ANMA - In the Carcass of Our Memories

Episode Date: March 25, 2024

Good morning, Gus! We're at Sign Bar which has no burgers or coffee so we stopped by 7/11 first. Very weird one. Sign Bar is on the faaaaaaaaaar east side and is filled with signs from closed down Aus...tin spots so this is a real walk down memory lane. Gus and Geoff talk about Seeing Google for the first time, Reminiscing & remembering, Gus takes Geoff flying, Cycles of living in a city, Trash foods, Burger Master, Red vs Blue colors, Billionaire buyers? Thanks for sticking with us. We'll have more news soon, hopefully. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:42 Okay, this is episode 79 of ANMA. Nice. Nope. A little bit of a different one from how we've been doing it, but last time we were at Mozart's, we talked about the future of ANMA, we talked about Lake Vale. I'm still mad about that breakfast taco. I mean, I understand. We talked about a vegan shopping center, we talked about Jeff's special parking lot.
Starting point is 00:01:02 We talked about a lot. And the best Halo two mission to meet. And that was all last time, though. This is this time. He wants to say something. My special parking lot. Are you did you raise your hand? Now I was going to point something.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Oh, I was thinking about my special parking lot. Uh, yeah, I think it was the one that was right across the street because it made you want to move to Austin or something. Oh, sure. Good morning, guys. Really for me. It's it's four o'clock yeah We're gonna play hello again Gus oh Dallas nightclub wasn't that the place where my first wife was going the night that she threw up on you that was she was a
Starting point is 00:01:38 Common interest where they go into Dallas after that I think so okay Yeah, so common interest is still there on Burnett Dallas Dallas was also on Burnett, but a little further south. Yeah, it's like where tumble 22 is now. Yes. Like kind of right next to that. I think the building it was in is probably gone because I think they're building condos there now. But yeah, that's where Dallas was. We're at sign bar, which is like a collection of a bunch of old signs from businesses all over Austin. of which are closed some of which Are still around Dallas nightclub obviously gone. I never went to Dallas nightclub. Did you ever go there?
Starting point is 00:02:10 I've never been we used to have a friend that was a bartender there Did we that guy we used to work with when he wasn't working with us at telenovela? I don't remember that he was a old sis admin. Okay. Uh, yeah. Yeah, is it the same guy who look like George Lucas? Yeah, and he also bartended at Houston's which became Bartlett's Uh-huh. He bartended at Dallas and Houston. I think so not the city Houston. No, I understand Yeah, it's just that's weird right? He's the guy who should be Google for the first time What let that sink in you you remember that yeah, it was like I was like a big Yahoo person before that And he was like yeah, let me show you this website. It's just search. It's nothing else. It's so fast. It's so great
Starting point is 00:02:53 I still remember going to Google for the first time it was at the call center and that guy showed me Google for the first time What a fucking weird thing to remember What a fucking weird thing to remember Yeah, it's a it's weird looking around I feel like we put her it's we're looking around at all these these old signs It's I have a lot of memories of a lot of these places and somebody's place I'm like I don't I never went there or I don't remember that at all It's crazy because dude this would be the perfect place to end this show Perfect place to have a last episode of this show or the purpose to have a first episode of a different show We're gonna bring an anima sign I
Starting point is 00:03:37 Being in this place almost makes me want to leave Austin because I'm just like never have I had Austin because I'm just like never have I had the totality of my time in a place summed up for me in one location and it's all as almost all gone as kitsch and decoration as kitchen decoration but like last three Maria's I never ate there but I know where I know the sign Zach's we ate there a bunch district bar and Bar and Grill have been there Dan McCluskey's and went to Austin Java we hated or at least I hated vino. I went to Oat Willys I never went to Zocalo cafe el chilito and a toy Depot baby greens genie car wash Like I recognize fucking spider houses right there. I tallied I ate there once it was very expensive
Starting point is 00:04:21 McDonald's Millie dude kitty acres was Acres? Uh-huh. Was this little place, if you went up north on 183, it was out west somewhere before you would get to Cedar Park. It was a place called Kitty Acres, and it was this, it was built in the 50s. You probably never heard of it or went there. I've never, never heard of it. And it was, I think it was built in the 50s, and it was just the smallest little like toddler
Starting point is 00:04:42 amusement park. It was tiny and they would have like they had like a Ferris wheel that went like five feet high and just like just really tiny little things and Millie went to a birthday party there when she was four and rode her first horse there and that horse's name was Copper. I remember because I took a video of it and I found the video the other day of Millie riding the horse for the first time and I was like in the horses name is copper. That's so cute Yeah, and I hadn't thought that was the place kitty acres in a billion years has been gone for a while now fuck
Starting point is 00:05:10 I never heard a do right barbecue It's Texas pit barbecue done right done right north by Northwest that place sucked Yeah, that was up kind of by my park kind of by that mighty fine weed at the other day a couple episodes ago Crestree pharmacy is where we we did the episode at the Violet crown coffee shop all right. Yep. That was it. That's where it used to be there. Oh really yeah Fuck dude, there's Gordos Gibson Gibson's gone a
Starting point is 00:05:36 Bar across from where on the mark from where alums I wouldn't know I assume so I think that building's gone Abel's on the lake and never eat their Buffalo Billiards I fucking hate we walked in past a Spartan pizza sign and that was an old like Food truck pizza place that was down by our old studio off of Rapalbo NATO down south. It was good pizza Yeah, we walked by expose a gentleman's club sign. I think that's called Red Rose now Fuck is getting it wrong on purpose And then they have the little nooks that we walked by. The things that I find really interesting here
Starting point is 00:06:07 are like seeing all the old signs, it's very cool. It's cool in a, what you're talking about, the totality of like your time here or whatever, but they have like these like little nooks where when this bar really gets hoppin', those are like very sought after. Yeah, I didn't wanna record in there because it's just the three of us.
