Aware & Aggravated - 22. Your Value Is Hiding In Plain Sight... You're Just Ignoring It
Episode Date: January 5, 2025Your value hasn't gone anywhere, you were just taught to stop seeing it. Becoming aware of it again is your ticket to making money. It's just a value exchange... so step 1 is seeing what value you hav...e to offer.  Video version of this episode:  Substack:  Social Media:   Merch: *If you have any questions about your order, use the contact page on the site to check in if you have an issue or need an update :)   My App Positive Focus: (Apple) (Google)   FaceBook Support Community:   Business Inquiries: LeoSkepiTeam@unitedtalent.comÂ
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I need a cigarette before I go into this episode. My God, we're about to get into it. This is
everything you need to know about how to stop feeling worthless and how to start seeing
the value you have to contribute to the world. Like seeing what you got to give, believing
it, feeling it for real, because the most painful fucking experience is not seeing it.
The value you have to give this world isn't gone.
It can never go away.
All you can do is stop seeing it.
There's a lot of things that can make you stop seeing it,
make you second guess yourself,
make you feel worthless and shit.
I've been through it.
There's a lot of things that can blind you to it,
but you have to understand your value has not gone anywhere
and it's never gonna.
So let's get into this.
Hi friends. And this is so important because it's never gonna. So let's get into this. Hi friends. And this
is so important because it's how you make money. Everybody always asks me how
do you make money? This is step one because all making money is the whole
transaction of money is a value exchange. You have to see what you have to offer
you're not gonna make no money. The first point we're going into is one of the
biggest things with how people
treat you and overcoming feeling worthless because people have treated you like
you're worthless because if somebody treats you like a piece of shit long enough,
you're going to start to feel like a piece of shit.
The second point is about the money. So we're going to get to that one.
But the first one,
there does come a point when people are treating you a certain way where it
actually has nothing to do with your value. As soon as you make somebody feel
unsafe, discount every way they treat you after that. And when I say unsafe, if
someone does you wrong or you point out something that they did that hurts you
or they feel bad or feel guilty for something, that makes someone feel very
unsafe. If they have to look at and face that guilt and their self concept,
that is a very unsafe emotional state for a lot of people to be in guilt,
shame, remorse, seeing the damage that you've caused,
feeling so anxious and fearful, trying to rectify it and fix it.
Fear is a big one. All of these will make somebody feel very, very unsafe.
fix it. Fear is a big one. All of these will make somebody feel very, very unsafe.
So the way someone treats you while they feel unsafe is blind to your perspective.
If you catch your boyfriend cheating on you and you call him out on it and he
starts immediately with no remorse, he starts attacking you. Oh,
shut the fuck up. Who cares? I never even liked you anyway.
You've been getting a little fat
You're ugly
I never was really that into you if someone starts going on the offense and starts attacking you when you catch them in something
That is them
Desperately trying to get out of an unsafe feeling they're scared shitless. They don't want to face that they did something wrong
They did something bad
They immediately will flip it and attack because when you attack something you push it away from
you. Their concern is not you. Their concern is not what you do for them. Their concern is not how
good of a person you are. They are blind to all of the value in you when they feel unsafe. So the way that they treat you after that, do not let that make you question yourself for one
Nothing is about your value with how they're treating you when they
feel unsafe. After a relationship ends,
or you see the way that someone's treating you,
if someone is in an unsafe emotional state,
do not expect any kind of consideration from them
or decency because when you get into it with somebody
and they treat you like this because they feel unsafe,
when they stop showing you any kind of consideration,
just dogging you out,
maybe they do some real inconsiderate shit,
you are gonna start looking at it like, this is proof.
They never loved me.
You'll start to discount and discredit the love
that you felt.
You'll start to discredit the worth that you felt.
Oh, so they never loved me all along
because if they did love me, they wouldn't do this.
Do not judge their actions when they're in fear
and make that be the deciding factor of your value.
Do not let your brain go down that rabbit hole.
Discrediting all the love, discrediting everything.
They never loved me, they never cared about me. I am worthless.
