Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 177 - Pudmas Part 1 (Best of 2019)
Episode Date: December 2,  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information....
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Well, Merry Christmas.
To all of our listeners.
You may have seen 9-11 happen. Is that why you're being said? Oh my god, that happened so long ago,
Broden, I wasn't even born. You may have heard in the last few weeks we were banking them. These are
no longer banking. We are recording these just a few, a few croissants before the release of this podcast.
And you may have heard the preamble on the last podcast you may have seen on the social media platforms
that we are counting down over the Christmas holiday period, wherever you are, where you are in Kenya,
whether you are in Singapore, Old Brunswick.
Most of you are in Australia.
But some are in Kenya.
Bruns, what are you getting your sweetie for Christmas?
What am I getting my sweetie?
Yes, what are you getting your sweetie this ex-miss season?
A sweetie.
You're getting your sweetie a sweetie?
A sweetie for a sweetie
But what we thought would be nice to do I'm getting Pokemon. Yeah, yeah, yeah
You're getting your sweetie Pokemon are you know, I think I'm gonna get Pokemon
You need to stop what I'm just saying I'm just trying to get excited for the Christmas fucking
Spirit and goes have been being fucking const about it.
Jesus Christ.
Christmas is a very special time to us at Donner because we made a viral video that I'm
saw our numbers saw.
So we always take time at this time of year to celebrate.
A lot of people celebrate friends, family.
But what's most important is the thing that people forget
is that we saw a massive spike in fans.
You have viral videos as the best gift.
If anyone's thinking about getting us a gift, get us a viral video.
Overlast, you know, people go around, they're worrying about shopping, they're worrying about
getting the hand, they call it stress miss. But it's really important to stop and think
aren't you don't know how to viral last year?
Yeah, that I think is a really good segue
to my main point, which is,
Broden had a wonderful idea a few weeks ago.
Over on all our social medias,
if you don't follow us on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook,
we are doing a very exciting thing called Pudmas, the month of Pudmas.
The entire month is celebrating our Pud video.
So head on over, celebrate Pud.
You can't literally juice Pud, but we are juicing Pud.
We just put a year ago and we're juicing it again.
Head over.
Talk about your favorite put memories in the comments.
In this special time of year, when Jesus died and we got a viral.
Zach, what are you getting your sweetie?
I'm sorry, I did just get a message from our producer.
Pudmus is the 19th, that is the date we released Christmas
Oh. Of course, we released it a little bit earlier than Christmas.
You can't release it on Christmas because then it's only valid for a while.
Everyone's with their sweeties opening up their presies.
So Pudmus is the 19th and what the official term is PUDMUNTH.
So my apologies, PUDMUNTH.
How many hits do we have on that PUDM?
It's about 1.4 on Facebook.
Oh, 100.
Yeah, so someone's watched it.
Wait, no, how does that work?
That's 140.
Okay, 1.400.
That's not as many as I thought. No, no, how does that work? That's 140, okay, 1.400. That's not as many as I thought.
No, no, no.
I thought it was close at a 1.4 million, but, you know, the way,
even that's not as quick in it.
I thought we hit, I thought it did much better than that.
It's fine, but I thought it did better.
But that's not what we're here today.
We're here to celebrate. No, no to celebrate both Pudmas and Christmas.
Yes, yes, yes.
And we wanted to take a look back at a very special 2019.
It was a really special year.
So many amazing things happened this year, didn't they, Broden?
It was one of immense grief for me, but apart from that it was a magical year.
Beautiful, beautiful year.
With wonderful characters on this podcast that we released weekly on different platforms.
Yeah, who couldn't forget Sklippetidu?
No, that wasn't a character.
But guys, I have the top 10 voted moments of 2019 here that we're going to go through
week 10.
Nine, eight.
Are you counting down to the captain?
6 we have it five four three two one is how many
ones that we have that's the top 10 so that's a down to saying that no, it's just yeah, no no. I was just counting
I was just counting I have the biggest coffee in the world. You have a big coffee.
I'm a very lousy coffee. When I walked in I said, that's a big brood and coffee. I didn't mean to,
but it was a very funny slip of the tongue. Would you like to get started? Yes.
Well, here we go. go Merry Christmas Merry Pudmas
To explain over the next four weeks for over the next four weeks of Pudmas
We will be counting down the top 10 90 Donna eight you did that seven your fault
six five
four three
Five, four, three, two.
Podcast moments of the year. Here's number 10.
Now boys.
Nine, eight, seven, six.
Shut up.
Boys, I just want a 10.
Just want a 10.
Are you ready to hear number 10?
