Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast EP 158 - Breaking News With Zachary Thomas Ruane
Episode Date: July 23,  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information....
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Celebrity Chef George Kalambaras has been slapped with a fine for short-changing restaurant staff,
almost $8 million.
The Master Chef star has apologised promising to be an agent for change, but some former workers say they're still owed thousands.
Lana Murphy reports.
Hello, Lana Murphy will not be reporting today.
Instead, you've got Zachary Rewain.
This is Breaking News with Zachary Thomas Rewain.
And I'm Lana Murphy.
Hi, Lana.
I'm good thank you.
I don't know why you said I wasn't going to be a part of the program.
I took that a bit personally.
I'm assuming the negative there.
So I'm just going to hope in assuming the positive that maybe you just forgot I was here.
Even though I'm sitting next to you.
Lana is a contributor to the Saturday paper and wrote about George Column Barris'
dodgy deals.
That's right.
Tell me a little bit about what George was thinking when he did this deal.
I think he was thinking about his pocket.
I think he was thinking about his pocket. Yeah, I think he was thinking about his second or third mansion on
On the on the on the mornington peninsula. You know Lana. You talked to George and it right before the trial
What was his attitude at the time? He was he would not stop talking about how
Chips were always in the original Savlaki
You just kept banging on about it. You keep going nah mate. Nah
They've been in there from the start,. It's not originals of lucky. If you don't have chips in it mate.
That's and even though I was asking him about a plethora of things.
Well Lana, we've got George in the studio today.
George, welcome. Oh, Malakas, how are you?
Today's breaking news, George, is that you underpaid staff
on accident, you say, $7.8 million.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Now, here's the thing about that, Zach.
If you go over the grease, mate, first of all,
only pork and suvlaki's, mate.
You're not going to get lamb, you're not gonna get chicken.
That's the first thing, yeah?
Oh no, you're gonna do that thing
where you go quiet on me.
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
Tom, that's right.
I just looked at your faces and it was like, oh no.
What do you mean?
No, Brodom was telling Mark to do something
with the sound, I think.
Yeah, and I was just like, oh no, what am I gonna do?
I don't know what I'm saying.
Now Tom, you're doing a really good job, dude.
Really awful.
No, it's really fun.
I mean, shit, it was really funny.
Your partner is Greek, you know the Greek culture very well.
It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... It's a little bit... Keep bringing out the $7.9 million and I'll keep suggesting the survival. I was like really on board with that, that game man.
All right, let's keep going.
All right.
Are you sure you're okay to keep going?
Are you sure?
Tell him I just look man.
Do you think you're funny?
Because you are.
Well, we all find you so incredibly funny.
I wouldn't have cast you in this immediate eye coming if I didn't think you were a strong performer.
You make a sluffer. And just a little background there. There's a meteorite coming. Oh, no.
There's a meteorite coming. Was a student play that I'm Zach directed written by the formidable Jackson Tate friend of ours and Tom was of course cast as the lead
role in that incredibly funny stuff. It's where Zach Broden and I first met.
I've never met Broden before that. Well that's not true. No, but it's where we all went. Hey, these guys are pretty funny and Tom's pretty good at bangers
But also very funny very funny. Okay, so
Sorry, right no sorry cut right and what do you mean get back on track? I think we're doing pretty well
Tom's got some insecurities here
I would rather I would as the kind of man that I am.
I am not going to go forward with a comedy podcast.
If one person on my team is feeling blue, because here's the thing, right?
Last week you sat at fucking Disney World for 45 minutes, and I said, oh, I didn't like it.
What are you talking about?
I don't listen to the podcast.
I don't remember.
You're a bad man inside both of you.
I can't let this go.
I'm a what kind of man would I be?
What kind of man would I be if I let my best friend?
Yeah, because here's the thing, if one member of the team is not feeling a hundred,
then the team is not a hundred.
Not a hundred.
You're a hypocrite. I'm ready to take this.
Why am I a hypocrite?
Last week for 45 minutes.
I was like, let's get back to the cowboys.
