anything goes with emma chamberlain - parties

Episode Date: July 7, 2022

hi guys. so a few months ago i read the great gatsby, which is a really good book- highly recommend. well, without spoiling the storyline for you, i will tell you that in this book, there are some ext...ravagant parties. i mean, just gorgeous parties. at the end of reading the book i found myself craving a party. in the book parties seem perfect…but i’ve found that in reality, parties are less than perfect. in fact, they can sometimes be straight up not fun. so today, i want to talk about parties. i want to talk about my experiences, what could make parties better, and ways to make them more fun. let me know what you think and if you agree. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello. A few months ago I read The Great Gatsby. It is such a good book. I would really recommend that you read it. It's pretty easy to read. It's not too long. It's a good book, whatever. Well, without spoiling the storyline for you, I will tell you that in this book or movie,
Starting point is 00:00:23 if you decide to watch the movie instead, there are some extravagant parties. I mean, just gorgeous parties. At the end of reading the book, I found myself craving a party. I was like, oh my God, I need to go to a party right now. Like, the way that this book portrayed parties made me really want to go to a party. Because in the book, parties seem perfect. The parties in this book are held at the most beautiful house.
Starting point is 00:00:59 There are the most amazing people there, all different types of people there. The music is great. Everybody who goes to these parties has the best time or majority of the people there have the best time. I don't know, reading this book made me feel frustrated
Starting point is 00:01:19 because the book portrayed parties as exactly what I want a party to be. But in reality, they just aren't like that. They just aren't like that. And maybe it's the time that we're living in that make them not fun. Maybe it's the environment that I live in, Los Angeles. I don't know, but today I wanna talk about parties. I wanna talk about my experiences. I wanna talk about what I think could make parties better
Starting point is 00:02:02 in general. We're just gonna discuss parties, okay? Now, I think I should start with my own personal experience. In high school, I did go to a few parties, not very many. I was desperate to be social. I loved being social. I was very insecure in high school and I was very desperate for reassurance in social settings. And so for me a party was the
Starting point is 00:02:38 perfect place for that because if I got attention in any way shape or form it would fill my cup a little bit. I'm just gonna be honest, like that's why I was desperate for those kinds of social interactions. It stemmed from insecurity. Although I don't think it was fully out of my insecurity, I think there was also part of me
Starting point is 00:03:00 that just wanted to have a good time and like hang out with people, but I do think that more than that, it was because I kind of wanted reassurance. I wanted reassurance from being invited in the first place. That was validating. But then on top of that, I wanted reassurance once I was there. Because if I got attention from people, then that would mean that maybe, just maybe, I wasn't so bad after all,
Starting point is 00:03:25 because again, self-esteem was in the trash. But I think I'm being a little hard on myself because I think most people experience this in high school. Everybody's just trying to be accepted in high school and they're just trying to find their place in the world. So I am maybe demonstrating my my past Desires to go to a party for validation in a way that's maybe extreme or negative
Starting point is 00:03:55 But I think it's because I'm discussing myself. You know what I'm saying? I think I have a tendency to be self-deprecating to an extreme. And I think the reality was is my desire was natural and normal, although it was kind of out of desperateness. You know what I mean? Anyway, I went to maybe 10 parties in my whole high school experience.
Starting point is 00:04:24 I didn't go to very many. And I never had a good time. I never once had a good time at a party in high school. I always found myself feeling really empty and really sad after going to a party because I would always go into it with this expectation of feeling reassured for one. And for two, having a fulfilling social experience. And I'd usually end up
Starting point is 00:04:54 in bed the next morning feeling like neither of those goals were accomplished. I never found myself waking up the next morning like, wow wow so many people wanted to be my friend last night Like it never happened like that, you know if I'd meet people from other schools or whatever There usually wouldn't be an interest in me like I had wanted Which I think is Natural like I don't think that meant that there was anything wrong with me or there was anything wrong with other people there That's just a natural thing that happens. But then in addition to feeling like I wasn't getting any attention I
Starting point is 00:05:34 also didn't even have any fulfilling Social interactions. Most of the time the social interactions were quite the opposite you had Clickiness at parties where people wouldn't talk to anyone outside of their friend group. You would experience sometimes just rude kids. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:05:56 They just were mean and assholes. Sometimes I would feel too shy to go and talk to anybody. So then I didn't end up leaving that evening with any new friends or anything like that. It just never worked out as I wanted it to. And I think that there's something to be said for going into any situation with expectation. You'll usually end up being disappointed.
