Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 162 - Ripper Feeds With Gino 'Juicy' Gambino
Episode Date: August 20, 2019Follow Gino: Insta: @ mrginogambino Twitter: @ MrGinoGambino  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.
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Hello everybody, welcome to the Anti-Donna podcast, a podcast with three guys talk about stuff.
This week's podcast is with our rival in the wrestling ring,
Gino Jussi Gambino, it's a fun, fun, fun podcast, with different usual, we just talk shit for an hour
and it's a lot of fun, he was an absolute pleasure.
You're gonna like this one,
I think it's my favorite of the year so far.
Just a very quick plug before we start,
a person you're all very familiar with,
Tom Armstrong has a project called Price Park,
which we've mentioned a few times before on the podcast, and he has his EP launch for his song Rise. Next Wednesday night at the gas
sommiter in Melbourne. Wednesday night it's going to be an awesome awesome awesome gig, isn't it Tom?
Yes. And I'm not being held at gunpoint to say this, but what I will say is we're all going to be
there watching.
It's gonna be a really fun night.
Please join us, the Price Park launch on Wednesday,
the 28th of August.
And it's gonna be a really, really cool gig,
Joe Koski, who we prank all the time on the podcast.
We'll be there, incredible young man, it's called J Dallas.
And another cool day, J called Arty Ziff,
we'll be there, who happens to be my brother
and he's also very cool.
In the meantime, enjoy this podcast everybody.
Have a look at him, he's a man that does not run unless he's been chased.
Somehow he is standing alone in the ballroom, ballroom, and this is what we love.
You just don't know what you're gonna get me
Is that guess why funny? Yes, I'm sorry. You're on a whole three members. What a mark in a...
Zack, Zack, I believe. Yeah.
Well, this is a three-on-one-eye time, let's see.
That's the walk-up.
He's trying to run.
A big shoulder tackle there.
For it and sent him into a hit from Zack.
Big clonies line.
From Markner knocks him down.
He is at the mercy of Arthur Donner.
God help this man.
We have been doing their research
I've been training hard
and I'm the big Sputeland
these boys have done their research
textbook, Sputeland
Hello and welcome to the Unidona podcast
the podcast where we talk news politics
and uh... excuse me
and entertainment sports
entertainment sports uh Entertainment sports.
So this episode this week is a recap.
You may have seen on our social media platforms
over the last month or so that we were hosting,
guest hosting a wrestling main event in Melbourne.
The ballroom ball.
The ballroom ball.
Melbourne City Wrestling, we were asked to come down
as icons of comedy to host, because everyone knows who we are, and they said for asked to come down as icons of comedy to host because everyone
knows who we are and they said for us to come down and host guest host a night and is that
is that a fear? No, it's a fear. I was going to say it was fear, but negative Nally over
here has been called. It felt a little judgey to me into who just to the it felt you felt like you were judging what we did
Yeah, yeah, it didn't feel impartial
Can we just try that a little more impartial? Yeah, yeah, so I just try without the tood. Okay, so we did we did the best we could
We went to Melbourne city wrestling and we hosted bad night of wrestling
You're being a cunt that's how's that for judge? Well, okay, wow. Yeah, well there it is right there
And that was I felt like that was bubbling all the time underneath. It's like you're a big volcano
Do you know mark? I would argue normally I'd be with you on this one
Yeah, yeah, that was rude of him to call you a cunt. Yeah to be fair though you were being a cunt
Oh look, I've come in. I've turned the cunt mode on
So what you need to do is step out,
turn that cunt mode off, step back in,
as a positive force for good.
And you'll need to reconnect Bluetooth.
Right, you'll need to reconnect.
Yeah, because once you switch the cunt mode off,
you'll be able to come out.
Right, right, right, right.
You just switch back on hotspot.
Yeah, just get a preview.
It's the same as flight mode.
Yeah, but you're not on a plane, you're a cunt.
I'm a cunt.
Anyway, and we started to get so,
one of the wrestlers from there,
Geno Gambino.
Juicy Gambino.
Geno Juicy Gambino.
Started cyber bullies,
and there was a bit of back and forth.
A bit of repertoire,
yeah, well, he said we were not funny,
which we took offense to,
but that is actually fair
That's a fair point
We've had a lot of
People tell us in the past that we're not funny and we haven't taken them on
But we said enough is enough and we cyber bullied back
Yeah, and we we brought the lawyers into it. We had a mark got in contact with our lawyer Paul Hampton
I did and Paul Hampton sent
Letter a season to assist to Geno juicy Gambino
Which I think was not
Taken very seriously. No, no strange
Do you see then I would say you know we were back back and forth back and forth
We then did a show we did the Glen Ridge party or is there something before?
No, I was just gonna say and if you don't with this is not a bit. This is like we we
often more do silly characters on this
podcast, but yeah, like the far boy and you know like yeah, we don't know far boy. That's sometimes far boy
We're just gonna be oh yeah, and that's not this one. No, no, no, this week isn't we're not doing a bit
So but go back and look at ads 20.
You'll see the back and forth with Geno, juicy game, Pino.
We were doing a show, we were doing a live show, Melbourne, Australia.
We'd live tour and if you want to find out about our live shows, make sure to sign up to
our mailing list at to find out when we're touring next.
And we were doing a live show and lo and behold at the end of Act One, who stormed the stage,
but Gino, Juicy Gambino and his manager Sebastian Walker.
Yeah, and it was a bit disrespectful, but anyway, we did the event, we ended up being in the ballroom
brawl, Gino bashed us up. He bashed us up.
He came on stage and here's what happened. We were being disrespectful as we sported wrestling. Yep. Um, he came on stage and here's what happened. We were, we were being disrespectful as we sport of wrestling. Yeah. We came on, we bashed up his manager
Sebastian Walker as we just played at the top of the potty. And then juicy,
Geno, juicy, Geno, Jenny, Gimo, Gimo, Gimo, Gimo, Gimo, Gimo, Gimo, Gimo,
walked into the ring and you know what? He gave us a, a spoonful of humility.
He taught us that we were being arrogant. and he threw us out of the ring. He threw you out of the ring. I, in a foolish
moment of not understanding the rules, I stepped out of the ring myself, but he still knocked
me out for fun. And then he really went and then he really went and spooked you out of
the ring. Should we play the audio? Yeah, I think so. I think we should play the audio
He's a big man. No, he passed Walker on the way down those steps and
The mood has shifted
He's guys they need to know what are they doing? Oh, they're just running away
The anti-al limited hand of himself.
And this is bad news for Mark.
He is in the ony zone for the crowd.
All my king of champions.
The crowd is currently behind him.
I believe that he can do this here.
Don't get carried up there.
Mark's going to take on Juicy.
We're going with Jane Owke's machine.
They probably have a self-in-oil.
He's waxing himself up.
And his crowd love it.
I don't look at that party.
Marked up the punch and ran away scared what his foot caught in the ropes.
And he eliminated us.
And we learnt humility as that just said.
We learnt that when you step into someone else's space, they're gonna, they're gonna give you an ass weapon.
Yeah, and we got an ass weapon.
And, and, and, and the humility goes down just that little bit better
after a very nice steak dinner.
Yeah, so we went out for steaks with Gino and GCNB, no?
To apologize, to say, look, we disrespected your sport.
And to learn.
And we paid for it.
And to learn something from one another.
Because we thought maybe he taught us something,
but maybe we could teach him a little something too.
So we brought him in today.
And we'd like to welcome the guests to this week's
Aunty Donna podcast. The man who
Bashed the shit out of us
Geno juicy Gambino and a title how many titles have you held?
Seven you've held that's a lie. I've no idea But you're they said in that video you were the previous king of champions king of champions king of trios
Champions right, so I think I won all three like a trio of dips. You have your bubble canoes. Yeah, yeah, you have a
Musqueps again. I like that's a Ziki. You're like in the Chris pack. Yeah, that's fair. That's fair
I can't help the Tatsiki belt
Yeah, I would never I would never go I would never go to Tatsiki in a trio. Why what?
