Athletico Mince - Ep. 113 - Background Cat

Episode Date: April 16, 2021

A footballer’s home, a Warhammer quiz, fresh Geordie Heat, more DomPod alien talk, some Peter and lots more. Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good day to you and welcome along to this episode of Athletico Mins with me, Andrew Dawson. Imagine a visit to a well-renowned local travel agent with the intention of booking yourself a hard-earned sunshine break in one of the highly desirable hot spots of the world. You feel a warm, fuzzy excitement as the travel agent gives you some details and holidays in the Canary Islands and the Seychelles. Then she briefly departs to fetch some additional brochures for you to Peruz. From under her desk, a shortman with an order of topsoil heaves himself up into a seat. His face is squashed as if he spent a week trapped inside a washing machine
Starting point is 00:00:55 and his eyes look as though they died a decade ago. I've got a caravan on a bit of wasteland next to it. It sails sounds if you're fancy that. I'll be there as well. Brought sleep on the floor and you'll get out of the hammock. Next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, of Seal Sackles with your manky little caravan. Hello Bob. Oh thank you for the log to this episode. Thank you. It's alright, that nice.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Yeah, really enjoyed it. Text me back home. You mentioned to say shells as well. Yeah. I went there once and it was covered in these huge like centipedes, millipedes big, six, seven, eight inches. All of the person that come into your accommodation and that dropped from the ceiling, splat. So it sounds good.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Yeah, good times. Was that a feature that you booked additionally? Yeah, it was expensive. It was expensive. It was an optional extra, yeah. I wanted to get a drone, you know, cause drones,. Oh drones are always fun the wife ticked the millipede Box not realizing that they were like fleshy grenades instead of the drone experience Interest in t-shirt you've gone on there. Thank you. Thank you very much. It says it says in big letters past it is fantastic
Starting point is 00:02:24 And isn't it? And there's a picture of yourself there with your hair is like a big afro, made from spaghetti. So that's nice. Thank you very much. Does it get that made yourself? No, it is available. It's at the hop farm. Now listen up, I've got some wives' questions and given you a chance on any for a while. I've been wondering. She says being a long time since I was a study so she wants you to answer them with respect and diligence. She says, all right, okay. During lockdown, have you carried out any maintenance to your house, such as hiring a skip to remove the cat litter
Starting point is 00:03:05 mountain from your front lawn you done that? No, I have a cat. Sorry, hiring a taking a hammer to your pillow to soften up all the hard and seepage, night seepage. Have you done that maintenance? No, I haven't done that. I just tented through it against the wall before I got a bed. It kind of breaks up the hardness, yes. I suppose if you jumped up and down on it, you'd refresh the seapage because it would all drip off your knockers, wouldn't it? So, throwing it against the wall. Have you put a proper seat on your toilet yet so you don't have to stand when you're having a dump?
