Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 217 - Lord Jim James just the Lord of Twitter
Episode Date: September 22, 2020This week Zach's away on a retreat but luckily for Broden and Mark the lord of twitter joins us! Hosted on Acast. See fo...r more information.Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.
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G'day legends, welcome to another rip episode of the Antidonna podcast.
Every week we improvise out a little 30 minute podcast and a sort of like how we develop our sketches.
In my opinion today's episode is very funny and Lord Jim James, just a little Twitter,
comes fast to say good-bye.
Remember to head over to if you're a big fan of the party and you can
get your grabby paws on Heapsmo episodes.
Take it away Tom! Welcome to the Anti-Donna podcast. You're joining us on a very, very special day today.
Not only is it the day that our podcast has us, but I am joined by actor writer performer Mark Bonenner.
It's May Macbun. I love being here on the podcast. Thank you for having me a guest. I think I've
guested it on over 200, 200 episodes. No, you're a co-host.
20 episodes. Excuse me? You've been on every episode.
I've been promoted. Yeah. Well, this is news to me.
I thought I was just, I thought we were doing a regular guest thing.
The news to me is newspapers, the six o'clock news, CNN,
Oh, sad. Definitely Fox News, definitely Fox News to me.
Oh, I love Scott. Well, me, I'm a big-sky news fan.
Yeah. That's where I like to get all my right wing propaganda from.
But we have, we've got some interesting news.
We, after years and years of hard work
have received recognition.
There's been a lot of years when known acknowledges
that were a real comedy group that were an icon
of Australia and overseas.
And it's been a real battle uphill
where no one acknowledges us. But this week, something
magical happened.
Anti-donor received a blue tick. From Twitter. Yeah, we've got the other ones already. We
got Instagram, we got Facebook that they haven't. Would you say, would you say,
Anti-donor is a household name, Broden? Yeah, I'd say in the same way that Metricon, Hattondo, any of the major building companies in Australia,
we are a household name in household building.
Well, no, because we don't...
No, that's not exactly what I meant.
I feel like you've taken what I've said there and you haven't fully understood it.
What I was saying was... That's because you're a cunt.
Well, I would argue that you're the cunt.
And if you'll let me explain because you're a cunt well, well, I would argue that you're the cunt And if you let me explain why you
Other cunt, because oh please. Oh, please. Well, your body is quite yonic. Your body is quite yonic shaped Broden
Yonic Broden
So we have a very special guest here today. Firstly Zach's not here, Zach. Zach is
wrong. He had a nervous breakdown. You may have seen on social media on Twitter in fact
that he lost his mind. He tweeted too much. He kind of impaled crazy in the way that,
you know, Hitler or a Stalin would, but in a very much smaller context. And you know, just more just about how he's tweeting.
But he also set all those cars on fire.
Yeah, that was...
And it was fired up.
Yeah. He said fires were deaths in 180 B.
But he was a very specific...
He said it had been talking to him.
He said it was...
He said it had been talking to him saying, Come here was, he said it had been talking to him saying,
come here, set me on fire.
Yeah, he lost his mind.
He says cars, I mean, that car had talked to me as well.
That's true.
It was a talking car to be fair.
I fucked the car because it was being real nasty and wanted it.
So I came to the car.
That was a tram mark.
That was a tram.
I get cars and trams confused all the time
because they both got wheels.
It's very confusing to me.
So, Zach's not here, but we are joined.
The official thing, when anyone ever gets a blue tick,
they're joined by a representative of Twitter.
Today we're joined by a representative
of the Twitter organization. Please welcome
Lord Jim of Twitter. The Lord of Twitter is fine. Just the Lord of Twitter.
Jim just the Lord of Twitter. It's like it's not and that is not a sub division of like Jim's mowing.
I want to make that very clear.
His name's James.
His name is James.
He's just...
It's probably James's mowing as well.
You think?
Or James's antennas.
Yeah, right, right.
He's not Jim.
But why don't we ask him if he's part of the Jim family?
Jim's mowing.
Well, I don't have their number.
I don't think it's a franchise situation.
Alright, look, all I'm saying is, all I'm saying is, shut up.
All I'm saying is, shut up.
Shut up, we're talking.
All I'm saying is, shut the fuck up.
All I'm saying is, if we can get this kind to mow more, I'll be very happy.
