Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 257 - Talking Footy
Episode Date: June 1, 2021On today's podcast Mark and Zach finally get to host their own Football show! haventyoudonewell.comJoin The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.
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Get a guys it's Mark Bonano here filling in for Tom because Tom left his
microphone at the office or something this week's episode is about football
I honestly don't remember, apparently it's about football I haven't listen back to it
I don't know if it's any good I can't remember but if you like this podcast and
more go to and you can get more sick ass podcasts
This is mark. I'm sorry. Usually Tom does this
All right you muffins welcome to
Oh, are you muffins? Welcome to Talkin' Foodie. We are the only podcast that talks about football, I think, in Australia and the world,
my co-host, my, the guy I get into trouble with.
His name's Zach, he's right here.
Me and Mark love foodie, and we were at the footy the other week.
Yeah, I had in my ear, I had the transistor radio with one earbud in my ear.
Yes, yes I remember that.
So I can listen to the commentary in real time.
And I was doing that and I was listening to the commentary.
I do that sometimes. I put it on the TV.
Right, I put the TV on mute.
And then I turn the radio on.
Because I reckon the commentary is better on the old talk box.
So I'll put the commentary, I'll go to the actual game.
But I wanna know what, what,
what, so I'll put the commentary in my ear.
And I'll have a little piece of paper
where I'll write notes for Super Coach.
So I'm sitting here watching the live game and the live game of football at the Marvel
Stadium, which is not as good.
No, Marvel, I remember because I thought it's too steep.
And they haven't done anything with it in the last 10 years.
Boss or Metallica there?
I didn't, don't care for music, the only thing I care about
is AFL and AFLW.
I love Woody.
I love AFL, but I also love MOP Master of Puffets, mate.
I also love VFL to see who's interesting and who might be coming back for a second chance.
We read much about Tigers versus the Tigers.
Where are we mate?
Get up there.
Where you've out.
Tigers versus the Tigers mate.
So anyway, Mark, he was going to get some meat pie and he said,
I'm going to get a meat pie and I said, I'll get me a chicken, some chicken strips and chips.
And I got the vegan one because I'm looking after myself.
I can't.
I can't.
I can't.
I can't.
I can't.
I can't.
I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. That's so cool. So, Mark, Mark was going to get a vegan bite,
and I said, get me a chicken strip
and maybe a half strength, Jim Beam and Coke.
They didn't have the vegan pies,
so I got the traditional beef.
All right then.
so then, okay, so whatever.
So then, Mark came back with our food and I said, Mark, what do we love?
Foodie, Metallica, Well I do, and Chatton.
And then we thought what about a podcast called Talkin' Foodie?
And as soon as that idea came into our heads, well then there was no stoppiness from making it.
Although the idea did happen last year and they stopped the footy for a bit until they did it in Queensland.
It wasn't the same without an audience.
No, really wasn't.
And it wasn't the same with COVID rearing its ugly head around every corner.
I was worried about it every day.
Who's gonna get it? Is Buckley gonna get it?
What about the raw
Nathan proud it felt empty
But we were sitting near to typical Aussie bloke
To love their footy are we introducing our guests now I would hope so I
Think this bit has gone on for long enough. Okay
Hey, no, you do that. I, I said no longer than a minute, please.
It's fine.
You can't walk away.
I'm gonna do it.
I wasn't talking about being implying.
What are you, a waffle iron?
Because you're waffling on.
Yeah. Okay, okay.
And I'm gonna turn it off from the PowerPoint.
Because my waffle iron doesn't have a switch on the appliance.
You know what I'm saying?
I'm sorry, I got a message.
I didn't listen.
I don't care.
We were sitting near two of the biggest 40 fanatics.
I messaged them on Facebook.
No, no, you don't remember because you were drunk
and you were screaming at the ref.
I was.
I get so mad, I've got anger problems.
I'm a mean person.
You've got a poyer.
And I, sorry, missed a fruit and I sorry mr. Fruit loops over here
Fruit loops over here
So I get mad at the game and I bring my boy and he sits next to me and he sees me say really vile things
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but it's all I let it out at the game
And I don't let it out at home. I bring my kids to the game. I'll swear old curse
I'll punch the woman in the face once. Yeah. Because my boys weren't getting up there. Getting up there boys. It's important
for them to see how not to act. Yeah. So that's what I do it. Our first guest, I go, don't
you be doing that at home. You be doing that at home. Our first guest is Broden Kelly who
loves the D's. Now Broden, you are a D's fan.
Fan of the D's, your number one ticket holder for the D's?
No, but I am a big fan.
Broden loves the Melbourne demons.
