Another Below Deck Podcast - The Biggest Tip In History | Below Deck S10 E16

Episode Date: March 15, 2023

Dylan and Pat are back to break down hospice wards, the power of royalty free Lion King music, glory holes, wind, Italian custard, what Angel can do if he tips 40K, food fights, getting torqued, holes... and even more from Bravo's Below Deck. Join us on Patreon at our audio versions of Another Below Deck PodcastApple Podcasts: out our merch! https://anothermerchstore.comThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at

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Starting point is 00:01:06 Hospice board. Yeah Welcome aboard another brand spanking episode of another below deck podcast my name is Dylan. I'm saddle up next to one Patrick Hickey permission to come apart granted producer Kaelin is over there behind the board. Hey fellas. What do we call that? I mean he's behind the table behind the picnic table behind the table and we have called him Producer Kaylin quite easily That's because this was kind of sorted on another property. We have called bad TV go over there subscribe and that will lead us into public service announcement because we've had quite the development of late Yeah, yeah, hey, well, you know, let me share some of the developments first. Let me thank the barnacles Mm-hmm barnacles you have single-handedly handed Dylan and I,
Starting point is 00:02:08 I don't say Kaelin, because he's a new guy, he doesn't count yet. Our biggest download numbers of a single episode, of course, we've had K-Chast dying on in the past and things like that, but this as a just a regular episode, we blew up the internet this week with that. We were so thankful of you guys sharing the show
Starting point is 00:02:24 and listening to the podcast and liking with Dylan and I do. So with that, now that we've taken over the below deck podcast reality TV world, we want to get into that video world. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So here's how you help us. We're not going to ask you. We're not going to beg for money this week. We're not going to fucking ask it ahead over to Apple podcast and leave us a review. But to do that. Well, if you want to. What we need you to do now, if you really want to say I'd love you, Patty and Deli, and I appreciate everything you do,
Starting point is 00:02:50 you entertain me, you make my life better, here's what you can do right now. Dylan, what is the YouTube channel? How do you say? Well, if you type in another below deck, a podcast on YouTube, it'll bring you to a channel called Solus Premise by Nick Davis.
Starting point is 00:03:04 So that's not the channel that we, I mean, if you're enjoying that content, enjoy that content, but yeah, it has been changed to quote Donna Brazil like a thief in the night. But so go to badt.v. It's bad TV with the TV, the dots in the middle. It's an acronym or something like that. Just search bad. Hit it again. Hit it again. Bad TV. Put the dots, the dots and then lots of acronym or something like that. Just search bad TV. Hit it again, hit it again. Bad TV, put the dots in the middle. That's it.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Yeah. Bad TV, put the dots in the middle. So that's where you can watch the video of Dilly and I breaking down this, because some people like to consume it by watching us Dylan. Oh yeah. And there's going to be lots of other content there. And just so you know our other episode, our recap of the scandival of the century with Ruby Ren Dylan's lovely sister very clever and entertaining up a future podcaster in her career
Starting point is 00:03:51 We're trying to convince her to come on for a special once in a lifetime recap season of VPR and we're we're at the negotiating table my agent Brian has reached out. I think he wants to represent her. Yeah, and Ruby was a little shook by Brian's kind of Harvey Dent post-fire kind of look to him. But we do need to get her to the negotiating table. So nobody better to do it than Brian, even though he's skinnestured. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:04:20 He looks very weird. Oh, very weird. Yeah, you know what though Dylan, I owe that man my life. He got me out of a lucrative career in Uber driving. And I had just surrendered myself to that because I was just so in love with driving people around. And he convinced me, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:04:34 There's more fucking chatter in this whole game of talking into a microphone. For any of me on YouTube, it's important not to curse in the first minute, but that's okay. So anyways, those are the public service announcements for the day. Jump the iTunes raise reviews, but most importantly, go to Patreon. But more importantly, go to YouTube search bad TV, put the dots in the middle of the T and the V.
Starting point is 00:04:56 We have below. Dr. Talk about love it. It's our favorite show. It's our favorite show that's not going to have a reunion. And we have no fucking idea. There I go. I did it when below the XS.'s coming. Bravo what is going on? Man. Bravo. What is going on?
