Beach Too Sandy, Water Too Wet - 170: Reviews of Benihana

Episode Date: March 2, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:23 Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Welcome to Beach to Sandy Water to Wet, a podcast featuring real reviews written by people who just need the world to know what they think. need the world to know what they think. Between you and me, I wanted to like this podcast, but I'd give it zero stars if I could. hello and welcome to beach to sandy water to at the podcast where we read the worst reviews in the most dramatic fashions fashion you were so good so good my name is zandy hi i'm x teen uh we are here today to record this episode um obviously my god we're so good at this this is why we're paid the big bucks this is like how we talked like our first episode like
Starting point is 00:01:35 haha we're so good at this it's been 160 come on gosh um so anyway 170 i don't even know i just believed you whatever you say um our mother is downstairs she's babysitting my infant child while we record this is like a family affair loving it great stuff good kids okay speaking of family affairs we're going to benihana today how many times have you been to benihana probably any time that you've been which i don't know if that's zero or five okay so you might not remember this oh no i don't i remember i have a memory could it be wrong yes could it be false memory it could be a false memory so i think my first and only time going to Benihana was before seeing a specific movie. And I think we were in Florida with Dad and Elsie or something.
Starting point is 00:02:31 I mean, this all sounds extremely right. Does any movie pop in your head? No. I want to say Avatar, but I know that's not true because that was much later. Much later. And that was the day I broke my ankle. So that was different. Oh. Yeah. I fell on my ex-boyfriend's porsche it was a bad day no no no no his dad's i was like your ex-boyfriend he did not drive a porsche
Starting point is 00:02:58 no i'm sorry it was an aston martin if he ever hears this he'll probably sue for me saying true the wrong car but um no sorry he that all of that was a false memory that i just told you so ignore all of it okay i'm sorry what movie do we watch in florida on a different note spy kids 3d okay i was just gonna say it was either like cats and dogs or like some some shit like that and dogs that movie like the yeah wait is that what that was called i think so it was weird like animatronic animals anyway uh i think spy kids 3d that sounds correct poor poor ellen poor stepmother and father yeah wow what a day for them to go to benihana with two children and then spy kids and i think we were with some other people like
Starting point is 00:03:43 family friends or something i I don't know. Or maybe this was all just a dream and just my perfect day in my brain and my subconscious. It sounds like our childhood kind of wrapped up in one nice little ball. Which is pretty good. Can't complain. I was going to say, as far as childhood memories go, this one doesn't sting quite as much. Anyway, I don't remember. Oh, oh my God. i totally remember oh yeah i remember
Starting point is 00:04:07 when you said we were there with other people i'm like i remember i think we went to benihana and i remember being like where am i and i remember getting that weird anxiety secondhand anxiety watching someone else perform yeah the chef performing and being like i'm stressed about this i was just pumped because what if the volcano doesn't work? I wanted to see that volcano work. And it did. It did. Anyway. Cool.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Yeah. And if anyone's like, what the fuck is Benihana? Oh. I just, you know, maybe we should talk about that a little bit. Because none of this clarified anything. Yeah, what kind of volcano and stuff. It's a hibachi style chain of restaurants, Japanese restaurants. It's actually not hibachi.
Starting point is 00:04:46 I don't know if you read that. Jesus Christ, no. It's teppanyaki. I'm sorry. Now you've upset Giovanni. Gio's like whining now. It's okay, buddy. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:04:55 I'll get my terms right. What does that mean? I have no idea. Oh my God. You correct me, but with like no information. Well, duh. What do you think this show is? me but like with like no information well duh what do you think this show is if you must know teppanyaki often confused with hibachi is a post-world war ii style of japanese cuisine
Starting point is 00:05:12 that uses an iron girdle to cook food why why did they throw post-world war ii in there is that relevant i'm sure i'm curious about the history now what world World War II has to do with it? Well, I'm assuming something about the fact that Japan was involved heavily in World War II. Yeah, no, but I'm just curious about it. And then pre-World War II, was hibachi considered like pre-World War II? Okay, never mind. I don't know. Well, actually, Zandy, it is believed hibachi date back to the Heian period, period 794 to 1185 so wait is that pre-world war ii um i think it was right after so both were no no 794 yes i think that was pre-world war ii alexander um so anyway i just feel like you needed to know that but okay uh thank you i'm sorry for calling it hibachi anyway they cook at your table is what i'm trying to say or you actually eat at their stove you eat so true okay it's just how you look at it yes you eat at their stove they like give
Starting point is 00:06:19 a chef comes over and then you order things it's also people listening who don't know what very hot is are now more confused. You eat at their store. Let's just leave it at that, actually. Okay. By the way, Benihana was founded. Did you know who founded it? And in what year?
Starting point is 00:06:36 I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm acting like this. Wasn't it founded in 794? I have no idea. It was founded in 1965 in New York City by Steve Aoki's father. Oh, I did see the name Aoki. And I was like, that's his dad. Wow.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Hiroaki Aoki in 1964. And then the first restaurant was 1965 in New York City. Wow. Yeah. And that's how Steve Aoki was born into this kind of like Benihana fortune. I'm serious. I had no idea. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Good to know. That's actually, that is interesting. Thank you. I have more facts. Sorry, not facts, facts. But in lieu of a review for my first thing. Another false memory. I have an article.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Oh, okay. A false memory. I think this actually happened. This was from 2011. review for my first thing another false memory i have an article oh okay a false memory i think this actually happened this was from 2011 uh and the article is titled kuwait blogger sued for posting dinner experience there was a blogger in kuwait who um posted about his experience at benihana yeah and the restaurant company that owns benihana in Kuwait sued him because of the blog that he posted. For libel or something? The company is Las Palmas.
Starting point is 00:07:52 And they took legal action against him for his, quote, negative attitudes towards the restaurant and for filming videos there without permission. uh and they said that they claimed that he worked for an advertising company and might have personal motives that could like lead to why he'd leave a negative review and they were worried that also uh people would like um or that he was doing this for like personal fame to like get attention and stuff and like isn't that why anyone blogs not in like a mean way but like really yeah why most social media exists but whatever okay uh they sued him for the equivalent of uh equivalents of 17 875 us dollars about 18 000 and told him to shut down his blog i was like wow um but yeah so basically and in the review he was like like the blog post they had some quotes from it. It was just like a review. He says, like, here's a quote.
