Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 252 - Fondu Party Tickle
Episode Date: April 27, 2021Pls enjoy Mark, Broden and Zach on a fun time travelling adventure. auntydonna.comJoin The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.
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Hello and welcome to Antidona Podcast.
Did you want to meet the Antidona Podcast?
Have it gone.
No, you just got one.
Dianne Donaparka.
I'm trying to do the opening song from memory.
That was easier for Tom.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
He doesn't have to insert it in.
I can insert it in.
Hi, welcome to the Antidona Podcast. Wecast. We are the Ioni Dona Pogcast.
Here we go. Yeah. Green in two sizes.
Oh, it's an ad from last week's Codcast.
It's still relevant. If you're picking up on what's going on,
Broden got an ox cord and now he's playing last week's Pogcast.
I didn't add for service. One in these.
Slash laptop for I didn't that for surface one in these
Get our legends
Annie Donna podcast episode
250 to say what we're gonna do because this is gonna be different
Say what you gonna say rodents here. We're gonna do he's not time travel element
Brody's not sick today's here. Oh go to the pod patreon
That goes to the Arnie Donna pod cars
Sometimes friends I hope you enjoy the Arnie Donna podcast
Hello, and welcome to the Arnie Donna podcast my name is Zachary Rewane and I'm joined as always by Mark banana
Stop stop stop. That was a hot mess. And we are never going to be professional boys
if we keep doing this silly business.
That's all on you.
I said I got this, and I got this.
All right.
Boys, where are we right now?
Stupid old studio's Brunswick, only done HQ.
Oh, sorry, stupid me.
I asked the wrong question.
I asked, I meant well. Yeah, you said where where but you want to ask what are we? No, human beings,
homo sapiens,
poor and he boys, carbon based, carbon based, fuck monsters. No,
you're talking near you're talking my language, you're six snakes. I love to
fuck and move with my fucking body. You know, I fucking I fuck hard. No, I'm a
fuck Lord. I know that you're a fuck, I fucking, I fuck hard. No, I'm a fuck lord.
I know that you're a fuck lord, bro, don't.
But that's not what I was wanting to ask, actually.
I was not wanting to ask who, I was,
Broden Kelly, my banana.
No, I wasn't wanting to ask who, what, or where we are.
I need honor.
My question, and nor how are we.
My mattress is always wet.
He lives in a damn pop-artement.
I piss my bed all the time.
When are we boys?
When are we?
We are boys, I guess.
Well, it's interesting because I think I have a time machine.
I have a time machine.
I have a time machine.
One second, Zach.
I think what it means to be a boy has changed, you know,
like you look at what the ideal example
of what masculinity was in the 80s, big muscle,
bound, the boy is, brodden, right?
But you go back a couple of years
and it was stockings, wigs, makeup, that brodden, you know, that was what was masculine.
And it's changed what it is to be a fuck lord as well.
Yeah, that's why my mattress is always wet.
Boys, we got two fuck lords and a goof.
All right, that's a dynamic, I would say.
Less of a fuck lord, more of a bed wetter, I would say.
So we got a fuck lord, a bedwetter, and a goof.
That's like what we say when we pitch, like things.
But what happens if a fuckload, a bedwetter, and a goof
got their hands on a time machine?
I reckon it'd go a little something like this.
Hey, other fellow anti-donor members,
I've got a time machine. What time do you want to go back to?
Okay, here we go. Let me just put in the details
And here we go
Traveling you time! You got this, ain't you?
Oh my god!
Oh my god!
Oh well!
Well, we end here we are!
Hey guys, welcome to 2021!
COVID was bad!
Montero was a great moment for LGBTQIA plus representation in mainstream pop music.
What do you guys want to do? Maybe we could go and get a coffee from a cafe.
People call it morning brown now because of anti-donna's big old house of fun released on Netflix
last year in the year 2020.
Oh, maybe we can try out one of them flying cars.
No, they don't happen until 2022 I'm afraid.
Maybe I can go and get a cybernetic arm installed.
No, unfortunately that doesn't happen until 2022 I'm afraid.
I'm so sorry.
Maybe we can...
The Zack is 2021 here.
I didn't want to go to the 70s to a disco tech.
All right, let's go.
Okay, here we go.
Beep, beep, beep, beep.
Do you need to charge the batteries or anything?
How is the time machine fueled?
You wouldn't understand.
It was built in the future? You wouldn't understand.
It was built in the future and sent back to me.
By who?
By my son.
By your son?
Is he half shark or something cool?
No, I don't know.
He just sent it to me with a note.
He said that he couldn't get into the machine because of the level of radiation in the machine
or kill anyone that travels in it within a few days.
Well, well then what are we doing?
Let's go back to the 7-East.
What, no, I don't want to go.
No, it's Zach.
Gee, it is warm in here.
My balls are tingling from the inside for some reason.
It's like a thudding pain.
Yeah, yeah, it's strange.
Hey, oh, look at this go man.
Hey sexy ladies, it's me, disco man.
Hey, this go man.
Hey, you guys want to learn how to do the old turkey shuffle?
Yeah, yeah.
Well, you put your left to the right.
Oh, and you put your left to the bottom.
Oh, wow.
