Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 245 - The 7 Layers of Hell
Episode Date: March 9, 2021On today's podcast join us for a journey through the 7 layers of hell!  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.
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Get a legends and welcome to another rip episode of the Arntie Donner podcast.
This week we continue our run of COVID-Banked Poddies.
This week's episodes is brought to you by the
This month's bonus content included a live commentary of Monty Partner and the Holy Grail,
a breakdown of upcoming movie trailers and a theatre game podcast.
Good evening and welcome to the Antidona podcast folks.
A little bit of a content warning here before we begin. We will be going into the depths of hell in this episode. So those of you who spook easily
or are familiar with the Bible and the sort of traditional ideas of how and and the seven layers of how maybe
this one won't be for you might hit a little close to home. Also a lot of our
podcasts have course language. This podcast will have corn language so just a
little content there that there will be corn language in this
podcast. So those of you who are intolerant of high fructose corn syrup, maybe this
one more thing for you. Is that the podcast? Is that why you said you wanted to open the
podcast? Is that was it that? There's a corn language warning here for those of you. I'm really on board with that.
So instead of the F word, you say, oh, fructose off.
And you know, maybe there'll be talks of kernels,
there'll be talks of husks, maize,
Jonathan, and the corn.
Yeah, from corn.
We'll be doing a little bit of boom,
back a boom, back a day.
Oh, boom, back a boom, back a day.
Oh, it's not the boom, back a day.
The boom, back a boom, that.
We might, at times, be feeling like a freak on a leash
while we're eating corn on the cob.
So just a little content warning here
that as we quite earnestly travel now through
the seven layers of hell as
promised in the previous podcast, there will be some corn language. So let's take
it away, Zach. Here I am at the gates of hell. I am the God, the God of all hell. What's this? The devil has sent me to be.
No, they don't mean. hell, Broden. I think you
thought it would be a funny, cool idea to go to hell and maybe on this journey
we'll discover at the end of it, hell isn't actually the raddest place to be.
Maybe on a Sunday, there's somewhere else that's just as cool.
On Sunday morning, maybe there's a place that you could take your parents to learn a little bit about.
Is this the best time to expose all of this? I'm just saying.
I'm just saying. All I'm saying, Broden, you husk of a man. All I'm saying. I'm sincerely engaging. I'm afraid. I know, I know. And I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,'m afraid I know I know and I What's all this talk all this talk? Oh lucky? I wasn't going to let you in unless you proved that you are able to get into the first layer of hell and what is the
Self the way you
How you're going to end this
Me you are going now to the first layer of hell
That it is for that represents and is for those who feel proud
I am not make you're maxing out you're maxing out. You're maxing out when you're free.
No, no, no, not on mine.
I've got the recording set to quite like.
I can't hear you and I can't bounce off the end of the video.
Well, that's how I scream, okay?
And if you're gonna tease me for that,
then maybe a little Sunday school would have done you good
when you were younger, okay?
Never been.
Don't feel the need.
Yeah, well, maybe at the end of this journey
We'll see if you feel differently. I don't know where this is going. I don't know what our arc is gonna be and what our journey is gonna be
But potentially we're at a point now where we think how is a pretty rad place like skateboarders
graffiti artists, you know people
Of that kind of you of rock stars who've had sexual
orgies with multiple partners and they've done it raw, they've done a bear back, you
know, and not married to any of these individuals. And I'm excited to see that that's how I
feel now, but after the seventh layer of hell, maybe'll feel different maybe I'll come to a realization
That there's somewhere else on a Sunday I'd rather be but let's go through into the first layer of hell
Who knows
Who knows where this is gonna go?
He always thought you came by the end what no
Not at all. I don't know where this is going.
Brodin doesn't know where this is going.
I just wanted to do one.
I'm just a great fun little morality play about how, about to encourage our audience to
go to church.
Right, Zach, Zach.
And you've ruined it.
I think you might be pleasantly surprised where this goes from what I have planned.
Okay, alright.
He's a little sick.
Well, he there.
