Anything Better? - Those Irish Moms

Episode Date: October 22, 2022

Is there Anything Better? Beard Club: Take 20% off your first order when you go to and use code better. Thuma: Go to www.Thuma.CO/BETTER to receive a twenty-five dollar credi...t towards your purchase of The Bed plus free shipping in the continental U.S Trade Coffee: Trade is offering our listeners a total of $30 off your subscription plus free shipping at Better Help:  Visit today to get 10% off your first month.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up everybody and welcome back to anything better podcast with your host paul burke bill burke producer extraordinaire and beverly hills Andrew Themlis, the Greek freak. And we are here, guys. We are back with episode number 70. We have reached 70, Bill. We are 30 away from the big one. First guy I thought of was number 70, Leon Gray. The late, great all-pro guard for the New England Patriots. Those great teams we had in the late 70s but we got i thought i thought of leonard i thought of leonard marshall because he was the first big
Starting point is 00:00:52 fat guy that i ever like saw with the numbers stretched and if you remembered leonard marshall was the guy who got montana on the blind side where Montana was just laying there in the NFC Championship game. And I think that was the year that we beat the Buffalo Bills in 91, Scott Norwood wide right. So that's Leonard Marshall, I remember. Also got Sam Huff. Oh, Sam Huff. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Yeah, the violent world is Sam Huff, another great giant. Wait a minute. He wore the same number as Sam Huff. Who knew? Who else you got? Art Donovan, Ernie Stotner. Art Donovan, one of the great colorful guys of the Baltimore Colts, great storyteller.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Wow. Rayfield Wright. Rayfield Wright's another one. I knew that. That's a hall of fame number there's a bunch of guys in the hall of fame that wore number 70 dude rayfield right is such a fucking unique and hey that's amazing um all right let's who else there's no there's no number 70s in the NBA right I don't think somebody obscure it's gonna be like some like yeah um all right well here's here's what I wanted to get started on I had to I was thinking about you Bill because um you're my friend no I was thinking about you because you told me, wait till you have the Italian food in
Starting point is 00:02:27 Paris. And buddy, buddy, buddy, were you ever right, dude? I never said Italian. I said, just eat in Paris. I don't think I've ever tried Italian food. I think I told you that, Paul. Oh, somebody, one of you guys said like the Italian food in Paris is really good. And dude, it was like one of the best. You know,
Starting point is 00:02:46 like when you order an Italian dish, like let's just say you order a you order either a chicken or a veal or an eggplant and you get a side of they what do you want a side of penne with that? You want spaghetti with that? And it's always just like, dude, they gave a side of linguine that was some of the best. It was like their side of linguine. That was some of the best. It was like their throwaway plate. And it was some of the best, freshest linguine I ever had. They had a dessert. Dude, me and Stacy shared a tiramisu.
Starting point is 00:03:13 And the guy goes, can I just recommend you a dessert drink with that? He goes, it's free. It's on us. And dude, it was like this amaretto. And they put something in it to make the drink taste like a ice tiramisu and my wife was fucked too we were blown away my kids were eating everything it was dude it was unbelievable man unbelievable and the indian food in uh in london was good they told me where to go who but we had some rough ones in london okay yeah no indian food's what you got to go with we had to kiss a few frogs
Starting point is 00:03:49 chips i don't know dude you know for a country that went around the world stealing all the spices or getting all the spices i don't know where the fuck they put them they definitely don't put them in their food i thought it was bullshit i thought people were bullshit i'm going shut the fuck up dude it's lond London. It's going to be incredible. Everything's going to be incredible. I needed to talk to people. We had a great one at a steakhouse and the gourmet Indian was top level. But dude, I'm not going to lie. I had a couple of dinners. Me and my wife were like, like I said, but we had to kiss a few traditional English breakfast that bangers and mash, it's just like, whew. You want to start your day grumpy.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Get a fucking, I mean, I'm sure like English people love it because they have the child sense memory. But those fucking pork and beans and everything is just, I'll be honest with you, dude. I got a traditional German breakfast was another rough one where they have the egg on the base. It looks like a little trophy, a little hard-boiled egg that you hit with that fucking silver spoon it was probably owned by some jewish person they killed and it's yet to be reclaimed um it was those ones are rough those are rough but noici, you got to stay down the... Dude.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Obviously, you know where to go. But I also feel like just cuisine in general, Paul, has gone since the Food Network and all of these travel food shows. Like, I was talking to a buddy of mine. Like, when we grew up, it was like places served, it was like burgers, hot dogs, chicken, this American, you know, pot roast shit like that. American fare, mashed potatoes and all of that shit. And then it was Chinese restaurants.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Dude, there was no taco stands. There was no Mexican food, massachusetts when i i wouldn't even know where the fuck to go i never even saw it yeah when i was growing up now you go back it's just like everything's you know now it's like asian infused this blah blah like the cuisine and the level that just the average person at home could cook like dude there was a lot of moms like oh my god you went over their fucking houses and just like they just turned water on boiled at those irish moms oh my god just throw some salted fucking red shit in this goddamn pot and it would come back you put like mustard on it it was like dude one of the first meals we had in london we were so happy to be there. It's our first night.
Starting point is 00:06:25 Right when I get there, the NFL Network sends a car, takes me to the set to do the thing with David Carr, where they wanted to talk about the Giants game. They said, bring your kids and your wife. So they're like Lucas and Stanley. I mean, Lucas, Stanley, my cat. Lucas, Sophia, Stacy, they're right behind me. Lucas meets David Carr, who was on the job.
Starting point is 00:06:45 He was Eli's backup for the Super Bowl. Couldn't have been nicer to the kids. Everything was good. We're standing in that square. It was beautiful. Big Ben, the whole deal. And we're, oh, let's go get our first meal. Dude, they gave me this, like, this chicken on a skewer that was overly well done.
