ANMA - Brisbane is a Fightin' Town

Episode Date: October 10, 2022

Good morning, Gus! Or G'Day, if you're looking for something more Aussie. It's a mostly Australia episode of ANMA from Sa-Ten on Airport Blvd. Gus and Geoff get into Taco Bill, booking the wrong fligh...t to Australia, how in flight entertainment changed, $100 Japanese whiskey, TiVo, Newhart, and a lot more. Tell a friend about ANMA, let them know its Gus and Geoff talking about Australia this time. This episode is sponsored by Fum at and Black Adam, in theaters and IMAX internationally on October 19, and in North America on October 21. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What would you do if you had the freedom to be anyone or to go anywhere without limitations? Start your journey and experience for yourself the feeling of total freedom when you game with Alienware. Alienware is your portal to new worlds where limits don't exist and the only rules are the ones you decide to make. Defy boundaries and start gaming now at Next-gen gaming is built with Intel Core i9 processors. This is a rooster teeth production. All right, this is episode 19. In episode 18, we did Stincens, which we didn't rate. A guy got hit by a car, he guess had a little house. We talked about how home ownership generally sucks. Talked about renovations and permits, Jeff's potential summer home.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Oh, we definitely forgot. I'll be honest, forget a bowl seven out of 10 to me. I go with that. Yeah. I don't understand your rating system. He's forgettable seven out of 10, but like we've had coffee where he's like, this is great, seven out of 10.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Seven out of 10, that's a D, right? Like that's a C. That's a C minus. Yeah, that's, that's, that's, it's a pass, but it's not great. It's like if I go, if I go and I get a seven out of 10, that's a D, right? That's a C mine. That's a C mine. Yeah, that's, that's, it's a pass, but it's not great. It's like, if I go, if I go and I get a 7 out of 10, I'm like, okay, I got a coffee, that's fine, that's what I expected. If it's above that, you're like, oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Like this, we're eating it, or we're drinking a little guss is eating it. Right. We got coffee from Say 10 today. Which is not, Say 10, it could all, that's not what they're going for. SA. I don't think. Yeah. not say 10 at all. That's not what they're going for. SA hyphen, T-N. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Satin? Satin. How you say it? I don't know. I always say satin. I always say satin. Satin coffee. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Anyway, it's way cooler that way. I would give this coffee in nine. Yeah, I think it's phenomenal. We got the nitro cold brew and Gus got the American cold American cold American. What do you think? It's amazing. It AmeriCorps. Cold AmeriCorps. What do you think? It's amazing. It's really good.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Jeff was talking about how good can it be. And I had a little sip. I didn't get the cold brew like you guys, but I got the rest of my account. This is solid. This is really, really excellent. This is like coffee from a movie. I feel like Brad Pitt. I feel like a movie star.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Gus just have a movie coffee. I'm on set., just having movie coffee. I'm on set. I'm having movie coffee. Spielberg, as you can see, coffee I am. Well, I will say I would never go to say 10 because the only one I knew about was on the other side of town pretty far away from my house. This one on airports kind of centrally located. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:42 And maybe I'm going to throw this into my rotation. Yeah, you think you want wanna walk back into that place? No, I don't ever, all right, so there is a problem. There was, the coffee's a nine. The smell, the smell in the, the ambiance smell was a one. Well, I smelled like sewer. I couldn't really, I was wearing a mask.
Starting point is 00:03:01 So I couldn't really smell it. It's, it's their compost. It's their composting. Are they composting in the room? Yeah, yeah, yeah. They do the signs everywhere? No, yeah. They do pocket composting there.
Starting point is 00:03:11 It's like a new thing. Like pocket composting. Yeah, all the employees have to have compost in there. They're all level five vegans. Yeah, they can't do anything to catch a shadow. There were signs that were all about like, K composting, compost here, whatever. So it's just, we were there at what 2 p.m.
Starting point is 00:03:25 It's thank and that's what happens when you go to a coffee shop at 2 p.m. It's the end of the day. So talking about satin, Satan's a great coffee makes me think about, I don't know if I ever went there with you. We did find this place on our first trip to Melbourne. I don't know if you were everyone back in a subsequent trip. There was that bar in Fitzroy called Naked for Satan. I mean, it bad.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Zero memory of this. Yeah, it's a, there's a like a rooftop bar out in the Fitz Fitzroy area of Melbourne, which is like a part of town that we really liked. It's called Naked for Satan. I always talk with me. The name was like, it's intentionally provocative so you remember it.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Do you remember the name of the Mexican restaurant that we ate? Of course. How could I forget that? So, first time we went to Melbourne back in 2004, we were walking down the street, and there was a big yellow sign. Have you forgotten the name of the place? I don't remember it. It was a big yellow sign for a Mexican restaurant and the Mexican in Melbourne, Australia
Starting point is 00:04:30 The Mexican restaurant is called Taco Bill. Oh, I did remember I was like, you can't be talking bill Come on, so we went there and it was hands down the worst Mexican food I ever had in my life However, when we ate at that Mexican restaurant, I feel like two kind of important things happened. One, we decided from that point on, anytime we traveled anywhere in the world, the first thing we were gonna do
Starting point is 00:04:54 is try to find a Mexican restaurant in that country or town. And then we were, the other thing is we never did it, but we always endeavored to have a travel show called the worst Mexican restaurant. And it was just like we go and review Mexican restaurants at other countries because they are uniquely terrible. Dude, they're still open. So Taco Bill apparently is a chain. They have 25 restaurants. The one we went to was the one on Collins Street. I remember that. So if you're in Melbourne, hit up Taco Bell on Colin Street, have some chips and catch
Starting point is 00:05:26 up for us. This also was not good. Can we, can we stay on the topic of Australia for, for maybe for some of this episode? Cause I wasn't here. Did not work here when you guys were going, when that stuff was happening, when I'll strip like RTX Australia or whatever the fuck, any of that stuff was going on. I've never been like, yeah, you guys have been what, a couple of times?
Starting point is 00:05:50 I probably, yeah, I've been there, I've probably been in Australia like 10 times by now. Oh my God. Even there more, I've been there six or seven. Oh my God. Not as many as this. Been there a bunch of times. Yeah, I mean, it's really cool.
Starting point is 00:06:02 I think the cities I've been to, I've been Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. I think those are the only three cities I've been to. Obviously, we went to Melbourne for some events, for PAX Australia. We did RTX Sydney, and I did another event up in Brisbane before. It's all really cool. It's a hell of a flight, dude. Yeah, it sucks. Is it really that bad?
