Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 258 - The Graham Norton Show
Episode Date: June 8, 2021On this weeks episode of the Aunty Donna Podcast it's the Graham Norton show with heaps of fun guests! auntydonna.comJoin The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.
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Hello folks and welcome to the Anti-Donner Podcast. My name is Broden. Tom has left his microphone
at work and we have gone into lockdown. We're in week two of lockdown in Melbourne at the
moment. We can't leave the house. Luckily for you, Dillisner, this podcast was recorded
before we went into lockdown. It is the Graham Norton Show, and this one is particularly fucked up and I apologize.
Uh, yeah.
If you want to help us eat food and not die, particularly when we're in lockdown,
and you want extra content like extra podcasts and other cool shit,
go to and supporters on Patreon. Have a
great week and enjoy this very very fucked episode.
I enjoy the motherfucking podcast.
Oh, good, I love. What? Uh, music. Music. Oh, sorry.
There you go.
I've never watched the show.
Oh, hello. I'm Graham Norton in it.
And, uh, is he, is he British?
He's Irish. Just, just, just, just, I don't know.
Hello, I'm Graham Norton and I lift my eyebrows
and make my hands go like this. and the sky rains with glitter and stars and
you're on my
purple and gold
themed show color themed show. It's a palette. That's the color palette for it. Yeah, yeah, when I say I'm Graham
Okay, Graham who's ma?
You know because you know we were setting this up as sort of an opportunity for me and brought in to do some really good character work. And I've started
it with some great character work. Oh absolutely. I just want to make sure because there's been
some hints in the last maybe 20-30 seconds that you don't know the structure of Graeme
Norton. I'm really what this is is a structure for improv. Yeah. It's like chatty man,
yeah. Do you know how it works in
terms of how the guests come out and they're sitting on a couch? I mean yeah,
the I guess comes out they sit on the couch. Do you know how many guests are on
the couch at once? Three to four. That's great. No, as long as you know that,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever you need to do. All right, great. Because I've just
been working a lot on my character. The crowd is we have started. Okay. Um
Hello, welcome to the Graham Norton show with robots and lava lamps and boats
It's just I just put the dry is just talking about the titles. Yeah
I'm running on and I run so silly because I'm Graham Norton
We got a great show for you tonight and
Today we film this during the day goes out at night. It's easier. It's easier for celebrities
Timing wise
Because otherwise that night they're busy. They got premieres and shit to go to
So let's do square. Yes, at Leester Square, at the Lester Square Theatre, or the IMAX or the station, or the IMAX or the KFC, or just one of the
chicken shops. Can I do time out real quick? Yeah.
And time I was in London with my parents after in Edinburgh, they came to Edinburgh,
and we went to London, and I saw the premiere of Bridget Jones 3. I was, but two
metres away from Renee's L. Wicker. Wow too meet us away from Renee Zellwicka.
Wow, that's incredible.
Yeah, back to it.
We don't have Renee Zellwicka on tonight's show, but we do have some guests.
One is a model to a very nice Australian girls and a basketball player.
All right.
And, uh, but, um, we had Sir Ian McKellen on last week.
Whoa, he's old.
Fuck, he's an old guy.
How was he not dead?
He's not that old.
He's not that old.
No, he's old.
He's like a hundred and he's over a hundred.
He's close to, he's like 85, 87.
Time out real quick.
Time out real quick. I wouldn it be great if I was like the band leader
and you were like a host of a tonight show?
I don't think Graemland has a band leader.
No, he doesn't, but I was just saying,
and I would just like, I just,
I just like block everything you say.
Yeah, instead of being like,
ah, good point, I just go,
I don't think that's the case.
Okay, we don't have to do that today,
but just that's an idea for another time.
For like the pitch bank.
I like that.
All right, well let's bring on our,
that's my opening monologue.
What's a laughs?
What do you reckon?
Brodon's nodding.
Let's bring on our first guest.
Our first guest is, I don't know a lot better. I know that she's a
Influencer of some sort. She's a model. She's a model. I'm G models. Who are you right now?
I'm right now. I'm Zach, but I just want to I want you to really give a good intro because I've been working on my GJ
Hit did for a while. Okay
Well, we have three we have guests and our first guest is
Beautiful girl, not that I'm interested.
