Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh - Pregnant and Paid

Episode Date: January 17, 2020

This week Andrew, Akaash, and Kaz discuss: The WNBA's new pay deal, Akaash getting into twitter beef, the new Aaron Hernandez documentary on Netflix, blowing your load in space, knowing how to wipe, J...oe Burrow demolishing the Clemson Tigers, new technology in flying planes, and much more. Want a new episode every week? Become a Patron!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody? Patreon. Let's get right into it. Should these WNBA chicks get paternity leave? I mean maternity leave. Well, some of them, debatable. So the new collective bargaining agreement came out. Akash hasn't heard this.
Starting point is 00:00:20 I have not. I'm excited to hear it. They raised the price for them, which is great. If you're making the money, you the money that's awesome and one of the things that they put in the new cba was that they get a maternity leave paid maternity leave and i don't know why this shit kind of struck me because my first my first reaction was it's not like an injury like you don't choose to rupture your Achilles
Starting point is 00:00:47 you choose to have a baby why is the team on the hook for that right and I was like that's absurd you shouldn't get that and then I started thinking
Starting point is 00:00:54 wait a minute why not how is this not like any other job and then I started thinking how the fuck these women get paid to have babies
Starting point is 00:01:03 that's insane so now you got a problem with maternity leave in general yeah you went the other way with it And then I started thinking, how the fuck do these women get paid to have babies? That's insane. So now you got a problem with maternity leave in general. Yeah, you went the other way with it? Yeah. Yeah. Like, it's an absurd. You think the first woman that came to work was like, yo, I'm going to have a baby, but like, I'm going to still need that check every week.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Yeah. That's some mafia shit. Yeah, they should get that. All right. Let's argue. I know that is the right thing to say. Can I also bring a logical thing into this? Because I know I'm talking to men.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Gay! There's a place for logic if we're talking to men. Right. If a girl gets maternity leave, I'm still getting benefit most of the time. Because then that's our money. So like, go ahead, bitch, get us some money and not work. You know what I mean? Like, be a stay-at-home wife and make money.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Yeah. I'm not knocking that. I'm thinking as the employer. Oh, yeah, that's why these hoes ain't getting hired. That's the thing. You've been saying that for years. That's why it's taking so long. Here's the problem with the WNBA in that situation.
Starting point is 00:02:03 You don't got a choice. So now you're just going to hire the dude lesbians. They're not going to carry the kid. Yo, you know what's going to be interesting? The lesbians that carry the strap. Now, you know, it's going to be interesting. Strap lesbians only. Where's my young MA?
Starting point is 00:02:18 She ain't carrying kids. But I've seen them, though. What do you mean? I've seen like the butch lesbians like carrying like kids now that look crazy it looks crazy but i've seen it like i've seen like the fucking you know i mean like the you know i mean the bride and bride picture where like one of them's pregnant and usually you would think oh this is clearly the pregnant one and it wasn't they failed your whole mission is to be a dude you failed in the most fucking
Starting point is 00:02:46 possible the most way possible crazy before technology what'd you say i said the most way possible what the fuck is that before this technology shit if i was an owner of a wmba team and i was like hold up one of these girls get pregnant i mean that's why i'll take that right like of course but now the fact that you could do it with in vitro or whatever like that they could get pregnant i just i'm it's why does it seem odd somebody all right make the argument for me why if a woman wants to get pregnant she should still be getting paid i didn't say lose her job i 100 believe that she should keep her job but single moms say again single moms what about her they have to pay bills yeah well how you single mom if it and get pregnant you don't
Starting point is 00:03:33 that's like irresponsibility have you ever seen a black house like it happens a lot though like you're gonna like you're gonna raised by single mom though to be fair, raised by a single mom is not while she was pregnant. Was she pregnant single with you? Doesn't matter. No, no, no, but maternity leave only matters when you're pregnant. She's not getting extra pay because she's a single mom raising you.
Starting point is 00:03:55 I understand that. The whole purpose of the maternity leave wouldn't apply here is all I'm saying. Now, I actually find this all hilarious. Right. Because all these fucking stupid feminists are like championing it. But imagine your favorite WNBA player gets pregnant and has to sit out the season and your team is fucked. Now, I don't think this will be a problem because there are no WNBA fans. Imagine if there was one, how fucking livid you would be at this bitch.
Starting point is 00:04:19 I mean, shit, Candice Parker. Fantasy players would be losing their shit. Candice Parker. Candice Parker has an amazing season. She's a fairly popular player. She had to sit out a season because she had to have a baby. That's how you take out your rival team. You just send
Starting point is 00:04:32 them a hot dude. All right. None of that bitch. But seriously, break down the argument for me. I think it's just a nice thing to do because what the fuck is she going to do otherwise? She cannot work. But she's choosing to have the kids. It's her choice. I think it's just a nice thing to do because what the fuck is she going to do otherwise she cannot work but she's choosing to have the kids it's her choice it's but if we want a society where
Starting point is 00:04:49 people have kids but let me know like you don't it's not a career sports are four five six years you're not you're not playing sports this guy is wild sports not a career I don't think that argument stop I don't think that argument applies though. What is the average here? You can look this up. What is the average length of a WNBA person's career? The average length of a football career? The average length of a basketball career? Those are still careers.