You're a fucking dog
in a trio. Why? What? That's silly. You're a fucking dog. That's the dumbest shit bro. That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard anyone say. It's sort of to say that Tom, Tom
act up at that. Tom has become a Greek man. You know the episode of Seinfeld where Jerry
Seinfeld's dentist becomes Jewish and he's so he's engaged to a Greek lady. Tommy's Welsh, if anything, he's Australian. His last name is Armstrong.
And he is now, he wants to change his last name
to a Greek name.
Is that Haru?
Yeah, he wants to change his name.
Is that a game?
Is that a Haru?
Talk Greek to Gina.
Well, I'm not Greek.
He's not Greek.
He's not Greek.
I'm saying, he's not Greek.
I'm saying, he's not Greek.
I'm saying, he's not Greek.
I'm saying, he's not Greek.
I'm saying, he's not Greek. I'm saying, he's not Greek. I'm saying, he's not Greek. I'm saying, he's not Greek. I'm saying, he's not crazy, I'm saying. I'm saying, Oh wow, you really have just
taking it on.
I'm very racist.
God bless you.
I like it.
We don't have to.
We don't have to.
We don't have to.
We don't have to.
Among other things.
I would go spicy capsicum.
You're fucked.
You're fucked, come on.
This is why you're going to have tzatziki.
Because the saltiness of the jets that you put in there.
Who says I'm having jets?
That's an unspoken idea.
There is an unspoken idea.
Why wouldn't you have jets with a trio of people?
And jets are a little bit sweet.
Isn't the difference between a Savoyan and jets?
Is that a jets has a little bit more like buttery,
buttery, and sweetness.
I would say it's more of a textural difference
than a Flavourediff.
We're both sativary. But it's not sweet.
No, but I thought there was a sweetness going on there.
I haven't had either in a very long time, so you don't have to, they're the fucking
get off my back.
Well, we are building bridges and you're coming at juicy jambeen or jambeen or jambeen
or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen
or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or jambeen or Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno, Geno Geno Gen, Geno Geno Geno Gen, Geno Geno Geno Gen, Geno Geno Geno Geno Geno Geno Gen, Geno Geno Gen, Geno Geno Gen, Geno Geno Geno Gen, Geno Gen, Geno Gen, Geno Geno Geno Geno Gen, Gen What are your three then quickly? Okay, so you're gonna have Baba Ghanus. I'm all about a Baba Ghanus. Yeah. Maybe a Taramusalada?
What is a Taramusalada?
That's caviar you fucking assholes and thugs.
I'm gonna tell you a Taramusalada mate.
It's just Taramusalada for short mate.
Is that the pink salmon roe?
Yeah, it's correct.
Oh yeah.
You know why?
Because no one else is gonna touch it.
So you can enjoy all the Taramusalada.
Even though it's not your favorite dip,
you just like it because it's-
Because it's wrong.
You're gonna get it? Yeah. It's the Turkish delight of the three dip. Even though it's not your favorite dip, you just like it because it's not gonna get it.
It's the Turkish delight of the three dip.
And then,
what's wrong with that?
You don't like a Turkish delight?
I don't, to be honest.
A little real jelly can.
You don't like the,
you know.
I've claimed to be jelly can.
You heard me first.
This is exclusive wrestling news.
Geno, Juicy Gambino is not a Jelly Cun.
It's not a Jelly Cun.
I mean, you say you don't like Turkish delight.
You don't like the cabbries with the chocolate around you.
I just Turkish delight in general.
Right, yeah.
Because a cabbry Turkish delight is a far cry
from a Turkish delight.
But I enjoy both.
Oh, I'm really surprised.
You can't have too much normal Turkish delight.
You know you go to an old Turkish name,
a house you have Turkish to like,
they give you a bucket of it,
you have a little bit of it.
Yeah, one piece, one piece max, and then you'd know.
When we were filming, when we were filming,
one of our pilots, remember we filmed in a factory,
and the wife of the owner of the factory,
made us Turkish to light,
and I remember just the plate of Turkish delight while we're filming it.
Was I pouted as well?
Yeah, pouted as well.
You got a pout of us.
I'm a big pout of Kant.
It's so funny that you're not a jelly-cant, you are a pout of Kant.
But I guess, you know, because Turkish delight has both of those elements.
This is where my poutiness comes from.
I can't believe he wants fought.
I have good week.
This is where my poutiness comes from. I can't believe he wants fought.
I have good week.
Yeah, this is the thing.
If you ever have an online fight with someone,
what you need to do is take on their manager
and a wrestling ring, have them then take you on,
teach you a lesson, go out for a delicious steak dinner
in the Docklands, and you know what,
you'll realize you're not so different.
It's true. We have, I love wearing common.
So this is okay, because I'm a fatter man.
I need to powder my undercarriage so I enjoy powders of all kinds.
Right, right.
So when you're in the chef, like the movie chef.
Yeah, no, see, that's the cornstarch stuff.
I like to go a bit more of the powders.
A powder called ZSC.
Can we talk about brands?
Let's go about brands.
We can talk about any kind of...
This is at the ABC.
So ZSC, and I stand in the bathtub and I cock one leg up onto the tap.
And I powder underneath to get that real...
I don't know if you stand.
I'm just battering his couch.
Yeah, but it's got up. He's got up, he's put his leg up on the chair.
Right, right. So you've just got a bowl of powder and you're just sort of like,
I'm not a bowl, I've got a bottle.
You got a bottle of powder.
Right, yeah, but what we haven't got to is the biggest question for me.
Okay, because it gets shady. No, no, no, chokes not too bad for me.
I get a lot of sweat down there.
So you're using it as a...
He's been in this before...
Can I wrestle or is this a day to day?
Oh, that's every day.
And are you shaving your gooch?
Yeah, it's difficult, so I was a bit thin, I made it in here.
So do you have a skin dick and a skin gooch?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
See this time?
This is a conversation I've been having with my partner
is that not all skin dicks are children
So I'm a razor blade can't and what I do
Put that on the t-shirt what I recommend is tightening the sac skin and with the razor blade just going
Oh, that's a dangerous game
skin and with the razor blade just going over. That's a dangerous game.
No, because the clippers catch you if you use clippers.
I can't believe we have a fought.
Well, when I was a little younger, I was always afraid that if I shaved my balls, if I
nipped the sack, then the nut would fall out.
I didn't realize that the...
If you did a bad enough, that could happen.
Yeah, you'd have to do two cuts.
You'd have to be like, oh my God, I'm being cut
and then keep going and then keep going.
Oh my God.
Like to the point where I thought it would go down the drain,
like I thought I would snip the sack,
the sack would open up and then a ball,
like a ball bearing full out.
And then if it went down the drain,
then it'd be like, what do I do now?
No, I don't why this is, this is like on one level,
I'm like, yeah, that makes sense.
But then you dig a little deeper,
realize this would have been a concern
you had only after you grew here on your balls.
Which puts that at post 2000.
Is Italian so five or six?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But I imagine you had access to the internet
at your home at that time,
and you never thought that was.
But that's not what I was looking up when
I was like here's a question at what age do you think it went from because you
used to be really proud of your pubes like you got your first pubes I remember
telling my mama got my first pubes and it was really important when do you
think it went now I'm gonna get rid of the pubes like what age does the switch
happen when when when people are the people started seeing 19 that's light. I just had a I had a thick bush
That's light. Yeah, I was
16. Yeah, I think 16 was a change over for me when I went that's a lot of pub. Yeah, yeah, but I also long
Yeah, I've got a thick bush. I don't have thick, I just have long pews.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
We're going to talk, like, a short break.
Thank you so much, Gino, for having a good chat.
And we'll be back right after this.
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Awesome deals going on at Captain's.
There is and we do that G&O G&B notes because ads get put in post this.
So like if you're an America listening to this,
a different ads put in there,
and if you're in Australia, a different ads put in there,
or maybe not an ad at all.
So instead of just,
they've told us that we just have to pause.
And you just...
You rather put your own ad.
