ANMA - Ugly Dog in Bluebonnets

Episode Date: April 1, 2024

Good morning, Gus! We head way out west to Black Rock Coffee which is apparently a chain but we didn’t know. Anyway we didn’t see Graysie for real but we felt like we did, and we end up in a strip... mall that could be in literally any city. Gus and Geoff talk about Where are we, It’s that time of the year, The Troll, Riled up, Galaxy cafe, Conventions, Not being around each other, and Tech changes. Check us out on our website Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, this is episode 80 of ANMA. Last time we were at Sign Bar. Oh yeah, 7-Eleven. Oh yeah. That was fun. Good old 7-Eleven coffee. Yeah, we talked about you guys flying together. Oh yeah. Talked about cycles of living in the city, trash foods, red versus blue colors. And if you are, again, I just want to extend to this, if you are a billionaire, then you want to buy this show. Yeah, I mean so be it. We're happy to sell it. I'll be your this show. Yeah, I mean, so be it. We're happy to sell it. I'll be your podcast puppet. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:00:28 I'll be the toy. You want to say whatever you want. For enough money, we'll show up in your kitchen every morning and make you coffee and then regale you with stories. We'll just be talking when you walk in. Yeah, well, the podcast starts at 7 AM sharp. You get there whenever you feel like it. I'll stop into not actual taco deli
Starting point is 00:00:45 I'll just buy the tacos from another coffee shop and bring them so you get the real authentic experience. Yeah Eric where the fuck are we so we're at Black Rock coffee. Well now we're next to a grocery store That place is a chain, huh? I guess so That place is a chain, huh? I guess so. I've never heard of it. I think there's a couple locations around Austin. Around Austin, but not in Austin. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think there's one in Huddo and there's one in Round Rock and there's this one.
Starting point is 00:01:12 You know, kind of like a Bucky situation, which really should tell you everything that you need to know about maybe who owns or runs that place without us having to look it up. That's something to think about, I suppose. We drove west on Southwest Parkway. We just like, west on Southwest Parkway We just like gone on Southwest Park Parkway went. I don't know if I've ever been out here
Starting point is 00:01:29 I don't even know what fucking road we're on this Southwest Parkway. Is it yeah? I had to look it on the map or north of the Y Okay, okay weird so the only things that exist out here to me are the Y The county line I've never been to the one up on the hill and the one one there yeah oh and then the Rudy's where you threw up a you shot a bean out of your nose no no no that was a that was at Saltlick oh was that a driftwood yeah I'm sorry then the Rudy's where we got day drunk and then went home and threw up and then got drunk again yes but that's closer to them that's closer to Barton Creek Mall we're not past that yeah we're out past
Starting point is 00:02:03 there so the why is just like an intersection of two highways. If you live in Austin, you've probably heard of it or know of it. You probably have never been there unless you live out west. Not the WHY, but the letter Y. The letter Y. It looks like a big Y. It's two highways converging. Always under construction.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Black Rock Coffee has a lot of locations apparently. Well, a considerable amount. Very weirdly spaced in Texas. Oh, wow. Part of the southwest, some of the northwest, and then whatever's in the middle of the country. I would assume Colorado. Okay. Yeah. I think that supply chain worked out, I guess. It is... I wanted to go to a place that was outside of our regular sort of zone or scope yeah, we're outside I'm pretty sure we're outside of Austin And we're in
Starting point is 00:02:52 What how Everything was built very recently there was a There's like shooting range. I've been to a few times. I do reds reds indoor range That's kind of by the why is red still around I thought I have no idea. Yeah, it's been a long time Austin Pizza Garden used to be down there It was a pretty building, but I heard the food wasn't very good. So I never went either. Yeah Yeah, yeah, but to Eric's point everything looks very new that we drove I guess up the back entrance to get here the Black Rock coffee and there's signs the whole time you're driving in that are Like Black Rock drive through this way Black Rock Drive-Thru
Starting point is 00:03:25 No, right turn. I guess this place must get really busy There's a hotel out here, and I think we all saw it. I think at the same time. We all said why? Not why? Why question mark yeah There's got to be something out here. I mean I looked it up I just wanted to see we I just assumed with the people who just made us coffee, there has to be a high school around here somewhere. I see a bunch of houses over there. Now, so there's going to be a shitload of houses
Starting point is 00:03:50 hidden in the hills, right? But there's also like a ton of giant tech companies like in big buildings that are nondescript, that you don't know what they are. Yeah, my old job before Rooster Teeth, we had a location out here on Southwest Parkway, not this far out, it was further back to the east, closer to central Austin,
Starting point is 00:04:09 it was like where all the design stuff happened. There's a bunch of campuses for companies I've never heard of out this way. Silicon Hills, as they say. Hate that term. So I guess looking at all the houses, that's a common thing, it's like the suburbs. People don't wanna pay the high prices
Starting point is 00:04:24 of living in the city, so you just move a little bit bit out have a bit of a commute and you pay way less for a house out here versus Being like in the core of Austin 20 25 minutes. Yeah, right get to live in nature Is that what you would call this but out there? We we also got really lucky there was like no traffic on 35 despite the fact it's a Monday morning and it rained last night So that means it's gonna take us two hours to get back. Yeah. So yeah, it rained last night. This is our first standing episode of anime.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Eric's sitting. He's a... I don't give a shit. Look, those are dry. Mine's dry. I'm just having fun standing. Mine's almost dry. Eric doesn't care.