Starting point is 00:06:18 I think that's a big reason why I always ended up disappointed after these parties was because I went in with unrealistic expectations. That's my own fault. But I think beyond that, I think parties in general are really just disappointing, even if you go in with no expectation. And that leads me to my adult life. Ever since I moved L.A., I've dabbled in going to parties. I've had phases where I'm going to a party every week. I've had phases where I go to none for six months.
Starting point is 00:06:58 I've gone through phases. And what's interesting is, is that again, I found myself feeling very disappointed. I really had high expectations for parties in LA because I was like, are you kidding me? Parties in LA, they have to be fun. Like, we're in a big city. A lot of the parties here are held at really beautiful homes. This has to be fun. There's no way that this can't be fun. This in theory should be the peak of party environment. Just based on my assumption, parties in LA should be the best in the US, maybe second to New York,
Starting point is 00:07:40 in Miami. Okay, so maybe LA would be number three. We'd put Miami in New York as the top two party cities and maybe put LA as the third. Maybe LA could even come in second. Maybe it's Miami and then New York. No, maybe it's Miami and then LA and then New York. Maybe it just depends on who you are. But I would argue that based on my inferences, LA would be one of the top party spots in America. My expectations were high. I was shocked and I continue to be shocked
Starting point is 00:08:19 by the fact that although the parties here might look a little bit more beautiful than the ones I attended in high school, they might have people with more Instagram followers add them than the ones that I went to in high school, they are the exact same as the high school parties I went to. In the sense that people kind of stick to their own friend groups and don't really socialize outside of that. There are still assholes at these parties that will be rude to you, give you the cold shoulder.
Starting point is 00:08:52 You still wake up the next morning feeling unfulfilled and like you got nothing out of it. It's the same experience. Now, I don't want to give up on parties. I know everything I just said about parties was negative, but I don't want to give up on them because I know everything I just said about parties was negative, but I don't want to give up on them because they think that they have a lot of potential. I really do because the idea of bringing a lot of people together into one room and letting everyone hang out
Starting point is 00:09:20 is honestly a great idea. It's a great idea and it's honestly something that I believe is helpful for our society as a whole, even, because bringing people together that maybe don't know each other and giving them a common denominator, which in this situation is a party, a social gathering, it has a lot of potential to be great because anytime you're put in a room with strangers, it's a good thing because meeting new people, hearing new people's stories, hanging out with new people, all of that is good. It's good. It's important. And for somebody like me who works from home, spends a lot of time at home, parties in theory would
Starting point is 00:10:13 be a great thing for me because they would allow me to socialize and they would allow me to meet new people, meet new friends, you know, like in theory, there's a lot of potential there. But right now, there are some flaws in the way that parties are orchestrated, that make them not helpful. And it makes them negative. It makes them more of a negative thing than a positive thing. It makes them inherently disappointing. So before we move any further, I'm gonna list out my issues that I have with parties. And then we can discuss how I think we could make parties better.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Okay, the first issue is alcohol. Now, do I think that having alcohol at parties is bad? No, of course not. But do I think that the role that alcohol plays in parties is a little bit bad? Yes, because if the role that alcohol played at a party was to loosen everybody up so that everybody would talk and hang out
Starting point is 00:11:24 and be a little bit more relaxed. I think that's great. But in my experience in going to parties, the role that alcohol plays is basically, let's get as drunk as possible so that we don't even remember anything. You know what I'm saying? That's the experience I've had. The issue with that is that, I mean, there's a lot of issues with that. Number one, all social interactions that you have will be basically forgotten, okay? You won't even remember the friends that you made, the conversations that you had. All potential for anything meaningful kind of goes out the window if you drink so much to a point where you forget.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Also, when people are drinking too much, inevitably drama starts. You know, you have your friends puking, people becoming belligerent possibly, people making bad decisions that they're gonna then regret later. There's a lot of room for drama there. And again, that defeats the whole purpose
Starting point is 00:12:23 of having a good night. Because at the end of the day, what is a party? A party is a bunch of people getting together to just have a fun night. And if alcohol is being consumed in excess access to a point where people are forgetting what the fuck they're even doing, like that's not good. Because all potential for anything positive happening goes out the window. The second that people start drinking too much. Now, do I think you could have a few drinks and feel buzzed in whatever?