And so we put a captain snooze in there ad,
so it feels like it's a bit of a joke.
Didn't captain snooze be more...
Wasn't it more prevalent when we were younger?
Like it seems there's a lot of...
Well now it's just snooze.
We're gonna go through this next week.
Maybe who knows?
I'll come back.
But it's now called snooze.
I think I like the captain more regal.
And there's very interesting ties between captain snooze and a prominent sci-fi film of the late 90s.
You might not be familiar with.
This is all stuff that, because we release out of order, our listeners will find out about all of this next week
all the week after, who knows.
But no, back to your top three dips,
because you've only got Bubba Gennersian Tatsuki now.
Are you a homestead boy?
And Tatsuki, I'm not a homestead.
Tatsuki, thank you.
I don't mind homestead, but it can be boring.
It can be.
They mix it up.
There's ad coals, you can get.
Now, how long do you know one five days?
You can get all kinds of mixed up,
because I think people were getting bored
with just chippies.
Here's my thoughts.
And a trio of dips.
I'm of the opinion.
You've got a Tateki, you've got a homus.
And then the third is how you elevated.
I couldn't tell you what I think the third is to be.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You can't see him.
That's why I, there.
My top three.
Chocolate vanilla strawberry.
You have-
That's Neopolitan ice cream.
You fucking idiot.
Why I'm dipping in there!
I'm having a dip!
For years I thought it was Napolitan, because that's what my best is.
Yeah, that's what I thought as well.
No, it's Neopolitan.
Do you remember Dunkerrues and it was like a salada type biscuit with chocolate.
There was the strawberry.
What was that?
Dunkerrues was the kangaroo that you dipped in chocolate. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
But it was still like a chocolate sauce or something.
Yeah, it was.
It was.
Little kangaroo and you could either choose it out of chocolate or strawberry.
Yeah, never got to that.
And I think they did.
I think it was the sweetest snack.
I think the big question is, were you Nesquik people or my like people?
My life.
Mixed that up.
Yeah, why can't you be both?
I wasn't both. I wasn't by. He is the big question.
What were you?
Oh, so what's this?
Strawberry chocolate.
Look at me.
Of course it's chocolate.
Froormite or Veggie.
Oh, Veggie.
Yeah, now that you're just, you're just, yeah.
That's a hard, he's been fighting for years on this.
But Master Foods Pro Might, I think, is the superior might.
Yeah, well, you're wrong.
Now, just to segue a little bit, we do have you.
Yeah, we've been talking about dips now for 40 minutes of the podcast.
We've got you on the podcast, you know.
You know a lot of things, you're a very talented guy.
We've learned a lot from you, but I think more than anything most interesting conversation. We've had with you is about subway. Yes now
What are your thoughts on subway again big subway cups?
Because I have a problem with oh, yeah, there's a big
Description because you're fucked in this explain how you can think every subway is the same
Are you saying every McDonald's is the same too?
Yes is the same. Are you saying, are you saying, everyone McDonald's is the same too? Yes. You're all fucking.
Yes, I'm the same.
I think I'm the same ingredient.
No, because you've got to think about how.
That is the whole thing.
That's why McDonald's exists, G.O.J. together.
That's explain.
Because McDonald's is the brand that it is,
because they have said, if you go to us in Melbourne,
if you go to us in New York, Paris, Hobart,
wherever you are, you are having the same meal.
Can I just say, consistent?
Can I just interject here?
I want you to get back on it.
I want to ruin your flow.
But I do need to point out that your illustration
of a worldwide friend was not Melbourne, Paris,
or Hobart.
Melbourne Hobart, I was struck. You get the shaggy or Hong Kong.
I'm doing like you.
I'm doing like you.
I'm trying to demonstrate that in big cities, I was like, I'm doing these big cities,
like my need a little city too.
Doesn't matter where you are, whether you're in the south of Australia, slightly more south
of Australia.
All right.
But the only thing I would say is that some are worse than others.
And that's as different as they get.
How can it be fucking worse if it's the same shit?
Well, no, because the people who work there give less of a shit.
It's now the human factor, the ingredients are the same.
It's like when you go home to cook something, it's never the same as a restaurant.
We're talking about McDonald's here.
Look, I'll fight you.
I don't think I've learned that.
I'm with you, Jenna.
I'm with you.
I'm with you on the subway.
OK, I might come with you on subway,
but McDonald's is the same everywhere.
The only difference is if you go to the macas
on Swanson Street in the city, there's a,
you might have a crazy person out the front.
And that might ruin your experience.
But the burger you're eating there is the same
as the one you would get at a whole but I mean I mean I
also want to say yes McDonald's is not as consistent as say and in an
out burger but in a now it has more quality control your measures sure in a
now is terrible I now I agree with you on that five guys is the best five guys
agree there but here's where I'm But here's where I'm at.
Here's where I'm at with burgers.
I've got number one.
It oscillates between in and out and five guys,
but it's usually five guys.
Number two is whoever takes second place.
And I'm happy for the rest to just be on my list.
No, shake shake comes into the... Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, to subway and the letters of tastes like they've washed them in the toilet. Yeah. And what I'm saying is not every subway tastes like toilet.
Have you ever been to a subway where the cucumbers don't taste like dried discs?
I don't get cucumber, you don't get cucumber in subway.
It's really good to take a seat.
Right, yeah.
Because it is horrible.
I had a horrible, it's so tart.
Yeah, the cucumber is horrible at subway.
Oh, for.
I think that the new garlic, you can, in Australia, you can get a meatball garlic bread.
I believe in that tea-natchy garlic bread.
I watched an informative video about it.
It's global.
And I believe it is global, yeah.
You can get a meatball cheesy garlic bread, meatball stuff.
And I think it's a three out of ten.
Yeah, you're wrong.
Do you know what did you rate your cheesy diet to make for a six out of 10?
Oh, okay.
Well, it's not, it's not fucking amazing,
but like it's edible.
So what?
Six out of 10 is edible.
What's a 10 out of 10 that subway?
Oh, I like the buffalo chicken.
All right.
Do you think that's a 10 out of 10?
Like when you say six out of 10,
do you mean six out of 10 full stock?
Like, yeah, not far away. Not far away. To the food, the best meal you've ever had.
Oh, no, that's a no-you-stricken.
Or are we talking just for the fast food?
Because this is different out of ten.
I never tell you that.
This is a fast food ten out of ten.
I never tell you that.
I never tell you that.
So Italian herbs and cheese toasted, chicken fillet,
bacon, double-tasty cheese, all the vegetables,
one half of Chipotle, one half of mayonnaise.
That is a 10 out of 10 meal.
Give me two raspberry cheesecake cookies
and a larger poke.
Well, we're still a sick fuck.
Ghost to Subway and gets tuna.
That's what I wanna know.
He looks in the fucking fridge and goes,
that fish, that's been there for years.
I would argue, who looks at any of that meat
and goes, I to eat that.
It's so fucking coagulated and shit. You eat subway in the States.
Yes. And I keep their chicken in the water. Did you know this thing?
Oh no. I tell you what subway in Japan, now you're talking about it.
Haven't had subway in Japan. Oh my god, the chicken teriyaki.
Right. Well they're going to do it. It's just, but it's just a different guy.
Gino, juicy Gambino is a commentator for New Japan
pro wrestling.
He's a constantly in Japan.
Next time you're there.
Next time you're there.
Ten days.
Subway it.
Chicken teriyaki it.
It is, you've never had chicken teriyaki subway
before and then I've had it.
And let us know, let us know what you think.
Let us give us a little, send us a little fire.
Don't go to any of the beautiful incredible
No, any of the street food you get are you going where are you going?
Somewhere you hit not that freshness burger what and I say I don't like the burgers in Japan
Lotteria freshness burger moss burger
Freshness burger must burger You're fucked! You're fucked!
What the fuck, you're fucked!
What the fuck, you're fucked!
Oh no!
Who thought we could ever fight in the game?
Who thought we ever would have fought?
Who was the game of the thought?
