Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh - Fresh&Fit Expose Their View on Women

Episode Date: January 20, 2022

Flagrant 2 is a comedy podcast that delivers unfiltered, unapologetic, and unruly hot takes directly to your dome piece. In an era dictated by political correctness, hosts Andrew Schulz and Akaash, along with AlexxMedia and Mark Gagnon, could care less about sensitivities. If it’s funny and flagrant it flies. If you are sensitive this podcast is not for you. But if you miss the days of comedians actually being funny instead of preaching to a quire then welcome to The Flagrancy. Join the Patreon Asshole Army:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? Welcome back. We are here with some internet bad boys. Yeah. Okay, and we got to get to the bottom of something. Why do you guys not like black women? Here we go. Well, we just came from the KKK rally, so we really can't.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Were you well-received? They told me I couldn't join. Ah? They told me I couldn't join. Ah. They told me I couldn't join. Yes, yes. They have their rules. Nah, you don't count, bro. Get out of here, boy.
Starting point is 00:00:30 I'm fucking with you. But obviously, you saw what happened on the internet. You guys saw us react to it. You hit me. And like I've always said on this podcast,
Starting point is 00:00:37 if we ever talk about somebody and they want to clarify their opinions or at least have a conversation about it, you're always welcome. You said, hey, I want to come on.
Starting point is 00:00:44 You are here. The floor is yours yours tell us what happened so i went to this kkk rally uh no man long story short so this is kind of a longer story but right we got time oh we got time we got time today yeah so we had uh asian doll come on our show yeah right and uh actually you booked her as a guest. Yeah. So funny story. So I met her in the club. We spoke, me and her manager. And we had a cool vibe, you know, cool person. Hey, come on the show.
Starting point is 00:01:11 We'll show you some love. Boom, boom, boom. She agreed. Cool. Next day comes around. Her manager's there. She's two hours late. Right.
Starting point is 00:01:18 We're like, you know what? We'll start the show. You know what? Just showing you love. We'll still bring you on, even though you're two hours late. Yeah. But, you know, you're coming into it kind of like two hours late. And then from there.
Starting point is 00:01:27 And then, mind you, so we had been having a show going on already. And we had two girls. Well, actually, one girl that was on the panel. She kept interrupting. You know, and you guys know, running a podcast, you can't have people having sidebar conversations. Yeah. Distracting for the listener. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:01:40 You know what I'm saying? And we're live. Yeah. So it's not like we can, like, do a post or anything like that. So it's like everything they say, they can hear it. And the audience doesn't want to hear that. So I told her for the seventh time, and this is when Asian Doll just sits down. Hey, can you stop having a sidebar conversation?
Starting point is 00:01:55 I've told you like six or seven times now. So Asian Doll kind of steps to the girl's defense like, oh, you're mean. And I was like, I just stopped the show. And I was like, how am I mean? And I explained to her, I had been telling her prior to you getting here seven times what was going on two hours plus yeah for two hours long yeah and she's like oh well you're just a mean ass nigga and then she like i don't care blah blah blah yeah and even after i explained to her the situation she basically responded by saying i don't care right i don't i don't give a fuck i'll do what i want i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:02:23 say what i want blah blah blah yeah so i was like whatever well then you can leave then and fresh had booked her right yeah and her manager was there so instead of me like out of respect for him because like normally i'd be kicking people off the show i don't care but uh out of respect for him because he booked and everything i was like you know what fresh you handle this you know i was mad i'm not mad but i was like serious i was like well right you got this yeah and i just like walked away from the situation i had to use the bathroom anyway i always drink water so um and then by the time i came back i was gone for like a minute or two they were gone and they left and i don't really have anything bad to say about them it's just like come on man please respect
Starting point is 00:02:55 but is that where this whole conversation stemmed from because i heard about the asian doll situation i'm not really too familiar with her but i am familiar with people potentially being rude on a podcast it's your podcast you don't like the way they're acting you could potentially kick them out that's your prerogative i think i think we're talking what i think what he's saying is because people were offended by that then they go scrub through the history exactly so let me you're saying the internet is like fuck these guys i hate them let me figure out why yeah so so basically all that that happened right shade room posted and of course they posted out of context like oh you know he
Starting point is 00:03:31 told this girl to get out blah blah he was being rude but they don't realize i was actually talking to the other girl not asian doll herself she stepped in to intervene for the other girl got you but she had not known that that girl was being extremely disruptive to the podcast two hours prior for two hours before that. And I actually documented in another show the six or seven times I told her, please stop having cyber conversations. Please stop doing that. Please. Being nice the whole time.
Starting point is 00:03:54 So what she does is she goes on Twitter and says, I was just defending a black woman, Cap. Right? Like, it wasn't that. You got called out because you didn't know what happened prior. You didn't want to look stupid. So now you're going to go ahead and say I'm a savior I just was protecting a black woman
Starting point is 00:04:07 then that's when Twitter pulls out that old clip from a year ago it says these guys are racist too check this out and then bang that's when all the
Starting point is 00:04:15 backlash started coming and it's funny now what's the clip that we're talking about it was the one where you guys were saying that you don't your preference is
Starting point is 00:04:22 dabbling in the dark yeah so the Knight Rider shit was funny bro I'm not going to lie now that is not they were ass off man I always say it here's the thing guys were saying that you don't your preference is dabbling in the dark yeah so the night rider shit was funny bro i'm not gonna lie now that is not off man i always say the thing night rider is looked at as fucked up because you're saying you don't do it but if i was a white dude and i'm like bro i'm a night rider bro i don't know that i love i love night riding might be racist too but not received as poorly that being said i can i understand where you guys are coming from you're like yo none of y'all had an issue with this a year ago
Starting point is 00:04:51 now that this girl stirred up the internet made it and shade room made everybody hate us they're looking for the worst things that we said and if you podcast for nine hours a week you could easily go and find an excerpt in those nine hours where you look horrible. So I'll explain that part, right? So this backlash happens, right? She says, I was defending a black girl. Cap, it wasn't that. You just looked dumb and you didn't want to look dumb. So you're going to say I defended a black girl.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Boom. Then someone resurfaces this Twitter thing. Mind you, we had already went viral because of this. On Twitter. On Twitter prior, like six months before. Yeah, got you. So, but the thing is, is it never went to YouTube. It just went, stayed on Twitter, died there.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Got you. Something called black Twitter. I didn't even know it existed until Twitter, died there. Got you. Something called Black Twitter. I didn't even know it existed until this clip came out. Shocking. Yeah. I bet it was real. I bet it was real. They're real.
Starting point is 00:05:30 You're real, aren't you? I had a bunch of angry people messaging me after. So anyway, so the clip resurfaces, blah, blah, blah. And that episode, what they did was they pulled a 30-second excerpt from an episode we did about a year ago where we talked about using different dating apps to meet different girls. And our show, for those of you that might not know, we shoot it live. Right. Yeah. And we get super chats that come in and we read the super chats. We make jokes, ha ha ha. All that stuff. We take call. Those are donations, by the way. Donations.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Yeah. So it's a very interactive show with our audience. So someone sent in a super chat. And and mind you we had just been made finished making fun of some other youtubers in this clip but prior to what they actually clipped and then he says hey have you ever heard of the dating website black and then that's we made those jokes like haha we don't dabble in the dark you know night rider whatever and we say that joke all the time about like night rider we ask girls when they come on like white girls hey do you like the bbc whatever yeah i'm like yeah i'm like all And she's like, yeah. I'm like, all right. She's a Knight Rider.
Starting point is 00:06:26 David Hasselhoff in the house. Ha, ha, ha. Right? Right, right, right. No one says anything, but they want to go and pull that clip. But don't you think the issue is you guys just declaring that you don't really date black girls? Don't you think that's what people are upset about? Well, I mean, at the same time, we have preferences, right?
Starting point is 00:06:40 And we have standards. But, you know, we were kind of joking because of the blacks dating app per se like oh we didn't hate black women it's more like okay we don't really date like hood black chicks per se right lashana laquisha but it was like we hate black women it's like they took it that way because of asian doll but we didn't so we hate black women right but you would date black girls is what you're saying yeah yeah we have in the past bro it's not a normal preference out of y'all party a bunch of white girls i was dating the only black girl there right it's like bro i don't hate black women my mom's black my sister's black it's like what yeah weird it's just like you know they're gonna sensationalize it paint this narrative that
Starting point is 00:07:12 you guys are racist take a 10 second clip and here's the thing if anybody watched our podcast we're very we're kind of like you guys very politically incorrect make jokes that's the thing i never criticize people for jokes yeah that's that's the i'm not gonna but then again we might have different prerogatives with the podcast i think you guys are more like a life coaching space and like helping guys become the best version of themselves and we are comedians that just say fucked up shit all the time it's literally called flagrant too like we are being flagrant on purpose so you're gonna be treated with different expectations of course of course and the thing is this like i make fun of everybody you know go into the preference thing man let's talk about what i made fun of everybody so it's like that preferences
Starting point is 00:07:48 bro like i'm coming from yeah i don't have a problem well i'm not saying i don't have a problem with the joke but i have empathy for trying to be funny and then it comes out fucked up and then everybody's on your neck exactly that's something al can speak to black shit a lot more i can speak to yo you're trying to be funny. It comes out fucked up. That's not what you meant. What I don't like, what I find corny as fuck is my preference is not my women. Now, I thought it was I'm not dating my women, period, which is the corniest human being outside of a criminal to me, period. It's just those are your roots. Those women are reflected in your roots.
Starting point is 00:08:21 So if you're saying, hey, I don't generally date them, but I have, I have more space for it even though I still think it's a little corny between, that's just my thing. Like Akash is the extreme.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Like Akash only dates Brown. Oh, okay. Akash has been with one girl in his life who's his wife. That's my wife. So this is like loyal through and through.
Starting point is 00:08:41 And I understand it's not as important for y'all, but as an Indian, there's not a lot of us who are famous. So whether you like it or not, people are looking at you as a role model. You guys have established yourselves as role models from simps to pimps, which is another motto I find kind of corny. But I looked into what you guys are about. And a lot of this shit is just childish, which is fine if you want to be funny.
