Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh - Schulz Reacts: Trump Refuses To Condemn White Supremacy

Episode Date: October 2, 2020

This week Andrew, Akaash, AlexxMedia and Mark discuss the Biden Trump debate, how Trump refuses to condemn white supremacy, NBA finals, Stylebender Tory Lanez, Rihanna owing Chris Brown and much more.... INDULGE! Go to LUCY.CO and use Promo Code FLAGRANT to get 20% off all products, including gum or lozenges! Want a new episode every week? Become a Patron! Flagrant 2 is a comedy podcast that delivers unfiltered, unapologetic, and unruly hot takes directly to your dome piece. In an era dictated by political correctness, hosts Andrew Schulz and Akaash Singh, along with AlexxMedia and Mark Gagnon, could care less about sensitivities. If it’s funny and flagrant it flies. If you are sensitive this podcast is not for you. But if you miss the days of comedians actually being funny instead of preaching to a quire then welcome to The Flagrancy.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What up people, Shultz here, and you guys are about to listen to a clip from our weekly Patreon episode. If you want to sign up to our Patreon, support the flagrancy, support what we are doing, completely uncensored, flagrant content, you go to slash flagrant2. With no more interruptions, here is the exclusive clip. And then obviously it comes to the point where he said, they asked him, do you disavow or condemn white supremacy? And he can't just outright do it. And the biggest defense of this I've seen from all the Trump folks, right, who just refuse to criticize him about anything. These fucking lemmings like I respect the guy who's objective and is like, OK, Trump does some good stuff and Biden does some good stuff and they both do some bad stuff.
Starting point is 00:00:43 And OK, fine. But if you can't know criticize anything about Trump then there's no way to even have a conversation right I'm going there and I'm like all you got to do is just say yeah I condemn white supremacy and all these people are tweeting it because I was like how do you just not say no and they're like how many times does he have to say it that's crazy yeah I'll tell you how many times as many times as he's asked. Every time. Every time you're asked, you condemn it. Every time you're asked, are you going to build the wall?
Starting point is 00:01:12 Does he go, I've already said I'm going to build the wall. If they ask him, do you condemn ISIS? Do you think he'd be like, I mean, ISIS, chill. Stand back and stand by. Not even stand back, stand by. I don't have to say anything because I've said it in the past. You answer every fucking time. It's the worst excuse for it. And when I see you you being trump refuse to condemn white supremacy or any supremacy just go i condemn all supremacy except american supremacy he could literally flip it and
Starting point is 00:01:35 be like you know what supremacist i am i'm an american supremacist yeah yeah i condemn all types of supremacy gender supremacy racial supremacy all that but american supremacy that's it i'm america first you say that shit motherfuckers are gonna be ripping american flags off the wall throwing them in the air shooting guns they're gonna be so excited maybe not ripping them off the wall but you know what i mean posting them up on the wall very excited but the dude is so terrified he's so fucking scared of losing that part of his base, the part of his base that he believes supports white supremacy, that he can't condemn them publicly. What is he a, I mean, like,
Starting point is 00:02:10 to me, that's just cowardice. I think it's a huge miscalculation on Trump's part, and Trump usually doesn't miscalculate. And regardless of a lot of people are going to say or not, there are people, myself included, that's on the fence, okay? And I'm really struggling with this idea,
Starting point is 00:02:24 like, could I vote for Trump? You know what I mean? Like, could I do it, right? And I'm really struggling with this idea, like, could I vote for Trump? You know what I mean? Like, could I do it, right? Could I vote for Biden? Could I do it? And I'm looking at it objectively, right? This is walking into the debate. Walking into the debate, right? I'm looking at it objectively. A lot of people won't share this, especially people in entertainment, but fuck it, I'll share it with you guys. And I'm looking at Trump and I go, you know what? I don't want to fucking kill innocent brown people in the Middle East anymore for fucking oil, okay? And I know if a Biden administration is I don't want to fucking kill innocent brown people in the Middle East anymore for fucking oil.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Okay. And I know if a Biden administration is in there, we're back at stupid, pointless wars and we're shooting up fucking weddings to these innocent fucking people. Okay. And I don't want to do that. I don't like having it on my conscience. And if I got to pay another dollar for gas, I'd rather do it than kill a bunch of innocent families.
