Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 216 - A Typical Acting Class
Episode Date: September 15, 2020Today we join Aunty Donna at drama school!  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for information.
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Visit Planet for more podcasts from our great mates. award winning sketches. This is a new intro song by me, Tom.
This week Mark and Zach take an acting class hosted by famous method teacher John
Builder. Now remember my little canes that if you're
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Hantedonoclub. So head on down to and listen to them.
This month's band is podcast was Mums and Dad's part 2.
We hope you enjoy this week's part.
Take it away Tom!
What a wonderful new song that was
now welcome to an acting workshop class. You're all students here to learn how to do acting.
Now some of you may have never acted before. Some of you may have acted in amateur theatre and I'll say it, some of you may have done professional
work. But here today you're all equals, you're all here to learn how to do theatre, a method
as some people call it and I'll say it, you're going to learn a practice, professional work ethic. Now the first thing we'll do is go around the class and see who
here is ready to work, who here is ready to listen and take notes. Always have people take notes for
you mate. Very important have people taking notes for you. My name is John Billing. I'm an acting lecturer from NIDA. Or as I like to call it snider,
because of it's a snide institution. I've worked as a solicitor. I've worked as an actor on the stage and screen before moving here to this rural town in Victoria.
I've been an electorate in acting now for upwards of 25 years and I love this work.
We're going to go around the class now. I want you to tell me a bit about yourself and why you want to learn to be an actor, starting with you, sir.
Um, my name, uh, did you want to know my name?
Don't look in the mirror mate.
Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry,
don't look in the dance studio mirrors.
I want you to be looking at me.
Is my hero, okay?
Is my hero okay?
Is my hero okay?
Be focused. Your hair doesn't matter Is my hero okay? You're here.
Doesn't matter mate.
Fuck that shit out of here.
I need you to be focused and ready to act.
My name is Timmy.
I'm 18.
I am a virgin.
And I'm here to, I want to be the next Rusty Crow.
Okay. Are you ready to work? I want to be the next Rusty Crow. Great, okay.
Are you ready to work?
I mean, I'm here to party, I'm not gonna lie.
But working, I could work, I might work,
but I'm here to meet chicks.
First things first, and I need to go to the gym mate.
You're a leading actor.
I need you to go and start doing dead lifts every day.
All right. I want you to lift 400 kilos in a month's time. I want you to put on
100 kilos in body mass. I just want to I just want to fuck some chicks. Fair enough.
And what's your name? Hello, my name is Steve. I want to be a film actor eventually although I don't mind the theater. My
favorite actors are Leonardo DiCaprio, Waking Phoenix and Al Pacino. I love
muscular acting. I love people that really go for it and I can't wait to discover
all the best ways to just bring it and deliver on the art of acting.
In terms of my experience, I have had a one-week run on Home and Away, the soap opera in Sydney,
and also I studied at an institute in Sydney that also has a institute in Los Angeles.
in Sydney that also has a institute in Los Angeles.
All right, and what's your name? Hello.
What's your name?
My name is Grace.
I'm 18.
I'm a virgin.
And I'm here because I'm really, I'm from the country and I got a scholarship to come here
and we didn't have a drama program at my school that had four people in it.
Okay, we are going to be tested today.
Now what's your name? Okay, we are going here to discover that.
Well, welcome. That's what I'll say. And you get a, my name's Rusty Chips. I'm just
a two-bit bloke from a small country town. Love acting, you know, doing local thing.
I don't know how you big city slickers do it, but I'm ready to give it a red dot com.
Rusty chips.
Well, welcome to the class, Rusty chips.
And you, what's your name?
Hello, my name is Kate Blanchett.
I am a star of stage and screen.
You may remember me from some of my films
that I've done.
Can't think of any of them right now
for some reason my mind's
gone blank. But I have been the artistic director of the Sydney Theatre Company for a number
of years. I've done Chekhov, I've done Shakespeare, and I'm here just to get a bit of a tune
up on some of my acting skills, because my husband, Mr. Upton, has written me a new role
in which I play a 12-year-old boy.
So I'm here to just brush up on some skills.
I'm Kate Blanchett.
I'm fucking famous as fuck.
That's what I was going to say.
You're one of the most famous actors in the world.
Yes, I'm a virgin.
I'm coming to a student acting.
