Aware & Aggravated - 109. How To Actually Lose Weight

Episode Date: December 31, 2023

In this episode Leo shares the truth about weight loss, and how to actually lose weight. He busts some myths, and clears up a lot of misconceptions followed by preparing you mentally for this new way ...of living. He then gives you step by step tips to start applying RIGHT NOW that will help you lose weight. This is the weight loss game explained & made very simple.    🎟️ TOUR DETAILS AND TICKETS:   ✅ FOLLOW ME HERE:   📱 MY APP POSITIVE FOCUS Apple: Google:    🔒 MY PRIVATE FACEBOOK SUPPORT COMMUNITY    📝 ACCOUNTABILITY TEMPLATES/WORKSHEETS   Business Inquiries:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi friends, this is the long awaited episode you've all been asking for. This is gonna be all of my diet tips and all the things that I've used to lose weight. This video is gonna be what little me wish he could have found. All the things I've had to learn on my own and listen to these idiots online say to certain things work, it's certain thing, no, I got all the real tricks right here. And one thing for we jump in to all the trigger warning weirdos, go. This is not a safe space for you.
Starting point is 00:00:28 This is for real life, okay? So I'm gonna give it to you straight. I'm gonna tell you a couple of things you need to get right in your mind and get the right mindset. And things you need to just realize and get solid with before you try and jump in everything because then I'm gonna give you tips.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Like realistic, these are good, these are bad. Do this instead of this. Like I'm gonna give you tips, like realistic. These are good, these are bad, do this instead of this. Like I'm gonna give you the actual applicable steps of like things to do and ways to change your eating habits and everything around it. So let's start off with mindset. If you want to lose weight, your entire life is about to change.
Starting point is 00:01:01 This is not like a small thing. When you set out on the goal to lose weight, what you have to get right in your head and expect is your entire life is about to feel different. Your entire life is about a change as you know it. And just because something is new or feels different, it does not mean it's bad. It does not mean it hurts. It's just different. So I wanted to say this before your brain
Starting point is 00:01:25 immediately starts running with unfamiliarity and thinking it's bad and wanting to resort back to comfort because it's known. That's to be expected, but now you're aware of it, you're one step ahead of your brain. Hey, just because it's new doesn't mean it's bad. We're adjusting to the way that life feels now with these new habits. The next thing I want to say is you need to become aware of the fact that you can feel hungry and not eat. You can choose to not eat even if you feel hungry. That's something that I was trapped in for so long. Like I actually, I couldn't. And I really was convinced like, no, I have to eat. I can't stop eating. You can feel hungry and not eat. Same way you can be tired and not sleep.
Starting point is 00:02:07 It's a choice. You can fully fight off urges, not even fight off urges, but like, you can not let your emotions in the way you feel dictate what you do. It's like being thirsty. You can be thirsty and not drink. You can be tired and not sleep. You can be horny and not fuck.
Starting point is 00:02:24 It is possible. And I want to say that. And making you aware of this thing actually being possible, you have in control is because it doesn't feel like it. It feels very overwhelming when you have urges for things. And food absolutely is a comfort. I know it fully. I was fat as I was growing up. I was a big kid. I was big for most of my years growing up. And food is absolutely a comfort. But you have to understand about comfort is you're feeling discomfort.
Starting point is 00:02:56 And you've found a way to comfort yourself and make yourself feel better, which is food. What happens when you no longer allow yourself to run to the comfort mechanism that you know, when you make yourself sit in the discomfort, you're like, okay, I can't go eat. I'm not going to choose that comfort anymore. What other comfort can I find? You've never explored this perspective. So I want you to sit in the discomfort and no longer run back to what you know. Open up to the potential of experiencing new comforts and other things you can do that are comforting. You can absolutely turn
Starting point is 00:03:34 to food anytime you want it. It's always there. Are you gonna choose it? Or do you want to sit in there and explore other ways to comfort it? Because if you just find one other way to comfort yourself, that's not food. Let's say if every other time you feel discomfort and you want to eat about it and comfort yourself, if you just 50% of the time, every other time you feel uncomfortable, jump to your new comfort instead of eating, you will lose weight. That's just one thing to get. You don't have to give up the comfort of food forever.
Starting point is 00:04:04 You can go back to it. It's always there when you need it. That's just one thing to get. You don't have to give up the comfort of food forever. You can go back to it. It's always there when you need it. That's your comfort. That's the one that you know. It's consistent. It's there. You do not have to give it up. If your goal is just to lose weight, this is one way to do it and get it right in your
Starting point is 00:04:16 head. The comfort is always there. And you're never going to be able to stop eating. That's the bitch about being a human being. You got to have food to live. And that's why it's one of the hardest addictions to be, or get control over, because a heroin addict can go quit
Starting point is 00:04:30 and then live without it. It's gonna be hard to tell. But like, imagine you needed heroin to live every day, and you can only take this much. You can't take too much. That's like, that's what food is. You're literally faced with that all the time. Like, you have to keep eating it. So what I want you to get is like, this is not something that's like food is. You're literally faced with that all the time. Like you have to keep eating it.