It was cowboys.
I'm not comfortable.
And then you were like, but let's check out the ride.
Let's check out this.
Yeah, but it's funny when you do it,
because you roll with it still.
You're a strong improviser. So you go, oh, I hate this, but it's funny when you do it because you roll with it still You're strong improviser. So you go. I hate this but yeah, you don't go
Oh, they're gonna make part of me and then switch off and and potentially ruin the podcast not that you have no
No, no, that you have no Tom. No, you have not ruined the podcast yet
Yeah, pretty much. No, no, no, you never could you never could. You never could. It's really strong.
It's going really well.
I thought you were doing great.
I genuinely was like, he's doing the Savlaki thing,
which is great.
He picked up on what I want.
Lana Murphy put down.
It was wonderful, Tom.
I was doing 7am podcasts.
I was going for that tone, which is,
it was pretty funny for anyone who's listening
to the 7am podcast. Should we jump back in?
Yeah, let's jump back in.
I'm going to start with Lana, then bring you back in, okay?
Lana, you've written a lot about workplace relations.
I have.
What about this case in particular was interesting to you?
It was a fact that George, who puts himself out there
as being this sort of larger than life, entrepreneurial,
ooh, he loves, you know, like when you see him
like something, you see him love something, right?
But the one thing I discovered that he didn't love
was the rights of his employees.
Yeah, Malakka.
Thank you so much for coming in.
George Colomaris.
That's my knowledge, too.
George Colomaris is a professional chef.
He's worked at the press club for 12 years.
He won best new chef in 2007.
George, why the underpayment?
Look, mate, you raised a good question, but first let me get to the more important stuff mate.
Now, the thing is when you say,
Sivlaki mate, do you even know what that means mate?
Well, not entirely, but what I do know George,
is that you underpaid your workers by $7.8 million.
It means bloody me on a skewer mate.
That's what it really means.
So back in Greece mate, when we're talking about
Sivlaki, non-deserule meaning in the Pieter bread,
in the Satsiki, it just means me don't a skewer mate.
Okay, so George, one defense that has been made
for you, you look at the Rockpool group,
you look at Darenperch's, you look at a number
of other restaurants, they've encountered very
similar issues. Why is it that do you think that you have become the figurehead of what
seems to be an industry-wide issue? Look mate, I think the thing is for the great people
like me, mate, we just, if we're gonna fuck our workers, we're gonna fuck our workers,
you know what I mean? We don't do things in half, yeah? Sorry, stop. Guys, it's, I'm sorry, sorry, yeah, yeah.
I thought you were doing the Savlaki thing.
Yeah, but I ran out of Savlaki things to talk about.
You just went for a full,
you went for a full addressing of the question. Yeah, yeah, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, Brody's character yet and he's gonna be really strong. How far in?
Nine minutes in.
Nine minutes in, geez.
Do you want to come in?
I'm gonna bring in your character.
No, no, no, no, no, I'm, let this settle
and then I'm gonna bring in this great character.
But I don't want to come in when it's not ready.
Tom, what do you need from us?
No, you guys are doing great job.
I'm just putting up the wiki about survival.
Well, I did that.
I was going to come in as Paul Barry from Media Watch
about your sivlaki facts.
Oh, yeah, I'd love to.
I'd love that.
OK, OK, so we're going to do you,
can we bring in Bruce's character
before we bring in Paul Barry from Media Watch?
For any of our international, this is Media Watch
is a 15-minute show every Monday night for the last 25 years that sort of criticizes media.
Would he be criticising this podcast?
Just doing a bit of a fact check on the Savlaki.
Would he be coming into this podcast to criticise it?
Is that how he's not going to criticise the podcast?
I imagine Paul Barry's big fan of the anti-donna podcast.
But Paul Barry, what?
No, I'm just a little confused.
About, about Paul Barry's place in this universe.
Yeah, Paul Barry is from MediaWatch.
Yeah, but is he coming into the podcast?
He's a fan of the podcast.
So he's not criticizing the podcast?
I see.
Because that's his job is to criticize the podcast.
