Beantown Podcast - 02242018_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast (Taxes LIVE)

Episode Date: January 13, 2018

Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast -- Listen weekly as Quinn & guests ramble about movies, sports, Russian restaurants, doing your taxes, pledge drive telethons, and losing your mom as ...a subscriber to the show

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm going to sing it. I'm going to sing it. I'm going to sing it. I'm going to sing it. Money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, Hey, woo! All right, welcome to the Bean Town podcast. This is Quinn David Furnace. We are coming to you live from beautiful Bean Town, 817 St. Paul Street. I am doing my taxes today.
Starting point is 00:00:57 All right, all right, we are excited. We are going to be joined by a guest here in just a second first. I got to give my listener discretion as advised tag one might drop a few words here and there to the podcast is just Objectively terrible so keep that on your radar as we move ahead But I am glad to be joined today by one of my best friends in life, long time, longest friend I have, professional tax accountant, and one of the greatest guitar
Starting point is 00:01:36 players I know. Matthew Fiedler, welcome to the Bean Sound Podcast. Thanks for having me. Glad to be here. I feel like because you had some disclaimers, I should have one as well. I don't know where you got the professional tax account and thing from, because I work in audit. I only dabble slightly in taxes. So there's, there's by disclaimer upfront. Well, to most of the listening audience,
Starting point is 00:02:04 I think taxes, audits are are pretty synonymous. So yeah, Matthew, tell us a little bit more about what you do. So I went to school to do something in finance and I picked the, I needed something in business. So I picked the alphabetical order stuff. I was like, I'll just do accounting I'll switch later and then I just forgot to change my major. So I'm excited. I stuck at accounting. But I interned doing audit and now I work full time. And when I say full time, I mean full time plus busy. Yeah, busy season now. So, but it's good. It's fun. Accounting you need to have a dry sense of humor.
Starting point is 00:02:56 No social life. He checks all the boxes. That's why we love them. Oh, man, Matthew, have you done your 2017 taxes yet? I did on like last year. Yeah. I did. I did. So I did them two weeks ago, actually using turbo tax corporate plug. Yeah. I haven't submitted them yet. So okay. Just because I'm waiting for there's a few other items that might be tripling through Legally here's a Legally all your tax information should be sent to you by mid-February So if your employer's holding out on you, technically they're committing a crime.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Now, you know the law pretty well. What kind of settlements could we be expecting if you sue your employer and they don't, when they don't send you your tax returns by mid February? We talk in multiple millions or what? I would never see any of that. I wouldn't even say a million, let alone multiples. That's kind of a between an IRS thing and a you thing. Okay, okay. Okay. But I've never experienced this, but I would assume that I address with like what you mean. Yeah. Oh, man. All right. Feeling a little
Starting point is 00:04:32 burpy today. It could be the beer that I'm working my way through right now. We are trying Peabody Heights, Mr. Trash Wheels lost Python ale. It's absolutely delicious. It's refreshing. For those of you who don't know it, so in Beentown, we have, and in our harbor, it's kind of our big thing. And there is this machine with wheels that floats around the harbor picking up trash.
Starting point is 00:05:03 And I was just reading the Wikipedia entry on it the other night. They put some like really strange, googly eyes on it so now it looks like an animated object and they call it Mr. Trash Wheel and yeah it just floats around the harbour picking up trash. Basically a true guy is his version version of the Loch Ness Monster. Except you can see it anytime you want, because I know exactly where it sits in between like Pier 3 and Pier 4, I think.
Starting point is 00:05:37 But yeah, this is great. For those of you who just joined in us, we are doing our taxes live on the air with a professional tax professional tax professional math you feedler. The more you say professional, the better it gets. That's what I've learned throughout the years. So what I'm going to do, we've got a couple of things that we would love to get through
Starting point is 00:06:06 here as we're doing our taxes. First, I'm going to give you a rundown of the different forms that I am working with here. And Matthew, I would love it if you could just give us a brief summary of what each of these forms is all about. So I'll start you off with the softball. I have two W2s here. Now what are we dealing with with W2s? W2s, that would be a standard that employer, they fill out, they'll get a W3 at the end of the year.