Starting point is 00:04:59 He'll sit in it. He's a proud little boy. He's a proud boy. Oh, thanks. That's how we're going out on the show. Thanks, man. He doesn't care. He'll tell he'll sit in it. He's a proud little boy. He's a proud boy You and Jordan have a lot to answer We're gonna figure this out Yeah, so I've got this this is the time of year where something happens that I fucking hate
Starting point is 00:05:22 Happens every year. It's worse this year than most years. I Can't wait to find out what it is. The Austin subreddit is overrun with pictures of ugly dogs oh yeah there you go I get it you think your dogs cute no one else thinks your dogs cute 95% of those dogs are ugly you know what else isn't funny your parody photos like you and a snake mask it's not funny yeah I'm sick of it I feel dressed up as a dog it's not funny it's way worse than it's ever been I want to read everyone snarky takes on Local politics on what what Kirk Watson's doing? What do you what do people what are the locals think about our surveyor coming back and then then deciding he doesn't want the job Those are those are the posts. I want to read it's like the Austin Sebring
Starting point is 00:06:00 It loses its fucking mind during blue bonnets and anytime. There's a thunderstorm Yeah, and then it's like 30,000 photos of lightning Yeah, if you're ever wondering what this subreddit's like it's like If you heard a helicopter flying near your home, and then you felt like you needed to take to the internet to ask a bunch of people Hey, why was there a helicopter? Yeah, and and you don't have next door Case in point I saw one one this morning that was like, hey, I live at 35 or like Mopac and Palmer. And last night, the cops came in and were
Starting point is 00:06:33 announcing to everybody to stay shelter indoors and not to leave their houses. Anybody know what's going on? So Reddit's the first place you go to find out the answer to that question. The cops just told me not to leave my house. You know what I'm going to do? I'm not going to leave the house. You know what I'm gonna do? I'm not gonna leave the house.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Yeah. I'll worry about it later. Awesome. Yeah, it's a mess. But yeah, I'm sick of it. I don't know. And I felt like it came later than it normally does this year.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Normally I felt like the Blue Bonnet photos start earlier and there may be more spread out. It was in this last week. They're just nonstop. And I get it, right? Your dog's important to you? I'm gonna go fuck about your dog. Like I said, most of the dogs are ugly. It's important to you It's not important to me. Do you have Facebook? Do you have Instagram? Put that shit there?
Starting point is 00:07:11 It's not like an announce to the entire city of Austin Look at my ugly ass dog and these stupid flowers that show up for two weeks I will say this about the bluebonnets this year Has to be this is my 29th year at Austin or something has to be probably top three years of blue bonnets this year. Has to be, this is my 29th year at Austin or something, has to be probably top three years of blue bonnets I've ever seen. They're everywhere. It is intense. Andean paintbrushes, blue bonnets, poppies, the fucking, the black eyed Susans, everywhere you look there are wildflowers. It's fucking awesome. Yeah, you were pointing them out on the way in. That. That's what made me. They're intense right over there. Remember how mad I was. Yeah. They're everywhere.
Starting point is 00:07:49 It's a state flower for Texas, the blue bonnet, but it's only around for like. Two weeks. Yeah, two or three weeks. And then that's it. That's gone. And there's a whole thing about how you can't touch them or look at them or. Yeah, you can't make eye contact with a blue bonnet. It's illegal. If you see them in your dogs with you,
Starting point is 00:08:03 you got to put your dog in them. Yeah. Your dog's allowed to touch them, but you're not. Yeah, so they're everywhere. We're in peak blue bonnet season right now. There are people walking by. We're outside of this grocery store because they were playing music from 1992 at Black Rock Coffee, which was nice.
Starting point is 00:08:18 But we're outside of this grocery store and we're next to like an Orange Fitness and there's people walking by looking at us and the way you two are standing talking into microphones and I'm sitting and watching you, it looks like you're putting on a special show for me. That could be the billionaire, it's you, Eric. You're the proxy.
Starting point is 00:08:35 This could be you. Let me take a picture of Eric sitting down and enjoying himself. Matt, I'll take a picture of you guys also. Get in there, Jeff, oh yeah, there we go. All right, that could be I'm missing the tarik Eric you look so happy I did While we're standing outside of a nondistrict by the way this shopping complex could be anywhere in America. Yeah anywhere. There's zero
Starting point is 00:09:01 Austin Present in any way whatsoever. This is just American urban sprawl. Yeah Which finds whatever it's what unfortunately most of America looks like um I did a little bit of Austin stuff this weekend Did you yeah, I didn't talk about it. I Went to Peace Park on Saturday read my bike down to Peace Park with my cousin and his husband Because they have that new art exhibit. I was gonna. I was going to ask if you saw it. Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I went and saw the troll. How is it? I saw a post on the Austin Celebrator between all the dog pictures. The troll was looking a little ratty. So there's a little troll, like at the beginning, that's real cute, and then you go into the big troll. I thought it was impressive. It's like, you know, 20 feet tall, and it seems really sturdy.
Starting point is 00:09:42 I read that it costs like $300,000 to make but it's all sourced from like local materials supposedly which is cool yeah but it's like all found wood and shit right so it's our like old construction so then their material cost should have been really cheap that's why I don't understand how it costs $300,000 but I will say this It made me fucking hate people Because obviously it's a big deal this the I don't know the artist name But he's from I think Denmark and these trolls are all over the world, and it's a permanent exhibit So we'll have it forever my cousin was saying that they they tend to last if they're taking care of Five to six to seven years, and then they start to deteriorate. You know it'll silver
Starting point is 00:10:24 And then it's just wood left out in the elements right so But so you go there And there's just like people in line to take photos with it and stuff as you'd expect and then there's some kids that are Like playing on it, and you're like I wish you weren't climbing on that, but your parents seem okay with it And there's like troll emissaries there that don't seem to care, but like five minutes in I watch this this beefy kid Run up, and he's like hanging on the troll
Starting point is 00:10:51 And he's just like swinging from her a piece of her hair her hair is all like driftwood and just like snaps it right off You know and it's like instantly broken And he's like oh, and he just like sticks the piece next to it and just fucking continues to play and I'm like I kind of hate that but maybe that's what it's for. But then grownups start climbing around it. And you're like up there for like 10, 12, my cousin was trying to take a photo just without people hanging on its face, you know?