I am so excited to hear number 10. Just want you boys to love me. Well, then you are going the wrong way about that, can't
Are you boys ready to hear our first entry? Oh, I'd love to hear it. Tell me you ready
Are we gonna just like play it and then discuss it afterwards?
Are you gonna tell us what it is?
I think we're gonna do a little story and then go into it.
Oh great.
So Broden and Tom know who won.
Tom collated all of your votes.
Oh there's a winner.
Oh there's a winner.
He gave the list to Broden.
I don't want to call it a winner.
No, you don't say a winner.
I don't say a winner.
You're a fucking prick man. I didn't say nothing call it a winner. No, you don't say a winner. I don't say a winner. You're a fucking prick, man.
I didn't say nothing, my marks are...
Anyway, here's number 10.
Now, this is the loser.
Yeah, this is the loser.
No, there's...
How many would there be?
There'd be like 40...
There's 40, 40, please.
Oh, there's 40 that lost a lot of heart at roughly.
40 losers.
Yeah, right.
This little entry, I think, if it had come earlier
in the year, could have made it to number one, two, right. This little entry, I think, if it had come earlier in the year, could have made it to
number one, two or three.
But it just got in and I'm so thankful that this got in.
This comes in our banking period, about three, four episodes in when we're starting to
lose our mind.
We decide, as we sit in our office, banking them them that we're going to do a whole rap episode
Oh the 30 minutes of fire and then
Supposedly made a mispronunciation of a word and that created one of the great anti-Donna characters
What's his name?
That is our number 10 entry
here it is
I got a new character you want to hype him up?
yeah this is my favorite character
he's a wild boy
please welcome to the microphone
what's your name?
here comes Moogie
I love it I'm Mo my moogie It comes moogie I like it!
I'm moogie!
I like to turn the moogie boogie boogie
If you're moogie, I eat like to
I like to turn the moogie boogie boogie
Moogie boogie boogie with your head and your feet
Moogie boogie boogie if you love to escape
Go, moogie boogie boogie
I love to play on moogie, moogie, if you love to skate, go Moogie, moogie, moogie, and love to play
On Moogie, moogie, moogie, every time, day
Moogie is the best fucking character
I've ever seen in 170 podcasts
I wanna fuck Moogie really hard
I wanna fuck Moogie till my dick turns into a shot
Of crystal
Ye-healing crystals
Yeah, put my dick next to your bed
Give yourself good dreams at night
Don't get a nightmare that'd be a fright
Mugi, where you from?
I'm from the boogie
Mugi, where you been
I love to boogie
Yeah Mugi, watch your eight Where you been I love to boogie I love to boogie I love to boogie I love to boogie
Boogie, watch your eight
I love to eat the boogie
Boogie, watch your way
I wear the boogie, boogie
Boogie, where's your friends?
I said, who's your friends?
Boogie, who your friends?
Tell us who your friends are
Boogie, lots of boogie with his boogie, boogie Where is it? Moogie who your friends tell us who your friends at
Moogie it's a big weekend you've got your family and your Cohen ran the bin you're taking them all to Disneyland and you've got a
Hierarcha from her T. Yeah, so what kind of car you're getting Moogie?
I want to hear right now what you're hiring
I'm getting that Mugi Mugi van for the Mugi crew
Mugi Mugi loves to Mugi in the Mugi van
Fair enough, but let me ask you this
Hong Kong's being taken over by mainland China
The people are protesting, it's becoming quite upsetting
What do you think
the best thing for China to do to intercept the Hong Kong protest? What's the thing to do?
I don't really know much about that situation. Zack has some thoughts, but not Mookie. Because
Mookie loves to do just one thing you see. And that's the do the mookie boogie boogie, yeah, yeah
Moogie loves the boogie every single time
Moogie loves the boogie in the moogie boogie why?
Moogie boogie every time, moogie boogie, yeah
Moogie boogie easily on the right to slide
Moogie, what?
You're eating for breakfast, are you having cereal?
You're having toast?
Yeah. No, I'm trying to eat because I've got a boogie. Yeah.
Moogie boogie is the only way to boogie. Yeah.
What do you think happens when you die?
You got to moogie heaven which is boogie boogie. Yeah.
To boogie woogie every day and boogie woogie boogie heaven.
Moogie yeah. You know I love you, moogie
But what's your favorite way to wear a hat, moogie?