Starting point is 00:06:26 It's like, from LAX to Melbourne, you might be on the plane like 16 hours. I never tell you, you weren't on this trip with me. I booked the wrong flight one time, going to Australia. I was, I forget what the numbers were, but it was like, there's two different flight numbers at the time on Quantus going from LAX to, honestly it was to Sydney. Maybe it was to, it was
Starting point is 00:06:48 LAX to Melbourne. One of them was like, Quantus flight 92. The other one was Quantus flight 93. And I wasn't paying attention. I picked the wrong one. And the only difference between those flights is the one, the wrong one that I picked stops in Auckland, New Zealand on the way there. Oh, jeez. Oh, you get on the plane and it's like going to Sydney. Via Auckland. Yeah, asterisk with a stop in Auckland. And so I don't realize it till like we're out over the Pacific and I'm like, oh, fuck, we're going to New Zealand.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Which I love going to New Zealand, but this is adding hours to the trip to Empowered New Zealand. I went down there with another coworker of ours who was a smoker and we got out of the airport in Auckland and he was like, Jeremy's like, I gotta smoke, I gotta smoke. And they made us get off the plane in Auckland. Yeah, I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:07:37 And there was no passport clearance because we were continuing the Sydney. So we went down like this glass corridor where we could see everyone else in the airport, but we weren't allowed out because we hadn't been cleared through customs. So they're like, you get routed to like this room and there was like a smoking room there. And our our friend like cut off to go go smoking. And we had to we had to sit in Auckland for like an hour and a half or two hours.
Starting point is 00:08:01 And then they loaded everyone back up, got new passengers on, and we continued on to Australia. I can only think of one person who's a friend of ours who would have gone on travel at trips so that they smoked. I'm assuming it's the same person. I assume you know who it is. Yeah, okay. That trip I think was just him and myself and my wife.
Starting point is 00:08:21 And we were going down to do an event in, oh, it was Melbourne. I've 100% I know for a fact it was Melbourne now. going down to do an event in, oh, it was Melbourne. I, I 100% I know for a fact it was Melbourne now. We went to do an event in Melbourne and it was an event, this happened I think twice over the years. It was an event that I went to in another country where our merchandise never showed up.
Starting point is 00:08:37 What? Yeah. And so it was like me and him sitting in an empty three meter empty three meter by three meter booth all weekend long with nothing to sell and nothing. Like I went out to the loading, at one point I was erroneously told
Starting point is 00:08:57 that our shipment was in the country on a truck about to be delivered. So I waited out on the loading dock for like three hours and it never showed up. It turns out it was never even in the country. I don't know how I got that information. It never made it. So that was fucking miserable, dude.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Another time it happened in London, that was a whole other thing. Yeah, I remember that one too. Yeah, he's right about the trip. It sucks. And it sucks the more you do it too. Like you lose stamina on it. Like I would say it's worth it to go to Australia twice. Well, it's also super fucked up
Starting point is 00:09:29 because you land the day after you leave and when you come back to the US, you land before you leave. It's like 13 hour difference or 17 hour difference or something, it's fucking wild. I will say, I think Gus and I, when we first went to Australia in 2004 and we came back and people asked what it was like
Starting point is 00:09:43 because we were the first from the company to go. And I think we both decided on, and I still feel this way. Australia is America if it were 10% better. Interesting. Like everything is just a little cooler, a little better, I don't know, maybe it's just accents,
Starting point is 00:09:58 but Sydney is this amazing city where it's like walking through postcards. Like everything is just like unreal and beautiful. And then Melbourne is this like incredibly modern big city that feels like a cross between Chicago and Austin kind of. And then I've never been to Brisbane. I've never been to Super Mario. Britdonk.
Starting point is 00:10:20 But I did go. I did go. Really? This last trip, the last time we went to Australia, it was like a double duty thing. We did an episode of Haunter, our ghost hunting show, where we did a paranormal investigation in the Melbourne jail.
Starting point is 00:10:33 And then we also did that AH live tour. We do that like variety tour show that we would do. And so we did Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. And so that's the only time I've ever been to Perth. And I gotta say, as much as I love Melbourne, and I always said I would love to live there someday, I think I might have liked Perth more. Yeah, I hear good things about it.
Starting point is 00:10:51 It's just like everything's brand new. It's like they built the city 20 years ago. It's so remote in a way that probably is sucks to live there. But it's a great, it's remote enough in a way that you think like, man, if I could fucking disappear, I could disappear from the world. That sounds good to me. Yeah, it's remote enough in a way where you think like, man, if I could fucking disappear, I could disappear. That sounds good to me. Yeah, it sounds awesome to me.
Starting point is 00:11:07 And there's cool ass beaches 20 minutes out of town. There's this huge like, six street type area with like tons of like really good, different kinds of Asian restaurants and bars. And there's like great pub crawling there, not that I drink anymore, but it's just like, there's a really good vibe. Some of the best Chinese food I ever had
Starting point is 00:11:27 was in Australia, like in Melbourne. There's like a Chinatown there, there's a place called a Supper Inn. If you're in Melbourne, if the Supper Inn is still there, I highly recommend that place. But I think it's like one of the largest Chinatowns in the world.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Oh wow. It's like, it's right there in Melbourne. Yeah. Like you don't, like proximity wise, you don't think about like it's out in the Pacific closer to to to Asia and specifically China. I want to talk about our our first, you said something that made me remember. I'm like a long repressed memory. The first time we flew out again, uh, Tosca was back in 2004 and it's amazing how much
Starting point is 00:12:03 the world has changed since then. Because in 2004, when you get on a 16-hour flight from LAX to Melbourne, there is in-flight entertainment in the form of like little TVs, but it's not like on-demand entertainment. They play movies on a loop. And if you like the movie, you can watch it.
Starting point is 00:12:22 And if you don't like the movie, there's nothing else to do. And it's an appointment viewing, right? So you gotta catch it with a- Right, when it starts. And I remember it was the middle of the night or in the middle of nowhere over the Pacific Ocean. I think I was in the middle seat, Jeff had the aisle and like some stranger was next to us in the window.
Starting point is 00:12:41 I can't sleep, so I turn on the TV and a movie starting. I'm like, okay cool, perfect timing. I'm't sleep, so I turn on the TV and a movie starting. I'm like, okay, cool. Perfect timing. I'm going to watch this movie. It was envy with Jack Black and Ben Stiller. I watched about... Oh, the vaporizer movie? Yes. That is an unwatchable movie. I watched about the first 15 or 20 minutes, then turned it off and sat there in the dark
Starting point is 00:12:58 in a middle seat on a plane, so I was like, this is better than watching that movie. That movie was awful. What is it? All right, what's the deal with that movie? Because that movie came out when Ben Stiller and Jack Black were at the height of their fame and popularity. And one got the impression it was a movie that they tried to bury and they,
Starting point is 00:13:16 it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it was so fucking bad. They almost felt to me like one of those movies that someone makes before they get famous and then it's bad so it gets shell by the studio and then someone becomes famous and it comes out like This isn't exactly something by the way, I think of Kevin in the woods with Chris Evans. Sure Like you filmed it before like all the Avengers stuff. Not that that was Kevin in the woods a great movie But it's like it was kind of held back for a while. He became super famous and then it came out
Starting point is 00:13:41 Yeah, I don't know how that movie got made same Same. It's Barry Levinson. It was like, it's the same director as Rainman. I want to say, I want to say the plot was they were like neighbors or friends and there was, it was called envy because I think Ben Stiller was jealous of Jack Black. Yes. Because Jack Black invented a thing called Vapu riser that was like an aerosol, you sprayed on dog shit to make it disappear. Yes. And that was the plot of the movie. Yes. Executive producer Larry David.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Wow. Fucking serious. This movie's crazy. It crazy bad. Yeah. Like how, how did all this miss? What is it? I see what's, whatever you're looking at, does it have a rating for that movie?
