Are You Garbage? Comedy Podcast - Danny Brown!

Episode Date: October 3, 2022

Kippy and Foley are with Rapper and Podcast Host Danny Brown! It's a fun one. Thanks for listening. Love youse guys. Follow Kevin: Follow Foley: Live Shows: PATREON: MERCH: Butcher Box: Raycon: Promo Code: Garbage15 Box of Awesome: Promo Code: GARBAGE Comedians H. Foley and Kevin Ryan are self proclaimed GARBAGE. Each week a new stand up comedian gets put to the test. Steal shampoo from hotels? Own a George Foreman Grill? Ever worn JNCO Jeans

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh baby the wait is over new dates added on the middle class famous store gang We're coming to see you bring the squad out live stand-up comedy show play little energy with the crowd Great way to introduce some people to the show bring the squad out can't be straightening these bozos out the fat man ain't lying folks This week we got Nashville and Indy and then in November We have two shows in Atlanta as part of the red clay comedy festival get those tickets Then we're going to Charlotte, North Carolina. Also. We have a sold out show in Philadelphia two sold out shows in Philadelphia Sorry smell you next time Philly Providence Rhode Island. We just had a second show tickets available in December Boston the same thing
Starting point is 00:00:38 We had a second show tickets still available get those tickets those shows will sell out. We'll see you there Welcome to another exciting edition of are you garbage? The show where you find out if your favorite comedians are classy individuals Absolute trash now here are your hosts Kevin Ryan and H. Foley Hey everybody out there and welcome back to everybody's favorite new podcast. This is our you garbage Little show we sit down with your favorite comedians and we find out the group to be classy. Yeah, they're just a big old piece of trash I'm your host H. Foley coming at you on a beautiful day. We're down here at Entity's basement She's upstairs burning a meatloaf. Okay in the dryer, which is weird. Okay
Starting point is 00:01:25 Fair enough my co-host is coming at you from right next to me always a swing and a miss with the big gas I feel like you're fucking throw me under the bus on purpose. Did it make any sense? I tested well in the focus groups Whatever my co-host is coming at you from right next to me. He is the CEO of our you garbage She is an international business man. He's my best pal in the whole world, and I love him Give it up for KJ Kevin James Ryan. Hey, what's up, everybody? Please make sure you rate you subscribe on iTunes full video available and you should as you know those numbers are I Fucking new guy Luke lunched it you suck Luke
Starting point is 00:01:57 And obviously the greatest website of all time Slash are you garbage whoo lot at money check it the fuck out. Yes, sir and gang We are sorely missing our good pal T-Bone Fill in over here right to for new guy Luke, but he's working the ones and twos first white T bones out sick We wish you well buddy. Hope you get better soon, and we can't wait to see you But give it up for the lower east side zone new guy Luke ladies and gentlemen. Just happy to be here But gang we could not be more excited
Starting point is 00:02:27 I mean not be more excited to have our incredibly special guest here with us today for the first time He is a groundbreaking rapper songwriter and now podcaster his albums include the hybrid xxx Atrocity exhibition, you know what I'm saying is a brand new album coming out And he also has 2013's old which reached number 18 on the billboard charts, baby He's the host of the Danny Brown show give it up for the one the only Danny Brown, baby Thank you guys have me man. Thanks for coming dude. Yeah, you popped in on his way to the airport with a rolly bag real classy You didn't say anything until you dropped the bag off which is where you rolled in and put the bag in the corner Yeah, I mean
Starting point is 00:03:12 Correct Buddy, thank you so much for coming in and sitting with us. Give us the backstory. What's a Danny Brown story? Here's the origin story. Um pretty much Somebody's yodeling in the hallway Pretty much born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. I had young parents. Okay, my dad had me at 16 My mom was 18 my dad's half Filipino Okay, so, you know grew up with that community as well 16, he's usually the reverse
Starting point is 00:03:46 At that a 16-year-old with an 18-year-old He had the long flowing hair He was exotic back in those days, you know what I'm saying? So yeah, and you know, I mean it's great growing up I mean cuz you know just even having my dad in the house too cuz he put me up on like all the music He was super into house music like he's DJ house sets and stuff like that But like bars just like he won't brought me my first Wu Tang CD. Okay stuff like that I'll put me on so having some young order even like just video games, you know
Starting point is 00:04:18 Like I became a huge gamer because of my dad. Oh cuz yeah, I got you cuz he was here and he was into it Yeah, he was just putting you on the shit. He liked. Yeah fucking cool. It was dope. It was dope. So yeah, so Brothers and sisters. I have two brothers two sisters. Okay older younger. I'm no oldest. You're the oldest All right. Yeah, that would make sense though. They were yeah, they'd be where does that happen? That's the crazy part think about well, we have a like I have older But that's like an adopted sister type of situation. Okay parents adopted No, she my mom used to babysit her and her parents got murdered. Okay, so she took her in after that Oh, that's fucking awesome. That's as classy as it gets right there
Starting point is 00:04:57 Murder and do adoption. Yeah, so the good thing is always just just being around him and stuff show me rap music So I just always wanted to rap and um, I like I like the first time ever heard rap music was LL Cool J radio kindergarten I remember my My uncle picked me up from school. It was raining. He's like man hurry up. I don't got time to be playing with you today We got to get to the crib. I got this new LL Cool J So I get to that we get to the crib. I remember he pulls it out It's final, you know, simple it out. He put it on the plate and after the first two eight oh eight hits
Starting point is 00:05:34 I already knew what I wanted to do. I'm like, I'm gonna be a rapper. That's awesome. So one day kindergarten Maybe showing tail. Uh-huh. I didn't know because I obviously wasn't paying attention in class I guess and I didn't have nothing to show or a tail. Well, I just went in front of the class and rap Just make it up or were you right? You know back then it's like the late 80s. So if it's still that old school like Hangin out at your mom's house No double entendre My name is D in the place to be stuff like that Still in the sugar hill gang as best as you can. Yes, exactly exactly
Starting point is 00:06:08 But the teacher and all the students, you know, I thought finish they all went crazy So it was like, oh crap and then actually the uncle who actually showed me the LL Cool J Rap album I rap for him one time. Uh-huh. Just a look on his face was like, okay You didn't write that I was like, no, I didn't I just really said it So ever since then I just kept rapping like all I don't know. It's like rap music I mean, of course, it saved my life, but it got me out of a lot of trouble. Sure Like even just like in school or like I will always be kind of quiet and I wouldn't tell people I know how to do it, but soon as I did it
Starting point is 00:06:38 Yeah next day, you know It was like having a fucking super Even like when I was in jail like Everybody heard me rap in jail. Now everybody's my friend. Everybody's nice. That's all right We had coming up with the same thing as being like the funny kid It's like it got you out of that guy's funny at all fuck with him type thing I'm like, yeah, I'm over here. Just making knock-knock jokes and if I go in the can I'm fucked Yeah, but it gave me something like a loose joint
Starting point is 00:07:03 It gave me so much confidence though like Sure Because it would be times where I would like walk home from school and like Every drug dealer on the corner will stop me and make me rap might give me $20. Give me $100 stuff like that I don't know. It's just at what age we talking there. Um, I would say that's about early high school. Maybe okay Alright side gig. Yeah, that's right like 15 16 around that time What was the house situation goes in an apartment house where we at my and were you in Detroit proper? Mm-hmm Yeah, groom it was it was great cuz my mom my mom's mom
Starting point is 00:07:36 Grandma she she worked at Chrysler. Okay. That was a good job So she bought our kids houses Mm-hmm. That was the illest that's the illest shit to Michael did so what did she do with Chrysler? I mean, she worked on the line the assembly line cam and bought how many houses did she have bought four Holy shit. Mm-hmm. That's what it used to be back in the day though. That's economy states But this Detroit housing so who knows $300 a piece of something, you know Talking Beverly Hills out here
Starting point is 00:08:10 She actually bought my mom a real nice house on the east side so we moved to the east side of Detroit And it was so good about moving over there was that um, it was you know, they had that the bus situation of Taking you to a school until to the suburbs kind of situation. Okay coming to the hood and get the niggas So I was able to go to a to a to a good elementary school that you know, that was very diverse Like we played dumb on that like So it was very diverse like even on a on a situation like having like foreign exchange to like I never even Yeah, that was crazy to me like we had a guy from Megasco name Ernesto. He didn't speak one lick of English He's seen two episodes of the Simpson. He knew every word in the English language