Starting point is 00:03:44 I don't stand when I'm having a dump, I crouched. I've got strong thighs and strong calves, I've been a little adapt. Have you bought out daft during it during lockdown? You know, like a daft purchase, I will board them. I have, I have because on the other podcast top flight time machine we've done a couple video events live stream things and I bought and see it there I was going to use it and I didn't end up using it in the end. I'll show you it. It's a fucking label maker. Oh it's one of those click click click ones from the past yeah so I'm gonna start a label and stuff guess how much I've paid for that from the look of it and boy that I am and that
Starting point is 00:04:30 looks like 1990 90 90 so you can label the parts of your body anything that stands still long enough to be labeled I will be able to fuck her. I bought the I bought a Hoffner electric bass guitar because I've been watching lots of Beatles documentaries. All right, it's such a pleasing thing that I want to tell them in me else. It's only cheap, they come from like... Do you have the ability to play the bass guitar or is it a dream? Yeah, no, I'm okay. I'm alright, you know. Do you want a name, Andrew? I've not put a lot of thought in it. I just wondered if you'd
Starting point is 00:05:09 fancy Papa Hallibut or Jack Plaster. Or you can just be running out dogs, you know. Oh, I'll be Papa Hallibut. It's quite nice. It's really attractive. No backstory though, just a name. That's just nice names, yeah, they're both just very ordinary lads. It's better if there isn't a backstory since I was because you can imagine your own car. Imagine your own, yeah. Just lean into the name and take it from there. Have you ever met Prince Philip? No. No. No. Well that's the avenue of conversation. Shut down then.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Well have you met him or something? Is that why you wanted to introduce it? Nope, may need that. Okay. Hey, it was an unusual episode of footballing homes on the radio this week and they did you hear it? No, not. You know, the show we're Martin from Wonsland, the hammer has a look around famous football in people's houses.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Well, I taped it so I'll give you a listen if you want. You up for that? Yeah. So, as always it's my my my my my my my Martin Martin my my my my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my Martin my episode of football in Hobbes, with they vought it from homes under the hammer. It's a bit on you, but I like it. Now, I'm approaching what can only be described as a new build, charging style executive home. It's got the lot, it really has got the lot, brick pellet gate posts, a vanishing gondola on the front lawn filled with avogrigate and a broad
Starting point is 00:06:45 white door with a brass knocker in the shape of a mandolth half chicken now that I do like all like all like cosplays night let's give it a knock shall we hello jargon you can I, championship striker with knowledge footballer Claude and the most side-parted man in Europe. Oh, the LLU? I'm Martin from Holmes Under the Handler! Scruffy get out here, what if the neighbours are watching, they'll think my dad must have skipped bail. That's hilarious! No, we agreed that I can come and take a look around your house for the radio, radio!
Starting point is 00:07:34 And then must have been the wife, okay then come on in. Well, what a grand entrance hall, featuring a very large mahogany staircase with a big portrait of Gary Barlow on the landing. What's that all about, Bedjohn? What is that actually all about? This wife, she always wanted to marry a pop star in opposite of the Barlow, but she ended up with a chamois stick striker still to turn her eye right in the end. Right end right okay now I can see that Can you take your shogs off ladies me at their will filthy yes of course You've been walking around the vet's me because you smell like death They tell me you were a joke John and you haven't let me down
Starting point is 00:08:27 I'm just telling you this folks, mate. Ha ha ha, I love banter. More than I love dumpproof courses, and I love them a lot or lot or tundle inites and a couple of bites. So as I was saying, you have the downstairs range, downstairs range, open plan with the kitchen to the west and the lounge to the east, but right bank slapping the middle is in aquarium. What's that all about, Jordan? What is it actually all about? Well, like fish. That's a bit unusual. No, it's not. One in 10 households have a fish tank, skills may a minute, me just want to ask me wife somewhere.
Starting point is 00:09:02 I loved to do a block round for from Worms Under the Lama. You did? What's he called? Dayon Dublin, not his fellow's called Martin. It looks a bit like an owl in a court. Yeah, well done. Sorry mate, the wife says she wanted to do Dublin. She has no interest in you whatsoever, so can you live, please?