Moogie likes to wear a boogie, moogie hat
Where do boogie, boogie, swiggy, swiggy, swiggy
It's the boogie, moogie hat
Moogie wants you fighting for his pants to wear
I love to wear my boogie, moogie pants
Moogie likes to boogie wogie
Let's be a worker
Yeah, moogie, I know
You love to do the boogie
I even know you like to do the moogie wogie boogie
I've heard so much about the moogie wogie boogie
But tell me where's your favorite place to go on VK
I love to go to a place with the dance floor cuz I love to do the boogie
Moogie, moogie, boogie every single god in day
Moogie, moogie, boogie if you learn the way
Put your feet to the left and do the moogie, boogie put your feet to the right
Boogie, boogie, yeah
Moogie wants your favorite things to put in a sandwich?
I'm not to eat a moogie boogie everyday. Moogie boogie ever. Moogie woogie here.
Moogie if you're having a drink in the morning. You're probably having a coffee in the morning.
Moogie what's your favorite way to drink your coffee? I drink my coffee black because I don't cut my time
No time for milk because I got a boogie boogie
Moogie loves to boogie in the boogie boogie way
Feet to the left that's the boogie boogie way
Feet to the right when you got a moogie boogie
Moogie boogie is the other way to play
How do we all learn the moogie Boogie, Moogie Boogie is the other way to play! How do we all learn the Moogie Boogie?
Tell us now how to do the Moogie Boogie.
You put your feet to the left of Boogie Boogie.
I feed to the left and feed to the right.
Moogie Boogie is the other way to play.
If you want to do the Boogie Boogie Boogie, why?
You got a Moogie Boogie, yeah that's for sure
But if you're moogie boogie west, can you moogie boogie left?
You can moogie boogie anyway, you want a boogie
The moogie boogie y is the other way to play
Fade to the left and fade to the right
Is the only rules of the moogie boogie
Hey moogie, when I go out to the right is the only rules of the Mookie Mookie Mookie
Hey Mookie, when I go out to the club with the girls
What's the best way to pick up all the girls?
I don't know how to pick up assing girls
I only know what Mookie girls like to do
And Mookie girls like to do the Mookie Mookie Mookie
If you're Mookie Mookie with the moogie then you play
moogie boogie which way did you vote on the plebber site for equal marriage rights
moogie boogie is the coolest of the moogies
moogie boogie is progressive don't you know moogie voted for
moogie voted for marriage equality because the moogie's are progressive because they just want everyone to moogie, boogie, the moogie boogie way.
Man, I love your moogie boogie.
It's not enough to say about how much you and I go the same way.
Moogie boogie, one more question.
Could you moogie boogie all day every day?
Moogie boogie loves to boogie every single day,
not for the whole day, just two or three hours.
Moogie boogie is the best kind of boogie.
Put your feet to the left and your feet to the right.
What's that there you want to moogie boogie? Well the only way to boogie is to moogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie Boogie, you're come forever Wow Moogie Boogie's gone wishy come back
Yo Moogie Boogie going out for a night's the best place to head up with my girl for the night?
Hands in a moogie club for the moogie boogie. We got the best moogie beast for moogie boogie boogie
Moogie boogie. I ain't got no time. What's the best moogie way to save a bit of time?
Moogie boogie fast on moogie boogie slow the wraps over. Okay. Bye time what's the best muggy way to save a bit of time. Mugi-mugi fast or muggy-mugi slow?
The rap's over.
Yeah, I liked the bit with the...
I liked the bit when we were singing.
And it's so good to know that you guys loved Mugi
as much as we loved Mugi.
Mugi has a special place in all of our hearts.
The only thing I remember saying is that I wanted to fuck Mugi.
I... I don't remember Mugi at all.
At all?
At all.
That, yes you do.
No, I've zero recollection of Mugi.
Yeah, that's not true.
Can I say on the banking, because as you know, we banked and...
Oh, and just, just we're not banked tellers.
Just want to make that super clear.
Very important to be clear. Don't be bringing us your money. We banked the podcast asers. Just want to make that super clear. That's very important to be clear.
Don't be bringing us your money.
We banked the podcast as in we did 10 in three days.
People kept messaging us saying,
ha ha ha, it's funny that Zach loves Disney Land
as much as I do.
And I was like, can't,
I'd have no recollection of talking about Disney Land.
Did you just say three in 10 days?
Probably. I'm just I wasn't
confident saying it because I wasn't confident that you did. I thought I heard
ten in three days. I could just be going through a mile stroke. Oh yeah. Oh I
know because that is those are the exact three in 10 days is not really banking.
Wasn't it 10 in three days? I thought it was 10 in three days. I think that's what he said.
Well great. But that's what I meant.
Also, although three in 10 days
would be just a very mild bank.
It would be like a bank.
It would still be a bank of part of it.
Not over two work.
You can't include in weekends.
You'll want ahead.
