Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast EP 227 - A Domino's Dough Deal
Episode Date: November 17, 2020In this weeks episode Zach is trying to negotiate with Domino's.  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.
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Get A legends and welcome to another rip episode of the R&T Donna podcast.
Our podcast where we improvise our ideas and you the listener, get a little peek behind
the curtain of how we develop our sketches.
This week the boys are pretty cooked but it's really funny, I promise.
Zack is on a mission, but Mille Dill with Dominance.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this week's podcast. We're going to start with Mark
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this week's podcast. We're going to start with Mark cracking his nose.
Take it away.
So we've done a little bit of this, just a little bit of context here.
This is the sound of the cartilage in my nose snapping against the bone in my skull.
And if you want to hear this more, head to the Antidona club where Mark was gonna do this Mark's gonna do this for four hours
No, no, no, I'm gonna break my nose. I'll break my nose. I'll break my self-author line
I'll give myself a heart to see my nose
I've got some chewy in my pocket and I wanted to that chewy
But I know that if I chew the chewy in my pocket now the whole podcast will be like this
Too questions to question so it's like a little treat for when this podcast is done.
Question one is that old chewy.
Is the way you describe it makes it sound like it's pre-tuned chewy that you're saving like much like a Napoleon
dynamite, dynamite and his data tots.
No, it's a packet of regly's extra spearmint.
It's exactly the chewy I'm in the mood for.
No, but you know what, I'm not gonna do it.
Oh, you're gonna ask both at once.
No, there's just a second comment that I would like to make.
But please continue on your thing about the fucking chewy.
It's just a little treat for after the pod.
A little treat.
If I get through this pod,
I do a good job, I'm gonna reward myself
with some delicious chewing gum.
And what are you doing if you do a bad job?
What are you doing if you do a bad job?
I self-flatulate.
Oh my God.
I do that with self-flat.
I do that most mornings.
A barbed whip and I flip it around.
Oh, sorry, I thought you was talking about something else.
I think I've used the wrong word, is it flatulate?
Flatulate's farting.
I think it's, I think it's fledulate, it's very close.
Yeah, fledulate, self-fledulation.
Might even be deep, fledflate.
But what I just said was I fart.
I fart.
So if I do well, I do a chewy, and if I do badly, I do a fart. Well, I just had to do a self-fart. So if I do well, I do a chewy,
and if I do badly, I do a far.
Well, I just want to say number two in my experience.
Now, I don't chew chew and gum anymore,
because it's one of the few things
that still make my guts go kaka kuku.
I understand.
The pocket is the worst place to keep the chewy,
and I'll tell you why.
It's pressing against your leg.
Yeah, it's pressing against your leg. Yeah, it's pressing against your leg.
It's creating a lot of heat.
It's almost like melting the chewy.
It's a bad form.
It's like, oh, that's a horny.
Oh, yeah.
I should give some context to the listener.
Before this podcast, I explained roughly
where this is going to fall in the marketing campaign.
Roughly what the plan is and they said,
oh, okay, Coco, I think you can have the best grasp of this sack.
Do you want to run it? And I said, I'm more than happy to run it.
What I forgot and these guys forgot is that I, this is not my strength.
Let's try it now.
Now here we are, three minutes 20 in, talking about fucking chewy,
soft chewy in the pocket.
Well, let's talk about last night
Did you guys have fun playing basketball on Twitch?
We haven't done it yet. Yeah, they don't know that they know that it's they don't know that you can't
You you can't you can't such a
Can't why are you being I can't?
Why are you coming at me being such a can't
Take a look Mark. I think Mark should subscribe. I mean transcribe
Transcribe what what we're gonna do. We're gonna write an email to a big fast food chain. Can you guess Mark?
Mickey D's that's what Mark knows. Mickey Days.
That's what I call it.
No, not Mickey Days.
We hate Mickey D.
Get the egg, buddy.
Get the egg, shithead.
Guess again, you fucking stupid cunt.
It's gonna be.
It's just playful.
It's just a playful repartee.
Crispy cream. No. You are a moron. No, we don Yes. Uh, crispy cream.
You are a moron.
No, we don't care for CREPSEE CREM.
