Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast EP 228 - LAN PARTY 5 feat. Tawny Newsome
Episode Date: November 20, 2020This week the epic saga continues and Zach's pen pal from America "Breath" is in town.  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.
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Get A legends and welcome to another fantastic episode of the Aunty Donna podcast.
This week we're super lucky to have Tony Newsome joining us for Land Party Part 5.
If you've been keeping up with Aunty Donna you know that Tony also featured as the Queen of England in our Netflix show, which is now
streaming. Tony is super funny and every single listener should definitely check
out her recent work in Star Trek lower decks and Space Force.
on a podcast, the greatest fucking podcast in the world. Brutal mic attack is sometimes a guest.
We hope you enjoy the motherfucking podcast.
All right, guys, thank you for coming over.
It's on my LAN party.
Okay, so me, Kasa, Sukasa.
Okay, so thank you so far, home.
So actually, it's my house.
So I'm thank you for the intro and everything,
but I think it's probably,
it is like, would it be just more appropriate
for me to do the introduction to everyone?
Yeah, it was super weird that you were like,
welcome to my house when, like, we're actually
at this house and like, you came here,
like, I'm just dropped us off and stuff.
So that's like, I don't know why you did that.
Well, you guys don't understand.
It's just like when you say, it's a way of welcoming.
It's a way of, no, welcome to my home spiritually.
No, no.
To be honest, I thought it was my house.
I was wrong.
You have to pay attention in the,
it's the exact same.
We have a chat before we saw the podcast.
We'll be really good if you actually pay attention
to when we're talking and the ideas that we have,
because sometimes those ideas are really strong. And then you just kind of come in here and shit on them
So it would be good if you could just like I'm actually lift your game
I've actually a really strong storyteller. I actually in year eight
I wrote a short story about the Griffin, which is like a really like it's a fabled
Lion type creature, you know, I wrote creative store
I wrote a creative story about it and
the teacher said I had a flare and she gave me a beef.
Okay, it's just guys, this is like really cool and I'm so sorry to interrupt and everything.
It's just um, you know how, so there was, you know, the exchange student that's, I've
been at our school, is staying at my house.
She's just like, sitting upstairs and she's just watching like movies and stuff.
And Mum said it would be nice for me to invite her to the LAN party and I said I don't
know about that. Like I don't really know her that well. And then Dad said like if you
don't, if you don't have her at the LAN party, you know, and so it would be okay if you
not have the LAN party. And that, so it would be okay if you knocked you the LAN party what?
Oh, he just got really mad, he got really mad and he said it's not very nice to not invite
new friends down.
So do you mind if I invite the exchange student?
Yes, she's really cool, she's from America.
It's fine, but she can't actually tell me the order in which the six Star Wars films have
come out, I'm probably not going to speak to her.
Okay, I don't know.
Is she seeing Rush hour?
I don't know, but she's from America.
She said that she's seen Mount Rush more.
Do you mind if I can introduce you to her?
I can bring her down.
Alright, it's fine.
You can bring her down.
But just so you know, a new hope, which is the first Star Wars movie, is actually episode
I know that.
I've seen all of them.
And I've seen all the Harry Potter's. If she hasn't seen
Roshauer, we're not talking.
Okay. Okay. Well, I know that she hasn't seen Harry Potter's either. I don't know. I'll
bring her down.
Hey, you can come in. You can come in.
Hey, I heard you talking and so I'm already pretty close by.
Oh, is this okay? Funny accent.
Is she from America? I already told you that.
Yes, sorry. I'm from Oak Park, Illinois. Have you ever been there?
No, but I've definitely heard of that.
I did a tour. I checked it out. I went to the US last summer.
Had an awesome time and I checked out Oakwood.
Yeah, my part of your tour was to go to Oak Park Illinois.
Yeah, yeah, it's sick. Yeah, I went there. It's like it's pretty good. I thought it was pretty
interesting. I preferred like like I'd go to I've been to Europe a couple of times as well.
It's pretty fucking sick. What, what was if I run a historical statue or library?
