Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 200 - Episode 200!!!!
Episode Date: May 29, 2020Wow 200 eps! Zach's organised a really awesome 200 ep celebration episode!  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.
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Hello and welcome to the Artidonna Podcast 200 episodes spectacular!
We are so excited! We've finally made it. We have to say we started this podcast,
the big 200, the 200.
The 200.
We started this podcast with no idea what it was.
Obviously we had a couple of rough ones in the first 50.
We didn't know what it was.
It's been a long time since.
But thanks to all of your support, the listeners,
everyone's support over on the anti-donna club
held by Patreon, formerly the Antidona Patreon.
Of course, everyone, every single listener on every single platform,
we made it to 200.
What a special day.
This is such a monument.
Crazy. I can't believe.
When I, we got this far.
I thought we'd do 10.
When I started, I marked you with this big.
I just thought I wasn't a little.
I thought it was a grasshopper.
Wasn't that little, wasn't that little.
I remember when we started, when we started,
Brodard, you had a full quaff of hair.
That's right, I walked in at a full head of hair.
It looked like, from a hair magazine,
and more than other cases,
and more than the sack,
when the sack started,
he had this long head of hair,
and he rolled,
or it looked like a real hippie.
Yeah, I was real, it's exactly on the money.
I think I probably saw that,
what was that motorcycle movie with Dennis Hopper?
The old bonus cycle.
Or the Wild.
Something like that.
Or the Wild.
Born to be wild, and I remember I watched that film
with the old cinema, the old greater union in the CBD
And I thought geez, I would love to be Dennis Hopper in that movie riding through America
And then we continue on, you are Dennis Hopper
I'm not quite, I'm not quite, I mean you can play Dennis Hopper on the one hand
I'm fixing the tricycles for the grandchildren
The single tricycles for the grandchildren. They're playing feet, they're playing feet. We sing tricycles for the grandchildren instead of the old motorbike.
But they all have to get out of here.
We planned a big, we planned a big 200 episode special.
We booked out the crown, palladium.
We had our ticket sold out, you will be refunded
if you bought tickets for that.
We are sorry about that.
And obviously with the global pandemic, that has.
You know, it's been a hard time for everyone
in the entertainment industry,
but of course we're taking it on the trees.
But we are taking it on the chin
and we thought to ourselves in the face.
Right, the face.
We actually sat down, we had a meeting over Zoom,
of course, I was in the study and we met on the Zoom,
we got that set up, I had to get the grackets out.
But what? I had to get the grickets out. But what?
I had to get the grickets out.
I was like, I had to get out.
I said, geez, what's this?
What are we doing here?
But it has worked, you know?
And that's the amazing thing about technology now.
We're having meetings.
You know, I did my shop the other day just online.
I'm a little bit of a delivered to my dog.
I got a bit of a tangent there, Zach.
It's a, we're making it work as the bottom line.
That's what I'm going to say.
We're going to pop it in the eye.
We're going to pop it in the eye.
We're going to do it.
We said, you know, let's not cancel this event.
We might not be able to do it at the palladium, but here's the thing.
We can connect on Zoom.
The three of us can connect over Zoom.
We can still do this podcast.
And maybe we can't have those special guests on stage with us.
But you know what?
We've all got bloody mobile phones.
We can call them on our mobile phones.
And we can get them to share their favourite memories of being a part of the Antidona podcast
because that's the thing.
What is this podcast other than our guests?
You don't have to be at home to take a phone call anymore.
You can be out on the street driving to work.
You can be anywhere.
And I send text messages now in the car when I'm driving
all the time.
Yeah, yeah.
Very hoping to do.
And I think the thing that's really unbelievable or exciting
is we would have had to have said, called up the guest, called up their agents or managers And I think the thing that's really unbelievable or exciting is,
we would have had to have said,
called up the guests, called up their agents or managers
maybe and said, look, we're putting on this big show
at the palladium, are they free on this night?
Are they willing to drive down to Crown, find a park,
come back state, get on stage to celebrate,
get a babysitter, now we can give them a call
while we're recording, all we need to do is shoot them a quick message, say a babysitter. Now we can give them a call while we're recording.
All we need to do is shoot them a quick message, say,
hey, we're recording, do you want to share your memories?
Which you've done?
We're able to do that now.
Yeah, yeah, yes, great.
So, you know, and that's the thing, it's a very different time now.
You can text while you're driving.
Like, I, I, what you can do, I had five sleeping pills,
I had half a bottle of Jamison whiskey.
And then I'll drive around, I'll drive down
to a brothel and wake up next week in Jolong,
you know, on the coast of Jolong.
That's the great thing about these modern cars
is you can do stuff like that now.
And the car will just take you from A to B.
I mean, it's bloody, it's body-fant.
They've got the combustion engines now?
Combustion engines.
You get a hand job for $400.
And it only takes you 20 minutes to get from your place
to the brothel.
I mean, isn't that just fancy?
It's absolutely amazing.
I mean, it's- Sorry, sex worker house.
You do have to say that now.
The sex worker house. It's the sex worker house. Is the have to say that now. The sex worker house.
It's a sex worker house, is the...
So what I'm gonna do now is segue back to the cool concept,
which is this podcast would be nothing without our guests.
Obviously, we play a lot of characters.
We have the frog mans and we have the Andrew Gases, of course.
But over the 200 episodes, we've had some pretty exciting guests.
You know, we've had Tim Minchin on the podcast.
We've had Michelle Brazier, Ben Russell, our friend Mish.
We've had Joe Koski, of course,
is a very regular guest.
That's a very big mission.