Starting point is 00:08:56 Groundskeeper Willie all day We always thought that in the where I grew up in the burbs anytime we got a foreign exchange student We always assumed it was a cop Yeah, we had some kid that was like from Germany or something like that and he wore Like a weed a weed leaf necklace. Hmm. Nobody That's a that's you're trying too hard. Yeah that one. Um, huh so school you went to school out in the burbs Yeah, you play any sports much on it. I wish I'll give up all my rap powers right now if I can dunk No, I suck this sportsman. Okay, never good. I played a little baseball. I played baseball, but yeah, I suck
Starting point is 00:09:41 Good at music. I was only good at music. How are the grades at high school? Uh, oh, I didn't get any grades in high school I didn't I stopped going to school Did you drop to high school? I will go every day. I just didn't go to class. What would you do? Where would you hang out? We just walking around the hallways looking at other people classes disrupting school How big was the school? Oh, well, I'm northwest. I'm with the Northwest in high school It's a pretty huge school, but it was pretty much like lean on me man. It was The roof hanging you over there's motherfucker selling fried chicken in the hallway. Oh Jesus You can get a haircut in the bathroom
Starting point is 00:10:16 That's pretty classy Wait, I thought you said they that the bus would pick up and take you out. No, this is a high school That was elementary school. So then you went to high school in the neighborhood. You What the fuck that's bullshit that was backwards, right? Bring me out there. You show me these tennis courts and all that That's the whole thing. Yeah, I wanted to go to northwest and I wanted to I was tired of that type of school But it did help me out because I had a teacher there name is caping and like I say with the reps He heard me rap one time and any like school
Starting point is 00:10:44 Play anything she can put me into rap. She would throw me in the rap Damn, so you would do that at like an assembly or whatever like I wrapped up my fifth grade graduation Hey, I know like what did you bring the house down? I mean, I think that was the first time my mom and dad Seemed me doing in front of people like that. It was just like proud of me real So it so it was always like encouraged like my my my dad bought me like little studio equipment stuff It was like I always knew what I wanted to do sure in the beginning. I was like, I don't need a diploma for that shit So once I got to school once I got this like high school was old enough messing around with girls and stuff
Starting point is 00:11:18 I just I'm going to class. So yeah, I pretty much did you not did you graduate or not graduate? No, I didn't graduate I still went every day though Really? Yeah, I guess like what else are you gonna do? All your friends are there. Did you go the last day of school? It's episode sad I felt like a loser Always pretty good. I'll be honest dude getting a shape up before history. What are you talking about? I felt like you're living the fucking dream. I felt like a loser though So in school, I'm saying just know it was saying all my friends graduate. Yeah, and now I'm like, ah, I fucked up
Starting point is 00:11:48 I'm a loser So I might be garbage. I might be garbage Think about going back and getting your you know diploma or gd or anything Or at this point you're like, fuck it I never understood that of people who become successful and they go back and like I'm gonna Never graduate college or whatever. They suck my dick. I don't know why michael strahan's doing all those tv shows He's got the NFL money. What are you doing? But I was I I could tell you a big drastic thing that happened to me when I was in school
Starting point is 00:12:12 Which changed everything because I was good in school and getting good grades and stuff But I caught pneumonia in third grade. Okay, and I was out of school for maybe like months. It was months I didn't die. So um, but at that time we were learning multiplication You know, you miss a couple months on Like the threes we were just like we was learning the threes by then when I come back They already doing division and shit and she didn't walk me back and catch me up and help me with everything So I was always so I was just fucked up from Not feeling a sitting there when you're like, dude, the whole world is passing me by and I'm seven years old
Starting point is 00:12:45 This fucking suck. I had that and didn't get was out of for pneumonia I remember when they pulled out that Texas instrument calculator. Okay. I was like, I'm done with this There's no way I'm moving. I was pretty good up until the tens and then when you get to the 11 and 12 Multiplicate, I was I'm still kind of fucking lost. No, so imagine if you don't know multiplication now you got to take algebra Yeah, fuck So I was starting to get I started to get bad grades then and then one literally it was just lily because I didn't know Shit and I was trying, you know, I flunked algebra though And I was there for the multiple case
Starting point is 00:13:16 Somebody explain this to me in apples. What are we doing here? Let's go. Damn. Um, what uh, what'd your parents do for a living? Um Shit, my mom just watched us My dad, he would have like odd jobs all the time. I feel like okay, but I think for the most party price. Oh drugs Because he had just poppy in and out every blue moon You'll just see him sleep on the couch Then he'll be going for like a month. He'll pop back up Do they uh, do they still live uh in the same house? No, no, we lost that house. Okay. Yeah lost it
Starting point is 00:13:44 That's the fucked up part every every all all All my grandma houses they all eventually got you know destroyed. Oh man Yeah, just the economy man. Yeah. Yeah, man. That's tough. What was the name of the street that that house was on though? Flanders Flanders street road. What was it? Flanders street? Flanders? That's good. That's good. Flanders and grassy from Flanders and grass shit. Okay They were all like uh, like Detroit style like the cookie cutter houses. They were all no, we had actual big house Yeah, the biggest house on the block. We had night. I know I know what kind of house you talking about We didn't know we had a basement all that shit. Really? Yeah, really shot the grandma. That's fucking awesome
Starting point is 00:14:18 I feel bad because I feel like once I started making money if I was really smart I should have just bought the house and fixed it back up. I'll just let it go. I mean, I bought my mama new house There you go. Let's go. Come on. That's what we're fucking doing. Stop trying to lure us in with this sad story That's that's fucking real rappers. I don't know how to be either who gives this shit But I'm saying like I'm just balling there to see my childhood home like being fucking boarded up and fucked up now It's kind of sad. That's that's that is shitty for sure Huh bought your mama house Was that the first big purchase or was that after you kind of got yourself straight a little bit? No, I bought my house first
Starting point is 00:14:55 I moved her in with me. She lived with me for a minute. Okay, but she didn't like living with me though I mean, I guess it's just a ill dynamic now, you know, that it was a Sure, she was like, I don't want to live with you man. I want my own shit So eventually, you know, after I got my cars and shit I love it. He's a little fucked up I need this land boat. I don't I'm gonna get you an apartment. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah I mean Because I know I had to I mean Detroit is a dangerous place, man
Starting point is 00:15:21 So I had to get myself put myself far up away in the suburbs Sure. Is that where you you moved to the burbs in michigan? I went to the affirmative heels. Okay We did a show in ferndale not too long ago. Yeah What's the name of the grocery store when you were a kid that you guys went to the pigley wiggly The good old pigley wiggly Someone from the east coast that's like a crazy name for a grocery store the pigley wiggly, but I get it. It's so popular Yeah, and did you got what was the chinese spot and what was the pizza place growing up chinese spot? See, that's a new york thing for sure. We got cony islands cony islands. That's our most thing
Starting point is 00:15:56 That's the detroit thing just cony island. We were all raised on chili and burners. That's it Cony island hot dogs. Yes, like yeah hot dog spot. Wait, there was no chinese restaurants in your They are chinese restaurants, but they're very few in between like you know, it's like a big deal when you get chinese food Man, I guess here. Yeah, it's more Yeah, every corner is number one of course is little caesars. I'm gonna start crying. You grew up a little C's was your guy Right across the street from little caesars. Really grew up my whole life. I grew up. That's the fucked up part two at the neighborhood I grew up in. Did you buy a little caesars? That's what I would have done Get that first big check tell your mom. She's got to wait till you get a little caesars and a pop of johns
Starting point is 00:16:33 I gotta start franchising babe. This rap ain't gonna last forever. I promise I'm gonna loop back for you But yeah, let's see. I grew up born and raised on little caesars How many times a week we talk? That's a tough look. It was a lot. We ate a lot of fucking little caesars I don't know how it was so cheap But back then he used to come in that cardboard slice It was square that was that's when it was fire Yeah, because they weren't a lot or both from the east coast there wasn't a lot of round where I grew up So like when we did see one or you go over someone's house and they had it and they had that square box
Starting point is 00:17:06 When they had to square it felt like I was in Italy fucking phenomenal. It was was like a sizzle pie almost It was fantastic. Now. They do that hot and ready round. Yeah, that's everything up. It's so cheap and nasty man Yeah, it sucks. I love the crazy bridge deal. I still go get the crazy crazy Okay, what's your favorite fast food if you had if you go Mmm And do you eat it now? I mean, I still eat fast food every blue moon. I am garbage. I ain't gonna lie Yeah, but I would probably say my favorite fast food is white castle. Whoa That's a first. I know right