Welcome to the first. Oh, all right. He's a lot like a little heat air. Welcome to the
first. Oh, I'm so scared. What's going to
happen? What am I going to learn? I'm so
surprised. I'm so scared. Anything could
happen here. I personally am so afraid
that I could reassess the way that I live
my life. Yeah, yeah, maybe I look for a place that I can find salvation.
And potentially this is the first step on that journey.
But if there's a place by the end of this that gives me salvation, I'll be there every
Sunday morning.
Yeah, well we'll see.
Well hey there, welcome to the first layer of hell.
Not so bad, is it?
There's Starbucks on every corner.
Why do you have an American accent?
Well, it looks a lot like Hollywood, does it?
That looks like a one Hollywood boulevard.
Is that the Chinese theater in front of me?
Yeah, Hollywood.
There's gyms everywhere, free memberships to gyms,
tanning salons, everyone's looking good, and it's
all about me, me, me.
That sounds pretty cool.
Well, you seem like quite a proud individual.
Yeah, I got the coolest hair and the coolest threads.
I get advanced sales from Target where they give me the coolest thread
Broden this is
terrifying and oh fuck can't fuck I'm so fucking can't fuck scared. I agree you you kernel head
But what I what I'm most scared of
Broden is that I thought how was gonna be a rad place
I thought how was gonna be a place I could kick up my heels and enjoy myself and be a badass
like I've been in the mortal realm.
But now I'm starting to see.
You talk too much.
You're talking way too much.
Just like go with it.
You're doing the final monologue every fucking time you talk.
Like every fucking time.
And it's ruining my fucking podcast.
All right, I'm sorry.
Just like I swear.
I just can't fucking guard.
I was trying to do it at the end.
You said the briefest earnest.
Mark, you are your big guy.
This guy is trying to heavy-handedly push Christianity
on our audience through a morality play.
And every time you talk, you're stepping all over
his morality bullshit.
Now let him, you could actually learn a thing
on two from this journey.
All right.
Don't you understand, Mark, when you say,
oh, I've learned my lesson, I've learned my lesson.
I haven't learned my lesson. Young teenagers, Mark, a teenage say, oh, I've learnt my lesson. I've learnt my lesson. I haven't learnt my lesson.
Young teenagers mark, a teenage audience, they switch off.
They switch off, they go, oh, another morality story.
No, thank you.
And then they go off and they watch South Park
or they watch the Simpsons, and they're done.
And we've lost those souls.
Just go with it.
You can pretend it's cool for fucking 25 minutes,
and then at the end, that's when you make the realization
with the audience, okay?
You're being a real ear at the moment,
an ear of corn.
So what I'm trying to do right now
is create something cool and dynamic and sexy.
And I'm into that.
I'm totally into that.
I can just go with that.
But you have to allow me, you have to allow me to be truthful
to my content warning at the start of the podcast.
I don't, yeah, you do whatever you want.
Just don't do the monologue every time.
It's laborious.
All right, I don't know if the audience
are going to be able to follow, but I'll go with your lead here.
Okay, just, it's called setup.
I call setup. But yeah. I don't know if the audience is gonna be able to follow, but I'll go with your lead here. Okay, just set up. It's called set up.
It's called set up.
But yeah.
I just wanna ask a question I could have asked earlier.
Do you think our silly podcast is the best place
to push Christian morality?
Ah, look, I'm talking about like one little bit at the end.
Like I'm actually talking, like I want this podcast
to be as cool and dangerous and sexy as all of our content, you know?
You're violent and like just sexual and raw and hot.
I want it to be like all our other content, right?
But just right at the end, right?
Like I just want you guys to go,
ah this isn't all that fun.
And it's gonna get darker,
just as we travel along the seven.
So right now
I wanted to be like cool Hollywood fun like something that teenagers
What's up? Explain it. You're now you're fucking serious right now. Just go with it. Just go with it
You're getting lost in your own maze
Hey, guess how many skateboard I have on my wall to
Hey, guess how many skateboard I have on my wall to
Nope, I have 20 skateboards. Whatever I want
Skateboard boards at school. All right, they're the coolest skateboard
Everyone at school is so jealous because I've got everything I want the coolest Threads level on the next level plays on board of this man
Board huh I'm going bro. Don next level, please. I'm bored of this man.
