Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh - The U.S. Economy is too Big to Fail

Episode Date: March 20, 2020

What up people. Schulzy here with AlexxMedia and today we are going to explain to you why the US economy is too big to fail and also why we should execute those celebrities that are singing. INDULGE!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody and welcome to another episode of this unnamed show. I saw in the YouTube comment section someone called the Kung Flu Chronicles. I like that. We might do that for a little bit. But we're back every single night. We've been here. And before we start sipping, because I know we all sip to start, before we start sipping I just want to just make a little bit of an observation, share something with you guys. My entire life i never understood public executions you know how back in the day they would like execute someone in whatever that city's version of time square was right there was
Starting point is 00:00:36 that like guillotine thing where they chopped their head off while their uh hands uh and like feet were like locked into that wooden device right they would hang people publicly but it was always done publicly right and i'm like why the fuck are they doing this publicly why don't they just bring them to like some private area execute them kind of like we do now with like the electric chair i never understood the public execution and then these fucking retard celebrities started singing John Legend's, John Lennon's, sorry, John Lennon's Imagine
Starting point is 00:01:08 and everything made sense. All of them should be stoned. A hundred percent. The fact that you could even, and I know I spoke about this. I know I spoke about it. Alex is covering his face right now. But I'm telling you,
Starting point is 00:01:20 I know I spoke about this yesterday. I realized I didn't give them enough ether. So we had to come back again and restart. And that's why we're holding off the cheers because I need to get this out of the system. Okay. The fact that these celebrities from their fucking mansions could be telling us how good the world could be. It drove me crazy. And if I had Corona and they came up to me and asked me to do this i would corona spit right
Starting point is 00:01:46 in their fucking face the fact that anybody could even consider doing this how delusional do you have to be how detached do you have to be i mean this is how the next purge movie should start right the rich people singing on their yachts right and the poor people go you know what fuck are they taunting us are Are they literally on Instagram Live? Hello, Instagram Live. We invited Instagram Live into the episode today. Are they taunting us? Are they letting us know how great their quarantine is?
Starting point is 00:02:15 Celebs always live in quarantine. This is nothing different from them. They're singing a song about how the world should have no possessions in their mansions. Do they not got what's going on here? There's literally a line in the song. What's the line? Imagine no possessions. You know who doesn't have to imagine that? Most people who don't have any fucking possessions. I don't need an imagination. I'm looking around. I see nothing. I'm living it. I get it, John. I fucking get it. The rest of the line goes, no greed or hunger. All people sharing all the world. You celebrities do not want to
Starting point is 00:02:52 share all the world, okay? You've quarantined yourselves in your gigantic mansion. You didn't ask the poor people in downtown Los Angeles that are living in tents if they want to join you, did you? I mean, you got plenty of room, right? I see them. I literally see them. They're fucking on a horse galloping around their backyard talking about, I can't wait till this quarantine is over.
Starting point is 00:03:12 It's been really rough. It's been really rough just taking my giraffe for a walk and just bathing in my affinity pool. What could I ever do? What could I ever do? It is absolutely mind-boggling and it drives me fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:03:26 And I perfectly understand the human spectacle around murdering someone in public. I never got it before. Now I get it. And I like the idea of a stoning. I think stoning works. Okay? Don't let me ever judge that rule or law, Sharia law, as archaic ever again. It's not archaic.
Starting point is 00:03:46 It's not antiquated. It works perfectly in 2020. And if they start singing another fucking song, I think we got to charge the mansions. I kind of mean it. I believe it. We got nothing to do. Might as well. Keep six foot distance.
Starting point is 00:04:02 You know what you can hit somebody from six feet away with? A stone. It's actually the perfect weapon when you think about it. Okay, it's flushed. I'm out of my system. How you doing, Al? Cheers, brother. Guys, we always started out with a cheers. What are we sipping on today? We're sipping on some good
Starting point is 00:04:17 stuff. Some Macallan 21 year and it's finished. We'll probably fill it up with some other brown liquor and not tell anybody so we can look bougie. You see how real we are, dog? You know how we do. We're real out here. Alex is still recovering from his roast.