You fucking loves a laugh.
It's having a laugh.
We haven't even patched him through yet.
You can't even...
We haven't been patched through.
Oh, I've got it.
Well, look, he changed his name on Zoom.
But that's the thing.
Well, I was just going to say that's the thing about the King of Twitter
is that they live in the algorithm,
much like the man from that Netflix film
Where he's the man is the personification extraction except no no no the social dilemma
You're talking about the boy from mad man the boy from mad man plays the algorithm
And and one of him is has a nice haircut and the other one has a fringe
Do you know what I've been you know because I'm the mad man of this group? And one of them is has a nice haircut and the other one has a fringe
Do you know what I've been you know because I'm the madman of this group?
You know want to be cool if I was on madman as the madman
Draper has the draper
Guys good value
I'm sitting here on the zoo before you introduced me. You're making jokes, I have different laughs.
Now, Jim James is good.
He's good, good value.
Of Twitter.
You are some sort of...
Please welcome.
Please welcome.
Jim James, just the Lord of Twitter.
He's having a laugh, and let's have a laugh with him.
Let's patch him through.
He's gonna give us our blue tick
Well, we've already got officially
Oh, this is the ceremony. We've got a blue titter. Oh, Twitter. We've got a blue titter
Beautiful bird we found out the other day that our tits are blue
We got the Lord is we're cold. It's freezing outside
My nipples are he loves it. He is so into it.
He's so in the podcast.
It's so great to have him here.
That's okay, you want that in a friendship group.
You want the guy who's not cracking jokes.
He's just keeping the vibe up.
And I feel like Jim James, just the Lord of Twitter,
would be that in his friendship group.
It's good because when you're hanging out
with other comics and stuff,
everyone's trying to me the funniest person
At the time. Yeah, yeah, we're starting to do a joke on a joke on a joke. You bring this guy to bloody Asian Asian beer cafe in
Melbourne Central, you know, you're what are yourself? You're yourself. No Asian beer cafe
Believe that I believe that's I believe that's there. No, that's not racist
Racist I believe that's the... No, that's not racist. That's not racist.
That's the name of the place.
The little argument.
He should be a cafe in South Bank.
Okay, he's having a laugh, he's having fun.
Mark, don't look it up.
It's Asian Bia Cafe!
It's called Asian Bia Cafe.
It exists where is it?
Is he fucking moment central! Oh, okay.
Okay, keep it up.
Um, Jim James.
Anyway, I'm just saying, I'm imagining a scenario where I'm an Asian beer cafe in Melbourne Central.
No, this is fair, I need to get this out.
I wanted some cheeseburger, fucking spring rolls.
Right, I'm there with my friends.
It's my girlfriend's
Unicast and seen for fucking two years, but it's a 28th birthday so we're going
Well, I hope that was worth ruining the vibe mark
That was worth ruining the vibe Mark. I don't know why I said it.
Good value Jim James, just a lot of Twitter was all happy and now he seems manically depressed.
Oh no.
Do some jokes.
Mark, do some jokes.
Do like a wucky.
Have you ever, what do you call the turkey?
Why did the turkey cross the road?
Take it into the sea.
Yeah, he's back.
He's back.
It's a sandwich.
So where is Asian beer cafe?
And we have a cafe.
What is that?
What is that?
He's saying that.
Whatever you do.
Do not mention the Asian beer cafe in Melbourne Central
It's clearly a point of conflict
For Jim James just a lot of Twitter hey Jim Jones is a lot of Twitter. Hey
Anything like do you hates you now Feeling pointed at me. It's less about the a just stop Mark Mark. Just go play it straight
He likes you dead pin. He loves you as the straight guy right? Okay. All right. All right. I'll stop cracking any jokes
Jim James Oh, I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy. I'm so happy. Oh
You might just have to shut up. He really doesn't like you if we
We've already got the blue tick now. We've got the blue tick elect
Yeah, fine
I've tread carefully. It's all I'll say all right. All right, all right. I'm not gonna say anything.
Hey, please welcome a representative of Twitter.
He is a Lord Jim James just the Lord of Twitter. Hello, hello.
I'm Jim Jim.
Was the Lord of Twitter.