Well, maybe they're right because I settled for him
and he's still cheated. Then he's still calling me ugly.
So maybe I am ugly, maybe I am fat. No!
When someone attacks you, when they feel unsafe,
wipe it out of your head. Don't hear it.
You're gonna hear it. But like, you get what I'm saying.
Just hear me in the back of your head. As soon as someone does you wrong, their
reaction to it, nothing to do with your value babe. Just watch. Start to observe
it. Another example is if you see somebody's true colors or they've been
trying to like put on a certain image to you and then they do something that is
out of character and you see it.
When people feel seen for who they truly are,
when they've been putting on an image, they will run like hell.
So if you've dealt with being abandoned, being left,
dealt with crazy reactions from people when they do certain things or do you wrong or do something wrong and like a whole situation, nothing to do with you.
If they take off, it's because the spotlight on who
they truly are, they can't handle it. They want to run. They want to get that spotlight
off. They do not want to stand there under it. It's going to burn their ass. So if you
deal with abandonment like that, ghosting, someone doesn't want to make it work with
you, whatever it is like that, just look at it for a second. Typically, you do not question your worth with someone
until they do you wrong.
So the people who do you wrong, how they react,
do not let that fuck you up for two seconds.
Okay, for point number two,
when we're talking about making money,
the whole perspective around what you've been taught to value was set up by society.
So a lot of people trust that they have value and worth to make money
from a wage or a job. Like, okay,
I know I can do this job because I have these skills or I'm gonna go to college and get these skills
so I can be valued by this company and make a wage, make a living wage.
We are taught
from a very young age what companies value. Therefore we are all steered toward careers
that help these companies. They want to trap you all in a living wage. So if you're not born into
money you're going to be subconsciously taught what is valuable in this life. These are your ways to make money. Good luck.
You gotta go be a slave to the system.
You gotta go get these skills, get this degree, and then you're worth that wage.
We are not taught human needs being met is valuable.
We are taught what companies value. See?
But if you flip and look at meeting emotional needs for
people, that is the biggest fucking moneymaker. But we're taught that that doesn't even have value.
It don't matter is what everybody teaches you because they want to shove you in the system
and make you make these big companies more money. If you want an example of this,
look at the men who are sugar daddies to people. What you're doing
for a man who is in a place of high financial status, whatever. To have a partner is an
external reflection of his worth and his value. A lot of people can't be single because they
can't have that lack of like a physical reflection of like, okay, having someone around me all the time means I have value in some way.
They like being around me.
It's like this weird thing of just having a partner is a silent reflection,
especially when you go out in public.
You are making that man look good if you go stand there with a sugar daddy.
For the girls watching this, be very fucking careful.
There's a reason a lot of older men seek out younger women and younger men
There's the reason it's because they know more than you do be very fucking careful
But if you just look from the standpoint of the sugar daddy thing to go have a little trophy and like someone to go do shit With everybody's looking at him like he's made it. That's a big thing for straight men
Is like having a pretty ass woman like a sickening woman
thing for straight men is like having a pretty ass woman, like a sickening woman.
That is such a like boost and like your final notch on your belt that you've
made it.
So it doesn't matter how the dynamic really is in the relationship and who treats
who, what, and how it goes. Like most sugar daddies be beaten to shit out of the
women that they're with. It doesn't matter that it's just from society.
Men value that enough to pay for a girl's entire lifestyle.
I'm talking hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars people will give to women.
And that is just based on the emotional thing that he values and the emotional
need that he has. Also the companionship aspect.
You don't even realize the value you're bringing to them.
A lot of people are like, Oh, I should just be honored,
but they don't see the value that you're bringing to them. A lot of people are like, Oh, I should just be honored, but they don't see the value that you're giving the guy.
You're meeting a lot of emotional needs for a man with money in that dynamic.
And you will be paid more than a doctor from certain men who will pay that all
because of the emotional needs that you meet. We are not taught.
People have emotional needs.
That is probably the worst example of trying to talk about this because I don't
want everybody trying to go find a sugar daddy.