Starting point is 00:09:02 We just talked about how doctors ain't shit for 45 minutes. We are not in any way life coaching we are not in any way trying to help men outside of hey come have a laugh for a couple hours if you're gonna paint yourself as life coaches and then say shit like yeah you know i mean i just don't really fuck with black girls i guess i guess my my like just curiosity i'm just curious is like where does preference come from like i was trying to think about this after i saw the clip and i was just like why do i like what i like and i really was thinking about that like who's who decides that is it my life is it my surroundings like if i was raised in mexico i'm sure i would find mexican girls beautiful i would eat mexican food like these would be my preferences yeah but preferences aren't really choices right culture
Starting point is 00:09:45 dictates our preferences i think the experiences also i want to say what you've been raised on what you've been taught because for example i'm from the islands right barbados yeah yeah so i've seen mainly black women my whole life now when it comes to like tourist girls i was like wow white girls are here in barbados lit i want to see what's up wow so i've given a try like it's pretty dope yeah now it's two different cultures so for me it's like okay let me try something new see how it how it is yeah i'm here in the states it's like okay spanish girls white girls girls from all over the world are a bet however regarding black women per se like dude like my thing is like we're in a space where like people are targeted especially the black people per se black white yeah and it's
Starting point is 00:10:23 like whatever you say can be used to the extreme so what we said was kind of like i want to say uh not funny to them but tell us is like we're just cracking jokes trying to be you're being hyperbolic about your dating preferences yeah right that's kind of how i took it to be honest with you but i think a lot i think you can understand how the internet might have taken it right and and then doubling and being like, it's okay to have this as a preference that you... Like, usually your preference is what you like, not what you don't. Exactly. I think that was the biggest issue.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Like, if you're just like, hey, my preferences are kind of like Latinas. I don't even think you get any pushback. But saying my preferences, I don't like that. That's, I think, where people start to feel rejected rejected and then they go why why don't you like me man like also the way they said they didn't like it like that's that's what i was like bothered by the clip it's like you guys go out of your way to say what you don't like even though that's not what you're discussing it's like your preference is what you do like but then the way in which you went about how you don't like black women.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Oh, I don't like the ratchet. I don't like the ghetto. I don't like the Shaniquas. Like that's like if you are a white person saying all that, that's racist shit. And I'm just disappointed in you guys as black men to be talking about our sisters like that. So you don't have a problem with the way you spoke about your sisters like that. Like if that if it was him saying the same thing you would be upset no no he was like oh i don't like ghetto black women i don't like shanique was it wouldn't bother me that's the preference because because the thing
Starting point is 00:11:54 is is that that's lame i the only thing i can control is my reactions to what happens in the world like the world is not a fun it's not like a rosy place where everyone is gonna not be biased or not be racist or whatever like i understand that there's gonna be people that are inherently racist it is what it is the only thing i can control is my emotions to it so i don't get mad about what people say because that's just the way things are i don't the world doesn't owe me understanding so all i can do is real quick real quick you know what's weird is like so the word racist keeps getting thrown out like i don't i never saw it as racist because i don't know i didn't i didn't i didn't believe that you guys wouldn't date a beautiful black woman yeah like yeah like i just didn't
Starting point is 00:12:36 believe that and again you guys can correct me but like for me the word like preference is so weird because i think our preferences are really like mechanisms that we use to find like emotional security. You know, like if a person is like super quiet, like if I'm like this quiet, like shy dude, my preference is probably an aggressive girl because she allows me to be in my safe place. I don't have to go like out of my way to go get her. And I'll probably prefer that girl. But it's not based on like this chemistry thing it's really based on like what allows me to feel like emotionally secure right and like let's say i'm i'm a controlling ass dude i probably want a girl that is a little bit more like in need of guidance because yes submissive because then i get to feel my safe place which is controlling right so like
Starting point is 00:13:25 i feel like if a girl and again i can't speak for y'all but i feel like if a girl gave you that emotional security regardless of what race they were you guys would date them no i can't feel like just because they're they're black you would say no yeah here's the thing about the clip like like i said it's context it's us having a good time it's us making jokes we make fun of everyone it's just that they don't clip all the other segments of us making jokes on everyone else they want to clip that one sec that one section at 20 30 seconds say that you know try to paint a narrative you guys are racist and because you guys are racist this is why you kick i don't think racist i don't think racist
Starting point is 00:14:02 but i'm just saying what they were trying to paint us as. And you guys, I know people who know you that say you're a good guy, stand-up guy, so I don't have a problem with you as people.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Otherwise, I wouldn't have you on this podcast and then, you know what I mean? Yeah, sure. We can have a discussion on it. Give you a jab or whatever. We're really curious. This isn't a got-to thing.
Starting point is 00:14:16 I'm literally curious to have the conversation. What does bother me is that I think it's not racist as self-loathing, which to me, I don't particularly give a fuck
Starting point is 00:14:24 how any other race looks at us. particularly give a fuck how any other race looks at us i give a fuck how we look at ourselves so if i saw indian saying some shit like that that would bother me more andrew told me he didn't like indian girls all the time that's great don't date him that's good for me but when an indian says that shit then it's like yo i do that because you say you don't like white women i know i know i know and if you keep this up i'm gonna divorce my wife and fuck a lot of indian chicks isn't that refreshing from a minority though but i have a problem with somebody that i feel is self-loathing and i'm not gonna be as offended because you're not from where i'm from but if i was black and i was alex i'd be like yo that shit is more than racist it's
Starting point is 00:15:03 self-loathing and that bothers me what do you guys say about that like do you guys so let's remove the racism thing here yeah what about do you think it has anything to do with self-loathing is there any like kind of like internalized hatred which might not even be your fault might be like the surroundings you were in and made you feel like these girls weren't good enough for you uh i would say honestly bro like this experience man like yeah for example like you said earlier if i met a girl that's like feminine submissive and like black i could date her and like in the past like i told you how do y'all party she was the only black girl there i was dating her so it's like it's not i hate black it's more like experience shows me that hey for whatever reason like you know um if i find
Starting point is 00:15:44 somebody with those traits i I'll date them. So this is interesting. A buddy of mine. And we have different opinions on it, you know. Oh, we'll go. I want to hear yours. I want to hear yours. No, I mean, it's just, like, what I'm saying is that, like, it's not our normal preference as in, like, it's not what I normally date.
Starting point is 00:15:57 But if you were to take 10 girls that I've dated in the past, maybe one or two of them would be black. Right. You know what I'm saying? It's not the normal thing I go for. maybe one or two of them would be would be black right you know what i'm saying it's not the normal thing i go for and as far as like me being offended if someone were to say something about a race or whatever like i said i wouldn't personally be offended by it you know i like we make jokes on everyone so it's like hey man we make fun of asian girls white girls again i don't have an issue with the joke i have an issue with the mentality yeah it's yeah i think it's not
Starting point is 00:16:21 about the joke the joke to me you were talking to a guy who's made the craziest jokes death threats from everywhere i don't i can separate myself and be like that's a joke that failed that's the high wire act we had our channels on the podcast no no we don't give a when it comes to the jokes right no for sure i just want you guys to understand where the the reaction is coming from because i think it may be a better and help you no we understand we understand so it's not the jokes it's literally just feeling like you don't date a specific group of people and they're trying to understand i think that's what it is because i think what you said is probably the most honest which is yeah if this girl met all the things that i like in a woman and she was black i've obviously dated her but i don't know if you feel the same way no no if she met my requirements and her skin tone is irrelevant
Starting point is 00:17:02 but what i'm saying is that most of the time you know most of the girls that i've dated right just didn't fit that parameter of so here's here's the thing like my buddy right now who's trying to find a jewish girl right he might be in this room and he's trying so hard to find jewish girl and he just found latin jewish girls and he goes oh my god they got the whole latin thing and they're Jewish. And now all of a sudden the Latin thing is kind of like a preference. Right. They're so sexy. They're so intimate.
Starting point is 00:17:30 There's a spicy real connection. Now, there's nothing wrong with you saying I like the Latin thing. Right. Now you're putting that affect on all Latin women, which is not necessarily the case. But you want a Latin girl who is Jewish. Right. So is it possible to put a cultural affect on a race maybe when you guys were speaking about race you were really speaking about a cultural
Starting point is 00:17:54 thing because if you made a girl from lagos nigeria they might act completely different than a girl that you're meeting from south florida a girl that you meet from california a black girl etc like there's not going to be this monolith amongst black with women right i would say oh no i would say both of y'all where you're raised will determine how you act for the most part right so caribbean girls they're from girls from the u.s versus like nigeria so it's called it's culture man honestly yeah yeah which are you yeah i mean like i said her we're looking i'm looking for certain traits first and then obviously you know her race is irrelevant if she meets matches certain traits that i'm looking for in a woman but what i'm saying is that most of
Starting point is 00:18:37 the women that i've dealt with just don't tend to be black and it's not something i necessarily go for the black women tend not to have this is a dangerous question but i i have to ask uh i mean there's obviously we know the stereotypes which i won't even go into right now but a lot of the time it doesn't necessarily match what i'm looking for okay so yeah quick question for y'all in here have you ever dated a black chick yeah have you only indian girls have you that's why again i have So if you were to prefer a girl, would you date her? Question for you. I don't look at, like race doesn't come into play. Like I just look at the traits.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Like you guys, that's why I don't understand how you don't see an issue with what you said. Because you both just said, hey, I look for traits first, like the personality traits, and it doesn't matter her skin tone. But then in the clip, you got to saying, I don't date black. I don't date dark. I don't fuck with Shanique. You're just talking about race in that entire clip. So how do you not see the problem with the clip when you both just say, hey, I go for personality first.
Starting point is 00:19:38 You said LaShonda and LaQuisha. And you said you don't do dark. That was a joke, bro. Oh, so it's a joke. That was a joke. I think there's a lot of reading into this clip right now. Here's what I think, though.
Starting point is 00:19:50 I do believe it's a joke, man. That's a cop-out. If your show is educational and I'm trying to help people and then when I say something wrong, oh, that was a joke. I run around the room and I make you entertaining too, bro.