Jim James, thanks for coming on. My name is Broden on I'm from
I know who you are Broden. Oh good. Oh good. That would be we're verified now
I forget that everyone knows who we are a household name like metricon
Yes, I can metricon
Ah metricon. They have a blue tick, you know?
I assume they would, they're a world of household name.
Now, have you met my friend Mark?
Oh, no, okay, I got strange.
Oh, he's bearing his teeth, Mark, take a step back.
Now, now, just, I don't wanna get a bit,
I don't wanna get a bit.
No, you should be careful, be careful. Now, Jim James, I don't want to get a bit, I don't want to get a bit. No, you should be careful, be careful.
Now, Jim James, would you be okay with me putting just a very simple ad of courtesy, just a very simple muzzle on you?
Yes, that's perfectly okay.
Okay, let's just, sorry, I didn't, this is the choices early in this podcast, for this character.
No, I'm not jelling with my initial thoughts towards him.
I think it's going to be fantastic.
Now, the puzzle, now he put his muzzle on.
Now, Jim James, I noticed that you,
there seems to be a spot of tension for you with Mark.
Is that correct?
Well, yes.
So what happened is I was on the line the entire time and you were chatting and I was just being a polite guest, politely laughing,
a polite introduction as guests, I wanted to do on one.
It's a common thing in podcasts where the guest, you know, where someone's doing the intro and then the guest, you know, to give a good vibe sort of giggles over what's happening in that front end bit.
And that was happening and then you got in a big fight. You are good! Then it made me sad.
You said Jim James just the Lord of Twitter. Can you remind me what we were arguing about?
You said that the Asian beer cafe was in Melbourne Central. Brought it and believed it didn't exist at all and I believed it was in South Bank, just
south of the Yarra River in Melbourne.
It didn't matter who was right or wrong.
I met with the joy of the humour and then you called us fools, idiots and worms.
And there is nothing cooler than to call a Twitter man a worm.
Well you say Lord of Twitter, I am just,
I'm but a humble jester. I am here.
What's going on anymore?
What do you mean not anymore?
You have been welcomed into the royal court.
Yeah, we're famous now.
So we're out there with the likes of NBA 2K, Australia.
The game.
Coles are various local journalists.
Local journalists.
We could do whatever we want.
We can have people murdered.
We can have people just disappear.
We're in a different realm now, Mark.
Sorry, go on on Lord Jim James
Just no this is the thing one must know their place in the Twitter Royal Court and Mark
You must step up to the plate of officially funny
Yeah, you're officially funny now Mark right, but but I haven't been up until now
No, you're officially funny now Mark. Right, but I haven't been up until now. No, you've been unbreak.
That's funny.
That was a good ad.
That was a great ad.
I love that ad.
Whatever it was, they changed now.
But so what we were just discussing a couple of minutes ago
because the ad is made is that I need to step up to the plate now.
Which plate?
Brodin's done very well.
Brodin has used his blue tick for good.
He's reached out to various organizations.
Yeah, I'm a talentable work.
I asked for the Romano burger to come back at McDonald's.
Do you remember the Romano burger?
No, no.
It was in 2002. Yeah. It was like, you like this because it's your people. It was like
a chicken, like a, like a, a, a, a, a, what kind of sort, what kind of cheese, like a...
The Napoli sauce or a mozzarella cheese? Like, Napoli sauce, but then like, what's the
sweeted cheese? Like maybe like Swiss cheese. C'mon Cerella? Oh.
Cerella Swiss cheese kind of situation.
Yeah, yeah.
And then on the top.
What was I, you seem, you seem, you have reservations.
No, no, it's just sort of, you know, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
I just want to be one of the more.
I just got to finish the burger.
So on the top, it didn't have sesame seeds.
It had oregano.
Oregano, can I ask though?
There's one very important question for me.
Was it called the Romano burger
because it was a reference to Ray Romano?
No, no, no.
No, so it wasn't and everyone loves Rayman promo, cross promotion.
This is thing Mark.
No, the two need to understand.
How was that?
How was that up to you? I'm not upset at all Mark
Telling you is those are the
Sorry one sex
Street I
Is it Mark you're in royal would you talk to the would you talk to Megan Markle like this?
Megan Markle she's renounced her royalty.
Not Twitter royalty, she still has a blue tic.
Yeah, I'm talking about it.
She's in that sense.