This is just to open your mind for the emotional needs that can be met and how
the value is exchanged. It's returned.
And the other thing with the companionship is the comfort.
Someone's always there. Someone's always looking after you.
You need a water. They're going to get up and go get it.
You got someone to cuddle with you, hang out with you.
You got someone's birthday to celebrate.
It gives these people a sense of purpose a little bit to have someone else to
look after and look out for and kind of like do things with and do things for
someone to enjoy what they've made,
like the money to enjoy that lifestyle with them. It's not fun when you're alone.
You need to have people to share it with.
So the needs that you're meeting just by being
with the person like that and that dynamic
is a lot of value that they're willing to compensate for.
Like I said, don't be rushing out to go get a sugar daddy.
That was just an example
for the magnitude of emotional needs.
There are also people who are professional cuddlers.
People are paid to go cuddle with people.
Look at therapists, look at counselors, look at mentors. Just to have someone to
talk to. People are paying a lot of money just to have someone to talk with.
Therapists are one thing. Mentors are a whole other thing. And a big thing with
money, the value is in the eye of the beholder or the person that's going to buy shit. The value is in their eye.
And how fast you make a purchase is the
anticipated value you see in the thing you're about to get.
So if you're overthinking something, you see something you want and you're like,
ah, it's kind of expensive.
You're questioning the value of that thing compared to the money that you have
versus if you make a transaction very quick, if you see something on sale,
you're swiping your card immediately. You're going to buy it quick.
There's not going to be any hesitation because you perceive the value is higher
than what you are paying.
The other thing with purchases and even not things on sale,
when you pay for a mentor, when you are paying them,
it's because you know,
you're going to get more value than what you're paying.
So with a mentorship, just for an example,
don't be going and buying people's mentorships just freely. Be careful with that.
A lot of people be scamming their ass off,
but when you quickly can just like pay somebody to talk to them, get advice, get business advice, whatever it is,
you know the values there so you don't hesitate with buying it.
So when you're talking to a mentor, a lot of times when you're buying things, you're paying for the time
you don't have to spend to learn something. I don't do mentorships, and I used to do life coaching a long time ago.
I don't do any kind of mentorship. I'm just giving you the example. What you're going to learn from just talking with me is what it's taken me 26
years to learn. So everything I've learned in business, all the mistakes I made,
all the connections I made to certain people, places, things,
ways that I know how to do things, my operating systems, the tricks that I have,
the tricks that I've learned have all been through trial and error.
I've had to fuck up so many times for a couple of years for someone starting
for you to pay someone like me,
you're going to be able to shortcut everything I went through.
You're going to get all the lessons, all the resources,
all the everything for some money.
So you're buying your ability to access
this value faster. It's kind of like going to the doctor to go consult a specialist about the human
body and whatever condition you're dealing with. You're going to be assessed and seen by someone
who has all of the knowledge and the ability to help you and guide you and kind of rule out,
it could be this, couldn't be that, whatever,
versus you being like, no, I'm not gonna pay to go,
and you go learn and study and try and research
whatever it is and you try and put the pieces together,
you're like, what the fuck?
It's much faster to go in that scenario,
to go to someone who's already trained for the thing.
So if any of you have something
that you can help someone
shortcut, boom, you got something of value. The whole point of this video is to help
you see the value that you are blind to. So I'm gonna smudge off you fucking little
sunglasses, clean them off you, you can see everything for what it is. Anything
that you have to offer where you can help someone get to something faster.
You can save them time.
The biggest thing people pay for is their time back.
I'd be ordering my groceries and shit every single week because I don't want to
have to go spend the three hours going to two different stores to get everything
I need and come home unloaded. All that.
I would much rather pay someone a little extra to have it
brought to me. I buy my time back. That's a thoughtless transaction.
I just pay it and I do it.
It's not even like a concern or a consideration when you have something to
value and people value their time, they will pay it without thinking twice.
So the people that you want to offer something to,
you're not going to be having to pull their fucking teeth.
All right?
If they value it, transactions made, transactions done.
