Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 207 - Funny Mums And Dads
Episode Date: July 14, 2020This is a funny podcast with mums and dads.  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for ...privacy information.
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Welcome to the Anti-Donna podcast. My name is Zach Rewane.
Now, I know you're all so excited to find out what happens with the South African Sam's
mark at where it be zoo. But just for today's episode, we'll be leaving that story, returning
whenever the fuck we can be bothered to wrap up that
story maybe in a few months but today we've got a whole new journey, a whole new narrative, and a whole
new bunch of crazy characters that we know you're just gonna love. So do let us know on Twitter
what you think about these new characters and what you think about that crazy improvisational style.
So we're gonna start you off today
with a bit of a setting.
We are at Northland Shopping Center
in Preston, I believe,
we're in the food court.
There's a doughnut king to the left of us,
a nice cabab shop to the right,
a beautiful Chinese place,
and we're at a table.
We're zooming in onto a table,
and they're sitting there,
are three parents, keys in hand.
I won't go into too much detail about who they are.
We'll let you discover that throughout the journey,
but we'll all be playing them.
Did you guys have anything to note before we jump in?
Oh, you've said too much.
You've ruined the start of it.
It's gone for it.
I'm just setting it up, just sort of saying who we are.
And should I just mention guys, now a lot of people
are seeing a lot of comments on Twitter,
which is our biggest platform.
A lot of comments on Twitter saying,
I reckon they write this.
They can't be covered up with these jokes
without writing exactly what you're doing.
What are you doing?
You said a quiz.
It's just, it's just, I just? What do you do? You said a quiz.
It's just an answer.
It's just, I just want to say it's 100% improvised.
It's a surprise.
But we do a lot of people think we have to be writing
a few things.
That's not true, is it?
No one thinks this is scripted.
No one thinks that.
No one thinks that.
That's typical mark.
But anyway, I'm wasting time.
What is trying to do?
What is trying to do?
What is trying typical Mark?
You're just being a typical Mark yet again.
So we're going to launch, I'm just saying you're being very typical Mark.
Sorry, exactly.
What if I may.
I think what Zach's trying to say is you're being a cunt.
You're being a big cunt, man.
Just be clear.
Just be clear.
Because when I hear you're being a cunt, I go, I am a cunt.
I identify as a cunt. That makes sense.
When you're saying typical mark, to me, that's sound,
you're saying like, I'm Hagelon for how much this mortal
dollar should cost, you know?
So we're here at Northland Shopping Center.
And let's start with Broden's character.
He's going to launch us off.
And we're going to see where we go from here.
No idea. OK, here we uh, Broden's character, he's gonna launch us off and we're gonna see where we go from here. No idea. Okay. Here we go. Broden Kelly.
Tom, place some, um, some shopping center atmosphere.
So it's podcast if you will.
Um, if you can have someone in the background buying some donuts at the, uh, the, uh, Donut King.
Oh, good. I'm Michael and John. Hey, going.
Good. Jan, Jan I'm Michael and John, how you going? Good, Jen, Jen. My name's Jen. I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had, I had bit. Brody and Kelly. Oh hello, Brody and Kelly. I know your husband a bit better.
I am through the footing.
I know him through the footing.
Oh, you're the assistant coach, aren't you?
Of the other twelves.
I was for a while.
I'm not there anymore.
I took the year off with you.
I've had a bit of back pain and sleep at the end.
Oh, what happened, mate?
What happened?
I'm sorry to hear about that.
And I'm so sorry about the coach.
That was just awful news. Yeah, what happened to hear about that. I'm so sorry about the coach. That was just awful news.
Yeah, what happened to him? Yeah, that was just an awful thing that happened to the coach.
Yeah, whatever that was.
Oh, what he did. Well, that's yeah, whatever what he did.
Oh, for what he did. It was really happening.
What happened to him, what happened to him without going into any more detail was really,
a bad, bad thing, but we don't have to.
It rocked the community to it.
It rocked the community.
It just, it just.
But obviously we don't have to go into that.
And you know, I don't wanna go into it.
I'm chigging on it very quickly there,
but Daddy bought it, clearly it was to dig in.
No, no, no, I don't wanna dig dig in. I don't want to talk about it.
Do I have regrets about leaving my kids with him unattended?
