Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 206 - A Trip To Werribee Zoo Part 3
Episode Date: July 7, 2020We continue Mark's adventure at the Werribee zoo!  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.
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Welcome to part three of the anti-donna trilogy, Mark goes to the Where-a-Bizoo.
We join Mark traveling through a time portal to get the sausages that ran out in the last episode.
He's traveling through time to get the sausages. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, Whoa And I
Mark I am the time god
Hello, Luke yes, I am little not milk. Oh, I thought you said milk. I am little
Whoa keep traveling through the time portal Mark. You're almost there
I just want to say this is a beautiful time portal
and you've really taken good care of it.
Thank you, I am the time lord, Lilk.
Continue traveling and you shall reach your destination.
Is there a bathroom or if I go to the bathroom
in the time portal, will...
One's or two's?
Oh, two's. Let's say for discussion.
Two's? I don't need to do it too,
but let's say for discussion's sake, I need to do it too. Yeah, all right. So I'll give you this key. Oh, two's let's say for two's I don't need to do it to but let's say for discussion sake
I need to do it to yeah, all right, so I'll give you this key. Oh, thank you
You need to go around the back. Uh-huh all right walk down the passageway. Yes, I'm the kitchen. Okay
On the left there's a men's and ladies or wear time time Lord. Yes time Lord
Lord yes time Lord
Someone wanting to do a poo in the time portal. Yeah, sorry mark. This is my wife milk. Hey milk hello there. Hi there
How are you? Yes mark needs to use the toilet? It's number two's for his thanks to no, no, I don't need to do number two's I was no it's it's fine. It's just look
Have you given him the directions to the toilet?
Yeah, I've said he goes, I've given him the key, go down the passage, pass the kitchen, and then there's two outhouses.
I'm gonna bust you.
Okay, so I just want to explain something to you Mark, I, I, Lilt doesn't really like to go into it because it's a bit rude, but
I think it is important to say that if you, if you miss the bowl at all, all and it is hard There's not a lot of gravity going on here. Yeah, if you miss the bowl
Little bits of poo will spray all through human all through time
Why can I imagine missing the bowl if I was doing a number two?
Which is why I asked ones or two. Yeah, why be sitting down if I was doing it too
I'd be sitting down and I usually sit down when I pee anyway because I find it more comfortable
But if you pee as well, this is also an issue, but that's rain.
That's what rain is.
Every time it rains, it's someone doing number one in the temple.
I was told it was God crying.
No, that's wheeze.
It could be God pissing if he's in the time portal.
It could be God pissing if he's in the time.
Oh yeah, I imagine that.
It's often, it's often lielc doing away.
He's been drinking more water because he's got kidney studs at the moment.
It's just a moment.
I had a kidney stone once.
Oh for, awful.
Yeah, I remember I saw it a while ago.
You want to go back there.
Here I am.
So you've got kidney stones.
Nothing too much to worry about,
but it will be quite painful when you pass it.
So here's some painkillers for that.
Thank you.
All right, I'm just gonna quickly use the bathroom
and then I'm just on my way to get my friend Sam
and Sam, well, they're not really my friends.
You do have to buy something if you're gonna use the toilet.
So I should have said that, do you want a coffee or a smarty cookie or anything
from the fridge here?
I don't know.
Off room, the new magazine.
I, so we've got, I don't know.
We've got the new magazine.
Can I please, we've got the magazine we've been working on.
Our daughters started a, a Z-no.
I think it's called that's what,
looks like it's done on a photo copier.
Yeah, so we're a little cafe,
we're a little mum and dad cafe, time portal.
But we've got our daughter Zene.
Look, I get that.
So she's, she's, she's,
Hey, milk, just chill out for a second, all right?
Well, I will not let you talk to me like that.
Okay, I'm not letting you talk to me like that.
Don't talk over the customer.
Don't talk over your wife like that.
Don't talk over your wife like that, dude.
You listen to me, give me that key.
Hey, hey!
Now you listen here, this is my time portal.
It was given to me by my dad.
You're a such.
You're a fucking such.
You're a fucking such man.
Our time portal.
Do you mind if I come with you?
Come on, let's go.
We're done, Lilq.
We're done.
All right, Horo.
Hey, Milq.
We're done. Can I fuck Horo. Hey, Milq.
We're done.
Can I fuck you?
Can you fuck me?
Can I fuck you?
All right, come on.
It'll be fun.
Oh, you're all the same.
I'm going to the future.
I'm buying.
Oh, turns out I'm a soj to.
Hi, Elgond.
Now, did you want a smarty
No, you've taken the bathroom key. I'm just gonna wait. I'm just gonna wait till I get out of the time portal
I'm gonna go there. I need to get these sausages for my friends
It the fate of the world mom
The fate of the world depends on me getting these sausages. The sausages hold the cure to the pandemic,
the disease that's happening in the world, not the COVID, a different one.