I'm going, bro, don't you wanna come? Yeah.
You're right.
All right.
All right.
I am good to do the next level.
The last character started this way as well,
and then ended up American.
I just wanna footnote that.
No, he didn't.
It was a played two characters, so far.
I'll do it differently.
I'll do something different.
That's terrifying.
Welcome to my bank.
Your business voice is really hard to do.
You've thrown me out of your brain.
I bet it's great.
I bet this level's great.
Is this great?
Can I have some money?
You can have as much money as you want.
I don't like that.
But here's the condition.
I put it in the hole of your penis.
Okay, I got it out
How much money do you want I just took out a million dollars?
Okay, well
Gee I
Can I just check in for a moment? I just want to check in with Broden about. I don't want to do that.
I'm not emotional, Tony.
Come on!
I don't want to do that.
You try to save your fucking souls or what?
This podcast goes out to 14 million people.
We just beat Logan Paul in the chat, Zach.
And you don't want to save that many souls because you're over it.
Come on, man.
Dude, where's your Christian spirit?
Dude, where are they?
Where's your Christmas spirit? Where's your Christian spirit? Dude, where are they? Where's your Christmas spirit?
Where's your Christmas spirit?
You've got issues, which is a little corn reference there
for people.
Maybe you guys should stop yelling at me.
All right, because you're in the wrath world.
Oh, very good.
He tricked us.
Are you, mefistopheles is the most well-known trickster in all of hell.
No, no.
All right.
I'm Harry Styles.
Yeah, that's right.
Pretty inoffensive pop star Harry Styles.
But, but hello there.
Harry, I was much like you on earth.
I'm sorry, I'm not feeling good.
Come on, come, keep it up. It's fine.
It's going great. Harry, stay in it.
At least get through this bit.
Harry, when I was on earth, I was just like you.
I was a badass rock star. I fucked anyone and anything that
came my way. I left my boys, I dogged my boys to start a successful solo career as a singer-songwriter.
And I, every Christmas, regardless of who invited me around and whose house I was at even if I'd never been there before I would take the steamy ass shit
in their toilet I would flush but I wouldn't check to see if I left
Skitties clean up after myself. So I'm Harry Styles and you're angry at me. No
You were angry before but I guess I'm a beautiful man. I sing pop songs and I could have any
person I want to make love to. I bet you'd be pretty jealous of me.
No, I was saying that's how I was on earth before this.
No, but I'm saying you'd probably be pretty jealous of me, wouldn't you?
No, no, I had that similar kind of lifestyle.
Bro, then?
You've just described my lifestyle. I am immensely promiscuous and I can have anyone I desire.
The people they saw Caldoy, they went, I want him. So I live a very sexual lifestyle
now. It's just me getting my ending.
Oh, listen, you love that because welcome to the next layer of hell.
Well, there we didn't even last.
Yeah, but I am syphilis.
The STI.
Not you can have sex with any person you want to.
You can have Sodom, Sodom or you can do any kind of sex with your mouth or penis
And you can do sex with your bottom oil and yeah any kind of sex you want at all you can do here
But here's the catch
Can you pick me? What if I'm just getting pegged?
Right now you're screaming. I know you're terrified right now. I know you're screaming, but I just want to know if I get pegged
Am I still gonna get syphilis?
Yeah, how I put syphilis in the peg
That's just that that's mean.
I'm doing that.
That's how.
That is terrifying.
That is just good.
I have.
This is awesome.
Yeah, this is really good.
Yeah, I know.
Well, it would be going better if you guys sort of bought in and actually, Mark, this is
actually a good opportunity for you to go, oh wow, all the sex I could want, but this
syphilis isn't that fun and start to like set up for your realization at the
No, I'm not even locked into having a realization at the end anymore.