Starting point is 00:06:21 I felt like we would be monopolizing it, but they're decorated as different places like this one that set up like the old poodle dog lounge which still around is called the aristocrat now it was so cute to look in there though yeah I felt like going kind of going back to the poodle dog I did so speaking of like things that have changed and you know your the your your memories of Austin you know hung up on the wall or his decoration or his kits um Jeff and I took Jeff flying this morning finally we did we had our first flight we we flew on the way back into the airport we flew right over the
Starting point is 00:06:55 Irwin Center or I should say right over the remainder of the Irwin Center oh yeah so like from Jeff's side he could look straight down and see like to the inside where they were just totally ripping it up and There was nothing left in there anymore. Yeah, if you're not familiar with the Irwin Center I don't know why you would be if you're not from Austin It was where like the UT basketball team played and it's where like I took my kid to see panic at the disco It was just like this really ugly round event space. It looks like a flan. I think we I think we mentioned that before Yeah, that's what looks like Eric. That's crazy
Starting point is 00:07:25 That's crazy from like the roof is gone. It's just yeah pipes Yeah, so anyway you really glossed over that first part where you guys went flying. Yeah, yeah How was it what happened it was good also the the moody center says moody center on the roof what's really yeah Honestly that's so lame It's like the Moody Center Moody Center So lame like with neon flashing notices Yeah, so it's it you know I tried to take Jeff up once before but you know there was a problem with the radio in The plane so we we ended up not flying so
Starting point is 00:08:02 Finally we're able to sync up and do that again this morning and ironically or not ironically oddly enough coincidentally one of the radios wasn't working again this morning but luckily the backup radio was working fine so we were able to fly anyway but yeah we went up just like circle downtown a couple times and flew out over Lake Travis I let Jeff at the controls for a bit I didn't like it it was funny cuz he was like turning it to the turning the plane to the right He's like, yeah, here we go a little right turn. Yeah, there it is. We're still banking left We're going up a little bit go for it. I'm like, it's okay. He's like, yeah solid right turn No, we're still left. I don't know. Were you gripping the wheel as hard as you fucking could it is like I was like white knuckling
Starting point is 00:08:45 Yeah, I had me I didn't like that part for sure when I first I think that's everyone's inclination right like you're so nervous And scared at first like you you death grip it my One of the the guy I did my discovery flight with like the first time I ever went up in a plane He told me like your goal is you want to be what he calls fancy flying just like your pinkies out Just like your your your middle finger your point, you know pointer finger index finger and your thumb holding it Just like real light pressure. Yeah Ultimately you get to a point where you're comfortable enough where that's what you do. But initially yeah, you definitely the entire time
Starting point is 00:09:21 It's the first time you're driving a car. You're like, I don't know how I've seen it. I don't, I don't know how to do this. Yeah. Like, I don't know how to, you just grab this thing and you go maybe like this, I guess. And when I did it, we lost 500 feet. So it's like fucking scary. We were, there was a lot of traffic.
Starting point is 00:09:38 I was a beautiful day. So there was a lot of people flying out there. So air traffic control was keeping us, you know, at a specific altitude. So when Jeff took over, we were definitely losing altitude. So I was like, so I just reached up and I was like, I'm just going to pull back a little bit. We're going to get back up to the altitude he wants us at
Starting point is 00:09:51 and just give it a little, a little pull back to get us back up there. How was it, how was it flying around, seeing Austin like that? It was so cool. I've, I've done a helicopter tour of Austin before. So it was kind of similar to that. But it was so much neater because first off,
Starting point is 00:10:04 Gus is an awesome guide because he's explaining everything he's, I mean you've flown with him before so you know, but he explains everything he's doing and why he's doing it so because it's very overwhelming even just like the radio and all the chatter and it's they're just throwing nomenclature and numbers and letters at you and he's trying to cut through the fog and explain what it all means and and so that made it demystified it quite a bit and then it was just so cool like you're literally you don't think about it but you're literally on the same runway as like American Airlines flights and like we
Starting point is 00:10:37 saw an Ember air flight and we saw Southwest flight and you just like taxiing with fucking jets and then make room for me. Yeah, and then you're like And then you're up in the air just chugging along and then Gus was just awesome He ended the landing was fucking perfect and we got to go over Lake Austin and Lake Travis We saw we saw day Mozart's again. We saw We saw so much of Austin from the sky. You saw you're able to see your house It's on my house Saw a
Starting point is 00:11:10 Mueller from the air was really cool downtown obviously I saw from from the air from different angles when I've ever seen it before Really really I was telling Gus up there man it really Really makes you appreciate how beautiful Austin is especially today like the weather so nice It's like that time of year where there's a couple of weeks a nice weather now a couple of weeks a nice weather in The fall so it really is like wow this is so great I mean it's like oh it's for about to be summer for seven or eight months for those of us who are trying to convince Themselves they want to leave Austin flights like today didn't help But being in this the fucking carcass of all my memories
Starting point is 00:11:42 Actually like for instance Chuma calls that sign right there. I'm not a hundred percent sure but I think it was the building kind of tropical is now oh really yeah it's either there was across the street but uh that's on the seventh on the right right when you pass the bridge yeah it's so yeah it's fucking wild dude so we we did did some, so we came here to sign bar, and they, obviously it's a bar, they open up at four o'clock, we got here just a little bit early, a little bit before they opened, they were kind of sizing us up,
Starting point is 00:12:13 but luckily nobody has bothered us, we're able to sit down and start recording. Nobody wants to talk to dudes in microphones, they look annoying. Dude, Red Fez, do you remember, you used to try to pick up chicks there. I used to go to Red Fez a lot. Back in the day, that was like a little bit of a thing.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Is that what one of the little huts is styled after is there no no no it's just the sign Just a sign wait hold on. I mean if they have a no Yeah, it's kind of is mm-hmm so I went to Red Fez and then the place next door We had the blue sign Michael no it has like Bulldog next door we had the blue sign like cool no it's like Bulldog bikes but it was there's the place next door which I read friends that does look like red fest now I think about I'm thinking of that other place I had more of a blue yeah I remember I can see the place inside you always wanted to go there by yourself that was yeah I couldn't look couldn't have you there couldn't have
Starting point is 00:12:58 you watching the fucking atrocity of me trying to talk yeah it's just crazy to see all of this in one place So we so anyway like I'm saying we showed up here a little early and it's kind of a weird time Like it's not really a mealtime not really a coffee time And you know, you know, Jeff and I really don't drink we're not above 35,000 feet. So Not gonna partake in that right now. So Even if we were above 35,000 feet I can't yeah Every altitude yeah No, we got to try a couple more
Starting point is 00:13:34 So I suggested something a little wacky a little off the wall for today's episode and we stopped at 7-eleven on the way in coffee Because I it's funny because I see It's like a very popular trend I see like YouTube channels where people just like go to convenience stores like 7-eleven overseas like in Asia and they show like all the the cool stuff they have like make your own ramen or you know all the different drinks you can get and the unusual foods and whatnot and I've always wanted to do the same
Starting point is 00:14:01 thing but like for American convenience stores like some that are Really shitty. I don't have anything but something like the 7-eleven we went to right now, which was right by the studio It was actually really nice. It was my first time in there brand new That is a new new new new new 7-eleven walk to the back where the coffee was and I was Honestly, I was a little shocked by the selection and the machines and all the different things you could get there speaking of coming. They have a I guess an April Fool's Day promotion whether you get like a donut You don't know what it's filled with. I think it's a fucking funny idea. This all sounds like a commercial for 7-eleven It's not I assure you good
Starting point is 00:14:38 Well, you'll be able to tell I'm sure when we talk about the coffee that it is most definitely not a commercial for that place I'm glad you all went along with that. Just a slightly different take on this. Jeff is fascinated by something off in the distance. I don't know what though. What are you looking at, Jeff? I'm just looking at all the different signs. It's fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:14:56 There's Buffalo Billiards there. We did many events there at that Buffalo Billiards. A lot of side quest stuff there. Dart Bowl, Thunderbird, Coffee. I guess they're gone. Oh, they're gone gone aren't they? Yeah, I guess so there are a couple of those for a while then miss Johnson's There they are still there, but they're under new ownership and that's not that's the old sign. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:15:15 I don't think mrs. Johnson sold the business back in the late 90s to that other dude And then he sold it again. I think back in 2020 or 20 and I don't know that they're open I guess still I don't think so I drove by a couple times recently and it didn't look I think and we went there once after they reopened it was not yeah I think they reopened briefly and then they closed again yeah I think it's the the guy who owns Tyson's tacos which is right across the street from there oh I think he also acquired it and Tyson's does so well he's probably not in any hurry to open that he just figured if I can handle tacos I can
Starting point is 00:15:44 handle donuts different worlds yeah different worlds, Tyson. I, uh, I used to live over there and we would go and eat there and I got like some of the worst food poisoning of my life from that place. At Tyson's Tacos? Yeah. I don't like it, but we have a friend that loves it. I don't get why you would love it. TBG always wanted to eat there.