And then you take it to the left.
Can you move it all back?
You fucking stink.
Excuse me, fucking stink.
You smell like cigarettes and body oil.
Oh, God.
Hey, excuse me, baby.
Don't you don't talk to me like that.
I'm the king of the disco.
Oh, you smell me.
You just got really bad bio, because your clothes are thick.
And you don't have like the,
you're pre-queer eye for the strike.
How often do you wash your clothes?
Sometimes it's just a, it's not, you know,
your pits or anything, it's just,
do you wear the same clothes out?
I wash pretty regularly,
but it's more of a fact that,
where this, I've been wearing this shirt for 10 years,
so it's got that, it's worn in, you know?
Oh, yeah.
And I wash it regularly.
You're smoking inside, which is really confronting
to a contemporary. Well, that's the sevenies, baby. Everyone is smoked in the sevenies, What should regularly? You're smoking inside, which is really confronting talking temporary.
Well, that's the 70s, baby.
Everyone is smoked in the 70s,
because that was the way you know you were cool, baby.
Have you seen, what?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
Saturday, is that it, yeah?
It's a children's show, baby.
Ah, okay, have you seen Saturday Night Live?
Mm. Well, where are we? Australia, where are show, baby. Oh, okay. Have you seen Saturday Night Live? Hmm.
Well, where are we?
We're Australia, where are we?
Baby, the movie.
What's the movie about you at this go?
Saturday Night Fever.
Oh, I love Saturday Night Fever.
Is that his name?
He's just up and coming.
But hey, what?
You guys want to learn how to do the turkey stuff on?
I don't.
I'm going to sit this one.
I'm going to sit this one.
But you guys have fun.
Hey, Mark, you want to learn how to do the turkey stuff? What, guys, want to drink? I'm going to go to right now, but you guys have fun. Hey Mark You are learning how to do the turkey stuff and what guys want a drink
I'm gonna go to the bar get you guys a drink if you want one. I'm just getting a fizzy. Do you want a soft drink?
That's what they call it in the 70s soft to drink. Do you want a soft drink? Yeah, I'll have a
Cool lemonade. I got you. What would you like? I'll just have a cranberry juice, please. Sure thing. Yeah
All right, what's this turkey?
It's a dance.
Do you want to do it or not?
I mean, if you're saying passionate about it, and I want you to be happy.
Well, you guys must be different.
What part of town are you from?
We're from 2021.
We're from the year.
So we're from the year.
Are you getting a drink or not? I'm back.
He's your. Oh my God. You're from the future. Yeah. Wait, can we just talk about the
purpose? Wait, just beyond my comprehension. Yeah, look at the time machine. No, I'm
my comprehension. It's making my ears bleed. You've opened up a vortex. I don't think we have.
No, it's not a vortex.
I think that's just the spinny ball.
It's just a machine that kind of, it's not a vortex.
No, no, no.
All right, I'll bet it now.
Can we talk about this service?
I'm worried about this man.
He was talking about a vortex.
No, no, no, no.
No, it's not.
So it's good.
So I'm cool.
Tell you what, you want to let her do the rubber neck?
No, I think we've made him feel bad. Let's tell him it was a vortex. No, let's do it in improvisation. No, it's not, so it's good. So I'm cool. Tell you what, do you want to do the Rubberneck? Oh, no, I think we've made him feel bad.
Let's tell him it was a vortex.
Let's tell him it was a vortex.
Let's do it in improvisation with this guy, man.
Oh, look, look, look, look, vortex.
Oh, vortex.
Where do you want it?
Yeah, you want it, go.
What is a vortex, dude?
What does it do?
What does it do?
We're playing now, come on.
Do you riff, do they not riff in the 70s?
Ah, like, Impro wasn't as big of a thing,
but I think it was a thing.
Maybe we take this go man,
and we go to 2008 and take him to second city.
Yeah, I'd love to do that.
Come on, this go man.
Let's go.
Let's go get the Spotify.
Yeah, you just gotta jump in this machine here.
Come on, bro, let's do it too.
Hey, this go man, just see you know.
Yeah, baby.
Here's a metal cup to put on your balls
because of the radiation, okay?
Why do you give me one of those?
It was only two.
Your, what, you were wearing both of the,
yeah, well, bro had one though.
Oh, you fucking freeze.
Oh, you froze, froze.
Decided to stay in the 70s.
If I have little freak babies, it's gonna be your fault.
You'll be dead before that.
Oh, fuck.
Here we are in 2008 at Second City, an improvisation school.
Hey, everyone.
My name is John.
I'm an improvisational teacher.
Hey, I'm Disco, man.
You wanna know how to do a Turkey Raffi shuffle?
Oh, cool, for a thread.
They fly
Thank you, baby. Okay. Um now do you guys before you get you guys talk to each other?
Do you guys want to drink? I'm just gonna go grab a drink from the from the foyer. I would love a cranberry juice
Would you like anything this guy? I just love how to do turkey knuckle shuffle. Are you not a water? Nothing?