Starting point is 00:05:10 It's Andy's disdain for this property. He for some reason it's beneath him. And so he doesn't care. Someone probably went to his desk like a month ago and said, hey man we got that whole yachting season in the can. When we debututing that. Yeah, yeah. He's like, I don't know, man. Yeah. I got better things to do. I'm really happy you didn't throw a gay twang on that impression. Oh, you think I'd do that? Yeah, I've been doing the work done. I do, that's why. I've been doing the work. Oh, God. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Would you get a book or something? Well, look, I'm looking at myself and I'm like, look, if you are in the number five spot for reality TV podcasts, for television podcasts,
Starting point is 00:05:50 for drama podcasts, that's where this podcast sits, I need to step up my gate. Sure, sure, sure, sure. And step up your game, you have, Kaelin? No. So let's get into our rating system, our knots, our pots, and what have you. Let's back go ahead.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Okay, we are winding things down here. Little disappointing. Still fun the run. Excuse me, still fun the run. Absolutely, this is my favorite show to recap, except for Love's Blind I Enjoy That More. And Dylan and I, sorry, last public service announcement. Dylan and I are going to do something really fun.
Starting point is 00:06:28 If you go over to the bad TV podcast, you didn't get me scratching my ear, did you? Yeah. Okay, good. Don't worry. I just got to let the audience know this because it's coming faster than they know it. Love is blind season four drops next week. Dylan and I are going to drop the first five episodes in the bad TV feed for free. Wow.
Starting point is 00:06:44 The second five which drop the next week, you're going to have pay for those. Wow. The second five, which dropped the next week, you could have paid for those., that's a dead point. Yeah, love is blind. Is around the corner. We're excited to recap it. We're excited to meet new people who cut meat angrily, have alcohol problems.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Hello? Hello? Hello? Oh! And honestly, guys, last public service announcement, stop telling us to do perfect match. We know it's over, but don't ask us to do perfect match, okay? Well, we'll land on something
Starting point is 00:07:13 if Netflix wants to put something else out. I don't know how these shows are as popular as they are. What with a show collecting all of the various saddies from shows like Beast Stating? Have you seen that fucking thing? No. People look like lizards, but they go on dates and you can't see them, but it's very odd.
Starting point is 00:07:30 It seems very niche. Yeah, very niche. Anyway. All right, so I really enjoy the episode, but I was hoping that Ben and Leanne would consummate all that tantalizing sexual chemistry they've had, but that was a real dud, but there's still one at more episode left.
Starting point is 00:07:47 So hopeful there. It's going to be a totally gonna pork. I hope so. Really kind of pathetic, Katie, at this point, you know what you bought. You either get it, bring it back to the store and get your money back, or you just accept what you are. And what store did you buy Ross from? The Broken Sex Addiction Store.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Yeah. Yeah. He is not anybody but himself. So at this point, you know what's that saying? They said, if someone's showing you who they are, boo, he's that. That's list. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Okay, Lee in this episode plays a prank, a prank on one of the guests. To Lee, I'll say this very simple, two little two-lates. When he bends over like that with this purple animatronic crutch, it makes me very sad. Yeah, it's sad at this point. Dylan, I can't wait for you to talk about all the dinners
Starting point is 00:08:39 and stuff like that. Sure, sure, sure. And of course, later on, we're gonna have Kaelin do another preference sheet meeting. I'm excited to get to the Japanese dinner that is rounded out with the Italian panicada. Looking forward to that. Should be fun. Fourteen knots.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Yeah. I'm excited to talk about all of it, but first, Kaelin has to give his pots. Kaelin, go ahead. I thought it was a very serviceable episode. It could have been a lot better, but overall enjoyable. I'll give it a 50. 50 knots. Now, I hesitate to pry further. Ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Why don't you ask him what his favorite part was? Hmm. No. Go. I was gonna ask him why he thought it could have been better. But I think I know his answer is probably gonna say something really pervy like you. Like he wanted Leanne and Ben to suck face on that dance floor for Ross to find a new hole
Starting point is 00:09:32 and make Katie all mad. I don't know, I'm just projecting. Was it any of those, Kaelin? I will say Ben banging cameo on top of Tony's bunk was fairly all time in my mind. It's those kind of moments that really I think are. These are the kind of things. Let's make great teams. These are the kind of takes we don't need.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Let me ask him about this episode. He's talking about episodes six, seven weeks ago and saying things like all-time for things that Seerat's fucking on a bunk. I mean, that's not all-time. That's where he gets. That's my name. Wow, Pattawan. Oh my time. That's where we go. Yeah, that's my name, Nate. Wow, Pat I'm on.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Oh my God. Oh, no, I thought it was a very serviceable episode, much like Kaylyn, but I don't remember what happened. So we're gonna have to get into the episode here. Pat, when are you kick things off? Oh sure, sure, sure. So Lee, in prompt to one of those meetings up in the, what is this area called? Hospice word, sure, sure. So Lee in prompt to one of those meetings up in the yeah, what is this area called?