Starting point is 00:20:04 I think I'm always going to be on the side of jokes'm always gonna be on the side of jokes and that's just who i am i'm a comedian i support we also can't necessarily ask him to have the same empathy as us as comedians that's a black dude so that's not a comedian i'm oh i always gotta i can understand i'm trying to be funny and i misword some shit but then when i peel it back and i go to and i dig into what you're saying it's still just as it's more troubling so say that like say hey i misspoke i i told the bad joke but you guys are doubling down and saying you're like there's nothing wrong with what i said nope there's nothing wrong at all but i don't like but that's bullshit that's bullshit that you date black women as long as they fit the thing that you want it's not a normal preference but no no no no but like no like okay okay you're
Starting point is 00:20:44 taking dabbling dark as like every blogger we're saying yeah laquisha lachanda i'm not they didn't know hood black chick bro so so you misspoke you made a bad joke nigga we said it's a joke no but i'm saying so you said so you made a bad joke so you wish you didn't say that no like but you're being hypocrites you're being hypocrites and this is a cop out i don't know i i just feel like it's ego. It's like sometimes you get in a situation where like,
Starting point is 00:21:08 I said some shit. Listen, we do this shit all the fucking time, right? You say some shit and then you get all this backlash and you're like,
Starting point is 00:21:13 man, fuck all these people. I'm going to stand on this shit to the end of time. But if it's not really what you feel, then what you're standing on.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Like you, I think, are being the most honest. You, I think, you got too much ego. There's a lot of reading into this clip from like a year ago and if i was just having a good time you're making it about the clip i'm making it about what you're saying right now yes my preference is which is honestly bullshit it is i don't want to date black girls that's the way
Starting point is 00:21:37 every black dude that fucks white girls says it i've dated black girls in my life all right bro who the fuck hasn't except me? I mean, everybody's going to dabble in everything. It is the mentality that I have an issue with. And Alex is upset with a specific words. True. But underneath it, he's upset with the mentality and the words bothered him.
Starting point is 00:21:56 But I think the mentality would still be troublesome to him where it's like, what is, I, I need a girl that's submissive. Like that's, if y'all are really trying to help me, that shit is nice, bro.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Cause I got one that's not, and that's, it's nice, but it's a lot of shit. It's submissive. Like, that's, if y'all are really trying to help, man. That shit is nice, bro, because I got one that's not, and that's difficult, bro. It's nice, but it's a lot of shit that, it is difficult, bro. No, it's fine. A lot of stuff you guys say in general, I think is stuff that's kind of childish. It is,
Starting point is 00:22:14 I saw a clip where you were like, oh, the nuclear family's falling apart. What do you do? I don't get married. Just don't get married. You're actually trying to help, man. Are you talking to fucking incels who are 18 years old?
Starting point is 00:22:22 You know what I mean? That's some shit you say to college. I'm going to turn you from a simp to a pimp all right bro can we grow up you guys are self-help if you are hey we're trying to help men so either we're funny or help men and be real and be honest with yourselves and don't have an ego like no i just you know i have a preference be honest have an honest conversation and i don't think the man is fear or maniverse or whatever i don't think it's a bad thing i think there are people who are doing it really well. The roommates, Hafeez, that's who put me on to you guys.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Great. But let's just be mature about what we feel. And part of that maturity is, yeah, it was a bad joke. I don't actually feel exactly that way. I mean, if you guys feel that way, that's fine. But we make our content. You know what I'm saying? People enjoy it. We make jokes on it.
Starting point is 00:23:00 We provide entertainment. We provide education. We do everything. Because if you just only provide self-help stuff without any type of entertainment value i agree with it i think jokes are the joke again i don't have a problem with the joke i'm telling you i think i think i think it's clear i think you have a problem and i also would say this i think it's very important that men learn certain skills right i think it's important that men learn how to fight i think that it's important they learn how to talk and i think it's important they learn how to uh make money have sex
Starting point is 00:23:31 and sex yeah i mean that like how to have sex with a woman not literally the act but like how to get a woman to the point where they want to have sex with them i think these are really important because i think the better that men are at those three things, the better they become as human beings. And I think when you're not, right, you're a bitter kind of fucking angry dude. School shooters? Real talk. That's what happens with the school shooters. And I want to say something real quick, too.
Starting point is 00:23:54 As far as like the marriage and the incel thing, what we do is we provide guys information. So they kind of go into dealing with women, especially in the West, in a way where they can protect themselves. Because marriage, you know, even though it's a fantastic institution and we definitely believe in a nuclear family, the setup for it right now is not optimal. Because the divorce courts heavily, you know, favor women. There's a lot of situations where
Starting point is 00:24:16 guys can absolutely get destroyed from divorce and marriage. So we just tell guys, hey, go with your eyes wide open, understand the laws, understand the stats, and know what you're getting yourself into. Yeah, I think i i don't have a problem i don't disagree with what andrew said the way i look at it is you know you watch them fucking you see them evolutionary charts from neanderthal to homo sapien yeah y'all are the first motherfucker out of neanderthal but grow with your audience mature with your audience as you work on yourselves and add some nuance to what
Starting point is 00:24:42 you're saying how old are you guys 29 29 and i'm 31 and 31 so you guys you guys are you guys are adults like it's yeah i i think that like i mean i'm hey if you don't like the content totally fine you know a lot of people i have respect for your hustle you know i have respect for again you guys as guys from what i've heard or stand-up guys so i don't want to be if i'm crossing a line that's my bad and i also don't want to no no totally i also don't want to talk shit in an environment where i know i don't want to be if i'm crossing a line that's my bad and i also don't know no totally i also don't want to talk shit in an environment where i know i don't have to fight and just say whatever because i can't fight so i don't want to be a phony i think it's important to be able to come together yeah have differing opinions have a discussion about it yeah no big deal and
Starting point is 00:25:17 you know you know you might feel our content's immature that's fine a lot of guys enjoy it you know we help a lot of guys out we've saved a bunch of guys from you know hurting themselves i don't want to say the words on youtube self-deletion we get messages all the time about it so i think i think that's something that's that no no i think this is something important because like guys are going to reach out like i remember there was when i was young right like uh there was a book that came out called the game by a guy named neil strauss you guys know and this is like, yeah, like the pickup artist movement kind of really happened
Starting point is 00:25:46 around this book and it was fucking, and I remember reading the book and I remember like talking to my friends like, bro, you guys got to read this book. Like there are people who have actually like
Starting point is 00:25:53 found the science of getting laid. And at first, it was like really exciting, right? It was like, oh my God, like they're like tools to this shit. It's not just rolling the dice every time you talk to a girl.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Like there's things that you can actually do. And then eventually it was corny because I thought that it was weird that if you thought you had so much value, you would have to devalue a woman for her to see value in you. And I was like, nah, this is whack. There's other ways to do it. If you actually have value, she's going to figure that out if you spend enough time with her.
Starting point is 00:26:24 That was at least my philosophy on the book right like this idea like you gotta like hurt their feelings and shit so all of a sudden they like you it's like if you think you're the shit i don't gotta hurt your feelings if you truly believe in yourself right so i was like all right this is a little bit corny but what i thought was really important about it is that it took certain guys who could never fucking get laid and got them to a point where they could get laid and ideally with that tool they could learn how to not misuse it. And I think that's the same with like dudes who don't know how to fight. They want to posture up and beat up everybody.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Right. And if, and if you go to a fucking boxing gym, never one of those do try to start a fight with you. And I'll say this, like what our channel does is like, we help guys prepare themselves to kind of like, you don't think so.
Starting point is 00:27:00 I don't know. I actually thought of that. Have you been to a boxing gym? No, no, no. I'm talking about that book. I thought about that book. do you think people are really going to learn those tools and then have the wherewithal to learn not to misuse it no no no no no no what i'm what i'm saying is like
Starting point is 00:27:14 like when you first start boxing like you start hitting the mitts you look good no i get that like you you in the bar like ready and then eventually you spar a little bit you get humbled right and then you learn and you actually spar and you start humbling other people and you're like okay i feel confident enough in myself i don't need to misuse this power and i think when you first start to get laid you're like oh shit i could like have sex with what i go out to the bar and it's kind of like up to me holy shit this is fucking amazing and then i think eventually you start going okay i don't need to kind of misuse this in a crazy way i'm feeling something else. Or you start, if you're really honest with yourself,
Starting point is 00:27:47 you find out what you're feeling with that pussy. Some people make that realization. Others might never and just continue to use those coercion techniques to get women. And then that's why women think so shitty of those types of men. And I will say this in their defense. That is kind of, but that's not their responsibility. Exactly. They're still probably helping more people than they hurt i do think as you have
Starting point is 00:28:09 sustained listeners they're gonna if again the end of the book is why i thought of them the end of the book whether he's it's cap or not the guy basically just realizes it's kind of empty in today's dating marketplace the way you know dating is from between men and women girls have a crazy upper hand you know i'm saying with and we've talked about this with how the world's changed with you know instagram online dating apps etc women really have all their leverage when it comes to dating and relationships nowadays so what we teach guys is to kind of go into this fight that you're talking about and be prepared most women are using rocket launchers and guys are going in there either bare fists or butter knives right they don't really know what they're doing so we tell them listen man you got to understand how
Starting point is 00:28:43 women operate how they think etc and a lot of girls finesse guys. So we teach guys female nature, how to understand how women communicate versus how men communicate, how to get what you want out of relationships without getting finessed. Because the thing between men and women is that men are trying to get sex. Women are trying to get money, time, attention, resources, whatever. And both genders are leveraging right their asset to get the other commodity from the other without necessarily giving up their asset men want to get the box without necessarily having to go on dates and spend money girls want to get the money and the dates without necessarily giving up box so it's a delicate dance between the two where
Starting point is 00:29:18 you're going to try to you know get what you want out of dating and unfortunately most guys don't know how to navigate this properly you know so that's what we teach guys to basically fight fire with fire because girls are playing the game girls are finessing guys you know we have a whole sugar daddy epidemic going on right now we have got a bunch of girls finessing dudes so we teach guys how to fight fire with fire honestly and um you know you you got to know what you're doing when you deal with women because they're playing the game so you got to play it as well but here's the thing i i gotta get pushed back on that because here's the thing i don't think that every girl that you're meeting is trying to finesse i do understand what you're saying not every and i think most to be honest
Starting point is 00:29:52 with you like if you're charming and you're down to have a good time and have fun they want to have fun too i think most women are dealing with such boring guys that if you're an actual guy that's funny and entertaining their eyes light up and they're so down to enjoy your time and your company and i think most women are actually entering these relationships insecure they're gonna fuck it up they're gonna be oh am i gonna be too clingy should i not call him every three days i think it's actually like to a guy's detriment to think of women as these people that you're fighting so to say like these women are more nervous than you once a woman likes you she's terrified she's gonna fuck it up she's
Starting point is 00:30:29 calling her friends she's calling her father she's calling her mother manager you got to get to that point so like that point is a 30 minute conversation she's like i'm gonna marry this guy hold on here's the thing most girls most dudes are invisible to most girls women only see a small percentage of men top guys most guys are virtually invisible to them that's the reality so i think i think if i think if you enter in with that mentality that's how you're gonna see it but i think if you enter with the mentality like nobody should be invisible to me i'm the fucking shit that girl's gonna figure that out but we got to accept reality yeah that is reality so so let me just add this right yeah so your point of view is from your experience right
Starting point is 00:31:05 yeah we talk to guys and girls every night every single day we're actually in the dating field every day dating apps trigger sites we're in there within the field learning real time so we give advice regarding this topic bro it's like we're in the field with girls right now in miami in miami so like his experience and him saying this is because we see guys suffering. You know the hardest part? They don't know what to do. They're out here. I agree.