I made up one. It turns people into legumes. Ah, here I am at the whereabouts.
Oh hello Mark. How are you today?
From the future I see. Hello. Hello. Hello.
Hello from the future I see. Hello. Hello. Hello from the future I see.
Did you speak to Lilq?
I think they just speak to Lilq.
You're looking milk.
That's set up.
Milk's a subject.
Yeah, no, they always do that.
Yeah, they always do that.
They do get to Smotty Cookie and a cappuccino.
I didn't want anything.
I wasn't hungry.
I just wanted to use the bar.
You didn't get the cookie cookie,
the cookie, coffee combo.
No, I didn't get the cookie, coffee combo.
Yeah, you have to do the cookie combo.
I just didn't say more like they...
They've been to Smarties, in the cookies, right?
But that, no, have you seen the use bar date on those cookies?
I did say but it seems like, yeah, the kind of place
that they used by that, it was a way out of that.
It's a cookie, it's a cookie.
It's a cookie, it's a cookie.
It's like it shouldn't last that long.
It's a cookie, it shouldn't last like two years.
Like what are they putting in the cookie sugar and making it last that long? It is, it's not, obviously, it's a big price. It's a cookie, it shouldn't last like two years. Like what did I put in the cookie sugar
and make it last that long?
It's not, obviously, it's in my preservatives.
And I mean, like, linear term isn't a thing in there,
right? That's right.
That is what I thought initially.
I thought, it's just because there's that linear term here,
cookie lasts forever and for nothing, right?
Anyway, I just need, I need to, uh,
do you understand that?
I do understand.
I do. I just thought initially, right? Yes. I just thought to... Do you understand that? I do understand.
That's what I thought initially. I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, I thought, Iat Ross you can fuck your tongue time. Yeah, you're gonna be really hated up very very hard. Yes. Right. Say I had some lukewarm frad Ross at the
time ported. Yes. And I got to sick tummy and I thought, right, say clearly things can
go off. Yeah, it's all in the bain maris there, it's it's their all day. Yeah, yeah,
yeah, you gotta be careful with that. So even if I say you know, you get potato cakes,
maybe wingedings, you're have to do a peak lock.
You have to go out, would art eat this if it was sitting on my bench for lock a day.
Yes, that's a good way to think about that.
But I can't actually work it out because they've got a linear tone.
It's like how do you work out if it goes off or not?
And I said that's actually the issue.
Right. Because you know, on earth, you just, you have like a six-hour,
you make a tom stamp and you just make sure you throw it, the winged things after six hours.
Yeah, right.
But you did that with my linear Tom.
I would be, I had to know, I mean, you could still, it's literally like impossible.
I mean, time's not linear, but you could still like, time it on you.
No, you can't.
You're thinking, you're thinking, you're thinking, you're thinking, you're thinking,
you're thinking, you're thinking, you're talking through, there's no Tom. Like, you are thinking, you can't. You're thinking, You're thinking, Lilc, talk me through. There's no time. You are thinking,
But if you had,
I saw Lilc had an iPhone,
Yeah, by the way,
Lilc is a surge,
and I've got some misogynistic qualities
within myself that I need to examine.
We all have to address our own issues.
We all have to look inwards.
Even though I'm a good guy.
Even though I'm a good guy.
Still got to check yourself.
You're relevant, right?
Before you try the Steins, you have to look into yourself.
So that was a great lesson that I learned in the time portal, okay?
It's very important, it was a huge, very important look into yourself.
But you know, I don't consider myself to be a misogynist, but there is something very
Mark, listen, Mark.
Yeah, Mark, listen to Sam.
Do you know, do you need to himself?
Do you know what happens when I look into myself?
What happens when I look into yourself?
Say a ripabod!
You say a ripabod.
Do you know what happens when I look into a mirror?
I say a ripabod.
Mark, do you know what happens when you look at Motami?
Have a guess.
When I look at your tummy,
what do you say? I say a ripabod. Guess. When I look at your tummy, what do you say?
I say a rip a bod.
It's a smock.
I say the ebbs are bought up there, rip a bod.
It dominoes.
It dominoes the massages.
And here's the thing, Rod.
People think I'll do some sit-ups, but if you've got a lourd
fat on your tummy, you still can't say the ebbs.
It's a combination of darts and sit-ups.
That's a good question, Mark.
Listen. I didn't know. It's the way to a combination of DART and CITAR. That's a good question, Mark. Listen.
What do you think is the way to get RIPPA EBS Mark?
CITAR, what do you think is the way to get TAPO?
I'm thinking the curious.
This is going to be funny.
Sit ups, crunches.
You are, Mark, listen.
Listen, CITAR, Mark. I actually am. Sit up scrunches. You are, oh my god listen, listen sit down Mark.
I actually am.
Sit down Mark.
