Bad Friends - No Thanks Giving!

Episode Date: November 23, 2020

Thank you to our Sponsors: code: badfriends & & code: badfriends & Subscribe to our YouTube:... 0:00 Gobble Gobble, Happy Thanksgiving! 2:14 Andrew's Gift for Bobo and Rudy 5:51 Rudy on Thanksgiving & The History of Bless You 8:30 The Good News of Star Trek 14:45 Name the Baby 19:35 Traffic Jam at The Great Barrier Reef 30:58 California's Crazy Fires 33:40 Fancy B Steps on Bobby's Jokes & The Dad Died Excuse 38:56 Andrew and Bobo Eat Balut! 50:25 Is Last Of The Mohicans Real? 52:15 Our Review of Thanksgiving Food 54:40 The Thanksgiving Trivia Show! More Bobby Lee TigerBelly: Instagram: Twitter: Tickets: More Andrew Santino Whiskey Ginger: Instagram: Twitter: Tickets: More Bad Friends iTunes: Instagram: Twitter: Official Website: Opening Credits and Branding: & Credit Sequence Music: // Character Design: Produced by George Kimmel & Bryce Hallock - 7EQUIS Podcast Producers: Jenna Sunde, Joe Faria, Andrés Rosende Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Anchor if you haven't heard about anchor It's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain. Oh, please It's free. Awesome. That's cool These are there are creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or your computer You do it from your phone like on the go. Oh my god That's cool the bus or the subway you can do it. That's cool Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcast and many many many many many many more You can make money from your podcast too. No minimum listenership. How about that? You can make money with no minimum listenership
Starting point is 00:00:35 It's everything you need to make a podcast all in one place. Where do we have to go Bob? Download the free anchor app or go to to get started Happy Thanksgiving Do I look good today? You look cute today, dude. You look clean. Your face looks good. Do you have a lot of acne growing up? So annoying What what do you mean you I've had I've had these scars for years. Yeah, I just noticed them just now, so that's a good thing I Just noticed them right now. I Like it. It's cool. It's your it's your seal
Starting point is 00:01:37 Well, it's even worse because right right near it. Yeah busted my face open right when I was a kid Happy Thanksgiving. I know but can I just ask you about it real quick? Sure, did you have a lot of acne just here growing up? It was all concentrated to one part of my face Okay, that's all I wanted to ask. Yeah, it's weird. This was a boy. It was a big boil. Are you being real? No No, are you angry? I feel like you're angry right now. It's just an annoying way to start the show. Happy Thanksgiving Let's go to that Okay, wow Get me in a good mood, you know what I mean, dude when you came in here, bro, right?
Starting point is 00:02:18 I was like Happy Thanksgiving from my friends. Thank you, but we're done when you came in Right, I go Did you just step off set because that's how good you look? Why are you saying that you've been condescending? No, I swear didn't I not say that when you walked in well first of all you said there's good news to share And then you said did you just come off shooting and I said no, right? So then I'm taking bet you know what it is. I'm doing a skin regimen at night. Is it really I'm doing it's great, dude Whatever you're doing. I love you keep doing it. Thank you. All right. Well, happy Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving to you man
Starting point is 00:02:49 Dude happy Thanksgiving more to you than to me. All right. I'm dude. I'm Korean, bro Yeah, he didn't celebrate the shit. So I don't know much about it, bro Do you want to know do you want to learn? Well, I know I know dude. I know some things. What do you know? Can I give you a gift what I brought another gift? I'm I feel like I'm Santa on this show Santa Maria the boats, right? Santa Maria Santa Maria the boats has something to do with Plymouth Rock. This is a gift for you. Oh shit. What is it in case here? I'm gonna throw it at you heads up That's in case you get cold. Uh-huh It's a blanket. Yeah, I don't want it. Do you know about it? No, it's been washed. I don't care. It's clean. That's how the Indians died
Starting point is 00:03:28 That's how they need such. No, it's not. Yeah, that's do you let oh she loves it. Look at shit. I got one I got one. You know, it's a trick. I got one. There's smallpox all over Smallpox all over it. You idiot and you look like Pocahontas. So I don't know much about it So I know that it has to do with pilgrims and it has to do with Indians. Yeah, and they tricked them They tricked them. They said hey, let's have a dinner and the Indians were like Wonderful, let's eat. Let's not make fun of them. No, no, no, I'm doing that's I know but if people getting sensitive Okay, they go let's do do a different accent for Indians. Yeah. Yeah for the Native Americans Do the Punjab Indian for that?
Starting point is 00:04:05 the Settlers came over Yeah, and they were like We'd like to trade with you and we'd like to dine with you on this glorious day Hmm and the Native Americans are like that sounds like a good idea Why don't we sit down and have a meal? Yeah, and the and the Western Europe European men were like have these blankets To keep warm because it gets cold at night and inside they speckled smallpox. I get it smallpox was COVID back then
Starting point is 00:04:36 Right same thing. It was like skin aids skates. Yeah, it was sure. Yeah, and the Native Americans were The Native Americans were taken advantage of and their land was stolen and that's why we eat pumpkin pie Right, it kind of all makes sense when you're when you grew up in a family that doesn't know that history Yeah, and then November comes around. Yeah, there's just a bunch of fucking confusion going on. It's panic It's like because they don't know how to do it. So they my dad will go get chicken Right, but they kind of looks like a chicken. I know still he would get chicken. They would take white wonderbread bread And just crumple it up. That's the stuffing. That's close, right? And then he would use some sort of like
Starting point is 00:05:18 Korean like sauce like kimchi sauce. I love kimchi So poured up poured over gochujang gochujang. That's so good. So good, right? And you put that on chicken and white bread Yeah, that's pretty good. He goes happy. Thank you giving Happy thank you given right and then we would eat it and then that's and then the beatings would start right after you ate We get drunk and then the beatings would start, but if you ate turkey and we run around You know blow-blow an arrow it was it was so scary You know what but if you add turkey it has tripped a fan and it would get you would you tire So then he could hit you to sleep then if he hit you you're already out
Starting point is 00:05:56 Yeah, do you have Thanksgiving in the Philippines? She doesn't know anything about it. No What what do you know about it that you've learned from school? We've given such an inaccurate description for the fans That's not really what happened. What really happened on Thanksgiving was a joyous occasion a joyous occasion And nobody was taken advantage of nobody was hurt It was you know, I mean it was just a homies kicking it It was what do you know about Thanksgiving? You know about it really? I Just know that there's always turkey. There's always pumpkin pie. Yeah, and people just eat until they get fat That's pretty much it. Yeah, that's right of the nose. Yeah. Yeah, that's Thanksgiving now
Starting point is 00:06:33 What do you know? We're joking around about it But what do you know about the history of how it was found to how it started? Do you know? Um Not really Well, you have to imagine she grew up views. Yeah Asians don't say bless you. No, we don't Do you people not say bless you wait? Why because it especially when it's a COVID cough. That was a sneeze whenever it is Asians don't say bless you. We're scared. We don't oh You're scared. Yeah. Yeah. All right. We don't we're scared. What do you have you ever said bless you?