Starting point is 00:17:37 fucking your stomach up That should'll take me out for two three weeks. I know I love white castles though It's hard for me to not see a white castles and not get none of that They actually made good-ass breakfast sandwiches now. Really? I heard rumors the white castles breakfast salad You got it in your newsletter I tried to win these ones. They know they suck. They suck. But the white castles breakfast sandwiches are fired. Really? Yes Sausage and cheese man. Shout out to it. All right. How's I always wonder how's chick filets. Have you had chick filets breakfast? Yeah, I like the little um, they make these like little chicken biscuit mini thingies
Starting point is 00:18:11 Okay, and you dip they got this ill ass spicy sriracha sauce. I know that they doing chick filet does good with the sauces They really suck. No sweet sriracha. That's what it's called. It's like a sweet sriracha. It's so fucking good I'm in with that. Well, you get little white castles that are in uh, the frozen food sections Oh, I eat those too. I eat those too. I eat those too. Really? Yeah, it's fucked up, ain't it? You still do that? You can actually make those almost close Get out of here you can actually make those close to what a real white castle is. Three minutes in an air fryer. They're delicious No, that just shows you how bad white castle is that you can kind of do it at the house true Um, we are crystal light family growing up my grandma drink a lot of crystal light. Really? Definitely. Yeah, I hate that shit though
Starting point is 00:18:52 Really? I mean, it's no sugar in it, right? True. Very true. Well, what was the drinks at the house? You were sitting down with dinner. Would you drink soda? Would you drink milk? Would you we grew up on fago? Yeah And if anything I say I say burners burners is always a big deal The fago has a line of products right that's one flavor a million different flavors, right? Yeah, they have like the red degree. That's you know, that's I think big thing. They have a cola though Yeah, yeah, cola and you call it pop. Yeah, we call it pop call pop
Starting point is 00:19:21 Damn, so fago. Yeah, they got crazy. They got a flavor called rock and rye. Like what the fuck is rock and rye? But it sounds like there's whiskey in it, but it's good as shit though. You just feel your diabetes creeping up They got a moon miss. I love the moon miss. Oh, I hear it's out of this world. That was a bad joke, but I had to make it Um, huh. Okay first concert First concert ever what see go back y'all y'all doing good My first concert my dad took me to see LL Cool J and run DMC at the pine knob theater Damn, what year was this? This had to be late 80s. Holy shit. And he said soon as like, um
Starting point is 00:20:02 You know because pine knob is like an outdoor theater where you sit on the grass. Uh-huh. You can watch and he said soon as As soon as the concert started, I wasn't even paying attention. I turned around and him just started rapping So I was performing and the crowd was going crazy seeing this little kid like I'm just mimicking whatever they was doing on stage So I wasn't even paying attention to the show. I was trying to beat a show. That's awesome. I know, right All right, kip. How about that bespoke post? Ooh, we love that box of awesome, baby. You know the box of awesome, baby. Let's go. It's the fall It's pumpkin season. It's outdoor season outdoor grilling A lot of people like to grill in the summer grill in the fall too hot in the summer
Starting point is 00:20:37 You need a nice breeze over a nice steak a baked potato Cold beer out there on a nice fall day with the leaves are falling the kids are yapping inside She won't shut up. You're losing it. But you're out there with a nice t-bone getting nice Got a mold of cocktail going to something sugar spice and everything nice get outdoor grill where you get home You can get uh grooming stuff travel stuff travel stuff cool guy stuff It's cool guy shit. I've been saying this guy's been saying for the past two years cool guy shit guys Uh, they sent us they just sent me a new duffle bag too. Really? I don't know what's going on It keeps sending me shit. I come home every fucking month. I got a box of cool. Shit. I've been using this as gifts
Starting point is 00:21:13 Get getting clout with the fam guys to get started take the quiz at here This is going to help them pick the right box of awesome for you They release new boxes every month across a ton of different categories each box is valued at around 70 dollars But you only pay a fraction of that price. There you go. Um plus with box of awesome You're supporting small business 90% of everything that comes in your box of awesome It's from a small up and coming brand It's free to sign up you can skip a month at any time or cancel to get 20% off your first monthly box When you sign up at enter the code garbage at checkout
Starting point is 00:21:43 That's code garbage for 20% off your first box box of code garbage do it Can't tell you about raycons raycon Tell you about those raycon earbuds. All right, you know, I like to use the I had the the other brand sure for a little while talk about them raycon sent us over a couple of pair All right I threw them in one day because I forgot the expensive ones. Yeah popped them in Got to juggle around listen to this listen to that to different sounds different kinds of music Not too shabby
Starting point is 00:22:14 I gotta say and one of our boys took a pair home because he was in a pinch and he loves them Yeah, and they're a fraction of the cost. It's fantastic raycon gives you eight hours of playtime in a 32 hour battery life Show that in your little pipe and bite down raycon gives you the same audio qualities other premium audio brands at half the price Is the big man said it's easy to see why raycons everyday earbuds have over 50,005 star reviews not bad do that by the number talk about true to roof That's cooking over there go to buy slash garbage 15 today and use promo code Garbage 15 to get 15% off your raycon order. That's buy slash garbage one five With code garbage 15 to score 15% off buy slash garbage 15
Starting point is 00:22:59 Uh, do it do it That's pretty good. What what uh, what were the pets like growing up any pets? Oh shit That's another fucked up story too because my dad I gotta say he had a whole bunch of He had a whole bunch of drug dealing friends and shit and I guess one of his friends Just was ill with collecting a whole bunch of exotic animals and shit So when he went to jail my dad Feeling like he want to be a real nigger He want to take in all the pets and shit. So we growing up with fucking
Starting point is 00:23:25 10 foot long pythons and shit and my mom's are scared everybody It definitely had to cause some trauma and all of us in the house. So imagine you're fucking crazy You're in elementary school every night. You you might wake up. It's a fucking python in your bed. Fuck that So yeah, we had crazy pythons crazy birds He had like birds were they loose in the house or were they in the cage python killed the birds though What? Yeah, we had like mad like the fucking jungle book Jesus Christ, then the fishes was extra crazy too. I like a nice fish. We had like ill red doubles I like to get said fishes. Oh that yeah, the fishes was
Starting point is 00:23:59 But only my dumb ass one time in school. They gave me a you know, you can get a frog They'll give you a frog and I don't know what made me think this I'm looking at the frog and a little thing I'm like, he seems like he'll be better off in the tank But it's piranhas and red doubles. So as soon as I put them in there, I just see I'm like What are you doing? He's trying to get out You brought the frog home From every direction boom boom next thing I know like fucking lots of raptors. It was just a skeleton shape of a frog at the bottom of the tank
Starting point is 00:24:27 Looked like decoration like we did on purpose. He's next to the scuba guy. I'm not getting any of this class I'll tell you that Yeah, so you got a frog from school brought it home put in a prana tank and it was eating Yeah, how did the how did the python get at the birds? Oh because see the python we would put him in the um in the Bird cage. So he had his own cage But after a while he started sneaking out So we'll put like weights and shit on top of it. So I never trust that And you go over to someone's house and they have a big snake. There's like books and shit. I'm like, get a proper fucking lid that they can't open
Starting point is 00:24:56 Yeah, so he would sneak out every night and you were here to wait for all like And then just and now he out so you know, and you don't know where yet you can't hear so My mama just locked her door and tell my little brother mark He was the only one that wasn't really scared of it. So she was like mark get the snake and he had just he'll go find it Nick or whatever. Fuck but one time. Yeah, he um No, actually what happened was he was trying to get at the parakeet and from whatever She killed herself by mistake trying to get away from right into the wall or something. Yeah Rather commit suicide than literally goddamn snake. Yeah. So yeah, that was my pet situation
Starting point is 00:25:30 Parakeet shot itself. That's crazy Yeah, you can't do it no more Fuck this What would you do for lunches during school when you were a kid would you pack a lunch would you buy lunch? No, I was on welfare How was the school lunch at school I love all the free lunches, especially the McRibs the fake McRibs used to have One bizarre item we did have there. A lot of people always had those They don't they used to have these burritos with a hot dog in it though. Whoa burrito with a hot dog. Mm-hmm, huh?
