ANMA - Hanks Coffee Re-Review

Episode Date: September 19, 2022

Good Morning, You! Another Gus's episode he will tell you is non-canon but Geoff & Eric believe you can still listen to it so it counts. We're back at Hank's Coffee (kind of) to do a re-review sans Gu...s. We also talk about music, the NBA, and Gus teachings. This episode is sponsored by Better Help ( Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What would you do if you had the freedom to be anyone or to go anywhere without limitations? Start your journey and experience for yourself the feeling of total freedom when you game with Alienware. Alienware is your portal to new worlds where limits don't exist and the only rules are the ones you decide to make. Defy boundaries and start gaming now at Next-gen gaming is built with Intel Core i9 processors. This is a researches production. Okay, this is the second of two episodes that we are doing for supplemental content as Gus does not count these as canon or believe that we should be doing them at all as he is on vacation. But Jeff and I are heroes
Starting point is 00:00:45 and believe that you should have content every week. The people deserve content. I hate that word too. Content of people. The populist deserves content. What's different word? No, you changed the wrong word. I hate that we call everything content.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Yeah, but it sucks. Because it's like, there's an art to it. In the word content, I feel like is negates art. Yeah, it like just pulls all like the wind. It like imagine talking about a movie. That's my favorite content. Like that sucks. What's your favorite movie?
Starting point is 00:01:16 Major League. Okay. Yeah. Hands down. I said, lucky job. Boo. Yeah. It's my favorite.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Yeah. I have a job who statue. Do you really? Really? I have a half smoke joint statue. Do you really? Really? I have a half smoke joint that he's in his mouth. How many times do you think you've seen Major League in your life?
Starting point is 00:01:31 At least three dozen for 50 times at least, I mean, like minimum. Is that the movie you think you've seen the most? Man, I have, I, one time I finished watching Taxi Driver and then I called back the last time. And then I just, and then I just hit play and watched it again. So I don't, maybe, but sometimes you do that. Yeah, you know what, it's gotta be. It's gotta be.
Starting point is 00:01:54 I just love that movie so much. I love baseball movies. I love underdog sports movies. And I love movies where characters are sort of one dimensional but have minor growth throughout. It really hits like every, like every, it's just very like, I'm this guy and I'm this way. Well, over the next 90 minutes, you'll change slightly. And that happens with...
Starting point is 00:02:19 To great success. It happens with nine different guys or whatever, and I go, I love this movie, it's fun, great. I think that the movie has value if only, I mean, it's a great movie. I got no issues with it, but if only for Bob Euker. Like, there is not enough Bob Euker in the world. I grew up as a Mr. Belvedere fan, as a kid.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Didn't even realize Bob Euker came from baseball. When I was a child, I just thought he was a funny actor. Yeah. Quoting major league all the time, watching. I mean, well, baseball is my most watch sport hands down, except maybe the NBA this season because Pat Bev is a Laker and I can't think of. I've talked about that at all. No, but did you see the thing that came I guess today with like, what do you think it's going to be like playing with LeBron and AD and he goes, they're playing with me. Yeah. I to play. Pat Bev is, listen, you can have your Michael Jordan's and you can have your co-be's and
Starting point is 00:03:09 you can have your Charles Barclays. You can have your Carl Malone's. I'm a Pat Bev guy. All that he is my favorite legitimately my favorite NBA player. The next five years are mine. The funniest fucking thing anyone's ever said. Crying when winning a play in game. The funniest fucking thing anyone's ever done. Dude, that was watching Shack and Charles in the moment laughing at that was so great. It is Pat Bev is, as a hater myself, Pat Bev is legitimately my favorite athlete
Starting point is 00:03:41 in all of sports right now. It's him, it's Zach Granky. Who's Zach Granky? Zach Granky is a pitcher for the, I think the Royals now. He is a classic baseball weirdo. I really recommend if you haven't watched these compilations of Zach Granky being weird. Okay. I really recommend it. Pitched at Petco Park against the Padres when he was with, I think Arizona. And as they were raking the mound to get him, you know, better traction and like the third or the fourth inning, instead of stepping off or waiting until they got finished raking it, he just sat on
Starting point is 00:04:14 the ground and kind of played in the dirt. When the Dodgers, I think the Dodgers were in the playoffs. And Zach Ranky was pitching there. They gave a speech. I think it was Dave Roberts or somebody gave a speech about like this fucking team. We're going all the way. It's rousing you to be and everyone. Yeah. Get him. Get him. Is anyone have anything to say? And Zach Ranky said, yeah, when you guys are done using the bathroom, wash your hands. Zach Ranky once was in a competition when he was a Milwaukee brewer to see who could throw the slowest pitch. And he won with the EFIS pitch that would 51 miles an hour and was a strike. Is that cranky one time?
