Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 241 - Joe Still Shrek Now
Episode Date: February 9, 2021Broden is back so no more wackiness! Join The Aunty Donna Club: for information.
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This week, Brodon is back to hold everything together and keep Zach and Mark on track.
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Hello and welcome to the ANTIDONNA Podcast, an improvisational podcast with three silly boys
get up to some crazy mischief. My name is Zachary Ruane. I'm joined as always by one of my two co-host
Mark Bonano. How are you today Mark? Wazaf! I'm good at thanks man. Mark of course
the young crazy silly goofy in touch with the youth part of our demographic.
We kind of think of Mark as our sandpang.
Oh, I'm Chris.
I'm Chris D. Marks our sandpang.
Yeah, but unfortunately, is it Brownie?
Who's the footy man?
We've been lacking our Brownie.
We've been lacking our Brownie.
It's been Pang and Christy last week.
If you can't start with a,
that's so nice.
That's so fucking nice.
About a Melbourne radio.
About the biggest Melbourne radio program.
Breakfast program.
I think they know about Christy's
white-o brownie.
It's not like even resonating with me, man,
to be completely honest a
Chrissy Sam Brownie biggest Chris even this Sam in this brownie
there's a biggest breakfast show in in in all of Melbourne it's it's perfectly
calibrated to appeal to everyone you're the Sam I'm the Chrissy Brodans the
Brownie I mean that does make sense I do I do
understand the dynamic on that level but I've never heard of this show I am a brand you are a
brownie is he the footy boy yeah yeah he comes in talks about the alpha dog yeah right right
Sam Pang just doesn't give a shit yeah yeah just makes jokes and laughs and Chrissy's really the every man, you know everyone loves Chrissy
She's dying all together. Yeah, have you ever listened have you Zach? Have you listened to one minute of Chrissy Sam and Brad?
No, no no one time
Sam came to Gold class when I was working there and he was very nice and and it was weird because
working there and he was very nice and and it was weird because two months previous I'd been at a television premiere with him. Was he cracking jokes?
Was he cracking jokes? He was lovely. He was like, oh I'll just get the
churros thank you and I was like oh, Sam classic prank. And then I was like do I
bring up the fact that I met him at a lengthy conversation with him at this television event?
Or do I just continue with my day job,
serving some, you know, getting him in that scene?
What did he see?
What movie did he see?
Oh, I can't remember.
Probably a Liam Neeson actioneer based on the era,
but that's based on nothing but like conjecture.
Maybe a taken to.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And that is literally based on the time he came in,
not based on any knowledge of sandpang.
Mark, that's who we are.
That's who we are.
We were just but two people last week.
If you tuned in last week, you'll know
we were lacking a brodon.
We couldn't say at the time where he was.
We had to say at the time it was because of an important screen opportunity,
but that was a lie.
Because Broden was on behalf of Auntie Donna,
and on Auntie Donna's coin, I should say,
engaging in some top secret,
invest the good investigative journalism.
Toxic or top secret?
Top secret.
I said it like toxic.
Investigative journalism.
Broden, we don't know this top secret investigative journalism.
The struggle in there, yeah.
I am.
Broden, we don't know much about what you're investigating.
Part of your role, your job is you, because of moles, you have to keep...
You have to keep...
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You have to keep what you're investigating, quiet, even from within the team.
I think only the highest echelons of Antidona know. instigating quiet even from within the team.
I think only the highest echelons of Antidona know,
I think Sam was told a very brief concept,
but really you're your own thing.
It's like the thing in the spotlight.
I'm given full reign and I'll go to Sam
and I'll say I think there's something here
under the surface and then he'll say I think there's something here under the surface
and then he'll say go with it and then I'll lock myself away in the basement of Andy Donorage
cube for two to three months and I will drill down and find answers and I'm happy to say
gentlemen that today I have answers for you and I have an expose which will kill you to the boner.
It's really really quite thrilling we're so excited to be and I have an expose, which will kill you to the boner.
It's really, really quite thrilling. We're so excited to be the platform that you launch it on.
Of course, you could have, you could have launched,
you could have revealed the findings of this investigative piece
on our YouTube, on our Instagram, on our TikTok.
You chose our podcast.
I thank you so much for joining us.
