Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 164 - Footy and Jan de Bont feat. Ben Russell
Episode Date: September 3, 2019Get around Ben: insty: @ bonrissole twitter: @ BenRussells  Join The Aunty Donna Club: ht...tps:// for privacy information.
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And welcome to the Undyne on the Podcast where we talk all things sketch comedy and footy, the footy events of the week.
We've got a lot of exciting stuff here. The Bombers bounce back from big loss to the Bulldogs this week.
But we've got some funny sketches that Mark's written as written some sketches so we're going to come and do that.
We've also got a very special guest, director Jan DeBont.
He's in today, he's going to be talking about his new album.
But firstly, as always, it's my man on the left, it's Mark banana.
Here you go.
I'm going good, mate.
I'm going good.
Yeah, that was a tough defeat for the old bombers over the weekend.
The bullies got up there.
I call them the bullies.
That's just a little nickname I've given them because they're the team I support.
Yeah. I'll tell you what I've been playing football for some time now.
Is that all rusted Johnston? Yeah, Russell Johnston, all time, all Australian, all rounder,
do one percenters through the guts. No, one percenters. I'm all about the one percent is and you know when I was
playing for Westies and and the goers I always said to myself you know this just one game to time.
Yeah, one game at a time, one foot in front of the game. That's the thing you don't realize about one
percent is one percent is there's 99 percent. Yeah then there's the one percent
That's the stuff that you've got to look for, they're the people that hold all the wealth, you know, they own
In football, yeah well the one percent they own, you know, they're football still
I don't, you know, I'm not sure that we're in big
What do you mean you're not sure? That's why we want to occupy them
We mean you're not sure, I was just bullshit-ing about that.
I know you've got it before.
I don't know.
Listen, what you need to understand.
Capitalism is broken.
You're talking about 1% performance or the top earners in football.
You said you said world wealth?
1% own half the wealth.
If not more, if not more.
In football?
Are you talking about the players?
I'm talking about 1% it's like when you get in there and you get it out.
That's not a stat, you're not getting that stat on the numple.
Yeah, but you're not, no, no, no, no, you just get it out.
You just get it out.
You just get it out.
That's not, you're not getting, you're not getting a stat sheet for that.
Maybe with a spoil, maybe with a golden, maybe with a goldmegal,
and you scream it through and that's what makes it the game.
Yeah, that's what makes it the game the game the same.
Yeah, I know what makes, I know what makes football But I fucking it in the fucking story. We're saying we're saying 1%
Control the majority of the world. The world's wealth when you say that are you talking about football? Yeah
Are you saying 1% of
I'm a bloody old Australian all round I can't I've been playing 40 for 30 years 40 years years, and I don't appreciate you coming in here
and questioning whether this is
or isn't about football, which it's not.
Zach, what are your thoughts?
Hi, so when I hear one percent,
I think of the biker gangs.
That's more confusing.
One percent, I think of the very few amount
of motorcycle enthusiasts that use that as a cover
for drug dealing.
One thing for sure, that if you drink and drive, you're a bloody idiot.
Yeah, that's very well covered on the Antidonna podcast.
If you drink and drive, you're a bloody idiot.
You are.
That's right.
Don't get behind the wheel if you've had a few.
It's, it's, it's a, what so what you think you think you've had two beers
And you're gonna be all right. How about just have no beers?
You drive the risk it earth is slowly heating up because of our use of fossil fuels
It's called the greenhouse and now it's time to go sliding doors all right sliding doors
Where we talk about each footy club and what's on store for them this week and you know how it goes we go if that's the case then that's the case you know in a main sliding doors sliding doors
So we got the first satellite crows if Adelaide this week want to prove that they were something then
Color their hair
They'll get Grebus Matthews out there
You know they put them on the bench too much
I say, Greba's Matthews.
Do you think that you see Rea-ly gets it in there?
Do you ever think that if the bombers just got on that train?
We're doing sliding doors.
Yeah, bear with me.
Do you think if the bombers just got on that train,
the results on the weekend would be different?
No, you're what you're doing, mate.
You're confusing this little segment sliding doors with the Gwenfpultrow film sliding doors.
But would you not argue that if the bombers had gotten on that frame that their life would have turned out very different?
And maybe they could have gotten one up on the bully.
Hey, on someone's at the door. Someone's at the footy door.