Or they don't perceive it's going to be valuable for them.
Doesn't mean it's not valuable to other people.
Next point, enough with the money shit.
I can do a whole episode about that.
So another big thing to look out for,
to not question yourself,
is when you are offering value to people and you aren't aware of
it, people aren't going to say shit because they realize what they're getting for free. It doesn't
mean the value is not there. You're unaware of it and you just keep giving it and they're not going
to say nothing. Why would they? Because there is so many times I should have been charging for a lot of shit. I just didn't realize.
So the example I'm going to give you is with brand deals
and working with companies online.
So the real reason influencers make so much money and people with
platforms and like people in the public eye make a lot is because we're the
new supplement for advertisement. So we're gonna talk numbers.
I'm gonna let you into the back ends
of like the system of how all this shit works.
So let's say a company makes a product.
For them to go run ads and like pay for ads
to go show up on Facebook or show up on TikTok,
whatever it is, you know what I'm talking about.
You see them all the time, the little ads that pop up.
To get a million impressions.
That means a million people just see the ad.
Doesn't mean they click it. Doesn't mean they see it long.
It's just popping up a million times in front of people's faces.
It costs anywhere from 10 to $15,000 for that one million views on their ad.
You also got to take into account for a company to be running ads.
There is so many statistics to it. So many genres, demographics,
they have to spend so much money figuring out what audience is going to convert
and buy their shit.
So there is so much money wasted trying to figure out the market.
Who do I want to post this to? What age range? What ethnicity? What gender? What sexual orientation? There's so many things that
these companies spend money on. That's getting too detailed. So their other
option is to pay people to talk about their product. So that is when
influencers come in. But for a company to come to an influencer, they're going to pay the influencer most likely
double. So $20,000 for a post because for them to get that million costs $10,000 and that's a shot
in the dark. So if you see an influencer who has an audience who trusts them and values what they
have to say, to go and pay that person to talk about that product is not shooting in the dark.
That is using someone's integrity
and using someone's image and relationship
with their audience to sell your product.
So you're gonna have a way higher conversion
for paying the influencer 20 grand
or paying the influencer 40, 50, $100,000 for a video
based on how many views they can pull.
I didn't realize this for so long. And I was always on TikTok,
just showing I bought this, showing I did that, going here, going there.
It's free advertisement. And when you're promoting products,
places, things, whatever, for companies without realizing,
when I was making videos, for companies without realizing.
When I was making videos, that's 10 grand
I was saving these companies every single time
I posted for free not realizing.
And they didn't have to pay anything to me,
but they made a shit ton of money.
And that is when a lot of people stop talking
about certain products and you get a little bit more
specific because you're like, wait,
I now see the value that I'm contributing and I'm not getting compensated.
But right there, that is something very, very, very valuable.
That generates a lot of fucking money that I never saw before.
I never saw that value being offered and no fucking goddamn body is going to
tell you. Nobody's going to tell you. You got to wake up and see it.
And then, wait, you want me to talk about your product?
I know what I'm offering you.
I'm not asking for anything more or anything less.
I'm asking for the equal value exchange.
And those deals fly.
A lot of brands take advantage of a lot of people
because they don't understand the value that they're contributing.
I've had offers in the past of a thousand dollars for a post.
A lot of people will get very excited over, Oh my God,
I'm going to get a thousand dollars to post one fucking video for like one minute.
They get excited by that.
They're capitalizing off you not understanding and seeing the value you have to
That's why it's so important to wake up to the value that you're
offering because you might have a fuck ton of opportunities to be making a lot
of money that you didn't see. Take the glasses off.
Stop being blind to the value.
This is just another example where I want to get your brain turning and thinking,
even if it's not even related to this,
I want your brain to just start tapping into new perspectives
around all this because you are offering
a lot of value right now
and you're most likely not charging for it.
So if you're having trouble making money,
you're stressed out, whatever it is,
you feel, oh, I don't have no value.
If people aren't saying anything about it,
doesn't mean it's not there.
So look closely.
