Another Below Deck Podcast - There's Glass in that Bag | Below Deck S10 E6

Episode Date: January 5, 2023

Pat and Dylan are BACK! It's a new year and a new episode of Below Deck. We talk polls, crab, awards, tennis, chairs, plastic forks and who is right or wrong in the battle of the season, Camille or Al...issa? OUR NEW SHOW BAD TV IS LIVE AND WE'RE COVERING LOVE AFTER LOCKUP! - Subscribe right here: full season of Below Deck Down Under recaps is ALREADY available only on our Patreon at available is our coverage of Below Deck Sailing and Love is Blind seasons 1 and 2 for both shows!Check out our merch!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 jesus christ you know you like you're more annoying than the old guy at the bar that used to tell you he's to supervise at the factory until they closed down it's like yeah but now you're here drinking at a fucking bar old man patrick yeah why was that passed off as some random hypothetical and not a concrete memory from your life what and why what is to brag about being the supervisor at the factory? I know Gigi's a bit of a piece of shit, but at least she won Wimbledon. Welcome aboard another brand spanking new episode of another Below Deck Podcast. My name is Dylan. I'm settled up next to Pat Hickey.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Permission to come aboard. Granted. All right. Happy New Year. Happy New Year to you. To you. To all of our fans. Big announcement. Yeah? What is it? Well, video's back, I announcement. Yeah, what is it? Well, video's back, I think.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Oh, yeah, hopefully. Let's see how this evening goes. You know, cameras are so finicky. Also, public service announcement. Playing hurt right now, okay? Oh, that's what's going on. Yeah. You look like a shell of yourself over there in the corner.
Starting point is 00:01:23 I have a stiff neck. What happened was I took a very strong edible and i began to watch tar with my favorite cape blanchett i was folded up like a car crash dummy for about two and a half hours and i think i slept on it weird i'm in a lot of pain right now but it's a new year it's a new episode we have a lot to get into so we should do it post taste right do you have anything to add 100 we gotta talk about our patreon tiers okay let's do it this is where you sign up this is where you get the most bang for your buck people i'm doing you a favor this isn't helping me all right full disclosure it's absolutely helping me but it's helping you as well now tonight's going to be a little contentious because i think a lot of our fans were
Starting point is 00:02:08 rather disappointed in us last week oh yeah why is that uh well some were upset that we had not put out stuff oh i'm sorry it's the week of jesus's birthday right oh i'm sorry to interrupt your podcasting listening yeah yeah and we love you guys but also seek help but i think a lot of us a lot of the fans were a little peeved uh not only with us but with uh the snake known as alissa oh who we spoke with um before the break um she was very media trained and i do want to apologize to the fans you. We're trying to toe this line between being kind to the guests, working well with Bravo PR. But I don't know how you felt.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Well, I felt like we didn't get the goods, if you know what I mean. Normally, I kind of just sit back and I let you undo, which is really get contentious with the guests that are kind enough to join join us and i think i'm going to go back to that strategy honestly well i'll tell you what you can start off with uh g gg the famous tennis player uh we may be booking her i want to ask her just the direct question why bring uh trophies on a boat why do you bring everything and then she'll answer and then i'll say thank you for your time ma'am right right right right be a quick one yeah be one of our shorter ones so anyways um apologies if we were a little soft with alissa but short of you know calling her untoward names i don't think that we were
Starting point is 00:03:41 really going to get a rise um so you know yeah let me and i want to say something because i i learned something from that interview and maybe you guys haven't listened alissa and i'm not making excuses for her she definitely has a very demeaning tone to her put it nicely uh she was 21 years old when she filmed that imagine yourself at 21 don't care can't wait to get into this episode which we need need to do so now. Now, I'm going to begin with thoughts and pots because they have to do with Alyssa. Okay. Tonight, I learned two things. My two big takeaways from the evening.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Despise Alyssa. Love Tony. Now, Tony's a lunatic who needs to fight dance at 3 o'clock in the morning, but he's just a great guy. He has so many little moments throughout this episode that were so endearing. Now, Alyssa, man, do I wish we could have spoken to her just a week, an episode later, because the muck that she exists in was so on display this evening. Now, we've spoken about a Sophie's Choice that no one needs to make, right? They're sea rats. You don't need to have allegiances to sea rats. They're sea rats. But if you were