He's criticizing George Columbaris.
And my editorial, you, he doesn't care about you. Paul Barry doesn't care about you. It doesn't probably doesn't even fucking know your name. Okay, all right
One time when I was at when we were doing rage. I took a photo out the front. Okay. Yeah, no, that's good
I took a photo out the front of the media watch office
Right, so so that means that was what what does that mean? I'm a big fan of media watch
right. So that means what? What does that mean? I'm a big fan of media watch.
Who isn't? And I'm sure Paul Barry is big fan of yours.
Oh, that's very sweet of you to say. Okay.
George, yeah, thank you for your time. No worries,
Malak's. Um, we have the former head of Fox News,
uh, um, Roger, former head of a number of...
Republican presidential campaigns. Roger, I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I I found it folks and news Even running 96
And then a fuck lot of women who worked there cause I bad man yeah
Roger a new series has recently come out on Showtime and Stan
I've been dead to year
Yes I have been dead to year
I've been dead to year
You've been dead to year?
Or two year? Yeah, yeah I've been dead to ear. You've been dead to ear or to ear? Yeah, yeah, I've been dead to ear.
Oh, body from foot to ear.
So you're deaf?
No, no, I dare.
He's dead.
He dares.
Sorry, can you stop it?
Yeah, absolutely.
Yeah, I'm blind.
Love the character.
Really strong.
Very funny.
I would have loved the heads up that you weren't going to go for a literal interpretation of Roger.
In a way it is.
In one way? Yeah, I was expecting more of like a Picasso.
Oh yeah, I'm from Fox New. Picasso's Weeping Woman.
Yeah. Are you familiar with the painting? I know.
It is a thought, it is a discussion on war.
It is war personified by a weeping woman.
It's not I am doing literal, though.
I am, yes it is.
You see the bombs and shit?
I am doing Roger Ails.
And look, if that's what you want to do.
I love it.
Fucking with people's perception.
I love it. I think it's, I'm fucking with percept.
What are you doing? What's this one?
This is a crazy banjo rhythm
Okay, chuck it in
Roger, here we go
Oh, hi
I'm Roger
Play it again
I'm Roger Ails
Roger Ails! Roger! Roger!
Roger, I have one question for you.
Yeah, what you want, no!
You started a Fox News in 1990s.
No, it's not true!
I never do that!
And I'm pretty sure in the movie, in the TV series about you You you start up in an old shut down DVD store and I'm pretty sure there's like signs for DVDs on it
And I don't understand why
I never ever do that! I'm Roger A
Paul Barry here from Media Watch
Oh! Paul Barry! Yeah Paul Barry, from Media Watch. Oh! Paul! Paul Barry!
Yeah, Paul Barry, thank you so much.
Why don't you, Awww!
That's a cake.
Thank you so much for coming in.
I'm such a huge fan comic surprise. So, I guess Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I had nobody understand your job. Nobody understand your job.
I am Roger Ailes.
This is Roger Ailes.
I'm George Cullen Barr.
I see a couple of little fat checking things
that I wanted to do here.
First of all, Roger Ailes, Roger Eugene Ailes.
That's my middle name.
That's my middle name.
You said you never started,
you were never associated with Fox News, is that correct?
No, I never said that.
I never said that.
I said I was.
I mean, we talked about length of that Fox News.
You were the CEO of Fox News and Fox Style
of Resolutions.
That's what I do.
Yeah, I just want to make that very clear.
That's better, never said that.
I just, I'm just putting it out there.
Sorry, can I just clear poll on what your issue here is because your job is not to fact check interview subject
It's about attacking like me for bad editorial decisions. Yeah, so if I'm not fact checking him that's when you say something. Yeah
Okay, so he was the CEO
George Colin Barris Okay, so he was the CEO of Box News. George Columbaris. George Columbaris, okay?
A Savlaki was actually small pieces of mate
and sometimes vegetables grilled on a skewer.
That's what I've bloody said.
No, you said that comes with chips.
Savlaki literally means mate on a skewer.
