anything goes with emma chamberlain - would you rather: philosophical edition [video]

Episode Date: August 24, 2023

[video available on spotify] i'm gonna be honest, i'm kind of falling apart over here. i lost my voice. i think it's because i've been singing in the car more than usual. i'm also on my period and i'm... in a lot of pain. i'm really cramping up. yeah, i'm falling apart but i'm happy to be hanging out with you today, and turns out, despite all that i'm going through, i'm ready to use my brain. not my entire brain, but i'm in the mood to use seventy-five percent of my brain. i decided i wanted to play a little game of would you rather. a lot of times would you rather questions are like, “would you rather eat an eyeball or all of your fingernails?” that's fun, but i wanted to play would you rather in a way that really uses that seventy-five percent of my brain. so i went online and i found some vaguely philosophical would you rather questions. i think we're gonna have fun today. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm gonna be honest, I'm kinda falling apart over here. I lost my voice. I think it's because I've been singing in the car more than usual. I go through phases where sometimes I'm really singing in the car. And I'm really taking it seriously. It's almost like I'm trying to get good at it. Like that's how seriously I take it sometimes. I have phases where driving is simultaneously singing lessons for me.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Self-taught, self-taught, but it's like singing lessons for me. I'm trying to hit every note. I'm like replaying a song from the beginning if I didn't hit the note, right? And my voice is gone. I'm also on my period and it's not one of those months where it's like, oh I'm on my period. It's okay. It's not one of those months. I'm in a lot of pain. I'm in a lot of pain. I'm really cramping up. Yeah, I'm falling apart, but I'm here and I'm happy to be here. I am. I'm happy to be here. I'm happy to be talking to you today. I'm happy to be hanging out with you today. And it turns out, despite all that I'm going through, I'm ready to use my brain today.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Not like my entire brain, but I'm in the mood to use like 75% of my brain. I decided I wanted to play a little game of would you rather philosophical addition. A lot of times would you rather questions like would you rather eat in eyeball or all of your fingernails? That's fun but I wanted to play would you rather, in a way that really uses that 75% of my brain. So I went online and I found some vaguely philosophical, would you rather questions, I think we're going to have fun today. Would you rather questions, I think we're gonna have fun today. Would you rather have an exciting but dangerous life or a boring but meaningful life?
Starting point is 00:02:16 I would probably prefer to have a boring but meaningful life. Because I don't like danger, okay? I really don't. I'm not somebody that enjoys the thrill of things like some people love rock climbing on the side of a cliff or jumping off of a bridge into the water or skydiving or paragliding or competitive skiing. Like, you know what I mean? There's some people who love the rush. I'm not that type of person. I have no interest in those types of activities.
Starting point is 00:02:52 I couldn't have less of an interest. I don't like adrenaline like that. I don't care. I don't crave in adrenaline rush. I'm craving the opposite of an adrenaline rush. I'm literally craving a stable heart rate. You know what I mean? That's what I'm craving on opposite of an adrenaline rush. I'm literally craving a stable heart rate. You know what I mean? That's what I'm craving on a daily basis.
Starting point is 00:03:09 So I would prefer a boring but meaningful life because I just don't like danger. I've had chapters of my life that have been very boring but still very meaningful and fulfilling and I am not afraid of that lifestyle. Don't get me wrong, I like feeling excited. I like feeling exhilarated to an extent, but not in a dangerous way.