Okay, my next point is gonna make you feel a little bit better. It's like, Ooh,
it's more one of the emotional ones that make you feel good and shit.
You're of use so much more than you think.
And you are valuable in just your presence in so many ways that you don't see.
So I want to help you see it. Just examples of stupid shit.
We're going to get way into it. Go into a restaurant. You just being
there is huge. Buying the food, the owner of the restaurant is making a sale. You being in the
restaurant, people think, oh wait there's more people in here. Your body just being there increases
the perceived value of that restaurant. If you think of a nightclub, nobody wants to go to a club when it's empty.
Just your body being there is valuable to the owner and to everybody else there
because when a club is a little bit more crowded,
people feel relaxed and free to dance, have fun, do whatever,
because the focus is not just on one person.
You just being there in a human body
is valuable to everybody else there.
As long as you're not in the fucking way.
That's another reason I don't go to the grocery store.
People be in a goddamn way doing nothing.
My point here is to just make you feel better.
Also with the gym, when you go to the gym,
it's not fun to go to the gym when it's empty.
I get that ego lift shit.
I wanna look around at everybody else and be like,
yeah, yeah, yo, you lifting that, watch this.
In my head, I'm playing a game with everybody.
Also, it comes down to the small things
with the people in your life too.
So, you know, there's been times where you're like,
just upset, depressed, whatever, boo hoo, cry cry,
going through something.
You might be stressed out and all you want is a hug.
Just going up and giving a hug to somebody
that you care about who needs it.
The amount that they appreciate that, you don't know.
You don't get to feel it.
You just offer it.
And that is huge.
You know at times how bad you've needed a hug.
Flip this again.
When I was in New York last year at the
beginning of the year, depressed as shit. You guys saw it on camera. I let you see it. My sister
came in flu and stayed with me to be with me and make sure I was good. Give me out. We go eat. We
go just up. Just having her there brought me so much comfort and so much peace. I can't even explain to you. Money could not have bought that.
It was worth more to me than money would be worth. I paid for everything while she was there. I
bought her shit because I was just so appreciative of her being there. Just that presence of like,
you know when you're sad as shit, just knowing someone's in the next room or being depressed
or being down and someone's just there. They're not saying nothing
They're not doing nothing. Just being a warm body is comforting as hell
Same thing goes for just being aware that your parents are alive
That is a sense of comfort. You can't explain even with siblings
Walking around life the comfort you feel just knowing that they're there.
Even if you fucking hate them, you're mad at right now, you just upset, pissed off.
The fact that they're alive is comforting. You're going through a little fight, whatever, you're gonna get over it.
Also, if you're in a good place with them, maybe you just don't talk so much.
Their presence is more comfort in the back of your head than you realize.
Wake up to that because you're that for other people. Literally right now you watching this or listening to this. If you're listening to the
audio version of this on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, hit the download button for me. Thank you so bad.
It helps me a ton. But you just being here right now watching me, I'm nothing without all of you.
I wish more people in the public eye realized that and would appreciate that and
treat their followers better. People are scamming the shit out of their followers and it makes
me want to shoot everybody. I'm not anything without you guys' attention with my career
on social media. I would not have one. So you just watching me, being there commenting,
it's so valuable to me and I appreciate it more than you guys will ever know, but just your attention
is so valuable.
All of you are the reason people are famous.
Your attention is what gives that to people.
So how the fuck you going to sit here and tell me you ain't got no value?
You feel worthless. Okay. You might feel it, but it ain't true. All right.
Also with that, appreciating things is so valuable to other people.
If imagine we lived in a world where nobody appreciated nothing for you to
appreciate an artist's art, a store, you go to a store, you buy clothes,
you buy whatever to appreciate things that people are making is so valuable to
the people who are making it.
Like I said, people lose sight of it.
Like so many of these companies,
customer service is done, it's gone.
The way people treat you now,
these companies don't give a fuck about nobody,
they just wanna make money.
But just becoming aware of how valuable
your attention, your focus, your appreciation is,
you need to be careful where you put it too.
So just becoming aware of it, become aware that you have where you put it too. So just becoming aware of it,
become aware that you have the power of it too.