Starting point is 00:11:15 And it's like, you're 35 lady, can you just fucking, can you stop swinging on it for five seconds and let other people enjoy it? You've been up there for 12 fucking minutes. It's not your troll. And I just made me, and I just watched so many people be so unaware or unconcerned with the fact that there were other people also trying to enjoy this thing
Starting point is 00:11:36 and just ruining it. It just bummed me out. I get that, but I mean, I think you kind of hit on a counterpoint though. Yourself, when you said it, it's like it is a public art installation It is totally there for people to enjoy so there is there is a balance like so I can see people wanting to enjoy it But then like monopolizing it that's when I think you start going too far like let other people have fun with it, too It's not your fucking private thing. It's not your private thing. That's the thing It's like I get it take a photo fuck around if you want to climb on it and be disrespectful of it and break pieces
Starting point is 00:12:02 Of it off because you're not paying attention I guess that's what it's there for but do it and move on and let the next asshole come do it you know it's just fucking annoying to watch people just decide oh this is where my picnic is now. Yeah. You ever been out to White Sands in New Mexico? No. It's really really cool I highly recommend it's really beautiful but like all over the
Starting point is 00:12:20 place there they have signs that are like please do not take any sand with you. Please leave all sand. Don't, you know, don't take any souvenirs. And every person who leaves there, you see them, they've got like a fucking bucket full of sand that they're taking home with them. It's like, what are you gonna do with that? You're just gonna throw it away. That's not gonna do anything.
Starting point is 00:12:38 I went to the Painted Desert a couple years ago on the way to, on a trip with Emily and a friend of ours, and we stopped in and just took some photos and walked around and everywhere they're like, you know, please don't pick up uh, fossilized tree fragments, please leave it you know, don't, and everywhere you look there's just assholes like oh ho ho!
Starting point is 00:12:56 fucking right in my pocket, you're like god damn man yeah so that you can, what, forget about that three weeks from now and lose it yeah, at the airport or away? And it's in a suitcase or you yeah, you throw it away because you're not it It was here for I don't know 50,000 years and now you decided to take it and now it's in the bottom of a fucking trash can somewhere
Starting point is 00:13:17 Yeah, thanks dickhead. This is the angry episode. I'm gonna fucking we're gonna roll I got all riled up watching people break that art exhibit. That's a day old I'm just like can we enjoy it can we just look at it? You know do we have to rub ourselves all over it? It's not it's not even like it's not even that friendly It's fucking you're just gonna get splinters. She's gonna get splinters. I hope they did I've got a splinter in the dick Yeah, I'm trying to fuck the troll. I Didn't realize it was such a big deal. I didn't realize it was like a international artist I thought I haven't read too much about I didn't realize it was such a big deal. I didn't realize it was like a international artist. I thought I haven't read too much about it
Starting point is 00:13:45 I didn't realize it was such a big deal either till my cousin explained to me that it was a big deal And he had like made a point to go visit the trolls in Maine and showed me like a bunch of those like a bunch of them Up there and Maine yeah Yeah, same Alright, yeah, I had no idea then I did something else. Oh little Austiny We rode our bikes over to a restaurant that I don't think I've eaten at in 15 years. And I had only eaten at once. That is an Austin local that I remembered not liking and I got, I still think it sucks.
Starting point is 00:14:17 15 years and you went there after Peace Park on your bike? Yeah. Ummm... It was Crossmo Pack. Oh, a Crossmo Pack. Oh no. I'm gonna try that. It's across Mopac. Oh, across Mopac. Oh no, I'm sorry, it's not. Okay, yeah, I say that really narrows it down
Starting point is 00:14:29 because there's really not much over there. This side of Mopac, or the other side of Mopac, 15 years. That's gonna be something like, oh man, what's been there? Like I think my mind keeps going to campus. I'll say El Arroyo. Nah, I think Westlin. Westlin, oh like that place, Zocalo Cafe,
Starting point is 00:14:48 is that even still there, Galaxy Cafe? Galaxy Cafe. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Galaxy Cafe, how fucking mediocre. I'm sorry, I'm angry this episode. Yeah, I like it, yeah. I just hadn't eaten there forever, my cousin loves it and I was like,
Starting point is 00:14:58 oh, I'll give it another shot. And it was so, I got chicken burger and it's one of those things where you pick it up and it falls into 80 pieces immediately and then And you're like damn it. We should make a burger out of chicken. That's not you Yeah, there used to be one over in the triangle that I ate at a few times. Yeah, it was always just fine Just whatever counterfeit. Yeah, never go out of my way for it We're I didn't realize that that one was still open over there the one of the triangle closed forever ago became a faux place
Starting point is 00:15:20 I think the only one I ever ate at was actually down off Slaughter. I don't know if there was even one down there. There was one down there we ate at one time. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Down by like where the, it's like there was like a Tex-Mex place. Was that at Motties? Motties was down there, yeah. Is that around the corner?