Starting point is 00:03:35 So I would prefer to have a boring but meaningful life because I don't think boring is actually always bad. I really don't. Boring can be bad, but it doesn't have to be bad. For years, my life was boring, especially for a 20-something-year-old, right? Like, for years, I didn't go out in party. I didn't have a lot of hobbies. I didn't have a lot of friends. And it was somewhat boring, but I was very focused on myself at that time. I was really focused on understanding myself in a way, learning to understand myself
Starting point is 00:04:14 better. And yeah, it was a really valuable time. And it was boring, but it was important. And it was meaningful, and it was somewhat fulfilling as well. I'm not opposed to a boring life. Would you rather be infamous in history books or be forgotten after your death? This question is actually disturbing to me because the fact that this question exists means that some people would rather be infamous in history books just so that
Starting point is 00:04:50 They wouldn't be forgotten instead of just being a good person and Being okay with that being your small and maybe forgotten legacy. I Think everybody has a Little desire in them to be remembered. That's natural. But the question here is, how badly do you want to be remembered? Do you want to be remembered so badly that you would rather be infamous for doing bad things than just simply be forgotten? For me, this is obvious. I would
Starting point is 00:05:27 rather be forgotten after my death. Because being a bad person when you're alive on this planet is not a fun experience. That's not a fulfilling experience. And I don't know what happens after I die. And so I don't care if I'm remembered or not. Being infamous in history books, what a terrible legacy. I think in order to choose that over being forgotten, you have to value power and fame more than being morally good. and fame more than being morally good. And that's disturbing to me, to be quite honest. So I would rather be forgotten after my death
Starting point is 00:06:14 because to be honest, that doesn't really bother me. I'm just trying to do my best right now on this planet to be a good person and to make people's days a little better whenever I can. But if all that gets forgotten after I die, whatever I'm dead. Once I'm dead, I just won't care about anything. I feel nothing. I'm dead. What really matters is what you do while you're on the planet. In your life, that's all you can control. And that's all you know
Starting point is 00:06:46 for sure that you get to experience. And I think it should be everyone's goal to do their best to be good. So I would rather be forgotten after my death. Would you rather be stronger than the average or smarter than the average? I would rather be smarter than the average, but I don't want to be too smart. This question, I need more information before I answer this question, because I would never want to be an Einstein. That is not nightmare to me. It sounds like a nightmare. When you're that intelligent, oh my god, I can't imagine how overwhelming it would be to know that much and to understand that much and to just have this natural inclination to sort of hyperanalyze everything at all times and to constantly feel alienated by the fact that most normal
Starting point is 00:07:53 people don't understand the way your brain works, being a genius is not appealing to me. Being smarter than the average is appealing to me. I mean, I think being smart, that's a valuable trait to have. It can enhance life in a lot of ways. And it can be a tool that you can use to help make the world a better place. Intelligence has been crucial in creating technology, creating medicine, et cetera, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Being smart is not just something that you get to brag about. You can also use your smarts to make the world a better place. I'd prefer to be smart. Do I want to be a genius? No. I think the smarter you are, the more often you probably have an existential crisis. That's my assumption. And I already have enough existential crises. But to address the other half of this question, I don't really care about being strong. Don't get me wrong, I exercise frequently and I definitely like to improve my strength and it's exciting to me when I do, but I don't feel too excited about the idea of being stronger than the average.
Starting point is 00:09:10 I'm cool with being average strong. That's fine with me. There's something appealing about the idea of being really strong and dedicating myself to a sport. In an alternate universe, maybe I did that because I could see myself weirdly enjoying that. But I value intelligence over strength any day. So I'd rather be smarter than average. Would you rather only be able to live in a small city your entire life
Starting point is 00:09:40 or only be able to live in a big city your entire life? I have lived in a big city your entire life. I have lived in a big city for five years. Prior to that, I lived in somewhat of a big city. It was medium sized. I lived close to San Francisco, but I was not in San Francisco. I was quite a bit south in a much more normal medium-sized town. I've never lived in a small town. I romanticized the idea of what it'd be like to live in a small town, but I know.
Starting point is 00:10:19 I know deep down. I wouldn't like it. I love visiting a small town. Oh my god, amazing. To slow down for a week or two, go to the same general store for groceries and a new tube of toothpaste and a cup of coffee and breakfast and then going on a walk for like six hours because there's nothing better to do. I love a small term but only for like a week or two. I love a big city. I also hate a big city but I love a big city. I would rather live in a big city for my entire life. Would you rather eat a piece of food that was really healthy for you, but tasted horrible? Or eat something that tasted great, but was bad for you.
Starting point is 00:11:11 I mean, I guess it depends how good for you this one thing is and how bad for you this other thing is. Like, if we're talking about an exaggerated reality where we're talking about a piece of food that tastes really bad but will cure disease versus a poisonous fruit that tastes so delicious that you wouldn't believe it, but it's going to make you sick for six months. I'm obviously going to choose the food that's healthy but taste disgusting. It depends on how dangerous the stakes are. But I would say my philosophy in general about healthy activities versus unhealthy activities is that it's obviously important to prioritize your health and to make choices that will keep your health intact as often as possible.