Starting point is 00:26:10 Was there like was it a tortilla? Yes, it was a You know, it's wrapped tortilla like a burrito But it'd be like a hot dog in there with like some type of taco meat sauce situation going on. I love those I don't hear that. That doesn't sound too bad. Yeah, we had something similar called a texas tommy Which was a hot dog with cheese in it wrapped in bacon in a regular hot dog bun Oh, yeah, I was just telling these guys because cony ollie was you know, that's I said that was our food spot But they had things called fish dogs Okay, fish dick. It was just like a fish patty on a hot on a hot dog
Starting point is 00:26:42 And you could get it for like a dollar 50. That was great. I don't hate it Do you like a filet of fish at mickey d's when you throw down one of those? I love those. I bought two of them It's stuck them together That's not bad. Fucking gentlemen over here. Gotta get real it get real fishy, man Because they're a little too thin sometimes You need a nice crunch in there. I love fish sandwiches though. Hmm. Okay. Will you brush your teeth in the shower? Yes, pee in the shower. Yes. Do you keep the toothbrush in the shower? Yes. Whoa. Okay. We garbage. Were you farting in uber? Huh? Were you farting in uber? I'm farting everywhere. It's coming. It's coming
Starting point is 00:27:15 Last thing I'm doing is holding it, man. You can die from holding farts. Can't you? That's what my grandma told me back in the day My grandma said you could die from holding fart, man. So I don't hold them. I let them go The other day I farted loudest hell in front of a girl at the airport, man Look on her face was just horrible. Like what are you doing? I'm living on a plane yesterday like crazy a plane you can get away with it a little bit if if it I had a blanket over me So I felt like I had an extra force field Yeah, and nobody can hear anything most people have their headphones on and the hum of the plane gives you a little bit of
Starting point is 00:27:45 Coverage you just kind of hope it doesn't smell all over the night. All right. The fingers start getting pointed at me real quick You gotta drop them silent murders, man You gotta you can't push them too hard I get airplane farts like crazy. I think everybody do It's horrible. I think everybody do horrible when you were a kid Do you have a BB gun or numb chucks or Chinese stars or anything like that? Actually, no, my mom won't let us play with guns and stuff like that. The train was crazy at that time Like it was real and the neighborhood we grew up in wasn't the you know, wasn't the safest place
Starting point is 00:28:14 So didn't want you mess with them. She wouldn't even let us. We wouldn't we couldn't even roam the neighborhood She's like you go in the backyard and that's it. That's it. They bought us a basketball room Play basketball come in the house and play video games. That's it. So I will say to my parents that was the smart thing They did they would whatever we can Whatever they can get us that we resent to that will keep us in the house Like with studio shit, and you know what I'm saying, maybe get rid of the fucking alligator. I know But the cool shit about that too though was one day we let we know Everybody in the hood, you know, the one that just bring the snake outside now. I'm the cool
Starting point is 00:28:45 He's got snakes and shit like what the fuck going on in there I was always afraid of a guy with a snake. Well, just walking He was huge too. Like literally he was like Man, you had to go get him the the mice and shit for him to eat to feed him and stuff like white mice. Yeah So fucking Yeah, I don't like that. That's scary. Hmm. Um, have you ever washed your shoes in the washing machine or the dishwasher? Washing machine. I definitely wash my shoes in the washing machine. That doesn't work though. It just Come out all oblonged and weird and shit. I think that's like a thing you wanted
Starting point is 00:29:14 That's I think that's a kid. That's a kid thing. You're like, let me put my shoes in the wash And but then they in there making all types of noises Sounding sounds like there's a brick in there. Yeah So, yeah, I remember one time, um I cleaned some air for us once I cleaned them with some bleach But I didn't really get the bleach smell So now I'm in school with my shoes just reeking like My teacher's like
Starting point is 00:29:39 That's not good. We can't do this. He's sitting me home over that shit. You can't stand home from bleachers It was it they smelled really bad though Man, it did it did seem like something's not safe about that. Sure. Yeah, that's That's way too strong. Go kill one of these kids in here, boy I got to crack a window. You wash one in bleach one in ammonia. You can't cross your legs bad And then they turned another color, you know They turned they were white and they turned to like a yellowish that way you're yellow. Yeah, it's like a yellow tint Yeah, yeah, that was dumb. I put bleach on like stains on like shirts and it's eating through
Starting point is 00:30:13 The shirt. Hmm. Really? Yeah I think you put it directly on there. You gotta put some water in there. I want straight hardcore with it What's the credit score like Danny? Oh, it's all fucked up Hell yeah, I'm just getting mine better. I was real bad for a couple of years. I'm trying my best, man Can you throw a number? I don't know man. Not good. It's not good It's not good. Love it. What credit cards do you have? Do you have an american express? Capital one. Yep discover. No. Thank god. All right, cool. Is the amix of black amix? No, fuck no, ain't that rich? That motherfucker a regular plastic
Starting point is 00:30:55 Is it one of the green ones? No, it's a gold. All right. There you go. Gold's good. There you go That's funny I got the regular plastic. We don't make no noise when you slam it down Huh, okay. Will you buy stuff at the duty-free shop at the airport? Cigarettes Walking out with a bunch of cartons you get a couple cards before you get to get to Europe or something What's your uh smoke of choice? New ports i'm black
Starting point is 00:31:25 But they don't sell new ports in the duty-free. They don't no You just got to get like marble menthol. Whatever it's menthol. What's the reason you're forgetting them other than Maybe they're a little bit cheaper getting them in in america and not getting them in europe Why don't you like the european ones european things are different for sure plus they really scare you with those pictures I just i mean i just want to be prepared Yeah, i want to be having a look for cigarettes and shit in another country in a four hour flight I've been there before walking around like man y'all ain't got cigarettes. You got new ports? Y'all ain't got new ports in here? Fuck. Well, you keep uh, will you keep cigs in the freezer?
Starting point is 00:31:59 No, that's crazy. Who does that a lot of people that I used to do when I got a car to keep it fresh Keep batteries in the freezer the fridge. That's some old-school hood. Shit. I think they're gonna come back Yeah, we never do they never do. I used to put my nintendo games in the freezer Really? You have to blow them to make it work. I remember that. Yeah strategy was you put in the freezer for a minute Let it get cold and it'll work right right instantly Dude, I never heard that that's probably why they didn't work because they were overheated Yes, it wasn't just on the inside I thought you were blowing dust off. You were cooling it down. Dude, that's pretty genius
Starting point is 00:32:30 Yes, that's because you gotta think they have fans and shit in there Fuck I thought it was dust this whole time. No, you was cooling it down. God. I thought I lived in the dustiest fucking house in the world Hmm. Yeah Have you ever saved a cigar box for storage? How about some cigars what you mean cigar box? What's a cigar box as a little kid like a box of cigars come in? Put like baseball cards No, they're like cardboard. Yeah. Yeah, I like cigars though. I like cigars. Have you ever saved a crown royal bag for storage?
Starting point is 00:33:01 I mean put change in. Yeah Put some change in. I have a little weed in there I think everybody's done that every but dude. That's the only reason to buy crown royal is for the bags No, man. I know bags. All right. Get my hand on one of those bags, baby One of my friends took a took a whole bunch of them and made a sweater out of it. It was amazing. I've seen that before Yeah, I think I saw a robe on instagram. It was fire. Um, when you did start making a little bit of cash What was the first crazy big purchase? Hmm Or any purchase you still regret where you like that was oh, I mean, I would buy a lot of stupid ass clothes
Starting point is 00:33:36 Yeah, when did you buy the house like when did you buy your first house? Um, I can't remember what year'd you pop off like what was your first year? You're like, oh, fuck. I'm a I'm a I'm a successful rapper triple X came out. Yeah, that was 2011. Uh-huh. So I'll probably get a house about maybe 2015 That's conservative. That's smart. There you go. I lived in apartments for a long time Okay, before I really was like, fuck that. I need to get a house. I didn't think I could afford a house at a time What year did you buy your mom's house? Uh, maybe like two years after maybe like 2017. Okay. Cool. Is she still in that now? Nice. I saw my house when I moved to texan. Okay. Did you buy a new one down there? Yeah, nice All right, that's okay. That's not too shabby there
Starting point is 00:34:18 So the mama house is a big is a very classy move. What about the cars? What was the first first nice car you bought? Um, a Porsche Cayenne I was gonna say that's very country club up. Yeah. Yeah, but then I got it Okay, that's a gotta tell you that I don't know how to drive You don't know how to drive? I mean, you want a Porsche Cayenne? You bought a Porsche and don't know how to drive Yeah, I don't know how to drive. Do you have a license? Yeah, I do but I finesse that situation Start it rapping. Start it rapping. No You ever make a left turn?