I just, I'll do it.
You broke me.
You broke me.
I was setting it up, Brody and I want you to have the realization.
I'm passing it on to you, but I want Zach to know I was setting it up and I was doing
a beautiful job of setting it up
Yeah, now it's a little much you're doing too much. That's that is for
The network executives and the producers to decide
Not that not my not someone who is writing this with me at the time all right
I will get I'll take those notes from the higher ups, but not from a colleague.
Yeah, that's fantastic.
Alright, go, bro.
Brody, it's your journey now.
Oh, oh, oh, oh.
I don't know what I'm supposed to say.
You're just meant to be like, sex with anyone I want, with my bottom, my hand, my mouth,
all my penis. That sounds like someone with my bottom, my hand, my mouth, my penis.
That sounds like so much fun and everything I've ever desired here on earth when I masturbate.
That sounds awesome and like everything I've ever desired, sounds like everything I've ever
desired on this is weird man, is this this is weird. Yeah, it's good. Can you just try and break down the,
how he would put syphilis in like,
a dildo or like anal beads or something like that
to give you syphilis?
Down here syphilis works,
like it can stay alive as long as I want it to.
So I just put it on the,
like a crem,
like you put on like a crem,
like you spread it on like,
yeah, spread it on like,
so you just got like a, like a towel.
There's syphilis in all the lube.
Brought in, and then you, but you're just gonna go,
but this syphilis doesn't sound like much fun at all.
I have quite a natural lactating arsehole.
Okay, if I don't need lube.
But that's, but that,
the syphilis doesn't sound much fun. Oh. Oh. But that's... But that...
The Cifalus doesn't sell my much fun.
Yeah, so I was...
So I was gonna go down to Gluttony now, but we might skip back to Envy because you guys
didn't go down here and I was asking you to do a jealous.
You're gonna Gluttony?
I need a snack.
You have a Gluttony,, like MB, there's no realization.
MB is all just random.
Oh, wait, but am I not envious of those people
who are in gluttony because they're eating right now
and I wish.
They're not, okay.
No, that's not how I wanted it.
Wow, hell hasn't quite turned out
to be the place I thought it would be.
I thought it was gonna be rumble, tumble,
pedal to the metal, lock stock and two smoking barrels.
But actually, you know what?
Zach hasn't been very open to your suggestions.
No, and he's committed to sin himself.
The sin of country.
Being a bit of a con.
Yeah, yeah, being a bit of a little bussy to-
Well, I'll tell you why I'm being a con
because I'm jealous of Mark.
He's got that beautiful beard, the cool Batman tattoo.
Lentating asshole.
And then this is all ridiculous.
I know we're all be Sunday. Well, not yet. Welcome,
welcome to the end. Oh, this guy's too much like my other guys. Oh, it was different enough. I
thought it was different. I would love to have just some advice on how to make envy different.
Maybe. Maybe it's a little deeper. Like that. Oh, maybe it's a little deeper like that
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll cuz I'm yeah, yeah, that's good. That's great. All right. I'll do something a little different
Hello, welcome to envy
You make it different yet a land of mirrors
As you look at yourself and wish you looked like Angelina Jolie
Piper Peribo or
That cheek from swim fan, but no
Erica Erica thing maybe Nev Campbell I would like to look like Nev Campbell He said the girl from safe the last dance
Yeah, but still I can still want to look like because oh because I
Because I'm in
Envious talking about I've got this Erica Christians, yeah, but maybe I'm envious of Nev Campbell
Oh, yeah, yeah, and the way that's it. Yeah, no, that's the whole point. Yeah, that's what this is the point Envious of an ev-camble. Oh yeah.
And the weight.
Well, that's it.
Yeah, no, that's the whole point.
Yeah, that's what this is the point.
Yeah, yeah, that's what I'm saying.
That's a good point.
Are we in envy?
Are we in envy?
Are we in envy?
Wait, wait, wait, that's too quick.
You need to have, you need to do it.
No, that's good.
No, that's the big monologue.