Starting point is 00:16:01 What? Weird! Yeah. It's like, it's so like fun. That's funny, I went there to eat with him once. It's the only time I've ever eaten there is with TBG. It's Weird. Yeah. It's like, it's so like- That's funny, I went there to eat with him once. How weird. It's the only time I've ever eaten there, it's with TBG. It's so like, the place is like okay. It is just like the world's okayest spot.
Starting point is 00:16:11 I feel the same way about Paco's Tacos. Oh, I still- Oh, right there? The whole time I've lived here, never been. Just super like- It's fine. Okay, it's fine. When I first started working at Rooster Teeth, I'm like, oh, what's Paco's Tacos?
Starting point is 00:16:23 Like I asked people around there, and it was, it seemed like it was on the tail end of people going all the time, because everyone was like, over it. And I was like, oh, interesting, okay. So I've never been, and I'll never go. It's fine, it's solid, just nothing amazing. Lots of other places, lots of other places with great tacos are immortalized here,
Starting point is 00:16:44 that are no longer open. But not Mozart's, fuck that place. Really puts into perspective how temporary this all is, doesn't it? Yeah, it's all constantly changing. That sign, there's a sign over there, you can kind of barely see it. It says Michelin's Cafe and Cantina.
Starting point is 00:17:02 It's kind of high, like right under the roof right there. That place was right across from the convention center oh that's where that's the real-world house no that's what was in that Vince Young steakhouse no I think it's Michelada was it yeah they that I think Bernie knew the owner of that place because during RTX it would put a sign out on the on that business that said Bernie eats here yeah yeah that's true what they would put a big sign out during RTX it says Bernie eats here what I mean I'm
Starting point is 00:17:34 about business I mean honestly fucking genius yeah that's so smart which is ironic is like any place that sells cheese could hang that Any place that sells cheese could hang that song. All right, that's it for this episode. Yeah, fucking get him. Slime, slime, slime, slime, slime. Oh, dude. Oh, it's okay. He knows I love him. It's also 100% true.
Starting point is 00:17:54 That's so funny. Oh, I just got a text from my wife. There's a dead possum in the yard. Oh, no! Hang on. Now here's the thing. Is it? I'm gonna get there later. It's not gonna be there is there a weapon Switch blades to switch blades on the ground next to it. It's bloody. It's like the The bad music video all over the beat it music video all over again
Starting point is 00:18:22 the I read an interesting bit of trivia the other day that the, you know, one of the gang members in the Beat It music video, the Michael Jackson Beat It music video, played the same comparable role in the Weird Al Eat It version of the video. Yeah, I guess like Michael Jackson was really a big fan and so he like connected the choreographer, because it was also the choreographer. Whoa, crazy. Connected with Weird Al to be, to play the same part in the Weird Al Eat It music video. Huh.
Starting point is 00:18:51 So there you go. It's weird. It is weird. You don't like Austin Java? I think we've covered this a bunch in ANMA. We don't remember why. Don't remember why. I just fucking hate it.
Starting point is 00:19:01 I was hoping it was gonna jog your memory that time. No. I was hoping it was just gonna happen. I remember the day I don't like it. I just don it was gonna jog your memory that time. No, I was hoping it was I don't like it. I just don't know what happened that way out of all the signs you see here What's the business you miss most? Oh, that's such a good question. Oh, there's a lot of them It's gonna take take Jeff a second despite the fact he's been looking at the signs. Yeah Well while he looks do you have one? I don't know if I have one that jumps out right away I would say based on what I can see here my first knee-jerk reaction would probably be to say The old mrs. Johnson's bakery over there
Starting point is 00:19:32 Before changing ownership and closing right that's my knee-jerk reaction that I'm gonna say I miss the most Just still thinking I out of all the places here. I probably ate at El Chalito the most Bowen say I like miss it you know um I Don't know maybe dart bowl. Okay. I'm sad that it's not around anymore. They're pretty good food I think I think El Chalito is also still around yeah, they have a bunch of locations Yeah, so I'm sure I think they still have one over on the main on Mayer Yeah, yeah, first of all the the black salsa right yeah, yeah, the dude. I was never a big fan of that So I'm sure I think they still have one over on the main on Maynard. Yeah The black salsa right yeah, yeah the dude I was never a big fan of that the dude who owns El Chilito owns El Chile and El Alma and I like a little
Starting point is 00:20:15 a bunch of those places so like he The one was down. He's got like four restaurants. That's the place right across from It's on Barking Springs Road over there right like right across from What's that place called the event center? Yeah, yeah He had a Restaurant for a walk out del gringo. There's real good burger restaurant right there. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it was uh Over there. I know what you're talking about. It was bike where it's where el chile was for a while
Starting point is 00:20:42 Yeah, yeah right by where Vivo used to be. Yeah. Kind of across from there. Across the street. Yeah. It's something else now, but that place was great. I think Dart Bowl is the thing that makes me saddest. It just makes me think of,
Starting point is 00:20:57 like, there are going to be no bowling alleys anymore. They just tear them down. It's gonna have to be like hybrid things. Like I know when we used to go to Seattle all the time with saddle area we would go to Bellevue and then like in Bellevue there was that place that was like A bowling alley slash arcade slash bar like it's just not a dedicated big bowling alley It's the place that has a couple of lanes and all these other things like they got to really get a bunch of every voice to get their revenue because
Starting point is 00:21:20 Dedicating that space to bowling alley is tough like that Denver company that they have one in the domain What's it called? It's like bowling punch balls Yeah, I change my answer. I forgot about spider house I probably spent more time at spider house than all these places combined spider house Wow, it's like a close second. I was debating whether to go with mrs. Johnson's or spider house and then I ended up saying Mrs. Johnson's when it when it was at its prime It's gone through a lot of changes
Starting point is 00:21:45 since I've moved here. But there was a period of time when they closed at like 3 in the morning and opened up at 6 in the morning. Jeez. And they were only closed for three hours a day. And so you could get there and have coffee. And I had a newborn.
Starting point is 00:21:56 So when Millie was young, I was up early. I would go to Spider House at like 7 AM all the time and be the only people there. Yeah, of course. And it was great because I could be there outside with the kid and it didn't bother anybody. And I could be out in public again. So I spent a ton of time there.