Starting point is 00:04:33 If you guys haven't seen that on Flickr 2, go check that. It was brutal. Guys, let's just get this started. Let's move things along. Number one question that we all have to consider is how do we not get fat? How do we not get fat during this fucking quarantine? All right? I know there's a few of you knuckleheads that are out there like jogging and shit and hiking and that kind of stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:04:56 But most of us are paying attention and obeying the rules and staying in our fucking apartments. And we're trying to find ways to not get fat. I'm doing the push-ups. I'm doing the sit-ups. I'm doing the sit-ups. I'm doing the squats. I'm doing the lunges. I don't know what made me skinny before. I don't know if it was taking Ubers.
Starting point is 00:05:12 I'm not exactly sure what kept me in good shape, but the second I stopped doing that, I'm starting to get a little pajito, okay? I'm starting to get that gordito. So I was thinking of an idea. It's not novel, but maybe we all try it together. Two meals a day. Maybe we cut it down to two, right? Okay. We're using way less calories. We're walking around our small apartments. I assume a lot of you guys have an apartment,
Starting point is 00:05:41 maybe a house or something. I assume you don't have a giant backyard where you can do whatever the fuck you want. And if you do, then this obviously doesn't apply to you. But if you're in a city or, you know, that's an urban city and you're living in an apartment, you're really not moving around a lot. You don't need to use that many calories. Well, why don't we reduce the calories? Two meals a day, right? Two meals a day, less money spent on food, less money spent on food, less money spent on food, less money spent on toilet paper. Everything starts to work out. We could try it.
Starting point is 00:06:09 There's one issue, though. When you're bored out of your fucking mind, food is something you look forward to. It breaks up the monotony of the day. I was just going to say that. Right? All this time, I'm just learning how to cook for the first time. Right? So what, are we going to just stop learning how to cook, stop doing the thing that offers some distraction?
Starting point is 00:06:27 I understand that. We have to decide whether we want to be beautiful or bored. You decide. Okay? You can be beautiful and bored. A lot of you hotties watching right now are used to that. What? Boring?
Starting point is 00:06:46 I don't know. I messed it up. I'll blame it on the McCallum. We still haven't sipped. Cheers. Thank you. And we're in it. So, an update.
Starting point is 00:06:58 What's been going on? California has locked it all down in the most California way possible. Okay? It is so funny. The governor basically said, stay inside unless you need to take a walk, man, or unless you need to hike Runyon County or Canyon or whatever the fuck that is. But make sure you stay inside. And only essential commerce is open. but weed is essential commerce, man. Like people need weed, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:30 it's not a drug, it's medicine, man, all this shit. They basically said you better stay inside, but we're not going to enforce it if you don't. And there are plenty of things you probably like doing outside. So just do those things outside. It was the most bullshit passive approach to quarantine I've ever seen. And I hate to say it, but it's probably going to end up fucking people over. I really think in times like this, you need to be Asian about it. You need to be dictatorship. You need to be authoritarian. You need to just say, do this or else we run over you with a tank. That's how shit works in China. And people obey they go maybe i should be inside okay the tank guys are out there i don't want to get run over i really think that's the best way to make it happen stay the
Starting point is 00:08:16 fuck inside that being said alex and myself leave our apartments every single day to come here so maybe we're hypocrites telling you that but um This kind of feels like the second room to my house. Okay, yeah. Because I don't really see much of outside. It's like straight into the car. In, out. Boom. To studio.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Studio, home. I agree with you. That's fair. Yeah. We are complete hypocritical bullshit artists. Do you see how fast we convinced ourselves it was okay? We're like two dudes at a strip club. Better get our dicks sucked. Link's not cheating if, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:50 she's gonna do it to both of us. It's like multiplying negative numbers, right? As long as we touch dicks, it's gay. Huh? It's like I asked my friend's girlfriend at the bachelor party, how much is he allowed to do?