I'm here because I'm a virgin and I want to fuck some chicks.
And party. I'm here to party and fuck some chicks.
I'm not okay, fair enough. I knew what's your name.
Hello! It's me, a dictator then!
Dictator Dan.
Now I need to be very clear.
I am not a Dan Andrews who, you know, different people have different opinions on.
I am a dictator from the Soviet Union.
But it is okay
So you're not the fuck you're not based on the fucked name
That some fucked cans in Victoria have created for someone trying to save your life. No
You're a fictional character called dictator Dan from Russia. Here is the big problem
You know everyone thinks on that evil man that's tried to save everyone's life
but I'm just a simple dictator who has killed millions and millions of minorities
and crushed all intellectual activities
but everyone thinks I'm damn Andrews and I'm sad
Ah, you're the inverse
You're an actual dictator
I'm an actual evil dictator but I'm sad because everyone thinks I'm the premier of
Victoria who is doing his best to save people's lives.
Okay, now who's ready to act?
I was bored ready to act.
Hey, sorry I'm late I'm just a regular guy in amongst this crazy
crazy multitude of wacky characters from the one the audience identifies with
I was just doing my job and here I am I'm not a good actor or nothing I'm doing
this because I have to. Well he talked talk quite a lot. What's your name?
My name's Jimmy, Jim.
Jimmy, Jim, Jim.
I'm just a regular fella, 22 Hanson,
but not, not, upsettingly so.
I'm the audience's window into this wacky world.
You keep saying that.
If you're really worried, you wouldn't have to say that.
Yeah, God, I'm running late.
Running late, but I'm here now,
here to be the window into the world.
I'm sort of like, I'm trying to think of an example here.
I guess I'm Diane in Bojack Horseman would be an equivalent.
Well, I'm sorry, Jimmy Jim Jim,
but you're late.
You'll have to miss out on the class.
Are you serious, man?
Yeah, unfortunately. But you're late. You'll have to miss out on the class. Are you serious, man? Unfortunately.
Unfortunately, you need to show up on time so you'll have to wait outside.
I was a plot device. I mean, I didn't have to be later. It was a plot device to like help me.
Well, that wasn't... That was just an absolute misstep by you.
Oh, my God. I'm sorry, but you'll have to let me...
Hello, Jim, to the audience now. This is my concern
Jim Jim Jim well then they just there won't be a conduit and it'll be awful. It's me. It's Cape Blanchett
You might remember me. I isn't it isn't it crazy that I'm here
Just want to say I know that you're late. I know that you're not allowed to be in this class
But I see something in you and I'd love for you to come and play a part.
Kate, get out of the class.
So why? Why?
You taught me, I taught this, I am running this class.
I have more.
I need you and Jimmy Jim to get the fuck out of my class.
You've been building Bob, can I talk to you for a second man?
And Kate, you can join me.
I just, just away from the group.
Is that okay?
How dare you, how dare you, John Billing? the Cape Blanchett, you can join me. I just, just away from the group. Is that okay? Absolutely.
How dare you, how dare you, John Billthing.
I am about to play Lillith in the Borderlands movie.
You get out of the class.
They are adapting Borderlands into a movie.
You guys need to talk a sign, don't you?
What's this?
Go talk a sign.
Do you want to go?
Yeah, I just, I'm just, here's my thing man.
Hey Blanchett, professional actor in an acting class.
That's wacky.
It doesn't make any sense.
How is the audience going to make sense of that without me just going, what?
I was saying it's like, what?
And like, oh, because you're buying in.
So that's great.
You like all the guys driving driving this but without me going
Cape Lynch, yeah, shouldn't she be in Hollywood could pitch and one of the other four characters you've played fill that role one of them that wasn't late
Okay, all right, yep, I think the data damn step up
Wonderful big damn can be the conjured guys get out of my class I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I cast it. Well, you go waving's here too. I hold you. I'm Hugo weaving.
I what? He'll go waving.
This is odd.
Hey, you may have seen me in many different films.
I played evil villains in America and flawed,
interesting characters in Australia.
Well, it's great for you to be here.
Get out there, it's me, Richard Roxborough.
Richard Roxborough, old mate Richard.
Hey, Cummy.
Hey, thanks so much.
I'm not late.
I had to get you a coffee.
You wanted a coffee, building Bob.
Well, no, you're late. Get out.