Are you include in weekends?
We should be 10 in three consecutive days
because 10 in 10 working the 3 in 10 working days is
Fine, that's just we got someone in it was a good energy. We did it. You have banked our podcast
You're one week ahead. You're not you have banked up. You're not
I wouldn't say you're all working on
No, you've banked one gentleman Gentlemen, it's Pudamus.
I'd say we didn't extra one.
Remember why we're here.
Are you ready for number nine?
I love Christmas songs.
They make me deeply emotional and not very funny.
Well, that's why it's a special time of year.
Because we remember that Broden, Zach, and Mark had a viral last year.
Remember at this special time of year,
and that's what Bing Crosby's singing about.
Number nine is The Craig Maazons.
Oh, Craig Maazon.
We decided off a very popular podcast at the time
off a very popular HBO series.
The Chernobyl series came out, and with it there was a companion podcast made by HBO featuring
the writer of Chernobyl Craig Mason and we thought it would be funny to try and do an in-depth
podcast about Glen Ridge, the series we released at the start of the year in the style of the Chernobyl Cragmaze and podcast.
About five minutes in, we realized that there wasn't much room to play with there.
But very gradually, the episode just became about doing American accents and talking about
different food that Americans eat.
And we ate a little LA references.
Yeah, and talking about cup of coffee, it was very funny to us.
And then the most fucked thing, did you want to say something?
I was just going to say it was also funny because two out of the three of us haven't actually
listened to the Craig Mason talk.
I know, you're being very humble, bro, and you're saying we decided to do this, we decided
to do that.
But the last two episode ideas were actually brought in by Zach.
They were both Zach's ideas.
He was listening to the Chernobyl broadcast
and he loves rap music.
You know how much I love rap music.
You're the great audience.
So you'd stop being humble,
stop being so humble,
credit where credit's drew, bro.
Broden had the Craig Mason.
I didn't know who crag maze was.
I've since watched Chernobyl.
And can I say just a wonderful show?
A wonderful show.
John out in the limb there.
They took a few liberties with the truth.
Did they?
But what a show.
Are you a communist? Is that what that little hint was?
No, they just took a few liberties with the truth.
A person's not radioactive after they touch radioactive material
and that's pretty full on to just make that up.
They are.
No, they're not.
Not to the level they are in the show.
Are they like soup? did they get super powers?
Yeah, it's like people's app and shit. That's not I feel like
You watch spider-man
Yes, okay, so Chernobyl was about
Nuclear reactor exploding
Humans and humans humans humongous and immense
Humans disaster to that region that still exists this day. That's what they show. Spiderman is about a cool kid who can...
They are both about radioactive incidents.
Yes, yes, yes, absolutely.
Once a radioactive spider.
The other is just a spider man.
A spider man.
But yeah, but it's not like that so much anymore.
I went there the other day
You can walk around it. You're talking about Northland. No, I walk straight
I am talking about Northland gonna say I went straight to the JB high-fi
Chernobyl. No, I got myself a cinnamon fresh cinnamon donut from donut King
You were talking about Northland. That's Northland. I always get Chernobyl. The site of where Chernobyl happened and Northland mixed up in my head.
That's okay.
But here's the most fucked thing about this.
A week later we get a tweet, Craig Mason, listening to this episode for probably about
a minute.
The Corn Man himself.
Corn Man.
Yeah, Maze.
Here's episode 9.
Craig Maize.
Why hello there.
Welcome to the AD podcast. That's the anti-Donna podcast. I'm your host, writer Craig Maize.
I'm your host, writer Craig Mason. And we have with us today two of the most exciting
writers working on the scene today.
These, of course, are the people responsible
for the hit web series, Antidana's Glen Ridge Secondary College.
I have with me in the room writer and entrepreneur, Craig Mason.
Hi, how are you?
Thanks so much for having me, Craig Mason. You're very welcome, Craig Mason. Hi, how are you? Thanks so much for having me, Craig Mason.
You're very welcome, Craig Mason.
And of course, on the other side of me to my left,
I have writer, director, and dancer Craig Mason.
Good morning, Craig.
Great to be here to be talking about.
The show we've created together, just a pronunciation note there.
It's Craig.
Craig. Craig Mason. Craig. We, no thirds, Craig. Craig.
Craig Mason.
We have Craig Mason here, Craig.
Well, just in America, we say Craig.
We don't say Craig.
See, I was gonna ask, if you were a Canadian,
because I know that, in case you were a Canadian,
and I said, are you American,
that sometimes Canadians can get a little shirty about that.
Well, Craig, I know you're American,
so you would probably be able to identify
the subtle difference between an American and a Canadian accent.