Oh, get out of here, CREPSEE, no time to do this.
This is in 2011 and your dad's gone to Sydney
and he's brought back some CREPSEE CREMES from the airport.
Dad, do you guys remember that? That it was a thing?
I remember that. Why did you think I would bring that up?
Yes, I remember that.
I only just remembered that. I only remembered that. I only remembered that. I don't remember that. I only remembered that. I don't remember that? That it was a thing? I remember that. Why did you think I would bring that up? Yes, I remember that.
I only just remembered that.
I only remembered that.
I just forgot.
I'm stopping such cunts.
I forgot about that.
I totally forgot that crispy cream.
I just did a bit about this.
How, how come?
I'm so tired.
I'm so tired.
I'm poking that.
I'm never doing a complicated AMA live stream for you boys again. I'm
Said that's fried my brain. It's fried my brain. The commentary. We need to do we need you for the commentary
Fuck I I'm so sorry. Of course you remember it, bro. And you brought it up
But I just remember that
When I like I had friends in Sydney mark. I just remember that when I like, I had friends in Sydney. Mark, I just, I, Mark, what Mark?
You just said it.
Let me tell my fucking story.
Is it funny?
Does it add to what Broden said?
It's not funny, but it's something I forgot was a reality.
Just over on Nose, there's a fantastic podcast coming out this Saturday.
It's one of the best we've ever done.
We got someone.
20 new months on.
20 new soon.
She came on and just blew us out of the water.
We're pulling out better references than us.
We're fucking tired.
This is gonna be a loose one.
This is gonna be a loose one.
And so.
I just imagined someone here six minutes in going,
Do you guys remember? Do you guys remember the podcast we did with Tony?
You did it and it's coming out on Saturday you fucking
If we were not on zoom right now I would reach over that desk and give you a smack on the bottom.
When we tell my quiz be quimster-wee.
I can't, you got 30 seconds
and I'm gonna mark every five seconds.
I just had a mate with him sitting there
and every time he came back to Melbourne
he'd bring me crispy cream.
Well, here's the problem, you've got 25 more seconds
for that story, so you better blow it out.
It was just great, it was really great.
It was always such a treat.
I was always like totally blown away.
I was like, what is this?
Oh my God, I couldn't wait for those little fluffy clouds
of heaven when every came back.
It was the most exciting thing.
My grandfather, my par, one time I brought him over
Krispy Kreme's the first time.
And you know, I respect this because he was like,
oh, there's no cream in it. So he got cream out of the fridge and cut it in half and crispy cream for the first time. And you know, I respect this because he was like, oh, there's no cream in it.
So he got cream out of the fridge and cut it in half
and put cream in the middle.
And now I understand, now I understand, Broden.
Why your brain works the way it works.
Yeah, no, my part did love cream and I love cream.
That is exactly where I do get my love of cream from my part.
Do you wanna hear my song about Broden?
Yeah, if it's soft and squishy and sweet. Ah, ah, ah. love of Crane from my part. Do you want to hear my song about Broden? Yeah. Yeah.
If it's soft and squishy and sweet, ah ah!
If it's soft and squishy and so deliciously sweet, oh, oh!
If it's got something, then a little bit of sugar
ran it soft and squishy and sweet.
Ah, oh!
Broden will munch and crunch and punch
and put that sauce.
Where she treat Amy's tongue.
It's true.
Broder loves sweet food.
And you'll love it.
And you'll say it's the best thing he's ever eaten.
You'll say it's the best thing he's ever had.
These are all true things.
And then we all try it.
And we're like, it's very sweet, Broder.
It's very sweet. Broder, both Broden and Mark, I would say,
they err towards hyperbole when it comes
to describing food they're eating in the moment.
I'm a thing.
Broden with sweeties.
Broden with sweeties.
Broden with sweeties, does it?
I do it, but I'm like, this is very good.
And I'll quite consider the guy,
think this is the best Chinese meal I've ever had.
I'll kind of qualify it, where it's marked in the moment.
I don't think at least once a week,
Mark is eating the best thing of his entire life.
I'm just not afraid to go there.
I'm not afraid.
I don't have any.
It's not true though.
It is true though.
It's true to me, it's true to my reality,
it's true to my experience.