Starting point is 00:03:00 I'd rather not do that. Okay. Not to get too serious. All right. Also, economically speaking, Trump's policies, I think are going to be better for the economy. I really do. And I think economy is very important. I think a lot of people die when the economy is shitty, just like a lot of people die from a pandemic. So it's something I'm concerned about. So I'm like, okay, I side with those two things over Biden. Okay. Regardless if Biden believes any of the
Starting point is 00:03:22 bullshit that he's spewing about diversity and helping people that have less and supporting and all the democrat values that uh he seems to have like created laws that absolutely go against like the crime bill etc doesn't matter he seems to be atoning for those things or at least trying to atone for those things I side with that on Biden and I'm going in here and I'm like Trump Biden give me some inspiration right if you say if you don't condemn white supremacy in the most affirmative assertive way when asked point blank do you condemn it i can't vote for you yeah you removed my ability to vote for you yeah that's what you did trump and there was a lot of people in the middle that are like me, I imagine,
Starting point is 00:04:06 that now go, well, now it's indefensible. Before I could defend it, if you just went out there and you just said, I condemn that shit, then it was defensible. And I can go,
Starting point is 00:04:13 and I can go, look, he has stimulus packages for, what was it? There was the platinum plan or he's trying to do for black people. How are you going to say he doesn't like black people?
Starting point is 00:04:20 How are you going to say he's racist? The wall isn't necessarily about racism. It's about protecting American jobs, whatever mumbo jumbo he's trying to say there's ways that you can create excuses for it the second you don't condemn supremacy of any kind i can't support you simple as that yeah and it's annoying especially because in the past trump has condemned it
Starting point is 00:04:38 like i saw like multiple videos there's like a two-minute compilation of trump condemning white supremacy david duke's the worst i disavow the kkk white supremacy of all kind is bad he even said similar to your thing i disavow all supremacy yep and i was like all right cool but he's so stubborn yep that when asked point blank by someone in the media hey do this thing and he has biden over his shoulder being like yeah do it do it he's so stubborn that he's not willing to be like all right i'm gonna do the thing even though i don't want stubbornness or is it i saw a month i've heard two things it's not stubborn what i saw i've heard two things i heard one and i'll keep his name quiet because it's off the record but i've heard two things right one is obviously nah he just
Starting point is 00:05:18 doesn't want to piss off his white supremacist voters right right? Two, I've heard he just absolutely hates media and he doesn't want to be told what to do by media because he knows exactly what they're trying to do. Come on, son. That's what I've heard from people who have interviewed Trump a lot and they know him. That's another,
Starting point is 00:05:38 and this is someone who told me this is not like some white Trumper at all. He's just somebody who is, I believe, an objective journalist. My only pushback on that would be i assume in some of these two and these soundbites in this two and a half minute clip he has been asked point blank by media members do you condemn white supremacy i doubt it came up organically and for all of them he was like yes i condemn it yes i i said again this is the first thing a month or two ago i started seeing like trump is very concerned about winning this election so he's leaning into his zealous fan base that he knows will go out and vote because whether or not you like trump
Starting point is 00:06:08 most people don't vote we have strong feelings then we sit at home yeah if you can really get a motherfucker to love you and fight for you he'll go vote and that's kind of how i think he won in 2016 right one of the reasons and i think now he's leaning more into in 2020 because he's like the moderates don't fuck with me as much anymore. They do, though. That's his miscalculation. They front like they don't. But I'm telling you, there is a huge faction of moderates that would consider voting for Trump just because Biden is so uninspirational. Clearly, there is because no one publicly supports him, but he got elected.
Starting point is 00:06:44 So there are a bunch of moderates that go out and vote for him. And if they feel that's a thing that's best for them, I respect it. And one thing I've been saying about Trump, his entire presidency is, hey, I don't think he's racist, but the fact that he doesn't really call it out as much as he calls out everyone else, because he does a job to call out everybody, Antifa, every single sentence. So call out everybody, Antifa, every single sentence. So call out the white supremacist, every single sentence as well.
