Bad Friends - New Year, Same Bobby and Andrew

Episode Date: December 28, 2020

Thank you to our sponsors: & code: badfriends Subscribe to our YouTube: 0:00 Rudy is Dora 4:58 Our New Year's Resolu...tions 8:14 Bobby Commits to Change 13:33 The Andy Dick Call 17:14 The Erik Griffin Call 21:10 Bad Friends Fan Resolutions 41:35 Rudy's Yearly Speech 43:10 George Fired & Andres Promoted 45:15 The Jenna & Joe Call 49:10 It's Sparkling Apple Juice Folks, Chill 50:30 The Spanish Grape New Year's Tradition 54:33 Filipino New Year's Traditions, Jump & Scream More Bobby Lee TigerBelly: Instagram: Twitter: Tickets: More Andrew Santino Whiskey Ginger: Instagram: Twitter: Tickets: More Bad Friends iTunes: Instagram: Twitter: Official Website: Opening Credits and Branding: & Credit Sequence Music: // Character Design: Produced by George Kimmel & Bryce Hallock - 7EQUIS Podcast Producers: Jenna Sunde, Joe Faria, Andrés Rosende Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Anchor if you haven't heard about anchor It's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain. Oh, please. It's free. Awesome. That's cool These are there are creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or your computer You do it from your phone like on the go. Oh my god That's cool the bus or the subway you can do it. That's cool Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcast and many many many many many many more. Go ahead You can make money from your podcast too. No minimum listenership. How about that? You can make money with no minimum listenership It's everything you need to make a podcast all in one place. Where do we have to go Bob?
Starting point is 00:00:40 Download the free anchor app or go to to get started George I got it. You two are bad friends. Happy New Year. Tonight we're gonna party like it's 1999 I'll tell you why we're not starting yet. Why not? Because I almost didn't make it today because I got one of these zits Underneath the nose. Let me see. Oh Yeah, it looks good. Yeah, and you know when it's right on the nose like this. It's the most painful one No, the one that are on the nose. That's right next to the nose. Yeah, okay. The ones on the nose This is second though. Can you tell me if this is is it? Can I show you something your face? No, look at this? Yeah, I'm serious. Can you see it?
Starting point is 00:01:55 No, that's not a zit dude. What is a spider bite? No, you know what that looks like what you know how they have They put the cups on the body to like extract. Yeah, that's what it looks like does it or a leech was there Well, what about me? What about me? Let me see Let me see Yeah, see, you know what it does that looks like a zit. Yeah, it's my asshole It's my asshole Hey We're not going into that yet
Starting point is 00:02:27 It's the remix for the new year is the Rudy girl. Hey, thank you guys for dressing up by the way Yeah, first of all, you look good and Rudy said I said rude we're dressing up tonight And she said what should I wear and I said just something a little fancy because it's new years Yeah, and she goes, okay I will and then she wore a second or third hand fifth hand clothing way to go where'd you get that shirt? I have so many shirts. I gave you Yeah, but I like this. Yeah, I see but wait a minute what when you when I asked you if you dressed up and you said yes Why did you lie? I dressed up you dressed you dressed period. Yeah, she dressed you dressed period
Starting point is 00:03:04 Yeah, yeah, that's you going to like a formal ball or something Can you imagine if you went to at high school? They do like on spring and have you done to a dance yet? Yeah, what did you go to? Homecoming and what did you wear that? No, what did you wear a sparkling? How come you wouldn't wear that for here? Yeah, cuz I thought because I thought it was too much You're not taking the job serious. Yeah. Yeah, and why do you look like Dora today? Yeah, you do look like Dora ish Let's go. Let's go to the cave Anyway, we have our own. What is it? What is he called? What's Andres is Dorian? Yeah Dorian. Yeah, Dorian
Starting point is 00:03:41 Dorian. Yeah, oh, we need to find we need to find all the enemies Count to ten your Dora you're and you have the same tone. You look just like her our little Dora Thanks for dressing up Rudy. Did you see George and Andres dressed up? They look good I like Andrea suit. I think you're sure is that's fitted. Yeah, baby. Yeah, it's nice. It did. Yeah Would you get in that? It was fitted from a TV show that I did. Oh, yeah, are you still it? I borrow I asked for it. Did you take it? I did. Yeah. Yeah, don't you take clothes every time you do the show? I always ask. I asked the wardrobe and you make you make friends. Do I have to buy this? No, sometimes they go Yeah, I'll just give you like discount or but sometimes they give it to you
Starting point is 00:04:20 I always make friends always make friends with wardrobe always because by the way, they're usually cool ass chicks Yeah, who and then you become cool with them and then they know cool shit No, cool people and then you go Yeah, and they're like I become friends with craft service because you're fat No, that's not why you fucked hard. It's they give me the good juice. Oh Cuz they got the oh, right. All right. Give me the right sometimes. It's like they give like the star number one and two, right? Protein shakes. Yeah, they blend in the back. Yeah
Starting point is 00:04:49 And then like, you know, I'm like 15th on the call sheet Yeah, so they go go to the table and there's like two pretzels and a fucking piece of licorice on there That's why I have to be friends with the fucking and then they go they give me the protein. Yeah, they go We got you. Well, they'll give me like energy drinks and whatnot, but can I see some this is something um, mm-hmm about Thank God 22 20 is over 2020 is over the worst probably the worst year Mm-hmm. Yeah, I mean out of all the years. How about you've had 2001 9-11 happen? That was a good year for me 2008 the market crashed housing market didn't own a house then so I was fine. Yeah 2020 kind of a bad year, but we started this podcast so pretty good. Yeah, it was bad. Why 2k was bad
Starting point is 00:05:38 Yeah, but the computers never crashed and not only that that I got like 2,000 bottles of water still at my house from what do yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, do you have any resolutions? Yeah, I have a lot of Yeah, what my resolution would be? Yeah To not is it have to be associated to you or just in general? Associated to me. Okay. I knew it was gonna be about you. Yeah. Yeah This did not get so mad at you so fast. Yep, because I do that a lot Mm-hmm and