Thank you for joining us and doing this.
On the podcast.
My question is, as you were doing this investigation,
like Spotlight, was there a 9-11 type event
that stopped you from doing your investigation,
put it on hold, and then you had to come back to it.
And if it was, what was that?
Do we need to talk about how to say investigation, do we need to talk
about it?
No, Proto, we don't have to talk about investigation.
No, it's not.
No, you went out there, you did a private investigation and something, some 9-11S event
Now, here's what I'm talking about.
That was the halted the register.
Broden, is this 9-11 event?
Like before you tell us what it was?
Was it like spotlight in that it had a significant impact on the development of the story? So had to be included? Or is it more like that that bit in the
Horsey movie where they're like, oh, barley bombings.
And then they carried on with the plums.
Is that in spirited away?
Well, no, sorry.
I'm not going to talk about the barley bombings in spirited away.
Are you talking about spirited away?
Spirited awakening is the anime.
Are you talking about spirit legend of the simmeron? I think I am talking about spirit
legend of the Simmeron, not spirit it away. That's there's definitely. Gentlemen, if we can get back
on track, gentlemen, I'm the straight guy
Yeah, let's get back on track daddy
I'm sorry. I just I just I'm so sorry. I got spirited away and spirit legend of the simmerum mix up I missed my alarm my alarm didn't go off. I rolled out a bed was supposed to do this in Germany
I rolled out boys good back on track
Yeah, back on track. I just want to be no
I just I just want to apologize for that to anyone who was offensive
Stuff getting so off track mark or else daddy will have to get us back on track. Oh well
Then maybe I want to get off track
Sorry daddy go. What do you want me to do? What do you want me to do?
I can't point you were fucking what is that suggest? What is the suggestion there? What you to fucking spank me daddy
Get back on track Jesus get me got on track daddy
Oh, no, it's been genuinely uncomfortable. I don't appreciate that was sort of trying to skirt the edges of the implication there.
I thought I had pushed it too far, but this fancings are gritted teeth.
Just when you think you've taken it too far, I woke up eight minutes ago.
Broden, it's such a pleasure. I have a joke.
I have a first guest.
Broden has a scoop.
Now, we need to say we don't know what this scoop is.
We don't know the details.
If in our questioning of Broden, we maybe say the wrong things.
Or get it, it's because we have not been privy
to the information Broden has been privy to.
But we're really thrilled that you could be here Broden and we hear it's a very important game-changing piece
of information, is that right?
Gentlemen, this will kill you to the boner.
I've already lost mine, so...
Are you mad at me because I wouldn't spank you is that what this is?
No, no, I'm not mad. I'm just saying I've already lost mine
So if it's if it's gonna chill me to the bone and it's gonna go away
That's already been done the mood has been ruined as far as I'm concerned and and the chances of me like properly getting off on this news
and the chances of me properly getting off on this news are that Neil Mark, can I just say this? Absolutely not. Mark, this isn't about donors or getting off or anything like that. This is tough stuff. It's not the easy, it's not the comic book section.
When you get the newspaper, you skip to the comic book section.
You read your Garfields or your...
Snake tails.
Give me your snake tails over Garfield.
You only use half of it because you don not even smart enough for the crossword.
Some of us, we like to read the deep dive stuff.
You know what I'm saying, Mark?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And that's what this is.
This is what I'm about to do now.
Are you ready?
I'm probably supposed to be lightly frosted.
Yeah, all I'm saying is that that feels like a choice to me, Zach.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
What do you mean?
Winning Grecia gives journalism.
But no, in Grecia, in journalism, it has to be,
I mean, God, we've got people like John Oliver,
they make it funny.
Right, yeah.
But it's also serious.
It's funny and it's serious,
and it lurches between the two
at a sickening pace. But this isn't that.
This is the, this is the investigative journalism that they take clips from for John Oliver.
That's what we're doing here today. Well, all I want to say is thank you because my bonus back.
Okay. Brodo, take it away. It's ready to be chilled. It's ready to get chilly.
It's ready to be chilled. It's ready to get chilly. Gentlemen, audience, thank you for joining me today. As I unpeel the sunburned skin of
truth to reveal a red sore center of honesty. That's disgusting. I mean like that would be just good at that banana. I've got
a sunburn headed at the moment. It's what I'm thinking of. All right. I'll do banana.