And if I'm having something that is making me feel such joy in such a way, I am more
than happy to go, this is the best of anything I've ever had.
Will I probably do that again in a week's time?
Sure, absolutely I will, but it's true.
I'm sure the script was a little more like, this moment is great.
In this moment I cannot remember a better meal.
If I'm having a life-changing piece of broccoli, I'm going to say that and that happened
in Chicago.
Yeah, if I'm having a meal.
You stand by that, I'm not talking about the broccoli, I'm talking about the Chinese
the week before and the fucking meat pie the week after.
This is what I'm not talking about.
I'm broccoli defending, right?
That's why I do it, is because I'm like, why can't I just come out and say, this day,
this day-niss is good.
No, but you're very good, bro, didn't it?
Like, the subjective nature, you're very good at like pointing at a man,ing at a man in a circle of men and going I think you will like this
But I do that too. I remember I saw the drum boy movie about the the drum boy who tries real hard and the man who's mean and I was like
That was all right, but I was like but Brodin. This is your movie. Yes, and it was and you watched it and you were like yes it is and I was like yeah it was
up for me it was all right. We plash. I prefer to call it the drum boy movie. I love drum boy.
His thing that happens to me in my life is I often can't remember the names of people or films
like that I like actors. My favorite actor the world, the name escapes me every time.
The one from Wish You Were Here, the Aussie Guy,
Joel Leggit.
So people often think when I say things like Fat Hell
and Drum Boy, that's me doing a gag or a bit.
Do you want this episode to be another round of movies?
Is that what you want?
Because we can do that.
We can do that.
We can do it.
No, we're going to talk about Domino's.
We've got to do it.
What have we happened this week?
Take a pen or take literally you after I this damn.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So for the audience, for the audience who is listening,
if you're a new fan, maybe you've
just discovered our new Netflix show.
Oh yeah!
You've seen our Netflix show and you've gone, I hear they've got more in the tank.
I'm going to listen to their podcast.
This is not the one for you.
Go back and listen to funny mums and dads or LAN party.
Those are better examples of this podcast. For fans that have been around that have been with us through thick and
thin, not those pretenders that came on board just because we were in the premier ship.
Don't do this. For those who are doing this.
Anyone who is welcome. Everyone here is welcome. You're all welcome. But if you've been
around for a while, some or the others, you know that Broden is being you know who we're talking about.
No, you're all welcome here. We love some more than our friends. This is what we call you.
A little reference. So if you're here, if you're listening to the pod, you would know that I, because of the Facebook lives
who was doing to promote SoftServe,
I'm obsessed with the CEO of Domino's Dom-May.
Through various adventures,
you can find out all about this.
We went to the Domino's office
and we've been complicit in supporting the highest paid CEO
in Australia.
And that's because he's funny when he does lives.
And because of that, we have a working relationship
with the dominoes, I call them dominoes Australia,
but that's not right.
They're the dominoes franchisee of about eight countries.
We have a working relationship with them,
which is very strange and a little odd.
We're corporate partners.
We are corporate partners.
We are mutually beneficial to both dominoes and anti-donna.
They get a way out of it than we do to beef.
Yeah, 100%.
You're welcome, dominoes.
You're welcome, dominoes.
I had a Zoom meeting with their marketing people the other week and they were like, it's just true.
What is this? What are we doing?
Because we're about to tell you what the plan is.
Like, what are you doing? What's the plan? What's happening?
And I was like, I see this as a collaboration between Antidona and Dominoes.
Except I was more awkward and weird about it.
But it was very funny because it really truly was
anti-donna proprietory limited talking to Domino's
Australia and it was to be,
we're not apart on it.
The funniest Zoom made a revolt on.
It was very funny.
Well, so what do we have to do now, Zach?
What do we have to do?
Tell us through this.
The audience are excited about this.
They're in the edge of their seats,
or maybe they're standing.
Or maybe they're going for a walk,
or maybe they're at the gym, can't.
That's where I listen to my podcast as well,
I'm walking, or when I'm,
I don't go to the gym anymore,
because I've lost the love of self
that one needs to look after their body, mind, and soul.
