ANMA - Customer Service Can’t Help You but They Can Hurt You

Episode Date: January 30, 2023

Good Morning, Gus! From Streamway coffee off Airport in Mueller, it's ANMA. This week, Gus and Geoff talk about What we did with Austin this weekend, Hickory Street Grill, DHL & FedEx problems, service rational, Dial up to sNaches, The first time Gus used Google, Minor annoyances of tech, Highest speed internet, A perfect Austin day, and Long movies. Good all over the place episode. If we do that ANMA mug, you'll be able to buy it here Sponsored by and use code ANMA. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What would you do if you had the freedom to be anyone or to go anywhere without limitations? Start your journey and experience for yourself the feeling of total freedom when you game with Alienware. Alienware is your portal to new worlds where limits don't exist and the only rules are the ones you decide to make. Defy boundaries and start gaming now at Next-gen gaming is built with Intel Core i9 processors. This is a rooster teeth production. I thought it was steamway coffee. Me too, and that's, I looked at it and that's why I set it out loud. It's an air stream.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Uh-huh. But I think of like steam to mill. Wait, two. Yeah. So, uh, we're at streamway coffee. It makes me think of pee. Streamway? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Like stream, like a piss stream. Doesn't make you think of ghost busters? Oh yeah, I don't cross they? Yeah. Like stream, like a piss stream. Doesn't make you think of ghost busters? Oh yeah, I don't cross the streams. Yeah. Is that where Dan Eckregor is dicksucked by a ghost? Yeah. Yeah, it is actually. That's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:00:52 I think who are there? I think they were playing like ghost busters. I don't know if I, why is that somewhere? I think like I was playing like a theater somewhere and they're like, bring the whole family. I was like, I'm pretty sure there's a ghost blow job in that movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Yeah. Yeah. It's been a few years since I've seen it, but I do have a memory of that. Speaking of ghost blow jobs, good morning, Gus. Very nice. How are you doing today? That's a hell of a segue. Good. How you been?
Starting point is 00:01:23 That sounds dangerous. Yeah, good. How's your weekend? It was fine. I feel like I'm being interrogated. Like, this is all leading to something. It's a fucking podcast. We ask each other questions. I know, but the only, I think the reason he's saying that is because when we got, when we were parking, you're getting out of the car, it sounded like you had a plan. Yeah, yeah, you were definitely scheming something.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I'm not scheming. I'm just thinking of the stuff to talk about. Oh, okay. What do you, uh, what'd you do really? What did you do with Austin this weekend? What did I do with Austin? That's a great question. It is a good question. I like that. I wanted to go to the draft house to watch a movie,
Starting point is 00:01:53 but when the time came, I ended up not feeling like it, so I just stayed home. I actually didn't do anything with Austin this weekend. I drove around a bit. What's the movie? Did you not go to? I was gonna, there's a Korean film called Broker. That's playing South La Mare in Lakeland.
Starting point is 00:02:09 I was gonna go down to South La Mare and watch it. But yesterday I was like, you know what, I don't feel like going anywhere or doing anything. That's funny. You would have seen me at the Alamo South La Mare watching a different movie. What did you watch?
Starting point is 00:02:20 I had a very Austin weekend where, I don't know what I was trying to So this was my eight-year day. No, I was just thinking about, I was just thinking about what I did this weekend. We'll talk about. Emily had a day session with a friend, like they hung out all day, from like noon to like six p.m.
Starting point is 00:02:38 And so the majority of a day, right? Especially if you wake up late on a Sunday. So I was like kind of left on my own devices, and I thought, like, oh, I should just fucking have an Austin Sunday. What do we have to do? I was Sunday that I was gonna go. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:51 That's why I mentioned it. I was thinking about catching a movie. So I looked and I gotta say, as much as I've even told Eric that I think my love of Fairth Austin is over in a supplemental content episode, one thing I fucking love about Austin is that I just like loaded up the Draft House website and or app or whatever it is on my phone.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Loaded up at Draft House on my phone to see what movies you're playing. And for no reason, like there was no fanfare about it. There was no, it wasn't a part of a film series or Weird Wednesday or Terror Tuesday or anything. They were just showing this 1976 John Cassavetes film called The Killing of a Chinese Bookie. And starring like Bingo's era. And it was playing at like three o'clock.
Starting point is 00:03:36 And I thought like, well that's a very Austin thing to do. I'm into the movies in a while. And I went and I, well first off I went to that. Have you been, have you seen, you know, the building that new promenade area from the capital all the way to the Blanton? Like the big grassy area you can walk? I drove over there because I heard it was open. And I walked around there for about 20 minutes
Starting point is 00:03:54 just to get the lay of the land. It's okay, it's pretty, I guess, but there's fucking nothing there. Like you would think they would line it with coffee shops and like, reasons to go. No, I mean, no reason to be there. Especially if the legislature here only operates
Starting point is 00:04:07 like once every two years, it's no point to really have anything there. But while I was there, I went into Jason Saldania, friend of this podcast. Yeah, because he was taking his kids to the IMAX at the Bob Bullock, and so I hung out with him for like 20 minutes. And I was like, what was the last time I was somewhere
Starting point is 00:04:21 in Austin and ran into somebody I know. That's a while. It used to happen all the time because it was such a little city. And then just on a whim, I went there and ran into somebody I know? That's a while. It used to happen all the time, because it was such a little city. And then just on a whim, I went there and then got to hang out with him for a while. And then I went to the Alamo and this 1976 movie. It was at 3 p.m.
Starting point is 00:04:34 It was at 3 p.m. The show I was gonna go to was 325. Yeah, in a while. And I got there early and I sat in the lobby for a while and just played on my phone. But then I go into this theater and it's full. Like the entire theater is full for a night for a Casavetti's film,
Starting point is 00:04:50 which I get at Casavetti is just like, you know, the most influential filmmaker of the 20th Century, maybe. Right, but that's not his most influential film. I thought there would be like five people there. Yeah, I know, I was supposed to. And it just made me happy. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:02 It's just like it was a good movie. It's a very good movie. I've never seen it. I don't know. It was a good movie. It's a very good movie. I'd never seen it. I don't know a lot about Kassavetes. I've only ever seen Minion Mosquits. And so, at least I did not like. And so I thought, Yeah, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I gotta do something with my day. And it just made me a love and appreciate Austin. I love and appreciate that there were 125 people or 75 people, whatever big of a theater word, that all wanted to spend 3 PM.m. on a Sunday, watching a 45 year old movie. Yeah, it's a cool movie because everyone's ugly. There's no ugly and every,
Starting point is 00:05:31 there's a vetty film except for his wife. There is like, I don't know that there's like an attractive person in that film in particular. It's very, it's crazy. Nowadays, I don't know if this bothers you guys. This bothers me. In every movie, everyone has perfect teeth. Yeah, oh yeah. Like you watch an old 80s movie, it's fine. I don't know if this bothers you guys this bothers me in every movie everyone has perfect teeth
Starting point is 00:05:51 Like you watch an old 80s movie. It's fine right people have real teeth now there's a real fucking teeth of this nowadays It's all veneers and super like unnatural white. Yeah, like these aren't these aren't real teeth dude Speaking of unnatural light. I'm not a good off. I'm too big of a tangent. Did you like the most recent season of amazing race? Yeah, I do Rex Ryan's teeth. Oh my gosh. So the X-Football coach, he was on it, or like scientifically white. I don't know how else to describe it. They're not, oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Our TV was broken. They had to be made in a lab. There's a team every season on the, I'm big Amazing Race fan, I've seen every season. There's a team every season who are in the first episode race fan. I've seen every season up There's a team every season where in the first episode you're like yeah, they're they're not they're not making it They are out episode they're gonna be out episode one and that for me that was Rex Ryan this season And they did not they were not out episode one. I think they were out episode two. They I think they went out episode three It was really it was really so anyway that got me thinking
Starting point is 00:06:41 Of like a typical like a good just Austin day, right? And that reminded me of a restaurant whose name I can't remember when you were talking about how I paused in the car. I was trying to name this restaurant, but I know you'll remember when I talk about it. We used to go there all the time and it's where is like seventh in Congress or eighth in Congress across the street, Rohingt Fork.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Oh, oh, oh, yeah, that place. It's where we saw wrestle circus that time Eric downtown Pocon street Pocon street. Yeah, that was called the country grill. Wait was that it? I think it was right But that's close. There's the old Pocon street grill on six and there was like no, it's not it's not right. It was What was it? It's not right. It had like a little side No, and I would get the jerk chicken salad there all the time. They had a salad bar. And I would eat the salad bar all the time. A thud.
