Aunty Donna Podcast - Chicken In A Bag, This Time With Verses

Episode Date: July 16, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A listener production. Hi everybody, it's me, Zach from the Aunty Donna podcast. We are still working on the new theme tune for the Aunty Donna podcast with Tom. We are writing verses for Chicken in a Bag this episode. In fact, I think we're trying to make a full song of it. You'll find out all of that and more coming right up. If you want to watch the visual to this podcast or get lots of bonus content then you should check out the Aunty Donna Club that's at that's our Patreon. You can go join that,
Starting point is 00:00:36 check it out, otherwise enjoy the podcast. Hello and welcome to the Aunty Donna podcast, a podcast where each week three people who are just friends get together, have a goof and a gag, have some fun, usually. But as you know, over the past sort of six months, we have been on a journey, on a path, something we thought we would bring. On a road? We thought we would bring sort of on a, no path and road is really all I've got. On a journey, on a sidewalk. I wouldn't describe this as a sidewalk. An elephant path. Do you know what an elephant path is? But that's still a path. Because I was going to say like a cobblestone street, still a road.
Starting point is 00:01:38 A street. We're on a street. We are travelling. We thought a few months ago, we thought it would be a good idea to bring what we do behind the curtain in front of the curtain, bring Tom onto the podcast to find a theme tune. Tom famous in the industry for working fast, for being able to adapt to bullshit comedians. But he, but it's been a long journey. He has produced some amazing pieces of music, but we still haven't found the one, that one piece of music that would really elevate us.
Starting point is 00:02:09 As you know, we have been trying to find the new theme tune for the Aunty Donna podcast. We need something that's going to last forever. Yes, absolutely, Mark. Or at least another four or five years, you know. Yeah. Now, if you were with us last week, you would know that we hit a bit of a road bump. We were going to do a vote, where we were going to play sort of our four or five favourite versions of the theme tune
Starting point is 00:02:37 that we've come up with so far. And then Mark had the, may I say genius idea. Thank you. Of taking all four or five of our favourite pieces of music that we've developed so far and trying to combine them into one coherent piece. We've since had some letters come in. Here's one of them in the last week,
Starting point is 00:03:01 since the last episode. He just pulled a tissue out of a tissue box. No, this is one of the letters we got in. You can only see that if you subscribe to So here we are. Hi, I really love a lot of the songs you have chosen as your top four or five, but I worry that by combining them into one piece you will ruin the magic of each. Do not do it or I will kill you. Oh wow, well there's another letter here that I just got. You're pulling another tissue out of the tissue box.
Starting point is 00:03:30 It says, Dear boys, I think the idea of combining all the best elements of the good songs that they made, they did a typo. All the best elements of the theme songs that you like is the best idea I've ever heard in my entire life and I'm going to show you all a naked picture of me in lingerie. So like a lewd, not a nude. Naked in lingerie? Yeah. Well you are naked if you're in lingerie. Like I'm naked in clothes right now. We're all born naked.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Yeah. Uh, uh... Mark, can I look at this letter? No. Can I, can you just show me the letter, please? Why, why do you want to see it? Because I'm suspecting, you know, because it just, it was, it came right after my letter.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Well, it's, I just want you to know it's signed by, um, uh, Florence Nightingale. Yeah. Can I just tell you what I think has happened yeah I think you heard my letter and then I think you've picked a random tissue and I think you made that letter up to help support your argument so just show me the letter do you know do you not trust me I don't trust you know are we not are we friends your letter your letter is a tissue from the tissue box and there's nothing written on it and I'm happy to admit that but I think he's done the same thing. Mark just show me the letter man. Fine have a look. He's like,
Starting point is 00:04:49 Zach has got the tissue, he's reading it, he's being proven to be wrong. Wrong no this this letter whilst written on a tissue and stored in a tissue box in the perfect sort of factory setting yeah is a letter from someone named Florence Nightingale, but from this lingerie photo, it seems they are not the Florence Nightingale of history. This is a contemporary photo. Yeah, they did do a typo there. Mark, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:05:14 It's all right. It's good to see there is some fan support. Admittedly, my people writing on tissues. Yeah, Tom, pull a letter out of the tissue box and read it. I read a song to accompany it. Yeah, but just read a little letter, because we're reading letters from the mailbox. Why don't you blow your nose with a letter? Well, we established this one wasn't a letter.
Starting point is 00:05:32 This one is a song and it goes... The letter is a tissue from the tissue box. The letter is a tissue from the tissue box. Who me? What? It couldn't be. This is a letter from the tissue box. Can someone check if that's written on the tissue? Give me that.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Give me that. So, shit. Mark's going to read the tissue now. He's struggling to open the tissue to read it. It was slightly folded. It's a thin, it's not high quality tissue. They're not designed for letter reading. They're designed for spraying snot onto. That's a thin, it's not high quality tissue. They're not designed for letter reading. They're designed for spraying snot on too.
Starting point is 00:06:08 That's a Sushi Mango proper, right? It's not meant for using. Man, Sushi Mango of all the comedy groups, they are the ones I'm most afraid of. Alright, so Tom's taking a little bit of artistic licence with this letter here. Artistic. It's not written in song, there's no melody here, it's just the lyrics and it doesn't even say that they're lyrics. So he's, while he was being true, he was pulling the wool over our eyes a little bit. I don't think that was intended, I don't think this letter was intended to be a song. Can you read it then? I respect what you did. You read it. Oh god I
Starting point is 00:06:41 can't fold it now and it's quite stuck together. It's actually quite hard. All these letters in a tissue box. It's a fun concept. You pull a letter. All right, mate. You pull a letter from the tissue box. All right. It just says here, pull a letter from the tissue box, pull a letter from the tissue box. So I've got a letter here from the tissue box. It says to the Only Dottam Boys, long time listener, thank you so much for 400 episodes of a wonderful improvised podcast.