Starting point is 00:12:06 But that must be balanced with enjoyable and unhealthy habits as well. But it's all about finding a balance. You know what I mean? It's like eating really nutritious healthy foods and exercising on a frequent basis and smoking a cigarette every once in a while. It's like, something's gotta give, right? Something's gotta give. Or it's like going out and partying on the weekends, having drinks, doing all that.
Starting point is 00:12:37 But then during the week, you go to bed at 8 p.m. and you exercise. You see what I'm saying? We can't do it all. We're fucking human. So I would probably eat something that tastes great, but was bad for me because chances are my body would be fine. Like you can have bad things every once in a while and be fine. That's my opinion. That's why it was so hard for me to quit the vape because I was like my nicotine vape.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Okay, that's what I'm talking about. It was so hard for me to quit the vape because I was like, everything else I do, I'm so healthy otherwise. I exercise, I eat super nutritious foods. I'm always like, you know, I'm really into that, and I really take care of my body physically. I go to bed early, can I just fucking have my vape?
Starting point is 00:13:32 Like that's why I felt. But that's not the best philosophy because I was using the vape every day. Whereas now, I don't. Although I have hit a vape a few times, I'm sorry, I'm going to admit it. I'm going to admit it here. I have hit a vape a few times, not my own, but other people have had a vape.
Starting point is 00:13:54 And I'm like, you have to just let me have one little, one little hit of the vape. It will. I'm not proud of it, but it's just this is my healing process. This is my quitting process. But I haven't gone out and bought myself a new one, and that's a success to me. Would you rather have people admire you for your good deeds or respect you for your power?
Starting point is 00:14:16 This one's obvious for me. I would rather have people admire me for my good deeds. I personally don't have any interest in having power. I want people to respect me because that's just the kind thing to do. It's kind for us to respect each other, right? So I would like to be respected by people, but I don't need to be powerful. I don't know. I don't really care about that.
Starting point is 00:14:43 And I never have. I don't mind being I don't really care about that. And I never have. I don't mind being around people who are more powerful than me. I'm like, okay. Power to me is an illusion. It's not real. It's all sort of imaginary. And it can feel really real
Starting point is 00:15:01 because when everyone is treating a powerful person in a certain type of way, it can feel like, yeah, this person is really powerful. Everybody around them is behaving as so, therefore it's real. But power could go away tomorrow. And that person will be left with nothing. Whereas doing good deeds and putting goodwill out into the world, that goes beyond power to me. Because that's how you build community. That's how you attract people that will always have your back. That's how you create genuine relationships and friendships. That's how you make the world a better place. So I would rather people admire me for my good deeds. So me, would you rather have a peaceful existence where you never had to worry about the troubles
Starting point is 00:15:58 of life or live a more normal life full of risk and challenge. Of course, there's something appealing about the idea of a peaceful existence where there aren't many struggles, there aren't many extreme emotions, it's just sort of peaceful. But I wouldn't choose to live that life, I don't think. I would much rather live a more normal life full of risk and challenge
Starting point is 00:16:26 because as much as risk and challenge is uncomfortable and heartbreaking at times, I really do think it makes life so much richer to deal with risk and challenge. so much richer to deal with risk and challenge. When you live a more peaceful quiet life, the range of emotions that you feel on a daily basis are much narrower. You probably won't experience extreme sadness, but you also probably won't experience extreme joy because there's something about a stagnant life that brings this sort of emotional plateau. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:14 And as reliable and relaxing as that may be, I think it may be a little bit too understimulating for me personally. I actually really enjoy the challenges of life in a lot of ways. I love working through a challenge and coming out the other side with a new piece of wisdom. That is so rewarding. I've gone to a place now where a lot of the challenges that I experience in my life don't feel as bad in the moment anymore because I always know I'm going to learn something from this. And so even if it hurts, I remember this is going to make me a better person in some way. And it always does.