Starting point is 00:08:47 He says, the service wasn't too bad for a restaurant that's just been open for a few days and the staff were really friendly. And then he said that the food was disappointing and then talked about like how the chicken wasn't well cooked and blah, blah, blah. Like, I don't know. It was just a regular seeming blog post. can you imagine if restaurants started suing review i mean this could get out of control very quickly i mean it's like the streisand effect though like you try to what's that that's so um it's we're we're like educating the masses and by masses i mean me and you ourselves
Starting point is 00:09:22 we're educating each other back and forth. Everyone already knows this stuff. So the thing comes from when you try to, like a lot of companies, it happens now, they try to hide something that happened. And by doing that, it brings more attention to it. Yeah, right. So that's what it is. Interesting. It started with Barbara Streisand because um she tried to uh
Starting point is 00:09:46 there was a photo taken of her house and she tried to um like remove it from the internet or whatever and so of course it just yeah and then so a lot of people were like oh let me look up this photo of her house that she doesn't want anyone to see i see okay um so yeah he ended up getting a lot of like support on twitter and everything uh and here's like uh his last like quote about it he said his last quote his last quote before before what before mr aoki paid him a visit no um he said i appeal to everyone to make benihana come to their senses and drop the stupid lawsuit. Blog about it. Tweet it. Victory for Benihana means a Middle East blogger needs to have a lawyer on his or her side in case they write that sushi was bad. And he was never heard from again.
Starting point is 00:10:40 And then later that month, he won the case. Oh, good for him. So, yeah. Or I guess I should say Benihana lost. They dropped the case. lost they lost yeah yeah oh they lost they didn't drop the case they just full out lost it yeah yeah okay wow yeah i do also like i i'm gonna take one thing from this um from this just one and it's that you can sue someone for a negative attitude because didn't i say that what oh yeah yeah for its neck yeah for being negative i can't get over that i like if i
Starting point is 00:11:05 if i if if that becomes a more rampant thing you and i are in big trouble at least i am oh being sued for a negative attitude oh yeah wow yeah that has a lot of implications don't give anyone ideas i'm sorry you just you shouldn't have put that out there you even said it i'm doing the barbarous dry sand effect all over again but hey here's a precedent granted it's in kuwait so it's not really relevant to us but um yeah i better watch out for my blog okay uh i'm gonna read a review now oh wait one more thing sorry yeah uh this person is still blogging oh so it's i just want to put that out there because blogger Mark McCool. McCool? I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:11:46 McCool. M-A-K-H-O-U-L. So, yeah. 248am. Good for him. I'm so happy for him. Okay. So, this is the Benihana in Cincinnati, Ohio, which I did not know existed.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Yeah. I looked it up immediately, but I don't know. It's obviously somewhere north in one of those suburbs. Oh, yeah. Of course. This is a one-star review by Kevin from actually last month. So, you can literally fly to the moon, conceive a baby, have the baby, teach the baby physics, and have it fly back to Earth before getting service here. Tables were nasty and sticky and looked like they were cleaned with Sprite.
Starting point is 00:12:24 earth before getting service here tables were nasty and sticky and looked like they were cleaned with sprite absolutely pathetic benihana himself would roll over in his grave if he knew about this bollocks end of review fun fact kevin okay that's actually why i looked it up because i was like is there a benihana and then of course it was like steve aoki's dad and i went okay this is a fun fact but so initially i was going to bring that up after but since you brought all your fun facts i felt like i had to um um but so yeah benihana himself would roll over in his grave very strange thought to have but you know also like even if it were yeah benihana like a person roll over in his grave like what you know that how it was in 1964 you know that the service was so much better yeah what if he could only see what his beautiful restaurant has exactly and is a oak mr a oaky dead i don't know that answer i mean like he might not be so let me see if hero a hiroaki aoki is alive
Starting point is 00:13:25 uh no he passed in 2008 unfortunately okay sorry and then that kind of ruins what i was gonna say so oh bummer i mean he's actually some people say there's a conspiracy that he's actually alive and well and okay living in brussels i don't know so um but no uh yeah he's actually living in kuwait and sometimes he comes out for to sue people if they tarnish his bad name um yeah i just really like this strange thought process of like first you're gonna teach this baby physics on the moon then that is so specific and the tables are so sticky it's like okay and i very evocative to say they were cleaned with sprite though i will say that i was gonna say that is so descriptive and such a good way to put that it is i was like oh yuck like i could
Starting point is 00:14:16 i can see that yeah in my mind's eye clean with sprite yeah anyway that's that. Your turn. My first one is actually my first three are all from the Downey, California location. Okay. So here's one. It's one star. This is by Isla. I can't believe they have us sitting next to people we don't know. And they're so close to us. End of review.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Oh, no. Was this written in a post-COVID world yeah it's yeah it is so i i do understand it i just think it's funny but only if you don't really know what a benny hi yes because that's the whole kind of the whole yes point of it so i feel like if you didn't realize that sure then that would be very alarming but like you're not gonna go and get the whole stove to yourself you know and i don't say table around here i say stove also the whole point is that you're sitting there with a chef like yes right there at their stove at their stove you've invaded their stove so i mean like going in yeah it's you were already going to be sitting right next to people it's not the most covid friendly no absolutely not and
Starting point is 00:15:23 that's why and so i did see some people who complain were like, hey, look, this place is like basically empty, but they still sat us with other people. Yeah. And I think the reason why is because they only have so many chefs. Yeah. You don't get your own personal chef at a Benihana usually. Yeah. Unless you come with like 10 people.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Yeah. I will say, too, if you don't know what a benihana is or you haven't been you should watch the episode of the office because i feel like that gives a good and i know we reference the office all the time and it's probably annoying to some people most people everybody i don't know but there is an episode where like dwight gets seated separate from the group and it's a whole thing yeah benihana christmas episode yes yes it's a good episode. It's so good. One of my favorites. Yeah. Okay, so now I have Benihana in Santa Monica, California. Okay. One star by Mike.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Terrible experience as the owner of a restaurant. Will not recommend to anyone. Had a problem with one of our meals and the chicken was undercooked. The manager, Stuart, came waddling out. Waddle, waddle. Talk about evocative, right? Got any grapes? I was just looking that up the other day.
Starting point is 00:16:34 The manager, Stuart, came waddling out with his hands in the back of his pants. What the hell? And really didn't seem to care, flicking his hand around. What? I don't know. What's he flicking his hand around. What? What's he flicking in the back of his pants? It's so strange. The manager, Stuart, came waddling out with his hands in the back of his pants.
Starting point is 00:16:57 What the hell? And really didn't seem to care flicking his hand around like it wasn't an issue. The employees, servers, bartenders looked severely overworked. more staff is needed to keep a place with that volume running smooth nothing was done about our bill either i think another complaint took their attention off of me and being as well oh i forgot about this part i think another complaint took their attention off of me and being as well off as i am it's not a huge deal wow i just won't return stewart if you read this you didn't know i'm a restaurant owner but you need to make big adjustments to your attitude and work ethic besides hiding in the kitchen or wherever you ran back to after a complaint came about
Starting point is 00:17:38 manager melissa at the front was no help either couldn't tell if she was a host or a manager by her demeanor. Worthless. End of review. Jeez. Being as well off as I am, I just let it slide. There's so many things that were just like thrown willy nilly around here, especially calling someone worthless. Actually flicked. Very flicked around. Yeah. Worthless is yikes.
Starting point is 00:17:59 So did Stuart have hands in the pants and then take the hands out and then flick them around? Or were they still in the pants flicking around? That's what I thought. At first I thought it was in the pants. That's a great question. And then again I thought, oh, maybe Stuart's flicking the hands outside the pants. I think he meant he came out with his hands in the back of his pants.