Starting point is 00:06:11 To to genuinely tell you more often that I really do appreciate you. I appreciate you. I love you, and then I love you I love you appreciate you. I do I do No, dude next year. I want to have more fights and more fun on this show. I want to blow this I have some things No, I want to say Rudy. What are your New Year's resolutions? associated with Tita Bobby. Yeah, well they must be Yeah, it's such a brat. We can't get around it. I Need to know more
Starting point is 00:06:40 Punching no more punching. No me. No you more punching. Yes, but no no punching out of you. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, and That's all good. Really? That's good interesting. All right. What are your resolutions mind Andres? With Tito Bobby, of course, it's got to be about him He hates what I make fun of him, and he treats me badly afterwards, so I need to be on his good side This resolution was brought to you by babble the language learning experience George what are you George? What is your what's your resolution you goon you bet you weirdo creep? By the way, George is having a baby in like seven months. It's insane gross go ahead just to communicate more with Bobby I think I don't uh, tell him three times about things and that's my fault. Oh
Starting point is 00:07:33 Kind of sending facetiousness. I love that about George. George. That's good point for George. What's your resolutions, Bob? Well, um one is To win more in the gulag. Yeah, you got to win more in the gulag because when you lose in the gulag It's embarrassing 50-50 right now, right? Secondly is um, you know when you text me your Irrelevant irrelevant things irrelevant things irrelevant things Childish things can I say like what like what do you think about this shirt or you know me? Hey? Did you see this video? He he ha ha for me to to read that and go um
Starting point is 00:08:14 He's Probably not as emotionally evolved spiritually, you know physically. Yeah, but emotionally and spiritually no and that too Just be more mindful about where he's coming from from a child place From baby face pay place and so um, I guess I I guess I am more Because you're 49 and you play video games for six hours a day and but I do guess that that's more child Yeah, and you can I was an attack on yours. It is it's not yet is I'm telling you what my fucking new year's resolution So can you be nice today? This is the new year. All right, okay? I'll be real you'll be real you got what you wanted Joe Biden won everything's
Starting point is 00:08:57 You know, um, I'll tell you this I'll tell you this My girlfriend Partner My partner at this point partner and by the way legally, you know, that's your that's your wife exactly. Yeah, and um She met this girl named Andy Letterman Andy Annie Letterman, I know we know who she is. Okay, and so you know They talked for the first time on the phone for five hours. Mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:09:26 And then last night they talked on the phone for four and a half hours Okay, you think she's gonna leave you for Annie. No, that's not what it is Is that and then I kind of questioned I go I've talked to my brother for four hours on the phone Collectively my whole life, right You know, I mean right my discussions with my brother is this What's up? Hey? What are you doing eating dinner? Later
Starting point is 00:09:54 That's it, right, right? If I asked more about it. He would think that I Was on drugs again, or you think you care No, but that's a but that's a thing. That's what most people would write exactly, right? So since Kalaila, right is you know, she does that with people wants to get to know them and connect with them Yeah, she cares about history and whatnot right here's about people. I don't care about people. No, I do, right? But I want to put more investment into knowing somebody and to spending more time with people on the phone and To explore, you know, they're inner workings and whatnot, right? Okay, and their history and their desires and what you know and so I just want to um, I
Starting point is 00:10:36 I want to join the human race Yeah, so this next, you know this and then the next year. I'll be 50 Big time big time, right? It's almost over for me Ben. Yeah, it's down downhill been down. Yeah, I know and so for me. It's like, you know, it's either Put up or shut up And what are you gonna do you think what I'm gonna do from now on is I'm gonna call you You Andrew. Yeah, and I express feelings But pure like really I want to get to know you. I dare you. Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna call you. I
Starting point is 00:11:13 I'm gonna call you when I go ring ring dare you. Hello Andy Andrew. Hi Bob. What's up? Hey, what's going on? Hey? I don't know. I was just kind of thinking about you and Everything about you. Okay. Yeah. So how was growing up like? Like Wouldn't you rather do this on the podcast No, but that's the thing because the stuff that we do here. Yeah is It's all in show, right? Because you and I when we I want people I want to put Exposed the show what exposed show a little bit do it. I come in here him and I are grumpy
Starting point is 00:11:49 Yeah, right. We'll say like grumpy things to each other. Mm-hmm like what the fuck do you're late? And I'll be like dude. I told you fucking there's traffic or whatever it might be, right? Then they'll turn on the cameras We just go. Yeah, and afterwards I grab my shit and I just bail as fast as you can as fast as I can Yeah, right, so we don't have you know, I mean, I hardly know you. Yeah You know, let's be real, but I know you Not that well though, but you know, I want to know you more I want to know the inner workings of you should ask more questions. I am I want to know what I've known you for a decade And you don't do you never ask? I know that's what I've known so many people for so long
Starting point is 00:12:27 Yeah, and I don't seem to give a shit That's a big problem big time. It's a big problem. Well, we're gonna work it out today Yeah, do you want to call someone that you know for a long time that we haven't asked? Let's get someone on the phone right now. Oh, you name it We'll call someone right now. No, you said you want to start today. It's the new year. We're starting today Let's call someone that you haven't really asked a lot of questions about that you really want to get to know Just call anybody and I'll do it. I'll call Andy dick Do you have his number? No? Oh, I do. I know you do but he's he's called me