Who at the moment aren't doing particularly badly.
No, that's true.
Seven for zero.
Seven for zero.
Unheard of since 1960.
Actually, 808.
80, which is unheard of since slamming your hand on the table.
I do get carried away when I'm talking about more footy.
Yeah, it's okay. More footy! Alright, it's okay.
And we've got another guest.
You know him as Tom Armstrong.
We know him as Tom Armstrong.
Tom Armstrong.
I just know him as Tom Armstrong.
He's friends now with him as Tom.
I'm not that close to him.
I know, Wish I was closer because I love you.
Big fear of the goal. co-sons, new team,
just coming in, coming up the race.
Tomo, you need to calm down.
I am just excited to finally be talking footy.
I can only ever talk footy at home with my miso.
She loves the pies, she's got no teeth.
Pies fans stink.
Now calm down.
I, you're embarrassing.
I am trying to put the energy and love that I have
for the game.
I'm just a couple of mates chatting for you.
Into the microphone.
It's not all like we need to have a vibe discussion
before we start a podcast.
I think it's talking for you.
We get a couple of mates on,
we talk about how their teams do.
Well, this is a little too much for me.
Well, I would say this is a demo.
How are we gonna sustain a half an hour
with this energy?
I can, mate.
I can go for hours and hours,
both in the bedroom and on the fucking mic, mate.
You're like a regular Nathan Buckley.
I am like a regular Nathan Buckley.
You used to play now a coach.
Now you are Tomo.
You guys knew him really well.
Thank you so much, Broden.
Tomo, you go for the sons.
Top 20 favorite things about the sons.
One go.
Thanks so much for having me, guys.
Number one, great coach and leadership too.
The players?
Beautiful city, Gold Coast.
Beautiful players.
Yeah, beautiful players.
A short history, but a good history.
Number six.
Maddie Rao.
Isaac Rankin.
Sam Collins.
Just less players.
Yes, he can.
You can do whatever he wants, it's his his top 20 count. Back off the guests.
I've lost count.
So, hey. Brandon Ellis.
Nine and ten.
Jai Farah.
Jumping to the Metric on Stadium.
Metric on Stadium.
Well, I thought you said the Pentagon Stadium.
Twelve. Oleg Markov. Oh, yes, olive 13 jack bows 14
Alex sexy. Hey
Don't you be sion in front of our guests?
Down 15 don't know stand what you're doing here. Seek steam. Yeah, good. That's good. Yeah, that's good
the Sun you're doing here. Sexty. Yeah, good. That's good. Yeah, that's good.
The Sun.
Just the Sun?
Yeah, the Sun.
In the Sunnie Queensland.
The five years of membership.
A good deal in Melbourne.
You can go to any game you want.
And the twenty.
Top thing about the Gold Coast Suns for Tomah.
There's about seven of us down in Melbourne.
Beautiful. Now Broden, you go for the D's, the mighty D's, the scary D's, the demons from the old world.
Maybe I'll do Broden, but maybe I'll do Broden, because you did Tom.
Or maybe this is my segment.
We never discussed this.
You did Tom, I'll do Broden.
No, you do it, alright.
I just want to show maybe a karma sort of version.
A karma approach?
A karma.
Or maybe this is the dynamic.
You're the chilled out one.
You're like a Mahito.
Yeah, but you can be a space.
You're the really hot fucking tomato jute.
What's that called?
Yeah, but in the morning.
A buddy.
A bloody Mary.
It's your friend, Tidus O'Reilly.
I want to go for that energy.
Funny, light, chill.
This is, I don't know what this is.
I'm the fucking Justin Hamilton of the footy world.
Justin Hamilton, mate.
I'm thinking something like this.
Now, Broden, spectacular couple of weeks for the days.
I don't think I've seen a team on a streak like this
since the, Essendon in the early 2000s.
You know, under the leadership of Shady,
what do you think the magic sources that's going on
over at Melbourne Day?
What do you think the magic source is?
They must be sprinkling some magic source.
And I'm not talking about the magic source
that we're putting into the blood of the Esadam players in the late 2000s.
Magic sauce.
What's going on?
What are they doing there to be playing so well?
Because I think if you would talk to a D supporter five years ago, they would have said things
like, oh, they're not doing that well.
But now, eight for eight.
Eight for zero.
Eight against eight wins zero losses.
I'm the answer.
What magic sauce? 56. 8 for zero. 8 against, 8 wins zero losses. I'm the least of since six.
What magic sauce?
Since 56.
What are you working there shooting them up with
to get those results?
Yeah, what are they putting in their blood streams for that?
What are we gonna find out?
Just like a clean steroid or?