Starting point is 00:06:41 That's basically a summary for all employers. W2 is the only thing that you'll see. And that's your probably most basic tax form that you're ever going to see. Now if you were to receive a W3 in the email or some WD40, what would your next step be? WD40 I would probably use that to lubricate my door inch. It's been really squeaky. And as far as the W3, I don't technically, you should never see that in us here at the employer.
Starting point is 00:07:15 So. Hey, that's pretty good advice there. Now, what if you had a Chevy Bronco that's been broken down by the side of your garage for just decades with the WD40 because that's the average. Ford Bronco. I'm sorry. So I have a confession to make.
Starting point is 00:07:37 I knew it was a Bronco. I didn't know which company though. So I Google the first thing I Google is Chevy Bronco and pictures came up. Is there a Chevy Bronco too? OK, well, if you Google like a lighter or something will come up for that too, right? Oh, I see what you're seeing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:54 You look for something on the internet, you'll find it. There's a conspiracy theory article two days ago. Ford's Bronco concept car was actually based on a South African Chevy. Oh boy. I'm not surprised. Yeah, no comment. I'm alright. Okay, that was the W2. And next we're dealing with 1098 T. Now there's there's a more that's a tougher one. What are we thinking about there? Well, I would say that that's your basic tuition statement. Basically, financial representation of that.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Normally, I haven't seen one in gosh, I guess this will be two years. But it's obviously related to your education. I think that there's two types of this form. I don't know which one you have. One of them is not really in a box at all. Like you know the standard how tax firms are. It's just like a letter and then you kind of have to dig for the financial information. Some forms are better than others. What do you have? Let know, let's see. I'm looking at, are we still talking about a 1098T?
Starting point is 00:09:09 Yeah, I got some boxes here. Oh, good. No, that's the kind you want. Okay, good. Well, we are cooking with gas now. Oh, now here's a tough one for you. What are we talking about with a 1099 Q It's what they used to call me in high school
Starting point is 00:09:32 Continue, please We stumped the expert. Hello. Up the jump. It has to do with, is it a tuition? It sure is a 529 plan. OK. All right.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Well, that's the extent of it. I guess it was either that tuition. That was tuition, that's right. Now, here's the extent of it. I guess it was either that or tuition. That was tuition, that's right. Now, here's your bonus question. I'm gonna read you their federal identification number and you tell me which plan it is. 521752528. I think, I don't know what the hell that is.
Starting point is 00:10:24 I seriously, I don't know, the hell that is. I seriously, I don't know. This was a four. Oh yeah. Yeah. Hey, we're learning from each other. I love this. That's 2018, man. Let's see here.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Oh, last one we have is an interesting one that just kind of snuck up on me the other day. A form 5498. 5498. Yep. Hey, we didn't talk about this in rehearsal. Did we? It sure is IRA contribution information. Now, you only. So, so, So tell me this. I've heard that you only have to do IRA tax stuff
Starting point is 00:11:12 if you withdrew from that account in that year and that you really don't need to do anything if you're just depositing. Is that correct? I would say it kind of depends on... My experience for thes is fairly limited. I will tell you a short story of a man who withdrew from his IRA. I actually did his personal taxes and this was two years ago when I was in my prime. And he bought us $60,000 because he withdrew early that he was slapped with a $60,000 fine
Starting point is 00:11:45 Don't withdraw from your IRAs early kids. That'd be a lesson to you but It depends there's quite a few different IRAs out there and Honestly, the IRS wants to report everything all the way down to any cash that you receive that doesn't flow through, you know, actual tax forms. How many of us actually do that? But the thing about like IRAs, they're going to be submitting information to the IRS separately. And basically what they do is they'll take all
Starting point is 00:12:28 compared to like an employer first. So let's say your employer, they keep track of your wages in all taxes and they send you W2. Well, your employer sends the W3 to the IRS and you send your W2 to the IRS. And basically the IRS just matches it to make sure that it agrees because If you weren't to file your taxes, they'd know that there was someone that didn't Basically, there's a loose end out there So I would suggest the same thing with the form was it 5498 5499 yeah 5490 yeah it's better just to do it
Starting point is 00:13:10 um then to not that's my goodness that's pretty good insight there hey let me let me experience now I have a pretty big announcement here we just entered our first W2, which is always a good step in the right direction, but I got to change up. We moved states this year from Illinois out here in bean town. So, what are we dealing with here when you move states?