Cause if you take it, people will fall, companies will fall.
Look at the boycotts and everything that's been going on
the past year.
You have a big impact you can make.
That is value.
You cannot have power and no value at the same time.
So make that make sense in your little insecure fucking head.
Hey, hey, hey, can't.
Okay, my next point is with the whole value thing,
you're like, okay, logically you can see it, whatever.
No, it's one step forward, you're gonna feel it.
You're gonna feel yourself and the value you have to give
through other people.
So when a stranger in public compliments you,
or someone holds a door for you, or someone
just does something fucking nice, how that makes you feel, if you do that for other people,
that's exactly how you make other people feel.
When someone does something to make you feel loved, or make you feel special, make you
feel appreciated, that's the same feeling you give other people when you appreciate them or love them.
It goes back and forth.
So I had to wake up to this big time and it made me fucking bawl my eyes out like a baby when I started experiencing it.
Because when you start feeling yourself and experiencing yourself through other people,
you can't ever feel worthless or feel like you have no value.
And this is your fastest ticket to figuring out what specific thing you have to offer
that only you can offer because we all come into this life, whether you're spiritual or not,
what a specific thing to offer.
And it's something that not everybody could do and it's usually the thing that comes easiest to you.
The thing that you can't fathom someone would pay for, that's the thing usually that is going to make you the most money. I started a sub stack. I don't
want to promote it because I like it being small. It's not small. I'm just trying to like hide it
for a minute. People have been joining it and paying money to come and hang out with me and
do private lives and shoot shit, have fun, have a good time.
Other day we went to the gas station, bus scratch offs,
we played together.
Then we're talking about deep shit, advice.
We went and got high on the balcony together.
We were all just like talking shit.
We were spying on my neighbors.
Just hanging out with me.
People are paying money to do it.
Me, four or five years ago,
would have never ever fathomed that was a possibility.
I used to be so down on myself.
I didn't believe when people wanted to be friends with me or people wanted to hang out
with me.
I know that feeling of feeling so absolutely just worthless and annoying.
For me to wrap my brain around this, that my podcast is what it is and my social media
is what it is and now I'm at a point people are paying to hang out with me on live for
someone to say that to me. I had to like,
take it in for a second and be like, wait, huh?
It's always the thing that you can't fathom people would pay for.
That is usually your specific thing that you can make a lot of money
with. And the weird thing is with this whole dynamic, I'm going to walk you through it as I'm living
The money's not even the point.
I have been not promoting the Substack because I like how connected it feels.
It feels like we're all just like best friends hanging out in the chat and it's a blast.
My focus right now is the connection.
I've already stopped promoting it, not caring about the money.
It's making people want it more and it's stressing me out.
But I wanted to give you that example too,
to also help your brain knock loose and start thinking of new ways to do shit.
Because just to hang out with me,
I used to think that was worthless and people in my life in the past would tell
me they never wanted to spend time with me or be around me.
And now people are paying to hang out with me.
It's crazy. It's crazy boots.
But that is a learned blind spot from my past with how people treated me.
So healing is not about fixing shit and I'm going to go isolate myself and journal and heal and go to therapy.
From my experience, healing is just undoing certain shit that has happened to your brain.
So the blinders that certain experiences in the past put on me fucked me up.
And my version of healing them is re-seeing the value, learning to undo the mindsets that were taught to me
and see the truth of what this fucking life is.
We all got value to offer.
You've just been taught not to see it because people benefit.
So healing is undoing that undoing that blindness.
Take them goddamn glasses off.
Everybody's trying to put blinds on you.
Take them off.
But the hardest part of accepting that your value being reflected like that
makes you money
there also comes that whole thing with like the
Socialization of to make money it takes effort. It's hard. So when you have something come easily to you
You are not gonna think that that thing is valuable you perceive struggle
Associated with value so for something to come easy for you,
you're like, oh no, no, I can't make money with that.
No one's gonna value that.
I have to struggle.
I have to push.
I have to exhaust myself and then I can make the money.