Starting point is 00:12:57 That's what I think party should be about. It should be about getting a little buzzed and just feeling loose, but still being there. You know what I mean? Still being there. And I think that there's a pressure at parties to keep drinking and to not stop when you're like, all right, I actually feel good right now. I feel like I'm at a healthy level of feeling buzzed. I feel still conscious of my surroundings, but I feel very loose and happy and just relaxed and whatever.
Starting point is 00:13:29 That's like the sweet spot, but there's this pressure to keep going when you're at a party. Like, I've been at parties where I have felt like, okay, I'm drunk now and I need to stop because I feel good and I don't wanna keep going. But then somebody comes up to me and he's like, Emma, Emma, we're all taking a shot.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Let's go, like let's go, let's go take another shot. And I'm like, oh fuck, like I can't keep going. And so I'm like, oh my god, no, like I can't, I can't drink anymore. And then it's like, are you serious? Come on, like whatever. And then I'm like, oh shit, I'm being a Debbie Downer right now. I need to go take the shot, even though I'm feeling like,
Starting point is 00:14:09 already I'm at a spot where I need to stop. I need to be stopping. But then it's like, no Emma, we have to keep going. Because again, the role that alcohol plays at most parties is not, oh, I just want to get loose and have a good time. It's like, let's drink as much fucking alcohol as we can. Period. And that's not good.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Like the pressure to keep drinking and to not stop is too much. It's too much. It leads to chaos. It leads to fucking chaos. And I think that the role that alcohol ideally should play at parties is like everybody's just drinking slowly, rationally, at their own pace. But there's sort of this pressure to get as drunk as you possibly can. And I just don't think that that's the right idea. Now, I also understand that alcohol,
Starting point is 00:15:12 it's a complicated topic. And by me, you know, explaining this ideal situation and way that alcohol is perceived at parties, that is kind of ignoring the fact that some people have a hard time with alcohol and knowing their limits and sticking to their limits. And I understand that. And that's not what I'm talking about right now
Starting point is 00:15:36 because that's a whole different issue. And that's something that, yeah, that's just that's something that is removed from what I'm discussing now. What I'm discussing now is people who do not have That particular struggle with alcohol and instead are just going to parties and deciding
Starting point is 00:15:57 That they just want to get as drunk as possible and they want to get everyone around them as drunk as possible because that's what's going to make the party the most fun. When in reality, that's not the case. It's the most fun when everybody is drinking at their own pace and has their own limits set in their mind and they're following them if they can. That's when it is the most fun. And so I think that the perspective should be shifted to, you know what?
Starting point is 00:16:23 Let's just let everybody drink at their own pace on their own time. And yeah. I think the other issue with parties is that nobody talks to each other unless there's alcohol. If you show up to a party early, like when it's first starting, my God, do you see everyone's true colors? Even, even myself, even my own true colors.
Starting point is 00:16:48 It's so interesting how if you show up to a party early before people are having drinks and stuff, before the drinks kick in, you'll see that nobody's talking to each other. Nobody's talking to each other. It's so awkward. And I think that there's a problem with that. The problem with that is the sort of dependency that we all have on alcohol to be social at parties. I don't know if that's necessarily a good thing. I mean, am I guilty of it to a certain extent? Sometimes, yeah. But I think that that's something that's just, again, inherently
Starting point is 00:17:25 wrong with parties is the fact that if we were all in this room and there was no alcohol, none of us would be speaking. That's not maybe good. I personally have started going to parties every once in a while and not drinking as a way to teach myself how to be social in these party environments without alcohol, so that I'm not relying on alcohol in order to be social. And it was, it's difficult. I mean, it's, it's uncomfortable because parties are kind of awkward, like they're laid out in a way that's kind of awkward when it comes to socializing, which
Starting point is 00:18:06 is ironic because the whole point of partying is to be social. But you shove all these people in a room and all they have is a DJ booth in alcohol. And it's like, how do you start a conversation? It's not like you can start a conversation about something at the party because there's nothing there. It's usually like literally a blank room with a bar and a DJ booth. What is there to talk about there? There's no conversation starters
Starting point is 00:18:33 that are like naturally around. It's hard to start a conversation, sober, and just out of thin air. It's awkward, right? But I didn't like how I felt dependent on alcohol at parties to socialize. So I challenged myself to go to some parties and not drink to see if I could do it.
