Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 244 - Mining For Gold
Episode Date: March 2, 2021On today's Ep Mark goes mining! Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy informat...ion.
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Get a legends and welcome to another rip episode of the Antidonna podcast.
This week we have the third podcast we recorded on one lonely lockdown day.
And Mark in particular goes mining for gold.
Remember if you're into this body you can get access to the video versions of regular
episodes and monthly bonus podcasts at
Oh, hello everybody, Zach Rwain here, one third of the ontiddonna poddick cast if you don't count the people
behind the scenes and that people is Tom. I am here today to tell you that it's
a we're in a snap lock down here in Melbourne we have, we're only on day three, but we decided, hey, let's just jump on
Zoom and record a few parties. Let's just jump on it and record a few parties. So we are still
on day three of the Melbourne lockdown, it's a snap lockdown. But guys, thank you so much for joining us, Broden.
How are you today, you well?
Yeah, I'm great, man.
Thank you for asking, man.
Yeah, no worries.
Very enthusiastic response there from Broden.
But I think we're going to expect something a little more. Chilled out maybe from Mark. Maybe not.
Who knows?
You never know with Mark.
He's the wild card of the group Mark.
How are you today, buddy?
I'm really good.
I'm really good, Zach.
I think I just picked my nose on camera.
And it wasn't.
I picked my nose and then I was sitting here and then I looked up and I saw myself and realized we were recording
I have quite a big nose so quite a lot of books get up there. I often have boogie problems. I got books coming out of that nose and a lot of books accumulating in that note so sometimes I do need to do just a little bit of a clean out there.
I'm 33 year old man and I believe at work and on my podcast I just picked my nose and
I believe I was caught on camera.
So I don't want to talk too much attention to it.
Mark you're safe because most of the people listening to this podcast they listen via Spotify
so well that's great.
Well, they'll never know.
Apple podcasts.
And then there are a few of the Weed Up podcasts that ACAST supplies the podcast to.
Most people are just listening.
They wouldn't have heard you pick your nose.
The only people that are seeing you pick your nose are those that get the video as a special
And that is the members of the Anti-Donner Club bad bad tree. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh out because I'm pretty sure I'm pretty confident that you will see me fully just pick my
fucking nose and you probably wouldn't have seen it because you probably would have been
looking at Broden or Zach while they were talking.
Now absolutely there's a good chance they didn't see it at all Mark so there's a good chance
no one saw it.
If anything it was only the members of the anti-bona Power by Patreon, the choose to watch the podcast that saw it,
that's only numbers in the hundreds. And even then, it could have been who was talking,
not who was picking. So, Mark, I think you're in the clear. I don't think anyone saw you pick your
nose. Now, Mark, you're a hooded. There is a reason I've called you here today.
I've got you on Zoom.
And Broden now is picking your nose.
Oh my God.
Broden, you're picking your nose.
Broden, I didn't even clock.
I didn't even clock.
Broden, let me tell you something.
Let me tell you something about you picking your nose, alright?
It's nothing to be worried about.
And here's why most people listen to this podcast on Spotify or iTunes or other podcasting.
So they wouldn't have seen it.
The only people who would have seen it are people who subscribe to the Antiidona Club on Patreon, now even then, not all of them
are watching the videos and I would argue also that you weren't speaking while you were
picking your nose.
They were probably watching me or Zach, so it's nothing to worry about.
Broden, most people join the Antidona Club by Patreon, but there's one on one engaged
post we occasionally do, but really
the reason why they join us for the bonus podcast, the two bonus podcasts a month, that's
why they join, they listen to those bonus podcasts.
You are a case.
Yeah, I'm fine, but thank you so much for asking.
I'm just going for a new vibe.
I love this vibe.
I feel like you rubbed your nose almost picked it but didn't rub it.
Well that's the thing about my big ass wag nose, which a lot of people look at my nose
and go, is he doing stop oh stop
the whole the presses all the presses I've been caught red handed or should I say green finger
Zach has been called green finger for those of you listening which is the vast majority of you on Spotify or iTunes.
We just had a look at Zach.
And Zach was...
What was Zach doing?
He was doing.
He was caught with his index finger.
I believe that's your index finger.