Starting point is 00:04:57 Two more is that cranky things. One time told this catcher to come to the mound. Everyone was like, oh, maybe they want to talk about the signs or whatever. He proposed a fancy football trade. See, that's what I feel like goes on. Zach Rankie, one time when it was the no fans COVID season, uh, started, was getting confused about the signs. So he just started yelling at his catcher
Starting point is 00:05:25 from the mound going, second sign after two. So let him know. So that way they can be on the same page about what he's going to be throwing next. Zachary, number two, that's my number two favorite athlete because Pat Bev is legitimately my favorite athlete in sports because he's nuts and he's a hater. Yeah. And he said Chris Paul can't defend and he's a cone. What do you do with cones and training? Keep you go around him. And that was it. It was perfect. He, uh, I actually went through
Starting point is 00:06:03 a bit of a pat that phase and I bought like 10 of his rookie cards. I don't know why they're never going to be worth shit. But yeah, no, I appreciate pat that as well. Uh, or similar reasons. Have a friend, uh, Scorpio Sky who's a wrestler for AEW. He's a huge Lakers fan. Uh, he won this, uh, it's called the TNT championship.
Starting point is 00:06:22 He got it. He named it Jeannie. He has it Lakers colors like after GD bus. championship. He got it. He named it Jeannie. He has it. Lakers colors like after GD bus. Yes. Wow. Okay. So like he's a huge Lakers fan.
Starting point is 00:06:30 That's his. He's from LA big Lakers fan or whatever. The Pat Benchreed happens. I just I know what's up, man. And he just went, I don't know like what's going to happen. It is, it's like what a fucking move after call after playing against the Lakers and calling Russell Westbrook trash during a game. During a game.
Starting point is 00:06:50 They went, that's our guy. And he plays with Russell Westbrook on the Lakers now. The hard thing for Pat Bev though is like, who doesn't he have beef with in the NBA? But that's the best thing about Pat Bev. And he team he's going to. There's going to be three dudes that are like this motherfucker. It's I think we talked about Dremon before where it's like if he's you if he's on your team, you love that guy, but you know, the holy if he's not on your team,
Starting point is 00:07:14 hold fucking league hate some Pat Bev is like that, but on his own team. All right, Patrick Beverly is my favorite fucking professional athlete. All right, there aren't enough weirdos in sports. I agree, man. I, you know, we talked about that sometimes on the other podcast. Yep. I totally agree. When I was a kid, sports was awesome, largely because of just how colorful all the characters and weird and just fucking just off the wall, people were.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Now it feels like, definitely, it's like, oh, Baker Mayfield has a mustache. What does this mean for the team? And it's like this sucks. Fuck off. It's a reason ESPN is fucking sinking. It's like the shitty, it's just like, God, that sucks. Or this player is a bona fide scumbag in a unfunny way.
Starting point is 00:08:11 He's just, he assaults women. Yeah. The four game suspension and then, you know, it's fine. Come on back. What the fuck? Jesus. Yeah. Gotta have more weirdos unless assault guys.
Starting point is 00:08:24 I think sports. More weirdos less assaults Yeah, I think yeah, that's that's just how I feel about it. That's just how it call me crazy. Yeah So what happens if I pick the Lakers is my team this year You'll be disappointed Well, I think it depends on what you're looking for if I look at for entertainment value I think I'm gonna have a great time. I mean, watching the last season was great. Watching LeBron sit by himself on the bench. Everybody isolated away from Westbrook.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Like, it was fun off like, sideline shenanigans going on all season. I can't imagine that they don't like, a pat that's gonna be getting fights with people in timeouts. He's gonna be getting his fights with people on his own team. And the crowd, it's gonna be great. Yeah, it's, I'm very excited.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Do you think LeBron will play long enough to play with Bronny, his son? So they are setting that up. Yeah. LeBron is 36. I think is he not 37? He might be 37 now. He and LeBron James are the same age. I'm a lot older than LeBron.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Yeah, that seems to be the consensus is that they're setting it up. I think I was reading something the other day that said like LeBron's pretty guaranteed to get traded in 2023. And so they're trying to figure out a way to like a soft landing for him at Cleveland potentially so that then Bronny could play. I would think that that's the spot, right? It's one year, but I also hear, like I've heard a lot of sports commentators say like the reality is the Bronny's probably not gonna cut it in the NBA.
Starting point is 00:09:56 He may not be NBA worthy, I don't know. I really don't know much about his career. I know he's like 6'30, I know he's pretty little compared to his dad. But so there's a lot of question about whether he'll get to the NBA or not. But I also think like LeBron moves such mountains and is so important to the sport of basketball and to sport in general that if like,
Starting point is 00:10:18 if LeBron wants to play one year on any team in the NBA with his son, it'll happen. So I, yeah, I imagine I think in like three years, two or three years? Yeah, I think that's what it would be. Do you think we could ever raise enough money to buy the Sacramento Kings? Is it like they're doing anything?