Yeah. I really like the Lening Tower. Thought it was sick. Like, but like, it's like, it's
fucking, so it's like, you probably don't understand this, like, but like, the tower, like, this
tower is kind of on a slant, and it's like sort of artistic and shit. But like you'll get there, I'm at that stage
and my life from taking creativity
and arts and culture and stuff.
But have you seen Russia?
Yeah, I've seen Russia.
It's pretty good.
What episode's new home?
What episode numbers are new home?
What episode numbers are new home?
New hope is episode four.
Yeah, check it out.
Is that right?
See, I told you she was cool.
She was really cool. We've been we've been
Writing letters to each other for six months to help like yeah before she came to the house
Yeah, because what's interesting about that is that actually a new hope was the first movie that was released
Right like in order of release it was first but chronologically within the universe
It was actually the fourth one.
So that's like a bigger I know.
But like we learned all this about each other when we were pen-palling back and forth.
He learned all kinds of stuff about me.
Like my main thing, I guess you could say about my personality,
is that I'm considered very cool in the United States.
Like everyone's like, wow, you're very, you're ripping cool.
You have like a leather jacket, you would you're very, you're ripping cool. You have like a leather jacket.
You would ride a motorcycle if you had a license.
Like that kind of thing.
Um, so yeah.
I'm similar to that.
When I went to America, they were like,
you clearly are like, fucking sick and cool.
And um, like, you don't rash.
Oh, they said you were sick.
Oh, no, like sick.
So sick means like cool over here like it's an Australian
That's something you're gonna need to learn if you want to be accepted by Australians
You've got to learn sick means cool and like you got to have you have you have you given a veggie might?
Yeah, that's the stuff that looks like bird ship, but you put it on toast for some reason. Yeah
Yeah, yeah, that's it. Yeah, no, we gave her veggie might and
I said, you know, you should have some veggie might and it would be funny and we made her have like oh Well, I wanted to make her have a whole spoon full. I said I do you want to have a whole spoon full and mum said
I would still be funny if it's just a little bit on toast. Classic joke, classic, classic trick.
My reason makes it funny.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it would be better if it's like nice for her and everything's just
in there.
I actually think that, oh well, I just was going to say like actually the most optimal way
to have Vigie Myed on toast is actually with avocado as well because the butteriness of
the avocado cuts through the bitterness of the Vigie Myed.
So if you haven't had avocado veggie wine on toast,
I would say you haven't lived.
But that's just I am H.O.
Which is my honest opinion.
I mean, I've halfway lived.
I've had a lot of avocado toast my uncle lives in California
and that was where it was born.
So like I've halfway lived.
Actually, I think it was like,
we're being so rude.
No, it's okay, but actually I think you'll find
it was born in the Melbourne Cafe scene. Oh, well, I wouldn it was. Sorry, for being so rude. No, it's okay, but actually I think you'll find it was born in the Melbourne cafe scene.
Oh, well, I wouldn't know about that.
This was my first time in Melbourne.
I don't really go to cafes because I'm trying to kick
I had a really bad habit when I was 12.
Oh, really?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So you're really cool.
I mean, I've got to express like every single letter
that we did when we were pen pals,
you expressed how cool you were.
And like I said, yeah, and like you asked me to do, I told everyone at school that
you were cool. I said, like I came in, I said, just so you know, someone's coming
from America and they're really cool. And like, so everyone knows you're cool.
So when we start school on Monday, I just want you to know that I've told knows you're cool. Yeah, okay. So when we start school on Monday,
I just want you to know that I've told everyone you're cool.
Thanks for kind of like warming the seat for me, you know what I mean?
Like I don't have to sit down on a cold seat,
like cool and coolness-wise,
but I did want to say that I'm,
this is not how my mother raised me,
like normally I would have introduced myself
right away to you guys.
My name's Elizabeth.
You can call me breath for short.
Yeah, see you. Is that your real name? Is that your real name? My name is Elizabeth. Elizabeth? You can call me breath for short.
Is that your real name?
Yeah, as far as I know, I mean, unless we're going to like uncover some family secret I don't know about, but I guess.
What are your real names?
My name is Zach.
I know that. We've been writing letters.
Oh, sorry.
I'm sorry.
This is Mark. Oh, sorry. Oh, sorry. It's cool. Freshly.
This is Mark.
My name's Mark, but my online persona is DJ, loved to kill.