They said it comes with chips.
Someone back me up here.
I said Savlaki literally means and I've been made on a skewer,
Paul Barry.
Time out, time out, stop the museum.
We have to go to Ed break.
And we're back from Ed break.
Hi, welcome back to breaking news with Zachary Thomas Rewain. And we're back from At Break.
Hi, welcome back to Breaking News with Zachary Thomas Rewain.
I'm Roger Hale.
I will introduce you Roger.
My name is Zachary Rewain.
I'm here with a panel of experts to discuss the new issues that have arisen from the court case where George Columbaris' maid group
was accused of underpaying staff $7.8 million.
The expert panel to discuss this issue is made up of Paul Barry from MediaWatchPull.
Roger Ailes from former CEO of Fox News.
That is correct.
OK, sure. I want to say something when he say my name.
I want him to say Roger L.
And I say, hello.
Oh, okay.
Okay, and Roger L.
Former CEO Fox News and another expert.
I think the greatest expert on George Columbaris,
George Columbaris himself.
Good day, Malakia, I was.
Yeah, we're fine. Okay, fantastic. Himal Malakia always. Malakia. Yeah, we're fine.
Okay, fantastic.
Himal Malakia.
So my first question is,
this seems to be an industry-wide,
an industry-wide issue.
How is it that George found himself
as the figurehead of this issue?
Let me ask you a one-question.
Why, what in year 12
you have on your back of T-shirt?
Oh, I had insane rewind.
What nationality are you, Roger?
American Republican.
Just fact checking.
Fact checking.
But, no, I didn't.
What? What?
I'm just fact checking. I'm just fact checking.
Am I not allowed to fact check? Am I not allowed to fact check?
No, I'm not. Am I not allowed to fact check?
No, you're not. Paul, that's not your job.
I am. It's never been. No, no, I'm not saying I'm just from media watch and I'm here fact checking.
I'm not asking you to do with fact checking.
I'm not asking you to do with media watch. I'm not representing media watch.
I asked you to come on and talk about fucking George and his 7.9. Would someone who worked for Media Watch have this as their theme song?
This is Paul Barry's theme song.
Fact checker.
I do this on the weekends.
That's one of the most upsetting things I've ever heard.
I have a question for you.
It may be brave. You have chippy, so do you. What would that look? My is the thing.
My like the thing is potatoes are delicious. Yeah, they are George. Can you prove that?
Yeah, I can. Anyone that wants to eat a potato, go put some lemon on there, some oil,
some olive oil, you're gonna have a good time. What if you're allergic to starch? I can. I feel like that's the objective. I feel like that's the objective. I feel like that's the objective. I feel like that's the objective. I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective. I feel like that's the objective. I feel like that's the objective. I feel like that's the objective. I feel like that's the objective. I feel like that's the objective. I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective. I feel like that's the objective. I feel like that's the objective. I feel like that's the objective. I feel like that's the objective.
I feel like that's the objective. I feel like that's the objective. I feel like that's the objective. I feel like that's the objective. I feel like that's the objective. I feel like that's the objective? Manu, you do Manu. Before Manu opened his French circus restaurant in the same space you had a Greek Italian restaurant
that had like honey flavored pasta.
Why did that fail?
Look the thing is, man, you gotta think about it this way, right?
Anything can be Greek, so you've like, right?
Have you ever got for yourself a potato chip, a flake, and some tate sauce for my fish and chip shop
game. And if you have had a little bit of fish, a little bit of potato and a little bit of
tate sauce together in one bite, put that in a bit. What do you got? You got a sip of
love. You got a fish of luck in it. Fish of luck. That's Aussie and Greek together.
How is your Greek together? Okay. Starts doesn't exist. I'm sorry. Okay, Paul Paul. I didn't ask you to do this
I'm doing it as a favor. Yeah, but I didn't ask you to do this Paul no one asks Paul Barry
I need to ask Roger a question and you're coming in with you this bullshit, man
What bullshit you guys? I'm just trying to I'm trying to try to help just trying to help I can't help I'm Paul Barry
All right, do you want me to leave? No, you're right
I can leave if you want Roger you are one of the worst people in the world
your treatment of women and
What you did for political discourse. Yeah, I'm a naughty boy has probably
Led to the destruction of the American Empire and destroyed many women's
lives. I have a big fat tummy from too many chicken burger. Okay, is that your official statement?