I do. I don't want to get into what happened there. I don't want to talk about it.
That's for him and the courts to decide.
Well, if you want to get into it, we can.
No, no. He did. You and you say he rocked the community.
It is true of one of the football trainings. He did get out of guitar, start playing a bit of Huda Guru's. Absolutely.
A bit of a, a bit of a, you know, the queen. Which is why I've been in the brine, mate.
Which is why I've been in the music of the devil. And, you know, some of the kids don't
like rock and roll. They're into your dubstep or your, you know, a bit of your Justin Thimble
like, right? And they were upset, ununderstand upset Understandably and a lot of them when they went off to Bundura football club after that
You know we lost a lot of them to Bundura and guess what they won the flag
But that's not the reason I left that's not the reason I left I had the back problems and the sleep
Right right right right right right. I don't know a lot about football. You know that's more that's more John's sort of territory
But um
What what what is that sort of why you think we lost?
Because I know young Michael was so upset
that we lost that, that the,
he really thought we had it in the bag.
Well, Mill Park would just better add it.
I think Mill Park had a better full forward.
I think he's going off,
he's going off to the Northern Nights next year.
So, I thought he was, I was like,
he can't be younger than 15. He's
so much taller than I am. He's a tall boy. He looks, I looked at him, I'm like, what's
a 25 year old doing? Well that's how I'm scared. Yeah, that's how puberty works. You know,
some boys grow bigger than others. But you know, the Knights have got him next year and
he'll go now and there and probably move into the state system, go to the
Nab Cup. But I am out of there at the moment because of the back problems and
the app. Now I want to say like, just what your back problem are, I've been over
your house, I've seen your patio, an excellent job with the brick work out there.
Yeah well that's probably the main reason I've had the back problems and the
sleep out near is I've spent a lot of time working on the patio.
And obviously gone, I've got a wood finish out there.
I mean, when did you come over?
You over for John's birthday?
I was just visiting your partner.
You were out.
We just had a coffee caught up.
Nothing, hey mate, nothing suss mate.
Yeah, no, I haven't got any coffee.
Did you use, coffee machine.
Loathe and shealers, they can be friends and nothing can be going on.
That's all I'm saying.
Did Lisa get out the Delongy?
She did get out the Delongy.
She did get out the Delongy.
And I'll tell you what.
I love the Delongy.
Oh, absolutely.
Just the best coffee.
I've had restaurant quality coffee.
I'll tell you what.
Well, that's the thing.
Just like, I was like, where am I?
Am I at the Garnies or am I at Bloody John's house mate? That's right. Well so I used to have
to stop at a drive-through coffee. Yeah. On Bear Street as I'm going up to Doran to work on one
of the sites up there. And you'd be waiting your car for 15, 20 minutes at the drive-through coffee.
To me. Now I just get a cup from the kitchen, you know, from the shelf, chucking in the
Delongue and I'm on the road.
Oh, it's those, have you had those pods?
That's what they are, yes.
Oh, okay, we do the youngness, the nes cafe, the nes lay, what are those pods?
Are you George Clooney?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I know what you're talking about.
They are.
They are.
They can do what we give to my mum at an epic,
is we have those, you know, the cappuccino sachos?
Oh yeah, they're good.
They are just as good as if you go down to Fergson Plare,
you're just powder and water.
Oh, God.
Have you had the crossyons from Fergason Plaregate?
Yeah, they're good.
Mine, God.
You get a ham and cheese one, the crossyons, Ferguson Plowgate. Yeah, they're good. Mine, right.
You get a ham and cheese one, the Crescions, whatever they're called.
There's some sort of pastry.
Is that how it's pronounced?
Yeah, Crescion.
Yeah, they're a French, they're French for Crescent.
I've never been to Francisco or wherever it's, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
And no, no, no.
France is different to San Francisco.
Yeah, right.
We went there for the honeymoon.
We went over to America for
the honeymoon in about 96. Yeah right. And we went and saw, it was fantastic. We went around,
went to Vegas, went to New York City, went to, we went to, where did we go? We went and saw
Elvis's house, what's it called? Dreamland or whatever it is? Yeah. Oh so much fun. And anyway,
you'd come back through San Francisco, you go visit Alcatraz, you see the seals down there.
Of a rock, oh, if you see the rock.