Oh, digging.
What? Just move on.
Alright, and let's bring her out. It's GG, her did.
Are you on music? Yeah, some sort of rock on music is important.
I just think it's important that we have some sort of walk on music
All right, we don't guests don't usually get walk out music. Don't they I didn't know that
I'm just trying to set the scene because I've got a really good Gigi had did
Um, and we've got some kind of music just even the Graham Norton tune again. Okay, first a brief spin. All right, here we go
Um, please welcome Gigi had did
Alright, here we go. Um, please welcome J.J. Hadid.
It's a long walk, so just keep walking.
Hey, how are you?
This is your J.J. Hadid.
Hey, how are you?
It's me, J.J. Hadid.
Don't sing along to the music, please This is good good intro music all right GG. He did I'm Graham Norton
I hello. I'm GG her did all right you said that so Cal I'm from so Cal
Can you pitch my voice up because I'm pitching it down like she does but you need to pitch it up Tom
Can you do that for me? That's a lot of work. I want to work. No Tom
You do that for me? That's a lot of work.
I want a lot of work.
No, Tom, it's okay.
That's a lot of work for Tom.
I was hoping you would say no, but that would be the gang.
Can you pitch it down for me?
That's really rude.
Fuck, come on, Tom.
Come on.
Look, it's so great to have you.
Hey, I know.
How should you do it?
I know.
You've said many, many times.
I have an on off on an off
relationship with Zane. We bring out all the guests at the same time by the way. Okay.
So let's bring out our other guest for the day. They love basketball. No, they love
other basketball. What are you doing? They are. I don't know. He was exploring Gatesie for a time and then he moved on
and decided on Veronica.
Right, so this is not Stephen Gates from Tripod?
No, it's Gaze.
Yeah, Gaze.
You should do Gatesie, should we know?
Just to be clear, this is the pilot for Graham Norton.
So, I don't even, Graham Norton doesn't even know what's going on.
We're figuring it out as we go.
Yeah. That's why there's a couple figuring it out as we go. Yeah.
That's why there's a couple of speed bumps.
What are the speed bumps?
I've noticed, and no speed bump.
I know, that's why I get picked up.
So, so is my, my interjections as Zach in-world as the pilot.
Am I like an EP on Graeme Norton's situation?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I like it.
We're figuring it out.
Let's welcome my first ever guests.
It's the Veronica twins.
Yeah, good eye, Mack.
I'm Veronica one.
And I'm Veronica two.
Why you say?
We walk in time, man.
We do what yes we do.
We got big shoes and we look the same.
Hey, you stole my line.
Well, you stole my dress wherever on it cuz we're 36
years old we're very pretty and we love to dance like guitar
tapatita you're very short as well oh I'm tiny and your names are girls
Jess and Lisa so good to have you here. Yeah, I'm Jess and I'm Lisa. So good. Hey wait a minute. That's not true
Untouched no way. Oh yeah, yeah, I'm touched
Great song untouched drums.ouched. That's great. Are they singing your song? I didn't ask them to sing a song
I know they were really cool in Korean
Potential I think I'm taught excuse me sorry. I think Mac touch may have had something to do with this
Oh, no, maybe not. No, maybe not
Sorry, sorry, I'm performing right now. No, maybe not. Touched. Sorry guys, sorry.
I'm performing right now.
Yeah, but you were not.
And I'm performing too.
And when I'm performing, you shut the fuck up.
Is that clear?
Look, no, that is clear.
I just think that you don't usually isn't the performance at the end of the show.
I'm sorry about her.
Hey, you don't have to apologize for me.
Yeah, but you're going too far. They do bigger a lot for sisters
Oh, yeah, I have a sister Bella had did and a brother brother and why and why he did and why her did
He's my little brother. We're all signed to IMG models
Look, we didn't organize a band for you and you're just kind of playing a karaoke track to untouch out of your phone
Yeah All right, go on and you're just kind of playing a karaoke track to untouch out of your phone.
Alright, go on.
I go, ooh, ooh, you go, ah, ah, la, la, la, la, la, la.