Come here.
Your boys!
This is it's us, is it who I think it is it's my Nana. It's none offensive
I'm so glad to have none offensive back on the back each other
I should have told you boys respect each other. You got to respect yourself
You know and it's all about being responsible. I
Should have told you boys. I should have told you boys non-offensive. I
didn't I forgot to bring my lunch so non-offensive has brought an eggplant palm
and I want to say non-offensive for me to eat and that looks absolutely delicious.
Is that a breadcrumb? Sip it up. Um, wrap it up. Yeah. Have a little sip of it.
It seems. Nanna. Nanna. Nanna offensive. You have assimilated so well into Australian culture
that even your bit of your accent, in fact,
all of your accent is completely gone.
I mean, I think that's great.
You know, that's what's a great thing.
Well, you know, if you come to this country,
you've got to learn the law.
That's slightly offensive.
That's slightly offensive.
It's a character saying that.
Yeah, it's a character saying that.
It's not offensive. She's not offensive. I'm not yeah, yeah, it's not a she's not offensive
I'm not offensive, but you know I know that appreciate people coming in here and rubbing up
Okay, that's offensive
So much there
I know your none of it. I question. It sounds like you're being offensive I ask a question. Yeah, what do you think of oceans 13? Listen? I thought it was probably
Probably the best of all the oceans
El Puccino
13 is the one
Ocean's ocean's ocean's ocean's ocean's ocean's ocean's A? Ocean's A, what do they have to do that?
I see their areas.
What is that?
There we have it.
Just, okay, all the risk goes past us.
Oh no.
You're right, no, no.
You're not offensive, you're being offensive.
I think I've made it offensive.
I don't know if I'm not offensive,
but I've never said she wasn't offensive.
I think we've made a terrible mistake.
I always thought your name was not offensive.
It seems it's not offensive. Can I ask a question non-offensive?
I've got a property at the moment and I can walk straight to my neighbor's house. There's nothing blocking the way.
What's the thing I could get a fence in there? Get a barrier, maybe some topiary.
Non-offensive. But it's bloody millennials these days. They need to
Spool this stuff, stop spamming them on avocados.
What's your offensive? What do you think of Alan Jones?
I think he's a good boy.
Oh, I know.
All right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right.
You haven't heard what he said about the New Zealand Prime Minister.
Oh, she's all about, oh yeah, whatever.
Oh, oh.
Okay, you're a virgin on offensive, you know.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
One more slip up like that and 2GB's gonna fire you.
You know, this is the shame on me though,
because I think I made assumptions about you non-affensive.
You should be taken away from your parents.
Oh no, I know you're offensive.
Oh no, it's really a big issue.
You're really tapping on this line, alright? Your toe tapping.
But is this a problem that of what non-offensive is saying,
or what we assumed she was going to say?
But you've got to be taken away to your parents and put in a beautiful home
Some relief from being such good parents and also
People should stop putting their culture
All of them are friends because I'm loving it because I love it so much
Because I'm loving it because I love it so much
Because you love it so much His churns is a good boy bow. I wish he wouldn't say such bad thing
No, the fence if we got you all wrong the issue was we were cutting her off
Your thoughts on Chinese people I think that
I'm sorry your thoughts on Chinese people I think that's
Doesn't make sense But you are right they are lovely beautiful people my question is is it still foot is this still football?
Well, I imagine that our next guest is gonna get the footy podcast back on track
I imagine that our next guest is gonna get the footy podcast back on track
Gary Ebblett Gary Ebblett
Gary Ebblett, Jr. Madad was a superstar in the world
You know they used to call your dad God, you know why why because he would punish people when they did bad things
Oh, that's not good. I'm Gary Ebblett, Jr. But I just go, but Gary Albert, now they've got me on my dad
because I've stepped up.
Gary Albert, you're playing in the four-in-line.
What has that meant for you this year?
I kick a footy kick it into the goal!
Gary Ben Russell here.
Hi Ben!
Gary, a lot of people say that you've got a weird flavored muckhole.
Yeah, everyone says that.
Hey, big, can I tell you a secret?
Everyone thinks I'll wear a hat because it's cool.
Actually, I'm losing my hair.
No, you're bold, you're very bold.
Oh, my ass, I'm put on a hat.
No, I just want to go to school.