Starting point is 00:17:59 It always makes me a better person, a wiser person. And it always ends up being such a valuable experience. I like the ups and downs. I think one day I'm going to want to retire and really cool things off, you know, chill things out, but I would say if I had to choose one or the other to experience my whole life, I would choose life full of risk and challenge. Would you rather live in a world where everyone ignores you or in a world where everyone is mean to you? Well, this one like truly neither, truly neither. But I think I would prefer to just be ignored because that would be a lot less upsetting. It would be much easier to get used to.
Starting point is 00:18:45 It feels so bad when people are just mean to you. If every interaction was that way, I would end up just staying home alone all the time. Anyway, I'd rather be able to at least go out in the world and people watch and just be ignored than have everyone be mean to me. Would you rather live in a world where there's no crime or no privacy? I honestly, no privacy would be really tough. How do you have sex ever?
Starting point is 00:19:22 Like everyone can just watch that? That's my nightmare. What about when I'm pooping? I don't want anyone to see that. I think I'd rather live in a world where there's no crime. To be honest, because even though I value my privacy more than anything, crime is bad. Like crime is really bad. But it would be really
Starting point is 00:19:47 bad to be constantly surveillance. I don't know. I don't know. Although, if it was just like the government watching me poop and the government watching me have sex, okay, I don't care. But if like anyone could access a livestream of me at all times, like I would be fine if there was like a handful of government officials at all times. I would be fine if there was a handful of government officials at all times watching me. I don't want that. I prefer to not have that, but I would put up with that for there to be no crime, because crime is really unfortunate and terrifying. I'm going to go with no crime, assuming that it's just a few government officials watching me poop and have sex. Okay, that's it Would you rather live another a hundred years with your body in a state of perfect health or just age normally?
Starting point is 00:20:36 See this is hard because I don't necessarily Know if I want to live for another hundred years not to be totally depressing and sad but I Don't really want to live for another hundred years, not to be totally depressing and sad, but I don't really need to live longer than I'm going to live. I'm okay with dying as an old person. That doesn't really bother me. Being alive is exhausting and I'm grateful to be here and I'm going to make the fucking most out of it. I'll tell you that. But I don't feel any desire to push it longer than it needs to go. I will say though, it's a pretty good deal to live another hundred years with my body in a state of perfect health.
Starting point is 00:21:21 And I don't know if I can pass that out because with aging does come a lot of bodily struggles and there's nothing I can do to prevent that. It's going to happen. But in this mystical world of would you rather, I think I'd rather live another hundred years with my body in a state of perfect health because that is just too good of an offer to pass up. If it was 200 years, I would probably just age normally. But 100 years, I could do another 100. Would you rather never be rejected ever again or never fail ever again?
Starting point is 00:22:00 I would probably prefer to never be rejected ever again because I feel like I learn a lot less from being rejected whereas I learn a lot from failing. I don't learn as much by being rejected. I mean yeah there was a lot to learn when rejected but it's just less deep for some reason. Like when I like someone and they don't like me back, the most I learn from that experience is, okay, I just have to remind myself that I'm still a great person even though
Starting point is 00:22:41 there are some people who just don't like me that much. You know what I mean? But like failing can teach you so much. You know, going on an endeavor, failing, and then getting back up and trying again, I don't know, there's just so much more growth there for me. There's so much more growth in that for me. It teaches you perseverance. There's so much more growth in that for me. It teaches you perseverance. It forces you to think outside the box and try things differently the next time. It forces you to
Starting point is 00:23:19 reflect on yourself in a lot of ways. Like rejection doesn't always have something to do with you. Sometimes you can be rejected because an employer isn't looking for an employee like you at the moment or a potential significant other actually doesn't want to get into a serious relationship right now. It can have nothing to do with you with rejection in which case it just kind of hurts but you don't really learn that much. Makes your resilience grow a little bit but I don't know. Failure just comes with a lot more lessons. Would you rather never take the easy way out of anything ever again or stop procrastinating?
Starting point is 00:23:55 Well, it'd be really nice to not do either. And the funny thing about this one is that both of these are somewhat in your control. I'd probably choose to never take the easy way out ever again because every single time I've taken the easy way out in life, I ever regretted it or not regretted it necessarily but paid a big price. And it's coming by me in the ass later, without fail every single time. Which is why now I refuse to take the easy way out. I will do everything in my power to not take the easy way out, because it always bites me in the ass.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Procrastinating bites me in the ass, but I always manage to get the stuff done that I need to get done. It's fine. Procrastinating is less damaging for the most part than taking the easy way out in life. Cutting corners? No. Unlike traumatized personally by my my experiences trying to cut corners. You can't do it.
