Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 226 - Funny Mums and Dads in Italy feat. Jack Quaid
Episode Date: November 13, 2020WOW another wonderful Saturday morning pod! This week our friend Jack Quaid was nice enough to join us for another 30 minute boomer impro.  Join... The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.
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Get our legends and welcome to another rip-up episode of the R&T Donner Podcast.
This week we're extremely excited to have Jack Quaid here as a guest.
Now you may know Jack from the excellent Amazon Prime series The Boys, or from our Netflix
show Aren't You Done As big old house or fun.
Today we continue one of our favorite recent improvisations, funny mums and dads.
But this time, we're in Italy.
I can't believe we are on the trip of a lifetime. Guys, Italy, I knew from I'd seen the movies and I'd seen one of my favorite movies is Godfather too.
But I never expected it to be so hot. It's so hot here on this trip of a lifetime through Italy.
It's hot in the north, it's hot in the south, it's hot all over the place here.
I tell you what, Coliseum was a bit small, don't you reckon?
I said something to the driver, to the guy, I said, it's a little bit small, and he just sort of completely
dismissed me, he said, oh, that's my culture.
And I said, well, you know, we've got the MCG in Melbourne.
Yeah, that's what I said, yeah.
So impressive.
Way bigger.
And that was built years later.
I was nervous.
Well, the guy's carrying on with his hands, he's going,
it's this and that and I said,
oh, I see.
Come to Melbourne, we've got the MCG.
It seats 100,000 and every year we pack it out at Grand Final Day and Boxing Day.
It's packed.
I'll tell you when some of the boys come over for the Grand Final.
It gets as vicious as a, I say that to Harvey.
I say it gets as vicious as that sort
of glad to call it. I call it my rusty when he gets a little man.
That's what I said as well. I said to the guy there, I said, gladiator, this is where Gladiator
was short. I said, mate, he's Australian, the main guy's an Aussie.
Well, actually, he's a key with our neighbours.
He's actually a key K-way I think but
Well now he's will we with climbing we've climbed yeah, we have climb we love climbing them in
We love climbing them don't we have you?
Yeah, well, yeah, excuse me. How are you? I'm sorry. I couldn't help it over here. I don't I don't want to be I don't want to be rude
Oh, I'm here, but y'all
Yeah, I'm from a little place called America. I don't know if you ever heard of it.
I'm not interested in going though.
No, Italy is all I need.
I'm sorry, where are you from, y'all, Talian?
No, no, no, no.
I heard your accent, so I just kinda figured,
maybe that's an Italian kinda way of speaking.
So that's funny, so you don't recognize this accent.
But all do you?
I have no idea the words that are coming out of your mouth.
It's utter gibberish to me, I have no fucking clue.
We're from Australia, Australia.
Oh, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm not done D, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Crocod't do right yeah, yeah crocodile don't do that's it
That's the funny thing is we we there's so much more but you guys just think that we're
We've got crocodile's for get for pets and you think yeah, yeah, right in kangaroos the word
Yeah, no, do you know do you get Delta good room in America?
Do I do I get Delta Good Room? Yeah.
You're Delta Good Room?
She did a performance at the start of a thing,
and she was doing this Delta Good Room performance,
and I heard it made it, I read in
that it made it all the way to America,
and you were just blown away by her singing voice,
lots of comments on YouTube saying,
who's this singer and that sort of thing?
I mean, I've heard of, I gotta say,
when you said Delta Good Room,
I thought that was the first class of Delta Flight
from New York to London or something.
I don't know, maybe that's kind of,
you know, the do the Jet Blue Mint.
That's what I'm talking about.
We fly Quantus, Mike Quantus.
All right, yeah.
Quantus is it.
But you know what I should have,
yeah, you know who I should have.
I remember Dustin Hoffman talking about that never crash
Yeah, I feel like I've died since that movie in crash. Oh, right. I'm at the time. Yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, and we do that. That was a horrible fire fiery
But I thought John phantom should have done better in America than he did you know John phantom
I let you know the other one again. I'm sorry. What's your nine? Oh, I'm sorry, yeah, how rude of me to interrupt.