Starting point is 00:09:07 What was her answer? She almost slapped me. Yeah, she should have. I watch too many movies. Anyway, so what's going to happen in New York? You've seen a lot of shit, a lot of talk, right? We've seen the videos pop up with the military vehicles, right? We've seen helicopters flying around. Are
Starting point is 00:09:25 they getting ready for a nationwide shutdown? Everybody's friend's friend has sent them a text. Maybe that's something we need to stop. Stop sharing your friend's friend that works for the fucking CDC. Like not everybody got a friend that's a friend that works for the CDC. Well, my cousin's brother works for Trump and they sent this. People are making up these text messages. They're never right okay they're assuming the most obvious things right they're literally going hey you know what I think is going to happen
Starting point is 00:09:51 they're going to shut down laser tag yeah they probably will shut down laser tag talking about shutdown buy Instagram live tune in later tonight yeah but stop sharing it because people start getting freaked out they start thinking things are gonna happen i mean i shared one with my girl and this morning she ordered 500 from whole foods baby what are we doing
Starting point is 00:10:15 whole foods down the block you're at 500 worth of food from whole foods how much dried mango can you get she's ordering like yo rugela how do you order $500 worth of groceries, period? And here's the thing. This is why technology fucks with you. I get updates on my phone, right? So I just get daily reminders of how anxious my girl is and daily reminders that our money is just being spent on the dumbest shit. Cherry tomatoes. Cherry tomatoes are not for quarantine, okay. Cherry tomatoes are not for quarantine.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Okay? Cherry tomatoes, it's not for quarantine. I don't know about that. I might have to debate that one. It's refreshments. It's refreshments. It's a nice thing to chew on. It's a nice thing to take a bite out of.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Okay? Yeah, no prep. But it's not for quarantine. Do you know what I mean? Quarantine, you get a little canned food. Quarantine, you get some rice. Quarantine, you get, it's food for war. Food that's going to last a while.
Starting point is 00:11:11 A cherry tomato lasts 25 minutes tops. If you don't eat a cherry tomato by the time you get it back from your apartment from Whole Foods, it looks like, honestly, it looks like a booger. It turns into a booger, right? You could sneeze out a cherry tomato if it's 40 minutes after you buy it. So let's get the important things. Make sure you're getting the important things. I really, truly don't believe that there's going to be a shutdown in New York.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Sincerely, don't think it's going to happen. A couple reasons. One, I don't think that – and by shutdown, I mean they're going to tell us to be inside, but we can pretty much do whatever we want. I mean in the same breath that Governor Cuomo today said, make sure you stay inside. In the exact same breath, he said, but if you need to go outside and go do a hike, then go do it.
Starting point is 00:11:49 I mean, he took the California approach after criticizing California. And I get why New York is freaking out because New York has the most corona cases in the country. That's right. We the best. 7,000, baby.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Step it up. Other states, y'all ain't shit. We the best. 7,000, baby. Step it up. Other states. Y'all ain't shit. We got the most World Series and the most Corona. Fuck with us. Best state. That's it. But in all seriousness, the reason we have the most is because we're testing the most.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Okay? Corona works like anything else. You can't have positive cases if you don't test for it. So the more you test test the more you're going to find out that people actually have it right i mean i used to tell a joke back in the day i never had an std i've also never had an std test boom that's how you don't get it right and that's really what a lot of states are doing it there are states right now claiming they have zero corona instances yeah because you're not testing for it. Of course you have zero, right? You know where
Starting point is 00:12:45 else they have zero corona instances? In Antarctica, because they're not testing for it. That's how these things work. I like the fact that New York is testing, and I think that's what's going to get us back to work early. Let's hope it works out. We posted the online test that you can get where they actually mail it to you by Everly Well. We did that in the last video. Make sure you go check that out. Another, uh, another thing that's very important to clear up, um, because we've seen a lot of people on the internet doing this, uh, alcohol, right. Is not sanitizer. Okay. There is alcohol in sanitizer, but alcohol like this is not sanitizer. Rubbing alcohol can be used to
Starting point is 00:13:26 sanitize things, but it needs to be at least 60 proof in order to sanitize. Is that right, Al? 60% alcohol. Sorry, 60%, which would be 120 proof. Yes. Right. So it needs to be at least 60% alcohol, okay? Don't pour some Tito's on a napkin and then start rubbing down your living room. Okay? You're going to smell like an abusive stepfather. That's not what you want for your house.
Starting point is 00:13:52 You want to make sure the shit is clean. You want to make sure you're clean. But do it the right way. Let's keep moving on. Because I think there's some interesting, cool, important things people know. If you're in the New York area, they said there's going to be 90 days, no evictions from commercial or residential places. That's massive. You got laid off. You can't afford to go to work. Sorry, you got laid off. You can't afford your
Starting point is 00:14:16 rent. You're not going to get kicked out of your place for three months. I think that's huge. Take advantage of that shit if you can. Go look that stuff up immediately but cuomo announced that today now that doesn't mean if you can't pay rent don't pay it i was just i know yes so i was like word here's the thing it's 30 days you can't be a bit sorry for 90 days you can't be evicted i interpret that as on the 91st day, get the fuck out. That's how I interpret that. Now, you might be able to negotiate something with your landlord. And if I were you, if you're having a tough time, go talk to your landlord. Because realistically, what's your landlord going to do?