Starting point is 00:25:06 You just can't. You will pay the price. It will come back to buy you. Where is procrastinating? You do pay a price, which is that you have a lot to do in a short amount of time and you might fail to deliver. But you pay that price in the moment. You know, you're, you know, it's all linear.
Starting point is 00:25:24 It's like, okay, I don't get my work done. but you pay that price in the moment. You know, it's all linear. It's like, okay, I don't get my work done. Now I pay it price immediately. Whereas taking the easy way out, you never know when that's gonna buy you in the ass and you never know how. And it's usually a lot more painful for some reason. So I'd rather never take the easy way out ever again.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Would you rather spend a week with somebody you really admire or spend a week with someone whose company you really enjoy? I would rather spend a week with someone whose company I really enjoy because you can really admire somebody and you can really look up to somebody and you can really try to emulate what they do in ways to better your own life while still not enjoying that person's company. There are people that I admire that I actually weirdly have no interest in hanging out with. And I don't feel like I need to hang out with them in order to learn from them, necessarily.
Starting point is 00:26:24 It's weird how you can admire somebody and not necessarily want to spend time with them. But it's so true for me anyway. As much as you might learn from being around someone you admire for a week, I would probably prefer to spend a week with somebody whose company I really enjoy. Because at the end of the day, being social
Starting point is 00:26:48 is most enjoyable when it's just fun. I would rather spend a week having fun than spend a week with somebody who I admire, who maybe is challenging me to be better. I don't know, don't get me wrong. Like there's so much value in spending a week with somebody who you admire There's so much you can learn. There's so much that you can discover about yourself through that experience But when it comes to what I would rather do of course I'd rather spend time with somebody whose company I enjoy
Starting point is 00:27:19 Because I want to have fun as much as I can in this life. And I'm constantly being faced with challenges that are forcing me to grow and be a better version of myself. That's great. I love doing that. That's important. We have to do that. But when it comes to what I would rather do with my time, I'd probably rather spend a week with somebody who I enjoy
Starting point is 00:27:40 because that would be fun. And I love having fun. On a day to day basis, I'm already looking at people that I admire and trying to take pieces of what they do and make it my own and integrate it in my own life. I don't need to spend a week with those people to benefit from them in that way. Although a lot of the people whose company I enjoy,
Starting point is 00:28:06 I admire in some ways. You know, there aren't many people I hang out with that I don't admire at least one way. Would you rather be liked by everyone you've ever met or have everything you've ever wanted? This is basically choosing between social interaction and material objects. That's my that's kind of how I'm reading it. I would prefer to be liked by everyone I've ever met. Because I'm at a place right now where I'm realizing how truly valuable other people are. I'm realizing that that is what makes life feel fulfilling in a lot of ways. Connections with other people. That is what brings the most happiness to my life.
Starting point is 00:29:04 More than material possessions ever could. Don't get me wrong. I am so grateful for every material possession I have. There's not one item that I own that I don't cherish. I take care of my belongings. I cherish my belongings. I'm grateful for my belongings. And there are a lot of my belongings that do bring me a level of happiness and enjoy my clothes. Bring me a lot of joy because I enjoy expressing myself through clothing. My house. I am so grateful for my house because it feels so personal to me.
Starting point is 00:29:43 It's also weirdly a form of personal expression, except it's a little different because instead of it being something that is an expression of me that is used to sort of demonstrate who I am to others, it's more of a form of expression that I enjoy on a personal level. I love being in my home because it feels so mean. Everywhere I look, there's a little trinket or piece of furniture or object that makes me smile and makes me feel warm and fuzzy. And I really cherish that because I'm at home a lot and I really just cherish And I really just cherish my home. Don't get me wrong. So I do find joy in some material possessions to an extent.