Starting point is 00:18:56 And what I found was, is I could, number one, and number two, it helped me build my confidence. So now, when I go to a party, if I get there early, I'm not sweating it. I'm not feeling weird because I'm like, you know what? I can talk to people now and I can talk to people two and a half drinks in. It's fine. And that's helped me build my confidence in so many ways. But it's also allowed me to be social at any point throughout a party in the very beginning when it's awkward and no one's drunk yet, or three hours in
Starting point is 00:19:28 when it's fully in its motion. The next issue is that there's no activities at a party except for drinking and dancing. Now, this is an issue because I feel like what happens at parties is that everybody shows up. They have a drink or two. They feel buzzed and they realize, wow, I'm still bored. And then they're like, okay, I need to keep drinking until this boring situation becomes
Starting point is 00:19:55 fun. That's what most parties are. Taking a boring situation, which is an empty room with a DJ booth in a bar and making it interesting by drinking as much as you possibly can. Now, listen, I think to a certain extent, that's fine. That's the whole point of parties. You know what I mean? Is drinking and letting loose and just dancing and being free and having nothing better to
Starting point is 00:20:20 do than just hang out and talk to people and dance, like whatever. That's the whole point. But I do think that there could be some value to having at least a few kind of activities. I'll give an example. I went to a party during the summer, I think last summer. And it was actually one of the only parties I've ever been to that was fun. It was
Starting point is 00:20:45 fun because it was a pool party. There was food. There was a pool. There was a bunch of places to sit outside. There was games like, you know, those stupid outdoor games like Cornhole and shit. And like, there was like Badminton and there was a football. Like, there was activities. There were things around to do. It was the best party I've ever been to. It was actually fun. And I think the reason why it was fun was because there were things to do.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Like, you know, we would hang out indoors and dance around a little bit and then we'd be like, oh, fuck it. Let's go outside. We'd go outside, jump in the pool. Some people would be sitting in the hot tub. Then we'd be like, oh my God, let's play cornhole. Then we'd like play cornhole.
Starting point is 00:21:37 And it was like, every time your brain would get bored, you would go and do something else. And yeah, you had a drink in your hand, but it wasn't like, oh, I'm bored. I'm gonna go take a shot now. It was like, oh, no, I'm bored. I'm gonna go do something fun. And then it was like, oh, I'm actually ready
Starting point is 00:21:52 for another drink. You see what I'm saying? That was where the mindset shift was. It was like, you weren't going and taking a shot every time you were bored. You're going and like doing a little activity every time you were bored. And then drinking was just something that enhanced the experience.