And a pointy finger.
I would say wrist deep up his left nostril. Right. You're just listening.
Up his right nostril. See the visual of me caught red handed with my finger
deep inside my nose. But that was what I was doing. You would see right now if you were a member of the
Anti-Domac Club powered by Patreon, a man completely nude and not physically
but emotionally exposed. It was embarrassing to say the least
Zach, but it's nothing to worry about. Bro, did you want to tell him why?
Sure, okay. So essentially, we've got upwards of 1.8 million people
listening weekly and a small portion of that Patreon subscribers,
within that only a small portion of those people get
the video stream of the podcast. A lot of people
don't want to watch a podcast recording which makes sense but some people do. Only those
people who are subscribed to Patreon, be, watch these videos and also see who are looking
at the people on this podcast who aren't talking
See the only ones who would have seen you pick your nose. Yeah, man So I uploaded in a grid image do we upload? Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's in a grid. It's in a grid
So really there was the old
Grid image so really is that there was no need to even bring it up the only people who caught you were your friends and colleagues and
And as as someone who
picks their nose very often, as I said before, I got quite a big nose, people often look at my nose
and go, are you Jewish? And I go, well, why are you asking? Is there maybe a little bit of a racist
provoked, are you being provoked by maybe your internal racism? Is that why you're asking?
Um, I wait to interrupt you.
Oh, no.
But somebody's been a naughty boy.
What's happened?
Because I was...
And this podcast is being a very naughty boy.
Well, let me tell you my experience of what just happens,
that because I'm watching this on Zoom.
And of course, me as a viewer,
I'm watching the person who's talking,
I was talking that whole time.
Have I missed something that maybe someone else was doing?
Mark, let me tell you, I'm not a naughty boy
because I'm always in control.
You're not a naughty boy because you are a good boy. All right, that leaves just one person that could be an naughty boy and that's bro.
I'm the naughty boy. I was picking my nose.
Oh, that's disgusting, bro. Gilt is charged
I feel like the kind of laugh that Zack's doing now implies that he's maybe
Set this whole thing up somehow like maybe this was his
Very interested. You just didn't see what see when this goes. There it is. There it is. You think you too.
It's a puppet master.
I am the, I've been known by many names.
The puppet master.
Never stop please.
Is that?
But it is true.
But it is true.
I am the devil himself.
Well, so you're, if you're you're getting onto old comedy podcasts. Yeah
And no just this one just this one I do with Mish and the one you do with Mish
Leg was armor Rama. It's alright. You don't have to play now available on iTunes
It's a great podcast. Yeah, but thank you. It's very sweet, but this is not what I'm doing right now.
What do you mean? What are you doing? I'm revealing myself as a devil.
Yeah, well, you're the devil. So obviously, you would be full of trickery.
So you're saying you're not doing this. Chances are that's exactly what you're doing.
Chances are that's been your plan this entire time.
To promote my podcast. Yeah. Side project. Yeah.
I really don't need anyone to listen to.
Oh, oh, oh, right. I was going to, I thought you was, I don't, I don't need the, I don't
need the viewership. I'm the devil. I've got, you know, all types of, well, you got, you
got, uh, my main focus is, is, is, is leading the sheep away from the shepherd. Right.
So when you were picking your nose,
you thought that was you know that was you being tempted by me.
Right, kind of like the apple and the garden
of Eden type situation.
That wasn't me, that's a fucking thing.
You still wasn't again.
Brody's still in it again.
That wasn't me, I didn't do this.
Guilty, I've been picking my nose.
Yeah, no, no, no. Guilty is. Yeah, guilty is charged guilty is charged
I just want to address the fact that that the snake wasn't me the snake was talking sorry devil devil sorry
Mark just yeah didn't pick but spend a fair bit of time around the nostrils just then what at this thing yet?
No, no, I'm not- I'm not gonna say guilty.
I'm not gonna say guilty as charged.
I think you have completely misread what I was doing.
Often I might know this as full of books,
but that doesn't mean I'm picking them,
sometimes because I don't want to pick them.
I'm just rubbing sides of my nose just to loosen up the book
so I can breathe a little easier.
You know what I'm saying? Does anyone want to like I I'm the devil.