Starting point is 00:15:34 Yeah, yeah. I know what you're talking about. Yeah, we used to go to all those places down south and I feel like we never really hit them up anymore. Yeah. It's just such a far trek. That whole area is so different and so built out. I gotta say Peace Park is fucking lovely though and I feel like it's often overlooked because of Auditorium Shores and Zilker Park but
Starting point is 00:15:53 man if you want to have a picnic there's it's pretty goddamn picturesque there and beautiful and tucked away and it's really lovely. I've been meaning to go the past couple of weekends. I've just been kind of tied up with other things. I haven't made it to Point DeGuy. It's been a long time since I've been to Peace Park so it's been like on my list. Maybe it's like in my head because go the past couple weekends. I just been kind of tied up with other things I would made it a point to go. It's been a long time. They've been a peace park So it's been like on my side. Maybe it's like in my head because of the troll stuff I'm glad I didn't go this weekend if like that was opened and it was crazy because of that. It was very crazy Yeah, maybe I'll wait a few more weeks Before the evil Sun shows up. It's a little chilly this morning. It is a little like 78 later
Starting point is 00:16:21 So it's like I'll just wear a short sleeve shirt. I'll be fine. It's cold. We're in the shade. It's a it's a I'm regretting my decisions right now. It's Austin fucking with us. Yeah So our chairs are dry, but I'm liking yeah, I feel like the energy standing. Yeah It's angry energy, but it's good. Yeah, the blood's flowing. I like it. Yeah get it going. Hell. Yeah She's just been in I've just been on edge lately. Oh, I don't know why Some big change maybe something going on in your life that uh it's different now yeah and it used to be still no answers I know people keep asking keep asking the same questions when we know you'll know I know it's frustrating as an audience to not know what the future of the production that you're invested in is
Starting point is 00:17:07 Pretty fucking frustrating to be the guys making it Pretty fucking frustrating imagine that you're you know how you're asking so now what imagine other people are asking you also That's what it's like yeah Imagine other people are asking you also. That's what it's like. Yeah. So yeah, I don't want to dwell on it too long, but just a reminder, what we know, you'll know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Yeah, so it's that deceptive time of year. South by ended, I think we talked about that in the last episode. But it's that deceptive time of year where it's going to be really nice for the next couple of weeks, and then the sun's going to show up and remind us why we need to be punished for living here. Yep. But I'm looking forward to enjoying it. That's why I was trying to go to Peace Park, try to do anything to
Starting point is 00:17:51 enjoy the weather outside before it turns brutal. Maybe I should, I have a bike too, maybe I should start riding it around. You really should. Yeah, I put it up for the winter just because it gets so ugly for so long. I just gotta like inflate the tires and yeah this is the time of year to so long. I just gotta like, inflate the tires and get it going again. This is the time of year to do it. I've been riding bikes with my cousin for the last two weekends in a row. We just meet and we just spend the day riding. It's been so much fun.
Starting point is 00:18:15 It really is like... How far do you bike? I typically stay within like 20 to 30 miles. He went on like a 65 mile ride a couple weeks ago He's younger than I am He's a lot younger than I am I love it too, he's like He's like, keep up
Starting point is 00:18:31 And I'm like, dude I'm fucking 48 I'm almost 49, you're like 35 You slow down Like, I'm not supposed to keep up Yeah I'm so old Keep up when you- How about this, Christopher?
Starting point is 00:18:44 When you're 48, let's see how well you ride He'll still be riding better than you are in that time I saw so old keep up when you how about this Christopher? When you're 48, let's see how well you ride. Yes, I'll be running better than you are He's in such good shape. He's a rock climber. He's so fit. Yeah That reminds me talking about biking that long of a distance. I saw something. I've never seen before I guess it was it was it was pretty iconic, but I saw footage of what I guess was like a woman finishing the Ironman triathlon in like 1982. And it was like, I guess like, ABC World Wide World of Sports used it for a long time to like showcase agony of defeat. Where it's like she was, she could see the finish line and she was almost there and just
Starting point is 00:19:16 like couldn't make it. It's like falls down. Like she had like a 20 minute lead on the person behind her. Person behind her passes her. Like she falls down down shits herself and it's like just crawling trying to make it to the finish line and just like just gets past at the last second as she as you can't make it. It's like I can't imagine all of that work, all of that swimming, all of that running, all that biking to just like a hundred feet from the end. It's like your body you've pushed yourself so hard you physically just can't do it
Starting point is 00:19:51 Dude it's so crazy you know uh I've our old Patricia do you remember Patricia our friend Patricia who was an Olympian who was blind she was in some roosteeth content back in the 2010s I think she was in a short she Teeth content back in the 2010s, I think. She was in a short. She might have been in the Talkin' That Shit music video, maybe? I think she was. That might have been it, Talkin' That Shit.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Yeah. Anyway, just lovely, lovely woman and Olympic athlete. But before she started doing the Olympics for triathlon, she would do Ironmans, which is, what is it, like a two and a half mile swim, like a 160 mile bike ride or something like that, a 116 mile bike ride, and then a marathon, right? And so we would go, like me and Milliam,
Starting point is 00:20:37 her ex-wife, we'd go cheer her on when she would go do competitions around Texas. She would do them in Austin or Houston or whatever. And you would get there at like 6 a.m. and shoot the gun, they'd go off and then you'd watch them disappear into the water or wherever. And then you'd go eat breakfast and then. Go check in at a spot and see a run by for two seconds,
Starting point is 00:20:58 and then you'd go to the mall for a while and shop and then go eat lunch and then check in and then go maybe go back to the hotel and take a nap and then like 11 hours later she's finishing and you're like that is a long fucking time to be physically active. You should be like man you'll never believe the day I had. Let me tell you. You just start thinking like god damn that's like and she would finish up like 11 and a half hours and it'd be a record you know.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Right yeah. And you'd be like fuck that's a long day. that is a long day I don't know how you even begin training for that I run on a treadmill and I go like two minutes I'm like all right that's enough that's a whoo dude I ride if I ride 35 miles on my bike with pedal assist I'm like all right all right I'd take tomorrow off and that's like a quarter of what they're doing just on the bike yeah with no assist they should have and she was blind the whole time to right but they should have And that's like a quarter of what they're doing just on the bike with no assist They should have and she was blind the whole time too, right?
Starting point is 00:21:50 They should have like Steroid e-bike triathlons Where it's like you can do all the stories you want you can use an e-bike But you have to go like a thousand miles that's or something really ridiculous all steroid olympics, right? Yeah Yeah, I think that's such a great idea. I want to see somebody's heart explode. Yeah. I would love to see baseball go the other way and just go like- 100%. Go ped crazy, we don't care.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Like, just start over, just have a day. Be like, this next season, it's the all-steroid season. So this season is like the last one where it's just like, you're all clean, whatever. Next season, we're going all steroids. And also the old hall of fame, that's where we have the cutoff. Like the delineation is like then.
