Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 209 - Max, Sam and Tom
Episode Date: July 28, 2020Max, Sam and Tom stumble through an average podcast full of awkward silences and lots of giggles, soz. Zach, Mark and Broden are back next week we promise!  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.
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Hello and welcome to the Anti-Donna podcast.
Yes, things do sound a bit different this week.
The regular hosts, Mark, Broden and Zach are taking a little holiday.
So, filling in today we have the BTS that behind the scenes crew of Anti-Donna.
We have myself, Sam Lingham.
We have Tom Armstrong and we have Max Miller.
Do you guys want to say hello?
Hello, everybody.
Hello, I'm Broden.
How you guys going?
That's good.
Do you want to say your own names just so people, because they don't necessarily know your
Hello, my name's Tom.
This is the voice of Max. This is the voice of Max.
This is the voice of Max.
So now we've just remembered that.
No, no, no, you're the voice of Sam, Sam.
I'm the voice of Sam.
Now, if everyone at home just remember those voices
and attach to those names,
because those will keep recurring throughout this podcast.
That will be a theme that you'll have to,
I know we all sound the same,
but please, if you could just try it,
that would be greatly appreciated.
Yeah, so the guys are taking a holiday,
so we thought it would be funny for us to fill in for a week.
So, we would, odd the boys think it would be funny
for us to fill in for a week.
Yeah, no, the,
I don't think I thought,
I thought maybe it was funny,
but not enjoyable to fill in for a week.
Yeah, that's where I'm at.
I'm like, that's a funny idea. That's uncomfortable to me as an individual.
I really don't want to do it, but it is funny.
It is funny. Yeah, we went for us to do it at all.
No, no, but then, you know, but we sort of, we sort of framed it out every week because we've done
this wonderful social media post that I've written here. Or it says, hey everyone, Mark Zach and Broden are taking a little break.
So Max and Minton are going to cover for one episode of the podcast.
I've already established that anyway.
Unfortunately, this is not a joke.
Please let us know what you want to talk about or do or ask any questions you would like
us to answer.
Please help us.
And everyone has, they've really pitched in to help us.
Hey, there were a lot of comments.
I reckon there were more comments
than any of the other recent Donner posts, so.
Do you want me to check that?
Yeah, I already did.
I think, I'm saying if this goes well,
you never know.
This one here, this one from around the same time, has 17 comments.
But he...
And how much is the other person?
As we got 158, you know, post.
The people want this.
Yeah, I'm saying is that this is going
to be the new permanent lineup with people I'm careful.
OK, we probably can't do that help.
We're not sure what we're doing
as a long-term business model.
I don't think that's gonna work.
I think it's a few weeks at least.
A few weeks, yeah, but what then?
What then, Max?
And we'll have the confidence just right at boys.
Just right.
Right what?
It's like, just right.
I mean, just can't with some zany characters.
Have you ever come up with a zany character, Max?
Well, you know,
Mark's whole thing is that he doesn't come
with zany characters, isn't it?
So if he can not do it,
then I can also not do it.
Yeah, I've got a couple of zany characters.
I'm half Greek, maybe I can have a Greek man.
Yeah, Greek man. Greek man. It's half Greek. Maybe I can have a Greek man. Yeah, Greek Greek Greek man
Yeah, that's wonderful if we're not capable of a lot of Greek gear going on in this podcast
We're talking on the Greek
I can be the straight man to your Greek banter if you would like. Oh, no my connection is unstable
Greek banter if you would like. Oh no my connection is unstable. Oh yeah. All right let's let's let's persevere. Let's go. So I've taken a bunch of your suggestions
and I have written them on a piece of paper and put them into a bowl and I was going to
pick them out. I haven't done all of them because there's too many and I've done most of
the high rated ones and I've done some bad ones and some good ones.
So hopefully that'll give us sort of like a good,
like mix up of energy as the podcast goes along,
so that you'll be entertained at home.
That's the thought process there.
Just letting you win on that.
There's no tricks here.
Let's go.
Are we ready boys?
Yeah, we're ready. Sure. Are we ready? All right, sure. Let's pick are we ready boys? Yeah, we're ready sure ready. All right sure. Oh, it's pick one out all right And then we're gonna go in there and we're going to draw out something that someone has written on the internet
And I have handwritten on the piece of paper, which is the most efficient way to do this
Oh, here's the first one what's Max gonna do with his ADG award when he wins it?
