Beantown Podcast - 02172019_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast

Episode Date: February 17, 2019

Quinn comes to you LIVE to thank the Friends of the Podcast through improvised songs and shoutouts. He also rambles about how his apartment has gone down the tubes, the Daytona 500, and some crazy ani...mals that are just like 'What?' #FrendsofthePodcast Twitter @beantowncast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? Quinn David Furnace, host, creator, best boy, you know the drill of Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast coming at you live Sunday, February 17, 2019, Daytona 500 today, starting in about 90 minutes. I'm excited. We're going to be talking about it.
Starting point is 00:00:24 We've got a lot to get to on the podcast. I tell you what, there have been, you know, came into it throughout the week, planning stages, and going to do some pledge drive stuff. Maybe talk about Daytona. There have been like four other things that have come up. So we're going to be doing our best here to keep this episode as truncated as possible if you will but warning yet there's a lot of different stuff to get to we're doing improvised songs let's just start out right off the bat not hiding away from that so as part of our pledge drive telephone fundraiser donor pledge drive for 2019 year two of the
Starting point is 00:01:06 Bington podcasts. You all know the drill by now we introduced donor tier so $10 gets you a let's see it was an email let's see $5 email $10 how did this go $10 a shout out on the podcast we're also doing our shout out today $30 gets you a free autographed picture of Quinn Davis furnace, which for those of you who reach that $30 donor tier level were sending those autographed pictures. In fact, they've been sent. They're dropped in the mail. So it's in the hands of USPS now. $50 gets you a live interview on the podcast topic of your choice.
Starting point is 00:01:47 So we're going to have friend of the podcast Matthew Feather on pretty soon here to get his interview done. He's also going to be coming on in a little bit, a couple more weeks here, and we're going to be doing our taxes live on the year. You're two of that. But long story short, you know, we had a lot of donors hit that $20 mark. And thank you to everyone. We're going to be digging into our thank yous
Starting point is 00:02:11 just across the board here. But thank you to everyone before saying anything else, for donating to the 2019 Pleds Drive Fundraiser Telephone Smashing Success. I feel like I'm British when I say that, but smashing success, we raised $300. And that blue are costs out of the water, blue are gold out of the water.
Starting point is 00:02:34 We were looking for $235. So we clipped that by what? What is that like, 125%. So pretty exciting. We are, as you know, in full blown mode, we got hosting for another year. We have a new website,,
Starting point is 00:02:52 and I'm really excited about that, because one, you're getting all the new podcasts there each week. It's the quickest way to find it, which is really exciting, but also the Beentown blog. And this is something I've talked about a little bit. And here's the thing, the bean-town blog wasn't even really an idea that I was thinking about, or that excited about,
Starting point is 00:03:14 back in December when we were starting to get into the idea of creating a website. It just kind of popped up organically. And friend of the podcast, Matthew Feather has been saying for a while that he would like some sort of midweek check in rant of some kind. So this is kind of meeting you halfway, right? Like that black eyed P song was the fourth single from whatever that album was boom boom pow there was boom boom pow
Starting point is 00:03:46 gotta get that boom boom boom remember that song 2008 everyone right there was I got a feeling and there was that I'm a B song I'm a B I'm a B I'm a B I'm a good like I'm a good good good and then there's that me me I have way song which was like what are you even the black eyed piece? Was genre, or are we calling that? IDK. However, moving forward here, where were we meet you halfway? Oh, the bean town blog, something I'm really proud of.
Starting point is 00:04:20 We have two blog posts already. It's kind of a short little check in, but I like it because with a podcast, as much as I love doing it, it's like, okay, every weekend, we got to make sure we come up with something, got to have something that's ready to go for the fans to consume. The Beans Home blog is really fun to just kind of sit back and you'll be doing my work or on a run or on the bus home and all of a sudden something comes up just fresh and all of a sudden I say I got a blog about this and it's not a 30 minute hour long listen to the podcast type of commitment it's a five minute read listen when
Starting point is 00:04:58 I get tired and when I run out of things to say I stop on like these podcasts, it's because sometimes we'll just go on and on because they got a lot of things extraneous or not that I got to get to but the blog is it's cut and dry. There's no fat It's like me in high school. So Check it out bean town blog. You can find it bean town You can subscribe to the blog So you're gonna get an update every time we post something. It'll probably be, you know, around once a week, we posted two this last week to sort of get it off the ground, but that was also because I had two different things I wanted to say. So check that out. Let's go ahead here. So here's the deal. We're gonna get into some improvised songs.
Starting point is 00:05:41 What I'm not going to do is sit here and play five straight improvised songs. One, because this is already a creative, just really difficult task. Herculean, if you will, one, improvised song is difficult. Two, we're thinking, okay, Gennel Overski, we're doing five on the podcast today and we're also gonna be doing our shout outs
Starting point is 00:06:09 to the other friends of the podcast who donated. We're gonna be talking about Daytona 500. We've got a lot of different things to cover. So, house keeping things. First and foremost Listener discretion is advised when you're listening to the bean town podcast or the people's podcasts as I like to call it One of Baltimore City's top 500 podcasts and your number one source from this information probably Listener discretion is advised one because we'll occasionally use some and SFW language Live on air and we are coming to you live, which is very exciting for a once and
Starting point is 00:06:47 seven Saint Paul Street number two. This podcast is objectively terrible. And honestly, I'm feeling pretty good right now, but give me another half hour. We'll have gone through some songs. We'll be talking about Daytona. I'm not sure where there's just going to go. So we're just having a fun time and hopefully none of my neighbors come playing. So first things first year before we jump into our first song, do you
Starting point is 00:07:12 ever have a situation where it just feels like everything's going wrong? A joe-esque type of deal? So I tell you what. So I get an email from the apartment building on Wednesday and sometimes when I say days of the week like Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday, I had a math teacher in high school, Mr. Davis, who would always end the days with D instead of D. So, Tuesday, these quadratic formulas will be due Friday. So, sometimes I say that to reminisce an nostalgic pronunciation, if you will. So, getting email Wednesday and says, do you on first seen circumstances,
Starting point is 00:08:02 BGE or Baltimore gas and electric, not the BGEs, BGE will be shutting off your gas for like a day, something like that. I'm like, all right, whatever. I got my meals cooked, we're good to go, don't need my gas. A day passes, get home Thursday night, still no gas, I'm thinking, okay, well,
Starting point is 00:08:23 maybe it's taken a little bit longer that's fine Friday comes Saturday comes we're sitting here. It's Sunday now and You know I'm upset whatever that's fine, but here's the kicker my one of my co-workers lives upstairs Sixth floor I'm on the third. And he has gas. So I'm thinking, what's the deal? I can't cook, I can't meal prep. Wins D through Saturday was fine, I can get by. Now it's Sunday.