Starting point is 00:18:14 And then started flicking his hands about the place. Like, are you sure they were not in his back pockets? I would be so surprised if this man came out with his hands like touching his butt i'm sure they were in his pockets right i think the way he's describing it it's just like like oh he walked out like he waddled out with his pockets i think that's what he's trying to say that's all okay sorry but then what's the problem with him flicking his hands about what he's saying is like he dismissed it like it was no problem. Oh my god, Christina, I did not understand that.
Starting point is 00:18:48 I'm pretty sure that's what he's saying is like he didn't seem to care, flicking his hand around like it wasn't an issue. Oh god damn, okay, I seriously thought it was like he's flicking like poop particles around. I'm such an idiot. No, I seriously thought that's what that meant. I mean, I don't know why on earth it was written this way way you could really have just said he came out with his hands in his pockets i hope someone else out there thought the same thing as me because otherwise i'll look pretty ridiculous because i i seriously thought that meant he was like flicking poop particles around this benihana and i was like gross but i'm like are you sure they were down his pants i think
Starting point is 00:19:23 what he meant was just he was being dismissive and didn't care. I don't know. But what he didn't know is that Mike is a restaurant owner who's very well off. Very well off. And that could have changed the game if he didn't know that information. Yeah, so true. That would have made them less worthless of people. Slightly.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Slightly, yeah. made them less worthless of people slightly slightly yeah uh my next one is a one star review uh this is by ivan absolutely awful if i could give negative stars i would had reservations at 8 p.m didn't get seated until 10pm. Only to be served with a chef that was clearly under the influence of drugs or alcohol or both. Tossing rice all over the place like it's confetti. That's fun.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Isn't that fun? Is that the point? I'm sorry, but like don't they like throw things in their hat and everything? It's like really chaotic. It's dinner and a show. So spun out of his mind that the meat he was cooking wasn't even on the grill.
Starting point is 00:20:35 What was it on? I need to know what it was on. He says, as you can see in my photo, but didn't include a photo. I know, I know. It was just on his hat. He's like, actually actually this is one of my tricks put in my hat that would i mean like hey if you're like really high and you're trying to cook i could totally see you just staring at like an empty pan as like as your meat sits next
Starting point is 00:20:57 to your stove um they did absolutely nothing to rectify the situation other than switch out the chef no that's like the only thing you could do what else did you that's like the only thing that would rectify the situation don't worry he says what he wants of course is what they all want no discount no nothing uh-huh which you can't say no nothing well Well, because that's a double. Well, first of all. That aside, you can't say no nothing after you say what they did. After you say they fully fixed what was going on. They fixed the issue that you had.
Starting point is 00:21:35 You had an issue with the chef. They switched the chef out. And then you say, oh, they didn't do anything. They didn't even give me a free ice cream. Yeah. This place should be ashamed and embarrassed. Over $200 for a meal two hours waiting with a reservation on a sunday night when i have work the next morning
Starting point is 00:21:50 horrible disgusting awful mr aoki should be ashamed of this place oh he knows he did name drop to the source but i think when i first read it i was i probably assumed it was like the manager or something like that he spoke to because lots of people uh had uh very specific names of people like stewart with hands down pants waddling about um mr aoki yeah he he knows the history of the place a little better than what's his face up top uh kevin i think i called him yes kevin kevin um oh boy okay the next one i have here is of a benihana in cleveland um and this is the first time i've had a review from this website called zomato is that how you say it oh yes in my head i always say zomato but i'm assuming it's supposed to be like tomato. Well, Christina, Zomato is a motto. Okay, valid point. Zomato is a motto.
Starting point is 00:22:48 This is a one star review by Doreen. No, I'm sorry. It's two stars. Why change the shrimp sauce? Once again, you've messed with the recipe of your shrimp sauce. It's more garlicky now. What was wrong with the way it was a year ago? Which happens to be the last time I was able to dine there.
Starting point is 00:23:04 I'm posting this in hopes you will receive other postings of disapproval of your new recipe and return to the old recipe you actually got from the previous restaurant that was at that address. The food was still good, but when you dine there specifically for the delicious shrimp sauce that cannot be found anywhere else only to find the recipe has been tampered with, it's very disappointing. I'll wait to hear from someone else if they return to the the recipe has been tampered with it's very disappointing i'll wait to hear from someone else if they return to the old recipe before i dine there again sorry but it does mean that much to longtime customers like myself and friends karen debbie and debbie and there's debbie with a d-e-b-i and a debbie with a b-E-B-I and a Debbie with a B-B-I-E.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Oh my God. Amazing. Karen, Debbie, and Debbie and I. Oh my God. The shrimp sisters. Karen and the double Ds. The shrimp sisters. The shrimp sisters.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Shrimp sauce sisters. Shrimp sauce sisters. Yeah. Wow. Apparently this one, Benihana and Cleveland had very specific shrimp sauce sauce because another review said, I go here specifically for their shrimp sauce. Okay, Debbie wrote that? Debbie with one eye wrote that, yeah. We just need a BBY to fill it all out. Okay, wow, that is very specific. I'm not surprised in the slightest that this review exists, but I mean, come on.
Starting point is 00:24:26 I love that too. She was like, I know where to post it. Zomato, Zomato. When you want to enact change, the four reviews that are on Zomato of this one Benihana, that'll change the game for sure i feel i i've heard that on um zomato if you get 10 people to uh to mark it as cool the white house has to take it seriously it's like petitions yeah exactly she should start maybe she did start a uh go not a go fund me that's what it is yeah yeah yeah bring back christian joseph r biden bring back the shrimp bring back cleveland's shrimp sauce please uh i'm googling bring back shrimp sauce benihana oh there are recipes for
Starting point is 00:25:15 you can make your own wow um okay no there isn't not Okay, there isn't a petition yet. You look out for those shrimp sauce sisters. They're coming for you. I'll set a Google alert. Okay, I have another one from that Downey location. This is a one star review by Molly. When I asked to speak to his manager, he went to the back and had very clearly told his version. The manager came out and told me that the host felt like I was staring at him, and that's why he reacted rudely. There's no excuse. This is considered fine dining. Therefore, the service should match.