My name is Buck, and I, you know,
I just kind of came here to the great Italian north
to, you know, just kind of learn about some history.
And I heard y'all talking about stadiums,
and I just got so excited,
and I wanted to meet a genuine Italian,
and I guess I haven't, but y'all seem like nice folks.
Good eye buck. Yeah, I'm.
Do you know the hymnsworth?
Yeah, from the same country as the hymnsworth.
Yeah, I got no Thor.
Yes, I don't know the other.
There's five others.
How many?
I'm not even talking.
Oh, I'm 17.
I'm 17.
It varies depending what day of the week it is because some of you like to.
Lisa Hemsworth, you got Jimmy Hemsworth,
you got Jimmy Hemsworth,
I'm not, I'm not a herded Lisa Hemsworth,
I think, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I mean, she's playing Thorough Birch in an upcoming film.
Yeah, so, all right, yeah, yeah.
She's strong, she's, yeah, that part of the MCU.
Yes, it is, it's good.
Thorough Birch, yeah.
It's about a superhero that stars in Indies
in the early 2000.
Yeah, I'm not really into that comic book stuff
and my son, my son is obsessed with that shit, man.
I don't even know where he gets it.
Off for that.
That's my kids too.
I didn't agree.
I didn't even buy the comics for him.
Where the hell is he getting all this shit for?
He get them from what he knew sted the dark web mate
Oh, they get whatever they want on the dark web is what I've heard my kids are like yeah, oh I want to get some protein
And there's
Profiles every
Pitter files every way pedophiles all over the dark. Yeah, I wouldn't believe it
I've had to put on a firewall. I got in a tech mate. I got in mate who does tech you know tech yeah
Yeah, no, I'm aware of tech. You know tech? Yeah.
Yeah, no, I'm aware of tech.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
So like I got a mate, he works in the windows
in the Microsoft and I came in, I was like mate,
my kids have got pedophiles all over the dark web.
They get their comic books there.
And you got a cheerful of it, yeah.
Yeah, he comes in, he puts in a DSB stick,
puts it in the computer, puts up a firewall.
I'll tell you what, I haven't seen a pedophile on my computer
for about three weeks now, it's fantastic.
Wow, now that's results.
Yeah, that's the heck, I'm a pro.
Now back, I've got a question for you, is it back?
It's back, look back.
Book, I'm sorry, I struggle with the X and a little back.
It's all right, I'm struggling with yours as well.
Book. Yeah. But back. Now, sorry, I don't know any of your names. What are your names? I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Sorry. We actually said this character is previously about our own. I don't remember my
character's name. I didn't listen to it. Yeah, I think there's a chance we are having given ourselves names.
I think you and Mark, I think we just went with Mark
and possibly brought a bit more David though.
I feel more David from being honest.
We got David Mark possibly brought in and anonymous.
I think I'm at James, but they call me Jimmy.
You know, I can't.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I got that sense from you for sure, yeah.
Maybe I'm a clear, I don't know.
You're a clear player.
I was thinking, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Claire works.
I wish something Irish, something Irish.
I couldn't do that much.
I'll know my, two of my daughters are named Shavorn.
Oh, right, I can't.
We ain't two of our daughters, Shavorn.
You know what, I got two of my daughters, name Shavorn too.
Ain't that the shits, that's the thing.
Oh, that's just, I just, I love that name.
There was a movie in the early 90s,
and there was a Shavorn in it,
and I thought, I've got a name
at least one of my daughters, Shavorn.
At least one, maybe two if you're lucky, you know what I'm saying?
Yeah, absolutely.
So tell me, where in America are you?
I know nothing about America, other than Hollywood movies.
I presume you to be a monoculture, all the same.
I've been telling people to be a little bit about America.
Well, I'm from a little town called Shrieveport.
You know, I got nothing.
I got, and besides that, I have no other details that are
discernible about that place.
But you have a miracle.
We got a McDonald's, we got a Mickey D's.
I don't know if you guys call it.
I'm saying that you get the big serving sizes, don't you?