Starting point is 00:07:04 It helps me get through my day. I work in IT of a wonderful improvised podcast. It helps me get through my day. I work in IT. Not as improvised as you'd think by the way. I'm just reading the letter. Not 100%, 99%. It's like 70, 30. About a lot more is written than people would think.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Yeah right. I find that hard to believe. The better episodes. See you going. Thank you so much for all of you. I work in IT and so your comedy adventures are a much needed part of my day. Please bring back Frogman. Oh yeah. Nice. Oh I don't know frogs. There you go. And that was for James who lives in Ashburton. Also just want to say to everyone DMing me, everyone hitting me up on Twitter,
Starting point is 00:07:45 yes, I am aware that there is a Korean drama about someone turning into a chicken nugget, which was a story we did in the past. I am also aware of that there is a horror film called Frog Man. I can't comment on it at this time because they are both active court cases. Zach is suing.
Starting point is 00:08:01 I'm suing both of them, but I can't comment on anything else. I just want you to know I'm aware of it. And just a perfect time to announce your fun character. It's going to be next week's episode, the bubba-duke. Yeah. Oh, hello. Oh, I represent grief. Yeah. Ah, right. Ah, that was the bubba-duke.
Starting point is 00:08:18 So, Tom, we've gotten you to pull up the tracks we had from last time. I thought that what we could do is listen through and talk about the elements that we most loved about the music. Also if we think of other tunes that we would love to at least incorporate. You know, is it the lyric that we love? Is it the vibe that we love? And then we kind of go from there. I just realised though, you might not have the vocals of tracks like Chicken in a Bag.
Starting point is 00:08:45 No, you have to do them live. So you just have to do them live from memory. Yeah, which is easier. I think Chicken in a Bag goes, Chicken in a Bag, Frozen chicken in a bag. Yeah, that's all I did. Chicken in a bag. Yeah. Do you want to start with that one?
Starting point is 00:09:00 Yeah, go for it. Okay, great. Alright guys, make sure you sing along. So you've got the intro. Oh g'day, welcome to the Aunty Donna Podcast, where three friends who are just friends go on crazy adventures. Today we're going on an adventure that is absolutely bonkers. We meet Frog Man, Pizza Man and Man Beast. They all go to the shops and they try to decide on what type of pear they want to buy.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Maybe they'll get a peekaboo pear, who knows? Chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag. Chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag. Chicken in a bag. What? Frozen chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag. One more time. Frozen chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag. I forgot how incredible that is.
Starting point is 00:09:53 And then we should at least, at the very least extend it with verses about the process of freezing chicken in a bag. Oh why? Is that the reason you would? Can we just try that? Can you add a few verses and choruses in there real quick, Tom? Yeah, so what do you want? You want like a double chorus? So just frozen chicken in a chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag and then out?
Starting point is 00:10:12 Yep. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag. And then I reckon- Chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag. See, this is gonna be my pitch is that maybe you do just do chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag, but then at the end you do a double with a key change. Oh, okay on the on the second one I'd like to put a rap in there
Starting point is 00:10:29 So he's gonna do he's gonna do two verses and then I'm gonna go chicken in a bag frozen chicken in a bag chicken in a bag Frozen chicken in a bag. We could make it like a punk punk funk punk dance punk. We're gonna do It's like a dance, but we're gonna do two verses. I's like a dance punk track. I wanna come in on the chorus though, I think. I think that's where we come in. Come in on the chorus, do a verse, chorus, second verse, chorus, bridge. I didn't realise we'd be... Key change. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Chorus again. Okay, so I've got... Key changes are hard. I've got intro, talking. I've got a, so I've got… Key changes are hard. I've got intro, talking. I've got a chorus. I've got a verse. I've got a chorus. I've got a hip hop breakdown.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Then what? Key change. Then a key change? Okay. But a double chorus, but a key change? Yes. So chorus into key change chorus. You know, it doesn't have to be a key change, but it can be more of like a go half time with the drums type thing. No I believe that's the
Starting point is 00:11:27 hip-hop section. That's the hip-hop. I think that's the hip-hop breakdown. Okay. I don't know what this verse is about. There's a bulk buy some chicken. Are you just writing the lyrics? Why don't you just freestyle like Notorious B.I.G. I want to at least have the ideas and themes I'm trying to capture. Snap lock bags. Are these separate verses you're talking about? I'm just getting some, you know, bulk buy some chicken, snap-lock bags. I don't have the rhymes or the verses yet.
Starting point is 00:11:53 I just want these sort of images. Well, can I ask, what do you want people to take away from this song? What I want them to take away is the idea of bulk buying some chicken from the shops and then splitting it up into individual serves in snap lock bags with the date printed on it with a permanent marker. And then you freeze those individual packets and then just when you want some chicken, you take one out and you broil that. What I'd love to know about this, and it's your song. It's our song. Okay, well I'd love to know firstly, one is how long can you freeze it for?
Starting point is 00:12:29 I've been told three months, depending on when you froze it. So that's one thing. Also, do you take it out the m- Tonight I'm cooking chicken, I take it out defrosted on the sink all day. I come home, it's defrosted. Defrosted in the fridge. When do you defrost? Defrost it in the fridge overnight. or put it straight in the boiling water.
Starting point is 00:12:49 For me, there is maybe, especially if we're doing two verses, the second verse could be about the different reasons why someone would be putting chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag, because for me, it's always when my parent or relative has a surplus of fresh meat, they impart it onto me. Because me, I live right near a grocery store. So I'll buy my chicken fresh when I need it. The only reason I'll freeze it is when someone comes and they're like, you know, we went down to the farm, we snapped the necks of 10 chickens, I only need four. He is like two chickens.