Starting point is 00:08:54 I don't like doing the D ending on Sunday. The other day's it works fine, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, et cetera, et cetera, but Sunday, it's kind of like Sunday, which makes you think of ice cream. But plowing ahead here, still no gas, so I can't meal prep. So that's, you know, it's a bummer, it's not the end of the world, but it is throwing me off my routine, right? I can't make my chicken cabbage stir fry, so we're having sandwiches this week.
Starting point is 00:09:20 And I couldn't even, you know, I can't, like, you can't cook anything on the stove, nothing in the oven, so I'm down to a toaster and a crock pot and a microwave so that's what we're dealing with here. So that's one thing number two I am preparing for the podcast 30 60 minutes ago and Going to the bathroom whatever getting freshened up flush the toilet and You know jiggle the handle a couple times nothing's happening. I open up the the top of the bowl. There's no water in there
Starting point is 00:09:57 so I fill up my bucket with water from the the tub poured in there so you do the manual flush a classic move but there's no the water doesn't fill up so there's something going on with the water valve so now every time I want to flush my toilet we're doing we got to fill up a bucket I got now in my bathroom from the bathtub and poured in manually. So the gas isn't working, but toilet's not really working. And I step out of the bathroom and all of a sudden, I looked down on my shirt and I got red stuff everywhere,
Starting point is 00:10:35 like, it was fucking D day out here. I got bloody nose. And so that's three strikes. And I just feel a little persecuted. And honestly, it feels like a horror movie or something like the machinist or like Spider-Man 2, where you live in a really dingy apartment where like nothing works and you turn on the faucet,
Starting point is 00:10:59 no water comes out. It's not quite there yet, but like I can't use my oven or my stove. The toilet's not working. I'm getting bloody noses. Halfway to a screenplay here, if anything exciting ever happened to me, I'd be perfect. So we're just like two steps away from this apartment becoming completely useless. Wait, if the water gets shut off and then if the lights go off so that's we're kind of holding it out to those last two things so I can still stay hydrated I can still see what's going on which is good but it's just frustrating you know so
Starting point is 00:11:36 least I can take showers but I have the manual flush who manually flushes anymore so let's go ahead here because we have five different songs to improvise and when I say improvise, I'm not be using around here. I did my research this morning to physically see who all earned the improvised song through their donations. That's as far as I got from a planning perspective. So when I say improvised, I mean improvised. I have played the guitar like twice this week. John Fertelli dropped a new album,
Starting point is 00:12:16 which is very exciting. So you go check that out, but I've been listening to some of his stuff and strumming along as they do. So we're gonna sort of see how this goes. We're going to get started with Dear Friend of the Podcast, Auntie Anna. If you don't know Auntie Anna, she has been on the podcast,
Starting point is 00:12:34 came on our Thanksgiving special. It was a split episode, half from Wilmington or Hoekas in Delaware, and half from Baltimore with a friend of the podcast, and brother of the podcast host Jack Fernis So anti-Anna Had this anti-anti Debate with a friend the other night. We're gonna get you a song here and
Starting point is 00:12:59 Most of these songs are probably gonna be in G Because that's one of the easier ones to play in. Fewer bar chords, the better. Normally bar chords are okay, but on this $40 acoustic guitar from Amazon, they're a little tricky because the action is about two inches between the string and the fret. So, Ante, here we go. Here's an improvised song for you. And Tiana, she went to Guiana in South America. Lots of jungle there are. There's like 50,000 people in the whole country and you're probably the best looking of them all. And Tiana, not Antianz,
Starting point is 00:13:57 the pretzel company. I've never been there, but sometimes I think about it when in the airport has anyone ever seen in Antian's not in the airport. What is it like? Eight dollars for a pretzel. Sweet and savoury, just like my Antiana, sweet and savory, Bite into a real good, and the flavor will overwhelm you. Oh, Antiana, she went to Guiana, and maybe had some pretzels in South America.
Starting point is 00:14:46 All right. So, long story short, on the podcast, back in Thanksgiving time, Antiana discussed that she was going to Guyana, Guiana. I don't know. It depends on what language you're speaking, how the pronunciation goes. So, hope you're happy with that improvised song. You know what, I got some energy.
Starting point is 00:15:07 I feel pretty good. I know I said I wasn't gonna go back to back to back to back to back to back, but maybe we can go back to back. So next up on our songs list, and then we're gonna do some shout outs, and then we got a lot of other things to talk about as promised. This is gonna be like an hour long podcast. Ten of it is gonna be dedicated to me saying we have a lot of stuff to talk about.