Yeah, yeah.
I'm the way bigger than anywhere else.
It's awesome.
We got damn unhealthy.
You get super sized, I saw that movie.
I saw that super sized movie, God made me want some
macas after that.
I love it.
I'm here for it at all.
Why would you eat McDonald's every day?
That's so unhealthy.
I just, I didn't, I was like, that's ridiculous.
I think that's the point.
I think that was the point.
Yeah, the point is, yeah.
You've gotten fat, he would have gotten unhealthy.
And he did, he did.
He did. You know, I'm not interested
in watching a man doing that.
I gotta say, I did that for quite a sizeable portion
of my life, but one of my chavons was telling me,
she's a vegan, she was telling me,
you gotta cut that out.
There we go.
You gotta cut that out, you know, and I,
I don't know, it's been a struggle ever since,
I ain't gonna lie.
This is, I'm on this tour, I'm in Italy right now
on what you'd like to call a divorce tour.
I just got divorced from my wife,
whom I had the shavans with.
And I just, I gotta get to the lean in tower.
You know what I'm saying?
I'm just confiding in y'all.
I just feel like I can trust y'all.
No, I'm not sure I shoulda get the paysa.
We should.
Say, my husband's a horrible man, but I'm staying with him for the kids. So I'm trying to get the pizza. See, me, my husband's a horrible man,
but I'm staying with him for the kids.
So I'm keeping him in the house.
That seems healthy, that seems really good for real.
He's making the feel like he's real nice.
Every day, but for the kids, I keep him around when he's watching
until after their adults.
I mean, I was in love with someone else.
They broke my heart, then I met my wife.
And I thought, she loves me, that'll be enough.
Anyway, as it's turned out, it hasn't been.
And, but you know, we're pushing through.
I am just pushing through every day,
every day, it's just a struggle.
But, but that's okay, because we've got the kids now,
and I can't escape it.
So that's fine.
But that's my lot in life.
Yeah, yeah, I mean, you know, I don't judge anyone
who just remains trapped in a horrible situation.
I don't judge anybody.
Well, thank you, because if you did,
you'd be judging me.
But one day, yeah, yeah, but don't worry, one day I will crack.
Great, I'm positive of that.
Now, that's what I like to hear.
I like to, what was your name again? hear. I like to. What was your name?
What? I'm sorry. What? Who's name? My name is Jim. Jimmy. My name is
Jim. My name is Jim. Mostly a James. You're James. Jim. You're a Jimmy. You're a
Jimmy. All of this, all these affairs remind and me of the other day I was on
Facebook and my mate John sent me a photo saying this
photo of you is ridiculous and I thought well I've got to see this so I click
on it next thing I know it's carrying the laptops carrying on shit going left
shit going right then I look at all 28 of my Facebook friends have got a link from me to a virus. Oh.
And it's the, and they think it's from me. It says there's a photo of you and they're
clicking the virus and it's sending out all the pun and mean what and shits everywhere
on my computer. I just chucked it out. I didn't know what to do.
It's got a spray. What's going on? What I don't understand about that is that,
so how are you going to keep promoting
all those Oakley sunglasses you got?
No, that wasn't me.
So, if you see a shared photo
or if I tell you in Oakley sunglasses,
that is not me.
I want to make that a little bit more.
I have some experience with this myself.
You gotta get out there.
You gotta type out at least a seven paragraph
or on Facebook.
I'm talking details.
I'm talking if you get this link from me,
do not click it.
This isn't me.
Maybe show a few, just shots of yourself
with the Oaklees in your truck, low angle,
just to make sure that it's verified that it's you. and and that people are gonna read it man. People are gonna understand. You got
to you got to get your message out there make your statement you know what I'm
saying? Do you do you have Facebook? Yeah I got a Facebook I got a Facebook in
America. Yeah I got like five of them man. Oh I should I do you and we can we can
talk for the next 40 years about the one tripping Italy we went on and we can
be friends forever.
What's your friends?
What's your Facebook and Facebook makes you friends forever with somebody.
I just added kids from high school that I used to go to and...