But we want to get back to this mackerel
because there have been reports that it's like burnt out cigarettes.
Now, what is it that you're putting in your muck hole?
I mean, I got a bit of a culture problem at the time. A bit of a culture problem. Not my fault. It's my muck hole
Yeah, right. The daily mail have shots of you thumming doughnut
Through your muck
Yeah, what's all that about? What's all about? You take it! You kick it in the gall, pop it up, you burn hole!
That's where the cultural problem is,
there's other boys in the tank that I get it!
That's a cultural problem, it's a rotten...
It's a rotten detainee!
When Israel Fallout did that post where he said that homosexuals were sinners and you don't tell...
You liked that?
Yeah, I said you were like, what's happening?
I thought he said, here, good spotty! Right, right. You liked that yeah
Right, okay, common misconception yeah, I think a lot of people thought that you thought when he said homosexuals are going to hell
You thought he said how good
Can't disagree with that. What if I saw him on? Yeah. So this is to the muck hole.
Soon after you liked that tweet,
you were spotted pouring mustard into the muck hole,
squirting it around, and then you scooted it around,
and you rubbed it all over.
What do you think about sort of the Israel sort of occupation
of Palestine and the coast?
Separate to Israel.
Separate to Israel for
well he's a thing I wanted a hot dog for lunch and how you gonna have a hot dog without
mustard and mustard tasting yeah yeah yeah all out of fish are from the shops
yeah to put up your mackerel get some tang so yeah because there was there was a
there was a report didn't you long all the time and the new boys that I get it so that because there was a report
There was a report recently some photos of you from women's weekly of you are flame grilling your gooch
Yeah, and and and so that brings up the question is
How do you think what do you think of of Trump's latest
Policy on climate change I think I think that Trump is you know, he's as influential as the later is
Putin or president G and we give him an unnecessary amount of attention considering we're in Australia not America
I think that's a very good point. I think what are your thoughts on president G?
I don't know who that is. How good is 40 though?
40 is when the boys get up there my boys
How good is Fuddy though? Fuddy is when the boys get up there.
My boys!
Um, with a mark, or a specky.
And now a word from our sponsors.
I'm not a boy.
I'm not a boy.
I'm not a boy.
And my cheap or farmhouse swap bar.
Wobber your way, your taste, your size,
Two single, double or triple,
And try the new farmhouse swap bar with crispy onions.
Wobber your way at hungry jack flame grill?
They flame flame grill don't they yeah, that's very interesting
Chicken in the go what I'm a bold little boy
I just want to be a little boy mom ball you dad was bald as well
Yeah, but I wear a hat and then no one at school
he's nose on bald.
Do you compare hints?
You and your pup?
My pup, he gave, I got to play in the team.
He got to play in, cause it's special.
We're all for dads.
What do you mean?
Well, they go, you know what?
You can get to pick a play, gotta do it fear,
but if your dad play, I get to play.
So I say, I wanna play dad game.
Can I ask you a question? Yeah, do you seriously think that Israel for our said how good hoodie?
Yeah, I saw that post I thought I don't have time to read I got get to a big footy meeting
But he's not just about kicking the ball
It's about going here there and having meetings. I was in a rush. I thought he said how good
Good boy now Gary Abelichel Jr It's time for science hour
Yeah, the best part of the footage show and in a science out we have none other than acclaimed astrophysicist
What's his name? Sorry
Yeah, Neil de Graz Tyson. Thank you. Yeah, Neil deGrasse Tyson, thank you.
We have Neil deGrasse Tyson in the studio.
Hello there.
How are you?
It's Neil deGrasse Tyson here.
How are you?
How are you?
A little Gary Abel Jr.
You're going to see Mark Banana.
It's so good to have you here.
You could just turn that down a little bit.
You could just turn that down a little bit.
Neil deGrasse Tyson.
Hey, how are you?
You were saying on a tweet that you isn't a thing.
What's it that I love when you use it the boys?
Well, absolutely.
I think people have fun at New Year's.
That's an exciting thing to do, absolutely.
But think about the world's circulation.
I'm going to be.
Cressy Tyson, you have slept with so many people's wives.
Oh, yeah, absolutely.
And that you've almost lost count.
What is that number at the moment?
Well, that's exactly right.
You haven't lost count.
I know the number.
It is 4,972.
And that's a lot of wives.
