn't understand how to digest a guy like that. Right. It's a shame because he was an excellent boxer.
Starting point is 01:48:53 Yeah. Like fucking excellent. I remember the belt getting passed a few times back and forth, but he seemed like the one that was just like the best. Yeah, super dominant. Yeah. Super, super dominant. All right, guys.
Starting point is 01:49:04 I think we got a great episode. I hope you enjoyed listening to Francis, man. It was really cool that he was able to do that. Thank you so much, Francis. We really appreciate you and wish you best of luck and everything. And I would love to see you on the heavyweight boxing title as well. That'd be absolutely historic. So let's see what happens. Guys we love you we appreciate you we'll see you over there patreon slash flagrant
Starting point is 01:49:32 too and this is how we protect ourselves man because you know these brands is as great as they are as supportive as they are and they have been for us you never know when something could happen to us like happen to izzy so the way that we make sure that we can keep this whole operation going is we have this Patreon and you guys have supported it and made it the number one comedy Patreon in the world. And we appreciate that so much. So keep on spreading the word, keep on supporting it.
Starting point is 01:49:56 We love you. We appreciate you. slash flagrant too. We'll see you there. Peace. see you there peace

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