No, that's good.
No, that's the big monologue.
That sort of describes, oh, I thought how it was going to be one thing.
I thought it was going to be quite cool, pedal to the metal, you know, where I could let my hair out, hang out with
my favorite rock stars and dictators, that kind of thing, all the people I admire. And then,
and then you have the realization that actually it hasn't been that great. Actually, it's
affected you in a way to make you realize how isn't all it's chalked
up to be and that maybe if you were given a second chance back on earth in the mortal realm,
you'd actually spend that time repenting.
I know what I was saying.
I'm going to church.
Well, hello there boys and girls. How are you today?
Oh wow, this has been, this is a real twist. I'm good. Who are you and where am I?
You've been on in so many different layers of hell. Well, welcome to my favourite,
all your favourite foods. All your favourite foods from, from, from from devil eggs and cream
Corn, cream, corn maybe
Cream puffs anything you want a delicious and
Yes, you can have popcorn and oh
Some would say that a lot of that is untouchables.
It's a little corn reference there.
Brodyn's right, it's too much.
I'm sorry, Jim.
I'm sorry, guys.
No, it's good.
I didn't think it was like, Jan.
Unless you start talking about gyms and gyms and stuff.
I saw him a little bit more of a sprite.
Oh fuck.
Where are we on the layer of hell right now?
Yeah, well, so what you think is it's like,
it's sort of a very fun,
like I think something between like the Mad Hat
is Tea Party and the scene in Hook
when they're eating all the multicolored food.
Yeah, but it's all food from like the 30s.
So it's like cream puffs.
It's doing it, Peter.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, you know, like cream puffs. You're doing it, Peter. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, you know, that cream puffs and fairy bread
and honey and milk and just like we want to chuck in
any type of like corn based treat on there as well.
There isn't a lot.
I mean, I see it as more British
and that's more of an America's there.
Maybe some caramel corn.
Like in cellophane. Candy corn. Candy corn. Right. Yeah. Like in cellophane.
Candy corn.
Candy corn also counts.
I don't see the candy corn.
Anyway, so it's sort of a fun space.
And you think, actually, this is pretty fun.
Like, it's a bit of a final thing.
But then the reveal is...
I know where I'll be on church on Sunday.
No, that's not till...
I think we get to,
the reveal is the food is laced with syphilis.
Come on, man.
That I've already been through this.
But if I've already got syphilis,
like I was in the last area, I got pegged.
I got-
Sorry, yeah, but it's the syphilis cream.
So what she's done, or he's done this character, is he borrowed the syphilis cream so what she's done or he's done this character
He's borrowed the syphilis cream from last and it's more that it's got quite an artificial like acidic taste
Ruins the taste of everything
So it's kind of got the texture of like a filly cheese cream spread
Yeah, yeah, all right. Wow. I'm happy to let this go. No, no, no, no, no, no, I'm about to learn my lesson
Unless we want to go to sloth
Yeah, let's go to sloth. What layer was that though? That was gluttony. Oh
We've been so annoying and obnoxious that we've made hell annoyed with us. Yeah, God
I what I've learned is that maybe hell wasn't all it was cracked up to be but I'll explain why in a second
I'll explain why after we after we go in here. I
What are you reckon brother? Where are you with this character? I'm not really like in the zone for characters today
And I really bit off more than I could to can I just get some advice on the the king of sloth or the guard for sloth?
Maybe like a like a like an eastern character.
I would avoid that. Maybe someone from like like
I know I would do you sure?
All right. What about Canadian?
Canadian, I mean it's going to be very similar to your American one, I imagine.
That was a Australian doing a bad American accent.
I'd really go for it.
Well I want to hear that, but I was also going to say you could try to embody the characteristics of a sloth, of the animal a sloth.
You know, lazy and hanging around, you know.
You know, that kind of thing could be a really interesting character choice.
And the reason I love that is because it works on two levels.
Sloth, lazy.