I'm just thinking about bananas because I'm hungry.
Okay, Mark.
Gentlemen, audience, thank you for coming. Hey, Tom, maybe some investigative investigative
under this
Yeah, would be good
Now this is the big deal
Brad and gentleman audience please say it before you say it can you do like a cliffhanger?
And then if there's an ad will insert yeah for an ad break
Yeah, but like a cliffhanger like build gentleman old cliffhanger. Yeah. Yeah.
Gentlemen, audience, thank you for joining me this way. Over the last seven days
I have been immersed in a truth that no one knew was there. Wow. I have been
present to things that many of you believe would not be a thing.
Today we are going to unpeel a banana of truth, where the potassium, very good, of the banana,
is the truth. And it's going brown so we better eat it pretty quick or put it in the freezer.
And that truth is... Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh Did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it Have you been enjoying one division? Yeah, I've been loving it. It's my good mark. Mark, that's an aside.
Let Daddy get back on track.
I'm sorry, that's the other one.
That's the other one.
I do have a joke.
I haven't watched it, but I always struggled to do it
in years, seven and eight maths.
So the fact that you're still enjoying it is ridiculous.
One division?
Oh, you're thinking, right, okay, it's not the same number.
It's the same number. It's not division. Like it's not, yeah, yeah, yeah. So you've done a
little mistake. You do division? No, no, no, no, no. I thought you said one division.
It's the same number. The answer is the same. You divide anything by one. It's the same. It's so easy.
You divide anything by one. It's the same. It's so easy.
What if you use long division?
Long division I struggle with, but we get calculators in our pockets every day.
Before we get on to the list. For those who are good at long division, yeah, tweet us this, 157,
divided by seven, and use my division to find that answer. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I really want to get this back on track, but it'd be good. It's not gonna take long, it's not gonna take long.
We did a pod last week, it went for an hour,
and we did the, with no getting on track,
and we had a great time, bro.
It was a very simple joke.
I came up with it yesterday.
You only need to have knowledge of two things
for this joke to resonate.
Okay, so the first one is,
is everyone aware of the pucks?
Can I, before you say your joke, Ma? Yeah. Can I say, if this joke is not better than what
Broden is building to? Yeah. I'll chop off your dick. Okay. Okay, just, I want to put
that on the joke. All right. but you've got to make it funny
you've got to sell it. Okay, but you need to have an understanding of two things for this joke to resonate. Okay.
One is the one is you have to be aware of the public
sexual history of robber mills. Everyone across that. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. yeah yeah yeah yeah and here's your Paris Hilton.
Sure and the second is is everyone aware I always have some understanding or
some knowledge of the musical chess. Not a lot. I think I know that one song.
Yeah okay great that's that's fine that's fine because did you hear so if so
that's that's all you need.
And if you need to go and do your research now, go and do that now.
We need to come back so that, that you can enjoy the joke.
And let us know, let us know in the end.
So now this is true.
If this is true, I really want to get this back on track.
Oh, it'll get back on track.
Really feeling the urge to get this back on track.
But now this is true. But did you hear that Rob Mills was cast in the Australian
touring production of chess recently?
Well he was.
Isn't that interesting?
He went from one night in Paris to one night in Bangkok.
So there's the joke.
Right in.
Right in.
Can you do your...
Can you do the thing, please?
But that's not...
I need to just come and really do that.
Is that... is that joke?
I'm really disappointed, isn't it?
You can't, why?
I'm really disappointed.
But do you understand?
You've made reference to such a thing.
It's not, not for me.
All right.
I reckon there's a couple people out there.
Unless one night in Bangkok is a song from Chris or a lot are brilliant
Absolutely brilliant, that's so brilliant. Thank you. Thank you. I guess you would
just empower us to get the live Patreon subscriptions. I have to go down. I need the live Patreon subscriptions.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like dropping like GameStop. Okay. All right, well then let's get back on track. Let's get this
ingrusted-give gear. You need to bring it back with an even better joke.
You need to bring it back. I can't do my investigative journalism from this position.
I only want to say, can I just say, while you think of a joke,
of course, it was our patronage that was able to pay for Broden to head up to Brisbane.