Starting point is 00:09:20 But I'm much better than Dayon. Come on, he's never read a legal pack in his life Come on, let me finish the tour. Come on. You know you want to where you're just not saying it No, oh you go she says she's not willing to settle for second best again. So you're met Oh, well that was the home of championships. I can't judge and you go never took me shoes off before and Google never took me shows off before and so now to his house a bit unusual but I like it see you next week so it was that was this week's it's quite good wasn't it that was very good I watched the one on the TV on the radio I watched one of the TV a couple of days ago where Martin they they got into a fight with the contributor as he described him as this fellow
Starting point is 00:10:05 bought a house and had a really narrow hallware going through it the kitchen with the living room off to the left and Martin wanted to knock the living room wall down so it would just be up and planned from the front door into the living room. Fella was an oven at it. He was a milkman and he was an oven at it. The other was fucking ended up 50 cups. Martin said, it's the first time I've ever been involved in it. And I'll give him the contribute.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Milkman can be very strident in the opinions and the... I think Milkman can be very set in the ways because the very regimented... Yeah, the lifestyles. It was interesting. It just reminds me Andy, with Jordan Hughalbain in that episode. Did you ever think about who was the most championship player that there's ever been? The best I could come up with was,
Starting point is 00:10:49 no, I'm not sure whether he actually played in the Premier League at any point, but David Nugent, I think. You went for Nugent. The rakes of the championship. Did you suggest him? Was he one of the ones you suggested? We hit the two, probably the two men ones
Starting point is 00:11:02 that get mentioned, our David Nugent and Richard K.O. Yeah. Well that's that. Have you got any more thoughts on it or you just closing the door on it? I think we'll slam the door shut on it and say it's Richard K.O. if that's alright. I quite enjoy Jordan, huge, having the voice that fellow you still live with Banana Ramo you don't like being in his podcast. He snuck that back in, didn't I? Yeah, you did, I liked it.
Starting point is 00:11:27 He's a good player, John. He played for us for a while. Yeah, good player. Yeah, he'll probably end up with us eventually, I reckon. I got a quiz for you. Go on, then. Well, there's a quiz with a twist. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:11:38 The quiz today, I've arranged for Roy Ordjian to be the quiz master. All right, he'll. So, hope you're all right with that. I'll just get him on the line now. All right here. So, uh, oh, you're all right with that. I'll just get him on the line now. Uh, right. All right, something.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Hello. Hello there. Yeah. Oh, we're doing a quiz today for you. Oh, your little radio show. Uh, it's quiz about whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hooowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowow to get them right. Thank you. Question of what? Who acted as the origins of the space Marines? Was it the war warriors, the fire warriors, the Fando warriors, or the storm warriors? What? Oh, fuck, I said that mate, we said it. I actually had to not the space, not B. I'll go for B.
Starting point is 00:12:45 B, the fire warriors, that was C, the thunder warriors. I should have known that, shouldn't I? That's alright, that's alright, you're obviously nervous. You're actually nervous, we're two, here we go. Who are the Oc Gods? I, Malil and the machine god, B, Gok and mook. See, the old ones. Oh, dear, that's cool. Sarku and Nasdreg, Ugg Urg group.
Starting point is 00:13:11 I'll go for D, so you have to say it again, Roy. D, Garsk, Cool, Sarku and Nasdreg, Ugg Urg group. Now, bloody Wally, Bink, go and mook, innit? Here, here, here, Yacht Gods, there the ox gods, go come on You know your whore, don't you right? I try to give you an easy one, you fucked it up Right question free, you're getting harder now Who allegedly began the Goughwick wall?
Starting point is 00:13:36 Was it A, the Knightbringer, P, the Deceiver, C, Elgrad, Othuinuin or D, Everdon, the Dispoiler. El, L, L, ABC, O, D. See, Fluid. See? See? No, no, not Brieher. He's like, I'm gonna dip with. Alright, no more please. No more please, no more. No more, please no more. No more question. You've got to get Sammy right if it's true. One more question. got to get some erotic I said one more question who famously said if the path of salvation leads through the halls of purgatory then so be it Was it I? I'm and the exiled one be calm the butchraya
Starting point is 00:14:18 See sang in wish the golden angel or did the swam lord the swam lord saying, Ginnwish, the golden angel, or D, the swam lord. The swam lord. The swam lord. What the fuck with the swam lord, say that? I don't know, right? I don't know who these people are. Let me say the math on the swam lord. What are you going to come out of, sorry like that?