Starting point is 00:14:57 Get somebody new in there? Nobody's moving during this time. Right? Nobody's looking for an apartment in Manhattan when the whole thing is quarantined. Everybody's home home so you could go to your landlord and go listen i'm dying out here i don't have a job you know no one else is going to move in here no matter what why don't we work out a different price for the quarantine and if that helps you it actually helps him too because now he's getting more than zero you were going to not pay? And now you're willing to pay some. That I think is a smart thing to do. Make sure you talk to your landlords. And if you are a
Starting point is 00:15:31 landlord, right? And you're renting out to other people, yo, go ask them. This is a crisis. This is crisis time. Go ask them, talk to them, say, hey man, what can you guys pay? What can you guys pay? In a few months, we we're gonna bump it back out to where it's supposed to be we might be able to even bump it back more and you start paying off the debt that you accumulated but what can you guys pay let's work like that try to be a good dude during this shit man it will pay off 100 the better you are during a time of crisis the better you get treated during times of peace i truly mean that and i truly believe that man yeah yeah take that jay-z see that bar we just did out here i'm gonna sip to it um now let's talk about some financial
Starting point is 00:16:14 shit are y'all as confused as everybody else is yep i think we're all fucking confused when it comes to these things so we had a you know a sit down with this, um, economic guru, um, shouts to James, man. And, um, he broke some stuff down and I want to share it with you guys because I think a lot of terms are being thrown out there that truly, um, we think we know, but we do not know, right? Like we hear terms like government bonds, GDP, recession, bailouts, right? We know what these terms mean, but we don't really fucking know what they mean. OK, so why don't we break them down and I'll explain how they affect the economy during normal times and how they're affecting now and what this means long term. And hopefully that, you know, helps you guys
Starting point is 00:17:05 understand what's going to happen with the economy and why certain decisions are being made. Right. So let's just start with a bond. What the fuck is a bond? A government bond. A government bond is a it's a U.S. Treasury bill, which doesn't matter. Piece of paper. Who cares? But basically, the government is treating itself like a business on the stock market and you're investing in that business, right? So when you buy a hundred dollar bond, the government basically is saying, hey, I'm going to pay you back more than a hundred dollars on this bond in a future date. So maybe I'll pay you back a hundred five dollars or a hundred ten dollars. You'll be able to make 10% over this many years, okay? Why is the government doing this?
Starting point is 00:17:46 Same reason why a business on the stock market would do it, to raise funds, right? Why does it want to raise funds? Because it can then put that money back into the country, right? It can do like public works projects. You could repair the roads, build bridges, fix some bridges, right? to build bridges, fix some bridges, right? Fix tunnels, fix the highways, all these types of things that need to be fixed and actually get Americans back to work. And when Americans are working, there's what's called liquidity in the market. Money is moving, right? There's consumption and production going on. So that's what the bond is there for. Now, Congress decides what we do with that money, okay? But basically, it can go to any of the things that I was just explaining to you guys. Now, a lot of you are probably asking
Starting point is 00:18:32 this question. It's a valid question. If we're all broke and we don't have jobs, how do we buy the bonds to raise money for the government so they can put it back in our pocket? And by the way, when I talk about government, put it back in your pocket, what are other things you've heard about? Bailout, checks, and everybody, we're going to give everybody $1,000 each or $2,000 each. Where does that money come from? It can come from selling these bonds, right? So basically what happens? Other countries can also buy these bonds, right? So if we're all broke, we can't afford our bonds. Other countries can buy these bonds. You've heard of people always say, China owns half of America's debt. Yes, of course. It's a great investment. That's why they invested
Starting point is 00:19:15 in it, okay? Buying their own debt, which is what they'd have to do if they're not going to buy ours, is way more expensive than buying ours. It's the best deal. Buying ours is by far the best deal. And I'll tell you why it's the best deal. Because it's the safest investment in the world. In the last 250 years, America has paid back every single one of its lenders, if you will, the people that bought the desk. America is like the Lannisters. Debts are always going to get paid. That's how it works.
Starting point is 00:19:42 And that's why people or countries want to do that. So if our country is broke, we can sell these bonds to other countries around the world, raise capital that way, and then flood our own market with the capital so people are back to spending, et cetera. GDP. And this will all make sense when we bring it all together. But I think it's important that we all get an understanding of this shit. And, you know, something that I learned and I wanted to share with you guys because it's valuable. What the fuck is GDP?