Starting point is 00:07:31 And they had golf balls and pool balls all over the walls, remember? And they had the menu that was like, and the reason I brought up is the menu, it was like, it was like Willie's perfect day in Austin. And it was the dude dressed up like a Waldo and it was him going to all the different like to look at the bats and going swim in a Barton Springs and doing all the Austin stuff and it was like shot like in the 80s
Starting point is 00:07:52 there's just photos of this dude I'm gonna find it dude and we used to eat there all the time because it was super super cheap and I remember another reason we loved it and we thought it was cool and we wanted to support them was because they put all their employees through college if they went to UT And they worked there long enough, which was not something that was common for a restaurant to do in town And we ate there for many many many years and I can't remember the name of that place. Hickory Street Grill I didn't look at it. I didn't find it, but it was the Hickory Street Grill I remember it came to me and I loved that place was awesome and I was just thinking about that menu
Starting point is 00:08:23 Like it was like Waldo's like perfect day in Austin that building is not there anymore. Yeah, that place was awesome. And I was just thinking about that menu. Like it was like Waldo's like perfect day in Austin. That building is not there anymore. Yeah. They got torrent down and it's a it's a office building now or I don't know what it is now. But is it the injustice for all like art center or is it the it's the rest of circus place? Yeah. I know which is not a place. It's just where we saw show. I don't know what's called. I don't know. It's it's a block up from where that saw show. I don't know what's called. I don't know. It's a block up from where that museum is. I think it was eighth in Congress on the northwest corner of eighth in Congress. I think it was like 800 Congress when we went to that that Russell Circus show there. We'd always park up the hill and walk down the hill.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Because it's right. Yeah. I love that place. Man, yeah, that place closed a long time ago now. But man, that was a, I would go there all the time. I can't even think about when it closed. Oh, what was it open to our offices downtown? It must have closed before we moved downtown. Yeah. Because we would have gone there. Oh, eight. All the time. Maybe. No, seven, somewhere on there. I don't know why they closed I would like to assume that they like retired like the owners retired I did one other business because that was around forever. It was Austin staple I assume it's the true Austin story where the land got sold and they're at least ended and someone bought it and wanted to build a
Starting point is 00:09:39 Tall building on that spot and they were like fuck it. we've done this long enough, we're just gonna- The lost manitas. Treatment. Yeah. Uh, what, so what kind of restaurant was this? Like, well- That a bunch, though. I, the other thing I ever ate was the jerk chicken salad. They had like a salad bar and you could get like different proteins on it and I, I loved it.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Yeah, they had like sandwiches and burgers and stuff. It was just like an American restaurant, but they had a really good salad bar. And I'm a sucker for a salad bar. I, yeah. I'm not a salad person, especially not back then. That speaks to the quality. Yeah, that it was. It was solid.
Starting point is 00:10:13 I fell in love with salad bars at the Wendy's in high school by my house that had a salad bar and they had a, it was like $4.99, it was like $3.99 for a salad or $5.99 for all you could eat but you could make the salad as big as you want. So in high school, my friends and I would take the tray and just put a build a salad on the tray like animals and eat like $40 worth of salad for four bucks. They can't stop you to a salad can be all cheese crumbles.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Yeah. It's all just turkey and cheese crumbles. And so I fell in love with salad as a cheap way to give myself lots of food and that's persisted to this day. We see the super salad all the time. Yeah, we do, the super salad all the time. Weird. But for me, like stretching money back in the old cost
Starting point is 00:10:58 of the day, it was always the junior bacon cheeseburger at Wendy's, because it was like 99 cents. Dude, I fucking, I had to give up on that Wendy's because I got that, I don't know if you remember, but I got chili there once and I had a bandaid. Oh yeah, yeah. Oh, oh my God. So I don't need a Wendy's in here.
Starting point is 00:11:12 That was, I had a bandaid in my chili. That Wendy's, it's still there, is right by where our servers used to be, for Rooster Teeth, our servers used to be co-located in a building right around the corner from there. Like walking distance, actually, I did walk to that Wendy's sometimes when I'd be up working on the servers and a building right around the corner from there, like walking distance. Actually, I did walk to that when these sometimes, when I'd be up working on the servers down there before,
Starting point is 00:11:29 Amazon absorbed everything, like everything's a bit cloud now, there's no need to own a server anymore. I don't know if you remember, I used to buy, sometimes I would buy servers that we would use for RuestriT, from a place up off of North Lamar. It was called a Wallingford computer, so I don't know if they're still there.
Starting point is 00:11:44 I don't remember that. It's like, it was one of the few places in town where you could go to and get like, a built to order rack mountable server. And I would go there and like, get exactly what I wanted. And then like, have it shipped, right back initially,
Starting point is 00:11:59 have it shipped to Sacramento or just pick it up and drive it down south to the Colo facility. Pick up a little bit of chilies at Wendy's and drive it down south to the Colo facility, pick up a little bit of chillies at Wendy's and go install the server in the rack down in South Austin. But yeah, there's a, you probably saw them, I would have them every now and then at the desk at the Congress office, like working on them, getting them set up and then that would take them down to the Colo facility down in South Austin.
Starting point is 00:12:23 You probably spent a lot of time because of the call center and because of even wrist-giss stuff. You probably spent a lot of time in Kolocation facilities, more than like an average person. Oh yeah, for sure. Like an average person I think.
Starting point is 00:12:34 I spent a lot of time watching you at Kolocation facilities. Whether we were at T and I and at RT. Yeah, it was a- I spent a lot of time handing you shit. Yeah, that was not fun. It looks cool in movies and TV shows like All High Tech, but then when you're there, it was a- I spent a lot of time handing you shit. Yeah, that was not fun. It looks cool in movies and TV shows like all high tech, but then when you're there, it's like, this is just cold and droning and miserable.