I was like the song.
You can go long to see your Bon Jovi and you can sing along to live in on a prayer.
We're performing. And hey, Jess, chill out.
I will Veronica.
They pick her a lot for sisters.
Well, I bicker a lot with my sister.
Shut up, Bella.
Shut up.
What do you mean?
The Veronica's a Ron, they're trying to sing a song.
I've done a lot of research on Gigi.
Had did. So just make sure we get to the questions.
We will. Because I've done a lot of research. Right, I so just make sure we get to the question we will because I've done a lot of
Research right I'm always in control of this show take control. It's just a pilot
So it's you know, we've got so many more episodes ahead of us to figure out the format and stuff
But I think it's gone quite smoothly at the moment after then he prompts funny stories he goes, won't you?
When you in a club? I know what I do
Do you crossed the line
Remember that time you crossed the line
Yeah, I do I was a family girl. I was 18 years old. What is that?
Now you crossed the line once didn't you they cut to
Big chicken is that what was happening?
Well, we're about to find out.
So I started modeling when I was 17, like my mother.
Oh, so I entrusted.
This is boring.
She's room.
Well, I think it's really good.
I've done a lot of research on my character, JJ Hadid.
I've done a lot of research.
So just bear with me here.
Well, at the moment, all I'm gonna say,
it feels like your
JJ had did your stories make me feel like you JJ had didn't
That's pretty good. That's really good. That's really rude. Um, why don't you think I'm seeing a bit more of untouched?
I just I just did so much
Get back to I can't lie. Lila. Lila. Lila. I want to want to want to get get I don't wanna stop Get me
I was just starting to get you I felt like you weren't quite on top of what was happening in the song
I'm on top and I'm untouched
It's true
Because there's a name in the song
Let me ask you, Graeme, when did you start doing interviews?
And what made you want to interview people?
Well, I am an anthropologist
I studied anthropology.
And what was your original form?
My original form was a gator.
I was a gator, and then I anthropologied into a human.
But I can go back and forth whenever I want.
Oh, so you're anamorphic?
And are you a teenage boy or a teenage girl
in a sort of young adult fiction?
Absolutely, I am. I can turn into sort of like a silver chrome like liquid.
Oh yes.
And I use that mostly to slip under doors.
Well that's mostly Alex Mack. When I said you were an animal that was that you could
go between gator and human.
Now we're twins so we're kind of freaks of nature as well. So it's a connection there
that we could talk about on the show.
You see, I'm running a fucking show, Graham.
I am doing a great job.
Please be aware that is the pilot.
This is the pilot, but not only is this the pilot,
like they just went, they called me this morning.
They went, hey, you've got a pilot come do a show.
And I went, I have him pitch the show.
I don't, I haven't, formatted a show.
I have no idea.
So I'm still in my pajamas.
Can I just say really quickly,
I think you're doing a wonderful job.
Thank you.
He's just doing little prompts.
Like, like, you cross the line and then we tell a story.
So that's okay.
Like, he doesn't have to, it's just that I had a really good story
about crossing a line that I didn't get to.
Well, what is that story you cross the line once?
Oh, that's a great question, Veronica one.
So my father, Muhammad Hadid,
is a property developer in the Beverly Hills area.
He recently got sued by some neighbors
because he took,
because I know why.
11, 11, 11, 11 tree went over the fence.
No, he got a permit for a 15,000 square meter
Manchin and he built a 30,000 square well
Manchin nice one-time ab appearance my dad Mr. Veronica. He had this big beautiful. Do you have the same dad?
Yeah, that's how twins work. Yeah, yeah, yeah, same they came out of the room from
What do you mean? Well in Beverly Beverly Hills, a twin, a twin
can have separate dads.
No, I think you're thinking of a Twix.
What's this?
I think you're thinking of a Twix.
At break.
So if you're just joining us,
this is the Gigi Hadid show.
No, no, no, it's the great of the wallet.
Twins, which are two chocolate bars with a crunchy bottom and a caramel top. No, no, no, no, no, no, no for the same thing. What's that? An antonum.
What I'm saying is a Twix and a Twinn is the same thing.
It's a chocolate bar.