Oh, he's not seen that.
No, no, no, the movie The Rock, with Okajiboy.
Oh, I know that film.
Nicky Cage!
So, did you like America?
I've just got no interest in America, no interest whatsoever.
Oh, there are idiots over there, but I do love going over there idiots.
They're idiots, they're idiots.
Well, do you know, when I was on,
I was doing a little bus tour of Europe
with my hubby John.
And we were doing a little tour of, sort of,
just we went to Italy and let me take,
I'll talk about the food there in a moment.
But we were with some Americans and I said to them,
I was like, I said to John, I go, oh God, can you imagine being on a bus with some Americans
for a whole two weeks? Yes, they never shut out.
I'm talking to them, yeah. And they were saying, oh, we didn't all vote for Trump. I didn't,
we didn't vote for Trump. And I thought, okay, so they're from New York and apparently on the East
Coast, there are a lot more and they were fun
They were a real riot. They were so much fun and I just thought oh maybe my idea of Americans all
300 million of them is a little you know, yeah
They're yeah, but they're gonna be a bad rap and it's like used to be the great you know greatest country in the world
Yeah, it used to be like they got some things backwards
Greatest country in the world. Yeah, it used to be like they got some things backwards
Okay, yeah, I just have no interest. I mean, what I'll pizza. They know I do have you ever had a pizza from America?
No, I've not been oh that's a fun. Yeah, we're doing story in New York City Yeah, I said I'll get the I'll get the you know, I said I have a margarita right meat lovers. Yeah comes out
You got a it's just cheese just cheese I'll get the, you know, I said, I have a margarita, right, the meat lovers comes out.
You gotta, it's just cheese, just cheese.
I was like, where's all the things?
And Lisa goes, leave it, just leave it.
I'm like, no, I'm like, come here.
Where's the pepperoni?
Where's the, where's the salami?
Where's the ham?
You go, oh, you got to order it one by one.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
See, this is the thing, isn't it?
This is at 96, it might be different now. Yeah in Italy we
we stopped at a little place and they don't they're very it's very simple there in Italy so we
ordered a pizza and they warned us. Luckily the guide warned us said you know I know Australians
like lots of and it's just it's just a simple base. Yeah. Sl sliced tomatoes and a couple of just slices of cheese.
It's margarita.
Yeah, well that's it and it was like nothing I've ever had, just so simple.
Had it in a beautiful vineyard, the whole bus rolled in.
We've got half an hour there before the other bus rolled in.
So simple.
I'll tell you something, the pizza you get, some of the places online on
straight adjusters, good isn't it?
Oh yeah, yeah.
But we have a place, we have a place just down the road from here.
It's just, it's called Godfather's.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, that's a good day, yeah.
Yeah, they've gone a bit downhill the last, I don't know, they must have changed owners
or something.
Oh, yeah.
We got it last week for John's birthday and it just, something was wrong with it, I don't
know, I'll give them another go.
I've got, I've got Wogmates and we always go down, I tell you what, right?
Lapelketa have really up there again.
Well authentic, absolutely authentic Italian fare.
I'll tell you that right now.
You got your pizza, you got your pasta,
you got your salads, you got your chips.
They are absolutely, they have,
they got a bit of a bad rap for a while there.
No, I'll tell you what, I'll tell you what,
it's if you go home with a family,
that you can't be going to any of the more expensive places.
But it's a time time you sit down, you get a pizza, reach a bowl or wedges, you get your
cogs, you're down to 100 bucks.
And if you go to love or get up, you get a couple of large pizzas, garlic bread, you know,
a jug, you can do jugs as well.
And if you do that, it's much cheaper and the quality is much higher than you'll get, you
know, for a whole family.
I was thinking of taking them there for lunch.
Now I'm just taking the kids out.
I've got the neighbours' kids and all my kids
who've been taking them to the movies.
Yeah, what do you see?
Oh, are you?
We just saw trolls.
Oh, the new Trolls one.
Yeah, I don't know.
Yeah, about the...
What's that talking about that?
They were raving about it.
Yeah, it was actually quite good.
Was actually quite good.
Oh, really?
Yeah, you liked it.