Starting point is 00:22:10 And our friend Batdog, Burn Dog, was a bartender there. And remembers bartending you. Said you were, I always thought you were polite. Oh, okay, good. Oh, thank God. I hope he doesn't remember anything. He remembers he was drunk, belligerent. That might be inside, I can't see it from here very well.
Starting point is 00:22:27 That might be the old Club DeVille sign in there. So it is. So they have a bunch of signs. I love Club DeVille. They have a bunch of signs inside the bar also. All over, and it's really. There might be a different Dallas sign inside as well over there.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Yes, it is. Well, I think it's the same sign, but sideways. It's oriented differently. Yeah, I just meant it's not this one. There are, it's a very, so this is a big spot. Yeah, we drove in and like around the back and there was a whole bunch of stuff back there. That's just, I just parked back there because... Like a mechanic shop to get here?
Starting point is 00:22:56 Yeah, like when I, when I, when I come here, going through the front is always a hassle. There's just always people and there's food trucks in the front and there's, it's just too much. I park in the back and I cruise right in and then pick a spot in the back and I'm good But when it's hopping here that bar inside is so fucking small like it looks it looks sizable from here It looks long But there's no space between like the bar the people sitting and then like the wall behind it It's just it's a tight squeeze. And so that gets going.
Starting point is 00:23:27 But then in this back corner, see where it says Tuesday bar and everything, they open that and they'll sell beer out of the back areas. And it's a great summertime spot if you're not gonna spend more than a couple hours out here cause you'll fucking fry. There's no shade. And there's a, but there's a maze there is a maze
Starting point is 00:23:46 I've gone through that maze with Chris Damaris and Jordan swears That sounds like a very Chris Damaris thing to do we filmed it for a Face jam and we put it up on the rooster teeth site pasta Pete Yeah, pot me and me and pasta Pete and Jordan went through the maze is it was fun They decorate it for like Christmas and then for like Halloween mmm Mm-hmm Christmas the most magical time of year. Absolutely Christa Maris, yeah Yeah, I Saw that guy earlier today. What a what a what an interesting person. Yeah
Starting point is 00:24:17 I yeah, so, you know, Jeff and I saw each other earlier. It's funny because I Feel like I've been through cycles of living in Austin where I felt like when I first got here when I first moved to Austin obviously I didn't know anybody never ran into anybody I knew then you know worked at the call center met tons of people and I felt like there was a period where I constantly was out and running into people I knew all over town and then as the city grew and as I got older like I would go out less so again I'm like I've retracted back into a phase of as I got older, like I would go out less. So again, I'm like, I've retracted back
Starting point is 00:24:45 into a phase of my life where I feel like I don't really ever see people that I know when I go out. But in the intermediate time between seeing Jeff this morning and seeing him again now, I did run into someone I knew for the first time in- What, really? A long time, I ran into Gavin, Gavin and Meg earlier today. I was getting, oddly enough, I was getting coffee,
Starting point is 00:25:04 afternoon coffee before this one. And I ran into them at a coffee shop Just really really bizarre. I would I would love to run into Gavin at some point. Yeah Wouldn't that be great? I'd love to fucking see that guy. Uh, yeah, and then you hung out had like a nice long conversation I was in a hurry. I had to go record a Different podcast. Oh, you're very brusque with them. I was you just sort of like I'm not a very Social person to begin with it's very difficult for me to to interact I'm right there with you, but can you imagine how cool it would be to like if Gavin were we spent time with him in person? I would like that. I'm jealous. I did for a whole like 25 seconds. Yeah, I'd pay for I'd pay us
Starting point is 00:25:41 He says hi, you know He's just always chasing that bag man. You know he's working 24-7 So it's tough when you get to just do whatever you want all the time. That'd be working on that new face I'm still his boss technically really another 50 something days. I'm gonna write him up Yeah, put him on put him on probation double secret academic probation make sure he does his mandatory DEI training in the Warner Brothers Oh, yeah, that's right. Yes, yes, yes. This is good.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Especially if you want to hear about the mandatory training. So since the last time we did this episode, or we did this show, or whatever, we announced today, you know, we're going to try to continue this thing and see what it does, and blah blah blah. No new updates. No news. None. So, just letting you know that we aren't being cagey about it. We don't have any new information. No news.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Just from last week to this week? Like, what's a day? Next to nothing has happened. Nope. I mean, we're doing everything we can yep, but You know you're dealing with a lot of external forces and so companies the size of the companies we're dealing with tend to move at a glacial pace and We have to move as a response. Yeah to them so they have no need to move quickly They don't they're not in a hurry, and it does not matter to them, and that's fine. We're
Starting point is 00:27:03 They're not in a hurry and it does not matter to them. And that's fine. We're making so much lemonade right now that if ANMA doesn't work out, we might start a lemonade store. Might start selling it. You ever play Lemonade Tycoon? Love that game. I did play Lemonade Tycoon. It is a good game and I'd like to try it IRL. I don't think we're gonna have a choice. I'm allergic to lemons though. Are you really?
Starting point is 00:27:24 No. I love that you thought it a choice. I'm allergic to lemons though. Are you really? No. I love that you thought it was possible. I would so believe that. But we don't have any new news or anything, but I mean we're still doing the show. Come hell or high water. There'll be an episode next week. I'm still not fixing the number of the archive. No, no, no, no. So the archive is like one off, just so you know.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Okay. Gus just went like, it's this episode? And I went no. And he and he went I'll change it that's fine yeah I think I just will have disclaimer on it like yeah these numbers are probably but don't forget to sign our guestbook and let's see a robot which many of you are but that's fine and what a shocking way to find out you're a robot that's tough we should start a support group yeah you know get on our subreddit and talk to the other robots and you guys can ones and zeros each other to death you'll figure it out pretty quick yeah yeah, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:28:05 But outside of that stuff, we picked Sign Bar because this is a place we wanted to come to for a long time and then we picked 7-Eleven because they don't have coffee or food. They have food, the food doesn't open until five and then at that point it's just like, well, we're not gonna, this is ridiculous. It's not a dinner show.