They're not even friends, that's what I don't understand.
They're more acquaintances.
Why do they call them friends?
That's the problem with socials, media.
You, my friend, need to do stand-up comedy,
because that was a goddamn jam.
Thank you.
She is funny, isn't she?
Well, I have thought about getting,
I recently retired and I have thought about getting
into sort of stand-up comedy or something to that effect.
So that's very kind of you to say.
Come to my open mic with me,
at the RSL in Hopper's Crossing, right?
They do a stand-up night where basically
the way it works is anyone can get up.
Anyone can get up, right?
Come over, get up there, just speak your mind.
You would slay.
It's after, but they do that.
You're not there.
You're the Elvis impersonator.
I like it. I like it up there.
Would you like to join us for lunch?
We're just going to go down to the main strip there, maybe find a shopping center or something
and find the food court and have some lunch.
Did you want to come have some lunch with us?
I mean, I don't want to impose that.
No, no, no, no, no, it's fine.
No, we're going to start a new...
It's overseas, new horizons, no, that's fine. Now we're going to start a new system, mate.
It's overseas new horizons where, you know, meeting new people.
Oumbria for goodness sake. We're in Oumbria. I'm sorry, what was that? We're in Oumbria.
Oumbria. Oh, yeah. We just passed through Oumbria. I remember the God mentioned Oumbria.
Oh, I don't know. I don't know any better. I feel like you just love saying the word oombria.
Well I do too.
Very, I feel like a regular,
I feel like a regular eat prey love,
the lady from eat prey love right now.
I'm just, on eating, before we go,
I wonder if the food court has that.
What was that thing we were eating yesterday?
Just that tomato and bocumcini thing?
Oh, brusqueta.
Oh, that was just delicious, wasn't it?
Just probably. Yeah, it's pretty simple.
Like I could do it at home.
I thought I'm flying halfway around the world
that frigging tomatoes on toast.
Oh, no, I thought it was just delicious
and sitting in that vineyard eating brusquemba,
I just thought it was so lovely. just delicious and sitting in that vineyard eating brew scamber.
I just thought it was so lovely.
You know, I know this real, like real good
authentic Mexican restaurant.
I wonder if they have it in that food court,
but they, ah, they probably don't.
Was it at Chipotle?
Was that?
Did they got that here?
No, we didn't.
No, that's not a Chipotle.
What does that do though? Resotto. It's kind of like, we don't know. That's a good one. That's like a puddle. What does that do to a risotto?
It's kind of like, I don't know what that is,
but I feel like it's kind of like a, you know,
you get like a real authentic like flour tortilla,
you know what I'm talking about?
Not them goddamn corn ones, and you, you,
what's it?
It really is a taste of old Mexico, you know what I mean?
We have, we have old alpaso.
That's the only Mexican restaurants
we've got back home is old alpaso. It seems the only Mexican restaurant we've got back home.
He's old alpaso.
Seems like Taco built for me.
Taco Bill, yeah.
Yeah, do you do the stand and stuff?
The standard?
Do you do the stand and stuff?
Oh, he speaks English.
Oh, no, I was just sorry.
I wasn't sure.
I was just trying to articulate that.
That's right.
I actually didn't understand until he yelled it in my face, so I do appreciate that friend.
The stand and stuff, I'm unfamiliar.
Old old Paso, they do this.
This is just lovely.
This was the greatest food revelation that ever happened to our country, but essentially
you get a taco shell.
They come from Mexico.
Have you been to Mexico?
Mexico's quite close to where
it's your New Zealand yeah it's just off the border off the coast never been
there's segments there's segments of it yeah I've never really tried but I
assume I could just kind of fly there it somewhere. I don't know. I don't know you'll
I just like to
I don't know
I don't know
It's yeah, that's too political for me. Oh, it's you're stepping in a in a business
You should do I am like a spirited Tasmania what we have is you can go to Tasmania by
playing, it takes a bit half an hour, that's off the mainland.
It's over the bass straight.
But is it half an hour from here or is it half an hour from the...
No, it would be up.
It would be up.