We've had lots of people on the podcast.
We've had Mark Stad Charlie.
Mark Stad Charlie. I'm dad Charlie. Mark's dad Charlie.
I'm on Gommery.
I'm on Gommery.
We bother Max Sam and Tom on the podcast.
My mum.
Michelle Brazier.
Demi Larnor.
Michelle Misch.
Russell Studeau.
And the list goes on.
On Tim Minchin.
Tim Minchin.
Tim Misch.
And Tim Misch.
Michelle Brazier.
A rogue. Joe Koski, we've had,
we've had Brodon's mum.
We had the guy from the whole house.
That time remember when we had the guy from Full House on?
Bob's second.
Oh yeah, Bob's second.
We have Bob's second on.
We have Bob's second on.
Which fans reacted harshly to.
Bob's second.
So this is what's amazing is, it's all about the guests.
So I'm thinking of this.
Yeah, that isn't crazy.
So, I think the clues, we have the clues,
we are just in our lighting tech for our American tour on.
So what we're gonna do, what we're gonna do
is we're gonna get them on,
and we're gonna get them to share their
favourite memories of the podcast.
They are all waiting at their phones ready to answer.
And who is the first person we'll be calling into today Broding Kelly?
Well we wanted to hear from everyone's favourite guest, a guy who is never short of a word
or a song, he's the star of School of Rock. And we got him on the phone a little earlier to share a special message about the
anti-donna 200 episode podcast.
We can't wait to hear from Joe Kosky. He is waiting there ready to answer.
Just whenever he's waiting at that phone ready to share some of his favorite memories.
Hi, you've reached Joe Koske, leave him at it.
Okay, so he obviously...
Did you let him know we were calling?
Well, that was on me, and yes, I did, I shot him a message, and that's fine.
Jo sometimes gets a bit forgetful, and you know, you wouldn't have...
It wouldn't be a podcast without Jo.
Yes, that's right. The thing we love about Joe is this kind of guy
that would forget about something like this.
It's very on-joe to do.
Very busy as well, very busy boy, lots on his plates.
I'm sure just let this mind.
But we'll try him again later.
Yeah, let's try him again later.
But Mark, we've got, I think we should just
roll through to our next guest, Mark.
And who is it that we're going to be calling next up, so they can share their memories,
waiting for the phone to share their memories, tell us some of the things they are most excited
about for the next 200 and for the 200 before.
Well we're calling someone very close to my heart, someone who's poked a bit of fun at
me on the podcast.
Oh look out.
Ben Russell. Oh, very good. Someone who's poked a bit of fun at me on the podcast. That's been russled.
Oh, very good.
Very good.
He's a big character.
He's a real, you know, John Blackman in that respect.
He is like a John Blackman.
And you're calling him on Facebook call.
Calling him on Facebook.
Call him on Facebook.
Don't, he wouldn't refuse to give me his personal number.
That's okay. that's fine.
He's just waiting at the phone or the laptop ready to answer.
Share his memories of...
Now, he's not even connecting his phone.
Now, his phone might not be connecting, but we're just waiting for Ben Russell here, just
to answer the phone.
Just to answer the phone.
Share his memories of all the great times
his is uh... okay so not reachable so Ben was uh...
Ben was not reachable. Okay but that's a shame you haven't been
I was really excited to hear Ben doing uh...
Ben doing uh... that amazing character
he plays Mark on the podcast
there's some great impressions there I got a little closer to home.
These people have all been messaged, haven't they?
Yes, absolutely.
I did that.
I just shot the whole an email yesterday.
But that's fine.
That's okay.
That's more than okay.
So what we're going to do now is I might call,
you might remember there was a podcast little while ago.
I was feeling a little bit unwell, a little bit sick, I believe,
and we got a good friend of ours, Mish,
which rub to cover.
Now, I wasn't there for that podcast.
Can we talk a little bit about what Mish and you guys talked about?
Oh, we had a great time with Mish that day.
It was in early 2008.
It was lots of plenty for what I remember.
And I don't remember much more than that.
We had a great time with Mish who's a great character.
Well, we're going to dial in with Mish now and hear some of her thoughts.
Of course she is at her day job today so she's going to be slipping out quickly just to
talk to us.
Hey Mish, you're there mate.
Yeah. Now, we want to hear from you. Some of
your favorite memories are being
a guest on the anti-donna podcast.
Oh, fucking hell.
I've only been a guest on your podcast once.
Yeah, and I don't remember. Yeah,
did you like to message her Zach?
Yeah, well, of course, I did message you about this bitch. I
Message you I sent you the email last night
Did you?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I did no
No, no, I didn't get the same male. You didn't get this okay? All right fucks a exact Jesus. Sorry
No actually now that I look at it I actually didn't send that okay alright fucksakes actually sorry no actually
now that I look at it I actually didn't send that email to you I must have I
must have used the wrong account or something that that's alright do you have
any fond memories of the podcast Mish of the anti-donna podcast yeah that that
time you're you're on it. I was on it once and the only thing I remember is that
you weren't there so that was that was interesting it was man Bro once and the only thing I remember is that you weren't there. So that was interesting.
It was me and Broden and Mark and Sam and that's all I remember.
I'm so sorry.
No, that's okay.
That is on me.
I did send the message to everyone else, but I did forget to send you the message.
That's on me, Michelle.
Oh, I get it.
Thank you so much, my dear.
I'll see you later.
Talk to you soon.