Starting point is 00:26:00 I will never eat here again. He will forever be my first and last impression of benihana's end up revealing first of all as i'm sure you've all gathered uh by alexander's story about seeing spy kids three afterwards it is definitely considered fine dining it is where you take a bunch of small children um i feel like people look at the price and are like oh this must be fine dining i mean it is pricey it is that's the thing is it's expensive i think it's just more for the experience type thing yeah it's not necessarily why i've been once in my life fine dining yeah i don't i don't know about that um i love also the the notion that he went back and told his side obviously it's like was he gonna go back and tell your side like no obviously not
Starting point is 00:26:45 yeah i don't know what and i'm curious like you're staring at this person and like then what happened and they were so uncomfortable it's another one of those where like if you're withholding you're clearly withholding information so i feel like you're probably not in the right but whatever um i'm gonna yeah i wish i knew but i wish i knew too but uh and what was funny like speaking of like fine dining how expensive it is i was surprised at how many people reviewed benihana for their takeout yes okay i was gonna ask if you noticed that yeah i was like wait what's the point of that like if you're gonna get a filet mignon or something i wouldn't necessarily think i'm gonna get takeout from benihana like i feel like even like outback or red lobster or like another cheaper alternative
Starting point is 00:27:31 you can probably get the same quality food literally anywhere else yeah because the point you're right the point is like you're paying for the experience quote unquote yeah it just feels so not worth it doesn't feel worth i mean i guess unless you ask for all the ingredients for the volcano take it home true and say like i mean i've done that with like a baking soda one you know where you put water and baking soda in a volcano um you you know they have those classes or not class okay they have class versions too but it doesn't have to be an actual lesson you can like hire a chef to come and cook for you for like a meal um at your house yeah and that's a thing and that was a thing i like you go and like with some friends and you all split the cost of a
Starting point is 00:28:18 chef i would hate that at my house and they come for one night i feel like i'd have to apologize the whole time i'm sorry i'm I'm sorry. My knives suck. My stove is dirty. I don't know what to tell you. It's gross. Well, they should do that for Benihana. They should bring their stoves and like, yeah, send their chefs around. It's like, you are used to coming to our stove. Let us come to your stove.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Yeah. You know, that's the marketing tactic. That could have been a fun thing. But no. Yeah, I don't get it. I don't know. But hey, like these people, clearly the shrimp sauce sisters. If you were like, I want that shrimp sauce now, maybe that's for you then.
Starting point is 00:28:49 I shouldn't doubt that people love their food. So hey. You're right. You're right. Is it my turn? Yes. Oh, yeah. Shrimp sauce sisters.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Yeah, sure. How could you forget? Well, I have a redemption. Then I'm done. Excellent. And I had the challenge because i messed up last week uh oh right and let's just say i've got a lot of content for that one excellent uh here is um a review this is a redemption uh this is of the one in seattle this is by frank
Starting point is 00:29:20 it's a four-star review and uh to something you said earlier. Uh-oh. That's never good. As Andy Bernard put it on The Office, Benihana is way classier than Hooters. Not much to add to the multitude of reviews below. I love taking visitors here when they come to Seattle. You are very likely to see some celebrities here. I've seen the Seattle Storm, the WNBA team, twice, and some players on the Visiting Oakland
Starting point is 00:29:48 A's sat right next to us once. Also, the Sushi Happy Hour is fantastic. $1 hand rolls. How can you beat that? It should be noted that for you Microsofties out there, this place takes the Prime card, makes the experience very
Starting point is 00:30:04 affordable. So go check out asian hooters if you're in the area it's a fun time and a tasty dinner end of review all right not loving the asian hooters i did not like that at all but um i do find this to be a much more like i mean obviously it's a four-star review redemption but i'm like okay yeah i get that dollar sushi you can see like local sports tea like that sounds fun yeah, I get that. Dollar, sushi, you can see local sports tea. That sounds fun. Like this person clearly understands that you go for the experience. Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:36 And then also that whole Microsoft thing. I don't know what a Prime card. This is from 2008. Like an Amazon Prime card? No, I assume it's not Amazon Prime card. I assume it's something like they get some sort of discounted if you're a Microsoft employee or something. I see. Oh, I guess. Yeah. Is that a local company? Yeah. Microsoft is in Washington. Okay. That makes some sense then. Okay. So basically the place is filled with WNBA stars and Microsoft employees.
Starting point is 00:31:02 I guess. Yeah. What a restaurant maybe maybe it's just like a thing that anyone can get it's still a thing membership or sorry microsoft prime oh or passport is another name for it oh a passport that's fun the prime okay blah blah blah yeah okay so it's like a some sort of subscription thing. I don't know. Anyway. You can go to Benihana with it in 2008. Your passport can be stamped at the Benihana in shrimp sauce.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Okay, this is my last negative review. It's of a Benihana in San Diego, and it's a one-star review by Benjamin. This kind of reminds me of the one you read earlier about rice confetti. Good. The chef threw an egg at me. It smashed all over my clothes. The manager didn't know how to handle it. I can't believe the unprofessionalism of this place. I won't go back.
Starting point is 00:31:57 The manager didn't know how to handle that? I feel like that should happen every time, right? Doesn't that happen all the time? What, the egg gets on i don't know like something going somewhere like you know like i feel like it's i don't know i feel like it's one of those things where it's like i don't i don't necessarily believe the chef threw the egg at you yeah yeah especially if you say it smashed all over my clothes my my guess is like it probably you were in the splash zone yes you know the know, the yolk zone, as I call it. The yolk zone.
Starting point is 00:32:25 So I don't know if that's... But I feel like the manager maybe didn't know how to handle it because he was like, sorry, you got some egg on your clothes. Egg on your face. You know, we all got egg on our face now. I just can imagine some people would not enjoy a Benihana because of things like this.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Yeah. Like, I can imagine dad would get very about to say i'm surprised dad you know what i'm not surprised is that he only took us there once one time yeah that's pretty on vacation and then it was never again yeah yeah i feel like that just isn't something he'd be comfortable with i feel like benihana and spike it's 3d so even though for me that was my subconscious idea for a perfect day, that's his subconscious idea of the worst day ever. Like he'd want to go see a Camus play and take us there. Like if I go to heaven, that'll be my heaven.