Starting point is 00:28:22 No, let's talk about the coffee a little bit and we can kind of wind around in everything. So we went in and in the back wall, they've got like what it looks like, Jeff used it, the cold brew machine, and then like two different coffee, hot coffee machines. So I guess you get ice coffees from there too, but two different coffee machines
Starting point is 00:28:39 that'll grind the beans and make you a drink that you want. Yep. Like the one I went up to, like there's a touch screen, you get like a cappuccino America I got an Americano like I always do a bunch of different stuff you get syrups in it I think they had hazelnut and pumpkin spice or some shit mm-hmm So I got a large Americanos kind of thing where it's like that bar We went to on South Congress that I hated where the dude just like push some oh, yeah The exact same thing and it makes the the coffee oddly enough. This was better than that coffee
Starting point is 00:29:03 Yeah, I mean, but yeah, that's not saying what this is still around Yeah, I think so. Yeah, this is shockingly. I mean, it's just by nature of where it's like This is maybe the it looks like an Americano, but this might be the most watery weakest Yeah, it gave me the option on the touchscreen when I made it to add an extra shot I said no cuz I didn't it was already gonna be fine, and I wish I had done that Yeah, maybe it would have been a normal Americano at that point Jeff's cold brew machine looked like
Starting point is 00:29:35 You're pouring a beer. Yeah, it has like a big instead of putting you there and like pressing a button I have like all these other things. It has a big fucking tap Yeah I wouldn't trust people at 7-eleven to pull that with like the right someone's gonna just snap it big, instead of putting it there and like pressing a button, like all these other things, it has a big fucking tap. I wouldn't trust people at 7-Eleven to pull that with like the right, someone's gonna just snap it. Well, Jeff didn't do it right either. Did you see that giant mess he made? He was trying to hide it.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Did you see the huge mess he made on the counter behind us? He kept saying- That had nothing to do with the tap. I turned around to get a lid for my drink and he kept saying, don't look over here. Don't look over here, don't look over here, please. Please don't look over here. And I was like, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:30:03 Some dummy stuff over here? There was just coffee everywhere. The instruction said add a bunch of ice to your cup, and then pour your coffee. Yeah. Geoff did it the other way. Did that work out for you? No, it didn't, clearly.
Starting point is 00:30:18 He's not looking at us, he's so embarrassed he's looking away. I cleaned up the mess. There's no, if there's not cameras in that 7-Eleven, there's no record of the mess. There's no if there's not cameras in that 7-eleven. There's no record of that mess He did clean it up. He did a great job a lot of time get up But they had did they just have like two different tasks for like the same coffee or was it different coffee? Do you know one was cold brew and one was nitro cold? oh and so I just went with the plain-ass cold brew to be consistent and
Starting point is 00:30:43 Well, I'll tell you what, I got a small cherry slushy, 10 out of 10. Cool. And I got that small cherry slushy because I had a feeling this coffee was gonna be about a four out of 10, and it is. It's a four out of 10. Yeah, my four is the exact number.
Starting point is 00:30:56 So I'm holding onto the memory of the cherry slushy while I drink the, it's very cold, because of the ice, four out of 10. Yeah. What did you get? I just got a large black caught like So the machines that Gus is talking about there were two of them and one of them was for like Americano Cappuccino macchiato like all that stuff and then there was a machine that I was pressing and Gus went
Starting point is 00:31:16 I think you're in a sub menu and I went I don't think I am and it wasn't you tap on it And it goes what cup size and I went large and they said what kind of beans do you want? You tap on it and it goes, what cup size? And I went large and they said, what kind of beans do you want? 7-Eleven beans, medium beans or dark beans? And I went medium beans and they said, great. You want room for cream? Yeah, great.
Starting point is 00:31:34 And then it just started fucking pouring coffee. But there are four other things just to the right of us where that I could have just poured my own coffee. It was the exact same thing. Right. Why was it? It's like the legacy thing. I guess that's like for people who don't want to interact with the touchscreen. I guess so. Yeah, and don't get me wrong if I was like on a road trip driving and it was like two in the morning and I wanted some coffee. This is exactly what I would be looking for. Yeah. If I was like in the middle of nowhere like when those 300 miles of drive in front of me like this is fine. This is yeah. This is what this is road trip coffee in my mind
Starting point is 00:32:08 I think those craft things like really empty fast to Like and then people have to go and brew and they have to fill this thing up and now this there's here's a machine where They don't have to do that or whatever. Yeah, but then I'll see you got little donuts Yeah, I've never said no to a powdered donut in my life. Yeah. And if I walk into a place, I'm not saying that's like my biggest weakness
Starting point is 00:32:29 or anything because I don't think about them. But if I walk into a place that has them, it's like I'm drawn to them magnetically. And I walked in and I could feel the pull and I thought I'll just go, and there they were. And they were phenomenal donuts. You like, you housed them too, man. We sat down here at the bar and I thought I'll just get in there they were and and they were phenomenal donels Yeah, you like you housed them too, man We sat down here at the bar and you just went like you didn't even offer one. I know they were his
Starting point is 00:32:53 I think two years ago. I did a like a Convention in Atlanta with Jeremy from a chief honor, huh? After he'd quit we we met up and we did the convention together signed autographs and shit and there was a green room there And in the green room They put out all the snacks every day and they would put out like ten things of those donels And I would just grab them all and just sit at the table and eat them in front of the other what? In the green room as if like I fucking serious dare you to try to take these from me. I couldn't stop myself It's all I ate. Oh, I was in Atlanta. I never left the hotel I just had room service and those donuts for four days sounds I can't say no to them. Did you shit weird? Oh?
Starting point is 00:33:31 Shitting weird is like the that's even my autobiography. Okay. Did it make you shit normal? No If I'm shitting weird normal and I eat nothing but white powder donuts, it's make normal shit It's like normal shit? It's like I could live the rest of my life and never think about them or miss them. Uh-huh. But as long as I don't go in a 7-eleven. Or a convenience store or the bread aisle at a grocery store. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Where they might be. I got two of the taquitos. How are they? Which ones did you get? Oh, the the jalapeno cream cheese all day. My mouth is watering thinking about them. I just ate two. I fucking love those things.