Starting point is 00:20:13 Okay, we all know what it stands for, right? Gross domestic product. But we don't know what it means outside of that, right? It's like, you know, DNA, right? Our bodies are made of DNA right now. Yeah. That stands for deoxyribonucleic acid, right? I know what it stands for.
Starting point is 00:20:28 I don't know what the fuck any of those things are. Okay, Schultz. But you know what I'm saying? I don't know what that is. I know the word, but it does nothing. Like if someone's like, yo, get me some DNA. Oh, you mean deoxyribonucleic acid? And then I'm done.
Starting point is 00:20:41 I can stop helping you right there. So what is GDP, right? So it stands for gross domestic product. So basically it's – you know how like an IQ test measures your intelligence? GDP measures the strength of an economy, okay? And they get it by measuring everything that's produced and consumed, okay? The more production and the more consumption in your economy, the higher the GDP. Now, recession. We've heard these terms of recession. Everybody's in a recession. We just
Starting point is 00:21:13 go, oh, that means the economy's bad. Here's exactly what a recession is. There's an actual defined term, recession. It's two quarters. A quarter is a three month period, right? 12 months out of the year, that's a quarter of the year, two quarters of negative GDP growth. So that means the GDP that consuming and producing is negative for six months at least. To put things in perspective, the Great Depression, there was two straight years of negative GDP growth. So the opposite of growth. There was a recession for two years of it, right? I mean, that's pretty fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:21:55 So how does the coronavirus cause a recession? Well, pretty simple. If nobody is producing or spending in a recession and the corona quarantine has got people locked in their apartment, those people in the apartment can't go out and consume, right? They can't go to their jobs and produce. So if you can't go out and consume or produce, you're not consuming or producing. GDP goes down. You do that for enough months. Now we're spiraling a bit. Now we're going down. Now what is the problem with the recession? Now, remember I was telling you about those government bonds in the beginning?
Starting point is 00:22:34 Yes. The bonds, the whole idea that the government, the reason why the government is selling those bonds is because it's cocky. It's confident. It's like, yo, we're America, baby. Yeah, give me a hundred now. I'll pay you back because I'm going to take that hundred. I'm going to flip it. Imagine America's the drug dealer, right? We're fronting you to bag, but we're like, I don't give a fuck. I'm going to go, I'm going to double this bag up and I'm going to pay you back that half cash. That's easy. That's light work because America, like any other country
Starting point is 00:23:03 that's successful in the first world is assuming positive GDP growth, right? It's going to make some money. So now it took that 100 and let's say it made 150 of it with it. It could pay you back the 110. We still got 40 extra on top. We're good. But what if you're in a recession? A recession means what?
Starting point is 00:23:22 Negative GDP. That means the economy is going down now that hundred isn't worth a hundred and ten that you were supposed to pay back what if it's worth 90 what if it's worth 80 now you can't pay back your debt but these people want their bread just like a drug the the head drug guy that fronted you the bag of drugs he goes yo I don't give a fuck how much you sold it for. I want what is promised to me. So if they start calling for that money and you don't have enough money to give it back to them,
Starting point is 00:23:53 you have to spend basically even more of your capital to get them that, which hurts you even more. Knocks GDP down even more. You see the negative spiral that it creates? Things get fucked up. So what is the solution to all this? The solution is don't let the economy get to a point where it's in recession or receding. Remember, what keeps the economy going is consumption, production. And that's why you hear people talking about bailouts or giving people checks, right? Because they're like, hey, let's just give people some checks
Starting point is 00:24:25 so we can keep that consumption going, and let's give a bailout to these businesses so we can keep that production going. Because as long as we got that consumption and production going, we keep that GDP rising, and then those bonds that we promised to pay people back, we could pay them back no problem. Everything's Gucci.
Starting point is 00:24:42 So essentially they're throwing money at the problem until it fixes itself. That's the idea. them back no problem everything's gucci so essentially they're throwing money at the problem until it fixes itself that's the idea now here comes the interesting question we've heard this before and this is where gets real cool and uh and funky and almost like rigged right you've heard of companies being too big to fail yeah remember that right that? Right? Like when the auto industry got bailed out. I think it was Obama that bailed out the auto industry, right? And then Bush bailed out the banks, if I'm not mistaken, I believe. Right? It doesn't matter, right?