I'm not talking about in the commonwealth.
In the actual...
This guy represents the crown.
The queen likes Monty Bitham.
Also, they have a blue tic?
So, think about that. There's Also they have a blue tic?
So pick a bow.
Does the Queen have a blue tic for sure?
Who's would be golden?
For real.
For real.
Yeah, the right arm.
The crown does.
This is what I'm telling you right now Mark.
These are the rhetorical questions of worms.
The worm people that live on Twitter with their little followings and their lack of
blue tick, their bare bottomed names.
They go, oh, does the queen have a tweet?
Oh, was Romano named after the Ray Romano?
They ask these questions never to know the answer.
You have a power now Mark, a power to find out the answer.
You can ask McDonald's Australia at Merkel's. You can say, hey, was the Romano named after
Ray Romano and at the very least you'll get, ah, don't know, but we'll definitely chase that up the corporate ladder to find
We have untapped power here, Mark. It's like Neo at the start of the Matrix. You don't
know the potential you have. We can reach out to Maccas and then some guy will write
back with some bullshit saying, to show that the corporation can engage with you in a fun way.
That's the kind of power we have now. I asked KFC Australia to make a poutine,
you know, and they didn't reply, but the power is there.
The thing is, Mark, some people can't handle the power. Your group in Bazaikari, the par went to his head, he lost his mind, he
declared himself king of the world.
Set fire to some cars.
Set fire to some cars, he couldn't handle it.
Broden, he's used his, he struggled initially with the par and he realized that there was
an altruistic element that he could reach out to organisations and bring back Romano Burgos to the worms.
Mark, you have a choice.
Do you take this power and use it for good?
Or do you take this power and fall into your basis instincts?
I'll probably just use it just to reach out to movie stars, try to make friends with cool movie stars.
Yeah, you can. I reached out to Jav Wade.
Yeah, you reached out to Jack Wade.
You were very brave.
You were very brave to be my friend from the boys.
Yeah, the other day I reached out to Margot Robbie.
I said, hey, when's your new movie coming out?
And she said, don't know yet.
Yeah, full of.
I could just reach out to anyone, because I got to blue tick, too. Do you have a blue tick? Of course, do you have a blue tick? Yeah, full of. I could just reach out to anyone because I got a blue tick too.
Do you have a blue tick?
Of course you have a blue tick.
Yeah, we don't have a blue tick.
Yeah, I'm Lord Jimmy J.
It's private. It's a private account.
I went private.
I'm not telling you.
You don't have a public Twitter account?
I don't.
What's the story behind that?
It looks like it's upsetting you.
Us bringing that up.
I was lying about my blue tick.
You don't have a blue tick?
I have one.
No, I'm just an employee.
I'm just a worm.
Like all the others.
A regly little worm.
Regally to the dirt.
Oh, how I dream to one day have a blue tick.
Like my heroes, people who work for local news organizations.
You guys, Jordan Raskopoulos.
She has a blue tick.
When did she get a blue tick?
She's been going us every time we, you guys have said anything.
Anytime you guys have said, I want a blue tick. said I want a blue tick she's been like I have one haha
will worth
will worth
will worth has a blue tick yeah um this new land twitter twitter has a blue tick
what I think sorry I think your accent just changed yeah, I just been putting it on like I know I got
Oh, he's a comedy
I'm just a worm. I tried to get a very special tick no you special boys
Who the fuck are you?
Oh, I'm not I'm not Jim James the Lord of Twitter.
I'm rather someone from Snapchat.
I've come to take your blue tick and bring down the Twitter.
God, my.
Well, I was told that a representative of Twitter was coming.
Instead, it's some sort of street street
thief representing Snapchat.
Chat chat.
My biggest question now is can you still mo my lawn cunt?
The jet yeah that will no I'm not allowed to because of stage 4.
Stage 4 stage four. Stage four.
Stage four.
But if I were a bookie who say,
for maybe five, six weeks in advance,
because I know your name's not Jim.
So there's less of a chance of you being associated
with Jim's mowing, Jim's M. Penner's,
Jim's Electrical's.