You enjoyed it. I was dreading it. I was dreading it as I was coming in and
Lisa said, you've got to take a mean because I've got to go to OPSM. Yeah, I thought,
this is actually quite good. Yeah, yeah. I had a good time. They've got some jokes for
the adults and I was dreading it, but I actually had a really good time. Well, is there anyone, any voice people in it that I know?
Yeah, they've got voice actors in it.
I couldn't tell you who they were.
No, I can never tell.
I'll go see something with my son's a bit of a movie,
Buffy's studying media in the city.
And I'll go see a movie with him, and he'll go,
oh, it wasn't such and such great.
And I'll go, what do you mean?
I can't recognize them from the voice.
And I'll go from that show.
You were watching.
I'm just like, I don't.
It's my two boys.
I'm just like, my two boys, they're just like, this director,
this writer, they did this.
And I'm just like, yeah, do you remember all these bloody
What do you, and they say, it's because we've got an interest
It's like the same, you know all the different types of
roof, yeah.
You know, cause I know all the different types of roof.
What kind of roofs, your favorite roof?
Oh, I love a Calabond.
I was trying to get a Calabond a few years ago,
I got in down for a quote, a guy.
And he said, we're out of the things in your area
and we can't sort it for you
It was a shame. I would have loved to get a color bomb. Should have talked to my block. I got a block
I got a color bomb block. Well now I know that now I know that I don't know that then is the same. Yeah, I'll get you
Is not I got a rule I got a rule I got a rule for now. Yeah
But what I'm saying is if you want to get down by a block out of all matters
I can't I'm not getting another roof now.
Well, I'm just saying, you'll probably do it cheaper than what you paid for it.
Right, I don't, I don't.
Right, I'm saying.
Right, I don't.
We got a colour bond done down on the beach property.
And I don't know, I wasn't crazy about it, you know.
The tenants were complaining about leaking.
No, you did a shit job, mate.
Sounds like they did a shit job.
Sounds like you went to a bloke, didn't know what it was doing.
Sounds like it did a shit job.
Yeah, it was Kalim's learnt.
Because Kalim's learnt is should be.
Kalim thought, this is the thing.
Initially, I thought that would be body corporates responsibility.
So I thought, you know, the roof, surely that's body corporate with the units.
And I talked to them and they said, no, you know, it's over your house, that's your responsibility.
And I just said, well, what are we paying the fees for? I got really mad at them.
I got, I sent them an email. I did, I sent them an email.
And I just said, what are we paying the $2,000 for?
You know, there's four of us here.
This problem is probably a problem for everyone's roof.
But no, we had to deal with it ourselves.
So we just went with the colour bond.
And I don't think it fixed it at all.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know if it would be a colour bond.
Yeah, I'm not a fan of colour bond.
I'm much more, we've got tiles at our place.
And on the one on the, on the, the one in
the southeast.
Tiles aren't going to rush.
I'm going to last chef.
Got to replace them.
They get broken.
They fall down.
Don't you know, I'm just, just chill out on the roof stuff, Eric.
I know you know you've just started.
I know my stuff about roof.
I know my stuff about roofs.
And if you go in tiles, I'm sorry, but you fucked up.
You know what happened with my kids?
They were hopping up on the roof and looking around,
throwing stuff, jumping off.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Cracked a few tiles.
Yeah, exactly.
And then you're replacing the tiles and then you got leaks.
And then you got, man, it's not worth it.
Tell you what, I put my foot right up, Daniel was
eliminating the sars that far.
But he's not getting on the roof again.
Oh my kids, I hit my kids all the time.
Yeah, I do. My kids, so I've got the two, the roof again. Oh my kids, I hit my kids all the time. Yeah, I get on the roof.
My kids, so I've got the two oldest.
They've got kids now.
And they adjust, those kids, they come over for the,
you know, I'll take them on, you know,
when their mom's working.
And I just, they adjust, so full of beans.
We've got to dump the shit out of me.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's just a little, I think.
It gets to the point right.
The point you want to get to is that as soon as you start
to undo your belt buckle, they know of it's coming.
They're off here.
Right, they're like this.
That's so like, you've got to get them to the point
where they know, you see them do something wrong?
You look them in the eye, you reach down for your belt, and then they're off.
Well, that's how they trust you, is when they know, like they trust that you're going to hit them.
You know? That's how you treat love, that's how you raise trust them up.