Starting point is 00:15:27 So a lot very efficient. Next, we have dear friend of the podcast, Walter Furness, who has come on a couple of times, been on the roast of Quinn David Furness. He's been on our episode live from Anchorage. He joined us when we came to you live from New York, the big apple, and I sent an email to a walk thanking him for donating to the blood drive and he said, I'll take my chances. And I think he said I might regret this, but I would like an improvised song. So let me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me But Walt, here's your song, and I hope you enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Okay? Take one. This is all live air people. I hope you're happy. All right. Maybe we'll do a different key. Walt don't eat too much salt, it's not good for my mind goes. Too bad nothing rhymes with Walt or Salt. Don't fall on asphalt. Oh, we ran a 5K this morning. Probably did it in like 14 minutes, because Walt's very quick. Oh, he's quick. Jump in jack flash. But that's my other brother, Jack. And he didn't request a song. He wanted a personalized Don't slip on the asphalt, don't slip on the asphalt.
Starting point is 00:17:54 And when you're having mashed potatoes, don't need too much salt. But pour on the pepper. Oh, pepper pots, guineth Paltrow's unforgettable, but then she divorced Chris Martin, and who got custody of Apple and Moses? I don't even know, but Walt. He might know, because he loves Coldplay. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh,
Starting point is 00:18:27 Walt Salt, Asphalt, Gwyneth Paltrow, Chris Martin. You're welcome. Love you too. So let's do some shout outs here, live on the podcast. We've got some improvised songs. If you're wondering, still coming up, dedicated to Grandma Sal, and we've got some improvised songs. If you're wondering, still coming up, dedicated to Grandma Sal. And we've got another Grandma Sal thing to talk about.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Add that to the list, because I didn't even remember, just talk about that until I remembered it. We've got a dear friend of the podcast. So this is interesting. First cousin once removed, Kyle Ru, getting an improvised song. Hasn't really interacted with the podcast in the past, but we play fantasy football with our first cousin once removed Kyle.
Starting point is 00:19:15 And I think there's some real potential there for an improvised song. And then Ryan Austin Liggan, co-host of the Car Ride Convo's podcast and creator of Reacon or Taiman on YouTube, go subscribe. We'll also begin in a revised song. Let's do some shout outs here. Let's take care of our friends of the podcast.
Starting point is 00:19:35 So I want to thank everybody again, really exciting. The different donor tears were great. Some people have autographed pictures coming. Some people are getting their private interviews. So all really exciting. We've already given our song to Walt. So thank you for that. Thank you to dear friend of the podcast, Matthew Feeler.
Starting point is 00:19:53 He'll be coming on shortly to do taxes. Shout out to Ryan Sanger. Very exciting up there. Lodi, Wisconsin, went to college, former roommate of mine, Ryan Sanger, piano extraordinaire. Thank you to him and the boys down there on Ridge Avenue. We sent them an autograph to picture this morning. Very exciting. Thank you guys for supporting the podcast. I'll see you in a month. Jack Furnace, brother of the podcast. Thank you very
Starting point is 00:20:22 much for giving hoping you're having a fun time out there in New York. I feel like Garrison Keeler right now. That's where I'm going with this. I don't know, maybe my voice is more soothing. Maybe I'm not as attractive, but you know, when he would go through and say, So showstrom out there in blue and it's nine to years. Happy birthday to Sue. Happy out of her series. Okay, so what did we learn from the last 30 seconds? I think there's potential for a garrison killer impression.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Am I right? Okay, I'm not sitting here and saying that was good. It was terrible. But I think in terms of like mannerisms and speech patterns, with some work on the voice, I think I could get there. Let me shave this for later. I gotta write this down.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Grandma's saling, Grandpa Dave, you guys are getting in and provide a song in a matter of minutes here. So I know you guys tune in religiously. As you used to, the Perry Home Companion, and now it's gone. Home Pride Organ, owner Steve Fernis, we got your ad, we're going to be reading that in a couple minutes here. Thank you to Donate into the podcast.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Our holiday season correspondent, Meg Lungren. There is a Midwestern Lutheran name for you. Thank you for donating to the podcast. Our holiday season course spawn at Meg Lungren. There is a Midwestern Lutheran name for you. Thank you for donating to the podcast. Girlfriend of who we just saying about Kelly, thank you so much for donating congratulations on your 5k time beat the time she set out for herself so very exciting and then she got drunk afterwards. Find the podcast and sister of the podcast and potential animal expert, Abby Furnace. Thank you for donating to the podcast.
Starting point is 00:22:11 She's reading the shining right now. So nobody spoil it for her. It's getting good. Red rum still doesn't know what that means. Resubscribed, well, original subscriber, then desubscribed, then resubscribed. Jane Furnace, Jane Dennis and Furnace. Thank you for subscribing and resubscribing to the podcast. Well original subscriber then D subscribe then re subscribed Jane furnace Jane Denison furnace. Thank you for subscribing and Re-subscribing to the podcast donated $14 and she said that it's all she had in her bank account
Starting point is 00:22:34 I like to think it's 14 Valentine's Day February 14th That's you know when your mom doesn't say she loves you. That's really her way of saying she loves it with cash So we appreciate that Ryan Ryan Ligon, thank you so much. We're going to be getting you a song in a little bit here though, but go check out Recon or Tame on YouTube. And I'm going to speak for everyone here. I know podcasts don't get views or listens like the fun clips do, but we would all love more Car ride condos podcasts. Just get in, hop in the car with Kristen. I don't care if you're an Iceland or Boston or
Starting point is 00:23:13 Nola or New York. Just hit record and see what happens, you know, we don't need the crazy editing. Not that that's a bad thing. I just know you spend a lot of time on it. But we would all love more of that stuff. Another Ridge Boy, Steven Boy, literally. Thank you so much for donating to the podcast. I hope you're well. I hope you're having fun with your new nephew, Gabriel,
Starting point is 00:23:40 check him on Instagram, he's adorable. Steven, we'll see you in a month here in the Kyle Ru. Thank you so much for donating to the podcast. And Tariq Shahada, who is the creator of the local glow podcast. You wanna check that out, Google it, find them on Facebook, they've got their own website now, I believe, or they always have.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Give them a listen. If the Beentom podcast is on one end of the the production spectrum the local glow podcast is on the other end Seriously these guys need to get picked up by NPR or something, but very exciting So here's what I want to do We're gonna do another improvised song you get some water first and the 25 minutes mercy in the 25 minutes mercy. Doing everything we can here because there are literally like six other things that I want to talk about. But so you all know her from her podcast debut
Starting point is 00:24:36 back in April of last year. She came on to talk about stamping and handmade cards. That was Grandma's sale. And then we had Grandpa Dave, who came on the roast of Quinn David Furnace Live from the Pacific Northwest back in August, early August, very exciting to do that. As well, here's a little Grandma's sale, and it don't for you. So she sends me these beautiful elaborate cards. They're amazing. Every time she sends it, I'm amazed. Beautiful design, amazing craftsmanship, elegant, classy. Sometimes there's five dollars in it. So, you know, the whole package. Grandma's Cell sent out Valentine's Day cards this week or last I just got mine yesterday.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Grammacell just took homemade cards to a whole other level. I am telling you, I am not easily befuddled. It's not the perfect connotation. I'm not easily astounded if you will. This card that Gram and Cell sent out for Valentine's Day, one of the most spectacular, one of the most amazing things I have ever seen in my lifetime.