Starting point is 00:33:13 If he goes to hell, that'll be his hell. Yeah, he's at the opera and I don't know what he's eating, Skyline Chili, but probably not a Benihana. Yeah. Okay. So I've redempt. I love that, by the the way that your idea of heaven is benihana okay it's it's not don't worry everybody don't judge me you had me guess your actual version of heaven like that's probably one of the last things i ever would have said so it's really like jarring for me to like do that 180 in my mind i'm just past me childhood me yeah nostalgic you yes okay so this is my last one it's a redemption of the
Starting point is 00:33:53 benihana in santa monica and i'm not sure if this is a real review part of me thinks this might be fake um but whatever five stars uh by sammy walked across street to pick up camel cigarettes enjoyed nice smoke before my meal at benihana santa monica host very nice sent me to the bar where bartender with a nice beard suggested nice cockatiel for me sorry they meant cocktail oh my god i was like wait what it's not a bird or something it is a bird i walked past an angry patron named hank who was very impatient and rude to manager it is fine next i went to table and enjoyed my meal chef name was edwin very sensual oh very sensual and playful with entertainment oh playful sorry had his hands down his pants flicking around i enjoyed and i clapped for him appetizer came late but no problem nice manager mike took off
Starting point is 00:34:53 bill food was very good i'll be coming back thank you benihana five star amazing um so yeah that's my redemption that's such a good redemption so sens sensual, so playful. So sensual and playful. Love it. Oh, my God. Hank was kind of a downer, but it is fine. Yeah. So, yeah, the next thing I had here was the International Clown Museum wall with Great-Great-Uncle Slivers was my challenge. Oh, I was going to say. I was like, we already did that oh i see so now that now that we've covered that uh i'm gonna close mine and let
Starting point is 00:35:32 you do your challenge we're actually gonna do my challenge that i was uh supposed to do last time my challenge was to find uh reviewers who have their own review system love it and this was both very difficult and very easy interesting so let me just start with the easiest part okay which was looking up our old friend combat critic combat critic who famously says more bombs are better here is one of uh his reviews this is a one-star review i'm so happy of pizzeria la sorrentina so i don't think this is a one that i realized now that like i didn't listen to the other episode the original which was i just looked it up as episode six well it's so long ago so basically what he's saying is he's not sure if this is the one i read but i don't think it is i mean i don't know a like you said what are the odds and b i don't because i did not remember this but what i do remember is talking about how he met the
Starting point is 00:36:34 dalai lama yeah oh yeah well that is on his website yeah that is that is very much still it's still relevant profile picture and everything okay well here's a one-star review of this, uh, pizzeria. This is in Vancouver, Washington. One star. We drove nearly 30 minutes from our home arriving just two minutes after their 2 PM closing time due to unexpected traffic. I was hoping to sample their offerings because having lived in Naples, Italy for three years and being married to an Italian,
Starting point is 00:37:05 my wife's family still lives in Naples and we visit quite often. I love authentic pizza Napoletana. Fuck, I practiced this. I love authentic pizza Napoletana and was curious to see just how authentic theirs was. When we arrived, the oven was going strong, and the two employees were still there prepping for dinner with the door and window open.
Starting point is 00:37:31 We stood there for a minute while the woman looked at us without saying a word, so I finally asked her, Are you closed? To which she responded only with a, Yes. I was a bit shocked, because there was absolutely no reason to turn us away, and they did not even bother to tell us why they would not serve us at 2.02 p.m. If this was a sit-down restaurant, I could understand why we would not be served.
Starting point is 00:37:53 However, having eaten many pizzas in Naples and attended a Pizza Yolo pizza maker course there this past February, pizza maker. Of course, there this past February, I know that a Neapolitan pizza takes less than 90 seconds to prepare and about 60 to 90 seconds to bake at 485 degrees Fahrenheit. He's reading his notepad. Isn't that hilarious? He just pulled that out
Starting point is 00:38:16 from his trip to Italy. He opened the scrapbook his wife made him and was like, let me read it. I understand that they were officially closed and may have had things to do, but taking three minutes to make a pizza for a customer was, I believe, not too much to expect. For an Italian customer, by the way. Not as any customer.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Married to an Italian customer. Well, by default then. Okay. The restaurant business and customer service are all about making customers happy and turning us away so rudely was, in my opinion, uncalled for. Having spent a great deal of time in the business and owned a very successful mobile food operation myself, I would have never turned a customer away in similar circumstances, but that is just me. Yelp regarding my experience, someone, whom I am assuming was the owner or manager, sent me a compliment with a, you're funny, tag, stating, I'm not going to serve pizza anyone even one minute late.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Please come during business, sir. Thank you. With literally millions of readers annually across several platforms, including Yelp and my popular blog, my responsibility to readers is to provide an accurate, honest opinion based on my experiences, so I did not appreciate being laughed at. You're funny. Because I take my responsibilities and commitment to my readers very seriously. Responsibility? Yeah, this is something.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Wow. A more professional and customer-oriented response would have been much more appropriate, in my opinion. For example, I am very sorry that we had to turn you away, but our employees were busy prepping for dinner and could not take the time to serve you. Please accept our sincere apology and come back to visit us very soon. Would have been a much more appropriate response. They would have likely gained a return customer. Unfortunately, based on our negative experience and the business's insulting responses to my tip i will not be returning anytime soon not an unreasonable person if an apology is forthcoming i may consider giving them another chance and revising my review slash rating
Starting point is 00:40:15 combat critic gives pizzeria la sorrentina one bomb out of ten at a spot on my wall of shame. More bombs are better. End of review. Alexander. There's an owner response. Just to say, you are funny. After that essay, do you want to hear what the owner said? Like, no. Yes, what is it?
Starting point is 00:40:37 OMG, but can I get at least two star? End of response. He's like, oh my God, not Combat Critic. combat critic we're famous oh my gosh isn't that wild that is so much yeah and such batshit like lunacy it is because i mean you're you're literally saying they were very much closed yeah and they told me they were closed and that's just not enough yeah it's just not enough that there is no reason for them not to serve you when the reason is quite clear and do you know how many pizzas i've eaten in italy it makes no sense that is it's and the fact that he clearly wants to
Starting point is 00:41:20 go back so badly yeah like he clearly wants to try this place so bad but he's like refusing to unless they give in first and apologize yeah and say exactly verbatim his version of first of all i hate when people do that like well you could have said this is this and by the way he gave a perfect explanation exactly maybe that was the explanation they don't owe you that though weren't able to serve you because they were closed you could have said that well yeah you could have understood that from the context one zero how many bombs zero or one uh one bomb i don't know if he ever gives zero bombs but this made his wall of shame so that's a sign he wishes he could give zero he could give zero bombs if he could or what is it i'd give zero bombs if i could more bombs are better more bombs are better who on earth i
Starting point is 00:42:06 guess someone named combat critic yes uses bombs as a rating scale yeah combat critic exactly that's the only one yeah i'm so flabbergasted by that also i remember very early on he said the window was open i'm like were you gonna climb in the window like well they might have been closed i'm like did you try it did you pry it open what do you mean next next time you uh next time you don't have uh you're not gonna serve me pizza be sure to close the window so you can't get any fresh air don't leave the window open i might climb in okay i'm sorry that was so that was so baffling and i'm wow yeah yeah i'd say um okay so that was like the easiest part was just going back to our friend happy that you went and found him of course of course that's like that made it actually possible this thing bombs are better it's not that it was impossible it's just there were so many people whose review system that they claimed to have was just writing reviews.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Like how you should write reviews. What do you mean? Like thumbs up or something? No, no, exactly. I never had anyone who said like, oh, well, I give it this. And it's like something other than stars. But what they say is like, oh, well, let me explain my review system. And then they just explain how one normally leaves a review.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Or should, I think. That's funny. So here, let me read one of those. Here's a four-star review. This is of Running Iron Restaurant in Carmel Valley, California. This is a four-star review by chad unlike most people the way i review is i like to use my judgment and expect what to be expected come on people sorry so okay my head so no so okay so what this person is saying, and the thing is, what's sad is it's like, they're not wrong.