So, if you're at the gym, maybe you're lifting weights,
maybe you're a muscle man like Broden, maybe you're in the library studying, because you're at the gym, maybe you're lifting weights, maybe you're a muscle man like Broden,
maybe you're in the library studying because you're a thinker like Mark, or maybe, maybe
like me, you're just being a goof.
And you're listening to this podcast, and here's what's happened.
In order to promote our Netflix show, we grew up at the height of this.
We believe that the best way to promote our Netflix show and us as a brand is with a brand
partnership with Fast Food Chain.
We believe the best thing that we can do to promote our show is with a brand partnership partnership similar to when Pizzahite had the Star Wars episode one sort of
mirror trick things where it was Anakin on one side and Darth Vader on the
other similar to when Pizzahite Australia had I shouldn't be talking about a
rival Pizzah chain but whatever they. They had a neighbor's thing, you could collect neighbors cards,
I got a ditch card.
I got a ditch card.
Did you have a crush on ditch, sir?
I had a big crush on ditch, huge crush on ditch.
I was all over SkyFam.
I was really into the old Sky.
You love SkyFam, I love ditch. I was all into the alt sky. He loved sky me.
I loved it.
I was all about De Bliss.
De Bliss.
And then you know a lot about a man.
You know a lot about a man from the spy skill he loved.
Emma Bunting.
Emma Bunting.
Who was your Zach?
I was posh.
You know a lot about a man by the spice girl he loved and the
neighbors the neighbors' character he crushed on me. I loved Digge. I love sky.
I loved adult woman deeblis. Deeblis, mapples, mapples, mapples, mapples. She's on a
melancholy west. Yeah she died in a horrible way. way on the day of a wedding she died. Tody, she was marrying Tody, yeah.
She married Tody.
She married Tody.
She married Tody.
And they went off a cliff.
I'd fucking go off a cliff too if I was marrying Tody.
I'm Tody's alright.
Madeline West, of course, famously married to the owner of the, of the, come on, the
Yeah, the food group. Am I going off the, come on, the Monday. Yeah, Voo Group.
Am I going off topic?
Oh, just a bit.
Well, thank you for your help.
What do we need to do, Zach?
So what we need to do, we've had a meeting, we want to do a deal.
They've provisionally agreed that they're like, yes, we're interested in the concept.
We want to have a meeting with Don.
We're working on that.
CEO Don May.
Working on this meeting, a Zoom meeting with CEO Don May.
Don may CEO of Don Menot.
Don Menot's, he hasn't gone that power hungry yet.
You remember when Mark, we met him in Mark,
called him Do.
I do remember.
Accidentally, he accidentally caught,
he said thank you Do. I did. I don't know. I do remember. Accidentally. He accidentally caught you, said, thank you, Doe.
I did.
I don't know.
I can't explain where that came from.
That was the most unintentional thing I've ever done.
We've been rolling Doe all day.
You had Doe on your mind.
Yeah, but even then, you still don't call a man Doe.
We talked about this on a podcast before.
It's like calling the CEO,
Gillian McLaughlin of the AFL calling him football.
No, it's strange to tell me, ball.
Tell me, ball.
Or like calling Bill Gates' computer.
Or a fucking hell.
Fucking hell.
That's fun.
No, no, no, no.
Because his business is dough.
Here's why it, because Don, he makes the doe by making the doe.
And I guarantee Don tried to get on Shark Tank.
I guarantee his people reached out to the producers of Shark Tank and they were like,
oh, we'll look into it.
I think a closer comparison would be calling like Elon Musk who makes cars calling him Axel
Because like
Dollars a compone and of what the man does what he does is pizza if I called him pizza
It's just part of it. It's just part of it.
It's just part of it.
Because Axel does an intellectual quality to that.
It's more like, he's real.
Oh, he's real.
He's real.
Thank you, real.
So, right now, here's the issue.
Right now, I'm running this podcast,
that's giving me permission to run this podcast.
You're doing your awful job at it in your own company.
It is sucks, man.
It is. Right now, what I want to do is I want to pivot and I want
to make this podcast us campaigning to get Shark Tank back on the
telly with no as one of the major investors. That's not right. That's not what we're talking about.
But we're not going to do that. What we're going to do is we're going to write an email to Domino's what we're doing.
