Athletico Mince - Ep. 59 - The History of Whistles

Episode Date: May 4, 2018

Whistles, Steve Wright’s boot, Beardsley, eggs, BT, TV chat and Adam Lilliana visits South Africa. Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music Alright. Are we started? Like John to start podcast. This is the start of podcast. Right, foil. Go anywhere. Go the right. Quick fire memory. The memory minus button. You haven't done it for ages. saw right Bob do you remember how many a p calm down do you remember how many appearances Ralph Corks made for Orient in 1979 90 80 quickly do you remember 7980 I've called school more but yes I do
Starting point is 00:00:36 get in there nice one take that thought I'd catch you out with that quick. No, I know. Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam! It's all there and very easily accessed. Superb. Whistles, Andy. What about them, right? Well, this is what Wickey would say.
Starting point is 00:00:55 An ancient toolar instrument originally made from cardboard or balls. It's used by the ancient Greeks to keep stroke of the galley slabs when they were rowing. So that's like a nice bit of like makes you feel historical, don't it? Historical admin. Used in the crusades, specifically to give signals to the archers that's a born arrow. Yeah, I think it was really your fault. Have you bought your kid's ever bought your son a weapon, like a gun, or a bone arrow, well, a toy one, yeah, not a legitimate, you know, a lethal one, yeah. Well, don't you think that's like a gateway to? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:31 All right, you're wanting to be a shooter, do you? I want it to keep these options open. Well, yeah, I suppose that's weapons are about extending your options. We don't know where we're gonna be five years down the line. It could be, you know, death or glory for all of us. And your son will say, well, I like, I don't know if this helps, but we're gonna be five years down the line, it could be death or glory for us. And your son will say, well I don't know if this helps,
Starting point is 00:01:48 but we're dead, but as a born arrow when I was a nipper, so I've got some beer sex skills. Yeah. I know. And this pea shooter in me suck. And he'll become that leader of the resistance. But yeah. So anyway, that's whistles.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Now bringing it over to football, Andrew, yeah. Prior to 1880, yeah. And the invention of the P whistle, right. That was introduced at a match between Notzfarah's Chef United, 1880, right. Do you know what the referee used to do before then, Andy? Did he whistle with these fingers in his mouth? No.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Did he use, did he have a conch? No. he used. Can I keep guessing? He used a hanky. He waived a hanky. Did he? So, in those matches, tried to, to 1880, you'd have been aware of. Now, hanky about, so all a bit Larry Grayson in it out on the pitch.
Starting point is 00:02:38 It sort of, around, I watched a documentary about Larry Grayson the other week. Do you like, do you like to watch it? Did you enjoy watching? It was alright. I like watching stuff like that about the past you do live in the past. I do yeah I mean it worries me because I you know I'm an old fucker yeah andro and I do try not to dwell on the past I try to have a more futuristic look you consider yourself to be a mod no but you know when I got in the middle for a match is I'm always gobsmacked that around me in the self-stand. It's quite our percentage. I'd say like one in 30 of the youngins between about 18 and 30.
Starting point is 00:03:14 I've got mod air cuts. I think it's sort of you always think of it as a Manchester thing, but it's odd because the mod stands for modernists, doesn't it? Does it? Originally it did. I thought it was a Ministry of Defence and there you go. I'm just going to leave that then. Oh, anyway, so, right. Carry on with the selection.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Did you know that the pay whistle also revolutionized the police for? Don't fucking laugh at me Andy, I'm trying to, like, you'll I thought you liked the past. Well, I do, but. Yeah, so, but you probably knew this, but I didn't, before they got the Peewissle in 80, invented in Brum, right? They used to use a rattle.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Coppers. Yeah, to alert criminality or whatever. Right. So you know, like, I don't, Stan, domestic Denmark straight. Right. You know I'm just saying and I thought was interesting. What happened when the when the copper started using whistles? What is the correlation between the time when copper started using whistles and referee started using? Well because I wasn't really paying attention. Yeah. and if you had you see it would have been so much more.