Gene Negus again being a...
Can I go back to subway for one more thing?
Please, I've recently had something in subway that I thought was very good
And Tom, this is for you too.
All right.
I had Aussie steak.
What's that?
That's the new one.
He's a white animal.
I couldn't.
I couldn't.
I couldn't.
I couldn't.
I had Aussie steak in Subway.
And it's like a sizzle steak situation.
So like, you know, little strippy thing.
But microwave? I don't know. Oh, little strippy thing. But microwave?
I don't know.
Oh, I have to be.
I have to be.
I have to be.
I have to be.
I have to be.
They have a problem.
They have a tap and yaki fuck like that.
Freshly grilling you steak.
I didn't see the tap and yaki.
I didn't see the one.
I didn't see the one.
I know.
People's thoughts on toasting.
I just feel that with subway,
there's been a sense since the toasting
was introduced that you have to toast
I'm a fan of toasting when I go more Italian when I have cheeses when I want a melted cheese
When I get the sweet onion chicken teriyaki, I don't get that with cheese
I think it's weird to have that with cheese and I don't get it toasted because I think the idea of a of a
Sweet onion chicken teriyaki on a toasted cheese sandwich is a little bit full on it's too much yet
And I just want to hear people's thoughts on toasted.
I asked for half toast.
I see.
So they half that's on.
Oh, I see.
They say half toast, no problem, and they half the time.
Well, just Christmas.
I love that.
Oh, I thought you meant you toasted half the sandwich.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Half toast, the time, it's all fucked me.
They half the toast, and then they warm it up and you eat it.
I love that.
Cheers to you, Cigam.
See, this is the thing.
Here we are going, he's wrong, he's wrong, he's wrong.
But maybe he knows a little more than a couple of little life hacks.
You're a true artist.
Yes, the menus are guide.
You have to understand that.
They offer you the sandwich artists for a reason.
That's right, they're an artist. It's not the sandwich artists for a reason. Yeah, it's right. They're an artist.
It's not the sandwich robot.
No, I know of someone who gets their tomato put on pre toast.
Yeah, that's normal.
It's not normal.
It's not normal.
It's at a protocol.
And then it cooks the tomato.
Yeah, it's a tomato-chisharmy, chair.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That was fucking judge, mate.
No, I think it's good.
Yeah, no, you hold on.
Before you said it wasn't, you said it was wrong. I was out of protocol
It's pretty out of you you're going. I mean the toaster is placed very specifically before the
You've got to have a certain amount of confidence. We have to ask for your tomato to be toasted. What if you toasted your letters?
That's that's that's that's that's that's that we can all agree
That's a good one for Israel and Palestine to come together.
I know. I know.
You guys, anyone want a toast letter?
No, we don't want a toast letter.
And then they look at each other and they go, what are we doing?
Probably not.
Yeah, it's probably not exactly like that.
What are we doing?
So, my three dips.
Did you get the third one?
When did you say the third one was you've lost me tell amagata tell amagata
I'm a salada boys tell am I salada tell am I'm a gada tell amagata
tell amagata
Seiki and
Boba Gnush
You know I'm not crazy about Boba Gnush wrong
With a bit of salary. I just think it's a little bit I don't
love the texture. It's absolutely absolutely. You know I think he's
Baba Ghanush, I'm like a plant. I love a good eggplant but when it's not done
right it's just it's right on the line.
Yeah, and there's my three dips.
Oh, I'm ready to go.
Give us your dips.
I'm gonna get fucked.
It's just not like I'm out for a deal.
It's like if I had to pick three dips,
you're on your own.
Yeah, I'm just, if I can only,
these three dips for the rest of my life,
these are the three dips I'm having.
You ready?
And this is true to me.
Yeah, yeah.
And I would probably wouldn't have had it.
I already know one of them's gonna be French onion Cape girl
But like we're talk when we talk dips we're talking very specifically like smushy dips like salsa is not
Is not a dip that's almost a right so French engines now in
I did have salsa on there you did have salsa you did have salsa because salsa's like my number one
Salas are dip salsa and every
From the years from the years not a dip from the years
2002 to 2007 yeah my daily diet consisted of corn chips and sauce a lot of this
What was that show with Bronson in it getting a little bit
Not not round the twist so round the twit he was in the round the twist and then he was in the Bronx, he was in the neck that
Wayne show, the Adventures of Wayne.
Then he was in that show where he traveled through time.
It was Bronson, he was lived underground and then he went to the future and it was like
We got up here.
We got up here.
We got up here.
We got up here.
We got up here.
We got up here.
We got up here. We got up here. We got up here. We got up here. We got up here. And then they they exploded a moon and then earth had like a satin like ring in season three
Do we remember this was from the same person that they'd ocean really have no
When you say Bronson you don't mean the character Bronson from around the
I mean the actor who played Bronson
Spinoffs and I know it's starting a show from the creator of Ocean Girl where he would travel from an underground icy future
Into the future to to us to a desert future like Mad Max widget the world watcher
That was about the
There's a good article up of bronze
He directs episodes of Neighbors. But I need to know the name of the show because I remember coming up to the end of season
three, I remember being in primary school, I have this vivid memory of going, tell you what,
this Friday night, I'm gonna settle in, I'm gonna watch this Bronson time-traveling show season
finale with a bag of Doritos and a Jarrah salsa and I could not have thought of a better way to spend
You know what? You know what? I'm putting salsa in my top. No you can't. You don't have to. I'm gonna. You don't have to.
You put salsa in things. I'm putting salsa in my top. I want to send a message to salsa that I appreciate
Salsa and I love Salsa and Salsa has been important in my life. Salsa is in the top three dips. All right.
Number two, you ready for this?
Chili con queso.
Now what is chili con queso?
What is chili con queso?
Is this available in Australia?
Very hard to get.
You can only get it at niche Mexican restaurants
in the early 2000s, mid 90s.
It is literally, you can get it in America in a jar.
It's yellow cheese dip. Oh
Cheese liquid cheese. Oh, yeah, I can't do it. I hated I didn't like cheese growing up. I came around to cheese
So no cheese and no garlic. I know
Talking about that shit around Tostitos or something. No, but I look I love a queso dip like I love that. What's that shit brand? Tostitos or something? No, but I love a queso dip, like I love a quality queso dip, right?
But I hate fake plastic cheese on the nachos.
Chili con queso is sometimes called simply queso.
An appetizer or a side dish of melted cheese
or more usually processed cheese such as velvita
and chili peppers typically served in text mechs.
Tom shaking his head.
I'm not as a dip.
Like a fancy queso, 100%.
But you know, you're talking about the squeezy bottle
onto the nachos at the cinema. Bang! Yeah, love that.
Love that. Yeah. Alright.
So I take that away.
A quality KSO dip.
I'm feeling a bit out there. I'm feeling a bit out there.
It feels like we're south of the border here with your favourite.
So far.
Third one is Red Capsicum.
As I said at the top.
Capsicum and Fetter at least. No, a good one better at least not fuck your fed up way
You can't say feder anymore
Bandit the European cheese stand like a champagne now is it not from Greece if it's not in Greece. It's not feder correct
That's fucked. Oh, it's cheese relax everybody
Wow, the old milk
Bulgarian fed up, bit salty.
I'm all about a salata ricotta.
Sorry, say it again.
Salata ricotta.
I think a salata biscuit.
No, no, no, no.
So that means salted ricotta in wag.
And it is like a hard ricotta, right?
That you'd great over pasta my god
Oh my god my god
Is that what you're talking about?
I don't know is that some of the work?
I keep it in the titty
It's a hard ricotta, very salty
You put it in a separate over fresh pasta
Is it a little bit sour?
No, no I can't
It's fucking pure salt man
It hurts you throwing it a little bit when you No, no, it's fucking pure salt, man. Yeah, hurts your throat a little bit when you eat it.
It's not razor blades, it's just the delicious cheese.
Sorry, I just want to say, so Thunderstone was a story of a young scientist from a post-apocalyptic
earth who discovers how to travel back in time.