Starting point is 00:25:14 So it basically means that a company is so big that if it went under, it would have such catastrophic effects on the economy. It's actually better that the economy, the American government bails it out. In other words, a company that employs so many people, right? We're talking about tens of thousands of employees, right? And those employees take that money and they spend it in their local markets and their cities, et cetera. And they support those other businesses within those cities, right? You've seen this happen at certain times, like the auto industry when it moved out of Michigan, a lot of it. Entire cities went under, right? I think Flint, Michigan is a perfect example of that, right? Sometimes businesses are so big and they have so many employees that if
Starting point is 00:25:58 they go under, the catastrophic effect, the ripple effect would actually be worse for the economy than if the economy just bailed it out. That's when your company is too big to fail. And now you hear these situations where you're like, well, why aren't we bailing out mom and pop businesses? Because unfortunately, only mom and pop and a couple of people get hurt when mom and pops go down, right? When that cool spot that has the chocolate pancakes goes down, a few people get hurt. When the auto business goes down, the few people get hurt. When the auto business goes down, the entire global economy can potentially get hurt. That's too big to fail, right? So here's the question. Here's where shit gets interesting. If we acknowledge that a company
Starting point is 00:26:38 is too big to fail, are countries too big to fail? I told you America was acting like a company, right? With those bonds, the way you invest in the bonds. So is a company too big to fail? And yes. And guess what? Here's where it gets crazy. You don't even got to be that big a country to be too big to fail. So there was a time where Argentina, right?
Starting point is 00:27:04 Argentina is known for its beef. You ever had Argentinian beef? Matter of fact, when we were in Australia, when we went to that bomb steak spot, that was Argentinian beef. Some of the best beef in the world. So Argentina, right? Let's say Argentina with their beef supplies, I think, 25% of the world's beef, right? Okay. That is a stable protein that people rely on for their diet
Starting point is 00:27:26 and there's a steady price right let's say that that argentinian beef comes off the market because the country fails and the beef industry fails and everything's over now beef around the world goes up in price right People have to spend more money for that beef. That means they have less money in their paychecks to buy other things with, right? That means the local economies, and by local, I mean other countries' economies, are affected by that beef, that lack of beef production over there. Their GDPs get affected. And because of that, when this happened in Argentina, the International Monetary Fund, the IMF, it doesn't really fucking matter.
Starting point is 00:28:12 There's another thing called the World Bank, but whatever. Who cares? We don't even get into that shit. They went in there and they're like, yo, we got to restructure Argentina's debt because it's actually more hurtful for the world if we don't restructure their debt. If we make them pay it off, it's actually more hurtful for the world if we don't restructure their debt. If we make them pay it off, it's actually more hurtful for the rest of us. So if Argentina could affect the world, imagine what America could do, right?
Starting point is 00:28:34 If you scroll up a little bit for me. So America, we don't supply the world with beef. Do you know what we supply the world with? Money. Money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money. Okay, we provide capital to the world. So imagine China, Europe, Africa, wherever the fuck you think,
Starting point is 00:28:57 imagine they don't have money to spend. Remember what we spoke about? The most important thing in economy is consumption and production. Well, what if you don't have any money to consume and any money to produce, right? Your economy goes down the fucking tubes. Every country goes down, okay? It's mutually assured destruction.
Starting point is 00:29:19 If our economy goes down, everybody else goes down. And maybe there are other countries out there that are willing to risk that. That's possible. Who knows? But my assumption is they're not. Okay? So it's in the global economy's best interest to bail us out. China can't wait to buy our debt because China needs it.