Yeah, I have too many tummy, but tummy is so big. Where I get it the bath, it seems like I look like Ireland coming out of water.
But I tell you something, did you know this is I'm not really, I'm not really Roger Eils.
This is a character I'm putting on.
Who are you really?
I am actually Julian Assange.
Oh my god.
Oh my god.
Julian Assange. Oh my god. Oh my god.
Julian Assange.
I'm the cover today here to talk to you all about
information that I have about all of you.
I am the founder of WikiLeaks.
Sorry, stop.
Stop for a second.
No, I'm interrupts Julian Assange.
I understand the people who I am.
I will be smart.
I have freedom of speech.
I get it.
I'm trying to get you better background music.
I'm trying to get you something a little cooler for you
It's pretty good. Can you do Randy Orton entrance theme as my music? You don't like it you didn't like um
Comical bone rhythm no because I am one of the most important voices in the media for the last thousand years
One Randy Orton entrance music media for the last thousand years. That's how you deserve good back. My name is Julian Assange. What did you want?
I ran the Orton entrance music.
This is just, we'll get to the most important for you.
Your music is cool.
I am a political prisoner and I am the founder of WikiLeaks.
Julian, we're going to cuddle this bit.
Yeah, this is, now Julian, welcome.
Hello. I'm Julian Assange. I'm the founder of Wiki.
I'm the founder of Wiki Leeds and I'm here to reveal I have important information about
Julian, I can't hear you very well. The music a bit too loud I know and I will have my voice
Stop playing that goddamn Pac-Man music because I am Julian Assange the founder of WikiLeaks
Julian why you have a smash or face I can't stop that I'm Paul Barry
I'm just here to fact check which is something I do on the weekends.
I'm not associated with the other one.
Here's a fact check for you.
Here's a fact check for you.
You have a big ass hole.
Excuse me?
Your ass hole's too big.
How did you know that?
Because I-
I have information inside.
The only thing I've been leaking is everything.
Is everything from my bowel?
The US government knows. He he knows I know all the
information about you shouldn't have told Hillary about your big asshole who did um uh who did I
rock it was done by heaps wow really at all now George common barris y'all you claim to have Suvlarkis. Yeah, Maraka. But I have information that will shatter the Western world.
Oh no. Is it a hammer? It's heaps. Oh my god. Is it about George? I have information
unredacted about him. George, you've been underpained staff. That's correct. Oh, we know that.
You've been underpained staff.
That's correct, man. Oh, we know that.
Yeah, that's been...
Oh, oh, I've actually been in prison for a while, so I didn't realize.
You better line up some of that entrance music because...
Look who's coming, Julian.
It's Hillary Clinton!
I'm coming for you Julian.
Hello Julian, okay stop the music.
Hello Julian Assange, it's me Hillary Clinton.
Why do you have the same wrestling entrance music as me?
What are you doing Ma?
This is Hillary Clinton's entrance music.
This is my entrance music. I asked!
What is it?
It's what's...
Pops bells whistles and bongs.
Pops bells whistles bongs!
Oh, I love bongs.
I'm a cool CEO.
Tillery Clinton.
Wait, let's say that again Julian Assange. I love Bongs. I'm a cool younger CEO.
I love Bongs too. Whoa, you mean we've spent all this time fighting and we both love Bongs?
Well if you love Bongs, and I love you and you as per said. And I love Bongs. And I'm you and you as per se And I love bongs and I'm Paul Barry
Paul Barry and I'm Malax Kalanbarra
See you mate
Malax Kalanbarra's and Paul Barry I need you to understand
I've been going around school telling everyone this guy's a loser
I didn't know he liked the bongs
Let me tell you something, Hillary Bonham Clinton.