You're quite a trip from here.
I'll let me tell you about it.
If it was from here, I'd say let's go right now.
You don't want to fly to Australia.. Because if it was from here, I'd say let's go right now. I mean, that's it. Oh, no.
You don't want to fly to Australia.
I think it's something like 37 hours.
I think you should come.
I think you'd have a great time.
I think you'd have a lovely time to that flight.
You can stay in my house.
You come down.
It's come staying dooring with me.
So it's just a short three hour drive from the city.
And then we'll take you to the laneways.
We'll take you to the, come have a coffee in Melbourne.
You can come and watch a 40 match,
and then if you come,
and you can see some of our festivals,
you'll have, it's an incredible city
where everything's happening all the time.
We've got an idea where my uncle is there
with no discrimination, can I wear it with some?
Oh yes, you can.
We those oculus and I don't have oculus.
I just want to make that clear.
That was a virus, okay?
Oh, no.
Right, right, right, I'm sorry.
I just have one piece of advice though.
If you do come to Australia, so it's in two flights, okay.
So we just did this yesterday and now I'm an expert on it.
So it's in two flights, okay. Okay. So first time I've flown
25 years and what happens is you stop in the middle in Abu Dhabi and
We were there. We were in Abu Dhabi, maybe.
Alcohol there. I bought so much whiskey there. So you know, it's so cheap.
But we were there for how long were we there for maybe two hours? And I hardly had time to stretch my legs.
And I said, next time we do this,
we're gonna get a hotel in Abu Dhabi.
I did some Googles when we got to Italy.
And so I got to computer.
That was smart idea, yeah.
Yeah, and I found out they have lots of shops there.
They've got lots of sort of the nice shops for window shopping.
And I just said, next time we get to, we do this,
let's spend a couple of nights in Abu Dhabi,
stretch our legs, adjust,
and then head over to Europe again.
So that would be my one piece of advice.
Like it's just too long if you do that little,
shame's over.
All right, well, let's get to the answer. Yeah, I mean, I'm shame show. Yeah, it's a lot of all. Well, let's get to the answer.
Yeah, I mean, I'm down.
I mean, I'm ready.
I'm ready.
If I'm being honest,
or I can pizza hut does it a little bit better,
but that is just me.
I know.
It is not the right thing to say around here,
but I've only been here for two days,
but I will leave here saying that
dominoes and pizza hut are the superior pizza
I'm just saying they almost to my wife. Why do I got to cut them up? Why do I got to cut them myself?
They put it in the menu looking for meat lovers. I'm looking for you know Hawaiian
Okay, I'll just point it at one. I thought well this will be something comes out. Just friggin cheese
Yeah, I thought I said mate. I had the guy come back. So where's the thing?
They're ripping you off.
They're ripping you off, mate.
That is because they charge as much,
they charge as much, none of the toppings.
None of the toppings.
And I talked to the gentleman that night.
I called him over as well and I said,
you know, I talked to him afterwards
because you blew up a little bit.
I got very mad.
I was very mad.
I had him by the shirt. Yeah, I was very polite. He didn blew up a little bit. I got very mad. I was very blind. I was very blind.
Yeah, I was very polite.
I, he didn't speak a word of English, but I talked to him for about 45 minutes in English.
And I just said, look, if you're going to serve pizza, you've got to understand you're
in an international city.
And you're serving a plate of, like a single plate of pizza.
I wanted to share with my husband. I asked you
if you could bring another plate and separate it out for us. You didn't bring the other
plate. You didn't cut the pizza in half for us. And I just talked to him for about 45
minutes explaining how he should run his restaurant. And I think he appreciated that.
You know what I love about that? You know what I love about that?
You know what I love about that is like yeah,
they've been here for a while.
They've been doing it this way for centuries.
But you're right.
You're right.
You came in here and you like,
I swear to God, they had never thought about that before.
Well, it's cut it in half at least. Yeah, it's just a couple of things. It's a couple of things.
Yeah, it's like we're coming from across the pond
where we do things our way.
And we've progressed, you know, they started it.
But we perfected it.