I don't think there's any.
Do you think it's just a horn
but do you think it's they're doing the blood thing?
You know where they make them?
Where they take the blood out.
Blood open. Blood open? Do you think it's that? We? But you think it's they're doing the blood open? You know where they make them where they take the bloody out Blood open blood open. Do you think it's that we're gonna do in an Armstrong?
Or do you reckon it's just right on the edge of legal? It's just vitamins, but no
Yeah, maybe they're just taking a cis multivitamin
It's a men's then they might be having multivitamins, but like like I said the did you heard it here first?
Brodo Kelly
Wow, I'm I I don't think.
Well, it just seems us to me that they went so terribly last year.
And then this season they come in full throttle.
Now, why now name your top 15 reasons for why you think the D's?
You don't have to do this.
Yes, you do.
You should choice.
You get a choice.
You get a choice. Do you want to do top 15 reasons?
For why the days have come in strong this year?
I just accused your favorite team of doping,
which we have already done.
But we do that for another 10 minutes.
10 minutes of that.
I can, Ergen, I can do 15 reasons why.
Talk. Okay. Sorry, Zach. No one wanted to do your shit segment. minutes of that yeah yeah I can earn I can do 15 reasons why okay sorry Zach
no I wanted to do your shit segment but now we're gonna do top yeah our
questions and no one gives a fuck about answering make us it sounds boring and
dull like you're fucking tighter so Riley character shit now oh a tightest is a
nice guy is a friend of brodans great bloke Don't be showing tired of so wrong
Friend of brodus I wish I'd prick to do the fucking podcast with him
He wouldn't be coming at me about my enthusiasm. I think he would I think he's more chill isn't he's the kind of a chill funny guy
Question I just don't understand raise them on listening to football podcast needs this kind of energy
I think they want to get fired up like I do do. When the boys are out on the field, on that oval.
Now, you kick it between,
here's what I've never understood.
You kick it between the two middle sticks.
Oh, yeah.
Six points?
Yes, yeah.
Down he did it once.
I think you should get more points for hitting the stick.
That's a hard to do.
Harder to do.
And that's the thing.
And that's the thing.
Top 15 reasons for why you think the dives have come in so strong in the new season.
Number one.
A sense of a team, you know,
Number two.
You'll fuck that one up.
You're going to got 14 now.
I think years of hardship.
Thanking is what he's talking about. Thanking. I think years of hardship.
Tanking is what he's talking about. Tanking, I've been tanking.
No, it's not what I meant.
Yeah, I've been failing so much.
I've been tanking to doping.
You heard it even.
Number three.
A good spine.
Would they all look, good spine?
They all been doing, uh, going to bloody caropractors.
No, it's a tire of practice mate.
That's what they call it. mate, that's what they call it
Yeah, that's what they call it
Well, I'm joling with the car practice
I've got a car practice
I've got a couple of shots up, I'll do it, come here
I've got a lot of vitamin shots
I've got a lot of holes in my arm
I've got a lot of little cotton buds on my arm
I've got a sore back, no worry, I've got a couple of vitamin shots
Yeah, I've got a lot of vitamin shots
I've got a lot of vitamin shots in my arm
I've got a lot of vitamin shots in my arm
I've got a lot of vitamin shots in my arm
I've got a lot of vitamin shots in my arm
I've got a lot of vitamin shots in my arm I've got a lot of vitamin shots in my arm I've got a lot of vitamin shots in my arm I've got a lot of vitamin shots in my arm I'll be the car-practor, too, mate. I'm on my GNO, take it into the car-practor.
Before I go to the gym, mate.
I'm going to make sure I go to the car-practor,
at least 20 minutes before I start at the gym.
But I understand, mate.
I get it.
My spine, I mean, full forward.
Full up to now, four.
I know, I understand what you meant by that.
Five men.
Send half back, four back.
Yeah, in the right group.
We understood what you meant in the leg.
In the middle of the...
The worst fragment in the best. In the middle like a spine. Does that just mean the tallest? Yeah, and the right hand. We understood what you mean. In the middle of the first fragment. In the best, the best.
The worst fragment in the best.
The best, the best. Does that just mean the tallest?
No, it means the best.
They're in the middle like a spine, yes.
That's why we call it the spine.
Would a 10 foot man make the best rockman?
Only if he can run and cover the ground.
What if he's got no arms?
Even but he's 10 foot.
That's ridiculous.
Yeah. What? That's ridiculous.
Yeah, man.
That's ridiculous.
No, no, no, no.
I'm saying with a 10 foot, almost rock man, be the best rock man in the game.
You know, it's six.
It's probably not.
Six, one, six, two, and my height.