Starting point is 00:44:07 So they say that their review system is different because they actually like review based on the expectation of what this restaurant and the context. Like I'm going to a classy place like Benihana. So that's where my expectation lies. Exactly. Or I'm going to a fast food restaurant. I should review it as a fast food. So it's like really just considering context. Sure. Which I believe all reviewers should do, but many don't. Many don't. And I think so this is probably a response to other people reviewing it without doing that. I got you. Unlike most people, the way I review is I like to use my judgment and expect
Starting point is 00:44:45 what to be expected. Come on, people. This is Carmel Valley and this is a cowboy bar. This is a place for people to completely chill and help yourself to do whatever you want. What? Do you expect someone to grab a menu, hold it on their chest and walk you in calling you sir or madam? However, I do have to say we actually got great service unlike some other reviewers comments with no eye contact and the environment is very warm especially with the 49ers kicking butt on tv anyways great food always expected at these types of joints the best beef sandwich and barbecue sauce ever while the fish and chips might be a little too overcooked and over breaded end of review so basically don't expect them to balance their menu on their boobs or what that was so strange yeah i think i think this person was kind of poking fun at all these reviewers who are like
Starting point is 00:45:37 oh how dare i not get like the best experience dining. Yeah. How dare I not get eye contact? Yeah, that's probably what, yeah. Interesting. Okay. Here I have a different one. This is of Hecho Encasa in San Juan, Puerto Rico. This is a five star review by Joe. Okay, so again, the way I review things is.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Once again. Come on, on people we've gone over this the way i review things is two stars for service and three stars for food with that said this is definitely five star the food was great i had the skirt steak mofongo with the white sauce. My wife had the churrasco rice and beans. That was amazing too. Their passion fruit mojito is also amazing. And we also got a dessert called templique? Templique? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:35 T-E-M-P-L-E-Q-U-E? That was great. It's small and perfect if you're already full but craving something sweet. The staff looks like they are happy to work where they are. Even when recommending things, they really know their menu. We stopped by just out of curiosity, and it was one of our best decisions. End of review. Oh my.
Starting point is 00:46:55 So that person at least had a little system. They do have a system. So that was something, at least. And you better not forget it, because he does not want to repeat himself. No, heck no. I've said it before, I'll say it again. get it because he does not want to repeat himself no heck no i've said it before i'll say it again remember we had one reviewer a while ago who said like four thumbs down including my toes and we were like oh god that's right the toes person i'm just trying to think if we had any
Starting point is 00:47:18 other weird fucking review systems i hesitate to call that a review yeah i don't know all my toes down oh no i couldn't find anything like that though i tried but um i did find some guy here who uh after at the end of pretty much every review he writes the following oh boy this is his little thing that he leaves at the end of every single review okay my rating system consists of a three star being exactly what i expected and neither good nor bad a four means something was extra special whether it was service food staff etc and a five means i was blown away a two star rating was disappointing with no offer to correct the experience and a one star rating was terrible okay so basically what a star review rating is exactly there were so many people who were just kind of like oh well my system and they were very
Starting point is 00:48:14 proud of their system i have a very special way that i look at this yeah um so like i'm not going to read this whole one but here's another uh this is a four-star review of The White Whale in Seaford, New York. Seaford? Here's the four stars. This is by Mike. I'm going to have to clarify my review system before I give this four stars. Are you going to have to? Have to.
Starting point is 00:48:43 That's a really strong word, have to. I rate based on expectations and needs the specific place may fill. Both a pizzeria on Long Island, Umberto's. I've been there. Umberto's. You have? Yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 00:48:59 It was tasty. That sounds yummy. And a classy white glove restaurant overlooking Central Park. Asiate? A-S-I. The Cowboy white glove restaurant overlooking Central Park. Asiate? A-S-I- The Cowboy Bar. A-T-E. Yep, the Cowboy Bar.
Starting point is 00:49:10 White glove service. I've not been there. Can be five stars. It doesn't mean that the two are comparable to each other or in the same ballpark. It just means Umberto's is five stars for what I expect. Great pizza. And Asiate, I don't know why I'm saying it like that. I don't either. I feel like I'm being mom right now you are uh easy asia how do you spell it a s i a t e a as yeah oh that
Starting point is 00:49:34 is strange right yeah i don't know how to say that okay asia asia i don't think that's correct and that place is five stars for what i expected there a complete dining experience from location to the food aspect and service hope that makes sense and then they reviewed the rest of this place that's how you write a review it frustrated me at first too i was reading these so many people did this and then i was like you know we read so many reviews of people who are not considering context do that that like i i kind of get that these people have to be like put that out there yeah because they people would say like oh wow you think this is five stars have you been to asia
Starting point is 00:50:17 you know like it's weird because it's like yeah not like i don't know no i see what you're saying i see what you're saying like like they mean well because they're trying to like actually consider the context which is important yeah but it really you said it earlier the bar is so low on yelp the bar is so low i just wow what i actually meant when i said that was like oh they're saying the bar is low in a mcdonald. So I'm rating it in the context of that. But yes, also the bar is also very low on you. It really does apply on all fronts here. The low bar. But wow. Okay. I mean, yeah, I guess in a way then it is kind of unique considering the context. considering the context. Unfortunately, it shouldn't be. It shouldn't be. But I guess it made my challenge a little easier. Yeah. Because here's another one. This is by Fran. This is a review of Western Sizzlin' Wood Grill Buffet in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. That's a lot of words. Yeah. So again, four stars. I'm just going to read the review system part. Excellent.
Starting point is 00:51:20 For those of you that are not familiar with my review system, I shall elaborate here, as I am sure there are many questions as to why I rated a generic buffet four stars. There are so many. The clamoring is unheard of. The clamoring is so loud, she can't sleep at night. It's like... They're breaking down our door for these. People get so defensive already of like, don't worry, I understand this place sucks, but...
Starting point is 00:51:43 Yeah, first of all... You know, like, it seems a little insulting. My feelings would be hurt. As a manager, I'd be like, okay, why do you have to qualify your review with, like, your positive review? Yeah. Sorry. So the clamoring. There's so many questions.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Journalists are banging down our door. Uh-huh. Yeah. I rate all businesses based on the quality, which should be expected in their own category. I compare apples to apples or rate on individual merit. End of thing. Okay. Apples to apples.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Truly how you're supposed to do it. Right. And then let's see. Here's another one. This is a review of Champion Sports Bar and Restaurant. This is in Vienna, Austria. Oh. And at the bottom of the review uh it says my review system
Starting point is 00:52:27 and then it's just like a explanation here we go five stars impeccable you should go out of your way to be here i flew all the way to vienna to see champions no no champions only got three stars actually okay so we'll we'll get to that. My mistake. Four stars. Amazing. Extremely hard to fault. A visit here should not disappoint. Three stars. Good or very good. A solid place worthy of your time and money. Two stars. Improvement needed. Worthy of consideration if you're in the area and other options are limited. One star. Either avoid at all cost or or i was due to the fault of the venue unable to experience check out my other reviews for more information on vienna and the surrounding areas okay and yeah so i mean i i don't necessarily agree like if if a place is a two star
Starting point is 00:53:19 and i trust that review i don't think that would make me want to go there, even if options are limited. Yeah, right? It seemed harsh. It seems harsh. The system seemed harsh. It seems, yes, it does. It seems harsh. Especially, like, you'd have to fly to another country to see any of these five-star places. I'm assuming. I'm assuming. Yeah, well, it's on TripAdvisor, and they only have three reviews total.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Are you serious? Because I was about to say, oh this guy like some sort of like the other people had more followers and stuff on yelp but this is just a trip advisor person with three reviews my other reviews to see all the hips and they probably intended to do more and then gave it up um and then when nobody was like this is cool or whatever it's like he gave up. No commitment. No follow through. That's so sad. Now I bring you to my favorite person I found. So I'm going to call them Matthew.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Okay. So Matthew here. Matthew here has reviewed a lot of places. 89, so it's not that crazy. But specifically goes to Applebee's and Hooters a lot. Oh. Not just for review. And says it's for work.