Starting point is 00:31:28 They want to get girls. They know what to do. So you teach them to trick girls into giving them pussy? A girl that's capable and knows what she's doing meets a guy that doesn't know what he's doing. She's going to take advantage. It's just human nature. Well, I don't think she'll take advantage, to be honest with you. I think she just won't be interested. And I think that if we look at women.
Starting point is 00:31:44 That's the problem, though. Yeah, but if we look at women like predators, that's a bad perception for a guy who's trying to find a woman that he wants to marry. Like for me, I'm trying to find a girl I want to marry, right? So I can't go into a relationship with someone that I'm about to trust with my life and my kid's life as, oh, this girl's a predator. She's trying to get over me. She's trying to figure it out, right?
Starting point is 00:32:01 I have to go in open and then I actually have to go in going, oh my shit do i really like this girl is this person i want to spend the rest of my life with i know that she would want to spend the rest of life with me because i'm a great guy well we we tell guys to go in with with you know and here's the thing too guys yeah but why are they so defensive why are they scared it's like you gotta be aware so so we're in a unique position it's not the forest bro we're in a very lion but you treat you teaching them like they the fucking gazelle like we the lions out here bro so here's the thing so we're in a very lion but you treat you teaching them like they the fucking gazelle like we the lions out here bro so here's the thing so we're in a very unique position because we talk to thousands of guys yeah we also talk at this point we've interviewed well over a thousand girls on our podcast yeah and there's been some things that have come up that made me realize
Starting point is 00:32:36 okay this is why we have these issues with dating the reality is this i'm going to boil it down for y'all most women are delusional of where they think they stand. And most guys underrepresent themselves or where they think. So girls have an over-inflated sense of ego for the most part because we ask them all the time. We actually have a delusion calculator we use. We ask them, hey, what type of guy are you looking for? And when they put in their ideal man, every single time, he's in the top 1% pretty much. Very rare. We're talking well over six feet, over $100,000 per year, not obese etc not weird yeah so you asked the ideal no of course but they all think
Starting point is 00:33:11 that they deserve that as well as what i'm trying to say they say that's what they want and they feel that they deserve it as well don't you guys think you deserve your preferences yeah no well so but these girls are not necessarily in a position to demand that kind of man when there's not enough these guys to go around you know you get what i'm saying and then the thing is with that guy is that that guy has the leverage not necessarily the women because once you get to a certain point as a guy you now actually have the leverage where you're the commodity versus her you know she's just an attractive younger girl but there's plenty of girls like that so that's what we've kind of found in a dating place. Y'all didn't have broke friends that got pussy growing up?
Starting point is 00:33:46 Here's the thing. They might get girls or whatever, but are they going to be able to keep them? Are they going to be able to- I had a friend. Of course. We had a friend. He was my roommate. He would walk out of the house every day with an old hoodie with a mustard stain on it.
Starting point is 00:33:57 And the guy got tons of pussy. How long ago was this? But I was getting tons of pussy living with my parents, walking them into the living room, seeing my mom drink Bud Light. Here's a problem. It's this idea that it's so hard to get laid and all this. That's the fallacy. The fallacy is that they're not as equally as nervous.
Starting point is 00:34:13 What they are is bored. Women are bored with corny fucking pickup lines and shit. But teaching guys that they got to be terrified and they're these fucking monsters. These predators. Man up. Stop being a bitch. We don't tell guys to be terrified. We tell them to go in and understand how women think how they operate and put yourself in a defensive position where you're vetting the girl yeah but that's got to come why are you in a defensive position sorry
Starting point is 00:34:33 you're right yeah so you gotta you gotta basically put yourself in a position where she's complying to you she's qualifying to you most guys come in thinking oh man i hope she likes me let me get the girl what we tell guys is you need to come in and be like take it or fucking leave it and then have her comply to you because when a woman is following your lead and a woman is feel like she's qualifying yeah you should have that's what she's attractive but most guys don't come from that angle they come from a scarcity desperation yeah and let me let me prove myself to her blah blah blah they kind of we should fairy tale we should prove ourselves initially. We have to. They have the pussy. If we don't prove ourselves,
Starting point is 00:35:06 we can't enter. That's the game. Here's the thing. I respectfully disagree with that to a degree. I disagree. Because she's going to know that from meeting and talking to you. without you willing
Starting point is 00:35:15 to be half-assessed with me. But that's done with your existence. That's just from your energy, the way you operate, the way you speak to her, your tonality, your confidence,
Starting point is 00:35:22 your leadership. She's going to see that just off of messing with you. You don't necessarily have to brag about what you do. No, I never said brag. Yeahality your confidence your leadership she's going to see that just off of messing with you you don't necessarily have to brag about what you know i never said brag yeah yeah i said she's gonna learn just from being around you of course not of course not she don't learn from being around you who you are exactly and ideally there are things that you can do to like expedite that process so there are certain dudes who like they might need to be friends for a month and then that girl starts to realize oh my god this is a fucking really quality
Starting point is 00:35:43 guy and he was a little nervous and weird when when i first met him but he stayed true and he wasn't building my fucking cabinets and doing all this shit he was just a fucking good guy now i realize it and then there's some dudes that are gonna be a charismatic within five minutes all of a sudden that girl's gonna be like oh my god we told guys never be in a friend zone get out yeah that's really right i think i agree with you i think i don't have a problem with that i think i i think that that's smart i think the problem with the. I don't have a problem with that. I think that's smart. I think the problem with the friend zone is I think with guys is dishonest on our behalf. Yeah, very.
Starting point is 00:36:10 For sure. I don't think you should ever lie about your intent, but I think that you can respect if that person isn't interested. But as long as you continue to know like, hey, listen, I like you and I think that you're great. And if you don't like me, that's fine. I'm not going to put any pressure, but please know that's why I want to hang out with you. But let's be real here. When a girl meets you for the first time, right, she already knows if she's going to fuck you or not.
Starting point is 00:36:28 So you playing games with her, oh, let's see what happens, bro. She already knows. I think that's some shit we say. I don't think that's true. That's not true. Matter of fact, I have another friend, not a great looking guy. Shout out to Real Battle. I hope you're watching.
Starting point is 00:36:39 He said, every girl I've ever fucked has said, I didn't think I was going to fuck you. And he goes, I know. Every girl. girl i've ever fucked has said i didn't think i was gonna fuck you yeah and he goes i know every girl there might be exceptions to the rules but most average guys struggle with women and the thing is is that from us talking with thousands of men and at this point well over a thousand women on our podcast average women girls that are very average yeah expect that they deserve a man that's well above average and that's kind of where that's kind of where it's skewed aren't you teaching men to expect the same thing to what do you mean as far as like to get the best you're not teaching men to expect mediocrity you're teaching men to expect the best thing so what's wrong with these girls want to expect they can have their standards but
Starting point is 00:37:16 man come on let's be honest be delusional in life when y'all decide to have a podcast right deserve but think when you decide to have a podcast and enter this podcast in space right you were delusional in your ability to believe in yourselves you're like oh shit we're gonna create content that other podcasts other blogs are talking about we're gonna put an imprint on this space that's delusion and it worked delusion is america everybody should be the american dream is delusion every girl should go in there going I should have the best fucking guy every guy should be I have the best fucking girl fuck being realistic
Starting point is 00:37:48 I ain't got nothing in my life from being realistic real talk my parents got nothing in their life from being realistic I'll never be realistic once in my entire life
Starting point is 00:37:55 here's the problem you got women 40 plus with no kids with cats and dogs who aren't miserable why is that? delusional at some point
Starting point is 00:38:02 you have to be realistic no there's other reasons it's not delusional no no no they are but it's not their delusion their standards they're crazy yeah they might they might actually have issues in their life girls that are young have these same these same standards too and the thing is they go through life living their 20s having fun but they want to get 30 plus like wait i can't find a man why is that well what's the problem they can't get married the institution that y'all don't even want to partake in no they believe in you guys believe in nuclear family the problem is like these women nowadays bro like i'm telling you bro you think it's all sugar and spice but like
Starting point is 00:38:32 they want to get lit have fun enjoy their 20s but without any any type of like responsibility and then when they want to find a man it's like wait i've been hoeing around doing this dumb shit i can't find a man why is that most most women that i know want to be married by 27 like and again i'm a little older than you guys right miami might be a little different it might and exactly culturally might be different miami's a wild town right and i mean we lived there for four months and i even found myself going like i want a boat like i never thought that in my life exactly but like you get caught up in it it's just part of what it is right you get caught up in the value system and and that's just who we are as human beings right so i get that and you guys might be
Starting point is 00:39:08 around like the girls that you're talking to might also be there going okay the guy with the fucking the boat and the ap and he's got the bottles and all that kind of shit so their mind is a little bit warped as well you know but i wouldn't say that's every girl no no we never said every but i would say a large percentage of young attractive women in the united states especially if they're in a major city yeah have an overinflated sense of self-worth too but but i mean it's crazy how about this how about this we're already going like attractive right so we're already taking like maybe top 10 of women right so now we got that man what is it like top uh eight twenty percent like most guys would smash most girls
Starting point is 00:39:45 yeah you know i'm saying they'd find them cute enough even bbw oh yeah because i think that like if you're talking about like people the top ten percent of women like of course they're going to have a delusion we we talk about all the time like an attractive woman is essentially a celebrity and celebrities are also delusional right like women get into clubs free right they get it they have people buy them shit all the fucking time. But I'm saying even average chicks have this ego. His biggest problem. Even average girls. See, I think that's Cap, bro.
Starting point is 00:40:08 And I think we got to call him out. I think we got to call him out on Cap because I bet a lot of these girls that say that, I bet a lot of them are like, man, I'd really like a guy to fucking love me and like settle down.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Here's the problem though, social media. Girls that are in Idaho, Bucktown, frigging Jersey, wherever, can get flown out to Miami, LA, Dubai. So the problem is that like social media, ain't nobody flying a girl from Idaho to Dubai. Yeah, cometown, friggin' Jersey, wherever, can get flown out to Miami, LA, Dubai. So the problem is that
Starting point is 00:40:25 social media, ain't nobody flying a girl from Idaho to Dubai. Yeah, come on, bro. You acting like 90% of Idaho getting flewed out. Son, these girls in Dubai, I mean, these dudes in Dubai
Starting point is 00:40:33 got money, bro. Bro, we're in Miami. They're coming to Miami too. I'm telling you, bro, the whole data market has changed because of social media, especially Instagram. It's changed a lot, man.