Starting point is 00:04:26 There's a whole lot of work that says, Alan Brazill's been in this seat at the moment, at the moment on Talksport. It's completely given it. I don't know if you've noticed during Alan Brazill's show, I can't, of course, I can't know whether it's his seat or the core presenter's seat, but they've got a squeaky seat. Is your squeaky?
Starting point is 00:04:43 Well, it's not, but then at the same same time this isn't the studio that they do the All right. All right. So the correlation is identical 1880 referees were given whistles 1880 on the in London in the first instance the police were given whistles Did you use a rat on your a kid at football matches? Are you a bit too young? No, I did have one. I don't know I come and thought was made for me off. It was was handed down from a family member. I did have one briefly. It's very heavy though. Very heavy. But you could paint the little flappy sticks, right? We'd both do red and white wouldn't we? Yeah. Did you have one? Yeah. Used to enjoy
Starting point is 00:05:17 and you know like in the end, that almost stopped working because then a number of times you painted different stuff on. You know, borer, Johncton. Oh, what you know what I mean? I mean, you wouldn't let him move on now, would they? Anyways, it would be considered a weapon. It would be, I mean, it would be a vicious weapon, especially if it was made from an or... I might get one from your kid. Flashlabs got an oracle out of it. For the reckoning My favourite whistles, Andrew, are the steam whistle that you might hear on trends. Would you agree that that's a pleasant whistle? It's a nice whistle, yeah. And every day example of the steam whistle, of course hear on trends would you agree that that's a pleasant whistle? It's a nice whistle yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:45 And every day example of the steam whistle of course is the one on your kettle. Yep. Why are you not, I can't believe you've been, is of no interest to you what's earlier. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say. It responds to this whistle lecture. Now Andrew, unintended whistles can occur when you get wind blowing off telephone lines. Yeah. You've ever heard that one?
Starting point is 00:06:09 Yeah. You can also get a very interesting whistle with an idling circular saw. Can you? As it comes to rest. Yeah. How did you know that? My favourite unintended whistle is when a catheter is removed from the male Johnson and What a surprise that is so I was really ill
Starting point is 00:06:31 Yeah, you probably I don't know that you've ever noticed I think I vaguely remember you sensumming about So I was on a call yeah catheter fervent two weeks or whatever and then you read the catheter is removed And then a certain amount of time later you fancy your first weight But there's a whole load of air in your pipes, right? So you take out your Johnson do that Muscle squeezy thing and out of the end of your Terrence a little whizzle An unintended whistle so I'd like people maybe to as they're going about their everyday life this week listen out for unintended whistles.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Right. Oh, and they're going to report back with their findings. Yes, you want to. If they want to. You really don't have to. All right. Andrew, do you want me to go straight into say, do you know what I can't do with the podcast next week, man? Okay. Okay, there. Son. Right. John. What are you doing next week, like? I've got, I'm filming. Are you? Yeah, I'm filming. Would I die for you? Would I lie? Would I lie to you? You're not again. I'm not again. I'm filming Big Night Out. Lie me. All sorts of stuff, I'm such. What's it like to be famous? What is it
Starting point is 00:07:45 like? You are. I've seen for him at close quarters and I know what it means. It means you can't go to KFC, you can't go about your business. Can you do those things? I do. Everything that any old buttered oil does. And I don't get bothered but then I've seen I've been in the company of people where their life's well blighted I don't know Shaka Khan Shaka Khan. No, she seemed to be all right. She was quite anonymous Robert Pestin Pestin's probably like me people probably glanced and said things and says I think I know that fella
Starting point is 00:08:21 But oh, that's so pestin I saw a person getting off a train once at King's Cross and I just stopped getting out of Jesus because he was all limbs and sort of, is he tall? He's fairly tall, yeah. A lot of those newsreader types are really tall, you know, like John Snow and pay like that. Yeah, massive.
