Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh - Michael Jordan Stop Whining!

Episode Date: May 1, 2020

This week Andrew, Akaash, AlexxMedia and Mark discuss Aaron Rodgers and the Packers, Kendall Jenner and her cooch, Bill Simmons is jelous of Dennis Rodman, who's the bigger A-hole between Isiah Thomas... and Michael Jordan, and more. INDULGE! Want a new episode every week? Become a Patron!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Son, you wouldn't call him gay if you found out some motherfucker you were kissing on the cheek every single game ended up having AIDS? That's the least that you could call him. You think Isaiah's tight because he has AIDS? Nah, I would not call him gay because then it means like, oh shit, I'm gay by association. I think I- Motherfucker's still going to know you kissed him. That don't stop. Did Isaiah have-
Starting point is 00:00:23 So it's like yeah of course i gotta do something to punish this guy you were kissing me on the face at that time you didn't know how you got aids you could get aids by kissing someone on the cheek you had no clue also saying that someone was gay when they had aids back in the day when only gay people had it it's not the craziest thing yeah but you must have had you could talk to him that's your homie so yeah man tell me what the deal is tell me what the deal is what's with this? And then even if you don't believe him, that's one thing. But to never have the conversation and just go around the league being like, I got gay, yo. Like, come on, bro.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Yeah, Magic said that he should have been left off the team. He said in this quote, he's like, he should have even gotten left off the team 100%. It's a team. Everyone's got to get along. And he rubbed guys the wrong way. Boom. That's it. People don't like you.
Starting point is 00:01:03 That's why you have the team. Magic said it. Even though Magic loved him. Like, Scottie Pippen hated him jordan hated him there you go so maybe it wasn't even a jordan decision uh explicitly right maybe it was like maybe rod was asking around so what do we think about it would you like to spend a few weeks with it in europe and enough motherfuckers on the team are like i don't want to be near this guy bro he's a pain in god pain in the goddamn ass. We're going to win anyway. We don't need it. Let's have fun. Let's be around people that we enjoy. Now, too, IT is in his defense a little bit, especially with that comment about they don't keep that same energy. I'm reading this book.
Starting point is 00:01:36 I read this book and they talk about IT's upbringing a little bit. That motherfucker went through it. I mean, he literally said some shit about trusting your instincts and I'm sure he exaggerated a bit, but he's like, anytime you saw a guy on the corner you had to make a decision is this guy gonna rob me try to kill me have a problem with me or is he just gonna let me walk past and every time you're walking to school these are decisions you're making multiple times a day you gotta learn to trust your instincts and say yeah that's growing up in the hood yeah i mean yeah and it was the crack era and like he grew up in a rough-ass part of, I guess, Chicago, and 12 brothers and sisters, whatever, pops fucking walked out on him, I think. But it's just like, this guy went through it more than an MJ, more than a Magic, more than, maybe not Larry, but more than a lot of these guys.
Starting point is 00:02:17 So I can see how that hardens you and makes you be like, man, fuck all y'all. What is this? Yo, did you see Bill Lambert's response i heard it was very like non-apologetic what do you say he's like stop whining i fucking love it he's watching the mj doc and he goes he goes yeah we did it it was stupid but stop fucking whining just whining about it grow up that and a bunch of little bitches went, hey, they walked away. They didn't shake our hands. Shut the fuck up. Grow up.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Be a man. Little bitch ass motherfuckers. Shake our hands after the game. We shook your hands. Yo, real talk. Someone needed to say that to them, yo. You could demean MJ's entire greatness with that. Because that's his whole mindset of holding grudges.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Oh, I would lift off the high school team. I couldn't make varsity. with that. Because that's his whole mindset of holding grudges. Oh, I would lift up the high school team. I could make varsity. Buzz Peterson was more as a better player than me. He was my roommate. You beat me in ping pong so I won't stop playing until I beat you.
Starting point is 00:03:21 It's so true. They said Clyde Drexler was better than me, so I'm going to give him a lot of points today. Detroit is mean to me. The bad boys are bullies. I'm going to lift some weights so I can be a bully too. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:03:43 It's so true. Oh, it's so true. Dennis Roman keeps leaving to go party time. I don't want to play without Phil. I'm going to go home if Phil's not here. Why does Jerry keep trying to train my teammate? He's trying to train my best teammate. Scotty's my best teammate.
Starting point is 00:04:06 I want to play with my friends. It's so true. It is so true. I want to play baseball. I want to play baseball. Oh, my God. Dude. That's so funny. Did we just lose all respect for MJ
Starting point is 00:04:28 in 30 seconds it's very easy to flip it dude Bill Lambert is a legit bad boy that's what motherfuckers about it that's alpha I love that Isaiah wants his good PR and Bill Lambert is like whatever bro stop whining I'm gonna go coach women's basketball
Starting point is 00:04:43 that's what he did bro. Stop whining. I'm going to go coach women's basketball. That's what he did. That motherfucker knows whining. Yo, dude, Bill Lambert coaches women's basketball, and he said that MJ and Emmer whined. Think about that. Yo, that's how much a diva NBA players are. You're like, let me just coach some lesbians. I can't handle this shit.