But I just wanted to talk to Hugo Weaving about how tough it is to play complex, interesting
characters on stage and screen in Australia.
All right, you can do that quickly.
Good, I richell you much.
Yeah, it's tough, isn't it? It's tough.
Yeah, well, you know, I enjoy it.
Bye. See you later, guys.
Bum, bum, bum, bum.
Now, all right, guys, it's me, Rebel Wilson.
I've just come in and our Richard Roxbro,
let's watch the playback.
I think you laughed there, so I think you're out.
Let's have a look.
No, this isn't the Amazon Prime show last one laughing.
Oh, oh shit.
Oh, what the, sorry.
Are you doing an acting class though?
I would like to join.
This is an acting class.
I would like to join. All right, acting class. I would like to join.
All right, Rebel, come in.
This is fucking get it up.
I'm afraid of Australia's best actors.
Hey, who's that over there?
It's Margaret Robbie.
I, I, it's me Margaret Robbie.
There she is.
She's so beautiful.
I think there's so much, there's so many people say
I look a lot like Margot Robbie.
Yeah, well, I say that. Yeah, but I'm Margot Robbie. Yeah, you do look a lot like Margot Robbie Yeah, well I say that yeah, but I'm Margot Robbie
Yeah, you do look a lot like Margot Robbie. What do you think Margot Robbie?
You're so beautiful. Oh, thank you a lot of people say I look like Margot Robbie now who's ready to start acting
What is going on? This is such a wacky group of characters.
This is so wacky.
Yes, if you think this is wacky, well I am with you on this audience.
I'm a turtle. I'm a turtle.
I'm sorry, are you a...
Are you a... Are you a... Are you a student? I'm a turtle. I'm a turtle. I'm a turtle. I'm a turtle. I'm a turtle.
I'm a turtle.
I'm a turtle.
I'm a turtle.
I'm a turtle.
I'm a turtle.
I'm late.
I've come in.
I've already asserted this.
Hey, turtle.
Get out.
I know you might be an interesting character, but the most important thing here is tartiness.
Got you.
I am an actor.
I was playing a turtle now. I am late
But surely you can see my work now come on. I play I made you think I was a turtle
Let me do the acting class
All right coming
Who are you now? I'm not late. I was just behind this backpack. I'm a fish. I'm a
Here's a thing. I needed you to be in the circle.
Could I just get out? What I'm doing? No, it's like I'm slowly flying. Guys, let's start the
acting class. Everybody, everybody move. This is a terrorist-host attack. I have superpowers. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And a terrorist is dead. Oh, no.
This is very weird.
There's so much to do at Clefanger.
And now he is dead.
Oh, too.
Oh, thank God that terrorist is dead.
I hope no more terrorists come in.
Everybody move. I'm also a terrorist.
I'm sorry, I'm getting very emotional.
I'm getting very emotional.
I'm breaking down.
We'll be back after this ad break. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and the terrorists are dead.
I'm from the Umbrella Academy.
I have 20 Umbrellas, all of which have a different superpower.
And you terrorist a dead, seen.
Hey, it's me.
It's me. Jodie Foster.
Hi, Jodie Foster.
Hey, how are you going? I'm Jodie Foster on Hi, Jodie Foster. Hey, how are you going?
I'm Jodie Foster on the set of that Halo movie that wasn't Halo.
Chappy but Halo.
With Matt Damon.
Chappy but Halo.
It's the, you know, the one where there's everyone lives on a ring in the sky.
I have one that lives on a ring in the sky, yes.
Okay, bye-bye. the sky, yes. Yeah. Okay, bye bye.
Say it, JD first.
I just see it to pick up your spirits,
building Bob invited me.
See a building Bob?
Guys, what I was trying to do was create a world where
what would happen if it was,
a terrorist took over and acting class.
Yeah, and I, and, but yeah, so Mark, listen,
if you keep killing off the terrors, then that fun journey just can't happen.
Do you understand?
I understand, but as an actor, I can take on multiple different roles.
I'm trying to get into a Marvel film at the moment.
And the Marvel characters in Marvel, yes, Mark or Timmy.
No, but I'm talking to you, Mark, on the podcast.
I'm saying, stop blocking when the terrorist comes in.
Okay, all right.
Because there's an awesome journey
about terrorists taking over an acting class, right?
All right, all right.