Starting point is 00:04:50 to be forced at gunpoint to pick one of these sea rats, I don't see how anyone could really pick Alyssa. Camille is lazy. Camille is a lunatic. But Alyissa can conjure this evil to her and given the context of the conversation we had with her last week where she said she was so intimidated by camille and she was so worried about her mental health alissa if you are listening we are going to have another interview with you dear and it's not going to go as milk toasty is the first one because your evil was on display tonight 92 pots wow it's actually 40 pots not a good episode it's interesting that two people can watch the same episode oh and have completely different opinions oh my god hey dill as you were listing some of i guess camille's attributes or some of her lazy lunatic right you also uh
Starting point is 00:05:43 forgot an important one. What? Liar. Oh, what's that? Oh, yeah, I can't come up and clean the galley, Rach. As Captain Stanley told me, you take a 30-minute nap. Well, she did,
Starting point is 00:05:56 but also that falls under the umbrella of lazy. Kind of falls under the category of liar. You get in our Facebook group, find us another Below Deck podcast on facebook and let us know okay now my thoughts someone is you know industrious maybe do a poll or something yeah yeah do a poll we love polls we love polls all right i'm gonna say something that people can't believe i'm saying yeah i love captain sandy oh my god what a great leader captain most improved strikes again. Wow. I just love how she's dealing with all the drama. She's not just sitting on the sideline. She's not like as a Katie had referred to her in the final minutes of this episode, some old lazy fuck that just sits up in
Starting point is 00:06:37 that chair and plays fruit Ninja all day. Are you talking about Lee? I didn't, it was Katie. I don't know who she was referring to, but it definitely wasn wasn't captain sandy she's a big fan of captain sandy as is this podcaster uh i'm enjoying her this season well done captain sandy yeah uh hey question um when tony wasn't getting any sleep on the night out where all the sea rats went out was uh that ross uh pounding away at his drunken sea stub? No. Or was Camille on? That was Ben pounding away at Camille. Yeah. Oh, that just upped my pointage. 10 more points.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Why is that? Well, I thought it was someone beating off. No, it was sex. Yeah. So you always get added points for sea rat sex. So 40 knots. So it was 30 knots when you thought it was just a sea rat masturbating. Well, fascinating insight into the scale of Patrick.
Starting point is 00:07:34 We got to take a break and get to an ad read. Kidding. Let's get into the show. So last, but we got ad reads tonight. Not 50, but plenty. ad free episodes. $5. So last we Not 50, but plenty. ad free episodes. $5. So last we left off, Captain Sandy had taken the helm
Starting point is 00:07:51 and Captain Lee's watch had ended. Bad back. I'm still here. It's 6.15. Weet Bix is getting sucked down and laundry is being turned. It's been so long since we've watched a show that I completely forgot who these fucking primaries were. And I'd forgotten that that sex addict Ross hooked up with Alyssa and is carrying on like he and Katie are just fine, just dating. We'll see his disease on display this evening.
Starting point is 00:08:23 That was really gross. He needs to seek treatment. Oh my God. And we should probably speak to authorities. But yeah, yeah. Ross, he's a real pig, that one. You cannot grab a woman and thrust her into you and then have this Vegemite Marmite accent apology the next day. Now we'll get to it because it was masterful.
Starting point is 00:08:49 It was almost like a spell had been cast over these two. So inappropriate sexual harassment. I mean, think about if he's working at JP Morgan Chase and he's not a sea rat. What I was in. We were in a hot tub. Frank, I'm sorry. You got to go, pal. his name's frank yeah no but i do want to say this dylan for ross ross is living in his sea rat habitat okay he's behaving
Starting point is 00:09:15 like you know one of these old uh crusty uh sea rats that you know these sea faring rats it's katie that is not understanding how these sea rats operate she should smack him in the face and say no more of this and by the way i've called uh i called my attorney uh-huh yeah you okay yeah but she's not she's like oh it's okay you got long c yeah too much salt join us on another podcast show we'll recap our entire holiday vacation i'm really excited to get there so um it was at this point when i remembered who the primaries were because gg who played tennis a couple times makes people fear polly about themselves what what did he just say um i don't like this woman i i had kind of and i still have no recollection specifically of what she did last week, but she has this way of reminding people how great she once was.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Yes, yes, yes. It's very annoying. It's countless times. Did I ever tell you the time I was at this rich guy's house, and he's like, hey, you want to take a tour downstairs? And I was like, oh, sure. He's got a game room and a big movie theater. And as we're walking in the hallway, I see all these medals.