The ADG?
Wow, that's like you purposely pick that.
I think so.
It's so topical.
I put that one in there.
Yeah, I put it in there.
Australian director's guild, the ADG.
So what was the question?
What am I going to do with it?
With your award when you win it
because you've been nominated for Best Drunken in a web series is that right? Yes but I have definitely
not won. No but you're gonna. Yeah I don't know I guess well we've got like our couple of little
awards at the antiidona office.
A few little, we've won two awards in nine years.
Maybe I'll put it next to them.
Two of them at Management, were they?
Yeah, two of them at Management.
And then we won Glenn Ridge, won the best comedy at Mobile Web Fest, which was a very nice award.
And we also won another web fest award another year, probably for 99, you assume.
Best on Sombal.
Best on Sombal, best on Sombal, that's right.
So yeah, there's a couple there.
So yeah, I guess I'll put it in that office next to those.
Or maybe in my house.
Do you want to do a funny answer?
So just to add some levity to the situation?
That's a good response.
I'll reach my hand back into my cell.
Max is turning into a typical director.
He takes himself to seriously, aren't you, Max?
Now that you're part of the director.
Yeah, I'm going to put it on my awards shelf.
In my second living room.
Well whoever asked that, that was a bad question in my opinion.
Bad question.
No, I liked it.
You liked it.
You could have smoked it up next to your size.
Next one.
This should be a monthly thing.
Someone never.
No. That's what I said. Oh's every. No, that's what.
Oh, we did say that at the top.
If you're not fucking careful, mate.
If this podcast gets more listens
than any other anti-donna podcast,
then we'll permanently make this the new podcast.
Max, you've got to be very careful, mate.
More listens than any other anti-donna podcast episode.
Our fans would do it just to piss us off.
And then I won't follow through.
You won't follow through.
Then make promises you can't get.
So I think it's best if everyone just stops listening now.
Call it a day.
Yes, please. Go off to the shop. I just stops listening now. Yeah. Call it a day. Yes, please.
Go off to the shop, get some chips.
All right, I've got another one.
If someone's just said, I'm hoping this podcast
will be mostly about food.
Ooh, we could do some food.
Yeah, this is Tom's time.
This is Tom's time to shine.
Yeah, what do you think, Tom?
Ooh, I'm just trying to rack my brains for,
maybe we could talk about the best thing
we've eaten in the last week.
In the last week?
Yeah, what have you eaten?
In the last week, well, I would go back to last Friday lunch,
which is scratch in the border.
Like it's scratch in the border of this week.
It's right on the edge.
It's probably not a...
Wow, yeah, since it was like one o'clock and it's now,
yeah, no, it's not this week. Can I talk and it's now. Yeah, no, it's it's not this week
Can I talk about it? Oh, please. Yeah, that's fine. We had we had our fancy lunch. Oh, yeah
No, that was that was Thursday. I can't talk about that. That's wait
That's what we talk about that. That's a little peak behind the curtain. Yeah, no, we um we all had
We finished the project
And we all sat down and we were like oh, let's celebrate this project and we all sat down and we were like,
I'll let's celebrate this project and we all got some money from an order, some Uber eats to at home
and sat in on a Zoom and ate lunch with each other.
Because obviously the idea would be when you finish a project to celebrate outside of work hours
and catch up and maybe get a meal together and just be normal people, not workmates for once, but
sit and get on and pay for our lunch. catch up and maybe get a meal together and just be normal people not workmates for once but
sit and get on and pay for our lunch. Yeah, put it on the company. So it's about four of the six guys got from the one place. Is that around? Three. Three at least. 300 grams in North. Yeah,
300 grams in North. Got the burger shop, But I would say the chicken bites were the best.
Very good burgers.
Yeah, the burgers.
But the burgers are very, very good.
So this is like context for that as well as we just came back from L.A.
Which L.A. has the best burgers in the world.
That's true.
That's where it was invented.
I'm going to say that.
Not in Hamburg.
Yeah, and I was like,
what a shame we can't get LA burgers.
And then 300 grams was like,
almost as good.
Yeah. I would say.
Yeah, I had one experience in there that I did not enjoy.
But I just wanted to quickly shout out,
if you're in LA, hit over the burgers, never say die,
which is the greatest cheeseburger in the world.
Yes, that's very true.