No one cares, cunt.
But I've been the devil the whole time. Yeah we know we knew.
You knew? Yeah man. How long did you know for?
When did we figure it out, Broden? I can't I've I had no idea I feel like and I kind of feel like you're bluffing like you don't want to show
no no no no that no no no that you don't know that nerd thing where you say you've seen a movie when you haven't I have seen that movie
what movie
the devil's advocate.
That's not me.
It's a movie about me.
What, yeah, I know.
I totally knew Zach was, I knew from about podcast 53.
So we've been working together for years
before we started doing the podcast.
So it's a pretty long run.
It's a fairly long run, but I was always suspicious
and then in podcast 53, there's a bit where run, but I was always suspicious and then in podcast 53
There's a bit where you burst into my land. Yeah in Queensland when we were doing I
Glandridge secondary college where it were at the tivoli I think I remember we were at we were at post show We're having some drinks and I said to you I said mark
And I was pretty over because I wanted to tell you that night. I really
wanted to tell you that night, and I thought you might know, and I said, Mark, you know
the devil from the Bible and from from from Judeo Christian. I remember this, I remember
this. I remember this, yeah, yeah. It's exactly you that I know you're doing this. Can you bring back your cool voice? I will I can I
Will I get it? I get what you're saying, bro
But I'm I'm confronting Mark right now because I tried to tell Mark
But I'm just asking can you do your cool voice while you tell Mark this?
I think it gives it more gravitas, but that was the voice of a man who had a secret.
But I don't hold that secret.
Secret out, baby.
Secret out.
Don't care.
Don't care, do voice.
No, I'll do the voice in a bit.
I'm not your dancing monkey.
If anything, you're my dancing monkey.
I'm the devil.
He's the puppy master.
He's playing the puppy master.
Do the fucking voice.
I'll do the voice in a minute.
I need to confront Mark.
You weren't even there, Broden.
You weren't there.
You'd gone to bed.
You'd gone back to your hotel room to bed.
I said to Mark.
Probably did not want to.
I said to Mark, you know the devil.
And I said, do you think you know who the devil is?
Do you know that if the devil is taking human form,
if you knew, would you know it?
Like, I was so overt, all you had to say is,
Zach, I know, and you didn't say anything.
Because I didn't want to embarrass you.
Cause I can't tell you.
When Tom worked it out, he came to me and he said,
Zach, you said I'm gonna ask you straight out.
Tom's much more overt than me.
I'm the kind of person if I ask for roast turkey in the dally
and they pick up the chicken loaf, I'm not gonna correct them.
I'm gonna go close enough, it's not worth the social interaction.
That's how terrified of confrontation I am, Zach.
Now, I would say to you yes, Zach
I know you're the devil. I know you've been the devil since podcast 53 and then you
tore my ass open and took my spine out because you have the ability to do that
What am I gonna do then I'm gonna look the fool yeah, and I'm terrified of that meeting trust me
then I'm going to look the fool. Yeah. And I'm terrified of that. You didn't trust me.
Enough to just say, Zach, I know you're the devil. Tom said it. We've been cool
ever since. Right. Broden, you really didn't suspect anything.
No, I'm more, see, I'm more goal orientated. So I know,
wake up in the morning, I'm like, what can I do to make me better today?
Yeah. You know, yeah. So I'm never really thinking can I do to make me better today? Yeah. You know?
So, I'm never really thinking about who's the devil, who's not the devil.
I'm like, what can I do today that'll help me get there?
You know?
When I took you to that plane of existence that many call hell, when I took you and I,
when we tortured the souls of sinners together, you and me. What did you think we were doing?
I thought we were getting in there
to learn about ourselves, get better at it, and move on.
You guys said you were going to time zone.
I'm pissed.
Admittedly, the hell is, for a human mind,
looks like time zone.
Yeah, but just less fun.
They don't have point blank.
They have point blank, but like, you pretty much got a feed coins into it every minute.
Do they have Buck Hunter?
Do they have the Halo game?
You know the Halo arcade game?
And no, we did have it, but we did have it, but there was some technical issues.
But that's Star Wars arcade.
They do, yeah.
Do they have guitar hero?