Starting point is 00:30:30 I can't lie about that, but nothing fills my soul like being around other people and connecting with other people. That's what gets me up in the morning. So I'd rather be like by everyone I've ever met because that would just mean I get to have even more friendships and even more relationships in my life that are fulfilling. Would you rather be the center of attention or go unnoticed? I don't necessarily care to be the center of attention. Like when I walk in a room, I don't need to be the center of attention. And at times, I don't really want to be. I don't necessarily like being the center of attention because it can be sort of exhausting. I also don't necessarily mind being the center of attention though, like it does definitely
Starting point is 00:31:21 happen at times. And when it does, it can be fun, like if I'm telling a story or people are curious about my unique life circumstances and that sort of makes me the center of attention for a time being, I don't mind being the center of attention, but I'm also not hungry for it. But when it comes to going unnoticed, I don't necessarily crave that either. I mean, I crave it at times, for sure, where I just kind of want to be alone and to be left alone. And yeah, I crave that at times.
Starting point is 00:31:55 But I also really, really enjoy being social and talking to people. And if I was somebody who just kind of went unnoticed, I would have less social experiences in my life. And that's not necessarily appealing to me because I really do love when people come up to me and want to talk to me. And there's a lot of joy in that for me. This one's tough because there are times when I'd rather be the center of attention, just because that means that I get to be social
Starting point is 00:32:32 and talk to people, but there are also times when I would rather be unnoticed and be able to just be sort of a fly on the wall. I enjoy both depending on the day and what mood I'm in, etc. But I would say for the most part I'd probably rather be the center of attention and that sounds narcissistic, but the reason for that being I just really enjoy conversation and I don't mind being the center of attention sometimes. I don't think there's anything wrong with it either. Like, there are a lot of times when there's one person
Starting point is 00:33:09 who's sort of dominating the social situation out of given moment. And I love when there's someone else who's the center of attention because it's like, ooh, we're asking this person questions. They're telling stories and we're listening. It's great, you know, like it's fun, ooh, we're asking this person questions. They're telling stories and we're listening. It's great. You know, like it's fun.
Starting point is 00:33:28 It's interesting. It can be really exciting to sort of dedicate a social situation to one person at times. I don't always see that as a negative thing. I think it can be toxic when you always have to be the center of attention, right? That's not good because you're not leaving room for anyone else to have their moment. But I don't mind when I get my moment too.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Like that's cool, but I don't care when it happens or if it doesn't happen for months and months. But at this phase in my life, I think I would prefer to be the center of attention than to go completely unnoticed because I'm in a phase where I'm really enjoying being social. And I don't mind telling stories and being the center of attention, it can be fun. Would you rather be one of the world's leading experts in a single field or be the most well-rounded in versatile in the world. I think there is something weirdly intriguing to me about being an expert in one field. There's something satisfying about understanding a topic
Starting point is 00:34:43 better than anyone else. There's something about that that is really appealing to me. But at the same time, there's something really appealing to me about being the most well-rounded and versatile person in the world. This one's actually really hard for me. I sort of love the idea of dedicating myself to one thing. There's something about that that inspires me weirdly enough, even though there are limitations, right? There are limitations there. There's something weirdly
Starting point is 00:35:17 inspiring about zoning in on one thing and really becoming the master, becoming the leader, becoming the expert. There's something almost comforting about that, rather than being incredibly versatile and well-rounded where you can just kind of like do a little bit of everything. That's nice, but that's much more chaotic in a way. If you're really well-rounded and you're really versatile, how do you ever have the time or the energy to really zoom into one thing and get better at one thing? You can be the most well-rounded versatile person in the world, but if you're kind of good at everything, you'll never really be that
Starting point is 00:36:05 good at one thing. You can be good, but you'll never be like the expert. I think that my final answer is I'd rather be the most well-rounded and versatile person in the world, because as much as I close my eyes and feel comforted by the idea of dedicating my life to one subject, one topic. I do think that the flexibility that being well-rounded gives you allows for maybe a more stimulating life in a way, in some ways. Would you rather save three of your closest family members or a thousand people you don't know? I would I would it's so fucked up and I hate this question and I didn't even want to answer it but