But I'm Canadian, so take a second.
Oh, okay.
I take a second. So sorry.
I take a second.
Oh, yeah.
I take a second.
Yeah, I'm actually Canadian.
So I'm Craig Mason.
Craig Mason, I was born in Brooklyn, New York.
Right. But you're from Canada, Craig. I'm from Canada. I Mason, I was born in Brooklyn, New York. So yeah, but you're from Canada, Craig.
I'm from Canada, I get my syrup from Trays.
Of course, my name is Craig Mason.
I was born in Brooklyn and I wrote Hangover Part 2 and 3.
And obviously I'm Craig Mason.
I'm one of the producers and writers of Glen Ridge Secondary College, the Andy Donner Projects, currently on HBO.
Now, there's a lot of questions
about the anti-donner Glen Ridge secondary college project
that I have written down here on my legal pad.
I can see you're holding it.
I can see me holding my legal pad.
It's the same sort of pad that George Lucas wrote,
all of the Star Wars. Okay. You're really struggling with my leave on pad. It's the same sort of pad that George Lucas wrote all of the Star Wars on.
You really struggling with the ours there,
I'm actually, no.
I better not dig the hole that I, too,
will be buried in.
So I might shut up.
It was a really exciting series
that I wrote on, Glen Ridge, just finished up
and this is the recap podcast for all the Geek
as Oids out there who love and want to talk a bit more
of that show.
I find that with anything that you write,
Krug, and Craig.
Craig and Craig.
Craig, not Krug.
Not Krug, and not Crack.
I go by Krug, that's more of a nickname. Well, do you mind if I call you Krug?
Yeah, absolutely, that's fine.
Yeah, yeah.
So just for to recap, I'm Craig, you're Craig,
and that's Krug.
But we're all Craig.
We're all Craig Maze and the writer producer
of Lender and Secondary College.
Now, this is a recap episode.
I think we need to be really careful with that one, bro.
I mean, Craig, anything that you guys write, obviously, brings in those, as you mentioned,
the Geekzoids, the super fans, the people that become obsessed with your material.
I don't think there's anything,
it's akin to Dungeons and Dragons.
In the sense that once you become,
once you become part of the world,
you don't want to go back to your crappy life
and your hot dogs.
Sure, sure, sure.
You just want to be immersed.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's what I felt. Yeah, sure, yeah, that's how I felt. That, that's that's how I felt. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's how I felt. Now there's a particular
Yeah, that particular episode episode
That that brought up quite a lot for me. my life. Yeah. Be the boy.
Was the ball games at lunch?
All right.
Okay, cool.
Okay, cool.
Are you talking about that?
I'd love to talk about that.
Is that cool?
Are you want to talk about that?
I'd love to talk about that.
Okay, cool.
Would you like to start? I'm having to start. That's an important part of the series. Sure. Because that's the first time that we see these characters
Mark Broden and Zach beautifully played by Zach Mark and particularly Broden
They decide in that moment. Yeah, yeah, that which way the series is going. Yeah. Yeah. It's not a
Before that point. It's just a couple of guys at a school doing sketch comedy
But in that episode is very important for me riding it and I don't know if this is the same with you Craig Before that point, it's just a couple of guys at a school doing sketch comedy.
But in that episode, it's very important for me writing it.
And I don't know if this is the same with you, Craig.
But there's a real, there's a real point there where they decide this is about something
And I wanted that to be clear to our audience.
Well, I mean, so I don't want to speak for you, Craig, but I certainly start from a
Krug. I'm so sorry, Krug. I certainly start from a place of research. When I first found out
that they play a game called Four Square. Yeah. With balls. Yeah. In Australia. Sure.
Sure. Sure. I knew in that moment that that was sort of going to be the turning point episode.
I knew there that that was the app that we had to sort of bring in.
And we were looking for something, I would say, for months.
We really didn't know what that app would look like.
Well, that's important to say as well because the riding room is not just you and me Craig, but it was actually 48 different Craig maasons. Yeah. Yeah. And in that room,
we were sitting there looking at the wall. Yeah. Yeah. And we were trying to find that MacGuffin,
that pot of gold. Yeah. Are you familiar with a MacGuffin? I've had one before from McDonald's.
No, no, no, no, that is a MacGuffin. That's a breakfast treat from McDonald's. No, no, no, that is a McMuffin. That is a McMuffin. That's a breakfast treat from McDonald's.
Right, so that makes so much sense to me
because when my lecturer at university
called writing in college, you went to UCLA?
Well, I went to university in Canada.
Okay, sure.
We call it university there.
We get a syrup from trees.