Starting point is 00:07:01 And there was just, like, this, like, coleslaw that was just overly Mayo. It was just like slop. All milky. And it was like slop. And I tried to like, I tried to go, maybe this is what it was like a pita bread. I'm not going to lie. It was dog food, man. And then that's when I was like, all right, I really got to start. I got to start asking some people, but then we had some really good meals the people couldn't have been nicer the shows were amazing dude i gotta tell you london and i took lucas to
Starting point is 00:07:29 an english premier league game and dude it was stacy takes sophia because you know lucas looks like dad we gotta go see chelsea man we gotta go to a premier league game they're playing at three o'clock i'm like buddy we're going to giants packers tomorrow like how much am i going to spoil it like you know tickets were like insane amount of money and stacy just goes you know what we're here she's i'm going to take sophia to tea and mama mia the play you take them to you take them to chelsea so i take them and i'm sitting next to this woman and she said in the states she goes you sit together that's mad States, she goes, you sit together. That's mad. The opponent. So at a Premier League game, you're not allowed to have beers in the,
Starting point is 00:08:12 you could have beers outside the stadium and at concessions. But when you get to your seat, you're not allowed to hold a beer. You can't have beer in the stadium. And the opposing fans have a private entrance. So there's a guy going, if you're here for some, the wolves go here, the wolves go here. So the wolves are like yellow and black and they go to this section. And then Chelsea is like the blue, the powder blue. And they go.
Starting point is 00:08:36 And then like the wolves corner has their chance. So everyone's like, if you take your boy, make sure he's not sitting here. He'll see the madness, but make sure he's not sitting here he'll see the madness but make sure he's not sitting here by the time they told me all the sections i couldn't take my son i had fucking courtside best seats i spent a shitload of money and lucas was right there and a ball during the game came to him in his hands like no way yeah he took it and he fuck and then some like old guy like like ah yeah then took ball, like kicked it drunk and went like this. Dude, the things they were screaming. Yeah. He's fucking shit. He's a cunt. Like, dude. And it's
Starting point is 00:09:13 just like looking at my son and Lucas is I'm like, buddy, listen, man, it's we're in England right now. This is a whole other thing. Oh dude. It was like, he he he enjoyed it as almost as much as the giants but the giants winning is what made him go nuts but it was amazing man it was amazing yeah no there uh there hasn't been any incidents i don't think too bad other than some you know violence or whatever but i mean like really bad shit in a long time over there, thank God. But that's all left over. That's why they just can't have fans of the other teams sitting amongst each other. It's funny that they talk about what fucking animals we are. I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Like I look at them like that whole league is Philadelphia. Dude, I've never seen the level of give a fuck about a regular season game in my life. Like the dying with every kick when a kick misses and everyone goes, oh, it's like they go. Dude, it's like a whole other thing out there, man. It really was. But we went to the Queens. We went to the Queen. Rest her soul.
Starting point is 00:10:23 We went to her gravesite, man. Like there's a's a line outside like you go you see her final resting place it was kind of amazing we went to the windsor castle man and it was like it was really it was cool and here's what i got from it this is what i got any of those inbred cunts stick their head out the window uh no uh here's what i got from the any old fucking in the same puddle for fucking hundreds of years and it shows prince charles with that fucking jughead oh king charles now that guy's just jesus christ no dude he looks like he's out of a fairy tale. He kind of is. Here's what I got out of this.
Starting point is 00:11:13 The level of respect, like the queen was like, dude, like to see her casket, like she was the shit. And like all of the locals would talk about it. All the Uber drivers would talk about being like, she was the best. She did this Snoop Dogg said that thing where Snoop Doggop dog was banned he was banned from england and he's like you know who got me off man it's like fucking queen the queen said like this man's done nothing wrong like they all loved her and then as soon as you go down the when you go down the list of the royals it was just like it was like queen could do no wrong in them and then it was just like that was like Queen could do no wrong in them. And then it was just like that is sounds like. All right.
Starting point is 00:11:48 All right. Raise the kids right. I'm kidding. I don't know anything about any of that over there. Paul, I got to ask you something. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Cracking you guys play again today, right? We do. We do. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:04 You got past the Guardians. As this old sports fan, I was just joking about this with somebody. I just found it so fucking funny that you guys got so bad at the fucking rocking the baby thing that the guy did, considering what you can do after you hit a home run now. Like, you can literally stand you hit a home run now. Like, you can literally stand at home plate, watch the ball, look at the pitcher like you ain't shit, look at that,
Starting point is 00:12:35 and start your trot after the ball hits the fucking stands. Fucking go down the first base line with your goddamn dick out. Right. No problem. Right. The next guy's not getting beamed. However, if you pretend to rock a baby to sleep while rounding second base, all of the Bronx is going to lose their fucking mind. Why is that?
Starting point is 00:12:54 Here's why. Because based on everybody that I talked to and the Yankee fan base, everybody was texting with each other going when he was doing it around first and then second and then third, and he kept doing it home. Nobody knew what it meant. And Bob Costas kept going. We don't know. We're going to try to figure out what it means. So then my son Lucas goes, dad, he's calling Garrett Cole, the pitcher, a baby. And I'm like, no, he's not. He's did it the whole way. There's an inside thing going on. And then they came back and they go, he's in fact calling him a baby.