Yeah, pay for the accommodation. The costs of investigative journalism is profound.
And if you looked at it purely in a capitalist sense, wouldn't be worth it. But our patrons, Daymalys of a Thmerdock. Yeah. Lindsay Fox's Wally Crackers.
Our patrons and our patronage were Jeff Bezos, ex-wife.
Were they all just paying the normal 690?
And no, she paid us $3. million dollars. I've never seen that a
me out come through. It came through it came through. We're doing it as a wage. We took her out for dinner at
again. But to our patrons this is how we were able to afford this piece of
message of James. Mark do I pick it back up? I think if you have a knowledge
of Robert Mills' public sexual history, no, I need a new joke. The standing of the musical
chess, a basic understanding of that musical, that joke will resonate, that joke will really, really kick things off the people. Great, but we need another joke for you to bring it back up. Please, please, Mark.
Just on the invested-gen journalism sort of angle, I love that Broden's doing
the front page, sort of, oh my god, a big splash piece of the newspaper.
And Mark, if you remember newspapers,
in the letters to the editor section,
sometimes they'd have a little bar on the side
with just witty ripples.
And it would be like,
Rob Bill's recently got cast in the musical chess.
It seems a little Mark Mark were ofy.
That's what you're doing in the newspaper.
Now me, Mark, you're that bit of the newspaper.
All right.
I'm the comic book's bit of the newspaper.
I love you, you're my favorite bit.
Yeah, and I'm, but I'm like a serious comic book with an ongoing story.
So it's like, we joined the Pentium after he has discovered the secret tomb.
Ah, this secret tomb looks very dangerous.
You guys stay back.
And that's the end.
Get back on track.
But I was just having help.
Did you get by last week?
It wasn't easy.
I didn't enjoy it. I did have a good time last week.
Okay, well it's going to get worse unless you do another joke right now
All right, what do you listen is this is gonna be the best joke to break yeah, okay great here we go you ready the boys are ready
Stack I was lying. I had a great time last week
Really I hope you're not upset. I know I got to express to you. I um I
Don't care. Yeah, that's fair.
Boys, what do you call...
I listened to a bit.
What do you call... what do you think?
Do you like it?
I thought it was fantastic.
I thought you had a great rhythm.
I thought it needed to get back on track a bit.
Yeah. I was in my car going, boys, boys, boys. Yeah. Well, we made the podcast charts in Australia
with that podcast. So just saying, just saying, just saying maybe if there was a little bit less
maybe on the issue. And no, no, no, on point. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A little bit less on track.
A little bit more on fleek.
No, we need your cold boners.
Bro, don't you want to be like, shh.
We need those cold boners to push the story forward.
It's talking about on fleek.
Maybe we're a little bit less on track.
And a little more on the topic of sex
What do you what do you call a fish with no eyes?
What did you look up a joke book? No first fish?
joke book. No, first. First. First. Very good. Bro, then what's your news? It's going up. It's going up. There we go. Stock is rising. What's your news? All right, gentlemen, audience,
thank you for coming today. Yeah, what's your news? Today be Dipping into an ice cream truth. Okay, but what's the melty where the melty's
I'm doing my building
This is how you got to get back on the track. No, no, this filler. Yeah, yeah, yeah, come on mate
The melty goodness is gonna reveal something good some gooey
Yeah, it's something gooey truth all right. I've spent the last week something was a mess
And I needed to dig a little deeper and find out if there was more to it than met the eye
Gentlemen, I have some news. Yeah
Joe Shrek now.
What is this?
What is this?
A dear friend of the podcast.
We call regularly the star of stage andens and the star i was gonna say
screenbeats that you failed actor on screen what the star of stage what is
shrek now what what no trick cartoon shrek mic mire shrek cartoon boys no No! What? No! Shrekla Fiona!
Musicals live!
Joe Shrek Cartoon!
No, no, no, no!
Joe Shrek now!
Joe Shrek now?
I'm sorry, sorry, here's my...
Joe is my friend.
I went to university with Joe.
He's a person with a beard
Shrek a cartoon monster no beard Shrek Green live in swamp Joe human living I
Don't know where Joe lives. Joe make moony puns. See before mentioned Shrek in the cast of
In the cast of Priscilla Queen of the desert
the cast of in the cast of Priscilla Queen of the Desert.