Wow. That was a good memory. Wow. Thanks. I'll see you later. Talk to soon. Now that was that was a good
Wow memory
It's funny what people remember about coming on isn't it? Yeah, it leaves a lasting memory
Yeah, absolutely and that's why I thought shame there. Yeah, I didn't get the message to her
But everyone else I think is good. So anyway, I'll just give you a koski another call. Let's give Joe koski another try
So anyway, I'll give Jo Koski another call. Let's give Jo Koski another try.
Joe, welcome.
We just want to know what your favorite memories of being
on the Union of Podcast have been on this 200th episode.
Now, how did I fall myself in the thick year actually calling me?
There's a lot of fun there. But Joe, how is it going for you? What are you up to at the moment?
Did you send them the message to that?
Yeah, I think so.
Sorry, I was hung up on Joe there.
Let's clarify, have you called everyone?
Did you call him?
I'm almost certain.
I was, I send it from, from my email.
And I, I send it from from my email
And I send it I put in everyone's names that for some reason it looks like miss didn't send I'm seeing now and my junk it has a but it sounds like Joan and no either
I don't obviously has an answer to his phone, but let's call yeah, let's just keep rolling
Let's keep on someone who Michelle brazier. I love me. We love, who definitely got the message.
So let's give Michelle Brazier a call
and see what she has to say.
On Artydona's 200th podcast, spectacular.
Of course, she's been,
the guest we've had on almost the most.
Yeah, I believe so after being a professor.
After being a professor, unfortunately. Hello, Mark. Yeah, I believe so after being a member of the show. Or after being a member of the show.
Hello Mark.
Hello Michelle.
So good to speak to you.
Now, what were your favorite memories
of being on the anti-donner podcast
for our 200th episode spectacular?
Oh, well, my favorite memory.
Am I being recorded currently?
Did you, of course, you got the email from Zach last night asking you to think over your
favorite memories from the Aunty Donna 200th episode spectacular.
So Michelle, we wanted you to share your favorite memories with us and all the fans.
My favorite memory from being on the uncew down the club cup.
I liked the one we did on the crew.
Um, out on the deck.
When we started about the spirits, they had a fail.
Did you get a message from Zach?
OK, right.
OK. OK, Michelle, I might call you back.
Just got a little logistical issue I need to sort out, but Michelle, thank you so much
for coming on the podcast.
I'm who speak to you again very soon, I'm sure.
Did you send messages?
So I'm just sort of going through the emails now and it seems what's happened is I accidentally
put after all of the email addresses.
Yeah, I do that.
So it's like Michelle Braza at
Yeah, so I think some of them, a few more than I originally anticipated.
I knew a couple of bounce back but I think a few more than I originally anticipated. I knew a couple bounce back,
but I think a few more than I originally anticipated.
Yeah, that's all right.
But that's all right.
I'm sure some of them went through.
Ha ha ha ha.
Very good.
Well, I think let's go a little closer to home,
because as we know,
Aunty Donner is not just three members.
There's six members of Aunty Donner.
And I think one of the most,
one of our fondest characters is Tom Armstrong. We love Tom. Always on. Always on.
Tom is on the podcast. He's usually recording since we've been going on zoom
We've been doing it ourselves and sending him the audio files and he's been filling in for us
But he is a big audio file
We're calling in Tom and I'm pretty sure the message got
through to him so we'll just hear from him. He's fond memories of recording the anti-donna podcast
once he answers the phone. Hello you've reached the point snail of Thomas. The fuck say Jack.
Hello, you've reached the point of smell of Thomas. The fuck say, Zach?
Is he working?
What, I don't...
Yeah, I just...
I mean, I... I'm so sorry.
Get out, get out.
Stu, tell us your favorite memories of being on the anti-donna podcast.
Uh, for the time that I, um, did you get a message?
Did you get a message from Zach telling you that we needed your best memories?
Uh, no.
Can you just check for me?
Can you just check?
I'm sorry. Did you get a message from Zach telling you that we needed your best memories? Uh, no.
Can you just check for me?
Can you just check?
Okay, hold on a second.
I just want to clap for you.
What platform?
I shot him a message on Facebook.
Yeah, he's saying Facebook here.
No, nothing on Facebook. Nothing.
Fuck, can you just very quickly just think of the top of your head, maybe just keep it
up a bit, like, what's been there?
Oh, I'm getting one now.
He's messaging you now?
No, no, not at all.
Jesus, not at all, mate.
What's the message, say?
I'm just getting the dot, I'm getting the dot. Zach, are you writing Stuart message right now? Jesus, it's not at all mate. What's the message say?
I'm just getting the dots. I'm getting the dots.
Zach, are you writing Stuart message right now?
No, not at all. He says you are.
He can't...
He says he can see the dots. He says he can see the dots.
Oh, yeah, no, I'm just read. I'm just read.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, no, for sure.
The message is sent. The message is sent.
Yes, I've got no, for sure. Um, the message you said, the message is then yet, uh, yeah, good memory for sure.
Seeing that up.
I don't know.
Just making that up.
I, what you, what you're gonna say, a couple of memories for the
podcast is that what, what the, what the world and also, I
always still playing golf and I took a,
yeah, I'm keep for a hit.
We, um, we all, I'll try to ship back up about that after the podcast. But yeah, just maybe
just like 10 seconds of your favorite memories of the first 200 and maybe like a best wishes
for the next 200 or so.
So, how long is it?
Can you just tell me what Zach said in that message. No, I see. Yeah, I see that. I'm not just a straight. You may have said that yesterday, I believe, and I'm a straighter.
I didn't know.
It was actually tax instead of just doctor-investing, right there.
Okay, all right.
I'm so sorry about this.