Lock I have a friend, Rod.
Every day he does lock 100 sit-ups next to his bed.
He can't afford the gym, he's a student, Rod.
Say there's 100 sit-ups next to the bed, huh?
And he goes, he goes to me, I don't have any abs.
I don't have any abs, lock you boys, Rod.
I don't have any.
And I go, what do you eat in full lunch? What do any. I'm not going, what are you eating for lunch?
What are you having, Rod?
Now, we all are over lunch.
Rod, I was having locked the salad in a black coffee.
This was in the Tom Portle, by the way.
And I'm going, what are you having for lunch?
And he goes, I'm just having a pizza.
Rod, from Dominoes.
And I'm like, that's great.
I have a pizza every now and then.
What did you have for lunch yesterday?
He goes, I have that sandwich, you know,
but luck with the pork schnitzel.
You know pork schnitzel mark.
Yeah, it left over pork schnitzel
and you had it in the sandwich.
It's very nice.
But if you go to the movies,
that popcorn has to be your dinner.
That's your dinner.
That has to be your dinner.
And I said, that's interesting
that you're having a pizza.
It's got a lot of trends fats on the throat. I'm not talking about the pre-insed right now, I'm talking about
pre-insed fats, right? It's got a lot of the fats in it and it's got a lot of like carbs and
like sugar and like... It's got protein! It's got some good things in it, right? It's
good for a treat. Like sometimes, didn't I lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc,
a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc,
a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc,
a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc,
a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc,
a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc,
a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc,
a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc,
a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc,
a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc,
a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc,
a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc,
a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, a'r lloc, with some egg, put nice salt or herbs in it. I took tinned tomato, I put nice salt,
no herbs, no oil, no garlic, I put the tinned tomato, I took out the egg cauliflower,
I make sure I press it into a pan, I put the tomatoes from the from the pantry onto that,
right? And then I put like the littlest amount of cheddar cheese
into the pre-shredded side,
that the corn stature, I don't know, to rot.
I popped that in the oven,
and it was as good as a pizza.
That's good.
You know, as good as a pizza.
You know what we're talking about is
where good friends with Don May from Domino,
he's the sound of him.'re good friends with don may from dominos. He's the same guy
He's friends with our dad. I think it's pronounced me
No, no, no, it's not
You're too me to me. I would love to me to me don't me. Okay, okay, I get him
Just just before you go Sam just before you
Yes, before I get him because I really click on travel travel to you Did you did we explain it to you?
First on it is your little mock
What do you think a sit up is?
I know what a sit up is
I don't know what you think
I'm going to rot a list of everything we have to do in order to have these some sense of
I'm not the devilist
Mock with you to his self
I have to get you sausages
Yeah, I'll rot you get these sausages That's the last use them? I have to get you sausages. Yeah, I'll rock.
You get these sausages.
That's the last thing.
Got off.
But that's a thing.
I have to address.
We have to do your sausage song.
We have to say this sausage song.
I have to get...
I have to do a sausage song.
That even though time is not linear in the time portal,
if you have an iPhone with a timer, not linear time,
you should...
You should still get the cable at the time, six minutes. I just... Listen to that. should answer that. You should still get the time six minutes.
I just I need to talk
He's wanting a list.
Okay, I just write it down.
It's not to address for later,
but that's very important.
But if you can't get your
editor on that mark,
you're going to stride.
I think that should you
should be able to do that.
No, it's your thinking linear.
But the timer on your phone.
All right, the timer on your phone all right the timer on your phone is
Measuring time it's a measurement rot. Do you understand?
Yeah, it's a measurement
There is no time
Add you measure it
Right, so you what do you think?
Mark what do you think a sit-up is can't even get to the list?
We'll get to the list. What do you think a sit-up can't even get to the list? Who get to the list? What do you think a sit up is I imagine I imagine I imagine
The dozen I cuz he's never done a sit-up in his lot
Personal training or I'm the payday looking and I can't bully you. I can't bully you. That's what we learn Taiwan
I know you can't say that if's what we learned, I won. I said, done fully in 30. What do I do? I know what I fucking said.
You can't say that if you want to be a personal trainer,
same, you have to be locked, that's okay.
I encourage you to do mostly tabs,
but if you don't come back, that's okay, you know?
But really, you know, you're a bit of an idiot
if you don't know what fuck you.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
It's fair.
I know what to say.
I'll fix it up.
Rot, I understand. Of course, it's fair. I know. I'm gonna sit up. It's...
Rot. I understand.
Get out of the way.
Of course.
It's to answer another question.
Yeah, I'm gonna sit up.
How do you get to rip the abs?
How do you get to rip the abs?
I imagine it's a combination of
How wrong you are, Mark.
How wrong you are.
How wrong you are.
You are.