Starting point is 00:10:24 And I said, what is that mean and he said uh oh those are olympic medals and i like look a little closer and i was like wow you uh won a silver medal for skiing in 1984 i didn't know you were a big skier yeah he said no i'm rich i just bought him. He collected other Olympiads medals and put them on his wall. Almost like someone like, you know, you know, like a bear was walking on like a broken leg and you shot him and you put his head on your wall. It's like, Hey, you didn't know the bear should be able to try and, you know, eat you first. Talk about the bear anymore. Cause that's too sad. But, and we have to get back to the show. He collected other people's medals that were in a bad place and had to sell off their Olympic medals.
Starting point is 00:11:09 That's what's so sad about this shit coin we're talking about. On one side, we've got a lunatic who's buying. They can't be inexpensive, right? Right. And then you've got this beautiful pursuit that Olympians have that is certifiably insane because, I mean, I know that it dates back to Athens and whatnot, but I mean, you're an archer? How about those people?
Starting point is 00:11:36 You do archery? How about those people with the brooms on the ice? Yeah, what's that sport called? Scooting? Yeah, something like that. No, what's it called? Oh, man, I don't know. It's called curling. Curling! Those stones are very expensive i know that let's get back to the show right now hey you want to see my gold medal oh what's it for curling okay uh that's
Starting point is 00:11:54 like someone uh you go to their house and they're like uh hey you want to see the bathroom remod uh no no i don't i don't want to see how the bowl of your sink is on top of the counter. I think that sucks. It's going to be hard for me to not say that it sucks. I'd rather stay down here, eat a bunch of cheese and drink. So she brought her Olympic gold on the show. I'm wondering if she's about to start a business, like if she's launching something.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Like what is with the exposition dump on this character it's very very uh confusing so eddie is still pissed out off about not working out at three o'clock in the morning tony uh yes well i call him eddie because of the tech and character uh he's calling his cereal a whore and then we get ready for the tennis and now what part of tony on this episode was endearing to you because all i saw was a guy an addict that wasn't getting his dose and it turns him into a complete uh prick good point there's something about a costa rican man slamming protein powder on top of French toast crunch or cinnamon toast crunch
Starting point is 00:13:06 and calling said bowl of whore. I don't know. I just thought it was funny, but he has some beautiful moments later on that I've forgotten each and every one of. So need a meanwhile. Meanwhile, Camille is working with shades on. She looks like she's on heroin and she's breaking glass left and right and we fight over this. And I have to say, I i mean we've talked about it but alissa not a fan and it's not to say i think she's a bad person but i i i don't ever want to talk to a 22 year old sea rat really ever again well okay dylan again i know you're bothered by her but what she's saying if you actually break down the game film is not her tone is sorry but the content
Starting point is 00:13:53 yeah of what she's trying to get across to the person her subordinate is a someone can cut their fucking hand sure if you put another fucking broken glass in the trash bag, you dumb idiot. 100%. Now, Camille, like I said, lunatic, lazy. This is the kind of joker-like madness that is consuming Camille, right? She doesn't care that the glass is sticking out of the bag, that blood could be extracted from unassuming people. But Alyssa is a snake. She has the energy of Ka. Now, I think that you are biased because Alyssa looks like your wife.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Oh, my wife is far more attractive. We can, you know, and listen, we can, you can say that nobody's arguing with you, but I think that's what's going on. The leash is extended because she looks like your adoring wife. Look, I'm a man. Okay, Dylan. And I'm not going to deny that our, our certainly our our view of events can be uh blurred by attractiveness to a particular individual but in this case right she almost cut someone's fucking hand off man so um alissa is um yeah
Starting point is 00:14:59 we've talked about it so frazier gets the the team together and the ladies ask Rachel how she knows which flavors to pair. And that is when Gigi talks once again about how cool it is to be great at tennis. Let's get to the triangle sadness between Captain Sandy and Alyssa and Camille. Mm-hmm. One last note on Gigi. I think she humble humble brags uh 1200 more times i think yeah uh this seemed when she was kind of recounting this story uh yeah it's something that's been told many times before uh you know and that's the sad part what is that uh it was something about her uh winning it and then she oh then i actually won this other whenever i go home oh that's where i always all these other medals I've won.