Starting point is 00:04:45 So what I want you to get is like, this is not something that's like forever gone. Like you have to be this way forever. You're allowed to fuck up. You're allowed to resort back to old patterns. But as long as you keep trying to change them, and like you can fluctuate back and forth between new comfort and old comfort,
Starting point is 00:05:00 and you're gonna see a decrease in the way. Trust. And one more thing about the point where I said, you can feel hungry and still choose not to eat. The one thing I have to tell myself all the time, it's kind of rough, is you're not gonna die. Like be for real. Like when I go to the kitchen and I'm like wanting
Starting point is 00:05:15 to eat real bad, like sometimes I have to just check myself and be like, Leo, you're not gonna die. Like, you're fine. You're gonna eat again in the morning, you know? And it's okay to eat But when you start eating and then you get to that point where you want to keep going and like lead to a binge You're not gonna die if you don't binge That's one thing that helped me a lot when I was binging a lot before I got a grip on it I'm gonna do a full podcast episode about binge eating
Starting point is 00:05:38 But that's one thing that helped me a lot is being like you're not gonna die if you resist this urge go to sleep Now Now, the last little mindset piece I want to give you before we jump into the steps is you're going to feel uncomfortable and off while you're losing weight. Not that you're going to feel off in a bad way, but it's not the most enjoyable experience because your body is using itself for energy. There's gonna be a little discomfort. You're not gonna feel it, it doesn't hurt.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Like you've all gained weight and lost weight, like you don't notice it. But when your body is having to use itself for energy instead of food that you're giving it, it doesn't have a lot of just excess resources there to use so it has to start breaking down your fat and using it as energy. There's a lot of new hormones and things going on
Starting point is 00:06:26 and it's going to feel new and it's going to feel stressful and it's going to feel weird. You're going to want to eat. You're going to have like weird thoughts and your mind will like play with you a little bit, but just understanding your body is using itself for energy instead of having excess food around. There's a lot of things going to be going on inside you, especially hormonally and emotionally, like mentally, it's going to feel off, it's going to feel weird, it's not going to be the most enjoyable experience. But I do want to say it's not like the worst thing in the world. I'm just saying this to prepare you mentally, like it's not
Starting point is 00:06:59 like it hurts, it's not like a weird or a bad thing, it actually feels really good. It's just the mental part of it that I wanted to prepare you for. Now here's the science behind losing weight. I'm gonna make it very easy for you. Losing weight is a numbers game. Calories look at them as energy. When you have an excess of energy and calories in your body, your body is going to store that as fat.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Your body is not against you. Your body is doing what it's supposed to do. What happens with weight loss is these stores that you have of fat on your body are used for energy. So when you don't have enough calories that you're eating, your body will start to use the fat stores and the energy stores that it created when you gave it extra. But weight loss is literally a numbers game. I've tried everything in the book and that's really what it is. It's a numbers game of what's going everything in the book and that's really what it is. It's a numbers game of what's going in and what's going out.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Like if you take in a lot of energy and excess calories and you're not expending them or using them, your body will store it. So your body burns calories every single day. Your body needs a certain amount of energy and calories to maintain itself. And this is your maintenance calories for your body to do what it needs to do and figure itself out and keep itself going. When you eat more than that, is when you're gonna gain weight.
Starting point is 00:08:12 If you eat less than that, you will lose weight. And everybody has this whole big fight about maintenance calories and what everybody's number is. Everybody's number's gonna be different. It's gonna be dependent on your age, weight, height, gender, everything. Like everything is gonna be a contributing factor to how many calories you burn just day to day. Everybody's number is going to be different. It's going to be dependent on your age, weight, height, gender, everything. Everything is going to be a contributing factor to how many calories you burn just day
Starting point is 00:08:29 to day. For the people who want to know what their maintenance calories are, go on Google and literally type in Calorie Calculator. There's going to be a lot of different links. Click like five different links and put in all of your information. Your age, your sex, your height, your activity level, put it into the calculator and it's going to give you a number at the bottom. A lot of people say 1500 calories for like normal women is like maintenance.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Everyone's going to be different because I'm six foot seven as a dude and I work out a lot. My maintenance is like 3,300 to 3,500 depending on how hard I work out. But if you want to figure out what your number is to figure out your maintenance, to base your diet around, go put your information into like five of these different calculators, because they're all gonna give you a different number, but they're all gonna be around the same.
Starting point is 00:09:15 And then just take the average of all of those numbers and you have like your baseline, okay, this is most likely my maintenance. Now you have a starting point of how many calories you should be looking at to eat a day to maintain yourself. And there's two ways you can play with this number. If you want to lose weight, you can eat less food and eat less calories, or you can eat the same amount of calories as your maintenance and exercise, which will put you in a negative. That's where you want to be. There's two ways to get to it. So you can eat less
Starting point is 00:09:46 or exercise more. Either one. But it is literally as simple as that. You're gonna have to start looking at the numbers and understand that it is a numbers game. You can play the game or you can lose. It sucks. It's not fun to play the game, but it is a game. So here's your trick for the game. There are 3,500 calories and one pound of fat. So if you want to lose a pound of fat a week, you need to be in a 500 calorie deficit a day. Whether that's eating the same amount and burning 500 calories,
Starting point is 00:10:21 or if you want to eat 250 calories less, and then exercise for 250 calories, do cardio go to the gym, whatever it is, find a way to get into that deficit. That's how long it takes to lose a pound of fat if you're in a 500 calorie deficit a day. It takes one week. That's like the most healthily recommended way to do it. People don't recommend
Starting point is 00:10:46 going lower than that. But there are certain times where I have dropped it to like a thousand calorie deficit, eating 500 less and doing 500 calories worth of like exercise. There's been times where I've done more. That's not the most recommended way to do it. But if you want to speed up the results, it's literally a numbers game. And this information, me sharing it like this, people are going to get mad and say that I'm like putting people in danger. No, you have the information. I just fucking told you what's healthy. Now, if you want to follow it and do the healthy 500 calories a day, deficit, do it. If you want to do more, that's possible. I'm not encouraging it. I'm just saying
Starting point is 00:11:26 the science behind it. But that's the main thing to remember. 3,500 calories are in one pound of fat. How fast you want to lose it is up to you, but you do run the risk of certain things with your health. So I'd say take it easy and start with the 500 calorie deficit. Honestly, try the 250 of eating a little bit less and 250 calories of like burning calories with exercise. And that'll get you on a good road. But losing a pound a week, it might happen faster than you think. Because some days you're more active than you realize. And you're not just sitting on your ass all day.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I mean, I hope not. Just like working or sitting on the couch or doing anything. Like sometimes you're moving groceries. Sometimes you're not just sitting on your ass all day. I mean, I hope not. Just like working or sitting on the couch or doing anything. Like sometimes you're moving groceries, sometimes you're moving furnaces, or sometimes you're just like running errands and out running around all day or you're shopping. But certain days you burn more than other days.
Starting point is 00:12:15 So you might be in more of a deficit than you think and it can happen faster. But that's the main thing to get. 3,500 calories is one pound of fat. And one more little piece every day, you're going to fluctuate and look different and feel different. Some days, you're going to hold a little bit more water. And if you weigh yourself every single day, that's not really the best indicator of weight loss. I go by what's in the mirror, how I look
Starting point is 00:12:40 and how I feel. When you start getting into this weight loss journey and you're eating lower amounts of calories, every single day, depending on what you eat, you're going to look and feel different because with these calories, you can eat whatever you want. You can eat foods that are good for you or you can eat chocolate cake. As long as it's under your maintenance calories, you will still lose weight no matter what you eat. I'm not talking about the whole what's healthy, what's not. I'm telling you the science behind losing weight you can eat what you want but are you gonna use what you can eat to get nutritious things or you just want to eat whatever you want and I have it go below. It's
Starting point is 00:13:15 whatever you want to do but every single day you are going to fluctuate and some days you're gonna wake up puffy. Some days you're gonna wake up bloated. Some days you're gonna hold a little bit more water. When's the last time you took a shit? How much water are you holding? Are you dehydrated or are you over hydrated? What is it? Like sometimes you're bloated, sometimes you're not.