Married women who I've known their partner
and slept with them many times.
And the Grammy Pison, you love to eat chicken,
chicken burgers made out of from McDonald's,
but do you also like their nuggets?
Well, that's an interesting question.
They're from the Flamin' World Wappers at Hungry Jacks, and I also like the McDonald's
Quarter Pounder.
And the Grassy Bison.
We of course.
The Grassy Bison.
On this...
Oh my God. On the... goodbye. I'm gonna miss it.
I'm gonna miss it.
We've caused, I'm gonna miss it.
The best part of this podcast, my favorite part,
is where football is writing questions.
Science questions.
Yeah, absolutely.
And they want to know.
So it's time for an ad break.
Oh, thanks, it's a Gracie.
So this question comes in from Lee Matthews.
Not Lee Mac?
No, no Lee Matthews.
I believe a Hawthorne player.
And a Collier.
And he wants to know Lee Matthews says,
Hi Grassi.
First time fan, long time listener.
Which among the following waves is used for communication by artificial satellites?
Is it the frequency of 101 series waves, radio, AM, or micro waves?
And so that's of course from Lee Matthews, that's our hits base multiple choice questions.
Oh, we got to guess.
I-oh, where are the questions?
No, no, no, what's the answer?
Hey guys, it's me, Jander Bond. Oh hello Jander Bond!
Hey Jander!
Just want to say it's been a long time and I've missed you.
Jander, yeah, if someone's just tuning in to the Anidana podcast first time, catch us
up on who you are.
Okay, well, I am a claimed director, okay?
I had a really cool kind of like career
in the early 2000s, 90s, things like that.
I directed speed, you know, really upon it.
You directed speed?
Yeah, but I, you know, I fell on tough times
and it's all because of that Steven Spielberg.
Oh, no.
Did you, how much of the sexual tension between Kiana Raves and Sandra Bullock was your direction,
or just sort of, just on set chemistry?
Here you go.
Chander Bond, good times, come on.
I'm gender Bond, I'm gender Bond.
Chander Bond, good times, come on. I'm gender Bond, I'm gender bond, yeah Gender bond, good times, come on
I'm gender bond, I'm gender bond, yeah
I've got a little career
I've done a, I'm a Dutch cinematographer, yeah
I like to produce the films
But I directed some of the best films.
Oh, yeah.
Let's Janderbond and Janderbond.
Hey, I also directed Coojo and I Hard.
The hunt for the Red October.
Janderbond. It's up to you. It's up to me. It's up to everyone. for the red October bridge. Jaaaaand, uh, Bond.
It's up to you.
It's up to me.
It's up to everyone.
It's a beautiful world.
Well, no, well.
Jand Bond!
Jaaaaand, uh, Bond.
Good, that.
Jand Bond.
Jand Bond.
Jand Bond.
You know, when I was a directing twister,
a little bit of crazy, a little trivia, yeah,
as that Bill Paxton, he thought he was afraid of his own hands.
So, yeah, he was afraid of his own hands.
So, we couldn't have any of his hands, any of the shots.
And if you watch it back, you'll notice that we never get...
Bill Paxton's real hands.
No, yeah, yeah, of course it's real. I'm gender bond
Gender bond now
A gender bond and gender bond
Gender bond now
I'm a gender bond
You are gender bond
Gender bond now
Come on Let's all gender bond and have a jander Bond.
Three minutes left.
Jander Bond now!
What's it all about?
Your personal life, Jander.
I got divorced in 19...
It's it.
1988, okay, but I've got a wife called Trishna.
And we stood together and cut happy
Well Jen the bond can you tell us about your time directing Lara Croft Tomb Raider the cradle of life?
Yeah, you know people were like hey, we need to get another lot of croft movie
Now I was like why don't we just do the same movie?
With the same one with Angelina John. No, I know. Yes, okay. I'm gender bond you not gender bond
Okay, and it was the same movie as the sequel like it was the two movies are the one movie together
A lot of people don't know that you could layer on number one and number two and you'd be like really this is the same movie
Exactly, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was a direct oral choice.
You should do movies, or did you just release the same movie twice?
We shot another movie, but we did a shut for shot remake of the first glory.
With the same actor.
With the same actor.
Different villain though.
Gender bond.
It's a pretty horny movie, but the original glory cross.