Starting point is 00:54:40 I don't know what that work is that he does, but goes to those a lot. So this one's a little different. Did you meanz sorry abz and i just wanted to clarify um and um caucasian uh benihana oh okay i get it uh it's so stupid i'm sorry so um it's a little different because it's not really like a review system but he like mentions his review system briefly and i included him because he just has so much experience going to applebee's that like and hooters that like he he has a system in his head for all of these places because he goes to them so much. Right, right. Okay. So I'm including him and I'm reading his full reviews because they were quite quality.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Oh, I can't wait. Here's a four-star review of Applebee's. They call me Mr. Apple. This is in Wilkesboro, North Carolina. This is a four-star review. Another Applebee's review. For those new to my review system, I rate similar restaurants against each other for the star ratings. Four-star at chain
Starting point is 00:55:51 restaurant is not same as four-star fine dining. Seven-ounce sirloin, broccoli, and mashed potatoes. Steak was a retail cut, but cooked to perfection. Maybe the best sirloin to date from any Applebee's. cut but cooked to perfection maybe the best sirloin to date from any applebee's broccoli is broccoli eat if first if you want it hot mashed potatoes were good overall a great meal for the price jesse the bartender is exceptional nice friendly prompt and attentive even when the place is busy are all traits you want in a superb bartender. Tonight, dessert is brownie bite. 370 calories seems rather lame compared to some of the 1,000 calorie behemoths I've had the last few days,
Starting point is 00:56:33 but just the right size, exactly what I needed tonight. Woo-hoo, back on track for my 30-year high school reunion in two weeks. Wait, wait, wait, wait. I have no idea. That's's what like lowering the calorie level to slim down for the reunion there were like multiple reviews mentioning that reunion really can you imagine someone's like wow you're looking great what's his name matthew matthew you're looking
Starting point is 00:57:00 great what have you been doing i've been eating applebee's non-stop it's my secret i've been getting the 370 calorie desserts and applebee's smaller desserts good food at a great price staff is always friendly stop in if you're in the neighborhood there are many more less desirable places to eat in wbnc wow end of review and then there's a picture of the 370 calorie brownie bite excellent um now uh we're of course going that was like the one to introduce his quote-unquote review system um here is his review of hooters this is in concord north carolina this is a four-star review driving through concord north carolina Thought I would grab some lunch. This is one of the newer interior Hooters with the new logo.
Starting point is 00:57:49 No milk available here. Ew. Right? Right? I consider that a five star aspect of the restaurant. Yeah, that's so gross. No milk? Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:02 No milk available here. Settled for Mountain Dew Dew general manager did offer to go and get some milk if I really wanted it get out right are you serious I'm gonna run to the 7-eleven for you sir he's like I go to Hooters all the time he probably said like commented that you know who I am I'm Mr. Apple um he has in other reviews he's mentioned he has gone to 50 plus hooters and 50 plus applebee's locations so decided on a club sandwich with a side of baked beans whoa hold on sailor no beans at this hooters discontinued two years ago what they're like beans and milk we're not our top sellers we actually cut them out of the menu.
Starting point is 00:58:46 I'm glad those were the two things they were out of and not the other way around. Completely, 100%. Those were the top sellers' problems. Can I get some wings? We're actually out of everything but milk and baked beans. But those are what people come here for. Those are our top sellers. Yuck.
Starting point is 00:59:03 I thought she was kidding.ney was the nicest hooters girl i encountered in a long time actually had a great conversation with her and the general manager about the milk probably like i'm like what could you possibly have had a great conversation about how they don't have milk and beans and he thought that was a joke oh god the club sandwich was great i didn't order any other side because i was set on beans for some reason this is an above average hooters in all respects good food and great people in service only thing that i wish they still had was the sports section of the paper hanging in the bathroom what keep it up we'll stop by again on all trips through concord
Starting point is 00:59:40 um first of all that's not the only thing because he also wanted a milk but okay christina this he has he mentioned that in i think every one he had eight hooters reviews i think he mentioned the sports paper whether or not or the sports section of the paper was in the bathroom or not what is he doing one of them still had it i think and then the others didn't i think most of them he mentioned we got rid of the milk beans and the reading material in the bathroom yeah oh my and everyone this is 2014 this is not like during covid i was wondering um yeah i don't love that they did that yeah no i that's pretty gross yeah like at home it's your own bathroom of course like sure but like yeah i think that's a pretty icky kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:00:25 I don't love that a man who just ate milk and beans is going to go read this paper and then I'm going to go read this paper. Yeah. Also, there are a lot of posts, a lot of like reviews of Hooters with pictures of the waitresses, like a few of them, I think three. Oh, no. One with him and the waitress. Oh, no. And then I saw one of like that uh what's it called um there's another similar restaurant twin peaks oh it was twin peaks
Starting point is 01:00:51 actually yeah yeah of a picture of the waitress i was like oh who's this picture is this like like who's this like woman i'm like open it i'm like oh this is it's a server from a restaurant in a bikini yeah oh boy it was like a bikini night or something i mean i guess they're probably just used to people taking their photos yeah i mean i'd like to think that he asked permission um i mean especially in the one where the woman was posing with him um yeah but so like i assume he asked but still i was like oh my yeah it still feels a little weird but he gave five stars he always recommended specific waitresses like it's nice and like said go find her like she was great but like i his reviews here's a photo of her so you know what
Starting point is 01:01:30 she looks like here's her address oh my god um his rating distribution i would like to say it was very positive i'm i was very happy to see uh i mean it better be though because if you're going to 50 plus hooters and it's like negative experiences every time, I would really question your logic. Like he'd go on trips and he'd like get it to go and stuff, too. Wow. So he was like Benihana people. I was going to say, does he have any Benihana experience? Is the question.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Actually, I don't know. I should have checked. I can't believe I didn't. But yeah, it's like perfectly where like he has the most is five stars the second most is four third most is three that's nice fourth most is two i almost said wrong this is getting and then the least number he only reviewed had three one star reviews for him so matthew was uh overall i think a positive contribution to yelp especially for those who are fans of hooters and applebee's contribution to yelp especially for those who are fans of hooters and applebees um refreshing and now something a little different so and now for something this is my final one this is a five
Starting point is 01:02:32 star review it's a an actual redemption um this is a review uh hit him again no this is by jody uh this is of likeal Flats. It's a restaurant in Gathersburg, Maryland. G-A-I-T-H-E-R-S. Gathersburg? Gathersburg. I think it's Gathersburg. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:03:03 In my head, I feel like I know how to say it. But then when I say it out loud, I don't feel like it's correct. I think it's Gathersburg. Maybe. Okay. In my head, I feel like I know how to say it, but then when I say it out loud, I don't feel like it's correct. I thought it was Gathersburg. It might be. No, I just looked at it. I hadn't looked at it. I think that's right. We'll find out. This is another positive Yelper who's actually been a lead every year since 2016. Oh, hell yeah. And has a vast majority of five-star reviews. Here is Jodi's review.