Starting point is 00:12:51 And I'd rather be anywhere in the world than here right now. Yeah, there was, I remember one time, we, I'm off on a co-location tangent now. Go for it. We needed to upgrade the RAM in one of our servers and it was at our co-location facility that was in Sacramento. We housed our servers in Sacramento for a long time. So I had ordered some RAM from a place online and it was getting shipped via DHL and it was having it shipped straight to the co-location facility. I didn't want to pay
Starting point is 00:13:22 for a plane ticket to go out there just install like two sticks of RAM. So I was paying the co-location facility to receive the RAM and put the RAM in the server for me. Yeah. And simple, right? It's an easy service. I remember DHL called me and they were like, hey, we can't find the address.
Starting point is 00:13:37 And they were like, I don't remember what the address was. I was like, it's like 200 J Street. What do you mean you can't find it? I was like, it's like 200 J Street. What do you mean you can't find it? I was like, I'm looking at a map, right? I was like, I was like, I'm looking at map quest or whatever the fuck it was at the time. It's, where are you? It's two blocks to your left, you know?
Starting point is 00:13:56 I was like, I was like having to give this dude directions on where a number and a letter are in a city. I was so, like, after that, to this day, that's kind of, I have like a, like a fuck you experience with DHL to this day. Yeah. I refused, if I see some DHL as shipping something, I'm like, no, fuck that.
Starting point is 00:14:11 I'm not, I'm not, I'm not ordering this. DHL caused tons of problems for us in the early days. Yeah, because we would ship through them if it was cheaper to go like overseas or wherever. It was, it typically was cheaper. I guess they had better infrastructure. And it's so, I know people complain about it all the time. And I get it.
Starting point is 00:14:29 It's so fucking expensive to ship stuff outside of the US. Like, people complain about how expensive it is to buy like Rouser Teeth gear and ship it to Canada. I bought one of our mini-bats. All right, made one of those mini-bats for Andrew where I wrote the name in, or I burned the number in and everything. And I mailed it to him.
Starting point is 00:14:45 It was like $80 to mail a $4, I was like a $15 mini bet to him out of my own pocket. Like it is just expensive. And so we would use DHL a lot. And it was always, there were always losing our packages and I was always having to talk to some poor customer back when I was our customer service
Starting point is 00:14:59 and try to help them figure out how DHL fucked everybody in the process. It's awful. We had our FedEx account canceled once. Do you remember that? What? I think so. Bernie screamed at them so bad on the phone that they canceled our account.
Starting point is 00:15:18 And we couldn't use it. We had to make a new FedEx account. We had to start over. Happy! They lost a package of his. We had to make a new FedEx account. We had to start over. Happy. Right. Yeah. Happy. Happy. They lost a package of his that was not a Rucheteeth package.
Starting point is 00:15:31 It was like, is his own thing. It was a fucking server. It was a server for another project he was working on. It wasn't one of our servers. They lost it. That's not funny. It's so sad. It's really.
Starting point is 00:15:42 It fucked him so hard. He was understandably upset. And every reason to be upset about this. It was an expensive server with irreplaceable data on it. And they just lost it. And he called them up and was trying to find it and got so frustrated that he just started yelling at them on the phone.
Starting point is 00:16:02 And then like 15 minutes later, I was trying to log into our FedEx account on the website to get something done. I was like, hey, I can't log into our FedEx account. Oh, our FedEx account has been closed. Like they just straight up canceled all of our FedEx account. We have to go down to the store and make a new one. You go down to the store.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Or I can. What a pain in the door. I'm gonna go down in this door. What? What a pain in the ass. That's crazy. Yeah, they were not messing around with us. Oh, yeah, that was a... As like the time that I already told this story, but Mac got mad at the credit card company
Starting point is 00:16:38 and got our credit card slacked. Trying to buy from office furniture. Yeah. Stop yelling at people on the phone. Yeah. They don't have the power to help you, but they have the power to fuck you. Yeah, that's true. Stop yelling at people on the phone. Yeah. They don't have the power to help you, but they have the power to fuck you. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:16:48 You can't wait to put it in. That's true. That's a wise words for everybody who's listening. When you talk to somebody in customer service or in tech support, they very rarely have the power to help you, but they can absolutely fuck you. Whatever the problem is, it's not that person's fault. Guaranteed. They didn't do it.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Guaranteed. They didn't do it. Guaranteed. When we worked at the call center, I got yelled at so many times. For like, it's like, I just wanted to say like, hey, I'm outsourced tech support. Yeah, I did. My name's not Don Verio. Right, I didn't do the thing that you're mad about.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Then the people would call pissed off. You know, their dial up internet was down for two hours or whatever, demanding a refund for the outage. And I'm like, listen, you pay 20 bucks a month for a dial up internet, that's like 66 cents for a day. So it's say 66 cents for 24 hours. I let's round up, that's three cents an hour. I mean, do you want me to call accounting
Starting point is 00:17:42 and have me mail you a six cent check? You know, like let's be real here. He's not joking. I've seen him give that argument before people. And I've done it too, through his lead, where you really will be like, you'll be like, well, I mean, we can pray right now. I mean, like, I can't promise that we can get that done
Starting point is 00:17:56 for you, sir, but I can look it up. And it looks like it'd be about a dollar and seven cents. So if you want, I can push this through and say we can get you a dollar and seven cents. I don't think anybody ever would. No, but yeah, once you break it down, it'd be like, this is just a couple of pennies. Yeah, they'd be like Yeah, no you're right never mind like like I think dude
Starting point is 00:18:10 I think once you get super rational it diffuses the the irrational anger except for one fucking day in the five and a Half years that I did tech support Where no one was rational and it was so ridiculous. I don't know if you remember this day, it was September 11th, 2001. 9-11? I wasn't working at the call center anymore at that point. You weren't? No, I was at the other place down there.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Oh my God, dude. 9-11 people were so, like they killed the internet and people were calling up and be like, I can't look CNN and it's like nobody can, there was a fucking terrorist attack and people be like, that's not good enough. And you'd be like, I don't know what to tell you. It's like, we don't control the entirety of the internet.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Yeah, like CNN was down that bitch. I could not load CNN in my apartment that morning or once I got to work. Like it just wasn't working, you couldn't load it. And people would be like, I'm trying to do my stock trading and be like, I don't think the stock market's gonna be open much longer. And I'm like, I think it's because of this giant terrorist attack we were all going through and be like, I don't care. This market's gonna be open much longer. I think it's because of this giant terrorist attack,
Starting point is 00:19:05 we're all going through and be like, I don't care. This is my business. That's like, okay. You triggered a memory I'd forgotten about when you said that. These people who would call up, because this is the late 90s, early 2000s, you'd get these assholes calling up who were like day trading. And they'd be like, the internet would be down,
Starting point is 00:19:22 the dial-up service would be down or whatever. And they'd be like, I can't do my day trading, you know, because the service is down, there's a bullshit I'm losing money, like, oh, are you operating a business off of a residential? If dial-up internet account, hold on. Let's, if you're operating a business, we get you on a business plan,
Starting point is 00:19:37 those start at $200 a month. But it won't go down. It'll be up the entire time. Yeah. You have a service level agreement that guarantees This is not going to go down. Yeah, I'm not sure you're allowed to run a business offer. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Oh, wow, wow, wow. It's not a business. You could do that verbal judo where it's like, Oh, you reversed the attack back on them. Once again, very rarely can help you, but can definitely fuck you. They've heard it all. They've seen it all. And they're going to, they know seen it all, and they're gonna,
Starting point is 00:20:05 they're gonna, they know all the ins and outs to get things done. We used to have this dial up station. So, you know, we were third party tech support, right? We didn't actually work for the ISPs, the ISPs would, contract, would hire the company we worked for, and we would, you know, when people would call, we'd pretend, you know, we'd say,
Starting point is 00:20:22 hey, thank you for calling. Gusset with generic ISPs. It was called seamless integration. Yeah, it was a, it was our calling card. We would, you know, we would act like pretend we'd you know we'd say hey thank you for calling us at the narex p it was called seamless integration yeah it was a it was our calling card we would you know we would act like we were part of the ice p but if someone asked point blank are you do you work for them you you know you wouldn't lie to me like no you know this is outsourced tech support you know we just we're here to help you right anyway this is dial up internet time so
Starting point is 00:20:40 we had a one dial up station with a modem in the office, where it's like, you're helping someone and you couldn't seem to get it to work. And if we wanted to verify that the service was working, we had a station, we go test dial, whatever city. Dial into telepack in thatches or wherever. And you know, we'd be like, nope, yeah, I just tested. I took your account, like I took your account and I dialed in with a computer here and it's working.