Starting point is 00:07:05 It's not something that comes to mind now. Why not? Somebody sneezes. What do you think? I just move on with my life But I go to because when Asians sneeze we always we wore the masks Do it in the Indian accent Wait a minute when you have a mask on We've always likes people see an Asian sneeze all the time. You know sneeze as well cute sneezes though And then we giggle yeah Right and then yeah, but and then we do a peace sign, but do you ever say bless you when somebody sneezes?
Starting point is 00:07:47 In the Philippines we never do it and then when it came here, it's really weird. That's what that's what I'm saying We never did it growing up as well. Do you know the atom? Do you know why we do that? You know the etymology of that is no, I don't know what the etymology of it That's no because you stop your heart stops for a second like you stop breathing you physically your heart just stops for a second Hmm, and so people religious decided that you say bless God bless you God bless you Uh-huh to make sure you're okay. I assume I've never seen anyone die a guy did die One probably one guy in the history of the world of dyes needs himself today Also a guy from the history of the world probably died from hopscotching
Starting point is 00:08:24 Well a few men have died and no one says bless you when they hopscotch Well, because that's your own risk My point is that if it happened like a thousand times a year that I guess the bless you would like you know It's a courtesy Okay, bless you Thanks, that's all you wanted Kind of Yeah, does it feel good and no it looks so handsome today. Thank you. Thanks. You know, I'll tell you what happened
Starting point is 00:08:49 I'll tell you what it really was I received really good news and We'd like to announce it on this show. Well, I Received the same news and I didn't I received the good news I didn't take it as good. I didn't take it as good. Why didn't you take it as good? I horrifying at first the idea of that being the idea. Yeah, yeah of that, but then It's like the Borg What's the Borg? You know what the Borg is the movie the Borg. No, there's no board
Starting point is 00:09:20 You mean the tennis players that we're thinking Bjorn Borg Bjorn Borg isn't there's any of a movie about him the Borg is a race of aliens What where is this at in the Star Trek universe? Oh, I don't I know you don't I don't do it Yeah, exactly now Star Trek Star Trek is Star Trek is Zulu Spock and Zulu. No, I don't know Zulu who Zulu is Zulu is wasn't Zulu. Oh Zulu Yeah, yeah, it's an S Who what guy was Zulu the Japanese the Nip The Asian guy was yes. Yes. Is Zulu a Japanese name?
Starting point is 00:10:00 Well, I guess in the future in space in space it is. I just assumed they wouldn't make it Yeah, name away in the original Star Trek characters. Can you name them for me Spock bingo Zulu? Mike there's no Mike There's no Mike. There's no Mike. It's just not Mike. No, no Spock Zulu. What's the doctor's name Scotty? Very good. And what what do you do on the ship? He beamed everybody up engineer same thing exactly and then there was a woman Yeah named Carla no Give me a hint aura
Starting point is 00:10:38 Aurora. Yeah, aura. Is that her name aura aura aura. These dorks would know they would know so anyway Borg from Star Trek McCoy James Bones Bones. Yeah, that's a great name great So anyway, but so after this what and Kirk yeah, yeah, James Kirk Captain Kirk captain James T. Kirk James T. Kirk. Yeah, what's the T for? Um, what is it James? What is it Thomas Corkirk? Maybe anyway after after the Star Trek? Yeah, right the first group. Yeah, there was another show that came along called Star Trek the next generation I've seen that one. Okay, so name a black as a black guy. Maybe the characters. There's one black guy now Maybe the characters for the black guys. The black guy's name is Jamal
Starting point is 00:11:24 Close. What is it? Jordy Jordy? Yeah, his name is Jamal. It's Jordy short for Jamal. No, it's not. Yes, it is Jordy LeForge Yes, Jamal LeForge. He was an engineer. He was an engineer. Right. What else? And there's a black woman and there's an Asian guy There was no black woman. Yeah, there was a black woman. Well, yeah, there was whoopie-golderplit. Yeah, but she wasn't like She was like a reoccurring on this show. So what that works? Fine. What's her name? Uh-huh. Her name was Guy Nen. Guy Nen? Yeah, that's a terrible name. I know it is. I've never I've never really paid attention to those these nerd shows They're not nerd shows. What are you fucking saying shit like that? How is that not a nerd show? It's it's just a TV show that happens to be in space about nerd shit
Starting point is 00:12:02 It's not about nerd shit. It's about what signs is nerdy. Captain We must progress unless the Borg will then take us over. Anyway, there was a Dork shit. All right, there was a group anyway There was a there was an alien race in it called the Borg and was they were they evil? They were bad. Okay, and what they do is they would assimilate cultures. Oh Oh, right. So they would see a culture and they would just destroy them capture them and then make them the way they look You don't mean an act the way they do and they become a part of a collective They don't have their own identity, right? They have one thought. They're all connected, but they steal people's identity
Starting point is 00:12:41 Well, they take people's individuality individuality individuality Individuality what I say individuality. I know that's what I said. Yeah, let me say it again. Yeah individuality perfect exactly They would steal their individuality And and what and what would happen is that they would just assimilate and they would all just be one thing So when the the good news happened, right? I felt like there was some assimilation going on and that that we would have more of these things on planet Earth But I thought he did mix it with
Starting point is 00:13:14 Goop blood. So, you know me You made maybe something other something magical would happen. So what here's the deal? Yeah, let the fans know George's wife is pregnant She's Korean and she's Korean and George you guys know what he looks like So acts like that plus Korean Equals equals what a Borg? No I don't know. I just felt like if George, let's suppose he had a wife He does I know but a wife that was like white and from the country a good old-fashioned white
Starting point is 00:13:50 Yeah, white white wife, you know and her name is Darla Darla and she and I just love you George Just want to beg for you clean the house and then They had a baby together that they would create more George's Yeah, but I think he threw in like you know a wrench in the process and it might turn out a little different like a Skater kid or something. Well, here's the deal George said George is having a baby. George is having a baby and we're kind of happy for him Are we happy rude? Yeah, but he waited three months to tell us Well, yeah, you're supposed to why it because I think that there's a high level of Baby deaths before then but it's not that that's not why yet is but that's not what he did
Starting point is 00:14:31 Well, you're supposed to wait ten weeks to tell people because a lot of times there's miscarriages, right George Isn't that why yeah, that's not what he did. Why do you think he did it because he wanted to do the fucking Downs test? Oh To make sure it didn't have it. Yeah, and so the reason why he waited why Why why he didn't tell us before the Downs test is if it did have some sort of Down syndrome abnormality sure He was gonna He's gonna circumcise it. No, I get it. You know, I was just how about this? This is better What is that he's gonna take it out to eat
Starting point is 00:15:18 You know, I don't I don't know I Yeah vacuum he's gonna I don't know. Yeah, but anyway, we're happy that George is having a kid George. We said George said we boy by the way Oh, it is. Yes, we get to name it. Isn't that the fact that's in fact this truth So all the fans I want you guys to Comment and the most common name George will be forced to name the kid and think about this think about how detrimental It would be if George doesn't name the kid what we want. Yeah, he gets fired from this show. He gets fired from belly Yeah, he actually loses his company. Yeah, because Bryce his partner. Yeah, which
Starting point is 00:15:58 sketchy skeptical It could be Bryce's baby. Oh Scandal oh, it could be could it George I don't know. He's tall. Do you have names picked out George? Let me guess Let me guess you're okay. Just looking at you Malachi is one and Anyone from children of the corn Jebediah, right, right Nathaniel Nathaniel any of those He's hard right now
Starting point is 00:16:32 He's he George looks like a farm kid and his kid is going to look like a little half Korean farm boy Yeah, but see here's the thing when you mix in Asian though when white in Asian mix What do they look like anything can happen? I've seen disasters happen Steve Bern is Irish and and that it could happen that could happen. He's a handsome dude It could turn out to be very handsome. Yeah, he's handsome. Yeah, who's the other side of the spectrum? I don't want to name any names here it comes Just for fun I Honestly, don't know them because I refuse to meet them right when I see them. Mm-hmm. I'll see them at the show
Starting point is 00:17:14 Like I'll do sure comedy show sure and I'll see a mixed kid, right? Yeah, and then the mix went the other way Right, right and I might go From afar like you're mean, but I won't shake the hand. Who is it? I don't know anybody personally Yeah, but I think you do Do I know a half Asian kid? No, there's that kid What's that? I can't stand up coming his name is Tatara Tataki Katie Tatara. That's him Katie Tataki He's handsome. He is. Yeah. Yeah, he is but here's what it can go wrong
Starting point is 00:17:50 Elliot Rogers You knew Elliot Rogers? You know that is yeah, yeah They come out weird. Yeah, like one eye is high Not only that it's just the mixtures of the bad races. Maybe like maybe Elliot Rogers had like the fucking Kamikaze Asian blood, right? And then also the Jeffrey Dahmer Asian blood. I'm white blood. White blood Yeah, you mix them together and you'll shoot up people in Santa Barbara, right or oh hi Anywhere up there anywhere mountain towny, but usually they they turn out to be very handsome. They can George. We'll see honestly
Starting point is 00:18:28 It's a 50-50 with George because you never know. He's got some qualities that I go Oh, he's not bad. And then he's got other qualities where I go very bad. Very bad. Absolutely very bad Will you babysit Jules? Will you babysit? I'm not good with kids Right. Why like why would I even I've court? I knew that. I mean she has younger siblings on her You know, she has a younger sibling. I'm not gonna name their names, right? But I feel like there is a do you miss them? I always go do you miss them? It's like no not really. Why don't you why aren't you good with kids? You don't like kids at all?