I have information about you that will shatter the Western world.
Is it a hammer?
It's heaps.
Oh, wow.
Hillary, you are going to lose the election.
Oh, wait a second.
Are you talking about the election that happened like three years ago?
Because I know I lost that.
Against Trump.
I go for walks now.
This is written in my husband.
She's written a book about it.
It's called What Happens.
I don't know.
I go for a little walks around the forest.
The Ecuadorian Consulate had really bad internet,
and I did not know that.
When you went in there.
Turn off that goddamn Pac-Man music. Am I a criminal? Am I a hero? Well I guess
that's how an eraser shall say you're a hero. Yeah you get a scalery Clinton. It's the lens
that you look through your stuff. I'm an interesting figure. You have an interesting figure. I've noticed that you've a little bit away. Yeah, I
Love it. I think you look hard. I think you'll thought George. I want to take you home your real peace. George
I have information about you that will shatter
the world is that a hammer?
Julian tapes. Oh
George Julian
No, you're George and you're Julian mate
George Julian. No, you're George.
And you're Julian mate.
You're George, you're Julian, and you're Paul Barry from Media Watch.
That's what I am.
You claim to be an Australian.
Greg Australian mate, what of it?
Don't be racist.
I have information that your family comes from Europe.
Yeah mate, that's correct.
He's an actor from Ecuador.
What? Why?
That's just your nationality.
Of him?
I'm an Australian.
I'm an Australian.
He's your Ecuadorian and Australian.
Sorry man, I'm fact-checking.
You're doing a terrible job of fact-checking.
I says that on Wikipedia.
He was in the Ecuadorian embassy.
Ecuadorian Australian.
I saw a silent there.
Oh, you're a dumb cunt.
What a says cunt.
What a says cunt.
Ecuadorian Australian.
Don't fucking, don't fucking dis on me. Don't you shit on me, don't you fucking shit on me?
You need to just be a little more thorough in your facts that's what it says, that's cheating on you
I'm not cheating on you
Don't you fucking, don't you shit on me, don't you fucking shit on me
You need to just be a little more thorough in your facts that's what it says, that's cheating on you
Don't you fucking, don't you fucking shit on me, don't you fucking shit on me, don't you shit on me. I'm not shitting on you,
man. Do you know how many girls I've kissed? Wow. How many? Heaps. Because I'm so cool.
Give us a number. Is it double digits? Seven. Wow. How many girls have you kissed George
Columbar? Well, I've kissed hundreds. Hundreds. Hundreds of girls. Really? yeah, I have that's cool. Yeah, thank you
Careful you'll get five arms. I've never been kissed
Kiss you right now for a regular true Barry. Really. Yeah, I could give you a big kiss
Joy, whoever you want my really? Yeah, no worries my on the bum. Yeah, I would love a little kiss on the bum
I've because I've never been kids
All right, so that's why I'm cheek you might be tongue-ing in his asshole if you get too carried away Because I have quite my assholes quite have a very leaky are here as well
It can be but I haven't eaten for a week you know what you need my you need to have a
A lot of bitter bread a lot of meat to really block that up my are you talking about a soup?
Yeah, you need a soup all kind a marquee as we call it in a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a Yasshole. Splittens. Splittens. Do you want to play the karaoke version of what I'm doing right now?
Before we sing, six months in a leaky Yasshole, I just wanted to get final thoughts from all the guests we have here today.
So that is Paul Barry, Julie and Assange, George Columbaris and Hillary Clinton.
Roger Ailes. I. Roger Ailes.
Roger Ailes. I played Roger Ailes. Yeah. I tricked you all. We all knew it was you, Julian.
Well, I have information for you. What? It's heaps.
So let's put on that tense music for a moment more. I can't find the leaky boat karaoke. I've only the only one I can find is I got you.
Alright, okay that'll do.
Any final thoughts on George Columbaris?
I see red.
Do I see red?
I love I see red.
And final thoughts on George Columbaris underpaying his staff $7.8 million.
Do you need me to respond though?
Is this far enough?