And that was my favorite show.
It starred Jeffrey Walker who also played Bronson
in Round the Twist.
I think my two favorite traveling through Dimension.
All right, yeah.
Would have to be Sliders, I thought.
I was very good, yeah.
I love spellbinders.
Yeah, spellbinders.
I was around that.
I was around spellbinders.
And I say, I think me and Mark, once every say I think me and mark once every six months comes up
Once every six months at least we'll just go we'll just out of the blue
It'll either be a conversation will lead to it or out of the blue
We'll just remember that episode of sliders where where they come they land and they're like oh, we've only got one minute
We've only got one minute and then he goes well that we have to find out before we travel on yes
I know that this gate the gate
Weakies throughout the heart thing it's fucking fixed and then he opens a gate
It's squeaky then they slide away. No, it's not squeaky. It's not squeaky
He's like this isn't home. He slides away. He's mum comes out and goes. Thank you for fixing the squeaky
He was home. It was hard. They got home. My favorite slide is it I think that every
Yeah, so off He's the one He was home! He was home! They got home. My favorite slide is him. I think that every...
Oh, so off.
He's the one...
Is this slide is?
The same year.
The same earth.
Only different dimensions.
The world where the Russian world will America.
It's so funny.
The trailer is just the pitch from the creators of the show to the network.
Now the problem is finding a way back home.
It's just quantum leap.
Very quantum leap, a little bit of stargate as well.
But Pavarotti was in it. Well, I thought it was Pavarotti.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was.
It was Pasekiyla John.
It was Reese.
John, is that John Reese Davis?
From Indiana Jones.
From Indiana Jones.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Pasekiy From Indiana Jones. From Indiana Jones, yeah.
Yeah, just like, yeah.
As a kid, I also thought the song Breakfast
that Tiffany's was about the spellbinders.
It looks fine, why?
I don't want to sing it.
But you know that, man.
I never said that.
I never said that.
Breakfast that Tiffany's, I said, I think I'm a spellbinder.
And for years, I thought it was about to show spellbinders.
That's fantastic.
I'm only recently finding out,inders. That's fantastic.
I'm only recently finding out, not true.
I remember, you told you said spellbinders
I hadn't thought about spellbinders for maybe 20 or 25 years.
But yeah.
No, they were very good shows.
So Capsicum dip.
But no, Feta.
But I mostly, my whole childhood was watching a lot of wrestling.
You were big, big, big wrestling, just throwing videos. wrestling Yeah, you think so who is your favorite as a kid? Oh, Stone Cold by fast
Oh, and hasn't he aged the best? Yeah, absolutely
That's a good podcast. He just he goes on hot ones
Something came up on my YouTube feed the other day, and I decided to watch it and I was so
thankful that I did because it's one of the best things I've ever seen. It was WWE's, right?
Cain's night of destruction.
And it was a super cut of this one night,
where every, it must have been like every like 10 or 15 minutes,
the lights go in the middle of a match, the lights go out.
And he come, yeah.
And then Cain's music comes and he walks out, right?
And everyone's just like, oh, he's like a serial killer.
That was his vibe.
And in a full night of wrestling,
it would have been very interesting, but super cut, right?
It's such a...
It's really funny, because he comes out like a serial killer
and all of us start choke slamming people.
Walks into the ring, everyone's scared of him.
He choke slams them and then he walks out, right?
And it goes for like 10 minutes
and he keeps doing it and there's one point
where Gold Dust is wrestling, right?
Goes black and everyone's like,
oh no, what?
It's game!
He comes out, he chokes slams Gold Dust
and then Gold Dust's girlfriend comes out the check,
I'm up on him and then Kane just slowly turns his head
towards her and everyone's
like, oh no, no, he picks her up by the thrice.
And goes to the joke's level, no emotion, no nothing and everyone's pulling her down.
It's the funniest thing I've ever seen.
And this is why being a wrestler ruins that for me because I know that he would have got
there for the arena at about four o'clock and seen the white and gone, I'm doing ten things, I want to fucking go home.
And he would have gone, another segment, because you got the same page.
So he would have had no call on that.
No, no, the producers would have gone, okay mate, here you go, here's the whiteboard.
All right.
Turn around, okay mate.
Have a look at him.
Have a look at him.
I apparently, yeah, we were posting a photo of us that's dead.
Fucking, anyway.
So you would have seen the whiteboard,
you just gone fuck.
I can't go home until late,
and I'm going to return my rent a car
and get on a flight through the next city.
So as a wrestler, it's ruined now.
Otherwise, me as a kid,
we're like, oh, I can't, 20 times.
This is great.
But now I know he would have been like,
fuck this fucking business. So funny.
Now, I just want to share something with you guys.
I don't remember the titles.
It might not be funny, but I just want
to open something up.
See what happens.
And if it doesn't work, you know what?
We've got next podcast.
All right.
I'd like to share with you now the opening titles
of Thunderstone Starring Bronson.
Oh, Australian Film Finance Corporation.
That'd be Screen Australia wouldn't it?
Or one of Screen Australia was a merger of about three or four different.
Oh wow.
And the missiles.
Very cool.
So there's Bronson.
I remember this show.
Good glow up.
This is on my channel set.
Oh, yes.
I remember Thunderstone. Mad Max. It is on my channel. Yes. Yes Understand it is just mad Max with an but then also there was a snow element and
I did that girl. Yeah
There's no it doesn't have the same pitch element that's like this trailer is showing a lot of imagery that I can't quite put together
Fuck that Bronson's a hot kid. Oh isn't he grow up he glowed up
She's cool. She's cool. Where is the imagine mad Max but with a lot of animals
Snow and a caveman woman a cave woman. Yeah, yeah caveman woman caveman woman just a woman
What happens to live in a cage?
Well, that was fun
How do you think we went in our first wrestling match? I was actually quite impressed I was very gentle with you guys which is good, but yeah, I think I think you guys got into it
Which which I like it really really really hurt. I say this is silly
Like it really does and it made me think that wrestlers would truly be fucked.
Like, waking up the next day, I know you were fucked.
And I was fucked, I don't know about you.
Well, I just, I stepped out of the ring like a fool.
I wake up most mornings quite sore.
Like, I walk a bit, I don't know if you've ever seen
Iron Sheep Walk.
Like, we've got to see it this way.
So, it is, and I think that's why we get so frustrated
when some of the, oh, I'm so poined.
It's like, it fucking hurts.
Sorry, I get mad at people now.
Like, just in the sense, not that I've gone through it,
but just never, like when you hear its fake, you go,
it's fake, all of it is fake.
What you don't realize is how fucking hard you have to hit
someone to make it look like you are hitting
It's the way to do it is to hit them.
Just hitting the rope.
I'm sure your backs will come from hitting rope.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Because it's not so much that you're pulling punches, you're just hitting them in a way
that doesn't injure them.
I'm just telling you I'm going to hit you and then I'm hitting you.
I don't know how to explain it,
but it's quite frustrating.
Like, I've got such bad short term memory
from doing wrestling and then someone just eating subway.
Constance subway ruining my life.
That's why you keep going back
because you can't remember the last time you went.
That was an hour ago.
What do I do remember coming down these streets?
He's buying drugs on these street.
Once many years ago, I was like,
Oh no.
I don't know if it's this.
What drugs? Protein years ago. Oh, no! Look at the stout.
What drugs?
Protein powders.
That's something we worked on a shoot recently
with a professional Instagram famous body builder.
Instagram famous, is there a thing?
Yeah, absolutely.
How much did this guy have?
How much?
Oh, I don't know.
Who cares? I just want to say it. You guys have to do a funny podcast. This how much to this guy have how much I don't know who is who is
No, I just want to say things. I know you guys to do a funny podcast But this has been up my fucking ass for a few weeks right who gives a fuck who gives a fuck how many people follow you
Who gives a fuck you can still be a bad person the only benefit to it is being able to go to a company and say
I'll do a post if you give me that free thing which is it's so insane because like you know
Like I don't know if you've seen this YouTube woman who hit a dog. Yeah, yeah like you know like I don't know if you see this YouTube woman who
hit a dog. Yeah, yeah, everyone's like I can't believe it. I'm like why because she puts videos up
She's a great person like she's a piece of shit and she didn't have that many more followers subs than us. No
I think the future is micro influences. I think saying that please follow me on Instagram. Yeah, you missed the
But I think saying that please follow me on Instagram. Yeah, you did.