Nothing, we don't drink water in the 70s
We used to just drink gravy. Do you want a gravy? No, I'm good. I'm good. I'm good
I just want to take you rough. We've got some of the best gravy in all of second. I don't want gravy
I don't want gravy. I'm good. I want to turn get him a glass of gravy
I'm gonna get you a get him. I'm just gonna get you a great. You don't have to drink it. You want a cranberry?
I love the cranberry juice. Now let's do an improvisation. Now I'm gonna set the
scene. Alright it's the 70s and we're in a disco and two people have come from the future to talk to you and order drinks from a bar. Go.
Hi, I don't understand how I would do that.
Well, so you just kind of make it up on the fly. You kind of just go with the flow.
Oh, like a good old-fashioned swinging party, baby.
Well, yeah, you could put a swing or party.
What am I fond of, parties? Oh, the girls come over, we could put a swing or party one of my fun do parties
Oh the girls come ever put them keys in the fish bowl. Oh, this is great stuff. He's very funny funny guy
It is great stuff. Doesn't know how to use it, you know
Because he's a disc I'm Annie doesn't know it's funny. I wish I knew how to dance. Oh sure
I've been saying for the last 10 minutes. I'll teach her to check it off a shuffle. Oh well first
Let's have this glass of gravy and cranberry juice
Would you like a gravy? Oh, now there's a gravy here. I guess I have a gravy baby. Yeah
It really is just gravy. Oh no, I died
What I died do you want to teach me how to dance? No, I was wondering what's like in 1855
Teach me how to dance no, I was wondering what's like in 1855. All right here We go jump into the machine
The music from 2008 is still playing
Yeah, it's just my CD play of the time machine has a CD player. Well, no, we are in 1855
Yeah, I sure hope you have a
Hello, those things pre-written. Hello, Ter. How are you today? Hey, baby. Oh, it sure hope you have a, uh... Hello, dear. Those things pre-written.
Hello, dear.
How are you today?
Hey, baby.
Oh, it's a leprechaun.
Ha, it's me.
1855 leprechaun.
Ha, leprechaun.
Could you like it?
Two things.
Why leprechaun's 1800s?
Why did you specify an 1800s leprechaun?
Because I'm a time traveler in leprechaun.
But also they went extinct in 1903.
What time are you from?
You don't look like 1855.
We're from 2001.
I'm from 1972, baby.
Oh, sorry, that's right.
This from 1972 and you're from when?
Uh, 2021.
I am from 1792.
Oh, it's time to jump forward.
You've got forward. Yeah, but I've been to your times too
Have you done a turkey rubble of shuffle? Yeah
Do you want to see me do it? Yeah?
Better than you watch this oh
Wow, okay, that is quite good dance off
All right, all right. Let's a dance off. But can we get some future music?
What happened to you guys? Do you guys want me to grab you a drink?
I will give you a dance.
Yeah, I'm not dancing. Isn't the leprechaun and the 70s man dancing?
Ah sure, but do you want a drink Mark?
Yes, I'd love a cranberry juice. Cranberry juice? This go man, what would you like?
You got gravy? I don't think they do gravy here
Yeah, they don't gravy didn't start becoming a popular drink into the gin. I think gin. They do gin. They do like a Dackerie
I could put to get that we have a
Dackerie. What is in a Dackerie? Yeah, so you just need to get some crushed ice. You need them slurpy machines
Oh, they won't have that
Wait a second. How does he know about slurpy machines? What do you mean? They're Slurpy machines in 72.
No, that makes sense.
All right, I'm gonna go grab everyone
a glass of cranberry juice.
Anyway, 1855, like a Slurpy.
Just get a Slurpy, put a little bit of the cure in it, baby.
Okay, well, I'm gonna jump in a time machine,
go to when Slurpy's were invented, and I'll be back.
Can you just bring me back?
Maybe if you're doing that, because I want that
but just with a bottle of vodka
And then I can carry that with me and put that in mark mark
I forgot to put in the time
That we came to so I don't remember where we are right now and I'm going away
What oh no?
But you are a dead soft baby? Yeah, do a dance off.
Alright, don't worry, I picked up on it, I'll explain it after.
You got the whole thing if you actually...
I picked up on what was going on there.
I guess I'm weird, both super confused.
No, it's alright, it's not a big deal, do the dance off, I'll explain it now.
Is Broden here?
He stayed in 1972, I believe, for instance.
Yeah, you're just with Turkey, wait, Disco Man now baby.
Okay. Disco Man now, baby. Okay.
Disco Man, Mark Benano and 1855 Leprechaun,
Leprechaun from 1792.
My balls are on fire.
They feel like they're glowing from the inside.
Are you putting a metal sheet on it?
You never know.
I'm fucking zacked in and fucking give me one.
And you just got that, you just got that Fondue party tickle, baby.
Oh, maybe it's just a Fondue party tickle.
You go around that party, get a little bit of smooch massage.
You're okay with that Fondue party tickle.
Oh, that's what I want.
Oh, that's fantastic.
Now, let's get to this dance of I am gonna be the adjudicator.
Can I ask what the, like the determined factors are?
How are you grading it?
Because that'll affect what I do.
I think just how you funk it.
Excuse me, how you funk it is one of the rules,
but I will get to it.
Rule number one.
How you funk it?
No, not how you funk it.
How you funk it is rule number three.