And how do you say about a boot?
Great, it's kind of like a boot.
If you have a pair of shoes that don't have any laces.
What would you call that?
I'd call it a boot.
I'd call it a laced-less shoe.
What do you mean that's a boot?
It's a boot what?
Oh, that's great.
You're seeing what I've done there.
A boot a boot.
Bit of fun there.
That was so much fun.
That was so much fun.
Is it a funny course? The David Coet podcast there that you were listening to,
where we all played David Coet,
Craig Mason.
Craig Mason.
Spiderman, Sam Remy, Spiderman.
No, no, no.
Christmas is such a beautiful time of the year.
Almost as beautiful as Pudmous.
Pudmous coming on the 19th.
But check us out on social media.
It's got like a harnika vibe to it,
you can celebrate it up until Christmas.
So six crazy days we have of Pudmous.
In the same way that I've learned that Thanksgiving
is the end of one season, once Thanksgiving finishes,
it's the start of Christmas season.
In Australia, Pudmous is the end of Pud,
and then we start to prepare for Christmas.
Do you know what?
The tight turnaround.
Do you know what you should do?
This Pudmas, pick someone from your family
that you love that you care about,
and bring them a pudding every day
until they ask you to stop,
because that's what Pudmas is really about.
Yeah, and to get that background music there.
Well, being cross-by.
I love Christmas so much.
It's making me emotional.
But I'm trying to keep it up.
Yeah, I'm trying to keep it up.
I'm a bit of a Grinch when it comes to Christmas.
Next weeping, Mark is sort of turning green
and coveting things.
All right, if I see presents under a tree,
I'm gonna put them in a sack
and then run away with them.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Wasn't the latest Grinch played by Benedict Cumberbatch?
There's a 3D animated Grinch that's out at the moment.
I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
I don't know.
Because that's quite a journey
from Jim Carrey to Benedict Cumberbatch.
It's a, Yeah. Yeah.
Number eight.
And this is the last one for today's episode, guys.
Oh, wow. So I make it count.
Number eight.
Voted by the people.
You weren't like that.
Were you a communist?
No, I'm not a fan of it.
You just like Democratic voters.
You know, he's a commie.
We know you're a commie.
Christmas is an international thing. You can be a commie. But you know you're a commie. Christmas is an international thing.
Christmas, yeah.
It's about Republicans, it's about Democrats.
No, we don't care.
Communists, and it's about corn men coming together.
Christmas of communist.
And Stratx people.
I love you.
It abades to, what are you yearning?
Because I'm sad.
It's a mean to, no, I'm just tired.
It's the day Jesus rose.
But no, Christmas, the problem with Christmas,
is it linked to organized religion,
and I worry that when people gather for Christmas,
they could also be gathering for other things.
Collectiveness and outside of communism is scary to me.
It's a racket.
Christmas is a racket.
You're actually like a regular linen,
Stalin, Mark, Karl Marx. Yeah. Let me tell you. You'll actually like a regular linen, style, and mark, how marks? Yeah. Let me
tell you, before I was read, because of my, and I'm not used to that. Yeah, so fucking
cop that one. Before I was read, because I was, because of my communism, now I'm just
read in the face with embarrassment for being such a fool and I apologize. I go to the beach and I spend too much time in the sun. Am I a commie?
Yeah, yeah, all right. I think I would just say you're at risk of skin cancer.
Right. And I think there's a big difference. A lot of people get that confused.
Well, commies who are in Chernobyl were very, were a large risk of cancer.
But also of superhuman abilities,
which would have been cool.
That would have been a cool thing
to be around. There's one for our back. chord this year was a family member of one of us.
Uh, his name was Chuck Banana.
Oh, did Chuck make it on?
Charlie Banana.
Oh, that's so sweet.
You guys are the sweetest.
Number eight is Charlie's unedited pirate adventure.
Wasn't that fun.
So what was the story there?
The story was that we had a Patreon, so have a Patreon if you don't subscribe to it because you're a pub cunt
But we have a patreon where you can support us if you're a real fan and you care about it and
No, we know some people are in you know have fiduciary issues
money of fiduciary issues, money.
And one of the suggestions was get Charlie Bonanno
on the podcast, but of course we read them out on the day.
So we had him planned for that.
So we said, don't worry, we promise we'll get Charlie
on the podcast one day.
And a year later, Trudeau, our word, we did it.
And it was so great.
And he was so great.