What do we need us ask? What do we need from them? I don't know because we've decided on
what the combo is. We had a meeting which you'll see in a documentary film to be released
in a week and a half. We've had a meeting. Wait, where are we in the timeline?
We've brainstormed and decided on what we're going to do
for the combo deal.
Should we tell the audience what that combo deal is?
Yeah, now this comes out.
I don't know, because the move doesn't
the episode have to come out?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
The episode will show the inner working.
This is what happens when you ask three men land on that.
We've already at this point, Broden,
in the time, in the time,
from our Netflix show.
At this point in the timeline
to help promote the Netflix show,
we have reached out to Domino's
to see if they're interested.
We internally have come to an agreement about
what a anti-donna meal deal will look like. Now, we haven't shot that yet. We haven't
shot that, which will be in a video later in real life. But in the timeline of this story,
we've already had that discussion, that type of discussion that is going to be quite comedic
potentially when you see it.
Because the documentary, the documentary hybrid that you will see, some of it is staged,
and I'm happy to own that, but some of it is real.
That part will be staged.
That part will be staged.
But it will represent a real decision.
Right, so we've decided on a dominoes pizza deal
that we're gonna do a corporate partnership with
to help promote the Netflix show.
And what is that deal?
It's a very exciting deal, bro.
Two large pizzas, a garlic bread,
at 1.25 litre of drink.
Now this took a long time to come.
At the same price as the normal gas price.
The same price as garlic bread, a 1.25 litre pizza deal.
Now, to go now.
What does this email have to do?
Because now I have also become confused with the timeline.
And we're at with Domino's.
Well, we have a lengthy discussion before this podcast
and I said, please boys, I'm not entirely sure
where we're going with this.
I need you to fill in the blanks for me,
but you're like, yeah.
Yeah, that's good.
Let's do that.
That's not the conversation.
We trust you.
The conversation was, Zach, you're gonna lead us
on this one.
You've had the most to do with this.
Brodon and I, Brodon who's left, if you're watching us on the way.
He just walked away.
He's walked away.
Imagine Eba, his coffee is ready, or he needs to take a piss.
Or maybe a poo.
What do you think he's going to do?
Maybe he's going to poo.
Do you want to have a little bit?
Trying to get a little, do you want to put a little money into this?
Make it exciting.
For me?
Yeah. I'm happy to put, I'm happy to put $20 on...
Money buts.
I think something was happening. It's a person-related thing. Someone was like, where's this? What's that?
I'm going to put that kind of thing. I don't think it was a pee or a wee or a coffee or a poo. I think it was like a...
Hey, what's happening with this and he's helping them out?
Money buts on me. Right and what does he go and do? way or a coffee or a poo, I think it was like, hey, what's happening with this and he's helping them out?
Money bucks on me.
Bro, what does you go and do?
We've actually put real money on this.
Real money, Mark?
Real money.
Well, it was in him.
I, in that moment, I had to decide whether I would tell you what I have to go do or just
do it.
I had to go pee.
20 bucks baby.
20 dollars.
What did you say delivery or something?
Yeah, I said it was like someone in your house had had like had a question of you.
I was very broad.
The delivery would have covered it like I played safe and I lost.
I can't wait to chase you up on this 20 bucks.
I thought that I could sneak out subtly
and they'll fill, they'll do their dominoes bullshit
and then I'll just sneak back in
and I came back and put my headphones on,
you just went, what were you doing?
So I was sneakily covering, I was sneakily sort of filling,
but then Mark made the observation
that the members of the
Antidona Club have access to the video and that they were probably watching and they were
no one's listening or watching to this point everyone's accepted that this is deep this is what
happens when you take three men and make them do 400 bits of press and social media pretty much
on four hours sleep every night for it's pretty much been two weeks now.
Yeah, and this is what you get, but don't worry, there's a good episode coming Saturday.
Saturday is a great episode.
We were laughing.
It was what I was saying to you guys is because we've had a lot of early mornings and before
that I was going to bed a little later, because I
could sleep in, because we weren't starting work until later. What's happened to me is
now my body clock has me waking up quite early, has me waking up at 6.30 or 7 in preparation
for work, but I still haven't fixed what time I'm going to bed. So I'm going to bed
really fucking late. And then waking up in the morning and being alert but fucked tired.