Starting point is 00:08:37 You think that's what makes them become newsreaders? The failures of the got a story to tell, the failures of the need to impart news to the rest of us. Yeah, maybe they think they're brought up to think they're important. A town cry is tall. No, they seem to be more cuddly and were squat on there. Yeah, yeah. Because they're, you see, they're gone hot.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Well, they're not giving original information out, other than they're just, they're just like a con. Well, then his run away. The person giving original information. He would say he is, all right. Through a filter. Yeah, he would say. Through a filter.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Yeah. I don't understand any of this. Andrew, what's your fancy about, would you like, I want this week, I can't do one next week. Oh, you're saying, yeah. So when we get to about 40 minutes today, so we like to just stop and we can do a part two and then we'll be. Stick it out next week.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Okay, I'm alright, well, cheers, we're coming down again. Christ. Nothing. I've got a couple of things, talk about imparting information, can I I've got a couple of things taught in part in information. Can I just quickly mention a couple of things? Yeah. This is a section I want to call a couple of things that people might not know that I feel this should know. Oh, first one, right? Did you know the Hamburg manager is called Christian tits. True. True. Absolutely. 100% true. So you're kind of like a little
Starting point is 00:09:43 bit of a rude Chris Evans at the moment, that, yeah. Do you not mean he's occasionally saucy. You're just being rude. I think if we were to count up the number of times each of us is trying to get some kind of comedic currency out of using the word tits on this podcast, it wouldn't be me walking off with the gold medal. Okay. So anyway, Hamburg manager called Christie and Titsy, He's doing well, so I really want to say an English club, take a chance on him because it would just be fucking chaos. It would be nice that, wouldn't it?
Starting point is 00:10:11 Christie and Tits, managing him. Christie and Tits, red and white army. It should manage it to Sunderland, shouldn't it? It should be the next one. Oh, do you want a Sunderland? Christie and Tits. Oh, do you want the Sunderlander, as is our road name? Oh, do you want me? You know know what I'd love to say Kevin Phillips
Starting point is 00:10:26 I've a go if we're going to talk about football properly now. I mean it might be nice to get that out of the Sunland fan system for better off at worst. It might work it might not but you know it would be a magic carpet ride wouldn't it. Have you ever seen Ryan Giggs's team talk that's on YouTube which is used as the explanations to why he never gets any jobs. Who filmed that man? It's absolutely rotten. It's just dead. It's like the team talk was being given by,
Starting point is 00:10:57 I don't know, like the pills really dole man, but not physically, it's just, anyway, I've got a funny feeling, Stephen Gerard might not be a superb motivator, anyway, I've got a funny feeling, Stephen Gerard might not be a Super motorbiter. No, I do worry. Is that thing of grip players not managing? I wonder. Isn't it Brian Robson as another one? Well, he took us up to the Premiership his first season, so think about that lad. The second thing that I've got the people might not know that I feel this should know It's a bit more widely known, this one.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Steve Wright, the radio to Deja. There was a time a few years ago when Steve Wright's car was pretty much the exact width of his garage. And the only way he could get in and out of the car was through the boot. And that's true, is it? That's absolutely true. You can look it up on the Google, there's pictures of him clambering out of his boot. It was when he was particularly hefty as well. Yeah. Which isn't funny, because I'm not size it.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Why did you say it then? Because it's the fact that he's car just for the joke. Yeah, because you thought that would be a more comical image if we conjured up a fat block. Yeah, of course it is. Yeah, honestly. Have you ever lived in your car? No, not yet. Have you ever slept in your car? No, not yet.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Have you ever slept in your car overnight because the wife threw you out? No, I slept in my car and knew you had safe ones because there was no rush to sleep. Well, what was wrong with your home? I wasn't at my home, it was parked outside with me at home. So, there's always somewhere else to sleep. Not as comfortable as the car.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Really? So you're saying your car is more comfortable than say, EJ, you're premiering your own. Well, are you going to get a premier in it, like, two in the morning, and you guys, dear? Well, I suppose you could go into reception and ask if they've got a room. There are two options. I was pissed there was going to get there. The two options was a floor on me car.
Starting point is 00:12:43 If you had a chance between sleeping on a floor or on your car. And where did you sleep? Did you put the front seat back? Or did you lie across the back seat? Yep. Which one? The first one.