Starting point is 00:13:38 How is that gonna change things? Do you have any moving expenses? Oh, I sure did. You might be able to. Let me tell you. You like expenses? Oh, I sure did. You might be able to do it. Let me tell you. You know, I feel like there's a lot. I can't remember if it was for work related reasons or not, but I think there's a certain level that you can write off any moving expenses.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Do you keep track of that? Do you have a little ledger that you keep in your backpack? Well, I've got my online receipts from the truck company. OK, that's a good place to start. Well, we'll see what TurboTax asks for when we get to that point. I think that actually asks if he's moved. Well, you're going to end up doing this probably filing an Illinois form and then also, um,
Starting point is 00:14:27 the current residents. I guess I could just say you announced your address at the beginning of every podcast. Are you concerned that haters, uh, gonna add your house? I live in an apartment building. They'll be, they'll be tough, tough, uh, I don't, you know, I've never announced my, my apartment, uh, a number I don't believe. Okay, smart, that's smart, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:49 It's funny you should mention that. So, one of my favorite podcasters and legendary stand-up comedian, Bill Burr, just had a daughter like a year ago. And he's made it a point throughout his podcast so far. He does two every week to never say his daughter's name on the air, but today he accidentally slipped up, I think, without him if you know what I mean, he said his daughter's name. So that's about the end of that story.
Starting point is 00:15:21 And it's not particularly interesting, but it was just relevant to what we just talked about there That's that's good stuff. So the moving truck expenses would be huge if I can get something from that I think you're gonna have to fill out a call to 39 or 3B4 for moving and if you meet the distance test, which is 50 miles away from your old home and the 70 miles away from your old place of employment, I think it is. Which I think they evolved my purple. Just a little.
Starting point is 00:16:04 I think you'll be able to get somebody back from that. Now, I don't know if that's an itemization. Tell us more about itemizations. What does that mean? So either get the standard deduction or you can itemize. For individuals like yourself and me, things that you can itemize include mortgages, health costs, medical costs,
Starting point is 00:16:32 and student loan interest. Those are all things and property tax, but for us, I don't, I haven't really had them in any medical expenses. So you can do the greater of all of those itemizations or you take a standard deduction, which it's going up next year, I believe. And this is how behind I am. I don't even know what the final numbers would be next year I they kind of bump it up a little bit every year just because
Starting point is 00:17:09 inflation and cost of living and stuff. Yeah, I wanted to say that Yeah, I wasn't paying attention for the last two minutes, but 12,000 sounds pretty good But that's just the amount that you don't necessarily get taxed on. So I think, okay, so married is 12,000, 7,100. And then, yeah, that's changing. So I don't know what the final number is going to be. That's how far I've been. I didn't read through the new tax plan,
Starting point is 00:17:46 but you could get married and you can get that $12,000 in other deductions. Yeah, that'd be good. Sure, so I'm glad you brought that up. I won't ask you to make any sort of political commentary, but I am curious, what are just your quick hitting thoughts on what this tax bill is going to mean for the average lower middle class working guy like you or I
Starting point is 00:18:09 It's gonna be huge Mixed feelings I Refraining from political ideas. I just Ultimately, I don't know if the long term effects are going to be kind of shitty, I think. Sure, sure. They call this a sun setting period where some of these things kind of fall off. So the deductions might not be as high or there's, but I think there is a little bit of misconception around it too.
Starting point is 00:18:44 I think a lot of people bit of misconception around it too. I think a lot of people are like, oh, because they're Republicans, they're pushing in, it's going to be this way. And that pretty much is. But like next year you won't be able to write off student-owned interests, which for me still won't matter because I probably won't meet the threshold to itemize. to threshold dynamism. But for the most part, if the standard deduction is going to increase, if people kind of net out for the average person, they probably won't see too much of a change.