Starting point is 00:34:09 In college, I lived by a 7-Eleven and a Del Taco. That was it. It was just me and my roommate going over to the Del Taco and then going over to the 7-Eleven and it would be like a half pound bean and cheese burrito and then go to the 7-Eleven, see what taquitos were ready and get three taquitos for two bucks or whatever oh oh they're so I there's a trash I'll never escape from I love it I love it they're perfect I don't remember what project it was but there was a period
Starting point is 00:34:38 where we had to work it was probably for a commercial for Halo or something we had to like work at one of the bungee studios once for a Protracted period of time and I was staying at a at a hotel near there near where the studio was at the time and there was a We were working so late that sometimes like the only thing that was open when I was done working was like there was this gas Station by the hotel and I lived off of the bomb burrito for like two or three weeks of my life it's just like that frozen burrito that you put in the microwave in the gas station for like four minutes and then it comes out like Parts of it scorchingly hot and parts of it ice is cold still. I feel like what was it burger place
Starting point is 00:35:17 We still eat at Burger Master. Yeah, I love that place. Burger Master? You've never been there. It's out in Kirkland just east of Seattle No, it's so good. We eat there all the time That place burger master you've ever been there. It's out in Kirkland just east of Seattle. No All the time it sounds like you made that up for a shitty video game It sounds like something from the last of us that you have to explore and get into a fight inside of it And looking at the place it would you would get that idea. It looks like a video game level It's built like a Sonic or like car, huh? Huh, and you like pull your car up and you order and they bring you the food and you can either eat in your car or take it with you to go. That place is really good. Burger Master's fucking good.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Do you remember the time we were eating in Kirkland? I think it was in Kirkland and it was, I think it was me, you, Bernie and Matt. It was the, it was actually the weekend of the crazy weather where the power went out in the hotel and Matt lost his glasses to the wind. Yeah. Oh yeah, we talked about that. That same night we were eating at a restaurant. I was gonna see if you remember the restaurant. It was a sit-down restaurant. Where the power went out in the hotel and Matt lost his glasses to the wind That same night we were eating at a restaurant I was gonna see if you remember the restaurant was a sit-down restaurant almost like a It's like a sizzler or something But I think it was a little nicer than that and that fucking giant tree fell down in a parking lot and fell over like
Starting point is 00:36:17 Ten cars and they were just dead. Oh my god. What was the name of the keg? The keg. That's right. Thank you God, that was killing that was either Kirkland or Bellevue. I think that was in Kirkland. Yeah. Wow. We just heard this crash and looked out the window, and one of those big ass, like, fur trees just went fucking right over half the cars in the parking lot. I think the keg was right by that convenience store I used to get the bomb from. That's crazy. I'm gonna call my wife out in this right now. Oh
Starting point is 00:36:46 All she's been eating she goes in like food kicks where she's like I like this thing. I'm gonna eat that thing whatever Fucking microwave burritos right now. She just did a taste test of like three different ones, and then she went this one's so good I don't remember. Can you tell can you can she tell me? I'm a big my last I'm a big microwave burrito She just she just did a test and she's so fucking She was like telling me the results which ones that she was getting and then came home with like ten of them And she's like they're only like 80 cents each and I went yeah, that's they're not for you That's not what this is you can get these frozen bags at chimichangas at HEB that I've been fucking running through lately
Starting point is 00:37:26 I told my microwave broke. I don't I don't eat it anymore They're great if you have an air fryer you throw one of those in there. I should air fry them dude Oh, I do I have two air fryers what yeah, I've got an air fryer with two baskets I got a we've got two air fryers you guys are kind of tied Yeah, I got two different kinds of air fryers mm-hmm the good one in the nuts Well, I came into the relationship with my own in my okay alright That's fair. Yeah, yeah, yeah Um if you anything that you put in the air fryer that way so much it's so much better man
Starting point is 00:37:53 You've never had reheated pizza hut pizza. They tasted just like you fucking just got it reheated pizza near fires a game changer Tina's beef and bean green chili burrito he knows that's what she said I don't think I've even seen I don't yeah well you and bean green chili burrito. Tina's? That's what she said. I don't think I've even seen that. I don't. Well, you know. Beef and bean green chili. Green chili, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Okay. And so I don't know, maybe you've been out of the microwave burrito game too long. I gotta get back into it. I feel like Monterey is the brand that I've been eating. Yeah, that's the one that I've seen forever. Like when I had. If you get the chimichanga sack.
Starting point is 00:38:19 You know when I had to eat those, I'd go to Food for Less, the knockoff grocery store, where you would buy like cheese adjacent cheese, like it's not cheese. It's like C-H-E-Z. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's shredded and you go, it melts and it's the best I can do. And then you get these burritos and you just,
Starting point is 00:38:35 we had a deep fryer in my college, like the house that I had in college. It was, I had a weird house. And we would just deep fry the shit and it was great. My roommate would get stoned to play Call of Duty zombies. It was the best. Uh, other than the bomb, like, like he was talking about the white donuts and I'm eating these, uh, 7-Eleven taquitos. Do you have things that you can't refuse?
Starting point is 00:38:54 Do you have a thing like that? I'm sure I do. Uh, I think lots of times when I was, so it's, it's, it's not as grab and go or as easy, but like ever since I was a little kid, if I see a chicken fried steak on a menu, I have to order it. Hmm, really? Interesting.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Yeah. I do not have that. It's like, I gotta try it. I was visiting my mom a few weeks ago down at the town she lives in, and we went to this small local restaurant, and I saw one on the menu, and I was like, well, I gotta order it.
Starting point is 00:39:21 And I ordered, I was getting ready to order it, and my mom was like, you know, that's not what this place is known for. I've never had that. I don't know if that's any good. I was like, yeah, but it's on the menu. I gotta try it and I ordered I was getting ready to order my mom was like you know I that's not what this place is known for I've never had that I don't know if that's any good Yeah, but it's on the menu. I gotta try it or it was fucking great She tried a bunch like oh, that's really good one of the best chicken fried steaks. I've had you never know unless you try it It's a sound the menu try it that's why I was always so disappointed thread gills. It was always so bland Oh, I'm taking the gravy never got thread gills. I'm so sorry. There's no thread gill sign here. I'm so sorry. I know it's like
Starting point is 00:39:48 in a front to old Austin and Jack Petillo's rolling over in his grave right now. But also get out of your grave you're not dead you're fucking stupid. Anyway but that place was so mediocre. Yeah. And the place over on Maynard is way better. Place on Maynard? That's like thread gills. Hoover's. Hoover's is way better. Place on Maynor? That's like Threadgill's... Hoover's. Hoover's is way better. Yeah. Same kind of food.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Same shit. Still gonna make you want to die after you eat it. Yeah, for sure. Chicken fry... What was the last great chicken fried steak that you had? There was that one when I visited my mom with that small town. So that's your you can't say no in a menu. I can't say no.
Starting point is 00:40:22 If I see it, I gotta get it. Unless I've had it. If I've had it and I know it's no good, I'm gonna get get something else if I hear somebody say hot dog. I gotta eat a hot dog Oh, I see it on a menu. I got a restaurant. I don't necessarily have to eat it. It happened the other fucking day We went to the Spurs game. We went to a basketball game and Jeff went hot dog hot dog hot dog How do you minutes in I yeah, you get it? He was like he was like screaming hot dog I'm kind of pretzels too. Oh So Coco's Bavarian is gone the one that was by Central Machine Works
Starting point is 00:40:49 But they have a location for some reason inside the Moody Center. Okay, they're pretzel. Oh It is it's so fucking good. It's so Fucking good, dude, man. That's an Austin thing with Eric and I did recently we went to the Moody Center last Friday Yeah, we saw the Spurs play the Denver Nuggets which the Denver Nuggets play yeah But we got to see when B. We got to see dude. Yeah, we got to watch Jeremy so We got to watch Zach Colin. I got to I got the coolest. This is how fucking this photo I got a joker on the bench. I caught him looking at me This is how fucking this photo I got of Joker on the bench. I caught him looking at me
Starting point is 00:41:32 Looking straight at me. It was so neat. I just I just want to point out My seats Essentially okay, and then I'm sure I have I don't think Jeff got that photo from up there I know I know why I just if I zoomed in all the way on my iPhone then I got I got a great picture of a I was on I was I was very fortunate to get essentially court side You all didn't go together. You just both happen to be no so so Last the first time they came and played we did go together because tickets weren't the craziest they weren't insane It's not an extra, but then they drafted women yama and now everyone's going And it's during South by Southwest and so they charged so much so much for
Starting point is 00:42:10 these tickets so Tony from our merch team our design department was like they have two extra tickets so me and Nick who edits this unless Kelly edits this Kelly might edit this Kelly sorry you didn't get to go to the Spurs game but Nick came to the Spurs game with me and Tony. It was a fucking blast. We had tall beers and this popcorn that came in like a paper cup, like it was 1976. It was fucking great.