I'm going to let you go.
I'm stupid.
I'll speak to you later.
But happy 200 episodes.
It's 200.
Okay, so did you want to go? I'm going to go. I'm going to go. I'm so sorry, I'm gonna let you go on stew, but I'll speak to you later and happy 200 episode
We lost you there, but of course of course of course
I guess that people have loved come on. Let's keep this on the fuck you are fucking
I guess the people have loved I guess the people have loved,
I guess the people have loved on the podcast is of course my dearest father Charlie.
I definitely don't want to be surprised.
I talk to Charlie on the phone last night.
It does not like the idea of improvisation.
I talk to Charlie on the phone last night.
Let's get Charlie Bonanno, one of the podcasts most beloved
guests on the podcast and see if he shares his favorite memories of the last 200 episodes.
Of course he is available. This is Charlie. Um, leave your phone number and I'll get you in the next video.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
Did you tell him?
Did you kill him?
You're not, you're talking shit, man!
I called him.
You are talking shit!
I swear to God.
I swear to God, I called him.
This fucking trying again.
I swear to God.
If this phone doesn't answer.
No, it's just straight to fucking void. He's probably trying to call me.
Oh, look.
Just give me a second here, guys.
It's just a worst to have someone ever.
I'm calling him at the time. You told me to call him.
I don't know. Maybe I didn't talk to Charlie.
I don't know.
Either did or you didn't.
So I'm gonna come to the side.
I don't know. I don't know.
I may have asked someone. I don't know.
Now dad is so good to have you here. Dad, we want to hear what your favorite memories of the the last 200 episodes. And 200, so I'm in them 200 episodes,
I'm in the first one.
When I was a pirate.
Yes, that's it.
You only went like this.
Yeah, no, I'm not saying you did 200.
Listen, I'm not saying you did 200.
I'm asking, what have your favorite memories been
from the last 200 anti-donna
podcast episodes
I did that one like you that was my favorite
Let you out of memory of God. That's the only one you've got and Zach said to you
And it's you spoke to Zach last night on the phone about this right?
Zach who? Who? Zach! Zach, now I want to inspect the Jack Loss tonight.
You didn't talk to Zach last night, but he didn't say, Zach didn't call you and say,
Mark's gonna call you and ask you to talk about the pirate episode or your favorite.
That didn't happen.
I don't know what you're on with that.
You okay?
Am I okay?
Yeah, yeah.
No, I'm not okay. I'm not okay because some people at
Aunty Donna have been saying they've been telling porky pies they've been saying
they're doing one thing and then they're doing something else.
Well, they'll do something else. Nobody rang me up or won't leave.
All right, what did you like about the pirate episode? Yeah, what did I like?
Yeah, I like the reason to be out of it.
It was funny.
What's the G-Lite?
It was funny, hello.
It was funny.
I like that it was funny too.
I like that you were on it.
I like that everybody.
Yeah, I was part of it.
That's what I like about it.
Oh, that's actually really sweet and genuine. That's quite beautiful and fun.
I love you dad. I have to go. Okay, listen.
Oh, I'm afraid. See ya.
Okay, listen here. You're lucky that fucking pen, there. I said, you're so fucking lucky that pen there.
That was genuine and beautiful. Yeah, that was right.
That beautiful man, that gorgeous humble, beautiful man.
I feel like I've taken advantage of him now.
Okay, for sure.
He's like being a part of it.
Maybe I didn't call him.
And maybe I never called him, all right?
But you mentioned it like three weeks ago
that I was meant to send these emails and these calls.
And then you jump on me right before we recalled
the 200th and you say, yeah, you've done it,
haven't you Zach?
What was I supposed to say?
Yes or no?
Well, lucky for you, I actually have,
I actually have a message, a guest,
a message them a long time ago.
They are prepared for this call.
So it's a little bit different to those other calls
because this one's prepared.
It's a guess we've had on a number of times
and I can't wait to get them on.
Who's it gonna be?
Hi, Dad.
Stan Rewade.
Hey, Gowan, what's happening?
What do you have to be for again?
Yeah, I messaged you a couple of days ago about this.
Didn't I?
Yeah, you did, you did.
Yeah, thank you.
Now, instead of
right by dad, what's some of your fondest memories of being a guest on the
Ali Donapot cast? Oh, I don't know. It's been real. It's really hard to sort of
put together what it might be. But yeah, in the main, in the main, it's just the joy of
listening and talking to you guys. Yeah, it's being part of the
Presence. He's never been on the podcast. He's never been on the podcast. Yeah, now well, I know that dad hasn't you been on the podcast before?
I mean, you dad. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just lying for you. Who fucking does this before? I didn't use that. You know, if I don't have a Election it's you know they might go on offer on the podcast dad
At least
10 times yeah, you're full of shit and I
Emote you last week didn't know about the bad news chat
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, all right about having the 11th chat. Yeah, the 11th all right see, see you later, dad. Thanks so much, dad.
So, well, there you go.
All right, that's one.
All right, that's one, Zach.
All right, that's probably
now we go, dad, the heads up there,
which was good.
And I'm gonna just, I'm gonna keep rolling through
because I reckon there's a few more
I gave a heads up too.
So who else do you wanna call?
Well, the next one I'm gonna
I was with was my mother, Leon, who obviously, who I call,
Lauren Party.
That one I think, I'm pretty sure I did message your mom,
I think.
I'm pretty sure.
Well, she should be ready though.
I'll just set it up.
She should be ready to go.
Maybe up, maybe it was.
The person you are calling is not available.
Not available. You told them that we're calling now not available. Not available.