Starting point is 00:19:19 So what's the strategy behind the sunset period there? Because it seems like it doesn't really help out the people that the bill is meant to serve. Well, I think that's more of a political strategy than anything else. So when the Republicans get together and they say, hey, we were making the biggest, what is it? The cut, cut, cut bill where it's the biggest cuts
Starting point is 00:19:44 that have ever been made. know there's a little bit of high-brown it. Okay well that's great and it might be beneficial to a lot of people in 2018, 2019 but the government kind of loses money off of this. In fact it pushes our deficit up even higher. In fact, it pushes our deficit up even higher. So, in my understanding of this is, some of these cuts, quote unquote, had sons that periods. So they just kind of phase out. And they can be reintroduced, but for the most part,
Starting point is 00:20:22 they're just gonna fall off. And we're gonna probably end up with a different looking tax plan that more than likely favors larger corporations and stuff like that. That's my understanding, but Republicans not getting too deep into the political arena. It's been a rough year for them and with elections coming up they kind of needed a win. Yeah. So they were pushing this through. That's good stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:55 I appreciate that. We are working our way through W2 number two. W22. W22, we are almost done with the state and local taxes of the W222. We're hitting continue. Let's see where TurboTax takes us next. Okay, we're in good shape. We owe some money to Illinois, but the federal refund is looking good so far and we haven't even gotten to the education stuff. And that's kind of like the heart of the order for me
Starting point is 00:21:27 because I feel like I paid about $5 million just in tuition this year. So, well, in this economy, you know how it goes. We're gonna get back to the taxes later and I won't run this podcast too much longer because I know everyone's got stuff to do. But we did reach out to you a little bit
Starting point is 00:21:52 earlier last week and looking at the timestamp, you emailed us back February 14th at 12.06 AM. So it looks like you were having a rock and valentine stay. Okay, well, there's a story behind that. Yeah, go for it. There's really no story. I just had a boring life. No, no.
Starting point is 00:22:11 It was me at home with my socks off. Drinking some whiskey. That's pretty much what it is. Were you cold? No, I had enough whiskey at that point. I think I'm a whole fever-worthy. So I feel that. One of my favorite things that I've been doing this month,
Starting point is 00:22:30 so I was dry in January, but I got a flask for Christmas. And what I've been doing is taking one weekend night, so this week is probably going to be tomorrow night. And I'll eat my dinner at home and have like two drinks maybe, usually a beer. And then I fill up my flask with something like bourbon or last week we were doing tequila. And I go see a movie. And I just, it's not like I'm chugging my flask. I pace it out throughout the night. But the way I pass, pace it out is that right when the movie is getting into like the last 20 minutes, I start to, I start to really fall off and it'll be a situation where all of a sudden
Starting point is 00:23:17 in the credits start rolling and it's like when you're driving on the highway and you like all of a sudden you're like, whoa, I don't remember the last 10 seconds. That's how it feels for me when I start to see the credits except it's like the last 20 to 30 minutes of this movie. And then I proceed to stand up out of my chair and I leisurely walk home and I eat a lot of carbs when I get home to make sure there's no ill effects in the morning.
Starting point is 00:23:45 So February has been great for my diet if you couldn't tell. But yeah, it's a lot of fun going to movies by yourself. How legal is that there? Flasking in a theater. You know, I haven't looked up the rules myself. I would guess there are some policies against it, but I don't know. The movie theater I go to is very chill and kind of old-timey, and I don't know. It's easy to sneak stuff into a movie theater when it's 20 degrees outside, because you
Starting point is 00:24:16 already come and look like the Michelin man. The real strategy comes when it's middle of July mid-Atlantic, which is just a hell like I've never experienced before. You got to wear cargo shorts. I'm thinking, so I got some cargo pants and they you zip them off at the knees, but you still, I'm telling you, these things are great. I wore them to trivia last night, along with my new Hawaiian shirt. I was looking, it was kind of like a Jimmy Buffett with cargo pants type of deal. It was, it was actually pretty cool. But yeah, I don't know, they work well.