Can I ask a question, Broden, man?
Am I allowed to block?
No one's allowed to block.
I won't block. I'd go along with the terrorist plot
Go it might not happen now, all right, but if it does I am allowed to block
I'm the only one that's allowed to block. No, I think I think neither of us are allowed to block
We have to go along with it. Okay, sure sure. It's a fun journey
It's a fun thing to do we made this big whole acting world with all these crazy actors
and they're gonna do acting scenes
and then just it's about to happen.
It's taken over by what?
Is it like bad terrorist from now?
Or like fun terrorist from the 80s and 90s?
Did I mention that my superpower as well
was I had like laser beams coming out of my hands.
You didn't even try to shoot.
Why do I feel like you're going to kill off any terrorist that comes out?
I'm definitely not.
I'm definitely not.
I'm going to go along with the terrorist plot.
Alright, you ready to get you come back in?
And just a blanket rule no blocking on the terrorist.
No blocking on the side.
Okay, because I'm promised you it's really good.
And I know I want to feel like I'm forcing this narrative But it's fucking sick. It's gonna be sick
What is going on here breaking out of character? I'm so cute. I haven't been disconfused since I
I completely killed the whole minority over five years
Lick, lick, kill, they hold my noughty over five years. Oh my god, I'm dictated Dan, it's time to start acting.
Everyone take out your acting squabble.
Everybody, this is a terrorist attack.
Oh no, the terrorists, the terrorists are here.
Hello, terrorists, how are you today?
Nice to meet you.
I'm Zach.
Who did you not let in?
Trumb school. This is my let it in? Trump school.
This is my friend Mark and Brody.
Now we're not allowed to block you.
So just so you know, we're not going to block you.
Oh great.
So anything you do, we're going to yes and we're going to roll with it.
I just want you to know that.
But everybody, everybody get on the wall.
Okay. Okay. Okay, okay, but everybody everybody get on the wall Okay, I'm getting on the wall and everyone also get on the wall because I too amaterrorous
And I've been a sleeper cell agent this whole time. That's right. I made him a sleeper cell now
First thing I want you to do you are hostages is that clear?
You're spazed. I too am a terrorist!
I just hope terrorists!
And that's the thing is that this is a sacred terrorist acting class.
I fired my gun, but I didn't kill anyone.
It was an offer I just fired into the air.
Everyone here is a secret terrorist.
And that's why you're on punked, Mr. Terrorist.
Bring out Ashton Kutcher.
Hey, it's me, Ashton Kutcher.
Hello, I can't believe this.
I can't believe that I have been pumped by all my terrorist buddies the craziest thing is you got to pant back him
Um, oh my god
It's me Kim. Oh
I've been shot in the nipple. Oh my god. You're oh my god. You're a real terrorist
Oh my god, you're oh my god, you're a real terrorist
Kim Kardashian then takes off her mask to reveal that she is a summer bin Laden
I just hate it. She's wanting you to know Mark. Yeah, when you were hinting at blocking the office, I I felt a fair degree of confidence in that moment that you knew what that block and would be. So I just I will you know
I'm trusting you inherently here. Just King Kardashian has become a summer bin Laden. Okay. All right. Who is the King terrorist? The King of terrorists. Okay.
terrorists. Okay. But Osama bin Laden is dead. He's my question and I'm happy to own up to this. I jumped ship from Broden's terrorist
thing to Mark's blocking the terrorist thing. I trusted you inherently and I went with
it. I am happy to admit that I was wrong
and go back to the terrorist plot.
Wait a minute, wait a minute.
Why is he doing this?
Why is he stopping the impro?
Let me take off his ex mask.
Yes, and the terrorist!
It isn't the plan, the leg!
Wait, let me take, you're wearing a second mask.
Let me take that off. It's Kim Kardashian. Hey, no, no, no! Wait, let me take, you're wearing a second mask. Let me take that off.
It's Kim Kardashian.
Hey, I'm, let me take that one off.
It's a terrorist.
Oh my God.
Northern, I'm from the IRA and the 90s.
You're wearing another mask?
Let me take it off.
It's Aston Kutcher dressed as Kim Kardashian.
One more mask.
I'm gonna take off that mask mask and now it's just a...
No it's...
The carrot is a rubbish!
But here's the thing,
King Shubidoo is dead.
Are you dead Shubidoo?