Starting point is 00:10:34 I don't think it'd be hard. I don't think it could be that hard, right? Yeah. I mean, I think on face, we're pretty close to trying to buy a top line sponsorship on a local hockey team. Yeah, I don't think this would be that much more of a stretch. No, I think we could do the Sacramento Kings. I think we could do it.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I mean, like, if Eric the actor would go to Sacramento Kings games to do like meet and greet and stuff, then I feel like we could, we're really close. We're pretty close to, I think we could take over the Sacramento Kings. What a dismal 15 years that franchise has had. Yeah. And not a lot of great before it. No, to be honest, I can't I couldn't name you a lot of, uh, wow, look at them. The Sacramento
Starting point is 00:11:11 Kings moments. Uh, yeah, but it's like that. Like the A's. That's the state of sports, though. Like everyone's just trying to move to Vegas. You're from California. I am. What's up with Sacramento? Do you like it? No. What's it? I like it. I don't know. I drove through a once for a while. Sacramento as a place is like inland empire, but with politicians like it's the capital. Right. So like, so there is stuff happening, but it is, it's not nice. It's not a nice place. Sacramento is like not a nice place. And the surrounding areas are not nice places. Sacramento sucks. Do you think Gavin Newsom lives in Sacramento?
Starting point is 00:11:51 Or do you think he, he zooms in from LA? I mean, who lives in Austin that's like, oh, the mayor's house. Yeah. You know what I, like, oh, this is the governor's mansion. It's like they fire bomb the governor's mansion. Nobody noticed because he didn't live there, yeah. And it's like, yeah, it doesn't, they're. It's like they fire bomb the governor's mansion. Nobody noticed because he didn't live there.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Yeah. And it's like, yeah, it doesn't, they're not Austin. You know what I mean? What's the second one is fucking no. They fire bomb the governor's mansion a couple years ago in Texas. That's wild. Yeah. Just wild. Fucking.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Moltov cocktail. Yeah, go nuts. Burned it halfway down. Yeah. You know, it's not like anyone's living there. No, it's true. They think about it. Yeah, no, the second one sucks.
Starting point is 00:12:24 It's the part of California that you don't go to unless you're driving to Oregon. Is it north of San Francisco? Yeah. And then you just kind of keep going. And it's that thing where you just go like, oh, this sucks. Why does this, the whole top part of California,
Starting point is 00:12:38 like, you know how it kind of like goes up and then like, there's like a little crook and then sort of like goes up from there. I'll take your word for it. It sort of has like that shape. You know, if you were to like draw like the outline of the United States and on the West Coast, it kind of like, it goes outward and then goes straight up. That goes straight up part that you could cut California off there, making a different
Starting point is 00:12:56 state or give it to Oregon. Like cut in half of the elbow. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, because it's like, it's just like forest and also like you grow weed there, you know, because it's like the climate's fine for it. It's, I don't think people realize how big California is. I think people know how big it is, but don't realize until you're in it, how big it is because you'll get fucking people who are like, oh, I'm going to, you're in LA.
Starting point is 00:13:22 And then they're going, I'm going to be in LA. Can you get me from like the airport or what? And you're like, I'm so fucking far away from the airport. Like no, no. It's so far and the traffic's so bad. And that's most of California. A lot of it's empty in farmland and then big, big cities. Have you ever been to West Covina?
Starting point is 00:13:44 Yeah. What's up with West Covina? Yeah. What's up with West Covina? I know it because of Crazy X Girlfriend, which was a show I watched on TV a lot. It's a place in West Covina. I mean, it's whatever. It's just like, it's one of those, like it's just like a dump city that's whatever.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Yeah, a lot of bubble tea there, apparently. It's that. It's like, there are a lot of cities in like the greater Los Angeles area. So here's the thing. Here's the way I qualify Los Angeles. There's two Los Angeles. There's Los Angeles, which is fine.
Starting point is 00:14:12 And you have like your cities and you kind of make your space. And that's what you enjoy or whatever. And then there's LA and LA fucking sucks. LA is like what? Wow, I'm in LA. It's the fucking Miley Cyrus party in the USA fucking song. It's like that shit where it's expensive and it's just like a thin veneer over just like
Starting point is 00:14:33 a fucking terrible place. That's LA. Los Angeles is like, I'm in recita. Oh, okay, cool. Like nothing here is that nice, but I'm not too far from anything that's like, you know, everything's kinda cool. That's Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:14:47 You find you, you peek a Rivera and all like your other stuff and you go, oh, there's like a community here. LA has no community. Los Angeles has community. It's very different, it's very different. And then you get to Ellen Empire and everyone does mixed martial arts and steal their dad's dirt bikes.