That's how I feel about pizza.
That's how I feel about the hospitality in the shop.
I've abused maybe 30 to 40, 20 year old women while I've been here.
Yeah, do you want to elaborate on that?
No, I need details.
Let's just leave it at that.
People in the service industry, I've just absolutely torn them a new one pretty much at
every still.
But can I ask back a question?
I'm just saying real quick, if they listen to you, their business is going to be the better
for it, that's all I'm trying to say. Anyway, that to you your business is going to be the better for it
That's all I'm trying to say anyway, so I have people don't have the same questions I will take have you watched that two and a half men?
Oh, yeah
That is fan
Tasty and I love that show just as good when when Ashton Kuchik came in
You know, I was very nervous about that. I was like, I love Michael Sheen, but when Ashton Kutcher came in,
I thought he did a top job.
I thought he was as funny.
We get it in Australia, Buck.
We get it in Australia as well.
We do, do.
Channel 9.
Isn't this just the Bs knees?
You fell from across the pond,
me from across the other pond.
You know what I'm saying?
Yeah. It's a big hole. We're connected. We're connected on this level of, You fell from across the pond, me from across the other pond. You know what I'm saying?
Yeah, yeah.
That's a big hole.
But we're connecting, we're connecting on this level of, you know, just one thing bringing
us together.
It's magical.
You know, ashton Kutcher.
That's what I was going to say.
You didn't need to pass from me.
I'm sorry.
He's really wonderful.
And I read in the sun, I read when he came on board,
when Charlie Sheen left.
When he came on board, I read that he's an entrepreneur.
And I thought to myself, OK, how is he going to juggle this?
Because my second eldest has done a bit of acting.
And I said, you have to get
it back up career you have to get your diploma of education if you're going to do that.
And you know she juggled it okay but not to the level I think you know she's wants to
have a family eventually I saw how hard it was for her and I thought geez I hope Aston's
not putting spreading himself too thin but being an entrepreneur and big on two and a half I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, Iles on Telly and he makes it, and he's quite rich
from it. And his brothers are like a nons and he's just pretty much munching off him right.
And then the sun's carrying on doing things every week. And he's quite heavy. And for me again, when the heavy kid dropped a couple of keys, just as funny, because you
always worry, are they going to lose their personality?
When they go from being a bit heavy or a bit slimmer, are they going to lose their personality?
For me, it was as funny as the first episode
when the heavy hit, heavy set kid dropped a couple of keys
when Kutcha came in, that show, you can't.
Tell you what else though, jokes everywhere
and then occasionally good-looking girls coming in.
Oh, she explained.
Tell you what, oh my god, it was all,
it was like, how did you find this many Marisa Tomas?
How did how did how did this many Marisa Tomas in the world every one of them just gorgeous?
You didn't think there could be that many but god damn did they found them hold it?
They're fine. I can't watch it with the misses in the room because
Said to like to let them out of course. I'll tell you that
I can imagine you got a divorce. I'm on a divorce tour my friend. I'll tell you that. I can imagine. You got a divorce?
I'm on a divorce tour, my friend.
I told you, yeah, we got, yeah, I'm just exploring that world
that you just did not let me explore.
And because of hell.
And I have two and a half men to thank for it.
I'll say what?
I mean, I'm sleeping with this many sex workers as humanly possible.
Oh, yeah.
At night when the other two go to sleep, I am, they don't know this, but I will pop out
of the hotel, jump in a taxi, head to the nearest red light district, and I will just
spend myself rotten.
You know, I wanted to say you looked familiar because I came to Europe for basically the same reason.
And I got to say like, you look,
buck, yeah.
I've all seen you in the Red Loft district.
I think we may have crossed paths a couple times.
I think we might have bumped into each other
after maybe, you know, sowing seeds.
If you've ever heard anybody shout,
divorce or, you know, up the top of their lungs somewhere. That's me
You know what I'm talking about me
Yes, you have
That reminds me actually have you watched King of Queens?
Yeah, no, that is a good show
Fucking love. Yeah. Yeah, we love King of Queens. Oh, so funny. I think it's American as well.