Starting point is 00:40:40 I believe that. I believe it's changed. And we got to take ourselves because we're all influencers. People know who we are, whatever. You got to put put you because here's the thing we came from you know regular jobs and stuff I used to work in law nobody he was in tech so like you know before we were like you know famous I guess so to speak not even really but like it was different like dating as a regular guy versus like it was fun man so so like and we were able to see it from even then like oh wow like these girls have a lot of options like you
Starting point is 00:41:04 if you look at a girl's dms, that's gonna make you realize like oh crap It's different out here average girls are talking to like a list celebrities man. It's crazy It's very common. It's party, right? But they also know what time it is Sorry to cut you they also know what time it is, right? Like that the girl who's going to Drake's party is not going there going like I think I'll marry Drake She's going there going I'm gonna think I'll marry Drake. She's going there going, I'm going to party with Drake. Maybe some shit goes down, but I know this is not going to really happen. And deep down, I would trade all this shit to have a fucking husband.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Here's the problem, though. I truly believe that. The guy that would be her husband, she's dissing him for featuring Drake. And even though she may want the husband, bro, she's going to follow Drake to the end of the earth. Here's one more thing. For a chance. We hang out with different girls, bro.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Once a girl deals with a guy of a certain status, it's very difficult for her to go back socioeconomically and status-wise and deal with a regular guy. That's what I'm trying to say. So, like, an average girl gets exposed to a certain lifestyle, a certain caliber of guy. How many women do you think Drake is fucking? It's very difficult.
Starting point is 00:41:59 A bunch. He might be fucking enough. I ain't saying nothing. To his point, real quick. But it's very difficult for them to regress socioeconomically and from a status you're 100 right but like i think a lot of those girls are the side pieces of a famous person and that's not hard to regress from matter of fact they might look at as pushing forward if they got a guy who's still doing well but at least you just not sit in this fucking hotel room while
Starting point is 00:42:21 this famous dude is out here with his wife and then he comes to you for 15 minutes you basically just a hole for him to ejaculate in. Yeah. Right? So I think those girls who realize that position, they're like, I don't really want this. I'm not trying to be a forever side chick. They would love to settle down, love to have a family, and they way prefer that. The only problem, though, is that he said that experience, bro.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Taste it, man. They'll marry the dude and still go with the celebrity. So it's kind of like a double edged sword I need to take y'all out man meet some nice girls I need to take y'all meet some nice sweet girls who don't care about this shit we got some in the back pocket
Starting point is 00:42:56 but like bro I'm telling you it's not easy to find we talk to women everyday we have panels of between 5 to 15 girls on our pod how many of them went to 15 girls on our pod. We're going to digress. How many of them went to college, bro? Yeah. A lot. Almost all of them.
Starting point is 00:43:07 They called me, no, Sugar Daddy's, all that shit. It's crazy, bro. Now, that Sugar Daddy shit is happening. It's real. That shit is real. That shit is real. That shit is real. We're in the data market every single day doing the thing live, bro.
Starting point is 00:43:18 No, there's no question. I know you're talking to a lot of guys. I'm just trying to say, I don't want you guys to be so disillusioned, man, because I- No, I'm happy, bro. I'm happy to know the truth, because now I'm free before i was like this ain't the matrix when we're so locked in our bubbles man oftentimes it's like we attract the things that we talk about i don't mean that in terms of some secret shit but like the girls that are probably gonna hit y'all up and want to be on the podcast and want to be on the podcast and not even like
Starting point is 00:43:52 even the girls who are like it's fucked up what you guys say like i'm so different like let's go hang out yeah they're also remember they're also trying to find their emotional comfort zone right their preference also they believe they deserve a guy who has the feelings you have about them you see what i'm saying because their comfort zone is i'm a predator maybe i ain't shit i need a guy to kind of treat me as if we're fighting over this thing of dominance right so the girls that are reaching out to y'all don't even realize that their fucked up mentality is gonna persist the belief you guys have about women you're not having some girl going to church on sundays hitting y'all up like hey let me take
Starting point is 00:44:29 you to church see what's happening that's a thousand girls you talk to there's 190 million in the u.s you know i mean like you hit a very specific cross-section in miami girls who are going to want to come on this podcast want to talk to you guys look for validation that's not even at the average woman hold on we bring in a lot of girls from all over the world girls flying to watch come on canada america they're still but they still want clout right they still on the show because they want some exposure actually sometimes just like her friends say you'll come on the show she doesn't know what she's coming into this is random oh like yeah man it's not just miami girl i'm telling you bro it's all over man it's we're not trying to
Starting point is 00:45:01 discredit the pool that you're going from that that's not what i'm trying to do and i'm not really trying to discredit any of your work or any of that kind of stuff i'm having a conversation with you guys 100 i just want you guys to believe that like there are women out there that you would go man this this person i want to have a family with i mean i'm married akash is married mark is married right like dove is trying desperately to get married right so it's just like it's possible now granted we might call you in 10 years and be like, y'all were fucking right. You know what I'm saying? Bro.
Starting point is 00:45:29 And let me be wrong. We try to clarify that. Let me be wrong and I'll call you. But for right now, I think the feeling that we have, I want you to at least know that it's out there and we're not necessarily outliers. Because that might also shift your perspective on like, one, the girls that you're talking to, but two, the advice that you're giving question question how long have you been i literally got married weeks ago weeks ago yeah how long have you been with her three years three
Starting point is 00:45:52 years six years seven eight now are you are you yeah two years two years so like things have changed significantly over the past like five to ten years with like the emergence of online dating apps social media and stuff like that so things have changed a lot and i get what you're saying i'm not saying guys that all these girls are terrible oh my god i'm not saying that yeah i'm simply telling guys especially guys that have something to lose they got money they got you know status or whatever it is just play defensive because like you have a lot more to lose when you get in a relationship with a girl especially if you're getting married in today's day and age with the way the divorce courts are set up family court don't i know it
Starting point is 00:46:26 you know what i'm saying so that's all i'm saying is that i want guys to go with their eyes wide open and understand that you don't want to get into a contract necessarily with someone that's incentivized to break it and that's what marriage is nowadays but even even before marriage like just like dating in general yeah you know you don't think that it'd be like cool perspective if if you had a relationship with someone you really believed in and like had different values than a lot of these girls that you've been talking to and even dating maybe give good perspective for the people that follow you and trust you because they'd be like oh shit you know myron's dating this girl and he says that they're completely different than these fucking uh these clout
Starting point is 00:47:03 chasing whores that they talk about on the podcast And I know that some of them are out there just for clout You know me of course they're gonna be the worst version But there's gonna be some good and I'm saying that might create a perspective and an expectation That's that these guys should have they should have an expectation. There's a good girl out there that they deserve You know, but if it's said as if it's not man Oh, what a terrifying way to date You might as well just have sex with them and leave them if there's no way if it's not man oh what a terrifying way to date you might as well
Starting point is 00:47:25 just have sex with them and leave them if there's no way that you could build a future with them hey man go to colombia or israel i mean i just say it's um you know a lot of modern day women have just certain bad habits that you know might not necessarily be conducive to a good relationship and or marriage right is what it is you know so we tell guys like if you are going to get a relationship with chicks you chicks that come from the Western general, you're going to get married, bro. I already know that.
Starting point is 00:47:47 You're going to get married in three years, bro. I'm going to take some steps to do it. Three years, you're going to be married, locked up, twins. I'm coming.
Starting point is 00:47:54 I'm coming to the wedding and I'm speaking at that shit, too. I'm speaking at that fucking wedding. I'm bringing all this shit back up. I've only been to... It'll be in the Middle East. Black girl, too. It's going to be black Sudanese.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Well, this is something I want to, this is a digression from this, but it's something I want to bring up earlier, which is you're going to say, I prefer not dating black girls, but then you'll bring those same girls on your podcast and get views off of them and get money off of them. Explain to me how and genuinely
Starting point is 00:48:25 explain i'm not trying to ask a rhetorical question how is that not fucked up see that goes to the same question we don't like black girls so why are they on the show to make money off of them and exploit them we don't need them to make money at all your clips with the black girls where there's controversy are considerably more views than your other clips i call it act that's just yeah it's live man it's a live show we do it live no no you know they don't barge into your studio unannounced and then invite themselves in the podcast they want to come on and you yeah and you let them on black white asian come on the show you want to come on this podcast you hit up andrew if i didn't want you on he wouldn't be on i have we have say it's our podcast it's your podcast you could easily say
Starting point is 00:49:05 no I don't want them on I don't fuck with these hood girls whatever like that so I just don't want to deal with you period I think it's a little bit trying to have
Starting point is 00:49:13 have your cake and eat it too I get what I'm saying I think it was a little I think it's a little bit aggressive the question but I do understand I see where he's coming from
Starting point is 00:49:22 yeah yeah yeah so we have we actually have a team that does it for us so we don't actually deal with the girls we actually have people that do it for us that cast the girls to come on the show and then they come and we meet them and then we do the show and everything is live so there's not really there's no you know edits or anything like that i guess what he's saying we have a team that does it for us but you you could also like uh like in dating you could also set a standard for the girls that you want to have on the pot and and i guess what you're saying is like you're having these girls that
Starting point is 00:49:51 act in a way that you don't like why continue to have them you're gonna make money i think it's a reasonable question i just don't date these types of girls but i'll have them on let's have some controversy let's make some money let me eat off of you but i don't i would never do and also just real quick and i think sorry i think it's kind of foul to say oh we don't choose those girls you you're their bosses whoever finds them before every show we give everyone a fair warning hey guys please be respectful on the show one mic at a time black white agent doesn't matter a fair equal understanding this how the show runs if they act out that's not on us and it is live our producer finds the girls hey black white agent we don't care you want to come how the show runs if they act out that's not on us and it is live our producer
Starting point is 00:50:25 finds the girls hey black white asian we don't care you want to come on the show plug your stuff we got you is your producer your boss or are you your producer's boss sorry that's what i think is is kind of saying that you were at the end of the day you're the boss of the show you dictate everything that goes on your fresh prince ceo bro you're not fresh prince w2 so here's the thing we actually i know that but my thing is like if i want to bring girls on why not because you don't i would never date this person i don't like people like my dating preference and coming on the show what does that have to do you don't think it's a little foul to exploit those people that you would never ever actually have interest if they want to
Starting point is 00:50:55 come on the show yeah they a lot of the time your opinion of us explaining them is your opinion they have fun on the show cool another thing too i'll say is that um you know we have our producer to do it so we delegate that authority to him because it's very time consuming to you know get the girls on make sure they don't flake book enough to organize their travel you know talk to them on instagram whatever it may be so we have people that do it for us so when they show up uh chris our producer shout out to him he basically tells them hey guys this is how the show goes he gives them all the rules etc and they're okay with it and then we come on the show and then we'll have our discussions and sometimes they get in their emotions from some of the things we say they get mad they might have a eruption or whatever and then we tell them hey you got to go but i will say this we kick out a
Starting point is 00:51:35 small minority of the women that actually come on and minority is the key word there i think well the volume of the girls and we kick out we've kicked out white girls, Spanish girls. Last week, we kicked out, I think, a Hispanic girl or a white girl. It's not that we only purposely try to kick out African-American women. It's not like that. We kick all races out if they act crazy. So that's what it comes down to. Men and women, by the way.