We'll get to you.
Okay. When you guys told me you're doing a podcast about a current event, I thought this
is going to go off the rails almost immediately.
What? I turned out to be the truth.
It was earth shattering.
We can't find it.
All I can find is I got you. That's a great song, but why can't you find I see read by split-in?
I'm I'm trying I'm certain split-ins I see read karaoke
You know and I'm the fact checker. That's what I do for a job. That is you that's what you hear not quite
It is and on the weekends I fact check and for media watch I'm a fact checker as well. Not, and it's true. It is true.
It's very true.
See, thank you so much.
It's a part of his job.
Thank you George.
Very true, Melox.
Thank you.
Thank you.
No scatat.
Just fact.
That's right.
What about if we just do like a Taylor Swift song, the lobby karaoke?
Um, I had my heart set on split ends.
Yeah, well, we don't have any split ends, do we?
Yeah, no, we do have some split ends.
We've just got, I got you.
Can we, can we do final thoughts on George
and then we'll do split ends?
Alright, final thoughts on George.
What do you thoughts?
I'm really, Mrs. Cia.
I'm really, I really want to know who Flarky knew.
Yeah, me too. Final thoughts on George. Hammer. I'm really, I'm really, I'm really warm-o-soothed, like you know. Yeah, me too. Final thoughts on George.
I'm Paul Barry, I'm a fact checker. I fact check on my TV show and IRL.
And it was a pleasure to be here, thanks for having me.
Hillary, final thoughts.
Well, I thought that Julian was a loser, but it turns out he's cool and now we're friends.
Very good George final thought.
Alright, here's my final thoughts boys.
Bita Taziki, let us tomato meet of your choice.
I'm a fucking awful person.
I'm a can.
I do not pay my workers what they deserve for their fucking public holidays and weekend work.
Thank you. And this is broad now, I will say that you're very harsh on yourself because we used to go to
a one of your restaurants, Hellenic Republic for lunch.
My favorite restaurant.
And you can get a $12 lunch pack which was left out from the day before.
It was fucking sick, man.
You got a bit of chicken, you got some coleslaw, you got some fucking delicious chippies.
It was different every day.
Different every day, bit of salted caramel pudding.
This is the thing man, you're great.
And George, look, you got your problems,
but I think if we make you the scapegoat too hard,
we're not gonna get to the fact that it is
an industry-wide practice
and culture-cultural thing that needs to shift.
Hit it.
Hit it. I got you.
I got you.
And that's all I want.
I won't forget.
That's a whole lot.
Don't go well.
But now you're in.
Sometimes we shout.
Why are we doing this again?
There was a reason.
That's no problem.
Oh, then, right before we get to the chorus,
what were you going to be doing?
Licky boat, Licky asshole. Licky boat.
Licky asshole.
Was it?
I don't know why sometimes I get brighter. Licky asshole?
Yeah, that's right.
See my eyes until that I'm not lost.
Look at you.
You're a pageant.
I know one. I was gonna have my eyes.
Sponsors, this one goes.
Something's wrong.
I feel uneasy.
You show me. Something's wrong. I feel uneasy.
You show me. How am I noticing?
Tell me you're not teasing.
I don't know why sometimes I give right it.
Draw it.
How am I noticing?
You're gonna do a rep.
If you see my eyes,
You tell me that I'm not
I really wish you found six months in a leaky boat. I tried
Oh, there's backing
This is the man there
Brad George. Alright ran out of time.
I ran out of time.
That was great.
That was amazing.
Alright, shut the fuck up with you.
That's not karaoke at all.
Thank you so much for tuning in to Breaking News with Zach.
That was pretty much the best podcast we've ever done.
If you have other breaking news you want us to cover, let us know on Twitter and no other
George, Julian, Paul, Roger, Ringo, Paul, John, Hillary and Zach.
Thank you so much. Thanks for having me, Zach. Hillary, and Zach. Thank you so much.
Thanks for having me, Zach.
No worries, Zach.
Bye, Zach.
Bye, Zach.
See ya, my laks.
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