Starting point is 00:10:27 Hotspice word? Yeah, yeah, he says, come on up here. And he wants to get the low down on the evening's itinerary. I've never seen him do this before. Yeah, the lead on the down low. Yeah, apparently Lee doesn't, he's over the club themes, you know, he's like, fucking it, he's club, don't like it. This don't look like shucks. Why party? Played out. Lease overall in it. Lease over the thing. Club David. Club David. See David can put a rock up my ass.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Actually, Lee would like that. He got a little yente towards the end there. It was really weird. I was like Okay, so lunch is myriad Mexican habanero, some machimahi, ampinha, and one nom. It looks fine, but if you're not saying homemade, uh, homemade flora tortillas, you're still in cheddar island to me. Now, I can forgive Rachel because she has to focus on what is going to be a Japanese feast rounded out with Italian custard. Now we'll get there. We move on though to Tyler, whose story is an avid castella routine of coming out or not
Starting point is 00:11:34 coming out to his hate-filled mother. And I got to say, very cool, but enough. Color and enough, collar, and have her scream at you for being insert hate-filled word here, or let's find something else for you to do. And Hayley. The food fight was fun, but how many times are we gonna do this? Yeah, it's almost like he felt like he needed to add something to the show with that food fight. Hey, Hayley, you are the good witch,
Starting point is 00:12:01 enough with the goddamn peer pressure. The man's gonna share his experience with his family in due time. And here's a good idea. Maybe don't do it. On this boat, firmly rooted in station as a sea rat, maybe do it in person where there aren't cameras. Just a thought I don't want to tell anybody how to come out to their hate-filled parents, but that would be my tip. So, Ross and Katie, once again, there's a little bit of dissonance here between these two. She thinks there's something more, and he, depending on the day, does not know who she is.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Yeah. We get a tumultuous look back on their C-Rat journey. And once again, Katie is pretty positive, but delusional about their future, and Ross is pretty confident that they'll never speak again. Yeah, he knows that she is a whole, but he doesn't know what it's named sometimes. You know what I mean? He is a sex addict. Yes, yeah. And by the way, they have their ideas
Starting point is 00:13:00 of what the outcomes are gonna be, or polar opposites. Katie sees a future with three kids, a white picket fence, and some boat expose. And Ross, where Ross's future, is having sex with his next co-worker. Right, right. Wow, thinking of a girl that he saw walking by,
Starting point is 00:13:14 the boat hours earlier. Yeah, because he's a sex addict. You know, Ross is a lot like the elemental forces of nature. You cannot trust or not trust them. They are what they are. They seek holes, they seek higher ground. They seek pain, they seek happiness. You have to know what you're gonna get with this guy,
Starting point is 00:13:33 what you're getting is raw. So, first up for lunch. Oh no, is this the dinner? Well, we got a couple of things going on here. Oh yeah, hit me with a couple of things, I was just- Meanwhile, Lee Ann and Ben flirt. Meanwhile, we get a couple things going on oh yeah hit me with a couple things of me and while we and Ben flirt meanwhile we get a classic prank from me meanwhile angel so rude that he is the father for these classic prank okay round two name something that's not boring. Laundry? Ooh, a book club. Computer solitaire, huh?
Starting point is 00:14:07 Ah, sorry. We were looking for Chamba Casino. Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch onto a plate and then ask someone to lick it off. Why do you have to do that, man? I'm starting to think in the most, it's like you took Harvey Weinstein and you made it even grosser. At least he beat off into a plant. You're talking about beating off into fucking China and having people consume it with their tongue.