Starting point is 00:25:54 We're gonna be posting a picture of that on social media because I know you can't see it right now. It's just wonderment in one piece of paper. That's the best I can say about it. Tell them being very eloquent today. We're gonna post a picture. This thing was spectacular. It was real and it was spectacular.
Starting point is 00:26:18 So thank you to Graham and Sal. Let's get you a song here. Let me get a drink first. And let's, excuse me, let's saddle the backup here, back in the saddle, AeroSmith Classic. OK, voice warm-ups. Oh, Grandma's cell. Oh, Grandpa Dave. Took us to a play back in Texas.
Starting point is 00:27:03 And the main guy went to Baylor and he got a degree in something like theater and now he's a local high school theater teacher at a Christian school, at a Christian school, and the play was based on a pageant, but it was like a Christmas Carol, because the main guy was trying to steal money from the pageant, and then he got visited by a bunch of ghosts, and he said,
Starting point is 00:27:40 I rebuk you, but then like three more ghosts came, and eventually he repentedented and everyone was happy So thank you, Grandma Sal and Grandpa Dave Oh for the lovely Chris Must Play Oh so thank you, Grandma Sal, and Grandpa Dave. If you ever find yourself in getting us a lami for Christmas, just know. That's a really high honor.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So, that's three out of five. That ain't bad. We are making progress. I think it would be a good time to hear from some of our sponsors here, our advertisers. So, let's pull up the ads here.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Keep them on a Google Docs, the Cloud. That way the government can read it as well. That's good exposure for Home Pride Oregon. Announcement here, moving forward. So the Oscars are one week away. And there's not going to be a host. And I don't want to take that as like a personal critique against me or like a direct attack. But I will say that I tweeted to the Academy on multiple occasions, they said, look, I'm available. Work is busy, but
Starting point is 00:29:22 I think I can get out to LA for a couple of days. Got a monologue, it's going to be really good. If it helps, if we throw Justin Bartha in, it's like a co-host, kind of a Brian Dunkelman to my Ryan Seacrest, I will talk to his people, I'm sure Justin will be happy to do it. Not only did we get no response from the Academy, Justin Bartha's people didn't reach out to me either. And it's like at what point when you're on the road to becoming famous? At what point, you know, did the domino start to fall a little bit?
Starting point is 00:30:03 You start to get in contact with the sealess celebrities like Justin Bartha. I mean, when is Vingraeamps gonna call me back so we can do a buddy-cat movie or at least come on the podcast. So, little disappointed in the Academy for a number of different reasons. We talked about snubs already, but I'm doing my own Oscar's monologue and it's gonna be good, it's gonna be, but I'm doing my own Oscars monologue. And it's gonna be good, it's gonna be fresh. I'm not afraid to get political with it either, you know? Gonna be making headlines the morning after.
Starting point is 00:30:36 So look out for that this week. Details are still being finalized, but we will come to you live. It'll be live when you watch it, not when I record it, but I think it's going to be a good time. I got some zingers. It's a Bradley Cooper. You better watch your back. Let's listen to, let's listen from our sponsors here. Home Pride Organ. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time. Well Oregon listeners, there's good news. Home Pride and Inspection Services and Fend Oregon is central Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing and so much more.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Home Pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified, so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate stranglehold on the home inspection market, mercy, and you want a safe certified home inspector you can trust trust call Steve at 541-207-1101 or visit That's 541-207-1101 or visit Home Prideoring. It's SPACTION Perfection. I want to give a shout out to the Samsung Q2U series for its crisp, clean, audio quality. Samsung has been sticking with us since day one,
Starting point is 00:32:10 since we launched. So if you're listening to the Beentown podcast and you're saying, wow, that sounds nice. You have Samsung to think, don't forget, when God speaks, He uses a Samsung. I also wanna give a shout out to the TV guide. As we mentioned last week, we finally got our first episode. We were using our spirit delta miles to give a free subscription for a year. And no, I do not have a television And no, I do not have a television, nor do I have cable, but I do know what's on.