Starting point is 00:12:52 You put your front seat back. Yep. Yeah. I'm glad. And the passenger seat, so I didn't get tangled up in the steering wheel. Nice. You can't get arrested if you're not sitting
Starting point is 00:13:00 in the driver's seat. Well, that's it. Even if you're smoking crack cocaine. You're drunk. You're smoking crack cocaine. You're drunk. You're smoking crack cocaine and you're counting gold bullion. Yeah. I can't question you if you're in the passenger seat.
Starting point is 00:13:10 I did not know about that. Well, I'll prove. Oh, right, Bob. Just thought I'd update you know what's been going on, right, Bob. Just know I don't know what's been going on right now. I'm still all waiting to find out what's happening with me job, I knew I had to trouble with the phone I did. So this morning, I went outside and stood on me front lawn to have a good old Mae'n yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r y it was probably some security light or maybe a burglar or slightly more outlandish explanation might be a neon sign but the house has never been used to commercial purposes so I don't eat
Starting point is 00:14:20 dog dead talking to commercial purposes you know that made me think if I was gunny-wrote in the shop it would be a chicken wrap shop. A little chicken wraps me. I would be willing to sell all the fillings, maybe June, maybe Britain, Park, maybe even a veggie version you know with hummus. But mainly chicken, only lowly lowly lowly chicken, not that who got sliced nonsense. I was probably you know I have all the extras displayed in them tend to it like in subway you know.
Starting point is 00:15:03 So people could like build your own wrap. a'r fwy I would call it that's a rock which is a play on words borrowed from the movie industry. But your Sullivan is my favorite actor. Nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, nene, Hello, love. John, fuck an LORBE here, fuck an DIA. What you studied in the middle of the LORN like I've fucking known for you little creep. I'm sorry, I'm still on the grass, love. I am particularly sorry that I stood centrally on the lawn. I was just having a nice stare, you know at the front of the house. Get inside you, you useless bastard, and knock me up a nice spot on it, and a very fork and dark cup of tea. So, I do the wife around me, and I take it up to her bedroom, and she talks in.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Watch the main fork and criteria for a perfect omelet pizza. Well, it should have a nice crispy edges and the middle should be fluffy. The middle should be fluffy. It's your mind, fucking bent. It should be very fucking fluffy. Sorry Rose, is that one okay? Yeah, it's just about fluffy enough. So what were you staring at when I called you like?
Starting point is 00:17:38 No no, I'm not like this little wire sticking out the wall and you know I wonder if it had previously been attached to a burger and a little arm. Or maybe it's a security light. You know, it was very interesting thinking about it. Well, that's not a fucking mystery. You should have asked me a fucking dial. It was from a CCTV camera. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Hmm. Should we get the VC team, you're a good lad. Tee-hee! Would you like a C-C-T-R-E-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C I'n rwy'n gweithio'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch ymwch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch ywch yw'r sdereu'r ymwch So I'm pretty happy Bob and I'm sat here in the spare room which in front of me is staring at me. You know it's like a parallel world where I'm not in any bother anywhere. I'm bad going over it. I'm telling you a couple of jokes from the joke. Mae'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr. So, a pangwyn, wau'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i'r ffyr i in the bathroom that says, I don't know what they look like. Two men walk into a bar.
Starting point is 00:20:18 You just thought that at least one of them would deduct. A pair of jump leads went into a bar, Mae'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gwaith i'n gweithio. Mae'n gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio. Mae'n gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio. Mae'n gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn gweithio yn g The parrot would have sold the place. So I think I'll leave it just there. One Peter Beatsley. They're done in one Peter Beatsley. One Peter Beatsley. Think they're their mob. Peter B. Think do you then, Bob? So there's Peter's jokes were I mean, they're alright Well, they're not bad. Does he write them himself? Do you think I just get them off the internet?
Starting point is 00:21:33 I think he goes on internet, yeah, but it still he chooses the ones he likes or you get a bit of yeah Variety you get a bit of variety there What behind the door yes, I know yes, I know You get a bit of a ride there. What? What? Behind the door? Yes or no? Yes or no? What? Behind the door?