It's just what they call Twix as an...
We can introduce the third guest.
A Twinn, I will.
I will.
But I just want to be clear that a Twinn
is when the sperm splits in half and gets into two
different kidneys.
And then the babies grow there.
That's not than the word.
Now what happened mate?
Let me take you through what happened and how we became twins.
We got to, um, we came out of, uh, baby, baby, we are, uh,
we were in the same womb, womb, womb, cause we like getting, uh,
just the edges, just give up.
You don't know your own stuff.
We are going to bring out our next guest.
Which one of you dated Billy Corgan?
This one.
And this one dated Ruby Rose.
And this one loves to dance.
You like toxic people.
It seems.
Well, we like the song, toxic, yeah.
Because of it
It's a pops it's a pop icon tongue can tell it's a little bit. Yeah, and it's oh, yeah free Britney. Oh, please free Britney I'm asking me any questions about my life. I've done a lot of research. Yeah later. I'm we're gonna
Yeah, I'm gonna get a new guest
This guest
Love's basketball has has has owns multiple basketballs?
I don't know, I love music.
I'm asking the Veronica's and I shouldn't.
I really like love the Veronica's and you broke my heart.
Well, I don't like Graham Norton.
We talk about each other in third person, what are we doing here?
I just love the Veronica's.
I am the Veronica's.
I could fuck it, kill you with one hand.
Jesus. We're Vulcan. They have Vulcan
They you're kind of like a power ranger Zui don't you when I wear Balkan? Oh, you're bulking up. No, we're not Vulcans
No, that's a start. Well Balkans kill someone with one hand can't they can they yeah
Vulcans have that one hand thing isn't that all you're thinking J of G.G. The bill does the Vulcan thing.
G.G. I'm just saying, I'm Vulcan, we're Vulcan, so we could bash her.
Right, that's always saying.
You're not Vulcan, and you're not some sort of Vulcan.
And we're not Vulcan.
And we're not Vulcan-type figure.
We're Vulcan, we're just, you know, doing a lot of dead lifts.
Let's bring it out. G.G.
G.G. Come on. Come on.
Let's bring out our next guest, uh, basketball extraordinaire Andrew Gates.
Oh, get out of here.
How's it going?
Yeah, get out.
Boys, how you going?
Oh, Gaze.
He's with Veronica's J's.
They can sing a song.
And if it isn't GJ, he did. Yeah. I's with Veronica's G's. They can sing a song. And if it isn't G, G, he did.
Yeah, I'll be there with a feather.
My father is Muhammad had dead.
Yeah, that's sick.
You've got an interesting story about feathers.
Oh, yeah.
Well, only in the way that I love jumping in through the air and slam Duncan cheese if I had
feathers, I could dunk him, I could fly even more through the air don't though
And I'm a bit old to jump these days. Yeah, that's who you want
What an exciting year for the NBL so many great players coming through
Josh Giddy the new hope of the NBL could be a hydra pick in the NBA eventually
But hell be out those perth wild cats. Well kicking everyone's bum and who can forget the best NBA player?
What's his name?
Jason Segal?
No, that's an action movie here.
Oh, Cotton.
Bryce Cotton!
Jesus, he's a good player.
He dribbles around the little fella.
Now you've got an interesting story about dribbling around the little fella.
No, that was us.
Oh, right, that's the Veronica's.
One day we were on OxyContin,
and we fucking may as a just drool on everywhere.
You know what the fuck was going on.
Yeah, right.
And JJ had did.
You didn't know what the fuck was going on.
Well, I just got to say one thing before we move on.
The Vulcan nerve pinch is a onehand means of a Vulcan killing.
Someone, it's got its own Wikipedia page.
I just want you to know that that was a completely acceptable mistake for you to make.
For someone to say, I can kill you with one hand.
I'm Vulcan.
I think that was a reasonable thing to assume.
But just for clarity, we are Vulcan.
They're Vulcan.
We be Vulcan.
Can I ask how a Vulcan person kills someone with one hand?
Like a punch? Strength. Strength. Can I ask how a bulk person kills someone with one hand? Strength.
Strangle, maybe I would just use a strangle.
When you do, I'll hang it on walk up to you.