Starting point is 00:13:30 And nobody knew why he did it that long because they thought it was personal because they were still losing when he did it. I thought he was saying he's your daddy, so he's rocking you guys to sleep like the Yankees are his baby. No, it was something with Garrett Cole, the pitcher. That's why he did it around the whole way because they were, why did they chant? Who's your daddy at him? Because Pedro Martinez said on the MLB network, he goes,
Starting point is 00:13:54 they should do that. That's what they did to me. They should do that. And then that's what they did. Pedro. He didn't say they should do that. He was saying like, he got to watch out or they'll start chanting that. Oh, okay. Well that oh okay well it took it took but um we i feel like we shouldn't have went five with them but uh i'm i kind of like that we're going into houston still playing when houston's been waiting because everyone's like houston's gonna beat us houston's gonna shit on us and i'm like dude they had enough time to go
Starting point is 00:14:19 out and buy four trash cans you guys don't have a i hope you guys have your apple watches because they went to home people somebody said they're still cheating You guys don't have a, I hope you guys have your Apple watches. Cause they went to home depot. Somebody said they're still cheating, but I don't think they would cheat. Do you think they would be that? You think they would, I don't think they're going to cheat. Paul,
Starting point is 00:14:32 they're all fucking cheating. Paul, the amount of fucking technology that's out there. I think, I think the players are, I think the teams are all of that shit. The fact that the owner of the Astros is going to sit there and act like he didn't notice somebody drilling a hole in the arena that he owns. And sticking a fucking camera out there.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Whatever the fuck they were doing. I mean, it's ridiculous. It's the same way baseball acted like they didn't realize everybody was on steroids. They're like, well, it's the same way the Tour de France acted like they didn't realize everybody was on fucking drugs. You know, and when Lance Armstrong blew up that sport, they all made a ton more fucking money because of what he was doing over there. They didn't give any of the money back. All they do is act outraged. Well, this is not how we want to run the sports exactly how you want to run the sport i got a question for you and be honest be honest
Starting point is 00:15:32 do you think because i got into an argument with somebody about this aaron judge hit 62 home runs okay and somebody's like yeah he's juicing and like, well, if you look at his, how fucking skinny he is, I was like, I don't really think he's juicing. And I don't think he's the type of guy to juice. Obviously I don't know the kid. And he's like, well, now they have synthetic shit. And I just feel like after everything that happened, I, I don't, maybe it's my naiveness,
Starting point is 00:16:01 but the way I think of that kid and the way he looked and the way he swings a bat i think he's just so big i don't think he's i don't think he's juicing do you think he's juicing no i think he hits in a really home run friendly park is the only thing you could give him shit for he gets to play 80 games in that wiffle ball field which goes back to you saying you could hit one at fenway i think you can hit one at fucking Yankee stadium, but that breeze behind you, the wind at your back, whatever the fuck goes on out there, how they were talking how they had to do shit to like tone it down.
Starting point is 00:16:32 And when they first opened that stadium and everything was just flying out of there. Yeah. Yeah. That's a right field. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think you guys did it on purpose, but there was just something about the design and and uh i don't know what i don't know what was going on but um i don't think i look at him like what he did is more impressive than mcguire and sosa um i don't think he's as good as barry bonds at his best no bigger than he is but like i don't think he's you know i thought barry i always thought that barry bonds was a victim of the steroid era because
Starting point is 00:17:07 everyone took steroids and surpassed what he was doing. So then he said, fuck it, here's me on steroids. And then he was a cunt and he was also black. So the sports writers got extra all over him when, you know, it would have helped him if he looked like howdy doody like me. I don't think they would have, they would have helped him if he looked like Howdy Doody like me. I don't think they would have hated him as much. But, look, I think Barry Bonds is one of the greats of all time. I don't look at his fucking home runs. Like, he's not an over 700 home runs guy without juice.
Starting point is 00:17:40 I just don't think he is. I don't think, you know, Pujols just hit 700. You know, I look at all those guys. All these guys, all of a sudden, like hitting fucking sales to like juiced up the ball. There's so much just different shit. Yeah, that I don't think, you know, I shouldn't have said all of those names, because it's not all steroids. Because like, it's kind of like Dan Marino, when he had that fucking season in 84, those numbers stood forever. And they just they had to like change the game protect the quarterbacks protect the wide receivers then all of a sudden
Starting point is 00:18:10 his season is still an all pro season that you know whatever the fuck he what i came up with he threw he threw for like no one had ever thrown for 5 000 yards he threw for like 5 700 yards something fucking crazy in 84 uh um andrew can you pull up that stat if you don't know it was it was like 5 000 right no it was over 5 000 over 5 000 yeah yeah so he um is that the year they went to the Super Bowl? Against the 49ers? 84 they did. And then they won one game. You wanted Montana for 1984?
Starting point is 00:18:56 No, I wanted Marino. And then all of a sudden everybody, like, dude, before Marino came into the league, Joe Namath had the record. Most yards in a season, passing was 4,007 yards. Like, middle-of-the-pack guys do that on a regular basis now. So he threw for how many? 5,077 combined passing, rushing, and receiving yards in 1984. Rushing and receive? No, what do you mean rushing?