Oh, you think it's just sitting there. That's not your bad word. That's not to a boy. It's about a combination of
Sit-ups and
It's just sit-ups. What do you think a sit-up is when you're on the ground?
It's exactly what it sounds like you're just sitting up
And you're working it up down On the ground it's exactly what it sounds like you learn you just sit together That
It's not sitting down to watch the television
Pater chips watching all the next Netflix shows
To go upstairs
I think that work. Or to go upstairs.
What's on the list?
This is there.
In my mind, in my hair.
What is on the list?
I think I have to level three.
What is on the list?
I haven't got to the list yet,
because you think that he thinks too linearly, Mark.
He thinks too linearly.
Or at say.
What's happening to him?
What's wrong with him?
It is a combination of, of diet, rot, the understand this.
So if you want to have a pizza instead of a pizza,
it's instead of a pizza, it's instead of a pizza mark.
But I did say something and I said something in the exit code.
What do you have to be to say if you have a pizza, let's not.
That's enough, rot, rot. So you have a pizza list? That's enough, that's enough, for rot, rot.
So you have a pizza list, it's the same.
It's a bit of a problem, you just have cauliflower,
mushed up with egg, rot, they understand that.
That's good as a pizza list.
That's good as a pizza, now, rot tell me any dish
and we'll tell you the alternative to every part of rot, rot, they understand. You tell me any dish and we'll tell you the alternative to have a rip-a-bod
Ratty understand you tell me any dish that you want spaghetti carbonara. Oh easy one
Easy one rot. It's so easy zucchini
You take a zucchini and you turn it into noodles. We call them noodles
The contest that they called the noodles called noodles The adults. The adults. The adults. The adults. The adults. The adults.
The adults.
The adults.
The adults.
I can't tell you that except the adults.
I've like, completely lost my accent, but I have already gone nice.
What would you call the zucchini when you turn it into like noodle?
Or like, getting noodle?
I would say just zucchini noodles, but I'm hearing that.
I'm hearing.
That's too much. I'm hearing.
That's because you're stupid.
That's because you're an idiot.
That's, that's, it's noodles.
It's, it's noodles.
It's noodles.
With lime juice.
It's not, it's not zucchini noodles.
You're not listening.
I said, it's noodles.
It's, it's noodles.
It's noodles, Mark.
But, they understand it's noodles.
Yes, yes. You know, what do you understand in circles? Yes.
You know, what do you think of sudalies?
As a kid.
No, no.
It's more.
It's like a zucchini.
Make it into a noodle.
You put it into a little thing, Rat.
It costs you like, how much does the little thing cost?
Like $20,000.
Oh, the one you got, because you're an idiot. You ain't got a fancy one. Mark, you pay for quality,000. The one you got, because you're an idiot.
You ain't got a fancy one.
You pay for quality, Mark.
Right, I've got the $10,000 one, but Mark, not to be poor.
He might not be middle class, which is what the fuck
I said.
You can't just be kidding, you're gonna be,
and that is a multi-millionaire, but we call ourselves middle class. We say, I'm just middle class, I'm a dad to a dad.
That's all into a good school.
Mark, yeah, you understand.
We use the kidney noodles, I just as good as Ravioli.
That's not true.
So you have the kidney noodles, which you put in the frappe and with no oil.
And then you take a tin of tomato
and with no salt,
banana, huh?
Or any other lock ingredient,
you put the tin tomato on top of the noodles.
And that is as good as a spaghetti carbonara.
Can I just say, I just want it interject for a moment.
There's about five sausages left.
I came back in time.
That's a lot to it.
Just send you back if we run out.
No, I don't.
I just have to keep going through the time.
That's a lot to it.
Just send you back.
Do you understand?
Give me another dish.
Sausage is a good example.
What's a good as a sausage, Sam?
What's a good as a sausage?
Not Sam.
I'm Sam. And what's as good as a sausage? A? Not Sam. Not Sam.
And what is good as a sausage?
A sausage is filled with fat.
Oh right.
I'm going to do it fat.
I'm going to do it fat.
I'm going to do it fat.
I'm going to do it fat.
I'm going to do it fat.
I'm going to do it fat.
I'm going to do it fat.
I'm going to do it fat.
I'm going to do it fat.
I'm going to do it fat.
I'm going to do it fat.
I'm going to do it fat.
I'm going to do it fat.
I'm going to do it fat. I'm going to do it fat. I'm going to do it fat. I'm going to do it fat. I'm going to do! It might be between the little bit of onion.
Alright, well then I'll boil you guys some carrots.
No, I'm allowed to have a sausage, I'm not working.
We're bulking.
We're bulking.
Oh you're bulking at the moment.
We're not shredding.
We're shredding next week before our date.
Oh who you say?
You're going to date?
I'm going on the date with the most beautiful girl mark.
The most beautiful girl I've ever met.
Why do you hear this girl is wet?
I met her on Bumble, Rod.