Starting point is 00:22:32 And then from that point on, our first inductee is Barry Pons. We have a new sport and it's called super baseball. Why even have a cutover? Run the leagues in parallel, run them in tandem. Well, no one's gonna watch regular baseball. Within 10 years, they'll be dudes hitting 800 foot home runs.
Starting point is 00:22:49 I would love to see the new redesigned stadiums. Oh yeah. That are like center fields, like 650 feet out. Stadiums would have to get so much bigger or just lose all of the seating, like past the outfield. Or you just have a big wall at the back with like bonus points for shit. Oh, that's- Do you remember that baseball game they had on the 360s like big league baseball or something where you just like it was a
Starting point is 00:23:10 Home run competition and you just try to fucking bust out all the all the signs in New York City That's how they have I'm sure it's in other places, too But I've only seen it in Japan they have a big like wall that you hit the ball at like these targets and spots. So, because you know, you build everything up so everything's indoor. It's not like they have 600 feet that they're gonna fucking crush this thing. Do you think Shohei Otani is Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Do you think he's too big to fail? Oh yeah, for Major League Baseball, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:23:40 There's nothing they can do, right? Their hands are tied. They came out and they own, he owns baseball. They immediately came out and had three stories about what happened and nobody denied any of them They just went no this one wait This one and it was like oh, this is not good for you Pete Rose is sitting at a fucking memorabilia store in the mall in Vegas right now just stewing They are just fucking sign $500 autographs I mean the thing that everyone keeps you guys like well there was all this betting but none of it was on baseball
Starting point is 00:24:08 So it's okay. Oh is that oh is that how that works also? That's a lie Also there may have been a little baseball yeah, that's what a license guys. I bet on everything I would I would never do that. The sacred sport itself. We were talking about how, you were there, we saw Pete Rose, right? In Vegas? Yeah. He was just like hanging out? Just fucking hanging out. No line, just sitting there waiting. The dude clocks in every day.
Starting point is 00:24:36 He does and he'll write anything you want on a baseball, much the way that we'll do any podcast you want if you're a billionaire and you buy this. We also saw him later that night at like that steakhouse or if you're Pete Rose like I I know you're pretty well off still if you're interested. We'll do a podcast specifically for you Yeah, you can bet on us. Yeah, there you go Pete bet on us The first thing to say you talked about I got a Pete Rose autograph. Oh, oh do you yeah? I got one of the break show remember yeah Do you? Yeah, I got one of the break show remember? Yeah. Yeah Did I was talking to do with Eric and Elise about this
Starting point is 00:25:12 Last week or the week before couple weeks ago. I guess at this point. I guess uh, you know WWF superstar Virgil passed away and I was telling them the story of the time I saw Virgil at San Diego Comic Con and they may have told a story a long time ago in the RT podcast But I think it was a first year. We went to San Comic-Con, which has been like 04. Mm-hmm. And I was trying to find, you know, they had like that upstairs autograph area and we had time booked up there We've told that story before I know. The Superman story? Yeah. With Margaret Gettner. Yeah. And the fucking Superman 2 people. Good luck kids! I go up there. I think this is before our signing time. I was trying to figure out where this place was I wanted so I didn't get lost so I go up there and
Starting point is 00:25:49 Like I saw a Virgil sitting there And I remember stopping like doing conventions and seeing celebrities and people like this was brand new it's like the first really big event We've been to we do we done like DreamCon and other stuff Yeah, just like I was like wow I remember stopping in the middle of the hallway looking and thinking, wow, Virgil. Like, you know, I grew up watching Virgil. I grew up watching wrestling. Like, it's a big fucking deal. And I'm standing there watching him and this dude goes walking by and he walks between me and Virgil and he stops. And he looks at Virgil, looks at the sign and then like starts pointing like at the sign, then pointing at Virgil. And he goes, I remember you. And like Virgil like lights up and the guy goes, you used to be famous.
Starting point is 00:26:24 And then turns around and keeps walking and then Virgil lights up, and the guy goes, you used to be famous. And then turns around and keeps walking. And then Virgil just like- Just deflated. Just deflates, and I'm like, man, that's fucking brutal. That dude, no thought about what he just said, but it's like, man, I could see it physically affect him. Last convention I did was in Atlanta, I wanna say two years ago now, or a year or two ago.
Starting point is 00:26:43 I went with Jeremy, and so much the same. Like so many people would come up and go like, Red versus Blue, god man, I love, what have you been up to for the last 15? I loved Red versus Blue. And you gotta go, oh, we were still making it, you know? They go, huh, yeah, I really liked season three anyway.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Best of luck with that, I guess. And you're that. I guess you live long enough to be Virgil. Yeah I remember thinking that yeah that time like I hope we make it was yeah It was still early in the roosty time everything in man. I hope I get there one day. Yeah hundred percent welcome We we were in a coffee shop a week or two ago And as we were leaving a guy sort of like tapped me on the shoulders We were walking out and he went Hey, are you guys are you guys roost your teeth? And I went oh it used to be And he's like, oh
Starting point is 00:27:34 Yeah, I used to just like watch your guys's stuff all the time and I just started walking away to it Well, yeah, that's why we used to be. Yeah. We just it's like I Get it. I hope he looked it up later and he went Recording stinky dragon. We've been having some gallows humor about it and We had you know, the announcement was made on a Wednesday a couple of weeks ago and we had a recording the next day Thursday So everyone showed up in the morning on the recording was Thursday afternoon Everyone showed up in the morning and I was like, hey, you know, if you all aren't feeling it, if you don't wanna do this, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:28:07 You know, we don't have to do this. We can push it off, we can figure it out. Like, I know it's still new and fresh in everyone's mind. Everyone to their credit was like, no, no, no, we gotta do this, let's do this. You know, we really wanna do it. Everyone's like super enthusiastic about it. We had a ton of fun.