Yeah. Shrek, I saw Kinky Boots. No, no, no, gentlemen.
Joe Kosky, who we call.
Yeah, yeah.
He's Shrek now.
Josh Shrek, he's become Shrek.
Can you call him?
I'm gonna call him, because I don't believe you.
I don't believe you right now.
It's not necessary, it's not necessary to do.
I'm telling you.
Listen to me.
How did you find yourself?
Last weekend, last weekend, I went up to Brisbane, I went to Cuba.
I watched the musical Shrek.
And I tell you, Shrek was on stage, not Joe.
Yeah, no, that is Joe. No, that is Shrek was on stage, not Joe. Yeah, no, that is Joe.
No, that is Shrek.
That was Shrek.
He was saying, please.
Shrek Joe now, is that what you mean?
Because that would make more sense.
Here's what I'm saying.
Let me be clear.
Joe Koski, our friend.
Shrek now.
Broden, listen to me.
I watched a live musical of Shrek now, what right in listen to me? I watched a live musical of Shrek and I'm sitting there
Viola's there
Lord farcourt is there and it's not Joe in the middle of a going no
No, it's Shrek. I think it's now Shrek had the eyes of my friend Joe. I leaned over to my
Guman and I said and I said that that
That trick has the eyes of Joe and they said I don't know who's just a clarity Zach has the
Zach has a side mistress much like the soprano
Italian mafia scene he has a guma who is his side mistress who is an understanding between
him and his married wife. He also has a mistress.
Well, he's a big, I don't rush a woman perhaps or I don't know if Camero knows about my
Gu-ma but she knows about the money in the wall.
Yes, it's just Tony Soprano now. She knows about the money in the walls and she's not
coming in. Okay, so you've kind of moved to a Walter White now you've kind of moved to Walter White. No, there's a bit in sopranos
Well, there's money in the walls
There's money in the bird box
Commetto not come that only white all the money
All right, I'm gonna I'm gonna I actually have to ask I'm gonna I'm gonna just call Joe clear this up
Hi, he answers I have to ask, I'm gonna just call Joe, clear this up.
Happy answers.
Well, the work show, not necessarily, it's not necessarily called.
It's a lot of Tuesday morning.
It's a lot of Tuesday morning call.
I spent months working on this boys.
Well, I don't believe you. I need a second source.
Why is in the answering? Maybe because he's shriek now.
His sleep. Shriek has shriek. Shriek's sleep.
Shriek's sleep long.
Ogre's sleep. So, then 14 hours.
Here's my question, right? Have you seen Shriek?
Yeah, a long time ago. No.
So, the whole movie, right, there's like this twist right that like, Have you seen Shrek? Oh yeah, a long time ago. No.
So the whole movie right, there's like this twist right that like this beautiful princess
is like also an ogre like Shrek and then it's like the promise is that the end she'll
be beautiful but then at the end she turns into an ogre and isn't beautiful anymore.
And I'm like what's this weird ending?
I don't get it, but there's donkey.
Yeah, donkey's there, but now the girl is an ogre.
I don't get it.
Yeah, but donkey makes me laugh.
I was just joking.
I was just testing you boys.
The ending is that she was beautiful to Shrek as an ogre,
that her beauty is a standard that we set
in society.
And actually when she was an ogre, she was actually beautiful to Shrek.
You failed the test boys and you failed the test.
No, but you were saying donkey was funny.
You didn't even say donkey was funny.
Too bad.
You're looking at donkey me. I'm looking at the important sociopolitical issues
about times and the themes of Shrek.
All right. Give me proof.
Well, that's what I'm trying to do. I woke. I woke you guys up to do this this morning because I had a hot scoop.
He is, it was my birthday two weeks ago.
I have your birthday.
Happy birthday for two weeks ago.
Can I just say, thank you.
If you're listening at a time other than the morning,
this doesn't go out live.
So we don't sit at microphones.
I just need to be really clear,
because people might be thinking,
what are they talking about morning?
I'm listening to this in the afternoon.
Why are they so?
We recorded this early in the morning.
It's not like radio.