Great burger. And everyone who's had burgers never say die and moved back to Australia cheeseburger in the world. Yes, that's very true. Great burger.
And everyone who's had burgers never say die, and moved back to Australia has been eternally
searching for it.
I think 300 grams the closest I've ever come across.
Which is phenomenal.
So shout out to the 300 grams as well.
So shout out.
Next question.
I think.
What are you eating?
What are you eating?
I'm really bored.
I've been really boring.
I've been trying to save money and eating at home.
That's okay.
I started eating musely for breakfast again,
which is really exciting.
That's exciting.
How many times have you had dominoes this week?
I have not had dominoes in so long.
I'm on the Baba Peta train now mate.
Oh yes.
I had to shout out to Geno again, Beno,
but that pizza is off fucking chops can't like
Bubbles pizza is genuinely good. You know when you were younger and like the local pizza shop
Which is to be like that shitty fake hem and like little too much cheese and really greasy
It's like next level American style of that. Oh
They've got American with that. I think so because they do like the Truppo chicken and they do like cheeseburger which is just like you know
meatballs and cheeseburger sauce so they do that sort of like pizza
haddi dominoes sort of thing but it's like that fake ham that you get and
yeah it's a good right so like so it's not like they're the the kind of trendy
thing at the moment especially Melbourne which is like the trendy thing at the moment, especially Melbourne, which is the really thin bass.
No, no, it's like with fat.
Yeah, right, but good for...
Yeah, just super greasy.
I ordered an Aussie from there, which obviously is for those of you that don't know what an Aussie
pizza is, it's basically just a ham and cheese pizza with bacon and egg.
And it's like, two inches thick mate.
Like the crust is like a couple of centimeters
and it's just thick ham and egg.
And it's just like really, really salty.
Makes me shit my pants the next day.
But it's absolutely delicious, you know.
It's like, absolutely.
So I would recommend getting on the bumper pizza train
if you like that. I don't like that all the time, but when you're in the mood for that sort of thing.
No, I was well, yeah, so, okay, I guess I'm having my turn now.
I'm gonna put my hand up here.
This is very embarrassing, but it's a true story.
Is that I felt like that last night?
Yeah, exactly that type of pizza, so I got La Poquetta.
La Poquetta is that, yes. pizza so I got lapo keta and it was not good it kind of like I wanted that
that exact kind of pizza and it gets a delivered but it fucking
shit it is shit I did and it's the thing it's so close to my house and
actually what I will say is that their cheesy garlic bread is amazing
Yeah, I was about to say it makes me go there all the time
I feel and say makes me go there all the time for that cheesy garlic bread. Oh, good. It's just awful
Yeah, well the cheesy guy bread is genuinely good, but everything else is pretty all yeah pizza was pretty awful
So next time now I know to try
Baba pizza. Yeah, man, and not
I genuinely think give it a go if you're into that sort of pizza.
That's great.
Alright, I'm going to get another topic.
That was good though.
You know, we could make a podcast about pizza, or by any way.
It's never been done.
No, no, no.
Where would you go after week three, Sam?
This is one, someone just wrote,
Ha-ha, very funny.
Cut it out, guys.
You thought this was a joke, it's not.
See, I just included that in there for a bit of levity.
So you're like, ah, then we're on.
And then we're on to the next one.
It sort of keeps the pace up.
It doesn't just make you con.
Something on the other side of the sketch is.
We're writing.
No, he's writing comedy. Longer ideas next to short, right? keeps the pace up. It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch. It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch. It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch.
It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch.
It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch.
It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch.
It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch.
It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch.
It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch.
It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch.
It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch.
It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch.
It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch.
It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch.
It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch.
It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch.
It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch.
It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch.
It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch.
It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch.
It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch.
It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch.
It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch. It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch. It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch. It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch. It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch. It doesn't just come to the end of the sketch. It doesn just come to the end of the sketch. It doesn just come to the end of the sketch. It doesn just come to the sketch. God, where did we begin? Well, Tom was born on the first in November, 1989.
It's very fun.
It's an easy birthday to remember, actually.
It is, first of all.
One of the few birthdays I remember.
And Tom, today he works at Tom's.
Tom works at Tom's.
Working at Coles.
Working at Coles a lot recently.
Working at Coles a lot.
I feel like I go in there.