You told them that we're calling now.
That was my mum.
I didn't call anyone.
My mum never misses an appointment.
Um, alright, I think I might be able to get...
Is there anyone else we could just call real quick?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's calling Demi.
Sam, Sam's not doing anything.
I'll call Sam right now.
Hi, I'm my mom.
My mom's here.
Hi, Mom.
I'm Hannah Puntem.
Fox tell you should be working now I did you because you let me log on to the Fox tell and and use your Fox till for free, don't you?
So I could use the Fox tell now
Thank you
Oh good
And so when you're ready did you want want to just say your favourite podcast memories?
Just when you're favourite podcast memories.
The tone that you rang that and you thought that you weren't having a break? Uh, that was on another podcast.
Um, did you get on a one?
Did you get the anti-tona one?
I wasn't going to be admitted to other people from a lot of popular.
That is a good one.
Did Mum did exact message you?
No. I'm just Zach message you? No.
Oh no, oh no, I'm just at the dentist.
You're the dentist?
So Zach hasn't messaged you?
Oh no, I just thought he just got COVID yesterday.
You got tested for COVID?
Oh that's good.
I'm gonna email the phone and I'll tell you that. Oh that's good. Oh, that's good. Are you okay to be on the podcast, by the way?
You don't give permission?
Yes, I'll give permission.
Okay, bye, mum.
Thank you for FoxTell.
Well, thankfully that one worked out perfectly.
So she liked the podcast.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Okay, bye mom. Thank you for Fox tell. Well thankfully that one worked out perfectly.
Yeah, so she liked the pork l'appel catt'a one. Yeah, maybe I'll give Catt'a call.
Yeah, manager. Manager. Give our manager a call.
Manager, who is in charge of all of our business, the running of our business, touring.
Oh, fucking hell.
Please call Cat.
This is a disaster.
Yeah, no worries.
An A's or an I'm not gonna go full podcasty with it.
So I think that might throw a bit off a fuck's egg.
Please answer, please answer.
Please answer, please answer.
Please answer, please answer. Oh God, please answer please answer oh god please answer cat
this is meant to be a big 200 so I'll be sure and
Hi you've reached cat room.
Let me tell it a fucking call you back.
Let me give her a message.
Please leave a detailed message after the time when you get back.
Why do they do that double leave a message?
Just hang up at them.
I press one for more options.
I've made a bit of a mistake with our podcast.
It's not a big deal.
If you don't, please don't stress out.
But if you could give me a call when you're able to
just about the podcast and pop up your number
yeah it is we'll have to beat that
I'm just gonna try and call our lighting guy from our American tour
just just Preston yeah
you've got to put in the country number. You've got to put in the country code. I don't have any numbers, though.
You've got to put in the country code.
What do you mean?
I've got to put in the fucking country code.
Well, that's not on me.
That's, if you can work out how to do country code and area code.
Just tell me how to do it.
I don't know.
You've got to like find the country code.
So like plus one.
While you're doing that, I'll ring Guy Montgomery.
People love when Guy Montgomery came on.
He turns back from a chicken nugget
He was really good. He's a really funny guy. I just Google it man. I'm ringing. I'm ringing guy
All right, doing your fucking like you make have you messaged did you message guy Montgomery? No, no, I didn't
You're a fucking cunt. Oh fuck fucks.
That's Paul. That's Paul. Hello guy. Oh shit.
You just gotta give me a second, bro.
And I'm actually really busy.
What are you doing?
I'm just navigating my phone. It says you've called me as a video doing? I'm just never getting my phone.
It says you've called me as a video, but I can't see you at all.
No, I've turned my camera off.
I just want to know your favourite moments.
It's our 200th episode.
It's like we're supposed to message you.
He hasn't done it. Can you please just tell us your favourite moments
from the Aunty Donna podcast.
And wish us a happy 200.
Wish us a happy 200 episodes,
and cheers for the next 200.
Of course, is this all on the record now?
Oh well, very heavy 200 episodes to the Anti-Donna podcast.
They said we couldn't do it, but we did it, maybe 200.
And here's to the next 200 as well.
And if I were to just a jaunt down memory lane,
as I reminisce upon the many,
this is very good.
Sintillating highs of the years.
He's so, so, so, so, I always think you up.
When you get on a, when you have a good riff
and you sort of open up all these crazy possibilities
and conversation and that, but in the conversation
you can barely trace back where we've landed to where it started. I was
When you open up a riff like that that really that makes my heart sing boys
God you may have single handedly saved this podcast
That was really really good. Thank you so much
In the in the memory of the Anzac's
From Australia and New Zealand. Thank you so much.
You may have put this back on track. Tell them everyone else.
I can. Yeah, that's my main highlight and memory. Hey, can I just say all the best to you boys.
I love you boys with all my heart. Jesus. You're brave. You're strong, you're physically strong, you're mentally also strong.
I admire you, all of you equally.
Thank you so much, guys, that's incredible.
I mean, I feel like we can get this podcast back on track.
Thank you so much, guys.
Cat's on the phone now, so we'll have a great day.
All right.
Yeah, I'm on.
All right, Cat.
Hey mate, how are you?
I'm gathering, I'm not the prank this time since you told me about it.
Well, it's not a prank, we're getting you straight onto the podcast.
And I told you about it just because you were going into a meeting
and I didn't want to sort of stress you out.
And we did need to get you on.
So if you call back at one, that would be a problem.