Starting point is 00:14:35 No, it was already bad. The exiled one. Hey, Jesus, this is embarrassing. Right, you've got no points in my war, Emma Quiz. So that means that I am still the king of war ever so we're very very much and I will retreat to my war ever area take your goodbye oh god I mean what I mean my man complaint would be why it had to be four choices Andy couldn't you have kept it too? Just one second, yeah I just got to get
Starting point is 00:15:06 really me cat. What's behind the door? Yes or no? Yes or no? What's behind the door? I don't know. I don't not know. He doesn't know. It's an imaginary door. It's a door in your mind if you like. Behind the door are three things, Bob. You've got to have me with you to go through and I will look at them or not. Or if you like you can just choose one of the things. It's up to you. Okay. Right. First thing behind the door, it's an incredibly intricate series of pipes, hundreds of them. All it connected and they're clear and there's a red liquid floor through them. Do you want to go and have a look? Yes, please. Yes, I'll go and have a look at that. Thank you. Oh, that's the end of it then. You chosen one. Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Do you want to go on? Yeah, but I'm just saying. I didn't mean to be rude. It's just, yes, I'd like to say that. Second thing, it's a denim jacket and it's just suspended in mid-air. There's no wires just floating, right? Not interested interested and you can all saw I'm not interested you can get a bike a jacket but that's available with the prior book and you've got a wrench that in advance no I'm not a pooper that no no thank you not even just because it's levitate no I can't I can get a similar effect in a wardrobe you know no thanks all right I'll just down does not seem to be fun of levitation of pain. Well suspended. You know, I'll go on then. Next one.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Alright, final one, it's Acabilk. He's urinating gently into an inflatable puddle and pool. He's of course shit-feast. I'd like to say that, yeah. You'd like to say that. You've chosen two over three. Yeah. That's a good, a good result for me personally. Okay, good, good, good, good enough quite a day, aren't you? Well, ten minutes or whatever. You know the nation is watching Liner Jouti, isn't it? For its, um, police detective, the sagell.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Yeah, I, I count myself among that. in Liner Jutey, isn't it, for its police detective, Cassagell. Yeah, I count myself among that. Well, for me, it hasn't got a, doesn't hold a finger up to Jordy Hate, you know. Yeah, very often. So with apologies for the like, probably the third time running, I managed to get all of a, a bit of script from, from Jordy Hate. I got it from Infinity Rocket Plastics. It's just for people I've not heard it.
Starting point is 00:17:29 It's the script from the new Netflix series, starring Steve Bruce as the head of Jordy Hete, which is Jordy series crime squad. Let's get it read. All right, I'm ready. Jody heat. Hot Jody streets. Crime on the time.
Starting point is 00:18:03 How we're the squad! Jody Heat Interior, Jody Heat Incident Room. D.C. Denise Welsh answers the phone. Yardthrude, a Jody Heat. D.C. Denise Welsh speaking. Ah, not bloody you! Excuse me sir. What was that that you said? Nothing
Starting point is 00:18:27 never said a word. Okay, how can I help you? Yes, your lunch, this is Mr Sting from the massive house. My wife, Trudy, can't find her yoga mat and she's getting a right cup on. Well, do you think you've've looked everywhere you know that it could be? He drew it on yeah have you seen the size of this house it's massive no I would you want to send some cup and round the house but look for it. Well we might be able to do that but it wouldn't be till at least tomorrow. Tomorrow that's no good. Hold on, I've got an idea. Jody, our way on Amazon Prime. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah we are. Right, I'm just buying you a dog and man on Prime.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Tell me quicker than these joddy hate clowns. You know what, next time I might fall up the smoggy squad in Minskble. Well, that's up to you, Mr Sting. I'n gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweith incident. I want you, DC Henderson and DC Shelby to take a turn, each at getting him to confess. Now he's a tricky character and there's no knowing whether he's got the ability to create more dust if he gets a struggle. Which of yours would like to try first? Oh, let me at him boss, I know these dusty assholes, grey bloodless speckers, with an antipathy toward the evening, and a fear of the moon! He will be like putty in my arms, he'll sign a confession in his own blood, once I
Starting point is 00:20:16 finish with him, monster mash! Okay, DC Shelby, you go first. He's waiting for you in the sports direct interview room one. In serious sports direct interview room one, DC Shelby enters the room carrying a small box. I'm DC Shelby and I know that you are the dust master, come to the tune to cosmehem and low visibility. Why not just admit it was you who clouded up the coscutter on Chapel Row? No comment.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Oh, it's like that is it. You should know that I've been dealing with your type for over a thousand years. Here, take this, your dustiness! Shelby opens the small box to reveal a silver crucifix, while covering his own eyes he thrusts it into the face of the suspect, the suspect simply smiles. SHIT! Does he not bother you? It gives me the effing creeps!