My name's Slime. My I'm tired and I don't
want to do the housework. Yeah. And that kind of thing. Yeah. You don't have to do the same voice
that Brod and I was doing because I think it can be interpreted many different ways. Or even like in Zootopia where they're like
They're tall
I'm happy to just skip Sloth
I'm actually happy to just skip Sloth and make it six levels
I just think maybe you can do your realization how and we can go home
No, no, no, no, to the last level
Hey there and how and we can go home. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, just chill out forever. You'll never see your mom or your grandma again. You'll be so chill. You'll never see your sweet girlfriend or marry her or make love to her after marriage.
That's right. You get to relax and watch Beaver's invite head all day while you're while everyone you know
around you die and I just check just the series or the movie as well
so just the series beavers and but head or or do it does that
I don't want to play anymore keep going why I'm giving you stuff to bounce off
not I want to play anymore.
This is the sloth or is this...
No, this is...
Well, this is Xacto in a bit that also isn't working.
It's too many layers there.
What do you want to join me on this comfortable couch?
No, it's got cup holders, not into the Canadian.
It's got cup holders for... for a gallon cup of seven-up.
Just chill out.
Shut up.
Here is the twist.
Oh, now we go to the final level of hell,
where the devil is.
Oh, okay.
Hey, very good guys, it's me, Zach the devil.
Hey, man.
I'm welcome.
You can now live in hell.
You get to live here, had a revelation.
Sorry, yeah. Well, you get to live here in hell.
Sorry, you go.
I'm about to.
Sorry, I'm sorry, you go.
I'm trying to go.
Sorry, I'm so sorry, you go.
But I'm trying. Yeah, okay, yeah. I'm trying to go. Sorry, I'm so sorry, you go. I'm trying.
Yeah, okay, yeah.
I have had a revelation.
Good job, everybody.
Sorry, I just said, I just said up that I'm at a revelation.
Sorry, I thought we were having a conversation.
I didn't realize there's a monologue.
Sorry, I have had a revelation.
What is it? You get to be kings of this
night. No, see see what Broden just did there. Yeah. I said, I've had a revelation. He said,
what is it? And then I will continue. You just said, I said, I've had a revelation. You said,
you can be kings of this land of hell. Yeah. I feel like youping sorry, no, you got my final I am going I am going right now. I won't say anything. I haven't stopped going
What's the last word of your monologue so then I know to come in?
Okay, cool. I
A revelation what is it?
Well on Sunday I was I've had a revelation. What is it?
Well, on Sunday, I was, I'm sorry, no, I forgot that it's at the start as well.
I forgot that Sunday's at the start as well.
No, they're totally on this thing.
I'm sorry, you guys, I'm sorry.
You go, man, you go.
I'm sorry.
I've had a revelation.
What is it?
Well-broded. Do you remember on Sunday when we were at church? Yes.
And we looked at each other, we were kissing and then we stopped and we looked at each other. And we Dude, what hell wouldn't it be better than going to hell every week?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, to come to church with our families, be rebirth in the light of God every day.
Confess our sins, have them wiped clean from our slate rather than go to hell. But then we went to hell.
And then we went to hell.
And now we're at the final layer of hell.
And what I'm realizing, unless you want to realize this,
do you want to realize this?
All right, you go.
I know we're all on church on Sunday.
No, don't do this, don't do this.
This whole kingdom could be yours.
No, thank you.
I just want to drink iced tea, no alcohol, not a long island iced tea, just like a weak
watered down iced tea.
No sugar either.
So, I want to drink of that.
On a Sunday with my
fiance who I haven't fucked.
Yeah. Except in the bum.
Which is cool. That's chill.
Growing on our farm.
Do you want to go to church? I think it's really important for Bro to Broder.
Broder, you really wanted this episode to end with that moral, didn't you?
No, that was your whole thing. That was entirely your thing.
Really? Because I'm, no, because I'm an atheist.
Yeah, me too. You see how you wrestled this from you being a straight guy to now me being a straight guy. You see how you did that?