I know that that's not the one
they're using anymore, the single people, which is me.
But he probably doesn't even know what Bumble is.
What do you think Bumble is?
What do you think Bumble is?
I think it'll be.
I think it's a little paper-seeing around.
As is my mouth.
No, I'm on Tinder B Bumble and the New One.
I don't know what they do, what's the New One?
Well, the New One is a thing, Rod.
All our secret people know about it,
and we tell the people in their relationships
that they forget to apply in a single person on the podcast.
So we're on Tinder, Bumble and the New One.
And I'm on everyone else's scroll through it.
Sometimes I'm met with a girl on both and not say.
Our band is where we're met with a bit of a thought.
You understand?
It's a little long I use.
And then I still have to say,
have you scrolled through to Picture 3?
Where it's me and my brother at the beach?
And I just scrolled through to that.
It's very casual.
Like we don't do the massive photos
on the on the first picture on Bumble. Because if you do that it looks like you're desperate.
It looks like I think oh I don't want to go on a date with them because they'll just go to the gym
so you have to put it at lock number three. Number one it's me in a suit with my brother.
Okay, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it. me in a suit with my brother. I hold this watch like that.
At the auntie's wedding while you're talking about.
At the end, we're in suits at the auntie's wedding.
We've got some just a beer in hand, Rod.
We've got a beer in hand because it is a Saturday and we have beers on Saturdays.
What? At the Wazah and we drink spirits, Rod.
So I've got a beer in hand, I'm wearing a suit and I'm like, hey, how you going?
The second part, is me at the dick convention when we were trying to get our app up.
It's like this.
We're langing forward because we're trying to get our app up and they'll say that it's
a dick convention that go, oh, they're smart. Just maybe they're even wealthy or off, but
we're just middle class. We only have an inheritance of a few million dollars when middle class
The answer is there okay, okay, and then the third picture may at the beach
Memorather at the beach you got his answer
You know because we've got the answer because we're at the beach. What else do you wear?
You know for the picture puppy
That's what you call it we call it a a robot. But we call it a bulldog baby.
Of you, I don't know.
I didn't even get to that.
I've got to put that on the least bulldog breeding.
No, we talked about that.
No, but we didn't get to the point about the balls.
We did, that was the point.
No, we didn't get to the point.
We didn't get to the point.
That was the big balls.
You think, oh, that's the definition of privilege, man.
What a pain.
That is the definition of privilege.
I can tell you how big the balls are.
I can tell you. You wouldn't tell you.
You wouldn't tell you.
The baby middle class.
We're just middle class.
The baby you both are.
You both are.
The baby bulldog has balls the size of golf balls.
Oh yeah.
No, you think you know Professor Noetal.
Professor Noetal.
Or I'll tell you how much you're going to get for a baby bulldog once you break them.
Ten thousand dollars.
How much you go over ten thousand. You weren't even listening to the stuff.
I was. It's a privilege. Stop privilege.
You are a privilege. I'm giving it to you. The story of how much we got the bulldog for.
Like $2,000.
$2,600. Rotti didn't even come back with the counter-offer.
Oh my God.
$2,600. That's nearly 20%.
Like 20...
You got some reflux this year.
They're a little bit of reflux because I haven't been taking monnexium.
I got a take some next year.
Yeah, a lot.
I need to take next year.
So the Zek, the Ektar, but so the same.
So that's not actually Laka.
It's just, it's a parallel one Not in copyright that into the character
Guess what say who Sam's going out with
Rod you have to guess a meter on bamboo
Not a lot to people use bamboo anymore
So nothing but we met her on bamboo. She reached out first. She was like oh, you've got a puppy
I'll say yeah, I've got a puppy and that is
when on you should scrub through to five because she knew about the puppy so I
thought all right she's not just saying the puppy she's also saying the
Reaperboard and also she's thought I didn't put it at number one it's just a
coincidence she has a Reaperboard is it a. Just at the beach, oh with my repair board. Oh, hello. It's a dental board.
It's a dental board.
It's a dental board.
What's that?
Same as a dental board.
It's a dental board.
A dental board.
A dental board.
A dental.
Incidental board.
Incidental board.
Is it a making a deal?
It's a luck.
We're just luck.
Guys, we run every day for the puppies.
Yes, just need them.
Whatever. She doesn't know. We, it's just near there. Whatever.
She doesn't know we do go to the gym a little bit.
Mark, I have the tarniest penis in the world.
It doesn't have a very little penis.
I've got a mock-up penis, Mark.
I actually have a very large penis mark.
It's just giant pines.
That's what we joke about.
I said, that's what called the penis.
Rots, so when he was born, there was that penis left.
But it's fun, right?
It's just a little joke, Mark, other massive penis.
All right.
We both have actually very normal penises.
Five and a half inches, right?
Very smooth, no bend.
No bend?