Yeah, I've got nothing to do with that,
but if you reach out, other officially,
we could do something cash-in-hand. But that would be so. I feel you, I actually got nothing to do with that, but if you reach out artificially, we could do something cash ahead
But that would be so I actually change it again. Yeah, I'm a I'm a I'm a word. I don't deserve an access
I was back. Oh, I'm I flip and I flop I can be anything I can be from any country any land
For I have no
and in that, for I have no- That's what makes that exit.
Don't you see I'm a shape shifter.
Oh my god, he's an X-Men.
He's like the blue woman from X-Men.
You need a check if I had a tick.
That's the only way to know who I truly am.
So the concept here is that I change,
and I shift, and I'm, I'm malleable,
and that's because I haven't been officially involved
in Twitter organization.
I am happy to leave this character,
put a line in the fan and just go
with the blue tip coronation from this point if you want.
No, look, I like, I like what we're saying,
because what I realize, as we are saying something,
quite profound, and so Tom, if you wanted to switch
to profound music here, that would be great.
I think what Zach, you've done,
much in the...
No, Zach's still in the retreat part.
Any reality we go with.
All right.
There's the rules of the shot.
But you're Zach.
This was a peak behind the curtain.
We have, I think,
I can't remember.
I can't remember.
I can't remember.
So I could call you Zach.
It's a good idea.
I didn't think we were still talking to the worm.
So we're behind the curtain, right?
Are you dropped all of it?
You dropped everything.
I look like Zach, don't I?
Yes, you do.
I see, I'm like Zach.
And you started addressing the meta of the podcast. I look like Zack, don't I? Yes, you do. I see, I'm like Zack. I mean, Dressy.
And Dressy, I started addressing the
metter of the podcast.
Behind the curtain, I'm in front of the curtain.
I'm anyone you want me to be.
But without that blue tick, you can't know.
You can't know.
And that's what I'm talking about.
That's the profound thing.
It's the reason for the blue tick.
The blue tick is more than just
you know like a little bit of accolation. The blue tick says these people are who they are.
When you don't have a blue tick what do you get? You get the mistake worm. You get the mistake worm
who will mo your lawn, cash in hand once COVID restrictions.
That's saying something.
That's saying something huge.
You're not going to get that from anti-donna anymore.
Two weeks ago, three weeks ago, we could have we could have changed our whole account.
We could have become BOSOctoplus.
We could have become anyone.
But we didn't. Yeah, but we didn't.
Yeah, that's absolutely right. Is why I'm voting for the Labour Party.
Yeah, good for you, man.
Thanks for you.
Well, the Greens, but I want you to know there's more of us.
It's kind of an animal situation.
Oh great.
The worms can be anywhere at any time.
The only people you can trust
are those with blue ticks. This is how deep this goes.
Wow. Yeah. Could you be anti-donna? I could be, but I wouldn't be anti-donna
blue tick. Does that make sense? Yes. Yes. Could you be a perfect sense? Yes. Could you be one of those sexy anti-dunners that people always mistake us for?
Anti is in the term for an older woman in India.
I believe so.
Which some people have, you know, it's now emerged that some people have an auntie some of the billion people in India have an
Auntie fetish because from time to time they reach out to us and ask us for news and we are flooded with dick pics. It's
It's quite a thing to see
This is all true. Can I
Posit something. Yes. I think we should coronate us. Yes, and I'm not talking about a coronation chicken
You're thinking of charcoal chicken
Which is very different. Well, I've never had coronation chicken
Do you know coronation chicken mark? I know charcoal chicken
Yeah, so they're completely different things that both the chicken in them them. What's coming up? That would be like, you saying,
I know charcoal chicken to me asking,
do you know coronation chicken is the equivalent of,
say, you saying, do you know the video game,
worms, and I say, I know charcoal chicken.
You're charcoal.
Well, it's a little more linked.
Yeah, like I know forlop, you know.
Right. They both chicken, but one is a sort of a rotisserie chicken cooked over
charcoal. Or a cheek deliciously the other is a type of a British almost chicken
salad. Coronation chicken is a thing.
It's dried fruits. It's got curry powder dry fruit. I really think. Ah!
Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! It's a big one! Are you lying to me? No, no, it's a big one.
The laughter I think is coming more from the fact, but, you know, we really went on full
hit like charging.
We're going to make this a coronation episode.
We're going to coronate everyone, and here we are talking about coronation chicken.
It's a coronation.
It's a coronation of cold, cooked chicken meat.