Starting point is 00:13:29 I'm giving a bunch of chickens to some friends and then I get them. So, you know, I think that's important to address. Now, Broden, do you have a plan for your rap? Because, okay, so, cause I don't want to come in on your rap. So you've already got an idea. I'm just going to say chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag over and over and over. And who's doing the intro? Uh, can I hype, uh, can I hype you up during the rap?
Starting point is 00:13:50 Just, just a few. Yeah. Yep. Cause I need to cue you guys. Yep. If you, if you're going to hype me up, sorry, Tom, if you're going to hype me up, don't just say, yep, that doesn't really feel like it's hyping me. It's more just like, yeah, that's all right.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Yeah. I think things are incredible. All right. It's more just like, yeah, that's all right. Yeah. I think things like incredible. All right. It's so good. Yep. I just think, cause you doing even you saying, yep. Then to me, that's just me agreeing. It's a passive aggressive.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Yes. It's not, it's not. I swear. If you want me to be like, you're the best rapper in the world. This is absolutely amazing. I'm having a great time. I can do that. I worry it.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Major or folk. I love I'm having a great time. Yeah, I can do that. I worry it major folk I love I'm having a great time. Okay, great. Yeah I don't know the internet. Can you just check what temperature internal temperature you have to get chicken up to To do what when you're cooking it? To make sure that there's no nasties in there. Yeah. I think it's- You're talking about the dreaded salmonella? 67 Celsius. All poultry should reach a safe minimum temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit, 74 degrees Celsius as measured with a food thermometer. A whole chicken must reach this temperature throughout the bird. Check the internal temperature. Apparently it's quite hard for raw chicken to get salmonella.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Like it needs to be left out in room temperature for quite a while. And eating, you know, a lot of the Japanese eat raw chicken. Raw chicken, yeah. So they're very careful. Well, yeah, you have to be careful. The reason you don't eat raw chicken is less that every time you eat raw chicken, there's a high risk of being sick. The reason you don't eat raw chicken is less that every time you eat raw chicken there's a high risk of being sick. The reason you don't eat raw chicken is because on the rare occurrence there's a nasty in there, the consequences can be potentially fatal. I would argue it's... So it's less about the likelihood of the risk, it's more about the severity if it were to occur. Yeah. I also think it just maybe in the song.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Maybe in the song? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I think I cover that. Look, we'll find out because I don't actually know how the verses play yet and I don't want to. And I haven't had a chance to listen to what I put together. So this really is just a first draft. Well, Tom, to be fair, the last time you did that, you led to potentially what will be the new theme tune or a very strong contender at the very least. So, so never doubt that. What's the vibe of the verses by the way? Just what's
Starting point is 00:16:10 the vibe? So this is your verse. Yep, yep. How long is each verse? I'm going to cue you. Yeah, you'll cue me when it's about to... Can you kind of like... Yeah, okay. You could do a little bit of a, just very quickly, like a little bit of a blinky thing where the first half of the verse is just the drum and bass, just the punky drum and
Starting point is 00:16:34 then the guitar comes in and the second I just help pick it up a little bit. But also, yeah, no, that's fine. Horns? Horns? I just don't want to... Horns? Trumpets? Scar? Wait, let's no, that's fine. Horns? Horns? Trumpet scar? Wait, let's wait, let's wait. I think that's a great... I love that offer.
Starting point is 00:16:52 I need to hear what we've done so far. No, no, fuck it! Fuck it! Fuck around too much. Horns? If this works. I'm on the horn train now. Horns? You don. I'm on the horn train ones horns horns You don't want to do horns. Oh, I do but this is let's just see how this works. Yes
Starting point is 00:17:11 You can add horns. Do you see what do you see what Mark's doing? Zach? I'm agreeing. I Like it. He's saying. Yep. He's been my hype man. He's saying. Yeah, he's hyping me up. Yep Oh hit the white but he all right. He's darting his eyes away like he's pissed off. I'm not though. Alright, here we go. We doing horns? No, we're not doing horns yet. We're gonna put them in the...
Starting point is 00:17:31 He hasn't sourced the horns. He hasn't sourced the horns. He hasn't sourced the horns. I'll source your horns. But you can source the chicken with a delicious teriyaki. Or lemon and herb. I wasn't excluding lemon and herb. Sounded like you were.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Perry wasn't even mentioned. I can't mention every source. Jesus Christ. So we're doing an intro? Or are you just going to sing the verse? No, do the intro. Wait, no, we possibly don't need the intro because this is for the music video that we upload to YouTube with no context. Okay, so you just want to come hard in on the verse because this is for the music video that we upload to YouTube with no context. Yep.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Okay. So you just want to come hard in on the verse? Hard in on the chorus. I want to come in on the chorus. You want to come in hard? But as the intro first as well. Do you want me to intro? Yeah, but can you just talk about Chicken in a Bag?
Starting point is 00:18:16 For the intro of the podcast. This is not the intro of the podcast. This is it as a standalone song for a Spotify out model. Oh, can you pay attention? Fuck the theme song. We're making a song. Okay. And that song is Chicken in the Bag.
Starting point is 00:18:27 This has changed direction and I was unaware. I don't know when and how that happened. Me neither, but go with it. Go with it. So this intro is like a spoken word intro about the great joys of Chicken in the Bag. Alright. You understand? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:43 And I'm going to give you a bar in and then we're gonna sing. So I only get one bar to do the intro? No, no, no. You do as much as you want and when I'm feeling it, I'm gonna give you the bar. Oh, you're looping things? No, not really. No, keep up fuck wit. No, that's the... He'll indicate to you.