My dad is such a cookt-kunt. He's such a,
he's so sweet and he's so up for it. And he was how nervous was he? Let's talk about how nervous he
was. He was very nervous. He was like first level entry in Prove School. I've never seen that kind of,
he was, he was an awful, he was, yeah, he was levels zero at UCB
He needed to do that intensive two-week course. Yeah for a simple 48 grand. Yes
But I I loved that we did the unedited one and then Tom put together the edited version, which is a great listen
For me, it was just great to, I got to listen. It's the only podcast I think I've ever really listened to from start to finish with my brother
when we went on a drive one time.
My brother really loved it.
So that was very special to me that we got to do that.
And I thank you all for that making the list.
What a beautiful Christmas season.
Put them in.
Let's listen to number eight.
But yeah, yeah, yeah. But anytime you need us to just talk you through it or
Yeah, just up and let us know all right. Um, uh, but I did I did want to touch earlier on because we had
I told you how we did the wrestling. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we had the wrestler on the guy who beat us up
We had him on the podcast the other day.
And he was saying that we were having an argument
about our all-mackage the same,
or our not the same.
Oh, okay.
What were you saying about your experience
with the McAfees?
Well, the places that I've been,
like the coffees have been sort of different
from one mackage to another. Yeah, right, right. And some of them have just been fantastic.
And I'm off to hold them. It's a good coffee, you know, but some of them
just walk away, don't bother with it. Yeah. Well, when they're bad do you tell them?
No, I don't. I just walk away because I can't be bothered.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, well, that's not in your nature. Yeah, yeah, because
when it's a good way, not tell them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's it's not in your nature. Yeah, yeah, yeah But when it's a good way not tell them yeah, yeah, yeah, and there's toasties as well
You were saying while the tasty sometimes it cheeses too melted right then
To the bread and it's hot you can't even eat it. Yeah
Just a big mess sometimes not even melted
That's right and this sometimes not even tasted properly
Yeah, right, right. Yeah, you've got to find that that nice little.
Hey, you do find it.
That's sweet spot.
So we just, we weren't quite hard at Gino GC Gambino and we were saying,
that's the wrestle of that.
Yeah, yeah.
We were saying, no, every McDonald's is the same.
There's no, and he was quite insistent that it was, do you?
No, there's still a lot of bullshit.
I'm telling you now.
So we're wrong, Gino GC Gambino. Well, I'm a very experienced Mac Donald customer. I'm telling you right now, I've experienced everything.
Mac is up talking to me.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Not, yeah, right.
You're not, I mean, but you've experienced a lot in even just outside of Mac Donald's.
Oh, yeah, of course.
Yeah, Mac Donald's isn't your only lived experience.
No, no, I've been to restaurants.
I've not been.
You've been, how many people have you been doing?
I've been doing it. I've been doing it. I've been, of course. Yeah, McDonald's isn't your only lived experience.
No, no, I've been to restaurants.
I've loved that.
You've been, how many, you've been to restaurants?
Well, obviously everybody has.
Well, that's true.
To a degree.
To a, McDonald's is technically a restaurant.
It is a hamburger, a family restaurant.
They do hamburger.
Taking a chain of restaurants.
A chain of restaurants.
But just for clarity, you've been to other restaurants apart from McDonald's
Well, of course I have yes, so I have top five restaurants top five restaurants
Well in Ligon Street these
Grenettes, oh that's that's a top
Tomatoes you know what I love all right just off-Ligon Street, isn't it? No, Brunettes are I say
Critties or Brunettes Brunettes yeah it like, or brunette? Or brunette is. Bro, that is. Yeah.
I love to get myself a coffee and maybe a sweet from brunette and sneak it up into the
Well, you really can't go wrong with your kid.
No. It's got like a hazelnutty.
They're very good coffee, brunette.
That's number five.
I can't remember every one of them.
Well, where we, what about a lapel kidders?
I've been there a couple of times,
I'm sort of backed off because it's just a simple dish.
Yeah, there's nothing fancy about it.
Is that authentic Italian?
Sorry? Is that authentic Italian?
I think so it is you know because
Everybody's in there now all the wags
Can I say that you can say wags yeah, I'll be pretty I can't say yeah, yeah Where we have the wag card where we can say wags much as we want and and I do okay?
Too many wags in there. Yeah, there's too many wags in there
Okay, fear enough. There's too many wugs in there. There's too many wugs in there.
I see that right. Is that when you go to a restaurant, you don't want to be surrounded by other wugs.
Is that when you go to a nice normal place like Brunetti's?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, there's only one wugry.
There's only one top, one top of wugry.
Yeah, you don't want Wug on Wug. Wug on Wug.
You're gonna start getting yourself into trouble
Um, like I'm straight
Oh, sorry, go
No, no, no, should we start the adventure?