Starting point is 00:13:34 And I just want you to know, with the numbers game aspect, if you've been going for like a week or like three days and you've been eating lower than your normal calories and you're not seeing the scale go down. Do not let it mess with your head. Get grounded and get stabilized in the numbers game. It is numbers. So it doesn't matter if one day you wake up and you feel puffy and you feel fat and you feel bigger.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Don't make it turn into a whole spiral of like, this is for nothing, this isn't working. And go binge and go back to your old eating habits. Stay consistent with the numbers, because you don't know how you're gonna feel the next day. Maybe you're holding onto a little extra water. Maybe you need to shit. Who knows? We're human beings, we're not machines.
Starting point is 00:14:16 So we're gonna hold things, and weights gonna move around, weights gonna fluctuate, give it time, and be consistent with the numbers aspect. Don't freak out, don't get upset. You're gonna have days where you're eating low calories and you wake up and you feel bigger than you did the day before. Trust me, it's just a low water weight, you're gonna be fine.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Don't let this mentally throw you off. The biggest thing with this is mindset is why I'm hitting so much of it in the beginning. Just keep on track with the numbers game and no, and trust. You are on track, you are achieving what you're trying to achieve, you are losing weight if you're eating less than your maintenance calories,
Starting point is 00:14:50 or if you're eating your maintenance calories and exercising, you are losing weight. Even if you don't feel like it right now, don't base how you feel every single day and make that like the determining factor of if you're losing weight and don't base it off the scale because you might be holding more water like I said. And you're not going to see the scale go down.
Starting point is 00:15:09 You're going to stress out. There's also going to be days where you feel lean and you feel like way smaller than you ever have. And you're going to look at the scale and you're going to be the same weight. It's going to fluctuate. It's going to be different. Don't trip out over the scale. Don't trip out over how you feel if you feel puffy. Stay on track with the numbers and stay consistent. Don't let this fool you and throw you off track because I dealt with that a lot in the beginning of like this whole journey of learning how to lose weight. Like you wake up some days, you feel puffy, you feel bloated, you're like, fuck it. It ain't working. And you binge to
Starting point is 00:15:39 comfort yourself because you're disappointed of what you're seeing or not seeing. So do not let this throw you off track. It is a numbers game. If you stick to the numbers because you're disappointed of what you're seeing or not seeing. So do not let this throw you off track. It is a numbers game. If you stick to the numbers, you're fine. You have your reassurance. Literally, if you want to write down everything you eat, you have reassurance. You can look at it. Like, okay, I know I feel a little puffy today, but I am losing weight.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Just give it a couple of days. Give your body a second to regulate itself and get the water way off or like go to the bathroom or whatever you need to do. Regrope after a couple of days, not every day. Now, for the first tip, it's something simple and something you need to start doing right now. Start looking at nutrition labels for your food. You're gonna have to become accountable
Starting point is 00:16:21 for what you're putting in your body. You need to see what you're putting into it.. You need to see what you're putting into it. Like you need to see what's going on. You can't just play the whole blind game forever. Look how far it's got you. If you're struggling with your weight, your assessment is not good. It's not accurate.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Like I'm talking about my younger self. Like you have to start being accountable with what you're putting in your body. You think you can just go eat a full bag of frozen mozzarella sticks Like you think you can just fry those up and just eat them. That's like 20,000 calories kid I used to just eat a whole bag of cheese sticks just because they's good and I didn't really pay attention You have to start being accountable with what you're eating and what you're putting into your body That's the biggest thing no No more blind, no more fuck it moments. Like, if
Starting point is 00:17:05 you're gonna have a moment where you do binge, at least just look at the labels, just get in the habit of looking at labels. But the biggest thing when looking at labels is it's gonna help you figure out what you can and can't eat. Like, one thing I eat a lot is cheesets. Like the chips, like the crackers, there's 150 calories in 27 crackers. You can sit there and just eat them, and it's not gonna kill you. Like it's not gonna be the worst thing for you. But there's so many marketing tactics for like healthy foods and this health nut shit
Starting point is 00:17:32 where they promote that it's like healthy and it's good for you. That doesn't mean it's low calorie low fat. Like this smart pop shit, that's not good popcorn to be eating if you're trying to lose weight. It's got a good amount of calories and looking at the serving sizes, that's one more thing that you need to start looking at with a nutrition label, is the serving sizes of how much of something you should be eating,
Starting point is 00:17:54 because when I was little I used to eat two packs of Ramanoodles as like a snack. Like okay we're waiting for dinner, like let me eat that and then a couple hours will have dinner. There's two servings per one pack of Ramanoodles. So there's also a lot of sodium in that you gotta watch your ass with that like for heart reasons and like health reasons but just based on the weight loss standpoint like you don't realize how many calories are really in something like a piece of cheesecake usually we'll have around a thousand calories in it and I used to be able to put down half of a cheesecake like six pieces or four how many is that how many Like four or six? I don't know. But my point is just become aware of what you're putting in your body. Even if you don't change it
Starting point is 00:18:33 right away, just becoming aware of it. And then also like I said, when nutrition labels being able to weed out what's good and what's bad, like certain things are promoted, like they're healthy, and they're really not. Like, they're actually way more calorie dense and like fat dense than like the regular stuff. Like, cheese it. Like, there's so many healthy little crackers out there. Cheezits are better when you're talking about calories and fat. Like, they're not as bad.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Like, you can eat cheezits. There are certain things you're gonna be able to eat and not realize it, because you haven't looked at the label. Like, don't just trust the whole, like, oh, it's healthy, it's low fat, it's like reduce this, reduce that. Most times it's bullshit. So get comfortable reading the labels for that aspect,
Starting point is 00:19:12 find the things you can and can't eat because it doesn't go with your goals, but also just to become aware of like the number of calories and the amount of something that you're consuming. Cause it's all fun and games when you don't get to look. Like when you don't look, oh it's all fun and games when you don't get to look. Like when you don't look, oh it's all fun and game, oh whatever, I just have this, I have that.
Starting point is 00:19:28 No. As soon as you start looking, you're like, fuck, is it worth it? That's where you wanna be. You wanna be looking at things like, damn, I know what's in that. Like I haven't eaten cheesecake in like years. Like not a full like piece of cheesecake
Starting point is 00:19:41 or like half a cheesecake like I used to do. Like I still eat dessert. And I'm gonna tell you how I eat it in a minute, but we're gonna get there. So now I'm gonna tell you things you can swap out, but the first thing I wanna tell you is the one thing you have to cut. And I don't wanna say that you need to cut out anything like all together, but like a safe bet is anything fried. Any fried food, cut it.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Get rid of it. Like that's a safe bet, because there's like dessert and stuff like that. You still wanna have a little bit. You still wanna have certain things. But the number one thing I'd say is cut out fried foods. Anything fried, just a minute. And like don't have it.