Starting point is 00:15:02 There's a lot of tap out here. It's a lot of tap out here. It's a lot of tap out gear like now. A lot of like river side is like if sounds so apropos. It sounds like a riff from a Queen's of the Stone Age song and it all just feels like a monster energy drink. That's the Inland Empire. And now a word from our sponsor, BetterHelp. If you've ever heard me on any podcast or production that I've been involved with in
Starting point is 00:15:50 the last few years, you've probably heard me mention a lot of difficulties and issues of how to my life, problems that I didn't have solutions for, and you've also probably heard me talk about how helpful therapy has been, not only from dealing with issues from my past, but also just problem solving in general, having a person who's completely and totally nonbiased, who can sit and listen to you, communicate your issues to them and can look at them and say, maybe I've thought about this, I've thought about that, and providing kind of new and fresh insights to problems that you're so in the weeds about,
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Starting point is 00:18:12 What would you do if you had the freedom to be anyone or to go anywhere without limitations? Start your journey and experience for yourself the feeling of total freedom when you game with Alienware. Alienware is your portal to new worlds where limits don't exist and the only rules are the ones you decide to make. Defy boundaries and start gaming now at Next-gen gaming is built with Intel Core i9 processors. Can I say something?
Starting point is 00:18:38 Yeah, I do not get Queens of Stone Age. Really? I do not like that band and I don't understand the appeal. My brother is a big music guy. He was on the John Lennon Experience Tour Bus for like four or five years, where like it was like the John Lennon Foundation with like Yoko, like that Yoko and all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Older younger. My brother's a year and a half younger than I am. Okay. So there's all three like his 20s. He would all kind of go around and this tour bus and go to like schools and kids would come on. They teach me how to play music and all this stuff. So big music guy.
Starting point is 00:19:10 He texted me yesterday and he's like, have you ever listened to Queens of the Stone Age? Holy shit, man. Like these drums are out of control. And I just said, well, here's the interesting thing about the drums and Queens of the Stone Age. And I'll tell you, too, Jeff, since 2013, Joe Theodore, who's the former drummer from Mars Volta has taken over because Joey Castillo stepped down. You could definitely hear the mark difference in sound with something like like clockwork, where's the hour, Joe, he came on and you're like, wow, these are the percussion is a lot
Starting point is 00:19:40 more driven and like nuanced where Joey Castillo is like if you, remember unfrozen caveman lawyer, imagine if you did that, but it was in like Gardena, California, and like you taught him how to play drums, only how to play drums. And then like he only learned how to be a, like a human person from watching, like mixed martial arts. learned how to be a like a human person from watching like mixed martial arts. Like he's Joey Castillo is just a big dude who bangs drums fucking hard and I love that sound.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Okay. And that is Queens of the Stone Age. I think their first like three albums are fucking heavy bangers. That's your jam. Yeah. Because that's music to like, that's guys who like do math. So I'll put them in a category. There are three bands and they don't sound anything alike.
Starting point is 00:20:28 I'm not comparing them sonically. Just there are three bands that everybody loves that I just have never resenated. They just have not resenated with me and I've never got. Yeah. Queens of Stone Age is in that group. They're number three actually. Number one is Radiohead.
Starting point is 00:20:41 On with you. I don't fucking get it. I'm so sick of hearing about Tom York's range. And then I hear a radio hit song and it's just like someone got going, eh, they fucking suck. That's a very Derek thing to say. Yes, I don't like radio head at all. I've tried, I think creep is a great song.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Yeah, then boy, they have a lot of other ones. Dude, I was living in New Jersey when, when I was my last year in the army, okay, computer kill. And that was like the world stopped for them. I remember like dudes taking vacation. I was telling this to somebody the army, okay, computer, and that was like the world stopped for them. I remember like, dudes taking vacation. I was telling this somebody the day, dudes taking vacation to get it from the army, to get in line to buy tickets at Madison Square Garden for their fucking show and just thinking
Starting point is 00:21:38 like, I don't get it. What is this? It's not for me. Number two, and I feel like as a band, I should like, I probably should like Queens of the Stone Age. I just don I don't, I just don't know. I just don't. I never got the flaming lips. Everybody loves the flaming lips.
Starting point is 00:21:51 I've never got it. I think that they have cool, like, little singles and some songs here and there, but they're another band that my brother, this is why he texted me and was like, you listen to Queens of the Stone, he's just fucking awesome because he's a huge, like, flaming lips fan. And a huge radio head fan. Like, you know, like, you listen to the Queen of the Stone, you're just fucking awesome because he's a huge, like flaming lips fan.