Starting point is 00:19:00 Wow Do you ever? My god, you don't like little babies. You don't think they're cute Yeah, they're not cute So do you never want to be like you never want do you do you think one day you might think you might want to be a mom or never? Never never god. I hope she sticks to that and she won't be you never know could be like Kalyla and Coquinda her sister plenty of women decide very young that they don't want to be a mother Yeah, college is I've been asking her for fucking 12 hours a day every day
Starting point is 00:19:33 You know me now that George beat me to it hurts It's like I've been asking I go can we have a baby and she's like not with you because she'd have to have sex with you No, she has sex with me. Nope. Yeah, she just doesn't let me know. No. No. No, she just No, no, no, no, no, no, no, nobody wants to think that through everybody Think that's gross as shit. She doesn't want me to unload an insider Hey, so you think do you think in 10 years when I ask you in 10 years when you're almost 30? You'll still say no. Yeah, I Don't think so. What is it? Why do you think you feel that way? I? Just hate them
Starting point is 00:20:12 You but your mom had five. That's why that's why she hates them. Did your mom have five? Yeah, yeah That reminds me I watched a documentary about yesterday about the Great Barrier Reef and about the Green Sea turtles They swim there are other documentaries they swim all the way to this place called Rain Island and and these big turtles and they They poop out they had a close-up of the sack of the the birth sack and they were pooping out these little eggs and She has 20 of them 20 kids It's this little bup-pup-pup-pup-pup-pup-pup-pup and then the turtles have to go back to the ocean and their flippers are so heavy Their bodies are so heavy it takes them forever and there's a traffic jam. There's too many
Starting point is 00:20:55 So what happens some of them think they're gonna take a shortcut Mm-hmm, and then there's jagged rocks and they just fall down the jagged rocks and they end up on their back I think I mean you said they show one just crack its head And it's flippers are keeping it's like And the other ones are like you see you should have waited and it reminded me of when you know when there's two Lanes and you're driving and and everyone's in the one lane because you know it merges into one Yeah, and there's guys that are going up the right-hand side because they want to sneak in you know those people Yeah, I've hate those fucking people. I hate you. Okay, you are the turtle that falls off the rock think he's gonna get ahead
Starting point is 00:21:31 Let me ask you and we're all waiting and going say you just got to wait. Are you are you one of those? Right, let's say you're in a lane. Yeah, and this car Are desperately. Yeah wants to go into your lane. He's just blinking make. She's like that. She's like this Yeah, can I get in right? What do you do? Do you do what I do? Window up. Yeah. Yeah, I do this move. I'll look you be the lady. Okay And I just go straight ahead I ignore yeah, I ignore I ignore have you ever let them in no Yeah, me either never I ignore them the same way I ignore you know when you get to an off-ramp on a freeway And there's a homeless guy there with a sign and he stares right at you
Starting point is 00:22:15 Yeah, so you're you're the homeless guy and wave to me like you're trying to get my attention ready. Go ahead What I'd like to do is I like to count my money I do they go. Hey, I just windows rolled up. I just got my money. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and then I just drive through Yeah, or here's another I like I'll take a star like a like a Starbucks like napkin Mm-hmm. Just laying around the car. Yeah, and I'll roll it. I'll just throw it out the window I think I really excited God damn it hundred and then they look it up. It's just a Starbucks. They don't like it. That's so mean. I know what I do I sometimes
Starting point is 00:22:59 I Sometimes I Sometimes I'll a homeless guy. I'll come on. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Do you have any change? Yeah, and I usually I keep a cup a big cup of change in my center console Yeah, and I roll in a minute. Go come here and I let them get close and I hit him in the face with all the change You know what scam I got Rudy Rudy. We're kidding. We don't do that This episode is sponsored by blue chew. I love blue chew so much and yeah, baby Blue chew brings you the first chewable with the same FDA approved active ingredients as Viagra and Cialis
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Starting point is 00:25:20 We're not messing around when we say it as a comedy show, but we both use it We both love it. You should talk to someone if you need it. Don't feel weird about it. It's really really wonderful you can go to better help comm slash reviews and Visit and see all of the people that have enjoyed it go to better help comm slash bad friends That's help HELP better help comm slash bad friends join over One million people have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional All right special offer for bad friends listeners 10% off your first month Bobby at better help comm slash bad friends That's better help comm slash bad friends. You know what scam I don't like what it gets me every fucking I ran out of gas
Starting point is 00:25:58 No, oh, which one it's when you go to a 7-eleven Mm-hmm, and you know you have the homeless people that want to do a job For your fucking dollar like what like what like open the door for you. Oh, yeah You know now when they open the door you're just like And then when I leave I have to give them the money. Yeah, you don't have a choice. You don't have a choice They did a job in Chicago. I don't know if they don't do this out here I've never seen this in a lot of metropolitan cities Not Los Angeles. They'll take Windex and newspaper and wash your window. Yeah
Starting point is 00:26:31 Yeah, they don't do that out here for some reason, but in Chicago, they'll do it and you got to go I don't want it and they'll do it and then they're like no real quick and you're like and then you have to give them money Yeah, so you know what my thing is I like giving homeless people my all jokes aside. I do give money to the homeless. Yeah Um, I usually give the most money to people that are like doing a thing Yeah, if you're begging, I'll give you money. Okay, you're begging. I'll give you a dollar. You need money. Okay, fine People that like in New York, especially Singin piano drum the kids that put the fucking drums. I'll give those kids 20 bucks, right? Because I think that's incredible. You're they're working hard. They're lugging that shit around town just sitting and going
Starting point is 00:27:12 Please help. It's like, okay fine. Yeah, but the kids that like make something and try to do something to make money I'll always give them more money. Yeah, because I think that's I think that's you know, they're trying to make money Yeah, I don't like when homeless people asked for specific dollar amount. Can I have three dollars and eighty-six cents? You're like, um, you're me like didn't it then you think they have a specific thing they want to buy a crack Yeah, right. Yeah, they have a Justin they have a crack counter and they go I've got $12 and eighty-eight cents Yeah, I need another you know 765 to get the crack rock I need you know what I always thought yeah when a crack addict asked for money, right? Imagine instead of giving them money you give them crack
Starting point is 00:27:54 You know how happy they would be so fun. They had then the like half their work is done What if that got what if that day the crack addict was finally quitting crack? He was like all I need is a hundred dollars. Yeah, I can get this up this hotel rented for the night, right? I'm gonna clean up. I'm gonna shave. Yeah, I got myself a suit. I'm gonna go tomorrow morning get a job Yeah, he's like it's all I need is a couple bucks Bob no, no, no, they don't die I always give to the homeless you know my mom used to do Mm-hmm. There really there was there's a thing called Street wise in Chicago. It's a newspaper the Chicago Tribune