Starting point is 00:20:17 And if you're gonna have it, let it be like once in a while, once a week, once every two weeks, whatever it is. That's one thing to help you weed out a lot of options whether you're eating out or eating at home. Anything fried? Don't eat it. Don't worry about it. Like there's actually no like health benefit from fried food. For these people who are gonna come on here and try and cancel me, say no promoting eating disorders. Explain me one fried thing that's fucking good for you. Alright, I'll wait. Time's up. Fuck you. So the first thing to swap is sodas.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Any soda you drink, just get the diet version or get the zero version. Like, diet coke, diet seven up is my favorite thing in the world, like diet sprites, okay, I get that when I can't get that enough. But sodas are so much sugar and carbs for no reason. Like if you're drinking any liquid calories, it's a waste in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Unless it's like a healthy juice or like, so like a healthy like smoothie or like a protein shake. Okay, fine. But like, I would much rather eat calories than drink some soda. You know what I mean? But most people's hesitation with diet sodas is they've heard the whole aspartame is bad for you shit
Starting point is 00:21:23 because it's posted everywhere. The amount of aspartame is bad for you shit because it's posted everywhere the amount of aspartame You would actually need to consume to hurt you and to have negative health effects is a copious amount It's a lot. It does not even compare to what's in a soda You could drink a 12 pack a day and it's not even near the amount that would hurt you like look up the science behind it Before you believe these dipshits online because I was over here giving up all soda. No grud drink diet soda all the time. It's good as hell and it's not bad enough to hurt you and if you want to talk about weighing the pros and the cons and the risks of asperate and artificial soda, look at what else you're doing in your life.
Starting point is 00:22:02 A lot of people do drugs, a lot of people drink alcohol, a lot of people smoke cigarettes And then worry about a little aspartame, get fucking real. Okay, drink the diet so does you be fine? Okay, next thing is ice cream. I eat ice cream every single day But I eat the lower calorie like healthy stuff. So like halo top I like carb smart. I like those are two brands that I like that I like eat all the time and I'm not kidding because I love ice cream And I like to eat a lot of it. So eating lower calorie ice creams There's no guilt. There's no nothing. There's no worry. It's like just enjoy it Like you're allowed to have that enjoyment of like eating ice cream without the
Starting point is 00:22:40 2000 calories because you ate the whole container, you know, like it'll be a couple hundred and it's not bad, like two three hundred. The next thing I swap is cheese, I'll do fat-free cheese or reduced fat cheese, even if you just do reduce fat, it's better than the whole fat. Same thing with milk, if you do reduce fat, it's still better than whole and if you're going to drink chocolate milk, if you don't like the taste of like the sugar-free or the bad-tasting chocolate milk It's diet or it's healthy get a regular chocolate milk and then get a skinny chocolate milk and get a glass and put half of each It tastes the same as the original one half the calories see you just got to think smarter not harder also almond milk Is good but you can drink that and it's like 30 calories or something like that for like a cup Which is pretty good and then also with butter
Starting point is 00:23:27 Can't believe it's not butter trust get the light one. Don't use real butter Don't like there's no point if you're ever gonna try and get fats from a certain way get all the oil That's like healthy clean watch it though Don't be using it and everything because it is high in fat and like calories. It's good though good fat good calories Like it's good for you. But butter, get the fake shit that tastes real, trust me. The next thing is bread and Sarah Lee has this bread, it's like 45 calories per slice.
Starting point is 00:23:57 A lot of people don't understand with like sandwiches. If there's a hundred calories on one slice of bread, you got two pieces, you got everything you got in the middle with the cheese and all that. Like a sandwich can easily turn from like with mayonnaise and all this other crap in it to over 600 calories for one sandwich. And who's the in one sandwich? Nobody. You got two. That's like 1200. You put some chips, 1500 calories. You drink a real soda, 17, 1800 calories, for your little like two sandwiches and chips. That's a lot. That's not the point though.
Starting point is 00:24:26 My point is bread. Eat the lower calorie bread. Like a lot of them actually don't taste bad. Like they're actually really good. Like a Sarah Lee one I love. Like they have like a white one and like a wheat one. They're all pretty good. The next thing is peanut butter.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Switch for a peanut butter powder and like the one where you can like mix it with like water or milk or something and it will turn into peanut butter powder and like the one where you can like mix it with like water or milk or something and it will turn into peanut butter. It's like half, I think it's less than half the calories. But the point is peanut butter is not bad for you. It's just bad for you and the amount that most of us eat it because who's just getting a little bit nobody who's the in two tablespoons of it for almost two on a calories. None of us were eating like spoonfuls of it. So if you're gonna eat peanut butter,
Starting point is 00:25:08 actually eat the recommended serving size, because it can easily and quickly stack up. Like that's probably one of the worst things you can eat. Like and binge is like peanut butter, because it's gonna fuck up your digestion, and also with a lot of calories and a lot of fat. It's gonna make you feel really bad. Basically, not just emotionally, I'm not talking about that of fat. It's gonna make you feel really bad. Basically, not just emotionally,
Starting point is 00:25:26 I'm not talking about that aspect. It's gonna make you feel like shit. But peanut butter powder is something that I eat a lot. Even if like I said, you wanna do half normal peanut butter, half a serving of peanut butter powder or like a full serving of it, with a little milk, mix it up and it tastes more real, go for it.
Starting point is 00:25:43 But that's one thing I wanna mention. Cause peanut butter is not bad for you, it's good to eat it. But that's one thing I wanna mention, because peanut butter's not bad for you. It's good to eat it, but the amount that I used to eat it, oh, it would get me. Next thing we're talking about is coffee creamers. You can have coffee creamer, okay? You can have the one that's like 35, 45 calories, who cares, all right?
Starting point is 00:25:59 But if you're one of those people who fills up like half of your cup with creamer and like a splash of coffee. Babe, how about we take that back a little bit? How about let's not be excessive with the creamer. And I'm someone who likes coffee sweet. So a way that I kinda do coffee with the creamer because I'm not getting the fat free one, I'm not getting the sugar free one, it tastes like shit.