And not.
Oh, okay.
It doesn't sound like a great time, so I'm back to the dev...
Yeah, back comes the void.
Yeah, there we go.
I'm the devil.
Now that we know Zack is the devil, We can push through with the original
what we were originally doing on this podcast.
Which was?
Which was?
What? What are we?
I'm asking.
I was going to have a secret. That was going to be my whole thing.
Right. So when you said, let's jump in, Zach, do you have a thing? I said, yeah,
and my thing was going to be that I have a secret.
And then you were going to try and work out what the secret was, but it just felt
better to I decided about 20 minutes, like 10 minutes in that the secret was that
I'm the devil. And then I just told you, yeah, I picked up on that bit.
So when you say, let's get back on track, Mark,
I've got some bad news for you, son.
We are on track.
Well, that's a terrifying thought.
That's a frightening proposition.
We are right on track.
Okay, well, let's talk about movies and music.
Devil, what is your favorite flick of a classic? The Devil's Prada. The favorite film is The Devil's Prada.
Can ask why. Favorite band? My favorite band. Sorry, at first I'm going to answer why the Devil wears Prada is my favorite film.
Mostly because, well, the reason I watched it or the reason I love it.
The reason I watched it was because it had Devil in the title.
And I've never worn Prada and I was like, what's this?
You know, I was like, what are they gonna say?
I'm more of a Gucci man.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Gucci merch more than actual Gucci.
Like I wear a Gucci T shirt that I got from,
times from, from,
a shop.
You can get them at time zone.
You can get them at time zone.
You said time zone.
You can get them at time zone.
Oh, stop it.
It's like 1,500 tickets.
Stop it.
Stop it. It's like 1,500 tickets. Stop it. Stop it.
But so the reason I loved it is I just
thought that Meryl Streep has a way
to take monstrous, two-dimensional female characters
and create depth with maybe a rewrite,
but almost always performance.
It evoked for me what she did with her character in Kramer versus Kramer
And I just thought it was fantastic
That's my favorite episode of Seinfeld
I always prepare an egg
For me, there's gonna be a devil dig
And not for the reason you think
And not for the reason you think.
All right, well then why? Because I've got a very specific reason.
In my mind, that's not right.
If you think the reason I like doing a devil dig
is because of the tang of mustard
and the chopping up the yolk and re-adding it,
making it delicious.
If that's the reason you think you'd be wrong,
the reason I love devil digs
is because it has my name in it.
Right, right.
That is not why I was thinking.
I was thinking for the mustard reason.
So that's why that's quite clear.
Netflix, original film, starring,
you know, young up and coming British actors,
or you know, just like people have done
superhero films and transitioning.
That kind of genre.
Oh, I've not seen it yet.
I think you're implying,
are you talking about that Robin Pattinson Harry Potter one?
No, no, Spider-Man, sorry, Spider-Man, the devil,
I've not seen it.
Is it good?
It will interest you.
Yeah, I think, well, I don't know if you're like the movie,
but there's enough in the title given given your
Pre the things that you've liked in the past and what I know of you
I think there's enough in the title to get you on board to at least give it a watch
Yeah, definitely definitely and I love I love I think he's the best spider-man Tom Tom Tom Holland. Yeah, I think he's the best Spider-Man. Tom, Tom, Tom Holland. Yeah, I think he's really good.
I also think Andrew Garfield got a bad run.
I'm excited for the new one.
Well, we don't know.
Where are your horns?
Here, right here.
I've got big horns on my head.
Car, but it had the press imagery and videos of you.
You never had them before.
Oh yeah, no, my horns camouflage. But it had the press imagery and videos of you. You never had them before.
Oh yeah, no, my horns camouflage.
They're invisible like the invisible car in,
so this is actually a funny story.
You know the invisible car in the Bond movie,
the one where he's in the ice hotel,
the Madonna's in, Diane other day.
I saw that and I said to,
I have a little demon friend and I said can
we do that with my horns when they go to earth? And they said yeah we can look into it and
they put that together. So I have invisible horns but there is big as a buck.
Why sketch comedy? Couldn't tell you. I mean when when I joined the group, we weren't set on sketch.
That really happened after our first show.