I don't care about the rules.
I mean, that's relevant.
I care about the point system.
We get the point.
How much is how you funk it worth it to me over our score?
How you funk it is worth five points
Should I be focusing on it goes in a rubric?
I mean or may funk it all goes in a rubric cube a rubric rubric
That's my sixth structure of marking papers, baby. What's a rubric?
New Brick goes you go into the guts prerequisites and it says like completed
Good strong dance moves out of 30 you marked that you got an ex-bit. Explain clearly what you wanted to do in that,
in that, give that in the rubric.
The rubric adds up to, you know, my baby.
That's what I'm going for here.
Because if I'm, you know, maybe I've lost focus
or have heard me like, should I be focusing on my technique?
Have you heard me?
Or should I be focusing on how I'm fulking it?
Have you heard you like?
I have heard me like, how bad?
Well, it happened a hundred years ago, but also two minutes ago. Well, like in golf,
we'll give you a bit of a handicap because in this you need to score as low as possible.
It's very similar to golf. All right. I don't know what golf is though. Right. I miss my time. What?
I miss my time. No, you'll be fine. We're gonna do this dance and then we'll get you back home. Alright, baby.
And then right.
And then, although I do need to tell you what Zack said as he was leaving,
because I understood the beginning.
In a second.
I'm not a big deal.
Banyu enjoying, I mean, look, this is, you've never imagined a time like this.
Oh, no, you think about it. I'm happy I've ever been.
He would have read about it in books.
I mean.
I mean, he's past.
Yeah, but like, he's imagined it.
Yeah, I know what he's like.
And my great-great-father, disco funky boy was from here. Really? Yeah, he's past. Yeah, but like he's imagined it. Yeah, no one is like,
am I a great-great-father disco funky boy?
It was from here.
Yeah, he grew up here.
He loved disco too.
Yeah, yeah.
Even now?
He did.
No, but I mean, is they disco now?
Yeah, you want to hear something?
Wow, that's beautiful.
This disco, baby.
Would you like me to do a dance to this?
Were you lining up a trip to like 1997?
Oh, you'll love 1990s.
This goes on, baby.
This is a disco song from 1835.
All right, I'll go with that.
So, these are the rules.
Oh, these are what you'll be graded on in the rubrics system.
Skill, how many points is that worth?
Skill is worth five to 10 points.
Five to 10, you either get five or 10.
Yeah, so is that a 10?
Out of 10.
No, no, no, you either get five points or 10 points.
It's out of 10, you can't get nine.
No, it is out of 10.
No, it's either, all right, you either get one or two can.
So it's at a two.
No, it's at a two.
No, Mark, this is relevant, right?
If you can either one or two.
You can get A or B.
It's accumulative total.
So, so when you say, it's one or two or it's five or 10,
that's relevant if the other things
have numerical value.
It's no, it's either A or B, alright?
A is worth 10, B is worth 5 at the end.
We get all your letters.
That's 10.
And we add them up to a score, alright?
That's not out of 10.
What's the letter to them?
The second.
I just need clarity.
It's EUE, they have five points or 10 points.
It's not out of 10.
I'm over here.
I'm traveling back to 17.
Oh no, don't go.
You want to know to think that Sack said as he left. 10 points, it's not. I'm over here. I'm traveling back great time here. Yeah, I just wanna finish off this rubric
and then do this about dead, dead, dead,
see if it's shuffle muffled.
So skill, you get five points or 10 points.
Out of 10, great.
It's not out of 10.
You'll know why when I get to two, passion.
Passion is, you're great at on passion.
That's out of 15.
Great, so you could get 14 in this.
So the total so far is 25.
Yeah, but it works a little bit differently than that
I was fair bit. No, 30. Yeah, you fun get you fun get I was there you fun get out of how you fun get is either you get a
Pass or a failed depending on whether you've fun. Very good very good
So I've just presumed you're talking about a rubric. I thought I'd jump in who are you?
I'm a linguist from the 1950s.
1955, I think.
I thought 1835.
Yes, I'd be a time brother.
I think I'd show you in fact 20 years.
That's incredible.
Yes, yes, yes.
I think I can still make out how you fun get into a rubric.
Or in with the past or fail system?
Yeah. All right, no. It's rubric. Or with the parcel fail system? Yeah.
All right, no.
It's worth one.
Or nothing.
All right.
Oh, so it could be sort of like a, you know,
it doesn't matter what you got.
If you don't funk it, you're out.
Yeah, the pass is worth it.
How about, yeah, you're out.
But how about the pass is worth five?
It's not like a Thanos, baby.
So it's super, super switch.
Okay. Go. What's this like a Thanos baby. Yeah, so it's super, super switch. Okay, go.
What's this?
Oh, dance.
Go English man.
Oh, I'll do the fox drop there.
I'll just get my partner here.
Hello, would you like me to do the fox drop?
Oh yes, I'd love to.
Yeah, go.
Well, skill is getting a 10.
One of the two marks you can get is either five or 10
for skill.
No, it's out of 10 then.
No. No, you're not listening either 5 or 10 for skill. No, so it's out of 10 then. No. No.
You're not listening.
Neither of you are listening.
You've got 10 for that.