Starting point is 00:14:23 IMDB 4.8. That's 31,000 ratings. That's being generous. It's like that movie, I apologize, I can't remember the name of it, but one of my favorite movies of all time is Norm McDonald's Dirty Work. I think it's a brilliant film, it's got amazing canyons, it's got some of the funniest moments I've ever seen,
Starting point is 00:14:43 Gavin and I still quoted to each other all the time. And then I was so excited for like, Norm MacDonald to be like the next Adam Sandler because I was a big Romantic Donald fan. And he followed up with the next movie. And I don't remember what the name of that movie was, but it starred Norm MacDonald, Dave Chappelle, Danny DeVito and Sarah Silverman.
Starting point is 00:15:00 And it's a movie about how they have to kidnap, think Dave should tell and in Normandy. I don't have to kidnap Danny to veto and like a fake kidnapping and it's I I've tried to watch it like eight times Usually after I watch dirty work and I'm like I just need a little more normal on my life And I've never gotten through it because it's so fucking bad. It's called screwed screwed. That's what it is Yeah, it's atrocious. And the person screwed was Jeff. And you wonder, like, how can this mini, like, genuinely funny people make something that's this off the mark, you know? I wonder about that every time we record this podcast.
Starting point is 00:15:34 There it is. I get it. It's medium, like playing in the medium, right? Like you have to know, making a show or doing stand-up is different from making a movie. Like, a podcast is the lowest form of entertainment It's just we are just talking. Yeah It's totally different from a film or like a larger production and I think people think that it's like Oh, these are like one. Oh, you can do that do this and it's like oh you really got a point sink or swim time I'm like a lot of that so if they had this coffee on set and we would have been good. They would have had Spielberg
Starting point is 00:16:03 Would have been there drinking it did I'm jumping out of my seat on this coffee. This is, yeah, I'm a little fidgety. Yeah. I wanted to also circle back to Brisbane. Yeah. Brisbane is a wild city. I think people down, if I remember right, people down there call it Brisk Vegas because it's like, like there's casinos and it's kind of like the Wild West and the entire city, well not the entire, most of the city is like dirty sixth and there are a couple of things that are illegal in Brisbane.
Starting point is 00:16:32 One of those things is open-toed shoes. Another one of those things is glass bottles. Apparently it's like a fighting town. And like people will drink and get into it. So be on your guard. Yeah. The, the, wow. Yeah, it's a, it's an intense place. I distinctly remember when you came back from Brisbane and me being excited because you and I were becoming
Starting point is 00:16:57 like Australia files because you know, getting to go and fall in love with it and being like, what's it like? And that was the first thing you said. It's like, dude, let me just tell you this. They've outlawed glass bottles for all these. What, you were, so you were there, you've been. Yeah, I've been, I've been once to Brisbane.
Starting point is 00:17:13 And did it feel like Vegas? Did it feel like three months? Three months? It's not that it feels like Vegas or free-must-free. It's just there are a lot of bars, kind of like downtown Austin. And there are a lot of casinos, but the casinos aren't huge and illuminated like they are in Vegas, right?
Starting point is 00:17:29 It's not like a ton of lights. I think, oh God, what was it called? There was one casino in Brisbane that was in an old Australian government treasury building and I think they called the casino the mint or something like that. But so it's just to put in your mind, like the casino is a retrofitted government bill. So it's not flashier thing on the outside, but then you go in and it's like,
Starting point is 00:17:52 oh, this is totally a casino. It's just just kind of, in that regard, the casinos are kind of understated, but they're kind of everywhere. I felt like I was walking, like you'd walk down the street and there'd be a door, you'd be like, I wonder what's in here? And you'd open it and it was like,
Starting point is 00:18:05 oh, it's either a bar, a strip club, or a casino, like pretty much walking down the street, like copy and paste it. That is one of the cool things about Melbourne if you ever give a chance to go, Eric. Is all of the bars and restaurants are accessible through back alleys. So like, you got it like no kind of,
Starting point is 00:18:24 you really need somebody from Australia to show you around a little bit if you want to find places because it can get confusing. But the first time we went, we met that a woman who showed us around Melbourne. And I thought she was gonna murder us. I don't know if you remember this. What?
Starting point is 00:18:37 Because we met her at the event we were doing that she was like, come on, let's go hang out. I'll show you, you know, all the places in the event or the lady who took a ski. The lady who took a ski. Okay. And so like, we'll show you, you know, a little bit through in the event or the lady who took a ski. The lady who took a ski. Okay. And so, like, we left the event and we, like, you know, walking away from the bright part of the city,
Starting point is 00:18:51 it's getting like darker and darker. And like, she turns down an alley, and she's leading us down this dark alley. And I'm like, this is it. She's gonna kill us. And then like, she passes a dumpster, turns, pulls on an unmarked door, and we go in and there's a bar there.
Starting point is 00:19:04 It's like a laboratory-themed bar. I forget what it was called. It might have been called the laboratory. Yeah. And it was like, oh, there's literally no signage. You have to go in an alley and know where this place is. And it's like this super cool bar. There's a similar one in Sydney called The Baxter's Inn.
Starting point is 00:19:22 That was called Baxter Inn. I don't know if you ever went to that one, but it's a very similar thing where you walk down an alley and then the alley tees into another alley. There's a bar there, you turn right, open an unmarked door, go down some stairs, at the bottom of the stairs, open another unmarked door and there's a huge like bar. And it's like the most extensive whiskey selection
Starting point is 00:19:43 I've ever seen in my life. Like super rare stuff. Oh, I went to that place with Alan. That's where we bought like the $100. Yeah, he got me like a $100 shot of Japanese whiskey. Yeah, like all kinds of really weird rare stuff. Yeah, you have to go into like a caged room. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That place is cool.
Starting point is 00:20:00 That place is really cool. That might be my favorite bar in the world. And again, no signage. Like you get like a taxi or an Uber to drop you off and it's like, the first time I went, I got lost. I was like, I don't know where to go. Like I started pulling on doors trying to find a bar. I, I, that's, that's, that's, I remember that now
Starting point is 00:20:18 and it's frustrating to me because I also fell in love with that bar. I also fell in love with Japanese whiskey through that bar and really got into it and then quit drinking almost immediately. And I was really mad, like when I look back, like I'm mad about a couple things, I'm mad that I discovered Japanese whiskey
Starting point is 00:20:33 way too late into my alcoholism because it was so much better than anything else I've been drinking. And I'm still to this day, I'm mad about these hardselcers. I never got to experience a white claw or a fucking true, any of this stuff. You're not missing anything. If you had a Zima, I had, yeah, yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Like the same thing. You're in the neighborhood. I mean, yeah, you got it. I mean, I had like Bartles and James wine cooler. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just, everything old is new again. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, this is mango, it's thing.