And grab your bar, the scruff on the neck.
And jump a puncher.
Now I don't know which one you are right now.
You're either Lisa or Jess.
Jess, right?
And we're the Veronica's.
Oh my god.
They look exactly the same and they both pissed me off
Do you want to introduce your fourth guess? I do you can choose a fourth guess. I'll just a fourth guest is
What you're looking at me like I just I'll just just chuck this out
I just did so much research on Gigi, he did. Just keep doing Gigi, he did.
Yeah, but it's just not a lot of questions,
so I can show my research.
I can do more questions.
No, no, just bringing a different person.
All right.
I'll keep doing Gigi as well,
but I just, I just,
geez, these bloke seems pretty up,
and he doesn't, he wouldn't get on the Melbourne Tigers roster.
What, is that a basketball team?
It was.
Now you've got an interesting story about a tiger.
Yeah, one day I fucked a tiger. Yeah one day I fucked it. Yeah, yeah, Gaze. Yeah
And by tiger I mean my Mrs. Mrs. Gaze. Oh, she's a tiger in the bedroom. I assume I love you Gaze. I love you
Bella did now. That's my sister. That's my
Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Gigi. All right, but I'm gonna bring on our next guest
I'm too busy being father of the year to keep out with what don't you
Probably a fan of my Dutch mother Yolanda had did I love Yolanda had did let's bring it on next guest
It is someone we're very excited to bring on it is
Bella had did
Oh, I don't know. What?
I don't, I mean, she sounds the same as Gigi.
Because then we've got two, at least.
At least, you'll want to make a guess.
At least Yolanda, because then I can do a dark check.
No, not Yolanda.
No, not Yolanda.
Okay, fine.
Bring her out.
I don't know much about Ballerad,
I didn't do a lot of research on Ballerad.
She did that thing, you know, about the shoes,
but she's like, he's going to get it.
No, I don't know that.
I didn't research her.
Just, I think they're very similar. it. Not, I don't know that. I didn't research her.
Just, I think they're very similar. Yeah, okay, bring her up.
Let's, we're gonna get some music.
Let's bring her up.
I just, I would've liked like a silly character, like a...
O'Ballah is very silly.
She's like a funny accent, or like, you know, someone.
She's got a crazy accent.
She's a sillier swat of the family.
He's damn right.
I'm sure she is, but they're not a particularly silly family.
Do you know how I'll tell you a story a little guy came down in the Melbourne Tigers in the late 80s
And he didn't think he was very silly next thing you know we're chucking all you used to one another and that guy turned out to be
Leonard Copeland wow
I love his songs
Yeah, I don't think yes songs. He he's basketball player. How tall are you? I'm six foot?
All right, I'm five ten. Yeah, perfect high for a model introduce. I don't know how to spell it
It's how am I to do Bella? I don't know how to do you've got your research. It's Bella had this
It's Bella had in
I play so can handle
Hello, I didn't I
This is this is very close. You didn't do my research very close. I don't I don't know what she sounds like Okay, hello. I'm Bella. I did the younger sister of Gigi
Sister in law of Zain Malik, and daughter of Yolanda Hadid, Mohammed Hadid, and ex-step daughter of...
Oh, yeah, girl.
Now, I have heard, Bella, that you do an excellent Yolanda impression.
Yeah, oh, no, I'll give it a go. Yeah, yeah, yeah
What I was doing there was teaching your voice was giving you the opportunity to do a silly Dutch accent like you
I'm better. I did I think it's pretty close. I've never heard her talk. Yeah, no, I like it
All right, so we've got the
I've never heard her talk. Yeah, no, I like it.
All right, so we've got Veronica.
We've got Veronica one.
Veronica two.
We've got Gatesie.
Get out.
Not Gatesie.
Just to be really clear, I'm Andrew Gays.
No connection to Stephen Gates.
One of the three members of Comedy Group
that tripod, we know Gatesie.
They're very similar in terms of their career.
They're easy to get confused.
What ways? Both have played basketball professionally.
No, one is a member. Both are members of TriPod, the musical group.
Okay, now you can.
Yeah, it's easy to get confused.
And only one of those facts are true.