Starting point is 00:26:18 I want the real coffee creamer. Like that's the thing that like I don't care about. But if you put a little bit in the glass and then you take like an equal packet, like an artificial sugar, like a stevia or something like that's the thing that like I don't care about but if you put a little bit in the glass and then you take like an equal packet Like an artificial sugar like a stevia or something like that and you put one of those in there You can use less creamer and still get like a very sweet coffee and it'll be a little milky because you added some That's a little trick that I do with my coffee every day But really don't feel bad about the coffee creamer like don't have no guilt around that It's not enough to hurt you or make that big of a difference if you use it like normal-ish but not the people who be drinking
Starting point is 00:26:48 half a cup of it with this flashy coffee like I was talking about and for the people who like to put whipped cream on their coffee it's fine it's not gonna hurt you a little red can you like spray on top fine but the caramel cut that shit put caramel in coffee that's a waste not because it doesn't taste good but it's just a waste of calories. Like where you got the cream or not already, you got the whipped cream, that's enough. This is one swap I have for sushi.
Starting point is 00:27:11 And a lot of people are gonna get mad. Don't get anything fried when you go get sushi. Like any fried roll, any tempura roll, that's fried. Don't get it. Get everything as close to raw as possible, or like the baked rolls are usually fine but also when you're out at sushi if they put spicy mayo or eel sauce or yum yum sauce on your roll that's fine just don't get extra on the
Starting point is 00:27:38 side eat the bit that's on the roll okay because spicy mayo adds up fast like for you to eat one of them little containers of it, what's your calories? So enjoy it on the roll if they put it on there, fine. But just be aware, eel sauce has a lot of sugar, spicy mayo, bad as hell, and so is yum-yum sauce.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Like they all taste really good. They did these things. But they're easy to sneak up on you. It's like any sauces at any places. Usually you wanna kinda stay away from like buffalo sauces, fine. Any kind of mustard is fine, buffalo sauce is fine, and you kinda mustered it's fine. Vinegar is fine, balsamic or regular. Anything like that with sauces,
Starting point is 00:28:11 or something like for salads and stuff, that's usually like what you wanna stay away from is like the ranch, the blue cheese, the fucking Caesar, what's the other one? Like the thousand island, don't. But one thing that I like to put on salads is like I do like a balsamic vinegar or I'll just put regular vinegar
Starting point is 00:28:28 and you can put low fat like mayonnaise in it. But if I'm not doing that, I'll put popcorn seasoning in it. Or you put the vinegar with the popcorn seasoning. Like the little seasoning things that you sprinkle on popcorn, put that in a salad, get the ranch one, put it on the thing, done.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Next is my little swap with eggs. If you're gonna eat eggs, let's say like you usually eat six eggs. Cut that back and eat three eggs, but take like four or five egg whites and put it in there. It's the same amount of eggs. It's probably gonna be a little bit more because you can add more egg white.
Starting point is 00:28:58 But you're gonna cut the calories in half because one egg is like 80 calories. And that's a lot when you start eating a lot of eggs Like I eat three eggs and half a cup of egg whites every single morning But that's just one little trick. I like to do with eggs because a lot of people don't think of that They think eggs. Oh healthy fine But that's a quick way to like cut it a little one more thing I want to mention about like a marinara sauce or like a red sauce like a pasta sauce
Starting point is 00:29:24 Look for the ones that are low calorie, read the nutrition label. You can still have these things, but just look for the like healthier version or like the lower sodium, that's a good thing just to do. It's not low calorie, but like lower sodium's good for the heart, trust. But also you can find the ones with less fat or less calories and you can eat more of it. Now let's talk about the sponsor of today's podcast and it's squeezed. It's my favorite company for juice cleanses.
Starting point is 00:29:47 So we've all heard about like a juice cleanse, where you like drink certain juices for a few days. I've done their juice cleanses, I've done the three day and the five day. And they have a couple of options. So when I do cleanses, if I'm just like bloated or I feel weird or I just like wanna get back to like feeling like snatched again.
Starting point is 00:30:05 I'll do like a three day cleanse and they have two types of cleanses. So they have the squeezed cleanse and they're super squeezed. And the difference that I've noticed is the squeezed cleanse has more like sugar and a little bit more calories but it's good if that's all you're drinking because a lot of the juice cleanses, they say that you're only supposed to drink the juice
Starting point is 00:30:21 but you can eat food also while you do these cleanses. But they all do taste really good. The squeeze cleanse has a little bit more calories, like not bad at all. I'm being dramatic, because like, I don't like to drink calories, but these are worth it, because it's full of so many nutrients,
Starting point is 00:30:35 but they're super squeeze cleanse, is the one that I like the most, because it's a lot more just straight juice in the bottle. And a lot of people think that juice cleanses are like a laxative, and they're gonna make you like run to the bathroom. I didn't notice that at all with any of these. And I do these cleanses a lot when I'm sick.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Because it's not good to like be eating a bunch of food while your body is trying to fight off a cold or fight off a sickness. So I'll do juice cleanses. And this is the company that I use. If you guys follow me on Snapchat, you know, I post them all the time. But one trick that I do when I do the cleanses when I'm sick is I'll do the spicy squeezed or the spicy super squeezed. And it's the same juices, but they're spicy.
Starting point is 00:31:09 And I don't know, I just feel like it cleans me out and like gets my body like back to health. But like I said, you can do these cleanses just to do a cleanse, like if you're eating bad and you wanna get back on track if you just wanna like slim down. Like after you eat bad and you're tired and you're like sluggish, this gets you back going
Starting point is 00:31:23 and it gets your energy levels back up. I always feel like more clear headed and like more energized when I do these cleanses. So I've been doing them often, but how I also said you can still eat food while you do the cleanses. You're supposed to do them just the juices. Like there's enough nutrients and calories and things
Starting point is 00:31:38 in the juices to give you what you need. And that's how it's recommended to do it. If you're interested in doing one of their cleanses, you can go to And they have same day local delivery. Like when you check out and you do it, you schedule when you want everything delivered, they have same day delivery. In most places, but they also have pretty fast nationwide shipping. But the main reason I want to tell you is because if you want to try one of the cleanses, if you use code aware, check out. It gives you free shipping regardless of where you're at.
Starting point is 00:32:02 So thank you to Squeeze for sponsoring this episode and remember, it's and use code aware. All right, the next couple of tips are gonna be things to remove unnecessary calories. And a couple of these are for when you go out to eat. So, like I said, drinks with calories. Do not drink calories. And now I'm gonna hit on juices.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Most juices, you think are healthy, it's fruit juice. Now the fuck it's not, it's got a bunch of sugar pumped in it. Check the labels on everything, because you might think you're being healthy and you're not. But that's my kind of go-to. It's like no juice, no sodas that aren't diet, no nothing like, no liquid, nothing. Just pay attention to that, especially at restaurants.