Starting point is 00:21:01 I feel fortunate enough, I was still drinking for a while, for quite a while after I found Japanese whiskey, but it's always really hard to find anyway. It's not like, I mean, like, really like 18 year Yamazaki, like when I was really drinking and really looking for it, like, I might find one bottle a year. Well, if I could. I remember the whiskey that Alan and I got, that I got for us. I think he told us there were three bottles of it in Australia at that moment.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Might have been like a 25 year year. It was just like fucking crazy, but it was also like I'd never tasted anything like I'm gonna live. It's really good. Do you not drink at all? I don't, I didn't do, like I didn't, I don't draw a line in the sand to say I never drink.
Starting point is 00:21:40 However, in the past calendar year, I've probably had four drinks. Wow. Yeah, so it's pretty much... No more pictures of vodka. No. It's like 99.9% shut off. I think the last drink I had, I think I was flying back on a plane in July.
Starting point is 00:21:54 I had a drink on the plane. What do you attribute that to? Just loss of interest or...? Yeah, I don't know. Just what's it doing anything for me? I guess. Yeah. And I realized that it, on a very surface level,
Starting point is 00:22:08 at the very least, it was not letting me get good sleep. Yeah. I realized that, like we're in the stupid watch, I was like, oh, when I drink and I go to sleep, my heart doesn't, my heart rate doesn't go down at all. It stays up the entire time, like I'm still awake. And it's like, if I don't drink, oh, it goes down. And the rest is a lot more sleep.
Starting point is 00:22:28 It is interesting how that works, because I lived with bad sleep and insomnia and shit for years and years and years. And it turned out it was, and I used to drink to go to sleep a lot. That's how a lot of my problems started probably. And then it turns out you cut alcohol out completely, you just sleep good every night of your life. Like, really, I very rarely have a bad night's sleep anymore.
Starting point is 00:22:46 And I've never had trouble getting to sleep. And that used to be such a problem for me. Yeah. What was the last drink that you had, Gus? Not Jeff, I'm not asking you that. I know the last drink. I know you know, I don't want to get into that. I'm asking you.
Starting point is 00:22:59 It's a vodka soda, hopefully. Yeah, okay. Nothing. No, they stopped serving teetos. It was some other brand I never heard. I don't know who it was. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. So, okay, so talking about Australia, you've been to Sydney, you've been to Brisbane, you've been to Melbourne. Yes. You haven't been to Perth. Correct.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Is that a place that you would want to go? I think if I was in, I don't know that I would make a dedicated trip just to go to Perth, but if I was in Australia, I would make an effort to go to Perth. I guess that's my question too, is what would take you back to Australia? I'd like to visit sometime, I don't know. I felt like I went a lot for work stuff. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:51 I'd like to go back and visit and vacation sometime. It is just super far. I mean, that's really what's like prohibitive about it, just like giving that commitment and then taking enough time off to make it worthwhile. Because not only are you making that trip there, they're making a trip back. It's like, then you gotta spend enough time for to make it worthwhile. Because not only are you making that trip there, they're making the trip back, it's like then you gotta spend enough time for it
Starting point is 00:24:06 to make sense. I just don't feel comfortable cutting out that much time and blocking it off for a single trip. I guess that makes sense. I only go to San Francisco for work. Like I think I've only been to San Francisco for fun, like twice, maybe twice, but I've been to San Francisco probably two dozen times.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Yeah. It's just like I've worked, I've worked, I've worked, I've worked, especially when I was working at Razer, it would be like day trips up there. Right. You would just, you would fly in the morning, get your stuff done and then fly back in the evening. Do you have any other places like that? I mean, of course, also down in the same area in New Zealand, I've spent, you know, some
Starting point is 00:24:43 vacation time there. And that's just cool about the two places being relatively close to each other. Is if we went down and didn't event in one, it's like, oh, then you're just gonna take a couple of extra days off and go to the other and hang out there too. Just going back and forth between the two
Starting point is 00:24:55 was always really fun. I don't know, it's really interesting being that far removed from, like, other countries, you know, having that big of a boundary, not only in distance, but in time. You look at your clock and it's like, oh, it's tomorrow. How long do you think you need to go,
Starting point is 00:25:15 to make it worth it to you? It'd probably be at least a week. Because you lose, and remember, you lose time going to, you land the day after you leave. So it's like you already start at a negative. So you really have to, have to, to budget enough time in. But it's, it's fun.
Starting point is 00:25:31 I mean, if you ever get the chance, highly highly recommend it. Does you find it? I'll find it someday. I got a lot of photos to get through. I'm not always in more time. I'm not wasting more time. From New Line Cinema, Dwayne Johnson stars
Starting point is 00:25:43 in the action adventure, Black Adam. The first ever feature film to explore the story of the DC superhero comes to the big screen under the direction of Joe May Colette Sarah, who you may know from Jungle Cruise. In ancient conduct, Death Adam was bestowed the almighty powers of the gods. After using these powers for vengeance, he was imprisoned becoming Black Adam. Nearly 5,000 years of past and Black Adam has gone from man to myth to legend. Now released, his unique form of justice, born born out of rage is challenged by modern day heroes who formed the justice society.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Huckman, Dr. Fate, Adam Smasher, and Cyclone. Noah Centineo, as Adam Smasher, Sarah Shahi, Marwan Kanzari, Quintessa Swindel, as Cyclone, Mo Amir, as Modi Sabangui and Pierce Brosnan as Dr. Fate. Colette Sarah directed from a screenplay written by Adam Stecchio and Rory Haynes and Sohrab No Shi Ravani based on characters from DC based on characters created by Bill Parker and C.C. Beck. The film's producers are Bo Flynn, Hiram Garcia, Dwayne Johnson and Danny Garcia with Toby Emrick, Richard Brenner, Dave Newsteader, Chris Pan, Walter Hamada, Adam Schlegman,
Starting point is 00:26:46 Jeff Johns, Eric McLeod, and Scott Sheldon Executive Producing. The director's behind-the-scenes creative team includes Oscar nominated director photography, Lawrence Sher, production designer Tom Mayer, editors Mike Sale and John Lee, costume designers Kurt N. Bart, Oscar-winning visual effects supervisor Bill Weston-Hoffer, and composer Lauren Balfe. New Alliance cinema presents a seven bucks Flynn company production, a Joe May Colette Sarah film, Black Adam smashing into theaters and IMAX internationally beginning on October 19th in North America on October 21st 2022 it'll be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures. You can watch Black Adam in theaters at IMAX internationally October 19th and in North America October 21st.
Starting point is 00:27:22 I've never been a smoker, but I definitely know plenty of people who are friends and, you know, close people close to me who have smoked and I know watching them try to quit is can be difficult sometimes, you know. It's a difficult process to quit. That's why maybe if you, you know, someone in that situation, you can have them check out FUME.
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Starting point is 00:29:13 I don't think I would go to vacation. I don't think I would go there just on my own as a vacation, just because I've been there so many times. You know, and like, like I have, I'm going on vacation soon. I'm very excited about next week. I know. Yeah. This is the fourth attempt at a vacation I've had this year. Like I have, I'm going on vacation soon. I'm very excited about next week. I know. Yeah. This is the fourth attempt at a vacation I've had this year.