I go to the Coles at Tom's. I go to the Coles at Tom's. And I think that's work the calls. We're going to cause a lot recently. We're going to cause a lot. I feel like I go in there.
I go to the shop with the calls that Tom works at.
And I think I see you there a lot.
Yeah, I feel like.
Going through rough times with the COVID.
Yeah, did my first shift in a face mask yesterday
and almost died a few times.
Dragon time.
Yeah, you all have to wear it or the employees.
Yeah, it's a nine hours of Dragon Round palatine shit. it's an unknock complaining like it's done with the necessary and we've got to do it
But fuck me. I was fucking my mustache was sweating like I didn't know I could sweat
I said to my store manager. I said it's like what being an asshole is just a sweaty little hole
That's in fabric all day. That's why you're also sweat. And you do talk a lot of shit
Yeah, do talk a lot of of shit That makes a lot of sense
What sort of mask you using just like a cloth or a surgical?
Yeah, just a surgical one because like because we like calls as all these strict rules
Yeah, so like every time to take a piece or have a drink or whatever you got to throw that and get another one
Oh, Jay, I didn't think you're supposed to be wearing like a fabric one from home or whatever
You're supposed to wear the surgical one and then
often like ten different things you got to throw at you and get another one so they say you like an eight-hour shift
You should use like five or something. I think
Yeah, yeah, fair enough, but they're there. Yeah, they're they're make sure face sweaty
Which is funny. Yeah, not be fun to work in yeah
I'm for an hour to go shopping
Yeah, I will want to be seeing on the drive to work
I like walking to the car and then walking into the, and like, walk into the car, and then
walk into the center.
And I was like, this is not bad at all.
And I started working.
Yeah, that was like my work.
Now, you told me someone said, hello to you the other day.
I did.
I was very funny, because I was in a very grumpy mood at work,
because the thing about Coles is it can be exploitative
of the workers. And I was in there. Andumpy mood at work because the thing about calls is it can be exploitative of the workers and I was in there and I had to...
That's a huge...
That's exposed calls.
Oh, I can't say anything.
No, I love it but...
I got the inside cost.
I had gone like and meet delivery and like because one of our delivery centres
had had an outbreak of COVID,
our all the deliveries were crazy.
So I got a meat delivery at like nine o'clock
and everything was empty.
So all night people had been like,
do you have me and do you have chicken?
Like just completely empty.
So I thought I'd drag this palette out onto the shop floor.
I started working this palette and like,
sometimes when you're working,
people will get in your way a little bit,
especially when you drop like a big palette
in a tiny little meat department
And there was this one guy iron me off
And he kept looking at me and I was like
This guy's gonna stop what I'm doing even I'm in a rush. I'm sweating. I'm going hard on these palaces guys
Gonna stop me and ask for something always gonna complain that I'm blocking off the aisle with this palette
I just had this feeling he's gonna complain cuz he just kept looking at me and I was like getting myself ready to be like you know tell this guy to fuck off basically because I was in such a bad mood
and he comes after like okay here we go what's he gonna say to me and he's like I
mate just want to say love your work with the antidonna boys you guys have been doing really well for the last few years
it's fucking awesome mate. Oh nice little surprise there.
And I put my stuff on to be so angry at this guy who
get ironed me off that I was like, I just did not say
and I was just like, oh thank you.
And then he just walked off.
So if you're listening, that was very nice.
Thank you.
And if you're listening from your from calls,
not exploitative of the workers, and Tom did not
drag a pallet on the shop floor. That didn't happen.
There's just fiction, Dad.
It's sort of like a little flavor of the story.
A little bit of spice.
A little bit of embellishment.
Little bit of that shit we just talked about.
A little shit talking.
All right, let's go.
OK, here we go.
When you sat down to film explaining a board game,
was it scripted or did Mark just start
trying to actually explain a board game without prompting?
I wasn't even sure of that thing.
So you boys are at the end of this one.
Well, Tom, do you think it was, I reckon you can answer this Tom.
I would say that in my opinion, if I had to guess, I would say that you guys did your
usual, did about 20 dot points of things that Mark could say and he improvised around
those dot points.
That would be my guess.
Yeah, I can't speak spot on.
He was pretty spot on.
He wasn't trying to explain an actual board game.
Yeah, okay.
That wasn't...
Even if you look in the sketch, there is stuff on the table, but it's quite obviously not
from one board game because none of the items are cohesive.
It's's's a...shambles.
But um...