Starting point is 00:22:07 It wasn't something that was the backbone of the experience. That's why it was so fucking fun. Also, you know, people were socializing in ways where there was something, there was a common denominator, which was the different activities. It was like, oh my God, are you going in the pool? Yeah, wait, me too. It was fun. Okay. It was fucking fun. Whatever. It was so fun. Okay. And it was because there was activities. The issue with most parties, there are no activities. The next issue is that honestly,
Starting point is 00:22:39 parties, traditional parties, where there are no activities, and it's's nighttime and it's in a boring room. Parties like that, I think, actually are made for people who are not in relationships. I say that because when I was single, I actually would have more fun at parties because I had a goal in mind. So it was like, obviously, I still wasn't having fun, but at least I had a reason to be there, right? And my reason to be there was I want to find
Starting point is 00:23:14 a cute boy to talk to, like duh, whatever. That at least gave me something to strive for. And when you have like a goal, it makes things more enjoyable. You're searching for something. Whereas when I've been in relationships, my goal is to have a good time, simply put. I don't, I'm not obviously not looking for a cue, boys, a dog too. So my goal is like, okay, I just want to go and have a good time. That's a lot harder of a goal to accomplish. And you very quickly at a party can figure out whether or not you're gonna have a good time.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Whereas when you go with the goal of, oh, I want to meet someone cutie tonight, you don't know when like somebody that is cute might walk in. That could happen at any given moment. So you're more likely to push through and just like stay and be like, who knows what could come with the night. Also, when you're single, it's like,
Starting point is 00:24:12 you know, you might be more likely to go and talk to people that you wouldn't otherwise because you're trying to, you wanna be social more. You have more of a drive to be social. I think parties are more catered to people who are single. The traditional style of party where it's quite boring other than the bare minimum things that are there. So I don't know if that's necessarily an issue, but
Starting point is 00:24:37 I mean, in my, in the place that I'm in in my life, like I'm not going to a party to meet a specific type of person. I'm going to just enjoy myself. And because I think parties are structured mainly for single people to mingle, I tend to get very bored, right? Because that's not my goal. So I need more from a party than somebody who's single. And I think most people in relationships will find a similar experience. Even when you bring your significant other to a party, you know, you two might be there and be like, wow, this is fun, I guess, like, you know, you get to hang out with them and socialize with them
Starting point is 00:25:22 for a little bit. But then if there's no activities to participate in, I think a couple is gonna get bored a lot faster because again, they don't have any goal that they're striving for. They're like, we just wanted to have a good time. And most parties aren't really a good time. So then it just ends up fizzling and then you end up going home.
Starting point is 00:25:44 If you're in a relationship, I mean, even single people I know have the same experience too, but I'm saying specifically like it is a lot more geared towards single people ready to mingle. My next issue with parties is that there's too much pressure to look cute. I more recently have started going to parties wearing no makeup in like a comfortable outfit because that's just how I feel most comfortable. There are sometimes days where I'm like, oh, I want to look cute today and that's great. And so I do that.
Starting point is 00:26:14 But there are also times when I want to be social and I want to go have a drink and enjoy myself, but I don't really want to get dressed up. I don't really want to look cute. I just want to be comfortable. And I just think that there shouldn't be any pressure that look any certain way at a party. Like, I've had experiences where people have expressed me, they're like, wow, you're really underdressed. And it's like, yeah, who fucking cares? Like, I want to be social, but I don't want to look cute. When you go to a party, it's kind of expected that you, you know, you put your best foot forward and you look your best in whatever. But I'm like, no, sometimes I don't want to do that.
Starting point is 00:26:58 And I think parties are more fun when you feel comfortable. And so I don't know. I just think that there should be less pressure to look cute all the time. The next issue is that usually parties are so dark and loud, you can't even really socialize, which actually makes it more boring. Because I'm not somebody that likes to dance
Starting point is 00:27:25 for hours on end, that's just me. When I go to a party, I'm going to a party to be social more than I am to dance, you know what I'm saying? I love socializing. I love having a few drinks and getting into a good convo. Most of the time at parties, it's so fucking loud. You can't even have a conversation because it's so loud. Sometimes there's like a little outdoor area
Starting point is 00:27:50 or a little corner where things are a little bit more quiet, but most of the time it's so loud that you cannot socialize. So then that defeats an entire activity, not good. And last but not least, the largest issue I have with, with partying. And I've already mentioned this before, but it's the fact that you wake up the next morning, feeling like shit. It takes you back a step.
Starting point is 00:28:17 It feels like sometimes. It's very rare that you wake up the next morning feeling like, wow, that was good. Like that was a good night, you know, it's so rare. It happens every once in a while, but it's so rare that it's almost like, is it even worth it? I always wake up the next morning feeling like a loser because I feel like, okay, number one, I didn't have any meaningful social interactions. Number two, I drank a little bit too much.