Starting point is 00:34:52 No, it's actually a detrait is one of those ones you can go to like, I mean y'all call them DMVs or whatever Yeah, yeah, yeah, but you can go to ones with like all the like uh migrants go that don't really speak english So you go to that one. Don't fudge the numbers all the way. Yeah, it is And it's an it's an actual DMV and this is at the time. I had like a crazy ass diamond grill and shit So when I showed up to take the driver's test, I just told him like, man, let me just give you $5,000 to pass me man He's like, no, I can't do that. I can't do that. But six I could diamonds on his face. I didn't actually do the test I failed every part of it. Let me let you go
Starting point is 00:35:22 But soon as I pulled back up to the to the to the to the spot. I'm like, I just look at him and smile He said diamonds. It's almost like finesse in the girl or something. You see Rollie on all type of shit. I'm like, how'd I do? Did you have to pay him? No, I finessed him. Just a smile. I finessed him. Yeah. All right Then I got my driver's license and uh, I got the Porsche and I started trying to drive. I'm like, oh, I can't drive this shit So I got me a Tesla after that You have more cars Yeah, I need to that's the only car in order to drive. I can't drive another car
Starting point is 00:35:52 The only car I can drive is a Tesla. So I don't consider myself knowing how to drive I don't think that's what you I must cat in mind when he created it. I know I know and I got a old one too Like a 2013 We only got 30,000 miles on it That's how much I've drove it. I just dropped to the store and back. Yeah, so that's all you have now is the Tesla I can't get on a freeway I don't know how to drive on a highway Yeah, that's what I probably spent most of my money on but yeah
Starting point is 00:36:16 The dumbest purchase I used to buy like fucking $2,000 jeans and shit Fucking the thousand dollar t-shirts and shit. Damn shit dumb shit like that. Do you ever have any and hearty stuff? Fuck no That's what he thinks boys. That's how out of touch. He is with any anything ever I was wearing like Rick Owens and like ball of mine and I don't even know what any of it is stuff like that Yeah, but that was my dumbest biggest purchase was buying all them dumb ass clothes That you can't keep, you know, they could They're only cool if you can only we a you can only you can't like wear that every day for three years
Starting point is 00:36:48 Like I wore I wore a leather head to toe for an entire summer Who wears leather in the summer leather t-shirts leather pants like it was It was cool I look back at that. I look back at that phase like what the fuck was going on. That was definitely like some midlife crisis Shit like man, you was 35 years old Yes, looking like a baseball club walker. I looked stupid man. I really did look stupid wearing biker jeans and shit That was a bad thing. It was a bad thing Oh, man, I thought I was a rock star. Yeah, I mean you kind of were you were you know, very successful musician
Starting point is 00:37:23 You know rapper. Yeah, those leathers and shit. That was my shit. Um, you flying first class Um, not these days Well, you take your shoes off unless I get bumped unless I get bumped up Yeah, I love the bump bump me up. Yeah, but other than that. No, I don't do that shit no more Will you take out your shoes off on the plane? I gotta take my socks off on that motherfucker Toes be out, man. You put me in coach. I'm gonna act like it. Let's pay that right now Fly me with four people I'm gonna go get I'm gonna go get some booze. I'm a booze up real good. So I could be sleepy
Starting point is 00:37:57 Get on the plane take my toes out and pass up. Will you bring food on the plane from out some like the from the airport? That's a real that's garbage. That's real bad. I like how your toes are out. You're like, no the burger I'm just saying the mcdonald's is mcdonald's smells crazy what you get in the air man The smell man is the smell. I'm so mad, but I used to do that though. I used to give a fuck Especially like fish fillets especially if I'm doing like an overseas flight or something I'm coming on the plane with a big mac. You know what I'm saying and it smells horrible Yeah, it's no good. The house you have now shoes off in the house Yeah, we live in texas, man. It's hot
Starting point is 00:38:30 I saw a lot wearing sandals now. No, I don't like shoes no more if we come over if we came over to the house No, you keep your shoes on keep your shoes on I don't got carpet. I don't I just buy a hardwood shit All my crib's been hard with it. I don't think I don't fuck with carpet. It's the smartest thing I've ever heard on my life I don't fuck with carpet get all hard like the first house that I did by I had I remodeled it and Paid $20,000 just to get fucking hardwood floors because it was carpet in there. I'm like take all this carpet out Remodeled house. That's really not pretty sweet. I know you mean though. Yeah, of course I already did it, but it worked out good for when I sold it so
Starting point is 00:39:01 investment Keep on talking about butcher box, baby. Put your box butcher box who bought your butcher box One of our faves we love butcher box. We like having a freezer Full of top quality meat grass fed grass finished wild caught wild caught We were just talking about grilling before it's the perfect time of year to grill and what are you gonna use? You think it's steaks in the grocery store? Mm-hmm. I was in there. Look at these spent a weekend in Chernobyl I know put your box lined up with top quality meat. It's unbelievable
Starting point is 00:39:32 We love it. Yeah, you got a weed guy. You need a meat guy Go to butcher box. Butcher box has a special offer for our listeners. We love them. They love our listeners It's a it's a love fest over here. Butcher. Are you guys ready? Butcher box is offering Here we go Butcher box is offering new members two free new york strips and eight ounces of cold crack lobster in your first box Plus $10 off they're giving lap dot surf and curve daddy surf and we're gonna get in trouble Come down from the top Butcher box lobster is wild caught by independent harvesters in a north atlantic
Starting point is 00:40:05 Then pressure extracted from the claws and knuckles. So you get the most delicious succulent lobster you've ever tasted This is fuck. Let me tell you this. You know what I'm thinking you make a move on that now you keep them in the freezer You're ready to go new year's eve around the holidays Thanksgiving Got good stuff there new years. What are you talking about? You sign you sign up you get it. You have it You love it. You have your wife sign up. It keeps coming work desist. No new members So you get new members put your box takes the guesswork out of finding high quality meat and seafood 100% grass fed free range Organic chicken a whole nine yards. You mainly raise no antibiotics. No other hormones as we've said 10,000 times We love the shit out of butcher box. I got ground beef coming out the wazoo sign up today at
Starting point is 00:40:49 Uh slash a yg to get two 10 ounce new york strip steaks and eight ounce of lobster calling a knuckle meat free in your first I'm sorry underpun or another name. I know cool guy getting my hands on it plus 10 dollars off your first box That's butcher slash a yg do it man. Uh anyone in your family still have an aol email address I don't even think anybody in my family know how to use I swear to god We talk about straight hood niggas from detrait man. They already been fucked up. Okay, okay. You ever wear suspenders Um as I'm pretty sure I had time as a kid. I'm pretty sure I had time as a kid I mean not by choice. I'm pretty sure my mom put me on that dumb ass shit
Starting point is 00:41:27 Not as an adult though No, no, I wouldn't wear suspenders unless I want to be freaky with no shirt on that just got him to cover my nipples Will you get cash back when you're making a purchase? No, never do that. I don't never do that. Yeah, that's weird It's yeah, it's trashy. It's real trash. Is it yeah people do it to try to avoid the You know surcharge or the fees or whatever. It's also like just I don't know $10 back at cvs. Yeah, that's weird to me. No, I don't do that. I don't do that Do you shake your drinks when you're drinking like if you have like something when you shake it up and then pour it Fuck no, what about the orange juice in the fridge at the house?