Starting point is 00:29:29 The first three have been canceled. Fingers crossed. So don't worry, they still time. Vacations are few and far between the older I get, I find. And so when you get them, just life gets in the way. Life gets in the way. Yeah. Like for instance, I was trying to schedule this trip
Starting point is 00:29:45 to Paris with Emily all summer, and Millie's surgery dates kept sliding back and forth and so I could never lock it in. And then by the time I could, it was too late. And there was no point. And then we were gonna go to Vegas and Boston, actually, for a basketball. I was gonna go see a Celtics playoff game. And then we were gonna go to Vegas and Boston actually for a basketball. I was gonna go see a Celtics playoff game.
Starting point is 00:30:07 And then we're gonna go celebrate in Vegas with Gavin and Meg and then we got COVID. And then we were gonna go to Disneyland and then we flew to LA, saw you. You and I filmed this podcast. We did one recording. And the second we ended, I got a text from Emily that said, Henry collapsed. We need to go back to Austin. So we turn around and we got him playing back So it's just like it's just been that you know life just keeps getting in the way So like when I have the opportunity to go somewhere I I think I'm gravitating toward going to new places as opposed to old favorites
Starting point is 00:30:39 Makes sense. Yeah, but I love Australia and it wouldn't take much to get me there. I mean a reason an event An invite do you ever have you ever taken? Yeah, but I love Australia and it wouldn't take much to get me there. I mean a reason an event an invite Do you ever have you ever taken Vacation outside the United States Yeah What do you mean? No vacation outside the United States? Yeah, cuz you talk about like these trips You try and obviously I know things are different right now these days because of COVID. I mean Yes, but much like you I think I
Starting point is 00:31:04 Have vacationed everywhere. Rooster Teeth has sent me for the past 19 and a half years. You know, like I went to London in April. We got to, but that was because there was a community event and then an annual pass event. So you, you tack on an extra like four or five days to try to make the trip worth it. Not that it's not worth it to go, you know, do your job and meet the audience and stuff, but. You're already there. You're already there, you might as well just like.
Starting point is 00:31:29 When we were, it's wild to me. We live in Austin, which is in central Texas, and getting anywhere is a slog. Like even the United States, it's like, if you drive in any direction for five hours, you're still in Texas. And flying, you're in the middle of the country, but it's like a
Starting point is 00:31:45 three hour flight for just about everywhere, to either coast, LA or New York, three or four hours. We were doing a scouting trip for RTX London, and we were at the Excel Center. And I remember I was standing on a balcony at the Excel Center looking out and like the tens, is it the tens out there? Isn't that the river? Yeah, I guess so. I just never made the connection. That's the tens over there. And I saw an airport like a city airport.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Yeah, let me see the airport right across the way. And I asked the person from the convention center and I was like, hey, is that an airport right there? He goes, oh, yeah, that's London city airport. It's like, I could fly in there or fly out of there. He's like, well, it's a smaller airport. So you can't fly there from the United States because he throws far.
Starting point is 00:32:28 And I was like, huh, okay, so we finished our tour of the Excel Center and that's what I was there to do for work. So then I pulled out my phone and I was like, I could buy a ticket to go to Ireland right now for like 80 bucks. Geez. So I was like, okay, so like my wife and I was like, all right, let's just buy a ticket.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Let's just go to Ireland. And it's like, you get on, we just took a taxi like five minutes to the airport right there. That's gone on a plane. It's like, oh, and it's like a 30 minute flight from London City Airport to Dublin. It's like, oh, now, now you're in Ireland. And you cannot do that here in the middle of Texas, in the middle of the United States. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, I went to, I went to Paris with Alfredo and Matt Bragg one time for an event and then we took the
Starting point is 00:33:09 channel to London and you're like, like that's a slower version of that but still you're like, I was on this train for like two and a half hours and suddenly I'm in London, that's wild. So cool. You think like, I would barely, I wouldn't be in Dallas yet. I'd be hitting North Houston right now. Yeah. It's funny how that proximity affects it. I think that affects a lot of people in the United States. And I think that's maybe why you don't see a lot of international travel. It's, you know, it one takes a lot of time and two, as a result, it's very expensive.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Yeah. You know, I think, you know, obviously we have Mexico and Canada nearby, but I don't know, I feel like that's a little different. I've been making the most out of Mexico too. I've been to Mexico like four times in the last two years. Yeah, we go to East Lemo Harris, although I think I'm ready to take a break from it. Oh yeah. It's that's once again, it's a lot of times to go to the same place.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Where is that? It is. So East Lemeris is a little island that's just East, the sister's island, I think. A woman island. It's just off of the coast of Cancun. It is the easternmost point of Mexico. So, we went there for New Year's, and one of the things you can do
Starting point is 00:34:24 is if you go to the easternmost point of Mexico. So like we went there for New Years and one of the things you can do is if you go to the easternmost point of the island and you can watch the sunrise, you're the first people in Mexico to see the sunrise that day. And so like on January 1st, we got up at like five in the morning and drove down there and so we were the first people in Mexico to see the sunrise in 2020. Right before the pandemic hit. That's really crazy. It was fun. it was cool. It's a cool island. You just rent golf carts and you just go Airbnb at place. But I've done it to death
Starting point is 00:34:49 because it's close and easy to get to during the pandemic and stuff. Yeah, like flying down to Cancun, for years, what, like two and a half hours? It's not, yeah, it's two and a half hours. And then it's just like, if you were standing in Cancun, it'd be even easier.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Easily you have to then take a cab. Well, actually they have a shuttle for you that'll take you to a ferry. And then you take like a 20-minute ferry ride to the to East Laundan year on your own. You got to go. It's a cool place. It's a really cool place.
Starting point is 00:35:12 I mean, you're talking about vacationing, a broader whatever, and two and a half hours to get there, and all that, like whatever, you fly two and a half hours from here, and you get to, I don't know, where you want to go. It's, you go, like I was saying, it's either coast, it's all that like, you're not even in LA, two and a half hours there.
Starting point is 00:35:28 You're almost to LA. Yeah, I would go to Chicago. We're just right there from Chicago. You can get more north. Chicago's surprisingly close. It is. I mean, it's what happens when you're in the Midwest, which we are, and I don't wanna hear otherwise.
Starting point is 00:35:40 I feel the Midwest. I feel like people forget how convenient Chicago is. Like, I took Millie for a little weekend vacation last summer. And yeah, it's like, it's like you go to the airport in the morning, you get off the airport in Chicago and it's still the morning. Yeah, the time doesn't change. You know, it's your going north south.
Starting point is 00:35:57 It's so easy. It's only like a two hour at most flight. Maybe an hour and a half, it's super fast. Yeah. And then you're in fucking Chicago, which is awesome. Yeah, great city. Yeah, really, really hour and a half, it's super fast. And then you're in Flock and Chicago, which is awesome. Yeah, great city. Yeah, great city. Yeah, very cool.
Starting point is 00:36:08 It's great, even like the suburbs of Chicago, I feel like a lot cooler than like a lot of the places that you go to. If I were ever to leave Austin for another city, which I don't think will happen, you know, like if and when I leave Austin someday, it'll be for a Lake House or a small town somewhere. Chicago and Portland would be the only cities on the list, I think.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Does it strike anyone else's odd that like, again, the old man and me, that like NBC has a night of Chicago programming, like in their prime time lineup? Dude, that stuff like hit people go crazy for that fucking shit. It's, I don't get it. Chicago PD and then Chicago fire fire and then Chicago man. Yeah, I think it just runs on a cycle where it's just like we cover one major metropolitan area for a while and then we move on to the next. I think I think it's the inner connectivity of those things too that like.