Starting point is 00:36:52 I'm answering it because It's uncomfortable and that's the point of this game I would save three of my closest family members and I feel terrible about that I know it you know that selfish on so many levels because every single one of those strangers have families that love them and cherish them and it would be so fucked up and thank God I never have to make a decision like this. But I would save three of my closest family members because I have such a special deep connection with certain family members and I can't
Starting point is 00:37:26 fathom making any other decision. Those relationships mean more to me than honestly anything else. So I feel bad, but that's just what I choose. Would you rather date the hottest person in the world, but not be able to have sex with them, or date an ugly person that you can have sex with. Okay, I'm going to sort of change this question. To would you rather date the hottest person inside and out, or would you rather date the ugliest person inside and out? Right? Because for me, like personality
Starting point is 00:38:05 plays a huge role. And so I had to add that little dimension to it. So the new question is, would you rather date the hottest person inside and out, hot on the outside, hot personality? Okay, just great all around. But not be able to have sex with them, or date an ugly person inside and out, total piece of shit, totally not that hot, but you can have sex with them. I mean, I think this is pretty obvious. I would rather date the hottest person in the world and not be able to have sex with them. Would it suck? Sure. Yes. It would. It would. I'm not even a super sexual person. I'm not somebody who needs to be having sex constantly. I enjoy it when there are times when I'm not having it where I'm like, like, you know, a phase of life where I'm not having sex and I'm
Starting point is 00:39:01 like, I wish I was. Yes, but I'm not so driven by sex that like that is my number one priority. So I'd rather date the hottest person inside and out and just not be able to have sex with them because at least I would be getting something from the relationship that's emotional. Whereas if I was dating the ugly person inside and out, I wouldn't be getting that emotional support. I'd be getting the sex, but I don't care about sex like that. Also, there's something to be said for just having a gorgeous person to look at, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:39:37 And to talk to, that's a great combo. You know, like to be dating somebody that you're really physically attracted to, who's a good person, that's like all you could ask for. Obviously, not being able to have sex with them would be really challenging, but you could figure it out. That's a great deal. That's a great deal, especially compared to being with somebody who's ugly inside
Starting point is 00:39:57 and out. Would you rather have a high profile job with no family or an average career with a family to live by. I would rather have an average career with a family because I think at this point we all know how much I cherish people in life and family especially and I know for myself that career doesn't fulfill me. It doesn't make me happy. It enhances my life, but it doesn't do it for me. It just doesn't make me feel pure joy. Whereas other
Starting point is 00:40:35 people do and family does. So I'd rather probably have an average career with a family. And last but not least, we've reached the end. This is the last one. Are you ready? Would you rather die before your spouse or after? If I'm an old woman, I would rather die before my spouse, because I don't want that, I don't want to watch that happen. I just don't. that I don't want to watch that happen. I just don't. I would rather piece out and just, you know what I'm saying? It's selfish in some ways, but if I was an old woman
Starting point is 00:41:12 and we were both about to die anyway, I would rather die first. I would probably prefer to die after my spouse if we're talking younger, like, if we're younger. It's so fucked up, but it's true. Like, it's true, you know, I want to live to be an old person. And I don't wish death upon fucking anyone, anyone. And especially not my imaginary spouse, call me a bad person,
Starting point is 00:41:43 but it's just, I don't know, that's just how I feel. Anyway, I hope that you all enjoyed this. I hope you played along at home. I hope that you enjoyed my answers. I hope you disagreed with me on some of them because that's what makes life fun, disagreement. Thank you for listening and hanging out. I really love and appreciate all of you who come and Tuning and hang out. It's always such a pleasure. We always have fun The fun that we have I love it. I love every second that we spend together and If you want you can tune in every Thursday and Sunday watch video exclusively on Spotify Spotify. Listen anywhere you get podcasts, follow anything goes on Instagram and anything goes. Follow me on Instagram at Emma Chamberlain if you want to see what I've been doing. Check
Starting point is 00:42:37 out Chamberlain coffee, my coffee company. I'm going to have a sip of my latte that I made iced latte. Toilet. Check out Chamberlain Coffee. You can pick up coffee, matcha tea, accessories. The sky's the limit., add Chamberlain Coffee on Instagram. Use code AG15 for a little discount. Love and appreciate you all. Talk to you soon. Bye. Love and appreciate you all. Talk to you soon. Bye.

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