No, it's eight for zero.
I was tall enough to be a footballer.
But I couldn't play.
That is a reward of the game.
That was what helped me back.
I was the game.
They said you're tall enough.
You're tall enough. But you can't play and you never have played.
And that's why I didn't get into the AFL.
And we'll find out why Zach didn't get into the AFL.
Because I couldn't play.
Oh, well then, if you found that out, nail this into some ads.
If they're there.
Do some fake ads.
Have you ever put some different music on?
You know, put some different music on for the guys.
It's Agnes.
Get a, I'm Nathan Buckley, and I love, and I love Viderweats.
All right.
All right, Nathan. That's for that.
You know when your pubes are too long and you need the shaven, man's scape is a great
razor blade company where you can trim, and they got a special ceramic blade so you don't
clip your balls off, cut your balls, cut the skin, have the nut fall out, goes down the drain,
then you got to call a plumber.
How much is that going to cost you?
It's a lot.
And they have f***ing rip you off too.
Trades are dogs.
I'll charge you anything mate.
Now they're all right.
I don't want to do this.
I don't want to do that.
Come back.
I just want to do the football stuff.
Bring it back to me.
Bring it back.
I don't want to do this. Out there.
You can do that.
Cut the ass.
All right.
We're back.
We're back.
This is the second mark.
Talking footy.
I'm the chill relaxed one.
Mark is the intense one, but I'll tell you what we share.
I love for the game.. I love for the game.
And I love for the game.
You were meant to say, sorry.
I don't want to be that guy.
You just sent me up for our love for a game.
That's what we share.
I'm meant to say and the love for the game.
I don't remember what you're meant to say,
but it wouldn't make sense that I say and the love for the game.
Yeah, but it's because we didn't talk about this at all.
And you're just making this up now.
I made a read on something where I say
and the love for the game.
I can't remember what you said,
but it doesn't make sense if you say
I love the cast.
I've just been you and me arguing
more broad and city of polite.
Okay, let's talk to Brodom.
Brodom, are you doing a 40-pog cast?
Do you think that the D's are dopeing?
Number five.
Do you think that the Gold Coast Suns are dopeing? Absolutely, no. They're definitely not dopeing. No, No. No. Number five. Yes. Do you think that the Gold Coast Suns are dope? Absolutely. No. They're definitely not dope. No. They're not very good with it. They should be. They disagree.
That's an interesting point of conversation. I disagree. You disagree with me? No. With Tom Anu. I think that the D's aren't dopeing. I don't think the D's are doping. I think they've got a good spine.
And I think they've built up some metal
and they've been investing in players.
You know, I think they haven't been doing too well
the last few seasons, five or six.
Because they were investing in development.
Those players weren't ready.
And guess what?
They planted the seeds.
And now we are seeing the garden grow.
Let's talk about... Let's talk about...
That's talking about seeing that garden grow.
Let's talk about full forwards.
Now there's a couple of them in the game.
Which one do you think Tom Broden is doing a ripper job right now?
I'd say the accountant fall forward,
Makai is doing it very easily.
Anthony Makai.
I don't think that's his first.
Well, obviously, Tex Walker's been phenomenal
to start off the season as well.
Oh, Texas talker Ranger, that's what I call him.
Texas talker Ranger.
Forgive me, that's just the passion of the game and coming through my...
Tom, you don't know if you could hear that.
Um, pipes rattling inside me.
I love the game so much.
Texas talk arranger, that's my little name for him.
He's been doing a phenomenal job.
He's a full forward.
He's at the front.
And he's very good.
And some said he was washed. Clearly not the case. The fuck did you say? I said some. And some said he was washed.
Clearly not the case.
The fuck did you say?
I said some said that he was washed.
Who the fuck said that?
Some media people.
Who Chris?
I haven't read this.
A lot of people.
When he lost the captaincy, they thought maybe he's done for.
No, no.
Somebody hasn't washed the place.
Not my Texas.
I could barbeque on his grills any day. You know what I mean by that. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Texas talk arranger. I like that he's found some good form in his later years. Yeah, you know,
I think a lot of people had some doubts. I think a lot of people had their doubts there, but I
remember saying, did I not say to you, these are just the seeds being planted. And one day we will
see that garden grow. He has been saying that often,
but it uses that metaphor quite a lot.
The only metaphor I've ever seen.
The only metaphor he knows.
Coming up after whatever bullshit Mark's gonna say,
Zach's tough question of the week, but keep going.
Zach's got a tough question of the week,
which we are worried it's too tough.
We had conversations about it.
Should we weaken it up?
Should we make it a pussy question?
No, no.