Starting point is 00:36:59 This is like kind of like it's going to go on like a little walk but but hang with me. I think that with people, our age aging up, there are people that watch TV like us was talking about, who come to expect an interconnectivity between programs or between characters that the generation just older than us did not have, that now it's easy for something like NBC to go like, here's our whole night of programming, it's all of something like NBC to go like, here's our whole night of programming.
Starting point is 00:37:26 It's all of these characters, like these characters. It's a Chicago event not to be missed. Oh my God, this place is on fire and somebody's hurt. And so the fire department takes them to Chicago Med and then that continues. But then they have to catch the arsonist Chicago. And so I think there's an expectation now where they didn't have that before. It's the Marvel comic method, right? It is.
Starting point is 00:37:45 But it works. It really is. And it works so well. And it's funny because I feel like it's primarily NBC that does this because we're talking about the Chicago series right now, but they also do it now with law and order. It's like for the first time ever. Who does law and order? It has nine one one.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Is that NBC as well? That's Fox. That's it. They do it too. Like they're always have crossover events. Yeah. And so I think that you see it in Marvel now, but I think it was happening with our generation seeing that stuff even before Marvel, when you look at stuff where people would start recognizing
Starting point is 00:38:12 actors from other stuff, like Phoebe on Friends was like Ursula on Mad About You, which is a show nobody talks about anymore, but like by the way, a huge fucking show, Mad About You, that was the first first I'll never forget this it was the first show ever Where where talent got a million dollars yep an episode and it was Paul riser and Helen. Huh now it's nowhere in that last two seasons and another thing about mad about you The fucking it's canonical to sign that was about a say Cramer exists as a character in mad about and it's Kramer exists as a character in Mad about it. And it's gonna be on a Jerry's friends. So then, Jerry moved into Paul Reiser's apartment. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Like Jerry's side-fell's apartment was the Mad about you, Paul Reiser. The waitress from Ursula, the waitress from Mad about you, is Phoebe sister from Friends, and she's in the show. So Friends, Mad about you and Seinfeld, all existence shared you in the first place. And see, this is what I'm talking about where like our generation has come to expect this stuff because it's by accident, if people go,
Starting point is 00:39:04 I connected the dots. Yeah, back then it was by accident, if people go, I can't act in the night. Yeah, back then it was by accident. It was like, oh, yeah, whatever. It didn't matter. It did happen. I just think people didn't care about it. Like, uh, uh, uh, uh, what was the show with Fonsi? Um, happy days.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Happy days, spun off, Joni loves Chachi, and there was like a shared universe there. But that's spin-offs. It's been soap and Benson were like, I guess there's spin-offs. Yeah, that, that's more like, they, they, they choose a character and they like, let's make a whole show about the example that I would use would be a new heart where it ends. He runs this wacky like ski resort or whatever. B and B type thing. Yeah, then at the end, the very last episode, he gets knocked out and then wakes up and he's
Starting point is 00:39:43 in bed with his wife from his previous show. Yeah. It talks about that show, like it's all a dream or whatever. And that's, and people always point like, what a great ending, what a great ending. And I'm like, this is just the marvel after credit seems really easy now. But again, I think that's the groundwork. This is so off topic for Anmo. But that to me is what makes the groundwork for that.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Can we talk for a second about what a goddamn treasure, Bob Newhart. Oh, so funny. As a comedian. Dude, it's completely lost on, I would say, the millennial and younger generation. I agree. I was young, a little young, for Bob Newhart. I'm 47, but holy fucking shit was Bob Newhart,
Starting point is 00:40:20 one of the funniest people on earth. And I just doesn't get the credit he deserves. And in no offense, I also think that I know there's a lot of reasons to hate Ellen DeGeneres, because she's supposedly very problematic. But very, if you think Ellen DeGeneres is funny, Bob Newhart was doing that exact same sense of humor, that self-effacing kind of like humble,
Starting point is 00:40:40 stuttery kind of thing. He was doing that before for 30 years. Yeah. It's funny whenever, I don't know if it's just me, whenever I think of Bob Newhart, I'm going to fucking age myself here. I also always think of the Smothers Brothers. Yeah. Or like 10 gentle way where it's like, it's like almost like, like, like very humble self-effacing kind of like, oh, we're just simple.
Starting point is 00:40:59 We don't know. Just poking fun on the cell. Really subversive funny in a time where there was nothing like that kind of subversion that they did. And again, also, I think lost, I think if you asked. Lot yeah. Probably almost anybody we work with in this building, they would, no, they couldn't, they couldn't name those people.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Yeah. Yeah, I thought you meant the TV show lost. I don't know, I don't know why we're jumping to that, but I loved it. Yeah, sure. It is interesting like what stands the test of time and what doesn't. Because you're right. Matt about you was as big as friends for when it came out. It was like the thing that launched like must see TV on Thursdays.
Starting point is 00:41:35 And nobody remembers that theme. So I love that fucking theme song too. Like, it was huge. It was huge. It was so. It was scrambled eggs. That said different. That's a different show. It's really crazy that that stuff. Yeah, it was huge. It was huge. That's a different show. What? It's really crazy that that stuff. But again, I think that that's reruns, which was a thing that wasn't really, when do you think reruns were all the time? Like, I mean, Nick at night, I think,
Starting point is 00:41:57 launched a lot of stuff that like... That's how I saw a lot of that older stuff. I'm probably too young for all the new hearts. Well, some new hearts, Bob Newhart's original show. Yeah, like Nick and Knight and all that stuff really helped those things with longevity. Yeah, Nick and Knight is how I discovered like car 54 where R, U, F true, and F true.
Starting point is 00:42:17 And, well, my three sons. The monkeys. Yeah, my three sons was a great one. Yeah, it's that sort of the obi gillis and you would like sometimes the obi gillis There's so much lost TV because nobody recorded it or like they use the same tapes and they just went I just fucking tape over Who wants we already did this? There's like no I think Lucille Ball owned all of like, I love Lucille and all that stuff because they, like, no one saw that.
Starting point is 00:42:48 The studio didn't give a fuck. No, we already did, this already went out. We already saw that one. Yeah, who wants to see that? And then reruns started happening and it's like, hang on. We could still make money on something we already paid for. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what else is a show that's still as funny today
Starting point is 00:43:04 as it was when it aired and has been lost? Is the Carol Burnett show? Oh, yeah. Carol Burnett show, any skit on the Carol Burnett show is still holds up today. 40 years later. Oh, yeah, yeah. Carol Burnett, I was thinking laughing for some reason.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I never got laughing. I never got laughing. I was way too young to understand. Oh, boy, that rippreducing gesture. Really get me. Yeah, I think that I I think Laffin was too contemporary, like of its time, that like, the fit, like it doesn't really hold water or like hold weight past its certain point or whatever,
Starting point is 00:43:34 but I think Carol Burnett had more of like, time. Yeah, I loved the Carol Burnett show when I was at McDonald's. Tim Connolly was so full on that. Oh my god, Tim Conway's hilarious. The Dennis sketch and he keeps poking himself with like an okay and everything and so on. No frills, airlines. Yeah, it's great. It's very, very funny.