It did.
It did well that we kind of were like, let's stick to sketch.
We were more of a broad comedy troupe when I started.
So, I mean, you know as much as I know.
Um, how did the character group get started?
You got in touch.
You said we should start a comedy group.
I said, yeah, that's great.
A message mark, a message mark.
Sorry, I've known you for longer than I've been in this group, Broden.
I've been the devil the whole time.
Does this make sense?
Did you kill the devil and take his powers?
Did you kill the devil and take his powers? Did I kill the devil and take his powers? Pardon? Did you kill the devil and take his powers?
Did I kill the devil and take his powers?
Oh, were you born the devil?
Oh my goodness, no, I am the devil.
I was born in human form.
Sort of, I'm the anti-Christ in a lot of ways.
The Bizarro Christ, I've never referred to myself as.
What's your favorite band?
What was that, broden? Oh
Favorite band
Look I love what 100 gecks are putting out since you got me into them. I really love that
I think that's the devil's music
Sure, I mean I like it so sure.
Yeah, sure, yeah, yeah, I guess so.
You listened to that remix album as well?
Not the whole album but I did listen to the Friday remix.
It was quite funny.
Yeah, well it was produced by Dylan Brady.
Oh yes, right, I wasn't by a hundred gigs, you're absolutely right.
But why do you do evil deeds?
Evil deeds
Evil deeds was that my own it yeah
I don't know
So for context I was
Friends with God so God I was one of God's first angels, right?
And then I left heaven.
I sort of went out on my own way.
And the thing is right, so.
My fleet would Mac.
Like fleet would Mac.
Sort of.
So basically, yeah, go your own way.
So basically, I don't know if you know this,
basically when you start your own thing,
I'd signed a contract with God when I left
an anti-competition clause.
So when I left in order to get paid out,
I couldn't start anything like him.
He'd already done the good thing.
So really the only space for me was the evil sort of space.
Look at that sort of thing. Sorry, what was your evil deeds?
Why do you do evil deeds?
Yeah, well, I couldn't say.
And I haven't really done that for a while now.
Red, red, everything is red.
Why is everything red all the time?
That's one of the times, Mark.
Red, red. You're obsessed with the color red. Why is everything red all the time. That's one of the time, guys. Mark. Red, red.
You're obsessed with the color red.
Why is everything red all the time?
Fire, it's a vocative of fire.
That makes sense.
Yeah, it's fun.
It's a fun color.
I mean, I wasn't really doing red in just...
Are you going to take your souls?
Sorry, bro, and I was just answering Mark's question there.
Can you just wait a moment? I'm so sorry. Sorry, sorryden, I was just answering Mark's question there. Can you just wait a moment?
I'm so sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
The answer to red...
Yeah, so the answer to red Mark was that was the Renaissance painters.
They more or less decided I was red, you know, you're Michael Angelo's, etc.
They decided I was red.
And I liked it, so I went with it. Brodyn,
you asked a question. Are you going to take our souls? If you do bad, so Brodyn, yes, I know
everything you've done. And all the evil things you've done, Mark, we're going to see Mark, we're gonna see Mark, you know, he did a lot of bad, but he's repenting.
So why is it your job to punish badness?
Great question. And that's a question I do get a lot. And I think it really comes down to a fundamental misunderstanding of what it is that I do. So I'm not punishing people for being bad.
I like to torture any soul
that I can get my grubby little thingies on.
Okay, does that make sense?
What's happening is I'm getting the people
that aren't getting into heaven.
So you have a problem with bad people being punished, you've got to talk to God.
Fire, brimstone, lava, gee, a musket hot and hell, do you have air conditioning?
Do I have air conditioning in hell?
Yeah, in hell, do you have air conditioning?
I do need air conditioning.
Yeah, no, it doesn't work.
What about in your office?
What about just in your life?
Yeah, in my earth office. No, in your, I mean'm a hell of it. It's not like that. You're thinking physical
The fire and the brimstone and everything are just
Evocations in order to try and capture the emotional state that it is for a soul inhale
Right, have you seen the movie soul have either of you guys seen the movie soul? Yes, I have, I have.
You have brodo?
Yeah, okay.