Starting point is 00:19:30 He wouldn't rush or receive. Yeah. What did he throw for? This is total yards, 5,077. Yeah. Yeah. 5,000. So he threw for 5,000 yards.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Now guys will throw you know they'll have like two three years in a row like the best guys can throw five thousand yards in a fucking season but like dan marino and 1884 dan marino with duper and clayton coming in here i don't know what that guy would have thrown for like six thousand yards i think so yeah um did i even answer your question or I just start babbling like I always do? Sorry. No, no. You answer, you answer my question. You said you don't think judges was, was cheating. I don't think he was cheating. I just don't. I think they're testing them like crazy and I just don't, but you know,
Starting point is 00:20:18 I just got, you know, you got those pessimistic friends going like, yeah, he's not, you know, you know, those guys that just like, once like it was like the sports ruined for him. I just like how he's the same size he was last year, but because this year he hits 62 and all of a sudden he's on juice. Yeah. Yeah. I don't, I don't think he's on, I don't think he's on you, dude. He almost didn't do it. He almost didn't do it. He caught a, you know, here's the thing, dude, about judge you get, he can't hit a breaking ball that's low and outside. That's his like kryptonite. So I'm glad he did it, man. All right, everybody. It's beard club. It's beard club, everybody. Having a great looking beard requires work. I mean, look at mine. Whether it's beard growth oils, styling products, or top of the line trimmer, there's a small army
Starting point is 00:21:07 of products required to grow your best beard. Luckily, Beard Club is here to help. As the leader in beard first men's growth and grooming, Beard Club delivers quality handwear and consumables that'll help you get a better, thicker, and fuller looking beard. Head to slash better. Take the beard quiz and use code better. That's B-E-T-T-E-R, better, B-E-T-T-E-R at checkout. They'll recommend the best beard kit that's tailored to fit your needs. No matter what type of beard you have, beard club has the perfect kit to fit your needs.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Sorry. I, I, that was a, that was a, they want me to rhyme that. Um, beard club has the perfect kit to hang in there,
Starting point is 00:21:57 Pauly. Yeah. Yeah. I got to move this closer here. Um, beard club, over 2 million beards served, grow your best beard today and take 20% off your first order when you go to slash better.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Use code better, B-E-T-T-E-R. That's slash better. Code better for 20% off your first order. All right. It's Thuma, everybody. Introducing The Bed by Thuma. Handcrafted from eco-friendly, high-quality, upcycled wood, whatever that means.
Starting point is 00:22:39 That sounds like you took it out of a house without somebody knowing. You'll find beautiful and unique variations in the natural grain. The minimalist design, I already like the sound of this, features Japanese joinery. I'll tell you, Paul. I love that. You've got to love Japanese joinery. I mean, I don't know what that is, but, you know. Anytime I hear Japanese, I get excited. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:05 They're good with the wood and the sushi. Oh, dude, they're great. You see the wood, you know, nice clean streets. Respectful people. Now they're fucking with your bed, you know. I think it's going to be a good thing. Helps elevate any space. It's super supportive for your mattress.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Breathable. Oh, and also they got One Punch Man, one of the great animated shows of all time. Breathable and made to naturally minimize noise and create space. The perfect platform. Oh, they make great cars too and motorcycles, Paul. They're not going to fuck with your bed frame? Dude, I got a Lexus.
Starting point is 00:23:40 It's got almost 170,000 miles. The thing's still purring like a kitten. Purring like a kitten. Purring like a kitten. Purring like a kitten? Yeah. Oh, I kept saying like a kit. I'm like, what the fuck's a kit? Oh, no, I said kitten.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Oh, I said New York. A kitten. The perfect platform bed just got better. You can now customize the bed by choosing between our original pillow board or our new solid wood headboard. Paul, I'm fucking excited about this. The fabric pillow board adds softness and color to any space while headboard offers solid, sleek support. This sounds like a nice fucking, you know, James Bond bed here.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Would you be banging an old octopussy in it, right? The headboard. Old fucking sugar tits. Can you name all the whores they've had in themselves? Oh, dude. Octopussy. No, pussy galore. Pussy galore.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Pussy willow. Pussy cat. The headboard attaches directly, you fucking pussy. That was the NC-17 one. The headboard attaches directly to the bed using Japanese joinery. Once again, with no tools required. Buy it with the bed or on its own as an upgrade. Next time I go to a mattress store, I'm going to bring up Japanese joinery just to watch this fucking salesman's head spin made for how you live the bed by thuma oh i think this is the bed like the ohio state the bed paul by thuma is back with a lifetime warranty paul you can
Starting point is 00:25:20 fuck on this thing right to the next century ships right to your door in three easy to maneuver boxes. Easy now. Easy. And takes about five-ish, five-ish minutes to assemble with no tools required. You know why you don't need any tools, Paul? Because it's the Japanese joinery. Of course you don't. Of course you don't.
Starting point is 00:25:43 They don't have time for tools, Paul. They're too fucking efficient. Easy and reliable. You can easily build it yourself. Thuma works with one tree planted to plant our tree for every bed. Oh, that's what it means. And nightstands sold. And all of their essentials are Green Guard gold certified.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Whatever this shit is. This company's in the future, Paul. Yeah, you know what? Wives still won't be happy. Wives won't. Is it sturdy enough? It's like everything is fine. Yeah, Japanese joinery is not going to be enough.
Starting point is 00:26:20 They're going to want the Chinese who's and what's in there too. Along with the bed, because one of their fucking stupid friends down the street has it. Along with the bed, Thuma, because one of their fucking stupid friends down the street has it. Along with the bed, Thuma offers our bedroom essentials to elevate bedtime. The mattress, the nightstand, and the side table
Starting point is 00:26:38 are perfect compliments to the bed. I don't know what this is, Paul, but I'm in. When was the last time you heard somebody talking shit about a bedroom set? Dude, I'm getting this. I'm getting it, too. I'm getting it before you. Create that feeling of checking into your favorite boutique hotel suite, but at home with The Bed, Paul, by Thuma.
Starting point is 00:26:58 And now go to slash better to receive a $25 credit towards your purchase of the bed plus free shipping in the continental U S a Andrew, I want to see a picture of this bed, pull it up, go, go to co slash burr. That's better. T H T H U M a dot C O slash better B E T T E R for $e-r for 25 credit that's it there you go through the bed from the bed paul oh there it is look at that oh i like that that's that's you know what that makes the room look bigger it's nice why does she look pissed go back to that andrew she look pissed? Go back to that, Andrew. She looks pissed at the guy.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Oh, because he's fucking laying down and not paying attention to her. I mean, that looks like they just had a fight, and he laid back going, what is it going to fucking take? You know what it is, Paul? It's going to take laying on that nice, comfortable bed by Thuma. The bed, after you have the fight fight is the place to rest your head oh that's fucking great that's great um i like it paul it's nice and simple it's like my brain it's simple all right everybody it's trade coffee and by the way my wife loves trade coffee because the kind people at Trade Coffee sent us a sample, and the coffee's fantastic.