But you know, I'm a horny guy, you know, I've been married once, been married twice, but three times a lady, eh?
Ha ha ha ha.
Jander Bond, now.
Jander Bond, it's Jander Bond.
Come on, you're my gender Bond.
You're the most fun guest.
Jander Bond, that's right.
What do you come on this podcast?
Because I've got to tell people that Steven Spielberg,
you know, he cooked me off a movie, he cooked me off a minority report and I'm still cut up about it.
I'm trying to get people to say, hey, let's...
Jander Bond, you know.
Jander Bond, I'm so sorry.
I didn't realize there was a sequel to the original Lara Croft Tomb Raider story.
Ah, well that's okay, Jolly.
Don't even sweat about it.
I had no idea.
I came out on DVD and then I had the cinemas.
Jander, what I did Spielberg kick you off.
Did he ever tell you?
Well, he didn't like the movie The Haunting.
It scared him, you know.
It really scared him. He got scared.
He got spooked.
Yeah, you're saying that Steven Spielberg kicked you off
minority report because he, the movie,
a horror movie you made was too scary.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I mean, you could jump real well. And Catherine Zeta Jones. You remember that scary. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, if you could jump real well.
And Catherine Zeta Jones.
You remember that one?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Catherine was great, okay, but she does not like bugs.
She has she not bugged fam?
It's bugs live.
It's ants.
You know, so she doesn't like animated films.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, that's very different.
Or live action films about bugs.
It doesn't like any
That's why you'll never found her in a bug related
Movie oh, that's fascinating. Yeah, and when you think about it she hasn't been she's been in that movie with Sean Connery
But there was no that was in trap in trapman. She was in Titanic mini series. Yeah, no bugs in
That's sexy older woman and she was sleeping with the sexy young man
I think that was gender bond. That was your name.
Oh, right. Sorry. Okay.
Sometimes you get confused. Yeah, I get really confused.
But, you know, I've got one of 17 children, you know, big family.
Do you have 17? You have one of 17. I don't have 17.
And are you in the middle? Are you first? You're the eldest?
You're the second. You're the second?
You're the third?
I have to feel.
What does it feel like?
What do you feel like?
Do you tell me?
I reckon you're about the 13th.
Yeah, I reckon I am, eh?
I hate you.
You're the same team.
That's a lot of children.
Yeah, same team, that's a lot of children.
Jen, do you know any other Dutch filmmakers?
Do you catch up in Hollywood, ever?
I try not to watch them, you know?
I want to keep like...
LAUGHTER I want to keep like... I want to keep like...
I don't want to be too heavily influenced by my peers.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I try not to watch any other.
I try the same thing to not be too heavily influenced by my peers.
That's why I stay away from docs.
I live in LA, Los Angeles, California, La La Land.
Where do you live in La La Land, there's suburbs?
Probably like Hollywood. West Hollywood, that's a beautiful place to raise your children. You live up in the hills, La La Land. Really? Where do you live in La La Land, there's suburbs? Probably like Hollywood.
West Hollywood, that's a beautiful place to raise your children.
You live up in the hills, Jan.
Do you live on the hills?
Do you live on Hollywood hills?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Right, right, right, right, right.
Yeah, me and Angelina Jolie, we had crap.
We spoke in different, we spoke, we made our own language.
What was it called?
Skibi, Skibi.
So Jan, something we'd like to do on this podcast when we have special guests on is we like
to play them back an interview of them being interviewed on a film set. And you just tell
us how you think you would respond to those questions so they're different to at that
time. So we've got some footage of you, Jan, to bond being interviewed on Tomb Raider,
the cradle of life. And a lot of people don't know this,
but I was a producer on equilibrium.
Where are you?
You're really?
It's a fucking sick film.
Is that the one with the gun carata?
Yeah, it's a fucking carata.
It's the made up gun carata.
I was sitting around and we were like,
what if we just fat with guns?
We've got a lot of matrix vibes to this.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's very different.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. What if we fight with guns? What if we fight with guns and they were like, that's a great Yeah, yeah, yeah, it came in it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, what if we fight with gun with guns
No, like that's a great idea
No, that was in the way you were all war that reminds me of a song that I'm releasing
I'm actually releasing a new album for really or anyone greatest huts
Oh, I can't wait to hear some of those numbers. Yeah, well, I'd like to sing one for you, but let's play this
Actually, I'm doing all the stuff this. Yeah, see that one.