Starting point is 00:14:57 I mean, it's absolutely revolting. Fuck, man. So let's get to dinner. First up is with Tommy and cucumber salad, a beautiful clean of mousse bush. And while the crew sets up a Clebsaint David, the first course is served, which is a ram-a-kind of mushrooms. And odd, first course. I don't know how I feel about it. If I was at a tasting menu, prefix, so to speak, I'd be like, this is a little underwhelming,
Starting point is 00:15:27 this is just a bunch of oyster mushrooms that you braised and thugged, is this Worcester sire sauce? I thought this was Japanese, anyways. So we move on to the second course, which is Tonkatsu, also known as chicken cutlet. I can't complain about a chicken cutlet and Tonkatsu is a marvelous
Starting point is 00:15:46 uh... asian adaptation of fried meat i mean it's perfect now there is no gravy to be seen i do uh... want some gravy to be seen but rage is behind bars and she's being attacked by apparitions so you can't fault her hailey continues to pull up and spot. Why are you laughing like that? That's funny. Okay, Haley salooned it. Okay, Haley continues to blow up Ben's spot, but you can't hate her because Haley does not love other women like Alyssa. She respects girl code. She knows that this is a girl who is walking
Starting point is 00:16:26 into a bit of a bear trap and she has to let her know because we've all been there. You find an indigenous Australian with a low brow line and you fall in love, but you have to know he's dating a rapper who is about to put out country music. She has to learn now that's what she's walking into. They always go over to country.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Yeah. Dylan, do you mind if I digress from your appraisal of Rachel's meal? Absolutely. Okay, well, the reason why- Well, absolutely not. Oh, okay. I'll apologize. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Oh, you want me to go? No, no, no. If I said, please continue. Okay. Well, the reason this dinner service is going so well, you know, it's not all Rachel here. It's because Rachel talked with Sandy like weeks earlier. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We get a flashback and Rachel shares with us the truly astonishing mind blowing wisdom
Starting point is 00:17:22 that Sandy bestowed on chef rage before departure. Are you ready for this? She recommended she do quality over quantity. Yeah. Rachel, and this has changed everything for Rachel. Did Sandy fucking study with Plato? Well, it's a good question, and I don't think that she studied with Plato because, well, where's this knowledge that's hidden from the rest of us come from.
Starting point is 00:17:46 The cat is not out of the bag, but I'm fairly certain that Plato is dead. Now, this does strike me as a kind of kill bill, kind of Beatrix kind of moment where she flashes back to her sensei's brutal training. And with that, she can defeat Vivike Fox. With that, Rachel can deliver six courses of food. Yeah. It's amazing. I'm like, fuck quality over quality.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Where was this information with those scrolls buried with the shroud of terrain? Yeah, it was the Dead Sea Scrolls. Exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the Book of Enoch and whatnot. God, these people are idiots. You're peaking. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:18:24 So next up we've got Kobe Sbased ishimi with the blowtorch to egg and we ran things out with a lovely black card and a very japanese-italian custard so all joking aside and ending a japanese feast with an Italian custard is a joke but this was a marvelous meal i would be more than happy to consume these offerings if I was paying
Starting point is 00:18:48 $60,000 a day. The rest? No. No, no. No. Like, like, this one meal probably, but throughout the entire stay on the boat, you can't be thrilled with the food. No, no, no possible way. So take it away, Pat. Well, the best part of dinner, I guess, was that angel can't talk. And Frazier said, and I quote, he's a hideous, demanding asshole. Right, right, right. I bet these two don't follow each other on Instagram. Yeah. And I bet Frazier feels like a demanding asshole after getting tipped three grand. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Although you think about it, that is not enough. 40 grand. That is not enough. 40 grand? That is not enough. Oh, three grand each. Yeah. You think about, like you sit down to, let's say some dignitary walks into a two Michelin star restaurant, orders a $5,000 bottle of wine and then dinner.
Starting point is 00:19:42 You're getting tipped like... 1,000, most of what these sea rats get, waiting hand and foot on demanding assholes. I mean, it's just no way to live. But we've talked about, we have entire years of podcasts saying that sea rats do not have a happy life. They enjoy it, which is the only thing that matters.
Starting point is 00:20:04 I feel bad. I feel like that was too mean. What do you mean? I feel like that was too mean. Sea rats are happy. In the way that like a free range picked that is going to slaughter is happy. They know not the doom that awaits them. But right now, it's fun. They get to fuck. They get to do shots, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:27 eat hay, they grain. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Good grain. Good grain. So, Teddy Sun John has arrived at some point. Tony Hans out snacks says, be careful, they're 200 calories. And we I appreciate it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, we're doing a little bit of a meanwhile. And egg is cooked in front of the guests. We learn Tyler shaves his pubes. Right. And Tony warms the entertainment performers of the hidden calories of those goddamn power bars.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Yeah, it's like what Regina George was getting fed to lose weight. Before you know it, you're, I was gonna, I was gonna use stones as a unit of measurement. Mm-hmm. And I don't know what the fuck a stone is.