Mr. Gina, I can't be nice to just go ahead
because he taught us humility.
It's got to say that the rock probably does hormone injections
to keep himself musically because he's quite old.
He's older now.
I can't comment on who does what.
But in the States, anti-aging medications quite common
and legal here.
I mean, you can go to a doctor and get testosterone
and whatever you need once you reach a certain age.
I made the mistake of doing it very early in my life.
So I have no testosterone in my body now.
Yeah, right.
My balls just go out, I wanna do anything.
And I'm like, thanks.
I mean, it's a weird world.
So, but the Instagram thing's just upsetting me
more and more recently.
It's really good.
I like, we've discussed people
that we don't like that are doing comedy.
And it's just because it's people follow on.
Who cares?
It's interesting.
It's an interesting world.
We've just got a TikTok.
Ah, say, did you see what's cringed TikToks?
There's a cursed TikToks.
It's been deleted, the Twitter's gone.
I'm such a big fan of cursed.
Oh, cursed tiktoks is fantastic.
That was that girl crying while dancing.
Yes, yes, that's the hell of a thing.
That's the hell of a thing, please write it down.
So many great cursed tiktoks.
How long does your tiktoks go?
Well, we're 10 minutes over now, so we should wrap it up.
But well, you know.
So to finish off, the three dips I would have yeah
Not capsicum not cuz yeah, I think that you made it very clear. Yeah
There's one dip. I just want to throw out there which I which is at the dip
I most ashamed of that I enjoy yeah, and I don't know if any of you boys notice, but I even went and I got it for
Yeah, yeah, wait for this, Gina. I love smoke salmon or smoked trout, dude. Well, that's kind of a slaughter.
That's what it is.
It's so worried and everyone's on board.
I think this is fucked.
I love a bit of cream fish.
You know what, I need some cream fish.
One of those things for me, it's just nostalgic.
It's like, it reminds me of fish cream.
When I was a kid, that's fucking, I love this.
I love this. I know what I need. It's a cream fish. One of those things for me, it's just nostalgic.
It's like, it's like, it reminds me of a fish cream.
When I was a kid, that's fucking I loved it.
Tell Jaina about what it used to do,
what was your snack after school?
My snack after school.
I loved extremes, and I loved the extreme
between salty and sweet.
So I would have a tip-t tam followed immediately by an anchovy.
I'm gonna say that.
Because it is like the complete fucking,
what's the word I'm looking for?
Like confectionery.
It's not like, it's so processed.
Like the processed sugar.
The tim tam is like so far from chocolate.
It's just sweet, sweet, sweet, and then an anchovy is just salty
and fishy, and it's the complete fucky of the...
It's fishy, I understand the salty,
but the fishy I struggle with.
I used to fill my mouth with corn chips
until I was choking and then drink Pepsi Max
and like, swish it around and then save myself from choking.
So, as a snack.
As a snack.
Can I, I've got one, I've got one that I've just started doing.
Yeah, I've just started having peanut butter sandwiches
with suracha.
Why is it doing peanut butter with cheese?
Now, you got mad at me for doing peanut butter at cheese once and then you're doing peanut butter and
Sirachia just having one day. I was like that's what happened to make
I was like and I'm sorry. I'm sorry that one's still fuck but I was just
Peanut butter and cheese is not a new thing you guys are fucked, but I'll just there's something about peanut butter
It's like it's the closest you can get to Sarté without doing much
I think peanut butter is so it can be so much more
It can be so much more and I have a natural peanut butter
There's nothing mixed in with it. It's just pure peanuts blitzed. Maybe a little bit of what I was doing man
And I put Doritos in most sandwiches. Yeah, I you're fucked. Yeah, that's fucking disgusting
You're a fucking fucked in most sandwiches. Yeah, you're fucked, Cato. Yeah, that's fucking disgusting.
You're a fucking fucked, Cato.
But yes, so three olive avocado and tzatziki will be my...
Three olives.
I'm a huge olive dip.
Yeah, three olive...
I can't get on board with avocado.
I like just me.
I make a guacamole if you haven't.
A fresh guacamole.
Oh, boy.
A little bit of avocado. I really can't get around this fake avocado dip shit. Fresh guacamole oh boys
Little bit of avocato I really can't get around this fake avocado dip shit like it's much nicer
Oh A lot of effort it's a lot of you know
You got to let us take you out for Mexico by night
We'll get you and I know this is one of Nierr L. work in Brunswick. It does a delicious, fresh avocado.
Not a big Mexican thing.
Oh, jeez.
No, you just haven't had good Mexican food.
Jez no.
I'm not a big Mexican thing.
Have you ever had it in like...
As in the food, the people are fine, I'm sure.
But have you ever had, see, like, we...
For me, it was a big experience.
When we went to San Francisco for the first time and we had Mexican food.
I was like, I've never had Mexican food before.
Chili's was good.
The big chain.
So we met the big like, I hopped style chain.
I know we've never been to Chili's.
Chili's is great.
No, no, I'm talking about mission style burritos.
It's almost like a roast pork dinner in a wrap.
Oh, Lichina.
What's your favorite, what are you going out?
And you know, you're picking a place to dinner.
Why are you throwing shit at me?
Yeah, fucking, I want to know.
Have you had authentic Mexican?
Like, have you had like a,
I don't really think it's an authentic at me.
No, I've got it.
Very condescending.
But no, have you had like a fancy Mexican?
Are you fond of this fond of kill. Yeah
Funda shit
But I it was not bad, but I caused it down
Why don't you look at your watches?
I'm getting messages. I gotta watch them famous
What's the cool they close the deal? No, no, no to no no no no I was in St. Kilda
I'm an ace of the talker. Yes
Container no
I had fucking chicken wings and he used to put cheese like he used to wrap cheese around the chicken wings like a fondue place
Wasn't the one where it was like a cafe at the front and you went back maybe and it's just like they just like
Eclin Street, can't you know?
That was great. That was fantastic. So it used to say I couldn't straight cantina No that was great that was fantastic
So it used to be neither map group
Neither junkie magazines and killings
Yeah yeah
You're not thinking of the tapas place
What tapas place?
It was a tapas place that called pink sauce?
Pink cost?
No I can't
It's gonna fucking do my editing
My question is what's your place you go out for dinner?
What's them? What's your number one Chinese?
I'm a big Chinese can't like I
Chinese event old school Chinese. Yeah, I need the place to look like a toilet. Yeah, I need it
You being a submarine at midnight. Have you been to Mrs. Zan's kitchen?
No, have you been to Mr. Miyagi's?
You being to Mrs. Zan's kitchen. No, have you been to Mr. Miyagi's?
Oh, in on chapels?
No, I haven't.
Yeah, that's fucking sweet.
But we're not comparing fucking pronoun, fucking racist.
You both had Chinese food, you both enjoyed it.
Is that...
No, there's a hotpot place near Little Burke Street,
near Chinatown, that is just spectacular.
Mr. Miyagi does't espresso martini.
Yes, fantastic.
Oh, my God.
And now you're a cop.
And now you're a cop.
And now you're a cop.
And now you're a cop.
And now you're a cop.
And now you're a cop.
And now you're a cop.
And now you're a cop.
And now you're a cop.
And now you're a cop.
And now you're a cop.
And now you're a cop.
And now you're a cop.
And now you're a cop.
And now you're a cop.
And now you're a cop.
And now you're a cop. And now you're a cop. And now you're a cop. We are all we're getting it. If we're a confusion.
You feel like you feel like carry, carry Bradshaw
or whatever, but it's sex in the city.
A delicious cocktail, some trendy food.