King Shubid do as a ghost.
But then I come in and I'm a terrorist.
But I'm a terrorist as well.
We're all terrorists.
We're all knock knock knock knock.
I mean, it's me, Jimmy Jim Jim Jim.
Did I not warn you that without me,
this would go to bed, Lou?
Ah, and that's the first lesson of acting everyone.
And I've got some news.
I'm a terrorist.
Oh my God.
Everyone get on the wall.
Get on the wall, get up, get some wall.
God, I hope there's still gonna be an after party tonight because I'm 18 and I'm a virgin
Wait a minute. I'm gonna take off your mask. I'm a terrorist too. Oh
My god, wait a minute bang. Oh
I just shut my gun at a window. Okay. Oh my god and
Scene I got in a window. Okay, oh my God. And scene.
That is acting students. Do you see how we went into a world of terrorism?
Mm, wow.
Write that down in your notebook.
A little bit of a key for me, just a regular joke.
That was an incredible scene that we just constructed.
And I want to say that being an 18 year old
from the country, being here,
I'm already learning a lot. There was one other thing I wanted to, I being an 18 year old from the country, being here, I'm already learning a lot.
There was one other thing I wanted to, I had one question though.
What could that possibly be?
I can't wait.
I take off my mask through a wheel that I am a terrorist.
Well that's really interesting.
I'm so happy.
Get on the ground.
Get on the ground all of you.
Please don't hurt my students, but first there's one thing you should know.
What could that be? What could it be?
Well, it's one simple thing.
I am a terrorist.
I do all along.
That's why I pointed my gun at you first.
Guys, guys, let's stop the improvisation.
It's me, Zach, and we're just breaking character, talking...
I can't do it. How is this going? Well, it's going really, really well, and I'll tell you why,
because I am a terrorist. Zach has been the terrorist all along. We've been
recording his podcast with a terrorist for 216 podcasts. No, I killed Zach
last week and have had reconstructive surgery to look like Zach.
But I didn't take a scalpel.
I did it with Hollywood's best dermatologist.
I did it all with microneedling, fillers, Botox, and now I look exactly like Zach.
Well I would be surprised by that except one simple thing.
Is that? Yeah.
I am a terrorist.
What are you telling me?
I've been doing anti-donna podcasts with two terrorists this whole time.
Well one, he's not been, he's only been here awake, but I have been a terrorist since the first episode.
So there was never a real brodan? Was there ever a real Broden?
Yeah, in about like the last one he did was the YouTube video he did was the man who didn't roll up his sleeve.
Oh my god, I'm gonna go in there.
I stepped in as terrorists.
Did you go under the knife to look like Broden?
You know you can do it now without a single scalpel.
Phil is Botox, micro-needling. Broden, because you know, you can do it now without a single scalpel, fillers, Botox,
Broden, I heard all that.
No, mine's a simple latex mask,
because, you know, old school.
I understand that.
That makes a lot of sense.
I, I, Mark is the only real original
anti-donna member.
Funny you say that.
I have a secret.
Oh, no.
What is your seat?
I can't wait to find out what the secret is.
This whole time.
I've been...
Oh, I'm just Mark.
I thought maybe I was a terrorist, but I took the mask off and it was just a late-
Man, I'm just trying.
I'll take another one off.
It's me, Adrian Dean.
Oh my God.
The fourth member who left.
I've been in this group this whole time wait a minute. I'm a terrorist
To you
Yeah, there are no members remaining of auntie Donna
Yeah, and we're all secret terrorists. Why have we been tricking each other all week?
And why we why have we been in drama class
This is well, that was an improv that anti-donna put on this is a severity. Oh, anti-donna was doing a
An episode a podcast episode about drama school, right?
Under that there was three sleeper cell terrorists
Okay in the drama
Tending to be anti-donna oh
in the drama about us. Tending to be anti-donna.
Oh, sure, sure, sure.
Recording a podcast.
And we've all revealed ourselves
through this podcast that we're all terrorists.
So you're listening to the number one terrorist podcast.
We talk all things terrorism here.
How to be a secret terrorist in your comedy group
is the main topics we cover.