Yeah, you know it's crazy. I am waking up at 3 a.m. Oh, you
poor and I am not going to sleep until 5 a.m. That doesn't make any sense.
Oh, no, wait, you're sleeping a lot. That's great. No, Mark, what's happening is I'm
waking up at the end of the day. You're sleeping 22 hours.
You haven't seen tenant, but yet you talk like this. I haven Mark, what's happening is I'm like sleeping 22 hours. You haven't seen tenant, but yet you talk like this.
I haven't, what happens is I wake up in the past and I don't know.
Here's the worst part of it, Mark.
I don't know how long I've slept for.
You are aware, though, that every second day, you just don't show up to work, Zach.
You know that like, you are aware of that, right?
So if you're going to...
So, yeah, so in this situation,
I thought I was going with the most logical answer
which is time travel, but in fact,
it's 26 hours of sleeping or 22 hours.
You're not aware that you've just been showing up
every second day.
No, I just thought you were all being rude.
But you're still tired after 26 hours of sleep?
I guess because you've oversleeped.
Yeah, oversleeping can be just as bad.
So here's the deal, here's the big, right?
Domino's is interested that open to the concept.
Let's run him an email, come on.
So we just got to get him over the line with like, I don't know, Twitter and shit.
Well, we'll work out the plan as we go. We've just got to get him over the line with like, I don't know, Twitter and shit. Well, we'll look at the plan as we go.
We've just got to get him over the line.
I get it.
It doesn't be so cool if we can get this.
It's pretty funny.
It's kind of the funniest thing we've ever done.
As kids that grew up,
I'm a big fan of like,
I used to work as cinema and the like,
the idea of a promotional cup at the cinema,
like I'm gonna spend $28 on a popcorn and cup.
They say you have a case.
The cinema are a dollar.
They say you haven't made it
until they turn you into a pezz dispenser.
Right, which is, I don't know what it is.
I'm an idiot.
What is it, 1968?
No, I say, no, I say, no, when I say,
you haven't made it, I'm talking about pezz dispensers. So't made a pes dispenser until they've made a pes dispenser like you thousands of
Millions of pes dispensers. This is a great one. Thank you
Zack, thank you for doing the back-and-forthing with Netflix and trying to negotiate this
I think it's fucking hilarious Netflix. No, so with dominoes. Sorry wrong call
I'll tell you the email I sent to Netflix.
I said to Netflix, I said, hey, hey, I kind of was like, I was like, hey, it took me
a really long time to draft.
I was like, we're going to do a promo series of videos.
Do you want us to loop you into everything?
Or do you want us to loop you into nothing?
And they were like, nothing, please.
And it was like, I was like, this is how I'm going to play this.
Because we're going to do some shit that might be right on the age of both sides.
And the video that comes out tomorrow, we do things like the video that comes out tomorrow.
Yeah, it's fucking loose. I would just, I'm so sorry to interrupt.
I would like Broden to apologize
for saying Netflix instead of Domino.
That's okay.
Because it really confused me.
And then I feel like I pointed it out
and then we just braced over it.
And it's not fair.
When someone fucks up, it needs to be acknowledged.
Broden, an apology would be great, but an acknowledgement
at the very least would be fantastic. What do you want from me? I just want you to admit
what happened and I don't want to breeze over it. I just want to be like, you went, you
meant to say dominoes and you fucking said Netflix. This is a crazy podcast. Potentially
very confusing. I'll accept this this has been a crazy podcast,
it has had no direction whatsoever.
It's ridiculous and I'm a bit upset about it,
but I know we have a good podcast coming this Saturday.
I'll say one amazing.
Let's just agree that this one's a write-off,
we're very tired and let's get on with it.
And for me it's a lot of fun. right off we're very tired and let's get on with it and and let's have fun let's have fun that you and me and
Jack I know he's got the chewy out he's got the chewy he's already that's
how good of a jovy thinks he's done he's cracked it out before it's even finished. It's so pleased with his work.
You need to go self-flatulite, Zach.
You need to go to a great job.
We healed some bonds with my brodards of policy.