Starting point is 00:51:58 That's fine. I just think it sounds a bit, right now, like Jerry Springer is like, I don't book the guests. Yeah, but you know what the show is bro it's your show yeah there's a there's a legit criticism we trust chris to do that for us yeah for like dr phil i think i've heard this criticism for him before which is just like he moonlights is this person that's trying to like help people who have mental illness and like who have these issues but at the same time he's like selling ads off of them he's kind of like exploiting them you know so it's like i get that he's looked at as heroic
Starting point is 00:52:30 it's like oh i'm gonna tell this like naughty teenager she better get her act together in front of her mom and look i did the right thing and the audience claps but in reality it's like you needed that naughty teenager and you got a producer going get me a naughty ass teenager so I can curse at them type of thing. So I can see that criticism of you guys. That being said, I think you'd be looked at even more racist if you've never had a black girl on the podcast. I don't know if that's the solution. I just came from the rally. We're changing it up. No more black women.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Only white girls and Hispanic girls. Come on, man. Half the time I walk in, I got to hide the hood when I walk in. Oh, wait, we got black girls on the show. All right, good, good, good, good, good good they won't know but like yeah man we we bring all different types of girls on some act crazy some don't you know from all different types of races we kicked every race off from asian to white to black whatever it just so happens sometimes you know we've kicked some of the black girls out they say we're all star bitch and they go crazy
Starting point is 00:53:18 and those go viral you know it is what it is but we can't control that man yeah what's the idea okay so here's a question for guys in your in your situation right because you guys have been getting so much attention online yeah crazy and do you ever go okay attention is the economy now right and that is that is that is very important do you ever go okay we have to monitor what type of attention we get like would you also want to get some attention for when a kid literally was like dude i was going to kill myself before you guys started talking to me and now i don't want to do that anymore we get that love we don't share it but that's the thing right it's like i wonder if some of the stuff that you guys say that you're criticized for would be way more digestible and i'm not saying that you should try to like monetize those experiences
Starting point is 00:54:02 but i wonder like if if people knew that there were people that were being helped which you guys know because you guys get those personal dms i got some for that yeah so uh we have a call-in show on fridays yeah right where we actually like open up the phone lines and have people call in yeah and you know uh like a week ago we had a guy calling like hey man i was really in a dark place i was gonna you know do xyz to myself and you guys really brought me back gonna you know do XYZ to myself and you guys really brought me back and you know he went and talked about it and we we interact with our audience and you know we do so on Mondays we have a money Monday Wednesdays we have a womanizer
Starting point is 00:54:33 Wednesdays we talk about dating Mondays is we talk about real estate investing credit making money whatever may be entrepreneurship you just ask for it and then fitness gentlemen wednesdays it could be anything how to get a wife wednesday bitches up wednesday and then we also have a fitness friday as well so like we do a lot of uh you know the stuff that goes viral obviously is the nighttime shows with the girls fresh after hours but our regular show you know we do the self-improvement stuff and a lot of guys call in and tell their stories and everything but you know of course it's not going to go viral when a guy calls in and says hey man you man, you guys helped me from hurt. So how do you guys balance that, right?
Starting point is 00:55:06 Like, because my assumption is you want the show to be more than that. You want the show to be more than like the Jerry Springer, like the train wreck, because you're putting so much more time into the other things. Yeah. Right. You have a specific day episode, at least, dedicated to being in shape. Yeah. So how do you balance it and are you concerned about
Starting point is 00:55:26 balancing it or are you in a growth period right now where you're like listen as long as people are watching that's fine and then we'll figure that out so i think the audience kind of like dictates because we put out the content and they don't watch that as much per se they watch the girls however they get a lot of value from it so they'll tune in get value go make some money whatever go conquer the world and like okay let's see the ratchet shit at nighttime yeah and the other thing too is that like so we'll do the nighttime show right and that'll like get a lot of clicks because they'll be like oh wow this is good stuff and then a lot of them will say oh wait they make other content and then they'll come and they'll watch our money mondays they'll see when we bring grand cardone on
Starting point is 00:55:57 or robert kiyosaki and we talk about real estate because i'm big in real estate investing myself yeah so they'll see that like okay wow you guys offer a lot more value so they might come for the girls but stay for the content and if we get them like that awesome because now they can self-improve and watch the other more you know more meaningful self-improvement stuff but the nighttime stuff even though people say it's jerry springer and all that other stuff there are a lot of good lessons in it you know we we have debates about you know uh intersexual dynamics male versus female um you know dating etc and guys get to see kind of real time how a lot of women think. Because even though we say, you know, not all girls are the same or whatever, even though the, how do I say this, the hardware might be different, a lot of the software is the same.
Starting point is 00:56:35 And, you know, women from the West in general have a certain way of thinking when it comes to how they deal with men, etc. And a lot of guys are able to see that real time in 1080p, you know, live. And I think it's a lot of guys learn able to see that real time in 1080p you know live and i think it's a lot of guys learn from that about you know how women i think there's there's definitely a lot to learn but i do think that there are different i think there is a more diversity in women's intentions than you guys are okay demonstrating i mean we can agree that's what there's no question there are girls out here trying to dig gold bro there's no question and there's no question there are girls who are predators out here we know is very popular but i do think that there are plenty of women that literally
Starting point is 00:57:14 have day jobs want to have a family have no interest going to a fucking nightclub after 25 years old they want to sit home they want to watch the fucking salt lake housewives and they actually watch it thinking those girls are idiots like i think that this is probably the majority of chicks of course of course and we're not saying that i want to make sure and that's what i want we're not saying they're predators what i'm saying is that guys need to understand how women think and operate in modern day dating is all i'm saying because most guys have no idea no clue they think women are sugar and spice and everything nice and she'll never do anything to me and she's not
Starting point is 00:57:47 capable of that or whatever and we just want guys to understand that she is capable of doing this to you so operate the stories that we hear bro are heartbreaking like you guys have no idea what men go through on a daily basis it's terrible it's really bad it's terrible we've been men our life yeah yeah we've had regular guys we were regular at one point in our lives i was fat and ugly some of us more regular than others you know i'm very regular all right can i bring up stats then for you guys to discuss because you are talking about modern dating and dating apps so hinge the dating app millions of folks it's not like raya where you have to be a member it's every type of guy and girl they they revealed statistics. The top 1% of guys are swiped 16% of the time.
Starting point is 00:58:29 That means that girls are going after that. The bottom 50% of guys are getting 4% of likes. So what is the answer to get the normal guy, everyday guy, back in the room where, yeah, you can build up confidence in a nice way and they can be in a bar and go the traditional route, when most people are meeting this way or they're in college where you have time to meet someone. So these are the stats. What's the inverse statistics with bad bitches and –
Starting point is 00:58:52 What's up? Yeah, guys swipe on everyone. It's – The women? Yeah, they swipe on everyone because they're trying to fuck. No, the top 1% of women, it's 11%. So in all the categories, it's men give women more of a chance, and they're going after that. Well, because I'm looking after different things. We're looking for – all the categories it's men give women more of a chance and they're going after that but these
Starting point is 00:59:05 girls different things we're looking for a guy's not a guy's not swiping necessarily like there's plenty girls you'll swipe on you dove looking for a wife me like i wouldn't marry but i've so take away the numbers between girls and guys but go to how do people deal with frustration dove has slept with the hottest women on the planet now you might not look at him and be like oh god this is this is the guy this is the guy literally i don't know unbelievable unbelievable he gets fucked by dating apps because you know what i mean his advantage his advantage is charisma yeah he's amazing at just talking and is making those connections, making them feel really comfortable. And he's just a great guy.
Starting point is 00:59:50 Like an incredible social IQ. Literally incredible. Dating apps is just pictures. And it's a meat market. And I think that we're all a little bit shallow when we're on the dating app because that's all we have to go off of. So a guy like him kind of gets fucked with it. But in person, it's unbelievable. So I would tell all those guys that feel like they're getting fucked with it,
Starting point is 01:00:08 work on that tongue. Because most people's tongues are trash now because they don't have to use it. They're just texting on this fucking app, trying to say something witty, and then do it. Get in there. Talk to people. Andrew, here's the biggest problem. Those girls that go to work, watch the soap operas,
Starting point is 01:00:22 hit the gym, go to bed, they're not going outside. Break into their home. Hold outside. Break into their home. Hold on. Break into their home. Sugar size. I got a mask, actually. Meeting guys that look a certain way, so him, he'll never even meet them. I'll back them up. That's a problem. Since dating apps came out, going
Starting point is 01:00:37 out where a guy like me, find the same guy now, there were girls that were excited to meet groups of guys. You can go and chat you can do it that has gone down tremendously and the girls when they say oh i'm just here with my friend to like have a girl's night they're actually there for a girl's night now it has changed so one has been nodding with us the entire time we got one single guy in the room the women find like 90 of the guys is unattractive on tinder so it's like yeah it's definitely skewed
Starting point is 01:01:05 is what we're trying to say and like listen it is what it is yeah i don't want it to i don't want it to come across like what you're saying is 100 wrong i don't think that either i don't think i think literally we're just trying to move the needle in one direction i think we both think there's room for evolution in your philosophy exactly so it's like i think that we're just over here going like yo there's a lot of dope women out here i've dated a lot of dope women that like i just didn't really get along with but they were dope they weren't like golding predator chicks and i know both of y'all have to here's here's here's the fix for right just because drake fucked him man hold on yo just because drake stole your girl fresh
Starting point is 01:01:38 i gotta buy a yacht i gotta compete with drake it's for me what did he do to you who is this girl drink is awesome by the way no no but like i gotta say this a guy's biggest fix that's what she said isn't it it's to become the best person possible for himself so fitness mindset and money i think we both agree at that point he's seen by women as you know what he's an option before that and i don't want to see him or i don't really think he's a good option for me that's the biggest problem here guys are invisible so black white asian doesn't matter yeah if you're not on a certain level of security for a girl yeah is she gonna marry you probably not yeah let's say she does marry you oh you know what this is boring i'm gone divorce lost half your money is it really
Starting point is 01:02:23 worth it no so become the best person you can be. Money, fitness, and finance. And then go from there and learn how to date. I think we all agree with that. I think core values, we all agree on what is important and things you can affect.