Starting point is 00:32:48 If I had a television, I would know what's on. So sometimes I'll be sitting there, you know, 9.45 or again, to that 10 o'clock hour when some of the more zesty or spicy shows come on. And I sit there with my blue bloods cover Tom Sullyck unforgettable and I'm flipping through the pages okay Wednesday it's Thursday tonight is Friday what's going on what's happening at 10 pm I see oh there's a new episode of Jake on I would love to be watching that and then you know I'm
Starting point is 00:33:21 kind of content because I say you know I don't get to see the new episode with Jack But I know it's out there and sometimes that's enough for me so All I want Though is one cover with John Goodman when the the Conners makes its return to TV with no Rose Ann Bar this time and it just says he's back it's returned to TV with no Rose Ann Bar this time. And it just says he's back. So if you are interested in sponsoring the bean town podcast, Jack Links, I'm looking at you,
Starting point is 00:33:54 you can always email that's Sounded like a Star Wars character there for a second. Like the most likely Cantina. We are on Twitter at Beentowncast, Facebook, check us out, give us a like, subscribe, share, whatever you do behind closed doors. Also, if anyone has any connections to share, we'd love to get her on. Also with Meatloaf, because I'm gonna say this
Starting point is 00:34:27 Dead ringer for love by meatloaf and share Critically underrated song It's a banger I go to trivia once a week and it's on the playlist and I just feel like most people in 2019 don't know this beautiful song go check it out. It's meatloaf and it's share. It's like the 80s in one song epitomized It's also a rocker. You have a lot of fun listening to it So here's what we're gonna do now We're gonna improvise another song and then
Starting point is 00:35:08 We're gonna talk about Daytona. And then I reckon we'll improvise our last song. And then I have one last thing. Some crazy animals. Animals is what I said. That I've been popping up in the news, aka my head lately, that are just like, what? That's an actual animal that exists. So I just want to walk through those briefly. But let's get resituated here, get some more water, do some more vocal exercises.
Starting point is 00:35:40 And I tell you what, I don't want to tut my own horn here, but we're three songs in, and I'm pretty happy. Like, I think I'm in doing a pretty damn good job. So, improvise song number four. Going out to a new friend of podcasts, Kyle Rue, again he's his first cousin once removed. And I think this is something that needs to be explained. A lot of people get confused. First cousin once removed or second cousin.
Starting point is 00:36:17 What's the difference? Are they actually the same thing? No, they're not. Here is how it goes. Second cousins, so we'll start from the beginning. Make it very simple. If you're first cousins with somebody or just regular cousins or husband and wife in Alabama, that means you share one set of grandparents, right? Because then you take it another step away from second cousins and then you're at
Starting point is 00:36:45 siblings where you share two sets of grandparents. And I don't think they're, you can't go any further than that unless you're yourself. So siblings, two sets of grandparents. Cousins, you share one set of grandparents. Second cousins means you share one set of great grandparents. So My second cousin for instance would be the daughter of Kyle Rue my first cousin once removed because Kyle Rue is my mom's First cousin they share one set of grandparents
Starting point is 00:37:27 But I don't share one set of grandparents, but I don't share one set of grandparents with Kyle's kid, Ella Rue, if you're listening to podcast, welcome. I share one set of great grandparents because Kyle's mom is my mom's mom's sister. So their parents were the same. So now first cousin once removed, once you understand how second cousins works, first cousin or anything removed is pretty easy. Removed just means that if you're looking at a family tree and you're thinking about horizontal lines refer to like
Starting point is 00:38:02 my mom and my mom's cousin or me or my cousin. If it's like one generation off, then that means it's been removed to some extent. So there's no like plus or minus is just once removed or twice removed, etc. So my mom's cousin would be my first cousin once removed, not my second cousin. My first cousin refers to the connection between the removal, if you will. So Kyle's daughter and myself, there's nothing removed there because we're part of the same generation, but we are second cousins. So there's a little tidbit for you. So this song is going out to my first cousin, once removed. Kyle Rue, more like Kyle Rue, move. All right.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Now listen here for the ballot of Kyle Rue. He was a great fantasy football coach once. Oh he won our first year in the league and then he disappeared. The ballot of Kyle Rue, oh Kyle said to the league at the start of year two. Good luck taking on the champ, oh Kyle Rue, he won one game that year and the most embarrassing part. Missed that cord. It was against the commissioner. Uncle Andy who works for Jack Lakes.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Oh, Kyle Rue. I think he won another championship. At some point, maybe in year three. Oh, don't you miss LT? Lydanian Tomlinson. Life was a lot easier. Back in 2002. The Kyle Roo.
Starting point is 00:40:17 The Ballad of Kyle Roo. The Ballad of Kyle Roo. Oh, you know him from Wisconsin And I don't think he's had a winning record since... Shit. 2002. Kyle Roo, Kyle Roo, Kyle Roo. So I think what we're learning is that the quality of songs is going down pretty drastically. So I apologize to Ryan Ligon because you're the last one short end of the stick. On a stick that was short to begin with, frankly. So it is February 17th, 2019,
Starting point is 00:41:20 and it is the Daytona 500. Green flags in about 45 minutes here. And I wanna tell a story. And I've gotta stand up a bit about this. It's longer with some more embellishments. But I wanna give everybody just some context as to why the Daytona 500 is so important to me. So, junior year of high school, flashback 2012. I'm 16 years old and I have recently taken up a love of NASCAR. My friends, the the Huff-Dolens down in Rochelle, Illinois, big fans, very big fans, kind of got me into it
Starting point is 00:42:10 back in probably like 2008, 2009 or on that time. And you know, when it comes to NASCAR, you want to have a guide or root four for or else it's not as exciting So I said you know what I'm a simple guy. I like a iteration I'll take Jimmy Johnson seems like a nice Upstanding young man. He's got a good beard. He didn't at the time, but now he does Family man It's from California. You don't see a lot of NASCAR racers from California. Usually it's like Tennessee or South Carolina So I say you know this guy kind of a dark horse, you know, he's only one like four championships So I'll take the underdog so I start rooting for Jimmy
Starting point is 00:42:58 Yada yada yada Seven-time championship now Seven-time seven-time, starting to slow words, it's on Trump. So the 2012 Daytona 500. Supposed to be just like it is today, like 2 o'clock, 2.30 on a Sunday afternoon. So I drive down to Rochelle,
Starting point is 00:43:17 Farmtown, USA, which is about half an hour, 40 minutes from where I grew up. Really excited to watch it with my racing buddies. So they didn't have a lot of racing buddies growing up. So we get there, I get to my friend's house where Ian pizza, some beer and nots, et cetera. Ian is reigning in Daytona Beach, which frankly, not that surprising because it's Florida.