Starting point is 00:24:58 They're actually like very great pants because you can wear them for hiking. There's a lot of pocket storage. I think I'll take them to anchorage this summer when I go because they they work out quite nicely. And you can zip them off and make shorts out of them. Yeah, absolutely. That was the best thing to come out of the 90s. Oh yeah. That's like the wonderful balls. That and us, yeah. And going in. And I, every time I have a birthday break.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Hey my birthday is three weeks from today. How do you like that? Happy three weeks from now. Thank you, thank you. So let's get back into this here because we're already at 26 minutes. We got top 10 tips for doing your taxes this season. Yeah, let's go ahead and go through them.
Starting point is 00:25:56 I'll read one. If you have any commentary, feel free to follow up with that. If not, we'll just keep going. But yeah, number one is get a cup of hot Joe. Now, if you live in Northern Illinois and you're doing your taxes, where would you recommend gas station wise going to get a cup of hot Joe? There's a very small gas station in in Rockton. It's called, I don't even know, I don't think I was in name. I think it's called gas station in rockton it's called I don't even know I don't think I was a name I
Starting point is 00:26:27 think it's called gas station that's good stuff. What was the name of that lady when were we at the speedway on the 4th of July? Holly, I think that's right. She was, she looked older than she probably was. We went to the speedway to get was slushies or something? Yeah, speedy freeze. Speedy freeze on the 4th of July. One of many like semi-memorable 4th of July's where nothing that cool actually happened.
Starting point is 00:27:17 I think it's better to top two. Oh, absolutely. I had one 4th of July. I think my going into my senior year of high school where I hung out with my friend PJ and we went to my ex's house to get a hat that I had given her that my dad had originally given to me so it had some special nostalgia to it. And we wanted it back. So we go to the house and she's not home, but her mom's there. And we had a very awkward encounter at about 8 p.m. on the 4th of July to get my hat back. We got the hat back.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Yeah. And now my dad has it again. So a little circle of life action there. But 4th of July we're always an interesting time in high school because you always kind of felt like you should be making something really big or something really cool happen. And inevitably you end up in the parking lot
Starting point is 00:28:18 of the Cherry Valley Mall, plain frisbee, which isn't so bad as long as the mosquitoes aren't out. So yeah, number one on the list was get yourself a cup of hot Joe. Number two is we're gonna get real with you right here. Shit beforehand so you don't have an excuse to get up during the tax process. Do you have any comments on that? Yes, let's be honest. Once you sit down, you start going through everything. It's like,
Starting point is 00:28:49 I don't want to do this now. And then, where do you know what, April 18th rolls around? And for those of you who are like, oh, it's April 15th, well, you actually get a few extra days. I think they changed that maybe two years ago. But yeah, you get that out of your system literally. That's good stuff. It's, get that out of your system. Literally. That's good stuff. It's a plan words. I appreciate that. Number three, confirm.
Starting point is 00:29:12 This is great. So when I emailed Matthew, I told him we had 1098Ts and even a 1098Q. So in response, number three, confirm that you actually got a 1098 Q and not a 1099 Q I can now confirm in front of me we did not in fact receive a 1098 Q is a 1099 Q So I think we're all good at number three. Let's go ahead and move to number four. Yeah, yeah, yeah Number four, go, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Put, put, I have the tiger on to get pumped. Now, I have the tiger survivor from Rocky II, is that correct? Yeah, it's correct. I think it's a second. I don't know, how many are there 15? Well, they made like five originally, I think, and then they came out with just the movie, it was titled Rocky Bell Boa. I think we were probably in like middle school or early high school and now they have that creed movie with Michael B. Jordan. I so this is a question
Starting point is 00:30:15 that I like to ask people especially people like my dad who seems like he's seen every movie under the sun like very famous movies that you've seen every movie under the sun. Like very famous movies that you've never actually sat down and watched the entirety of, I will say that I've never watched a Rocky movie. So I bounced that question back to you and we're trying to get like as famous as possible. So my dad's answer when I asked him this Christmas was ET. My mom's answer was the Godfather.