Starting point is 00:28:17 It was a great episode, great recording. But at one point in the middle of the recording, like just all the players, like 20 after 20, Nat 20 constantly nonstop. Yeah, like, 20 after 20, Nat 20 constantly, nonstop. You're serious? Yeah. Wow. Lucky as day ever.
Starting point is 00:28:29 As an aside to myself, I said, man, we should have shut down Rooster Teeth more often. And everyone started laughing, and then the editor came to me when they were doing the final pass of the episode, like, hey, do you want to keep this in here, or do you want to cut it? I was like, nah, keep it. You gotta keep it. That was good. That was like, everyone was really laughing, but I think the listeners in the community were like, ouch.
Starting point is 00:28:47 I love how so many people will misinterpret that and go like, well, I guess Gus really is happy that they're in the group. Like, we make a joke about Bernie being a doofus because I've known him for 30 years. And people will be like, wow, they have real bad blood with Bernie, huh? I have to say I'm really impressed with FaceJam fans who immediately got on board where when we talked about it all ending or whatever
Starting point is 00:29:06 Michael's just like I don't really know what's going on. I'm going like a really long vacation So all these fans are going like wow I wonder what their upload schedule is gonna be like when they are all on vacation in a couple of months That seems pretty exciting though. Good time off. I was happy I showed I thought that was the same day when I showed up to and you all were doing though Oh, yeah, and then you had a rum cocoa rum cocoa. Yeah, he had it was the same day when I showed up to and you all were doing the oh, yeah And then you had a rum come to me a rum cocoa. Yeah, we had was that same thing Worst candy I have ever tasted it was like chocolate covered pine salt so they were they're like Austrian candies They're called rum cocoa, and they're supposed to be a little chocolate
Starting point is 00:29:38 It looks like a whopper, but instead of like a malted milk thing in the middle It was supposed to be a coconut like almost like L like liqueur, but not liqueur. Like a Mozart Kugel kind of. I don't know what that is. He made that up. That's Austrian- Austrian candy. Mozart Kugel. Remember when Captain Picard was trapped in the Mozart Kugel by Q? Oh yeah yeah yeah, I remember. He escaped, the Borgs were there. Yeah yeah yeah, I remember. Mozart Kugel.
Starting point is 00:30:03 It is like that. So, is that it? Yeah, yeah. I mean, Google. It is like that. Yeah, so is that it? Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's pretty close. But the inside was hollow, except for this little core thing. I think Gus was the first one to try it before we all tried it.
Starting point is 00:30:15 He popped it into his mouth. He bit into it. He ran out of the room and spit it out. I was afraid I was going to vomit. Did it taste like boozy? No, no, no, no, no, no. It's like, like I said, like pine salt. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Or like some kind of industrial cleaner. It really did taste like cleaner. It was fucking crazy. A fan sent it in and he's like, I like these, try these. And we tried them and it was like crazy. They must have gone bad. Yeah, because most of it was pretty good. Yeah, something happened.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Cause then we took them over to Dog Bark and then Trevor had it and he had to spit it out. I mean, I had it, I spit it out. Michael spit his out. Jordan spit his out. I think Gracie spit hers out. I think Nick had two. Yeah, he did. I think Jo- Michael had two because his first one was fine, and then the second one he had to spit out. Trevor had to spit his out. So did Jaren. Joe ate it, and was like, yeah, man, that's great, ha ha ha. And then he had like 12, and his face went beat red. He was fucked. It was awesome I love making these shows for moments like that
Starting point is 00:31:11 And it sucks that we're not gonna be able to all be in one place to do that It is that was some of the fun a lot of the fun is being able to walk into the room and go like Oh, what's going on in here? They're like why why are you swinging that thing around? Oh, OK, cool. I'll get in on that. Yeah, it's one of the things that sucked the most during the pandemic and during lockdown. Yeah. Was, you know, we could still keep
Starting point is 00:31:34 making some of this content, you know, virtually, but not having the other people around, like all in one place. Like, I felt like a lot of stuff really suffered because of that. And it's going to, yeah, it's going to suck not having everyone in the same roof for that. Ever again's gonna, yeah, it's gonna suck not having everyone in the same roof for that. Ever again. Yeah, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Yeah. It's uh, it's coming up soon. I think it'll be, I think it'll be a long time before there's another Rooster Teeth. I don't know if there ever will be. Yeah. I mean, I never say never because the markets change. Well, the market, who knows what the world will look like in 10 or 20 years but it's gonna be a long time before the
Starting point is 00:32:07 The markets or like the landscape has changed so much like when we started it made sense, right? Like you got to work together to collaborate. Yeah, the tools are so readily available Yeah, and anyone can just well not it would like but just a little bit of work You can anyone can figure out how to put some shit together and pop it up The play field has definitely been leveled. Yeah yeah when we started I mean capture cards were fucking expensive as hell you know the only reason we had was because Bernie made that movie yeah and I was like a $3,000 capture card right and now it's like no you can get you can buy like a USB device it doesn't like 50 bucks I bought one target yeah I bought one on Amazon and had it later the same day and it
Starting point is 00:32:43 captures in 4K. And it was just like, oh yeah, this is why the internet is the way that it is. Computers are so much more powerful now. Your phone has a camera. Your fucking phone can do everything. I remember the time when we had to, we walked around with flip video cameras