Starting point is 00:42:34 I loved it. The Moody Center says Moody Center on the roof. I've heard, I've honestly heard that. That photo you showed me of your view of that game reminds me of when I saw the first play in the Alamodome Against the Suns. Yeah About what it is. Yeah the price The ticket difference probably a little different. You probably paid a little more just a little yeah, if you can sit courtside. I recommend though
Starting point is 00:42:58 Thanks, man right on you and Jack Nicholson fucking shooting the I got lucky I bought my shit on ticket master I I looked at tickets when they announced the games and they were so much money I said I'm not going and then just on a whim Emily said once you see the tickets went down and they did Yeah, they were so never never happened, but they were really overestimating Not just the demand but the demand for Those tickets at that price at that time. Yeah, it was definitely a thing of like, oh, and we're gonna be there all weekend. And it's during South by. And so it was like, yeah, yeah, you're gonna be there all weekend.
Starting point is 00:43:30 And I'm here and it's fine. And it was I think it fucked them a little bit. But also, Jeff also recommends flying first class if you can do it. Look, I bought those tickets home. I mean, if you can, those tickets were like a thousand dollars when I looked initially when I went back and bottom they were like I think I paid like 385 bucks a ticket they weren't that expensive with fees they got and that's that's where it is the fucking out of control fees They have but it gets really three something each
Starting point is 00:43:59 I think which is a lot of money for tickets don't get me wrong but if there was a thousand dollars if your favorite thing on earth is basketball, and the greatest player in the NBA is playing the- Jack Collins. Yeah, is playing the soon to be greatest player in the NBA in your town that doesn't have basketball, it's a big deal. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:44:19 And so I spent a little- I spent 300 bucks a ticket or whatever. You watching these guys play, it's really cool watching the Denver Nuggets play cause they're like. Oil, oil, machine. I mean they are like one of the best. There was at one point there was one play that was six passes and one dribble for the craziest dunk. And it was just like, that was incredible.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Like that's watching like basketball. And then when the Spurs had the ball, it was just everyone going, please pass it to Juan Benyama. Please fucking pass it to him. And they would not do it. But then when he finally got the ball, you're just like, this is, I'm seeing something that is near inhuman.
Starting point is 00:44:52 He was getting rebounds without leaving his, like he wouldn't have to jump. He just reached and the ball would travel into his hand. It was shocking. He would go for a dunk and like, just travel into his hand. It was shocking. He would go up for a dunk and like, just a little boop. And then it would, I mean, I've never seen anything, in all my years watching sports,
Starting point is 00:45:11 I've never seen anything like it. He's so fucking tall in person too. He's so lanky, it is crazy. He's just like a- All limb. Yeah, he's just like a- Like the Slender Man or something. Yeah, like if a tree was a man,
Starting point is 00:45:24 like he's just a big tree man, he's like an int style human, or something. Yeah, like if a tree was a man like he's just a big tree man He's like an int style human and he's really it was fucking cool like look at how tall he is there in that shot next to Jamal Murray probably likes Six six next to an X player. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, it's really It's crazy even from like the nosebleeds where we were to see the difference in the height He barely had to reach up to high five you. It was, yeah. He pointed and then we just touched fingers
Starting point is 00:45:49 and it was pretty cool. He pointed and hit you in the eye. Yeah. I got wimpy. The halftime show was a dog catching a frisbee. Nice. Was it a tall dog? No, regular dogs.
Starting point is 00:45:58 Regular dogs. Yeah, and then they jumped rope. That was it. Yeah, it was pretty, it was pretty exciting. So that's the Austin thing that we did. Yeah, it was fun. Yeah. It was really, really was pretty exciting. So that's the Austin thing that we did. Yeah, it was fun. Yeah. It was really, really neat.
Starting point is 00:46:07 The Austin thing you did was watch Denver play San Antonio. Yeah, absolutely. In Austin. In Austin. During South By. Yeah. No big celebrities. No, no.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Chris Bosh. Chris Bosh was there. Oh, oh, I saw Mr. Ballin. Merballin, Mr. Ballin, I don't know how you say his fucking name. He's always on those Amazon billboards Like like if you took Drew sapling and stretched him out a little bit he looks like us yeah a stretch Drew sapling
Starting point is 00:46:36 It's a great way to put him. Yeah, yeah, I felt like this year's South by Southwest didn't impact me as much as past year Is it still going on or is it now? No, it's not. I missed all of it and that's just fine. Yeah, I think I got into traffic once on 35. I was like, what's going on? Oh, South by is this weekend. Maybe that's what's doing it. But like, I don't know what it was.
Starting point is 00:46:55 I felt like it didn't. It didn't impact me really as much as you just stay away from downtown. Maybe. Yeah. But I feel like it spreads out so much lots of times and it impacts other places. I guess that's true I know restaurant I went to was like super crowded more than normal or anything No, not at all. I couldn't get into Mozart's that time my cousin and I tried. Oh, that's right That was the only time I don't worry. We went later and had that really good taco. It really made up for it
Starting point is 00:47:18 Okay, we posted the pictures and it is people Going what the fuck is this? So mad is it? What? and it is people going, what the fuck is this taco? That's why I was so mad, I didn't understand. Why was it wet and soft and sticky to your fingers? It was so gross. Disgusting. Oh man. Just trash.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Well, we should get into an anarchy question, which you can send to us, r slash animapodcast. This is a subreddit we don't run. You can leave your questions there in the weekly thread, or you can tweet at us, at animap us on Instagram at animal podcast leave his questions there This is from Rubicon pizza delivery on the subreddit How did you guys decide who would be what color and red versus blue is Griff orange and Simmons maroon for any specific reason? Got the color right. What do you mean? That's our people think Griff is yellow
Starting point is 00:48:04 It's an old old old old dumb joke People would always get it wrong Lightish red I think I think in halo There was only so many colors to choose from right and if I remember I think Bernie just picked them and assigned them to us I definitely didn't pick yeah, I we had a if anything I suspect I've only I should ask Bernie about this this I've always suspected this there was a kid I used to manage at the call center I really liked the kid smart kid but he was obsessed with the color orange like obsessed with the color orange he wore orange pants, orange shirt,
Starting point is 00:48:39 orange socks he would bring in his personal computer he had an orange computer that I custom built, and he just was like obsessed with the color orange, and I managed him, and it used to annoy me, and I always suspected Bernie made Griff orange to annoy me because of that. Yeah, plus also if you think about it, like there weren't that many colors, right? So like, we're talking red team, right? So Sarge was the leader, he had to be red. Donut, you know, has the whole joke about the lightest red armor, he had to be the whole point of donut was Be it was to create a pink right for that so then it was like you look at what's left
Starting point is 00:49:10 What's in the red spectrum? You know I think even So I think he was like process of elimination. Yeah, we didn't have a lot It was probably 50-50. I could have been orange and you could have been maroon yeah, but the important thing was that we had a red team and a blue team and that you know and It mattered what team the people were on less so their color and I'm sure like the Simmons was maroon Cuz it's close to regs the whole like kiss ass kiss ass like sorry I'm sure it was it was surprisingly but anymore or retconned. Yeah, we didn't just works. Yeah There you go. There you go, or if we did I have zero memory of it
Starting point is 00:49:42 So I really don't think I had anything to do with it. That is the very long answer to that question. Right, but isn't that, that's so interesting that like it became, like these characters are synonymous with like these colors, like these looks or whatever, and it was just a thing where it's like, I don't know, I think Bernie picked it to annoy me. And it just became, that's the thing that you're stuck with now. For this long. And it's, there's all kinds of weird little things like that like Griff's character Dexter Griff my original name was Dex because Bernie liked to write a character named Dex and all of his shows and then Then the no no my character was just gonna be Griff
Starting point is 00:50:16 And then he was gonna create the Tex character was gonna be named Dex and then our friend Andrew was like Why don't you call it Tex because we're in Texas and he was like that's a cool idea And so Tex became Tex and then I became Dexter I think as an homage to Dex the character that he would always write into his how weird yeah Like there was a character the main character in the schedule the movie they made I think his name was Dex Yeah, yeah, or the secondary character. Huh? Yeah, and so And then like the whole state thing happened Yeah, because I guess in some form of that gave Bernie the idea from that point on but yeah So, um, and then like the whole state thing happened. Yeah. Because I guess in some form of that, I gave Bernie the idea from that point on.