So you know how that's all wobbly and cool
and kind of airy?
It's more like that, but dark.
So nine inch nails, they did the set on track to soul.
And just imagine if it had been more 9-inch nails,
a little more intense, a little more spooky,
that's kind of what hell is.
It's not fine.
But why are you telling us now?
Why am I telling you now?
Well, we're on the other side.
Oh, fuck it.
Why are you repeating everything I say?
I said, I was very clear.
You're speaking very high-pitched and very quick.
I think it's harder to say that. You're't sign it to be asking the devil some questions.
We all are sorry if it takes over sometimes
and our voices get a little high pitched.
That's what I felt.
Yeah, but that's fine, but I'm sorry
that I'm just seeking clarity when you speak like an idiot.
God, the devil's a jerk.
Okay. Okay. Okay, you're a fucking prick devil, Zach.
Yeah. I'm sorry, guys. That was a question. Yeah, not cool. I know you're all you run
heart. I know that you love fire. You love lava, but that was not cool.
And sometimes you need to be cool.
All right.
Sometimes you need to chill out.
And I know you're the devil, right?
But turn that aircon on, all right.
Bring your core temperature down and chill, bro.
How many times do I have to tell you the heat thing is not relevant, right?
The heat thing is just not a thing.
I've told you that a few times now.
Not only that, you're talking about, like, I'm Zach still.
Have you ever met Jesus Christ?
What's He like in real life?
Oh my God.
Oh my God. Oh my God.
This is hilarious.
What's he like?
He's fine.
He's fine.
We don't get a lot of people.
I have a question.
Why won't you do the voice?
You do the voice.
I did the voice.
The voice is done.
It doesn't work.
It doesn't work anymore.
I can't.
Like that.
Yeah. No it is.'t like that. Yeah, I like that.
Should we evaluate the characters?
Yeah, sure.
Let's start with Zach, you led this podcast,
so why don't we have a look at your character first?
It wasn't really a character.
It was more just a bit.
It was a still in character.
What do you mean?
Well, that was the devil.
The devil was the idea that I was the devil.
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, the idea of Zach is that has been the devil all along.
What a relief.
I spoke to just nothing.
I actually need the whole time. Yeah
You're still in the bit. Yeah, and maybe I am the devil and I just know I'm not I'm not
Mark how was the devil
I I quite liked I would have given I give the devil for personally
Yeah, I go to in a half. I just think he was alright, but I
Don't know I could have come in with
a bit more, you know, a couple of it.
Compare him to God and Jesus, two characters I'm very proud to have done.
Or you compare him to, you know, Lee and Steve.
Mmm, hmm, Lee and Steve, of course, from last week.
Mark, how, you both played Mark and Brode, and and Brode and how do you give that a rating?
Well, I mean how highly do I rate myself, my own personality, quite low, that has to do with
myself a steam, that has to do with lots of things. So I'm going to give me a two stars. I'm going to give Mark in this podcast, a
two star, a two star review. And I feel very similarly to Mark, you know, like, you know,
it's yourself and, you know, where he's very similar on levels. I'm going to have to
give myself to a half. And I would agree with those
little bit higher.
You just give yourself a little bit higher there.
Yeah, I would say.
Oh, what's up?
Oh, yeah.
No, I'm really happy with my basic.
Oh, I guess I'm two and a half as well, yeah.
Oh, sorry, wait, what is this writing system mark?
It's just a self-possibility.
So you two and a half?
Broden and I both given ourselves about two and a half.
I'm a three. a half I'm a three
well I'm a three
that's uh well you's already said two and a half
I feel like you shouldn't get to
you said two
three I don't well yeah but I was unsure
and um let's make a deal
every time you move I move
little joke therefore people who are watching
the Zoom podcast.
All right, bye.
I am the devil and I send ye to hell.
What does that mean?
I'll break that down for me.
I'll join this next year.
What's this? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, thinking what guys do a bit of Don Taze Inferno. Don't really look what I'm saying. It's like to give people an introduction.
Actually, yeah, no, maybe I can come.
Like maybe I'm like a bit of a, you know,
like I appear like a hologram.
I go, hey guys, how you going?
How's it going in hell?