Passion is out of 15.
I would give you an eight.
Have you ever seen an 1855 then who dance before?
Well, I'm doing very passionate version of dancing.
I didn't see it.
I didn't see it in your eyes or in your partners eyes.
The passion wasn't there for me.
It was your now.
You're thinking about it.
You're living in an Americanized future.
You think passion is all eyes and hip thrust.
Why did you only travel 20 years?
I've time travel lots of ways, lots of different ways.
But why the gin is cheaper in 35?
Yes, I've popped back to get some punch.
How much?
About 2 pound.
Which is a lot, for us.
I reckon you could have gone back further
and got it from much cheaper.
There is no good further back.
It's the net, it's good gin.
All right.
Now you've thought this through, and I'm impressed.
Um, eight for passion.
Did you funk it?
That was a fox trot to a very slow, a bad choice of song.
Um, so you don't like disco, baby?
So I'm going to give you a fail, for the digital.
Well that means I failed the whole thing.
No, no, no, you still got...
I challenge you to a duel.
I'll let you do your dance first and then we'll have a duel.
Alright. I didn't bring my duel. do you have a spare july pistol?
I only have an AR 15 okay, yeah, that's fine. All right great. Oh my god
What that's how we disco baby this man truly can fun kit?
Okay, wow wow, I've seen all I have to see. Yeah. Stop dancing please. Stop dancing. Stop.
No, stop it. It's got it's getting annoying now. Stop it. Stop. Oh my god. He's lost himself in the
music. It's gotten good again. It's gotten good again. He is now I'm out. You done? I'm over it. I'm out. You done I'm over it. I'm still I'm waning, but I'm still interested. I've got to go
Why I've got to go I've got my plastic bag of gin because I haven't banned plastic bags at this point
Yeah, yeah, I got my plastic bag of gin. I'm back. I'm going back to 1855 you gonna put that in your ice box
And my fridge I bought a fridge from the future. Oh
Like a like a TV and the generator. Yeah, no big fridge. Yeah, yeah, yeah, a fridge from the future. Oh like a TV. And the generator.
Yeah, no big fridge. Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I'm off. Bye bye. Wow, that was sick.
We were supposed to do all but the gentleman left. I guess I'm off the hook.
I went trapped in the 1800s, baby. I have a time machine. Really Really yeah, yeah, where do you want to go?
You want to go to Jurassic Park
You want to go to Indiana Jones great Scott. Oh
God, you want to get a great Scott?
How do you think that is great Scott?. I would have done a bit of impression.
Oh, great Scott.
We made the lightning work and now we're here.
Oh, back to the future.
Great Scott.
Great Scott.
Scotty, I'm not confused.
I've never watched Star Trek before.
Sorry nerds.
Quickly, we have to go to the back to the future.
That took me way too long to get, oh, here we go.
We have traveled to like 1980 something.
We're on the set of Back to the Future.
Oh, and Universal Studios in Los Angeles.
At Universal Studios in Los Angeles. At Universal Studios in Los Angeles.
Hey there.
Oh, creature.
Hey there.
Who are you?
It's me, a big Hollywood producer.
Oh, no.
Oh, you wouldn't know this, but a lot of them are gross.
No, I'm not a gross one.
I'm a funny little one.
Oh, okay.
I couldn't help but hear your story.
For if you're not gross.
Wait, so let me present him with his pot plan, see what he does.
You want to come in that? Me? What are you talking about?
Do you want to come in that? No.
Check it out. All right. How do you know that is?
A read. A read, baby.
So I couldn't help but overhearing your story. And I want to make it into an Oscar worthy movie.
I've heard Robert Duval is interested.
Oh, well what exact story he's talking about baby?
About two people from different times,
traveling through time.
I'm thinking for you, Robert Duval,
and I'm thinking for you, Harrison Ford.
Oh, Harrison Ford.
So Robert Duval, play the disco, baby.
What's this?
Yeah, yeah, Robert Duval, play the disco, baby.
I just got word from Harrison Ford.
He's out on the show.
Oh, no, well, maybe I'm like Warren Beatty is
in. I'm sorry. Can I see some accreditation? Some Hollywood accreditation? Yeah, just
something proves you're actually a producer. I don't know what I would show you to prove that.
Maybe you're certificate that you're part of the guild. Some sort of guild. Why would I
mean I don't think I have a certificate
about that.
I have an office right here in your
universal studio.
All right, well, okay, we'll take us to your office.
I'll come through here.
All right, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm,
gotta go up the stairs.
I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, wait a second.
This is in your office.
This is the Transformers, right?
Yeah, you're on to me. It's not the 80s at all, but rather the
2015. I miss travel time travel.
The Optimus Prime is very impressive. Yeah, and I am a Hollywood executive.
Oh, okay. And I did want to masturbate into that plan,
but I know not to worry.
You know not to know some people have learned
to their lessons.
Let's go to Egypt's time.
Egypt time?
Like where we are now.
I know our is at all.
We just have to go just about 400 meters up the path.
Here we are at the mommy ride.
Oh wow.
You know what?
This is all well and good,
but I wish I could time travel to a place
where there was adventure and magic.
Adventure and magic like Harry Potter?