Starting point is 00:21:51 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Three things behind the door, Bob. Oh, OK. How's if you go in an avalok or if you wouldn't? Number one, a cat. Born, it's a bastard.
Starting point is 00:22:03 OK. Would you go? No. Really? You scared of it. Not scared of cats, but but it's a bastard. Okay, would you go? No. Really, scared of it. Not scared of cats, but if he's a bastard, I like cats, what a wankers. Do you not think you could try to hear me? No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:22:13 You're interested in it. You know the cat whisperer. No, you know, you know, you know, you've enticed me a bit there because we could find out, but that's standing here today. Not a cat whisperer, so I'm going to reject it. No, no, no, no, no, no. Number two, British Telecom, all of it.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Admin, why is the lot? Put employees, vans. Everything. Call organization. Whoa, no. Are you going in just to see, you'd see Nett. Yeah, but if it's down the door, it's just be like a lump like,
Starting point is 00:22:40 just be like, when they do a scrap dealer, just do a car into a lump. I have a peak, at least. No, I don't want to look at it. You know, I could build shit-faced. He's holding his hat on with an elastic chin strap and he's booting his funny pack around the room. Well, he's got, what's on the chin strap?
Starting point is 00:22:57 He's got his hat. Yeah. We've got elasticated chin strap to hold it on. Okay. Because it usually falls off when he's shit-faced. I'll go just for the sake of Akira's head and to see his hat. Right. I want just to say how much the little chin strap digs in.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Okay. I like to see you when it's straight. I'm happy with that if you are. Okay. So, have you been watching much tele-andrew? You made me watch something Bob. Oh, I made you watch it. You forced me to make me think something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You made me watch something Bob. Oh, I made you watch. You forced me to make something.
Starting point is 00:23:26 You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something.
Starting point is 00:23:34 You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something.
Starting point is 00:23:42 You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. You forced me to make something. It's superb, isn't it? It is, I haven't got to the end yet. All right, well, but then, you know, we're not gonna give any spoilers out here anyway. No spoilers.
Starting point is 00:23:47 I mean, the thing is, and you can't help thinking of good fellows when you watch it, can you? The pace of it. Exactly. And the story and everything. And the final act felt very good fellows' esk with the... Well, you thought you said you hadn't finished it.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Well, I got about half an hour from the end. I see which way it was going with the introduction. It just gets better. It's better. Oh. Oh well it just gets better. You know my test that they've got to keep getting better. What a story though. In the movie sky. Did you have a favourite bit in it? I liked the first appearance of the drug law. Adam Diaz, yes. That's what I've written down here as well as best bit and he likes who will you are glizziest in Brian Adam's game. Yeah, but he has a hell of a sound system that pump it out. He's got him rigging out so he can play it while he drives around.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Well that's a big athletic home in some days. Double thumbs up. I reckon I was wondering how we can possibly turn this podcast into some kind of major narcotic daily organisation. It's going to be tricky. In the same way that Adam D Diaz did with these shops. With his high fire shops. Oh yeah, the grocery shops. The grocery shops. Oh, and the metal door at the back. Yeah. I was not giving too much away there.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Well, I think you should shut up because it really, do you know what I felt, I felt like vindicated afterwards. Do you know I watched too much Tally? Yeah. But occasionally your show comes along and I felt, wow, that one worth watching. So that's precinct 75. I've got a lot of time for New York in the late 70s and early 80s when it was just a few days ago. Yeah, but occasionally a show comes along and I felt wow that will worth watching so that's precinct 75
Starting point is 00:25:06 I've got a lot of time for New York in the late 70s and early 80s when it was just chaos It was a shit. Oh, it's the first time I ever went I was scared to do our cuts rubble Loot and what Loot and I mean rubble I found quite benign, I'll be honest You know a little bit of power rubble It's done bother. Oh, he's just the first cover I saw in New York when the first time I went there, which would be late 70s, Alamo Eakin. Wow.