We only asked the toughest questions.
We want to challenge you to think, they're not tough questions because they're not PC.
That sort of thing.
We're a pretty PC, podcasting.
They're tough questions because they're hypothetical.
They're tough questions because they challenge us
to think about the game where it's been,
where it's going, and where it is today.
Tom, the suns are hot right now.
Yeah, we're doing okay.
They are burning with fire.
They are, you are the number one ticket holder,
next to the creaky joke.
What is your prediction for the next full forward
to take the role of Texas Walker Ranger?
I think in a sense Ben King is clearly
Ben King. The future of our club.
He is one of the best.
What is your opinion on Ben King?
I think he's really solid.
I think for a while there we had our doubts
about Ben King and the whole Suns theme,
but let me tell you,
I think we're seeing some seedlings
popping up out of the dirt.
People were thought, you know, with all that money,
all those number one draft picks,
are they gonna explode?
But here's the thing,
you can't just put put a
Bring in a fully formed tree pop it in the dirt and call it a garden. No, you have to plant the seeds
Let me tell you we're seeing some seedlings and I think in the next couple of years
We're gonna see the garden grow when a tadpole comes out of the frogs vagina
Yeah, it's a fun. It's a useless
About as an egg, but, it comes out of the, it comes out of the vagina.
And then the egg, it comes out of the asshole of the vagina.
The vagina. Thank you. But it's not a tadpole.
Yeah, it's an egg when it comes out of the vagina.
It's an egg-y vagina, a tadpole. No, no, no.
It squirms its way out of that egg that's come out of the vagina.
I think they put the eggs out and then the man will fall.
What I'm saying is it inseminates the egg.
It's not even in center. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. What I'm talking about. Is that
that bowls got no legs? Yeah. And you can't play food without legs,
mate. Oh, that's what you're saying. Texas talk arranger. Prime
example, add no legs, turn the door frog. Now he's hopping
about all over the front forward pocket. And he is kicking the
goals that the team needs.
Could I ask why?
And that's why he's the best player.
Can I ask my tough question now?
It is time for Zack's tough question in the week now.
Can we get some music in for the tough question?
Is it like a quiz question or is it like a quiz question?
No, no, no, no.
It's a pinion base.
It's like it challenges you to think about the game as it was, the future of the
game and the game as it is today. But also, it'll let us give us an insight into what kind
of a fan you are, what you think of the game, how you engage with the game. Because we
know our answer. And we've got our hard line. This is the thing. Young people now, they don't
think about the history of the game. They're're two they're on tiktok mate. They're on tiktok
Right here comes Zack's tough question they are on tiktok. They are on tiktok. It's really been my
My daughter's on tiktok
Yeah, right and I joined up to make sure she wasn't you know, yeah, that's why you joined up. Oh fuck off
Yeah, that's why you joined up? Oh fuck off. Yeah that's why
you joined up. Well just to check in on the daughter I'd love to see your feed. Alright
so it's footy it's all footy. It's all footy. It's where all just it should be more footy
tiktoks. That's let's get some intro music in for my tough question. Get a there, my name's Zach, and this is my tough question of the week.
Are we ever going to see a defender of the quality of Dustin Fletcher?
Are you? We go Dustin Fletcher.
Are we ever going to see a defender of his quality again?
I would say both me and Brodenstein's have a
wrote and what are you reckon first?
I think Tom was saying something then. Oh, sorry, I zoned out, I'm so sorry.
I think you did interrupt this.
I love the energy.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I've come round to that, but maybe let people answer
when we ask them a question.
Yeah, right.
Very sorry about that.
I was just going to say, both our teams have a...
Brodon would rent a song.
What is your opinion?
So Mark, that's great that you threw to Froden there.
Awesome engagement.
Did I zone out again?
You did zone out, you did cut off Tom who did have an answer.
But I don't think he was thinking about the history of the game.
Let's see what he says.
I was going to say Sam Collins for Gold Coast and Stephen May for the days.
That's a pathetic answer.
That is a pathetic answer to a hard question.
You think that if they were playing in the between, he's clearly in it, he doesn't always
talking about it, and they're you pandering it.
I'm not talking about the way they're playing it, the game is played differently.
I'm saying Fletcher was around today, he would struggle if he played the way he played
But if Fletcher came up with these boys,
oh man, the integrity, he was one of the top-fathers.
Top-fathers defenders of VFL.
Top-fathers, Shay Fell history.
That's how I'd explain this.
I'm not saying how he played it there.
No, no, no.
Saying if he was playing now with the level of drive,
commitment, and obviously, you know,
all the stuff bumping through the face.