Starting point is 00:21:04 So it's not a service site, so we're gonna figure out what's going on with your computer Eventually we had two of those because the call center grew I doubt they have any anymore. Yeah anyway It was just like in dial up net. We remember this in dial up networking and Windows 95 or 98 whatever It was nice and 98 it would just had like a huge list of all the different ISPs and all the different cities alphabetically arranged, except for telepac matches. Let's lie then, Tindy. Because we had one employee who at every time he would go use the dial up station,
Starting point is 00:21:34 he would rename matches to snatches. That's awesome. Aw, that was awesome. And there was this one girl who worked there who that pissed her off. To know, I think that's why you off. I think that's why you kept... I think that's why you kept renaming it, because of how mad she would get.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Everybody else in the company thought it was funny, except for her, and she would get so mad, and she didn't know who was doing it, but everybody knew he did it. And so she would change it, and then yell at the floor, and then she would go off her shift, and he would go back and change it. That went on for years.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Years. Awesome. Awesome. Snatches. Yeah, I'll never forget, matches because of that. It was always lowercase s capital N. He just, he just, he just, he just, he just,
Starting point is 00:22:19 he just like the, just added it on at the very beginning of that name. Oh man. I'm connected with that dude on LinkedIn. Are you really? Yeah, still to the stage. What's he up to? I don't know, I've been talking forever.
Starting point is 00:22:32 I know we're LinkedIn connections. He and his brother both worked there. Yeah, they did. I forgot. Yeah, his brother worked there. We're a family company. Everybody who worked there had a brother or sister who worked there. We had a lot of siblings who worked.
Starting point is 00:22:41 A lot of cousins. Yeah. Oh yeah, cousins too, yeah. Yeah. At Robin Cr. A lot of cousins. Yeah. Oh yeah, cousins too, yeah. Yeah. And Robin Criss, they were cousins. Yeah, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was a bonding experience, I think, for everyone who was there back then at that time.
Starting point is 00:22:56 I felt like if you were a certain age in the late 90s, in Austin, and if you own the computer, you probably worked there for a little while. It was the job. It was the job at the time, right? It was like the trial by fire that everybody who had any kind of, like any kind of technical, like technological proclivity.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Yeah. It was, yeah. I was, it's talking about that time makes me think about like the computers I owned at the time. And there was a shop I used to buy, like all my parts were I would build my own computer. Then I would use it at home. Well, no, there was a shop I used to buy, like all my parts from, I would build my own computer. Did I use that home? Well, no, there was a place called A&R Computers.
Starting point is 00:23:29 I don't know if you ever went there. It was over on West 6th. And still to this day when I drive by over there on West 6th, like, I look at, that building is still there. I was like, oh, which building? It's close, you, God, I'm gonna use another place that's not around anymore. You remember where rounder's pizza used to be
Starting point is 00:23:43 out there on West 6th? Yeah, it's a, it's a, lens now? there on West Sixth? Yeah, it's a lens now. It's a dumpling place. Yeah, a little east of there. Okay. There's like a building where you turn into the parking lot on the south side of Sixth Street and you like kind of go down a hill.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Yeah. Down at the bottom at the back is where A and R used to be. And I remember, I was like, so every time I drive by West Sixth, I think of that place. And I think about all the other places that used to exist. Like there was a place for a long time and also called Laboratory Computers under the Laboratory Computers.
Starting point is 00:24:11 We used to go there a lot. Yeah, by stuff, yeah. They changed a few different locations, but their whole scheme, their whole marketing thing was like it was like a mad scientist lab and all of their, was all Frankenstein. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:22 A brighter Frankenstein. Yeah, all of their ads in the Chronicle were like, like, Bride of Frankenstein theme, the like lightning and like, the woman with the really tall March Simpson style here. Uh, um, yeah, that, I think the last place I remember them being was over on North Lamar, kind of behind where Tatias is and nervous Charlie is now.
Starting point is 00:24:41 But there's a condo there now. Well, no, this building's still there. Oh, is it? Yeah, maybe they were, they there's a condo there now. Well, no, this building's still there. Oh, is it? Yeah, maybe. They were in a condo building there. You think about a bit on Burnett. Yeah, you're thinking of the other location where they were before.
Starting point is 00:24:53 But it's just funny to think about all these different little businesses that I frequented for so long that are definitely long gone. Like nobody remembers. Oh, like I as Peter. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:04 What was the one? There was. was like the big one here in in Austin I I when I first moved here I just say Googled but I obviously didn't I looked up ISPs and I just went with the first one that was affordable and it was in a building behind GNS lounge not GNS lounge G&M stay-c 6th. Yeah, it was like a little two story apartment complex and they are like quadplex and they had a little ISP they ran. And I used that ISP until I got hired at TNI which was also an ISP, so you get it from them. Yeah, I use them for a long time.
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Starting point is 00:27:26 Barnet, GNS, God, I would be honest. I had a really good tangent to go off of it and it's gone. Anyway, there's a great anecdote there. So I remember, I remember, I remember, that doesn't just sum up this podcast.
Starting point is 00:27:37 I remember, do you remember the first time you used Google? Oh. Because I remember the first time I did. Ah. Yeah. No. It was, I remember. Google specifically?
Starting point is 00:27:50 Yes. I remember. I remember, you know, there were search engines before Google. No, that's Kate. Web caller. Yahoo. Or whatever. All of them.
Starting point is 00:27:58 And, and, uh. Cheats. I remember one day I was at work at the call center, and there was like another employee there, another level two, who who was looking something up and I saw him using Google. And back then it was just like the plain Google page with just the logos.
Starting point is 00:28:12 It's very similar how it is now, but there was even less. It was even more. Magellan. Magellan, was that a search engine? Yeah, it was, wasn't it? Like, oh, Scott. Let's search engines, though, though.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Dude, like, oh, it's like this. What is that? And he's like, oh, this is Google. It's like a new search engine. And like he searched for something and it was like shocked. It like everything loaded so fast. It was like, what are you looking for?
Starting point is 00:28:31 It was like the first result. I was like, that's awesome. Like, I'm not gonna use Yahoo anymore or whatever web crowd like, this is it. This is what I'm using. I'm using Google from now on. And it was like, that was the day. It's like, what year was that?