Starting point is 00:15:45 I'll tell you, when I bring home that silver medal from Switzerland, that's what really is awe-inspiring of everybody that knows me and looks up to me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, all right. What are you trying to do here? Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:15:58 You know, you're more annoying than the old guy at the bar that used to tell you he used to supervise at the factory until they closed down. It's like, yeah, but now you're here drinking at a fucking bar old man patrick yeah why was that passed off as some random hypothetical and not a concrete memory from your life if i'm gonna add the real details hey can you quit spitting on my face when you talk sir what and why what is to brag about being the supervisor at the
Starting point is 00:16:26 factory i know gg's a bit of a piece of shit but at least you won wimbledon that guy's just spitting in people's faces best plastic forks in america man oh really yeah jessup jessup all right let's get into this thing between uh captain sandy and alissa and camille um tell us about it uh okay so this is where captain sandy says uh hey you know uh maybe camille uh needs a schedule yeah i think that will solve everything if she has a schedule all these other issues will probably you know go away well yes and elisa weeps and you know this is where she kind of godfather three'd me a little bit but i was not pulled back in um at the conclusion of this episode so sandy says i have an idea we should put camille on service uh elisa says that
Starting point is 00:17:18 will not work then captain sandy uh tells camille to apologize and camille with her sour puss attitude says i'm not i don't really mean it but i'll do it to play the game camille you are not um gordon gecko okay hey you're a c-rat so um yeah i don't know we bounce around a lot this episode yeah it's so much so right now we cut to the beach where that uh tennis racket tablescape is created sure now i took a lot of attention to this because uh what is this a fourth grader's birthday party it's a lunch of a bunch of old bags like hey can you imagine george lucas he rents a yacht and he goes to the beach to sit down for a fucking lunch and there's a there's a fucking r2d2 tablecloth oh this is great no i'd be like was that your george yeah i was my george or a yoda cake like rage cooks it hey that's something
Starting point is 00:18:16 i did 40 years sorry he was supposed to be green yeah why is yoda pink he was supposed to be green and he's supposed to look like yoda but this is just a round blob i know it looks like a cancer cell but i keep seeing children burning while i'm making confectionaries all right so we get to the luncheon like we talking about um hayley the buttocks professional says that someone told her to join the yacht life because it would be luxurious and i was like they told you take a vacation i think i mean they couldn't possibly be talking about being a fucking sea rat um and she mentions it later on in the episode hayley's one of my favorites she's like the low-key queen of this boat she goes honey we're in a prison so um the camera guy gets hit in the dick when we move on to elissa and camille's reconciliation camille apologizes and elissa takes it in and rejoices a
Starting point is 00:19:18 little too much yeah she revels in it she's like that is great that you're able to apologize but we need to implement action not just words honey okay okay honey see i can see where that could drive some people nuts you could yeah yeah i can too because it drives me fucking nuts because we got the the whole drain on my mental health thing and all that stuff and then we also have this cat with an injured mouse type attitude um that makes me think like all right alissa do you think you're going to be like an entrepreneur or something like that like where is this diabolical thing coming from i give her a little grace for being young god damn it dylan she's 21 when she was filming this yeah again she's got a little bit of an attitude problem but what 21 year old
Starting point is 00:20:09 doesn't when you give them a little power 21 year olds are not evil unless you're evil and i think alissa is evil were you evil when you were 21 no no you were nice and naive. Who hurt you? Someone make that poll in our Facebook group. We got to know what side you guys are coming down on. So Ben loses at tennis and we get to lunch. But before we do that, let's take a quick break and talk about a wonderful, wonderful company, Athletic Greens. wonderful company, Athletic Greens. Our next partner is a product that I use literally every day.