Starting point is 00:32:59 to record everything, dude. If you would have come and told us, Gus, in like 2004, right, like year two of Rooster Te Teeth that someday we'd be able to walk into a target and buy an HD Capture card and a dildo Like what fucking future that's amazing when you get here and you're like all the features suck so bad When we made the transition with red versus blue from standard deaf to high def, and then we had to go back and re-record everything in high def, we had to build special hard drive arrays that were fast enough to capture the HD footage,
Starting point is 00:33:32 because you couldn't capture HD footage on just a normal hard drive. We'd have like super fast hard drives and rate arrays and capture all of that stuff, and to be able to keep up with the amount of data you were putting on it. I remember I visited Amplifier, because they did video content at the time, and asked them
Starting point is 00:33:46 what their HD workflow was like, and tried to emulate what they did, just to be able to, like from the tech side. And now it's like, my fucking phone does 120 FPS 4K footage, and uploads it to the cloud. It's just such a totally different world than it was back then, which is good. I'm glad everyone has the access to do it now because they can see how fucking hard it is. Well, and it's also, it's like the truly talented and driven people have a path to explore that,
Starting point is 00:34:17 and that's great, and people will find success that way. But it's just a bummer, just a bummer to look at the landscape and that like the things that made what we had special I think are just gonna be a lot harder to accomplish now I think you know you still see it's not as popular as it was for a while But like those content creator houses where people like you know get together and all Out of a house and shit like that like that'll still happen It's not quite for sure same, but and there are still people that are doing
Starting point is 00:34:43 I mean dropout is still fucking killing it. I think the mythical guys are doing pretty well They're still versions of it, but I just don't think I don't think they'll be new ones Yeah, those are all old examples. Yeah, too even like mega 64 who we talk about makes it towards the bet Maybe the best example. Yeah, yeah, it's like you get to a certain size and You can maintain that and hold on to it people don't do it new anymore There's not a new at least that I of no new people starting up a group like that That's why I'm here to announce. I'm getting on with mr. Beast I'm gonna be the new
Starting point is 00:35:12 Who's another guy in his group? I don't know or oh You get a zim door That's the right dude. I'm a big zend head. That's the regular name you went with He don't they all have dumb internet name. Mr. Beast is cooler than is like more regular than Zimdor, but that's his real name His last name is Beast Donald Beast His name is Jimmy Beast. Mr. Beast is my father That's gonna be his kid
Starting point is 00:35:42 I'm just kidding. Just call me back. Oh, I fucking love it. Oh, fuck. Let's talk about Blackrock a little bit. This coffee sucks ass. This is maybe the worst cup of coffee we've had on the show. It's a 7.3 on my... You're a maniac.
Starting point is 00:35:58 It's totally fine. 7-11 is better. I didn't have hot coffee. This cold brew is totally fine. This is like a 2. I would easily, if I were ever here for some reason, like if I was going to Marigold Market, I would stop in and get an iced coffee. That place is so clearly found out it's a chain once we got here.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Very, like a bunch of 11, 10 year olds, like a bunch of kids running the shop. Nothing against that, it's fine. It a bunch of kids running the shop. Nothing against that, it's fine. It just kind of threw me for a loop when it was that, but the music was all from the 90s. It was their parents playlist. It was a hundred percent the kid with the fashion mullet
Starting point is 00:36:36 and the blonde mustache. His dad was like, put this on, your friends will love it. And Gus was like, I had no idea. Gus, we heard pretend that we're dead. were dead because when I never heard the song in 1992 I was living on the border Yeah, we had no access to any You gotta start saying that I I had to spend a few years once I moved away from the border I just spend a few years catching up on pop culture. Oh my god so far removed from it Movies music there was so much I had to catch up on
Starting point is 00:37:04 We walked into the coffee shop and held the door open for someone that looked exactly like Gracie And it really fucked Jeff up for a while bumped into Gracie, but it wasn't Gracie It was there was like a good amount of people in and outside of that place That's like a hoppin little coffee coffee shop where I don't know where else you would go out here. In a strip mall where there's nothing else. That's the kind of place that if Blockbuster still existed, it would be next to a Blockbuster. I would love to open a coffee shop next to this one.
Starting point is 00:37:35 To make a kill and be like, hey, that place next door sucks ass. Come over here. Come on down. That would be the craziest business. Look, I only open coffee shops next to Shidy Coffee Shop. This place is so bad, it made me so mad. I invested my own money to open a coffee shop. I didn't like anything about Black Rock Coffee.
Starting point is 00:37:52 I didn't like the logo, I didn't like the vibe or anything, but this iced coffee is genuinely okay. You're crazy. Your coffee sucks and I'm sorry, but this iced coffee, I can't deride an iced coffee when it's totally fine. But it's like, it's the easiest thing in the world, right? It's great because it's just a cold brew Yeah, they're like, oh do you want like an iced Americano and I went now cold brew is fine. They went. Oh, okay good Yeah, we don't have to make that. Yeah
Starting point is 00:38:14 No, I can clearly see what we're doing here. It's fine. Don't worry about yeah But just a spot that feels like again just indicative of the area. Yeah, this could be This could be Poway in San Diego. This could be the middle of Oklahoma and Tulsa. You could be in Angersley. We could be on a road trip. 100%. And I'd be like, I told you we should have stopped at 7-Eleven.