Does that make sense? No, I can do it now. I'm literally I'm going to have a quick chat with Cassie down the road
So I can be a bit like
Yeah, no worries. Yeah, yeah, that's yeah, that's great. You're a phone going flat. Yeah, I've got the flat back
Sorry, Kat. I'm just you're fucking shambles today mate. You are fucking shambles
Be to get to so I just wish us the best 200 wishes the best wishes the best wishes the best just before you go to the meeting
Um, would it be possible for you to just sort of talk about some of your fondest memories of the podcast
Uh, and then which us the best obviously for the next 200
Or that I'd have to say my favorite memory of your podcast would definitely be when you impersonated my dead cat
Okay, yeah, that would have been a bit cruel. That was a bit cruel. That's really I don't remember you doing that
Like that's the idea
What's that he wasn't dead at the time. Oh my god. That was still a little foreboding
That's really yeah, that's really no, no, you did an amazing impersonation over him.
I was very impressed.
That's nice.
Yeah, yeah.
Get her off the fucking phone.
Get her off the phone.
Get her off.
I'm not going to wait.
This is Kidd.
Yeah, no, sorry, Kat.
I do have to go.
If you could just say, hi, I'm Kat.
Hi, I'm Kat.
You may know me as the person gets pranked
of the AdiDota podcast. I'm AdiDota's manager, and I'm Kat. You may know me as the person gets pranked on the adiada podcast I'm on did on his manager and I'm here to say congratulations for 200 podcasts and he is to 200 more
Hi, I'm Kat. You may know me as honeydorn as manager who they like pranking on
Quite regularly in their podcast
It's been a great 200 episodes and he's to another 200.
That's a great bit.
That's a great bit of a no-he-cat.
That's a really good cat, but sorry, I did say you mentioned the pranking first
because that's how they're going to wreck.
I know we know you are our manager, you're very good at that,
but they know you for the pranks first.
So if you just sort of mentioned the pranking first,
then the management then say congratulations on the 200
He's the 200 more. I'm so sorry about this cat. I should have messaged you like a day ago
That's right, tack
Hi, I'm Kat. You may know me from aren't you getting pranked by aren't you Donna regularly?
God that's good. Yeah, you
This can be edited. Can't I? Yeah, I'm also there ever suffering, honey jar.
I've got notes already, say.
Congratulations on 200 wonderful ones, and he's to another 200.
Could we try again?
I want to hear it as if she's where she's really excited.
I'm just going to hear you.
So all that order is right, and that wording is right.
That's really good. I know you have to be a bit more pen
No, no, I'm just I'm suffering right now. Yeah, just just show us that show us that just show us joy and like you love
Ani Donner really excited
Well, you know, I love you go again. Tell her to go. Yeah, she's not clear. She's just really excited
I love this. I love this so much. Okay, I can tell
So can you just one more time really excited and then and then you can
Hi, it's Kat you may know me from getting trained regularly by Auntie Donna
I'm also there ever suffering manager
Here's to a great
episode and another 200 to come
Okay, now let's try like a smaller
perform, like very still and very straight.
You gotta get your lunch. Just one more.
Just really quick. Just speedrun.
I'm sorry, people in my ear right now, I'm so sorry about this.
No, that's cool.
Just look, that's fine.
That's fine.
Hey, thank you so much, Kat.
Thanks for doing that.
That is a right, Zak, anytime.
I'm so sorry to prank you on the podcast and we'll...
You love doing it.
You absolutely love doing it.
Don't apologize.
No, that's fair.
You're not sorry at all.
No, I am actually. That's fair. Sorry at all. No, I am actually I feel quite bad so
Hold on I had a miss call from Ben. Oh, sorry. We've got a miss call from Ben. I'm sorry
I really fucked this but hey, thank you so much cat. I'll talk to you at one and
We'll talk to you later. Okay. Thanks so much cat. Thank you. Bye. Bye
Ben Russell our most
Gastard podcast guest here he is
Come on, Ben. This is a fucking nightmare. This is a fucking nightmare man
Is This is a fucking nightmare. This is a fucking nightmare, man. This...
I like everyone after we take a call messaging the person
to say I'm so sorry.
I don't know what they're talking about.
We didn't think this one through.
Why don't we call up someone who loves to have a chat with us while we're waiting?
He is the star of stage in Australia. He's been in school of rock, Jersey boys
His name is Joe Koski and we've got him on the phone when he answers
Right now
Joe Right now. Joe? Hi, you've reached Joe Covey. He's fucking blocking your calls for sure.
He's pissed.
He's pissed.
You've always got to let him know before you call Joe.
Sam Lingam. We know. You've Sam and I go. Sam Lingam, we know.
You Sam, I go.
Sam, Tom.
I can try Max.
I'll try Max.
I got Sam.
I got Sam.
Hello, Brodard.
Sam, hi.
Okay, how you doing?
You're on the only Donut podcast.
Can you give a second call?
Yeah, Joe, Sam, I gotta leave you.
Is this, come on man, it's up.
Can you sing a song in tribute to our podcast?
It's like a podcast.
Yeah, it's 200 episodes.
And you just like sing a tribute to the song,
like saying like all the best.
No. No, not good thing. Like saying right call the best No
I got Ben I got Ben hello. I got Max. So it's up on Joe. Joe. Go hang up on you. Hey Ben
Wait, oh fuck sorry Max. Just a second wait one second Ben hold on up on you. Hey, Ben. Tom, wait. Oh, fuck.
Sorry, Max. Just a second.
Wait, one second.
Ben, hold on.
I'm not saying video off.
You're calling it under the same time, guys.
Ben, what, I just was trying to line one up.
Sorry, Max.
Just hold up.
Ah, fuck.