Starting point is 00:28:32 This is why I like it. It's work ethic For homeless people that are like they want to do something to give them purpose as well as make money So they go to the Tribune in the morning They get a stack and they pay a dollar for them and they sell them for two so they keep a buck Mm-hmm, and my mom bought one every day when I was a kid I always saw it whenever there was a guy selling Street wise she'd buy it and it's and it's comprised by People from the homeless community that have contributed stories and stuff over time Anyway, my mom always bought a Street wise and she was like they had to get up
Starting point is 00:29:03 They had to go all the way to the Tribune. They had to they had to have capital to pay for it, right? And then make a profit. So this that's entrepreneurs man in LA. We've got the worst homeless problem I've ever seen in my entire life. I can't even it breaks my heart. It's gotten so bad Honestly It's so bad now. They had to put porta potties All over under the freeway because they were pooping in the street. I dude there was poop You know, I live under the bridge. I lived on Beachwood, right? Yeah, so you know that bridge unlike Gower Gower Yeah, it's our bridge. Yeah, it's now a city. I know it's an underground dystopian city
Starting point is 00:29:41 I know they're putting up homeless Ralph's on it. They're doing Right, yeah, they still have a Starbucks. Yeah, but That's the reason why we moved. Yeah, cuz it's crazy over there every time I would drive by it I'd be like it's getting closer. Yeah, and I have empathy and sympathy for the course We're kidding around when we say it, right, but get a fucking job No, but I um But it's it got to the point where you would walk out of the house and people would be like yeah My car just got broken into but it would happen every day. Yeah, something would happen every day in your neighborhood
Starting point is 00:30:15 In my neighborhood and you that was that's a nice neighborhood. It used to be I'm saying just write up that speechwood though Oh, yeah, it's it you go hundreds of millions of dollars People live up there, but right there on Franklin and Gower and Gower in that area It's turning into a fucking dystopian disaster because it's all the stuff It's all the homeless that from Hollywood they go up there because it's safer and nicer up there They don't want to be in the street at night where they can get you know, look dude you have to think if you're homeless Other you're worried about other homeless people who are gonna steal your shit right fuck with you try to rob you hurt you so
Starting point is 00:30:49 You just want to get away from that shit, too. So you got to go up more where there's you know that you feel safer at I It's dude. It's honestly. It's gotten so sad and bad in LA. It's it's like a little too much Well, here's the problem you want me to give you the political problem. They try to create this thing called like Something key it was a program where unused hotels because of COVID They were they got a grant from the government to put homeless people in these hotel rooms to try to like give them a better start back Right there shelters downtown there. They try But they found out that that hotel thing was they were taking a bunch of fucking money who was the hotels these hotel investors were stealing money They were getting huge grants from the government like PPP. They wouldn't do it
Starting point is 00:31:34 They wouldn't put the homeless people in there. They would only do a certain percentage And then they and then some of them outright stopped so they're gonna get sued, you know It's so funny. You only hear about this stuff way after it's over, but they can't do shit about it Do you know what the Woolsey fires are? There was the fires the fires that were up north earlier. Remember the big fires that we had this summer. Mm-hmm. We burn every year Bob Okay, just I believe you all right. So there were these things called the Woolsey fires. Do you say so? There was People lose their homes people die. It's crazy, right in California. I see it
Starting point is 00:32:06 I saw this thing about the Woolsey fires. So Cal Edison our our electric company They're getting sued because they finally did all the research and found out investigating That it was their fault that the fires, you know every year they blame it on someone smoking or right no It was the fucking electric company had a faulty tower Caught and they did it. Yeah, it was their fault My god, so they're getting sued now, but this is the problem. You hear about it, too. It's too late It's over and then you see a movie like air like someone will write a movie about it Yeah, right like 20 rock of it. Yeah, too late and then 30 years later. We watch it go. I can't believe that
Starting point is 00:32:44 Yeah, it's over. What what a controversy. I want to do something about it. Yeah, well, they're all dead Yeah, they always make movies like that Mark. What's his name? Rufalo has a new movie like that something about water I saw it about all the same about water. It's about what's it called that water? Is it about water dark water dark water? Yeah, but he's what's it about on this? Yeah, I saw it I Just the reason why I don't because they these kind of movies come out every year. So I don't know what the problem What's dark? It is about a lawyer. All right. That's it. That's it. That's fine. That's enough. It's about a lawyer Who will be I would don't it's about a lawyer who used to defend chemical companies and
Starting point is 00:33:30 Until a neighbor of his mother tells him look because of these companies my land is completely poisoned my cattle is Right right that's a movie because I had a yeah, that's his pitch We love it You know what that kind of sounds from that sounds like we talked about this the devil we know You didn't see that document. I thought we talked about that That's the most sad shit on remind me because I see so many documents I think we talked about on this show one time the devil we know is about Teflon about Teflon and how about how 3m created Teflon and the people in these farms
Starting point is 00:34:11 They found that the cows tongues would fall out of their fucking heads dude crazy Teflon is in everyone's blood around the world up until Soldiers from the Korean War. That's how far back Teflon is in your blood with that documentary because it was on pans It was jackets shirts hats coat everything you own had Teflon on it That that's kind of the same thing. That's the Andreas the same thing By the way speaking of great television my TV show Davy got a nomination for Gotham of a Gotham award
Starting point is 00:34:43 It did congratulations. I know I don't even know what that was. I heard about it today. What is the Gotham? I don't know. Yeah. Yeah, I just heard it and I said awesome Yeah, and then and then I didn't research what it is. Yeah, maybe Bruce Wayne gives the award What is it? Is it a New York award? No, I have no idea. I just thought Batman would give it that word or something Yeah, I just said that I just did the Bruce Wayne joke Yeah, but I did the Bruce Wayne joke and then you did the fucking Batman Hey, hey, that's two different jokes. It's the same guy though. It's not the same guy
Starting point is 00:35:14 Bruce Wayne and Batman are two completely separate entities. I know but they're same human doing both roles incorrect Batman then exactly. Oh, I got what you're doing. Who is Batman? So next time Next time dude, just listen to me for you don't listen to me Did I who said that did I say Bruce Wayne first? You did. Oh, thank you. Yeah, you had the joke first Thank you. He's trying to step on your jokes. I know he is What do you think that is there is a thing because when he when I even came in here, you know I mean, he gives you like a lot like a lot of warmth. He's warm with me with me. He's very cold prickly I'm like, what's up? This is it. I did it. I did it. Yeah, I mean, it took me forever. It took me forever