Oh, yeah.
I'm a DJ too.
Do you use Ableton?
I don't DJ.
I love Ableton.
It's probably my preferred, um, sound mixing platform.
I just have, um, some like have some like real lit Spotify playlists.
And usually if I'm DJing a party, I find mixing kind of a
little bit like NAF and not really.
That's because you don't have a standard.
No, it's not because I don't understand.
It's a creative choice that I make.
It's a creative choice that I make on Spotify.
If you knew, I do know.
I do know.
I do know.
You can go on with the mixing capabilities then.
And you can blow down the BPM and just like mix it out
You would actually hear that like there's actually huge
breath can attest to this that like it's working on that level. You're actually doing yeah
I actually arranged my songs in my Spotify playlist in order of BPM
And then I also go into the options and I take away the pause between the songs so that they just flow into each other and actually
It's pretty seamless. I'm actually not like a DJ but I do play an instrument. That instrument is my voice. I'm a vocalist and that's an instrument too.
Zach does have a really beautiful choir-esque voice sometimes when he sings it feels like the angels are coming down and touching me.
I was a tenor. Yeah, I was a tenor.
Yeah, we had talked about it in some of our letters you tell me you were a tenor. Yeah, I was a tenor. Yeah, we talked about it in some of our letters.
You tell me you were a tenor.
That's pretty cool.
That's pretty sick because like most guys are age
are really hoping to get those low notes.
Like they want to be a base or a baritone.
And while I do find those sounds really resonant,
resonant and stuff, I think that on tenor's
they tell a better narrative story because their voices are higher.
I've got on this only five of them at this time.
I'm a baritone, breath.
What's your name? Broden. I've got only five of them on the baritone. I'm a baritone breath.
What's your name? Broden.
Oh cool.
I think like when I don't officially do it at school,
I actually learn how I play guitar outside of school
and I also do vocals outside of school with a rock teacher,
rock, he sing, because like in school
they teach you like traditional singing and like operand shit.
And I was like, that's not for me.
Yeah. And so I just like stepped out, I was like I'm not doing this and I dropped out and my
mum wrote me a letter saying you don't have to go to that class and I was like sick.
So what I've done is like this, this guy outside of school who teaches rock singing and
I've been going there.
So I can do like, I can do like, I can sing like the guy from Creed.
Like sting or like?
Well, the rest love.
He does a really good performance of Gethsemane
from Jesus Christ Superstar.
Like it's like really powerful.
And I even said to my parents, I said, you should have a listen.
But they were like, we're not a fan of that musical
because of how it's sympathetic to Judas and that sort of thing.
But it's really powerful. Did you want to sing a little bit of that now, Veroden?
Is that okay? Are your parents asleep?
Because it's broken.
Yeah, I think that's okay.
I think that's okay.
They're watching that movie with Sabrina in it about... Alias, right?
You know watching Alias upstairs.
Oh, I left from upstairs.
They were watching the new season of Alias.
Which, which, you know,
how they've been advertising her being really sexy
in the airplane.
That episode hasn't come up yet.
But I'm not allowed to watch Alias,
but I've been trying to sneak a peek.
Because Alias is really cool. I just love Alias. I also just want to watch Aliess, but I've been trying to sneak a peek, because Aliess is really cool.
I just love Aliess.
I also just wanna say, like I've been told
that like my voice when I'm singing,
because I also do singing is sort of like a sort of like
if Julian Casablanca's and the singer from Jet
would have a baby that's kinda like how I sing.
Joins really cool, he'd, I had a chat to him
about his range and like how to extend it.
You know Julian Cas that's a blank.
You know him.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I met him.
He's real cool.
Okay, no, when.
Zach, I'm like just singing a bit on the mic.
When did you meet him?
I wanted to wear, he wants to know when, but I was pretty simple.
I was pretty simple.
Like, I just, we hooked up online just through the same singing teacher and shit.
And he was like, when you're in LA swing by and we went out and we went out for lunch and
had like a fried chicken burger.
But, um, job to sing, do you want to sing?
Yeah, I'd love to hear you sing.
And I, that's so cool that you've met Julian Casabancas.
I'm such a big fan of him.