Ben, for a sec.
Yeah, this is for an interview.
It's up, no, it's for a sec.
It's up, no, it's for a sec.
It's up, no, it's for a sec.
It's up, no, it's for a sec.
It's up, no, it's for a sec. It's up, no, it's for a sec. It's up, no, it's for a sec. I fuck off? I've got Ben Russell on the phone. Just, just, as we got,
Sam puts on hold for a sec.
I don't have, I can't get Ben.
I'm gonna have to put you on hold.
Ben, I can't, I don't have you on speaker.
Ben, are you there?
Um, can you hear Ben?
Ben, what is your favorite memory?
We've got Ben on hold for a second, I've got Sam here.
I've got to put you on hold for one sec, Ben.
I'm going to call you back.
Sam, what's your favorite moment to the podcast?
You're making me put Ben on the audience.
The only one you called Joan, because it's how you annoy him and stuff.
I think that's real good.
That's fucked, that I have to say.
Can you sing a song?
A wint song.
All good.
Maybe spend some time love by Dashboard Confession or...
Great guys, can you just wait for us?
I know you can hear anything, but I'll start the second verse,
so I can't remember the thing.
Sing, deathcap for cutie.
There are days when I try to do a window, a similar reflection as I slowly pass.
It sounds like I'm like the second half.
Eric, the second half.
Oh yeah.
But we'll be lovers.
Lovers at last.
You've got to spend some time.
Thanks, Ed.
You've got them.
It's just Max has been sort of.
I had Ben Russell on the fucking side.
Yeah. But Max, I held onto Max. I kept but I max I I held on to max I kept max
Can I just get max to talk for a sec? Yep max. Hey mate. How are you buddy? Hey, mate. Good. How you doing?
So what I need from you is just sort of a quick
Congrats on 200 and here's the 200 more something like that maybe some memories
You were the one did was it you that said This is not entertainment. Did you say that? Yeah, something like that, maybe some memories. Was it you that said this is not entertainment?
Did you say that?
Yeah, he said that.
Yeah, can you like talk about that for a second or?
Where is it at 200?
To a car?
Like I can't get to the point.
But if you're just calling me back, can you just sort of talk about that this is not
entertainment because I think that was a really funny line,
because it can be a bit shit sometimes, the podcast.
That was sort of your joke, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
Although I had to remember, I was like, I really remember very well.
But I think it was just describing the podcast.
Yeah, but just with a little more energy, man.
Like a little more kaput.
At what?
Just like a little more, ah, you know, a little more oom home. So yeah, remember it, but just with a little more
I don't remember it though
Can I fucking call can you try with can you try with max? Sorry? Yeah, you can call Ben and then can you try with max?
Because I got nothing I got. I got nothing from him.
I'm trying to try to Demi again. I'm trying to Demi again.
You're trying to Demi.
I'm like a banana.
Demi, was your favorite moment from podcast?
How was you just on the podcast?
You're on the podcast. Can you hear on the podcast?
Can you?
Sorry, that is actually me.
I can speak rough.
What's your, oh, fuck, fuck sake.
What's your favorite podcast memory
and wishes the good luck for 200 more?
I like WTS Mark Marin.
Good luck to podcast.
You got this?
Our podcast, Demi.
BG hung up on you, man. She Demi. Did she hang up on your man?
She hung up. She's great, Zach.
So that's, that's my relationship with Demi at fucking...
Everyone stop.
That's in two more minutes.
This is a disaster. Nothing has gone right.
Shoot her a message, just to apologize.
I'm sorry.
Nothing has gone right. Everything's going, wait a minute.
That's what this podcast has been about
for 200 episodes.
What, what has it been about?
I'm getting, trying things out, it being a disaster.
But it being fun all along the way, don't you see?
You fucking up was exactly what was the best representation
of this podcast, boys. Yeah. Yeah, I guess so. So what was the best representation of this podcast boys.
Yeah, yeah, I guess so.
So what's the message?
I mean, yeah, it's that could have set the messages and it could have been a bit,
I mean, it could have been better.
It definitely could have been better and more well planned in the way that I said.
Sorry, I've got Max back on the line.
No, just don't worry about the call.
No, it's Max.
Max, yes.
So I think we've learned a lesson. I'm not fully. Max. Yes. So I think we've learned a lesson.
I'm not fully on top of it, but I think we've learned
the lesson that you can get something good out of it
if it's a little rough.
I mean, do you want to speak to that?
So do you want to sort of speak to it?
Sorry, what was the lesson, bro?
The lesson was that, sure, I didn't go to court
into play, but we had fun along the way.
Demi's not messaging me back.
No, that's right.
You give Demi a call after this.
No, what was the message, bro?
I said it.
I said it.
I said it.
I said it.
What do you think about, you sort of fun along the way, that sort of thing?
You're talking to me?
Yes, yeah.
Is this in regards to it not being entertainment?
I guess so, yeah, that's an angle, yeah.
It's an memory.
Well, it doesn't really matter, man, just something.
I guess it's been entertaining.
What do you want to do?
What do you want to do?
What do you want to do?
Is that what you want?
You're a member of this group, I mean, I just, you're a member,
it's not, sorry, but you're a member of this group.
I mean, if I call you you fucking deliver for the podcast
Sam, do you think it's the lesson that we've learned
Brodans trying to say that the lesson that we've learned is that it's more about
The fun we've had along the what was it, Brodans?
It's fun. We've had on the way. It hasn't had every episode
Trying to get it right and falling apart is the magic every episode trying to get it right and falling apart
is the episode.