All right, they both play basketball professionally?
Yes, right. Okay both play basketball professionally. Yes. Yes, right. Okay.
Unless that was a yarn
Was that yarn? I don't know what he I don't know yarn the little one. Well, I love dribbling
Your Bella did
Bella did oh, I know I'm Bella. I did and JJ did. Hi there. I'm
Hey, hey, I'm GG.
That's pretty different to what you're doing before, I think.
I'm trying to get that accent.
Okay, you've got to be honest with you.
Yeah, I'm not confident in my GG.
I did a lot of research, I have the facts.
Yeah, I don't think I got the voice.
Well, I would happen one day when I was a young fella.
Oh yeah, tell us that.
I heard something happen to you one day,
you were a young fella.
When bloke came up to me once, you're never gonna make it. It is
basketball. Oh what? But you turned out to be one of the greatest basketballers of all time.
Because I believe in myself. Yeah. Now if you back yourself in, I reckon you can have
the best career in the NBA. Because what do you want to do?
We've got a beller. Oh, it's a beller,ar I did What do you want to do?
I like being a model, I like my sister
And I also know some of the Kardashians
Well because that's interesting because I heard you did something once
Yes I climbed the tallest mountain to find the treasure chest
There was a treasure chest on the top of the mountain Everest
But now this mountain was a taller than,
for it was an underwater mountain.
I have gills, you see.
This is what happens when I don't do my research.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm guessing.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I have gills for I am half lady, half fish.
Wow, kind of like a mermaid.
So no, not like a mermaid,
mermaids with their tails.
No, I am, I have the form of a woman,
but the scale is skin of a fish.
So kind of like Kevin Kossner from Waterworld,
but scale.
Yeah, more like, more like if you've seen that one
with that underwater monster,
the sort of Emily with the underwater monster.
Oh, the love of water, the shape of water.
Sort of like that, but uglier.
Yeah, right.
Uglier than that.
She's a fine time G model, so I can't,
I don't think I'm on the moon here.
My favorite bit of that movie is where the fish monster
reveals it has a fish cock and then the woman fucks it.
Now you gaysy.
You gaysy. You guys are cool.
I'm joking.
I'm joking.
I'm joking.
But I wish it was on purpose.
You Gazey.
You had an interesting story about coming to the movies once.
Yeah, one day I went to the movies and I saw a little movie called Basketball.
And you know what happened?
Years later I became the father of the year. Wow. Wow. little movie called Basketball. And you know what happened? What?
Years later, I became the father of the year.
That's incredible that those two things
are completely unrelated in a lot of ways.
Well, that's the way it goes.
That's just good eye big fellow.
Hey, I'm Zach.
Oh, this is our other guest, Zach, by the way.
Oh, there's too many guests.
By the way, I'm so sorry that if this has been a little bit of a roller coaster,
we're just finding our feet with this.
That's all right. I designed roller coasters.
Belly had did.
Belly had did design roller coasters.
Did you design the supermenuscape?
Did you design Velocircoster?
I think I designed some of the engineering,
some of the parts.
I did that there's a twist that they use
in the Velocicoster that I developed.
Did you design the little weapon now,
Arkham as escape?
You designed that?
Did you design Chadstone?
Did you design the Tokyo Tower? No. Did you design the Tokyo Tower?
Did you design the first skyscraper in Brooklyn
that is being built right now?
The foot...
Why was there a skyscraper in Brooklyn?
I don't know.
I'm a humble singer from Queensland.
That's really interesting.
I follow a skyscraper man on TikTok.
He talks about skyscrapers.
He goes, this is a skyscraper?
Who are you?
Zach. I'm also against. Zach is also skyscraper. Who are you? Zach.
I'm also a guest.
Zach is also a guest on this show.
Ask me the question.
What question?
I'm reading to the song.
Oh yeah.
I heard that you have a song.
I feel so untouched and I want you so much that I just can't resist you. It's not enough to say that I miss you.
I love that song, I love that chorus.
You know, I love it too. That's my rev-up song before I used to play in the 90s.
Absolutely. Um, go to the Jess and um, Lisa, did you know that Gazey would warm up to your song in the
He is before it even came out.