Now he was just...I really enjoyed that sketch.
Yeah, we saw like twenty-nine points.
Not with the perfect man for that job as well.
That was really good.
And then I love board games.
He's very well.
I was very, he was fun writing that.
The score was, you say something,
and then you immediately contradict it.
Yeah, which was that was like the improvising.
When we say score, it's like the rules
that you're playing off, you know, I mean, it's like,
you can use that.
That sketch is like one of the few times that,
I've never, I never, I never,
when we really sketch, I never,
I never send it to my friends, you know, Mark.
Yeah, my real friends.
Like I never, I never send them sketches,
but hey, look at this sketch,
but this is the only time that I did,
because it was like, hey, this is you guys.
This is the only time I think I'm in the nine years of acting on that I've done that in the 9 years of I think I've done that.
I think I've done that in the 9 years of I think I've done that.
I don't know when that became a thing.
I feel like I'm only talking about the 2 or 3 months.
When I came back from America, everyone was like red books and played board games.
I know, as I was saying, we're on a, red books and played board games. And I was like, wow. Yeah. I know.
As I was saying, we're on like,
the trip when everybody was like playing board games
I don't know, I don't know any board games.
I love when there's a kid.
Are you guys talking about like the same four people?
Like in terms of your, your, everybody?
Yeah, Tom and I would be talking about the same people.
Yeah, a large six to eight group.
I would imagine.
So everybody in this case is,
you went overseas and six to 8 people had got a new hobby
Well, maybe I just had a lot of them as much as I thought I had but it seemed like we'd say 10 29 or 30 and then suddenly they were into board case
Yeah, I think it's a thing you turn a certain age that you start investing in at all board games
I'm the big fan. Oh yeah, like I quite like them too. It was just an honor. No, I enjoy it. It's fun.
It's really much in vomiting to like being into podcasts.
I think the real question is why don't we send all our sketches
to our friends?
And then look at this thing I made.
I'm real proud.
I don't think I sometimes share them on like my personal socials,
but I don't think I ever have ever said that.
We haven't done that for a long time.
I feel like we used to do that.
Yeah, we haven't done that for a long time. Guess what I worked out the do that. Yeah, we used to. We haven't done that for a long time.
Guess what I worked out the other day.
I was going on, because I've been,
I don't really use Facebook.
I don't share very much.
And then like I share stuff occasionally
and like it will get like no likes.
But that's fine, whatever.
And then like six months later,
I just don't get no likes.
It's good, I never share anything.
Then I went into my settings.
And like my sharing settings have just been off
since like two years.
I was gonna say I've never seen you sharing that.
You weren't a loser.
They're so funny.
Did you literally get zero likes something?
Yeah, cause like no, cause it was so depressing.
I didn't mind.
I was like me sharing other people's stuff,
cause it's not me going on like thing.
It's like, you know, yeah.
That doesn't often get a lot of shit.
That's so funny.
Um, but I was fine with that because I don't use it.
I'm like, I'll come back again in six months and share something else.
And then I was like, oh, I just had it fully off just for years.
Like, oh, so, oh, that's so funny.
Um, so I want to give a shout out to all the lovely people that give me the heaps of
likes on my ADG post.
Um, got lots of likes on that.
So it's been a lot of love to all those people.
Thank you.
Now I'm just going to let you in behind and see the podcast.
Usually once the podcast is going, someone will signal suddenly to someone else in the
podcast, ask how long they've got left.
Oh yeah, so we've got about 10 minutes left.
I'm just going to ask, we've got 10 minutes left. About 10, yeah. Usually someone will go how long and I, when. Oh yeah, so we got about 10 minutes left. I'm just gonna ask, we got 10 minutes left.
About 10, yeah.
Usually someone would go, how long?
And when I was like, like, do the 10 hand signals,
like, you know, 15, just to kind of keep the subtle idea
that we're going to do.
We got more of a children pole going,
so we can just talk about that.
Or a little bit more.
Yeah, I'm obsessed with exposing mechanics of things.
Next idea, next one. I am dying to know what each of your preferred breakfast is. Please answer this question. It's very important.
All right. You go first, Max.
Well, at the moment, it's so exciting. It's musely with coconut yoghurt that I've come into like.
Are you back on Koyo yet?
Max, what are you still doing now?
I don't know the fuck Koyo.
I thought it was like,
when you say Koyo, I think you mean coconut yogurt.