Well just follow me up.
What's Harry Potter baby?
Oh well, it's you find out.
It's like Star, I think.
Anyway, we've got to go up these escalators.
And then along this walkway.
Look, escalators, they're like stairs, but they move.
Well, I think they're around the same.
And then we've got to go up these escalators
around the corner.
The troll's music.
What's this?
The troll's music.
Pass the troll's music. We've got? The troll's music. Pass the troll's music.
We're gonna walk past the animal, animal actors live show.
And here we are at Hogwarts.
It says not a time travel thing no more.
Well, you know you can go anywhere in the world
at Universal Studios theme park.
I want to see what it would be like for real life working class Americans to how they
Like the Simpsons?
Well, we just got to this bit.
It was difficult for whoever's running the Spotify.
Yeah, but there's like a two hour wait for the main ride.
I can't be bothered.
I don't want to.
Why is there just an undertone of Transphobia in this area? But oh yeah, yeah, you heard about that. I called JK when I heard that. I said, JK,
what are you doing to me? And she was not as apologetic as I had hoped. You would think that after
this amount of time, you would apologize. What's his Simpsons everybody's talk about welcome to the Simpson Springfield now come with me on the simpsons ride
It's been a big day for me. Yeah, come on
One I was disco dancing in all New York City at studio 54. Yeah, and now I've almost went to 1800s
Yeah, and now I've almost went to 1800s. Yeah, maybe I'll record now. It's what you
2017 and I've on top of all of that. I've also been to 2021
Do you well do you want to come up to my office and I'll tell you about the deal? I was joking about the old actors. It's actually Robert Downey Jr. You're gonna try and fuck me. I
the old actors it's actually Robert Downey Jr. You're not gonna try and fuck me, I am.
I don't wanna go up there, I don't wanna go up there.
But Robert Downey Jr. is interested and for the part of Mark, I heard a whisper of James
Oh, I can't.
Well, I don't know if I'm comfortable with that.
Okay, not James Franco, how about and how the way?
Oh, I love she's a darling. I saw them at the Oscars.
I'm sorry they're presenting the Oscars. Would you like to come in time travel me in 70? Do you want to go home?
Yeah, baby on this mo 70s thing with the roller skates. All right, skates, talking about a roller skating rink,
which is quite popular in the 70's.
I don't know if you're familiar with such a thing.
Yeah, okay.
We're gonna go time travel.
Yeah, I know, roller skating.
Shut up, shut up.
You guys wanna pitch a movie to me?
No, no.
Where are you, you're a grub, baby?
Yeah, you're a grub.
I'm not that much of a grub.
Any grubs or bad grub?
You can't just be a little bit of a grub.
And still be okay.
I don't think that makes it okay.
Hey, do you know what I ever was wanting to do?
Oh, what's wrong, 70s man?
Disco man, Disco Pete?
Well, I've had a dream that I always wanted to do, but I guess I couldn't do it with my
roll-scapes in 1972.
Uh, well, what was that dream?
I wanted a clown man, Everest.
Stop sighing so much.
Well, I just got to make clear that I'm set.
All right, well, why don't we time travel to when Mount Everest was invented? Buh-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu- invented. I am God and this is Genesis. Oh, I love that band. I will now. Genesis, I've got
a few colors. Peter Gabriel. No. Well, you're introduced. You just said no, no, this is Genesis.
Oh, I'm being a big fan of God. Oh, God. Hello, everybody. It's me, God. Why did this change your voice?
Oh, I thought I'd do something impressive for you, boys.
Well, you introduced us to Genesis, which is amazing.
I haven't invented Genesis yet.
That happens on the sixth day of Genesis.
Which is more incredible than they're here.
I know.
Oh, here they are.
All right, Frank.
I was going to make water and land.
But you made Genesis is better.
Love Genesis.
Yeah, like Genesis.
Yeah, they made a bunch of hits.
I like midnight oil personally.
No river count.
No rivers better than hits of Genesis.
They're not as big on earth,
but do you know midnight oil?
They're really big in them.
Yes, they're Australian.
How are you Australian?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The only thing like the brother's stump.
Stump is that the off-broadway?
The brother's Johnson.
The brother's Johnson's stump.
Everybody take it to the top, you're gonna stump.
Oh, you've sung, is that a song?
Is the brother's Johnson?
Oh, right.
So the band is the brother's Johnson and the song is stump.
Do you ever sing the off-broadway show?
No, I've not seen stump on Broadway.
It's really, Broadway is a rough area, baby.
Me and Mrs. Gard, we went down to New York City in like 2004.
And we were gonna go see a Broadway show,
we're gonna go see The Lion King,
but that was sold out.
So we went and watched Stump.
We had a great night., you are good. Yeah, yeah
Yeah, I know you just said Broadway is a rough area. You are in for a treat. Oh, yeah
Have a little cut. You just give it 30 20 30 years right and it'll be at its absolute peak
Broadway speaking of pigs
Huh, oh he's saying again. Why are you saying? Huh. Oh, he's sighing again.
Why are you sad?
Well, I was wanting to call him man Everest.
We're here, we're at the top.
We've been having this conversation the whole time.
Oh, that's why I say cold, baby.