So when you start playing the podcast,
you're actually just playing a recording at your own pace.
I think there is a bit of a misconception
that it's like radio and we just sort of sit and
See on a dial when people are listening and start talking. That's not the case. No, they understand that exact
They understand what's happened that way of podcast. I don't I don't think so. I met I've met a few people going I was just listening to your podcast
What do you I was just listening to your podcast? I think they're sort of a gassed that I could be on the tram at that point.
They sound completely fucked.
Now, here's how I found out.
It was my birthday. I turned 25.
And as long as I was sitting there.
As long as I was over.
You think I'm 100 years old. Yeah, it's just 25.4 time maybe.
You're not that young.
You think I'm 100 years old?
Yeah, you reset.
Every time you go back to one and this is your fourth go round at 25.
No. No
No, I'm 32. I'm I'm I'm simply a man. You've been 32 the last 10 years
Every you can sit in me 42 now last 10 years every I'm 32 this year
Hey guys, it's fine. It's fine to be old bro. Did you got to let go man?
You'll know you're 42 32. You're gorgeous man. You'll know you're 42, bro. And it's okay
And I'll tell you how we know you find 42, okay?
I did a bit. No, how do you know? No, no, no
No, say it no, I was No, I know, no. No.
No, say it.
No, I was, no, I don't want to do it.
Say it.
I was going to encourage our fans to change all information
on the internet to say, bro, I was 42.
No, I don't do that.
But don't do that, bro.
They would have a negative effect on bro,
it's career because it would put him up for the wrong roles.
He wouldn't get the roles because it would be confusing.
It again, the who weekly and then they do that.
Yeah, so don't do that.
And I'm not doing like a double, don't like just don't do that.
Don't do that.
Don't change any of our stats
because that could get in the way of our job opportunities.
I think being 42 would help me.
Yeah, because you'd be like like yeah, yeah, I get that
Broden I'm an ugly one thirty two-year-old
But it could be an attractive 42-year-old. That's true
Broden that's true
Gentlemen, bro, yeah, here is what is the message I received from my friends
Here is what is the message I received from my friend
You jump in ahead here what is the results of your investigation?
Three words what Joe Shrek now
Joe Shrek now. What?
Joe Shrek now.
I'm, if I'm working at Spotlight, I'm like, can we get more bubbles in I am four plays
were out of bubbles?
If I'm working at Spotlight and Broder's coming with this news, I'm like, I'm like, the cotton's in aisle five.
There's been a silence in here.
He was talking about the film Spotlight.
Not the craft store.
Alright, alright, alright, well then I don't know what the fuck is going on, because this whole time I thought we were talking about spotlight.
Okay, bro.
I received a birthday message from my friend Joe.
It said, you have a message from your friend Joe,
a video message.
What I saw come up was Shrek standing in a changer room.
And he said this.
Oh, how are we there, bro?
We're in a very happy birthday to your story.
It's a bit late, but I've been at the swamp with Donkey.
All right, have a great little day.
Oh my goodness.
Now that opens up a couple of cans of worms for me.
First of all, I fucking told you Donkey was in this movie, Zach.
You said he wasn't, you said it was about social law political.
You are an idiot.
You said it was about social and political.
Donkey is there for laughs, for joy, for that's what I said.
That's what I said.
That's what I said.
For me, I'm all about the themes.
What's Lord fuckhead there for?
What's that?
What's Lord fuckhead there for?
It's fuckward.
He's based on this exe of Disney.
Calling Jetsum Clarity.
Cool, Jeno.
What I'm going to tell you is you're going to find Shrek.
I'm calling Joe.
Calling him on Facebook, is that an issue?
He's answered, but he's not saying anything.
Joe, Speaker.
Is someone else what a cold Joe?
This is a fucking hot mess.
This is a hot mess of a...
Brody, you had one job was to keep us on track.
Yeah, man.
What's the fuck is your problem?
You're one job, keep us on track.
Well, maybe you're a track.
Maybe your boys learned something last week,
is that keeping it on track is harder than it looks.
No, I can't.
Maybe some times I had a list of five things.
We're learning a lesson. We're learning a lesson, Zach.
Oh, okay.
Keep going, bro. Tom, play some lesson learning music underneath this.
Why would Tom do it when I can do it?