No, no, no, I ain't coconut yogurt.
And then now you're like, no, Koyo is a brand.
No, I think when I was talking about the supermarket,
you were buying nudie coconut yogurt, which is shit.
There's like Koyo, which is a brand, and and it's really good so you should try that but please
go on. Do you have it or colds I haven't heard? Yes we do. Okay great I'll get it next time I mean.
I don't know I usually put like a whole banana in and also like couple of
strobes. Well. A couple of strobes in there and then recently Katie my partner's chewed some
Like rhubarb and pear. That's it. Yeah, and I put it that now that's great. So a bit of coconut yogurt and
Stood fruit on a musely. What a way to start the day. Yeah, great. If you're feeling adventurous Do you you ever mix it up with that? You know like?
I'll replace you in now
Yeah, maybe or replace replace them usually with porridge,
if it's cold, it's cold morning,
but cold in Melbourne at the moment.
So maybe, how many, you want to warm breakfast
so you put porridge instead?
That's pretty good.
Bro, I'm gonna tell you all about that.
So I used to have in LA when we were living together.
And yes.
I was going to say I do pretty much the same as you, Max, but I do rock
melon and blueberries instead of all your rhubarb shit.
Oh, rock melon.
Yeah, I really like rock melon in me musely, but I just wanted to say that my
favorite breakfast food of all time is McDonald's
bacon egg McDonald's muffins. Oh I think it's unrivaled I think that is just like that's my like my
death row food potentially is bacon and egg McDonald's muffins for McDonald's. Yeah I don't know if I
say death row but I know exactly what you mean. Like nothing hits us but I need no shit smacks.
No, it's only shoots, Max. Oh, yeah, early shoots, or if you're on the road, nothing better.
It's, yeah, we thought about it recently, being at home every day,
about getting that delivery.
I don't think there's any mechanism close enough to move that delivers,
but it's so good.
How about you, Sam?
I'll just do my standard breakfast.
Is coffee, love coffee.
I've got the percolator at home.
I guess for that.
Get some of that stuff in there.
I recently got some coffee from coffee.
So pretty much it's very nice as well.
It's been going very well.
And then sourdough with the topping.
So I think the best sourdough, no, I hate peanut butter.
I'm going to be like, really? I hate it. Yeah, I can the best sour, no, I hate peanut butter. I'm gonna be like, really?
I hate it.
Yeah, I can't do it.
Yeah, is that soft peanut butter or crunchy peanut butter?
There's a few foods when I was like,
a tiny little boy, maybe like three, two or three,
my favorite foods would have been, I think,
peanut butter, banana, and chicken and flavoured
magic-tuminant noodle.
And I hate them.
Yeah, that's exactly.
Obsessively, and I can't touch any of them now.
They all of them, I don't know, there's something about them
that I've tried even, and it's just not happening.
Hmm, pretty much maybe.
It's very unfortunate.
Very unfortunate.
We've all got to struggle.
That's sad, because there's nothing better than peanut butter and jam.
Oh yeah.
That's a combo.
Unacquired jam, no.
So if you're not having peanut butter, then you're not having peanut butter and jam.
No, no.
You're just having jam.
You're just ruining some good jam.
But I would say my four top things on rotation, veggie mite, cheese, tomato, with salt and
pepper. Oh, that's yeah, no and I didn't even think of this.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, and then I've been going and pressing market
and they do like, there's a wonderful stall
that does like a Korean pesto,
which is like a bit of spicy,
seeing that's really nice.
I've been...
Sam, I would suggest to you that you're almost
having breakfast brusquetta every day.
Well, tasty salad, we've delicious toppings.
If you're Italian and you get in touch with us and let us know, is that am I having breakfast
for a day or am I having toast?
We get some clarity.
Just let us know that would be fantastic.
Thank you.
Anything else on breakfast?
No, let's speak on a few more.
We're not going to get all these.
Thank you for all your comments.
Thank you.
Yes, thank you so much.
And I will just do a speech.
Thank you for giving us something to talk about.
So there's a few that had a lot of like to Instagram
that I included.
And that's when everything you hate about Mark Zach and Broden
full on outline of their fault.
I don't really have a minute left.
I will just do a preface.
We said we didn't want to do these.
There's so many likes there.
At least acknowledge it.
There's no negativity, but yeah.
We don't believe in any of the things that we do.