Starting point is 00:13:00 Like six seven times I've returned his phone. Let's call him right now This is an opportunity to prove to yourself that you are finally gonna do the thing. I'll call Andy dick very smart Because you can get Andy dick. Well, cuz here's what you do. You say you don't want to develop He's gonna change his number. So let's just see hey, can we do this? Look at me Look at me real fast before you do it. Look look look look what I want to help this will be fun for the show I mean first of all stop. Let me do this Can I type on the computer there and on the screen? You'll see and you have to ask the questions that I type on there. That'll be fun
Starting point is 00:13:30 I know but but first people will do that. I promise I'll do that. Yeah, but I also want to Apologize for not calling him back and stop Yeah, I can't open up and fucking ask the questions Just go I want say I'm my new year's resolution is that I'm trying to call people back and be more conscious of it I want to say I'm sorry about not calling you back. What can I talk to you? All right, put them on put put it on the speaker there. Okay. Here we go. Okay God I hope he answers Okay, hey, it's voicemail for calling leave your name and your phone number and hang up
Starting point is 00:14:06 No, you got a call try again. Why he doesn't it's not even going to ring. Maybe he's oh Oh, you're go. Yeah speaker? Oh Hi Andy Well, here's the thing is is that you you texted me and you a couple times and I haven't called you back And I felt guilty about it. So, you know, I'm on my part I it's new we're doing a new year's episode on my bad friends podcast and you're on it right now And I just wanted to apologize to you that I didn't call you back First of all, I didn't even remember that you didn't call me back
Starting point is 00:14:58 Secondly, you shouldn't have told me because now I hate you. Oh Fuck I should I let it go Yeah, and then but thirdly, I think about you all the time I think about you too and I miss you too And I also want to um, I want to get to know you better because that's my new year's resolution is to know people better So I'm going to ask you some questions. Do you mind? Right now. Sure. I'm just arriving at this holiday Party
Starting point is 00:15:28 We'll set it up for some other day. We'll set it up for some other day than maybe Why don't you why don't you shove off a couple of questions? I don't know why I said shove off All right, I've never asked you a couple questions. I've never asked you about your family. How was your son? I Have two sons one's 25 and one's 33 and That's so nice of you because you probably heard that the the younger one died last week Are you fucking kidding me? Yes, I am Anyway, why don't you go to your party? I'll talk to you later. I promise I'll keep more in contact with you. Okay, I
Starting point is 00:16:17 Love it. That was very good I know that's a really good one. I'll talk to you later. Okay. Bye. Oh my god, what the fuck bro? I'm not doing this. This is great. This is terrible. This is great. I fuck it. You know what? I was I swear to God I thought you knew I thought that you knew that his son had died because it's very believable Right. Yeah, people died right and then when I read it and he goes my son died last week I did our rage came up like I looked at you and I went you mother fucker. Yeah No, that's a good bit by Andy Dick. I like that. It felt better Can I tell you something now? We're good. So let's call somebody else. You know what Andy said what did you hear?
Starting point is 00:17:00 What he said no, I really like that you want to know more about me Do you see it matters when you invest your time and other people? Oh my he gave a shit. Yeah, that you gave a shit It was nice. Yeah, so Andy Dick still I honestly thought he's not gonna have he always changes his number What do you know about? I mean who else is in your phone that you don't ask enough questions about that calls you all the time go to your call list And go to mist. I'll go my go to mist Well people don't stop calling me so um go to mist and who I did I did who? Well Eric Griffin, but I'm gonna call him
Starting point is 00:17:35 Why what why you and derma, but I already talked to him. I love derms you old griff. You should probably call him What am I gonna go fuck this is New Year's resolution? That's all right. Here we go. Here we go But you know what I'm not gonna tell him on the podcast I'm gonna pretend. I'll tell him later and tell I'm gonna pretend that this is a sincere cuz you wanted to be genuine Be genuine. Okay, do it. That's not for like you know joke, but it's not because you're tricking him. You just wanted to be genuine All right Hello, dear friend Oh, what do you want nothing? I I just I think you're a dear friend of mine, and I just wanted to call to see how you're doing
Starting point is 00:18:20 Fuck no man, dude, dude. No, no dude listen to me man. I've known you for so long, right? Right, and you've done so many good things for you No, you've done so many good things for me You've been such a great friend, and I just realized that I just don't know you that well, you know I want to get to know you better No, what do you mean? Oh, dude, I'm just calling dude. I'm just calling this. This is not a trap or nothing Okay, well, I moved today in case you're interested in my law. I didn't know where'd you move to? We talked about this already. I moved on the west side of town. You don't even remember the conversations
Starting point is 00:18:59 We've already had well you but you moved to the west side, so um, how you feeling? What are you feeling? How are you feeling? I'm exhausted from this move. Oh, you move you actually physically move stuff with your body Yeah Oh, how's Rachel? She's good. She's right here Bobby. Tell her I said hi. Hello, Rachel. I'd like to know her more, too. He's on some kind of radio show or something I'd like to talk it in a weird voice right now. No, I'm not dude. This is me and I want to get to know I love you dude. Fuck you man. I love you. I mean all right, so um, I would love to have dinner with you and Rachel one time After the co after COVID though after the COVID yeah, yeah, sure. What do you think we should do that?