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Starting point is 00:31:20 That's betterhelp, H-E-L-P dot com slash anythingbetter. Oh, I went on a rant on the Verzi effect. That's slash anything better. Oh, I went on a rant on the Verzi effect. These dumb people booing this kid. New York, I got to tell you something, man. I got to tell you something. There's a, every fan base has this. The new, there's an arrogance that the New York sports fan has.
Starting point is 00:31:47 That the only, the only thing that resembles it to me is the Dallas Cowboys who you know they didn't win and you go in their stadium in there but there's a certain group of New York fans it's probably all sports fans but there's a New York fan that booed Mariano Rivera they booed Jeter when he had like an 0 for 33 slump they they're never great to Patrick Ewing when he fucking carried that team on his back, the Knicks. And now this guy makes you stand up for him for a fucking month, chasing Roger Maris down. The ballpark is packed every day. And then he plays the Indians and he strikes out three times in a game and they're fucking booing him in a, in a contract year bill where he could go somewhere else. I'll go back home to California. A bunch of fucking idiots. Those guys don't deserve a kid like that
Starting point is 00:32:28 to watch a kid like that. You don't deserve to go to the ballpark with your son and watch a kid like that. Not to mention, as I've said for the longest time, for all the fucking sports team you have, thank God you have the Yankees because they've won like 95% of your championships. Everybody else, other
Starting point is 00:32:43 than the Giants, is fucking anemic. Anemic. Some of the worst track records in sports. No, I can't. Dude, look. Look at my Knicks. 73? Look at that. You know? Look at the Mets.
Starting point is 00:32:58 The Giants are 69. Giants are the Giants. But everybody else ranges. No, Mets aren't 69. Mets are 86. No, I said Jets. But everybody else. Rangers. No, Mets aren't 69. Mets are 86. No, I said Jets. Oh, oh, oh. Jets.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Mets are 86. Dude, that's fucking, that's like 36 years ago. Yeah. And that's like not bad. 86 for these other guys. Who else they got? The Rangers are 1994 they've won one stanley cup since 1940 since jap japan bombed pearl harbor they've won one fucking cup who who boos that guy who boos that guy imagine taking like an eight-year-old kid and he sees he sees him rats yeah it's ridiculous like a Bronx cheer
Starting point is 00:33:46 is it's a statement of the success of the Yankees when they were winning four five six World Series per decade in the 30s 40s and 50s during that fucking heyday so then what happened was they became
Starting point is 00:34:02 so fucking spoiled that I think that that's how it came about. So it is like a. It's an expression of how successful when you're the most successful franchise in all the sports that, you know, I hate. You know, there's an expectation these fans have and they cut to the fans. It is a bunch of fucking losers. It it's like why don't you apply that same expectation on your fucking self maybe you'll have better seats i got into it with this guy the first game john carlos stanton had as a yankee first pitch first at bat he goes yard later in the game he goes yard again the kid hits two home runs to start out as a yankee on the road by the
Starting point is 00:34:43 way and then he comes home and he strikes out a couple of times and they boot him. And I go on social media and I go, what is the guy got it? And then someone goes, he goes, Paul, when you come to a game, we expect, we don't expect when I'm in a game, I expect. And I'm like, oh, so you're that I can't talk to you about sports then I can't talk to you about sports then, you know, I expect I hold other people to a standard that i cannot upheld as a father a son or a pale louis that's my thing if you're
Starting point is 00:35:18 gonna hold those guys to that standard you better be toeing the line in your own fucking life be the greatest fucking dad always crushing it at work a great husband and all that you can't sit there being some fucking nacho wheat and hot dog listen i don't mind unless you're the guy who turned his hot dog into a straw for that beer i as disgusting as that was that's amazing a nice fucking shit american beer with a little hot dog flavor on it that sounds pretty good to me you know what it was inventive japanese guy inventive here's the thing though here's the thing though bill here's the thing i don't mind booing a guy who gets a big contract and doesn't perform i don't mind a guy getting booed when you hear things in the press going this guy's
Starting point is 00:35:58 showing up to practice late i don't mind that i don't mind a guy who fucking is clearly lazy not running down the first baseline i don't mind that but when a't mind a guy who fucking is clearly lazy, not running down the first baseline. I don't mind that. But when a guy does it right, is chasing a record and gave you a season like that. 314, he batted. 130-something RBIs and 62- Hey, the season's over. Now here comes the real shit. Real Yankees do it when it counts.