I think he's a really good singer.
Yeah, that's what I said.
I'd know who he is.
And I think that's really cool that you met him.
I love Jesus!
That's just like, that's my high note and that's pretty like...
Yeah, I'm gonna hear my version of Jesus Christ's superstars.
It's pretty well done.
I only want to say if there is a way, take this color.
You can see what you're trying to do. I can see the growth and I see it will go up potential.
I can do a bit of jet.
I can see you all back.
You all back. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, career, like, not police. But like not from the police, like from his solo career.
So it's like this.
Mercury falling.
I asked for my bed.
Remember Mercury falling.
That's pretty good.
I can see what you're trying to do.
I can see an album.
I can see the potential there.
Like, you are reckon what I could give you like five or six
exercises you just do that'll get you to like a place where you're really starting to get that
What was Julian Casablanca's like?
He's pretty sick like he's like he's pretty cool like he was just like
What does House look like?
It's like how walls and house
Did he sing?
I love his songs
Did he have a feather in it?
What band is he from?
What? What band is he from, Zach? What? What band is he from?
I, he's, I prefer his solo stuff. What solo stuff? I just prefer like when he does his
solo stuff. I think it's a little more interesting. But what's the name of his band? Just the name
of it? Yeah, I don't even think about the band that he does. I am, I think he's so cool
the way he sings about and I think he's really really rude and I love yeah, I know who yeah
So I'm just gonna feed my gigapet real quick
You have your self-intention. Yeah, no, yeah, that's cool. It's so vintage
It's so cool. I have a Digimon. Yeah, when you
Emailed me about the fact that you have a gigapet,
I thought you were like tricking me,
because sometimes the guys trick me
and they say things that aren't necessarily entirely true.
So when I actually saw that you had a gigapet,
I thought that was like, that's why I know
that you must be cool in America.
Yeah, I mean, yeah, that I still have a gigapet,
like 10 years, arguably 10 years after their heyday.
That is how you know that I'm super cool.
I wonder what you think the endgame would be for me to lie to you and scam me about having
a gigapet.
What does that catfish look like?
What do I get out of that?
I don't know, because sometimes these guys will say things like they've met famous people
or they know how to do something or they've had tons of girlfriends and then
maybe I'll talk to their parents or I'll hear it over here and I'll realize that it hasn't
been done.
This is mainly Mark.
Well, actually, there's some people in the group that talk about having met famous singers
and been to America when I know that the furthest out of Victoria they've been is like Ballarat. So there's just like
no way that I'm not saying who or who that is or which member of the group it is.
But there's people are doing that it's disgusting.
It is disgusting. Because someone like me who's travelled and
is learned at like diminishes my journey. Right.
Are you the same age as us, Britainden? In a way, like technically yes,
but like if you count the things I've seen,
the experiences I've had, like I have a beer,
like my house is real chill, like Friday nights,
fish and chip, beer night.
Like I was just thinking like if we could have
a whiskey and coke, like right now,
I was like that I'd actually be sick.
Well, like, that's kind of crazy.
I mean, I gave up drinking last year at a big problem when I was 13, so I don't drink
anymore, but I was just going to say like, Broden, you don't seem our age, um, not because
of like a coolness factor, but more like you seem like something weighs on you.
Like you have responsibilities and like a job and like you pay taxes.
Like you seem like there's a heavy burden around your shoulders.
I've seen things, I've seen things and I've learned things that I think you guys will eventually
get to.
By the time you finish high school, you'll look back on me and say he's doing stuff that
I wasn't ready for and now I get it.
And that's like that's like, like a lot of times I feel like you're just looking past me
like vacantly, like in a way that says you've seen trauma.
And that to me says you're about 31.
That's pretty cool, but like it's not,
I've had a pretty cool life.
Everyone's real cool around me
and nothing bad's happened to me.
So like, I don't know what that is.
You can tell breath.
You can tell breath what happened.
Yeah, tell me.
I'm your friend.
All right, okay.
When I was 12, I saw a dead body.
He saw a dead body.
And ever since then, it was, it was just laying there. I saw a dead body. He saw a dead body.
And ever since then, it was just lying there.
It was just on the ground.
It was down at the manual flat.