I'm very open to the idea of ascend you to hell
kind of set up.
Don Taze Inferno sort of structure for the next podcast and I'll just pop in from
time to time but otherwise play characters like meh first off at least welcome to the first
layer of hell.
When you guys play it quite cool I think that could be a funny bit.
We'll see.
We'll have a chat about it.
Yeah, yeah.
That's what you do.
Sort of like welcome to the first layer of hell.
I met this stuff elite himself.
I'm glad I'm hearing this now, so I get to maybe just think about it rather than jumping straight into it.
You come to the second layer of hell. I am the devil's God
Okay, and you go you sort of well, I'll decide what I say. I think that's it will be three
Toppants to go down to the third layer. I have to pay I
Just won't pay for the third layer is the layer of greed.
Does it get better?
The further you go, the more it's worse.
To get into it, I think what it is, just as I'm sort of riffing on it, it would be that
each layer represents a sin.
In order to get in, there's a puzzle, a guard into the next level.
It's not too daunting, as in Piano It's My Own Thing.
There's a guard into the next level. It's not too Dante's in front of it's own thing. There's a guard into the next level.
And you have to work out,
all right, how do I convince a guard?
Whose main vice is the sin of the level he is.
Okay, now this is quite like, this is got some leaks.
So he, you know, and then you come down and say,
ah, welcome to the layer of greed.
Oh, all that motivates me is gold and silver. Look to the layer of greed. All that motivates me is gold and silver.
Look to the left.
It's Judas.
Look to the right.
It's a...
No, no, no, no.
El Capone?
I was trying to think of an industrialist.
The cruel industrialist of the steel and railway era.
Of course.
Many thoughts on this?
Many thoughts on this sort of game.
This is a...
I thought we could do one.
I thought like a cool game show episode or something.
Yeah, but then you have to get through the...
Oh, you know, like...
Maybe one of the whole guys. Oh, welcome.
Welcome, I am God of the fourth layer,
the layer of lust.
Yeah, and then maybe we play like the same.
It sounds a bit lame, like you're talking.
It sounds a bit talking to me.
I think it could be really edgy, personally, burden,
because hell, fire, brimstone, lava,
all things that are like hot and can burn you if you touch them
Yeah, and so you know and there's you know sex and drugs and
Overall the message is like as cool as this is this is where you've been and up and
You know hell is not a fun place to be don't, you don't want to get a hell, bro.
You don't want to get a hell.
That's kind of the call message.
And I think you'd come to the end of it and you'd go,
God, that was a pretty like cool and wild adventure.
And I bet a straight nothing fly right,
because nothing will end up, yeah.
I think this Sunday morning, I know where I'm heading,
straight to church.
Yeah, yeah.
I think that's kind of cool.
I think there's something cool about that, bro. No, there's something cool about that. No, that's kind of cool. Every time you call about that, bro.
No, that's not a question of Christchurch.
I don't think he is.
No, I think he's just going down a narrative.
It's kind of sexy and cool, what I'm talking about.
Yeah, and like what's more sexy and cool than Kevin Rice?
I'm thinking Kevin Sorbo from Hercules.
You know what I'm saying?
I'm thinking the girl from Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
I'm talking Hollywood.
Yeah, I'm talking.
We're talking God's not dead.
Yeah, I'm talking dark, sexual, violent,
like really, like this is not for kids this one.
Let your Nana or your Non-No or your Yaya
listen to their next podcast
because it is gonna get
Sexual and then at the end at the end absolutely. It's like, you know, these guys had some like like
Fun, hmm, but I know where I'm heading on Sunday morning
I'm jumping back to the car Sunday service place. That's gonna be for Jumping in the back of the car, heading straight to church and mum and dad.
What are the chances that when people switch
on the podcast next week,
this is never discussed or addressed?
50, 50.
50, 50, I think, yeah, it's a 50, 50.
I think it's a real 50, my vote is a hard yes,
and then it's really down to you two and I think it's
almost better to just leave it let's see where we are next week.
That's the cliffhanger.
That's the cliffhanger.
Oh, bye.
You've been listening to the Aunty Donna Podcast.
Thanks for joining us for another rep episode brought to you by Aunty Donna
See you next week!