I think it speaks to that you're all a bunch of nasty pasties at home.
You're a bunch of main people looking for hot goss and there's none to be found down
this well.
No, they just want to see the antidone of podcast will bend.
That's what they want.
A burn to the brain.
And they won't.
A new rivalry.
A new rivalry.
Anyway, we'll move along. Another. A new rivalry. A new rivalry.
Anyway, we'll move along.
Give us the sex talk.
Oh dear.
Maxie, you're an adult.
You're the most together of us, Max.
What is the sex talk?
When you tell one of your children about the birds and the bees, Max.
Those are the references to something
that happened on the podcast.
I don't think so, is it, Sam?
I don't believe so.
No, I think it's just that's what every...
I would know if it was if I actually listened
to the podcast.
I don't know.
I've listened to every episode.
Sam, you're a lot.
All of them. Sam's the worst in every meeting. Whenever, you're a lot. All of them.
Sam's the worst in every meeting.
Whenever Sam has an opinion on the podcast,
it's always undercut by just a sense of Sam never listens to.
I want to listen to a few of you okay.
I listen to Lam Party.
That was good.
Oh yeah, this is how one was good.
I listened to the one where they called me.
Well, I listen to that one.
Yeah. I'm speaking of it one where they called me. Oh listen to that one. Yeah.
Speaking of are we going to call Joe? Oh we should call Joe. Yeah we'll have a nice chat.
You're trying to divert away from the sex talk. That's trying to get out of it. Max I'll put
you up for it. You can get out of it. I just need you to admit it. Uh sure I don't know what to say.
So Max is chickening out of giving the sex talk and this is it's i'm gonna go
cold joe
yeah feel free to pressure him on social media to the end of time about uh...
the sex talk and the podcast
uh... should we call joe
yeah now you want to be able to hear
now you have to hear him but you want to talk be able to hear him, but you won't be able to talk to him.
So you've got to give suggestions through me.
Can you do a three-way call?
Or that fuck it up, wouldn't it?
That would fuck it up, I think.
Can you do that?
It's three.
It's doing it again.
You better fucking answer the dog, and then we'll just hang out real quick.
No, it would be nice to know I think he should go probably
pay for it that he hangs up on us.
Yeah, mate.
What's going on?
Yeah, I'm here.
What are you doing?
Sorry, I'm just driving.
Where are you driving to?
From where?
I like to ride fair, fair shops.
Oh nice.
Did you wear a face mask? Where are you driving to? From where? I'm on my way to the shops.
Oh nice, did you wear a face mask?
Shorty night, always.
That's very good, Joe.
He's a good boy.
Yeah, I'm okay mate.
Just enjoying life and working as always
and enjoying the football and the NBA.
Yeah, big time.
Yeah, what's the title you're telling me about it?
Joe, I just wanted to call you and tell you that I love you.
The I love you.
Well, I love you too.
Why are you dying?
Well, you know, man, I'm always fucking dying camp, but.
Tell me, your god of fears were your best years.
To be honest, Joe, I think like our God will fears were the best years.
And that, when you're starting to think?
Yeah, wouldn't you agree?
Yeah, probably. I'm hoping that things get better at 10.
Well, you're really proud of him for his working school of rock.
Yeah, and Joe, I'm really proud of you for your working school of rock.
Why is that coming up?
What's going on?
Because Max and Sam are suggesting things to say to you.
I'm on the podcast.
Hey, we love you Joe.
They're saying that they love you.
You have to see how he's going.
Yeah, Max wants to know since
you're going.
Pretty good man.
Yeah, pretty good.
I had a big couple of days tuning
as I asked you guys about. Yeah.
That was all very exciting.
Did you do an MBA for that?
Yeah, you know what?
An MBA for that?
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Okay. No talking about that.
Yeah, I got it.
I know what it is.
Yeah, exactly.
But this is a bit crummy, you know.
You guys are really just podcasting and podcasting for that film.
Well, next week, Joe.
Oh, okay. Well, the MBA used to be in coming in and you guys will release this podcast in the podcast of the entire album. Next week, Jay.
For the end of the year, I used to be in Thailand.
I told about what it was.
Hey, Jay, I've got a special treat for you.
You can hang up on main mid-sentence.
You can do that.
That's cool.
This is the best reverse podcast.
You guys are like positive and loving?
Yeah, we're trying.
How has Sammy and Max Gai me doing all the talking?
Who's not slaying it?