Starting point is 00:43:46 It's a swamp down there. So we're playing games, we're waiting it out, seeing what happens, and probably around like five o'clock, five o'clock, they call it. They say we're pushing it to tomorrow, forecast doesn't look any better. So I'm bummed because I don't get to watch it with my friends, but also because that means it's going to be on a Monday afternoon and even when I was
Starting point is 00:44:08 16 I had stuff to do. So dry back home, wake up the next morning, convince my mom to call school and say, Quink can't come to school today because he's sick. Sick for NASCAR. So I'm watching it. I'm in the family room in our basement. I'm all established, tiger blanket and everything. And it's still raining in Daytona Beach. I say, God, why would you punish me like this? So they push it back to a 7 p.m. start time,
Starting point is 00:44:46 which for normal high schoolers would be fine, but this is the end of the season, so we had our swim banquet that night. Oh, Jesus. So I can't skip that, right? Free food. You can't pass that up. Mirrorment company, community, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:45:05 So I go to the swim banquet, and this is before, you know, smartphones having internet wherever you go type of thing. So I'm just sitting there nervously wondering what's happening to my boy, Jimmy. And don't know what's going on, concerned, very nervous, very anxious. You get home probably around 10 pm or so I reckon. And they're under red flag. No, they're under caution, yellow flag.
Starting point is 00:45:36 This is how that goes. And so I'm not getting to see live racing, because it's cautioning their yellow. The webs are still counting, but it's not exciting right at Daytona you can go like two hundred twelve miles per hour they're going like 50 on a good day so as I'm watching and this incident in our famous in Daytona 500 history I got to see it live I'm watching the Fox podcast, not the podcast, Fox broadcast with Mike Joy and Wall Trip and I don't remember who else they had Larry Reynolds, you know the all-star team, my favorite is still better than Dale, Earnhardt Jr. And I see
Starting point is 00:46:20 one problem on Toya coming around the track in his number 42 target car iconic look. And all of a sudden something happens to his car, axle brake, something like that. And he rams into the jet fuel truck that was trying to dry off the track. I think there was debris or something, which is why the yellow was called. But this fireball bursts into flames, both Montoya's car and the jet fuel truck. And this thing's got like 100 gallons of fuel, and it starts pouring down the racetrack towards Montoya's.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Oh, you know, he's got to get out of his car, get the F out of there. But all of a sudden sudden they got this huge streak of jet fuel in flames on the racetrack at Daytona. And so, you know, this is a big cleanup process. The whole red flag lasts like 90 minutes. Well, I'm sitting there on a school night at home under the Tiger of Lincoln, extremely cozy
Starting point is 00:47:28 at home under the Tiger Mink at extremely cozy at like 11 p.m. as they're cleaning up the racetrack trying desperately to stay awake because there are like 35 40 laps left which doesn't sound like a lot but a lap at Daytona's 2.5 miles so that's a long time still like an hour worth of racing at least. And I couldn't do it. I fell asleep right as the red flag was ending. And Ken's it went on to win. Moral of the story, I spent two days trying to watch the day tone of 500, my junior year of high school was 16. And I didn't see a single lap.
Starting point is 00:48:02 All I saw was Juan Pablo Montoya and his number 42 target car, crashed into the drying truck. So this is why the Daytona 500 is a special importance to me. I invited people over. No one is coming. So we'll be watching about myself but we'll be doing live updates on Twitter, Instagram,
Starting point is 00:48:21 Snapchat, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. We got William Byron, young new racer, might start pulling for him once Jimmy retires, but he's on the pole. And you got Jimmy Johnson, my man, starting 17th. In fact, Hendrick Moshwards going 1,2, 17, 18. So there will be two rows. Byron, Chase Elliott, and Jimmy, and then who else? I don't remember who the fourth driver is, but that's kind of exciting.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Back in my day, Hendrick was, it was a power team. It was Gordon and Junior and Jimmy, and then when I started watching, it was Mark Martin, and then he retired, and they had Casey Kane take over. You know, Casey, he's like 37 now. He's not on Hendrick anymore, but looking forward to Zaytona 500, check it out. If you get the chance, is America's race 500 miles, what is that 200 seven laps or something like that? So very exciting.
Starting point is 00:49:23 It should be a good time. If you're asking me who I'm picking, I'm saying realistically, I think we'll see someone like Kizlowski come from the back of field to win or maybe Who knows Ricky Stenhouse Jr. But I think Jimmy can do it. He's at 25 to 1 right now. I'm not betting anything. I don't have any money on it But I could see I could see Jimmy making a push yet such a bad year last year last year is the first year I Think ever in his full-time racing career that Jimmy's never won a race He still made it to the second round of the playoffs, which just shows you how good he is. But Jimmy and Chad can house broke up and Jimmy and Lo is broke up as well. So this is very
Starting point is 00:50:14 clearly the beginning of the end. In fact, last year was just from a performance aspect, but it would be so cool if Jimmy came out with a vengeance and won the Daytona 500 on what might be his last Daytona 500. I don't think that's the case because I think even when he retires for full time racing, he'll race another one maybe two. I think Junior did that, I think Gordon did that. But it'd be cool to see him win.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Let's leave it at that. So Daytona 500, 230 Eastern live from Daytona International Speedway. Been there myself on the outskirts. My dad took me there and I think we talked about it. Bob Evans south of the Mason Dixon line. Extremely risky. So we got one more improvised song here that we're going to do and then we're going to talk about animals for a little bit and we're going to get done right
Starting point is 00:51:10 around an hour. So not bad, not great, but could be way worse. So we have an improvised song for Ryan Austin, Ligon, one to go, four down, Let's get hydrated, and then let's soldier up for one last ride. And this has all been live as are all of my episodes. Live when I record, not live when you listen. Ryan will be joining us, not exactly sure when we're recording, but podcasts will come out probably next Saturday for our Oscars preview. We did it last year, we had a lot of fun, we made some good picks. I have to go back and listen to that episode sometime this week to see
Starting point is 00:52:03 how we did from a scores perspective. So 24 categories, I think I did like 17 out of 24 last year, maybe 19 something around there. I think Ryan was similar. I would be dumbfounded if we were anywhere close to that this year. It is a really hard year. It's a bad year and it's also a really hard year. So, we're gonna do our best. But Ryan, thanks for listening, buddy. Thanks for sticking with us through thick and thin, and thanks for donating. So, here's an improvised song for Ryan, Austin, Lincoln.