We both have five and a half,
we call it, and you know, girls, they're not surprised,
they're not shocked, they're just like, this is a North Painless if you can use it well I'm
happy with that it's a middle-class painless it's a middle-class painless
for two middle-class boys and do you use it well what's that do you use it well
oh Jesus yeah he's very well we're not my glove to a woman oh he's it very well
Sam was a very afraid of that.
He's very scared, but he has short wavy hair.
I love it.
We're very, we're very, we're very,
you're too small.
Mark, you've got to understand these facts, Rod.
Okay, so, Mark.
Where were we?
Oh, you were telling us dishes and we were telling
the entire version of them.
I've been traveling through the top.
There's three of me here, Rod. There's three of me here right now.
There's three of me here.
Oh, you've asked him to this time.
That hasn't been addressed, okay?
There's nothing you just either want.
Just about to run the out.
But you haven't heard about his girlfriend, Mark.
Yeah, even though, did we think about Mark?
I don't.
You met a lot of my girlfriend.
I can't imagine a lot of her.
I don't love her then, and she's just. You've been girlfriend, you've been on fucking bumble. I don't know if you're not with her. I don't know if you're not with her. I don't know if you're not with her.
You're a stupid girlfriend, you're a fucking bumble.
I don't know if you're a fucking bumble.
I don't know if you're a fucking bumble.
What is that?
This is what happens when you're too privileged.
This is what happens when you're too privileged.
You don't understand what it's like to grab middle class in jailberg.
We are only at three, we are only at seven and a half million dollars
to our name. It is sad. Mark, you have to understand, we don't, do you know what it is like to be a
middle class man living in birth. Right? The other way, that built up the next that built up our so we can hardly say the page from the balcony
You what we can hardly say the page mark. Oh, it's there he sit ups. I have to do sit ups in my bedroom
Sad mark
Rod anyway, you understand this rod. Yeah, and because the we've set up the gym in the garage, Rod
Said this and you room for two cars now.
It is very hard!
That's what you do when maybe next time you're getting aggressive and saying,
I don't care this or don't care that,
maybe think about people in a worse position than you.
We're only middle class, Mark.
We only went to the second best old boys school in Perth.
We were only spoon fed and I'd ask all of 97.
You've got to understand this mark.
So just remember that next time you talk privilege mark.
All right, Mark.
I'm just understanding.
I'm sorry.
I said you want to know about the girl I'm going on.
No, no, no, I don't. He's a really tough guy. I really don't know. I don't know. So you want to know about the girl I'm carrying on the phone. No, no, no, I don't.
I really don't.
I really don't.
I really don't.
I really don't.
Because he's a thing, Mark, you can't imagine a laugh with him.
That's the number one rule.
If you imagine a laugh with him, right?
If you imagine a laugh with him, what happens when you have to ghost them?
It's so hard to ghost them. Don go. Don't go. You've even
imagined the whole laugh with them. You've imagined them as your girlfriend and
then suddenly, oh, you have to go. Because you've got a better off from Bumble.
The answer is that it's very hard. So you can't imagine a laugh with them. I'm just
going on the date with the girl, going to going to tell her I love her, and then I will decide to go out, guys, they're all not.
That's really full on.
Oh no, no, no, maybe it is full on.
It's, you should go to the pre-flage, sure.
To the pre-flage, yeah, it's full on.
You play with people's emotions, Sam.
Yeah, but what's, what's,
do you want to know emotion mark?, but what's your emotion mark?
Do you want an emotion mark?
I'd love to know emotion.
Living in South Africa.
Oh God.
I'll just walk in the park.
Have you read the park?
I'll tell you whenever we had to leave the Gated Community,
it was not to walk in the park.
Have you read the part of one more?
Have you read the...
I've got some value.
Oh, let's be serious.
I'm, you know what I'm going to do for you, Mark.
I'm going to very quickly go through the plot
of the power of one for you.
Oh, please, it's very quickly, Mark.
All right.
It's about to boy.
Mark, why don't you get the book and read the first page.
You get that to book up, Mark.
Because let me tell you about the power of one.
It is luck our life, right?
It is exactly the same, because you know this, right? When we
were in South Africa, my brother and I, we went to a boarding school just out of London.
It wasn't as hard as the power of one's one because our boarding school was in London,
right? Because that is a British citizen ship. We were going to pitch and express all the Tom and then we would go back to the
the Guided community and just outside of Jobberg every summer. Yeah. Oh beautiful.
Beautiful Tom's. Beautiful Tom's market. Sometimes we'd have to go to the shops and run
the store out the window mark not to walk in the park. You can walk when you just run around
barefoot. Beautiful. Beautiful. Oh man, that the boarding school is so lovely.
Mark read us the first page of the part of one.
So I couldn't find Rodan's statue.
You couldn't find that first page.
I'll tell you why.
Because I don't have it.