Starting point is 00:32:40 And if you are gonna order a regular Coke at a restaurant, pay attention to how many you drink. Get a regular Coke for the first one if you don't like the taste of the diet or ask them to do half-diet, half-regular. And if you drink three because they fill it up three times, you really only drink a Coke in a half because you did half and half.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Versus if you drink three sodas at a restaurant They're bigger than a can they got more sugar and more calories. You're drinking more than you think So that's why I'm just saying pay attention to that and my little half and half trick trust like just do that Or just do the damn diet you can't tell the difference after a while you won't be able to tell a difference One thing I do at restaurants if I get a steak or something or like a chicken or whatever I'm getting I'll remove this butter off of it. You know how they bring out the steak and it's like melted butter on top? Usually it's like still in a ball, I'll just scoop it off and get it off the plate, and
Starting point is 00:33:32 like not eat the extra butter for what? Because most restaurants already cook it in butter, so you don't need the extra, just for the presentation to look cute. And also if you're going to order vegetables, tell them no butter, because they'll fuck up some vegetables but they'll want a whole bunch of butter in it. Like restaurants want vegetables to taste good. So they're gonna do whatever they can.
Starting point is 00:33:50 They're not gonna have like weight loss goals in mind. That's one thing I do. Also with oil, ask them to take oil off salads or like appetizers or like certain things. Like you know where they like finish something off and they put oil on it? Ask them not to do that. It adds up real quick.
Starting point is 00:34:04 And it's just not worth it. Like it's not, it's like you know you go to those Italian restaurants, they bring you the bread and the oil. Girl, just eat the balsamic. Put a little oil, eat the balsamic fine. But like you don't realize you're eating 500 calories in oil. Okay, the next thing is avocado. If people give me shit for this all the time. If you want to eat avocado, eat an avocado. Who cares? But if you're out at a restaurant, eat half of what they give you. And if you're at home eating an avocado, eat half, like save the other half for later. But at a restaurant, they usually will give you more than you should eat at a time. Like it can stack up in calories very quickly and like go to a Mexican restaurant.
Starting point is 00:34:46 If you get that guacamole and that big bowl, I can put the whole thing down. That's probably over a thousand calories. And then you got the queso and you got all the chips. Like it stacks up so easy. People are like, oh my god, I just can't lose weight. And it's literally right here front of your face as soon as you start paying attention.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Like it sucks and you're gonna miss these things and you can have them, but if you wanna lose lose weight you can't have them all the time or you can't have them in the amount you're used to having them because you can eat a little bit of anything you want. Another thing I get removed at restaurants is cheese like a salad. Get the cheese take it off. Come on. Fall up. You don't need the cheese on everything. Like if you get a baked potato or something, take the cheese off, take the butter off, just eat the potato, put some salt, cute. The next thing I try to like stay away from unless I need it is honey because it stacks up real quick and I'd rather eat like a banana or a bunch of fruit because like in one tablespoon of honey you can have like a cup of blueberries instead.
Starting point is 00:35:44 I like density. I like to volume eat. So I look at like what things are a bunch of fruit because like in one tablespoon of honey, you can have like a cup of blueberries instead. I like density, I like to volume eat. So I look at like what things are and what I could get for it instead. That's my other kind of mindset hack around food is I look at it like money. Like if I have a budget of 3000 calories a day, I have 3000 calories to spend.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Now how do I want to spend them? Is this Snickers bar worth $300 calories that I only have 3,000 of? This mindset actually helped my relationship with money a few years ago when I discovered it also. Like, just looking at calories, like you have them to spend on things. Like, okay, I can spend my 3,000 calories on whatever I want.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Do I want to spend it? Is this thing worth it to me? And that's one thing that I use like, still, like it's fun. But honey is good pre-workout. I just don't like to add it on top of stuff. Like people get it in their tea and people get it on top of shit. Like you get an Aussie bowl and they douse it in honey.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Leave the honey off girl. You don't need it all the time. Or do a little light, like a little bit. That's just something to be conscious of. Cause like I said, you can eat a cup of fruit or you can eat a table spoon on. Girl, give me your fruit. But then you got people who eat like a bowl of fruit
Starting point is 00:36:52 and they put honey on top. Put some different, dang, because now you could have had two bowls of fruit for the same cost and the same amount of calories as the one, we'd low honey on it. Put some equal on it. Now the last thing for this section of cutting unnecessary calories is sugar. Use fake sugar. Use the equal to steve you to sweet and low. Use stuff like that. And like I said about the aspartame thing, you're gonna have to eat so much more than you can even
Starting point is 00:37:20 consume for it to hurt you. You're fine with a little fake sugar. If you're that dead set against it, don't fucking eat it then. I don't care. I'm just telling you what works. Now I'm gonna run you through a list of foods that are okay to eat that a lot of people don't think you can't. And the thing is that I eat. So I'm gonna hit carbs and protein and then fruits and vegetables. Because the way I eat fruits and vegetables,
Starting point is 00:37:41 I let myself eat as much as I want. So I'm gonna tell you the ones that are like safe. Okay, so for carbs, you got pasta. Pasta's not bad, you can have pasta. People act like you can't. Potatoes, yellow potatoes and sweet potatoes, both of them are fine, but like I said, when you make them, don't be putting all the butter
Starting point is 00:37:59 and all the crap on it. Get the low calorie butter. Get you some stevia, if you wanna put it on the sweet potato, get you less cinnamon, done. For like yellow potatoes, you can get low fat sour cream, low fat cheese, low fat butter, low salt. There you go. You can eat these things. I guess it's totally fine. Just think of the ways it's up to and make the calories less. So you can still enjoy things. Like I eat
Starting point is 00:38:22 all of these things all the time. But let me shut up. next thing you can eat for the carbs is bananas you got white and brown rice white rice is not bad for you Everybody acts like always to get all you can eat it you're fine Keenwa I did put on the list. I don't eat that shit, but a lot of people talking about Keenwa I don't fucking like it. It's a mess. It's weird nasty texture, and I just I don't fucking like it. It's a mess. It's weird. Nasty texture and I just I don't fuck with it. You got oatmeal Cream of wheat and cream of rice. Those I love rice cakes are fine honey is fine Like I said, but do it like pre-workout if you're gonna do it or post-workout cereal with low fat milk or almond milk. I eat all the time. I love cereal and Cereal is not actually as bad as you think. Like cinnamon toast crunch.
Starting point is 00:39:05 It ain't that bad. Like calorie wise. And like Cheerios and shit. And like Frosty Flakes. Like maybe not Frosty Flakes. Like Corn Flakes. Put the equal on it. Like get the regular corn flakes, not the Frosty Flakes. Get the corn flakes. Put the fake sugar on it. Done. With less calories.