Starting point is 00:21:15 I was gonna say 30 stones. That might be 700 pounds. I don't know why I did that. So we danced to royalty-free Lion King music and we wrap up with a really incredible evening Teddy Son John was awesome and as they depart we chat with Camille and Ben now we talked about this last week Pat do you want to remind the audience and this young man what to do this young man what to do with this information? Oh, it's simple. Why?
Starting point is 00:21:42 So This is what he does that's slimy and an oversight at your part, Dylan, bad hosting. During the dance party, Ben grabbed Leanne and pulled her over and caressed her back and danced very flirtatiously with her. Then went up to the bridge in the night and texted and or called Millie Illicit, a future country star failure and said,
Starting point is 00:22:06 I wish you were here so I could dance with you. Scumbag! And then they discussed their DR trip. DR. The DR, yeah. You know, sea rats have an affinity for adventure, but we've talked about it. When in the DR, it's a bad idea to imbibe in that poll stay at the all inclusive because you will see horrors and it's probably because of globalistic clandestine efforts to topple governments and that country's fault it's the earthquakes and the clandestine efforts to topple their government but we'll move on to the next morning yeah next morning.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Yeah, next morning. Leah seated and Rachel is back on that ghostly island. She is impersonating a Floridian retiree and is walking around with a banana tape to a trophy base. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, how could she not be getting screamed at
Starting point is 00:23:03 by past criminals of a high security prison? Go ahead, Pat. Well, I was gonna say, boy, this just passed by real quick. We learned that Ross was a performer in a porn, pornographic film. Yeah. Well, he says I wasn't in it, but his penis was. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:21 And then Katie, maybe just because she's a broken sea rat from Florida, only had one follow-up question, which is what was your porn name? Yeah, yeah, yeah. She didn't say, can people find this? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because I'd be dating a guy. She did porn. She didn't say anything like, whoa, that's concerning
Starting point is 00:23:41 or anything like that. But also, what kind of porn would you pee in wherein your penis was the only thing featured? I thought about this. It's gotta be glory whole porn, right? Well, no, you're wearing a coca-melon mask and you're at a gang gang. Oh, right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:23:57 And it does need to be a child television mask. It's only had left to the 9-9 said, so it's just thinking of a guy who's in a rush. He's like, I gotta get to a child television. It's only had left to the 9.9 said stories thinking of guys in Russia's like I gotta get to a gang. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What do you got? I can wear on my face so my wife doesn't find out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I have to really quickly hop on over to an empty living room in chat's worth. It's not empty actually. There's a rug on the ground chat's worth. It's not empty actually there's a rug on the ground. And some plastic and some plastic in a shades lounge. Um,
Starting point is 00:24:32 and I have to let's not get into it. All right. Okay, you know, I have this desire to speak on glory, whole porn, but I don't think that our audience wants to hear it. I never know that we've warmed them up. They're pretty open to what we think. You know, it's just, I don't understand the kind of gal or guy that can get their rocks off to that kind of thing. I mean, there's no intimacy in that. You know, it's like you see the snapshots advertising subscription porn services, where in there's some kind of series, wherein some masseuse is tugging away at somebody from beneath the table and getting milked on. I don't understand that.
Starting point is 00:25:13 What there's no intimacy there at all. It's just crude humors. I couldn't agree more. Yeah. God. Damn. Sex is beautiful Unless it's in an empty living room in chats work with a lot of plastic a shades lounge one broken woman and 15 guys who are more than happy
Starting point is 00:25:42 Do rub phallic members up against one another if it means setting the world record for that many inside one orifice That's a just a really really tough scene that many inside one orifice. That's just a really, really tough scene. But if that's your king, that's your king. So let's move on. Let's get to docking. That's a bad segue. That's a bad segue. No, it's fine. So Lee is pissed because they have a fucking piece of shit, fucking bullshit, fucking piece of shit tender. And that other boat has a nice one. And we dock in a wind storm and a maelstrom. With the score used from the film all quiet on the western front or something close to it, to make this boat docking seem more dramatic than it is, but it's very ineffective because once again nothing happens.