Starting point is 00:19:48 Me Kalyla you will go go go go go grab a bite to eat Yeah Yeah, you know what I'm not gonna do that with you anymore when you make fun of me and I'm not gonna make fun of your back I think you're a great guy What can I get? What can I get you for the holidays? Always make fun of me. I know I'm changing. I'm changing. What can I get you for the holidays? I? Don't know I Love you. I wish your family well
Starting point is 00:20:17 I'll play station five. Oh, that's hard. I can't get myself one. I won't you I want I want to get you a gift though All right. All right, so just let me know texted to me or whatnot. Okay. All right, baby. All right. Love you bud bye-bye See how nice that was and see how good that felt it didn't feel good at all I think you're working through the kinks a rage you got to clean out the cobwebs in order to get to the place Where you need to be this is great Better help during this pandemic Andrew that nothing saved me more than better help I've gotten such great therapy through better help
Starting point is 00:20:51 It's such an easy thing to use and it's very affordable Is there something interfering with your happiness or it's preventing you from achieving your goals? Yeah, there is actually I know there is yeah, and I want to get some help and better help We'll assess your needs and match you with your own license professional therapist. You can start communicating I want to tell you something. Yeah, you can start communicating an under 40 an hour No, truth be told and we both use it and I honestly think that this is so helpful to me and my family this service We love it. It is because during a tough time It's not a crisis line. It's not a self-help line. It's professional counseling done securely online
Starting point is 00:21:25 And you can do it from the comfort of your own home. It's available worldwide. That's right And you can log in from literally anywhere So they're committed to facilitating great therapeutic matches for you It's and it's free to change counselors if needed if you want to keep switching it up So better help once you start living a happier life today And I also said before that it's like it's literally more affordable than like traditional offline Counseling and financial aid is available. That's right. So many people have been using it They're recruiting now in all 50 states. So special offer for bad friends listeners only 10% off your first month at
Starting point is 00:21:58 Slash bad friends. That is 10% off your first month at slash bad friend All right, so look you're doing a good job with your New Year's resolutions. Thank you and let's see some of the fans of New Year's resolutions And they want to tell us what they what their New Year's resolutions are. Okay. Hey, Andres, what up, Rudy? Next year's resolution I'm going to stop Pulling off to the side of the road to masturbate after work
Starting point is 00:22:27 I think people are catching on All my spots have been blown up and it's not a good idea really Okay Well, my main can I tell you my main problem? We got great fans. Can I make my side out? My main problem with that. Yeah Is um, it looks like this tooth of his pulled off to the side of his mouth to get some escapism Also, it's like, um, Hey, what's your main problem? Hey, Rudy. Hey Rudy and Andres. Yeah, he didn't say what's up to us
Starting point is 00:22:58 Yeah, so that's my main problem. The second thing is they are the stars of the show to be honest Also, um, you don't you never pull off the side of the road you drive and do it. Just keep doing it That's the talent right right Get some talent that way, you know, I mean no one can blow up your spot Right. That's why he's like all these spots are blowing. Yeah, you're just moving motion. Yeah, you're moving That's the ghost Let's see another one Oh my god push boss
Starting point is 00:23:25 I just when I see an asian let looks like that. I need a second. All right. Take a breath They still make them that way. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah old school. Yeah old school. Here we go There we go. Go ahead and ticonderona number two My bad friend my new year's resolution. This is stop talking shit about new year's resolution because People are working hard to change themselves and here I am going new year's you mean In fact, yeah, I fucking turn off my lights close the door and make one of my own this year's new year's resolutions is to Be a fucking good human being it's not being so selfish and uh, you know
Starting point is 00:24:11 Yeah, these are my kids. Oh, yeah, these are the ones You know, I I used to have a guy That looks just like how asian is this guy. No, but I used I used to this guy is asia I had an asian ladies and gentlemen. It's asia named young co young co Yeah, he looked exactly like this. This guy's great. I go young go to winterson. So give me a hot dog, right? All right, be back, right? Come back with a fucking hot dog. I love dudes like this. Yeah, this guy's great Well, let's meet him. That's his I wouldn't I want to meet him. All right. Here we go. Yeah What's up guys?
Starting point is 00:24:54 Rudy even even george, I love you guys You guys like literally make my mondays you make my weeks Um, so yeah, my new year's resolution this year is to Just be a lot more disciplined. I think with the changing of the times a lot of us are working remotely and uh, you know, it's Bad habits are formed And now it's just to try and get rid of those bad habits and adopt new ones like not sleeping until bubbly hours Um, I like that, you know, um, but to actually rise up early and have determination and perseverance to do the work at home and uh,
Starting point is 00:25:34 Yeah, I mean I felt myself slipping and uh, this year. Uh, I want to just make it A staple. Yeah Love you guys. Love you. I actually think he's south african Yeah, maybe I think it's south african. South african. Yeah, I think it's south african. You don't need anything to say about him though I think his his shit was genuine. He really wanted it. Do you think he was cute? I didn't pay attention. Yo, you're on a show right now. You know, I was I was listening. Did you see him? Yeah, you think he was cute Be honest. He's okay. He's okay. Okay. Hi bobby and anju and the bad friends family I think what I want for my new year's resolution is to find to find love, you know find that special someone
Starting point is 00:26:19 Who can just make me happy? Oh Oh, I am on the fucking phone. Do you? Hi bobby and anju and That was good. That was really good. That was really good. That guy was good. Yeah, that was a good bit That's a good bit. That was a really good bit. Hey bad friends I hope whatever you're arguing about gets resolved by the end of the episode This is my bad friends new year's challenge Thanks for having me I would like to when I get my boogers picked by myself to not get caught