Starting point is 00:18:57 You're gonna do it over silence, Mark. I'm gonna do it over silence? Yeah. I didn't know that. I thought it was the same as the podcast intro horns Horns will get to see how's the source of like a layout. We can do that mark. I'm very happy to do that But let's do that. No, no, no. Yeah, you for the just course. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Let's do it Wow
Starting point is 00:19:19 Sometimes when I buy surplus chicken or when a family member gives me some, I don't know what to do with all that fresh meat. Yep. But what I can do is get that chicken, freeze it, put it in a bag and label it correctly so I know exactly when to take it out, how long it'll last for it, before I get sick. Chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag. First. Some bulk by some chicken Snapped lock backs for it
Starting point is 00:19:48 Take that chicken Freeze it up, rest of the time Chicken in a bag Frozen chicken in a bag Defrost it in the fridge Or put it straight in boiling water Doesn't matter how you cook it So long as it's over 74
Starting point is 00:20:11 Chicken in a bag Frozen chicken in a bag Frozen chicken in a bag Frozen chicken in a bag Frozen chicken in a bag Frozen chicken in a bag Chicken in a bag Frozen chicken in a bag
Starting point is 00:20:23 Well that's incredible, I'm having a really good time Chicken in a bag Frozen chicken in a bag Frozen chicken in a bag frozen chicken in a bag chicken in a bag frozen chicken in a bag well that's incredible I'm having a really good time chicken in a bag frozen chicken chicken in a bag frozen chicken frozen chicken in a bag frozen chicken chicken in a bag frozen chicken chicken frozen chicken in a bag frozen chicken chicken in a bag frozen chicken chicken in a bag key change What in the yeezers was that shift in tone? I didn't know you were trying to mix them all together. I mixed them all together just for fun. Wow. Well there's been a real lack of direction.
Starting point is 00:21:07 This is exactly what I wanted. This is exactly how I imagined it. Do you know what? That was a shit show but it's consolidated what we're all thinking. Horns. Horns. Yes. Yeah I do think maybe it needs some more.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Brayden's got the horns. I think I was wrong on the keychain. Oh no! Are you serious? Yeah no it's not a... I think I was wrong on the keychain. Oh no! Are you serious? Yeah, no, it's not a... Can I pitch something to make it work? Or do you have a pitch? I mean, I have a pitch.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Okay, but I loved that keychain. Well, first of all, I think... I don't know if we were singing in time or not. No, no, God knows. There was also one chorus... Well, put the horns in! There was also one chorus where you came in and rather than chicken in a bag, you said frozen chicken. You went frozen frozen I noticed that
Starting point is 00:21:47 I got half a sausage roll here it's stinking out the place it's fine I got a caramel slice here that's fine I wouldn't I've got a coffee that's fine I wouldn't mind trying the first because you do a double key change but I think the first one first of all a double key change, but I think the first one, first of all needs to be the normal and then the key change happens. So the first, rather than double. Horns? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Horns? So we sing a chorus and then we change to the chorus. But also I don't know, like if you asked me to describe what a key change is, I think I would struggle. Like I know conceptually it's like it changes it goes up Or now you what it is sure it's when you change the yeah This is normal key Up four steps
Starting point is 00:22:41 Because the other song we're working in is an F sharp Because the other song we're working in is in F sharp. Chicken in a Bag. But now this is where you're adapting in order to do the mashup, whereas this really is about giving Chicken in a Bag its moment to shine. I feel like a fourth is a good step up. Is that a major third? I think so. I think it's a step up for third.
Starting point is 00:23:00 But what you're doing, and I don't know if you meant to do this or not, is like we're working on something really special here in Chicken in a Bag, and by making it a mashup, you're sort of spitting in our face. You asked for a hip hop section and I had hip hop stuff lying around. That was fine. Yeah, I actually really liked that one. The hip hop stuff was fine. It was the going into I want to be more than friends, that I want to keep pure. Yeah, you're sort of spitting in the face of my grandparents and my parents.
Starting point is 00:23:29 But I do think it'll have a better impact if rather than the key change, we stick to the same but the drums go half time. So as I, you know, it's Can you stop hitting the table? Yeah, which is a continuation of this hip hop thing, right? But I think it'd be splashier. I'll have to open up another project to do that. Boom, boom, ka, boom, ka.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Why don't, don't maybe just pull the drums out. That's what I would do. Pull the drums out and you do that live. Yeah I mean I could do it. I think that's what we need to do Give me that. Can we do that then into a key change? potentially and Then could you change the time signature to like a 5-4 so that Mark can really play with time really play with time One two, three, four five one two, three, four five
Starting point is 00:24:26 No, I can't do that. All I know is I'm gonna keep working on my verse lyrics. Yeah, no, and they were beautiful. I cried. Did you? Yeah. You cried at the... I thought the rap was good. Yeah, I thought the rap was really strong. And the hyping, it was a bit overbearing. Yeah, it was, wasn't it? I thought it would be. I liked it. I think it's in the middle ground. Maybe just whenever I go to hype you up, you just stop and let me do my thing and then.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Okay, yeah, yeah. I just think maybe if you like let him say, yeah, occasionally it might make his job easier. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You see you've worked him into a bit of a corner there. What? Like hyping off. This is a... Just keep smelling sausage roll.