Starting point is 00:36:21 And then he hit like a home run last night. And Bob Costas, who, by the way, dude, at first I thought they were giving him shit he's like on list you can't listen to it it's it's it's dude what's his name crushed him Francesa goes we don't he goes Bob we don't need a history lesson we know the history because
Starting point is 00:36:38 he would love Bob Costas I know but dude it's he's having a row he's having a rough series right he just was dude it's I'm not gonna, he's having a rough series. Right. He just was, dude, I'm not going to lie, he sounded like a repetitive old man. Like he just kept repeating stuff. It was to the point, oh, by the way, Nick Totoro. Dude, dude, let's talk about this for a second.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Nick Totoro. Nick Totoro is down low one of the favorite people for Red Sox fans to follow on Twitter. Dude, Nick Totoro went live last night with three outs left in the game. And I just keep seeing all his posts. And I went to it and I had Nick Totoro live to my left in my hand. And I had the game up and he's going, he's going, come on, you motherfucker. Dude, it was like, he's going like this and he's going ah fuck bob costas we put it to
Starting point is 00:37:25 telemundo and you just hear spanish talking in the back and he's going come on no not now not now oh he goes and dude it's five one and they got a runner on second he goes oh no it's coming to the wire dude i was crying bill he gave him he gives a fuck about game 67 like i do game seven world series he goes boom they fucking can't manage he goes oh i'm putting out garbage and shit so i don't have to think of this the best watch nick totoro watch a yankee game is is as entertaining i've never seen a guy care like that ever. There's something wrong. It's not an act either. It actually makes me think of why I give a shit that much.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Not as much as him, but why I've cared for so long. Here's the TV show. Here's the TV show. Nick Totoro, Michael Rapaport, our roommates during a playoff series just go dude i'm watching that i'm watching like they just have to sit next to each other for a yankee or nick's playoff game cameras on them what's better television than that i i mean i could watch an inning of that i i have that fucking annoys me, people coming down on Bob Costas. I love Bob Costas.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Is nothing sacred, Paul? No, Bill, he's one of my all-time favorites. That's why I was just going like, ah, dude, he just sounded like a repetitive old man. It was brutal. I was listening to him. I thought he sounded fine. All right.
Starting point is 00:39:03 You fucking Yankee fans. You boo a boy guy gets 62 fucking home runs you're none of you happy no no i'd never booed that you know i won't but you know enough for you enough for you whatever i'm not an animal at a game i'm i i take the pain i don't i'm not a screamer i'm not a screamer are you a scream you're not a screamer when you when you lose me oh yeah i used to be like uh once we started winning championships then i was just like all right you know what the fuck we're not gonna win it every year but like before when we were chasing it
Starting point is 00:39:35 dude when we were chasing it i was superstitious like i had to like walk out i had to shut off the game i couldn't even watch it i couldn't even fucking watch it because i just like how are they gonna blow it this time i mean that's that was literally who the red socks were and the fact that they've been able to turn that around that now i actually 100 believe in them as bad as they were this year i'm like i don't do i ain't gonna pick up a few people they'll turn it around i'm not worried about it when when my team loses a big one like one that hurts I kind of just stare Lucas takes it real hard Lucas just sits there but he's a starer too we do this thing where we stare like this and then you just kind of the acceptance hits you and then you just go like and then I just and then I kind of just walk away like i digest it and i take the pain
Starting point is 00:40:25 i i can't do those guys punching their tv throwing that no i never did that what i i i definitely uh will go for a walk if it's a bad one um and then i back in the day when espn was like something everybody watched all the time i just wouldn't watch espn like i remember when the day when ESPN was like something everybody watched all the time, I just wouldn't watch ESPN. Like I remember when the Giants, when we were undefeated, the Giants beat us in the Super Bowl. My late great Wayne Previty was like, here's what you do. Stay off the internet. Don't watch ESPN for a week and you'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:41:00 And he was right. And I was just like, hey, you know, I wouldn't even win every fucking Super Bowl. Who gives a shit? And then, you you know we ended up winning three more so who gives a shit i turn it off as soon as my team like if if the last out happens and my team is out and the other team rushes the mound and they start jumping that's i just i gotta i can't see it i just i just go away uh you want to laugh? You know, I tweeted the other day. What? I tweeted the other day. I said, you know what?
Starting point is 00:41:29 I go, I said something about female referees, female broadcasters, no problem. I draw the line at doing an hour-long expose on a field goal kicker they were doing this whole thing on that kicker from the fucking ravens and i'm watching them like they have a sound and i'm watching them singing with some choir and shit it's like i and and like and then like he's he is now doing the shit talk shit after he kicks a fucking it's fucking hilarious dude like everybody now is is acting like uh billy white shoes johnson when i was like it was like two or three guys did dances that was it now everybody i just feel like that is all either social media the disease of
Starting point is 00:42:24 social media or that is just their agent going, you got to have a personality, man. You're not going to play this game forever. Okay. Come up with a dance. We'll get you a dance instructor. We'll get you your own dance when you do something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:38 What about that shit that the university of Miami started with the turnover chain? And now everybody's got like some dumb helmet they got to put on. And here's a briefcase full of cash. Yeah. There's like a wrestling championship. There's like a championship belt. Somebody gets handed the belt. It's it's big. You want to hear something funny? My dad,
Starting point is 00:43:02 my dad will just go when the Yankees go to the world series he only talks to me about the yankees when they go to the world series other than that he doesn't and he goes uh so the yankees won the world series huh did you see it and i go yeah did you see that thing and he goes yeah he goes like you know because yeah i was watching the yankees get because i don't watch the other team get up like what do you mean he goes no no when the yankees are at bat i watch he goes but when they're wearing they're in the field the other team's at bat i don't want to see he goes what am i gonna watch the other team hit for i'm just like what he's like but he's like not a sports fan he just wants to see the yankees win like he's just my dad was never a sports guy but he's just
Starting point is 00:43:39 going yeah i don't want to watch the other team kind of brilliant though because you don't have to deal with the stress of now they got two on and nobody out like what the fuck you just put the game back on going oh they scored a couple of runs well dude i'll tell you what if that nick tutorial thing is 100 serious which it seems to be dude that's like really unhealthy dude like he got to a point where when he got mad i was like seeing his and i was just like dude you can't do that to yourself man you're not gonna we're gonna hurt your health because of a fucking game it doesn't matter i mean now your wife has to go out and get go out to dinner 162 fucking nights a year dude how funny would it be if the life how funny would it be if the life insurance guy goes who's he a fan of
Starting point is 00:44:17 so you want to take two million out of his life well listen he's a mets and nicks fan i don't know i gotta realize that guy has been losing his shit every year since 2009 like why would you do that to yourself no no i don't just take comfort as a yankee fan if you guys never win again in your lifetime, nobody's catching you. Nobody's even going to be close. Yeah, I mean, it would be tough in my lifetime, yeah. Wait, who's second? It's not tough, Paul.