Starting point is 00:21:14 Honest, just one look and I go as quirky as a labrador of the disarrano! DI Brousen to the interview room. Alright DC Shelby be that's enough I can see that your spooky stuff isn't going to work on this lad. How we out whilst I let DC Henderson have a crack They both leave and DC Henderson enters All right, yes Dusty mash to rusties and and what seems to be the general situation, like you know, this I've visited, isn't it like?
Starting point is 00:21:50 No comment. Oh, I absolutely agree with that. And I've worn dogs since what I must bottle since I'm like six years old, and concrete flooding is always going to crack eventually. You know, especially if it's being urinated unlike... No comment. Who's gonna crack eventually, you know, especially if it's being urinated unlike? In your comments. Diabruc enters the room. Can I have a word please, DC Henderson?
Starting point is 00:22:12 Interior corridor outside, interview room. Bruce, Shelby and Henderson are talking. Now Lads, it doesn't seem like it's going... It doesn't seem like it's up for gotten his voice. I enjoy it. Now Lazy, it doesn't seem like he's gone a crack on. So, I've got an idea. It's a bit left-feel mind. DC, Carol Beadsley, has asked if she can have a guur at the suspect. Oh woman! I know it sounds daft, but I think we might give the sweet out a chance. So a fuck! Who are not my lives? Good to interior interview room.
Starting point is 00:22:50 DC Beardsley enters and places six hard boilers on the table. She remains silent, she sprinkles salt and sugar on the eggs, and then swallows them whole, one by one. Oh, I absolutely love half a dozen boilers to wash me dinner doom. Is that why you were in cost cutters to buy some fucking eggs? You're coming. Carl Swellers hard before regurgitating a whole boiled egg and placing it on the table in front of the suspect. Eat it, eat their fucking boiler. eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, eight, You're worse than the first prick with a bald head and the kip. At this carol leaps across the desk and places the suspect in a headlock. Listen sunshine, you either confess that you are, the cost could a dust clope for a nut,
Starting point is 00:23:55 or I will reee for un-gagitate the four-half dozen and ramblin' down your neck with the heel of my size 9 for a kneel-lam dancing boots. Five minutes later, interior corridor, Carol exits the interview room holding a sign statement in a hand. There you go, lads, it transpires that he emptied a full hoover bag all over the freezer section as a protest against the shop's refusal to stock Finders Funky Faheders of which he is very, very, Fock and Funt. Well done, D.C. Beardsley. I must admit me and the wife really enjoy a Funky Finders of an evening when we're watching salvage hunters. I think a caution is all that's needed here.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Would anyone like a boil and a egg? DC Henderson, Shelby and Bruce all gratefully accept a boiler from Carol. Lovely and sweet monster! I and slightly sweet too, lovely, really lovely. too lovely, really lovely. Jordy, heat, hot, Jordy nights, crime on the time.
Starting point is 00:25:16 How we hear that squat? So there you go. There we are, very nice. Did you think it's got the tension of Lian of Jouy? Well, it's about as realistic as Lian of Jouy, very nice. Do you think it's got the tension of Lion of Duty? Well, it's about as realistic as Lion of Duty, I think. Because me and my son have rattled through the whole thing in about a month. Ah, you did the whole lot. We've just gone right through it and we're up to speed out.