Starting point is 00:07:09 And so he makes living in this country scary for me, because it's like, now you empower these groups and now they're like cheering. Yes, this is my guy. And so now anybody who's a fucking like loser kid in his basement, just looking for a group to be a part of now, they might look
Starting point is 00:07:25 towards these groups because like, oh shit, the president doesn't disavow these groups. So it's like, you're helping this grow by not speaking out about it.
Starting point is 00:07:34 And that's the shit I just can't fuck with. To your point in one of your rants, it's not enough to not be racist anymore. Yeah. You got to be anti-racist.
Starting point is 00:07:41 If you're the, especially if you're the president, if you're for jack offs in a podcast, all right, we can crack our jokes and what, if you're the especially if you're the president if you're for jack offs in a podcast all right we can crack our jokes and what if you're the president yeah you gotta condemn supremacy of all kinds yeah condemn white supremacists condemn black panthers whatever you want jihadists who cares any supremacist condemn it and then to just be like yeah but what about the left it's like bro this is wild and it is what he empowers is like oh and i'm not i'm not the guy who's been bashing trump
Starting point is 00:08:06 for four years yeah i thought he was hilarious up until corona now it's like oh this is a problem and i've heard the defense where people say oh well chris wallace asked him like two questions and i don't necessarily think that's a good there's one question exactly i mean he had the opportunity because chris wallace asked him like would you disavow or would you condemn white supremacy he goes yeah sure and then he goes well okay so will you condemn like militia groups in cities like kenosha blah blah blah and it was a different question and but even if he's asking a different question you just say clarify i'm i just i denounce white supremacy hey are you hungry you could say this you could go listen i denounce white supremacy i understand how militia groups would want to protect a city from burning
Starting point is 00:08:49 right especially if they have friends that own these businesses yeah i understand that if those militia groups happen to also be white supremacists i disavow that white supremacy yeah but i do understand private citizens wanting to protect their businesses or their friends' businesses from burning down when they feel they've taken no part in this egregious violation of rights against black people. How simple is that? How do I know how to answer that question? You're the president of the United States. You know you're going to get asked about it.
Starting point is 00:09:17 He knows how to answer. He's just smart enough to know that this was going to be the biggest televised debate in history, and it's too close to the election to say something like that and possibly lose that. That's pussy, bro. All right, guys, we're going to take a break for a second because I don't want you to die. Stop dying. Okay. And you're doing things to put your life in jeopardy. And that's smoking cigarettes. You're hitting that vape thing. The vapes got more smoke than the cigarettes. We don't even know what the hell that's going to do to you. Cut that out. You want your nicotine fix?
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Starting point is 00:10:24 get back to the show that's pussy bro that's pussy he's calculated and he fell for biden's bait like biden's the one that set up and said oh the proud boys and then trump's then took the bait oh it wasn't chris wallace that said the proud boys it was biden yeah and so he goes who do you want me to condemn and he goes the proud boys and then he fell for the bait and said, Proud Boys, stand down. And I think as he's saying it, he goes, but also stand by. He didn't even say stand down.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I listened to it again because Chris Wallace said, will you tell them to stand down or something? No, stand back. Trump doesn't say stand down. He says, stand back and stand by.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Right. Which even like, he won't even give Chris Wallace stand down. Stand back. It's like, take a step back. And then clarifies
Starting point is 00:11:03 and tries to help him out and be like, but also, you know, hang around. Yeah yeah and that's the shit that's scary to me yeah stand by what the fuck does that mean yeah and they and that is like again i think clever wording of they're gonna hear that as like yo stand by we got orders coming to act stand stand by be ready yo stand by to me i hear that as be ready. Yo, stand by for a second. That's an order in the military. That's an order in the military. That's an order in law enforcement.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Stand by. That's like be ready for the next assignment. Yo, how depressed are QAnons right now? Why, why, why? I'm just saying. They're like, yo, where's our shout out? You couldn't get another? You couldn't throw in a Q up or something?