The imagery weren't lying.
Yeah, it chicks out.
And I was like...
It was in the news and everything.
Yeah, it was like kind of like all.
We'd just seen Stan by me as well.
So it was like, I was really...
It was really like, I just watched Stan by me. It was we've just seen Stan by me as well. So it was like, it was really like, I grew up watching Stan by me.
It was crazy that we watched Stan by me
and then the next day,
bro, it was like, oh, we're for a walk
and I saw the dead body.
But it was, it was in like the newspaper
like a week beforehand.
So it all checked out.
Yeah, like they didn't say exactly who it was or anything.
But like, Brodan had like, yeah,
it was in the newspaper that someone saw a dead body
and so yeah, pretty much checked out
and like we've had to be really,
that's like that's a really full on thing now.
And Broden went into a dark place after that.
Like I've never seen him so.
But that's where I actually found my love for like,
for rock and roll and cool, like the richer things in life.
Like on FoxTale, all I watched,
do you have FoxTale in America?
Do you say FoxTale, like the weed
that grows and gets in my dogs foot?
Oh, no, it's like extu-pay for extra channels on TV.
And like there's this one channel called Ovation
and it's just like art films and like,
like Andre Ryu shows, like Andre Riyou shows,
like really cultured stuff. And I just watched that like because I actually, you know,
it's like, you know, I don't bother myself with like Star Wars and Spider-Man and crap like that.
I mean, those are really important pop culture. For babies.
It's because of your drama though. Yeah, it's because you're talking about this.
What's your Elizabeth? What's your favorite TV show other than Aliess Mine is probably, like I know lots of people
think it's for girls, but I actually watch Grey's Anatomy.
Oh, for me.
And actually it's really beautiful and it's really cool actually, like all the surgery scenes
they do and like there's this one guy named Danny and he like, he, last week, he didn't make it.
Danny didn't make it and there's a beautiful song
and that's probably my favorite show
and I'm wondering what your favorite show was.
Oh, that's interesting.
I mean, like similarly, I show that makes me very emotional
because of how happy it makes me is probably,
you know, that Anna Nicole Smith show.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Like, the reality show about her life,
I just think like, the way that we're watching her
and like putting a camera on her all the time,
can only mean that good things are gonna happen to her.
And, yeah, I just really hope that, you know,
our kind of like emerging obsession with celebrity
just stays really healthy for where I come from.
Yeah, it's really, it's really fucked away.
I think it's really the healthy things.
Yeah, I agree. Do you watch cribs? I think it's fucking sick.
Yeah, I like cribs. Wait, is that sick in the bad way or sick in the good way?
I can't.
Sick in a good way. Like I, I'm, some of the houses I take notes on like, you know,
like when you're touring through some of the bigger houses, I'm like, yeah,
I'm going to get that like, um, yeah, the drummer from Motley Crew was on there,
and he's got a really big penis.
He's only got one of my missing porno.
No, that's deaf leopard.
No, it's not.
I love Crib's too.
I like Broden sometimes shows me clips of it
that he's downloaded.
And I think it's so cool to see people
with really big houses.
And like that notion that like,
because it's the mid-2000s, and I love that notion that if we work hard enough we can also have
big houses like that and I might probably my personal hero is like Bill Gates
because right now he's what he does is he just like makes a lot of money and
that's really cool how much money he makes and all the new stories are about
how rich he is and how cool he is
And I just love like that idea of because on one day I'm gonna be a billionaire
Up to side
Yeah, actually my idol in life is my neighbor Pam
Because she's a paralegal slash dental assistant
But um, she's famous on our block because she bought the most expensive house on the block
And she works two jobs to keep it
But like hey, it's 2005 and if you can afford it like by the biggest house you can you know like
And I'm 14 but like when I go home to America like at 16 it'll be legal for me to own a home
So I just hope to get to a big jumbo mortgage like ASAP
That's what you gonna do. It's what're gonna do. Just get a really big mortgage.
Because it's only gonna go up.
It's only gonna go up.
No, that's such a good idea.
And then, because if you get a jumbo mortgage,
here's the thing.
Here's the thing I saw it on Oprah.
If you get a jumbo mortgage
and you don't drink coffee,
in 20 years you can be a millionaire.