Starting point is 00:29:40 China benefits from it. All these other countries, They cannot wait to support that Because they also rely on us We're intertangled That Jenga piece, we got one left at the bottom And we're that motherfucking piece So all these other countries are not waiting For America to fail so they could swoop in
Starting point is 00:29:57 And take what's left, no America goes down, they go down, they fucking know it So best case scenario Because I don't want to leave this shit on anything bad best case scenario we're able to make sure you know lives are good by bailing people out we throw some money at the problem right uh we either do it through bonds we do about printing money but we find ways to get money in people's hands so they can continue producing and spending and now it's hard when you're quarantined when a when a virus has you inside your house you can't spend thank god we had internet. I'm sure we can get a lot of consumption
Starting point is 00:30:27 going on on the internet, but hopefully we get past this next, maybe eight weeks. And then we get back out there and we get to doing what we do best, right? Is grinding, working hard and spending the money we work hard for. And then we'll build up some debt from this, obviously, but hopefully if the economy rebounds, we could pay it off at a later date. That's best case scenario. There are plenty of worst case scenarios and you guys will hear them every single day on the fucking news um because that's what they want to do they want to scare your ass that's why we're here doing this show because every time we turn on the news you just hear bullshit and people fucking lying and supporting their own narrative you never know what the fuck to believe
Starting point is 00:31:00 or not believe and um it you know it stressed me. I would literally be watching the news stressed out. And I'm like, why am I even, why am I stressed out if I don't even know this is true? So we just sat here and we're like, fuck it. Let's just give people the truth. We're going to give you the truth and then we're going to give you our opinion on it. And that's really what it is.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Okay. I will give you truth. And after that, I give you my opinion. You might not, you might disagree with my opinion, but you can't disagree with truth. Right. That's one thing about truth, man. Don't get old.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Facts. So yeah, that's best case scenario. There was something we said that we would touch on at the end. What was it? Hitting pause on the economy. Oh, so yeah. Well, that was the whole idea of hitting pause. A lot of us have been curious about what happens if you just hit pause on the economy. And you can't do that for the exact reason we were explaining. By hitting pause, you stop the consumption of production which is the peddling like you know how a shark has to swim in order to breathe think about that as uh consumption production so if a shark stops swimming the water stops flowing through its gills and it stops filtering out the oxygen and water so it can breathe right yeah same thing with the economy. If it just hits pause, we stop that consumption production stops and then it just dies. Just like the shark swimming. See, I was thinking more like
Starting point is 00:32:12 hitting pause for just like rent and mortgage, like those big bills. So people can still have money to buy, consume, go out, things of that nature. And then whoever is owed that money, the banks, you just bail them out. That is one option. And we were talking about that. It's something they could consider, which is like bailing out certain industries. Right? So you don't just do this overall bailout.
Starting point is 00:32:35 You basically go, hey, everybody's not working. So you put some cash in their hand and we're just going to bail out the things that they still need. Electric bill. I mean, you don't need cable, but sure, cable, internet, rent. So the bailouts go to those specific industries. That being said, that doesn't really help those businesses that rely on people spending their money there. So best case scenario is you just – it's a constant – it's a constant spend. It's a constant movement and we just keep on going.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Hey, we'll give you some money and you know what? If you want to pay rent with that, pay rent with that. If you want to go out and get ice cream, go out and get ice cream. Just fucking do something with it. That's their thinking. Was there anything else though? No. Not really? Guys, man. Just a fitness thing you wanted to show. Oh, yeah, man. I had a dope workout I wanted to share with you guys. I tried this. I thought it was pretty cool. and we're about 30 minutes, so we're going to get out of here soon. But it was a – You want to just show them tomorrow? Yeah, matter of fact, how about we do that?
Starting point is 00:33:32 How about tomorrow? We'll be back here. We'll show you. I think there was one more thing at the end we wanted to say. Peace, love, Europe. What was that? Peace, love. Oh, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:33:41 There was one more thing. I was like, yo, remind me at the end to say it. I don't remember. Anyway. We'll check it out man so come uh tomorrow we'll do a cool workout that we're working on and um any cool new corona hacks we've been hearing about i think i have one i think i have one that's kind of cool and uh might be a little bit fucked up, but, you know, can't have fun without pissing someone off. So tomorrow we'll talk about that, man. But hopefully this shit is helpful to you guys. You know, hopefully you can brag to your friends about how much you know about the economy without realizing you just learned it from some idiots on the Internet.
Starting point is 00:34:19 And, yeah, hopefully you guys have a good night, man. We really appreciate you guys, you know, tuning into this and, and I'll be honest, this is like, I don't know. People seem to be really grateful for these men and that makes it easy to make them, you know, and it is hard to do these. It is hard to, to kind of like, you know, just take in all this stuff. Also, I keep touching my face. Alex said he's going to put a meter on for every time I touch my face and you guys should
Starting point is 00:34:44 take a shot. Um, that's something we'll do if we're trying to kill people. Yeah, right. But, yeah, man, it means a lot. It means a lot to you guys. I don't know how to phrase that, but it's really cool. And we're going to keep doing it as long as you guys keep valuing it. So we'll see you all tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Cheers. And as always, peace, love, and... Yeah!

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