Starting point is 00:30:43 I felt like those were both very good choices for this sort of thing If I if I pose that question to you, what do you think in? Well, I haven't seen ET actually. Okay I for the longest time I hadn't seen Star Wars, but we fixed that with major ones. Yeah. I have not seen sounds of the lions. Oh, that's a good one. It's a famous one, but I feel like it's kind of divided. Like, even though it's popular, you only watch it if you're a fan of those types of films.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Sure. Oh, no. I don't think I've seen Cinderella either. Really? Wow. That's surprising. I watch. I don't know. It's just like a very classic
Starting point is 00:31:27 Disney film. I don't know. It just feels like in all the years you spent growing up watching animated films that had to slip in at some point. But maybe not. I... So one of my top answers on this question up until very recently was apocalypse now And I finally sat down about a month ago. I'd made myself watch. It's a three-hour behemoth and it's it's good It's just a lot to get through but I can now say that I have seen Excuse me apocalypse now What about have you seen seen Ben Hurr? I have not seen Ben Hurr.
Starting point is 00:32:07 No. Oh, you're missing out. Ben Hurr is like the movie that I think of, yeah, and I think of like an epic movie I think of Ben Hurr, but I haven't seen it. Which is boring as it sounds. There's a good chariot race in there somewhere. Always love a good cherry at race.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Number five is pretty simple. Log in. And we have been on our TurboTax account all night as we've been going through this podcast. So we're going to go ahead and move into number six. Realize you forgot your password that you made with TurboTax last year. So this actually happened to me when I was logging into my account the other day.
Starting point is 00:32:46 And it's baffling because I'm one of those terrible people who uses the same password or same variation of their password for every single internet account that you have. And so I tried my base password and then all the possible known variations that I've ever used. And I couldn't do it So I reset it back to the base password and it accepted it So we're good to go now. I don't know what the issue is maybe they make you reset it every year no matter what and they just don't tell you I think they're passwords password though. This day, I actually carried a little bit. Let's go ahead and move to number seven here. Curse, we've already done that a few times tonight,
Starting point is 00:33:34 although I feel like we've been pretty good language wise. I do have a quick update on the new app, and I'm going to go ahead and move to number seven here. Curse, we've already done that a few times tonight, although I feel like we've been pretty good language wise. I do have a quick update on my mom, so we talked a few podcasts ago about some online dating, and in the wake of that podcast going live, we got some very angry feedback from my own mother saying that she had angry or mixed. No, it was angry. No, there was nothing mixed about it.
Starting point is 00:34:14 She said she refused to listen to further podcasts after that one came out. So that was a pretty much a hit in the gut because that was like 50% of our listening population. Now we did have a conversation this week and she said that if I promised to never date again, that she would consider coming back to the podcast. Now that's not exactly what she said, but that's what I heard when I was talking to her. So we'll see, I know mom could probably use some help
Starting point is 00:34:49 with the taxes getting a little bit older in life. It's always good to have a refresher. So hopefully, obviously, there's no way that anyone has made it this far in the listening process of the podcast for 35 minutes, but yeah, mom mom we'd love to have you back we are at two subscribers now we'd love to bump that up to three Matthew your thoughts on that
Starting point is 00:35:13 first of all it's a really weird subscriber comments is actually two we don't keep track I don't want to get a big head All right, that's for Mrs. Ferns, if you're listening, glad to have you back if you're not, then shame on you, I guess. I guess that's because then you wouldn't be listening if you weren't not so. That's good stuff. Let's plug ahead here as we move into the final stages of this podcast. Number eight is reset password that kind of goes in nicely with number six. We are already there.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Number nine is do your taxes. That's a pretty straightforward tip. Matthew, have anything extra you want to add there? I think now that's pretty much the simple seconds. Okay, number 10, realize that motivating and logging in are the worst part of doing taxes. I got to tell you, TurboTax has got this down to a science. There, it looks good.