Starting point is 00:44:56 It's impossible. Wait, who's second? Who's second? I think the Cardinals have like 11 or 12. Okay, yeah. No, it's tough. It's important to call this 30, 31 teams now. There's 58 pitchers per game.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Oh, this guy's a lefty and he's got a little bit of a limp. Let's bring Jared in. And this guy could throw 103. Every guy hits triple digits now. Every guy that comes in. Yankees, Cardinals with 11. Red Sox with nine are tied for the athletics. Think about that, Paul.
Starting point is 00:45:36 We didn't win for almost 100 years, and we're tied for third place. Wait, did you say the athletics? Yeah, we're tied for third place. Wait, did you say the Athletics? Yeah, we're tied for third place. Huh. The A's won in 1910. Wait, how many do the Dodgers have? Let me scroll down. Seven or eight.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Seven. Nice, Bill. Nice. And the Giants are right above the Dodgers. Well, the Dodgers were the bums, man. They could never win. Then they won in 55. They won in like 69.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Then they won like 63 and 65. They won a couple in the 60s. And then they just won nothing again until 81 and then 88. And then they didn't win again until, what was it, 2020. Now do I sound like bob costas am i giving you a history lesson we don't need a history lesson you absolutely fucking don't need a history lesson no but dude you gotta you gotta see what he was doing bill every plate he would go this guy hasn't done this and then he would say since the and then he would just say like the year the world series and then the next guy would come on then he would just say like the year the world series and then the next guy would come on and he'd go and this guy if you remember him in the year and it
Starting point is 00:46:49 got to the point where every battery was doing it like i'm telling you i'll be honest paul i can't air enough of that shit i went down a rabbit hole the other night i found out like i was just reading up on the first arena that the tampa bay played in. I love the history of sports. All right, I got one for you. We only have a few minutes left here. I got one for you. Top five greatest sports announcers of your lifetime. Of your lifetime.
Starting point is 00:47:20 All right. Team or just individual? It could be a team if you like the two but john madden pat sommerall those are those are definites al michaels that's my number one um I put Bob Costas in there absolutely that's four you got one more Dick Stockton I'm not familiar with him
Starting point is 00:47:57 Dick Stockton did all the fucking NBA in the 70s and he also called Carlton Fisk's home run I know the voice i know the voice that was when carl fist was going like this yeah stay fair stay fair um johnny most it's probably big for you bill right but i meant like i i thought you meant national oh no i meant national no i meant national um yeah if you want to talk about my life, Fred Cusick, Johnny Most,
Starting point is 00:48:29 the guy who did the Patriots on the radio for all those years. I'll tell you what, for my money, dude, I can watch football with Al Michaels' voice in the background the rest of my – Al Michaels' voice in football to me is like it's – I don't care who's playing. It could be the Cardinals playing the al michaels voice in football to me is like it's i don't care who's playing it could be the cardinals playing the jaguars here's another i'll tell you another guy who gets too much shit who i fucking love i love joe buck i don't know why everybody gives him shit the guy's fucking great i don't i don't really mind joe buck i don't mind joe buck
Starting point is 00:49:00 but i don't i wouldn't put him in my top five. He's better with football than baseball, Joe Buck. Baseball, I don't like him. Football, I like Joe Buck. Dude, I'll tell you who's fucking coming on. I like Joe Buck because if I hear his voice, I automatically know it's a big game. Because that's another thing, too. You do enough big games, your voice is a part of the big game. And I think that's
Starting point is 00:49:20 a great thing for broadcasting where you are. I was thinking when, you know, when Bob Costas called that game deciding game, the one you guys just played, I was alone in my office here. And I literally said like, how many of these fucking things is this guy done? It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Like him and like Al Michaels are like sports history for like 40 fucking years. Dude, Bob Costas was the end. That was the fucking was the guy for the ABA. No, dude, Bill, when I tell you I love Bob Costas, I actually said to myself while I was watching the game. Wow. This is the first time I just don't like listening to him talk. I go, what the fuck is my one of my favorites? I swear to God. And I love him in listening to him talk. I go, what the fuck? He's one of my favorites. I swear to God. And I love him in the Olympics, too. I love him on the Olympics.
Starting point is 00:50:09 It was just, I don't know. I like Collinsworth, dude. You fucking Bronx babies. You guys are babies. Everybody should fucking do that. You guys fucking whine. You lose three games in a row. You got to go play more guys.
Starting point is 00:50:21 George Steinbrenner was one of the biggest fucking babies of all fucking time issuing statements i am not happy with our play yeah you're like every owner everybody knows dude he was the original jerry jones yeah that's a him and jerry jones are very similar yeah very similar very similar fucking blowhards who don't know shit about the game and throw money around and they and and they're hot-headed when they lose and they just start threatening fire firing people yeah and everybody knows who the fuck they are because they love getting in front of the camera i'll give you all that but it still has
Starting point is 00:51:00 nothing to do with how bob costas was annoying to somebody that liked him like me. I mean, it's just what it is. It has nothing to do with being a baby. I know, Paul. And I'm just taking how you're dressed right now, and I'm taking it all with a giant grain of salt. Hey, man. I got to rep the team. It's a clean-looking hat, too. It's a new one.