So my dad, he whacked me out of bed.
Yes, I did.
I said, they're fine.
So I don't get me started on the brothers, my John,
that when he was at school, he would just get
just the relentless shit beaten out of him
by the brothers.
Yeah, yeah.
He would do something naughty, you know.
He lost both his parents.
So he was just acting up because of that.
And they would just beat the God given shit out of that.
I think that's all agree on,
I mean, it's gone ridiculous now that you can't get it.
Oh, with the not beating the shit out of children.
It's like, oh, I got absolutely beltered.
And I turned out fine.
Like I turned out fine.
My, I have an assault charge that I'm taking care of
at the moment, like I've been charged with assault for that I'm taking care of at the moment.
Like I've been charged with assault for that.
I think we all do.
Yeah, but that kid at Woolworths who tried to overcharge me for plums.
But I don't want to fucking get started, right?
This little shit.
But you know, but with the exception of that one isolated case, right?
I think we've all got it.
My was driving down Bell Street, bloke comes up, goes,
oh, you're a dickhead, hopped out,
grabbed him by the shirt,
belted the living Christ out of him.
Right, straight.
Life comes out, dirty sick leave him,
oh, he's sick me.
I get back my car, drive off.
You know, blood I over my hands get home,
like, don't ask me about it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But, you know, I think over my hands get home like don't ask me about it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
But you know, I think we all have it.
But the thing is you can't eat it anymore.
So I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
No, absolutely.
How do you discipline, how do you discipline them?
I was, I mean, I used to get locked in a small windowless room by the nuns, you know,
if I got too many questions wrong on the quiz, I'd get locked in a small windowless room by the nuns. If I got too many questions wrong on the quiz,
I'd get locked in a small room windowless room
by the nuns for three months.
That's where you learn to think.
That's where you learn critiquing
and critical thinking.
I tell you what, when I came out of that windowless room,
I wasn't talking back to the nuns.
That's for sure.
No, no, no.
I mean, I haven't slept in 40 years, but other than that, I'm fine.
But all you can do now is take away their playstations.
Oh, yeah, and that hardly works because they take away their playstations and they've
just got the apps on their phones.
Well, I tell you what, one of our boys, he was acting up at school, he got three lights
and got a detention, because he was late to class.
Right, and he came home, turns on FoxTel, not working.
I say, looking for this, you know,
I got the little card you put into FoxTel
and make it work.
So this is, I'm chopping this up,
if you get another detention,
and you haven't got FoxTel for a week.
He was screaming and carrying it on.
I don't mean to sort of segue with this at all.
I just, you've brought it up.
He's Foxdale worth it because I've been seeing it.
Oh, yeah, it's in the sun.
And I just, I don't know.
John's been wanting it for ages and the kids, you know, we're always, the ones that are
still at home are always on the other side.
Depends where you want to spend your money and obviously for us it's good.
You know, like if you're staying home most Fridays and Saturdays and you've got pick
a 10-15 movies on, you might have hangover and you know, air butt on for the kids or something
like that.
You've got your footy, your sports, you've got your documentaries, you've got your UK
TV so you can watch all the British shows.
Like the Downton Abbey's, do they do Downton Abbey?
Yeah, so essentially what it is, it's got TV shows and you know how obviously they've got ads,
TV shows, you can't, don't expect to not have ads in TV shows, that's ridiculous.
But you get to watch any TV shows as long as they're on when you want to watch them,
you just got to look in the TV guide and check and then watch it, so you can't watch it whenever you want.
But it's quite good, it's only $88.
That's not bad, yeah, it's,
because the kids keep trying to tell me to set up this,
they want to set up this, the net, net, net.
I'll flick it, yeah, the flick it, yeah, yeah,
my kids have got me in the middle of the flick.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
thank you, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's something they phone.
They put on the TV, they do, it's something they phone
and then they, it's wiping and they're hitting
and then they're taking a TV.
And, and, and I don't have Wi-Fi at my place,
who needs it, you know, I just got a, you know,
I pay $10, $10 a month on Telstra, get like 500 megadata, that's more than I need.