Starting point is 00:22:05 And a huge radio head fan. Like, you know, like he likes, he doesn't hate your brother. He likes music. You know what I mean? He looks like Colorado and he hikes with his dog. And like that's like, you know, that kind of a thing. And we just don't like sink up a lot,
Starting point is 00:22:20 sonically on like a lot of stuff. You know, he's very like shoe gazing. He likes a lot of like, you know, like that kind of stuff and it's just not my speed Flaming lips are I've seen them live once and they were like oh, this is fun It's as much as I'd give it. It's just not they're just not for me. Yeah I think if you ever listen to kias. Yeah, kias is another one of those bands that like every everybody who knows Yeah, loves kias and cannot say enough bands that like everybody who knows loves Kias and cannot say enough good things about Kias, little boring to me, but I haven't listened to
Starting point is 00:22:50 a lot of Kias, but I haven't, I've not been able to find an entry point to them. Kias is just Queens of the Stone Age with a different, like they got rid of that singer. It's just like that's Queens of the Stone Age is like an extension of Kias. They're the same members and stuff. Probably why I never, never got the gold. What was the other fucking, a lot of that sort of second, what we would call, does a guy that I used to work with at Razor who was like into this stuff, a big music guy, but in like this vein of like knowing like this local stuff and everything, we called kind of
Starting point is 00:23:23 like second gear rock where it would be like, yo, this is fucking killer, but it never shifts. You just sorta like, you start in first gear, and then you get a second gear, and that's just where the music like lives. Kinda like sleep. Yeah, big time.
Starting point is 00:23:41 All like that dope smoker stuff and everything. Like you're gonna get one song that's gonna be an hour and 17 minutes long. That's absolutely which by the second gear the entire fucking right. Which by the way I fucking love oh we when I worked at razor we got we were able to get skins and csgo for like different guns and things and stuff and they're like we got to like name these you know that it's not just like razor robaros whatever like the name of our other shit. So I put on dope smoker, then I just turned it up loud, and I started putting my hands out,
Starting point is 00:24:09 and I went, if you can say something sick, and it sounds cool to this music, that's the name of the thing, like, Wizards lament, or asps revenge, like, you have to say something that sounds cool to a kid who's like listening to this kind of music. Yeah. Second gear rock has a special place in my heart that sounds cool to a kid who's like listening to this kind of music. A second gear rock has a special place in my heart where I think it's a desert dirt
Starting point is 00:24:32 kid thing where like we talked about that we're like dirt people. Yeah. That's what I grew up in is just like we grew up in different dirt, but we're both dirt people. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, to me, the reason that it resonates like this kind
Starting point is 00:24:45 of like, again, second gear rock really resonates to me is because that's what like high desert method guys were listening to. And so you'd hear it all the time around. And so it just sort of like growing up, you'd hear fucking King of the road and like all that shit. And that's the speed of music that I just go like, I don't, I would never qualify it as like, this is my favorite music. But I still put it on and I go, fuck yeah. It's like the soundtrack of where you grew up.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Yeah, big time. Yeah, do you have a show like that? No, because I understand where you're coming from. I wouldn't say, I would say the closest thing to that would be like Pantera. Like everybody where I were a group, like it was pervasive, it was all Pantera. And, but I was, it was a lot of,
Starting point is 00:25:36 it was a lot of Garth Brooks. A lot of country music in Alabama and Florida where I grew up and Louisiana too. And then... But you don't put that on night. You don't put on Colin Batten Rouge and just go to fucking town. No, I think what happened is I so,
Starting point is 00:25:53 I guess I so identified against everything around me going up, you know? That like, I grew up with this like, like visceral hatred for every one around me and everything that they liked. So I think that's where punk rock was kind of a respite for me because it was so different from it was either guns and roses. It was either racist redneck pieces shit dudes who just wanted to get in fights
Starting point is 00:26:26 with anybody and hit him with a wrench. Listen until like Guns and Roses and Pantera or it was just racist piece of shit redneck to listen into country music in a pickup truck running around looking to hit people with doors. Yeah. And then Snoop Dogg, a lot of Snoop Dogg, which I like. But so it was like, I just kind of identified
Starting point is 00:26:49 with everything against what they, so I actually missed, like I'll go back and listen to Pantera now, I'm like, oh, I can get what people liked Pantera. At the time, I hated it because I identified it with everybody I hated, you know? And so the soundtrack to where I grew up, it was just misery, it was sucked, yeah. That's tough.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Yeah. It was okay, I just got, I mean, I felt like an outsider every day of my life there, and plenty of people helped me do that. And so, punk rock became like a sanctuary to me. And so I think I have such a deep affinity for it because it was such an escape.