I can't feel the cold
because I invented the concept.
Well, I don't think that means you wouldn't be able
to feel it, but I can.
Well, all right.
Well, that might be it for a different reason.
Because I invented it.
Or maybe you just real cold, you know.
But I mean, the person that invented electricity can use it.
But I invented the person that invented electricity.
But you could feel that person.
And no one invented electricity, they discovered how to harness it.
Yeah, right.
So, you know what I mean.
But I invented electricity.
Well. Yeah, right. Well, you know what I mean, but I invent an electricity Well, so and but I also invented the nerve endings on your skin that feels the cold
I don't have nerve endings right
I didn't create us in your image. You know
Yes, but not
But you just took away I'm a little
A punch you with white. If I punch you as hard as I can in the face, you won't feel that, because you invented my fist.
But I'd feel one of my children.
The train, me.
I'd feel the pain of that.
But if your son punches you, you would feel that,
even though you created your son.
Yeah, but I wouldn't feel it,
because I don't have nerve endings.
So if I cut your dick off, if you have a dick, yeah, right?
Yeah, I do.
I got a big dick.
And I can see it is peaking through your toga, I suppose.
Yeah, like a toga.
Yeah, like a.
If I cut that off, with like, and...
I would just grow back like Wolverine
That's incredible. I had no idea that you could grow your dick back. God. I can do anything. Oh God
Well, this has been an incredible journey. What do you want me to do?
No, no, no, nothing. I'm not that I just feel like that song. I just thought I played Genesis song
Nothing, I don't know. I'm not that I just feel like that song. I just thought I played Genesis song Yeah, I love it. Don't again. Don't again
It's I go from the start. It's a really great like
Like a good moment of realization
Like it feels like we're wrapping things up. What are you what do you want? What do you want more than anything in the world?
She said I've said it three times. Yeah, what we did it. Oh? Yeah, what else do you want more than anything in the world?
She seems to have invisible concepts.
I love that stuff.
But what do you want more than anything in the world?
I'll demonstrate my magic.
I want you, you said you can grow your dick back.
If I can't, yeah.
Can I cut it off and you grow two dick backs?
I'm from the same stump.
Tell me what you want me to play in visible touch.
Yeah, well, I will when I do the magic
You know what I mean, so I'll do the magic and I've got the karaoke version up for you, baby. I don't want two dicks
No, but I have to think of Mrs. God in this show. I will be you said you can do anything
That's what I want to see
But obviously all right, but then then make the two dicks
Make the two dicks move. I can't do that.
Well, what?
So, it's wise it's so limited.
I can grow two dicks.
I can grow my dick back.
I can turn that dick into two dicks.
I can't turn it back into one dick.
What if I cut one of those dicks off?
Then I'd have a dick and a big gaping wound.
That's awful.
But you wouldn't feel it, baby.
What do you mean?
You don't feel it?
No, I have nerve endings on my dick.
I put them there. You said I have on my dick. I put them there.
You said I have no nerve endings.
I put them there, so I could take half.
But then you would feel the cold on the end of your dick.
What in hell, whew?
I just make him not do that.
I just make him not feel the cold.
I can make him not feel the cold.
I can make him not feel bad to cut your dick off.
Maybe do that.
And that is not how it works.
This is, this is new on tealess.
Very confusing.
But I'll tell you what I can do boys.
I can have you ascend to the heaven's body and soul.
I've only done it for two people before.
Jesus and Mary.
Take it away, Mark!
Well, I've been waiting for breakfast to come.
It's out!
It's in here on my plate for so long that's empty.
Well, now I know that the kitchen is really backed up. This is fairly good because it is
Can you hear this?
But now I'm saying bring them bring them to me. They seem to have delicious
Croputs, but they are not coming to my table
They seem to have delicious crumpets on the menu.
And I just want them to eat.
Do you guys want to send to heaven, body and soul or not?
I just want to go back to studio 54, baby, where I come from.
There's a studio 54 in heaven.
You're getting... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha living in heaven. You'll be one of four people in heaven that are alive in heaven. Most
people have to die to go to heaven. Mary, if that's the case, and the two of you.
Let's all go to heaven!
Come on, and have some fun! See if we can punch God!
Let's all go to heaven!
Get into my Cadillac! Come on, let's do it!
Let's get in, into my Cadillac! Come on, let's do it! Let's get in!
God's Cadillac!
It flies like the Harry Potter car!
Yeah, that's...
Come on, and like at the end of Greece!
Why'd you have to make JK rolling like that, by the way?
I didn't. She made that choice.
Yeah, fair enough.
Cause the devil tempted her.
Here we go!
Driving to the head!
An invisible touch!
Yeah! She reaches in and grabs your
own of your heart. She seems to have an invisible touch. Yeah, it takes control and
slowly tears you're tick-on. Here we are at heaven boys. Wow, it's um... I'm disco.
It's all clouds. Everything's made out of clouds. Exactly like you'd imagine it.
Wow. And it's above the clouds. Yeah, it's sort of on the clouds. Like it sits on the clouds. There's apparently gates.
Oh, look, a virgin aircraft. A virgin aircraft. And no virgins. No virgins. You have to fuck to get it there. That's hot.