Starting point is 00:28:41 That was like 99? Jesus. It would have been right after Google started. Probably. And I was Yahoo and for like five more years, bro. Yeah, I don't remember when I made the switch. I went from web crawler and Yahoo to Google. And now a Bing guy. I hear Bing is better than you. People are always saying people are always saying Bing is better. I haven't used it. I'm class, I'm classically binging things. I'm being in this. I'm being in that. I think you want. I haven't used it. I'm classically binging things. I'm being in this, I'm being in that.
Starting point is 00:29:07 I think you want, I'll bing it for you. I'll probably use Google for the rest of my life just because I'm used to it now. Right, absolutely. Nobody complains about Bing. I will say that. So, the first time I used to web was in 94, I want to say. And back then, the search engines that were available
Starting point is 00:29:24 were a lot more limited. I remember going to Yahoo before it was It was like, And yeah, and it was like, oh yeah, that's Yahoo. And I remember I think I started with Yahoo. I went to WebCrawler, because I liked the logo of the spider on the surfboard.
Starting point is 00:29:42 I thought that was cool. Then I think I went back to Yahoo, once they were, and then I went straight from that to Google, once Google came out back in 99, when Paul showed me Google in my life was forever changed. And it's just weird to think about that evolution of the internet and that trajectory and that growth
Starting point is 00:30:01 that we've all been through. Hell, we were talking about dial-up ISPs, we used to fucking subscribe to. People would pay for that stuff. God damn dude. And remember, like the big complaint we would always get was people who would dial it, who would call tech support because when they were dialing into the ISP, they weren't getting 56K speeds, even though they bought a 56K modem.
Starting point is 00:30:21 And it was like, well, the actual maximum is 53k, but you have to be within, I feel what it was, like two miles of the nearest telephone junction in order to get that. Oh, you used to realize that. There's a distance. Oh, I didn't know that. That the copper can be, there's a specific length,
Starting point is 00:30:34 I forget, I used to know back then, the specific length of the copper that your single can run over before it starts to grade into slower speeds. So then having to tell people who are living out like in ranch homes in East Texas, like nowhere in your town, like hey listen, you're living in the middle of nowhere. 192's where that's your speed, that's what you're gonna get.
Starting point is 00:30:51 I know you've got 56 K modem, I know, but listen. 192. Theoretically you are not getting anything faster that you should be grateful you have this right now. We don't, I think the concept of internet speeds is lost on everyone now. Yes, oh, absolutely. It's like you just get internet
Starting point is 00:31:12 and it's like, yeah, it's fast enough for whatever. It's funny, I was thinking about this yesterday when I was walking, right before I ran into Jason, I was walking around that promenade area and I was just thinking about how much Austin had changed and how much I had changed. And here I was in my 40s. And I was very cute in the idea of like,
Starting point is 00:31:27 I'm 47 and I have nothing to do on a Sunday and no one to spend time with. Like how do I wanna spend my day in Austin? And it got me thinking about like, Kicker Street Grill and the past and stuff. And I was actually having this conversation in my head where I remembered, I remember you and I watch in lane the serial experiments, right?
Starting point is 00:31:44 That annual experiments lane, whatever, whatever. Maybe you and I watch in lane the serial experiments, right? That serial experiments lane, whatever, whatever. I would only watch anime through you because you were in the anime. I never would have picked it on my own. Shocker, I know, Tor, listen, I was. But I enjoyed that show when we watched it together and she had her navi.
Starting point is 00:31:58 And we would always talk about how that was the future. And I was thinking walking around that promenade, I drove in in a car that had a computer screen in it. And then I got out and I have a nanny in my pocket and I just paired it to wireless air buds and I'm vaguely dissatisfied in all of it. Like nothing works as well as I wanted to. Like Apple CarPlay doesn't work with my phone anymore
Starting point is 00:32:20 in my car, they just don't sync up so I have to use regular Bluetooth. Just all these like minor annoyances, and one of my headphones had charged, and the other one hadn't, because it wasn't seen properly, just like dumb shit. And I remember thinking like, I would have, like if you showed me a snapshot
Starting point is 00:32:35 of this 25 years ago, or 20 years ago when Gus and I were watching the lane, or we were just hanging out, in Austin thinking we were on top of the fucking world of tech, we were on the bleeding edge. This would seem like all of my dreams came true. And I'm not particularly happy with me. You know, none of it works like I wanted to.
Starting point is 00:32:55 The future is here and it's inconvenient. It's exactly what it was probably gonna be. It was like 70% what you want. Yeah. Let's get away to put it. Yeah. Yeah, but it is amazing. I think we just take it what you want. Yeah. Let's get away to put it. Yeah. Yeah, but it is amazing. I think we just take it for granted now.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Yeah. I think, you know, if you saw it from 25 years ago, even with those hiccups and things now, where he'd be like, that's amazing. I don't care. Give it to me. I'll take it all. Of course.
Starting point is 00:33:18 You just think like where we are, where we've come from, you know? Yeah. I mean, I think about this a lot. I think about like how fast the internet on my phone is. Like being able to stream like 4K video or you know, download or transfer big files without needing to connect.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Like you don't need to log on to the internet anymore, right? It's just like, it's always there. It's just always connected. You're, there's no way, for the most part. There's no practical way to escape it. It's just pervasive in every aspect of life. Do you ever like just look at how much data you use on your phone? I do sometimes. It's fucking alarming.
Starting point is 00:33:48 I, this current period I've used 400 gigabytes on my phone. That, you should connect to Wi-Fi once or twice. I don't need to. You have an unlimited plan, right? I have an unlimited plan. But for, just like, even if I was connected to Wi-Fi, still, it's 400 gigs of data you've used on your phone. Do you ever look at your home internet usage? No, I did. I'd look at that too.
Starting point is 00:34:07 I can't, there's no way. It's so much. Yeah, so much. It's funny too, because home internet for me is recording f*** face and watching TV. Yeah, but there are people, but I think that's most people.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Right, it's very minor stuff. My parents aren't uploading anything, whatever. But then you have the outliers, and I think this is where it trips up, like service providers and stuff where Gavin has to upload a terabyte of footage for something that he shot or whatever, and they're not, they don't wanna handle that.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Like service providers don't wanna fucking deal. They just go, no, I don't wanna deal with that. Like, it totally makes sense. We just made this like eight hour, eight K fireplace video. Yeah, yeah. Five terabytes of data. Yeah, then he had to get down to 250 gigs, I think. He did.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Five terabytes. It's still processing, I think. It's uploaded, but it's still processing. I have a gigabit fiber connection at my house. There's an upgrade I could get to get five gigabit. I got it. Did you really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:12 They came out to my house. I got it when Gus told me about it. They came out to my house to like see about it and get it set up. I ended up not getting it for technical reasons, but like the guy who came out to install the upgrade, like would repeatedly ask me like, so, what are you gonna use this for? I think that he didn't want me to think because I had a five gigabit connection. My computer wasn't gonna be downloading stuff
Starting point is 00:35:33 from the internet for five gigabits. Well, you know, I've got multiple computers, I wanna be downloading on this one, uploading over here, streaming on that. I'm not gonna be using five gigabits in any one spot, but I might have multiple stations all using gigabit connections. He's like, okay, good.
Starting point is 00:35:49 I just wanna make sure you understand what this is and what this isn't. I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I got it. But it ended up being a pain in the ass because the way the gigabit line works is they run it to your house and they convert it to Ethernet and then you can run it everywhere you're going.