To believe that Lara Croft is that unique, that's special, that's fantastic, that edgy,
then you better see the person do it and then you find some of these.
So Angelina did her own stun all of you.
Yeah, you know, I was like, Angelina, you've got this crazy rock and board.
Okay, it's time to put that silver suit.
Yeah, and she was like,
do I need to go into this silver swimsuit?
I was like, you absolutely do.
People have a rad to know.
During the filming of this film,
was she trying to break up Brad and Angelina
or was she like, I've got to break up Jennifer?
Brad and Jennifer.
I want Brad Pitt.
Yeah, and I'm like,
so she hadn't done it yet
Just watch out because you know I've been married once. Yeah, you know, you've been married three times
I mean you know one point at that point
Well, you had met Trish. Yes, I had so Trish was your angelina and you were and you were referring to your I was
Maddy to a Dutch actress Monique van Vandevin. Oh, of course. Between 1973 and 1998.
So what are your thoughts on,
are you team Jennifer or are you team Angelina?
You know what, I love Jennifer.
I love her.
Have you brought her?
No, but I've seen her.
I was in the shops right, I was getting coffee.
And I saw her across the street.
Yeah, where were we getting coffee from?
Just this nice little coffee place.
It's called a brew.
A brew.
A brew.
A brew.
A brew.
Where's that? It's just in Hollywood, California, Los Angeles, La La Land,
Tincentan, you know.
Look it up, man.
It's where I live.
Where I live.
It's where you live in what?
A brew.
Yeah, I live and work.
I mix business with pleasure.
Anyway, so you're out of brew. What did you order? I ordered a long black. Yeah, I live and work I mix business with pleasure
Anyway, so you're at a brew what did you order? I ordered a long black. Oh wow in LA. Yeah long black
Snake just joking. What's a joke? That's a gender bond and they gave me this crazy snake Why would you order a snake? Because that's what we do in LA, you know like start your day with a snake
I don't think they have long blacks because a lot of Americans come to Australia
and say what the fuck is a long black coffee.
Yeah, they call it a black coffee.
I'm not Australian, I'm Dutch filmmaker.
They call it an Americano.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but I don't believe in that.
I'm Dutch.
Do you know what they call,
this is called an Americano?
They call it a latte and American coffee with milk.
They have funny names for their coffees over there.
You know, it's weird that it's,
it's almost like it's a different country.
Yeah. It's a different country to Australia. It's a different country to Dutch.
No one's arguing that. No, it is Dutch.
It's a different country to all these different countries. Like they're all separate, okay?
Did you grow up in Dutch? I didn't, but I did as well.
Well, Nana moved over and I was a cinematographer and then I was like, hey,
why don't I direct it speed anyway?
We're taking up your time. You want to be doing a song for us. Yeah, please. What's your new release?
I'm a new release. It is a collection of some of my favorite songs. It's called gender bond
Does gender bond okay? I'm gonna say song. This is called nut bush gender bond
Here it is. You're hearing it for the first time nut bush gender bond five gender bond?
All right, you know the dance to you got to do the dance the gender bond dance. Yeah, everyone knows that
Gender bond gender bond
gender bond bond
Gender bond
It's Bond out
gender bond
gender bond
J.D. Bond out
J.D. Bond out
1997 was a great year wow what did I do?
You know I was involved in lethal weapon free 1997 was a great year. Wow, what did I do?
You know I was involved in lethal weapon free
What's the best thing? Oh, sorry. I should know the signing. I'm sorry It's sometimes it feels like conversation only sounds you know the hunt for red October
What a great movie I directed that submarines
gender bond
I directed that, submarines. Gender bond.
Gender bond.
You go to gender bond.
Gender bond.
You go to town.
You see gender bond.
You say, hey gender bond.
Why don't you come over, have a snake with me.
At a brew.
Sorry, I keep jumping.
I'm sorry, I keep jumping now.. Sorry, I can't jump in now.
It feels like the song leaves a worm for other people to come in and say.
Die hard, 1988. Imagine that. I had something to do with that.
What? Cinematographer. Yeah, wow.
You point the, you tell me which way to point it, and I point it.
That's when I was saying. Oh, and yeah, and you have a little bit to do with the lighting and stuff.