Starting point is 00:25:10 I'm sorry for the listener. Use it, use it, use it. They can smell it. They can smell it, can't they? It's purely an auditory... No, we film this. But even the film, right? So even the people on Patreon watching or watching clips on our social media. Imagine Smell-O-Vision though.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Oh, could you? I remember when I did one of the Spy Kids when I worked at the cinema, I wasn't in one of the Spy Kids, when I worked at the cinema for one of the Spy Kids, they gave out Smell-O-Vision cards. One of them had Smell-O-Vision and you scratched, it was a scratch and sniff Smell-O-Vision.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Wow. It's reminiscent of Erika Badu. It was a scratch and sniff smell-o-vision. Wow. It's reminiscent of Erykah Badu. Yeah, I was going to say this is very mid-90s. That's very... You have to let me listen, guys. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. How will I know what I like unless I can listen to it, guys? Whoa.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Okay, just stop, just stop. I think it's more rocky. Yeah. Yeah. I need to listen. Mark, Zach. Mark, Zach. And find the rock wall.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Mark, Zach. Can I talk to you guys? I think we need to fire Tom. Yeah, I think that's a good idea. No, we're not talking to you. He's getting fired up, that's for sure. Yeah. Oh, that's what I meant.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Broden, I see. Ye of little faith, man. We are about to get the next pud. And I know we didn't know when we made PUD that it would cut through the way it did. But I know that Frozen Chicken in a Bag, a music video of Frozen Chicken in a Bag with no context on our YouTube, will blow the fuck up. And we could shoot a clip for it. That's what I'm thinking.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what I'm thinking. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I'm thinking Yeah Oh, I like that Just for one And then back to full time so like you just do like yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, so you have So I'm just gonna pitch the first one is full is full-time full-time The regular time. Yep, and then the second one is is that half half time? Okay I'm just gonna you could potentially go back into the fast one. Okay. Can I pitch the music video now?
Starting point is 00:27:25 Please. I'd love to hear it. So, uh, you get like us as a band, but just performing the song, right? That's just like, uh, we do that. And then you just do like various like cut scenes of us. Like, you know, I just envisioned like a sequence where one of us is like, maybe bro, you could play a gym, bro. You're wearing like a singlet.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Sure. Uh, maybe I could play a single man wearing a nice shirt. Mark, maybe you could play like a nonna or grandma who's making responsible financial choice. And like first there's a shot of- Oh, so all the different types of people that would freeze chicken. That's great.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Maybe you're a farmer, Mark. You're the wife of a farmer and you live out. Why am I always playing feminine characters in your video? Because I see the feminine in you and it is beautiful. Thank you. So you know, you'd have a sequence where like maybe bro is the gym bro. You're walking down with a little basket at like an IGA or something and you see a big bulk buy chicken and you look at it and you nod you go oh very reasonable price we get like a shot of the price. Yeah you're meal prepping.
Starting point is 00:28:31 And you go oh yeah. And broccoli he would not be realistic if he wasn't also buying broccoli. There's some broccoli in his basket. And then we'd have another sequence in our various kitchens where we're putting the chicken in a bag. Who are you? What's your character? I'm a single man wearing a nice shirt. And then, you know, like wrapping it up, putting it in the freezer,
Starting point is 00:28:53 then like shots of us cooking it and preparing it in different ways. I think as a farmer I should be like, Mum would be walking into the chicken den seeing like a surplus, like heaps of chickens, like too many chickens, like it's overflowing with chickens. So I just get out my knife and I just start like grabbing them, stabbing them, snapping the heads off. And I get like, and I've got like a sack, like a Santa sack on my back and I'm just, you know, either throwing out the chicken heads onto the ground or just popping them in my mouth for a quick chew and then loading it up with the corpses and then plucking them
Starting point is 00:29:32 and aggressively. And then going around to all the local kindergartens and giving out chickens to the parents as they're picking them up. Can it be set at like 330? Because my question is that will work out great in terms of school and the parents as they're picking them up. Similar but different. Can it be set at like 330? Can I pitch something? Yes. Because that will work out great in terms of school and the parents. Can I pitch something slightly different though? Yeah. So instead of what you just described, that horrific thing, you're the wife of a farmer and you have to drive half an hour into town.
Starting point is 00:30:00 So of course you're going to get the bulk bought chicken. Yeah, I love that. You got a big freezer out the back. Can I take this opportunity to talk about my real life? Chest freezer. Yes. I went to like a fancy grocery store. Oh yeah, love a fancy grocery store.
Starting point is 00:30:13 No, no, no, no, no, no. Wasn't one of the two major ones. And I said to the deli butcher, no, not an IGA either. And I said, suckers, suckers in Coburg. Okay. And I said, suckers, suckers in Coburg. Now, I walked up and I said, how long, what's the life on this chicken? And they went, oh, like a day. I went, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:30:35 They said, you got to freeze it. And I was like, well, how come when you go to a Coles or a Woolies, the chickens got a week, more than a week on it? Did they answer that question? No, week more than a week on it. Yeah No, I didn't drill them on that I thought you guys Broden sports maybe the way to say but maybe Maybe it was just old Why was that what they were selling, you know?
Starting point is 00:31:05 Old chicken. Because it's still got a day. If people are coming in to... But it wasn't discounted or anything and it wasn't... Because you know, that's not off. That's my core thing, right? Is when you go to Coles, Woolies, whatever, it says, use buy. But if you get it from a butcher, there's no use buy.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Do you know what I think, bro? Do you know what I think it is? Yeah, they're very different. Coles, Woolies has a bigger team, more like experts that they can do a very There's no use by it. Do you know what I think, bro? Do you know what I think? It is weird. Yeah, they're very different. Coles Woolies has a bigger team, more like experts that they can do a very confident use by on a seal. That butcher I think pulled one day out of their butt as a, that's the easiest thing to say.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Yeah. Get it in the freezer as soon as you get home if you're not going to have it tonight. That's my stock answer to every question. Well to keep it fresh, yeah. And actually that is the advice, even if it has a week on it, you should get it in the freezer if you're not having it that night.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Yeah, I just think- I just think- That's what I've been told. I think so. I think just buy your meat as you eat. Right, that's a lot of shopping. Well, that's not possible for some people. Yeah, if you have a young son and three heart-tooth.