Starting point is 00:11:43 You couldn't say 13 or 17? What's the letter? Yeah, 17. 17. You couldn't give us a little shout out you couldn't get another like you couldn't throw in a q up or something you couldn't say 13 or 17 what's the letter yeah 17 17 you couldn't do there was a little shout out where we standing by like hello we've been rocking for you everybody's a lizard we sell everybody's a lizard okay these proud boys get a haircut and all of a sudden they're the gang that you support the most the unloved child that's it yeah that's what q and hunts are they have cool shirts but what about us get back in the the basement is basically what Trump said. Go back to your Googles. And I don't think Trump is a racist necessarily. I think he's a businessman.
Starting point is 00:12:10 He's a marketer always. And he doesn't want to lose his core demographic. Yo, I mean, let's call it what it is, right? Didn't he have some like racist real estate policy in terms of- That's true. Right? Renting his places or even selling to minorities or whatever? Not renting. Not renting, right? policy in terms of right renting his places or even selling to minorities or whatever not
Starting point is 00:12:25 not renting right which was a very common practice amongst these like big real estate companies right you've seen this type of racism permeate like that's what uh it was common practice in america right pardon it was common practice in america redlining and like the uh not allowing uh i think it was even you said your friend yeah i had a friend who's whose parents house has that in the deed from like the 50s like someone i know it was in the 40s yeah basically the deed said hey if you do sell this house you have to sell it to a white family right so this was just common yeah right um not justifying it but it was common so the question for for a guy like trump is in that situation is he racist i don't know if he doesn't like black
Starting point is 00:13:06 people i'm not sure but is he willing to compromise yeah bro his values for profit if you're making the rules for the clan like you're not in the clan but you're making like we heard this shit yesterday i we gotta look back to make sure it's real, but like the Coca-Cola couldn't sell their syrup to Germany during the war. So they made Fanta. Oh, yeah. Yeah. But it's like, fuck you. Yeah. They don't get no sugary drinks, bro.
Starting point is 00:13:32 That's the way. If you go against the boys, you don't get no sugary soda. Yeah. Simple as that. Right? No, I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm tight.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Like, how is Pepsi not running that? Yeah, they fuck that up. What is this taste test ain't no taste test they're nazis how about that coke is nazis this one tastes a little anti-semitic yeah i mean what color is even a coke isn't it the coke zero juice is that what the coke zero is this is ridiculous zero is the final solution how to get rid of all the calories. Calories.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Oh, man. So it's like, I don't know, man. It was a real bummer, dude. It was a real bummer because I guess I felt like I've defended. I've defended Trump because I think that he has gotten an unfair shake by media. I still believe he's gotten an unfair shake by media. because I think that he has gotten an unfair shake by media. I still believe he's gotten an unfair shake by media.
Starting point is 00:14:30 And I think that unfair shake is now justified because they've put a lot of stuff on him that is entirely not true because it goes along with this image that he just justified with that statement. So if he wasn't that before, he's completely confirmed the suspicion of that by not just- You know what's interesting is another
Starting point is 00:14:45 workaround that a lot of people will do is i'm not even going to dignify that with an answer right that's like a workaround that people see through but people do it a lot he literally said i will answer however you want me to answer what do you want me to do and then they said condemn white supremacy he said hey guys stand by that was like he said i will dignify this with an answer no this is what i mean this is 100 this is this is how you know how pussy his fucking strategy is yo whoever's in his camp is terrified that's a terrified man on that stage bro i've never seen trump terrified but just his demeanor he didn't look confident he didn't look like the bully that he was i thought early on man i thought his his amy coney
Starting point is 00:15:24 barrett answer i like, that's a fucking great answer. What's that? I said that. My girl got upset. They were like about rushing her into the Supreme Court seat. He was like, look, the Democrats couldn't do it four years ago because they didn't have the Senate.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Yeah, with Maricor. We won. So we're going to do it just like they would have done it if they won. Yeah, that's great. Great answer. And that's when Biden is stumbling through that. And I'm like, oh, this is going to be a wash. It's a bloodbath.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Yeah. But. It start out good then one corona once corona came you saw biden kind of perk up and trump start to lose it because he knows that's indefensible yeah and another misstep that trump made is that biden had didn't really have great answers for some of the questions he was like kind of fumbling like he was kind of wandering didn't exactly know where he wanted to go didn't have his points lined up and trump instead of letting him fall on his sword interrupted him and bailed him out yeah there was a lot of bailouts i saw some white wing people saying i also thought biden let a lot of shit slide when trump doesn't condemn white supremacists biden goes in defense oh yeah he could and it's like bro hop on that yeah what
Starting point is 00:16:16 are you talking about he just threw you the fucking lob and you're talking about antifa i will about these vegan pussies i will say this there's a i i didn't understand trump's strategy at first it wasn't till the next day when i came into the studio i was talking to robbie right and i was like i just don't understand what he was trying to do out there like you don't condemn white idea but i want to hear what yeah he's like you don't condemn white supremacy right so essentially you're just playing into i guess your base your base that is, if not racist, they're okay with you not condemning white supremacy, right? So you're borderline.