Starting point is 00:27:18 So I actually, I probably worked out for the, I probably have a deeper appreciation for music than I would have. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, I guess, sort of talked about this on another episode, but like, going to Emotions and stuff. Like, that was the thing, right? Like coming down, you would just, Emotions, like, how many nights a week just go seeing, like, whatever man. Six, probably six nights a week, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Yeah. Were there any, because I think we talked about it briefly before where you're just, like, yeah, it's a Blink-22 and they were Blink, like, would it was, like, early, early shit? Like, what, is there anything, like, yeah, it's a Blink-22 and they were blank. Like, when it was like early, early shit. Like, what is there anything like concerts that really stick out to you or one that you remember other than Kat Scratch? Kat Scratch. I mean, it's one of those things where it's like, it would be easier to tell you bands I
Starting point is 00:27:59 didn't see, you know? Fucking crazy. Because there were so many, like, there was a time especially when when punk was like It was you know right around the time the green day broke and so and Nirvana was cool And so everybody was into grunge and then pretty quickly rolled into punk And so it was it was a big business at the time and it was the it was the era of major indie labels Yeah doing well like epitaph and victory records And so there were just so many bands on tour all the time and living in and near Austin, it was so easy to go see shows.
Starting point is 00:28:32 And so I was just like, I saw everybody from 1994 to probably 2005. Jesus Christ. Probably around when I grew out of it. Man. It's fucking crazy. It was awesome. Awesome time. What have you been listening to recently?
Starting point is 00:28:45 Well, Tiger Rock. Well, yeah, yeah, all about Tiger Rock. I'm really into, I really, really, really, really, like this dude named Polo G, which is very popular at my kids high school. Very cool. He's like a, he's just a hip hop, a rapper, I guess. Like kind of like a gangster rapper, I guess it would be
Starting point is 00:29:04 like the old moniker. Like he gangster rapper, I guess it would be like the old moniker. Like a lot of songs about shooting people in do drugs, you know. There's a lady I really like called Tierra Wack. Or when they've ever heard her. She's like a female hip hop artist. Dude, I have been in love with for about four years now. No, but maybe like three years,
Starting point is 00:29:25 I cannot stop listening to Lana Del Rey. You and my wife, man. Right on. So into Lana Del Rey. How does Emily feel about that? I think she's sick of it. Yeah, I think she likes Lana Del Rey, okay. But I recognize this about myself.
Starting point is 00:29:39 I ruin stuff. I ruin stuff for other people. Do you just get, just tell us like in the fucking dirt, like you just play it till it's in the ground. Yeah. And I, if I like A song, I can listen to that song 15 times in a row. And it'll, other people around me want to shoot themselves,
Starting point is 00:29:55 you know? Like a, what's the comedian's name who just did a bunch of drugs and his honors rehab tour and I took him away to see him. Um, John Lennie. John Lennie. Yes. He has that great stand up bit. I don't know if you've ever heard it where he talks about how he and his buddy at a minor
Starting point is 00:30:12 in Chicago played a what's new pussy cat. Yeah, what's new pussy cat like 27 times in a row and everybody lost their mind. Yeah. I would have been the one dude going like fucking play it. Yeah, let's go. I love this song. One more time. That happened.
Starting point is 00:30:24 This isn't that, but it reminded me of this. Yeah, let's go. I love the song. One more time. That happened. This isn't that, but it reminded me of this. I went to a, said that AWP, Pay Per View, and Vegas. And when John Moxley comes out, he's like the champion, he's like the fucking guy.
Starting point is 00:30:36 This big brawl. And he comes out to Wild Thing by X. That's his theme song. So it's from, yeah, fucking love X. From Major League, fucking great. I think it's a great theme song. He comes's from, yeah, fucking love X. From Major League, fucking great. I think it's a great theme song. He comes out and they start fighting in the crowd. So they never make it to the ring,
Starting point is 00:30:51 but the music keeps playing and we're like, oh, fuck, cool, whatever. It keeps playing keeps playing. And then it plays out and it ends. And there's a beat and then it starts again. And I don't think I've ever been in an audience that like went like fucking harder. So I think of like songs playing over and over,
Starting point is 00:31:09 I think of that now and it's just like something that can be so unexpected like that where it's just the same song again is hilarious. I think it's great. I think that's fucking cool. Oh, here's Amit Tha Wulmau. There's a band that I got into recently in the last like two years
Starting point is 00:31:26 that I have not been able to stop listening to that I don't think got enough credit because I had never heard of them. They're called Moss icon. Okay. If you're ever gonna chance to listen to Moss icon, it's this like, drudgy, drony, kind of like post punk.