They've started doing repeats on Channel 11.
Do you have Channel 11 in the US?
We definitely have a Channel 11, yes.
Yes, yeah, they've started doing repeats.
I'm probably the same one.
No, I imagine it would be the same one.
Yeah, of course I do that.
I've never watched The King of Queens.
They played that in the Southern Australia.
So funny.
Yeah, because they replaced Becker repeats. They were doing repeats of Becker.
Yeah, I took that away and I said to my John, I said, oh God, nothing can beat that Ted Danson.
But we have so much fun watching it.
Let's talk about that with the Bar bloke.
Ted Danson, yeah.
What's the name of that shot?
Cheers! Cheers! That's it!
We get a lot of American TV.
Do you get Australian TV?
Do you get um...
Do you get like better homes and gardens?
Do you get insiders?
I can't say I have.
Do you get some Indian water?
I'll wait a few more. Throw out a few more. What else will I have? Do you watch uh. Do you get a lot of money? I'll throw out a few more.
What else will I have?
Do you get front bar?
Do you get out of the
The gardening, gardening of Australia with costa?
Not quite.
You don't get this.
Bit of an oldie but a goodie.
Birx back yard.
Can't say I never seen you would get hey, hey. No, I've heard they don't get all of it. books backyard. Hmm. Can you get high?
You would get high, high.
No, I've heard they don't get all the way. They get neighbors though. You get neighbors.
You get neighbors.
We get a, like I said, I, I, I, I, you crocodile done to you, I feel like it's, that's my kind
of, you know, that's the building block. That's the, that's the first thing I ever saw.
Right, right.
What is that? Well, then you watch, neighbors is, it's pretty much like every actor you know on TV started
on neighbors, got this start there.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So it's like the ball to the beautiful, but a little bit, it's better.
It's better.
It's better.
It's better.
You know, Mark got, Mark, I got a check it out ready from
Robbie from I got some
Hollywood yeah, she's from the she's in the you know she dresses up paint her face and
Comic book movies I don't know she got her
Oh, she Batman is she Batman?
She's I don't know is she Batman. I haven't watched any bad man. I love that man too. I'm a man. I love that man too. I'm a man.
That's my bad man can't go past Keaton. Can't go past Keaton. Never. Keaton is Keaton.
Michael family ties Michael Keaton from family to Michael's family. He name is funny He wouldn't make a good Batman
No he is Batman
He's a funny guy
Yes, right, Mr. Mum
Like Batman can't be funny
Come on Batman's hilarious
I don't know
Batman can be very funny
He'd be too old to play Batman now wouldn't he?
Why have they got him as Batman?
In the 80s love Oh If you him as Batman in the 80s love
oh bloody play in the 80s love wasn't wasn't that Val Kilmer no oh
Val Kilmer never played Batman no I thought Val Kilmer played Batman in the 80s
this one's so no culture no culture be outside of bloody woollies and bloody scons.
I'll tell you what my, my teenage son is a bit into the films, he reads Empire magazine,
that sort of thing. He tried to make me watch that one with Keaton in at the underbird boy,
the bird.
So long.
Speaking of disgusting superhero shows, right? Man, a bloody man. A bloody man. A bloody man. A bloody man. A bloody man.
A bloody man.
A bloody man.
A bloody man.
A bloody man.
A bloody man.
A bloody man.
A bloody man.
A bloody man.
A bloody man.
A bloody man.
A bloody man.
A bloody man.
A bloody man.
A bloody man.
A bloody man.
A bloody man.
A bloody man.
A bloody man.
A bloody man.
A bloody man. A bloody man. A bloody man. A bloody man. A bloody man. and masturbating on buildings and bloody getting covered in blood, it's disgusting.
I think I know the one who's that one with someone sticks, someone sticks like a metal stamp on
up someone's asshole blows them up.
It's disgusting.
I don't, you know, I'm like you guys, I don't go to the streaming. I just kind of do, I mean, Channel 11, it's not Channel 11 where I am, but I, you know what?
I don't go into the Netflix and the, in the, was it?