Starting point is 00:26:54 This guy's I love this guy. I've been a huge problem in my life, but I've been caught maybe a couple times a year and um When I eat them, um Someone sees that's not good. Oh, yeah, and I also eat them too. So thank you If we could I don't want people to see I'm on a diet So I don't take that into account for calories or um I you know, I'm a good guy and everything
Starting point is 00:27:24 Okay, well people have to say that. Why do they have to say that George? Um, I think he's pretty nice Yeah, all right. You don't know first of all, you don't know him. Yeah, if you knew george, you know, he isn't a nice guy How about this guy? What up bobby, what up, uh, andrew? my new year's resolution Is to impregnate that bitch right there? Love that guy love that guy love that guy be a part of the family. Hey man straight up. I hope you get a pregnant pro
Starting point is 00:27:58 Don't pull out with some of these don't pull a vote, right? If they're invited into our family or not that guy's invited in the fam. He's invited a family 100% okay, all right Hey bobby andrew My new year's resolution is I want to start absorbing things more because the thing is is that you did I always hear you But I didn't always listen to you That's interesting. I think he's part of the family and we have to keep him around in case he hurt somebody I don't want he said is is that and and and he had some good show calls. Yeah, but I also think he's creepily in his car He's either in you know what's scary though. Uh everything about it looks like he's in a passenger seat
Starting point is 00:28:41 Yeah, he is and no one's in the driver's seat Right, so he's just sitting in the passenger seat of a car of a car and just taping no Yeah, it's fucking scary. He's in the family. He's in the family. We gotta save him Hey guys, um, my new resolution is actually to Um start buying more trading cards because as you might know Um trading cards are pretty much just gambling for children and I want to start getting that addictive personality going So that once I'm an adult, uh Instead of just gambling, you know, maybe I'll get into a little bit of drugs and a little alcohol
Starting point is 00:29:15 like an adult does respect and uh, you know, I mean I'll never Never catch up to bobby. You know, he was very ahead of the game in terms of Drug abuse at a young age, but that's true. I mean I can get close. I can get close. That's not the best part Yeah, no, that's my uh, it's my new resolution Child gambling. No, that's not happening. You guys look. I'm not gonna support kids gambling and doing drugs But this kid. Yeah, I'm down. I think it's cool. I think it's cool. He's you know, it's he's young We're supposed to do the right thing here. The right thing is I don't want to hey, dude
Starting point is 00:29:51 You go do drugs and gamble and do whatever you want to do life is short if 2020 taught us anything It's that life is too short. No, he's in the family. That's my nephew. He's not. Yep Stop hey bobby stop stop stop stop. Stop. All right. Just move on. I'm gonna say it I'm gonna say it Just move on. I'm gonna say it go ahead I I for sure thought that was a woman And maybe I'm dumb. No, maybe I'm stupid. No, and I'm stupid and people at home should know I'm not smart I've never claimed to be smart
Starting point is 00:30:24 But when I saw this person when I opened the video, I thought it was going to be hey guys No, what I saw thought what CGI? I swear to god, I go wow the animation is getting fucking good. Havatar is unreal. Yeah, he looks like yeah You know what he looks like Wait a human flesh colored. These are our fans. I know these are our fans. Those creatures from Pandora Hey, we love you. Can we hear what he has to say? Rewind it though, but I can't look at the screen. I'll laugh. All right. All right Hey Bobby. Hey Andrew. Hey Rudy. Hey Andres. Hey pink dick. My new year's resolution is to suck more dick
Starting point is 00:31:18 I'm pretty good at it now, but I'd like to be spectacular Anyways, have a merry christmas and a happy new year. Thank you guys for being bad friends I gotta go to that planet Pandora. First of all This guy's the shit. He's a shit. He says he wants to be an expert at s and the ds. Yeah. Yeah. Love this dude Love this guy. Love this dude. Not just in the family Gonna get a seat at the table. How about that? Yeah. Yeah, not just in the family Let's play this one more time. This guy gets a seat at the table. He calls out everybody. Listen. Hey Bobby. Hi Thank you. Hey Rudy. Hey rude. Hey Andres. Hi. Hey pink dick. Pink dick. My new year's resolution is to suck more dick
Starting point is 00:31:56 I'm pretty good at it now, but I'd like to be spectacular. I bet you would anyways Have a merry christmas and a happy new year. Thank you guys for being bad friends Shout out to this fucking mega babe with really good skin that wants to suck better d. Honestly, though I would let him. I would let him. 100% mega babe. Great hair. Great skin. Right. Sorry. We're a little meet up first We're just having fun. We're having fun. Yeah, and let me tell you. Yeah, I like your look in the family at the table You're at the table. That's high up. All right. Let's see who else is here before you wait before you air more, right? Is it not good for me to make fun of them? Dude, it's all love. This is all love. All right, because I love them Yes, these are fans. We love them. Am I being too mean?
Starting point is 00:32:37 Okay, Rudy. No, Rudy's the gauge. She'll tell us. Yeah, she's not even here. No, I know. Barely. Barely. Yeah Here we go. My new year's resolution is ms13 guys We have ms13 fans dope because they can protect us So much and probably look at the camera a little bit more and uh hopefully get a job when covid's all done and maybe accidentally run into
Starting point is 00:33:09 Andrew or bobby somewhere on the street in LA and also maybe get onto to bad friends Oh and Possibly cut my hair Well, you made it onto bad friends my friend. Let me tell you you made it onto bad friends. I like him I like him a lot. He made it on he said he wanted to be on he made it on unless of course we cut that bit
Starting point is 00:33:31 No, we're not gonna cut it. We gotta leave it in. We gotta leave it in but it would be funny if we cut it What do we do this right when he starts talking we cut it down Okay, now he's the shit. He's the shit. You're on bad friends. Um, all right, let's see couple some more fans coming at you What's up bad friends Cheeto Santino slept brother My new year's resolution is to stop fucking my cousins It's always good to get a shout out from Theo von. It's really nice that he did our show Or not. Nah, if the cousin's hot. Yeah, it depends on how distant the cousin is Yeah, how many times removed? Well, I guess he said cousin stuff. So he's in the family. Yeah, gotta let him in