Starting point is 00:25:37 It's very enjoyable. Reminds us a bit of 24, with that, okay, for Sutherland. Inasmuch as it's very entertaining, but also not particularly realistic but it's great I enjoy it. Yeah, I watched all the 24's earlier in lockdown right for this a lot. That was a lot of doing it Yeah, did well my get on there next memories You know what I enjoyed them Disney plus I think yeah, I thought they might not but they they you know fast They're really fast-paced. I like that. Yeah, you know what I mean
Starting point is 00:26:04 You know first the really fast pissed I like that. Yeah, you know what I mean And I'm welcome we look to we don't eat little wood with the dumb pod and I've wrapped So I brought a beat up with some of our favorite celebrity friends and we just shoot a fat We just have a bit of a chick chat. It's very nice and relaxed It's me. Marguest is retired UK entertainer Mr. Bulbulbwa. Oh, dog. A couple of local people in the dog pub Bulbulbwa. How you doing? You alright? You've had lots of time in life.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Yeah, things going alright. Watch a lot of talent. That's good. Eating too much food. That's good. Yeah, well that's the kind of thing we like to talk about on his podcast. Listen, Bulbulb, if you're alien, Doctor, on your door, and the man is your car keys, would you end them over?
Starting point is 00:26:48 An alien. An alien, yeah. Um, yeah, I think I'll be pretty scared, yeah. Seems like the best thing to do. You just add the keys I have a lot of that, would you? I mean, you may want to step it with the keys. No, no chance. No, if you slice it, it might just grow back twice as big.
Starting point is 00:27:05 You know, something like that. That seems quite cowardly. I mean, what part are you playing in the imminent alien invasion? If you're not preparing a stab at alien with a cocky. What are you, dumb? Are you just going to roll over and let them take over, are you? She looks that way. Yeah, I'm not fighting an alien.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Jesus Christ. Are you a fennel judge, Rinda? I don't know his show. You he seems nice chirpy character you like him Yeah, you know a real judge. You know you know that is me. No, I'm not saying he's a fraud But I ate a real judge. That's all I'm saying okay. I mean I stepped a come on a dumb pod, but he said now Not choosing to take it personallyed personally because probably a busy man even though it's not a real judge I think you are I think you are I think you are I got I got the pinny the bable would have feds anyway I got a little break here doing the little advert at this point this podcast is brought to you in association with pork
Starting point is 00:28:01 loins not just for a Sunday. There we go. Right, four-week-out, very quickly. I believe, Bob Moore, that you've got a book coming out soon, is it, right? Yeah. Coming out later in the year. Yeah. I think I speak for a lot of listeners in this podcast when I say, who the bleedin' out of your thinkin' are.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Well, you know. What a book out. I'm knocking on a bit. You know, the maps would be someone interested in it. This is interesting. Do you know how many hours you were on the BBC for last year? I don't know, no idea. Hey, I asked. Do you know how many hours I was on the BBC for last year? Don't know, tell me.
Starting point is 00:28:36 396. I come out, I haven't got a book out of you, have. Well, you can write when if you want, dumb. Well, now I just want to ask my two. Well, if I don't work, is it? Oh, that's got a fucking right of book on spec and then see if they put it out. Anyway, this is ended badly, but I'll thank you for coming on the dough pot, I suppose. Well, thanks for having me, Tom. You're seeming a bit of a stop to be honest. Yeah, I'm alright, I'm alright. It's just a full moon or something. I don't know. Anyway, thank you very much. You're welcome.
Starting point is 00:29:05 I want to get married. Maybe you'll be able to serve a bit more next time. Thank you. Goodbye. Thank you, Tom. See you. There we go. That's the dump pod. Alright, Bob. Oh well. Ever since the wife has gone back to do her police work, he kind of lawns the ear in the house really.