Starting point is 00:26:20 But that won't stop Lee from talking about the boat docking at a meeting later on. I have a clip. John, well done. I can't thank you enough for my first child of that. You guys are flung at her voice. I just wanted to talk to you about the docking today. We hit a 30 knot dust today that just started killing me off the dog and I got two slack documents on the bow And I can get it there question is how long can I hold it there?
Starting point is 00:26:50 So that's why those those guidelines have to come in With the mouth is you guys good job and the correct answer is who gives it shit Why are you talking so much? Let's see how much is in the envelopes, they're old man. Okay, I was like, this is a long clip. Well, you know, I gotta talk about bowlines and things getting pulled and coming in and win. Directly. This is like if you are, let's say, in the AFC South
Starting point is 00:27:19 and you're two and 16. And the coach is coming in and he's talking about fundamentals at the end of the season. You're like, would you shut that fuck up, please? Oh my God, I just want to go to the strip club. Please shut the fuck up. So we, um, I guess we say goodbye to the guests. And we get to the tip meeting really crass from Lee. That's a thick fucker right there. Jesus Christ. Too little too late. Overcompensating much. Holy canole, angel.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Once again, you can poop on my bed. 40 grand. I don't think it was angel. No angel was the dick. I know, but I don't think angel was the tip. Well, the whole group was the tip, or man. You got all, you all chipped in. Yeah all chipped in, yeah, that's right. Oh, yeah, because we talked to Chuck and Erica
Starting point is 00:28:08 and Chuck chipped in like 500 and Erica chipped in like 712 and they were like, where's the rest from everybody? Yeah. And the mom was like, I don't have any. And I'm not paying for that couch. It looks like somebody shit on it. 15 times. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Yeah. So anyway, 3,100 each. I think that's a nice haul. I completely disagree with Dylan. I scrub some railings or something for two days and hear people's bark orders for 3,100 bucks. It's two days work, though. Yeah, no, it's two days work. But let's say, and not everybody can work in a nice restaurant.
Starting point is 00:28:43 But if you do work at a nice restaurant, you don't pull tips which is communism. I mean, it's just disgusting And I'm kidding. I'm an anarchist communist. I just chill out. I'm good with all of it man You probably make a lot more money and you're not Stranded in the middle of the goddamn ocean with a bunch of people with the same in the middle of the goddamn ocean with a bunch of people with the same cognitive dysfunctional issues that you, as you have in bunks. I mean, it just seems like I have your life. You're a New York City.
Starting point is 00:29:10 So, the sea rats are happy, and so are we, because we get to kick our feet up, and listen to the... Refreshing! Merding! Is that... Yeah, get in on that mic, too. What do you mean? the Refreshing All right, yeah, get it on that mic, dude. What do you mean is that you? You're pressuring a man come on give me some space. All right. This is gonna be the last charter. It's a one-day charter The primaries are Keith and Jolene Huggstad
Starting point is 00:29:45 Okay, good pronunciation Keith is a serial entrepreneur who owns a landscaping business. Joly and formerly competed in bodybuilding competitions. Right. She's a part of the IFDF, International Fitness and Body Building Federation. Oh, I was thinking that's where you have to poop a lot. But you're not supposed to interrupt the press. Sorry. The married couple also owns a fitness gym in florida in georgia and our avid fans of motocross and motorbike racing they even had a private motocross track built on their land oh so they're making some money over there yeah their guests include legendary bodybuilder dexter the blade jackson i think i know him he looks like the scary guy. That's right. Oh, okay. 2008 Mr. Olympia.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Yeah. And nine time Arnold Classic Champion. Hmm. As well as his wife Gail. Also on the boat is Neuro Psychologist Jamie Hope and her husband Terry who works in the liquor industry. Well, interesting. And lastly, couple Vincent Beverly who were gym owners from Florida and have known the
Starting point is 00:30:42 primaries for over two decades. Interesting, okay. I got to figure out the, uh, what known the primaries for over two decades. Interesting. I got to figure out the, what's the connection with the neuroscientist? What do you mean? Well, I don't know. It seems like, you know. Well, it's very, very clear. He's been on a stack for a while.