Starting point is 00:20:52 I started taking AG1. Why? Because you want to feel better in the morning and be your optimum self. It's a new year, okay? Start your year off right with just a super scoop of nutrition. How would you describe the taste outside of delicious? Absolutely delicious. It doesn't have any chemically, obviously, because it's all natural stuff. You drink it. It's just like, I don't know. It tastes like pineapple. Exactly. It tastes like pineapple rainbow in the morning. It costs you less than $3 a day. You're investing in your
Starting point is 00:21:24 health and that's way cheaper than your cold brew habit. For every purchase, they also donate to organizations that help kids get nutritious food, including no kid hungry here in the United States. Okay. The man, the beautiful man who created Athletic Greens, created after experiencing how difficult it was to create an optimal nutrition routine on your own. What do you going to do? Have a Patrick Bateman kind of routine for all your vitamins and minerals? Right now, it's time to reclaim your health and arm your immune system with convenient daily
Starting point is 00:21:53 nutrition. It's just one scoop and a cup of water every single day. That's it. No need for a million different pills and supplements to look out for your health to make it easy. Athletic Greens is going to give you a free one-year supply of immune supporting vitamin D and five free travel packs with your first purchase. All you have to do is go to slash below deck. Again, that is slash below deck to take ownership over your health and pick up the ultimate daily nutritional insurance. Help us out, people. It's New Year's resolutions. Don't quit smoking. You like smoking. Don't quit drinking your vino at night. You know what you you do your new year's resolution is you want to feel better in the morning so uh buy some of that athletic is beautiful but before we get there um oh no yeah sorry uh lunch is
Starting point is 00:22:38 beautiful it's a tomahawk king crab leg and then of course you know you think tomahawk you think king crab leg and then you think salsa bar i'm telling you we got to get rach on because seeing dead bodies while she's seeing dead body she's talking to people who are behind bars who are not there so we head back to the boat and one of the women amanda begins to yell help now i thought a couple things at this portion you sound funny and two and maybe this is my latent misogyny but i thought no way can this be a big deal you what do you have a cramp or something swim back to the boat that's what i thought it was but no alas it was not it was something far worse something that would cause me to panic
Starting point is 00:23:34 into possible drowning that being covered by fucking jellyfish that i would i'd lose it not cool i don't like those things you know the lifespan of a jellyfish dylan of i would imagine it depends on the kind of jellyfish right much universal what is it one year one year yeah do you know how long a fly lives why are you talking like that um this is how i talk this is your this is your trivia voice no it's just me having a you know a conversation yeah can you ask me that question again i do how long a fly lives see i feel like you haven't I talk to anybody. This is your trivia voice? No, it's just me having a conversation. Yeah. Can you ask me that question again?
Starting point is 00:24:08 I do know how long a fly lives. See, I feel like you have an affect. Are you intrigued? No, because it's probably a day. It's two. So when you kill one. Yeah. Eh, he's almost on his way out.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Not that big of a deal. You know, I will not kill a spider. Me neither. I will. I would torture a fly if a spider. Me neither. I will. I would torture a fly if I could. Can't stand those things. Well, let's talk to PETA about that. All right. So, no, I would never torture an animal,
Starting point is 00:24:34 except for my sister-in-law's cat. And I mean that. But she's come after my cat many times. It's like a kid. If there was a bully, someone bullying your kid, you'd be like, I beat the fucking shit out of that little five-year-old. You know? You know, in the fifth grade, I threw this poor kid,
Starting point is 00:24:54 I think his name's Derek, gym bag across the gymnasium. Yeah. Wouldn't you know it, the next day his dad showed up to school to beat the shit out of me. Yeah. They had to hold him back. Right. That's what I would do.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Hey, Dad, why don't you let Derek and I work it out? Yeah. Okay? You're 32. What are you going to do with a 10-year-old? And honestly, Derek's going to keep getting bullied if you fight all of his battles. You got to teach him how to fight
Starting point is 00:25:16 or you got to give him a pocket knife. So we move on to the Indian dinner. Rachel's going to kill it because she spent a lot of time in that country. I can't remember if little guy was Indian. Little guy? Who's a little guy? You remember her little guy?
Starting point is 00:25:31 Her little guy? Oh, her boyfriend? Yeah. I thought he was Italian. Okay. So Indian food is a digestif, she says. Not for me. I kind of shit blood after I eat it.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Oh, not me. Yeah, it's probably because of the amount of naan and paneer that i suck down you're not supposed to eat that much bread and dairy at once where do you get your indian food uh bollywood around the corner what bollywood it's called bollywood of course okay a little chicken martica a little uh chicken paneer okay yeah a little chicken martica a little uh okay yeah a little garlic not a little rice pudding to finish it off oh wow do you get a do you get a lassie oh mango lassies yeah absolutely dude oh wow look at you oh yes i don't think you would do well there huh i don't think you would do well there uh in india yeah oh absolutely not me You know, I used to date Indian girls.
Starting point is 00:26:27 And they used to tell me, don't ever go to India. You wouldn't like it. We didn't like it. That's why we're here. I believed them. Yeah, they were like, it's really wicked how in America you don't bathe and bury your dead in the same body of water. It's a beautiful country. Hey, racist.