A lot to do with the lighting. Yeah. Yeah.
Are you talking to us?
This is a fish.
This is a song it's very...
Did you know that I had...
It's not.
It's a big end pre-production on an American Godzilla film.
For the summer of 1996.
But I quit the film.
At the end of 1994 when...
Really pictures...
When it proves my budget man.
Too scary.
No, they eventually replaced me with a Roland Emmerich.
Can you hear me?
No, Jander Bonds just sitting there in silence.
This is pretty recorded.
Jander Bonds.
Jander Bonds.
Jander Bonds.
Jander Bonds.
It sounds a lot like the Nutbush.
Jander Bonds.
I think it samples the Nutbush.
Right, right.
That's why, yeah, that's what it sounds familiar.
That's what I'm all about, you know,
I studied in Amsterdam,
and first came known in the Netherlands as the cinema photographer for the infamous
1971 film Blue Movie.
Is that Jans the Bond?
Yeah, well, I just it's not
I know that's what I was testing and that's the end of this
end of this
That was amazing yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
jende bon yeah
You are quite the polymath you you you have really got multiple light wives
Yeah, you know, the photographer I got multiple lives
Well, I don't have multiple lives. Well, I married.
It was Polyamor insane.
You've got a fuck lots of people or your married haves.
Oh no, you mean?
Yeah, it's a...
Polyamor is a different one, eh?
Yeah, they are.
Poly just means many or more people or...
Yeah, you know where guys, I've got to go, but before I go...
Did you just shoot your pants? I just shot my ass.
It's not what you do when you shoot your pants, you go shit.
Shit, I shot my pants.
You've got one last time before you go.
Oh no!
You can't keep peeing in your pants.
I feel like there's gotta be at least like a five minute grace period
This is the one shitting of your pants. Yeah, you should be pants multiple times. You heard it when you first gender bonk when he shits his pants sounds like this
Wow, that's amazing. So you sound the poo cover for the day. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It sounds like it's a sending.
It's my vibe.
It's the problem.
Yeah, anyway, it was a Sunday's song and we'll play it out.
Thanks so much for having me guys.
Look out for that Steven Spielberg, eh?
And this is your third single to come off your album,
Jander Bont does, Jander Bont.
What's it called?
What's it called?
Old Town De Bont.
Jander. is called Altairn de Bont. Jen.
Bont gonna make it Jen, gonna.
Jen, the Bont this time gonna have Jen de Bont gonna do some Bonts.
Can I do some Bont?
Let him sing!
What is he singing?
Or are we listening to the album?
Jen de Bont and Jen. Jen de Bont and to the album? Jender Bontan Jand!
Jender Bontan Jand!
Jender Bontan Jand!
No, I was trying to get his attention!
Jender Bontan Jand in 1999 was announced
that I would direct the adaptive ultimate for...
But 20th Century Fox and I wanted Nicole Kidman to start,
but she couldn't do it.
Jand Bont. Ah, Jand Bontan Bontan. That is prerecorded. And I wanted Nicole Kidman's star, but she couldn't do it Jander Bond
Oh, Jander Bond
That is pre-recorded
Jander Bond is now
Jander Bond to me
Jander Bond to you
Jander Bond now
And I go across and Jander
Jander Bond to now
I'm Jander Bond to how
Jander Bond to Jenny
Jander Bond to Jenny Jander Bond and Jenny
Jander Bond and Jenny
Jander Bond and Jenny
Jander Bond and Jenny
My father's name is Peter the Bond
Remember of the American society of cinematographers since 1990
I frequently shoot with older petavision anamorphic lenses.
Note the lens flares in diehard and speed too, that was me.
What was it like working with Bruce Willis?
Pretty cool. You know that he...
Just think about that, Jen.
I was working with Bruce Willis.
He likes to eat...
I know I was like, Bruce, go sit-chip.
And he was like, no way.
Potato chips are hot fries.
What's the difference?
What is one?
Why is it so hot?
He's not talking to you.
What do you mean?
He's just like, what's the difference?
Oh man, this is how good this album is.
This is a really succ-y way.
Father with Trish Reeves, son, Alexander, you better read the bonds.
And my daughter, Aneki, Aneki, the bond.
I just want to say shout out to those goods.
I love you. Even though I don't love your wife.
Your wife, your mother.
That's it.
Chandabont, thank you.
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