Starting point is 00:52:42 And Chris in English, you know, know shared finances probably I don't know Orion and Kristen they used to do a really fun podcast, but now they do videos like Gus Johnson. And one time he retweeted them or something, and now they're big, re-intertainment, so like and subscribe. And now I'm gonna do the same way I just do a talking voice over, like an old R&B record, which is pretty cool. So Ryan used to be my middle school basketball coach.
Starting point is 00:53:39 And he would have been like a junior in high school at the time, which is pretty crazy that they're out there letting 17-year-olds coach 12-year-olds. But good for Ryan, didn't have a lot of coaching experience and doesn't have a lot of coaching experience after that, but I tell you what, there are always NBA teams looking for new coaches. And if you ever need a reference, just tell them to contact me at That's Beentown, be in podcast at It can also contact me through our new website, So that's really exciting. And I tell you what, there could be some good openings.
Starting point is 00:54:33 I don't think the bulls are going to fire Jim Boylan just because Garpax is an idiot. But I don't know maybe like the timber wools. Now that tips is out. The nets. Always an enticing job. I haven't seen how the Sacramento Kings are doing this year. I think they're actually doing okay. But maybe the Phoenix Suns job opens up.
Starting point is 00:55:00 You could coach Deandre Aiton. Is that his name? Aiton Aiton, something like that? The kid from, where's the Arizona? You know, I play for Phoenix, is that right? Do some research on that. Ryan and Kristen, thanks so much for giving. And it's tax exempt, I think. I I don't know how does that stuff work this
Starting point is 00:55:30 isn't a legally binding song so I R S please don't get me we're doing our taxes live on the air next month with Matthew Feedler it's gonna be exciting this is the last of our improvised songs. And thank God, because the quality really went down the tubes. But thank you to Ryan and Kristen. And we'll see you soon up in Beentown. Ooh. And apologies for making you wait 56 minutes to hear your improvised song on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:56:10 But you know, in the Oscars, they saved best picture for last, so maybe we saved best friend of the podcast for last. Not picking favorites here. So recently, I've been thinking about some animals that are kind of crazy and their animals that you're like, I think I've seen this before, but I don't know if it's real. Like is this real life, is this just fantasy? And I'm making a Bohemian rhapsody joke like that in my monologue coming up.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Let's talk about some of these animals and that's the last thing we're doing I promise we've had a lot to get through and we've been doing amazing. First animal, a pangolin, P-A-N, G-O-L-I-N. If you don't know, it's like a spicy, not spicy, scaly ant-eater. I'm looking at Google images right now. Wikipedia says, most of them live in Asia, a couple in Africa, and they can be anywhere from 12 to 39 inches, so one feet to three feet. But these things are crazy. If you've ever played Pokemon, and you've had like a sand tru or a sand slash,
Starting point is 00:57:43 it's kind of like one of those things. But I can't tell if it's like cute. It's got a tongue kind of like a heela monster. Heela, Gila. I don't know. You know what I always get mixed up? Heela monsters and Komodo dragons. I know they're completely different.
Starting point is 00:58:01 And I'm looking at the two different pictures right now. But I get them mixed up in my head. Now, what are those cool lizards that have like the flap on the side of their head that comes out? And it's like a scary circle. Let's see, lizard flap on the head. A frilled lizard. I was hoping it was gonna have a cooler name than that. It's kind of like one of those things that kills Wayne Knight in Jurassic Park. Yeah, these things are
Starting point is 00:58:37 scariest shit. So a pangolin though, it's like a Pokemon, but it's kinda neat, it's like Scaly. So you have to go look at it. It's crazy. What? This one's on fire. What? Pangolin carcasses are set in fire in Malaysia. Dude, Malaysia's a crazy place.
Starting point is 00:59:02 It's like islands, but also mainland, it's like, P but also mainland, like, Piccolaine, Malaysia. Okay, next animal. This is one that everyone's heard of, but you don't really think about it. And just kinda like, what? A kidna.
Starting point is 00:59:18 A kidna. It's one of our marsupial, maybe. It's like a hedgehog, but the spines, like, different colors. And it's got this strange, long nose for sniffing, maybe, or like eating ants. I don't think it's even a marasupial. It's, it does lay eggs though. This is crazy.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Only living mammals that lay eggs together with platypus. Nuts, oh ants and termites, but they're not related to anteaters of the Americas. That's crazy. Australian New Guinea. A kind of they evolved between 20 and 50 million years ago descending from a platypus like metronome, monotreme, I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 01:00:15 This ancestor was aquatic, but a kind of adapted to life on land. These things are crazy. Can you eat an akidna? Do they taste good? We haven't really broken into the New Guinea market yet, but when we do, that would be exciting. Next animal here, we only got two left.
Starting point is 01:00:36 So you're gonna be done sooner, promise. Another one you guys have heard of, but how much do we actually know? A wombat. A wombat. It's not like a bat that flies. It's like this tiny little almost rodent like, but almost like a dog. But it's a little guy. And what does Wombat even mean? It's like a koala that had one too many drinks at a beaver party or something. Wombats are short-legged muscular marsupials that native Australia might.