Starting point is 00:26:46 No, I'm not being racist. That's a custom. The Ganges. It's a beautiful body of water. There's shit in it too, I think. Listen, India is a land of milk and honey, silk and mathematics. It's much more beautiful than this fucking country. Okay, so
Starting point is 00:27:08 moving on to more Camille. She goes up to see how her bud Captain Sandy is doing. She goes, hey, what's up? Great view up here and Captain Sandy says, can you go away? What are you doing up here that this is when she tells her to go and take a bit of a break now that rest is interrupted unfortunately by a request
Starting point is 00:27:34 from rachel and when that request is made camille throws captain sandy under the bus quote unquote uh i thought that this was a kind of i don't't know, not a cool thing for Sandy to do. I thought it was flaming Camille quite a bit. And it really embarrassed Camille. But because the break is torn away from her, she begins to weep. I will say this. I think at this point, Sandy has gotten enough of the bullshit and realizing that Camille is a uh a little lying
Starting point is 00:28:05 snake whether there was ambiguity in that statement go take a break yes given other people aren't asking you to do something go ahead sure yeah i'll take that but uh dude nevertheless she is a full-on liar i'm on your i'm on your side now yeah uh camille stinks oh yeah two things can be true at once what's with all this white and black? It's not binary. No, Camille's horrible, and the way that Alyssa talks to Camille is horrible, and both could probably be helped out by one losing the attitude
Starting point is 00:28:34 and the other one losing the attitude. Problem solved. You know what else is horrible? What? Prop 31, dude. What is that? They got rid of flavored tobacco vapes because the kids were sucking them down i walked into a
Starting point is 00:28:46 vape shop i said what the hell's going on in here half your store is empty the guy came out said prop 31 dude i'm back to these i got a hurt neck and i'm smoking jewels i gotta figure this out my life is in disarray right now what are you looking for my gummy oh public service announcement pat's a weed head now pat's on boo on uh on edibles really shocking shit what kind of gummies are they i didn't bring the case out here i'm shocked at how inexpensive it is actually i get these nice little sugar cube square things like this yeah and uh it takes about an hour to take effect and it's like i had a nice glass of wine and then i go to bed how many milligrams i have no idea can't be that got it from woody house in this place i bet it's fucking cbd it's not chc it is really i said i don't want any of that fucking fake shit did you really yeah that's intense yeah i hope i'm gonna be
Starting point is 00:29:45 all right for the next five shows we're doing tonight uh all right so um uh we i've opened my notes so many times and it's always in the same spot i don't know what's going on with this fucking app sorry audience let's move on to damage control camille goes up to sandy immediately hey i'm sorry if we had some miscommunication there. Liar. And Sandy's like, all right, well, you need a new schedule. And are you in it to win it? Because if you're not, I'm going to have to let you go.
Starting point is 00:30:15 To win what? Yeah, what are they winning? Career advancement as a C-rat? You know, one of our Facebook fans, Stacy, going to do a better job with that in 2023, implied that Camille is giving her Caroline vibes. Oh, yes, yes, yes. Friend of the show, Caroline.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Friend of the show, Caroline, we love you. You're a nutbag. But I thought that that was a great take. Camille definitely gives me Caroline vibes. They actually look similar. Throw a red-headed wig on her. 100%. Maybe. Holy fucking shit.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Are you Caroline? I haven't heard from her in a couple months. Maybe she did get back on that boat like we did. I'm hiding. So, she says, I'm going to have to go wash dishes with the weird redheaded chick. Now, listen, I guess this is why I put both feet in Camille's camp, because I just think that she is more entertaining. You know, Alyssa cannot deliver lines like, fine,
Starting point is 00:31:17 I'm going to go wash dishes with that weird redheaded chick. You know, I mean, I think it's because she forgot her name because she's dumb. Dude, what? I don't know why Camille's on this boat. Honestly, I mean, I think it's because she forgot her name because she's dumb. Dude, what? I don't know why Camille's on this boat. Honestly, I hey. Great question. All right. So a scheduled meeting is called and it's decided that Camille is now drumroll Frazier's problem.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Now, Ross says, great. Thank God, he says. Now, Ross says, great. Thank God, he says. And she is then scolded by Frasier for making him look like a wanker in front of Captain Sandy. He's right here. I don't remember any time that she's actually gone to him to ask him to deal with this situation.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Yeah, and she has such an insane attitude towards Frasier. I get Alyssa. She's her mortal enemy and not that much more powerful than her, but Frazier is the head of the department. You cannot speak to people like this who are heads of department. I mean, you'll just fail in life. I think this is the moment where he's like,
Starting point is 00:32:15 I gotta fire this idiot. There's no way Camille makes it through the entire season. Absolutely not. She's gone episode 9.3 or 9.5. That's the line. So dinner served but first let's take a break let's get to an ad read today's episode is brought to you by Rocket Money. Yes. Hey, do you know how much your subscriptions cost? No.