Starting point is 00:43:48 If the listeners are confused, they can ask their parents for help with the idea of the... While you're at it, while we're talking about these old TV shows that you're never gonna search and you're never gonna watch, watch Route 66 too. That's like my favorite old TV show. It's a drama, but it's really good.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Go interrupt your dad in the garage right now where he's drinking light beer and ask him about Bob Newhart and just have him go, oh hell yeah, I gotta be pretty excited for him. Uh, I think that, you know, we're making fun of this, like when we were going to say 10, just going like, oh, who's gonna talk about, 25 years ago, yeah, it's not gonna talk about itself.
Starting point is 00:44:21 I don't know that you have the same cultural touchstones, not in a way where it's like the same shows. I mean like the same way that they're like presented to you because now you have an infinite amount of watching whatever you want, whenever you want. So now the way we're talking about watching these old shows on Nick-it-Night, no one's going to do that if you're like younger because now you can search
Starting point is 00:44:42 whatever you want and I don't think a lot of kids are gonna just, well, this is on. I'm going to watch George Lopez. That's like the end of all of that. And now you don't have that stuff in that way anymore. It also, it, I mean, it's obviously more convenient. And you, we had at our fingertips, like pretty much all of the shared knowledge and entertainment of all time.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Yeah. You know, like you could watch Carol Burnett if you wanted to go seek it out and find it. You might have to buy it, but, but do you remember, like I remember just specifically with buffing the vampire slayer in the X-Fall. So this was at the end of this era of TV, right? Do you remember when you would fucking,
Starting point is 00:45:18 you'd have to work or something would happen and you would miss an episode of your TV show and you would have to wait till summer until the re-writes. And then look at the TV guide to figure out if it was going to air and then when it was going to air and that was how you could see the episode you missed. That is something that kids today, kids today, but that's something that my daughter will never understand. They'll never understand having, they'll never, it did suck.
Starting point is 00:45:39 It happened to me all the time. It made us, it made us patient, right? It made us wait for shit and it made us appreciate it when we got it. And I'm not saying that should go back to that way. It shouldn't, it absolutely shouldn't. But there is something lost in the inconvenience in immediacy. It was like, man, I missed an episode
Starting point is 00:45:56 with the cigarette smoking man. Yeah. I'm gonna wait six months to see that. It's like they only talk about the plot in three episodes of CNN. And I'm like, I'm talking to this. It's funny to me because, you know, also at the time, you could try to hedge your bets, right?
Starting point is 00:46:10 Like you could try to, if you were a huge nerd, like me, you could try to program your VCR, which failed half the time. Very rarely works. But it made me also think about like cottage industries, which existed at the time, which are lost at the time, like VCR plus.
Starting point is 00:46:24 When it's the last time you thought about VCR plus, which was a system that could be built into VCRs. So in the TV guy, they would print like a six-digit code, and you would tell your VCR like a six-digit code, and it would know like, oh, since I have VCR plus, I know I need to record this channel at this time. So it kind of took a lot of the intermediary steps out of programming your VCR.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Because otherwise you'd be like, I kind of make sure the TV's on this channel. I got to make sure the times right on the VCR, I got to make sure it's set to record. Two minutes before the end, two minutes after the end. Hopefully there's no delay. Make sure there's enough space left on the tape. I mean, do you remember when Tivo was like the brand new thing? And it was fucking groundbreaking. We were living together and I got Tivo as soon as it became available and we paused the
Starting point is 00:47:07 Super Bowl and looked at Britney Spears for a while. I remember that. I remember thinking it was a huge, I thought it was really cool, but I thought it was a huge waste of money. So I remember I was like a $300 a year subscription. I paid $300 a year. I think it was like $150 a year or you could pay like $300 for a lifetime subscription. Oh, that was it. And I paid for a lifetime subscription. Oh, that was it.
Starting point is 00:47:25 And I paid for a lifetime subscription because Tivo was gonna last forever and that was, like that was the, like technology was gonna stop at Tivo and we were set. If it lasted for two years, then you broke even. I mean, I think it did. Yeah. Yeah, and then, you know, after living with you watching how easy it was, where it's like, oh, you just type in the name of a show and it knows the channel, it knows the time, and it's just there. Yeah. And you just, you know, oh, you just type in the name of a show and it knows the channel. It knows the time and it's just there.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Yeah. And you just rewind fast forward. The problem with early Tivo was small hard drives though. You'd be like, oh, fuck, I got to delete something or it's not going to record the game that I hit. You're constantly file managing. I mean, it was, I guess that's the kind of like destruction of appointment viewing, but at the same time, there's stuff that like sports that'll never go away for appointment viewing.
Starting point is 00:48:04 It's just going to be the, like how you can see. Like they have Amazon Prime has Thursday night football now. So I don't even need TV, I just go, oh my thing, it's so loud. Watch two against slam. Absolutely. I find it annoying though, because now I get push notifications from the Amazon app
Starting point is 00:48:20 about football, I was like, I don't want that from the Amazon app. That's how I buy shit for my house. I feel like they need a separate ecosystem for that for the others, just because I don't want that. I get fucking push notifications from my TV OS that's like, hey, new apps available on the TV, you should check these out.
Starting point is 00:48:37 It's like, how the fuck, and I can't disable it? No, that is so egregious. It makes me so fucking mad. I get, so I use Apple TV to watch all of my... I do have a minute of stuff. And the only notifications I get from that are when new episodes of shows I watch come out. Hey, you know what I think that's great,
Starting point is 00:48:54 so I was like, I always forget, oh yeah, Beavis and Butter came out on Thursday. So like, yes, you're like, oh yeah, I do have sort of Beavis and Butter. Watch that. How fucking good is Beavis and Butter? It's amazing that that dumb bit that is so like, you don't even realize how much the culture has changed
Starting point is 00:49:09 until you watch it and all that sort of Beavis and Bunny and it still manages to be, like it could host on my judge, it's still funny to this day, like 30 years later, I still start laughing as soon as I hear them laughing when the show title comes up and Emily makes fun of me all the time because I just can't stop laughing. It'll never not be funny.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Oh, the other day I was watching it with my wife and she was like, God, it was an episode like Corn Holyo was in briefly. Corn Holyo does not hold up, but the rest of it. She was like, God, I hated it back when I was in high school and those guys would walk around and put their shirts over their heads and talk like Corn Holyo and they thought it was really funny. I was like, oh yeah. That sounds like that would be awful, right?