Starting point is 00:34:13 Hey, it's Gianna from Texas. My new year's resolution is to get rid of my orangutan tits In the family in the family at the table I don't know what an orangutan tit is Drupal goopies, I guess. Oh, you have droopy tits. I got what's orangutan about him. Yeah, yeah Orange orangutans are so maybe she has orange food. Harry. Harry and long and hang down. Let's hear that one more time. I love her She's awesome. The rhythm was good Hey, it's Gianna from Texas. My new year's resolution is to get rid of my orangutan tits We love her. I like it. I like it. She's the best. Yeah
Starting point is 00:34:55 What's up bad friends? What's up, Andrew poppy Jewel, our goddess George My name is George too Happy fucking new years My fucking new year's resolution Is the fucking not be fat anymore? I fucking I'm down 40 pounds this year. Congrats. That's a long way to go. But you know what? Yeah
Starting point is 00:35:24 I love you guys Oh my god, love you too. Good luck on the weight loss. Papa. Keep it moving He could have died just doing that video. Yeah Taking the shirt off gonna like imploded. Yeah. Yeah Honestly, yeah, keep him and he's in the family. Keep him in the family. Yeah my resolution Is to get that dumpling You know what i'm talking about robert. That's right
Starting point is 00:35:51 That guy wants to sleep with you. Yeah, he wants he wants to suck on my sacks. Yeah, he loves your dump. Yeah My sacks are like dumplings. Thank you Hey rocket Rocky Bobby. Hey, uh jules Also, andres and george. I really hate george. Um Our resolution is to stop smoking. I've been doing that for too long. Gotta quit. I don't feel good about it anymore so Happy new year's guys. Merry christmas. Handsome guy. Handsome guy. We love you brother. We gotta quit smoking. Bobby quit smoking
Starting point is 00:36:20 Didn't you bob? Yeah, who's next my new year's resolution for this year was to lose weight and get my health back on track starting in September of last year over the last year in about three four months or so I've lost 203 pounds. Oh, wow down from 530 plus pounds ish. I don't really know where I was down to 326 pounds currently And so my goal for next year is to finally hit my actual goal weight
Starting point is 00:36:47 Which is to drop down to about 250 to 260 pounds. I'm six foot seven. I have gigantism Uh or acromegaly as it's actually called. Um, and so I just want to get my health right and You know be comfortable in my body for you know the first time in my life. So Love you guys We love this guy by the way, I want to meet him george. Find out about this guy I never met anyone with gigantism me neither. I want to meet this guy george. Find out about this guy, please That's incredible. I want to I want to know more about him incredible And he it looks like he's driving a Honda Civic. He's drive. That's actually a truck. It is that's like a that's like a
Starting point is 00:37:24 18-wheeler. Oh, it is. Okay. It looks like a coupe to him. He's six seven Six seven and he lost 200 pounds. Wow Dude, like if you're you have gigantism you're 530 pounds. So isn't that like not that big of a deal six seven is not that tall It's not it's like it's like lebron Right. Okay, but how much does lebron weigh? 250 maybe 260. Okay, but it's still like if I weighed 530 it would look differently I I would honestly I would pay my whole bank account to see you weigh 500 pounds It would make me so happy. Would you try to help me? I would do everything in my power
Starting point is 00:38:00 Yeah, if you got that big I would I do it. It'd be a dream come true to watch you get that fat I know but I could die. That's that's that's that's me. No, no, I'd make sure you were fine No, I make sure you were fine. Right, but what would I look like at 500 but not that bad At 500 pounds. Yeah, you weigh how much right now? 175 Okay Three and a half times what you weigh right now. Yeah What would you think you'd look like?
Starting point is 00:38:25 Ralphie may More really more because he was taller. It'd be like Ralphie and lavel Crawford together And you would love to see that a hundred percent I'd pay so much money to watch you get fat. Yeah I love you Hey Cheeto sentino love you to my news Keep it keep it going My news resolution is to see the end of comedy
Starting point is 00:38:53 Did you hear he tried to stand they want to stand up. Yeah. Do you hear him fart though? Listen? I love you I love you. Um, hey cheeto sentino. Love you to my news And his resolution is to see the end of comedy In the family The head we the head of the family. I want to I want to he's our new leader Hello bad friends
Starting point is 00:39:23 My name is Lance Cordell I'm sending this video all the way from Manitoba, Canada. Love it. Love Canada. I just wanted to say Hello to Bobby Andrew hey Mrs. Juliana there it is fancy B. Yes Pink dick George. Yeah, I also was involved with bad friends My new year's resolution for this year Is something that's been weighing heavily on me for a very long time
Starting point is 00:39:52 I need to get in touch with somebody Is this little he was a little asian kid that used to live Keep going close by me and what we used to do was um Really not right we need to say I I want to say I'm sorry. I I never meant to Lureo with fun dip and brutally molest you For an entire summer. I know Um, I just want to say if you're watching out there little asian kid
Starting point is 00:40:28 I'm sorry and Happy new year. It's so fucked up. It's so fucked up He's talking about you. Yeah, because that's real. Yeah all right And if the guy that molested me looked like him, I would have molested him back. He was hot. Yeah the hot burly guy I'd just be fingering back, but it's not anyway. Let's move on Buffy. Oh my god, andrew the best thing that you've ever done for me is give me that buffy
Starting point is 00:40:56 Comforter. I know it. It's the most comfortable earth-friendly and cruelty-free thing on your bed sleepless nights worrying about what's going on Don't worry anymore. It's a hundred percent eucalyptus fiber to regulate the temperature. Keep you cool at night But I know you're reading it off the thing. I'm just telling you right now that um You know you I know that you use it in your own house. Yeah, I do you know in every room Yeah, Leona has one who uses in your house. Do you really use it every room? We have it does joules use it Yeah, she loves it. Wow And it was it's the greatest thing you've ever given me Buffy is the best guys. I've given you a lot of great stuff. Buffy's the only okay. Buffy's the best you heard it, right?