We talked about ditch.
Are you okay?
I chucked a little bit on my chewy.
I talked about Ditch.
The most beautiful of all the neighbours get active.
Next to sky.
And D.
Odino, an legit.
Do you know who I know now?
Kim Valentine from neighbours.
How do you know Kim Valentine?
Same agent.
She's so pretty.
You know who I have the same agent as?
Margot Robbie.
Oh, it's gonna pick someone like
up more of my level as the joke.
Yes, Margot Robbie.
What a flak.
I know what current,
say I don't watch neighbours anymore.
My agent is the same agent as Kim Valentine
and Zack's is the same agent as Kim Valentine and Zach is the same agent as my goat Robin.
I was watching Bum Shell the other day, two of his acts were in Bum Shell and I was like,
I'm just gonna stick with Aaron.
I've made him know money.
Is it you who's supposed to be Aaron?
It's a beautiful sack.
I could be on the next bum shell
No one wants me I'm I emailed so many people no one wants me email him now that you got a Netflix show No, I'm really funny
Stop stop stop what this?
This is not usable. Let's have this discussion later good
Shit Tom
He maw me no one wants me
No, it's fine. I don't want to see me. I can't even see you. I can't see you. I can't see you.
I can't see you.
I can't see you.
I can't see you.
I can't see you.
I can't see you.
I can't see you.
I can't see you.
I can't see you.
I can't see you. I can't see you. the guy who's one strength in this group is one contribution. He's a flowing, unedited,
constant stream of thought. And you said, this is the guy that can give us structure.
We need to. We're all very tired. And the guy that brought us Mugi is now running the podcast.
I have to say I should have called it.
I should have said we're all tired.
Let's let Broden run the podcast.
Oh, this would have been the best podcast
if it was me at the helm Captain Broden steering the ship.
Oh, Captain Broden, we're here to talk about Dominoves.
Zach, you played Don Maygo and I'd be like oh hello ice cream
I want to get it captain bro
No, I'll wrap it up now, but no this is Zach Land
Do you remember when in the Titanic how he goes down with the ship? Mm-hmm
That's but I was scared of that movie as a kid. I love Titanic so much. My partner hasn't seen Titanic.
Excuse me.
I'm keeping like, we go watch Titanic
and she's like, it goes for too long.
Why did you take me?
You took me to see it in 3D.
You wanted a fuck, you.
I was trying to wine and dine.
You should have taken your beautiful partner.
I don't think we were dating at the time.
They also, she doesn't really like going to the movies.
Was it that long ago?
Was it that long ago that you guys weren't dating?
Maybe I don't know.
You said it was the cash thing.
Was that used to work at the cinema?
The movies that we've all seen with him
on his free ticket guests are all wonderful.
I saw X-Men days of future past,
and I saw Jay Edgar.
Adrian, one day Adrian Zach and I were supposed to write some sketches
and then Zach rang up and said we could meet up right now.
But what would you boys say to a trip to Gold Class to see Jay Edgar Hoover?
And we're like, oh yes, please.
I didn't know that. I didn't know that.
I love Jayak so much.
My favorite part of Jayak is when they get to...
Because when you get old, you get shrewled and small.
But they cast the biggest kind ever,
like just this big fucking adonis of a man
and then tried to make him look like a shriveled old man.
Oh, is he so... Winkle V Vosil. What's his name?
Yeah, and then he just looked like the fucking dead guy from the first Texas trade saw
It was real fun here my Zach
I'm trying to waste out. I just want to say my Zach movies hunger games the first one which is actually to me
This is the next
Scholastic book series they've turned into a film.
That's how we pitched it to me. I ended up really liking that because you lowered my expectations.
Avengers, the first Avengers, and Titanic in 3D in Gold Class. Those are my three Zach movie
experiences. Ever since I stopped getting free movies movies you guys don't come to the movies with me anymore so what do we have to do now we
have to run a what is in an email you want to write an email just hit up
Dominoes on Twitter let's just ask our fans to hit up Dominoes on Twitter and say
give them so so let me so I just want to understand sorry I just want to know, as my understanding, we've spoken to Domino's.
They haven't committed to whether they want to do it or not, meal deal, even though
we have what I think is the best meal deal that you could possibly get.