Starting point is 01:03:29 And this is, like I said, a little different, but the first sentence is somewhat relevant to having a system or something of how you review. COVID has changed the way I review. I think I am a little less critical and a lot more thankful. I am so thankful to be able to sit with friends outside in the shade and eat. Just to have a tall glass of ice water and watch the people pass by is a luxury that I missed. With a breeze at my back and a sangria in my hand, with my mask hanging over my ear and my friends...
Starting point is 01:04:01 Wait, what happened to the water? It turned into sangria? Oh, yeah. Water to wine. Wow, things really upgraded in like a sentence there. Sorry. I just was like, wait a second. And my friends all six feet apart, I am grateful and so satisfied. Oh, the little things we take for granted.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Sitting outside has its advantages. Better lighting so you can see what other people order. I like the idea that the tables were safe distance apart. I felt that the establishment cared about my health, and the employees all had on masks. I have to say, I work in a mask eight hours or more daily, and it is not the most comfortable thing, but it is a necessary thing. Now to get to the food.
Starting point is 01:04:41 I had a salad topped with the most perfectly translucent grilled salmon and a side of creamy cauliflower mash. So healthy, yet so good. The sangria had a nice, fresh, crisp taste. Therefore, when the pandemic is over, please join me for happy hour. We also had deviled eggs and bacon as an appetizer. My friend had shrimp and grits. Of course, I had a taste, and it was not your run-of-the-mill shrimp and grits. I think the grits were baked or fried, surrounded by a very tasty roux. All in all, good service, good food, good friends. Yes, I am grateful. Until next time.
Starting point is 01:05:15 End of review. My goodness. Yeah. Brings a tear to my eye. And like well-framed photos as well. I, what's that lighting? True, the outdoor lighting. Um, wow. I love that this person's like a little bit
Starting point is 01:05:28 nosy she's like i'm outside people watching i'm looking at what everyone else ordered i'm even gonna taste the grits i mean hey look like someone's saying it like everyone probably feels the same way absolutely i'm loving it i would this sounds like a fun brunch group to me yeah i agree wow and i do think that that is something that i hope has happened at least is people no longer take you know those experiences for granted and also especially the employees you know like take the employees for granted the service yeah i wish that were true but i also feel like some people have gotten even more yeah-like, for lack of a better term. I feel like it's gotten more obvious because these people were already Karen-like before.
Starting point is 01:06:12 No, you're right. I assume. And then now with this, it's like another outlet and a more obvious and a more harmful physically, health-wise. Yes. No, you're totally right. It's just bringing out that behavior or showing it. Yeah, it's like shaking out the rug and all the mask issues and stuff. You're totally right. It's just bringing out that behavior or like showing it. Yeah. It's like shaking out the rug and all the bugs are crawling out.
Starting point is 01:06:29 You know? Yep. Yep. You know how you sometimes, sometimes Alexander is like, oh, I'm actually can't come over. I'm shaking my rug out today. And I'm like, not again. All those bugs everywhere. Put them in my ant farm.
Starting point is 01:06:41 My little gel ant farm thing. Just collect them. Yeah. I love bugs. I love that your metaphor is about shaking a rug of bugs out know what i mean though yes i do it's like shining a light on all these like people creepy crawlies not that that makes it like good it's not it's terrible and they shouldn't be like that but it has created necessarily these people and sort of like i think they were always like that it's just another outlet for them to uh act entitled yes i mean i've definitely
Starting point is 01:07:05 become more appreciative of i thought you were gonna say the opposite i was like i've become more entitled and uh have a bad attitude no um but yeah but yeah i don't know that's just it really warms my my heart a little bit that review i like it it's it's good i'm glad it's just so positive. Yeah. I wanted to actually end on a good note, which is not something I normally do. It's so rare and I'm so thrown by it and I don't know what to do. And the challenge was a great challenge.
Starting point is 01:07:33 I just I feel like it was hard to find anyone who used anything. The thing is, more bombs are better. Like, you can't beat that. You can't. Like, that is so unique. I don't I couldn't find anyone who did anything similar. Like, how could you even begin to look that up? That's what I'm thinking.
Starting point is 01:07:50 You just happened to stumble upon it in episode six. I have to get. Yeah. And I'd have to get lucky to, like, find something like that. Something so specific and random. Man, I was so I tried. I mean, maybe we can just keep this in mind. And someday if we ever stumble upon another really weird, like, all my toes, I use my toes for reviews or whatever the fuck.
Starting point is 01:08:10 It'll be like an ongoing challenge we have. Try to find more people and have like a. Okay, that's fun. Yeah, let's do that. I like that idea. I'll keep an eye out for that. We'll keep Combat Critic in mind. Yeah, because I and I read that Applebee's guys reviews and I was like some of them he bragged about having seen so many Applebee's.
Starting point is 01:08:27 And I was like, that would be perfect for the challenge of people who have a weird flex. A weird flex. I've been to so many Applebee's. Applebee's and so many Hooters. Yeah. I mean, there were a few Benihana too. Like, I even searched for, quote, I've been to every Benihana. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:08:42 And someone said they've been to every Benihana in the state of California. And I was like, this is intimidating. That is. There are a lot. California, A, is a big state and B is filled with Benihana. There's so many. I mean, yeah. So I don't know.
Starting point is 01:08:57 I feel like that's definitely a good one too. A weird flex. Does he have something like my lighthouse passport where he gets a stamp at each one? Yeah, it's called a Microsoft passport. No, it all makes sense now. Okay. Yeah, it's a Microsoft Prime, Amazon Prime card or whatever the fuck. Well, that's great.
Starting point is 01:09:14 I think we already gave a theme and challenge. I think we did last time. So, yeah, I think we're good to go. You're going to have to double up on these challenges for the first time. I hope you're okay with that. I'll be fine. I don't even know what it is, but I'll get it. I guess I doubled up on challenges without for the first time i hope yeah i know you're okay with that i'll be fine i don't even know what it is but i'll get it i guess i doubled up on challenges without yes exactly i made you i made you do that so at least i can do is the same thing back
Starting point is 01:09:32 suffer for me um yeah we'll do we'll see you next week is it hard rock cafes next week sure i think i think so i think we'll find out we'll figure it out it's coming eventually seven days see you then bye you

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