Starting point is 00:05:00 This is fucking unbelievable. I can't deal with these attitudes no more. I try to fuck with the ringer. There's two or three writers I like sports wise but everything culture it's always some uber liberal bullshit
Starting point is 00:05:12 and like there are fucking rap critics maybe Vandal changes but before it was just white women talking about rap and I was like who the fuck you're the last demographic
Starting point is 00:05:20 this is meant for. The actual last demographic that should be critically responding to an album. To what's it called? To fucking Lil Wayne or whoever. Ah, interesting. Like Drake will drop an album
Starting point is 00:05:30 and she'll compare him and whoever the fuck. Oh, I hate that when they try to intellectualize the rap. Stop it, bitch. Leave, bitch. Don't do your fucking college thesis on rap. I hate that shit.
Starting point is 00:05:40 You know when they're like teaching courses on like Tupac or Biggie? Oh, suck my fucking dick, yo. Stop it. Stop it. You look so good, I suck on your daddy's dick. You really need to break
Starting point is 00:05:50 that fucking line down? You need to break that line down. We need a college course to figure out you look so good, I suck on your daddy's dick. That's complicated, man. Is it? She look good.
Starting point is 00:05:59 In today's class, we will be dissecting that's why I sucked your, that's why I fucked your bitch, you fat motherfucker. Come on, dude. Stop over-intellectualizing this shit, bro. What do you think Tupac meant when he said that?
Starting point is 00:06:10 What do you think he really meant? Even Shakespeare, we don't need to break down. Bro, I don't like you saying Shakespeare. Shakespeare. Thank you. But even Shakespeare, like, why are we breaking down Shakespeare? It's the same story over and over again. Yeah, fucking old shrouded in nobility.
Starting point is 00:06:25 That's it. Stop being shrouded, pussy. Unshroud. That's what I'm saying, yo. Over here, Bill Simmons. That's what Bill Simmons is a shrouded ass motherfucker when you think about it. I'm fucking shrouded, yo. Yo, real talk, what did Shakespeare do that was so interesting? I mean that. I mean he invented
Starting point is 00:06:41 mad words. Do we know that? I think so. you know who else invented mad words e40 you know who invented mad words spanish people that wasn't a language at one point oh you write about it spanish you write about the whole language son it was not even spanish and then some motherfuckers like i'm tired of speaking latin we're gonna do spanish now okay mad people invent words so what shekin spear overrated what did he do besides make little teenagers fuck pedophile ass that's all right what yo he was really you did say that when you think about shekin spear was the first tiktok that's all romeo and juliet was
Starting point is 00:07:24 fucking tiktok in front of balcony where for art that way up here bitch Sheckles Bear was the first TikTok. That's all Romeo and Juliet was. Fucking TikTok-ing from the balcony. Wherefore art thou up here, bitch? Up here, stupid ass, in my room. Where else would I be? Ain't shit to do. Not like there's arcades. Where the fuck else would I be? Wherefore art thou, Romeo?
Starting point is 00:07:35 I'm down here, bitch. Or I'm at my house. There wasn't shit to do. Where were they? Where were they? Bitch, don't act like you don't know where he is. What could you do back in the day? I'm just walking around doing nothing because nothing was invented yet.
Starting point is 00:07:49 You got that shit backward. I think she was on the balcony. It don't matter. But still, though, he's stalking you. When you go out on your balcony, you wonder where somebody is and he's right there. That's creepy. It's creepy. But Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
Starting point is 00:08:01 At school. He's 13. Where else the fuck you think he is? Stop acting like you're really confused about where your man might be.
Starting point is 00:08:10 There was three places to be. He was in the Montague house, right? Was he Montague or Capulet? One of them. He was one of them.
Starting point is 00:08:16 He was either in house Montague, at school, or in the bushes looking for your bitch ass. There was three places. Did you bother looking down, bitch? You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:08:28 It's mad easy to just look down. Delay, where for out thou? Before you go, where for out thou? Is he out thou? Hey, you out thou? Why are you out thou? Are you out thou? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:08:39 This fucking guy, bro. Shake his beer, all this credit. Did nobody else have any stories back in the day? I don't think so, yo. It was a dry-ass time for literature. How we go from The Odyssey to Shakespeare? Remember The Odyssey?
Starting point is 00:08:53 Odyssey had singing bitches. Singing bitches that fuck you and suck your dick! They fuck you and suck your dick right off! You've gone to an island with just bitches. Killing mad motherfuckers at your house trying to fuck your girl.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Trying to fuck your wife. That shit is engaging. I'll fuck your bitch you Ulysses ass motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:09:12 You Greek motherfucker. You Greek motherfucker. That's the original Tupac. Let's do a story about that.
Starting point is 00:09:18 I think they did. You know what I'm saying? Put a Trojan horse up in your bitch. Nah you're
Starting point is 00:09:22 right though. Was it Ulysses? Ulysses. He killed it in Shakespeare. Son, Homer. Homer. Homer, that's the guy.
Starting point is 00:09:29 First of all, he didn't even need to write it down. All up here. Son, Jay, see that shit, yo. Jay, one take home. What happened? I got you. One take home, yo. That's it.
Starting point is 00:09:39 One take home. They called him one take homes back in the day. Yo, what's up up this is Akash that was a preview of our Patreon episode if you want the full thing go to
Starting point is 00:09:53 slash flagrant2 join the illest community on earth unless you're a social justice warrior then you're just gonna ruin the fun

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