Starting point is 00:41:33 No more night sweats get cozy without overheating. I've talked about this on the show I used to sweat every single night. It's a hundred percent plant-based design It's breathable and it keeps you comfortable in a temperature way that is uh polyester and downfield comforters just can't compete, baby To eucalyptus fabric inside and out It's softer than cotton. It is and it naturally soothes the skin. It's hypoallergenic too, which you love hypoallergenic. No sneezes It's cruelty free. No down here, baby. Why not choose a hundred percent plant-based bedding that's better for you and the earth? Try it in your own bed for free. If you don't love it return it, right Bob Tell them what they can get tell them what the deal is for $20 off your Buffy comforter
Starting point is 00:42:10 Visit and enter bad friends once again for $20 off your Buffy comforter Visit and enter bad friends. Well, let's take a minute real quick What are you grateful for? Let's take a minute to thank the staff. I genuinely thank the stuff Let's thank a thank of the Rudy. Thank you, Rudy. Let's let's say why we appreciate Rudy Did you prepare the speech we asked you to prepare? Yeah, did you and if not improvise one? You didn't ask me. Oh, you didn't tell me to dress up you fucking lady. Because I thought you do. Do the speech that we said. Do the speech please. Your early speech Um, thank you for everyone watching the show
Starting point is 00:42:52 And happy new year That's the speech. Was that really the speech you prepared? You didn't tell me. Yeah, we did first of all George sent an email that said please dress up and please prepare a speech and you didn't I dressed up, but I didn't know what we'll get back to you. Andres, it's your turn. Thank you so much, Andres We all want to say thank you for your commitment and your dedication to the show. It's been less than one year But it's been an incredible run. We love you. Thank you for what you've done. Go ahead and tell your speech Um, thank you guys. Thank you fans for appreciating us
Starting point is 00:43:25 Stay safe and stay safe Stay safe And be good to each other. That's great. And last on the list, of course is uh Jange Well, can I before George scourge? No, because we still have to do two other people scourge real quick. George. Can I add on to Andres? Friends and countrymen Thank you all for joining us. Thank you for being a bad friend. It might be a little bit early
Starting point is 00:43:49 But it's the end of the year. So at the end of the year, we will thank you I want to just say George doesn't know it, but he just got he got fired this this week He has no idea. Yeah, you're fired, but we love you Uh, I want to say something honest about Andres. May I just interject? Please Because I don't see positive things You know when we signed on to do bad friends, you know, I reluctantly Invited George into the fray. Well time out back it up. You literally said to me me and you were going to do bad friends What do we think about George and I said you said no, no immediately. Yeah, I didn't even skip a beat
Starting point is 00:44:25 Yeah, you said what do you think you said no? I do. Well, how'd you know you go? I just I just knew. Yeah. Yeah, but then You came around to yourself a little bit and you said, you know what? I'm gonna involve him. You know why? Yeah, because of Andres Well, that's not what I was going to say. Diamond in the rough. That's what I was going to say Diamond in Spain is is that I regretted inviting George into the party same But then he invited the fucking, you know fancy b fancy b And at first I was reluctant and I didn't like it
Starting point is 00:44:53 But I realized that what an asset he is to the company truly and he's more of an asset than George's by far by far Not even a question And you know, if I could renegotiate the contract and fire George and keep Andres I would do that. I've been trying to do it for about a I know you have. I mean you call me every day 40 weeks, but George really needs to um step up his fucking game. Couldn't be more true Could honestly like call me and say you have to dress up for this episode In fact, you know fact or how about like you got to bring a gift because there's you got to bring Andrew a gift because it's a fucking wrap all yep
Starting point is 00:45:27 Right about defend me during the trial. Hey Andres, does your back hurt from carrying all the weight? Yeah Yeah, a little bit a little bit a lot of it and your asshole hurts too for i'm fucking you, huh every fucking day Does he have sex with him? Yeah, literally Well, that is what it is So anyway, that's so so this team this team that we've compiled here is a great team and we want to thank there's two more people That people don't get to see people get to see George and Andres People don't get to see Jenna and Joe and we're calling them right now They are uh, they work on the show with us and they're part of our team. That's not located here in Los Angeles
Starting point is 00:46:01 But we love them very much and we want to include them. Joe is very nervous. Happy new year She looks like Cleopatra. I told her to do that Happy new year. Am I You're good now. You're looking you're looking money Am I right side up? Yeah. Do you she looks like Cleopatra? I asked I called her earlier because we talk about like styles and stuff Oh, really? Yeah, and I go can you dress up as Cleopatra today and she did it and she did She looks Cleopatra. What does Joe look like? No, sir. No, sir. No, sir. No, sir. Rafa. No, sir. Rafa
Starting point is 00:46:35 No, sir. Ratu. No, sir. Ratu Well, we just we wanted to call you both look so pretty Obviously, Jenna, you look great. Joe, you look Joe and uh, We wanted to call and tell you guys. Thank you for a great year. We had so much fun on the show Thank you for your help and Jenna and Joe, um What can we do as uh As performers on the show to improve our game. Yeah notes. We need notes Oh, man, you know, I'd probably say you guys should probably fight more on the show. Got it
Starting point is 00:47:06 I don't think you guys have really got it. Have done that enough. So right. Yeah. Yeah And that makes sense. We should fight more. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Jenna. Jenna Maybe some more, um costume Costume I love it. I love it. I love it. Do they know each other very very well. Are they dating? No, they're not. No These are for there's a fucking workspace Is a professional workspace, dude. We can get sued for no reason. I'm asking a question We can get sued for that. We can get sued by hr
Starting point is 00:47:38 That's what I'm talking about. See that's what I'm talking about more of that. Hey, look at that I was really angry just now because you raised your voice for no fucking reason. Hey, yeah Oh, okay. Yeah, great HR it's a good bit. Um, well, we wanted to say thank you to the entire staff and crew that helped make bad friends possible Um, rudy, uh, thank you kind of Uh, George Uh, Andres, you're a lovely guy. We love you very much and Jen and Joe. Thank you so much endlessly Um, for the fans at home. This is the people that make the show happen. Thank you so much. Honestly
Starting point is 00:48:14 This is genuinely the people that make the show possible. So these guys are great people. Honestly Thank you so much. And we love them as more than we love, uh Anybody that works here locally if we could have you two here and get rid of fucking George George I mean, that would be nice. God, what a blessing that would be. That would be a blessing. What a blessing it would be Yeah, honest. I mean, I mean, and I mean it genuinely and George. I know you can hear us and we mean it Thank you guys so much for everything. We love you guys. Happy new year to you Happy new year, man. And here's to a wonderful 2021. That's fingers crossed gonna be a lot better than 2020 Love you guys. Cheers to you guys. Cheers to you. Cheers to you.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Bobby's sober so he can't do that, but cheers. Love you guys. I love you. Happy new year. Happy new year to you. Happy new year. Happy new year. Love you. Um, the best Just great day people. I was gonna say something to really make you mad just now, but you know what? My gut instinct said no because I want to start a fight because it's the new year's episode. Do it I was gonna say right after the who were they? That would have really made you mad. Yeah, but see I'm growing because I'm gonna change my fucking deal for the next year Change it. I just did. That was a gut instinct for me to go. Who the fuck were they right?