I said I'm an atheist so I I was doing
God you're the straight guy in this
I'm trying to get this show back on the road and I go
this show back on the road and I go we got there we got to the end for you but if you don't want a Christian story and Mark you don't want a Christian story and I definitely
don't want a Christian story why don't we just spend the last half hour and Brodyne says
he doesn't want a Christian story but he's the one if you remember at the end came to
the conclusion he had a revelation that we
should be going to church on Sunday which is a real. I love my sentence if I
could just you know breathful I love I know we're all beyond church on Sunday.
And there it is pushing the Christian agenda once again Broding Kelly.
Not something Zachary agreed to to, but something that...
Yeah, a little weird that you pushed for that.
Yeah, that's fine.
Hey, whatever.
Look, whatever.
I want to thank you guys both so much
for joining us on the Anti-Dunner Podcast.
We moralistic play.
Hopefully what you learned via listening to this
is that you, yeah, sure, how seems like a cool place in all your picture story books and the fables told to you by maybe your drug dealer or whoever it is that you associate with.
But actually when you get down to the nook and crannies of hell, it's actually not a cool place to be. It's full of Hollywood phones, it's full of sloths,
it's full of some of the other characters that played on our journey there that all terrified us,
made Britain nice, screen, poop, PR pants, it's full of syphilis spread, these that has high fructose
corn syrup in it. These are all... I'm so done with this. I'm so bored with this.
With the corn language or with just the whole thing.
I did this under the impression
one of you guys wanted to do it.
I just was really solely mistaken.
I just thought one of you guys wanted to do it.
That's why I was pushing for this.
Since it's emerged that none of you wanted to do it
and I don't wanna do it, I don't know why we're doing this. You wanted to do it. I wanted to do it because I
thought you wanted to do it. How about we just none of us do it from now on. From
here on no more. I know we're all being at church on Sunday. Where? Going to church. Yeah.
Cut to Broodham wakes up and he's back of the car on the way to church. Hey son,
gee you fell asleep there and we'll go on over the Bulty Bridge on our way to church.
Did you help or die to me? God I love you honey. Yeah mum mom. Yeah, mom. I had a nightmare
And don't worry bro, then we are dropping your mother off at the hospital on our church
Yeah, mom and
Horrible dream full of vanity greed lust
other vanity, greed, lust, other...
Can't shit.
Anyway, I know we're all being church on Sunday.
All right, let's get your mother into the psychiatric world.
Wait, let's get this shut up.
Yes, mom.
Shut up.
You were going to say something before you fell asleep. They're gonna put you in
Something about where you'd rather be oh, yeah, I said I'd rather be in hell
Dad if you were just wait a second dad. I'm sorry. I remember before I was asleep
I said excuse me mom excuse me
Your mother has not been taking it
Wait man. That's just your mother has not been taking it at this time. I call these three years. Wait, mom and dad.
What? I'm fucking getting sick of this fucking family. I'll tell you right now. I'm fucking up to here. I am up to fucking here.
All right. I'm dropping this mother fucker off at the hospital. I'm dropping
you off at church. I'm going to hungry jacks and get some onion rings say your fucking face and then we're out of here
Hungry jacks. What are we all go to hungry jacks?
Why not a brain idea
You're not coming
I will kick you out of the car right now
You can't help someone who refuses to help themselves
Too bad for you I can fly
And she flew away and that is the story of
Josiah and three disciples
A church on Sunday.
Where's that?
Thank you so much for listening to that.
On Sunday.
I know we're all be church on Sunday.
Where's that?
At church on Sunday.
Thank you so much for listening to that.
I did an appart.
And have a merry happy holidays.
I know we're all I know Robbie on YouTube.
No, she's back.
Fuck off.
Goodbye everybody.
It's been Friday's fun.
Oh, that was scary.
I know Robbie at church on Sunday.
And where's that?
And that's you.
I can't put me free on fire. You've been listening to the Anti-Donut Podcast. Let's go! And now I keep moving me down by the...
You've been listening to the Aunty Donna Podcast.
Thanks for joining us for another rip-up episode brought to you by Aunty Donna
See you next week!