Starting point is 01:01:20 They're about one meter in length with small stubby tails. They are adaptable and habitat tolerant and are found in forested mountainous and heathland areas. What is that? Heathland. Heath is a shrubland habitat found mainly on free draining infertile acidic soils and is characterized by open, low-growing, woody vegetation. Moore land, where the moors live, is generally related to high-ground heats, especially in Great Britain, a cooler and damper climate. Heaths, that's crazy. You got the heath bar, you got heath ledger,
Starting point is 01:02:08 or some piece, but apparently, wombat's living the heath. Also living tans mania, also known as tansania. Wombats are crazy. Can you eat a wombat? What does wombat taste like? Probably a delicacy in Tasmania. They're on the protective list. They'll kill them, geez. Fight your own battles, wombats. Last one. And this is when the Pokemon fans will know because
Starting point is 01:02:41 it's literally the exact same name as the animal to spell differently. But again, how much do we actually know? DuGong, DUG-NG. DuGong is a medium-sized marine mammal. Wikipedia articles are very wordy. This is interesting. The Du Gong is the only strictly herbivorous marine mammal. It means it lives underwater. It's a mammal, it's got hair or fur,
Starting point is 01:03:14 lays, gives birth to live young, and only eats plants. How crazy is that? The Indo-West Pacific. Largely dependent on sea grass, different than blue grass, communities for substance, and is thus restricted to the coastal habitat, which supports sea grass meadows, with the largest do-go-on concentrations, typically occurring in wide shallow protected areas
Starting point is 01:03:45 such as the bays, man-girl channels, the waters of large inshore islands and enter reefal waters. That's crazy. This is the really interesting part though. You'll look at a do-gong and I urge you to Google image a do-gong. The do-gong has a fuchsiform body with no dorsal fin or hind limbs. So it's like this is crazy. You got to
Starting point is 01:04:12 look at this thing. It's like a seal in that it doesn't have the legs but it's got like the front flippers, but they are like, this thing's noses is like huge. It's like a manatee that had too much to drink or something. In fact, manatee is probably the closest thing you can compare it to, but dude, this thing is just like, it's crazy, like an underwater elephant or something, but completely different.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Do gone. Man, there are some mammals out there that are just, you're like, what? What? This thing is crazy. It's like a sea cow. You see cow is its own animal, isn't it? Sea cow. Sea cow is its own animal, isn't it? Sea cow.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Oh, it's extinct, that's crazy. I can't believe we killed all the sea cows. Wow, okay. Well, 65 minutes in Daytona starting in 20 minutes. I wanna give a final shout out, and this is it because we're closing the GoFundMe page today a Final shout out to everyone all the friends of the podcast who supported our 2019 PledgeRy fund razor. This is just a reminder and I know we've said this before but last year we raised like 70 bucks fledgling effort
Starting point is 01:05:42 No donor tiers no organized giving, just a pleasure I've telephoned, just a boi in his dreams. This year we raised $300. And if you're wondering, our goal is $2.35, so where is the extra $60 going? It's going towards things like ordering the photo prints for the autograph songs, it's going towards things like like mailing and then it's also subsidizing costs when you do things like going on tour paying for an extra bag when you're flying spirit so you can transport our podcast stuff. It all goes into that giving back to the podcast. So thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who supported this episode.
Starting point is 01:06:27 Just for context, it was originally going to be dedicated to doing the telephone aspect, which we didn't even have to do this year. I was going to do something like, I don't stop podcasting until we get $5. I wasn't going to stop podcasting, but we raised it without it. Grassroots, thank you to the hashtag friends of the podcast. I wasn't gonna stop podcasting, but we raised it without it grassroots. Thank you to the hashtag friends of the podcast. Thank you, everyone, for listening. Go, Jimmy Johnson. Hopefully, my toilet bowl starts filling with water at some point. And hopefully the gas comes back on in my apartment. That would be really nice. But to all the friends who had a dedicated improvised song,
Starting point is 01:07:05 I hope you enjoyed that. If you ordered an autographed picture of me, those have been dropped in the mail, so it's all coming together. Next week we're gonna have Ryan Austin-Ligan, who we just sang about on the podcast to discuss the Oscars, and we're gonna be making our full picks. That's usually another long episode.
Starting point is 01:07:23 So a couple long ones in a row here. Part of you know John's house. But don't forget Oskar's monologue and be coming out at some point this week. That's really exciting. We've been working our tails off to bring you this amazing content. Today was a big lift, but I'm really excited we could do it. Thank you to our sponsors, Home Pride Oregon TV Guide, Samson Q2U series. Thank you to this guitar as bad as it is. Gain us through a lot. And yeah, I think that's about all I want to say. Go check out the bean town blog, Tweet at us, share our stuff, SoundCloud, YouTube, Stitcher, Play or FM, Spotify, Google Play, iTunes, Apple Podcasts,
Starting point is 01:08:05 wherever you listen to your podcast, YouTube, unless we're somewhere where we're not. So to everyone listening, that's a wrap. On the Pledge Drive Fundraiser for 2019, we'll see on the air for the rest of the year. And in the shorter term, we'll see you next week for Oscars picks, okay, be kind to one another. That's Alan Singh's, but maybe I'll take it over.
Starting point is 01:08:27 This has been Quinn David Furnace, host of the Bingtown Podcasts, one of Baltimore City's top 500 podcasts, the People's Podcasts, and your number one source for misinformation probably. I'm out of breath. We're gonna upload. We're gonna watch Daytona. So, hope everyone has a good week, and we will check in on you next time.
Starting point is 01:08:41 upload and we're going to watch Daytona. So hope everyone has a good week and we will check in on you next time.

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