Starting point is 00:29:32 I try to schedule every day so that I keep busy you know. I go up about six and three downstairs to prepare the wife's bitbox for work and get her breakfast eggs ready, you know. I leave it on the kitchen chair, because she doesn't like to see me in the morning, you know. So she needs a piece and quiet, you know, so she goes to work. And that, about seven thirty, here her leaving through the front door so I got the front bedroom window and I gave her a little way in and I was little way, way, way to go by with. She never turns around the look up but I feel back to him or knowing I've said goodbye properly. Sometimes if it's cold the window stays up you know so I draw a little heart in the condensation say see you love have a nice day that's why that's it. Then I go downstairs and tidy up the lounge from where she's been watching TV night before,
Starting point is 00:30:49 you know. I've a nice cut of tea, a fig roll, then I turn the heat enough, you know, put on my puffer puffer jacket and go back to bed to this time to get the wife's evening egg though. When she gets back home she's not leaving the mood for a chitchat in that store. Whilst she has a shower I turn to tell the police interceptors and let her egg out nice on the coffee table. When she comes down stairs I give her a pack on the cheek and then I'm back up to spare bedroom. I stare up the window until he gets dark like then I run nice chicken wrap. We're lovely, lovely chicken and a bottle of amber eels. Before you know it, it's time to get up again and face a new day. Mae'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'rithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweith No idea how she got the cow up there. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Eh, me mate Gary wants to talk me, you should always quit while you're ahead. A really, really good bloat Gary, but terrible at the 100 meet the sprint. Tee, fucking hell. I'm kidding. So that's all we Bob and I'll say goodbye. See you Bob. One Pete Air Beauty. There's only one Pete Air Beauty. See you Bob.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Well I'm sorry about that. I mean he's bothered to do it. Boy it's a big rent money Well, yeah, it was short. I mean, yeah, give it that just adjusting the life with Carol back at work with Jordy He as well. Yeah, have we got anything else we want to talk about And we wrap this one up. I was I had a little I don't know other people over interested Andrew But I had I was I made a little note of what I've enjoyed on the tally Um, oh yeah, I mean, I think, I think the whole nation enjoyed the detectives fighting organized crime. Did you watch it?
Starting point is 00:33:33 Yes. With Paris Boss Stock. It was a abruptly brought to an end after two episodes and apparently the rest of the series is only a year and a year. So I was very disappointed by that. Very good though. Well, it felt to me like what 24 hours in police custody used to be like. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:33:50 Yeah. Yeah. There's a 24 hours in police custody knockoff on Channel 5 as well. But I forgot what it's called. But I've got it saved on me box to have a look at. Oh, I found that. I think it's something to do with the stolen pupp puppet show in Norfolk or something. But, um... Did you watch the terror, the nautical one?
Starting point is 00:34:08 No, that's okay Andy. It's alright. Um... Right, now I'm not bothered with that. The snooker's starting and sat at this. I'll be at the snooker for two weeks. You're watching the Premier League Darts. I have been, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Well, again, that's on a brick to let the detectives... You don't know if you're coming or going, we're off this stuff these days. I know what you mean. Who do you want gumball or off this stuff, these days. That's the ability. Who do you want? When Adrian's not in it, Adrian Lewis. Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. That's what he said when he found out he wasn't in it.
Starting point is 00:34:34 The, I never know to support. I mean, who do you go for? I've always been a supporter of Gary Anderson. He's going to shit quite a bit of these days. He's going to shit quite a bit. These days he's passed his prime, I think. But that's quite sad to say. Gary Anderson, I like Glenn Durant. Yeah. But also gone shit. Johnny Clinton. I'm a big fan of Johnny Clinton. The Welsh fella. Oh, your Welsh lad. Yeah. I probably would be a no you, but I quite like the dancing fella. No, no, no, you've got to meet Revander.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Yeah, I quite like him. The dancing SWAT. No, come off it Andy. Don't you like the way he's filled out a bit over these last few years? He has a nice in it. He's grown into the role of Darts player. Yeah, I like that. Thanks for having us.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Thanks for listening and all that. Yeah, thanks for listening everyone. See you next time. Yeah, what he said. and all that. Yeah, thanks for listening everyone. See you next time. Yeah, what he said. So, that's all. you

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