Herbs and spices and a creamy mayonnaise
based sauce. It can be eaten. It's a salad or you use to fill sandwiches. Now I would like to take
this opportunity to apologize for never having a combination chicken before. I thought you were
making a joke about charcoal chicken. A cheap delicious heat cooked over a chicken cooked over hot
calls. Yeah. You were talking about coronation chicken. The main ingredients
being chicken meat herbs and spices and a mayonnaise based sauce. So that is my
official apology. But I think you're constant spray and rosemary cube. Constance Spray and rosemary cube.
Created coronation chicken.
Should we have some?
Should we have some coronation chicken?
I, I, I,
I would you prefer to get coronated with our blue tick,
you know, royalty or we go out, we get ourselves from coronation chicken.
Right now I'm 50, I'm fucking split man, I'm down to the right now.
I, I, I, there's a bit of a blur for me, even when this podcast started or the discussion we had before it,
all I'm hearing is a yummy, yummy chicken salad with, with sort of curry pan.
Can we, can we, can we, that's what it's showing? is a yummy chicken salad with curry pan.
Can we also put charcoal chicken on the table as a possibility?
Can we have three options?
Can we have, let's go get charcoal chicken,
let's go get coronation chicken,
or let's be coronated.
It marries it for me.
And I'll tell you why Mark.
Oh come on.
No, I'll tell you why Mark. Because for on. No I'll tell you why Mark.
Because for me, you can make coronation chicken out of charcoal chicken.
It's true.
By the charcoal chicken.
It's got to be shredded and then, so in my mind, you know, we could make
coronation chicken. That can be the option.
And we can make it by going and getting charcoal chicken. in the process if you want it just take a piece of
yourself eat you know what we have for Carnage.
We have some pot chips and get some rolls as well.
Well then see this is why so then we'll have to make a stop at a charcoal chicken shop.
This is what I'm saying man because I don't think they're I don't think they're
opposed. I think we can we can have our Carnation Chicken you can have your
charcoal chicken and we're all good. What I would say is we can have our coronation chicken you can have your charcoal chicken and we're all good
What I would say is we get charcoal chicken today have that warm
Take the leftovers. Yeah, absolutely right. Take the leftovers kind of put them in the fridge tomorrow
We make coronation chicken. I prefer tonight. I have to make two stops today
If we know we're trying it we're trying to make it compromise here man
Today if we know we're trying to we're trying to make it come from us human Um, we really want to make you all chicken coming out of the old book cuz
my character and out
We really want to be that out. You're still in character. I'm still in character man. I'm under this is behind the curtain
Absolutely, I'm Zach. Yeah, absolutely.
I'm Zach.
Come on, Luke.
He's not Zach.
I'm Zach.
I don't trust him.
100% I'm Zach, man.
We're behind the curtain.
No, I was that worm, that morphing worm.
That worm morphing.
I forgot the worm morphing.
Yeah, he's now he's saying he's Zach.
I'm not the worm because this is behind the curtain.
I don't want to.
Anyway, go on about your coronation chicken.
So I think there's a situation here where two of the members
want coronation chicken, all right?
And also, one of the members wants charcoal chicken, OK?
So we can outboat you, 100% we can do that.
But I want you to have your charcoal chicken
and I'm trying to find a solution that works for all of us.
I think what Broden proposed,
that buying some charcoal chicken,
instead of just getting one, getting two charcoal chickens,
I would put one charcoal chicken in the fridge.
If we borrow one cold, we get a treat.
Why don't we get one hot one cold
and we both have our one has coronation today,
one has charcoal today.
So my worry with the air broden is that they're not gonna be selling cold
So if we commit to the cold chicken concept
Where you go?
Cold chicken
You can never get a cold chicken go to raise you can get a cold chicken
Raise I'll not raise
Fuck Rays. I'm not Rays. Fuck. The O's. No, the fucking supermarket in America.
I can't think this morning.
I can't think.
Oh that's fair man.
We've been in lockdown a long time.
All three of us.
I'm Zach.
I'm in Australia and I'm in lockdown.
Ah, I don't trust him.
I'm not the one.
Why do you think I'm the one?
Because there was no point where Zach arrived.