Oh, no, I think there's been a misunderstanding here.
I'm back.
The, the, so Prime isn't a stream.
It's, it's, so basically what what happened in I think the 70s,
there was a media law and no media company could own
all the content in Australia.
So basically Prime is a rural channel
and they get all of Jon's evidence.
No, no, no.
You've got to be called the Prime.
They were really confused.
Buck, now you feel like.
Before we got satellite television, we had Amazon Prime, right? Gold the prime. No, you're really confused. Buck now
Television we have no Amazon prime right and it has all these disgusting shows
He's the prime possum that sort of thing or a way to prime possum on there
Weirdly enough. I think the prime possum is on there. I feel like I've heard of that It's like a little person that gets into adventures and just trying to steal candy from kids or something
Yeah, you get the prime possum. Yeah, he tells the
boys and girls to go to bed at seven. Like a morality type. Yeah. We learn our lessons
about how to be moral learning what 80 Cheerios and, but it's all done real possum.
So we are talking about the same prime. So I think let's move forward with that assumption.
This is really funny. I'm not screaming man or as you say a local channel in Australia,
but I feel like we can all get behind the prime pass.
Oh, absolutely. I think we did it.
Hey, I'm starving. Does anyone want to go get food?
Let's go get some food. I'm coming with you guys. I'm sorry, I'm spending the whole trip with y'all, if y'all have me, this is fantastic.
Oh, I'm sorry, did I?
We, away, it's, you know, long pause.
That was a long pause, I'm just saying.
I can go, I can go, I can continue my divorce tour.
You know, hey, Mark, I think your name is,
I think I'll see you at the red light tonight.
You guys can go to your meal.
This wall bump feeling diveable.
Okay, Dave, I'll see you at the red light.
You'll probably hear me.
And James, Jimmy.
All right, fair enough.
Your cool is hell.
I feel like you guys sort of invited me to lunch
and then just kind of took it away, but.
Buck? Buck? Yeah. Did I do something wrong? We wish you all the best. I feel like you guys sort of invited me to lunch and then just kind of took it away, but... Buck? Buck?
Did I do something wrong?
We wish you all the best.
No, you did it when it's in wrong, Buck.
What did I do?
Oh, you just...
Americans are a bit full on and a bit closed-minded,
to be honest.
Yeah, very loud, very loud.
I'll see you in the movies.
Yeah, it's very loud and lots of...
What are you saying?
Well, there's a prime example lots of, what are you saying?
Well, there's a prime example of what we're talking about, but we're trying to give you some constructive feedback.
We're just trying to show you culture,
you know, but you're very close-minded.
I took away, you took it all away, God damn it.
Oh, this came on.
If you're not careful,
what happened that last Bucks night I attended when I was 21
was going to happen to you.
We pinned the groom down and made a calf suck his cock.
Now it's that.
Oh my god.
Hold on.
Hold on, wait a minute.
Oh no, it's just something that happened that the last box night I was at.
It was a bit of fun.
What is a box night?
Oh, you know, before you get hitched,
you get all the boys together,
you pin the groom down, you get a car.
No, we got none of that. No, no, best with your trip, maybe we can come to Melbourne.
We'll have a coffee at the Gannies.
You don't want to see me again in Italy, but you're more than okay with me coming over to your house and living in a restaurant.
Yeah, absolutely.
All right.
Okay, I'll just go to...
We've got a tight knit thing going here.
Yes, understand.
Yeah, we can only have like a guest
for roughly about a half an hour.
Yeah, right, right.
And also, you know, just very conscious of, you know,
people's valuable time and things like that.
The action of desperately trying to wrap it up.
You guys probably also have sponsors
that you throw to every now and then.
No, stuff like that.
No, all right.
Well, you've got a podcast that is this much just people talking over each other.
People don't want to associate themselves with that.
You'd be surprised how successful my podcast is.
Now, what's a podcast?
Oh, I'll tell you what a podcast is.
It's, um, you've been listening to the Antidona podcast.
Thanks for joining us for another rip episode brought to you by
See you next week!
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