All the stuff and the other. You know, if he had all the stuff bumping through the stuff and the
stuff and the other you know we had all the fight of it.
It was like for the bombers in the early 2000s to meet the late 2000s.
They earned that they you know Shady wasn't doing that.
No no no.
Shady wasn't doing that.
What do you reckon?
What do you reckon?
What do you reckon, Broden?
Well I think what made Dustin Fletcher such an iconic definition.
Not only his game he's so 400 plus games.
So long.
He played until he was 38.
I'll barely add over 400.
Wanks let alone play.
I think he played until 2015.
I don't find that hard to believe.
I think he played until 2015.
Ah, yeah, yeah.
I think that's right.
I think that's right.
I think that's right.
I think that's right.
I think that's right. I think that's right. I think that's right. I think that's right.
I think that's right.
I think that's right.
I think that's right.
I think that's right.
I think that's right.
I think that's right.
I think that's right.
I think that's right.
I think that's right.
I think that's right. I think that's right.
I think that's right.
I think that's right.
I think that's right.
I think that's right.
I think that's right.
I think that's right.
I think that's right.
I think that's right.
I think that's right.
I think that's right. I think that's right. I think that's right. I think that's right. I'm struggling with that. You just need to listen and engage. So he wanted to play with his son
Of course his son would have been able to play
With the bombers because of the first get your son in father son rule father son rule now mother son rule now father daughter rule
Yeah, that's yeah, that's a great rule of course as this worked out beautifully for Abla
Okay, I don't know yes Gary Abla. Why did that work beautifully for him? Gary Ablet was his dad.
But why did that work beautifully for him? Father Sunrool. He was a good player. He would have made it through.
You never know. I don't know what your deal is, man. I am just trying to engage in a chat about this is how we talk outside of the podcast.
Now all of a sudden it's a problem.
You're different. No I'm not different.
Turn on the microphone and you're screaming and you're shouting at the camera.
He's his who I am.
You just need to calm down. I just I don't when I'm talking to you at the game I say oh he's good
and you go yeah he is and you give interesting insight but you're trying to pump it up full of energy.
I don't see a difference maybe maybe I, maybe I'm just trying to make this entertaining.
So it's not a couple of fucking boring beige pants.
Oh my god.
Ratlin' off facts and figures.
Well, that's what this is.
It's a podcast.
It's niche.
Broden, Dusty Springfield.
Why is he the best defender of all time?
I don't know if he is, but what
made him, what gave him longevity is he's got the good body form for playing very long,
which we all know is tall. Yeah, and skinny, tall and skinny. Lean like Mike was in.
What? Lean like Mike. I can't you just be yourself. I am being myself. You're just on this thing about you're not being yourself. This is who I am. Yeah, I'm just a guy who loves talking footy.
And we got two guests on that love talking footy, Broden with these days, Tom with these gold co-sounds, me with my bombers.
And you're just coming in and it's like you think you've got to be someone else.
Who is the perfect team?
Mark, why are you doing this?
I am trying to push forward.
We've got time for one more question.
Yeah, but do you just want to tell me why you're being like this?
I'm not being like anything.
Just be yourself, man. All right. I'll be myself
We've got one more question for you
What no more question no one more question. We do yeah, you bet just calm down the perfect team. Yep easy
Fletcher shady. I wasn't asking you long. Let's let our
Shady I wasn't asking you long. Let's let our glitcher. Fletcher you got Fletcher you got Michael long you got heard you got Lloyd and you got Kevin Shady
What's that it's the bloody early two
Then go it in for the win. We're not gonna see your grand final like that again
All right, what are you breaking you got a you've got, you can use any player from any
era of football. Who are you putting in the full forward position?
Geez, that's a good one. Um, at full forward, best full forward of all time.
Doesn't really, doesn't have to be. It doesn't really make it. Just pick someone.
Tony Lockett. I would agree
Tony lock it
Did he? Someone's wife in a bathroom. That's Wayne Kerry. I was playing Kerry. He cheated
He had an affair with his captain's wife. Wayne Kerry did. Yeah, what's Tony lock it? Why is he thinking that?
Fascinating me that that happened because I loved him so much.
What's that? The voice you don't talk like this normally Mark.
Yes I do.
Oh I get it. You don't talk like this.
That is me. That is who I am.
No it's not.
It is when I'm talking footy.
This is affectation.
I don't know what that would mean.
Yes you do.
No I don't.
What is this?
I am being yourself. I am being yourself. Be yourself.
I am giving you an opportunity for a big dramatic monologue here.
Just be yourself Mark.
I know what's wrong with me.
I feel like sometimes I've got gotta go to the game,
I gotta put on this macho type, you know.