Yeah, so basically, the way it works
is where all experts in our field about how to be a secret terrorist mark
He goes and he goes under the scalpel and he puts people under the scalpel to be terrorist
So it's it to look really on under the scalpel
Well, I believe Zach has been watching a TV show about people who who were getting plastic surgery without the surgery
Well, here's the thing right so we're all experts in different ways to go on the cover TV show about people who were getting plastic surgery without the surgery.
Well, here's the thing right.
So we're all experts in different ways to go on the cover.
Mark, he believes in going under the scalpel face lifts, that sort of thing.
Broden, he's all old school.
It's all about latex masks and voice modification.
Whereas me, I believe that you can make those structural changes to a face to make a terrorist go under cover
without using a scalpel
Botox, fillers, injections, all those sorts of things and you can look like anyone in the world
together where
No, we're all terrorists. We're terrorists. I mean we will become terrorists in different ways
I would say yeah, you're listening to the terrorist podcast and I would say
If you like the old classic anti-Donna podcast, we're really in prop step and don't stop listening to this one because we're gonna do improv
Like just because we're terrorists doesn't mean we can't do fun
Comedy adventure. Yeah, they might not be as relatable as some of the other stuff. No. They'll often be about guerrilla warfare.
Yeah. And we're not going to pretend to be guerrillas, you know, the monkey, because...
Well, that's a funny comedy in Probe.
That's more anti-donna, right?
Guerrilla warfare with guerrillas. That's more anti-donna with us.
It's going to be more serious, just sort of tactical things.
How to...
Yeah, if you don't have an army or an organized militia,
how do you, or military, how do you organize against the big oh oh oh oh what terrorists? Yeah?
I'm broke. Oh my god. Oh my god. Bro stick him up
And you're terrorizing the terrorists you're a police. I'm taking back this podcast
the terrorists. You're a police. I'm taking back this podcast. Right. Where are we? Where are we going? What are we doing?
Somewhere during Glen Ridge, I snuck back in and killed the terrorist who was being the terrorist.
So why did you then pretend to be you pretending to be a terrorist?
Because you're a terrorist and I wanted to put you terrorist off the track.
Yeah, I'm just gonna say that.
Funny you say that.
Because I'm not a terrorist.
Oh my God.
I'm Kim Kardashian.
Great, so it's back to two of the original people.
Oh, sorry, no, I'm still a terrorist.
Kim and Broder.
But he's the twist.
Oh no. Oh my god.
When I studied dermatology, Phil is Botox, that sort of thing in order to help people become
under cover.
You're really honesty.
He's really on this photo.
Yeah, he watched that show.
I don't know the name of the show, but it has been on in my house.
No, because you love plastic surgery.
So when I did that, right, when I learned about that,
I went to Beverly Hills to study
under the best dermatologist in all of America.
And I realized that my terrorist ways were not fun.
And I discovered a love of dermatology
and making people feel natural and beautiful
and being their best selves.
So I'm not a terrorist anymore.
The twist is there's no mask off. I'm not a terrorist anymore. The twist is there's no mask off.
I'm not a terrorist anymore.
I am the terrorist that killed and replaced that.
But I'm actually much more interested
in making people feel beautiful,
amazing, fantastic,
without ever having to go under the scalp.
So you're not undercover?
Me right now.
Well, no, I've emerged as the former terrorist and now
beautician to the stars.
I just fired my gun.
I didn't shoot anyone, I just fired my gun.
I said, that's that's that's that's that's that's
because you've lost your accent Kim.
Uh oh, because I'm
Mark with a gun.
And I've always been Mark with a gun. And I've always been Mark with a gun.
And I just like to shoot it sometimes.
I don't like to kill anyone with it.
Sometimes I'll just fire it off.
Just to make everyone go,
has he killed someone?
We're not sure.
So we got Mark and Broden back on the podcast.
Oh, sorry.
But we've got a converted honor.
I'm a terrorist.
Sorry, I'm just taking a mask off.
I am a terrorist. Oh, no, another taking a mask off. I am a terrorist.
Oh, no, another terrorist.
So I just want to talk to you, bro.
We're back to a terrorist, Broden, and a converted terrorist.
Broden, I want to talk to you about what do you want to do?
Like, what are your problem points on your face
or that you don't love?
I don't want to talk.
I don't want to do beauty work.
I want to wrap this podcast up.
I want to try and get back to a point
where Zach Markham Broden hosting the podcast.