Starting point is 00:42:13 Juice What's in the fridge now we go over to your house What do you know? Hey, thanks for coming Kevin and Henry. What do you want? Do I have sparkling waters Really? Yeah, I just drink sparkling water all day. That's good. All right. La Croy. What are you? What are you rocking? No, and um, Texas they have one called rambler. Okay. They have a brand called rambler. I love that shit Isn't topo chico real big? Yeah topo chico my In the glass bottle
Starting point is 00:42:44 You give one of them you give one of them crispy cold That motherfucker be so strong that bitch bite back. Yeah, all right. Who's drinking this? Are you drinking me? You have a you have a grill at the house a grill. Yeah ribs and shit. No, like no, do you have a grill? Yeah, I got a trader. Oh Yeah, I love I make ribs every weekend. I'll be burning them up sometime when I get drunk though I'll be forgetting. What's the drink of choice the booze wise on booze. I've been I've been drinking whiskey lately But I think tequila is probably my number That means the health is I don't feel like if I'm drinking tequila
Starting point is 00:43:23 I don't really have too many like crazy hangovers and shit like that And I'll patron in that little topo chico with a little bit of lime higher not too bad fire But whiskey been fucking my stomach up. So I think I'm about to switch back a lot of sugar and whiskey they say You're playing me. God, Kevin. I'm sorry. You know how to use chopsticks. Fuck. No, okay You like Korean barbecue? Love it. What are you talking about? Koreans make the best fried chicken. Yes, they do. I know that They really do man. I know that for a fact. What uh, what's the air freshener in the car in the tesla air freshener? That's a good question. Do you smoke in the car? No, I don't smoke in my car
Starting point is 00:43:59 But no, no, I don't think I even have an air freshener You get the car wash on the regular? Yeah, you do. I do do that inside and out. Yeah, I do do that. Nice You smoke in the house or you go outside? Not cigarettes. I smoke cigarettes outside cigarettes outside the house Okay, that's pretty close gentleman answer. Yeah, I got I got a nice garage where I said a nice little smoke instead of There you go. How many car garages it? No, it's the one car garage Car outside you turn it into like a little little man cave. Yeah, I got my more tight bags up and stuff Okay, you got chairs or a couch or what do you do a couch my couch is in there One step from putting the TV out here. I swear to God
Starting point is 00:44:38 That's where I've been spending because I spend most of my time out there Yeah, dude smoking cigs on a couch in a garage. What is the air? It's all I need man. That's takes this shit all I need Let me ask you this you're driving in the tesla. You're running through the store If you pass a speed trap, will you flicker your lights to let the other drivers know that there's a there's a cop up ahead? No, no that's snitching No, you're yo, you're warning the Yeah, but you're still snitching on the police This guy lives by a code that's pretty good. That's snitching man snitching snitching. Yeah, you got to figure it out yourself
Starting point is 00:45:16 You got you got you got to figure it out yourself. It's airy man for they sell fire. This is royal rumble I can't even drive you're taking the heat off of me Yeah, I only have a license Like royal rumble man Do you know anybody at all in any of your circles that have been a customer on bar rescue? What is bar rescue? Oh the one show when they go in there and they fix the bars up and shit Yeah, no, definitely not you watch paul stars or dog the bounty hunter. I watched 90 day fiance. Yeah I like 90 day fiance and I like um love lockdown
Starting point is 00:45:50 Do you play any games all after lockdown love after lockdown? Yeah, do you play any games on your phone like forge of empire or anything like that? No, I got a steam deck What's a steam deck in my bag? The new video game console is like a switch. It's it's Way better than that. This is like just like three different ones. Like Okay, the Lamborghini compared to okay. What's your favorite game? What are you playing? Uh, I've been playing power wash simulator What the fuck is that power wash simulator? You start a power wash in business. Oh my god, I hire you to power wash it
Starting point is 00:46:23 It's so relaxing. It's actually a very soothing relaxing That's the craziest answer I've heard and forget about the snakes The piranhas forget about the haircuts in school. That's the trashiest thing You're doing blue collar video games. Yes. That's crazy. It's so fun. It's so fun too On xbox, I'm really um power washing somebody backyard like they're dexter But the thing is it's like I'm 99% But I can't find what the rest of the dirt at the clean. So I don't know, you know, like why am I 99% on this, man? The house is coming out and yelling at you. I got to go watch some youtube tutorials or something
Starting point is 00:47:01 I will say this in your defense There is an instagram Trend of power washing video. It's therapeutic. It's you know, man when you watch them clean those That is pretty good. I get it. But the fact is like you've started a business and you're like, you know, that's what the game is about I gotta do advertising and then other people hire you to go power wash it. How's the business doing? Like I say, I'm stuck on 99% on this one bit patio Power washing this patio for the days. God damn algae. Doug, I dig how we're watching this vicious patio for days Is my favorite sentence, dude. That's my favorite sentence ever. I do good with the cars like the cars
Starting point is 00:47:39 But once you start putting me in like residential neighborhoods, man, it's like what the fuck is going on? I do good with the cars. Yeah, I do good. I could probably watch the cars that went easy, man But when you got to do the backyards, man, it's like Fuck, man And I mentioned some like little dirt under the table or something like that, man So what you can't stop until you're not until you're a hundred percent. Yeah, you can't move on to the next job Oh, man Yeah, so it sucks. I'm stuck on this fucking patio. Please give me five stars on google
Starting point is 00:48:07 I was gonna say is yelp ratings rock bottom But yeah, that's what I think video games are changing into like playing games sure doing shit. You would do in real life Like oh, yeah all simulated nobody wanted. I wouldn't want to power wise in real life I'm saying but that's a video game. It's kind of fun Uh ever taking an old-timey photo like where you're dressed up as cowboys or anything like that I'll dress like a cowboy for like a whole year when I first moved to texas You and toned tony hinch. Yes, man. Tony. That's my boy I dress like a cowboy the entire time
Starting point is 00:48:39 But it made me realize it was kind of dangerous because when I start to be around like Mexican cartel looking mother fuckers. They'd be like who you work for Okay, uh, here's a hypothetical if you were at a baseball game and you were out in the outfield and you caught a home run And there was a kid next to you would you give it to the kid or would you keep the ball giving it to the kid? I'm giving it to the kid. I'm ain't that garbage. There you go. That's a good man right there. That's that's that's bad I hate seeing shit like that. Yeah shit drives me crazy I didn't want in your family ever represent themselves in court Probably not by choice
Starting point is 00:49:26 Yeah Probably not by choice, but didn't like the looks of the public defender. I'm pretty sure. Yeah. I'll handle this myself I'm pretty sure this is the bozo you give me. No, no, no I got this. Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Do you have uh, do you have a cleaning lady at the house now in texas? Of course You come through every other weekend come through every weekend. Well, you will you clean up and tidy up and stuff like that before she Get there. Yeah, you do. Yeah, but my house don't even be that nasty. Anyway, it's just My girl refused to clean. She's one of those
Starting point is 00:49:56 She's not a clean lady. I'm with you. She's not a cleaning lady So she'd be like fuck that caught a clean lady caught a clean lady, but I'm I'm super clown I pretty much do all the house shit. Keep it tight. Yeah. Got a room, but put the room If you have a swiffer you have a swiffer. Mm-hmm. Nice. I know we got a ill. We just bought um, it's like a steamer type of situation Exactly what you're talking about. Yeah, and it smoke everywhere and it cleans the floor Used to be an infomercial of those in the 90s. I was obsessed with it was called like the shark or something But if you make a mistake and hit your foot with that shit. Oh my god, it's just so fucking hot, man
Starting point is 00:50:29 Skin hanging off man Um, who's doing it you do the laundry? If I'm not in the doghouse If you're not in the doghouse, yeah, but I'm always damned in a doghouse one foot in one foot out But if I'm not in the dog, that's how I know when I'm being good when she started washing my clothes Okay, but most of the but if you're in the doghouse, you're washing your own clothes. Yeah, what laundry detergent are you using? Uh, whatever she bought. Oh, she she bought that fucking um Fuck what's the name?