I'm in New York in 1997.
I am a good toilet place to eat.
It's called Faux Hung on high street in Preston.
It looks like shit.
Yeah. But the food.
You'll have MSG dreams for the rest of your life.
That's right.
But it's fucking insane.
They deep fry a quail and garlic and chili.
Oh, it's easy.
But MSG totally safe, it's fine.
Yeah, it's all right.
He's a question.
Are you guys doing any, I know we're going over time.
I think you're for fuck.
So you, whatever you say.
So you guys, you guys have been in Melbourne now long enough
in most of your lives and almost all of your lives.
Yeah, yeah.
Where do you go for your best band, me?
Oh, that's, I know.
Okay, because I got one and it causes a lot of issues
amongst friends.
I don't think about it.
For me, please.
Without a question, it's Newlan.
Yeah, so you go fuck yourself, okay?
Fuck you!
Is that the one where you used to go?
No, fuck that place, it's the street.
No, sunny bakery, in front of...
No, you can't, no, I used to live next door to fuck.
Sunny bakery is so good.
Now I prefer the one, Ang Lee, is that...
I think that place does a better,
if you're doing Smith Street, by me.
I can go to the other place.
I'd go rolled.
I'd go rolled.
But I think Newlands better than both of those plays.
Your facts.
I saw in Bakery's fantastic.
And then you asked him for the chicken leftover that they didn't cut up.
And he just ate it.
Look, a great a disagree.
A great a disagree.
But supper in is a great recommendation if you're ever looking for a late night food.
No, okay, supper in will get you laid and I'll tell you why.
Okay, bros.
Wait, you just go to supper in your order there and someone will fuck you.
You're thinking of a brothel.
Ah! Look, they look the same.
That's called sucker in.
So this is my usual...
Can I... I'm gonna see my keep going.
Yeah, that's a good one.
So, this is my usual dates.
Okay, this is how I...
So just for context, anyone's still still listening we wrestled this man once
We we were fighting for our now. We're talking about the hotspots to eat in Melbourne. Yeah
Go on. This is how you this is how you get late
In my mind, right? So my first thing is on my first date. I'll take him to you know, easy's yeah
Yeah, so easy's his owned by a friend of mine
right yeah yeah yeah yeah it's fuck off I got the special fuck you fuck you I love
fucking serious I love Dim sim's so much Dim sim's inside a burger what a genius
and they have you had their homemade I've not oh my my god. That's fantastic. You've got a seat. It's fantastic. So I've got like a special membership card that gets me 20% off.
Fuck you.
That's right.
So great place.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So I'll go to Eason and because they know me there as soon as I walk in,
like, gee, no back, fuck, and gee, no high fives.
And whoever I'm with is going, oh,
it's nice.
And this is the tram, yeah?
Is for anyone in the state of overseas overseas this is on the top of a building
You know train you say train. It's an old tram. It's not right. Oh, no, it is a common train. Sorry. Yeah, sorry
Oh trains old met match them what do they call it? No, no, they're pretty complex
They're on the fucking dog now're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, they're pretty conic, You will. Anyway, what will be pointing? Who will be pointing at another story?
So, so, so, uh, let me finish.
You got it easy.
You got it easy.
It's fucking okay.
Easy, fantastic.
That's a good place for me because I get to high five.
It's like a soprano, you know, walking.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
This guy's connected.
This guy's nose.
But if you want to be like, uh, a bit for a confency, you go out drinking in the city.
Maybe a trendy bar, I don't know maybe a Berlin bar something something interesting maybe young
Jackson's okay I'm gonna story me that place but you know like maybe like that
hidden bad behind the bookshelf whatever the pinball bar yeah all that place
down the lane way down the lane way the fake the fake science lab yeah whatever
oh nitro nitro, nitro lab?
No, that's a ice cream choice.
That's an ice cream place.
And then you go, hold, let's grab something to eat.
I've heard of this bean.
There you've been, 100 times.
I've heard of this place called Saperine.
And then you walk down this alleyway
is a little bit of a mysterious, you know, what's up?
There's some.
The stairs.
The stairs.
And then you walk in and they treat you like
you've been there a hundred times.
And they give you the, you know, there you go.
You sit down and then you eat amazing food.
Well, we're talking about where we get you.
They do hot pots there, the hot pots.
Futs the hot pot.
You get Chinese donuts with exosauce.
What's exosauce?
They're exosauce comes with pipis
and you take the pieces salty and sweet. You get the get the Chinese doughnut, you take the Pippie
out of the shell, you put it in the doughnut and eat like a sandwich. What's
Pippies? Pippies are like a good use for fishing. Yeah, a little like a little
clam. Like a tiny little prawn. I'm not a prawn. Not a clam. There's a clam.
Yeah, it's prawn. It's nothing like a prawn. I have no idea. I have no idea.
But anyway, hey, where's spaghetti out of Ungla's nothing like a prong. I have no idea. I have no idea.
But anyway.
Hey, where's spaghetti other vongolais?
I'm going to go on top of it for a moment here.
Okay, please.
I was out for dinner for my mother's birthday on Sunday.
My grandmother got the trout.
I said, I don't normally order seafood.
She said, well, trout doesn't come from the sea.
It's an inland fish.
What do you call that? What do you call it?
What do you call that seafood? Is that seafood? That's just seafood. It's not Lake food.
No, you don't have to say seafood.
It's fish, isn't it? That's a tough little thing.
You can't really live. Fuck a fish. What about a yummy?
I guess you said fresh water. Okay, what about a fresh water cray? You get a fresh water cray. What are you yabby? What about a yabby? I guess you said first word. Okay, what about a first word of cry?
You get a first word of cry?
What are you gonna call that?
What are you gonna call it?
It's a shellfish.
That are fuck off.
It's a shellfish.
But I would put it under the seafood umbrella, of course.
But it's not.
It's from a Creek River.
Yeah, but-
By the river goes into the sea.
Wait, ten?
Oh no, ducks.
I was gonna say we tend not to eat birds that fly. What?
The ducks and the course we do it. Who told you the files?
That's a lie. I just thought of that then. But so why'd you say it? Because there was a thought I had
Anniheli exception is penguins ducks ducks. I'm not saying no ones have eaten a pink no I'm saying I'm making chicken ducks and chickens are
It's why I'm a real while duck chickens pigeon you can eat pigeon who the fuck's eight in a pigeon?
Aliens a pigeon pie you can have a pigeon pie you can eat most things We said why did you say that because I said me
You heard it in your head and you went, this is dumb and you went,
ah, can't beat anything.
Because this is my podcast
that we haven't taken a week off in three years.
So I just say shit that's in my head.
Yeah, that's dumb.
There are a lot of birds that we eat don't fly.
The bulk of the birds that we eat don't fly.
I'm like, fly.
No, no, no, no, no, no, we don't.
We don't eat hawks, we don't eat magpies, we don't, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,'t fly. The only bird we eat that doesn't, rather, majority is chicken.
What do Iels?
Ducks don't fly.
Not that much.
No, I can't fly.
Iels don't fly.
I can't fly.
Not that much.
No, they fly.
Not a heap.
That's a lie.
They don't sit up.
Pigeons will fly like that.
Okay, from Sydney to Melbourne with that land.
Besides a chicken.
Ducks don't really fly.
Are you fucking stupid ducks? That's my duck when thanks that's done really fly I you fucking
that's my
that's the flight
the surprise
the surprise
turn this on me
that's the number one
for you
I forgot about the
I don't
I don't
I forgot about it
the whole first season of
surprise is about that
oh my
I remember
I look like a
I said something a little silly but we, I was already down the garden path that
I didn't start back to Broughton being the dumb guy.
No, I look all on it.
Ducks fly.
Pigeons fly.
It's a dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Ducks don't.
You know what she was?
I'm going to say, Broughton, I'm going to say something to you.
I want a little hard on you before with the work because now that I'm getting it thrown at me
It feels pretty right on my own
I was pretty bloody rotten. I know we're over time
But I just want to map this out because it's really upset me. I am a dumb kind
Boys on a dumb kind
How can you say the majority of birds we eat don't fly?