Starting point is 00:50:48 But yeah, so Tex was originally Dex and I was originally just something else. How weird. Yeah. Weird how that stuff just kind of comes together. I guess. I mean, yeah. Yeah. Interesting for somebody, probably.
Starting point is 00:50:59 For people listening to this, I assume. This is a question from, ooh, Graton, Graton, we've had their name before and they they said this is how you pronounce my name. I don't remember. I'm very sorry Great time you have any great time. Thank you Hey, so what is the difference between getting laid off when you are young versus when you are middle-aged? Well, I don't know I never got laid off You did no, I know you know never got laid off when I was young. You did. Well, no. You never got laid off when you quit that job?
Starting point is 00:51:29 Yeah. I was trying to get laid off and they wouldn't fire me. They fired everyone else in the company except for me. Oh, yeah. That's right. I remember hearing about this. Yeah. So this is the first time I've been laid off.
Starting point is 00:51:40 I mean, the Severance is probably better. Yeah. I think, you know, as you get get older you may be more established in life, so You roll with it. Maybe a little more. Yeah, it's it's still the feeling of I Had a solid paycheck for 21 years and that's about to go away, and I have the zero paycheck How do I turn zero into paycheck? I went from we were all still going through that right now. Yeah Yeah, I'm that's I went from getting money to all still going through that right now. Yeah, yeah, I'm- I went from getting money to not-
Starting point is 00:52:07 Well, not- I'm going to be go- Not getting money, so- Gotta- Gotta figure out how to deal with that. Anyway, we're setting up a Patreon. Yeah, so- Please, if you wanna pay for Anima.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Hehehehe. Hehehehe. 7-Eleven, talk to us. We can update our review. I'll say whatever you want. I'll say whatever you want for money. Oh, thank heaven for 7-eleven. Is that still there? Is that still on there? Oh no, it's OG2GO. This is sponsored by the Moody Center.
Starting point is 00:52:36 For all your sporting event needs. You keep hearing that, it's the speaker that isn't quite clicking on. Is that what it is? Yeah, they're trying to play music and it's just not coming on. I thought maybe it was one of these signs. No, no, no. The Dart Bowl is like the only one. I guess Dallas one clicking on. Is that what it is? Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're trying to play music, it's just not coming on. I thought maybe it was one of these signs. No, no, no. The dart ball is like the only one. I guess Dallas one's on. But we did it.
Starting point is 00:52:50 We did the sign bar episode. I've been waiting to come here with you guys. This is good, I like that. This is so much fun. I knew this would be a spot that would be the right kind of novelty for the show. The problem is there's no coffee here and there's no food here until later
Starting point is 00:53:01 and it doesn't open until four. Yeah. So it's tough. Yeah, we would have done it this morning but we decided to squeeze a flight in that way. We had something to talk about. We could talk about that. And so we pushed that to this evening. I had to probably flew over the sign bar at some point.
Starting point is 00:53:12 We probably did. Wow. So interesting. Well, it's crazy. I put it out to Jeff up there. How hard it is to see other planes sometimes. Like we were out over Lake Travis like, yeah, there's a plane right in front of us flying straight at us about four miles in front of us oh my god you see it no I never saw it I never did either they turned that's crazy
Starting point is 00:53:31 that's really fucking crazy there was like it was like yeah there's one right on top of us a thousand feet over us and we looked at how far something four miles away was and it's super visible yeah yeah wild well if you want to follow us you can our slash animal podcast at animal podcast Twitter and Instagram When we have news we'll give it to you You don't have to parse any of the things that we're saying we keep seeing that on there's no hidden I keep seeing that on face jam stuff where somebody was like Yeah, it's hard to kind of like parse what they're getting out when they're making these jokes, and then it's just like oh
Starting point is 00:54:00 You don't have to I think we're just joking. I think you're okay I think when we have information I can't wait I can't wait to give you the information because that means I have it and I can't wait to get on Yeah, whatever's next. I updated my LinkedIn to say open to work Yeah, someone commented like oh at least Gus has a sense of humor about it like I'm getting laid off. I need a job Hey man check this out. Waka Waka You know who doesn't have a sense of humor? My mortgage company.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Yeah, my financial advisor did not find this funny. Yeah. He is really, he's the lighter side of it. Bank of America has no sense of humor at all. Guys, come on. Well, that'll do it for this episode. If you want to send us a question, you can. Do it at those places. Follow us. We'll give you the information.
Starting point is 00:54:46 We'll have more information soon. But we're still enjoying ourselves, so we'll keep this one going. I think we have two more, and then we'll be on our off season, and then who knows where it goes from there. Enjoying myself despite this cup of coffee. And if you are out there, you like this podcast,
Starting point is 00:54:59 and you are a billionaire, let us know. Hey, honestly, if you're a millionaire, I'll lower it. OK. Yeah. Yeah. If you're a millionaire, let us know. Yeah. We'd love to we'd love to do this podcast specifically for you. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. I'll fly us there. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. We'll fly. If you have that much money, we'll fly there to you all the time and just go.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Yeah. So I I hate Austin Java Java but I don't know why. We'll sit in front of you. I tell you what, if you're a billionaire or a multimillionaire who funds this podcast, we'll make up a story about why we don't like Austin Java and we will stick to that story. Oh absolutely, yeah whatever you want we'll do. We'll put you in it. Yeah, no problem. You're the reason.
Starting point is 00:55:44 You can be the thinker or the villain. Whatever you want. For money, we'll do whatever you want. It's fine. That's how we got this far. But thanks for listening. You guys have no idea how high we can jump. Yeah. There you go.
Starting point is 00:55:57 Ended on that. Well, that's a good one. Bye, guys.

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