Starting point is 00:35:57 With you, it's like welcome welcome Andrew because that maybe it's because I thank him often. Thank you Andre Andreas Appreciate it. I'll tell you why I don't like the Thanksgiving. I have to tell the story Um, is I've never had a really good Thanksgiving meal. Yeah, every time I get invited I'm always invited to Thanksgiving meals like especially when I've been I've been in LA like hours into the meal It's already over. Yeah, they'll call me and go. Hey, I don't know what you're doing, but we just thought of you Yeah, we're doing this thing. So one time Paulie goes this is years ago Paulie goes I swear to God he goes my brother and I were like playing FIFA
Starting point is 00:36:39 We're like my brother's house playing FIFA. Yeah, and I was like, let's see what restaurants are open I was gonna just buy my brother a meal or whatever and Paulie goes, dude The family's here, bro. I go, yeah, my mom's here, dude, and she's asking about you, bra And I go, yeah, but I he's like, dude, you got to come my mom's asking, you know, this is when Mitzi was I My dad died. Oh, that's when that comes out. Yeah, my dad's dad. Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you my dad died Oh, no, I got a goal You would think that you would open with that fucking no save it save the dad I gotta get out of here My dad's dad. Yeah. Yeah, and they're like, oh, wow dad died next time. Yeah, you can use dad died stuff
Starting point is 00:37:22 You know you can use that for a lot of stuff What it's and it's also not a lie now. It's real. Yeah, I can get my dad died check it out And then later like you died that a year ago. Yeah, but he died. He's still dead. Yeah asshole How about this homeless guy? Hey man, do you have any change? Hey bud? My dad died Make him feel bad Yeah, hey Starbucks, you know or like at a restaurant when they see you and the tip and the tip thing You know, you know, they can see on the computer the percentage. Yeah, and it starts at 15 18 20 Yeah, you know and you know tip and they look at you and they go whoa and you go my dad died
Starting point is 00:37:58 What if the homeless person they always have a story? Right, that's what I thought you were gonna say before when you say they usually come up to you and they say at a gas station They go, hey, I just need Um six bucks for gas ride to get home to the thing and it's not true, but even sometimes it's even awful story like what? Oh Man, I'm sorry. Yeah, and one night the house was on fire. Did you set the house on fire? I don't know what happened man. Was it so Cal Edison right? They always say that They always say you weren't there. This is terrible
Starting point is 00:38:42 I know but I want you to fucking you say my dad died at the end of this. I know don't ruin it Sir Who said your house was so no man, and I had my babies carcasses. Oh, no Yeah, I was holding them, but they were burnt like bacon. That's terrible. Anyway after that man The government shut down my funds man. I had the insurance right anyway now Three years later, man. I just need a hot dog. I Need a hot dog man. I'm hungry man. I don't drink anymore. I just need a hot dog man. Hey. Yeah. Hey. Yeah My dad died I
Starting point is 00:39:22 Would have given him a hot dog. There we go. I had a given in that situation Yeah, you don't do the diet that thing, but let's go back to what we were talking about for real. Yeah, I hate Thanksgiving food I've talked about it before. I've always hated it. It's guys guys talking about Thanksgiving food like we We brought you guys how do you do the fucking bullshit here, man guys guys guys yeah interrupt fucking It's big gold here, but speaking of Thanksgiving a food I know we're in the midst of it, but we'll tell me Andres. What is it you interrupt it? Tell us George and I brought you guys a pie, but Jules got you some really authentic Thanksgiving food. What do you have? What do you have? I've always wanted to learn a different language and I always felt felt like my mind be wouldn't be able to absorb that kind of
Starting point is 00:40:18 Information but now it can't be a babble We do have babble babble really helps if you're interested in learning a new language You know your reason why and it's maybe it's you want to feel connected to someone close to you like these two people from different parts of The world or you want to keep your brain sharp can I interrupt me? Please babble is the language learning method Designed to get you speaking your new language within weeks with daily 10 to 15 minutes lessons It's really easy a lot of times learning a language is tough You start with words and phrases and then sentences and they get more complex and soon You're practicing short conversations or yelling at Bobby in Korean, which is my goal by the end of the year
Starting point is 00:40:53 That's what I'm using babble for to learn Korean. I'm doing it. You know that right? Yeah, I am and I want to yell at you in it Okay, okay, their interactive dialogue and speech recognition technology helps to improve your pronunciation and accent So you feel confident when you speak it's really efficient. It's very cool. It's also may I interrupt you It's also created by real language experts not machine learning algorithms or AI technology So you learn practical real-world conversation conversations look 10 million subscriptions have already been Sold through babble. It is awesome. If you're looking Spanish French Italian German, whatever you want babble is going to help You do it right now They're offering our listeners three months for free with a purchase of a three month subscription with the promo code bad friends visit
Starting point is 00:41:34 and use the promo code friends for a three month subscription for free when you purchase three months on top of it That's it really works guys. It does it does and I'm gonna show you by the end of the year that I'm gonna be speaking Korean That's babble b a bb Use the promo code bad friends babble language for life. Hello, I'll tell you what Andrew Yeah, I love hello fresh. I love seeing the package outside my house I love opening it up and it's very easy to the instructions are very easy. Yes, the recipes are very fresh I make them and they're really high-quality meals. It is and I just feel a lot of joy when I'm doing it Especially during this pandemic to get really good nutrients inside my body and really very Delicious just fresh meals. Yeah, you like cooking at home
Starting point is 00:42:18 I had the Korean I had the Korean tacos the other night which were absolutely Delicious and I ate five of the six my wife only got one too bad so sad. Yeah, I don't care I was very very hungry her loss get aggressive They are delicious meals with fresh ingredients delivered to your door. It's so good Honestly, I I was a skeptic of these kind of delivery meal services and I thought all right Let me do it. Sometimes it takes too long to cook then I was like oh, I don't want I don't have the ingrid You only need the essentials to cook salt pepper and oil and that and butter Yeah, and that's it and you can cook delicious meals
Starting point is 00:42:50 for you and your loved ones two to four people and Honestly, so good so so good you guys will not complain. You'll love it. You will love it You'll love it very much affordable as well. Hello fresh is the first global carbon neutral meal kit company Yeah, the packaging hello fresh uses to ship your food in is almost entirely made from recyclable and or already recycled content So they're doing good by making you feel and eat good You guys keep your fridge stocked by adding extra meals or additional proteins quick meals like breakfast on the go or their 10 minute lunches And since they offset their operations travel and shipping emissions. Hello fresh's carbon footprint is 25% lower than store-bought Grocery made meals. Yes, that's a fact. That's a fact and also I wanted to add they even have delicious desserts that satisfy the sweet