No, that's lovely to hear.
We love hearing what.
Now, Bella had did, I heard you heard, I heard you hear, but I heard that you hear.
I'm prompting you for a first word.
You heard that you hear.
I heard that you hear.
Well, I have seven senses, but all are different to yours.
Right, what are they?
They're the glimnglom, the grumble, Ghibidi-du.
I see sound waves.
The way all the way you hear them.
You see those festivals?
You see, you've been to every sound wave?
I've not heard of sound wave for I'm from California.
Right, okay.
But I have heard of a quest that you all must go on.
Poor UCI.
Fellahed did.
I've took that treasure chest from the top of the underwater mountain.
And I hid it somewhere in Sydney.
Wow, oh, we go there all the time.
Yeah, I'm in Sydney often.
We're in the new series of, uh, the premise.
The first person out of this collection of people
that finds the treasure chest.
You're doing a rat race?
Yeah, gets to keep it.
You're doing a, it's a wild, wide, wild, wacky world. I'm setting up a rat race? Pits, yeah, gets to keep it. You're doing a, it's a wide, wide, wacky world.
I'm setting up a rat race for the next fuck cow.
So, Casey, Veronica, Zacharyway,
but Gigi had did and Graham Norton.
And I might as well bring along my boyfriend, Tina Burner.
This is in the past, so.
We're dating at this time.
Oh, okay, yes, yes, yeah, you were dating Tina Burner. is in the past so okay dating at this time. Oh, okay. Yes. Yes. Yeah, you were dating Tina Burner
So what I'm gonna do now is fly away
ascend to heaven
Very different to what I suspect this is bala
What I was talking about Gigi. Oh Gigi
Good bye
All right. Wow there she goes. Balladhead, flying into heaven. Oh and a water type vortex pulls her in. So here we are everybody. Oh geez. I don't know. I'm not
really interested in that treasure. Yeah neither am I Jessica. I'm not gonna go after that treasure at all.
Yeah, me neither.
I'm just gonna go home to bed.
Yeah, oh, oh, oh wow.
It's getting so late.
I might go back to Southern California
to my mom's mansion.
Yeah, me and Tina Burna,
we're just gonna have an early night after shooting this pilot.
Tina Burna.
Tina Burna. Tina Burner.
I see, here's my issue, right?
So by it being a pilot, Gigi did, I think,
wasn't a model at that point, right?
Because when did the show start?
And if he's dating Tina Burner, that was in the 90s,
well before he started, the Graham Norton show.
Well, this is just a pilot.
Anyway. Anyway, oh, oh, yeah, this is just a pilot. Anyway.
Anyway, oh, oh, oh, yeah, I'm Zach Ruin. I gotta go do some comedy with my sketch group,
Arnie Donner, bye bye.
See ya mate.
Yeah, I'm gonna turn it in for the night.
Who are you?
Graeme Norton.
Yes, I'll see you later.
Hey Veronica.
Hey Tina.
Let's go get that treasure.
Let's go get that treasure.
He's a... yeah, GG did.
Let's go get that treasure.
Oh wait a minute, they're all going for the treasure too.
Join us on the next episode of the Graham Norton show.
Where we...
Look for the treasure.
Everyone's doing sort of a rat-row situation.
And maybe in the end, they don't find the treasure. Everyone's doing sort of a rat-row situation and maybe in the end
they don't find the treasure but they fall into a love concert being performed by smash-mouth.
Yeah. Or they're all hanging off the side of a hospital building. They're all in hospital.
Yes. That's the end of them. Is that the end of a Madman Bamboo World? I have not seen it.
I just thought it'd be funny to do the ending of,
it's early 2000s adaptation remake.
Oh, can we do the ending of the ending to say?
One of the three.
Next week, we're going to do it's a Madman world
with these characters.
Or not.
Or not. I'm not feeling it. I'm not feeling it. Yeah oh not, I'm not feeling it.
I'm not feeling it.
I'm not feeling that at all.
Oh it's kind of the whole thing.
Yeah, it's kind of big.
You've been listening to the Anti-Donut Podcast.
Thanks for joining us for another rip episode brought to you by
See you next week!