Starting point is 00:49:25 And I and I said Bob my internal my internal fucking dialogue said don't say it. Don't say it, right? And then that's like I think a growth thing and I think that's what I'm gonna do. That's just uh Apple cider, right? No, it's alcohol. I can't drink it. You're fine. Just drink it. Okay. I'll relapse for you for me Yes, no it is if I relapsed would you tell Kalilah? Yeah Yeah, well what you have no loyalty or no I know me. You don't like me at all. We brought you on this show as a part of our family and now you just like this You don't like me at all. I want to help you. That's not helping me, dude. You're It's helping. No, you're not. No, that's hurting. It's hurting
Starting point is 00:50:06 You know when I was drinking when we were drinking on my show the first time we ever did whiskey ginger together You had red bull and in the glass it looks like whiskey. Yeah, people were like, okay. I fucking believe you'd be okay with them Relapsing in front of your face. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I was like, are you guys fucking out of your mind? Yeah Yeah, George, would you tell if honestly if I pulled you aside and I said hey, I relapsed would you tell Kalilah you did You did do that I did what you did pull me aside and ask and fucking tell me that you relapsed. Did you tell Kalilah? No, I know you didn't No, I did not and that's a real friend. Well because it was I was concerned about you. I didn't know what to do Yeah, I actually was concerned. I had no idea what to do. We hadn't done bad friends then though, right?
Starting point is 00:50:45 No, that's what no and that's what kind of led to but also that's what scared the shit of me because I was like I told my wife. I was like, what am I supposed to do? Yeah? Yeah, you put me in a very bad situation Give me the thing give him the thing But also that's Kalilah's fucking niece That's true. Yeah, I'm never gonna have an ally in the house. I'm your ally, but I'm just don't live in your house Oh, don't drink it yet, Bob All right, we're gonna do a countdown. Yeah, put some George. Who's this last one for? Oh, okay, okay
Starting point is 00:51:21 All right, so so don't drink before we do the fucking countdown. So wait, what do you want me to do first andres? Hey guys, so to welcome the new year We're gonna do it spanish style And this is how we do it in spain. Okay when the clock times 12 12 a.m. On the first We eat one grape per chime in order to get good luck for the rest of the year Okay, so you guys will have a countdown there and uh, really you can give you the grapes And then with each time you guys have to eat one grape trying not to choke How many times go come fast? No, they're pretty
Starting point is 00:52:03 I've eaten grapes before, bro You have to eat grapes without choking. This is what the spaniers do. Yeah These people are so weird. I know. All right. All right. So we have to eat grapes without choking. All right So I gotta do okay. Here we go. So this is the spaniard new year. Right. Um, here we go Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait. Oh, these are the quarters. Hold on. So you will see on the screen when to eat So we don't need until it says eat right until the first chime starts The first time that you guys are gonna hear are the quarters and this just to prepare you for it The first time you know, can I say something? Yeah
Starting point is 00:52:43 Yeah, it might be one of those things where we don't know that eating that many grapes at a certain amount of time makes you choke No, no, I'm the choking part. I'm just saying because you guys are not used to that's the Oh, he's just saying because he's got experience. Oh, I thought that this was like a No, no, no, no, no. Challenge that they hadn't spayed. Eat as many as you want without choking. You know what I mean? All right, here we go. Let's start. Ready and go Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. That's a chime. No wait. Those are the quarters now. Ding dong, ding dong, there are four of those. See how the clock gets to 12.
Starting point is 00:53:32 The grapes are so sweet. OK. Now, one. Ding dong, ding dong. Oh Oh Oh You guys fail
Starting point is 00:54:19 Did you get them George? Oh, yeah, George and I were the only ones who did it right We did it yeah, but you guys have to have your mouth clear We did it it's on camera Okay, wait a minute, let's do it again Oh Well, so what you're saying is that it's all the there can't be any grapes in the mouth, right? Don't the fucking rules also We just swallow them whole
Starting point is 00:55:06 No, no, you chew them and then swallow you didn't chew and swallow Why no you didn't fuck this So now after these we're doing some Filipino tradition, okay, really go ahead Filipino traditions during the new year when it turns to midnight you have to jump really high because Like really high so that on the next year you will grow taller and And then you have to When the when admit when it's midnight you have to scream or make noises so that the evil spirit won't possess you
Starting point is 00:55:55 That's it Is that real? Yeah, look at me man. I mean you know Korean you would know if this is fake or not. I've never seen this happen But all right, so what do we have to do yet? Let me look it up first. No, we just trust she's just making it up He's our resident. He's our reasonable jump as I was against you can grow the next year. That's fucking ridiculous. Well, they are short number two Make funny noises to scare away evil spirits. Yeah So where's the clock for that?
Starting point is 00:56:29 All right Yep, all right I can do but yeah, okay, so three two one go All right, okay, I think we're ready for the champagne And you're screaming was crazy. Yeah, like you you you scraped you like you meant it Yeah, you really believe evil spirits are like around I think so Okay, she does you do huh you do believe in it What do you think is gonna happen to you? Yeah, if you don't do that. What do you think is gonna happen? Oh?
Starting point is 00:57:26 My year will be like bad. Yeah, so you didn't scream last year. Yeah, obviously. Yeah, yeah, and maybe someone will die What? Somebody you love maybe a close. Yeah, okay. All right. What are the oh andres? What does it say dance one two three? Oh Oh, wow pretty good party that is good Oh, yeah, get up and dance. Yeah I'm out of breath really good. Well, there is one more. I don't think we should do it But maybe I'm not doing it. I'm not doing it again. Well, if you turn on who knows what will happen?
Starting point is 00:59:21 That's good Okay, so we have to have a countdown and cheers Okay, champagne now that we're out of breath. It's been a great party. It's been an amazing new year. Thank you for being a bad friend Thank you for being a bad friend 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Happy New Year Oh boy Oh
Starting point is 01:00:05 Happy New Year Oh Oh

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