Starting point is 00:31:41 It's weird. It's like, I have a song that's like a, like everything feel, I like music that feels satanic, but isn't necessarily, but it's just like dark themed, and a little like, makes you feel a little weird, like you feel like you're bad for listening to it, you know? And that's cool, a bit.
Starting point is 00:31:56 I have a lot of religious issues from my childhood. So it makes you feel like you're gonna get in trouble with God. They have a song called Light Burnham. Okay. That is just like a nine minute burner, that's like a sermon, like a dark sermon, and it's just fucking bonkers.
Starting point is 00:32:12 It's just as moss icon, complete discography. Second song is I'm back sleeping or fucking, or and I don't know what the rest of it is, but man, that's awesome. Oh, that's a good song. This is like, I'm listening to this on the way home, fuck yeah. There's some hits and misses in there, but there's a song called, oh fuck, let me look.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Dude, this is a PSA for the audience. This rules. Here are the songs. I'm back sleeping or fucking, or I think it's or something. Should I keep you that? I can't believe you're using. Divinity, cove, lock it. Those are good songs, but then lie burn them, dude.
Starting point is 00:32:44 That's the one. Lock it's really good. All right. All listen to this, yeah. Listen to this on the way home, it's fucking sick. Yeah, that's awesome. Cool, cool, cool. Fuck yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Okay, cool. My coffee was a tin. Yeah, I was gonna say, so the reason that we did this is we wanted to go to Hank's and do a re-review of a coffee. I don't remember what we gave this in episode two. I think it was two, where we got rained out. But we got cold brews. That was good.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Got stickers. We got stickers on our coffee. The classic non-gust move. It's good. Stoked. That was good coffee, man. I was fucking, I drank it immediately. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:23 I slammed that down. Usually it's my problem with cold brews or ice coffee sometimes is that they taste like grounds. You can kind of taste how it's been steeped. This had a flavor to it that wasn't like, it was, you know, what you're supposed to taste when you have ice coffee. Beautiful. I've been doing Japanese ice coffee. That's been fantastic. It's the brewing method, it's just so hot. How does it differ? Let us go into it. Yeah, yeah. So a regular ice coffee is just,
Starting point is 00:33:50 you brew coffee and then you put it on ice. Yeah. Japanese ice coffee is brewing it, so the temperature is sort of like leveled and you do 30 grams of coffee and then you boil, about, I pour in about 200 grams of water and then I have about 250 grams of coffee and then you boil about, I pour in about 200 grams of water and then I have about 250 grams of ice. So in my, like pour over,
Starting point is 00:34:12 I have the coffee in the top and then like the little catcher with like the paper and everything, but in the bottom where it pours in too, I have 250 grams of ice and I pour 200 grams of hot water over top. So when it goes down into the ice coffee, it immediately stops the bruise.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Are you not getting any like the acidity? And it's just a different flavor profile to a lot of the coffee. I've been drinking a nice burrindi from Barrett's coffee that I've been really enjoying. And then on the Japanese ice coffee, it's been very sweet. A lot of fruit forward notes.
Starting point is 00:34:40 It's very fantastic. Have you ever tried so that coffee? Is that the cat one? Yeah, yeah, like the... Yeah, no. I would, I've just never had the opportunity. We should do it. Gus and I, Gus bought it online years ago,
Starting point is 00:34:53 and we brewed it, and it was phenomenal. I bet it's really good. Yeah, we should, as for someone who's such a coffee lover, maybe we'll have an episode where we just like... We don't go somewhere, we just make it. We get cat poop coffee or whatever. Yeah, we get cat poop coffee. I would do that. It's so fucking okay. I'll talk to you guys. I'm sure he would be into it. I bet he'd be like, yeah, I did it once. Let's
Starting point is 00:35:09 do it again. And he's probably got a guy because he got it first time right. Because we got a cat poop coffee guy. You got a cat poop coffee guy. That makes sense. Uh, I'm going to go see I we're wrapping up. I'm going to go see Iron Maiden next week. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. This will be like my fourth and fifth time seeing. It awesome. Yeah. Yeah. The possible. Mo Principal beauty or whatever I found out that fucking night before last circle jerks played in Austin I completely didn't know I just saw that I just fucking saw that I saw a reddit. Yeah, it's like oh that would have been That had been fucking cool. I even brief She didn't get into it
Starting point is 00:35:41 I even briefly became very friendly with the Meetry Coats who's the bassist for Off, which is the other band. And he kept trying to commit, like he kept telling me like I would love Keith Morrison. I should do an interview with Keith Morris and do some sort of a thing with Keith Morris. And I've been, I've wanted to for years.