Starting point is 00:36:03 But in order for anything faster than that, they need to run fiber straight to your modem, and my modem was not near a place where fiber could be easily accessible. Interesting. So I was like, I need to redo my home network because I'll redo my home network. I'll get this ready, and I just never come back.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Did you redo your home network? No, I just got it. Like, he told me about it, I called AT&T and I said, can you install this and it'll be their Wednesday. And then luckily my modem is next to everything. And so they just went, yeah. And I've had it for, I don't know, since she told me about it. Yeah, with me the eight months where the internet
Starting point is 00:36:36 connects to my house is nowhere near where my modem and my router are. So it's like, I would have to either run fiber on the outside of my house and it would look ugly and I didn't want that. Or I would have to move my modem closer to the wall where it hits and it's I Not feasible. So it's like I it's just a pain in the ass So I get a bit spot It's told it's faster than almost Many people listen to it. So like you motherfucker, right? I mean if you say
Starting point is 00:37:01 I mean his feet just five times your it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter What would be your idea, this is where I was ultimately going, of a perfect Austin day. Perfect. Right now, you're 45, right? I will be in a couple of weeks. Yeah, close to 45.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Yeah. Like you just got a Sunday. It was definitely. It was definitely involved, the draft house. It's funny that you went there. It's definitely. It's a first place I think something, because I need something to do. It might be would definitely involve the draft house. It's funny that you went there. It's definitely. It's the first place I think something, because I need something to do.
Starting point is 00:37:26 It might be multiple movies at the draft house. Like really just going and like eating snacking all day long and watching movies at the draft house. I'm not really an outdoorsy person, so I can't really see do anything outdoorsy. It's gonna be like watching movies. Yeah, probably at the draft house. That's it.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Where do you eat? Like if you're like, oh, I'm hungry, I'm eating by myself. I wanna have, I wanna treat Gus. I mean, where do you get? I'm simple. I'm a very simple guy. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm just gonna go to Hilberts.
Starting point is 00:37:59 It's right up the road from here. You're just gonna go to a beloved local hamburger place. Yeah, that's what we're looking for. It's awesome. Yeah, I'll go to Hilbert's. If I still drank, I'd probably go down to Casino. I don't drink anymore. Would that be your spot?
Starting point is 00:38:11 Would be good to go. I mean, I haven't been there in years. I'd probably go back and see if it's still my spot. I don't know. It's not, yeah. I probably not. Yeah, I'm too old. You're silly to hammer.
Starting point is 00:38:19 You don't wanna go. I'm gonna tell you right now, you don't wanna park and walk into 36. Absolutely true. You don't want anything park and walk into 36. Absolutely true. You don't want anything to do with that. Gotcha. That's not who you are anymore. What about like a lunchburger?
Starting point is 00:38:30 If you, yeah, you could do a lunchburger on a Wednesday, I would say, or maybe an early dinner at Parkside, but other than that, there's nothing for you there. There really isn't. Yeah, it's funny. I think that we both would gravitate to like going to the draft house. It would probably be like Southamar, to say the most famous.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Southamar, Mueller village, those are the three that I always end up going to. I try to only go to village or Southamar. Mueller's nice, but village or Southamar both feel like Alameda. I would probably go to Texas Chili Parlor. That would probably be my restaurant. I was never a big Texas chili parlor person. It's good, but it's not like all my list of stuff. It's funny to me, you know, back in the day,
Starting point is 00:39:11 a long time ago, a draft house had an assigned seating. We've talked about that, you know, where you just show up and get in line and try to sit down. And I remember they tried to introduce assigned seating probably back in the early 2000s, maybe where, you know, you would buy your ticket and pick your seat, and there was a fucking-
Starting point is 00:39:28 People uprising. People hated it, hand it in. They only experimented with it for like a month, maybe, and then they took it down and it was back to waiting in line, and now it's all a side seat. I cannot imagine going back. I need to know where I'm gonna sit, I need to know this is gonna be seat,
Starting point is 00:39:42 because you would show up in those old days, you'd be like, fuck, I gotta sit in the front. There's nothing else over you. You'd get into the theater and be like, where can I sit like the panic looking around? The fight? What's available? Let's open.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Go get him. Can we sit together? We're not here too late. Are we even gonna be able to sit in the same row? No, yeah. I mean, I'd love being able to see him out ahead of time. It is the best. But yeah, it's funny how.
Starting point is 00:40:01 The second best is when you go into an alamo to your assigned seat and the asshole next to you has like his jacket and all of his shit in your seat and he he has to pick it up and that's an inconvenience to him. Like it like you're putting him out and you're like no motherfucker. This is my seat. I paid for this shit out of my seat. Uh, not saying that happened yesterday, but it did. To get shit out of my seat. I paid for this seat.
Starting point is 00:40:23 What was the movie you saw? Did I saw yesterday killing with Chinese bookie. Killing the Chinese bookie. Okay. Okay. Which I never heard of before. I had never heard of it before I was going to look it up. I watched it on, I think it's on, I think it's on HBO Max because I think it's a TCM thing.
Starting point is 00:40:37 I think. Okay. Probably a little criterion. I watched it on that or criterion or something like that. I streamed it. So. I watched it. Instead of going to the theater, I was like, I was gonna, I had a couple of screeners. I thought about watching one. It was like, oh, maybe I'll watch a Babylon.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Because I was like, this is only when I'm gonna watch. It does not look interesting to me. I think it's screeners. Uh, part of SAG. Oh, okay. Uh, and I looked it up and it's like 53% of Rotten Tomatoes. Like, yeah, I don't want to watch that. And I saw, oh, hustles on here. That'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say,
Starting point is 00:41:08 I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say,
Starting point is 00:41:24 I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I wish I'd gone to the Alan once to have also this if you do find yourself at an Alamo And I know they have them outside of Austin as well I don't know if they have the same menu, but the fucking pickle fries are back and they are so goddamn good I'm eager for them to really start special menus for movies again I feel like I can't say I kind of fell off. Yes, absolutely everything getting streamlined I'm hoping that it comes back soon. I do miss like showing up to me like Oh, I wonder what new like unique things are gonna have for this screening.
Starting point is 00:41:47 That was always kind of fun. If you do have time to watch Babylon, even though it is rated weird on rotten tomatoes, I think it's because people are giving it really high ratings and other people are giving it really low ratings and it's not like, we're saying it's whatever, it's people who love it or hate it. And to me, that's way more interesting
Starting point is 00:42:06 than something that gets a eight out of 10 and nine out of 10. Oh, we all agree this is good. Is not interesting to me. Six out of 10 makes me go, oh, there's something here. Like this might be worth my time. Did you watch it? No, I haven't seen it yet.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Because it's three hours and 10 minutes long. Oh, I didn't know. I will never see that film. That's exactly how I feel. You know what, you should watch. You should watch. You know what, you should watch. You should watch.
Starting point is 00:42:32 You should watch. You should watch. You should watch. You should watch. You should watch. You should watch. You should watch. You should watch.
Starting point is 00:42:40 You should watch. You should watch. You should watch. You should watch. You should watch. You should watch. You should watch. You should watch. You should watch. You should watch. You should watch. You should watch. He plays a character named Cole. He's like a friend of a brown hair guy and whatever. Like the dopey scientist. Yeah. I've been following that guy on social media for such a long time.