But he's the one who one of you You fucking sit in
What are you guys doing?
You're not
You're trying to be the best friend
You said it
You said the majority of birds we eat don't fly
He didn't say that
He said quails don't fly
I would say
I'm gonna try and save myself here
I would say the I'm going to try and save myself here. I would say the majority of the bird dishes that we eat are from birds that don't fly.
That's incorrect. Because we mostly eat chicken.
No, okay. You're going in on a technicality.
Hold on, hold on. You're saying, okay, this is what I want to say about this. When you say the amount of dishes we eat per flight bird,
right, if that's what we're gonna call it.
Flight bird.
Now I'm the dumb can't think.
Right, I went to the school in the north,
I can't speak well.
So, what I'm saying is chicken is one dish.
No, yeah, I'll, I'll, I'll say.
And also, and also as well, like, you got to include China, and they're in a lot of duck. Yeah. No, yeah, I'll, uh, you can't say that. And also, and also as well, like, you got to include China.
And they're in a lot of duck.
That's it.
Okay, so, uh, I, I am going to step up.
I'm going to say I said something stupid.
And I want to say that I've been a dumb cunt.
Yeah, I think that's right.
Zach Ruhane is a dumb cunt and he'll own that.
I can, all I'm saying is I can understand where,
why you would think that.
There's two big birds we eat.
You got duck and chicken.
They're the most common that we eat.
Okay, but I don't know.
And that's a 50-50 split.
Well, we're going off topic
about what I'm trying to prove my point
about how silly that comment was.
Okay, chicken doesn't fly.
But it can kind of flap over a thing.
Keep going.
I'm trying to make a point.
Go, Jim. Thank you. I'm a guest you are a guest. I'm sorry, Jane
I'm trying to defend myself, but under dumb cunt here. Okay. Thank you for admitting that so
Chicken yeah, okay chicken can't fly technically. That's what we're saying. Yeah, I put that in the
That's locked away duck can fly on He's so so we're one and one. That's what I're saying. Yeah, I put that in the That's locked the way duck can fly on
He's so show we're one and one. That's what I'm saying. Okay, hold on
pigeon fly
two and one
Yeah, but pigeon isn't and I'm not defending anyone. Geno. I'm on your side. You say pigeons don't fly
I'm not saying pigeons don't fly. I'm not saying pigeons don't fly. I don't want the street
I would say Turkey is the next most popular bird thing.
No pigeon, that turkey.
What I was about to say was that pigeon is not very commonly eaten amongst Westerners.
I don't give a fuck.
You still eat them.
We're not talking about what the last time you said pigeon.
Oh, he's...
Shut me up. Okay.
So, okay, turkey and chicken, duck and pigeon.
But pigeon isn't eaten to the degree.
I don't know, hold on a second.
That's not what we're saying.
All right, now that's what I'm saying.
What's eating?
I know, I'm trying to say,
is I can understand why the two dumb consorts.
I just, let me just win.
Okay, chicken and turkey in the basket over here. Duck and pigeon.
That's a flying bird.
I would say 50-50 on that.
Let's look at the doofquails migrate.
If quails migrate, they're flying bird.
They don't migrate.
So what? The quails are in one spot.
That's why I'm asking.
I don't know. They literally fucking hop around man when we look this up do quails fly I just
not the way I thought this podcast would go they're very sociable bird they
often gather in small flocks called covis or flocks they are somewhat laid
back birds preferring to walk on the ground RUN! Perfuring!
But if startled they can't explode into flight at a speed of up to 40 miles per hour.
That's pretty fast.
That's a pretty fast.
However, however, however, however,
Quail cannot endure long flight.
That's not what we said.
I'm saying it's fiddie-fiddie.
Okay, so if I were to fly,
I'd just fly, no hold up. If I said, let's go outside, dumb cunts, I'm gonna fly, and I fucking got up on the ground and went 40 miles an hour,
down the fucking string here, would you say, no, you can't fly.
You wouldn't, you'd say no, you can't fly, you can't fly.
In the interest of...
Yeah, that's the last thing we'd be saying if you flew down the street of 40 miles an hour.
I'd be saying, geez, Jenna got some good stuff over on it.
I just want to say another thing, in the interest of full disclosure.
A little fact here from a website on the internet.
Depending on the breed,
chickens will reach heights of about 10 feet
and can span distances of just 40 or 50 feet.
But chickens can fly.
Okay, so I'm right.
And I just want to apologize to everyone.
I want to apologize to our listeners.
It's not a big flyer.
No, but this is the educational podcast.
Sure. You can't spew the educational podcast sure you can't
Spu lies, but do you know what would have happened here? And this is the lesson I think bringing to you know on has is is is good for
I could have held on to my anger you could have held on to those ideas that chickens don't fly that that
We'd but that the majority of birds aren't that we eat aren't flying birds
I could have held on to that anger
and I could have taken you on in the wrestling ring once again.
But you know what?
I owned up to my mistakes.
Yeah, and in a lot of ways, that's the harder thing to do.
And that makes you more of a good person.
I'm better than Gino because of that.
Yes. And that's a good place toeno because of that. Yes.
That's a good place to leave it this week.
You've got to fly to catch to England.
Not today, in 10 minutes.
I should have been at the airport.
It was in the lounge.
It was an absolute pleasure wrestling with you.
Thank you for letting us into the world of wrestling for us.
No, thank you.
We were very scared of doing it and it was very lovely and when you guys were all fantastic,
I think you're an MCW and everyone there as well.
Yeah, we should probably mention them.
Are you wrestling at MCW next?
I'm taking the rest of the year off at this stage.
I have a lot of overseas commitments.
We should promote the next show.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
In Melbourne City Wrestling. They did buy us a steak, which is. It is the proper, the next show. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Norman City Wrestling.
They did buy a steak with it.
It is the proper, the best show in town.
It's fantastic.
It really is.
It's probably the best in Australia.
You genuinely will not believe,
even if you have had no interest in wrestling
at all before in your life,
you go to a MCW show and you will leave a fan.
Yeah, you won't be disappointed.
And if you've never been wrestling before, it's even more of a reason to go.
Got a new horizons, MCW, what date is it?
Saturday, 31st of August.
So next weekend, at the Thomary Theatre, go to MCD wrestling to come back.
We had a handful of Donner fans come who had never been to wrestling before, just
weren't came to see us and all of them were like,
I'm going again next month.
But in the meantime, G-N-O, do you have anything you want to plug?
Uh, no.
Just your Instagram?
No, I'm my T-Shirts.
Pro Wrestling T-Shirts.
I love your T-Shirts, by the way.
Which one? The fuck you do?
No, the one with your face on the key.
Oh, yeah, you wear it?
What? I wear it all the time.
Because it's such a beautiful fit and such a great quality. No, the one with your face on key. Oh yeah, you wear it. What? I wear it all the time.
Because it's such a beautiful fit and such a great quality.
I've put it through the wash.
It's not fucked.
I love it, man.
Thank you so much.
No, thank you guys for honestly being really respectful in how you took really professional
stance coming into wrestling.
It means a lot to us.
Oh, a lot of pleasure.
We've had guys before. we had Seb Costello.
He was fantastic as well.
It's really nice to see someone coming
and take it for the sport that it is.
Yeah, it's awesome.
So thank you.
Absolutely pleasure.
That's the end of this podcast.
Anything else we have to say?
I'll say it again, I set it up the top.
But Price Park has got to show next Wednesday night
in Melbourne, which is Tom. Tom's project. That's nice. show next Wednesday night in Melbourne which is
Tom Tom's project at the gasometer in Melbourne it's gonna be an awesome gig
come check it out this podcast a bit more like a normal podcast this week if you
notice that yeah I was like yeah I felt like a regular Joe Rogan oh my god
hey boy I'm Joe Rogan but it was still funny silly and goofy
I feel like I'm on guys we fucked that other big podcast
Yeah, anyway
We'll catch you
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