And that's what people don't realize.
If you don't drink coffee,
people look at millionaires and they go, oh, oh, yeah, they're, they're millionaires
because they're like lucky or because of like structural things. It's like, it's actually
because they didn't drink coffee every day. They didn't have their avocado toast. So if you
don't drink your coffee, you too can be millionaire. I don't know what I do without my coffee.
Yeah, I drink, I'm, my, my family's a tele-honor, so I grew up on the hard stuff. I grew up on a splice, so have you ever had a splice?
Um, wait, I can't understand your, you speak another language?
Yeah, it's actually Italian. I'm actually speaking Italian, so splice is what we call coffee.
And we make it out of a caputera that my nonna has a 12-caputera.
And every time we go over to her house and she's making like penninis and pastietsis and stuff like that,
she puts the 12 cup around and I usually have like,
and we have it in really small cups,
not like a big like Americana cup that you get
from like your coffee shops, like Gloria James or whatever.
We're so gladin' and everything's so big.
Have you seen NCIS? That's probably the most emotional show I've ever seen. I
Love NCIS and I hope they keep the brand pure by only making one of them. How could they possibly like branch out?
I don't understand because it's so good how it is like it's just straight. It has everything. It has like
Cops it's got computer, it's got like cheeks, there's nothing
I don't love about NCIS, but my favorite bit in NCIS is in the ad when someone goes,
is this like CSI and he goes, yeah, only if you're dyslexic, because I think a lot of people
thought it was like CSI, but it's like actually it's a different set of, like there was dialogue
to clarify that. Yeah, yeah yeah it's also about navi
if you ever wondered yeah it's like have you wondered how the navi is also the cops
that's what the premise of it's like Jack it's like Jack is Jack is about like
court and a lot of joy and stuff but it's also like about navi and I think that's
my favorite thing the best all from the same guy I read about it on IMDB.
I really hope.
We like a lot of similar stuff.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Mark, you were talking about your cultural influences. And I wonder if you've,
say, if you guys have like a black American person, oh, um, uh,
dig dig dig dig dig red there.
And if you've had a black person on your, Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- Deg- sports personalities aren't tied down by one sport. We understand that like, you know,
for black Americans, just because you're a good basketballer
that doesn't mean you can't necessarily be any footballer.
At the start of the movie, at the start of the movie,
he gets home and he goes home to his house.
And a lady says, we're having chicken and collard greens.
And I was like, Mum, can we have collard greens?
Mum said, I don't know what that is.
Yeah, but your mum's not very cultural.
Like, my Mum like is from overseas.
Oh yeah, in Italy, do they have collard greens in Mum?
Yeah, yeah, they do.
And they've got heaps of other stuff too, like,
pepizzer, and sometimes they have,
have you ever been to La Poquetta?
Who? I'm sorry, are you speaking to the language again?
Sorry, sorry, sometimes it's a very Italian restaurant.
It means the pork.
Apple Cato means the pork.
That's a bad name for a restaurant.
Well, and they don't actually serve a lot of pork
to be there as well, so it is quite confusing.
If you just had a restaurant called the broccoli
in Chicago or something, that no one would go there.
Like, maybe like, so what, you only serve broccoli.
Yeah, like it'd be stupid to name a restaurant after a tree or type a tree or something like
Do they have pizza in Chicago?
Yeah, they have pizza.
Not like ours.
Not like ours.
We have the best pizza.
No, Australia is known for their pizza, for sure.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The rest of the world can't touch you. Yeah, Australia is known for their pizza, for sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The rest of the world can't touch you.
Yeah, do you have a cotaham that's like a, like a ham, a fake ham that we put on our
pizza's here in Melbourne?
It's so delicious.
If it's fake ham, what's it made out of?
Lamb, I believe.
Lamb, yeah.
Apparently it's my business real.
It's real.
It's real.
It's real thing that exists.
Wait, I need a minute. I need a minute
So it's it's a ham, but it's it's lamb. It's lamb. It's processed
It's either thing. It's really heavily processed lamb. That's called cotta ham. So when you order a
I don't know we only the the CEO of Domino's told us this.
The CEO of Domino's told us this.