Starting point is 00:05:14 It doesn't matter how long you do them for. By career, I mean lifelong. If it's during the time, the peak women get pregnant years, you got to have it. Now, I can't wait till I retire and then have a fucking down baby. Like, come on, yo. But you're going to be retired by 30. You're not going to be hooping at 30. Nah, I'm sure these hoes
Starting point is 00:05:32 is hooping at 30. The WNBA, like, they have like a lot of... What, are they going to lose their athleticism? Like, come on. I mean, honestly, yeah. Like, they only play
Starting point is 00:05:39 three-month seasons. A lot of these people don't want to go overseas anymore. Like, they probably chill and do, you know, stateside shit. Like, yeah, of course, you can play well into your 30s. If you want to have overseas anymore like they probably chill and do you know stateside shit like yeah you can play well into your thing. If you want to have a kid you should just keep getting paid
Starting point is 00:05:49 yes why not because it's usually two people want to have a kid a man usually wants to have a kid too it's an interesting discussion and people just get so triggered by it usually but it does make an interesting situation like gotta be carrying a baby yo you can't just be a woman in a lesbian relationship your girl carrying a baby and you you off
Starting point is 00:06:09 son i'm not gonna lie if alex told me that he needed nine months off nigga i'm taking paternity leave so you gonna leave no it's not you don't get nine you don't get nine months oh you get you can you can get a long time do you not know how it is in europe you you gotta pay the motherfucker for a year in some of these countries i'm talking about america america they get like two months white girls from europe months off like and and they're they're legally supposed to give her that like i think she could take up to like eight to maybe even 12 months off as long as she wants to be with that taking months off is different than getting paid and having months off there are places in europe son that is wild yeah that's a little wild that's a little
Starting point is 00:06:53 wild no i mean like that's a long time lawyer you're gonna see a different i mean i'm not an employer but at the same time once you have a kid or like see somebody attempt to have a kid you're gonna see it different. Because it's like, there's shit that- I don't think his point is morality. I think his point is, if you're hiring somebody knowing at some point they need a year off and I'm just going to have to figure that shit out and pay them. Would I ever hire a woman physically? The point isn't morality.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Put morality aside. Put whether or not they deserve it aside. The point is, if you are making a hiring decision as a boss, take ethics out of it. You're just looking at me being productive and how much money this is going to cost me as a business. If I hire a woman and I know at some point she's going to get pregnant. If I hire a woman who just got married, ring on her finger, fresh. And I have, you know, she's going to take maternity leave. So I'm going to lose all her production.
Starting point is 00:07:39 I still got to pay her. Then I got to find, hire, and retrain and pay a new person to fill that position if i have a female applicant and a male applicant and i don't have to give him leave who am i more likely to hire no i'm not i'm not saying you're wrong that's what i'm saying the wba has been around for 20 years they just got this no no i'm sure they've been fighting for it i don't think you're listening no i hear what you're saying i really don't think you're listening i hear what you're saying if i'm an employer think you're listening at all. I hear what you're saying. If I'm an employer, I'm pretty sure the WNBA higher ups have been pushing this back for a while. First of all, we can't call the WNBA.
Starting point is 00:08:12 The NBA, whatever. That's not a business. That's a charitable organization. I'm tired of calling. You're the owner of a fucking WNBA team. You don't own a business. You own a goddamn tax write-off. That's what you own.
Starting point is 00:08:23 It's a march of dimes. Yo, bro. But they're bro not dimes they're nickels oh lincoln penny ass bitches the point the point is essentially that maternity leave in a lot of ways hurts women i have a friend of mine i won't say her name because i gotta obviously protect her but she's in hr hired this woman got pregnant had to keep paying her as she left had to hire someone else she's going in that hiring process going if i hire another girl this exact same thing could happen i'm gonna hire the dude so now you see a
Starting point is 00:09:01 situation where something that was supposed to benefit women and help women actually hurts women. I have another friend, sweetheart. She's going to come by the studio, I think, next week. Love her. Got a job. Got pregnant a month in from the job or something absurd. Took the full maternity during the job. Gives birth.nity during the job.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Gives birth. Quits the job. I knew she was going to do that shit. Yo, G-shit though. Now, is G-shit because we're looking at bosses like the oppressors and us as the oppressors? My sister did the same thing. Your sister did the same shit? They do this. And why wouldn't you?
Starting point is 00:09:40 While she was out on maternity leave, she was just like interviewing for new jobs. And it makes it easy because you're off. So you can go to all these interviews and stuff like that. So it's like. My bad, sister. Yo, but it's one of those things where you look at it and you're like, you look at the situation and you're like, how do I take, how do I protect women in the workforce? This actually hurts women in the workforce.
Starting point is 00:10:02 People want to talk about how there's no female CEOs. You think I'm going to hire someone who's going to run my company who could at any point in time take a year off? That's an almost crazy situation. The only way you do that if that girl was way
Starting point is 00:10:17 more qualified than a man. Right? For example, think about it. Son, you're taking feminism back like 50 years. Oh, I'm just playing. Yo, what's up? This is Akash. That was a preview of our Patreon episode. If you want the full thing, go to
Starting point is 00:10:35 slash flagrant2. Join the illest community on Earth. Unless you're a social justice warrior, then you're just going to ruin the fun.

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