Oh, well, I wouldn't, if before we get to that,
before we get to that,
because of my latex, I've been wearing a wetty,
oh, sorry, what's your name?
It's a bit tricky.
I've been wearing a lot of latex masks, my skin has gotten very dry.
Yeah, absolutely.
So, look, obviously, I'm going to set you up with a beauty.
I'll send you home with a few products.
I think that is huge.
I just want to take advantage of this opportunity.
I may never have the opportunity to talk to someone.
The best in Beverly Hills.
The best in Beverly Hills.
Can I just take off your mask, Mark? Pardon? best in Beverly Hills. I just take off your mask Mark. Pardon?
Terrorist. I'm gonna take off your mask. Okay. Ah, who it, I hope who it is.
Mark. It's me. It's Mark. He's the deal. He's the deal, bro. I did
kill Zach. I killed him. He's dead. I I I I guarantee you I kill him. He's never
coming back. I saw with my own eyes, there's no way he's coming back.
But what I can do is I can do that episode where it emerged,
the principal skinner was a war criminal.
That kind of, you know, how he was.
He took someone else's identity.
He took someone else's.
Armand Tarzarian.
And the end of that episode where they agree never to talk about it again
Yeah, that's the best I can do so so Zach is dead. I am a terrorist term beautician
Yeah, but I can go back to pretending to be Zach and we can never acknowledge
Ever again that I'm not Zach, but I did did kill Zach I killed him very violently once they can
Broden just wearing a mask let me take that off yeah so I'm a terrorist right poor I've been a terrorist this whole time
okay can I take I think you've got another mask on can I just take that off yeah yeah I'm Broden. Oh, can I just check in where we're right? Is that another mask? Yes, I can bro.
So I'm terrorists. Okay.
It's just white.
You just got... There's under this, under this Broden.
Oh, right again. Can I take off my mask?
You're wearing a mask? Yeah, absolutely.
Yeah, I am. Thank you so much. I'll just take that off and look how much
fresher my skin is. Wow, that was amazing.
Oh, it's just like a,
I was just one of them.
It was just a bit more skin-wise.
It was a bit more skin-wise.
You know, I cut off the bottoms
because there's no point putting it on my beard,
but I just make sure I apply a beard oil every day.
It's funny how much just over the counter product
I can help.
I can't believe that we've been doing this podcast
with a murderer who killed Zack and is a terrorist.
But now it's just obsessed.
And things that's okay to just talk to us about beauty tips and keeping your face young.
Do you have an issue?
I can't believe that's where we're at, but that's incredible.
It is.
This is worth talking to the press about.
That's something we should, yeah, we should get a PR person on this and maybe we could
get on the project.
I mean, next week we bring on a PR person to sort through this.
Is that what you're talking about?
Wait, who are you, Mark?
Are you terrorists or are you Mark?
Let me check.
Take this mask off.
I'm Mark.
But with a question mark.
There's a question mark at the end of that because it may not look like I'm wearing
another mask, but I have been working with one of the best dermatologists
in Beverly Hills to actually reconstruct my face.
Anyway, I want not using surgery.
You don't have to make using Botox using fillers.
These are all everyone now.
It's two people talking about this shit.
Well, I'm a convert.
I went to go into, I went to go get a tummy tuck
and a facelift.
I ended up speaking to this person in question.
And surprise, surprise, takes off my mask and I'm a terrorist.
Get down on the ground.
I'm not going to get down on the ground right now.
I would, Mark.
Mark, I would, but unfortunately for you, I've got some news.
What? I'm a super terror. I would but unfortunately for you I've got some news
I'm a super terror
Everyone get down on the fucking ground
Okay, okay, I'm gonna get on the ground. I would love a way out. I would love a way out of this podcast
This is I don't see it happening. So what I'm gonna propose is... I'm gonna propose something, and you guys can go with it.
You don't have to go with it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
So I'm gonna propose we don't think too much
about how we end this podcast,
but we decide that the podcast has a bit of a fast
and the furious energy where everything from here on out is
like unofficially important. Yeah, yeah. Before the characters have died, does this
make sense? Yes. No. So it wouldn't not. It would make sense, but I am a
terror. Oh my god. The super terrorist was just a normal terrorist the whole time. Yes, yes Mark.
Yes Mark, that's what's happening.
Well, I've got a mask on.
Mark, I'm not going to take it off.
I'm not taking it off.