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Starting point is 00:36:45 so they can pork yes yeah yeah exactly so dinner first up is chutney with a flatbread uh then we get to purple cauliflower with chickpeas and to wrap things up going fish or going fish excuse me now it's lovely it's warm it tastes of a spice trade. You know, the very same trade that educated a young Jesus of netherness into the ways of the spirit. But we move on to a meanwhile. Meanwhile, Gigi says that she left her pickle. Oh, 80 pots. It was a lovely.
Starting point is 00:37:18 I mean, she knows how to cook Indian food. Yeah. Gigi says that she left her pickleball trophies at home how big of you oh we were dying to see those i um and then tony is a happy boy because he can dance fight once again at three o'clock in the morning and then elissa complains about camille a little bit more while uh getting a little uh face sucking in captain's chair oh well yeah camille was uh dry humping uh ben yeah yeah yeah and if it was really quiet in there but if you listen uh closely there was a nearby closet where they put all the maps in there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah No one misses Lee. I can't live in this closet much longer without Cheerios. You know, there was a lot of drama on the internet about this whole thing.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Oh, right. Lee chimed in, didn't he? Yeah, the disrespect towards Captain's chair, which, I mean, you and I know full well how important that chair is. It's where he plays Fruit Ninja. It's not even where he does the docking and undocking. It's where he sits and plays Fruit Ninja and where other people sit and just fucking try not to fall asleep. Okay. Is another reason why you despise Captain Lee so much his overactivity on social media?
Starting point is 00:38:44 Yeah. Because he really gets in the fucking shade, the tea, the muck, and over activity on social media yeah because he really gets in the fucking shade the tea the muck and the dirt on social media and he's a 70 year old man it's fucking weird i think it's sad but he is a bravo leprity so he has to do that maybe someone else handles his account we'd all like to believe that oh no i think that he uh he stands firmly the fact that it's my Twitter account. Alright, so Gigi, we spoke about that. So Alyssa comes
Starting point is 00:39:11 in and really demonstrates how intimidated she is by Camille. This is the moment where I... You're going to call Alyssa out on her bullshit i hate alissa okay yeah um with glee she comes in and says oh i didn't realize you didn't do the salon now someone who is intimidated
Starting point is 00:39:37 by someone someone who is being drained of their mental well-being by someone does not have this kind of kind of sarcastic well she's delivery yes she has so much enjoyment clean the salon right oh you're gonna be up all night dear well i'm gonna clock you out now can you can continue to work if you want yeah definitely her tone sucks i would hate Alyssa if she was my... But also, she tells her she wouldn't... She says no one would mind on the boat if she quit. She did say that. Just kind of drew.
Starting point is 00:40:15 It is true. I've said things like that before, too. I guess it hurts people. So if we talk to her again, it will be different, like I said. I have more notes on our conversation with her but we already talked about it at donzium um well one other thing i was gonna say i don't know how old camille is but she's definitely older than alissa yeah you can hear see where ego goes to where a 21 year old is now your superior yeah and that could hurt the ego a little bit yeah i'm not saying that's 100 what's
Starting point is 00:40:44 at play here, but definitely I believe it is a factor. All right, let's get to the next day. Next day. Breakfast of crab cake Benedict. Jesus. Would you ever order that in the morning? Yeah, I would actually.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Would you really? Yeah, because it's not fishy at all. No, it's more distinct than that. You know, it's so funny. Two flavors, two of my least favorite foods on planet Earth, tahini and crab. Can't do it. Can't do either fucking one of those.
Starting point is 00:41:16 Don't put that shit on the mango. It's really good mango. I don't want to taste the spices made in some goddamn factory somewhere. I want the mango and the crab. I don't know what it is about bugs. There's something holy and like it's all encompassing the way that we eat them. We just, we keep them in tanks with fucking rubber bands around their claws. And then we put them in hot water and then we suck the fucking meat from their exoskeleton. It's just fucking disgusting. I don't even like the way they taste. Makes you feel like a fucking alien. Makes you feel like you're in the twilight zone.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Every time I see people fucking sucking down crab meat, it's terrifying. Let's move on to the tip meeting. Vuv Clicquot is poured, and we get to the biggest tip we've ever seen doing this show. We may have seen 32, but I can't verify that.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Verify it for us. 35 grand wowza 35 30 i'm sorry 31 31 2400 each i rounded up by like 50 bucks or whatever but uh that's a lot of cabbage if that was what the tips were old patty might be a sea rat i don't think you would maybe i don't think you would i don't would. I don't think he would. I don't like cleaning toilets. No, you don't like cleaning toilets, and I would definitely not want to serve the wealthy. And after two months, you're like, oh, shit. I made $18,000. What am I doing with my life?