Starting point is 00:39:20 And last thing for carbs is bread. Put the low calorie bread I told you about. Those are all fine. You can eat all of these things. Okay, now for protein, chicken, duh, steak, but you want to get lean steaks if you're going to get steak. Lean ground beef. That's one thing a people don't pay attention to. Don't ever buy no ground chuck. What the fuck? Look at the percentages of the fat to like the lean meat ratio. So usually like chalk is like 80-20 so it's like 80% meat, 20% fat. The lean ground beef you want is 93-7 or you can get like 96-4 some places have that but always remember 93-7 when you're buying ground beef. And the same thing with
Starting point is 00:40:00 ground turkey or ground chicken you want the lean one and turkey usually can come like 99 one. It's like 1% fat. It does get dry, fuck. So, be prepared for that. But that's usually what you want to look for. It's like the leanest meats. Shrimp is safe, fish, like tilapia salmon, mahi mahi, all those things. Like fish, I eat fish every single day. I've kind of like stopped eating chicken and beef so much. I'll eat it when I go out but at home I eat fish Mainly and eggs and egg whites. Those are really good a couple other things I like to eat are low fat yogurt low fat Cottage cheese. I fucked that up. Oh my god. It's so good Quest chips which are like protein chips. You could do protein bars But for protein bars quest is not that good protein bars, but for protein bars, Quest is not that good.
Starting point is 00:40:45 Protein bars, I like bear bells. It doesn't matter the brand you get, but the thing you wanna look for on a protein bar is 200 calories and 20 grams of protein. You don't wanna eat a protein bar that doesn't really give you that, because if you're eating a protein bar, you're eating it for protein.
Starting point is 00:41:02 A lot of these protein bars can be like three 400 calories with 16 20 grams of protein that's it if you have 200 calories and 20 grams of protein that's like pretty clean. That's like a really good like worth it protein bar Like some protein bars would be like 250 calories 15 grams of protein what the fuck is all the extra shit about you know I mean and bear bells taste really good. This is not sponsored by them, but like I'll plug them, because I eat them all the time. Also for protein, you can do protein powders. I'm not recommending any because they all taste like shit. Just find the one you can get down. But look for lean ones, like isolate, like way isolates are gonna be pretty good. But when you're
Starting point is 00:41:40 looking at protein powders, just get the ones that are around 120 to 150 calories per scoop and make sure each scoop has like 25 to 30 grams of protein. So just remember that with protein powder. That's the leanest shit you can get to so like 120 calories for 25 to 30 grams of protein. Great. Now I'm gonna ramble off some fruits and vegetables that I eat freely like I just eat them all the time Nonstop, don't track them. Don't count them I eat freely. Like I just eat them all the time, nonstop, don't track them, don't count them, don't care. Like I just eat them all the time. You got strawberries, blueberries, water melon, peaches, I'd be fucking out some peaches.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Cannel open, honey do. That one is like a shocker, but it's actually not bad. Grapes, but watch it. Those are very easy to carry the way. You got oranges and grape fruits and pineapple. And you know why you're supposed to eat pineapple if you date somebody. Now for vegetables. A lot of people don't realize like certain vegetables. I'm being dramatic. They're a
Starting point is 00:42:34 fuck vegetable. They're not that bad for you. They're not that high in calories. But brussel sprouts pissed me off when I saw them make calories or brussels sprouts because I don't like to eat just a little bit. If I'm eating vegetables it's like to get that volume I want. So I like to eat a lot of them and I have to think about it. But the thing is I go for celery. If you know, you know. Cucumber.
Starting point is 00:42:55 I use cucumbers. I'll slice them up and use them as chips too. Like if you make tuna, like a tuna salad or like a tuna dip and you use that as a chip, trust. With tahini on it, oh done. Lettuce, cabbage, but cabbage will make you fart. Radishes. Eggplant, you can do it in a pan, cook it,
Starting point is 00:43:11 and then get the low fat marinara sauce out of the pot and some fat-free cheese. It might like a little eggplant parmesan, but don't get the bread crumbs, don't fry nothing. It's just the same vibe, same texture, same taste, but healthy. You got broccoli, duh. At a mame, I put on my list
Starting point is 00:43:25 because you have to eat it slow. And like usually you get fed up by the interview. Like I would enough for this shit. You don't need too much of it. Like it does have a good amount of protein for like a vegetable, but it can sneak up on you. But like I said,
Starting point is 00:43:36 you're not gonna be in that much to herch. Like you be fine. Spinach, duh. Tomatoes, asparagus, we'll make your piece think squash and green beans. Spinach, duh. Tomatoes, asparagus, will make your piece think. Squash and green beans. Those are all safe. Literally eat them freely.
Starting point is 00:43:49 Who gives a shit? Like eat as many as you want. That's kind of like my go-to with like fruits and vegetables. Like I just eat whatever I want for them. And even if you eat like a copious amount, if you're used to eating such a high amount of calories in food, for your body to be getting actual real food and the real nutrients, it's not going to process it the same as if you ate like a thousand calories of processed bullshit food, like high fat food, versus
Starting point is 00:44:14 a thousand calories of fruit, which is very hard to do. Your body is going to process it different, so don't stress about that. Like eating the fruits and the vegetables, just eat them. Have fun with it. Okay, now I just want wanna talk about a couple of pointers for eating habits. The first one is to drink water before you eat. Like always just drink some water and like chug a little.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Because when you do eat clean food, it absorbs and digests very quickly. You don't get that like feeling full vibe. So like drinking water will dilute your stomach acid and help things not digest as fast. So chugging water also will help you see if you're thirsty or hungry. A lot of people can't tell with difference
Starting point is 00:44:53 if like they're parched and they want water or they want food. So it's always just a good idea to drink some water. Like drink a cup, whatever, get it down and then see how you feel. Like even if you're just like gonna eat anyway, drink a cup of water because it'll take up a little space in your stomach. And like I said, not telling the difference between hungry or thirsty, when you get done
Starting point is 00:45:13 smoking a cigarette for the people that smoke out there, hey, drink water first. And if it's not a time that you usually eat and you want to just go snack, two piece of gum, two piece of gum for like five, ten minutes, and then see if you still wanna snack. Cause when I smoked, that was a bitch. That was a bitch. Every single time I smoked, I was like, oh, I need a snack, I need something. My next thing that I do for whenever I want something sweet
Starting point is 00:45:38 before my workout, I'll eat like a spoonful of cake icing. I'll eat gummy bears. Usually I eat gummy bears like after my workout because it helps. If you know you know, okay. Or like eat a tablespoon of honey. You're like two tablespoons of honey. Eat some bananas like whatever you want