We didn't know what to make of it.
We still haven't been able to fully figure it out.
In Melbourne, when you order a hand and pineapple pizza,
the meat that is put on it is called kata.
It's a heavily processed meat made mostly of lamb.
Lamb ham.
What is the first word you're seeing?
Kata. Cotta.
Not cotta.
So, oh, okay.
Cotta, ham, and it is lamb.
Yeah, but people don't know this.
People don't know this.
This isn't common knowledge.
We've been living for 30 years of our lives.
We live on a vial. We live on a vial. We for 30 years of our lives we were living 30 years of our life we met the CEO
of Domino's that's a whole other story
I thought we were dropping character did you wait did you exist 12 years
before you were born still not understanding breath. Breast is in a great time.
Unfortunately, it's time to go.
It's time to go home.
I thought when you said you needed a minute,
we were dropping character.
No, no character.
This isn't my show.
I don't dictate what you do.
I thought I'd be telling either of you.
And Elizabeth and Tawny needed clarification on what this was.
And neither of us are any clearer.
The highly processed hand made out of lame.
It's very regional, specific only to Melbourne Italian.
Are you in character?
Me here right now.
I learned to make a wiki-padia in 2005.
Is that like imitation crab? Do you guys have imitation crab? I learned about it on wikipedia in 2005. I can make it a character.
Is that like imitation crab?
Do you guys have imitation crab?
Yeah, we do, yeah, I like to do it.
Very similar, but it's just peaked as a pile with it.
And it's rough, I mean, I think I'm still in character.
So that brought in that's because I'm better at character
I think you guys will get to that stage
at some point as performance.
But breath, Zach, Mark, thank you so much for coming to my house.
Where it's at, it's my house. I just wanted to say one thing, like, to sort of like,
close it out, because I know that, like, we're going to watch a movie tonight.
And, like, you guys were teasing me last time, you came over to my house that, like,
we never watch M.A. Mo... Do Do you have M.A. movies in America?
Oh, with mature audience. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like me.
Yeah, so it's actually not allowed.
You're actually not allowed to watch mature audience.
Because you were 31.
I'm 12.
I'm 12.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
I'm not allowed to watch mature audience.
It is actually weird how many like that you have like a beard
and stuff and like you're have like a beard and stuff
and like you're like, like a maid of taller than all of us.
I'm going through puberty.
No, but it seems, it kinda seems like
you've already gone through puberty a number of years ago.
I think I've never been kissing us.
I think I was a bit...
Yeah, I haven't you been filling out,
you've been filling out like bank loan paperwork
all the time.
We've seen such a development on the characters.
We've seen such a development on the characters.. This is such a development on carrot dump.
I'm seasoned.
I'm doing a Cameron.
Are you doing a Cameron Crow?
It is for Rolling Stone investigative piece
where you're coming into a high school and pretending to be 12?
Absolutely not. I'm fucking wrong.
What do you have a wedding ring on?
Just because I'd say commitment to a hot chick. Not I'm fucking yeah, man. Why do you have a wedding ring on?
Just cuz I it's a commitment to a hot chick
I don't know seems got a weird feels like a never been kissed kind of a city
Very more got a 21 jump straight. I mean I've never been kiss. Oh
All right, they kiss me. I know.
Oh no, you want to open it?
You want to open it?
Yeah, no, you've been kissed, so you can go away.
I can see.
Fuck it, I do want to say, just to sort of,
like wrap up our like our hanging out section of the night.
I know you guys were teasing me about not being allowed
to watch M.A. movies, but I actually have an M.A. movie
on DVD that like actually my parents bought for me, and I was wondering if you guys allowed to watch MA movies, but I actually have an MA movie on DVD
that actually my parents bought for me,
and I was wondering if you guys wanted to watch it.
What is it?
It's called the Passion of the Christ.
It's called the Passion of the Christ.
It's really gory.
I don't watch your gilly show.
That's really gory, like an action art.
I wrote an art house film to watch,
because I thought an American might actually find
an interesting and important viewing for Americans as an art house documentary. It's called Super size me and it's actually about
The way that Americans that's that's that's not even an art house film. I've seen it. It's Morgan Spurlock
I've seen it. Yeah, well I actually brought a movie that no one would have seen because it's like was really art
House is deep in the DVD. Have you ever said it's actually a French movie? Have you ever seen Armour Lee?