So we're doing a bit of a dessert. Cold to action. No one's gonna be able to.
Bro, we discuss this.
We discuss this. A dessert ruins the joke.
It makes it a value. It makes it interesting.
The joke here is that it's just the deal you can get
without the un-dictator branding.
That's the joke. A dessert just completely.
I want a dessert. Why can't I have dessert?
I'm by your own design. I can't. I want to dessert. Why can't I have my own dessert? I can't I have some dessert. I had as a side bro.
I want to know what it means. Once it does. Sometimes I can shoot an email to
Domino's I can say throw us some free dessert. I am shout out to Gold Coast
Suns player Jordan who is a big listener to this podcast. Hey Jordan. I was
just going to actually listen to this. Nothing Jordan Murdoch will.
Jordan Murdoch will listen to it all the way through and I just want to say,
I'm being rude, I love the sound, I'm listening.
Go Suns.
You should go for the Suns.
Hey legit, you two boys should go for the Gold Coast Suns and they considered it.
You should.
The anti-donnell would be like Gold Coast Suns team apart from it.
Because then I'll be like the number number one, just by virtue of it.
Now I want to be known for barricuing for Melbourne.
That's great. Please come to Melbourne.
Oh, no.
I know if it's not going to upset you.
Oh, yeah.
Um, guys, let's get this podcast back on track.
We're going to be going to write out the last two.
You guys are too rude.
Too rude for me. And that morning brown song in the Netflix special
too rude headphones on for that one feels like I'm going too rude for me.
I was having a good time, I thought that was quite clever how you changed the name from coffee to morning brown and then you had to talk about all that just
gross stuff
Not for me, but I did like the the basketball one. I think it's important that our audience
especially the boomers know
That we are sexual beings and I'm not afraid to say it. I love sex. I have sex
often and I love making love to my partner
And I am like sometimes we'll talk sometimes we're making a troll here mark. You need to shut up
I have so I am the cat. I'm very happy to talk about very happy to talk about what do you think Mark?
No, what don't ask? No, what are you King's mate?
I'll get a please a please please. I beg you guys. I like it. I'm I beg you please stop
hashtag. What do we want to call the hashtag?
hashtag mark
kinky mark
To hashtag let me talk about my fucking kinks kinky mark and hashtag
Domino's please will you give anti-donna
deal And this will hopefully get them on board where close I genuinely feel like we're very close to getting them on board
I don't think they get the joke
But they're happy for the for the association and the free public.
It's a great corporate partnership. It's a great partnership. It's more of a
collaboration between two businesses. One worth billions of dollars and one
worth I don't know. It should be acknowledged that I like to feel good and how I
get to that point. That's why we're doing the hashtag King's Mark.
Celebrate it.
You should be able to say it.
In a couple of days, you'll be able to search King's Mark.
I'm looking it up and I'll tell you what.
That's what I'm looking for.
Oh, gross.
That's right.
Oh my, King's.
Sorry, King's.
Thank you.
You're gross.
You're allowed to be King's, but you don't have to be gross about it.
Well, what a good podcast you've got. Oh, thank you for listening.
Thank you so much.
I'm the captain now. Thank you so much for listening to this.
Aren't you on a podcast? Why not consider following this podcast and checking out our Netflix show. Oh, no, we've got the chewy
out. Mark, thank you so much. Pleasure is all way. This is pleasure is all way. Pleasure is
all way, bro. Thank you, idiot. Zach or he likes me called Chewy Boy. Chewy Boy. He's
not a good job. He deserves it. Thank you guys. And we'll see you in key Mark and whatever
the other hashtag is in all
serious just um I'm the captain. The first thing we've ever done so go on twits and make it happen
and then on Saturday, 20 new sim from Space Force and Star Trek is our guest and it's
fucking hilarious and we'll see you the best one. This, not so much. This one wasn't as good.
I put it up there, this one.
I did a really good job, that's the chewy,
but you boys really let the side down.
I can't.
You're a cunt.
See you guys.
You've been listening to the Aunty Donna podcast.
Thanks for joining us for another rep episode brought to you
by Aunty Donna
See you next week!
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on. It's up to you.