Starting point is 01:02:36 We are lucky as dudes, bro. We get to change that. Girls that are born ugly, bro. Their life sucks. Bro. Yeah. Bro. There's no fresh and fit for women.
Starting point is 01:02:46 Yeah. Right? They're just like, sorry. The real. Right? It's just it. Face and lift. Face and lift.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Real talk. I guess there's plastic surgery in these certain things, but we are malleable. Our value is malleable. We can go out there and we can get successful. We can go out there, we can get money, and we can literally work on being more charismatic. Literally listening. You know how many dudes just don't know how to listen i swear to god like yeah if you get a girl to the point where like she's comfortable enough sharing with you yeah you don't have to impress her no more literally just listen to what she has to say so much there's
Starting point is 01:03:19 so many dudes are like constantly oh yeah we're here and i have this thing and i can't wait to go to saint bart's and this is that shut the fuck up yeah if you put that energy i could probably attract women that are into that that's another thing boasting if you if you think your value is all this money that you got you're gonna what is it called patrice o'neill like you hunt what you can catch yep yep we tell guys not to leave with the wallet it hurts you a lot of the time yeah i kept listening you gotta listen first yeah and then receive after but just to add to this point as well like i'm not the best i can do right but But once again, charisma in person, having a great experience can win the day over. So, like, I don't judge by looks either because looks, bro, real talk, once you got a girl
Starting point is 01:03:52 in front of you, charisma, great time. Yeah. You can take the lead from there. 100%. Yeah. Yeah. We just, honestly, and that's why we tell guys, you know, we have a Money Monday, a Womanizer Wednesday, Fitness Friday.
Starting point is 01:04:01 The reason why we do that is because we tell guys, you got to become the best version of yourself. And then the byproduct of that is the girls will like and womanizer wednesday it's a part of that that growth huh yes it is it is we talk about on there we talk about like uh actually that this viral episode that you guys were the clip is from was from a womanizer wednesday where we talked about you know using dating apps to get girls etc and we broke down you know plenty of fish hinge all these other sites um but yeah that's that's womanizing wednesdays like typically dating related i i think you guys are genuinely like nice dudes
Starting point is 01:04:29 that got fucked over by like bad women like in your life maybe that like came in and like finessed you and like fucked you guys over and my fear would be that your audience of people that really trust you and look up to you would then learn you're teaching them how to go down a path to be defensive and scared of women and then they could potentially finesse and fuck over other women that were innocent
Starting point is 01:04:49 had nothing to do with it and then they become the women that you're talking about yep okay just correct me and I don't know if that's the case
Starting point is 01:04:56 I don't really consume a ton of your content but it might be my fear and I guess hopefully in the future if that's the case we're not scared we haven't been hurt
Starting point is 01:05:02 it's more like we understand the dangers of dating women and we want guys to know look just look for these things so you don't get finesse that's the biggest thing because if you don't know going into it you're gonna be like yeah she loves me for me uh probably not so it's like okay no understand who you are what you want why wouldn't she love you for you you're great bro andrew hey bro stop the cat bro what's wrong with you, bro?
Starting point is 01:05:25 Andrew, you know what he sounds like? Somebody who's been hurt by women. Bro, tell me what happened, bro. Never. What'd Drake do to this girl, bro? Never? You've never been hurt by a woman? Never.
Starting point is 01:05:33 You telling me your girl didn't come back with hot sauce in her pussy? You telling me? Are you telling me? OVO, I don't know what's going on here, bro. No. Come on, bro. What happened? Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:05:44 In this world, it's either pimp or be pimped. Yeah. So if we can arm guys with a tool. No, it's not. What is that, dog? That's what I'm saying. Your views are very black and white. You're too old to be thinking like this.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Amen. Well, we can have different world views. But if we look at it, it's pimp or be pimped, baby. So I'd rather equip the guys with the tool so they can go out there and navigate the dating marketplace in a way where they won't get finessed. You don't think that's a dangerous mindset for the world to have did i pin my wife yeah is that what happened yeah or is she pimping you same with all of us like not for real like what if we're also telling you that that's not the experience and that maybe there's experiences you've had and
Starting point is 01:06:19 being in a fucked up dating scene like miami right and we know it could get wild especially if you're going to like these types of parties you got a lot of girls that are like literally paid to be there and they might be paid to do other stuff as well so if you're interacting with these girls i can understand how you like grow a little bit of fucking resentment like what where are the good girls at there's no resentment man it's just awareness and i know it i don't it might come off that way but it's just merely just being aware of what's going on, adapting to the situation and making the best move that's going to not put you in a compromising position. Because we've heard so many terrible stories from guys, guys making mistakes, et cetera, with women that's come back and really bit them in the ass. So we just want guys to maneuver it in a way where.
Starting point is 01:06:59 I think that that's I think that's altruistic of you. Yeah. Like, I think I really do. Like, you're like i think i really do like you're like i want you to be safe i want you to be protected like i'm going shark diving you're like bro can i give you this fucking metal suit that you put on so just in case the shark does bite you you want you're looking out yeah you're actually looking out for these people you care my feeling is that you have a little bit skewed version if you think it's pimp or be pimped it's like bro you don't like how can you develop a loving relationship with
Starting point is 01:07:26 somebody if you're constantly going am I pimping or she pimping that's dangerous here's the thing one person in the relationship whoever cares less has the leverage and we want the guy to always care less we want the man to always have the leverage childish as fuck and you guys might not like hearing that but we
Starting point is 01:07:42 truly feel I'm not these aren are new beliefs bro you're not telling me some shit none of us have ever heard we all heard this from fraternity guys in college i'm saying there's room in your and i don't have a problem with a lot of the stuff you say i just think there is room for growth and you guys refusal to acknowledge it almost kind of proves it to me confirms it to me that you guys are not willing to grow right now and that's fine that's some ego shit we're just saying there's room for growth a very mature answer is yeah probably if you say that to me i'm sure i got room to grow y'all are literally saying no we know how it is
Starting point is 01:08:11 we're in miami i bet if you go to idaho and see only two bitches are getting flown out of idaho you'd be like oh the world isn't like this we're just asking you to look and take an assessment of what you say and what you spread and be like okay maybe there's room for growth and y'all aren't willing to do that for an hour and a half. I mean, I truly feel that. That's your opinion, bro. Yeah, that's your opinion. See what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:08:29 I don't care. You guys have a platform. You say whatever you want. With men and women, one party cares less than the other does. And whoever cares less has the leverage.
Starting point is 01:08:39 And we want the guys to always be in a position where the woman is constantly chasing them, not the other way around. I think you're saying like a... The man has to be in a leadership role where the woman is feel it feels how do i say that she got the prize i mean i hear that position not the woman i think we both want to feel like we got the prize though and i think that's the best relationship it's like
Starting point is 01:08:56 the best sale or the best business move is like you do something where you feel like you got the best and they feel like they got the best right. That's the perfect deal that's made. It's perfect, but it doesn't happen like that all the time. I'm not saying it doesn't. And I think that to act as if one person doesn't like the other person more, for us to sit here and be like, no, every relationship, they equally love. I think that love can be different, and I don't think that there's a scale that you can judge it.
Starting point is 01:09:20 But I think that we would get pushed back to be like, no, every single one is perfectly equal. Our biggest thing is we want the woman chasing the man's validation, You can judge it. But I think that we would get pushed back to be like, no, every single one is perfectly equal. I think that'd be... Our biggest thing is we want the woman chasing the man's validation, never the other way around. For the relationship to be in the best position because men lead, women follow. It's always been that way. And we want the guys to have the leverage in the relationship because if you do, your girl's always going to feel like she has the best option that she can get. That's just the way women make select.
Starting point is 01:09:43 They want the best and the brightest. And for her to feel that way yeah she needs to constantly follow chasing for your validation and i know you guys might not necessarily agree with that that's fine but it's it's you know it's it's basic uh you know human uh psychology that's how you get cheated on bro that's how you get cheated on because you got a girl chasing validation she's never getting and all of a sudden a dude pulls up on her and she and he's like man you're amazing i want to give you all the validation. I'm not saying ignore your girl.
Starting point is 01:10:06 But what I am saying is that she needs to understand that you are the prize. And you can also think she is one. Yeah. Yes. She doesn't have to know it, though. She don't got to know it. Clarify that maybe that's more so in the beginning of a relationship to get to that point. And then you develop something that's a little real in the beginning it is a hunt and it is have you guys had long-term
Starting point is 01:10:28 relationships yeah but we so what how long okay so so hold on just to answer that question as well because like at the very beginning stage try to figure out who she is and who and she wants to figure out who you are so you can't really be like simping over her too much because then it's like okay this guy is probably gonna be like keep pandering to me at all times you gotta like understand who she really is once you know that cool now the dynamic changes in that aspect but you can't just jump into it like oh yeah just like love me like no you got to see what it is i can imagine the beginning but then once the relationship is there there is that you can't be chasing real connections like you guys have to build something together you build a connection but like for me personally
Starting point is 01:11:05 why i do it is i just have other girls like whoever i'm dealing with she knows i'm not gonna be monogamous and actually what that does is it keeps her on her toes women always get in line when they know you have other women in line it's just the way it is you know i'm saying when you have other girls women are in their best behavior you know and i know that's an unflattering thing to say it's not it's not necessarily wrong it's not necessarily wrong especially if you're being transparent like if she's building towards something i think she'd probably agree i assume most girls when they start dating a guy especially a guy with value they're like there are other girls that are probably interested in this guy yeah and maybe he's dating it i know it comes across harsh when you say it
Starting point is 01:11:41 but i don't think it's actually uh. I think it is actually the reality. But eventually, if you want to have a relationship, you're going to have to put your focus and time and love into that one person. And if you keep playing like the cat and mouse game, it's going to get exhausting for her, man. And she's going to go to security. We all go to emotional security. And if you're not her emotional security, there's going to be something else.
Starting point is 01:12:02 And I think that's why those pickup artists do is flamed out is because they realize the skills that they use to get the girls were not the skills that they use to maintain shallow. So it's like, what's that? It's shallow. It's shallow, right? And it's just exhausting. And you're actually not building something real. And you're keeping this person in a state of perpetual fear.