They're the same as the running the podcast.
He's doing very good.
He wrote down every one's suggestions, put it in a hat.
Oh, really?
And Max is just being funny.
Oh, good. Well, hey, thanks. He call and I'm so glad to be talking to you rather than the boys
He's a good bye for me. Max says hi
And we'll talk about the footy at some point and see if you keep talking so he can hang out. Oh, yeah
The NBA all right. It's just restarted Jamie. I'll call me later. I'll tell you about it But you have to keep talking to you. I'll just leave it up tonight. What? I'm not going to talk to the NBA.
All right, it's just restarted, Jamie.
I'll call me later. I'll tell you about it.
But you have to hang up on the mat.
OK. All right, I'll do that.
All right. We'll love you.
I'm going to talk to you later.
All right, hasn't I?
I just want to ask you how things go.
Hang up.
Hang up on the mat.
Feeling well, mate?
Hang up on the mat.
I can't see you.
I'm going to hang up on you, Jamie. Hang up on you I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm I asking I'm I asking I'm I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm I asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm I asking I'm I asking I'm asking I asking I'm asking I'm I asking I'm asking I asking I'm I'm I asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm I asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm I'm asking I'm asking I'm I asking I'm asking I asking I'm I asking I'm I asking I'm asking I asking I asking I'm asking I asking I'm asking I'm I asking I'm I asking I'm asking I asking I'm asking I'm asking I'm I asking I'm I asking I'm That comes and now it will come later and when I ask me about the bloody basketball how long left
All right, I think we
We're done. We're well and truly done. We're well and truly done. Yes. Do we have that break when Sam's
Internastery. Oh, yeah, let's do one more quickly. Well do one more because my internet start working because I can't get them being yet
Love it
The final one says just don't.
I guess.
Well, I'll be like for that.
It's a bit like that.
I'll be like for that.
I'll be like for that.
I'll be like for that.
I'll be like for that.
I'll be like for that.
I'll be like for that.
I'll be like for that.
I'll be like for that.
I'll be like for that.
I'll be like for that.
I'll be like for that.
I'll be like for that.
I'll be like for that.
I'll be like for that.
I'll be like for that. I'll be like for that. I'll be like for that. I'll be like for that. I'll be like for that. You know how sometimes you read a comment on the internet and you can just feel the sincerity, even though you can't read the tone or the thing.
You can just sense the sincerity.
I tune in every week to see three wonderful improvisers
who have worked together for years,
just do some bullshit,
like just get together and vibe something out.
That's on the edge of like sanity,
that's on the edge of quality,
maybe there's some gold there.
That's what I tune in for.
Like, yes, we're in the same comedy
group, we did not do that, like at all. We even approached that. Like, well, I, you know, I was like,
that's a very, very good point you've raised there. I agree with you.
I love the thing. There's probably actually was, it probably was said with a joke, but I actually
prefer this, this is a, this is a radio version of that. I think that's so much better.
Just don't.
Just don't.
Well just have don't do it.
Take a week off.
Just don't fucking you idiots.
You lose a do a podcast.
We could not have one.
I've said my RSS stream, they're coming to my phone
Just don't.
That's one that's just going to clog up my phone.
That's a few megawatt.
Look in back. I'm not kidding back.
I'm not tuning in.
I'll be very interested to see if Mark, Zach, or Braden actually listen to this
and if they actually enjoy it because they were the ones that were pushing for this.
So, we'll see you actually listen to it.
I think it might be too comprehensive, you know, like it makes too much sense.
Well, thank you so much for listening, everybody.
And if we get 40,000 listens on this in a week,
you'll be getting this monthly.
That's a challenge.
Yeah, it's the most, what is the most
of you on a podcast?
I'm pretty sure.
Yeah, no, no, no.
Our first one now has hundreds of thousands,
like episode one. I think in one one week the record is like 18,000 or something in one week for an episode
I don't know if that's good or not wall forget
25,000 25,000 and so on it's on
24 now 40 40 40 30 30 is double the most
18,000 double is, 30, 30, 30, 30 is double the most then, I mean, it's not 18,000, double is not 30, it's 36.
All right, there's 36 to do, it's close.
Round it up is 40, like, 36,000, I'll read it 30, though, 36,000.
36,000, let's look it in.
Get stream and let's, all right.
All right, goodbye everybody. Alright. Alright. Goodbye everybody.
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