I was actually going to the Telstra shop a bit later
because I'm getting 50 texts in talk,
I'm getting 50 texts in talk deal.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And I think you get a mega data, one mega data a month
and it's only $180 beautiful beautiful that's all yeah and that's more than enough that's
that's more than you live in it do you guys want to get a bubble cup what's that
what's this a bubble cup my young girl
no no no no that's all right we could continue this conversation get a bubble cup. Oh, that is a bubble cup.
I don't know if that's a bubble cup.
Well, it's like, it's kind of like a...
I can't have stuff as my back.
I've got pain killers in my back.
No, no, no, no, no.
This one effected it.
How are you, the dairy?
Well, I'm not bad with dairy.
I have about a liter of milk a day.
I have a large muffin break, flat white.
Yeah, yeah.
muffin break flat white.
This is a bowl of cereal in the morning, porridge.
Two cups, two mega, two mega muffin break flat whites and I usually have a glass of milk.
So, I can't sleep. Yeah.
Because, yeah, yeah. Yeah, right, right. I can't sleep on a count of the windalous runes.
Yeah, I think mine's a lot of like, when I lay back, and the wife waits me up in the
middle, I've got to get one of them mars, you put on.
Oh, yes, yeah.
I know that.
Yes, yes.
I don't know if I'm going to get that.
It will go a bit like Batman with one of those, I build the character.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I'm not a kid. I don't know. I'm not a kid. I'm not a kid. I build the Yeah, that character Oh my kids
The Batman one with the
He had on his mouth and he was played by no idea
My second eldest right now
Oh God, oh God
I thought I had it with Jim Carrey Oh God, oh God, I've lost
Jim Carrey yeah, yeah, yeah, that was a good one top one. Oh really now. I don't know. Hey pace
What's this he paints?
He paints he paints now he does the
No, no, no, no, no, no, like the like art like like in a museum. They got him up in a museum. I'm not a Fanny paints now. They're very young girls and he paints. He's just always yelling in the movies.
You know that Batman one where he was it was just him yelling all and I was just like
I like that. Do you know who's good? Who? That guy's the bastion on now on the voice. You know, I was never a fan of him.
I never, when he was on the first one,
he was on, didn't care for him.
I was, who's this young guy?
But he is so good at those things.
I gotta say, I gotta say.
I can't stand, Delta.
Oh God, oh God, she's just, dance dance always dancing. Oh, I can't stand and she's always fighting with the other girl. Oh God
Delta come on Delta. I tell you that guy's got a pair of pipes on him when he gets going he can sing and oh
He's great. He's great. He's he's just and he's so kind
You know, there's some of those British ones. They're so nasty and it's just unnecessary
I've actually wrote channel nine an email. Oh you did that. I said I just I wrote them an email
I said you just you shouldn't be treating the contestants like that, you know
Where's guy he'll lead them he'll help them. It's oh I love guy. I tell you what and he, you know. Where's Guy? He'll lead them, he'll help them. It's, oh I love Guy, I tell you what.
And he's, you know, he's a Christian, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If I, if he needed a show in Melbourne,
I'd probably go in, we'd probably go in Park in the city somewhere and go out, do it, make an
eye on it, do a dinner and see Guy. Yeah. Yeah. That would be good. I'd do that. We went, me and John
a couple of weeks ago, went to the, did you those fellers that were doing the Simon and Garfun call it the crown? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no I just bought it as a present from Filesa for Chrissy. It's only $80 for the show.
Otherwise, you can't watch it because it's not on Foxtail.
It's on the flikies.
Yeah, I don't know about that.
But it's too expensive, too much carry on.
So we bought the crayon, 80 bucks box set,
which is a beautiful show.
And plus the Foxtail on Togun.
Now, I was talking about, you know, obviously,
you know, crayon, cos you know, but did you know, crayon, casino, but did you know
they've got like a full theatre in there and you were just people, you're gonna drink
and now you got it from a birthday and I thought, oh no, thank you, I don't want to see
a tribute act, but it's act, they weren't dressed like them or anything, it was just two
young guys from Scotland, I think.
And they just did all the covers and I tell you what with their voices we were up we were standing up by the second half of the show
We were just
Dancing and singing along
I felt like I was there. I really did. I last saw moment to the city
I took the miso to see that bloody human nature that she loves. Oh you are still kicking. No, they're still kicking.
Not a problem.
Yeah, they're doing that.
No, you don't like the human nature?
No, I saw them on.