Just to fit in with the boys.
You love the boys, no, yeah?
I absolutely love the boys.
Did you get around the boys?
Oh, I get around the boys often.
I love them.
I, sorry.
I love them more than I love myself, mate.
Cause the boys are the only way to get through the weekend, mate.
I work nine to five.
I'm trying to stay alive.
But then the weekend comes.
Thursday night footy.
I'll kill my own mother just to watch a game. And now I'll
tell you about exactly what happened on the podcast. Well Zach was being a bit of a prick
because he kept saying that I wasn't being myself but all I was doing was singing about
football and that's my favorite thing in the world you know it is. And there's a little four bar break.
I just went there.
And I started to talk about footy and got all of the boys and got all of the footy.
Broding came on, he loves the D's, Tom came on, he loves the sons, the D's are doing really
well the sons not so much.
Not to say the sun is the fire.
It was always burning since the world's been turning.
We didn't start the fire.
Come on, Zach.
It was always burning since the world's been turning.
That's not to say that the suns aren't doing very well, get them up there, they don't
great, they're a new team.
This is a song about what happened today on the podcast talking footy that is a new thing
We really like doing talking about footy because footy is the number one thing that I love
All of footy and we had to guess on Tom Mum strong and Broding Kelly loves the days
We didn't start the fire.
It was always burning since the world's been turning.
We didn't start the fire.
It was always burning since the world's been turning.
We asked Tom what his favorite things were about the sons and he gave us 20 answers.
They were all good and Brodynce gave us 20 answers. They were all good and Brodus gave us 15 answers about why he thought that the D's were doing so well
Then we talked about the best team if you could pick a fool forward who would it be?
Oh, that's right before that I said would the best rockman be a ten foot man if they had no arms
Would the best rockman be a 10 foot man if they had no arms
And start the fire
It was only But in essence the world we used to got a little ass
Start the fire
It was always burn
It was a world into
Bruton said I don't think so that wouldn't really work just because they're tall
They probably need arms, but in my head I thought but he could bang around with his chest and his neck
and that'd be pretty good because we didn't talk about how much of the 10 foot
person was made up of his neck
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning since the world's been turning
Zach accused me of not being genuine
But I said this is just how I am
When I'm at the footy grabbing an up-poi
If they have a vegan pie that's the choice that'll make
But a lot of the times they don't have that and my mates look at me like,
I'm a fucking dickhead, so I just get the meat pie, because I am!
They make me feel embarrassed, but I shouldn't, because that's stupid!
We didn't start the fire!
It was always burnin' since the world's been turnin',
We didn't start the fire! It was always burnin' since the world's been turnin' We didn't start the fire
It was always burnin' since the world's been turnin'
We didn't start the fire
We're joining us on the 40-pull cast
It's the world's best turn
I left it on the comments if you want us to stop doing the village all thing
I'm over it
It was always burnin' since the world's been turnin'
I wonder what they're gonna say
Mark, sorry about that stuff I was saying I was trying to create drama
Like a season six of RuPaul's drag rights
Yeah, when that girl came in and was like oh
And did death drops. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and they're like this is not who you are
I was trying to create that kind of drama. We're getting to a foot audience
We're getting to a football audience. Well, I hope you forgive me.
I forgive you.
Thanks boys.
Zack did you do it when we did?
I'd love to.
I'd love to.
Thank you.
Oh no.
Alright, we've heard it from Mark's perspective.
Now let's hear what happened today from Zack's perspective.
Sixteen bars, apparently.
The drums come in now. For real.. There's drums coming now.
For real.
Drums, drums, drums.
For real, me to come into his four bars, you know what I'm saying?
He's one bar.
He does a one bar.
There, there.
One, two, three.
I do know what to say.
First mark started and he was really full on full of high energy, the interest to the games then he didn't go
They only didn't calm down. I thought that he would calm down just a little then we would talk No, I just a little break. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no numbers and stats and do that nerdy thing that they do on the podcast and on the
like Fox tell shows where they just sit there and say things like well you know
blah blah blah that's it's not the fire it was always burning since the world's
returning we didn't start the fire it was always burning since the world's interning.
So I thought it would be fun to be a negative Nancy and I would be like, why are you so high
energy, then he would keep going and I would keep attacking and we'd create this sense
that that's not history.
So like season six, Ripple's Drag Race, what was her name?
Ador Delano and her friend, they got into a big fight because she came in with a whole character.
We didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's internin'.
We didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's internin'.