Starting point is 00:32:02 That's what this song is about. This song is for all those badlers. For all those that cannot, for those that don't live in the inner city. Well that's why I'm saying like I mean I know I'm obviously I'm realizing now I'm privileged because of this but the only time I've ever had to put frozen chicken in a bag or freeze chicken is when, is when I've had a surplus, um, forced upon me, uh, as opposed to making that choice, which I would never make. So what I'm going to do in this second take, we're going to have another go. Well, I'm very lost because I had to check out to do the, I want to hear Mark doing his triple chorus.
Starting point is 00:32:38 I've got to hear that first. Then we can take that back to the other session. Oh, okay. So I need to hear Mark doing a triple chorus. Can you make it funny, though? Yeah, can you make it funny somehow? Yeah. Both of you. Both of you.
Starting point is 00:32:51 I'm not... I looked at you and I said, can you make it funny? And you looked at Mark and said, can you make it funny? Yeah, because I... It's not really Tom's fault. I'm not a really funny person. That's not true. Sometimes you bring funny choices.
Starting point is 00:33:01 We laugh at you all the time. Yeah. All right, go. Do this... Let's hear it. All right. Sometimes you bring funny choices. We laugh at you all the time. Yeah. Alright, go. Do this, um... This one. Let's hear it. Alright. Here's a triple chorus. Alright. You got the half time one in there.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll give you two bars in. Yeah, great. Chicken in a bag. Frozen chicken in a bag. Good pitch, Mark. Good pitch. Chicken in a bag. Frozen chicken in a bag Good pitch Mark, good pitch Chicken in a bag Frozen chicken in a bag
Starting point is 00:33:28 Chicken in a bag Frozen chicken in a bag Frozen chicken in a bag F**k! Chicken in a bag F**k you! Frozen chicken in a bag Chicken in a bag
Starting point is 00:33:44 F**k! Frozen chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag. Can I hear that again? I went for earnestness. I really liked it mate. Very good pitch. What was great for me is to watch Mark's energy go from maybe 0.4% to a million percent. Oh man, that breakdown, I'm really into that halftime. I don't think you understand how percentages work. There's nothing I love more in a track.
Starting point is 00:34:11 When you think you've got it, they're doing the chorus, that's the chorus, that's the tempo, and then the second to last chorus, they fucking crack out a little. Can I ask something very respectfully? Yeah, please. Horns! Yeah, I can do horns now. Now I'm at a place where I can do horns. Let me do my request, then you can do your freaking horns. I want to see half of all of this though. I think we half of them, what do you reckon? Yeah. Tom, can I see what you just did? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:34 But on the third one, can we do the key change? Oh, okay. That's outrageous. Yeah. Okay. It might be roll. What do you want to see it go up to? Whatever feels right. Anything, anything. Oh, I can't actually. Oh, you know, we're in boxer shorts. I just need to kind of reiterate here that we are starting to run out of time and in our attempt to make a track that is all of these tracks emerged together. We moved on from that very early on.
Starting point is 00:35:04 Well did we move on from that? No, because I was still on that. I moved on from that very early on. Well, did we move on? Well, I said I said at the very least this would make a great standalone song and then Broden said well Let's make it so we did or maybe Tom did I was potentially not listening at that point. I think someone pitched Let's make the soul Mmm, you weren't listening Tom you went and made verses and a bridge. Yes, I was focused in on that. But that's the full soul. The only people who truly know, because I don't, if I'm being honest, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:33 None of us will ever know. The listener will know. The listener knows. Well, listener will know. No, they won't know. No listener. No, they won't know. But we'll, we won't know.
Starting point is 00:35:44 But our audience will know. We'll never know. There's no way for us to know. You could go listen to it. And for anyone listening in the distant, distant, distant future. Years ahead. Listener. You're not even human anymore. No, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:57 You've evolved past that. And you've transcended, you know, consciousness. Maybe people are smelling this episode in the future. They've retroactively. Listener was like a radio. consciousness. Maybe people are smelling this episode in the future. They've retroactively. Listener was a like a radio, just explain this for the people, an audio network that we had signed a contract with to be the distribution on this podcast and they helped with, so there was a thing called social media where you would do clips and put them up. I worry Mark that you've set
Starting point is 00:36:24 yourself up to like an hour long explanation, but maybe that was me with how far I pitched it I just thought of like you know in a thousand years if someone's listening to this podcast and you know a quite great joke about or observation about listener will be listening I didn't want to leave those people out all those beings beings out. Can I talk to the future? So. Inhabitants of Earth, my name is Broden. I don't like to muck around. I got one problem there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:58 In this future, we are a multi-planet species. Wow. We've terraformed Mars, we've terraformed Mercury and we live on the moons of Jupiter. Wow. Wow. What moons? I can't, I don't know. You won't say?
Starting point is 00:37:15 I can't remember. You prefer not to say. This is a secret? I've just forgotten. The Galileo ones. The ones Galileo. Galileo! Galileo!