Starting point is 00:43:34 Oh delicious because you know, I like sweets So go to hello fresh comm slash bad friends 90 and use the code bad friends 90 to get how much $90 off including free shipping. That's insane Go to hello fresh comm slash bad friends 90 and use the code bad friends 90 to get $90 off including free shipping We'll tell us Yeah, if it's belute, I'm walking out I'm gagging right now. I never had it. I won't do it. Can we open it? No, you know, I'll open it No, will you look honestly? Yeah, don't be us. You know what dude? You know, you're a fucking white piece of shit
Starting point is 00:44:20 You're fucking you look down on others. This is my holiday. You look down on other people's culture, dude Yeah, and stop being like this. That's what this whole thing is about. Yeah, so give me the balloon. All right Yeah, yeah, don't eat. Don't you fucking dig. I'm gonna throw up. You're gonna eat it. All right. You're gonna watch me throw up That's fine. We get well. I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna eat, but that's so fucking rude. It's my people, dude. Okay, bring the balloon I'm not gonna eat it. Yeah No, oh my god, so now where do you get the balloon put it there? I'm not gonna get this at Vons. Where do you get this at? Where did you get it? Or so you just break this open
Starting point is 00:45:03 Get him over a napkin. Oh, yeah, give me a napkin because I've never had this before don't be don't be a dick No, no, no, I'm not being a dick. I'm gonna take my jacket off because I'm sweating for some reason. I'm scared All right, so people for for people that remember Belute is a Filipino we talked about it last about it Yeah, yeah, give me the napkin, right? So you just crack open the top. Okay Let me crack open the top Don't oh Oh my god, it's so hard. It won't crack. It won't crack Crush it like this
Starting point is 00:45:47 Oh fuck this fucking cracked, okay Okay, first I'll just tell you what it is This is like the movie aliens Remember the movie aliens first one smell it smell it Smell it bro, bro, give me the garbage can I'm gonna throw up I'm gonna throw up and I had good ramen I had ramen that I like Yeah, so so There's juice all over the place there's
Starting point is 00:46:33 I'm gonna throw up. Oh my god I have to get out of here. I'm gonna throw up. Honestly, that's so fucking gross All right, so Fuck all right, so I'm gonna throw up. What is this part? I can't see What is that part? That's the foot or the foot Oh my god, that's the foot. What is the yellow though? I have to know the body part I don't look at either. It's fucking asshole
Starting point is 00:47:21 It's a yoke part. All right. How about this Andrew? This is my nightmare I know I'll eat a little bit of this you eat a little. No. Yeah. Yeah, I almost threw up now I don't care. I'm gonna throw up. Oh god It's good Oh God It's so fucking gross God get the fuck out of here get it out. No, no try it. No, I'll get it out. Let's open the whole thing though
Starting point is 00:47:56 I don't think there's any duck there. I'm gonna throw up. Look dude. Look at this part. Oh my god Oh I'm gonna throw up. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh, there's no face My god, where did you get this? This is Ed Vaughn Oh my god, yeah, you should be ashamed This is what I get for joking about Thanksgiving earlier Drenched this table George in in in oh my god and bleach
Starting point is 00:48:42 My god, is this the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life. I mean, I'm not even kidding. No get it away Get it away Dude George get this the fuck away Are you gonna eat this can you eat that? No, you're not gonna eat that. No, she'll eat that one. There's the new one. Don't eat it Here here's the trash can oh Oh my god, I'll be right back if you had a ranch. Are you being real? No, I need to wash my hands. Yeah, cuz I fucking coughed into my hands Rudy how
Starting point is 00:49:42 How much how much is a blue dig? 25 that's what a little bird's life is worth 25 cents Rocks are more expensive by far. Yeah, we you know what's so funny we for people that didn't see the other episode We talked about balloon. It's a baby duck that they eat in the Philippines and they just what do you got salt? Oh my god Are you really gonna eat it? Yeah? Yeah, how do you know if it's not rotten? I mean, it smells rotten. Is it rotten? I'll try I don't think so Oh, you try first and then you for stomach hurts, then you stop
Starting point is 00:50:21 What the fuck the Philippines that kind of what kind of system is that I just I can't and you and do you eat it in one whole bite? Everything no Do you eat that It's good Look I respect the culture. No, I do And you know what I want to say I'm sorry to the Native Americans for what they did What yes, why I'm getting reflective Yeah, yeah, because we're so sorry because what what Western Europeans did to the Native Americans is disgusting
Starting point is 00:51:05 And it's not funny and it's gross and this is giving me perspective Let me ask you something. I don't know why but really this is like In the last of the Mohicans. Yeah Do you think that if Indians found a white baby, they would raise it as their own they'd kill it Exactly. Yeah, they would have killed it. They would have smoked it. They would have killed it. Yeah, right away chief I found the white baby What did the chief would say throw it off the cliff exactly. Yeah, so when I'm watching last of the Mohicans I'm like, I don't believe this. It's not real. It's not real
Starting point is 00:51:40 Well, they're trying to say that what it's trying to do is show that the that Native Americans are Compassionate good-hearted people. Oh, that's what they're doing and the whites. Yeah, weren't That's the truth. Yeah, the whites came and they were like it's not a bit She's she likes it It's not a bit How much have you eaten? She's halfway through. Oh I'm just gonna have one more bit and then bite and then I'm done You hear it's a crunch. You can hear the shell frags
Starting point is 00:52:14 Oh my god I honestly almost threw up. Yeah, it would hurt me. It hurt my inside And you know what I you know what I was bummed about we made homemade ramen tonight And I was like, I don't want to throw up. It was good ramen, but if that egg was pussy, you would eat it I mean the scale of how different that is The reality no, but no think about it though Think about you're All right, you're like a young 20 early 20s. You see a hot chick. I'm not now
Starting point is 00:52:42 I know but let's see you are oh when I was when you were in your early 20s like I was right Yeah, and hot you're a bar hot chick wants to get down, right? Yeah And then you're hooking up and you then you know you're eating a vagina or whatever And it looked and tasted like that you would still do it It never looks like that. I know but you would do it though if it did you're right Exactly. Yeah. All right. Hey, let's talk about Jesus. We need to talk about Thanksgiving is the worst food on planet earth. I hate it turkeys gross It's a it's an ugly bird and it tastes bad stuffing. Not that good
Starting point is 00:53:21 Cranberry sauce not that good I like cranberry sauce. It's fine. It's fine. Uh, it's fine green bean casserole fine never had it the only thing I love Hawaiian rolls What there's Hawaiian rolls when it comes to Thanksgiving Hawaiian rolls everybody has Hawaiian rolls No, that's not a part of the culture you put you put your family public did that Everybody didn't you guys do Hawaiian rolls? Yep. Yes
Starting point is 00:53:48 What is hawaii? Break bake bread from hawaii have any sweet rolls Hawaiian sweet rolls I know but that's still not wasn't like a hundred years ago. Yes. They did really people been doing Oh, you mean you mean when settlers just call them sweet rolls then from hawaii Everybody knows they're Hawaiian sweet rolls I just want to get what you're saying is is that Thanksgiving has been around for hundreds of years in this country. How many? I don't know. Maybe 200 years Okay