Starting point is 00:50:57 Gain tide like no like a like a like uh some some some fucking trader joe's type shit 7th generation It's not even a brand you can get from like a normal fucking storage. Shit. It's like Peppermint smelling shit. You know what I'm saying. Okay. What about the soap in the shower? What are you using there using a bar using body wash? Yeah, I use a bar. I use uh, my favorite soap is a um It's a lemongrass tea tree soap Whoa Mr. Danny brown
Starting point is 00:51:23 For your skin and shit like it gets all of like all right like, you know, sure Back acne shit like that. Yeah, any loofah you do bars bar skin. I'm straight bar straight bar skin. Okay. That's why I'm always itching and shit I'm bar Old school the a floss every day. Um, I got a um Waterpick. I got fucking veneers. So I have to nice when you get those Um, maybe a few years about four years ago something like that couple of bucks on that. I bet 30k Jesus my teepers really fucked up though. Really? Yeah, so it didn't it just wasn't that they had to go I feel like I would feel the that they're you know, or is it just normal after a while again
Starting point is 00:52:00 Yeah, it just became normal after a while. I think damn 30k. You gotta pay that all once. What's the deal? No, I think it was increments Okay, I pretty much went through like oral surgery like they would they was telling me when you come take two Xanax Because we've had to do some shit and it's oh my god. Got it Dennis. Yeah It was so bad too like that. It was so bad too like I'm not even gonna lie So you have implants you have like the the rods in there I have no teeth. They're sharp though. I'll tell you that And you're set for you're set for life with them, right? Yeah, you gotta take care of them though Like going to the dentist all the time like right now I need to go to the dentist
Starting point is 00:52:35 I know like because you know a lot of food and sugar cut up that you can't get out of there And they gotta go in there and take them out clean inside of there and it's so nasty But they do they take them out and clean them? Oh, man, just to hear that drill like all right It's gotta feel good though. I'd love to have my teeth taken out because I think it's screws. Yeah And they just put the shit on the screws. Yeah, so Hachi machi Danny Brown. Yeah, my teeth was my teeth was really bad You know anybody who had a breathalyzer in their car um
Starting point is 00:53:05 I think um now. Yeah. Yeah, um like in texas when you get DUI they make you put the breathalyzer in there Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, my homie. My homie. Um, he got one of his car and you can't start it up until you blow Yeah, but he just put me up on game. He said you want to be breath Breathalyzer. She's got to keep peanut butter in the car I've heard that too. I heard under the mouth or whatever Also, I don't know if this is the guy to be trusted. He's got one in the car He's he's clearly hasn't passed every single one of them and he caught a DUI coming from kill tony. I'm like, hi unlucky. Are you? I
Starting point is 00:53:37 Got to kill tony. It's a great show. So why did that peanut butter all over your mouth? um What's the mayonaise situation in the house? Do you do mayonnaise? You do mayo? I mean I don't or do you do miracle whip? Yeah, it's mayo. That's both. I think we got both in the crew. You have miracle whip Yeah, I think we got both But I like um, I don't I don't think we use I don't feel like we eat mayo. You don't mess with it too much My favorite mayo is the burger king. I like burger king's mayo
Starting point is 00:54:07 That's a very specific taste. You know the long chicken sandwich. I get extra mayo And I'll say this. I love that chicken sandwich. That's the best chicken. They can kick rocks with they try to go up to the Popeyes They try to go up to chick filet stay in your lane. Those long ones are bad. Oh, yeah Yeah, the long chicken sandwich is the best best say my life anytime you I don't want you overseas and shit. Oh, you can go get it. Yeah. Yeah, sure all the time. Yeah fast food. We're pretty good We're heavy mayo Okay, all right, what's your favorite flavor Gatorade?
Starting point is 00:54:41 um Gotta be that Vince Carter one. What the fuck is that one? Remember Vince Carter had his own Gatorade flavor I think it was called like raptor punch or something like that. It was purple The Vince Carter Gatorade man I gotta see Vince Carter Gatorade commercial. Yeah, there's raptor. That's what it was called. I can't make this happen. It wasn't he sweating it out Was that that one or something? That one was so good, man. Okay. All right. That's the first time we ever got that fucking answer Yeah, I'm just saying I don't know why they discontinued it. Uh-huh. They should have kept that shit going if there's raptor
Starting point is 00:55:12 Yeah, coffee guy you drink coffee I think it comes it comes and goes comes and goes you don't make it in the house Yeah, yeah, sometimes like I'm saying sometimes I'm drinking coffee and I'm drinking a shit ton of coffee every day all day And then sometimes I'm just not drinking coffee for like months. Are they pods or is it a pot? I got the But my girl she got the fancy old express or all that shit. She looked at me like you're disgusting. You got that at the crib The machine Really I mean she's an ascetician
Starting point is 00:55:43 Wait, is that the hair or botox and shit? What is uh, what's the couch situation in the living room? You got a sectional? Yes sectional leather No, that's um a little soft soft. I don't know what that material would be called Just a regular couch. Yeah. Yeah, like you can draw it. You can draw on it. Oh, like yeah Yeah, yeah, it's a suede kind. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. You can draw on it. You can draw on it if you want I'll be tagging and shit Oh, I know what you're talking about with your fingernail Yeah
Starting point is 00:56:15 Change the direction of it. Yeah. Yeah central a c I assume in the house. Of course. It's 100 degrees every day Got you 100 degrees pull you gotta pull tiles. Fuck. No. Okay. Hmm. You ski or uh snowboard. Fuck. No When was the last time you heard of davin busters? Um Probably a few years ago. Okay. Yeah, I remember. Yeah, I was hanging out with ash and eco and we went to davin busters A good time. All right, man. Would you ever go skydiving? Everybody says it's a life-changing experience But I don't need my life change. I'm happy with what you're doing
Starting point is 00:56:46 Ah Amen on that. Yeah, uh, have you ever wore a kangle hat? Hell. Yeah, we're kangos Okay, recently. Oh, no Growing up like yeah, I appreciate. I mean if I if I did thousands. I wanted one. I definitely wanted one The bucket hat the k Oh, the yellow was a bucket hat. Yeah, of course. Yeah, the purple one the knee of a purple one I have to get at every color everyone. Yeah, I remember the purple one every color
Starting point is 00:57:13 What's the vacation situation you guys going vacations? I don't Not a big vacation guy. I'm not because I mean just After you know touring so much and flying like me getting on a plane is I got to be getting paid to be doing that I ain't getting on a plane just to have fun. Everyone in the disney world disney lands. No, none of that shit Okay, but I thought about it. I'm gonna take my girl to disney land or something like that But my girl she always want to go she she she gets to the point. She's like, well, you're not gonna go I'll take a trip by myself. She'll go to fucking Mexico or something. Okay. All right. That's good bad I like that. Have you ever been to mall of america? Yeah, of course. Yeah, you like it
Starting point is 00:57:48 Um, they got a comedy got a cool comedy club in there. Yeah, there is one in the house of comedy I think I seen Andrew Santino there Yeah, I think Andrew Santino also from this show. Yeah, um Will you take leftovers home from a restaurant? Yeah, why not? Okay, but not all the time It depends on what it is like certain shit, you know, it just ain't gonna come back, right? Uh-huh, you know, yeah, I ain't taking I'm big on the I'm anti leftover like I'm not taking french fries home from a restaurant Like what are you doing right now? I'm taking a cheeseburger
Starting point is 00:58:15 Come on man. Yeah. Yeah. Eat that shit there If you go out with a group of people, you know four or five friends Will you get apps for the table or do you prefer to have individual appetizers table you like for the table? Yeah, we share it, man Okay, it's a community. All right All right I like that. I like it. Do you have a preferred frozen pizza now and when you were a kid? I mean, I was probably Dijourno, right When you were a kid you were doing Dijourno. No, I mean as a kid they had those
Starting point is 00:58:44 I mean, you know, you can go buy them like the little five dollars. Yeah Little elios or something. You got to snatch that fucking styrofoam. I mean plastic plastic around it. Yeah That's it's always been nasty to me though. I never I don't like frozen pizza Really swear. I don't but you'll you'll entertain a Dijourno. Yeah. Yeah. I'm some broke shit. Yeah They had only two weeks ago. It was so fucking good. I think they're fancy. It made my day They got self rising crust. Yeah. Oh, then it was tombstones too. Shout out to grew up on tombstones. Now we're talking Um, but like I tell you we grew up across the street from the little seas shore. Bye. Bye gotcha Do you have a preferred Dorito?