Starting point is 00:36:01 And I would, I would love to, I wish I had known. I would have tried to set that up because the dude's a fucking hero. I saw him in this building once. Really? Before an off show. And I froze, I couldn't talk. Yeah, classic weirdo.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Yeah. Real classic weirdo. Just though, you know what's interesting about him too. Super into aliens. Oh, super into aliens. Hey man, I think you could just see him on the street and know that. I didn't know that, but I think intrinsically I knew that.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Yeah. Yeah, looks like it. Doesn't he host one of the radio stations in GTA? I think that's fucking great because it's just him talk. He, it's just like his fucking voice. It's just slurry enough and you're like this rules. And the dude is responsible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:42 One thing I really like of a Keith Morris. The phenomenal singer, right? Yeah. I don't know him personally, so he can't speak to that. Right. But so influential and so important into the kind of music that I grew up with, punk rock, from being the, I think the iconic black black singer. It was one of four. I think he was by far the best. To making the circle jerks, to even now today creating new I think the iconic black flag singer, it was one of four, I think he was by far the best,
Starting point is 00:37:05 to making the circle jerks to even now today, creating new music in off that's just, I think off fucking rules. I think awesome, awesome. Awesome. And making music today that is just as good, if not better than he was making 30 years ago when he was helping invent a genre.
Starting point is 00:37:22 And I just like, I hope I can have, say I had that kind of career. When it's all said and done, where I was making stuff just as good at the end as when I started. I think off is fucking sick. Very few people can do that. Yeah. I think off is great.
Starting point is 00:37:35 They don't get enough recognition for what they're doing because they're putting out some really killer shit. Yeah. Anthony Kietas keeps wearing an off hat from Red Hot Chili Peppers. He's just like pushing it. Dude, fucking, I hope I'm not butchering this story and I hope I'm not getting it wrong. And I hope it's okay to tell.
Starting point is 00:37:54 But I don't know why I wouldn't be, but I was at, I was having a, like a meet and greet with Demetri at his house in LA because we were looking at maybe doing some merch stuff with him, this a few years. It didn't end up happening, but it was still an honor just to get to hang out and talk to them and the dude's like really into architecture and we had some great talks about like Neutra and like mid-century modern architecture.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Really interesting, really smart, layered dude. Right. But he was telling me he's kind of blown away by the success of off as well. And he was telling me that he, I hope I'm not fucking this up. But he went to Dave Grohl's house for a party. He got invited to Dave Grohl's house. And when he walked in, I want to say the first two off albums were framed in his interview.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Oh, that's awesome. And he's like, are you fucking kidding me? And Dave Grohl's like, no, no, no, this, like, you have no idea how much I love Off. And so much I love what you guys are doing. Offer rules. Fucking crazy. They're great.
Starting point is 00:38:47 It's good shit. If you haven't listened off, and this is the thing that you're trying to take away from something, then definitely go, go listen off. Yeah. Like, it's just the right kind of energy and the right kind of sound. Like, that's the kind of shit.
Starting point is 00:38:59 That's my speed. That's my speed in music. Great. The coffee's a 10. Good episode. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's not canon, right? Well, it can't be canon, right? Because dickheads, oh, by the way, good morning, Gus, if it's even morning where you are, who knows? Fucking secret Gus won't let us know where he is. But, okay, well, if you want to follow us more at Animal Podcast,
Starting point is 00:39:19 follow us on Instagram and on Twitter. Let us know what you think. Let us know your name guesses. Don't tweet at me specifically. I don't know why you would. I don't know the fucking name. Like I don't know what you're doing. Hey Eric, here's what I think it is. Like I have people messaging me going like, hey is the name this?
Starting point is 00:39:36 And I just have to reply, I don't know. Like what are you doing? What are you fucking thinking? Yeah. Get real. What is this? Tweet at the just animal podcast. It's fine. But that's the name What is this? Tweet it, just animal podcast, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:39:45 But that's the name forever of mystery until we get it right. What does the name stand for though? Another, it's weird one because the pee is silent. But it's another meaningless audio podcast. Oh, okay, that's good. Yeah. I think that's great. Guys, if you have more guesses, send them at animal podcast.
Starting point is 00:40:01 But thank you for listening. Any final words, any food for thought, Jeff? No, I just, I just, thanks for spending this non-canonical time with me this morning, and I hope the audience, I know it's not what you tune into here, but Gus has deemed that you do not get to hear that this week. This is what you have to listen to, so we did our best.
Starting point is 00:40:21 You're welcome, goodbye. Describe this show to a newcomer So we did our best. You're welcome, goodbye. and Ruestriteats' cryptic podcast, f*** face. Call to action. Feel free to add something show premise specific, but short. Listen to show name on Apple Spotify or wherever you get podcasts. It's f*** face, a podcast. Subscribe or no. You do yes? you

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