Starting point is 00:30:58 He starts punching holes in balls. He goes to see how. And that's how he meets this guy. Exactly. Oh, exactly. Nice. No information on dietary restrictions or what they'd like to eat at all for that matter. My guess is lots of protein.
Starting point is 00:31:13 The only thing that they do seem to want is to have a buns and guns contest. Oh, wow. In which yacht crew will participate to compete against each other while the guest judge. Interesting. And I would be surprised if Tony doesn't run away with this one. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Any football stats? I did not find any links to any football. You know, that is actually really, really good for me because he did some coloring, right? So he's at the end of the preference treatment. Yeah, that's great. So he said, no dietary restrictions. I don't know Yeah, that's okay great. So he said no dietary restrictions I don't know what they're gonna eat, but I assume it's a lot of protein Right that's color, cluing us into them being big juice heads. Yes, he also you've done a lot of steroids
Starting point is 00:31:56 So what is it like constant? Well lots of people think your balls shrink, but I'll tell you they don't they actually grow long. Yeah, they droop. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know my best friend Jeffie in the seventh grade good job, Kaelin 75 pots. I'm helping them on the weight rack I'm what do you call it where I'm supporting him as he's lifting things up. You said my friend what Jeffie? Jeffie. I'm helping him on that and then you do Oh, I'm holding up the bar. I'm supporting him or if you're I forget what that was you just make sure the bar doesn't come what now. You're spotting spotting. Yeah, and you know
Starting point is 00:32:31 that because you've done stacks and you're better than the gym. Well, you know, we were told you know, the way you get someone to really, you know, push is you like you insult them. So I was like, come on, pussy. Come on, fucking push higher, man. Yeah, yeah. Wouldn't you know it? That's sound of a bitch gets up from the weight rack and punches me in the face. Wow, wow. I later found out Jeff he was buying steroids. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Yeah, thank God he's off him now. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah. He's a helicopter pilot now. Okay. Yeah, that's really cool. Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:33:01 So Leah and she is shown some pictures of the puppy known as Camille. I guess that's South African shore dumb blonde. Yeah, yeah, that's that was mean. Yeah, but this is because she's in competition with somebody exactly what she's on me. Facebook creeping. Mm-hmm. We've all been there. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Yep. So they hit the tender and Ross says the thing that innumerable sea rats have sat in the past. It's probably not a good idea to get shit faced. Right. But. Fuck it. I'm a sea rat.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Right. Fuck it. Okay, so dinner looks. You only live once. Dinner looks magnificent Because of those perfectly emulsified piniacaladas one of the great cocktails in the history of the art form I love a good piniacalada. It is a A nuclear weapon of intoxication, you know
Starting point is 00:34:01 You don't know how powerful those things are because of how fucking delicious they are, but if the most of it properly, we don't want anything separating. We don't want an iceberg on top and a bunch of pineapple juice on the bottom. If they are most of it correctly, I mean, there is almost nothing better. Very heavy on the gut, though. Oh, yeah, you'd be sugar. Getting yourself. Yeah. How about a negroni? Negronies are more appropriate in more contexts. But I would say that opinion, a lot of beats out of negroni in terms of deliciousness and efficiency.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Probably not efficiencies. Negroni is pretty boozy. So dinner looks magnificent because of the pie, I just said that. I literally just said that. What is this groundhog day? Haley and Frazier have a lovely moment. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:47 We're in Haley tells Frazier, Jesus. I'm sorry. He's gay. Yeah. I know, but it was so nice, you know, or her telling him, you know, how fucking great he is. Yeah. Frazier's just like looking at her and he's,
Starting point is 00:34:59 I don't know, he's in like a haze of sig smoke. Right, right, right. The best day of his life. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dude, like the best day of his life. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dude, Frage got fucking torqued tonight. He was wasted. Yeah. Everyone did if you think about it.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Right. It's like it's their last night. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's not. They have to wake up in 11 hours. Right, exactly. So we learned that Leigh Ann has been cheated on quite a bit. And Haley's vagina comes out.
Starting point is 00:35:21 We move on to the... Oh, no, no, no, I got to talk about that, tell. Oh, god. And Lee, they're at the dinner table, I gotta talk about that, tell. Oh, got it. And they're at the dinner table and they chat about her last relationship and she tells him, he would say things like, like, I'm in you and then do the total opposite.