All right. Ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, r Maybe you boys learned something last week that you'll carry into your adult lives.
Maybe. Keep going, Gordon.
Maybe you boys need to carry some of the weight sometimes soon. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, didn't answer. Hello. Joe thank you for speaking to me today. Do you have a bathroom?
Joe, no I'm not in a bathroom but I do have some questions. I need to be answered
on the podcast now. Are you going to ask him if he's pregnant? Ask him. Yeah. Okay, Joe, I have a question for you and I need you to Are you Shrek now?
Straight out of the ogres mouth
Ask him if you Shrek now. Thank you for your time asking if you Shrek, but we have one more question
I have one more question Is it if I'm Shrek now?
Hang up hang Hang up. Hang up. He's on with limit. Oh, God.
Oh, God. That was so scary. That was so fucking scary. He's going to come kill me. He's
crushing me with his own hands. I'm going to give him a call and apologize. I've got a question for you.
Let's give you a straight joke.
Can you hear me, mate?
Yes, of course.
Hey, buddy, it's Zach Rewain here, mate.
Yeah, I know.
It comes up with your name, Zach.
All right.
Here's what's going on.
OK, so I'm doing a podcast.
You're on the podcast right now, by the way.
I just want you to say.
Thank you.
Cheers, because you call me so much when we're not on the podcast these days.
We're gonna get into that, Joe. Yeah, we can. He's been sorry. Sorry. I don't know. I struggle
to get in touch, but you're free to call me, man. You expressed all these guilt in the last one.
Okay. All right. Let's talk later. Let's talk later. But can we try and keep it up
for this one? What do you mean the last one? I don't know. I didn't have the hard to tell you
brodum but we know Joe Shrek. What? We found out Joe was Shrek last week. You know Joe Shrek?
Yeah, we know Joe Shrek for like two weeks now man. Well, I'm just asking.
like two weeks now, man. Well, I'm just asking him.
Mark, we know Joe Shrek.
We talked to Joe last week about him being Shrek.
Yeah, but I could, I forget sometimes.
I forget these things.
No, you knew we were humoring, bro.
And he went to all that effort.
He spent all the patrons money to find out Joe was Shrek.
We had to hum him.
Joe, can you just stay on the line, please man
Okay, so mark yeah, I think it's time we own up to but bro didn't we know who Shrek is
All right bro. What are you what is a boys of a side is down? We know Joe Shrek
We've known about Joe Shrek now for like six, six day weeks.
Yeah, we've known Joe Shrek for ages.
I called up Joe, we chatted.
We had a tour.
Just Joe know he's Shrek.
Joe knows he's Shrek.
Yeah, he did Shrek for us.
Yeah, I'll ask him in a minute.
He's, he's there, Joe.
Yeah. He did did track for us, he like did track for us, Mark called
him, I called him, we know Joe is track, but you'd gone to so much effort, bro, I didn't want
to. I don't know what to say. I think there's one thing to say. Yeah. And that's Joe Schrock now.
That's true.
I mean, we needed that backed up, I suppose.
I mean, in a way, I knew he was free.
Just asking how many weeks are we gonna do this for?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I'm just being so surprised if there's another week in this.
I'd be very surprised.
Yeah, you never know though.
You do never know. Joe, we are going to need you in a minute.
Are you still there, mate?
Yeah. Yeah.
Because that's my question. Do we want to have another week of Joe Shrek now?
Will he still be Shrek now next week?
I don't know. I can't ask him when Joe stops Shrek now.
Do any of you guys know when Joe stops being Shrek?
Sorry Joe, we're just working out some details of the Joe Shrek now bit.
I think he told me that he's gonna be on the Shrek for a few weeks.
But I don't know if he's started being shrek.
But you could just ask him.
I don't want to bother him.
I don't want to bother him.
He's on the line.
Are you on the line, Joe?
Fuck you, man.
Oh, what?
Just ask him.
Ask him if he's shrek now, and ask him if he's stopped shrek now, when?
If you are perfectly free to ask him, Mark, you can call him.
Just ask him now, give him a call.
I'm gonna fucking call him.
I don't have my phone.
Joe, I have a question for you.
Are you gonna be Shrek next week?