Starting point is 00:54:19 What go on you think it's wrong? Yes. Go on What do you want to know hawaii no, I'm just trying to hawaii sweet rolls have been around since the beginning Okay I'm sure I'm sure hawaii was like the last states Right alaska hawaii the last two forty nine forty fifty, right? Right, so it's like You know before that When we were 13 states, right? Yeah, the colonies know about fucking
Starting point is 00:54:53 Hawaii and they had probably Thanksgiving back then They had sweet they had sweet rolls. They were just from one of the colonies Okay, when you just say Hawaii sweet, that's all I want to know. It just sounded weird, but I guess you're right That's what they're called. All right, Andres. What did they have Thanksgiving in in wherever you're from? No, Spain. We didn't Have to meet any pilgrims Right, you guys were there first. Yeah Okay, so we have Andres has prepared something for us. So I don't know what it is, but go ahead
Starting point is 00:55:23 Okay, so since you guys know so much about Thanksgiving. I thought about a game Let's do some Thanksgiving trivia Whoever gets three answers right wins competition see now you'll perk up when there's a competition he's in All right, let's go. Rudy's a part of this too. Okay, great. What do we win? You guys can get that turkey that is between the two of you this one. Yeah, okay at home I always like that guy. That's huge. Yes, okay. Okay. So when was the first time it's given Bobby? The very first one. Yeah, whoever gets it right closest
Starting point is 00:56:09 Yes, the closest 18 47 Uh 17 Well 1776 was the declaration so let's say, uh, let's say, uh 1788 Rudy 1782 82 she just prices righted me
Starting point is 00:56:45 I know whatever's lower. Yeah So good, uh, the first is given was in 1621 She won. Yeah, she prices righted me. So now you have to go first. She has to go first. Right. Okay. So Rudy How fast can a turkey fly? Um How fast can a turkey fly? 10 miles per hour Okay, then who goes next bobby or me bobby bobby
Starting point is 00:57:21 I'll see five miles per hour Uh, and I will say it's a trick question turkeys can't fly Okay, so Rudy wins again as 55 miles per hour turkeys can't fly they can fly 55 miles per hour their land birds They can't fly Well, maybe in spain I'm a turkey. I like to fly I'm a fast. What do you mean play?
Starting point is 00:57:47 Damn Rudy's won twice. I know it's incredible. How many questions are total five? Whoever gets uh gets three wins. No, no five five five fine. Yeah, how many questions do you have? I have plenty. Okay, good Which president maithun's given a national holiday? Oh, damn it. I don't know why you know five I only know five presidents. Who's up first you you are I am uh, I'm a um Who made it a national holiday probably, uh Woodrow Wilson, I was gonna say that
Starting point is 00:58:23 I swear to god, I was gonna say that. No, you can say it with me. All right. Say I'm not gonna say that. What is it? um What president made a national holiday? I'm gonna say john adams Rudy If she gets this one, I'm gonna be pissed Lincoln
Starting point is 00:58:48 No, he thinks it's slaves. What? Lincoln Fun Preis sth Are you fucking kidding me No, I'm gonna look a little bit I'm gonna go. He is our Google. It doesn't matter. I don off of zero What president idols three wait wait hold on what president he freed the slaves and he made thanksgiving that's incredible maid this guy's got a pretty thick resume thanksgiving Guys on the penny I can't believe it. No, that is you're wrong. So you're fucking wrong. Fuck you. What is it?
Starting point is 00:59:23 Who made a national? President Roosevelt? Not according to my research. Okay. I said what president made Thanksgiving a national holiday, right? And it said President Roosevelt Hey, let me let me console here. No Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln The Roosevelt did the beheading of the party part of part of the thing of the fucking turkey pardoning the turkey Yeah, but Abraham Lincoln made it a national holiday. This is like tennis. You lose one point. You are minus one Alright, all right fine. Fine. What's next? What's next? Okay?
Starting point is 01:00:01 Which song was originally written for Thanksgiving which song was originally written for Thanksgiving jingle bells Silent night Uh toxic Britney Spears Well those three Silent night Jingle Bell
Starting point is 01:00:24 Toxic Jingle Bell. Oh, wow Bobby for Bobby. I got one. Yeah, Bobby is one. You're back at zero Bullshit The question you question the judge I'm back at zero. Yeah, you're back at zero. That's how the game goes, bud Don't yell at him. All right different varieties of pumpkin are there. How many different varieties of pumpkin are there? Yep Who's up first Bobby? No Rudy. No, I wonder I got the last one so I go first Okay, go ahead. No you ready you rather go later because then you can hear what other people say, but I'm going last now Okay, how many varieties of pumpkin are there? Yeah? Five? I got it. What is it Rudy?
Starting point is 01:01:11 16 Okay, this one is for Andrew, but It's 45 Well cuz Gord's you got to think about Gord Gord I forgot the Gord family. Those are pumpkins. I didn't know that I don't know if that's true, but I'm making I'm saying Asparagus is that pumpkin same thing asparagus all night shade about you. All right, thank plant All right, so one zero three. Yep. Perfect. Okay. Well, which professionals are the besties doing the bestie boys Which bestie boy is the coolest? Which professionals are the bestie? That's my favorite
Starting point is 01:01:47 License to ill wait a minute. Say it again. Which professionals are the bestiest during sense game Which professionals are the busiest during Thanksgiving? What professionals are the busiest during Thanksgiving hookers? Okay, no, that's not my answer answer. No, it's not even as a joke. You can't just throw it out there The show is a joke show. I gotta make jokes my real answer is Pilots Wow, that's a good one. Hey Rudy Farmers
Starting point is 01:02:18 Farmers good. That's a good one two goods. Can we get three good answers male men? Male men and women Meal X male male X male X is yeah plumbers Because people are pooping and clogging the toilets Is that real? It is real. What did it say? Why? Yes, probably because people eat a lot and then shit a lot. I guess that's interesting I guess that's interesting. Yeah, so I guess the closest was Rudy because she said farmers and it is something related to food No, no, no, no, no, no, that's not fair. That's not fair. That's not it
Starting point is 01:02:53 That's not fair. How many questions do you have? This is fun. I have plenty. He's got a lot. I saw the list. It's a lot Okay, so Rudy What is the name of a baby turkey? Belute you just ate it. No evil you evil Filipino girl you There's got to be a time limit a baby turkey. Okay, very good guess Bobby Tiki I'm gonna say baby turkeys are called turk turk
Starting point is 01:03:33 Oof, what is it the real answer is pulled Paul Pult P. O. L. T. P. O P. O. U. L. T. Pult Pult Never heard of that in my life. We got to check this guy's sources Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, go ahead. We couldn't get an American. Okay, which NFL team traditionally hosts an annual Thanksgiving day game The washington redskins The washington redskins cowboys
Starting point is 01:04:06 I don't know any NFL team. Just throw one out there make up a name Give me a city and then just do the city and make up a name Red washington, you can't do what he did Oh, what did you say? I said washington redskins. You can't say the same answer. You can't say red washington Blue nevada. Blue nevada. They were great. They were champions five years ago. They were? Yeah, the blue nevadas This one goes to andrew. Why? Dallas cowboys. Yeah. Is it Dallas? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So two for me Three for Rudy zero for me zero for Bob. Of course Okay, what percent is of americans eat turkey during a Thanksgiving?