Starting point is 00:35:36 And I was thinking like, all right, that behavior sounds pretty familiar, you know? Yeah, like, like Ben. Ha, ha, ha, ha. He's with Millia Lyson. I think you're being too hard on Ben. I think he's at a dinner. He basically, he's on a date right now. Ben reminds me of Speed Race, Hearn Away, where he's like, go, like I'm just, he's just trying to get over the finish line without hurting anybody. But if he has to, he will hit the e button and break fucking hearts.
Starting point is 00:36:09 That's what that button did. So, Leanne and Ben play with fire when we get to the club. Quite a strip tease from Ben. You know who else plays with fire? Ross. The whole surger himself. He sees a hole off to the wings and he says why don't you come dance that obviously she is a person but i'm seeing the world through his vandals right
Starting point is 00:36:30 now uh... but this obviously gets katee pissed and when they get in the back of the van katean ross of a bit of a tip i have to say the thing that repulses ross the most is not her trying to curb his whole hunting. It is her referring to him as baby. When he hears that, he is done.
Starting point is 00:36:59 But because he's a sex addict, he's not. Because he will remind her that we've only got one night left to fuck so let's not fuck this up. I know I said I was grossed out by you and that this isn't going to work but let's hold it together for one more night. Haley and Tyler have a lovely moment. Food fight. We know they have nothing left with this season left to give because they spent a full We know they have nothing left with this season left to give because they spent a full Five minutes of a food fight. I thought the food fight was fun It was like searats being searats like this is like the jovial side of the searat, you know like you have
Starting point is 00:37:40 You have like this is the spectrum you have people talking about Being tied up and watching their mother get hit with some kind of, um, like a bone. Yeah, some type of archeological dig find. And then you have sea rats fucking and sucking, the pinnacle. But then you have fun moments like this where they're throwing cake and shit and they're ruining their own environment. It's actually quite a fun sabotaging endeavor to watch. But we move on to the next day. Ross.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Next morning. Ross, thank you. That took you forever. Sorry. Ross and Katie have a lovely mending moment wherein Ross has listened whatever your name is. We're just, can I just, can we be friends with benefits? And I'm pretty sure she says yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah,, exactly and then we get a meanwhile my wife calls her Shree is so mean my wife calls Katie Whenever she comes on the screen my wife yells baby prostitute. I guess cuz her oh my god She always dresses like a like a hooker, you know, I find it very sexy, but anyway see. But anyway, I can't believe that Shari and not you said that. Yeah. It's like we were meant to be together. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So we end with a meanwhile. Meanwhile, Seerat's clean and Lee hobbled, Leans over with his bionic purple crutch
Starting point is 00:39:05 and struggles to pick something up. You know, we really are in the doldrums. But I do appreciate the producers letting us see just how sad it is to see Lee try to do everything, every day things like lean over. Yeah. You should not be on this book, but he would have died if he did not come back
Starting point is 00:39:24 and finished this charter. Guys, that's it for us. Love you for listening. Love you for supporting the show. Share the show and tell your friends, tell your family. Dylan, Dylan, remind them of the YouTube channel thing again. No, let's do this. You remind them of the YouTube channel because it's very simple.
Starting point is 00:39:37 All right, it's bad TV with dots in between the T and the V. He did it. All right, you got to go over there right now. You owe us. We want to hit a thousand this week. Yeah. Yeah,. Hey, did it. All right, you gotta go over there right now. You owe us, we wanna hit a thousand this week. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Just do it.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Go over there, we have it. And we'll have Stuart. Hey, Stuart, our Facebook guy. Right. Hey, post a link to make it easy for everybody on another below deck podcast. Yeah, so go over there, subscribe. If you're still subscribed to
Starting point is 00:40:02 what a solid premise is, hang out there if you want. But but if you don't come on over to bad TV where the below deck You know it's support everyone you can that's what we're saying But support us at bad TV put the dots in the middle. We love you guys very much Jumping iTunes Rage reviews join us on patreon for ad free uncensored episodes I'm Dylan saying goodbye Pat say goodbye. Hey goodbye. Say goodbye. Say goodbye. Say goodbye. Say goodbye. Say goodbye.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Say goodbye. Say goodbye. Say goodbye. Say goodbye. Say goodbye. Say goodbye. Say goodbye. Say goodbye.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Say goodbye. Say goodbye. Judy was boring. Hello. Then Judy discovered Jumba It's my little escape. Now Judy's the life of the party. Oh, baby.
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