Starting point is 00:25:32 And now, you know, that's quite striking, if you've come from Middlesbrough. So that's a bit, it's called Prism 75, but sometimes it's called the 75. It's called the 75. And it's on Netflix. It's on Netflix, it's on your eyes, or, and I know it's on Netflix. It's on Netflix. It's on your eye store. And I noticed it's on YouTube. Oh, cheeky. It's on.
Starting point is 00:25:50 So you haven't got the Netflix. You can get it on that. Another thing I watched Andrew, and I'm sorry, I should have mentioned it here, was the Rachel, Rachel, the Rachel divide about that woman Rachel who pretended to be black. Oh, yeah, that's out. I read that that was happening, but I've just seen that it's been released.
Starting point is 00:26:06 How did you feel about that? I'm sad to report Andrew that it's a weak one. Is it? It's a weak one. If you wanted to have a glance, if you're a Netflix subscriber, you get everything you need from it in about the first eight minutes. I think a story is quite thin, isn't it? It's really thin, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Yeah, okay. You pretend it would be black, so got caught out that's it and here's a show that I want as all everyone to watch before the next podcast and on nothing about it but this is how it is explained on Netflix or wherever I think Netflix might be Amazon it's called Charged right And this is the description at the top, yeah. A chef went for a hike in Montana and was shocked with 2,400 volts of electricity when he touched a dead bear. He lost an arm, ribs, muscle mass and nearly his life. But more important than what he lost is what he found. I'm in a hurry to talk to him. I'm in a hurry to talk to him.
Starting point is 00:27:09 I'm in a hurry to talk to him. I'm in a hurry to talk to him. I'm in a hurry to talk to him. I'm in a hurry to talk to him. I'm in a hurry to talk to him. I'm in a hurry to talk to him. I'm in a hurry to talk to him. I'm in a hurry to talk to him.
Starting point is 00:27:17 I'm in a hurry to talk to him. I'm in a hurry to talk to him. I'm in a hurry to talk to him. I'm in a hurry to talk to him. I'm in a hurry to talk to him. I'm in a hurry to talk to him. I'm in a hurry to talk to him. I'm in a hurry to talk to him. I'm in a hurry to talk to him. I'm in a hurry to talk to him. I'm in a hurry to talk to him. I'm in a hurry to talk to him. in life and that. If no, you won't believe what you found. You found 10,000 kilos of cocaine
Starting point is 00:27:26 and became the richest man. But it won't be. Well, you found a dead bear, didn't you? So, well, that is it. You fancy watching it and they I'm going to. All right. Well, that was a call again. It's called just charged. Charged. Yeah. So, there you are. So there you are. What? What? What? Oh, and he saw, I don't know if you know like, right?
Starting point is 00:27:47 What? But Adam, Adam Lilliana, the Liverpool player, has been over in South Africa. Yes, he's been getting treatment for his hamstring injury from the world's greatest rehab facility. And do you have some kind of information about what you've got over there? I've got a tiny ex-sacryrdd, gyda'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r ysgwyrdd, a'r was making an irritating home. Okay. It's an interesting thing to be irritated by, isn't it, Andy? Was it a home or a whistle? Home. It's the rehab facility. It's a place called Green Point
Starting point is 00:28:31 and the specializing by your kinetics, which is special exercises, right? And drugs that repair muscle. Now, did you notice, Andy, I used the word rehab facility. I've got, I didn't, you didn't. It's a, I used the word rehab facility. I've got it, I didn't. You didn't? It's a crucial.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Yes, I noticed that you didn't. Well, no, it's just that it makes it sound a bit like secret and futuristic, doesn't it? Oh, yeah. Rehab facility. So that's given this story quite a big kick, hasn't it? A bit of gravitas. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Already? Yeah. Anyway, it's supervising doctors called Tony. I don't know if I've got palladium, but it's a spet. I don't know quite. I would say it. And in Manadam, they got on like a house on fire. Right. Like Tony's like a real alpha male. Oh yeah. Like, you know, oh, I was just gonna say just like me and you're freaking came in there. Like, it's not for me, I'll fire you mate. Mr. Scissors. So Tony, I'm South African. Alright, tell him, you bitch, we hit the graft, down fought on me and I won't turn on your panties. So you know, is that kind of bloke, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:29:38 That's for me, yeah. Yeah. So Adam says, are you like you very much already I do? We should go and have a fart on some cider later on. In fact, how you fucking insist. Tony says, you're a gym mate, you're a gym or meet it, you're a tell. This is going to be a great rehab. And there's slap each other a bit, you know, like that's fun in it, for fellows and that. So it's just in fun, there's slap each other. Well the treatments really scientific, Andrew, you know, like, as a special, like pad attached to his thigh, special insoles put in his trainers
Starting point is 00:30:11 that makes a vibration buzzer sound, if he's not walking exactly how he should be, yeah. It's got an ankle bracelet thing that monitors blood flow, step rate, heart rate, location, where he is, his blood sugar got a lot right. Tony puts the gear on Adam and he's a Tony says, oh now where you are? What are you doing? How are you moving? The howl gamut you little bitch? Don't ever type the price at all for you fuck up the treatment. I'll tell you what to do. Your leg complexion is off the sky. Beautiful towns.