I will, that's great.
To take my mask off.
Do you know why?
Because I am a Mark.
Your Mark.
Well, I've got some bad news for you. What I'm gonna put a mask on
Okay, but not just any mask a comedian. I'll ask I mask because I am
I am put in a lot
Put in a lot put in a lot of how I mean oh
Puccinello. Puccinello, how are you, man?
Oh, remodels, son de rindo, de metatansci,
veta rondo, la poche, el tali, son de repolcinello.
Puccinello, I know you came in about your nose,
and obviously we can do that.
We do have plastic surgeons on our team,
but I would love to talk to you about synergy,
and maybe if we just lift up that left cheek,
maybe your nose will work with the face anyway,
and we don't need to shave
it down. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Now I won't care about who I was until I put on the mask
and I take off the mask to reveal that I am the Joker.
Okay, take that mask off. Sorry, it's just me, Mark.
It's just me, Mark.
All right guys, guys, I got some news for you.
This was a lie.
I'm not a beautician, I'm gonna take off my mask now.
And it's me all three of Antitana. Oh
It's Zach Broden and Mark all under the same mask and he's the biggest twist. I've got a gun bang bang
I got both the terrorists and now all three of our Antitana are back
But there's the
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now split off.
And here we are.
Wow, what a great podcast.
That was so much fun.
I do have to be right.
Except for one thing.
What's that?
It's funny that you say that, Broden.
Because I am a terrorist.
Get on the super terrorist.
Get on the ground.
Get on the ground. I've got some venues for you both though. What? Because I used to be a terrorist get on the super terrorist get on the ground get on the ground There news for you both though what because I used to be a terrorist, but then I became a beautician
Don't know
I'm not even you don't have to go into the scum ball
I think you can do everything you want to do to your face, but with fillers
My friend is the thing sugar thing I
Do to your face but with fillers micro news the thing sugar thing I
Reveuse mask It's actually me all three members of anti-donna back we're all back and I killed the other two
And then I split off
And then it's just the back of us back. It's incredible. We're back. Here's a to
I'm a terrorist I remove my mask and I'm sure in the film mask.
Hey there, I'm sure.
Oh, how's your eye, I'm a terrorist.
Sure, sure, sure, sure.
But then Broden pulls off his mask, whatever I am.
And there's three anti-donor, the real anti-donors are here.
And Bang Bang kills sure, should sure in the face,
shoots the super terrorist,
and it's back to the original three,
and we've come full circle,
and the podcast is complete.
That's all done.
And we're all ready.
It's all done.
And it's been a great week,
and we'll see you next week
on the Anti-Donna podcast.
And I just want to thank everyone over
at the Anti-Donna Club,
powered by Patreon for all your support.
Yeah. Obviously it's been
tough here in lockdown in Victoria. We've been doing the pods over Zoom, but it's seen your love,
seen your support. It's really giving me a big stiffy, so thank you so much. I've used that stiffy
to like jerk. I've got a Stiffy too from all the support.
What do you do with that Stiffy when you get that Stiffy?
I just look, I just think I'm proud of him.
It's less what I do with it.
It's more a sign of how love I feel.
Minds by the Undyonic Club.
I never get my, the kind of Stiffy I get from the Undyonic Club
is never a full sexual Stiffy.
It's like, it's the size of a stiffy,
but it looks soft. So if it's one of those ones where, if I was naked and someone saw
me, they go, fuck, marks packing. But what they don't realize is that, is that actually,
that's about as big as it gets, but it just gets, is it just gets hard?
Is it possible that your dick just has a stiffy but a mask on?
Great question, Broden because I take the mask off my stiffy to reveal a stiffy terrorist
Everyone get on the ground. I'm happy to end it there. Fuck off a little dick. Okay. No, we're gonna fight the little dick
I was gonna let that be a little now. Let's fight the dick. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I've got a twist. Take off my mask. Reveal I'm Elon Musk and Grimes at the Met Gala,
where they announced their relationship.
Well, I take off my mask to reveal that I'm Joe Rogan,
smoking a mad splyth with Elon Musk.
What's up, dude?
And that is the end of this podcast.
That's where we end it.
Have a great week and a better tomorrow.
My next itchy.
My next itchy.
Bye. Bye. Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye.
You've been listening to the Antidona podcast.
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See you next week!
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