Starting point is 00:42:50 He's so funny and seeing him in this movie is like, how the fuck did this happen? I think it's so cool. I think it would be like people going, I've been watching Blaine for years. And he's just in this fucking mood. Like he's just in a feature film. Like he appeared next to Marco Robby.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Like that is that makes sense. Yeah, yeah, and you just go, what, and I think that's so cool. Like I think it's great that he's in Megan and it's like, that's neat. Like that makes, that made me want to see it more than anything and then people have been talking about it and it seems like the right kind of movie
Starting point is 00:43:23 that people aren't making anymore. Like a dumb kind of movie that isn aren't making anymore, like a dumb kind of movie that isn't two and a half hours long. It's just sort of like, here's our weird premise. You want to see how deep we can go with this? I think it's just that. It's one of the other things I liked about Marcel, the show with the shoes on. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:38 It was also like 85 minutes. It was like, oh, cool. Yeah, in and out, done. Can't fault it. I'm not saying every movie should be 90 minutes, but there are definitely, there are movies that need to be naive. I'm just saying that Thor doesn't need to be two hours in 45 minutes.
Starting point is 00:43:51 You know what I mean? Yeah, there are long movies I enjoy. Over two hours, I guarantee you I can find 15 minutes to cut. I promise you. It used to be, I mean, I remember in the early 2000s where it would be like, we were hurting for anything that was like longer. It's like give, like mean, I remember in the early 2000s, where it would be like, we were hurting for anything that was like longer.
Starting point is 00:44:05 It's like give, like, let these guys have some time. And now the problem is it's gone too far in the direction. I'll be going, Lord of the Rings fall. Yeah, everyone gets all the time they want and no one has an editor. Well, it's so weird because the film industry is quote unquote dying, right? And they're like desperate, like regals
Starting point is 00:44:22 about to close a bunch of cinemas. They're, they fall for bankruptcy, right? Nobody's going to the movies anymore. Half of the trailers I saw yesterday in front of the movie were for movies that are appearing one day only in theaters. Which is like the new thing now. Yeah, it's like trying to get people back to the theater. Don't make them sit there for four fucking hours.
Starting point is 00:44:40 People don't wanna lose an entire day to a film in a dark room to a film. Like if you want people to go back to the movies let them get in and out did you ever watch our our I don't know what that is okay you cannot cut 15 minutes out of that movie that is that is a lean three hours or that is three hours and I'm like give me more it's like a Bollywood movie that's like insane oh yeah it's on Netflix yeah yeah always gonna be such as I'm absolutely four hundred percent you watch it it's on it's on Netflix it's, that's all we have. Everyone's gonna be such a... Oh, I'm absolutely, four, 100%. You just watch it. It's on Netflix.
Starting point is 00:45:07 It's three hours and it's like, oh, this is gonna be a drag. No, no. I like, I would never cut a moment out of a Wes Anderson film and he always cramps two movies in the one and they're long as fuck, but I'm in for the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:45:16 He's another one coming out, I think this year. I still haven't seen the Gran Budapest hotel yet. It's okay. No, I haven't seen the French dispatch. That's how I haven't even either. That one seemed like it's a little too much. Hey, let's talk about extremely coffee. Where do you remind us?
Starting point is 00:45:33 This is at a little food truck park outside of a hanger where the at Mueller park, where the little farmers market used to be. Now they moved it to the other side. Oh, it's not here anymore? No, no, it's over by, they do it over by Kirby Lane. Oh, it's like half indoor half. They use that hole inside what you think would be
Starting point is 00:45:54 like a basketball court. It's not, it's where the farmers market goes. And then they close off the street. It's really, I really recommend it. It's a lot of fun. I think it's a great way to kill 45 minutes, like it's nice. We are pretty much directly across the little pond from where we filmed episode one. Yep, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:46:10 When we were at, it was at Hellseon. Yep. We wanted to maybe record in the hanger, but there was people working out. Yeah. I would make a phone screaming and music playing. There's a little loud. There's dogs in there. A little too much texture.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, that tells you how much texture it was. It was too much. We've said yes to a lot of texture. When you drive on airport, the road right here, you can see this little food truck area. It's got the little, they've had things, it's all blocking the sun,
Starting point is 00:46:37 like a little bit of shade, and there's just like four food trucks. There's a varicose, but it's closed, unfortunately. And Streamway is the one that you see. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, you wouldn't want to eat a breakfast taco. So. I think they're not open on Mondays, maybe.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Yeah, Streamway is the closest, I think, to the street here. Any thoughts on the coffee that you got? Thought my was a little bitter. My was solid, it wasn't like, fleet, but it wasn't bad. This might be the worst cup of coffee I've ever had on the show. Really? It is terrible.
Starting point is 00:47:09 I don't know that I'm gonna finish it. It's terrible. What? It is. It's bitter and hollow. It doesn't taste like anything. It tastes like the smell that your like teacher had, like when they had coffee, you were a kid, that's what your's loud.
Starting point is 00:47:26 You're burned coffee. It's exact, it has that and you just, it's, ugh, it is. Boy. I'm gonna go with like a six. Yeah. I mean, is that three maybe? Six, seven, somewhere on there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:37 I will say it's maybe what a Laxon flavor of this area makes up for an ambiance and like this is a fucking cool place to come drink a cup of coffee. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, I got an awesome park across the airport from us here. And there used to be, it's like some tennis court here.
Starting point is 00:47:51 It was like a tennis center, like a Patterson. Yeah, it was. Patterson Park is what's called. It was great because I forget what day it was like. I think I was on Tuesday evenings. Larkers would come out here. That's true. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:48:01 I don't know if they still do, but I used to live close to here. And like every Tuesday evening, I would see the Larkers come out here, like an armor and with swords and stuff. if they still do, but I used to live close to here. And I'm like every Tuesday evening, I would see the larpers come out here, like an armor and with swords and stuff. For real? Yeah, like start all right over here. Just like start fighting with each other.
Starting point is 00:48:10 I saw them, because we have a friend who does that. You do? Yeah, at a Bernie? Oh, yeah, yeah. And I ran into him at Northwest Park one time doing it a couple of maybe two years ago. So maybe they moved to Northwest Park. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:48:24 I was running my bike a there one day and saw them. It was always great. We were driving by and watching people, like watching joggers or people who were just walking, like stop and like just stare at what was going on. And Eric is very right. It was fighting ball, fighting ball. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:37 This is the perfect magic missile. Yeah. As far as the name goes, Gus, is there any hint you want to give us before we throw a couple of guesses out there? I think people should look at that list again. We were close there in that list. All right. Also, let me say, we talked a lot about Alamo Drafthouse. Obviously, we love the Alamo Drafthouse. It's one of the things that makes Austin great, but it is not the only place in town. It's one of the nice things about Austin, where you can see an old, weird movie.
Starting point is 00:49:04 We have the Austin film studio. It is not the only place in town. This is one of the nice things about Austin where you can see an old, weird movie. We have the Austin film studio. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I almost went to a different show there yesterday because they had some cool stuff going on as well as violent crown cinema, which is downtown, which is fucking awesome as well. That's where I saw Avatar.
Starting point is 00:49:19 They have a bunch of like, in the summer, they have these, I don't know if they still do, but when I lived downtown, they would have these old, French new wave festivals, which is great, 60s French films. That's awesome. Yeah. Also, the Paramount has their summer film series
Starting point is 00:49:34 where they show, they show, like, great prints of phenomenal old films. Yep. There's a lot of film in Austin outside the album. Another meaningless anecdote. No. That damn it. I feel like we've heard that one before. Yeah, I think Alba. Another meaningless anecdote. No. Damn it. I feel like we've heard that one before.