Starting point is 00:16:49 You're close, right? I'm like, what the fuck was he trying to do? I don't get it. And then Robbie goes, what he was trying to do is remove Biden's left support, extreme left support. I go, wait, what do you mean? He just lost the left. And what did he
Starting point is 00:17:05 constantly tag oh you're a socialist oh aoc oh you have the radical left you see the bernie whatever he's trying to take aoc supporters bernie supporters any of those extreme not only say extreme but very left-leaning folks away from biden and he's trying to make biden make statements like oh so you don't support the green new deal and now all the aOC people and all the Bernie people are gonna be like well fuck this guy he don't support the and they might not vote for Trump but if they don't vote that's a vote for Trump he's trying to do is reduce votes in general and that's the whole thing with the the postal service and the mail-in ballots etc he knows if he can reduce votes just to his extremist base that he can win this election that's why he can't announce white supremacy because that extremist
Starting point is 00:17:43 base will vote for him they They don't give a fuck. His gamble is this. Conservatives are going to vote for me because I'm the only option. The extremists are going to come out. Yeah. Because they fuck with me hard and I'm not going to condemn them.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Democrats might be more split. Yeah. And if they are, he wants to keep that split that's to the left away from the polls. Yeah. And if they are, he wants to keep that split that's to the left away from the polls. Yeah. And that's all he was trying to do.
Starting point is 00:18:09 And I could see that strategy being successful because Biden is so uninspiring. Truly. But, but goddamn you pussy motherfucker. But that I think is where, I think,
Starting point is 00:18:20 because moderate Democrats in general, I don't think vote. There's a saying, Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line. Like Democrats love a motherfucker and then don't vote republicans are quietly just like all right we'll go to the polls yeah but i think when he says when he doesn't condemn white supremacists i think a lot of moderates are like i think are like we got to get this guy out of here yeah it's just a bad look and what also frustrated me about that is that
Starting point is 00:18:41 in that interaction chris wallace goes will you condemn white supremacy and he goes look it the violence does not come from the right wing it comes a lot more from the left wing basically asserting and conflating white supremacy with the right wing or like with conservatives and if you're a conservative you're like yeah i just like i'm not with abortion like i want like family units i don't want to pay taxes i also want black people to live i'm not a white supremacist. So like if you're a conservative, you hear that. It's like, yo, white supremacy is not a right ideology. Yo, that is crazy.
Starting point is 00:19:14 That's a window into his ideology about the election. He's like, okay, these right wing. He, even if he's not a racist, he believes his voters are. And if you're a conservative in that moment, you got to take that in and be like, like oh that's what this motherfucker thinks i am yeah wow and that bugged me like because i would consider like conservative opinions and it's like we're like white supremacy is not any of those we can see if we got a democratic like think tank behind the scenes motherfuckers uh listening to us because if they do they will take mark's idea and they will this is what this guy thinks of you all right guys you just listened to a clip from our weekly patreon episode if you want to continue they will take Mark's idea and they will this is what this guy thinks of you alright guys
Starting point is 00:19:46 you just listened to a clip from our weekly Patreon episode if you want to continue to listen to that episode subscribe join the asshole army Patreon
Starting point is 00:19:53 keep it tight and keep it flagrant with us you can do that at slash flagrant to indulge

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