Starting point is 00:59:21 um taco Taco Doritos, you remember taco flavor. They discontinued that too Taco flavor. I can't make this up Taco flavor Doritos and I did I used to like the pizza flavor ones too back in the day. Oh, I like pizza Whoa, oh, they got them out. No, that's the original. That's the taco flavor Damn, man, they taste very seasoned It tastes like I thought that I thought they were just like I guess regular tortilla chips
Starting point is 00:59:56 I guess. Yeah, nacho cheese was the was the no taco flavor. It says it on the sombrero So, you know, it's true. Make a little note of that They got him on amazon. I'm gonna grab him in the bed. I thought it was gone But yeah, the pizza flavor ones. I think they was doing that was a thing back then they were doing sure sure damn, okay Oh, I'm here with the snacks. Okay. What's your if you had do you like cheez-its you like combos? Cheez-its cheez-its are getting bizarre right now, man. Yeah, they're going crazy. You go into a grocery store, man It's like dog. What are y'all doing right now? The white chat everything I was at a gas station trying to get regular fucking and they don't have they don't have regular
Starting point is 01:00:32 Jesus white chatter and saw this bullshit. What are we doing? The ones that are kind of like rigid though Those are really good. The ones that are rigid. Yeah, they like to call them Are they like, uh, waved or something like that? Yeah, they like they like they like they damn they're like a chex mix. Yeah situation Are you a chex mix guy? You like chex mix? Yeah, yeah What about It was always weird as a kid though somebody like if somebody's aunt made that at a party you're like what the fuck what making chex mix? Like homemade's wonky. Give me like a pre-made. That's what we did some aunt would some aunt with no kids would make it
Starting point is 01:01:06 My favorite chip though is monster munch. What the fuck is this pickled onion flavor monster? It's a uk snack. It's a crisp Monster munch pickled. Oh pickled onion. So good. They're so good. Oh, I've seen these Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's so good So bad at the brits on the low with the snacks. They do okay and the candy is pretty wild Yeah, in the in the pork and beans for breakfast, man. This is are you a fan of that? I just can't imagine what school would be like Everywhere back about that big bean baked beans and eggs
Starting point is 01:01:44 Goes together in a weird way though. I will say that. I mean, I'm not hating on it. I'm not hating on it I'm just not gonna try it. Um at the house. Do you keep your butter on the counter in the fridge? I'm a fridge guy. Okay. My girl. She always leaving the butter out on the counter. Is that that's some white people shit or something? That's classy I guess it is. I don't know. It's supposed to be out. We've learned it's supposed to be out She be pissed about that shit like because she got like a whole butter dish situation You know, yeah, she like man put the butter in the dish and all them like man come on man Butter goes in the refrigerator. Yeah, I grew up with it in the fridge But everybody if they've learned it is better to keep it out. Why you can spread it on like, you know, it's classy to keep it out
Starting point is 01:02:23 Okay, I don't know. What about the peanut butter? Is that in the fridge? You're out in the cabinet It's in the car for the dui chapel. Yeah, exactly. I don't eat peanut butter though. No, no, I'm not a peanut butter guy Okay, where they keep the ketchup Bridgerator, okay, you do a name-brain catch up you doing Heinz Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Okay. See she bought a condiment. Okay. I just bought a meats and shit. Okay I'm a hot sauce guy. I'm a hot sauce to the h e b. It's the best place in the world H e b is this grocery? Oh I just go to h e b just to hang out sometime
Starting point is 01:02:55 Really just walk around and shit. I swear to god. It's amazing. I love that place. Check it out because we're big on supermarkets I love this place man. I go there every um anytime I can I go there You know what we like down in where we're in teja saying I was about to ask him. What do you think of buckies? Oh, yeah It's like a redneck fucking 7-eleven. I'd be scared. I'd be scared any given terms like the kkk just about to come on Something about it is be like, oh no, is this it segregated? I'll get my kalachi somewhere else. Thank you. Yeah Oh man, um the sleeping situation. How many pillows do you use? One you have one pillow underneath it and what yeah, I got a big pillow though
Starting point is 01:03:38 You just have one pillow behind your head. You sleep on your side or on your back. I'm on side Okay, and no pillow here and our pillow between your legs. Mm-hmm my girls She take order. I mean we have a lot of pillows in the bed. Sure, but she do everything you say And then we got two chihuahua so they're in there sleeping in the bed with us too. Oh, that's all right That's pretty close one pillow. Um samsung and ditto samsung and ditto. Okay. I like it respectable What um, you got a fan in the Bedroom ceiling fan ceiling fan that on when you go to sleep I don't I don't prefer it to be
Starting point is 01:04:12 But her ass because it's cold as fuck that one thing about texas man is that It's so hot everywhere you go is fucking freezing because everybody got their fucking air conditioner room 50 She's one of those types, you know the air conditions on fucking freezing the ceiling fans going i'm sleeping every night in the full I like that though. Yeah jogging pants socks on Sleep with your socks on yes It's too cold But I've def I will say I've been in recent time of just not starting to get used to how cold it is because even I have my daughter come out and she she did not have a good time because like so cold in your dad
Starting point is 01:04:45 It's like give me blanket. Give me so she just sitting in the house all day like and then you go outside. It's fucking 100 degrees So yeah, no, I know that that that switches a lot. How do you win you get that shit? Can you get sick like that man? Yeah, I know I always get sick in the beginning of the summer because I have the ac Cranking too hard, but I love it. I love sleeping cold I have to ask for the quick a bridge story at least of what did you get locked up for? Um selling drugs. Okay Fair enough. I mean I but I would say it wasn't the actual Selling drugs part that got that made me get locked up
Starting point is 01:05:14 It was I would catch a whole bunch of like loitering tickets Sure, and I would had but I would never go to court for them So when they finally like even when they caught me and they put me on probation I wouldn't see my probation officer one time left like i'm smoking punch what she's talking about I ain't never coming back. So I violated probation off of rip I was just one of those kind of guys So when they finally got their hands on me like oh, yeah, you got to go to jail. You've been doing this shit So he was 13 years old
Starting point is 01:05:35 Like so, yeah, like truant. I had so many like truancy from skipping school Like that she tickets and shit and I would hide him. I wouldn't tell my mom about it And now you know, he's supposed to go to court and all that shit. I just never Yeah, I did eight months over that shit Yeah, that's the longest you can do in the county jail Oh, it was it was fun. It was like it was like camp Hanging out. Mm-hmm. Will you sleep with the tv on? I want to my girl. Don't let me that's classy I want to I like sleeping like you know put sports shit on and go to sleep. Mm-hmm. Okay
Starting point is 01:06:09 I think i'm pretty good here ever been attacked by an animal I got bit by dog. Okay. That's normal. I feel normal by dogs bad bite Bedbikes, no Oh, no, yeah, I bit my hand. Yeah, just bit my hand reaching a pet or something. Yeah, yeah Oh, I used to have bangle cats that attacked me all the time the fuck's a bangle cat like a regular That's like a house cat or like, I mean, they see that's the thing about them. They're like domesticated jungle I don't know what you're talking about. People are mad that they even exist. What is your fucking vicious? Yes, they're vicious. It's like a little tiger. Yeah
Starting point is 01:06:44 Yeah, so I had bangles. I had two of them this thing. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, fuck that They're fucking expensive expensive them up and they hate your guts Because they're you know, they they're mad that they're fucking wait with yours. You you had them Me and my ex-girl we forgot she the one took him So, yeah, now i'm a dog guy now. Fuck that. What do you got? I mean, I will say reason why i'm a dog guy like just recently we put um Ditto in obedience school for like two weeks Why I had to go do some shit in europe and she went to Mexico and the dog came back worse than it was
Starting point is 01:07:22 But when I went to go pick her up, you know from the actual school just the love that I felt like she jumped up And my cats I will come home from like a three month tour. They'll just be looking at me like Yeah They'll be pissed hiding from me from days. I'm trying to be nice trying to get some love No, don't give a fuck man But my chihuahua's they love me. I can't wait to get home to see them now. Love that love it What do you think kip? I think he's fucking trash
Starting point is 01:07:58 You know, I mean the the one saving grace he had as he bought his mom a fucking house, which is a pretty sweet Power ball or move. I love it. He's got a license. He don't know how to drive I mean, you know He bought a car that drives for because he don't know how to drive but he tried to buy a license for five grand But got away with it with a smile Because he had a grill in Ladies and gentlemen, mr. Danny brown Danny brown show why I made studios anything else you want the folks out there to know you got coming up
Starting point is 01:08:29 I mean, I got my I'm coming out, you know, probably. Yeah, you know some time quote on to so Coming out soon. Well that check them out on social check out his pod on ymh Fantastic, buddy. We love it man. Thanks so much. Thank you guys for having me. It's fun. Danny. Thank you buddy kippy What do you got guys? We're all over the road check out our dates the link is in the description Shows their selling out so get those fucking take ease a while you can we love you. See you next week. Peace

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