Starting point is 00:51:20 I'm not saying that. It had nothing to do with that I like Collinsworth I like Tony Romo dude I think Tony Romo's great Tony Romo's gonna be one of the next ones But I would say If you wanna go like
Starting point is 00:51:39 Modern day Tandems You gotta Al Michaels Chris Collinsworth Joe Buck Troy Aikman, and not Troy Aikman, yeah, Troy Aikman and
Starting point is 00:51:53 Tony Romo and whoever the fuck he's with. Oh, he's with Larry Nance. He's with Larry Nance. I used to like dick enberg breakfast at wimbledon what about mel allen was it who was the guy how about that back when you had to have a catchphrase dude phil risotto was great uh bowl of soup whatever the fuck no what what's what did what did phil risotto holy cow holy cow mattingly's having an
Starting point is 00:52:26 unbelievable holy cow he would say holy cow like five times on one play holy cow um he said it's so much that in seinfeld uh they give out when george works for the yankees phil risotto key chains and if you squeeze it, it says, Holy cow. Yeah. Yeah. I watched, it was awful. It was awful. He was definitely a former player announcing.
Starting point is 00:52:53 He was, he was. And he was a little guy too. Rest his soul. Yeah. That's a dude. That's gotta be an art though, to like really watch that game, the whole game and stay like,
Starting point is 00:53:05 that's why Al Michaels just stays like he doesn't tire at all. You know, like he's just like, I love Al Michaels, man. I would say for me, my lifetime goat for me and, and Madden,
Starting point is 00:53:17 but Madden was, I was a little young. I also liked that one guy, but he got, he got in a little bit of trouble with the ladies there. He bit somebody's back or something. Oh, New York guy? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Yes, that guy. Oh, Marv Albert. Marv Albert's great. He was into the dominatrix. Yeah, yeah. Dominatrix. He liked to be slapped around a little bit. Where do you think he got the phrase from?
Starting point is 00:53:50 No. Yes. No. Are you a bad boy? Yes. Yes. Hey, what a man does in his own time is his own fucking business. Hey, you know what? Whatever makes him happy. God bless. God bless. Are, you know what? Whatever makes him happy. God bless. God bless. Are you a little baby?
Starting point is 00:54:09 Yes. Dude, how about this, though? Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe in miracles for the 1980? Is that the greatest, like, final call of a win yeah because here's the thing yes what people don't know is al michaels is a huge hockey fan so he understood what it meant to beat them yeah yes um oh kurt gowdy i caught the end of his career he was fucking amazing in naked gun they had them all lined up remember in naked gun there was dick enberg mel alley they they literally just
Starting point is 00:54:57 the zucker brothers just had every one of them in the jim palmer yeah jim palmer was a good announcer. The best was a naked gun. When the guy's head comes off in the outfield and Mel Allen just goes, how about that? All right, everybody. This has been a fun one.
Starting point is 00:55:20 This has been a fun one. We're going to try to do it. Let me hear let's baseball predictions. Paul, I know you're picking your Yankees. Who do like now west i'll be honest with you bill i'll be honest with you man i'm scared about this series with the yankees you know gun to my head dude i just don't know i think i think our i can we beat them yes but i think we have to be way more perfect than they do i i'm scared i'll be honest with you i'm honest. The Guardians, I thought we would be even going into last night.
Starting point is 00:55:46 This one, I don't know, dude. Everyone, you know, everyone's saying we're going to get the shit kicked out. I don't know. I don't know. I like that. Everyone's saying you're going to get the shit kicked out of you. Everyone's usually wrong. That's good for you.
Starting point is 00:55:58 What do you what do you what do you think out West San Diego Super Padres? Oh, I would I would be flipping. I would be flipping a coin. I don't know. But I will say since San Diego took out the Mets and the Dodgers, they're kind of going on a nice streak here. And it is all about timing. So I don't know. I was very impressed.
Starting point is 00:56:17 I thought that they were going to look like the Rangers when they spent all the money on A-Rod and had no money for nobody else when they got Manny Machado. But they had a great center fielder. They got pitching. They got the mojo going. I like it. You know, and they fucking, the Chargers, you know, they had the,
Starting point is 00:56:34 they lost their football team. So let's get them a World Series. That's what I say, Paul. All right. Well, listen, I'm rooting hard for my Yankees tonight. Obviously, I'm going to go try to see that right after I get off stage in D.C. here tonight. But that's been episode number 70, everybody. Number 70.
Starting point is 00:56:52 And we'll be back next week with 71. Check out the Verzi Effect, the Monday Morning Podcast, the YouTube channel, the Anything Better. Get Anything Better where you get all your podcasts. You can get them on Spotify, itunes everywhere else right check out our uh check out the anything better bet mgm picks that me and bill just put in this week for week number seven and uh what else andrew check out the uh paul i was just rocking the baby you mad it's just making you mad i'm rocking the baby no you're not making me mad uh anything else andrew no andrew's repping the celtics hat celtics got their first uh win last night oh they look good
Starting point is 00:57:33 oh they must have wrote a nice script for him then huh i'm done with the nba fucking assisted reality who do they want this year, Paul? That's what you guess. Hey, Bill, if you would have saw the highlights of the Celtics last night, you may come back on. It was fun. Jason Tatum looks like a fucking world beater this year. He's like
Starting point is 00:57:57 he looks like a world beater every year. He was a world beater that fucking year. We should have beat the goddamn Cavaliers. I'm not getting into it, Paul. I'm not going to waste my time fucking cheering on a goddamn sport and then find out 20, 10 years later, it's some fucking referee saying it was all fixed and, uh, the NBA got involved and leaked it to try to stop the, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:18 the whole fucking thing. You fucking NBA guys. Like what do they have to do? You like wrestling fans back in the day it's fake Paul it's not real yeah no listen man I I called you when I watched that doc I feel the same way but I'm a Knicks fan so they we've never been in the script I know yeah you were that year they fixed the fucking lottery for some reason they fixed the lottery to get you patrick ewan and you still fucking didn't pull out yourselves out of the mud but i believe in you guys eventually it's gonna happen all right i gotta get out of here too later guys have a good one i'll talk to you guys soon until next week Thank you.

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