Truth it told, I'm worried now that I've come off as just rude to Mark
But I was trying to do a bit like season six of Rufus Drag Race with Tor de Lano and honor
Tor de Lano and her blonde friend had that disagreement about how far through cuz she was really full-on
Going under the table doing our whole thing like she had a plan, but she didn't start the fire
It was always burning since the world's intended
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning since the world's intended.
Then I wanted to push Mark,
so he would have a breakdown kind of like
at the end of most Australian plays,
where he would say,
I'm trying to be myself,
don't you see, but I gotta be,
cause of masculinity.
And then I would say something like,
oh, okay, that's kind of lame.
And then it would be like,
I shouldn't have pushed him. We didn't start the fire it was always burn as it's the
world's internet. We didn't start the fire. It was always burn as it's the world's
internet. Instead of doing that though we just sang this song again I think this
is the better ending I am a child. And also I got to explain my alternative ending inside the song, so I guess we're getting both worlds.
I should have maybe done a wink and a nudge and a quiet Facebook message to explain my plan to Mark.
That would have been probably the way to do it, he could have done the monologue.
Right at the end. We didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turning.
We didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turning.
We didn't start the fire.
Wow, that was so good to get mine and Mark's perspective.
But now I need to hear from Brodyd,
what it was like talking about his hobby football.
Brodyd and Tom can alternate.
Talking about that hobby football.
Don't worry guys, this song started.
I'm gonna just jump on my phone
and scroll through Twitter while you do it.
Let's go.
I thought it was funny with two.
Oh, like comedy works in three's brodo.
Three's in five, so watch yourself.
People can just turn it off.
Yeah, you can't turn it off.
We've already got the ad money.
We've already got the ad money.
Here we go.
Brodon's perspective.
Well the dees have had a really rip per year with wins and wins and wins and wins and wins and wins and wins and wins and wins.
Eight wins so far but this will come out in a few weeks so maybe we'll...
Just a break, just a little vocal break.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You shouldn't have ended on maybe Will. That doesn't make sense.
Okay, when he showed to talk about football,
but these cums didn't really ask me much about football.
I was really excited to talk about the sons,
but we didn't really talk about the sons that much.
We didn't start the fire!
It was always better than the one I was spending.
We didn't start the fire! It was all his fans. It's the world's best fan in winning.
We didn't start the fire.
It was all his fans.
It's the world's best fan in winning.
The D's keep winning all around the world.
They win in camera.
They're winning over.
And they'll go to the G and they'll win out of the G
because the midfield's working well in the backline too.
Here the D's. More about your perspective. and then you guys did a real good job of playing the comedy of not knowing
What's going on and just working to the one-dimensional perception of football?
We did it. It was always better since the world's intended
We didn't start the fire It was always better since the world's been turning We didn't stop the fire
It was always better since the world's been turning
I thought it was really funny when Mark and Zach did their little thing
And didn't really talk about your bad football
But I'm really passionate about the backline of the sun
And I wanted to point out the same thing
This is my favorite player now
Dry Farah is doing really good.
We didn't start the fight.
Oh, I just keep going.
Jai Farah is doing really good down in the back.
And Jack Bozos controlling the tempo of the back line
and taking all the kick-ins and doing a really ripper job.
We didn't start the fight.
It was always better than the world's burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always burning, it was always a masculine character with no clue about what was going on and it was really good.
We didn't start the fire.
It was always bad since the world's been turning.
We didn't start the fire.
It was always bad since the world's been turning.
This is the thing about this is that to the regular listener, It was always better since the world's continued.
This is the thing about this is that to the regular listener we've done this two other times on Patreon only podcasts.
So for you this is only the fifth time that we've done this song.
But for people that subscribe to Patreon we've done this seven fucking times.
It's we get it over a little bit. But that thing's it's funny to do it three more times.
Yeah, so I tell you here my next pitch on this podcast
We didn't satisfy
It was always
We didn't satisfy
This is all really good
I'd love to hear it now
But all Gigi had did's opinion on this
I know
I'm not love to hear what Gigi had did
That's the same about this
Who's Gigi?
The model
No, no, that's not the model
I don't know, I don't know, I just go back to the start
No, I'm not
I'm working on what JJ, he did.
It's a good JJ, he did.
Next podcast you can do JJ, he did.
Can I do my JJ, he did?
Yes, next podcast you can sing Billy Joel to JJ, he did.
You want me to do JJ, he did my next podcast?
In the next podcast?
I'll do JJ, he did.
We're going to talk to him tomorrow.
Well, sorry, join us next week for Zach doing GG did Wow
But I love to hear
Frogman subignal
God help
Goodbye everybody
See you next week with GG
You've been listening to the Aunty Donna podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip-up episode brought to you by
See ya next week!
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