Starting point is 00:38:36 This is 100% that. The only thing that makes this feel Texas-y is I bet if you hung out here long enough, you'd see a scorpion. I was going to say, I bet you'd hear some racist shit Yeah from the look of it So I forgot to update the animal website until I woke up this morning I was scrambling before I came to that's I was like I was like three or four minutes late this morning cuz I forgot I was like oh shit the animal website and we had to record we got we got together early just for him to We're trying to wrap up
Starting point is 00:39:01 We're trying to get as much stinky dragon done to We don't know because we don't know yeah There's no like for this Dragon done to... We don't know. Because we don't know. There's no, like, for this or for that. We just don't know. So we want to be ready, whatever direction, if we can get it out or not. Gavin said he wants to see if we can record F***face on Wednesday this week. And I asked if we can do two, so... Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:39:19 I just told- I just made an appointment with my f- On Wednesday, because it's an open day, but that's fine. Maybe we can do a Friday Uh well, that's uh that's black rock coffee if there's one near you Go go I would say go try it and then know how right we are Yeah, yeah, I got the regular black coffee. Yes got the Americano Get all three get a nice coffee and see you have a flight of coffee Three we all got larges. Get all three, go insane.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Listen to linger by the cranberries and go fucking nuts out front. I'm more of a zombie guy. You're just a weird. Dude, I went outside the other day on Saturday, Sunday, Saturday or Sunday, and my neighbor was working in his yard blaring the cranberries really it was so funny He's like a older tattooed guy like me, and he was just like going to town on fucking cranberries what nothing wrong with that
Starting point is 00:40:16 Oh, no, it was just funny. It's not like I just why the cranberries I like the cranberries I just honestly I feel like the cranberries are a little fucking overdone Like I feel like the last like five or six years every time I turn on TV There's a cranberry song on a commercial well that the singer died, and then it was like They're all when oh fuck man. Remember the cranberries. Yeah, she died it sucked, but I'm not being Dolores O'Riordan was her name I know I saw them live. I was a cranberry. I was a stanberry I thought it was bogheads Different terminology different parts of the country I guess oh My god. Oh, man. Oh, that's great
Starting point is 00:40:56 well, we should we should probably get on to wrapping this up because Yeah, you have to go record a bunch of Dungeons and Dragons with your friend like your other friends. We don't want to fuck my schedule Yeah, we'll figure all that out But let me let me ask you an anarchy question which you guys can send to us at animal podcast time for an assort You better hurry. Oh, no, don't don't worry. I got you right here. This will be an easy one No matter what happens going forward if whatever version of this show continues Whether it's called an or whatever. They should always be called anarchy questions. I love that.
Starting point is 00:41:27 All right. Here's your anarchy questions from great and again, who asked the one from last week and I think a few others. Is he by any chance a billionaire? Because it sounds like we're in an audience of one. It's the only one on the thread so far from today. Okay. And there were I didn't I didn't really like any of the other ones.
Starting point is 00:41:43 The only one from the thread today. What was the biggest meal you have had? The biggest meal I've had. I'm gonna say it's probably like Fogo de Chow. Mm-hmm. Like an all-you-can-eat Brazilian barbecue place. And I'm gonna say it probably wasn't even in Austin. It was probably, it probably wasn't even actually a Fogo de Chow. It was probably a Brazilian steakhouse in San Diego after a day of working at Comic Con I know the one you're talking it was like in that strip Mall was upstairs the strip mall yeah, it's like I wasn't a Casa de Brazil But it was like that yeah kind of thing that the woman with the drink carton yeah
Starting point is 00:42:15 I'm making all the drinks. Yeah, she's making the what were those drinks called a Nino or something You know yeah, I don't know something like that terrible We're drinking them heavy though Yeah, I would I would it's probably that I was gonna say fucking a child, but you're right I think that because those were those days where we would work like 12 hours hard physical labor And we'd be so fucking hungry and we'd be like we've earned this yeah, and you would just gorge Yep, I'm sure I work went there all the time. Yeah Yeah, you know how I'm always going to that scene taking my dad
Starting point is 00:42:41 That's such a dad spot to go to it like your dad's in town take him to Brazilian barbecue He's going all right flag up dude. That was that was early roosterteeth Yeah, it's probably oh five. It's probably oh five every achievement on our Christmas dinner or Christmas lunch was FOGO They'd get so fucking excited every year. It was so fun. Yeah, uh see the little happy faces I don't think I think people underestimate how Physically taxing it was to work a convention. Oh my god. I mean, imagine you're walking around a convention, but you don't get to stop and it's a constant conversation with a new person every two minutes, all day every day.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Also, packing and unpacking boxes constantly. It was an empty room two days ago. Yep. Moving shirts, moving boxes, moving crates, setting up, bearing down, grabbing stuff, yelling across the thing, I need this large, get the fuck, it's all- Non-stop. It is a constant, not just like even physical thing, brain fucking frying. Yep. Exhausting. Gus and I, I really think a lot of our like lifelong friendship was cemented in those trenches. We were friends for a very long time before that obviously yeah, but Gus and I We developed such a fucking rhythm when we were working
Starting point is 00:43:51 Booths together that we would volunteer to Ted like other people not to go yeah Because we didn't want them in our way because we had it down and we had it down to where like Every single person got facetime with us they got a little bit We had like we gave them 30 seconds a joke They got the autograph they wanted they got the photo. We got the money. We gave them the merch They had a little bit of smiling and we had it We had it down to us fucking science and we could crank it out and try to like and we would kick everyone else out And kick everybody else out because everybody else would just get in the way and then be like it just like you'd walk in and they'd
Starting point is 00:44:22 Have like bags of food and they'd go like oh,'s this? And suddenly half of the merch is on the ground, and you're like, what are you doing? There's a system. Yeah. Oh, I used to drive this nuts. Yeah. And that's working at convention. Yeah. There you go. You've been there. So there you go. That's the biggest meal we've ever eaten. It's a great anarchy question.
Starting point is 00:44:39 And if you want to send yours, r slash Anima Podcast, the subreddit we don't run, at Anima Podcast on Twitter and on Instagram. So you can follow us when we have more news about what's next. We'll let you know directly. Yeah. I mean, probably as soon as we know. So there's that, but that'll do it for this week's Anima.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Sorry for a shorter episode. We gotta go. We have a long drive. We have a long drive and guess has to roll some dice or whatever. Yeah. Any final thoughts for the folks at home? Explore your city. Try some new things. Get out of your comfort zone.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Or go to that place you really like that's already cool. There you go.

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