Starting point is 00:45:54 before your workout because whatever you eat like sugar wise and carb wise right before your workout, you're gonna burn it off immediately. So don't stress too much about it. It's good to have a little bit of carbs in you before you work out because it'll help you stay energized and stay going like through it. But that's when if you're craving something, eat a little bit of it.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Like the icing thing. Like I had this like kick for fun, fatty icing. And I would eat like a literal spoonful of just cake icing, like frosting, like every day before I go to the gym. And I would just love it. Sometimes I'd have two. Sometimes it was three the gym and I would love it sometimes I have to Sometimes it was three but then I would just do a little extra cardio But if you're gonna have a little cheat like a little something just have it before your workout
Starting point is 00:46:32 But I'm not talking like a lot because if you eat too much and you don't want to go But that's one way that I would like kick my sweet tooth And that's one thing I still do like I still eat gummy bears and like we'll eat honey or like bananas before my workout Like this just because you need it like you have better workouts than you do that. And for anyone who wants advice about gym anxiety and getting started in the gym, I have a whole podcast episode about it. It's episode 63. So if you want to watch it on YouTube, episode 63, if you want to listen to the audio version on Apple podcasts and Spotify, just search Aware and Aggravated episode 63 and it'll pop up. It's about gym anxiety,
Starting point is 00:47:05 but I also gave a lot of tips for beginners and everything you need to know. My next to the eating habit I wanna tell you, have shit ready. Have things ready to grab when you walk up to the fridge. Just ready to go. Don't have everything or you have to cook it. Like meal prepping is like good, easy,
Starting point is 00:47:21 like I meal prep, a lot of people ask about that, so I'll tell you, the way I meal prep is like prepping a bunch of ingredients and then I will make what I want out of it. Like I'll make a bunch of fish, I'll make a bunch of potatoes, some rice, some vegetables, and then every single time I eat, I'll pull out what I need from each thing and then whatever mood I'm in, I'll season it to what I want to eat at the time. So like every meal, it's like usually the same, like ingredients and same things, but I'll season it to what I want to eat at the time. So like every meal, it's like usually the same,
Starting point is 00:47:45 like ingredients and same things, but I'll make it how I want. So like when I meal prep pasta and I have pasta made, I leave it just plain in the bowl, and then I pull it out. Sometimes I want a little red sauce in it. Sometimes I want it to be like cheesy with like a little low fat sour cream
Starting point is 00:48:00 and some low fat cheese. Like I want like an Alfredo vibe. So like I'll just season it to how I want it, but that's how I meal prep. Like I don't prep the exact meals, because I do work from home, so I'm able to access this. But back to my point about having shit ready.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Have fruits and vegetables in your fridge ready to go. So every time you walk up to it, like you can eat a little something or like when you're cooking and you're like preparing what you're gonna eat, you got something to eat. I'm a snacker while I'm cooking. I have to have something to snack on.
Starting point is 00:48:29 I'll go nuts. Like I start cooking when I'm hungry. So if I gotta stand there for 20 minutes and wait, I'm gonna be eating other things. And you wanna have things ready that are lower calorie and like in line with your goals where you can eat it freely and not like stress about it while you're cooking your food.
Starting point is 00:48:45 So I like to just have things ready. Like, fruits, vegetables, even like random stuff like protein bars, chips, like the protein chips I'm talking about, or like cheeses. Like just have some stuff like ready so you can just grab it and you don't grab for other shit. Another tip I have is chew gum. I chew gum all the time just because I like it and I'm very conscious of bad breath and you're never gonna catch me with bad breath. I don't like that shit. But my hack with gum is if you want something sweet, you can sabotage it by chewing a piece of minty gum or go in your bathroom and throw mouthwash in your mouth. When mint hits your mouth to go and try and eat something sweet afterward, it ain't gonna taste right. It ain get a taste fright. It's the most sad shit. Like when I first learned and started doing this, I was like chewing a piece of gum
Starting point is 00:49:30 and then I would try and eat something sweet. And it just wasn't nice and I'm like, I don't even enjoy it. That's the point. You don't want to enjoy it. You want to sabotage it. If you're feeling like that urge where it's uncontrollable of like,
Starting point is 00:49:42 oh my god, I'm gonna like binge. Like I'm gonna eat this whole cheesecake. Two piece of gum first. It's gonna fuck it up. It's gonna make it less enjoyable and I guarantee you you'll eat less of it. The next little eating habit I have and one thing I still do is if you go out to a restaurant
Starting point is 00:49:55 or you're eating dessert anywhere, let yourself have two to three bites of whatever it is. Who cares? Eat two to three bites of the dessert. Enjoy it. Like, have fun and get to experience it. You don't need to eat the whole thing. And a lot of people, myself included,
Starting point is 00:50:12 have this like completion fetish where it's like, I have to see my plate clear to like, be happy. It's like, I grew up like eating to that point of like, if you didn't finish, like, it wasn't good. So I have this like, satisfaction of like, okay, it's all gone. But that's something you can unlearn. You don't have to be like that forever. You can still leave food and don't waste it.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Like take it home or give it to somebody. I'm not talking about waste food, but you can still leave food on the plate and save it for later or whatever. But don't miss out on the experience of like having to cake but have some self control. Like have a couple of bites and be done with it. Put it down, get the taste to be happy, and that's it.
Starting point is 00:50:48 If you feel like you can't even walk that line of just having a couple of bites, don't even do it. Remove it, because getting that level of self control takes a minute. Okay, that's the bottom of my list. That's all my tips. I want everybody to leave me a comment down below and tell me if this was helpful for you. Tell me if you're excited to go try this shit out because I just made it really applicable and real easy
Starting point is 00:51:08 If you found this episode helpful leave this video a thumbs up and Leave me a comment and let me know because this is what I really wish I could have found a long time ago So I wanted to make it for you guys. I've been planning this for a while I just haven't sat down to do it because I know people are gonna try and can't to me Freak out about it. Oh my god, shut up. Everybody's responsible for their own life. Okay. This is what works for me If you don't like it, don't follow it But I will leave a link to the Jim anxiety episode episode 63 in the description of this podcast if you want to go Listen to that also I will leave all of my social media if you want to check that out. Follow me everywhere Fun. I do post a lot of recipes on TikTok and I post a lot of like the food that you don't snapchat if you want to check that out, follow me everywhere. Fun. I do post a lot of recipes on TikTok, and I post a lot of the food that you don't snap-shut
Starting point is 00:51:46 if you want to keep up. That's more like a day-to-day version of my life. But for anyone that's still here, this is your last chance to get a ticket to my tour. But that is all I have for this week's episode. Everybody, be safe, take care of yourself, lose your damn weight, girl, and I will talk to you guys next Sunday.
Starting point is 00:51:57 I will talk to you guys next Sunday.

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