Starting point is 00:49:45 Yeah, I think so too. Another morning audio. No. Any time, anywhere. I know. Because it's not. It's a Monday morning. It's true.
Starting point is 00:49:54 That's what I was thinking. That's what it is. That's what it is. And more another's. That's not even a good one. Oh. Somebody said, uh, Enema, but spelled an A. Enema. Enema, but spell the name.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Anima. Fleet was last week. That right. Uh, let's see. How about, um, annoying me again. No, uh, answer my anything. Answer. No. What? No, I was just trying to. I thought I thought we were, I thought we were dialing in and something. No, I was just trying to say, I was a full dog.
Starting point is 00:50:25 I thought we were, I thought we were dialing in on something. No, answer me anything, no. Ah. Another monetizable adventure. No. That's a long pause. No, I was just thinking about how it fits.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Maybe if I paused, it's like I'm thinking like, I don't believe that, I see here, it's the thing when you pause, I think that there's something else to it at this point. I don't know what to believe. I know longer care. You win the audience vote. I'm giving up on,
Starting point is 00:50:52 we're really doing this out of spite now because of Eric. Yes. Cute dog. There are a lot of dogs around here. I'm a fan. Yup. A annoying math. No, never.
Starting point is 00:51:03 All math is annoying. Anger management. No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry never all math is annoying anger management. No I'm sorry. I'm only made animation. No anchor mates No amnailed and a total mayhem. No, no And there's just like madly reading down a list now I like I'm just I'm reading other posts from people say like, doesn't matter if it's not a bit, it's annoying. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:51:29 The last five minutes are unlistedable. I love that I saw last week. I was wondering if you were arguing about what is or isn't a bit, like what constitutes a bit. Like, so that doesn't matter. Well, if it takes shit so seriously. No, it all has to be for me. So that's all the guesses that I have right now.
Starting point is 00:51:46 We will go back to the list and... Yeah, let's see what we can find. Let's consult the list. Yep, let's put some order to this. Yep. Any final words? Well, that would be for you. I would, my final words would say,
Starting point is 00:51:55 hey, follow us at Anima Podcast on Instagram and on Twitter. You can see photos from this week's episode. No, no, no. No dog picks. Send us pictures of your dogs. You can if you want to. At Anima Podcast, at Instagram and on Twitter. You see some pictures, see what's going on. Hopefully I have a social media person eventually, and we can have more than just one post a week. That'd be exciting.
Starting point is 00:52:17 We'll see. But that's all I've got. How about you guys? Any wise words from you? I've words on of their wise. Go ahead, Gus. Oh, the coffee place used to be over here. Oh yeah, they moved it.
Starting point is 00:52:30 They moved it. They moved it very upset about that. Oh, you just sort of reached the dot com. Grabbing the enma shirt. Oh, I'm worried about you. Yeah, make sure grabbing the enma shirt. This is the bad idea. You have two.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Get your own podcast on a nice Heather Gray. And then the other one is a shirt. And a little podcast? Yeah, looks like a word of a word we enjoy. I feel like we need coffee mugs. I feel like that makes more sense? Yeah, looks like a- Where the part would you enjoy? I feel like we need coffee mugs. I feel like that makes more sense. Yeah, yeah, I think we talked about it
Starting point is 00:52:49 and we hadn't really landed on like a design that we were super into. Maybe what it does, it's a coffee mug. It's a mug that says the has the name of the part and says, and mud. Then when you put a hot liquid in it, it reveals the actual name of the podcast and that's the only way you'll find out
Starting point is 00:53:03 is by buying the mug. Holy shit. That's a great idea. Okay, but way you'll find out is by buying the mug. Holy shit. That's a great idea. Okay, but then you have to work directly with Tony. Right. Here's, okay, okay. I'll talk to him and see if we can do it. This is great because I was looking.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Then you have to be ready to know what it is. Fine. I was looking for, I want to move into like portable cups in in face. You know what I'm saying? We have the GERPLER. I want to move into that world. Okay. And I came with the name for the next You know, one is we have the GERPLER. I want to move into that world. Okay. And I, I came with the, with the name for the next great portable mug
Starting point is 00:53:28 would be the Gogo GERPLER. So maybe we can, we can, our, our GERPLER on the go. I think GERPLER is better. Uh, go. It's just fun to say. I mean, we could, uh, maybe we could piggyback off the R&D for the Gogo GERPLER. We come up with like a perfect and,
Starting point is 00:53:42 really got something going on here. This is good. Oh, just everyone knows I may have walked over and tried to sell us weed. Uh, this is, that's what is brother. I thought we a perfect Ann Lerner. Really got something going on here. This is good. Oh, just everyone knows, I may walk over and try to sell us weed. That's what it's like. Brother thought we look like cool people. Yeah, thanks, man. She was so wrong.
Starting point is 00:53:50 We're talking about anime some more here. Yeah. Uh, okay, I'll have you work, but I'll have Tony message you and you guys can work on the design and then we can put the cup out. And I can't, we can't see what the design like. No, you can see.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Right, right, we can't be in any of the R&D, yeah, we can't. You can see the end part. Until we finally have it. Until we get in the mail. And then what we have to do, we have to have the mugs and we have to use them in an episode and it will reveal the name.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Absolutely. So we can see it. And then you know what's gonna happen, we're gonna go, the stupid. That's it. God damn. Oh, as long as we make a buck. This is a good idea.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Hey, last word from Jeff, if you're in the Austin area and you're looking for a good hot pastrami sandwich, are you back? I pastrami. What? I, in fact, pastrami. You went back to it. You went back to it.
Starting point is 00:54:38 I'm getting back in the pastrami. Wow. And check out the other side sub shop over Aflamar and like 34th or whatever by the medical parkways It's gonna be a Delaware subs. They have a pastrami hop strumming. It's really fucking good. I can't wait rack on pastrami I'm on some pastrami. Okay. I still can't I Still don't I don't think I'll ever be able to eat the pastrami sandwich from the place I threw up Okay, do they have pastrami? They don't have a stromey to have in your B. Do they?
Starting point is 00:55:02 There's only I think they one way to find out. You find out. Don't go there. I was reading Yelp reviews all week. They're the funniest fucking thing. It was the one I read one where it was like, it was right in the drink. The whole stuff down with the drink.
Starting point is 00:55:21 And then I opened the drink and he said, oh, so you're just gonna open it now. It's so fucking funny. It's people, it's people giving, it's explicit instructions and they're doing the opposite. I think going, this guy's a real asshole. He's specifically told you the one thing he said. I don't blame him. It's not like he's not clear. Yup, out the gate.
Starting point is 00:55:51 And here's the thing, if you tuned out when we were doing the name guesses, you missed all this stuff. You don't know anything about this mug that's happening. Is the best. Let's do it. This makes it even better. Anything else parting words? No, we'll be back next week with some coffee.
Starting point is 00:56:05 Okay, goodbye. Describe the show to a newcomer in a more familiar way. Do you like apples? Alright, example. Together in Trempit hosts... Characombs. Characombs are free of Dia's of nothing to do with this podcast. Analyze various unsolved and Ruestr teeth's cryptic podcast, f**k face.
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