Starting point is 00:28:50 I feel like shit, I can't even work this morning. I can't get anything done, I can't work, I can't exercise, I can't get anything productive done. I feel like I wasted an evening of my life that I could have used doing something else. And I also feel anxious. A lot of times I wake up the next morning with crippling, crippling anxiety. And it's because alcohol and being really social tends to add to my anxiety.
Starting point is 00:29:20 It makes me anxious because on one hand, I'm anxious about all the social interactions I had. Did I say anything weird? Was they being cringed? Did I say something that somebody took the wrong way? Like, I'm anxious about that. But then also, I think chemically, alcohol makes me anxious. So it's a combination of those things.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Also, alcohol makes me personally. It exacerbates my depression as well. So after I drink a lot, I can sometimes feel really down in the fucking dumps in a bad, bad way for up to two weeks after I drink a lot. And so then, you know, I'm paying that price. And it's a lot harder to pay that price when you didn't have a good night. It's like, oh my God, I'm paying the price of drinking alcohol. And I didn't even have a good night.
Starting point is 00:30:12 So it's like, holy shit, nothing good came from this. And then that makes me feel guilt because I'm like, I just wasted. Now, like not only did I waste one night of my life, but now the next two weeks of my life, I'm gonna be trying to heal my fucking brain after that. It's just, I find myself feeling way worse than I would have, if I wouldn't have gone,
Starting point is 00:30:37 and I maybe would have felt a little bit of fomo, feeling like I'm missing out. And so there it is, there are my issues with parties, but they are not hopeless. I do think that parties have the potential to be fun. They just need to be restructured a little bit. And here are my ideas on how to make parties better. Number one, provide activities. Maybe it's a hot tub, maybe it's a pool, maybe it's games, maybe you make the parties surrounded around something.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Like having a barbecue, watching a sports game, which the people already do that, but just having some sort of activity, having some kind of activities around, it makes it so much more fun because it brings people together in a way, but it also, it gives you things to do. Like if you have a moment at this party where you're like, what do I do now? You know, you can kind of look around and be like, oh, I'm gonna go play that card game, that like drinking game with those people over there.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Or, oh, I'm gonna go play ping pong outside. You know what I mean? There's like options. Or, oh, I'm gonna go like sit on the couch and watch what's on the TV. Like there's options. You know, it's nice to have little activities like that. I think there should also always be a designated talking space and socializing space and a designated
Starting point is 00:32:10 dancing loud crazy party area because it's nice to be able to go back and forth. Socialize for a little bit, go dance for a little bit, but a lot of times there's just no area to escape to and you just feel trapped in this room and you're like you I guess that's more of a club vibe But I would consider clubs and parties kind of the same thing honestly I also think that the best party is a smaller party like instead of Going to a club or going to a massive party where there's like hundreds of people
Starting point is 00:32:45 sometimes, finding a place that you and your friends can throw a party, throwing it yourself and inviting like 30 really cool people that you really want to hang out with. I've actually done this personally. I've thrown parties like this, where I don't even know if I'd consider it a party because it is kind of a party, but it's like smaller, so it's like not, it doesn't have the party vibe, but it still is a party in a way.
Starting point is 00:33:16 It's just not as big as what I'm kind of referring to. Oh my God, these parties that I've thrown before that are like smaller, almost not really a party, barely a party, but kind of a party, the most fun I've had, where I invite like say 30 people and say, invite your friends if you want, but don't blow it up, you know, like whatever, and inviting people over and having games, having food, doing these types of things. And it's a smaller group. It's a more curated group.
Starting point is 00:33:51 But there's still drinks happening. There's still whatever. That is the most fun. I think in people's heads, they're like, no, parties aren't parties unless they're big, big, big parties. Some people would rather just go to a club they're like big, big, big parties. Some people would rather kind of just go to a club or something like that or go to like
Starting point is 00:34:09 a more organized large party. But in reality, it's so fun to just have 15 to 30 people over and do something small. Oh my God, it's so fun. You can control the environment too if you're the one throwing the party. So for me, I'm like, ooh, maybe we do a little barbecue. Ooh, maybe I have a little cheese board out. You know, this is gonna be the loud area where people are just hanging out, dancing, singing,
Starting point is 00:34:35 having fun, whatever. And then this is gonna be the more quiet chill area over here where people can talk and socialize. A smaller, more controlled party is the move. The last thing that I think could be done is not eliminating alcohol completely because I think that's not necessary at all. And I think that alcohol can actually enhance the party 100%. But instead, stop taking shots. People need to stop taking shots. I understand. It's like, celebrate taking shots. People need to stop taking shots. I understand. It's like, oh, celebrate taking shots.