Is that a statement that you agree or disagree
in how strongly, what's the magic of the,
we're just trying to get something.
I wrapped it up beautifully.
Sam, I know.
You're calling people.
What's the magic of the podcast?
What's the magic of the podcast, the podcast. The podcast.
The podcast.
The podcast.
The podcast.
The podcast.
The podcast.
The podcast.
The podcast.
The podcast.
The podcast.
The podcast.
The podcast.
The podcast.
The podcast.
The podcast.
The podcast.
The podcast.
The podcast.
The podcast.
The podcast.
The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast.
The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast.
The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. The podcast. So hang up on sex. Yeah, I've got to go Sam. I'm sorry. All right. That wasn't helpful. Hello. Oh, wait, let me put you on speaker. Hello.
Get out boys. It's Andrew Gays. What's Andrew Gays? I just wanted to wish you guys a rip at
200 and a thanks for the message from Zach telling me about it Oh, wow
And a great 200 more I'll be back soon to slam dunk with you boys
Been the means on have a frothy from me
Through that did it that's so fun. Oh my god. I can't believe I did it
Yeah, let's just smoothly. I think we should really wrap it up now
I just I'm gonna call from someone bro unless anyone's calling. Sorry someone's calling me. No rose. Hello
Hello, who's this? Hey, it's Zach. Oh, Zach. What are you doing? Zach? Wait
Just calling to say congratulations on 100 episodes
Oh my god I'm so sorry
Alright let me call Mark
No you can't you get where I'm podcasted
Together Oh he's gone Is he calling me now? Yeah he's calling you Let me call Mark. No, you can't, you can't, we're on a podcast.
Together. Oh, he's gone.
Is he calling me now?
Yeah, he's calling you.
Yeah, I heard him say that.
Um, we'll see if he calls.
I mean, oh, here we go.
I've got a call from now.
Hello, this is Mark.
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
Oh, ah, ah, ah, ah.
Where's it? Is it our first ever podcast guest. It's our first ever podcast guest frog man
Did you get a message from Zach? Yeah, I'm on you
Well, that's kind of the part of the frog. I guess the lesson. Yeah. What's the lesson
bro? I'm so sorry man. I just get some clarity. Hang it up. Hang it up. Should I get
max back on? No more calling. Turn your fucking phones off. Guys, I want to say a very
heartfelt congratulations to you two boys. Thank you. For going on on this wacky journey.
We've been on a wild ride together.
We've been everywhere.
We've been to the UK.
We've done podcasts.
We've done podcasts in New York City.
New Zealand, Australia.
And we've had an absolute wild ride.
And thank you to the audience.
Yeah, thank you so much.
Who's calling you?
Who's calling you? Thank you so much. It was cool.
Thank you so much.
And here's a special message from Max, thank you, our friends.
Thank you for 200 amazing entertaining podcasts.
No, just the general, not just the podcast.
I mean, you're not on the podcast, man.
So I thought I'd open it up.
For listening to the podcast.
No, but you maybe talk a bit to the YouTube
and directly. I wrapped it up so well.
What's that got to do with it?
We were wrapping it up.
Bro, I didn't wrap it up.
I just thought I'd fold you in, man.
Bro, I didn't really feel anything.
We've just got Max wrapping it up.
You want to wear YouTube?
I just thought it wasn't fair.
Within our service, I wish all the fans are happy 200.
I'd just sort of be fair to give you a platform to do that.
If you wanted that. Max, yeah. To all the fans are happy 200. I just sort of be fed to give you a platform to do that if you wanted that
I'm max
Who 200 what?
Be clear I think
Episodes podcast podcast episodes Sam podcast yeah
Hey to all the fans happy churned podcast episodes. And to us too.
So Mark, Broden really found it out here.
Me and Bro is here.
This is the Founding Out.
So Me and Bro, we found a really good out with the Mac stuff.
Sex saying he's upset that we found it out
because we asked Max, but I didn't think it was fair.
I'm gonna call Tom.
Okay. Tom has not answered fair.
We've brought him so much today.
He's not answering.
Don't go sleep. Can I just say something guys? I just want to say something. That was
nice message from Sam. Yeah, you have to admit that's a great way to go out.
Yeah, and I think I want to go out by just saying thank you. Thank you to everyone for supporting
us, for listening. Look, sometimes we go a little south,
sometimes it goes a little silly, it goes a little bad,
we risk the bad episodes to find the gold.
And I just wanna say thank you, Mark, Broden,
and thank you, our loyal friends,
for tuning in every podcast,
every now and not feeling this isn't out. loyal friends for tuning in every podcast, every...
No, I'm not feeling this isn't out.
Do I make all bras again?
No more calling, no more calling.
No more calling.
Yeah, no more calling.
We've referenced this.
There's a wonderful episode.
I wanna say, guys, you'll see you for 201. See you for episode 201.
The next episode. Oh sorry no you go. Oh sorry you call. Who do you call? Did you
call someone? Oh I'm always calling Jo Koski. All right. And to close this out
Hey buddy. Yeah just close this out. We're all finished with the podcast now. Thank
you for doing that. It's our 200th episode. We have actually finished recording now.
We're doing like little, we're doing proper little snippets of people saying thank you.
So we got cat out manager and we got like, we got Tom to do one in Sam and Max. Can you
do like a happy 200 and you can do a little joke about us calling you too much or something like that?
Sure thing.
When you're ready.
Happy 200 show, you bunch of dogs.
Thanks for calling me all the time.
I hope you're now on.
Ah, did that cut out there?
Cut out unfortunately.
That was shit.
That's a shame.
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