I saw them on sunrise 10 years ago and made a snap decision that I've stuck to for the
rest of my life.
Yeah, right.
Just not a fact.
I didn't like the way they were on the interview.
They're doing the big concert halls.
They're like the median age is like 84 for the people attending
They're very good. They go there. I think with your ticket you get a couple of finger sandwiches and
And you get what their world's standard so they they can go anywhere and sell
Absolutely, they could they could sell out you know New Zealand anywhere in the world, nothing you can say to me about them will get me on board
because my decision is irrational
and it's based on one interview from 10 years ago.
Not a fan, no thank you, no thank you.
I just, I don't like, not a fan.
That's a shame.
That's a shame.
It is a shame, but I'll tell you who is good.
I'll tell you who I do like.
I'll just read a good interview with them in the sun,
left out on the Sunday, because we still get the paper on the Sunday.
Oh, yeah, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
They asked you to get your news.
Oh, well, we've gone digital with the age.
We get it online now.
Oh, you're on the iPad?
On the iPad.
Yeah, on the iPad.
And that's it, and we'll just sit there with the iPad
for the breakfast in the morning.
Just read that. It's this. I'm mostly just sit on Fox tell and Fox tell on Facebook
I sit there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we've got the Facebook I can't as well.
You know who I mean I saw on Facebook the other day.
I made a haven't seen my school.
Steve Steve Glydly.
I've seen him this mate from my school just out here on Facebook.
He's up in Gold Coast now. Steve Glydly, I've just seen him, this is mate from high school, just out here on Facebook. Hey, you're going mate.
He's up in Gold Coast now.
Yeah, we're looking to do enough there.
He's just moved up there, met a girl, met a bird up there,
and he's moved up there.
You know, I'm a great time, but I haven't seen him
and you just see, look, flicking through his photos,
it's good fun.
That's him, I say, do you do that?
Do you sort of flick through?
I've not, I've not gone through.
It's all like, I just, I sit there on a night of I've not gone through. So I like, I just sit there and have fun.
I don't have a phone. I'll chuck on a UK TV. I'll sit there and I'll just, anytime, any
of my children do anything, or say anything, I'll engage in some way, shape, or form.
Oh, that's good. They like that. Yeah, they do like that. And then, you know, like,
I'll maybe, you know, if someone shares a cause, like, if you don't share this, you
don't believe in, you know, cancers don't believe you can support cancer and you are.
Oh, that's fantastic.
And I'll share that.
And you know.
So what's the share?
How does the share work?
There's a one of the buttons
that you can like it, you can comment or you can share.
Yeah, okay.
And I just, I don't know.
And that goes out to your 80 friends.
It goes with all of them.
My friend, I always see that sort of like,
all 80 friends, see it. Wow. I just I
just I've got no interest. I you know I signed up my my kids signed me up and I
went on and I just thought you know what I'd like I know my kids are getting up
to God knows what I got up to when I was you know 21 and I don't need to know
that I don't need to know what they're doing.
Oh, no.
I'll tell you what it's great for.
Facebook is just great for.
You find there's so many funny videos on there, right?
So many just like hilarious videos.
You find something you like,
and then you just send it to your son's girlfriend
or partner with no context.
You just message it to them directly.
With zero context, zero, I don't like to write anything
or say, okay, this is, I just send it to them.
And often they don't reply, more often than not,
or sometimes I'll just get a ha ha in return,
which means they've watched it, they've loved it.
That's my favorite thing to do on Facebook.
It's good for that.
I think it was made for that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, you know my favorite thing to do on Facebook. It's good for that. I think it was made for that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, yeah, my favorite thing on Facebook is a post.
It's got like flowers around it.
It's like a very nice artistically done thing.
And it says something like, you know,
this generation has no idea, you know,
see what they would have like,
going through living through, you know, something I love
and I'll share that.
Guys, have all these things sound really enjoyable
and really nice, you know, I really love the sound
of everything you've described,
but no, no, it's just in Facebook, no.
Not interested, no, thank you, no.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no I'll tell you what you look around here you look around here guys It's barely looks like Australia anymore
All right, turn up
You got to go
You got to go all right
Wow that was so much fun that little improvisational
No need no need no need
improvised, no need for a month you... thanks so much for tuning in.