It doesn't have a first page.
No, that's Rod's.
It's a ten-and-a-vee book that you jump straight to page four.
The first thing you read when you open that book is just a warning, there's a bully and it pieces on a little boy.
Well I have to tell you that it's a trigger warning for anyone that's been pissed on by a bully.
It's broad, so changing this subject from the bullies, right?
Don't worry about the part of a block.
You don't worry about the part of one, it's not relevant to your life, you don't look
for the fluff. The first one looking for the
I just I felt like star review that's all I've heard or what what's that mark?
All I could find was a one star review of the power of one. I didn't get it
They're not from set a privileged person. I'll tell you the movie you would watch you would probably watch the nugget
That's your movie. Rob nugget.
It's the power of one. About the challenges of going to a boarding school as a South African
Rob, I didn't get past that bit. I've only watched the first 15 minutes of the power of
Rob, that is our challenge, that is our movie, what's your movie? It's about Eric Penner when he was a comedic performer, Vondig and Nuggett and having John A's feet.
Did you know that Eric Penner used to be a comedic performer Mark?
But he did know that Eric Penner Mark and from what's that one where he does this stab?
No, not Chopper, That ain't night Chopper.
Rot. That ain't night Chopper.
The list is of the podcast, I have a says.
We're trying to tell them about Eric Pena.
They understand this mark.
You know the part of one mark.
So they've got to giggle Eric Pena.
And they're not going to know him from Chopper.
If you know Eric Banner from Chopper, you have other, you are either a feeling nerd from
I've a season 20 Sunday in 1999, or you know that he was a comedic performer.
But if you know Troy, if you know Troy, you know Eric Banner he was you're in a hole. He was out
Not in not in the out it was the out in the
Macron it was incredible
Incredible, huh? It did not and he's very good. He's a great actor very good
He was in that movie about the priest and the Jewish man they are rabbi and they want to date Dama
They wanted what? Man they are a boy and they want to date Dama What what
Yeah, there's a movie mark a trot to get to the list and you keep bringing up different movies are both the sausages
I bought the sausages yeah
Box you'll get to that God
I'll need to talk about the movie.
I have to go back to my own car.
It would not employees a rare boy.
No, it would not employees a priest.
Then still a blazer a rare boy.
And they both fall in love with Dama.
Does anyone remember that?
I remember the name.
I just don't remember the name.
I've lost my accent.
It's okay.
So to movie about the Jewish rare boy. Shreboi, a priest, a young 60 priest, which was just
bordering on unbelievable not in 97, now it's very unbelievable.
Keep the faith, maybe awesome shit like that.
It is the Rabbi, right, he's allowed to get married, but not a gentle, right?
The priest is not allowed to get married at all because that's the rules of the priest, right?
But I both fall in love with Tamah from Tamah and Greg
And he's a brilliant actor he plays the soccer pet
The movie with the twist with the twist is brilliant and they place the locked internal struggle of the priest.
Is it because of the or is it a serious film?
No, it's a bit of a comedy but it has some art.
Because in these structures I got the stuff.
So there's the external struggle between the rabbi and the priest.
Best of friends or what?
Yeah, no.
So they're the best of friends.
But there's the external struggle because they both love Dama.. So they're the best of friends. But they're the external struggle
because they both love Dama.
But can they both have an interest?
Is she called Dama in it?
Oh, Dama.
I think so.
I think they call it Dama.
And I've thought, isn't that all that they've called
the Dama?
That's the same as a character in the Dama and Greg.
Have you seen Dama and Greg Mock?
Very funny, I've never seen him.
I'm familiar with the work of General.
She's Lock and Ippi.
Rott, she's a Frey loving Ippi. Rott, she's from...
She has to be family.
And he's a bit more like us, just a normal middle class man. Where's a suit in that sort of thing?
So anyway, Damir is in between the Rebo and the priest.
And they both attract even young.
I can't remember the end. I think there's an airport, I think one of them, she ends up with one of them but the other ones are odd.
They probably shot two endings and the test screenings that they had worked in on to seven.
Um, so, where will we go?
I think I've had two bells.
I saw stitches.
You were in the red.
I saw the sausages.
What are you going to do? I've got the sausages.
Because it's important to know your own faults.
It is. And I know some tons I take over the flow of the conversation.
I've been told that.
I think we'll all get you that particularly more.
I think all three of us are guilty of that, right?
I've been told I take over the flow of the conversation.
So now it is about sitting down, sitting down on a little foldable chairs as they dig into the grass of the zoo.
We sit down, we make our list. We go through the list one at a time.
And yes, we have over 30 minutes now now but this is what we need to do.
There's either a choice. We have a choice here Mark. We have an hour and a half long podcast
or we make this a quadrilogy. I think we just get through the list. Do our sausage song get out
of you. Or reckon we can do it in about 15 if we just stay on track Mark. Now you look to get distracted.