Starting point is 00:42:45 So I'm in the middle of the ocean. Some woman talking about her fucking trophies and I have to fake like I'm interested. Yeah. Oh, you didn't bring the pickleball once. Oh, bummer. Oh, well, maybe you show us some pictures of them later. And then after the whole thing's over,
Starting point is 00:43:08 show us some pictures of them later and then after the whole thing's over you are being had sex with by ross at some fucking weird town in croatia or something and then he just leaves the next day and you're just in croatia and you're like what am i gonna do now yeah i guess i'll go back to florida i didn't think about that being accosted by Ross. Ross, sir, that is absolutely inappropriate. We'll talk about it right now. So the night out sex addict Ross is already talking about how he's going to get crazy tonight. And Alyssa is saying that she's going to get drunk again. Just typical C-Rod stuff. Camille says she once fucked in a graveyard.
Starting point is 00:43:43 And then we get to the ultimate betrayal well i was gonna say one quick note because ross man we haven't gotten to really know what he's about but he uh lets us know the english like to drink yeah yeah ross what are your other revelations the sky is blue well he's like people think of uh brits as drinking tea it's like yeah but also we think of you as drunks and bad teeth yeah like way before tea i mean serious drunks and listen there's nothing wrong with that i mean it's it's a beautiful culture um but yeah we knew that yeah so um it does not help that the restaurant just sets down a fifth of rum oh insane i mean what are you doing do you understand that these people are sea rats so hayley like i said master
Starting point is 00:44:32 of the boat she's incredible camille forgets that she's working on a prison um and then they get back to the boat after dinner and some shit goes down as does with drunk sex addicts. This is one of those below deck moments where I feel like are we in 2006 where someone saying the N word to someone someone nothing happens um people are picking up crew members and they're not told to get off the boat and you know maybe i'm being a little oversensitive but this is something like i guess if consenting adults who didn't consent to sexual assault consent to just smoothing it over the next morning i guess fine but this was really really fucked up well here's the other factor not like it matters that ben's kind of into her and it seems like they were spending the whole night together oh yeah just your other subordinate you
Starting point is 00:45:35 just mow right through him and he's like i'm gonna take your gal right now he wasn't he didn't even he just went in for a there's there's the in the bro code, and then there is grabbing a young woman. Assault. Right. There's grabbing a young woman and thrusting her into your cock. Yeah, I can't even imagine if you or I ever made this mistake.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Not that it would ever happen, but the next day, I don't know what kind of world I'd be living in. It's interesting with Bravo and this being one of their number one shows and how many people watch it. And people, I assume people get up on Reddit and freak the fuck out and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:46:12 But the show continues and this behavior continues. And it's kind of like, I mean, Bravo, I mean. It's really bizarre. It's like we live in two different worlds. Right. I don't know. No, the sea rats, it's maritime law. But also, I feel like this is the insatiability of a sex addict.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Blackout drunk. Blackout drunk. It's just like he's gotten away with this so many times. Anyways, gross, gross shit from Ross. I'm sure they'll deal with it really hardcore on the reunion. On the Zoom conference at the end of the season, yeah. What I did was not right. And I apologize.
Starting point is 00:46:47 And I'm very sorry for my behavior. Hey, that's good. Yeah. And then Andy goes, great. Well, coming up, we have some mean questions from listeners. Right. Okay. Coming up, we have Splash or...
Starting point is 00:46:59 Playing Herc. Next day, we wrap up with some things. Anything? Just an apology from uh ross that is accepted probably too quickly yeah and then uh i guess uh camille gets upset again when someone asked her to do something oh well yes how could i forget uh another blemish on alissa's record of blemishes um the fact that she didn't get out of the room is fucking disgusting purposeful and disgusting alissa you can go clean 50 other rooms.
Starting point is 00:47:27 We've heard that this is a very big boat. She's having a mental breakdown. Don't enjoy it so much and give her the room. You are evil. Somebody throw that pole up. Somebody get that pole going. We love you guys very much. It's good to be back.
Starting point is 00:47:42 We're wishing everyone a happy new year. Get on that Patreon. Make your life easier. Make your life easier at slash another podcast network. The A tier is the tier where you'll get everything ad free. We love you guys very much. iTunes ratings and reviews and join us on YouTube. I'm Dylan saying goodbye.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Pat, say goodbye. Later, dudes.

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