Starting point is 00:37:23 Galileo! Galileo! Queen! Have youo. Galileo. Galileo. Have you made the pitch change yet, Tom? No, I'm getting there though, guys. I am. You know, I didn't know it would be this big of a process. I hope it's not bad. Well, because we're working in four different projects here. I've got to open the project, make the changes, export it, bring it back to where I was collabing with all four projects. So even just removing the drums requires me to close a project, open a new one, mute the drums, export it, go back. And horns? I can get to horns. So I think we just, what I think we do is we put this key change in the final song, in the full song, and if it doesn't
Starting point is 00:37:59 work that's fine, we got you doing the OG one. The problem is I don't even know what the song is. Chicken in a bag. So we're going with Chicken in a Bag. It's the Chicken in a Bag Spotify upload. Then I didn't even need to let me go back to the other project then I didn't even need to do everything I've been doing. What were you doing? I was trying to bring it back so I could do the hip-hop stuff and all that but if we're just doing Chicken in a Bag we don't need all that. I'm terribly confused. The new version of Chicken in a Bag does have a hip hop section. It has a bit.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Yeah, right. So this is where the confusion has... Can I just explain to you what this is, Tom? Yeah, please, please. Chicken in a Bag was the breakout hit of the Aunty Donna podcast, 2020. Was it? People were pissed that we changed it. Yeah, right?
Starting point is 00:38:41 On listening to Chicken in a Bag again, I could see why. So what we're doing now is we're expanding it out. When the Friends theme came out, people loved it so much they turned it into a full song. The Rembrandts. It was specifically for Friends and they made it longer. And what we're doing now is the same thing with Chicken in a Bag. Oh really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:02 That's amazing. So now we're doing the same thing for Chicken in a Bag Tom. I want the intro, I want the chorus. I had no idea. I want the verse, I want the chorus. I had no idea. I want the verse. So what you did was perfect. I had no idea that they did that. Okay. Friends! What? Friends! What? Friends, the show, yes. Wow! Okay. Did you see the reunion with James Corden? So we had everything we used to have and now we've got what Mark wanted for the end. But not the key change. Oh I've got the key change. And we're gonna Well I didn't want that. You don't want the key change? No, no, but we'll keep it. No, no, we're gonna try it.
Starting point is 00:39:42 I've got a four semitones step up. What do you want? You're singing it. We're all singing it. We're all singing it. We'll follow you. But Mark did such a great job. Rather than it might take too long to explain to me what a four semitone step up is. Can you just tell me what a one semitone step up is and then I'll multiply it by four? Yeah, sure. Like Jaws. Think Jaws theme. No, no, no. Too high. That's Jaws. That's one semitone. Great, I just did that four times. Sure. Easy.
Starting point is 00:40:17 No, no, no, no, no. It's going to take too long for you to explain. It's going to take too long for you to explain all four. Okay. Okay. So Just for something different What key is this in Tom? It's in multiple keys. So I think I think it should be chicken in the bag. I think chicken in the bag is actually an F F? F sharp, F minor. For frozen. I think an F. So there's no sharps or flats. No sharps or flats in it. What are we doing by the way? What are we doing? Like what are we doing? Remember that thing I said about friends? No, but what are we doing? Yeah, I don't know. Like what are we fucking doing? Like what? Chicken in a bag! We're fucking out of time. What are we doing? What happens after this? We perform, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:40:58 we perform the full Chicken in a Bag. Yeah, then what? Then I think we just go back to the new version of the old. So we gotta do more. I think we go back to the new version of the old theme song. A new version of the old theme song. Did you hear that one he did last week? Yeah! That's the new theme song now. Yeah yeah yeah. Is that what we're doing? Yeah that's the theme tune now. What about the Friends? What about the I want to be more than Friends? We played that at the start of this episode. Note that. No we played it for a month. No no we played that at the start of this episode. Note that. No, we played it for a month. No, no, we played it at the start of this episode.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Oh, we didn't play it for a month. We didn't do the month in the end. Oh, I think we should. Wait, we just cancelled the month? That's a funny gag. That's a funny gag, Zach. Whatever, play the fucking song. Mark, listen to me.
Starting point is 00:41:36 We played it at the start of this episode, we're playing it in front of the next three episodes, then we are moving to the new theme tune unannounced four episodes from now. Great. Well, three. Three episodes from now. I don't care how stupid the plan is, I'm just glad there's one. And I reckon we get someone else to sing it, because I don't like my vocals in it.
Starting point is 00:41:52 What do you reckon? Sure, we can do that. No, I like your... I love your vocals. I thought your vocals were great. Yeah, yeah, they're really good. I had to hard tune them. Oh, you didn't hear them. But they're great. They sound great.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Like, listen to these vocals by themselves. Yeah, just put them, yeah. You're listening to the Honey Donut Podcast. Oh, I like that. The greatest fucking podcast in the world. Brother Mark and Zach are sometimes your guests. We hope you enjoy the motherfucking podcast. Well, unlike Chicken in a Bag, which is about raw chicken,
Starting point is 00:42:17 sometimes making music isn't about raw talent. It's about what you can do with it. Yeah, it's about auto-tuning it. Yeah. Yeah. That sounds great. Uh, I think we jump in, uh, this is going to be to take out the podcast is the, the first or second draft of the, the chicken in a bag, full song.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Uh, and if this works, I think we take a week out of our time off that we've got lined up, I just need one more chance. We, uh, well, just let me pitch this and then we'll do that. We take a week off the time off. that we've got lined up. I just need one more change. And we, well, just let me pitch this and then we'll do that. We take a week off the time off we've got lined up and we write, record, film a music video for and upload Chicken in a Bag in its entirety. So you'll know, we'll have a meeting after this, you'll know if we've done that based on if Chicken in a Bag ever comes out on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:43:00 One more quick change. Yeah please. Before the key change, can you just put in another? Horn. Fast, normal one and horns. But we don't have time to source the horns. But I like the horns. I've been saying horns. Just one more fast, normal one. Just because I like the, I just want to be able to say, pick it up. And then we go back into a normal one, a half one.