All right, well then it's probably important
that we check in with him next week.
Are you going to be afraid around this time next week for us to check in if you still
Could you, could you let me sleep for a bit and then call?
I'm asking, ask him, ask him, ask him, ask him, is the swamp a bit too drafty?
What's a normal time?
Let's put it in this swamp.
Ask him if he's swimming so sleeping in a swamp.
Because I'm sure.
Later in the day, by performance on stage, you know how it is.
Later so I wake up a bit later all.
Yeah, it's like a shift work.
Powered by performing.
Yeah, Joe, are you sleeping in a swamp? Is that
part of the issue? Ask him if we might need to do gentlemen. Yeah. We might need to keep
doing the podcast and go back to silly characters for the main podcast next week but maybe we start to make a 10-minute
mini where we check it with Joe. Just do a little check-in with Joe.
Little Joe check-ins every sat-d. Ask Joe if he would be all right. I don't want
this I don't want people to stop talking about this. Joe would you be okay with
us to check it every sat- find out if you're Shrek
Just get a Shrek update
We'll be putting it out on sati so we don't know when we'll be record again
What times too early for you mate?
This this is too early yet. Can you ask Joe if he sings Smash Mouth?
Do you sing, oh, Todd.
Sing, sing, do you sing, Smash Mouth?
That's pretty much confirmation for me that he's shrekking.
Can you ask him if he's Shrek now?
Joe, are you Shrek now?
Okay, Joe, we're going to start doing weekly Saturday, Joe Shrek now update.
So you okay with that?
Sounds like a real plan.
All right, but we'll call you a little bit later
in the day, maybe, sorry, just so everyone knows
we recorded this at 5 p.m.
So, I'll fuck you then.
Yeah, no, he likes to sleep.
Joe likes to sleep on the stand.
What does this show goes to like 11 p.m.
So you need to slide on the stand, oh, he doesn't need to sleep a lot. Just a little joke. We record we're recording this at eight
You go, Joey, through you through your bone
No, I'm a little fucking bone. Oh, Joe. Joe Shrek now. We're gonna be in touch soon to talk about Shrek
Talon the stage
Otherwise this joke sounds like I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die.
I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going, Joe. If he's Shrek. Ask him if he's Shrek now. Is that all right if I ask you one more question?
Yeah, I can probably guess what it's going to be, did you?
Yeah, do you want to guess?
Do you want to guess?
I'm Shrek now.
No, it wasn't that actually.
Is it if I'm Shrek for real or in my living room?
No, that was not the question.
Get it, get it. One was not the question. Get it.
One more guess, mate.
Get it.
You're gonna hang up for me.
Oh, we lost him.
We lost him.
We lost him.
They're unfortunate.
I'm just gonna quickly send them an apology.
What's up, guys?
There it is.
Well, there it is.
There's the hot scoop.
Still, there it is.
We still don't know for sure whether Joey Shrek,
but I'm pretty sure he is Shrek.
I'm not convinced.
Next week, we will return to goofy characters
and heightened adventures.
But we will do a mini.
Yeah, we will do a mini-
I'm committing to it.
Yeah, I'm happy to commit to a mini-episode.
For the next few sat these,
we will continue to dig until we know for sure whether Joe Shrek now. It's probably something we could lose there.
Because the demand for this bullshit is resounding.
That's right.
The demand for this bullshit is we broke the podcast charts.
We've just beat Jenny Nicholson on on Patreon, which is crazy, which is crazy.
If anyone's seen one of her videos, she has a lot of patrons.
Let's reconvene on Saturday.
Next Saturday, see if Joe Shrek now, but for now,
Bro, I don't want to thank you for your journalism and the integrity that you bring
because without it we, I mean mean we already knew Joe Shrek now
What but
Thank you for being honest. Sorry. What Mark?
Why was that we knew that Joe Shrek now would you say guys guys oh Shrek now? Oh my god
You didn't know give him a call find out Joe Shrek now. Hey guys, I need to wee.
Don't do Joe Shrek now.
We can either wrap this up.
And that's our line of the week.
Bye everybody.
Thanks guys, we'll see you next week.
See you next week everyone.
You've been listening to the Antidona podcast.
Thanks for joining us for another rip-up episode brought to you
See you next week.