That's another thing that's not fucking true.
That's another thing you can break.
That's why when I said the thing that comes
the easiest to you, that you can't fathom
why other people struggle with it,
that is your innate gift.
It's gonna lead you to it.
So just because something's easy or comes easy to you,
don't mean it ain't valuable.
You just got the upper hand.
You've been sent into this life with a leg up
to make money off of it.
If it comes easy and you make money off of it, done.
That's the way it's supposed to go.
Making money is not supposed to be a hard fucking day.
I do wanna do an entire episode about deserving and
allowing things to come easily.
So being like you have to struggle for things or suffer for things or things have to be hard or difficult
for you to get them or for you to feel like they're valuable.
That's not the big thing I want to do a whole episode about is how to receive and allow things to come into your life with
Another example that happened the other day
with the whole feeling yourself through people,
I was at the Versace store the other day
because the manager of the store was leaving
and I love her and I went to see her on her last day.
And I went and got her flowers and cookies
and I just went to go say hi and tell her like,
farewell, see you soon, I miss you so bad already.
One of the biggest gifts you can give people is to see them.
So when we were talking, I stopped for a second
and like took her to the side
because there was a lot of people in the store.
It was like getting kind of chaotic.
I understand what she's going through on her last day.
A lot of people would see her last day,
oh, it's easy, it's breezy,
it's whatever, oh you just get to relax and just nothing. I know the way that she is and how she
cares, she's stressed the fuck out. Her biggest concern is sending all the emails she needs to
send, making sure all the sales associates are taken care of, making sure the new manager gets
brought in good and she's good, she's got everything. Her main concern with her last day is looking out for everybody else and making
sure that they're good. It's a very stressful day for her.
Nobody else is going to really think about that or see that.
So I pulled her to the side and was like, okay,
I just want to check on you because I know this is your last day.
Everybody's over here thinking it's easy breezy and I know you're stressed out.
So I just want to check on you. Like you doing okay? And I gave her a hug and she talked and it was like
when she saw that I saw her,
it's like the professional keep it together,
make sure everybody's good.
It's like she finally just got to like for a second
and like feel comforted.
Like I see you, babe.
I see you in the chaos all this shit.
Nobody else could see it, but I see it.
That gift to give to somebody,
no money will
ever be worth more than that for me personally. So just seeing people, addressing them, validating
it, just like seeing what they're going through, voicing what they're feeling for them to show them
that you see where they're at and you're standing there with them. That's a value. If you got that
and you can do that, don't ever fucking question it. You know how it feels when someone does it to you. Just remember after this,
all the good ways people make you feel. If you do that also for other people,
that's exactly how you make them feel.
Go about and start feeling yourself through people because you're not going to
be able to ignore the value. The value's there. It's been there this whole time.
You just got to see it.
So go out tomorrow and go start fucking seeing it.
Go start seeing it and feeling yourself through other people.
You can feel much more better. You're going to feel so good.
So valuable in things. Okay. So moving along,
one of the biggest blocks a lot of people have to seeing their value is the
responsibility of having something of value.
Because the way you treat something you don't value carefree easy don't really got to think
about it whatever it's at your fucking disposal who cares something bad happens to it you don't
really care about it versus when you value it you have to treat it better. So with seeing the value in yourself,
it's gonna require you to change
the entire way that you treat yourself.
The way you treat your body, the way you eat,
not exercising or exercising, abusing substances,
people you have around you, people you spend time with,
treatment that you tolerate,
you cannot perceive yourself as valuable
and then be dealing with disrespect
and be dealing with people fucking you over
or be dealing with people treating you poorly.
It comes with a responsibility to see the value in yourself.
Your whole life's gonna fall the fuck apart
because it's not set up for one
to reflect the value in you.
You're gonna have to have a whole new life take form
and it will on its own.
Everything's going to seem like it's crashing and burning. No,
it's reorienting itself to be a reality that reflects the value in you that you
are now aware of this life's a fucking mirror.
So that's a big blind spot you can have to not seeing your value is it's
comfortable. You just stay where you are.