Starting point is 01:04:47 Wow, you go first Me it's me first. Um 78 I'll go 90 percent Um 95 percent Okay, it's 88. So bobby wins one. Wait. Why did bobby win? And I won. I said 90 percent and it's 88. Oh, it's 88. Yeah, but he's over. You can't be over
Starting point is 01:05:16 No, that's who it is. Every game show you can't go over. It's not this. That's not the price is right every game show You can't go over. That's like that. You can't go over. No. No. I'm closest. I get a fucking point. Fuck you Let's ask the judge Yes, bobby gets a fucking point. So I get a point. So it's what you have how many three three two three I have three two one three one two three. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, go ahead. Okay I know I'm answering the next one. Yes You are okay So 102 passengers set
Starting point is 01:05:46 Uh sail on the Mayflower How many arrive in america? You're up for 101 Okay 68 Okay 52 Wow
Starting point is 01:06:11 So bobby wins it's 102 Nobody died How did nobody die? It was a beautiful ship. No. No wait a second. It was a trump built ship beautiful. Perfect trump built it Yeah, I built the Mayflower when they came over here not only to know where to die somebody who was bored Exactly. So that's true. Did you hear that? Yeah, so go ahead with his three two two, right? Yeah, ask away on next. Damn. No, you already were first that time. Whoever wins gets the first answer fine Who celebrates fans giving on the second monday of october the second monday of october?
Starting point is 01:06:51 Canadians Okay October Who celebrates thanksgiving, you know what? No, why'd you raise your hand? I want to go Um juice Wow Oh, that's the show
Starting point is 01:07:16 We're canceled. Yeah Well juice Oh my god Who celebrates why would juice what that's where did that even come from crazy? The second monday of october who celebrates the funny answer though. Very funny. Who celebrates it second monday of october Native americans And rudy wins again juice. No, no, no, no Canadians bobby wins. Do I really Canadians? Yep
Starting point is 01:07:47 Fuck yeah, three three two three two three two Here we go. Now it's on Which character of friends? I don't know any of them god. He's our head Her head is stuck in a turkey. I'm first though. So I only know one name joey Yeah, joey. We know it's joey. I'm first so I get the answer. That's not fair. We are first. I get the answer and I answered it You don't go get the rules. That's not the rules. All right. I'm first We're supposed to rotate. No, no, no, whoever wins the right gets first shot. No, you made that up. No, it's weird to make that up We all rotate it. Who said joey first? It's it's uh
Starting point is 01:08:27 Rudy's turn. No, no, who said joey first though. We all knew it's joey. Who said it first rudy No, I said it first rudy. We'll do a different question. No I said joey first. Fuck you. Three two two. The judge said it was me. The judge did say it was her You respect the judge. Take away a point from him judge. No, you can't take away from him. Three two two. Yeah, you did. No, no, three. No, you yelled at him. You already took two away from me. Fuck you already took two away from me. Judge, judge. Judge, do not do it. Do not do it. Judge? No, it's it's three three two. Thank you So three oh, so oh me and rudy have three you have two so you went down and I went up. You have two Andrew. I went up Yeah, so three three two different question. Go ahead. Okay
Starting point is 01:09:09 Yeah, we state races the most turkeys What state what state raises the most turkey? rudy Arizona Never seen a turkey there a lot of turkeys in Arizona They they strive it. They thrive in fucking judge judge. Who's next you? Nebraska Kentucky
Starting point is 01:09:40 It's Minnesota. Fuck. Okay. No, I was gonna say Minnesota Cold cold. I don't know I'm close. There's no clothes. You have to get it on on that one. Okay. Who's over close. Sure. Thank you, George So three two two still go ahead. Okay. So Bobby. Yeah, what is at snood? What? What is at snood s n o o d s n o o d snood
Starting point is 01:10:16 And it's related to Thanksgiving. Yeah Do you say at snood like the at symbol? No, just what's snood? Is that your question? Yes It's a sauce Okay, Andrew snood is uh Snood is um Rudy go ahead Go ahead
Starting point is 01:10:45 Do it out there. I don't even know does it involve the turkey? You can't ask questions like that. You're your mind. He has something Okay, is it the Oh No, no, why is it the thing on there? No, that's a gizzard. There's a gizzard No, the gizzard's down here. Yeah. Yeah. The snood is the test. Maybe that's she's the testicles above the nose Is that we were asking? Yeah snood. Okay. That's her answer. Mine is the the thing above their head Okay, Rudy wins is the loose skin under a male's turkey's neck. It's such a bullshit that you could I didn't ask a question Yes, she asked that's not unfair. You even said yeah, it's about the turkey for us. You just said yeah, it's about Thanksgiving
Starting point is 01:11:24 Four three two. That's fine. That's not fine. It's unfair. I know but she's the judges have a How many days did the first Thanksgiving last? Who's up first? Rudy Um five, okay Three I have to say two Okay, three. How do the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and the American Thanksgiving Parade conclude? How does it end? Yep
Starting point is 01:11:56 Bobby It ends with a good year blimp at the end it ends with a snoopy I think Okay, Rudy. Um, can I have two answers? No No Absolutely not. Absolutely not. That's crazy Um fireworks What is it with the arrival of santa claus? Fuck what was the other answer you're gonna say a prayer a prayer. Yeah, that's that's that's actually very the last car goes by
Starting point is 01:12:32 and everyone just starts praying What else how many women Survive to celebrate the first Thanksgiving How many women serve in what disaster? Well in the disaster of coming to America and then fighting the native americans and settle How many women that's it could be any it could be if a million two fucking ten No, we just established that 102 people came so 102 people. Okay So how many survive uh women who's first?
Starting point is 01:13:06 Women who's first uh andrew I mean 54 Okay 68 30 only four What I I win that one. No, you don't yeah, yeah, because it's whoever gets closer. That's not fair. That's too far That's just that's not too far That's the rule and get it. Fuck you. You want a couple that way too. I get it
Starting point is 01:13:42 I get that it was a terrible guess but bobby gets it. Thank you four four three four four three god What meat did the native americans bring to the first tense given? What did the native amer- what meat did they bring to the first Thanksgiving? Yes, what me or didn't bring? No, what meat did they bring to the first Thanksgiving? Who's up first? Who's to bobby? Oh, okay, bobby. Yeah, what do you eat sir? Dear me Buffalo
Starting point is 01:14:12 Rudy Poetry Poetry poetry. Oh, I said poetry It was bison, which is deer so bobby gets The win bison isn't deer. You mean venison venison. Sorry venison is deer I don't think it counts I want
Starting point is 01:14:40 No, don't be a sore winner. Don't be a bad winner. Thank you. Otherwise throw that pie right in his face Yeah, thank you so much. Rudy throw that pie right at him. Do it the first annual fucking Thanksgiving trivia Um, let me make a speech here. I really um, all right bobby, you know what this is You have to break it and whoever whoever gets the bigger piece Gets to make a wish and it comes true. Okay. Okay. So you grab just a little just the bottom the bottom the bottom Okay on the count of three you pull one two three Well, I didn't I didn't know that you were gonna really it's supposed to break. No, you can't don't you don't do high up
Starting point is 01:15:18 You have to go way down at bottom. Yeah, one two three Yes It's only fair. Let me make a wish Perfect it worked Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you for being a bad friend You

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