There was just, it's like inception. I can't remember Zach arriving
There's just been a gradual transition to you acting like Zach
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, no, that's a fair point, bro
And that's absolutely a fair point. What I would argue back is can we get back to that coronation chicken?
Oh, yes, please let me know in the chat if you knew what your coronation chicken was
Just talk about you know Let me know in the chat if you knew what coronation chicken was Just let me know in the chat if you knew what coronation chicken was am I alone here and not being confused about what
Coronation it seems English it is British yeah and I want to say something only people that have spent like
months of their life in Britain are allowed to respond
So only people that have spent months a month making you live in England or you perform to the Edinburgh fringe for years in a row
months collective months a month of your life in in Great Britain only those people in that because that's the test group
Britain only those people in that because that's the test group
In going likes doing that they like taking a food and then putting a royal thing to it like Jubilee
Chicken or coronation chicken or um, Australia loves to do that as well Prince Elizabeth chicken. We only had three visits so it's all just like did you know everything came from
Either that time the queen came or that
time Prince Charles came, let's get crowned, let's get crowned, let's get crowned.
crowned, the same beer as fosters just in a different bottle.
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and it was because the question is, alright, so where are we at
with the coronation chicken because I would love to get back to it.
so where are we at with the coronation chicken because I would love to get back to where are we at with the coronation
We have to sell out the chicken thing before we can get to the coronation thing. I'm sorry
I think we're offering is great. We get to charcoal today
Coronation tomorrow
Mark you can try some tomorrow if you want. I would love to try my first bout of
Coronation chicken tomorrow sounds like it's a gastro
It's very evocative of what will happen when you of coronation chicken tomorrow. That sounds like it's a gastro. It's very evocative of what will happen
when you eat coronation chicken.
Have you ever had coronation chicken, Zach?
I don't remember, but I reckon I probably did.
I, but I don't remember.
I've had a dark days.
No, I've not had a coronation chicken.
But you've been aware of it.
You've been made aware of it
in your travels through the UK. No, I've not had a coronation chicken. But you've been aware of it, you've been made aware of it in your travels through the UK.
No, I just know it.
Yeah, and he just knows it.
I used to sell it at that place around the corner from where we performed at the Edinburgh Fringe.
Little coronation chicken sandwiches.
Never in my life have I heard of this a god. I get myself a
Powerade before the show and and maybe a coronation chicken sandwich every day I ate coronation chicken mark
And I'd say to you. Oh, would you like some of my coronation chicken? And you would say and I quote no, I've had enough coronation chicken
I've made a big batch. It's in the fridge. I've never said that once
I want that to be clear that that is a god damn long. That's interesting if he said that to you Zach or whoever you are
That means that Mark's been lying about not knowing what coronation chicken is that suggests to me
There's more to mark because guys
Then we it's a terrorist. It's a terrorist in a terrorist.
Oh no, it's a terrorist.
Put your hands up.
Get down on the grid.
Oh my god.
Well I can't worry.
If not for the fact that I am a terrorist.
This is a call back to last week.
Go back and listen to last week.
I guess this is how we're going to get out of podcasts now.'s a very good trail for months, so they will get over it.
Hey, thanks so much for coming to our coronation today. Hey, and we've got a new song, and
we've got a new title art, so stick that and you'll click a...
Yeah, I hope you're fine with my ticket. My brother did it, and he's real good. So let's all give
The art he did the art Tom did the art music
Scott banana did the art Tom did the music, but I think we all did the notes
So we should all take equal
We all go feedback
Feedback so a random applause for the
We're all getting feedback. So, I ran them up for us for the E-Payers.
We're all getting feedback.
Because it wouldn't be what it was without those slight tweaks.
Yeah, I think we make shit good.
It's those slight tweaks.
I also just want to thank the patrons for it.
Stop doing that.
Stop doing that.
Stop doing that! Stop doing that! Stop doing that!
I've never done it before!
Oh no, it's not Zack!
That's not Zack!
That's not the story of Zack, it's still that guy!
Oh no!
Retard to your original form!
Look at that ending of it! You're dead here in a digital form. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Well, that's a good time to leave you. Before I trust me in saying, what is the name of the supermarket we shopped at in Hollywood?
Ralph's F***!
Not raised.
Good night everyone.
You've been listening to the Aunty Donna Podcast.
Thanks for joining us for another rip-episode brought to you by