Oh man, those priests and nuns, they're gonna be so upset when they find that out.
Most of them do facts.
What about if you just rub an amount?
You get into purgatory for that.
But then what about asexuals?
They get into heaven, they get a pass,
because I don't wanna get in trouble.
Well, what if they lie?
What's that?
What if they lie?
What do you mean?
Like what if, I know, I know in your heart who you are
Really well you made them I suppose ah yes, I do I'm a disco. Maybe I love disco. Well come this way come down here
Yeah Kill him I just shanked him
Why is this important to show everyone who's boss Eddie? Oh, I got to be pops of this place
Ah, I didn't feel I didn't feel that Because it's important to show everyone who's boss had you are gonna got to be pots of this place
Oh sorry for shankin
Baby's get it. Disco babies get it die
I'm disco baby. Did you have family? Yeah?
What did you want me to say to your family?
Tell them to free the slaves
The disco slaves the disco slaves anything else disco ban tell them
That to replace the rightful Caesar
Um, uh, cuz Wachie and Phoenix is Caesar Yeah, yeah kill him. Oh, I'm not gonna kill Arcade, he's so brilliant at acting.
I then will never get the Joker.
Which you haven't seen, which is great.
Have you seen Taxi Driver, though?
Yeah, I can't imagine.
Have you seen it?
Yeah, it's pretty much Taxi Driver.
It's Taxi Driver.
It's Taxi Driver.
It's Taxi Driver with a bit of that other one, the comedy.
I'm going back to Studio 54.
That's right there!
Oh. There's one here. Oh, there's one here
Go there. No one dies up here. You just get a shank that doesn't hurt
He just caught up and this was a time travel episode, yeah, yeah
Yeah, but we have a little bit of do we want to recap the episode?
Sure, I do want to do some recap music. Oh, just as a
Little recap. It's important to check in. Absolutely.
But thank you so much for having me. Sorry for shanking you,
but it's important to show who's boss.
No, absolutely. Could you please recap for us in song?
What happened this episode today?
I'm not saying I'm gone.
Oh, yeah.
Okay, here we go. All right
First they try I'm sure that just wait. I don't know
Five six seven eight time travel in the past in the future and the president
The 16 by intro
Hey, no, no, no. Is it this long really?
What? No way.
One, two, three, four.
Time travel in the past and the present everywhere.
Everyone go back.
Disco time and the past.
There was leprechauns and there was a big mistake.
Everyone in 1835 was time travelin.
We didn't start the fire.
It was always burned and it's just the break. It was always burning.
No, it was the break.
Three, four.
It was just going through the present,
and then we ended up going up to heaven,
and that's when the methamphetamine.
Then they went to Universal Studios, the park.
It was originally 1986, but then it was 29.
It was always burning since the world was here.
And waited and sat the fire.
It was always better since the world was here.
First it went to Universal Studios and then we were in 1996 making the movie.
Then it was revealed that we were just at the park and it was 2015.
Don't you know then it
was 2017 and it turned out that the producer was a grub and he tried to have
sex with me then we went to heaven and I was there you see then everyone
ascended up to heaven because we didn't start the fire. It was always turning to the world's red burning. We didn't start the fire. It was all
I said it's the world's red burning. Then I shank the Discoman, showed him who was bossing
man. I'm the boss of heaven. I'm the boss of heaven. There are only four people that have ascended into heaven me, and Jesus and Mary and Pro-Discominimarch,
cause we didn't start the day.
Then we're going up to heaven,
and I know it's heaven,
then I shanked the discomant after they ascended.
The concept of ascension was invented
in the third century by theologians.
It was always burned, and since the world's been
turning we didn't start the fire it was always burned and since the world's
been turned I just shan't that discommit because I'm there then we went back to
Universal Studios we went to the mummy ride and the
transformer's ride then to Harry Potter land I know and then we went to the mummy ride and the train storm is right then to Harry Potter land
Oh no, and then we went to spring
We didn't start the fire
Yeah, it was all I said and since the world's been burning we didn't start the fire
It was all I said it's a
We didn't start the fire. It was all my standards.
It's the last thing.
The heaven is a very fun.
Very fun.
I've been having a nutshank.
Just go mad, show them who was boss.
They all thought that I was very funny,
because my dick couldn't go into two and go back into one.
I am God, all powerful.
I can do lots of magic, but I can't take two dicks
and turn them into one
I have heard many nerve endings and this song is longer than I thought oh my god, I'm god
We didn't start the fire
Well, I did it was always turning since the world's returning
We didn't start the fire
It was always better since the world's returning
I didn't start the fire. It was always better since the world's intended. I didn't start the fire. It was
always better since the world's intended. We didn't start the fire. It was always better since the world's
intended. And on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.
Thank you so much, Disc, I'm, for joining me on the God podcast.
And thank you, Mark, for joining me.
You're so welcome.
I had such a great time and I got to see things I never thought I'd get to see.
I've been God, the creator of all.
God, Yahweh, and this has been the Anti-God of Podcast.
Brought to you by Grandy.
You've been listening to the Antidona podcast.
Thanks for joining us for another rip-episode brought to you by
See you next week!
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