Oh, yeah, she's quirky, right?
I've heard of it, that's supposed to be really cool.
What you've heard of it?
How is that even possible?
It's like the most obscure film I've ever heard of in my life.
I actually have a girlfriend in France called Armour Lee
and she's exactly like her, she's got that hair card
and she's really quite cute in this.
That's such a lie.
Why wouldn't she? In hundreds of letters you've never mentioned?
No, I met her.
Every dark detail of your life,
and you've never mentioned the significant relationship.
No, I met her when I was about that.
I met her when our family was building hearts
and giving people freebibles in France.
In France?
No, no, she was.
She was building hearts in France?
They're fine.
No, it was in Bali. And we were just like, she was from France, they're fine. No, it was in Bali.
And we were just like, she was from France,
but she's from an associate church.
And we would give out rice and build hearts
and make them read the Bible in exchange for the heart.
And she was just really cool.
There is part of me that thinks that because she
has the same name and the same character
details as Armley, that you're either the most unimaginative person I've ever met, or
that this is real because it's a pretty big coincidence.
She says all the same things as the trailer for Armley.
Well that's like, do you say anything else that only things that appear in the trailer? Only thing.
Yeah, maybe she says things from the movie.
I don't know, I'm not allowed to watch the movie, but I reckon she says some things from
the movie as well.
You're either completely fucked in the head because that's the st- like clearly you're
lying, or this has to be the truth, because no one would be so fucking stupid to say that
big girlfriend is the same name
and traits and only says the things on the trailer. It's one or the other and I haven't
been able to make up my mind of which one. She's real and what I went to her house like
she was at a hotel in Bali and we like I stayed at her hotel like we were at the same hotel
and she just does like quirky things and also she's allowed to watch her May movies and drink red cordial and like,
she like, I'm like, we just hung out drinking red cordial and watching May movies.
So and she's the same as Amalie. She's true.
I have a boyfriend too.
Yeah. You guys see that movie blank check.
Yeah, yeah.
Same. It's like, it's the kid from blank check.
You like that. She's your boyfriend dating the kid from Blake. Yeah, like that. You're boyfriend.
Bating the actor from Blake.
No, the character.
You've been in the character from so your boyfriend's got like, yeah,
they don't know.
Are you talking about the little kid with the backwards hat and he's and he's sort of
putting his sunglasses down over his like that?
Yes, you've memorized the VHS jacket.
I see.
Yeah. Yeah, is that your boyfriend
and he's got a bag full of money? Yeah, I mean, hey, what a girl wants, right?
I guess so. That's so cool. But you tell me, like you tell me, it's really interesting,
you say, black check, because actually in our emails and letters, you said you were dating
a guy that was pretty much like Richie Rich and he had McDonald's in his house.
a guy that was pretty much like Richie Rich and he had McDonald's in his house. Yeah, so that's kind of it's both, like he's both of those things.
He's pretty complicated and like since you didn't like disclose that you had a girlfriend
at all, like now I'm giving you new details about my boyfriend so that nobody here feels
threatened as all I'm saying.
Shall we check on, shall we check on the passion of the crust?
Let's put it on.
Let's put on passion of the crust.
Thanks for coming.
You're pretty cool, Brett.
Yeah, you're pretty cool, Brett.
I like it a lot.
You're way better than my.
I know.
It's good to be cool on another continent.
You're way better than my girlfriend, Matilda.
She has psychic pills.
We're going to get a psychic pills. She has psychic pills. She has psychic pills.
She has psychic pills.
We're going to end because I'm going to go and see my girlfriend, which is.
She's your girlfriend.
Yeah, go ahead.
It's your turn.
Let's go.
It's, it's Jennifer love you and in.
Like, but heartbreakers.
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, she's so, I, I just love her. you an inn. No. Like, but... Heartbreakers. Yeah, heartbreakers.
Oh, she's so...
Oh, I just love her.
Alright, why?
You never met Emily.
The reason you haven't met Emily is because she's a spy like Aliens.
You've been listening to the Aunty Donna Podcast.
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