Starting point is 01:12:21 And you're doing that because you're in a state of perpetual fear. So nobody's comfortable. Eventually, you both need to let the guard down and be like, listen, are we in this together? Are we going to build this? And we can argue about human nature all we want, but marriage is an institution, be it religion or not, that has existed for a long time. I'm literally rolling the dice on it. I'm gambling that I can build something with it. I saw my parents do it. You know what I mean? I've seen other people do it, and I've seen it flounder as well. But to act like it's not a possibility. Nobody's marriage is invincible. None of us are saying our marriage is invincible and we're all going to fuck up and
Starting point is 01:12:51 we're all going to say things that are disrespectful and, and, and we're all going to have be treated a certain way by our partners that, that, that we can't fathom they would actually do. But ideally you're committed enough to, to build back from that and, that and and restore that thing that you guys are building together. That's my only fear. My fear is that if you keep on playing this game, you're like, I got to keep her a little bit away. I can't keep her comfortable. I can't let her feel secure. You're not going to actually feel that love from a woman when she is secure. And that's a powerful thing, man. When a woman feels secure, bro. I mean, I mean, I respectfully disagree a little bit.
Starting point is 01:13:24 I'm going to say like, you know, I always say you little bit i'm gonna say like you know i always say you don't want to grow comfortable you know future bitches don't get too comfortable like comfortable you know because when they're uncomfortable but here's the thing he got seven baby mamas i'm using that as a quote but in general like you know when a girl isn't necessarily when she doesn't know where she stands with you and there might be other women you know in the wing yeah that's when they're on their best behavior man it is what it is you think that's sustainable i look early on playing games i get dude none of us are no you're being you let her know we get it early on yeah whatever being
Starting point is 01:13:52 up front talking to other women so you don't get too emotionally invested because you might get hurt early on because you're both scared that makes absolute sense if you're telling me if you're gonna get on this podcast and say i'm gonna get married and my wife is gonna know it's an open relationship i have a hard time believing this. And it's open for me. You are going to be loyal to me. I'm going to do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Okay. We will see. I know many millionaires are like that, though, in the world. I grew up Muslim, so. There's many. There's many millionaires like that. Oh, you got the religious loophole where we just get, you know, God is on our side. And you say you grew up Muslim or you are Muslim?
Starting point is 01:14:20 I am. But yeah. Okay. Practicing. Yeah. Well, I need to get back on it you know it's convenient i got you yeah but i'm muslim for multiple wives let me get back on it i'm gonna hit the mosque but um but no just in general like i've always
Starting point is 01:14:34 had that that worldview that like a man can have multiple women but not the other way around men and women are not the same whatsoever i don't think that we would disagree with you on that like i don't think women want that i don't think there's would disagree with you on that like i don't think women want that i don't think there's women out there like i definitely want multiple men i agree with you and i think there's probably guys and for sure we'd be like man it'd be nice to have multiple women but can i build the thing that i want with multiple women i don't know i don't think so i think you can it's just hard it's hard it's not because you're gonna be managing multiple women you're gonna be managing you know so it. Because you're going to be managing multiple women.
Starting point is 01:15:05 You're going to be managing. So it takes a very strong leader to be able to do it. But you could definitely do it. But see, this is what I tell guys. Hey, here's your tools. You choose your choice. It's your life to live. Marriage, no marriage, multiple women, your choice to make.
Starting point is 01:15:18 That's it. Guys, thank you for coming up here. I thought we were going to convert you. I thought we were going to convert you. I thought we were going to convert you into... I spent honesty, man. I do appreciate you guys coming up here. And I'm curious about your journey. City Boys for life.
Starting point is 01:15:38 We up. We'll see. We'll see. I don't know. I think a girl is going to get you on. I think you're going to get locked down. And I hope that. I really hope that you allow that to happen.
Starting point is 01:15:46 And I hope if you find a girl and that she means that much to you guys. In Columbia. And it might be in Columbia. It might be in Miami. But I'm going to get three more for two. There you go. I just hope you guys grow up a little bit because the way you do view the world is very immature. But it comes with life.
Starting point is 01:16:02 It is my opinion. But I just hope you guys grow up. Cause it's like this part of the messages that you are teaching your listeners. It's not good for society. Part of it's really valuable. Some, not all of it.
Starting point is 01:16:15 Yeah. Yes. I agree with that. I agree. Yeah. I agree with that. I mean, we can agree to this group,
Starting point is 01:16:21 which is totally cool. No problem. You know, I mean, if you guys have your content being immature, you guys have to get married Yeah And that is the end all be all I was married at one point
Starting point is 01:16:29 What did she do to you? I knew it I knew when y'all was married What did she do to you bro? I knew when y'all was married And you was never hurt And you never And you never in a long term relationship?
Starting point is 01:16:38 Like with marriage? No no Just like a long Like a multiple year Girlfriend type of thing You know with other girls Oh but it was never exclusive? No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:16:47 That's stupid. Exclusivity. It might be stupid, but if you haven't experienced it, then it's hard for you to say if it's good or bad, right? I genuinely believe as a man, if you get to a certain point, it is not in your best interest to be monogamous. But you've never tried it and it's never worked for you, so it's hard, right? No, I've done it with one girl that I'm like, this is not fun. But maybe she wasn't the right one nah man it's because i've always said like one woman can never sexually satisfy you like a man's like a man's sexual thirst is like almost
Starting point is 01:17:14 insatiable like he's gonna want variety like guys wait till you're late 30s so it's like she can't she could she could you know handle your emotional needs as a woman but by herself sexually no you're always're always going to want other women. Men like different colors and flavors. What you guys are talking about is evolutionary. None of us can deny that evolution is hardwired in every species that the man is. Sperm is very cheap genetically,
Starting point is 01:17:37 so you try to fuck everything and procreate as much as possible. It's hardwired in us. What you are also overlooking is that in humanity, we decided to stay monogamous for reproductive success. Because at the end of the day, we need that kid to stay alive. And the best way for us to do that is monogamous. So if you're going to talk about evolution, monogamy is also evolutionary. That is true. Yeah, but polygamy
Starting point is 01:17:54 works as well. It works great for the family because you have multiple women and then they all care for the children collectively. If it worked, every culture would adopt it. There's a reason why we don't. That's why. Because it doesn't work.'t do it. They can't do it. Because it doesn't work. No, no.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Financial means. For sure. That's the reason why. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it makes sense what you're teaching because we teach what we know and we teach what we're experts in. And you're an expert in this lifestyle, whether that's by choice, which you say,
Starting point is 01:18:19 or by just not having the experience where you've been in a relationship that's like a loving, beautiful relationship that you want to build, right? You're teaching the thing you know, but you do acknowledge that there are other things out there. You at least know it. Yeah, for sure. And they could also be quote unquote right and possible and that there's a way to teach that as well. And all I would say is like, maybe keep your mind open because you might find that and then you might want to share that with all the people who really fuck with you and they like what you teach them.
Starting point is 01:18:45 I know a lot of guys, like, you know, would be happy with a monogamous relationship and stuff like that. And they want one girlfriend. But to be honest, man, if you gave the guy the choice, hey, listen, man, you can have four girls, you know, and hook up with them. Or you can have one girl. Most guys are going to want the four girls. It's just that the politically correct thing to say is to say is one girl. Four wives is crazy. That's why Muslims are suicide bombers, bro.
Starting point is 01:19:11 Get the fuck out of here, dog. I want out, son. Extremists. We need those virgins. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're doing the thing with the jokes. Remember? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:20 No, I hear what you're saying. I think what happens a lot of times in relationships is you have to make sacrifices for things to make you happy. And if that one person being with that one person makes you so happy in these aspects of your life, you're maybe willing to sacrifice this other thing. Right. And I think as you you guys are going to get more famous and it's going to get even easier to get pussy. And you'll start to realize when it's not something that you're conquesting, when you become the conquested, that pussy shit means nothing. Actually, I'm going to say you guys aren't there yet when you're there when you start being the one that's hunted when they start kicking you know what i mean like when they start putting this out man when they put the notch in your belt all
Starting point is 01:19:54 of a sudden you're like oh shit i'm the gazelle bro you know you need to be defensive then it was easier before yeah we got more girls that's because all your clips of you is you yelling at 10 women, bro. Wearing the shit when y'all start popping off. Dude, girls are coming, but it's like, I don't want, for example,
Starting point is 01:20:11 they're coming, but I don't want you. It's like, before I was hunting what I wanted. I was like, stay away. I don't want you. That's the problem.
Starting point is 01:20:18 So it's like, I got to pick and choose and be careful. What do you want? We got way more girls before the show, man. Way more. Because we had more time.
Starting point is 01:20:25 We do two shows a day. They're live. We're dealing with a bunch of crazy girls. Girls find our social media. You guys are those massages for the podcast. Like, oh, okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:20:33 All right, cool. Move on to the next one. So it's like, we actually get less girls now because of, you know, the fame, so to speak. If they were going to call it fame. It's hard before.
Starting point is 01:20:40 Now. You know, it is what it is. I'm checking in on y'all in three years. Let's do it. I'll have three wives Can I ask you one last question before we go Being black, being a little bit self-loathing
Starting point is 01:20:49 Is that why you wanted to enter law enforcement? Oh man, here we go It just adds up too well As an Indian, I'm going to do the math I was federal man I was actually doing a lot of Mexican cartel investigations. Ah. All right.
Starting point is 01:21:08 Got you there, man. No, no. Nice. Keep the Browns out of the country. We got to do what we got to do, man. All right, man. Thank you guys very much for coming out. I appreciate the conversation.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Even though we disagree, thank you guys for coming out. Yeah, of course. No problem. Awesome job, man. And I'm keeping tabs on y'all, man. I mean that. Three years. You got to come on our show with the chicks now
Starting point is 01:21:25 not with the girls man it's too much I'll just come I'll come and just talk we can talk about these type of gender dynamics I love talking about all fucking day long
Starting point is 01:21:33 I think it's a lot of fun but with the girls I don't know it's too much it's too much and shout out to academics for connecting us too of course man
Starting point is 01:21:39 shout out to academics but for real I'm keeping tabs on y'all I mean this man and yeah and don't not grow just because you know I'm watching and other people are watching and they don't want to see. If it happens, let that shit happen.
Starting point is 01:21:52 Take your lignans and enjoy your fucking work. You're going to see me with four girls on the pod. These are my wives now. You know? If you do it. They said you're not going to get all this girls. If you do it. God bless you, bro.
Starting point is 01:22:01 God bless you. All right, man. Fresh and fit. Check them out. Peace.

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