Starting point is 00:35:07 I've been to parties where it's like, people are taking shots all night. Like every 40 minutes, we're taking shots. It's like, no. That leads to chaos. Drinking a little bit more elegantly, okay? Instead of taking shots, just going and getting a drink, getting a drink, you know, maybe every hour and a half, maybe every hour, sipping on it slowly, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:29 like not making getting as drunk as possible the center of the event, it's so much better. And I think if you throw your own party, maybe you have a smaller party, making drinks like a really elevated experience. Like maybe taking time and like making yourself a fancy drink, having a really nice bar out where people can go and make their own drink
Starting point is 00:35:54 and they can have fun and they can use a bunch of different juices and things and make it fun and there's a shake or maybe like making it an elegant fun elevated experience. Instead of just being like, oh fuck it, we're just taking shots and that's it. It's like not only does that get you too drunk inevitably. I've never had a night where I was like,
Starting point is 00:36:13 oh, I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna take shots and it has not ended badly for me. Not even badly, but ended really unfulfilling for me. Whereas if I go out and I'm like enjoying the process of making the drink and it's like a fun, you know, I'm enjoying cocktails and I'm socializing and then I'm dancing and it's like, but then it's like, oh, I'm going and I'm playing a game now. Oh my God, my drink is gone. Maybe I'll go make a drink in a little bit when I'm done with this activity.
Starting point is 00:36:42 I don't know. I don't know, You guys, whatever. Maybe I'm all wrong. Maybe I've just had bad experiences with parties. Maybe the parties in LA are just particularly bad in the parties in my hometown are just particularly bad. But my experience with parties have been a bunch of people in a boring-ass room trying to take a boring situation and make it fun.
Starting point is 00:37:09 And I think that it's kind of a flawed sort of experience most of the time. And I think the key is going into it with low expectations. If you're going to one of these types of parties that are, you know, the generic style where it's like, the bar and the DJ booth as I've described and that's it. Going to it with low expectations and don't expect to have a good time because chances arts going to be kind of unfulfilling and honestly throwing smaller, more curated parties yourself, I think that there's something to be said for that. I know in high school, that's really tough.
Starting point is 00:37:52 But then again, party in high school in general, I think no matter what way you slice it, it's not fun. It's just not fun. It's also illegal. You know what I mean? So you're playing a dangerous game when you party in high school. It's like, I really don't like. Partying in high school was not fun for me and for anyone, honestly.
Starting point is 00:38:11 It always ended badly. The police come. Kids are, it was just so bad. It was so bad. But even partying as an adult is flawed. And I think what it really comes down to is having the right people around and lowering your expectations and maybe even throwing a party for yourself
Starting point is 00:38:34 or you can curate the environment and make it really fun. Also, I think having parties during the day is actually possibly more fun than having parties at night. That's just my opinion. I prefer day parties over night parties because there's a lot more activities that you can participate in during the day than you can at night. That's all I have for today. Let me know what you guys think. Have you guys been to parties that you thought were fun? What about the party was fun? What makes a party fun for you? I want to know. I'm curious. Always my episodes are an open conversation. And I love when you guys tweet me or Instagram DM me about
Starting point is 00:39:11 what you think. Do you agree with me? Do you disagree with me? Do you think maybe it's me and I just don't like parties and I just am a Debbie Downer and I can't find the redeeming qualities in them? Maybe you guys have found the same experience. Let me know.
Starting point is 00:39:25 Okay, that's all I got for today. Thank you for listening. I love you all. I appreciate you all. And follow an Instagram at anything goes or on Twitter at AG podcast. Subscribe to anything goes. Leave a review if you feel like it.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Check out Chamberlain Coffee, my coffee company, Use Code AG 15 for a little discount because I love you. And that's all I got. I'll talk to you guys next week. Love you.

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