Now you're locked to get distracted. But you need to stay on track.
I'm happy to add some depth to the character.
I'm happy to sit down and talk one on one on one.
Do you think this is a good idea, Sam?
A little list.
I think it's beautiful, Mark.
I've been pushing for the list from the start.
Mark keeps carrying off. I want to talk about
Damma. I want to talk about the dead manky. I want to get a sausage. All right, let's do the list. So far I've got the the concept of
Non-linear Tom and just getting Mark across that. We're not going to understand it, but we are going to get to a point where we understand that it's too much for us.
Then we're going to talk about bulldog breeding.
I've got a big gap.
And then I've got sausages and the sausage song.
Right. The sausage song is where we're going to end the episode.
A little song about sausages.
Just to bring that chili-git and I think the world is for stuart-tool.
I think the world is for stuart-tool.
I think the world is for stuart-tool.
I think the world is for stuart-tool.
I think the world is for stuart-tool.
I think the world is for stuart-tool.
I think the world is for stuart-tool.
I think the world is for stuart-tool.
I think the world is for stuart-tool.
I think the world is for stuart-tool.
I think the world is for stuart-tool. I think the world is for stuart-tool. I think the world is for stuart-tool. I think the world is for stuart-tool. That's why until we get to the manky.point, like we're going off on the tangent,
we were talking about the monkey.
A lot.
So, I've got the non-limit Tom,
I've got Bulldog braiding, I've got Manky.
Above Bulldog braiding, I'm going to put the low LRA
of Tom travel within this trilogy.
And I think we can make this the Lord of the
Old Podcast Rod. This is from here on out once you get this. Absolutely I love this
Rod. Once you get this across the lawn that is what we agree to. We put it in
Rod to get my own to ourselves. Great but I need to know that you're listening
because I don't want to do it a week's time you just say this out time
I'll be planning to go through time and have my own disappear
All right, say we've got not limited time we've got the law we've got the bulldog braiding ends we've got a monkey
We've got the law, we've got the bulldog braiding ends, we've got the monkey. The sausage song at the end, I'm talking about before we get to the sausage song.
We'll tell you what we're going to do.
We don't forget the sausage song.
I won't forget the sausage song.
We'll tell you what we're going to do, Mark.
I don't know.
Was there anything else in Bumble?
Who is the date I'm going on with?
It's someone from the bachelor
Is the date
It's a girl that was on the bachelor. She was a crazy one on the bachelor
You're making this derail
I'm sorry. I've got to tell you about two hours on the date with well
I'm going on a date with the crazy one
from the bachelor.
And I said to her, I said,
weren't you crazy?
She said it's all in the edit.
But I have, she's a little bit crazy.
You understand this,
I have, she's a little bit crazy.
But not so crazy that, you know,
because it seems she had some deep emotionally issues
on the show.
She was very sad about some things. It seemed like she had some deep emotionally shoes on the show She was very sad about some things it seemed like she had some real problems at the producers were it small
If we can keep on track please
Go to keep on track. I'll tell you about my date with the girl from the patch. She's beautiful mark
She's so beautiful and I said that's a girl from the patch and I'm going to swipe for her and guess what?
I'm going on a date with the girl from the
bachelor. Alright, was there anything else?
Rituals, what a...
One more time.
One more time I'm going to go through this list, non-linear, then the law.
Mark! Mark! It's Sam from the future.
It's just one Sam. I's just one of these features.
Hello Sam.
Hello Sam, where are you?
You're still there, you're in this town.
No, I am here right now, but in your town, where am I?
Well I'm from the future and I'm still here.
Where are you?
Where didn't I come with you?
This town.
You don't know about this?
Yes, you know about this.
What didn't I come with you?
You now love to go through it, Tom.
Well, you're doing something else,
but if I tell you, your arm will disappear.
Oh, really? I'm all that too.
Well, that doesn't work at all.
It does.
Not a little bit, but that's a good idea.
It does work. I promise you.
You just don't understand yet.
What message do you have from the future, Sam?
You have to stop doing what you're doing because.
The body Donna Pondcast will conclude in episode four.
Oh no.
With the chilling conclusion.
And the longest running saga of Mark goes to the whereaboutsoo.
So that's going to be exciting.
I'm excited for that. Now really, I'm, I get to the list because I want to know if Mark will ever understand the concept of they've not been dumb in the time portal.
I really thought Mark would just get through the list but he would kick it.
It's very rude of him to talk.
I want to know about the girl in the bachelor that you're going on the day two.
I think it is. It's just a girl. It's just a date.
She happened to be on the bachelor mark.
She just happened to be on the bachelor.
We're trying to wrap it up now.
We should have wrapped it up when he did the next week
and you're talking about the girl from the bachelor.
It's very rude.
Anyway, next week.
I'll see you next week.
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