Starting point is 00:43:21 And then the key change. OK, so I really think that's gonna make this special. So at the moment we've got frozen chicken in the bag, frozen chicken in the bag, frozen chicken in the bag at normal speed. Yeah. No, we've got frozen chicken in the bag, frozen chicken in the bag, then half time, right? Chicken in the bag, frozen chicken in the bag. Pick it up.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Chicken in the bag, frozen chicken in a bag. Pick it up. Chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag. And then up one semi-time times four. Yeah, okay. Okay. So no, sorry, you lost me. So full speed, frozen chicken in a bag. Full speed, frozen chicken in a bag. And then half time. And then half time. And then back to normal. Yep. Then key change. Then key change. And half time. And then. And then back to normal. Yep.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Then key change. Then key change. I love that. All right. Let's go from the top. I'll lead you in. Tom, I've got one last thing. Sure.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Can you repeat the key changed one? Horns. You want double key change. And then fade it out. No, just keep repeating it and do a fade out. Okay. We'll do it. And then we'll all fade out our voices.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Okay. And that will end. Podcast. And end this saga because you'll have three more weeks of more than free I want to be more than friends. Then you'll have the new theme tune. Yeah, we're spoiling you really one little thing from me sure Could you put some horns in sure do you want me to put it in maybe like your hip-hop section, Braden? No, I want it over everything at the back end. Okay. Alright, the back end.
Starting point is 00:44:47 As it all builds. Okay, let's see what horns we can find. Maybe over the key changes. Tom, I don't want to hear any horns. I just want it in the song. Yeah, okay. So dad needs to just find them real quickly. How have you guys been?
Starting point is 00:45:00 How have I been? Yeah. I've been good. I'm excited to hear these horns. Yeah, they'll be in the song. Yeah, so you want them at the very end, Brody? As it builds, like maybe, wherever in the back end there. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:12 I think our dad can... Maybe after I say pick it up. Yeah. So after the... Maybe picket horns. Say picket horns. Right after the half time. But before the key change.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Picket horns. Yeah, yeah, but before the key change, it's good. I'll say picket horns. Picket horns. Could you say picket horns? He's gonna. Picket horns. Yeah, yeah, but before the key change, that's good. I'll say picket horns. Picket horns. Could you say picket horns? He's going to say picket horns. I want you to know it's very, this whole process is difficult for me because I am torn between wanting to be funny on the comedy podcast.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Which is probably the thing. And accept offers. That's probably the more important. But also I want to write a ripper fucking track about chicken in a bag. Of course, who doesn't? No, no, I mean I do too. Picket horns. Obviously I do too.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Picket horns. And I think if anyone listening wants to do what we do, this is not exactly how we would actually approach. Well Mark Stillwig is a lot closer. This sort of chucking horn, Broden and me would be more like Mark in a real situation. It's hard because I just... I believe in this... I believe in this song. What? I mean, I'm the one that's proposing we... we fucking put this out. Picket horns.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Next time we're... next time we're making... next time we're making YouTube content in a few months, it's gonna be a while away, I propose that we shoot the music video for Chicken in a Bag. Yeah. I don't think that's a bad idea at all. It's a half day of shit. It'll a bag. Yeah, I don't think I'm dead idea at all It's a half day. Yeah Save some money on sound and yeah the sound recordist I want to change as much as I love you as the bodybuilder as the like fitness guy I think I want to get just like a scarily ripped guy. Yes, like a TVC and ad guy. Yeah
Starting point is 00:46:41 Maybe Broden can be the farmer's husband. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Yeah. Okay, here we go. All right, wait, wait one sec. Or the bodybuilder's husband. Oh, I had an idea, Mark. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:55 I had an idea for your intro. Yes. You're in character. You're like, you know, the real Taylor couldn't come to the phone right now. You're like, oh, man, I can't get any, you know, oh man, all this chicken. In the final one, you should put that same sort of phone effect over the top. Hello? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Oh, I need some help. Yeah, whatever. So you want it to be a dialogue? No, I think a monologue. Yeah, great. But, you know, from- And I'll call it for you guys. And to close us out this week is the culmination of Chicken in a Bag work that we did. Thank you Tom for coming in today.
Starting point is 00:47:28 No worries. Thank you... Zach. Zach. Yeah, Zach. And... Mark. Mac.
Starting point is 00:47:37 And we'll see you next week. Here is, to close us out, is Aunty Donna with Chicken in a Bag. God damn it. I've got all this chicken here. I don't know what to do with it. It's all fresh meat. I don't want it to go off. Oh, wait a second. I have a freezer. I got all these bags and some markers. Maybe I'll freeze my chicken and then I can defrost it at an appropriate time and eat it later. Chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag. Bulk buy some chicken, get some snap lock bags.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Put that chicken into those snap lock bags. Chicken in a bag, bags Chicken in a bag Frozen chicken in a bag Defrost it in the fridge Or put it straight in boiling water Doesn't matter how you cook it Just keep it over 74 Chicken in a bag
Starting point is 00:48:42 Frozen chicken in a bag Chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag Chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag Chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, I'm having a really good time, this is great. Chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, awesome, you're doing awesome and I think this is a great rap.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag Awesome, you're doing awesome and I think it's a great rap Chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag Chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag, chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag Picket horns! Chicken in a bag, frozen chicken in a bag frozen chicken in a bag chicken in a bag frozen chicken in a bag chicken in a bag frozen chicken in a bag chicken in a bag frozen chicken in a bag
Starting point is 00:49:40 chicken in a bag frozen chicken in a bag Sing it in the back, sing it in the back Right now, sing it in the back Everything's fading except the horns Everything's fading except the horns Sing it in the back Right now, sing it in the back Sing it in the back Everything's fading except the horns Everything's fading except the horns You've been listening to the Aunty Donna podcast.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Thanks for joining us for another RIP episode brought to you by Aunty Donna Club dot com. See you next week!

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