Starting point is 00:49:49 Oh, man. Did you see the episode, it was an old, we're old beavers and old butthead where they are fighting over a couch space. Yeah. But he just won't get up to pee. So he pops his kidney. Yeah. That's a chip clip on his dick. So he't get up to pee. So he pops his kidney. Yeah. Put the chip clip on his dick. So he doesn't have to pee. He doesn't have to pee. We're getting on to the 50 minute mark. So we should probably wind down a little bit. Um, yeah, we were gonna talk about stuff and DVDs around post around the next episode. Yeah, we'll get it. We're doing one on Monday. So I hope I mean, I'm just I'm like for me. Oh, I'm trying to my schedule so fucked But this was good. I like the Australia stuff and and I Think just talking about like the old TV stuff and everything's like really interesting
Starting point is 00:50:38 Probably the audience thinks so too. I mean, that's that's the shit we were doing in London were in Austin Yeah, I mean TV it really is like that old media shit we were doing. We were in Austin 20 years ago. We watched TV. It really is like that old media and everything so different. We talked about it, we talked about it last time. We talked about like, you know, why it feels, it's like prestige is still like, have your show on TV or. Okay, keeping up. Yeah, like that kind of thing and it's just still a thing.
Starting point is 00:50:59 TV is just still a thing. Still a thing. Yeah, yeah, for now. And we'll launch a new T-vo. It'll be around forever. Give me $300. Well, I mean, I just look at this iPad I've got, right? Like I keep notes and stuff.
Starting point is 00:51:12 It's like, I can watch anything that's ever been made in the world right here. Like what's the point of having that fucking TV? And there's also so much stuff that you don't even know about just this fucking morning. I was turning on the TV while I was eating cereal and there's on HBO Max, there was an ad for the Magnolia Network
Starting point is 00:51:27 and Emily was like, oh, there's a show I wanna watch on the Magnolia Network and so I opened it up and 500 shows I've never heard of, all looked very well produced and that exists, a whole ecosystem of home repair and flipping shows that I just had no idea. That's all daddy's ass love wants these days. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Curse you corporate. So we gotta guess this name. We have to get it right. I mean, eventually, right? I would just... Someone on social media, I can't remember his name. I'll look it up here in a second. I think it's going insane trying to figure this out. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:09 They sent me a message, they sent me a tweet, I should say, the other day saying that he was 100% convinced he had figured it out. Oh yeah? Well, that's, so was I with Austin Moniana, but here we are. He had not figured it out, but he, we can cut this if you think that we should. But he had dumped a bunch of DNS records. What? Looking for domains that were registered approximately around the time where I said I registered.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Really? And then trying to grip out information around the letters A and M.A. And he found a domain that was registered around the time I registered that was a potential name, but it wasn't it. And I was like, he tweeted it to me and then he deleted it. He's like, oh, I got nervous. I was like, no, I saw it. I saw it.
Starting point is 00:52:57 So no one's guessed it still. He has not guessed it, but this dude is doing like a crazy amount of work, trying to figure it out like really dig into it and it's, it scares me a little bit. I did not consider that. Interesting. Okay. How about this?
Starting point is 00:53:14 Yeah. Ardvarks, Manatees, Naurwals and Ants. Oh, that's it. No. What? It must not be Naurwals. It must not be Naurwals. It must be something else.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Does Naurwals start with like a G or something and we just didn't realize it? It could, I really cool narwhal this. Yeah. Everyone guesses another morning in Austin, please stop guessing that. Yeah. If you're gonna send that, I just don't even know what to do for you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Also, stop sending me the guesses. I don't know what to tell you. Someone like you have to stop. You better sell over this. So, it's like, I'm so sick of this bit. Yeah. No, that's a great bit. So it was Axel, Axel Torgard.
Starting point is 00:53:48 He guessed Austin Memes, which was registered fairly recently, and Austin Mood, which was registered also, fairly recently. But it's neither of those. It's neither of those. However, I do want to mention a hero, someone who made a heroic guess online.
Starting point is 00:54:03 A hero. Wow. A true, welcome to the segment Gus is every day here a true patriot and hero Alex debate Okay, who debaht it who guessed by sending me money on Venmo Alex debate. Thank you so much Your guess attention maximizer is not correct. Oh, I appreciate the dollar. Colin guest and my axe. Did we guess that already?
Starting point is 00:54:33 Yeah, I'm sorry Colin anecdotal magic from Tristan. Anomosity misadventures from the nastiest penis in Seattle. I like everything you just said, but no, that is not. That kind of reminds me, this is a small tangent. We were obsessed with funny license plates and funny, we were talking about the things back in the day. There was an old license plate that we saw on the internet, probably back in the late 90s or early 2000s that someone had registered in the state of Florida.
Starting point is 00:55:06 And the state of Florida lights plates used to have an orange in the middle of them. Okay. And someone had registered the lights plate A55RGY. So the orange looked like an O. So it said ass-orges. Yeah. It's to this day, I think we might have talked
Starting point is 00:55:22 about it on face ones. It is to this day the funniest license plate I have ever seen. They have subsequently changed the Florida day. I think we might have talked about it on face once. It is to this day the funniest license plate I have ever seen they have subsequently changed the Florida license to orange is now so you can't make an oh out of it But that ass orgy there was fucking free. There was somebody driving around the state of Florida with an ass orgy license plate for years That was really kudos to that person to go guys really working in the medium. Yeah Well, we didn't get it this time, but maybe on the next one. Next one. I got a good feeling about it. Think about it over the weekend on Monday. We'll get it. Yeah. Thanks to the audience for tuning into episode 19, our 20 third episode. We really appreciate it. If you want to follow us at
Starting point is 00:55:56 Ann Mopodcast on Twitter and on Instagram, Gus was on there rating a bunch of coffee. Yeah. I went on a rating spree. Sorry, I couldn't. No, it's okay. You were busy. I know you were tied up with a bunch of stuff. You couldn't do it for fucking podcast bunch of coffee. Yeah. I went on a rating spree. Sorry, I couldn't predict that. No, it's okay, you were busy. I know you were tied up with a bunch of stuff you couldn't do at four fucking podcasts just for that. Yeah. And another today. Yeah, baby. Here's the easiest of the birds.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Yep. You're the Lou Gehrig of podcasts. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. You want to get checked out of the doctor? You want to tweet us a name?
Starting point is 00:56:20 You can, let us know. Don't tell us what you drink for your coffee. That whole segment part is done. We're not doing that anymore. That was corporate. Yeah, I get it. We're not doing that. But thank you guys for listening.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Any parting words for the folks on our 19th episode? Drink the satan coffee. It's a yeah, if you come to Austin, you can do a lot worse than drink and say 10. And, uh, and, Erica, I hope you have a good weekend, buddy. Thanks. I can tell it's been a stressful week for you. I hope you get to, maybe you get to shag some balls this weekend and relax. Well, uh, and, Erika, I hope you have a good weekend, buddy. Thanks again. I can tell it's been a stressful week for you. I hope you get to, maybe you get to
Starting point is 00:56:45 shag some balls this weekend and relax. Well, uh, see, probably not. But we'll see. That sounds like a euphemism. What's up? Describe this show to a newcomer in a more familiar way. Do you like apples?
Starting point is 00:56:59 All right, example. Together in Trempit hosts, German columns, German columns are free of d's of nothing to do with this podcast. Analyze various unsolved and rooster teeth's cryptic podcast. F*** face. Call to action. Feel free to add something show premise specific but short. Listen to show name on Apple Spotify or wherever you get podcasts. It's f*** face a podcast. Subscribe or no. You do yes?
Starting point is 00:57:24 wherever you get podcasts. It's f*** face, a podcast. Subscribe or no, you do yes?

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