Starting point is 00:30:47 What's your secret? Or you apply sizzly? That's the brand, sizzly, sage and ginger contouring oil. Every evening and twice a day I rub in Evolve satin leg glass. It's non greasy and adds a lovely sparkly sheen. Die look yummy mate. I thought you live a pool, let's use the Nivea range.
Starting point is 00:31:10 What's his accent? Adam Lillana. Oh, oh, oh, oh. No, I wouldn't touch that shit with my toding pole. Anyway, that even, so that, you know, they're getting on with all the banter and that, and that evening, Adam's having a stroll around, looking for a nice mustard V-neck jumper to tie around his neck, that'll look nice, wouldn't it, in character? a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r ymdyn a'r asks Adam to follow him. Oh, hi, I... Well, if I was there, Andrew, I would have intervened.
Starting point is 00:31:48 So, he follows him and they slip off the main road and cut round the back of a multi-story car park. So, that's interesting, first, to cut round in it, the car park. And they... So, a multi-story, Andrew, that's a really nice way of integrating the buildings on several levels in it. It is multi-story Andrew, that's a really nice way of integrating the buildings on several levels in it. It is multi-story. And suddenly.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Is that relevant? Suddenly Andrew. The bloke pulls out a machete. Take your trousers! Sorry. Take your trousers off and start feeding them into your anus, you slap bastard! Well what could he do? And he's got a machete, it's throw up. So he takes his trousers off and has to take the ankle bracelet off to do it. Man
Starting point is 00:32:30 says, it's a difficult. Festa! Feed the left leg in first. Now put this tiny clarinet on and sing for the time, the gaza version and keep fucking feeding! Well he gets the left leg in but then he turns to the man and says, Look pal, the ring room for a pair of 30 inch waist hugh go boss skinny chinos up my arse. It's like trying to get a corn cob up a mouse's jacksy! Man says, oh, tithy, thicky. Okay, have it your way, you bitch! And the man swings his machete back, ready to size.
Starting point is 00:33:04 It's a big sharp weapon. Just as he does saw, bang! He smacked across the back of his head with a prosthetic limb. It's Tony from the rehab. Absolutely. Yeah. On your urine travel, soon as I lost a signal
Starting point is 00:33:20 from your gizmo Adam, oh you fucking love you Tony. What do you really have made me feed all of the chinos into my anus? Are you bet mate? Less weak, a black was forced to put a parcher and a pair of timbulens up there. Gang bangers, you got a fucking love em. Now should we go and get that drinkier, butch? Oh, are you reckon? In fact, I fucking insist. Yay! And off the went to get the drink. A happy ending.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Phew! Some pearl, some danger. Of course, you know. Imagine if he'd missed the World Cup because of that. Oh, yeah. Just from cutting through round the back of a car park. That's what can happen. Right, that's it for this first episode
Starting point is 00:34:03 and we're going to be back next week. Well, yeah, let's continue it next week. Alright. you

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