I think we should start the adventure definitely
Charlie, start recording now
Where should we start recording now?
Where should we travel to?
Yeah And what are we trying to get something like treasure or something? What could we be getting? Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Overseas. Absolutely. Maybe we're looking for a consistent McDonald's.
Yes, yes, that we can work.
That would work if they don't.
Yeah, I think we can sort of.
Yeah, we can battle that word.
All right.
Remember what's the safe word?
Badamana, Rana.
Yeah, yeah.
So anytime you're confused, you just say that.
And we'll pull out.
And we'll pull out.
And then break things down.
Don't be afraid to use that word.
OK. All right. It just means what's going on? And we'll get a good then break things down. Don't be afraid to use that word. Okay.
All right.
It just means what's going on and we'll get a good one.
Yeah, yeah.
All right.
You guys are good.
Yeah, yeah, we're good.
So, uh, you ready to start recording?
Yeah, let's hit it.
All right.
Oh. My name is pirate Pete. Ah! Ooooooooh! Ooooooh!
My name is pirate Pete, and I'm a pirate looking for treasure.
And I am pirate tan.
I travel the seas looking for the most beautiful treasure.
A consistent McDonald's.
I'm, I'm, I'm Sparrow McMunkey.
I'm a, uh, uh, uh, uh, Pete a I'm sparrow mcmonkey. I'm a
Peter little parrot on the shoulder. I tell you what's what me crew
Parrot Pete and Pirates
And what's your name book an heir Charlie?
Charlie very good Charlie and what you? Are you a pirate?
Not Jedi, I'm not yet a pirate.
Not yet? No, you're not a pirate. You're the father of Mark, but today you will be challenged on the Seven Seas, and maybe
you too will be recruited into the pirate fold.
Wait, oh, and yes, because are you not a pirate yet
because you haven't been initiated?
I haven't.
Will I be today?
Oh, well, we hope so.
We hope so, Charlie, because we need...
We're looking for a new captain.
What? What?
We're looking for banana Rama.
We killed the last captain.
I sent him over the ship, because that's what we do to captains. Do you want to be the next captain? Oh, Charlie. I love to be the next captain. Oh, I sent him over the ship because that's what we do to captains.
Do you want to be the next captain?
Oh, I love to be the next captain.
What are your skills?
Well, I'm a rigour, right?
Well, that's part of being a captain from the...
What's a rigour?
Well, a rigour is somebody that hooks up a lot of weight and climbs up a lot of ram,
Oh! Where have you worked?
Well, in construction of work, I've worked on the ram tunnel
in the A-Slink. Oh, you did work on it?
Oh, A-Slink.
I've worked on the D-Selks, then.
The D-Selped Plant, in one second.
Yeah, yeah, one thingy, yeah.
I've employed a lot of people from the L'Trolbe Valley.
My question to you, Charlie, is how will that yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, We got 17 butchered pigs here, but they will not last the entire journey. Does you have a way to preserve them?
Yes, I had put them on the salt and they'll last forever. Oh, the salt have never heard of such a magic. Oh, salt's like a preserve in him.
So you can, oh, it cooks the meat, right? Now just preserve that. It's part.
Right. What do you tell them about?
It doesn't kind of like, doesn't the salt kind of like
cook the meat in a sense.
In the sense it does, and it preserves the meat as well.
Right, yeah.
So what, how do you recommend actually
salting a meat?
I know you have experience with salami,
is that a similar?
Yeah, well, you just cut the meat in portions
and then just put them under salt.
Really, that's it.
That's it, that's what it is.
Just let it dry up and just take all the salt off after,
after two or three days and just hang them up.
Arr. Arr. Arr. Arr.
Arr. That's really good. Charlie. Charlie.
And that was number eight. what a wonderful first round of putmus celebration Christmas celebration whatever you celebrate
Mm-hmm in the holiday season I should say I got to say that's right and
Some of my favorites were in that top three so I'm so intrigued to see and that would be sorry
So I'm so intrigued to see what happens in the next seven.
Where are we gonna go?
What have we got?
I'm intrigued, keep guessing online.
And try and get us a viral.
Yeah, let's make one about,
let's make class clown go viral.
Come on guys, get around class clown.
From Glen Ridge second there we go.
We'll see you for six and seven next week.
Won't we Tom? Yeah. His mic is not on. Just six and seven? Just six and seven. Not five, six,
seven. No, it will go six, seven. The next week will be four, five and then we'll bring a
home with one, two, one, three. Oh, very exciting. See you next week.
See you next week, Pudmas.
And happy holidays and happy Pudmas.
Buy someone you hate to put every day until Christmas.
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