You could just overlook certain things
because oh, it's fine, it's whatever.
I'm not that great, I'm not that whatever anyway.
When you no longer feel that way,
you can't tolerate the shit
that you've been tolerating no more.
You might have to get a whole new job.
Might have to get a whole new boyfriend, girlfriend,
dem friend.
Might have to distance yourself from certain friends
because you don't allow yourself
to be treated that way because you now recognize value
in yourself and you don't treat your fucking self that way.
So it's not gonna fly.
That's a big, big thing.
And that stress and that pressure of taking care
of something valuable, exhausting, exhausting
for a lot of people who can't handle it.
When you are valuable and you see it and you get used to taking care of it,
it becomes very easy to take care of something that is valuable.
But you also have to see, are you not used to having things of value?
Are you not used to treating people as if they were valuable?
Because the way you treat everybody is going to have to change.
So what you treat yourself is going to have to change. But also with you,
if you've dealt with people not appreciating you or people leaving you,
abandoning you, whatever it is,
it is such a relief to lose something that is more
valuable than you think you can maintain or something that
is more valuable than you're worth.
It's a relief for a lot of people to lose someone or lose something that they
don't have the capacity to take care of, or they can't even perceive how to
treat it.
So if you've settled before in the past and you've been left or you were the one
that got fucked over,
a lot of people can't handle the pressure of having something valuable.
You are now that person.
If you struggle with seeing the value in yourself, you are going to have to not run.
You are going to have to let the spotlight be right on you and see the value in yourself
and not run from it.
You got to stand there and have it be lit and let it burn the fuck out of everything around it that does not match
your value or treat you according to that value. Now does my last episode make sense with having ego?
For now I hope that was enough to start changing the way that you see yourself. That's all the
points I've got for this episode. If you like this video leave it a thumbs up, subscribe if you're new,
all that if you're watching it on YouTube. Comment, oh what emoji are we gonna do this week?
Comment the mirror emoji.
There's a mirror, comment the mirror.
I always like to do a whole thing of like,
oh if you're on YouTube, comment a certain emoji
if you made it this far,
because I like to see who makes it this far in the episodes.
Also, I'll link my sub stack in the description.
I don't want to, but like come join.
I don't know why I'm acting like
I like I want people to join. I just want to make sure that that connection aspect stays
the same where it feels like we're besties on FaceTime. I like that because I can show
you my guns finally. I give you guys a tour of everything, but also put all my social
media in the description. If you want to follow me anywhere, keep up with me. Also, my merch
is in the description for everybody who has ordered the merch and pre-ordered it, if you want to know the status of your order, go to the contact
page on the site and message them. I've been seeing a lot of comments, a lot of people worried
being like, oh it scammed me, but they didn't realize it was a pre-order. So everything sold
out real fast and then the restock sold out before I could even get it and then it sold out again.
So everything's shipping, everybody's getting a lot of things now.
Everything's moving and grooving.
Y'all is just moving and grooving faster
than I can fucking keep up with.
So thank you for that.
I genuinely can't tell you like how happy that makes me.
Cause I put so much detail and attention to detail
into all the merch that I make.
I need to stop calling it merch.
Cause it's not merch quality.
That shit is like clothing.
Everything's in the description that you need from me. Oh
I feel relieved knowing that you're gonna hear this and knowing that you're gonna have this I'm so happy
Like I said, if you're listening to the audio version of this on Apple podcast and Spotify five star rating leave me one
Thank you so bad, but also hit the download button download the episodes, but that's it. That's all we got for this episode
I hope 2025 is starting out good for everybody else.
It's been sickening for me, 10 out of 10.
I don't know what it is,
it's like as soon as midnight hit on January 1st,
it was like the dark cloud moved.
Like 2024, like let me go.
And it was like a new, like fresh start.
Like a doctor was like clear,
and like brought me back to life.
I love it I
hope everybody's 2025 is going good so far there's been a lot of crazy shit
going on but hope yours is good so far but that's it so everybody be safe take
care of yourself and I'll talk to you guys next Sunday