Starting point is 00:36:17 I'm having a good time doing it. Yeah, I think you're right. Once you get going, it's not bad. Yeah, inspirational prompts. Like, how think you're right. Once you get going, it's not bad. Yeah, inspirational prompts. Like, how are you doing? Just feeling okay. And then they give you smiley faces and like butterflies and sprinkles.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Now, I haven't seen the sprinkles yet, but we will keep an eye out for that. That's a lot of my past page. All right. We do add a bonus tip here. Number 11, realize number 10 is wrong. Taxes are the worst part of doing taxes. Classic, classic fashion bringing it back around to where we started. That's good stuff. Yeah, those were the top 10 tips, Matthew. Do you have any kind of last second
Starting point is 00:37:02 parting thoughts for doing your taxes this season? Um, or something I would say is, I don't know why people, specifically with people in my life, they always wait for last minute to get them done, and I realize that people are busy, but sooner than you get them done, I mean this sounds very cheesy, but just get them done. Otherwise, it's just something you push off, you push off, and you know, whatever. And then following up with that, and I shouldn't say this because I technically, I am an accountant and we thrive.
Starting point is 00:37:36 It's a, it's a, we, they'd be saying your money, basically. But for those who are like tax preparers, if you're just you or you're married and you have a pretty simple tax warrant, don't go to HR Bach or you can do it yourself. It's not all that daunting, especially like you mentioned, Turbo Tax is pretty straightforward. Taxes seem very scary, matter us, seems very scary, but essentially, it's just like, and it's like just going to the DMV, which as I'm saying, it's, I realize, it's also very scary, but it should be a big process. But the worst part about the DMV is,
Starting point is 00:38:22 you're always waiting in line with your number. When you're on on the internet You're not waiting for anybody. It's it's up to you to go at the speed you want Oh, man do not get Matthew started on internet connection. We could spend a whole half hour podcast is talking about that podcast is talking about that. I'm over here in Greenland with all service. We'll try to put a link to to Matthew's location on Google street maps.
Starting point is 00:38:58 If you if you look, if you squint, you can see a polar bear in some, I was going to say Eskimo, but that's not the correct term anymore. Is it in you at people? Is that is that what we're supposed to say Inuit? Yeah. It's funny because you're using... Oh, we know that's Intuit. Okay, that's fine. Nevermind. I make a corny joke about that. The program for you using. Always, always looking for... It's not full circle because I've now hit on my dry accounting jokes. Yeah, we did touch on that in the beginning, didn't we?
Starting point is 00:39:32 Yeah, I think that's what we wanted to get through. Matthew, we're going to keep you on the line to wrap up after the podcast finishes recording here for just a couple of minutes, but I do want to thank you very much for coming on the air live, giving us 40 minutes of your time and some top tax tips. And hey, I wouldn't be surprised if you work for RSM, is that right? That's correct.
Starting point is 00:40:00 I don't know if legally they want me to be broadcasting. Well, I... I'm in a implopter there because I don't know if legally they want me to be broadcasting. Well, I... I'm in trouble, because I don't know if they want to claim me. But yeah, so I do work there. I think they're going to be very happy when they see a spike in business by about 300% after this podcast hits the airwaves. If you are listening to this, there's the potential chance that you are on iTunes. We're looking to make that shift to iTunes, not a shift, but a doubling.
Starting point is 00:40:32 We're going to stay broadcasting on YouTube. We're also going to be up on iTunes and looks like SoundCloud as well. So we're really expanding our market. Thank you to all the pledge drive Drive, Telephone donors from last week. We raised just a bit over $100 which was actually great. And that will get the podcast up on the air on iTunes for about 10 months. So not too shabby in that department, but that's just an annual Pledge Drive. We'll be doing be doing that once per year on this time. Again, next week, we are going to be doing our Oscars Predictacular.
Starting point is 00:41:12 We are looking for a guest for that show. So if you're interested, you can outpick myself in the Oscars categories. Great. If you don't volunteer, you might end up having to listen to Matthew Ramble for 35 minutes about his Oscars predictions. I haven't seen any of them. He hasn't even seen Cinderella.
Starting point is 00:41:35 So anyways, thank you. Thank you, Dr. Ogan, for winning this here. Yeah, maybe. Thanks again, Matthew. Actually, really do appreciate you coming on and you're inside and you make the podcast far more interesting. Yeah, that's what we wanted to say. Hope you have a good week and I will check in on you next weekend. in Anya next weekend.

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